![]() The 17-century land patents & certificates of William Parrott & sons of Maryland ![]() Last update = 7 June 2008; All transcriptions by Michael Hait, 2008. Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
William Parrott, certificate of survey, 29 Jul 1653
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrott, certificate of survey, 29 Jul 1653, Liber AB & H, fol. 303, MSA SM2-5, Microfilm no. SR 7344; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
[In margin:
July 29th 1653
To the Honble. the Lieut. Generall
Pat: L: fol: ]
Robert Clark Surveyor
William Parrott, certificate of survey, "Charley," 22 Sep 1653,
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrott, certificate of survey, "Charley," 22 Sep 1653, Liber AB & H, fol. 358, MSA SM2-5, Microfilm no. SR 7344; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
[In margin:
22th Sep 1653
To the Honble. the Lieut. Generall
Pat: L: fol.
Charley ]
Robert Clark Surveyor
William Parrott land grant, 1658
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) William Parrott, land grant, 19 Jun 1658, Liber Q, ff. 52-53, MSA S920-6, MdHR 17,336-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
[In margin:
Cecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting in our Lord God everlasting
Know ye that we for and in Consideration that William Parrott hath transported himself and family into this our Province here to inhabite and upon Such Conditions and termes as are expressed in our Conditions of Plantation of our said Province of Maryland under our greater Seale at Arms bearing date at London the 2d day of July in the year of our Lord God 1649 and remaining upon Record in our said Province Do hereby Grant to the said William Parrott that parcell of Land lying on the East side of Patuxt. River Beginning at a markd. oak near the mouth of a Creek Called Lyon Creek and running North North west up the River for the length of one hundred and twenty perches to a markd.oak by a Swamp bounding on the North with a line drawn North East and by North for the length of five hundred perches to a markd. oak on the West East with a line drawn South South East into the said Creek on the South with the said Creek on the west with the sd. River Containing and now laid out for four hundred acres more or less together with all proffitts rights and benefitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said William Parrott his heirs and assigns forever To be holden of us and our heirs as of our Mannor of St. Marys in free and Comon Soccage by fealty only for all Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly unto us and our heirs at our receipt of St. Marys at the two most usuall feasts in the year vizt. at the feast of the Anunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel by even and equall portions the Rent of Eight Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold or the full value thereof in Such Commoditys as we and our heirs or Such Officer or Officers Appointed by us or our heirs from timeto time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in discharge thereof at the Choice of us and our heirs or Such Officer or Officers as afsd. Given at St. Marys under our great seal of our said Province of Maryland this 19th Day of June in the 26th year of our Dominion over the said Province of Maryland Anoq. Dom. 1658 Wittness our Trusty and welbeloved Josias Fendall Esqr. our Lt. of our said Province.
Josias Fendall
Grant to Willm. Parrott
for 400 Acres in
Patuxent River
This Grant assigned
to John [Grante?] for which
and to whom Issued Pat
of Confirmation lib
... ]
Endorsd. inhat. in Recordo.
Phillip Calvert Secry.
This Grant is according to Cert. and Survey by me made
Robt. Clark Surveyor
William Parrott Land Patent, 1658
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) William Parrott, land patent, 19 Jun 1658, Liber Q, ff. 53-54, MSA S920-6, MdHR 17,336-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Cecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these presents shall Come Greeting in our Lord God everlasting Know ye that we for and in Consideration that William Parrott hath transported three able Servants into this our Province here to inhabite and upon Such Conditions and termes as are expressed in our Conditions of Plantation of our said Province of Maryland under our greater Seale at Arms bearing date at London the 2d Day of July in the year of our Lord God 1649 and remaining upon record in our said Province Do hereby grant to the said William Parrott that parcell of Land lying on the North side of Patuxent River near to the Land of Robert Warren Beginning at a markd. oak Standing near the said Land and runnig [sic] west and by North by the River Side for the length of Seventy five perches to a markd. oak in a Marsh bounding on the west with a line drawn North East for the length of Two hundred forty five perches unto a Markd oak on the North with a line drawn East from the said oak for the length of Seventy five perches unto Robert Warrens Land on the East with the said Land on the South with the said River Containing and now laid out for two hundred and fifty Acres more or less togeth with all proffitts rights and benefitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said William Parrott his heirs and assigns forever To be holden of us and our heirs as of our Mannor of St. Marys in free and Common Soccage by fealty only for all Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly unto us and our heirs at our Receipt of St. Marys at the two most usuall feasts in the year vizt. at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel by even and equall portions the Rent of five Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold or the full Value thereof in Such Commoditys as we and our heirs or Such Officer or Officers Appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect and Receive the Same Shall Accept in discharge thereof at the Choice of us and our heirs or Such Officer or Officers as aforesaid Given at St. Marys under our great seale of our said Province of Maryland this 19th day of June in the 26th year of our Dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq. Dni. 1658 Wittness our Trusty and welbeloved Josias Fendall Esqr. our Lieut. of our said Province.
