![]() Land transactions of Gabriel Parrott & son of Maryland ![]() Last update = 6 April 2008; All transcriptions by Michael Hait, 2008. Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
For an explanation of the relationships between Gabriel and the other Parrotts of Maryland, see:
Mareen Duvall, assignment to James White and Gabriell Parrott, 16 Apr 1670; Gabriell Parrott, certificate of survey, "Parrott's Thicket," 16 Apr 1670
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Mareen Duvall, assignment to James White and Gabriell Parrott, 16 Apr 1670; Gabriell Parrott, certificate of survey, "Parrott's Thicket," 16 Apr 1670, Liber 12, ff. 632, MSA SM2-15, Microfilm no. SR 7354; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber JJ, ff. 288-289.
Know all men by these psents that I Mareen Duvall of the County of Ann Arrundell for a valuable consideracon to me in hand paid have granted bargained & sold and do by these psents grant bargain sell and sett over unto James White and Gabriell Parrott both of the said County a warrant for Six hundred acres of Land being part of a Warrt. for Eighteen hundred and fifty acres of Land bearing date the fourteenth day of February 1669 grant unto me the said Duvall & Joseph Morley from all my heir or assigns for Ever unto the said White and Parrott their heirs or assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal this 16th day of Aprill in the xxxvth year of the Dominion of Caecilius &c. annoq. dni. 1670
Signed Sealed & delivered in the psents of George Yate James Wells
[In margin:
To the Honble. the Chancellr. & the rest of the deputy Governors. By virtue of a Warrant granted unto Joseph Morley & Mareen duvall both of the County of Ann Arundell planter for One thousand Eight hundred and fifty acres of Land bearing date the fourteenth day of February 1669 three hundred acres thereof being assigned by the sd. Duvall unto Gabriell Parrott of the same County planter These are therefore in humble Maner to certifie that I George Yate Depty. Survr. under Jerome White Esqr. Surveyr. Genl. have laid out for the sd. Gabriell Parrott a parcell of Land called Parrotts Thickett Lying on the West side of a branch of Patuxen river in Baltemore County begining at a bounded red Oak being the Northermost bounds of a piece of Land laid out for James White called Eglington and runing West three hundred and twenty pches bounded on the West by a Line drawn North one hundred
and fifty pches bounded on the North by a line drawn East to a bounded white oak standing by a Marsh by the sd. branch then on the said branch to the first bounded tree Containing & now Laid out for three hundred acre of Land more or Less To be held of the Mannor of Baltemore.
Mareen Duvall (Seale)
Aprill 16th 1670
Gabriell Parrott
Cert 300 Acres
Parrots Thicket
Rights fol. 632
Pat Lib KK fol 75
Charged to the
Rent Roll ]
P. me George Yate deputy surveyr.
Gabriel Parrott, land patent, "Parrott's Thickett," 6 Sep 1670
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Gabriel Parrott, land patent, "Parrott's Thickett," 6 Sep 1670, Liber 14, ff. 91-92, MSA SM2-17, Microfilm no. SR 7356; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber KK, ff. 75-76.
Caecilius &ct. Know yee that we for and in Consideration that Gabriel Parrott of the County of Ann Arrundall in our sd. Province of Maryland planter hath due unto him 300 Acres of Land within our sd. Province by assignment from Murraine Duvall Part of a Warrant for 1850 Acres formerly granted the said Duvall and Joseph Morley as appears upon record. And upon such conditions and terms as are Expressed in our condicons of Plantations of our sd. Province of Maryland, under our greater Seal at Armes bearing date at London the Second day of July in the Year of our Lord God 1649 with such alterations as in them is made by our declaration bearing date the 22d day of September Anno 1658 and remaining upon record in our sd. Province of Maryland Do grant unto him the said Gabriel Parrott all that Parcell of Land called Parrotts Thickett lying on the West side of a Branch of Patuxent River in Baltremore County Beginning at a bounded red Oak being the Northermost bounds of a Parcell of Land laid out for James White called Eglierton and runnyng West Three hundred and twenty Perches bounded on the West by alline drawn North One hundred and fifty Perches, bounded on the North by a Line drawn East to a bounded white Oak standing by a Marsh by the said Branch then on the sd. Branch to the first bounded Tree Containing and now laid out for 300 Acres of Land more or less. Together with all rights Profitts and benefitts there unto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said Gabriel Parrott his heirs and assignes for ever To be holden of us and our heirs as of our Mannor of Baltemore in free and common Soccage by fealty only for all manner of Services Yeilding and Paying therefore yearly unto us or our heirs at our receipt of Saint Maries at the two most usuall feasts in the year Vizt. at the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell by even and equall portions the Rent of 6 Sterling in Silver or Gold, or the full value thereof in such Comodities as we or our heirs, or such officer or officers appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall Accept in discharge thereof at the choice of us or our heirs or such officer or officers as afd. Provided that if the sd Gabriel Parrott his heirs or assignes shall not Pay unto us or our heirs, or such officer or officers as afd. the said Sume for a fine before Such alienacon and Enter the said alienacon upon record either in the Provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said Parcell of Land lyeth within One month next after such alienacon the said alienacon shall be void and of none Effect Given at our City of Saint Maries under our great Seal of our sd. Province of Maryland this 6th day of September in the 39th Year of our dominion over our said Province Annoque Domini 1670.
