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![]() Perrot's of Bedfordshire & Huntingdonshire ![]() Last revision = 8 Jun 2013 • Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. The image at right is on the monument of Henry Parrott (#171 below) in St John the Baptist church, Holywell cum Needingworth, dated 1756. Note the unusual color scheme. Photo by Margaret Lewis, 2012. |
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There are sporadic records of Perots that start appearing in Bedfordshire; the first currently known reference is in the feet of fines records in 1329, and again in 1477. The family reappears, starting 1550 in Luton and then in various parishes in Bedfordshire in the 1500's. These are thought to be descendants of the original family in Kent. This branch has received far less attention than other branches, perhaps because so few of its members used the traditional arms of the 3 pears.
It would not be surprising if this family still has descendants in the region. However few records have been researched, and the family after 1700 still needs to be reconstructed. The information, which still needs to be verified, is presented in an effort to get the process started. The map at left, drawn by Aristide Perrot in 1823, shows Bedfordshire, Hertsford and Huntingdonshire, where this family lived.Based primarily on:
1. Thomas Perrott I was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in 1550 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
General Notes: Will abstract from Margaret Lewis who got it from the Luton archives: Thomas married Anne.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 2 M i. John Perrott Sr. was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
+ 3 M ii. Robert Perrott was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in Jan 1555.
+ 4 M iii. Thomas Perat II was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
5 F iv. Perat .
Perat married John Hebbes.
1550 (APB/R12/97d).
19 May 1550 Will of Thomas Perat of Luton. "I bequeth my Soull unto Allmeghtie God my maker and Redemer" and burial within the church of Luton. To the high altar for tithes etc. forgotten 12d.; to the poor man's box 12d.
To wife Anne in money £10 and 30 sheep, also all the household stuff she brought with her, and a third part of testator's household stuff. Wife is to have also three horses, that is testator's white ambling horse, his black horse and his grey horse, and a cow, and all the hogs with all the poultry.
To every "one of my Childerns Childerne" a lamb, and to all godchildren a sheep. To godson Thomas Hebbes 20s. To godson Thomas Perat son of John Perat 40s. To Robert Perat son of testator's son Thomas Perat 20s. To John Perat son of testator's son John Perat 6s. 8d. To William Hebbes son of John Hebbes 6s. 8d. To son-in-law John Hebbes 13s. 4d. Residue to son John and Robert Perat, his executors. Witnesses John Este priest, John Hebbes, John Reyner. Probated: 3 June 1550.
2. John Perrott Sr. (Thomas I1) was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
General Notes: - Dead by 1602, and probably well before then
- Owned diverse messuages, lands, tenements & hereditaments in Luton, Beds.
- Left estate to son John
Chancery Final Decree C78/118 no.18, dated 4 Feb 44 Eliz (1602 by modern convention) Abstract by Dave King 26 May 2015
Edward Perrott of Beds. v Robert Steppinge, son of John Stepping, William Perrott, Richard Bigge and Richard Warbushe.
Recites Bill of complaint: John Perrott the complainant's grandfather was seised of diverse messuages, lands, tenements & hereditaments in Luton, Beds. The Estate was conveyed in [year left blank] to his heir apparent John Perrott (father of the complt) and to his male heirs. Since the death of John (the father) it is claimed that the defts, and Allen Austeade have gained possession of the deeds of entail and other proof of the complt's title, and taken possession of the property and the rents & profits thereof.
Recites answer of Robte Steppinge: John Perrott (the father) was seised of two messuages, one garden & thirteen acres of lands in Luton, and that the said John Perrott & Elizabeth his wife conveyed the same in 1 Edward VI (1547) to Thomas Perrott & his heires, and that the said Thomas [Perrott] & Johane (probably his wife but not explicitly stated) conveyed the same in 6 Eliz (1564) to John Steppinge, father of this deft, who conveyed one messuage to this deft, and the other to Humfrey Stepping brother to this deft & Marye his wife.
Recites answer of Willm Perrott: One Willm Perrott, uncle to the complt was lawfully seised of one other messuage in Luton and for £24 on 10 August 5&6 Phillip & Mary (1558) conveyed this messuage to the said John Stepping & his heirs. John Stepping willed this messuage to his wife Agnes to be sold for the payment of his debts. Agnes Steppinge sold the messuage to the deft Robte Steppinge, who in turn, with Elizabeth his wife, conveyed it to this deft in Easter term 32 Eliz (April 1590).
Recites answer of Richard Bigge: John Perrott (the father) & Willm Perrott the elder [relationship not stated], or one of them, were seised of one other messuage, one orchard & twenty acres of land in Luton. They, the said John Perrott & Elizabeth his wife, and Willm Perrott the elder & Elizabeth his wife, conveyed this property in 38 HenVIII (1546) to Edward Crawley. Edward Crawley willed the same to his daughter Johane, who after his death married one John Bigge. John Bigge & Johane conveyed the premises to Helen Child, widow, in Michaelmas term 7 Eliz (1565), and after her death they descended to Henry Child her son, who in turn on 15 December 33 Eliz (1590), sold the premises to this deft Richard Bigge.
Reference is is made to the answer of Richard Warbushe als Mathewe, but this is not recited in this decree.
John married Unknown Unknown.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 6 M i. Thomas Perrott V was born ~1535 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England, died in Oct 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 78, and was buried on 8 Oct 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
+ 7 M ii. John Perrott Jr. was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
+ 8 M iii. William Perrott The Elder died in 1550 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
3. Robert Perrott (Thomas I1) was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in Jan 1555.
General Notes: Was Abbot of St. Albans
Chancery Final Decree C78/9 no.49, dated 5 June 2 & 3 Phillip & Mary [1556] Thomas Perrott the elder of Luton, Beds, yeoman, father of Robert Perrott late of Luton decd and Thomas Perrott son, heir & executor of the said Robert Perrott v Mychaell Thrall.
Abstract & transcription by Dave King, 29 May 2015
Recites Bill of Complaint of Thomas Perrott the elder of Luton, Beds, yeoman, father of Robert Perrott late of Luton decd and Thomas Perrott son, heir & executor of the said Robert Perrott:
Robert the late Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Alban, Herts was seised in right of the Monastery of the tithes of corn and grain from Luton and from Challey, Beds, known as the Luton tithes, and also of the tithes of corn and grain from the lands of Newmylend, Westhyde and Esthyde in the parish of Luton, and of a tenement and barn in Newmylende.
On 31 Jan 26 HenVIII [1535] the Abbott leased the above to the John Tymes of Luton for 31 years from the Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1549 for £43 per annum, with a clause for re entry for non payment. On 4 Feb 26 HenVIII [1534]John Tymes demised the lease of the tithes of Newmylende, Westhyde & Esthyde, and the tenement in Newmylende for £20 per annum to Thomas Dermer of Luton, who later in 1549 assigned all his interest to Mychaell Thrall, Gentleman.
On 30 October 29 (sic) HenVIII [1537], John Tymes sold his interest in the original lease to Robert Perrott, who entered the same on the Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1549, and enjoyed the same for the remainder of his life which was about 6 years or more, and died in January last past, 2 & 3 Phillip & Mary [1555].
In his will, Robert Perrott gave the remainder of the term of the said lease to the plaintiff Thomas Perrott (the father) if he should live so long, and if he should die, then to Thomas Parrott (the son)
The complainants then claim that Mychaell Thrall has not been paying his rent:
" And moreov[er] declared by his saide bill of complaynt that the said Mychaell Thrall being a very craftie and subtill p[er]sone and one that sought the disquyetnes and undoing aswell the saide Robert Perrott in his lyfe tyme as also nowe seketh the undoing of the saide Playntyffe and howe to withdrawe the payment of his iuste and rightfull duties parceyving and having intelligence that the said Robert Perrott hadd bought and obteyned the saide lease of the said tythes called Luton tythes of the saide John Tymes did not only denye payment of the saide rente of twentie poundes reserved for the saide tythes whiche he hadd in possession either to the Offycers of the late Kinge Edwarde the sixte in his tyme or to the saide Robert Perrott in his lyfe tyme but lykewise refused to paye the saide rente of twentie poundes to the Offycers to the Kinge and Quenes Maiesties that nowe are whiche was by the space of sixe yeres and more amounting to the some of Cxxx li and yet utterly refused to paye the same Notwithstanding dyv[er]s and sundry requestes thereof to the saide Mychaell Thrall made in the lyfe of the saide Robert Perrott as also by the Playntiffes synce the death of the saide Robert Perrott"
It was also claimed that in order to avoid the enforcement of the clause of re entry in the original lease for non payment, Robert Perrott was forced to pay the portion of rent which the defendant should have paid (and which was now due to the crown since the dissolution of the Monastery, which happened in 6th December 1539).
