![]() Wills of the Perrotts of Belbroughton, Worcestershire ![]() Last update = 20 June 2008 • Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write |
Name – Date of Will – Date of Probate
London: this 6th of May 1654
In the Name of God Amen I Francis Perrott beinge sicke and weake in body at present but of sound and perfect memory doe make & ordaine this my last will and Testament in Manner and forme following Imprimis I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer trusting thereby through his merritts and bitter passion to receive the same in the world to come in bliss and glory And for my body I bequeath it to the earth from whence it came And for that little temporall Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to lent [sic] me in this life I dispose of as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my deare and lovinge father Mr John Perrott living at Rotin Parke neare Burmisham in Warwickshire Fower and thirty pound sterlin now in the hands of my Uncle John Barnesley at Barnesley Hall neare Bromsgrove to bee paid unto him within sixe monethes after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my deare brother Mr John Perrott the somme of five pounds sterlin per Annum now in the hands & Custody of Mr Humphrey Perrott my Kinsman at Bell hall in Worcestershire to bee paid him per Annum during his life and five pounds sterlin more left to me lately as a legacy by my Aunt Standfords of Roehall in Staffordshire now in the hands of my Uncle George Perrott Item I give and bequeath the produce of those goods I have in the hands of Mr Richard Davis Confectioner amounting in debts and sugar sixe pounds five shillings sterling which I doe desire the produce to bee sent over unto Peter Pickman livinge at Holborne bridge over against the three tunn Taverne and the said Peter Pickman upon the receipt of the said goods of Mr Richard Davis of the Barbadoes and the said Peter Pickman to give a receite upon ye receivinge of the said goods for my use And to dispose of the said goods according to order & appointment of the said Perrott which goods soe received & exposed to sale the overproduce of the monies to bee sent to my father according as is above mentioned Item I give full power unto my lovinge frind Peter Pickman to expose [sic] of that Tobaccoe I have aboard the Recovery beinge of quantitie of two hundred & Forty pounds one roule of Twenty pounds beinge now in my landlords house which is not sould Two thick plancks Barmudoes Cedar boards and fower boards that was nayled at bottome and two beinge loose in my [blank] all of them Barmudoes Cedar and marked off P After my debts beinge discharged and other expenses as to my lodging at Mr Whitharts in petticoate lane And to ye doctor in Ratcliff highway Mr George Stirke to bee the first satisfied out of the produce of my Cedar and Tobaccoe aboard and after payment made by the said Pickman the remainder to dispose of as followeth First I bequeath to Peter Pickman as many Cedar boards as will make him a deske after that ye remainer [sic] to bee sould for my use and to send it downe to my father I have a bond of a hundred pounds sterlin in my Atturnies hand for goods sent by me to Virginny by one Joseph Manninge whome I never yet received a letter from butt by the relation of frinds that hee is yet livinge but I have left my ingagement with my Atturney that if hee ever doe appear there In Case my Aturney or Peter Pickman doe receive it of him in Barbadoes or in London to send it to my father he or they payeinge charges Item I bequeath unto Mr Henry Whithart a paire of silver buttons as a token of my love Item my Lining allso And unto his wife an enamil ringe Item tenn pounds of potatoes and three pounds of Tobaccoe I desire you would send them to my father & fower great large Oringes Item to the old man of the house I give my suite of clothes and an old waistcoate & a paire of old breeches & a paire of good warme stockings Lastly I constitute ordaine & appoint my trusty and welbeloved frind Peter Pickman my true & lawfull whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament to for and in the behalfe of my said father Mr John Perrott whome I constitute as a trustie and a lovinge frind of mine to performe what lyes in his power in exposing that good I have to sale here in London or goods sent me from my Aturny at Barbadoes according to direction of my said father Sealed Signed declared delivered and published as the last will and Testament of Francis Perrott In the presence of us Francis Perrott Rich: Evans Henry Whiteharte
On the fifteenth day of July in ye yeare 1654 A Commission or letters of Administration issued forth unto John Perrott ye naturall and lawfull father of the said Francis Perrott of Roton Parke in the County of Warwicke deceased to administer ye goods chattells and debts of the said deceased acording to the Tenor and effect of his said Will For that Peter Pickman the Executor named in the said Will for certaine causes him moving hath renounced the execution of the same as by the Acts of Court may appeare Hee the said Administrator beinge sworne by virtue of a Commission truely to Administer.