Gabriell Parrott, certificate of resurvey "Parrotts Mannor", 18 Jun 1703
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Gabriell Parrott, certificate of resurvey "Parrotts Mannor", Liber DD 5, ff. 123, MSA SM2-44, Microfilm no. SR 7378; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
June the 18th 1703
By vertue of a warrant of resurvey granted our of his Ldsps. land office unto Gabriell Parrott of Annarrundell County beareing Date the third day of September one thousand seaven hundred and two, to resurvey two severall tracts of land in Prince Georges County, includeing them both in one intire tract, with the surplusage & vacant land contiguous thereto, These are therefore to certifie yt. accordeing to the Tenor of the sd. warrants I've carefully resurveyed the two said Tracts of land called Eglinton and Parrotts Thickett, & includeing the surplusage in one intire tract called Parrotts Manner lyeing in Prince Georges County and Beginning att a bounded white oake the originall boundtree of Eglinton standeing Distance of and on the West side of a great Marsh, then West three hundred & twen -ty pches. into the woods, then North five hundred and Twenty foure ps. then East two hundred &
forty Six ps. to a bounded white oake, the northermost bound tree of Parrotts Thickett, then East
forty ps. to the north Branch of Patuxent River, then downe and with the Said Branch these
followeing courses, vizt. south five Degrees and a halfe, Westerly thirty six ps., South thirty degr.
easterly fifty pches., south sixty eight degr. & a halfe, westerly thirty ps., South eight Degrees
Easterly twenty six ps., South Sixty Degrees, Easterly seaventy foure pches., South twenty nine degrees, Westerly fourteen ps. South three Degrees, Westerly twenty eight ps. South Sixty degrees, Easterly Twenty three ps., south fifteen Degrees, westerly twenty foure ps. South two degrees, westerly eighty perches, south West forty ps., South twenty degrees, Easterly Twenty pches., South fourteen Degrees, westerly twenty one ps. south Tenn Degrees, Easterly eighty ps., South fifty five Degrees, Easterly thirty two ps., then South thirty degrees, Easterly till it intersect an East line from the first Tree, the two tracts originally layed out for Six hundred acres, containeing accordeing to this resurvey, one thousand ninety and seaven acres of Land more or less, resurveyed by me
Luke Gardiner Junr. Dep. Survr.
1703 December the 7th. Then issued Patt. o fye above land to ye above Parrott psuant. to the above
Certificat – Rent 01£ - 1 8 – 11 & ¼ Ster.