Recites answer of Mychaell Thrall:
Agrees to the details as stated in the bill of the original lease to John Tymes (although states it was 30 years rather than 31), the grant of part of the lease to Thomas Dermer, and the subsequent grant to this defendant, noting that the barn in question was called Dollowe Barn.
Claims that for the first 3 or 4 of the first half years after the commencement of his term he paid the £20 rent to Robert Perrott, expecting him to obtain an acquittance from the King's receiver for the same, but Robert Perrott only obtained an acquittance for himself as the farmer of the whole lease. Whereupon this deft stated to Robert Perrott that he would make his own £20 rent payment direct to the receiver, and so get his own discharge, but Robert Perrott disagreed with this, as he was the holder of the whole original lease, and this deft was his tenant.
This deft then approached the receiver to arrange to pay his rent directly, and at the same time requested £10 allowance for reparations. The receiver at this stage supported the view that Robert Perrott was responsible for the whole of the original lease, and that this deft was his tenant, and Robert Perrott insisted on paying the whole rent to the receiver, and this deft lost his opportunity to claim £10 reparations.
The deft claims that there is no cause in the law why he should be charged to pay the money which had been wilfully paid to the receiver by Robert Perrott, to the prejudice of the deft.
It was decreed that henceforth the deft should pay his annual rent of £20 direct to the Crown, and that the complt should not therefore be liable for any neglect on the defts part.
(See also a subsequent decree dated 13 May 1558)
Robert married Unknown.
The child from this marriage was:
9 M i. Thomas Perrott .
General Notes: Chancery Final Decree C78/14 no.58, dated 13 May 4 & 5 Phillip & Mary Thomas Parrot the elder of Luton, Beds, father of Robert Parrott late of Luton decd; and Thomas Parrott son and heir of the said Robert Parrott, executors of the said Robert Parrott v Michael Thrale. [extracted by Dave King, 31 May 2015]
In his will, Robert Parrott gave the remainder of the term of the said lease to the plaintiff Thomas Parrott (the father) if he should live so long, and if he should die, then to Thomas Parrott (the son)
4. Thomas Perat II (Thomas I1) was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
Thomas married Unknown Unknown.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 10 M i. Thomas Purrett III was born ~1500 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in 1559 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England at age 59.
6. Thomas Perrott V (John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born ~1535 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England, died in Oct 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 78, and was buried on 8 Oct 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: - 1547 Received two messuages, one garden & thirteen acres of lands in Luton
- 1564 - Conveyed the land he got from his brother to John Steppinge
- Still alive in 1602
Chancery Final Decree C78/118 no.18, dated 4 Feb 44 Eliz (1602 ) Abstract by Dave King 26 May 2015:
Recites answer of Robte Steppinge: John Perrott (the father) was seised of two messuages, one garden & thirteen acres of lands in Luton, and that the said John Perrott & Elizabeth his wife conveyed the same in 1 Edward VI (1547) to Thomas Perrott & his heires, and that the said Thomas [Perrott] & Johane (probably his wife but not explicitly stated) conveyed the same in 6 Eliz (1564)to John Steppinge, father of this deft, who conveyed one messuage to this deft, and the other to Humfrey Stepping brother to this deft & Marye his wife.
Will dated 20 May 1613, and is explicit in terms of relations. Relationship to his father can be determined based on properties bequeathed.
".... as an extremely wealthy man besides siring many sons, six of whom were living in 1613 with a total of 14 grandsons and14 grandaughters on the male side alone. The total monetary bequests come to £1390 to his kin besides large bequests to others. The land - mostly given in acres - totals 267 acres plus many other areas mentioned where the acreage is not given. He still owned much land in Luton and 210 acres in Old Weston which went to two of his sons, Richard and Robert."
From Margaret Lewis: "30 May 1613 - grandfather Thomas Paratt, gentleman, of Shillington, signed his will. It mentions his eldest son Thomas & his children; other sons Robert (of Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, who inherited land in Brington, Hunts) & his children; Abraham (lately deceased) & his children - sons Thomas, Abraham, Lawrence & William & daughters Elizabeth, ?Kateren, Margaret & youngest Anne; John & his children; Peter & his children ; & youngest son Richard (no children listed), who inherited land at Old Weston, Huntingdonshire. Also mentioned are his wife Margaret & her brother Peter Ashton?, along with daughters - wife of Robert ?Lawson or Dawson & wife of Thomas Smith (Mary); also mentioned is Thomas Hanscombe. [will at The National Archives reference: PROB 11/122] This Thomas inherited land and a cottage with orchard in Shillington."
4 November 1613 - Probate of the estate of Mr Thomas Paratt. [The National Archives reference: PROB 11/122]
Thomas married Margaret Ashton, daughter of Ashton and Unknown. Margaret was born ~1540 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in Jun 1615 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 75, and was buried on 9 Jun 1615 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 11 M i. Thomas Paratt VI was born in 1553 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1618 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire at age 65, and was buried on 13 Oct 1618.
+ 12 M ii. Robert Parratt was born in 1560 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and died in Feb 1638 in Meppershall, Bedfordshire at age 78.
+ 13 M iii. Abraham Paratt Sr. was born in 1567 in Bedfordshire, died in Jan 1608 in Graveley, Cambridgeshire at age 41, and was buried on 18 Jan 1608 in Graveley, Cambridgeshire.
14 F iv. Mary Paratt was born ~1568 in Bedfordshire and died in 1630 at age 62.
General Notes: FAC1.prob11/159. Mary Smith, widow. Will made 4 January 1630.
Religious preamble including request for her body to be buried in the parish church of Bigglewade.
To George Smith her eldest son forty shillings to be paid within one month. To William, Thomas and Barbary the children of her son George twenty shillings each at the age of twenty one, if any of them died before then their share to be divided between the survivors.
To son Thomas Smith forty shillings within one month and to Robert and Elizabeth the children of Thomas twenty shillings at their ages of twenty one same conditions as above.
To Laurence Haxby who married her daughter Margarett ten shillings and to Margarett, Robert, Henry, Mary, and Judith five of the children of Laurence and Margarett twenty shillings each at their ages of twenty one with same conditions as above.
To Robert Ekins who married her daughter Mary ten shillings also to Mary a silver spoon, a little feather bed, a bolster, a chest, a pair of sheets, a pair of pillowbeers, a table cloath and two pewter dishes. To Alexynder, Robert, Mary and Susan Ekins four of the children of Robert and Mary twenty shillings each at ages of twenty one with conditions as above.
To Oliver Fisher who married her daughter Mary ten shillings within one month also to Mary a silver spoon, a feather bed, a bolster, one blankett, two pair of sheets, a pair of pillowbeers, one table cloath and ½ a dozen table napkins. To William and Mary Fisher, two of the children of Oliver and Mary twenty shillings each at twenty one with conditions as above.
To Robert , John and Richard Parat her brothers ten shillings each and also to Elizabeth the wife of Richard ten shillings all to be paid within one month.
To the poor of Potton and to the poor of Biggleswade twenty shillings each immediately after her death.
Residue after payment of debts etc to Anne Smith her daughter the sole executrix. Mark of Mary Smith in the presence of Richard Parat, George Smith and Elizabeth Parat.
(ML note - Mary (nee Parratt), daughter of Thomas Parratt of Shillington, married Thomas Smyth in 1590 in Shillington)
Mary married Thomas Smith on 4 May 1590 in Shillington, Bedfordshire. Thomas was born circa 1565 in Bickleswade, Bedfordshire.
