Family Notes - September 2013
This is a sample of the information provided to members of the P*rr*tt Society in the most recent edition of Family Notes. Family Notes is a 56-page printed magazine that is distributed to society members every quarter. Mary Anne Perrett This month we feature Mary Ann Perrett, born 1855 in Manningford Abbots, Wiltshire, a daughter of John Perrett (1820-1863) and Anne Berrett (1825-1857). Mary Ann married Edward Barnett Hancock, 1876 in Wandsworth, London, a little after Florence, their first born child, was born in Jersey in 1875. Their second child, sickly John, was born in 1876. Mary Ann and Edward left England in November 1876 on the ‘Nemesis’ to Melbourne, with little Florence and John, and from there they came to New Zealand on the ‘Albion’ and arrived there in Jan 1877. Little John died aboard ship, just about 2 days out of New Zealand and was buried on their arrival. They settled in Christchurch where they remained for the rest of their lives. Mary Ann died in 1904 and Edward lived on until 1923. Mary Ann’s grand-daughter, Leanna Menchi (1501) writes, “I wondered why they didn't settle in Australia, as Edward's two older brothers were settled there by then. I understand that Mary Ann may have been employed by some other member of the family in London, as a milliner or seamstress or in some other serving capacity and may have not been accepted by Edward's brothers. At a later date they moved to New Zealand and both died there in 1904. Anyway, my father always referred to her as "my mother of blessed memory." It's in the Papers... BATH CHRONICLE, 19 May 1904 Alfred Perrett (14) and Edgar Perrett (12) of 3 Avon Street were charged with wandering abroad and not being under proper guardianship in the public footpath leading up through Beacon Hill on May 16th. PC Bishop stated that he saw the boys on the footpath at 1 o’clock that morning and they told him they had no money and could not get a bed. Witness had seen their father who said he could do nothing with them. William Perrett, the father, stated that his wife had left him two months ago and took the boys with her. A month ago she was sent to prison and the boys returned home a fortnight later. He could do nothing with the boys who stole even the tools he was working with. His wife also stole and pawned his things. He did not want to prosecute and offered to take back the younger lad who he said he could manage if his wife had no control over him. This the magistrate agreed to, the elder lad being remanded for a day to allow Mr Restarich, the Court Missionary to make arrangements for getting him into a home. GOULBUM PENNY POST, New South Wales, 27
October 1921 During the hearing of the Perrott v. Perrott suit on Monday, Mr. Windeyer (for the respondent) cross examined the petitioner and said, “Now, I want to ask you a serious question. Is there any truth in the suggestions of your counsel that the respondent resorted to these floggings to gratify his own lustful passions?” Witness: I never suggested such a thing. Question: Is it true that your husband held a religious service before inflicting chastisement? Witness: No Question: Are you responsible for that suggestion? Witness: No The petitioner also said that she had never suggested that the strappings were on a bare portion of her body or that they were administered to gratify a lustful passion. The petitioner was still under cross examination when the Court adjourned. Mrs. Perrott admitted to counsel that the only cause of disagreement between her and her husband had reference to his practice of administering punishment. The BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, 15 January 1876 On Thursday afternoon last a special service was held in St. Marks Church, Stoney Stanton Street, for the purpose of opening the new organ which has just been built on the north side of the chancel by Mr. J. Porritt of the Midland Organ Manufactory, Leicester, at a cost (including the alterations to the church) of £384 and 9 shillings. MIDDLETON TIMES HERALD, Middletown NY, USA, 20 June 1936 Andy Perratte who used to entertain the boys while he dished out their ice cream at Millers in Florida has forsaken these parts for Hoboken, where he has a new job. HARTLEPOOL MAIL, 3 December 1887 Walter Porritt of South Wingate, charged by PC English with being drunk and disorderly in charge of a horse and cart on the 24th of last month was find 5 shillings and costs at Castle Eden today. NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, Aylesbury 27 October 1877
An unfortunate man named Parrott, formerly a tradesman in this town, but for the last few months obliged to be confined in the County Asylum at Stone, on Monday night succeeded in evading the keepers and wrenching off the bar of a window, leapt 14 feet and so got clear of the premises, clad only in his nightshirt. He was soon missed and several men started in pursuit but did not recapture him till he had reached the Princes Risborough railway station, nine miles across country. He is now relegated to the strong room. GLOUCESTER JOURNAL, 23 November 1918 The Ministry of Food have appointed Mr. T.G.Perrett as Railway Transport Officer of the Bristol and West of England District. Mr. Perrett is well known as previous to his appointment by the Ministry he occupied the position of District Goods Manager on the Great Western Railway at Gloucester. His HQ will be Ministry of Food, 1 Queen Square, Bristol, to which any communications regarding transport of foodstuffs by rail should be addressed.
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