Endorsd. intrat. in recordo. Josias Fendall
Phillip Calvert Secry.
This Grant is according to Cert. and Survey by me made
Robert Clark Surveyor.
William Parrott, certificate of survey, "Partlett," ca. 1659
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrott, certificate of survey, "Partlett," ca. 1659, Liber 4, ff. 245, MSA SM2-7, Microfilm no. SR 7346; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber R, ff. 104..
Partlett codundiv
Laid out for William Parrott of this province planter a parcell of land lying on the East side of Chesapeak Bay, and on the North side of a River in the sd Bay called Choptanck River and on the East side of a Creek in the sd River called Tridhaven Creek next adjoyning to the land of Anthony Griffin beginning at the sd Griffins bounded Cedar, running North East and by East up the Creek for breadth fifty perches to a markt [...]
William Parrott, land patent, "Partlett," 17 Jan 1659
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrott, land patent, "Partlett," 17 Jan 1659, Liber 4, ff. 384-385, MSA SM2-7, Microfilm no. SR 7346; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber R, ff. 153-154.
Caecilius absolute Lord and proprietary of the provinces of MaryLand and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these presents shall come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know ye that we for and in consideracon that William Parrott of this province planter hath transported Rebecca Lee into this our province here to inhabitt, and upon such conditions and terms as are Expressed in our conditions of plantation of our said province of Maryland under our greater Seal at Armes bearing date at London the Second day of July in the year of our Lord God 1649 and remaining upon record in our said province of Maryland with such alteration as in them is made by our declaration bearing date the Six and twentieth day of August Anno 1651 likewise remaining upon record in our sd province of Maryland do hereby grant unto the sd William Parrott a parcell of Land called Partlett lying on the East side of Chesapeak Bay, and on the north side of a river in the said Bay called Choptanck river, and on the East side of a Creek in the said river called Tridhaven Creek next adjoyning to the Land of Anthony Griffin Beginning at the said Griffins bounded Cedar, running North East and by East up the Creek for breadth fifty perches, to a markt oak upon a point by a Branch called Parrotts branch, bounding on the East by a Line drawn South East and by South up the branch for length Three hundred and twenty perches, on the South by a Line drawn South West and by West from the end of the South East and by South Line for length [fifty?] perches, untill it intersect a parralell drawn from the land of the said Griffin, [...] said land and parralell, on the North by the said Creek Containing and now laid out for One hundred acres more or less. Together with all profitts rights and benefitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said William Parrott his heirs and assigns forever. To beholden of us and our heirs as of our Mannor of Baltemore in free and common Soccage by fealty only for all Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly unto us and our heirs at our receipt at Saint Maries at the two most usuall feasts in the Year Vizt. at the feast of the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, and at the feast of St. Michael the Archangell by even and equal portions the rent of Two Shillings Sterl. in silver or Gold or the full value thereof in such comodities as we and our heirs or such officer or Officers appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in discharge thereof at the choice of us and our heirs or such officer or officers as afd. Given at Saint Maries under our greater Seal of our said province of Maryland the Seventeenth day of January in the Eight and twentieth Year of our Dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq. Domi. 1659. Wittness our trusty and well beloved Josias Fendall Esqr. our Lieutanant of our said province
William Parrott, land patent, "Poppingay," 7 Nov 1659
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) George Bussey, certificate of survey, 5 Jul 1654; William Parrott, land patent, "Poppingay," 7 Nov 1659, Liber 4, ff. 182-183, MSA SM2-7, Microfilm no. SR 7346; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber R, ff. 81-82.