15 F v. Abigail Paratt was born in 1570 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 2 Apr 1570 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died in Dec 1574 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 4.
16 U vi. Paratt was born on 9 Apr 1571 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was buried on 9 Apr 1571 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
17 M vii. John Paratt was born in Nov 1571 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 28 Nov 1571, died in Nov 1571 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 28 Nov 1571.
General Notes: 28 Nov 1571 - JOHN - Christening - John Parratt, s of Thomas [buried the same day]
28 Nov 1571 - JOHN - Burial - John Parratt, s of Thomas [chr. the same day]
+ 18 M viii. John Paratt Sr. was born in 1573 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 6 Feb 1573, died in 1645 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 72, and was buried on 2 Jan 1645.
19 M ix. Laurence Parrat was born in 1574 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 7 Mar 1574 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: Christening - Lawr, s of Tho Parrat [Printed PR]
Not mentioned in his father's will dated 1613, so must have dsp.
20 F x. Judith Parrat was born in 1575 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 23 Oct 1575 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Judith married Robert Dawson before 1613.
+ 21 M xi. Peter Parrat was born in 1577 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 12 Jan 1577 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1626 at age 49, and was buried on 7 May 1626 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
+ 22 M xii. Richard Paratt Sr. was born in 1578 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 15 Mar 1578 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died in 1656 in Potton, Bedfordshire at age 78.
23 U xiii. Paratt was born on 1 Aug 1580 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and died on 1 Aug 1580 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
7. John Perrott Jr. (John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
General Notes: - Dead by 1602
- Inherited two messuages, one garden & thirteen acres of lands in Luton
- This land was deeded to Thomas in 1547, who sold it to Steppinge in 1564
Chancery Final Decree C78/118 no.18, dated 4 Feb 44 Eliz (1602) Abstract by Dave King 26 May 2015
"Recites Bill of complaint: John Perrott the complainant's grandfather was seised of diverse messuages, lands, tenements & hereditaments in Luton, Beds. The Estate was conveyed in [year left blank] to his heir apparent John Perrott (father of the complt) and to his male heirs. Since the death of John (the father) it is claimed that the defts, and Allen Austeade have gained possession of the deeds of entail and other proof of the complt's title, and taken possession of the property and the rents & profits thereof."
8. William Perrott The Elder (John Sr.2, Thomas I1) died in 1550 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
General Notes: - Owned the other messuage, one orchard & twenty acres of land in Luton
- Had obtained said land from parents in 1546
- Sold the land to Edward Crawley in 1558 who gave it to his daughter Johane who married John Bigge
Final Decree C78/118 no.18, dated 4 Feb 44 Eliz (1602 by modern convention) Abstract by Dave King 26 May 2015
Recites answer of Richard Bigge: John Perrott (the father) & Willm Perrott the elder [relationship not stated], or one of them, were seised of one other messuage, one orchard & twenty acres of land in Luton. They, the said John Perrott & Elizabeth his wife, and Willm Perrott the elder & Elizabeth his wife, conveyed this property in 38 HenVIII (1546) to Edward Crawley. Edward Crawley willed the same to his daughter Johane, who after his death married one John Bigge. John Bigge & Johane conveyed the premises to Helen Child, widow, in Michaelmas term 7 Eliz (1565), and after her death they descended to Henry Child her son, who in turn on 15 December 33 Eliz (1590), sold the premises to this deft Richard Bigge.
Abstract from Margaret Lewis, via the Luton Archives.
(ABP/R12/98). 16 June 1549 William Perat Senr of Luton. "Furste I bequeth my soull unto Allmeghtie God to our blessed lady and to all the holy compeny of heven" and burial in church yard of Luton by the Charnel House. To the high altar for tithes forgotten 12d.; to the mother church of Lincoln 4d. The poor people in the town and parish of Luton to have given them at their houses on the day of his burial 10s., the money to go where most need is.
To son in law George Barber 20s. To George Perat son of testator's son Richard 6s. 8d., to remain in some honest man's hands until the boy comes to the years of discretion. To godson Roger Barbor 6s. 8d. to be used for him as the legacy to George Perat. To godson William Perat 6s. 8d. out of the money his father owes to testator, to be used as above. Should any of the children die before they reach the age of discretion, then the survivors to be the boy's heirs.
The hole beyond Holders Crosse in Sanct Albones highway be substantially mended at the testator's cost and charge. Residue as plate, apparel, malt, corn, wood, household stuff, obligations or any other kind of goods to wife Elzabeth, she to be executrix and John Jonson priest to be supervisor, he to have 6s. 8d. for his work. Witnesses John Johnson priest, John Est priest, Thomas Hill senior, Thomas Perat testator's brother. Probated: 3 June 1550.
William married Elizabeth.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 25 M ii. Richard Perrott died before 1550.
10. Thomas Purrett III (Thomas II2, Thomas I1) was born ~1500 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England and died in 1559 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England at age 59.
General Notes: (1558/55) Will of Thomas Perat of Luton, dated 10 March 1558 or 3 Oct 1558. Transcription from Margaret Lewis:
In the name of God, Amen in the year of our lord god ??? ?fifty by the third day of October, I Thomas Perat of the brotherhede house in Luton in the county of Bedfordshire, husbandman, being sound of mind and memory, thanks be given unto almighty god do order and make this my last will and testament in manner and --- following. First I bequeath my soul unto almighty god and to --- blessed lady --- Mary and to all the ---- of ---- and my body to be buried in the ?graveyard of Luton. Item, I give unto the mother church of ----. Item, I will bequeath unto the --- --- for my ----- - forgotton ?xyd
Further more, I bequeath unto my eldest son Robert Perat ??????? I will that ?? my son Robert Perat do ??? and my ??? of purpose of ??? ???? will ???????? my son Robert shall ???? of the ???? of ???????????????????????????
Also I give and bequeath unto Thomas my son at the ??? of xxi (21) years the?sum of ??????
I give and bequeath unto William my son ????? to be ????? to him at the ??? of xxi (21) years.
I give and bequeath unto Edward my son ?????? to be duly ??? unto him at the ???? of xxi (2`1) years.
I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my eldest daughter ?????? to be paid unto her at the day of her marriage.
I give and bequeath unto Agnes my daughter ??????? at the day of her marriage.
I give and bequeath unto Jane my daughter ?????? to be ????? at the day of her marriage.
I give and bequeath unto the ???? that my wife ????? all ???? the sum of ??????? and ????????? that god ???????????????????????????????
I give and bequeath more unto ?Rosy one of my daughter
I give unto Agnes my wife ????
I will that Elizabeth my daughter shall ??????????????????????? bequeath for before at the age of xx years
I give and bequeath unto Thomas my son one ?oxen, to Wiliam my son one ?oxen and to Edward my son one ?oxen.
Thomas married Agnes. Agnes was born about 1500 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
Children from this marriage were:
26 M i. Robert Purrett was born ~1536 in Bedfordshire.
+ 27 M ii. Thomas Purrett died in 1580 and was buried on 10 Nov 1580 in Caddington.
+ 28 M iii. William Purratt was born ~1547 in Bedfordshire, died on 26 Sep 1627 in Caddington at age 80, and was buried in All Saints Church, Caddington.
11. Thomas Paratt VI (Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1553 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1618 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire at age 65, and was buried on 13 Oct 1618.
General Notes: Will dated 1 Aug 1618; Abstracted by Margaret Lewis:
1618 - Will - Gent, of Walden Regis, Herts. Will mentions son John, who is not in England at that time; daughter Elizabeth, wife of Edward Prudden & their children Sara, Maria, Susan & Audrey; son in law Edward Sibley & daughter Judeth Parratt; also the poor of Luton & Kings Walden. John Parratt of Shillington, clark was made overseer of will. Thomas expressed a desire to be buried in Luton. Wife is not mentioned. [Herts Archives]
Gentleman of Kings Walden in Hertfordshire.
Thomas married Audrey Welles on 6 Dec 1574 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 29 M i. Thomas Paratt VII was born in 1577 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 8 Dec 1577, died in 1620 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England at age 43, and was buried on 15 Oct 1620.