In the name of God Amen I James Perrott of the Parishe of Belbroughton beinge of perfecte memorie though weake and sicke of bodie doe first of all bequeath my soule into the hands of my Saviour Jesus Christ, who I believe hath redeemed itt by the merritts of his precious death & bloody passion, and my bodie to be interred in christian buriall att the discretion of Ellenor my beloved wife, whome I doe nominate, constitute, and appointe Sole executrix of this my last will & testament Item I doe give and bequeath to the above named Ellenor my beloved wife all and Singular my goods Chattells and Cattell whatsoever I stand Seized and possest of or otherwise have right to Provided allwaies that she paie and discharge my debts as by bill Bond or otherwise I stand obliged Item I give and bequeath to the poore of the Parishe of Belbroughton Fortie Shillings to be paid and disposed on att the discretion of the above named Ellenour my beloved wife and Richard Tristram my beloved sonne, and John Perkes my loveinge freind, whome I do nominate and appointe Overseers of this my last will and testament All which and everie article whereof I desire them to see faithfullie executed Item and I doe give and bequeath to them as a token of my last love Five Shillings a peece to buy each of them a paire of gloves In witness to these presents I have put to my hand and Seale Twentieth Fourth October one Thousand six hundred Fortie five James Perrott This will was fullie and openlie read in the hearinge of the within named Testator, and was signed sealed and freelie comented unto by him in everie parte & parcell thereof in the presence of us witnesses thereunto Wheeler Perks John Lenche Anne Tristram
Probatum fuit testamentum Suprascriptum apud London coram Venerabili viro Domino Nathaniele Brent milite legume doctore Curiae Prerogativae magistro Sive custode legitime constituto Vicesimo quinto die mensis Februarii Anno domini (iuxta Computationem Ecclesia Anglicanae) millesimo Sexcentesimo quadragesimo sexto Juramento Ellenoris Perrott viduae relictae dicti defuncti et executricis in huius modo Testamento nominatae Cui in commissa fact
[Proved at London 25 February 1646; oath of Ellenor Perrott, widow and executrix.]
In the name of God Amen The Seaventeenth daie of August in the yeare of our Lorde One Thousand Six Hundred Fiftie Seven I Ellinor Perrot of Forefeild Court in the Countie of Worcester widow doe make & ordeine this my last will and Testament And to the intent that all such summes of monie as are due & owing from me to my sonne in lawe Mr. Edward Simpson of Bewdley maie the better be secured and for diverse other consideracons I doe hereby make & Ordeine my said sonne in lawe Edward Simpson my full & sole Executor. Witness my hand the daie & yeare first above written The mark of Elleanor Perrotte. Signed & Published by the said Elleanor as her last will the daie & yere above written in the presence of Humfrey Chamberlaine Francis Hale Amphillis Jennings The marke of Jane Jones
This will was proved at London the Two & Twentieth daie of September One Thousand Six Hundred Fiftie Seven Before the Judges for Probat of Willes and granting Administracon lawfullie authorized By the oath of Edward Simpson the sonne in lawe & sole Executor named in the said will To whom was grannted Administracon of all & singular the goods chattels & debts of the said deceased He being by Commission first sworne well & trulie to Administer the same.
In the Name of God Amen
I Thomas Perrott of Stourbridge in the County of Worcester
Esquire being indisposed in my Body but of sound and perfect
memory (Praised be God for the same) And calling to mind the
uncertainty of this transitory Life and being desirous to Settle
things in order I make ordain and declare this my last Will
and Testament in manner and fform following that is to say
ffirst and principally I bequeath and Commend my Soul to
almighty God my Mercifull Creator that gave it and my Body
to the Earth from whence it was to be buryed in decent and
Christian manner by my late Wife ffrances deceased in the
Parish Church of Belbroughton in the County of Worcerster at the
Discretion of my Executor herein after named Yet in sure and
certain hopes of Joyfull resurrection and union of Body and
Soul to Life Everlasting through the Merritts of Jesus Christ my
Blessed Saviour and Redeemer And as to my Worldly Estate
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I give and dispose
thereof as follows that is to say ffirst I give and bequeath to my
Servant Elizabeth Poskins the Sum of ffifty Shillings if She be
living with me at the time of my decease Also I give and
bequeath unto the Poor of the Parish of Belbroughton aforesaid
the Sum of three pounds to be paid within three months
after my decease Also I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas
Perrott the Sum of one hundred pounds Also I give and bequeath
to my Son William Perrott the like Sum of One hundred pounds
being part of the ffive hundred pounds due to me from Diana
Perrott deceased and all the rest of my Goods Chattells Creditts and
Estate whatsoever after Satisfaction of my Debts ffuneral Expenses
and Legacies aforesaid I do give and bequeath to my Son in Law
William Brett and him I make Sole Executor of this my last
Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke All other Wills by me
made and declare this to be my only true last Will and Testament
This will was proved before the Right
Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
constituted the Second Day of December in the year of our Lord
One thousand Seven hundred and thirty Seven by By the Oath of
William Brett the Executor in the said Will named To whom
administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods
Chattells and Creditts of the said deceased being first Sworn by
Commission dule to Administer. Exd.
An abstract of the will of Elizabeth Perrott, of Bellhall, co. Worcester. Catalogue Reference:prob/11/169. Transcribed by John Townsend, 2008.
Will of Francis Perrott proved in P.C.C. 1654 Catalogue Reference:Prob/11/242 Transcribed by John Townsend, 2008.
Will of James Perrott proved in P.C.C. 1646 1654. Catalogue Reference:prob/11/199. Transcribed by John Townsend, 2008.
Will of Ellinor Perrot proved in P.C.C. 1657. Catalogue Reference:Prob/11/267. Transcribed by John Townsend, 2008.
Asbtract of the will of Humphrey Perrott. Catalogue Reference:prob 11/479. Transcribed by John Townsend, 2008.
Will of Thomas Perrott proved in P.C.C. 1737. Catalogue Reference:Prob 11/866. Transcribed by Wayne Parrott, 2008.
In Witness
whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal this Eighth day
of April in the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred
thirty and Six - Tho: Perrott - Signed Sealed published and
declared by the said Thomas Perrott as his last Will and Testamt
in the presence of Sam Hill, Hannah Paskins Sam Hill Junior
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