Gabriel Parrott, land patent, "Parrotts Mannor," (resurvey of “Eglington” and “Parrotts Thickett”), 7 Dec 1703
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Gabriel Parrott, land patent, "Parrotts Mannor," (resurvey of "Eglington" and "Parrotts Thickett"), 7 Dec 1703, Liber DS F, ff. 448-450, MSA SM2-39, Microfilm no. SR 7373-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles &c. To all persons &c Know Yee that whereas Gabriell Parrott of Ann Arundell County in our Said province of Maryland Gent has by his humble petition to our agent for Managemt. of land
affaires &c. heretofore presented Sett forth that he is Seized of an Estate in Fee Simple of & in a tract of Land called Eglington originally that is to Say the Sixth day of September one thousand Six hundred & Seventy granted unto James White of the Said Coty. for three hundred acres & afterwards by Deeds Sufficient in law conveyed & made over by the Said White to the Said Gabriell Parrott & has likewise Sett forth that on the Sixth day of September afd. he the said Gabriell Parrott had granted him a tract of Land called Parrotts Thickett & cont three hundred acres both which Said Tracts were formerly Scituate lying & being in Calvert but now in Prince Georges Coty. within the bounds of which Said tracts he Supposed there may be Surplus wherefore he
then prayd wee would grant him our Spial. Warrt. for resurvey of the two tracts afd. & for reducing the Same into one Survey And that if upon return of the Certificate of Such resurvey any Surplus may be found in them or any of them then wee would upon return of Such Certificate of resurvey issue out unto him our letters pattents of Confirma. for the Said two tracts in one tract & grant & the Surplus to be found therein upon Such resurvey as afd. upon the terme Expressed in our late instrucions for that purpose which wee accordingly granted & condescended unto in pursuance of which Spial. Warrt. it is Certifyed into our Land Office that there is the Quantity of four hundred ninety Seven Acres within the bounds of the Said two tracts over & above the originall Quantity they were laid out for fee which he the Said Gabriell Parrott has pursuant to a clause of our Said instruccons to the
honble. Col. Henry Darnall our agent in our Said Province Dated the thirteenth day of September one thousand Six hundred ninety Seven Secured to be pd. unto us as well the Sume Sixteen pounds Seven Shill. & eleven pence farthing Sterl. being the a[mount?] of rent for the Said Surplus Since the time of original Survey of the Said tracts as also the Quantity of one thousand one hundred & ninety four pounds of Tobo. being for the rights to the Same according to our Conditions at the time of the original Grants of the sd. two tracts in force. Wee Doe therefore in Consideration thereof hereby give Grant & Confirm unto him the Said Gabriell Parrott the afd. two tracts of Land formerly called Eglington & Parrotts Thickett together with the Surplus So certifyed to be therein Contained & now called Parrotts Mannr. lyeing & being in Prince Georges County formerly in Calvert. Beginning at a Bounded White oake the originall bound tree of Eglington Standing Distance of & on the West Side of a great Marsh then West three hundred & twenty ps. into the Woods then North five hundred twenty four ps. then East two hundred & forty Six ps. to a bounded white Oake the Northermost bound tree of Parrotts Thickett then East forty ps. to the North branch of Puttuxent river then Down & with the Said branch these following Courses vizt. South five degrees & a half Westerly thirty Six ps. South thirty Degrees Easterly fifty ps. South Sixty Eight degrees & half Westerly thirty ps. South Eight Degrees Easterly twenty Six ps. South Sixty Degrees Easterly Seventy four ps. South twenty [...] nine Degrees Westerly fourteen pches. South three Degrees Westerly twenty Eight pes. South Sixty Degrees Easterly twenty three ps. South fifteen Degrees Westerly twenty four ps. South Two Degrees Westerly Eighty ps. South West forty ps. South twenty Degrees Easterly twenty ps. South fourteen Degrees westerly twentyone ps. South tenn Degrees Easterly Eighty ps. South fifty five Degrees Easterly thirty two ps. then South Thirty Degrees Easterly till it intersect and East line from the first Tree the two tracts originally laid our for Six hundred Acrs. [?] & now resurveyed for one thousand ninety Seven Acres of land more or less according to the Certificate of resurvey thereof taken & returned
into our Land Office bearing date the Eighteenth day of June one thousand Seven hundred & three & there remaining together with all rights benefitts profitts & priviledges thereunto belonging Royal mines excepted To have & to hold the Same unto him the Said Gabriell Parrott his heires & assigns for ever & to be holden of us & our heires as of our Mannr. of Baltemore in free & Comon Soccage by fealty only for all Manner of Services yielding & paying therefore yearly unto us & our
heires at our reciept at the City of St. Marys at the two most usuall Feast in the year vizt, the Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary & of St. Michaell the Archangell by two even & equal porcons the rent of one Pound one Shill. & Eleven pence farthing Sterl. in Silver or Gold & for a fine upon every alienacon of the said land or any part or pcell. thereof one whole Years rent
in Silver or Gold or the full value thereof in Such Comoditys as we & our heires or Such Offr. or Offrs. as Shall be appointed by us & our heires from time to time to collect & recieve the Same Shall accept in Discharge thereof at the Choice of us & our heires or Such Offr. or Offrs. as afd. provided that if the Said Sume for a fine for alinea. of the Said land shall not be paid unto us & our heires or Such Offr. or Offrs. as afd. be for Such Alienacon & the said alienacon entred upon record either in the provll. Court or in the Coty. Court where the Same Pcell. of Land lyeth within one month next after the sd. aliena. the sd. aliena. Shall be void & of no Effect Given under our Greater Seal at arms this Seventh day of December one thousand Seven hundred & three Witness our Trusty & well beloved Col. Henry Darnall keeper of our said Greater Seale in our Said province of Maryland.
Henry Darnall [?]