30 F ii. Elizabeth Paratt was born in 1580 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 7 Aug 1580, and died by 1618 at age 38.
General Notes: Mentioned in her father's will:
'Then I do give all the said lands tenements and hereditaments unto Sara Prudden, Mary Prudden, Audrey Prudden and Susan Prudden daughter of my son in law Edward Prudden which he hath by my daughter Elizabeth his now wife to have and to hold the same unto them the said Sara Mary Susan and Audrey and to their heirs and assigns for ever.'
Elizabeth married Edward Prudden on 3 Oct 1610 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
31 F iii. Judith Paratt was born in 1582 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 12 Aug 1582 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
32 F iv. Mary Paratt was born in Jan 1585 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 10 Jan 1585, and died before 1618.
33 M v. William Paratt was born in Mar 1587 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 12 Mar 1587, and died before 1618.
General Notes: Chr - William, s of Tho Parrat, jun [printed PR]
1618 - not mentioned in his father's will.
34 F vi. Audrie Paratt was born in 1589 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 2 Nov 1589 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Audrie married Edward Sibley on 9 Oct 1917 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire.
35 F vii. Margaret Paratt was born in Aug 1591 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 23 Aug 1591, died in Aug 1591 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 24 Aug 1591.
36 F viii. Jane Paratt was born in Sep 1592 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 8 Sep 1592, died in Sep 1592 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 9 Sep 1592.
37 M ix. John Paratt was born ~1595 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
General Notes: Notes from Margaret Lewis: 1613 - mentioned as the youngest son of Thomas, in the will of his grandfather Thomas Parrat of Shillington. He inherited land in Luton. [will at PCC] 1618 - mentioned in his father's will as being outside England. He would only get his inheritance of land in Luton if he returned to England within two years. [will at Herts Archives]
12. Robert Parratt (Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1560 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and died in Feb 1638 in Meppershall, Bedfordshire at age 78.
General Notes: Living in Old Weston in 1613, as per father's will.
From Margaret Lewis: "was of Meppershall. In the will he expressed a desire to be buried next to his father in the Shillington church, but there is no entry in the Shillington burial register to suggest that this happened. The burial records for Meppershall are missing for the years 1637 & 1638," so he might be buried there.
Robert married Elizabeth, daughter of Unknown and Dionis. Elizabeth was born ~1570 in England.
General Notes: Mentioned in old Weston Court records as wife of Robert
Children from this marriage were:
38 M i. Francis Parratt was born in 1592 in 30 May 1605 - Robt Perrott of Old Weston, Hunts, gent & w. Eliz, mentioned in and was christened on 1 Nov 1592 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
39 F ii. Rose Parratt was born in 1594 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 3 Feb 1594 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died on 8 Jul 1619 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 25.
40 F iii. Mary Parratt was born in Mar 1595 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 9 Mar 1595.
41 F iv. Douglas Parratt was born in Apr 1596 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 18 Apr 1596.
General Notes: Parish archives say "Douglis, d of Rob Parrat." Also mentioned in her father's will as daughter Douglas.
+ 42 M v. Richard Parratt was born in 1597 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 6 Jul 1597.
43 M vi. Edward Parratt was born in 1598 and was christened on 22 Oct 1598 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
44 M vii. John Parratt was born in 1599 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 9 Nov 1599, died in Dec 1599 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 16 Dec 1599 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
45 M viii. William Parratt was born in Jan 1601 and was christened on 4 Jan 1601 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
46 F ix. Dionis Paratt was born in 1603 and was christened on 8 May 1603 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Dionis married Sydboten.
47 F x. Sarah Paratt was born in 1604 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire and was christened on 18 Nov 1604.
48 F xi. Elisabeth Parratt was born in 1607 and was christened on 31 Dec 1607 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
49 M xii. Thomas Parratt was born in Mar 1610 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire and was christened on 30 Mar 1610 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
General Notes: Baptism - son of Robar Parrat [printed PR] Jan 1637/8 - not mentioned in his father's will. [Beds Archives]
50 F xiii. Ellen Parratt was born in 1604.
13. Abraham Paratt Sr. (Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1567 in Bedfordshire, died in Jan 1608 in Graveley, Cambridgeshire at age 41, and was buried on 18 Jan 1608 in Graveley, Cambridgeshire.
General Notes: From Margaret Lewis: "It appears that some of Abraham's children returned to Shillington after his death, which would make sense as the sons inherited land in Shillington from their grandfather Thomas (1613)."
". [Listed as recently deceased in his Father's will dated 1613] Possibly he died in Cambridgeshire. He was not buried at Shillington, nor is he in the Huntingdonshire Burial Index."
18. John Paratt Sr. (Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1573 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 6 Feb 1573, died in 1645 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 72, and was buried on 2 Jan 1645.
General Notes: Attended Cambridge University. Vicar of Shillington
November 1644 - JOHN Parrat, of Shitlington, Clarke, signed his will. It mentions:
- son THOMAS with his wife Ann & children John (eldest son), Frances, Jane, Anne & Thomas;
- son John, fellow of Trinitie College in Cambridge
- son George with his son John
- daughter Anne wife of ?Henrie Knighton
- daughter Sarah wife of Lancelot Granger & their children Lancelott, John, Elizabeth & Sarah
- daughter Margaret married to Robert ?Byron or Bymow or Bymon
- daughter Frances married to Henry Fookes & their children Henry & Elizabeth
- daughter Mary
John married Elizabeth Monnoxe, daughter of Humffrey Monous, on 4 Feb 1605 in Shillington, Bedfordshire. Elizabeth was born ~1580 in Wootton, Bedfordshire, England. Another name for Elizabeth was Monoux.
General Notes: Elizabeth, daughter of Humffrey Monoux [of Wootton in co. Beddford] & Anne, d
of Edward Walgrave of Lawfford in co. Essex, esq [Visitation of Bedfordshire]
Children from this marriage were:
+ 63 M i. Thomas Paratt was born in 1605 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 1 Dec 1605 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1668 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire at age 63, and was buried in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
64 F ii. Ann Paratt was born in 1606 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 10 Dec 1606 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Ann married Henry Knighton.
65 M iii. John Paratt was born in 1606 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 10 Dec 1606 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in Dec 1606 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 18 Dec 1606 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: 10 December 1606 - JOHN Paratt was christened at Shillington, son of Mr Jn Paratt. [printed parish register]
18 December 1606 - JOHN Paratt was buried at Shillington, son of Mr Jn Paratt. [printed parish register]
66 F iv. Mary Paratt was born in 1608 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 15 May 1608 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
67 F v. Sarah Paratt was born in 1609, was christened on 7 May 1609 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 22 Jun 1692 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Sarah married Lancelot Granger on 21 Aug 1634 in Lower Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire.
68 M vi. John Paratt Jr. was born in 1610 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 2 Sep 1610 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: Became a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
69 F vii. Margaret Paratt was born in 1611 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 13 Oct 1611 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Margaret married Robert Burrow. Another name for Robert was Robert Byron.
+ 70 M viii. George Paratt was born in 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 18 Apr 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
71 F ix. Frances Paratt was born in 1615 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 30 Jul 1615 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Frances married Henry Ffookes on 2 Jan 1640 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
72 M x. Edward Paratt was christened on 26 May 1616 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
73 M xi. Richard Paratt was christened on 5 May 1618 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
74 F xii. Ann Paratt was christened on 6 May 1621 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
75 F xiii. Ellen Paratt was christened on 2 Mar 1623 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
21. Peter Parrat (Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1577 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 12 Jan 1577 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1626 at age 49, and was buried on 7 May 1626 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
Peter married Joan Russell in 1604 in St Peter, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Joan died in 1625 and was buried on 6 Jun 1625 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
Children from this marriage were:
76 F i. Joan Parrat was born in 1606 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire and was christened on 17 Jun 1606 in St Peter's, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.