[In margin:
July the 5th 1654
Laid out for George Bussey of this province planter, a parcell of land on the North side of Patuxent River in the freshes, beginning att a marked Oak bounding on the South with a line drawn East and by North for the length of four hundred perches, to a marked Oak standing in the Woods on the East with a Line drawn North by West from the sd. Oak on the North with a Line drawn West and by South from the end of the former Line to a marked Pokehikary that boundeth the Land formerly laid out for Henry Cox on the West with the said Land Containing and now laid out for Five hundred acres more or less.
Cacilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provc: of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these presents shall come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that we for and in consideration that George Bussey hath transported himself his wife Two Sons, and one Servant in Anno 1654 and had warr: to lay out severall parcells of land in right of Henry Keene
and his Brothers, and of William Sample and Richd. Harris and upon such conditions and terms as are expressed in our conditions of Plantation of our said province of Maryland under our greater Seal at armes bearing date at London the Second day of July 1649 and remaining upon Record in our sd. province of Maryland, with such alteracon as in them is made by our declaration bearing date the Six and
twentieth day of August Anno 1651 Remaining likewise upon Record in our said province Do hereby grant unto William Parratt Assignee of the said Bussey, all that parcell of Land formerly surveyed for the sd. Bussey, called Popingay on the North side of Patuxent River in the freshes beginning att a marked Oak bounding on the South with a Line drawn East by North for the length of Four hundred
perches to a marked Ooak [sic] standing in the Woods on the East with a Line drawn North and by West from the said Oak for the length of Two hundred perches to a mar ked Oak, on the North with a Line drawn West and by South from the end of the former Line to a marked Pokehikary that boundeth the Land formerly laid out for Henry Cox on the West with the sd. land Containing and now laid out for five hundred Acres more or less Together with all profitts rights and benefitts
thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said Wm.
Parratt his heirs and Assignes for ever, To be holden of us and our heirs as of our mannor of Calverton in free and common Soccage by fealty only for all Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly unto us and our heirs at our Receipt att Saint Maries att the two most usuall feasts in the Year Vizt. at the feast of the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, and at the feast of St. Michael the Archangell by even and equall portions the Rent of Ten Shillings Sterl in Silver or Gold, or the full value thereoff in such comodities as we and our heirs, or such Officer or officers
appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in discharge thereoff at the choice of us and our heirs or such officer or Officers as afd. Given at Saint Mary’s under our great Seal of our said Province of Maryland the Seventh day of November in the Eight and twentieth Year of our Dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq. Domini 1659 Wittness our trusty and well beloved Josias Fendall Esqr. our Lieuetant. of our said Province
Liber R ...
Wm. Parrott
500 Acres
Poppingay ]
John Lewger Depy. Surveyor.
Richard Preston, transportation of Henry Parrett, 9 Feb 1663
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Richard Preston, transportation rights, 9 Feb 1663, Liber AA, fol. 428, MSA S920-10, MdHR 17,307; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland
[In Margin: 9th Feb [1663]]
Richard Preston Junior demands land for the transportacon of Tenn Servants in the ship Maryland mercht. Miles Cooke Comandr. this present yeare by names Richard Kendall Edward Norman Thomas Dovefeild Edward fostr. Augustian Attknis [sic] Robert Brider Henry parrett Geo Aldrige Edward Braydon John Greene.
William Parratt, certificate of survey and patent, "Marshy Point Addition," surveyed 23 May 1665, grant dated 12 Sep 1665
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parratt, certificate of survey and patent, "Marshy Point Addition," surveyed 23 May 1665, grant dated 12 Sep 1665, Liber 8, ff. 230-231, MSA SM2-11, Microfilm no. SR 7350; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber DD, ff. 267-268.