77 M ii. Thomas Parrat was born in 1608 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England and was christened on 29 Mar 1608 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
78 M iii. John Parrat was born in 1610 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England and was christened on 29 Apr 1610 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
79 F iv. Anne Paratt was born in 1612 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England and was christened on 27 Dec 1612 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
80 F v. Margaret Parrat was born in 1615 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England and was christened on 23 Apr 1615 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
81 M vi. Peter Parrat was born in 1619 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England and was christened on 26 Dec 1619 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
82 F vii. Mary Parrat was born in 1621 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England and was christened on 30 Dec 1621 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
Mary married Richard Mager on 7 Jul 1645 in Thetford, Cambridgeshire, England.
22. Richard Paratt Sr. (Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1578 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 15 Mar 1578 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died in 1656 in Potton, Bedfordshire at age 78.
General Notes: From Margaret Lewis:
FAC1.prob11/255. Richard Parratt snr. gent. Will made 10 March 1653.
Disposal of soul, 'body to be buried in the little chancell of Potton neere to the grave of my wife deceased '.
To Henry Parratt the oldest son 10 shillings.
To Richard Parratt one messuage in Horsly Street with the malthouse, barns, stables, edifices and buildings with 25 acres of arable land by estimation more or less with appurtenances. Also the Heath Close and two cottages containing 3½ acres more or less.
To son Richard a messuage in Sandy with buildings and 45 acres of arable land.
To son Abraham Parratt the farm in Little Gransden in the tenancy of John Apthorpe with 'all the arable land, leyes and pasture' with all buildings etc on condition that Abraham, his heirs or assigns pays to Richard Parratt the elder of Potton £200, ie. £100 at the feast of St. Michael Archangel next following this date and the other £100 on 25th. March following 'without any fraud or further delay or else his gift to be void'.
To daughter Anne West of Epping Essex £10. To William Wallis his son-in-law and to his wife Elizabeth 20 shillings each.
Rest of his goods and chattels after payment of debts to son Thomas. He also executor.
Signature of Richard Parratt, no witnesses quoted. Proved 7 May 1656.
Richard married Elizabeth Godfrey, daughter of Henry Godfrey and Unknown, on 13 Jul 1619 in Potton, Bedfordshire. Elizabeth died in Jun 1632 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: Confusion comes from the fact that 0n 19 January 1617/8 - a Richard Parrat, of Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, married Dorothy Ruffhead, of Gravenhurst, at Upper Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire. [IGI & parish register]
Another interpretation of the records is that on 13 July 1619 - Rich Parratt or Perret & Eliz Godfrey married at Potton, Bedfordshire. Elizabeth was the daughter of Mr Henry Godfrey, of Potton.
Children from this marriage were:
83 F i. Mary Paratt was born in 1620, was christened on 16 Oct 1620 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1621 at age 1, and was buried on 13 Jul 1621 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: Might be the Mary christened on 16 Oct 1620 in Potton, Beds, but the Potton Parrotts were a different family
84 M ii. Henry Paratt was born ~1621 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
85 M iii. Richard Parratt was christened on 10 Feb 1622 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England and was buried on 17 Apr 1624 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
86 F iv. Ann Paratt was born in Feb 1623 and was christened on 20 Feb 1623 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
+ 87 M v. Thomas Parratt was born in Jan 1624, was christened on 12 Jan 1624 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1664 at age 40, and was buried on 28 Oct 1664 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
+ 88 M vi. Richard Paratt Jr. was born in Jan 1625 in Potton, Bedfordshire and was christened on 31 Jan 1625 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
89 M vii. John Parratt was christened on 27 Mar 1626 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England and was buried on 17 May 1626 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
+ 90 M viii. Abraham Parratt was born in Potton, Bedfordshire and was christened on 28 May 1627 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
91 M ix. John Paratt was christened on 11 Oct 1630 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England and died young.
92 F x. Elizabeth Paratt was christened on 13 Mar 1632 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
25. Richard Perrott (William The Elder3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) died before 1550.
Richard married someone.
His child was:
93 M i. George Perrott .
General Notes: Was still a minor in 1550
27. Thomas Purrett (Thomas III3, Thomas II2, Thomas I1) died in 1580 and was buried on 10 Nov 1580 in Caddington.
Thomas married someone.
+ 94 M i. Thomas Parrott was born in Bedfordshire.
28. William Purratt (Thomas III3, Thomas II2, Thomas I1) was born ~1547 in Bedfordshire, died on 26 Sep 1627 in Caddington at age 80, and was buried in All Saints Church, Caddington.
General Notes: William Parrett's epitaph reads:
"Here lyeth the body of William Parrett, yeoman and Jane his wife who had issue one son and daughters: Thomas, Margaret, Joane, Elizabeth, Alice, Annes, Susan, Jane, Mary. He lived to the age of 80 years and dyed September 26 1627, who had 52 grandchildren and great grandchildren, 26. His first Wife died April 27 in 1615. He married a second names Annes who departed this life Oct 1627".
William married Joan. Joan died on 27 Apr 1615 in Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 96 M i. Thomas Purratt was born in Caddington, died in Dec 1613 in Caddington, and was buried on 3 Dec 1613.
97 F ii. Margaret Purratt was born in Caddington.
Margaret married John Smyth on 6 Jul 1590 in Caddington.
98 F iii. Joan Purret died in 1629 in Bedfordshire.
Joan married George Slow on 14 Oct 1592 in Bedfordshire.
99 F iv. Elizabeth Purrett was born in Caddington.
Elizabeth married William Robins on 27 Jan 1594 in Caddington.
100 F v. Alice Purrett was born in Caddington.
Alice married Harry Homer on 12 Jun 1598 in Caddington.
101 F vi. Annes Purratt was born in Caddington.
102 F vii. Susanna Purrett was born in Caddington and was christened on 18 Oct 1585 in Caddington.
Susanna married Thomas Ley on 20 Jun 1603.
103 F viii. Jane Purratt was born in Caddington.
William next married Agnes on 3 Aug 1615 in Caddington. Agnes died in Oct 1627 in Caddington.
29. Thomas Paratt VII (Thomas VI4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1577 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 8 Dec 1577, died in 1620 in Luton, Bedfordshire, England at age 43, and was buried on 15 Oct 1620.
General Notes: Will abstract by Margaret Lewis: 20 Sep 1620 - Thomas Paratt, of Luton, signed his will. It mentions his wife Elizabeth, brother John Paratt, sisters Elizabeth Pruddon, Judith Pryer & Audrey Sybley, his uncle Robert Paratt, gent; his godson Thomas Paratt & Willm Pilgryme, 2 servants, the poor of Luton, Shillington & Lilley, Herts. [will at Bedfordshire & Luton archives - ABPW/1620/32]
42. Richard Parratt (Robert4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1597 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 6 Jul 1597.
General Notes: Christening - Ric, s of Rob Parrat [printed PR] Jan 1637/8 - not mentioned in his father's will. [Beds Archives]
6 July 1597 - nephew RICHARD, christened in Shillington as Ric, son of Rob Parrat. [printed parish register] Possible marriages, children & burials could also refer to this Richard, however this Richard is not mentioned in his father's will dated 1637, so he may have died by then..
Richard married Dorothy Ruffhead on 19 Jan 1617 in Upper Gravenhurst, Bedfordshire. Dorothy was born circa 1600 in Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
105 F i. Mary Parratt was born in Jul 1621 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
+ 106 M ii. Henry Parratt was born in Feb 1623 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 11 Feb 1623, and died ~1677 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 54.
52. Thomas Paratt Sr. (Abraham Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born on 5 Nov 1592 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1667 in Shillington, Bedfordshire at age 75, and was buried on 16 Mar 1668 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: The following notes were compiled by Margaret Weston:
5 November 1592 - THOMAS christened at Shillington, Bedfordshire, as Tho, son of Abr Parrat. [printed parish register] He was the eldest son of Abraham Parratt & Mary (nee Farren).
By 1618 - THOMAS married his first wife. Her name is unknown at present. Had married Joan by 1652
From Harald Reksten
1667-046 (ABP/W). 13 March 1666 Will of Thomas Parrott of Shillington, County of Bedfordshire.
To eldest son Abraham Parrott 12 pence;
To John, Richard, James and George, 4 of my sons 12 pounds a piece;
To all the children of Thomas Parratt, my oldest son deceased 5 shillings a piece when they attain the age of 21;
To Joane Parratt, my wife. If my wife shall marry then lease granted from Trinity Colledge in Cambridge shall be and remain in the hands of Thomas Parratt Junior and Thomas Phippe of Nether Standon in Bedford County in trust but to the only ... of Thomas Parratt, my oldest son begotten of the body of Joane my wife that now is until my said son Thomas Parratt shall attain the age of 21. If my wife shall marry then son Thomas Parratt or above named trustees shall pay 10 pounds yearly to her. If she does not marry then she shall receive all the "profitts ... .
Sole Executrix: Joane Parratt, my wife. Signed: Tho. Parratt. Witnesses: Da. Brace, Thomas Elmer, Thomas Phippe.
Source: Will of Thomas Parratt, of Shillington, 1613
The National Archives reference: PROB 11/122
I will give and bequeath unto Thomas Paratt sonne & heire apparent of Abraham Paratt my sonne lately deceased ____ to his heirs one ?close of pasture in Shitlington in the countie of Bedford ?containing five acres be it more or less?lying ?open against the parsonage gate of Shitlington aforesaid & one other close of pasture adjoining to the aforesaid close containing eight acres be it more or less and known by the name of the water close now in ?mine ?occupying. And also one cottage with an orchard and a pightell called Ashe pightell ?containing two acres be it more or less in the occupation of Robert ?Kitchener and John Paratt my son and also two closes containing four acres be they more or less called by the name of ?Bestownd and ?closes being in the occupation of ?Michael ?Chapman and John Paratt my son. And also five acres of arable land and meadow lying in ?two ______ upon the field called Church hill all their _______ are in the parish of Shitlington aforesaid upon condition that he the said Thomas Paratt pay unto his brother Abraham Paratt ten pounds within one year after that he entereth into the ?occupation of their _____ grounds before given. And also to paid unto Lawrence Paratt brother ten pounds within two years after his entrance. And also to paid unto William Paratt his brother ten pounds within three years after his entrance being all the sons of Abraham Parratt my son to have and to hold ?performing the condition before set down to pay unto his brothers ?such sums of money to ____ of them at such times as they are set down before. All those closes, cottage and ___pightell before given unto Thomas Paratt son and heir apparent of Abraham Paratt my son deceased and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten for ever.
Thomas married Joan Fippe on 19 Jun 1651 in Holwell, Bedfordshire. Joan died in 1688 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was buried on 24 Oct 1688 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: She is named in Thomas' will.
Children from this marriage were:
107 F i. Lucy Paratt was born in 1652 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 17 Apr 1652 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died about 1702 about age 50.
+ 108 M ii. Thomas Paratt was born in 1654 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 28 Nov 1654 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1700 at age 46, and was buried on 25 Dec 1700 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
109 M iii. Joseph Paratt was born in 1657 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 28 Apr 1657 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
110 F iv. Mary Parratt was born in 1659 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 17 Jun 1659 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
111 M v. Henry Parratt was born in 1622 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 22 Jan 1623 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
63. Thomas Paratt (John Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1605 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 1 Dec 1605 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1668 in Kings Walden, Hertfordshire at age 63, and was buried in Luton, Bedfordshire, England.
National Archives reference - PROB 11/326
Transcribed by Margaret Lewis
First and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker and creator and of his son Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer hoping and assuredly believing __ the mercy of God and the merits and passion of his son Christ Jesus, to be ?saved and to ______ full remission and pardon of all my sins. And my body to the earth to be buried in Christian burial by the discretion of my Executors. And as _______ the _ of such _______ good as that hath pleased God to bestow upon me
Probate in latin -
Thomas married Anne Monoux, daughter of Lewis Monoux and Unknown, circa 1634. Anne died in 1651 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was buried on 23 Jul 1651 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
121 F i. Frances Paratt was born in 1634 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 16 Oct 1634 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Frances married James Battle on 9 Feb 1659 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
122 M ii. John Paratt was born in 1636 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 29 Feb 1636 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
123 M iii. Humphrey Paratt was born in 1637 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 10 Aug 1637 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: Humphrey is not mentioned in his grandfather's will dated 1644, so may have died by then.
124 F iv. Ann Paratt was born in 1638 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 27 Jul 1638 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1638 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 29 Jul 1638 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
125 F v. Elizabeth Paratt was born in 1639 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 24 Oct 1639 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
126 F vi. Ann Paratt was born in 1641 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 16 Apr 1641 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
127 M vii. Thomas Paratt was born in 1642 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 13 Oct 1642 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
128 F viii. Jane Paratt was born in 1644 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 25 Feb 1645 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and was buried on 28 May 1649 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
129 F ix. Lucy Paratt was born in 1645 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 9 Nov 1645 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
130 F x. Sarah Paratt was born in 1647 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 6 Jun 1647 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
131 F xi. Jane Paratt was born in 1649 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 28 May 1649 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
70. George Paratt (John Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 18 Apr 1613 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: 18 April 1613 - GEORGE Paratt was christened at Shillington, son of Mr Jn Paratt. [printed parish register]
George married Grace.
The child from this marriage was:
132 M i. John Paratt was christened on 11 Oct 1638 in Shillington, Bedfordshire. He never married and had no children.
General Notes: Chr - John Paratt, son of Mr Geo & Grace [printed PR]
87. Thomas Parratt (Richard Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in Jan 1624, was christened on 12 Jan 1624 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1664 at age 40, and was buried on 28 Oct 1664 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
Thomas married someone Mary Smith, daughter of David Smith and Elizabeth, on 30 Apr 1650 in Baldock, Hertfordshire. Mary was born in 1632, was christened on 4 Jun 1632 in Baldock, Hertfordshire, died in 1689 at age 57, and was buried on 26 Oct 1689 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: From Margaret Lewis, will of Mary's mother:
ABPW 1680/70. Elizabeth Smyth, widow. Will made 11 Nov.1680, probate 18 Dec.1680.
To son David the bedstead he lies upon, the bedstead in the other chamber, all my brewing vessels and my copper all of which are in his possession at Baldock. To grandchild Elizabeth Smyth dau.of son Robert, £25 to be paid at marriage or seven years after death of testator whichever is first. If Elizabeth dies the bequest to go to the exec. To grandchild David Parratt £10 to be paid within one year. Goods & chattels at Baldock in possession of David to Mrs. Mary Parratt, she also appointed exec. mark of E.S. Witnesses Mary Thurrowgood, Anne Parratt, Richard Lee.
Attached to this will in addition to the normal probate notice in Latin is an example of the oath administered to an executor at the time of probate. The Latin gives the names of Willimus Foster of the Archdeaconry and surrogates Thome Haxbie of Potton & Willimo Merriden of Barford. The testator is named Elizabethe Smith and the executrix as Marie Parratt.
The forme of the Oath to be administred to the abovesaid Marie Parratt Shee laying her hand on the Bible or new Testament.
You shall give care that the will hereunto annexed containeth the true last will and Testament of Elizabeth Smith your late Mother................. deceased soe far as you know or beleive and that you shall well and faithfully execute and perform the same in paying the legacies therein bequeathed And the debts of the said deceased
( if any bee ) soe farr as the goodes chattells and creditts of the said deceased will extend and the same shall charge you. And exhibit into the Registry of this Court a true extent inventory of all and singular the goods chattells and creditts of the said deceased And passe a just and perfect Accompt of your said executorshipp when you shall bee thereunto lawfully called Soe help you God and the contents of this booke
Let her kisse the booke
This Commission was executed according to the forme above written and oath administred to the said Executrix the eighteenth day of December in the yeare of our Lord 1680 By Me Thomas Haxby.
ABPAR:1689/132d. Mary Parratt. Admon 9 Nov.1689 to Ann Parratt her daughter, David Smith of Baldock, malster and William Rudd of Biggleswade, malster, estate £143. 01. 06.
[ML note - Mary (nee Smith), dau of David & Elizabeth Smith, of Baldock, married Thomas Parratt (son of Richard & Elizabeth) in 1650 in Baldock.]
Children from this marriage were:
133 M i. Richard Parratt was born ~1652.
134 M ii. David Parratt was born in 1654, was christened on 1 Jun 1654 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1690 at age 36, and was buried on 3 Apr 1690.
135 F iii. Elizabeth Parratt was born in 1656 in Potton, Bedfordshire, was christened on 21 Oct 1656 in Potton, Bedfordshire, and died in 1709 in Potton, Bedfordshire at age 53.
General Notes: From Margaret Lewis:
ABPW 1709/17. Elizabeth Parratt, spinster. Will made 1 May.1709, probate June 1709.
To her brother-in-law Jasper Brydall £10 to be laid out in cloaths for him as the exec. shall think fit, to her sister Ann Cloake wife of Mr. William Cloake £20 to be paid within one year, also all my plate whatsoever. To nephew Edward Brydall £50 to be paid at his age of twenty one, Edward to receive the interest in the meantime. To nephew John Brydall £30, part to put him out apprentice as the exec. shall think convenient and the remainder to be paid him at twenty one, John to receive the interest in the meantime. To niece Mary Brydall £30 to be paid within one year with interest also all her wearing apparel, all linenn to niece Mary & nephew Edward to be equally divided with the usual proviso that if one died the survivor to inherit. To her God-daughter Elizabeth Parratt £5 within one year, to her niece Cottice 30 shilings within half a year. All the rest after payment of debts etc. to brother-in-law Wiliam Cloake, he also sole exec.
" And my will is that my Executor shall bury me in linnen & that he shall pay & distribute to & among the poor of Potton aforesaid 50 shillings as he shall think fit within one month of my decease. ".
Witnesses, Tho. Halfhyde, Robert Cremer. mark of Joane Blackett
136 F iv. Mary Parratt was born in Mar 1659 and was christened on 22 Mar 1659 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
137 M v. Thomas Parratt was born in Mar 1662, was christened on 10 Mar 1662 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in Mar 1662, and was buried on 10 Mar 1662 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
138 F vi. Anne Parratt was born in Mar 1663 and was christened on 31 Mar 1663 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
88. Richard Paratt Jr. (Richard Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in Jan 1625 in Potton, Bedfordshire and was christened on 31 Jan 1625 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
Richard married Joan. Joan died in 1668 and was buried on 15 May 1668 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
139 M i. Richard Parratt was born in 1651 and was christened on 21 Oct 1651 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
140 M ii. John Parratt was born in Mar 1653 and was christened on 1 Mar 1653 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
141 M iii. Thomas Parratt was born in Mar 1655, was christened on 16 Mar 1655 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1663 at age 8, and was buried on 14 Jul 1663 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
142 F iv. Mary Parratt was born in 1657 and was christened on 21 Sep 1657 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
143 M v. Alexander Parratt was born in 1660 and was christened on 18 Jun 1660 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
144 M vi. Henry Parratt was born in 1662 and was christened on 6 Oct 1662 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
+ 145 M vii. Abraham Parratt was born in 1627, was christened on 28 May 1627 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1686 at age 59, and was buried on 25 Dec 1686 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
146 F viii. Elizabeth Parratt was born in Mar 1632 and was christened on 13 Mar 1632 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
90. Abraham Parratt (Richard Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in Potton, Bedfordshire and was christened on 28 May 1627 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
Abraham married Ann Mordaunt on 16 Dec 1658 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
Children from this marriage were:
147 M i. Abraham Parratt was christened on 4 Oct 1659 in Potton, Bedfordshire, England.
148 F ii. Elizabeth Parratt was born in 1666 in Potton, Bedfordshire and was christened in Sep 1666.
149 F iii. Elizabeth Parratt was born in 1678 in Potton, Bedfordshire and was christened in Mar 1678.
94. Thomas Parrott (Thomas4, Thomas III3, Thomas II2, Thomas I1) was born in Bedfordshire.
Thomas married someone.
His children were:
150 F i. Mary Parrott was born in Bedfordshire.
151 F ii. Jane Parrott was born in Bedfordshire.
152 F iii. Avis Parrott was born in Bedfordshire.
96. Thomas Purratt (William4, Thomas III3, Thomas II2, Thomas I1) was born in Caddington, died in Dec 1613 in Caddington, and was buried on 3 Dec 1613.
Thomas married Sarah Hide on 25 Nov 1603 in Caddington.
Children from this marriage were:
153 F i. Sarah Purratt was born in 1605 in Caddington.
154 M ii. Thomas Purratt was born in 1607 in Caddington.
155 F iii. Mary Purratt was born in 1608 in Caddington.
156 M iv. William Purratt was born in 1611 in Caddington and died in 1614 in Caddington at age 3. He never married and had no children.
106. Henry Parratt (Richard5, Robert4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in Feb 1623 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 11 Feb 1623, and died ~1677 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 54.
General Notes: Notes from Margaret Lewis.
"Notes on the Perrot Family" states that he bore the usual Perrot coat of family (same as Pembrokeshire family). The first of the name was Henry, who had two sons, Henry (eldest) & Thomas. [digitized by Google]
Henry married Eleanor, daughter of Unknown and Unknown. Eleanor was born ~1625 and died in 1684 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 59.
Children from this marriage were:
157 F i. Eleanor Paratt was born in 1650 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in Jan 1705 in Pirton, Hertfordshire at age 55, and was buried on 8 Jan 1705 in Pirton, Hertfordshire.
Eleanor married John Hammond on 15 May 1673 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire. John was born in Feb 1646, was christened on 18 Feb 1646 in Pirton, Hertfordshire, and died in 1696 in Pirton, Hertfordshire at age 50.
+ 158 M ii. Henry Paratt was born ~1650 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died on 19 Dec 1723 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 73, and was buried on 11 Jan 1724 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
159 M iii. Richard Paratt was born ~1653 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
Richard married Elizabeth Hodson on 23 Jul 1679 in Buckden, Huntingdonshire.
+ 160 M iv. Thomas Parratt was born ~1655 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in Mar 1686 at age 31, and was buried on 24 Mar 1686 in Great Catworth, Huntingdonshire, England.
161 F v. Elizabeth Paratt was born in 1660 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, was christened on 8 Apr 1660 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in May 1660 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, and was buried on 21 May 1660 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
108. Abraham Paratt (Thomas Sr.5, Abraham Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1619 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 17 Feb 1619 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Abraham married Rebecca Hanscombe on 8 Aug 1647.
General Notes: Widow of John Hanscombe of Shillington, wo died 1642/3.
Children from this marriage were:
162 F i. Alice Paratt was born in 1648 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 25 May 1648 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
163 F ii. Ann Paratt was born in 1649 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 7 May 1649 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
164 M iii. Abraham Paratt was born in 1651 in Shillington, Bedfordshire and was christened on 20 Feb 1652 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
117. Thomas Paratt (Thomas Sr.5, Abraham Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1654 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 28 Nov 1654 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1700 at age 46, and was buried on 25 Dec 1700 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Thomas married Sarah Lacy, daughter of Matthew Lacy and Unknown, on 25 Feb 1683 in Shillington, Bedfordshire. Sarah was born in 1661, was christened on 7 Dec 1661 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in Mar 1725 at age 64, and was buried on 24 Mar 1725 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Children from this marriage were:
165 M i. Thomas Paratt was born in 1683, was christened on 11 Oct 1683 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in Mar 1699 at age 16, and was buried on 2 Mar 1699 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
166 F ii. Elizabeth Paratt was born in Jan 1685, was christened on 16 Jan 1685 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died after 1733.
Elizabeth married John Lested on 16 Feb 1707 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
167 F iii. Sarah Paratt was born in 1686, was christened on 20 Nov 1686 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1701 at age 15, and was buried on 9 Oct 1701 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
168 F iv. Ann Paratt was born in 1688, was christened on 27 Sep 1688 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died after 1733.
169 M v. Matthew Paratt was born in Feb 1690, was christened on 27 Feb 1690 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, died in 1733 at age 43, and was buried on 23 Nov 1733 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
Matthew married Catherine Reyns. Catherine died in 1736 and was buried on 28 Oct 1736 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
170 M vi. John Paratt was born in 1692 and was christened on 26 Oct 1692 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
171 M vii. Edward Paratt was born in 1694 and was christened on 3 Nov 1694 in Shillington, Bedfordshire.
172 M viii. Henry Paratt was born in Mar 1697, was christened on 27 Mar 1697 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died about 1730 about age 33.
173 F ix. Mary Paratt was born in 1698 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, was christened on 8 Dec 1698 in Shillington, Bedfordshire, and died after 1733.
145. Abraham Parratt (Richard Jr.5, Richard Sr.4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1627, was christened on 28 May 1627 in Potton, Bedfordshire, died in 1686 at age 59, and was buried on 25 Dec 1686 in Potton, Bedfordshire.
General Notes: Probably had a second wife - Elizabeth Parratt, w of Mr Abraham, buried 29 April 1681 in Potton.
158. Henry Paratt (Henry6, Richard5, Robert4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born ~1650 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died on 19 Dec 1723 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 73, and was buried on 11 Jan 1724 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
General Notes: Compiled by Margaret Lewis:
Monumental Inscription from the Old Weston Church Interior:
To the Memory of Henry Parrat Gent & Dorothy his wife, the daughter of Theophilus Leach, gent, of Dean,
Bedfordshire by whom he had issue - Henry, Richard, John, Sarah & Thomas. He died December the 19: 1723. This monument was erected by the order of his son John Parrat Gent, of this place who died March the 18: 1768. (White marble inscription tablet mounted on a grey marble backing stone. At the base the arms;- "gules, three pears or, on a chief of the 2nd, a demilion rampant sable" PARRAT, impaling "sable, a lion rampant ......" Leach. ) [North aisle] [Huntingdonshire Family History Society]
Henry married Dorothy Leach in 1682. Dorothy was born in Dean, Bedfordshire and died ~1723.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 176 M i. Rev Henry Parrott was born in 1683, was christened on 13 Dec 1683 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in 1757 at age 74, and was buried in St John the Baptist church, Holywell cum Needingworth.
177 M ii. Richard Paratt was born ~1685 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
Richard married Elizabeth Hodson in Jul 1679 in Bukden Church.
+ 178 M iii. John Parratt was born ~1685 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire and died on 18 Mar 1768 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 83.
179 F iv. Sarah Paratt was born in 1687 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
Sarah married Henry Spurrier on 4 Nov 1709 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
180 F v. Frances Paratt was born in May 1688, was christened on 20 May 1688 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in May 1688, and was buried on 24 May 1688 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
181 M vi. Thomas Paratt was born in 1693, was christened on 17 Apr 1693 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in Feb 1694 at age 1, and was buried on 21 Feb 1694 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
182 M vii. Thomas Parratt was born in 1695 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire and was christened on 21 Sep 1695 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
160. Thomas Parratt (Henry6, Richard5, Robert4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born ~1655 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in Mar 1686 at age 31, and was buried on 24 Mar 1686 in Great Catworth, Huntingdonshire, England.
Thomas married Mary Bodell on 16 Apr 1685 in Moulsworth, Huntingdonshire. Mary was born ~1660, died in Aug 1719 at age 59, and was buried on 11 Aug 1719 in Hartford, Huntingdonshire.
The child from this marriage was:
183 M i. Thomas Parratt was born ~1686.
Thomas married Elizabeth Trice on 31 Mar 1713 in St Michael, Cambridge, Cambridge, England. Elizabeth was born in Huntingdonshire.
176. Rev Henry Parrott (Henry7, Henry6, Richard5, Robert4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born in 1683, was christened on 13 Dec 1683 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in 1757 at age 74, and was buried in St John the Baptist church, Holywell cum Needingworth.
General Notes: Buried in St John the Baptist church, Holywell cum Needingworth. Inscription reads:
Sacred to the memory of Henry Parrott clerk, almost 35 years Rector of this Parish, one of the Prebendaries of the Church of Lincoln: and of Catherine his Wife Youngest Daughter of Sr. Wm. Halford Of Welham, in the County of Leicester B. by whom he had Issue Charles, Catherine, Annabella, Henry The Eldest only survives to lament the Loss of his indulgent Parents: who in testimony of his concern has caused this Monument to be erected. A.D. 1759.
Henry married Catherine Halford on 22 Jan 1712 in St Benet Pauls Wharf, London, England. Catherine was born in Welham, Leicester, died in 1723 in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, and was buried on 16 Aug 1723 in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire.
Children from this marriage were:
184 M i. Charles Paratt was born in 1713 in London, was christened on 22 Dec 1713 in St Alphage London Wall, London, England,, and died on 12 Feb 1787 in Saham Toney, Norfolk, England at age 74.
General Notes: - 1728: Winchester College
- 25 Oct 1732: New College, Oxford
- 1785: Will: "In 1787 the Rev. Charles Parrott, sometime vicar of Saham Toney in Norfolk, died leaving a bequest for a school to be founded and run in Wootton, Oxfordshire." [wikipedia]
Charles married Maria Francis on 29 Jul 1760 in Norwich, Norfolk, England. Maria was born in 1737 in Norwich, Norfolk, England.
185 F ii. Catherine Paratt was born in St, Ives, Huntingdonshire, died in 1717, and was buried on 9 Mar 1717 in St, Ives, Huntingdonshire.
186 F iii. Annabella Paratt died in 1727 and was buried on 11 Mar 1727 in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire.
187 M iv. Henry Paratt was born ~1720 in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, died in 1720 in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, and was buried on 19 Nov 1720 in Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire.
178. John Parratt (Henry7, Henry6, Richard5, Robert4, Thomas V3, John Sr.2, Thomas I1) was born ~1685 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire and died on 18 Mar 1768 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 83.
General Notes: Compiled by Margaret Lewis:
Monumental inscription at Old Weston Church Interior - C13:
Sacred to the memory of John Paratt,
gent, and of Eleanor his wife, who was the daughtger of Francis Parris, lage of Bythorn, Esqr. He died 18 March 1768, aged 83. She died 23 April 1783, aged
85. They had issue Eliza-beth, Henry, Dorothy, John, Ellen, Eleanor &
Francis Parris, all of whom died before them. Elizabeth only leaving issue by
John Hanger, late of Upwood, gent - Parrat and Mary who caused his monument to be erected. (Black marble inscription tablet on a white and coloured marble surround. Pedimented head and winged cherubs' heads at base) [North aisle]
Loose, on a window-sill to the left of C13 is an oval marble tablet with the following arms painted on it. It is likely to be connected with this monument. "guiles, three pears or, on a chief of the 2nd a demi-lion rampant sable, Parratt, impaling," " Quarterly 1 & 4; gules, a fesse wavy ar between three unicorn heads coupled or ..... 2 & 3: gules a chevron argent between three
doves proper, a chief ermin ....." [Huntingdonshire Family History Society]
John married Eleanor Parris on 5 Dec 1717 in Bythorn, Huntingdonshire, England. Eleanor was born in 1698 and died on 23 Apr 1783 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire at age 85.
Children from this marriage were:
188 F i. Elizabeth Parratt was born in 1719 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, was christened on 27 Apr 1719 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, and died before 1783.
Elizabeth married John Hanger in 1740 in Upwood, Huntingdonshire, England. John died in 1757 and was buried on 27 Apr 1757 in Upwood, Huntingdonshire, England.
189 M ii. Henry Parratt was born in 1720 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire and died before 1783.
190 F iii. Dorothy Parratt was born in 1721, was christened on 30 May 1721 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, and died before 1783.
Dorothy married Thomas Parker on 31 Mar 1752 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire. Thomas was born in 1720 in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England.
191 M iv. John Parratt was born in 1722, was christened on 19 Dec 1722 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in Apr 1744 at age 22, and was buried on 6 Apr 1744 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
192 F v. Ellen Parratt was born in 1727, was christened on 22 Jun 1727 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire, died in 1727, and was buried on 13 Aug 1727 in Old Weston, Huntingdonshire.
193 F vi. Eleanor Parratt died before 1783.
194 M vii. Francis Parris Parratt died before 1783.