May xxiiith MDCLxv
Laid out for William Parratt of this province a parcell of Land called Marshy points addition lying in Talbott County on the North side of Choptanck River and on the Easterne side of Treavorn Creek near the land formerly laid out for William Hambleton beginning at a marked Cedar tree standing
upon a point by the Creek side being first bound tree of a parcell of land formerly laid out for James Adams called Marshy point and running from the Cedar for bredth North fifty perches untill it intersect with the said Adams his Land bounded on the North by a line drawn East for length by Adams his line three hundred and twenty perches on the East by a line drawn South from the end of the East line fifty perches on the South by the Creek on the West by the said land Conteyning and now laid out for one hundred acres more or less to be held of the Mannor of Baltimore.
Caecilius &c. To all persons to whom these presents shall come Greeting in our Lord God everlasting Know yee that wee for and in Consideracon that William Parrott of this province hath due unto him one hundred acres of land within this province by assignment from
John Edmonson the assignee of Richard Preston out of a warrant for four hundred and fifty acres as apps. upon record and upon such Condicons and termes as are expressed in our Condicons of plantacon of ou [sic] province of Maryland under our greater Seal at armes bearing date at London the second day of July in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty nine with such alteracon as in them is made by our Declaracon bearing date the two and twentyeth day of September Anno one thousand six hundred fifty eight & remain ing upon record in our said province of Maryland doe hereby grant unto him the said William Parrott a parcell of land called Marshy Point Addition lying in Talbott County on the North side of Choptanck River and on the Easterne Side of Treavon Creek neer the land formerly laid out for William Hambleton beginning at a marked Cedar tree Standing upon a point by the Creek side being first bound tree of a parcell of land form erly laid out for James Adams called Marshy Point & running from the Cedar North for bredth fifty perches
untill it intersect with the said Adams his land bounded on the North by a line drawn East for length by Adams his line three hundred and twenty perches on the East by a line drawn South from the end of the East line fifty perches on the South by the Creek on the West by the said land Conteyning and now laid out for one hundred acres more or less Together with all rights
proffits and bennefitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines excepted) To have and to hold the same unto him the said William Parratt his heirs and assignes forever To be holden of us and our heirs as of our Mannor of Baltemore in free & Common Soccage by fealty only for all manner of Services
yeilding and paying therefore yearly unto us or our heirs at our receipt at St. Maries at the two most usuall feasts in the year Vizt. at the feast of the Annuncacon of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St. Michaell the archangell by even and equall porcons the rent of two Shillings Sterl.
in Silver or gold and for a fyne upon every alienacon of the said land or any part or parcell thereof one whole years rent in Silver or gold or the full value thereof in such Commodities as wee or our heirs or such Officer or Officers appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in discharge thereof at the choice of us or our heirs or such officer or officers as aforesaid Provided that if the said William Parratt his heirs or assignes shall not pay unto us or our heirs or such officer or officers as aforesaid the said Sume for a fyne before such alienacon and enter the said alienacon upon record either in the provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said parcell of land lyeth within one month next after such alienacon the said alienacon shall be void and of none Effect Given at St. Maries under our greater Seal of our said Province of Maryland this twelfth day of Sep tember in the four and thirtieth year of our Dominion
over our said province of Maryland Annoq. Domini one thousand Six hundred Sixty five Wittness our dear Son and heir Charles Calvert Esq. our Leiutenant Generall of our said province of Maryland.
p. me Henry Parke Depy. Sur.
John Grammer, resurvey of "Wards Neck," adjancent to William Parrott, 7 May 1669
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) John Grammer, resurvey of "Wards Neck," 7 May 1669, Liber HH, fol. 375, MSA SM215-9, Microfilm no. SR 8206; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
To the Honble. ye Leiut. Generall
By virtue of A warrant of Resurvey Granted out of his Lordsps. Secretarys Office unto John Gramer bareing date ye xxth of Aprill Last past the Yeare in humble manner to Certefie yt I Charles Boteler Deputy Surveyer under Jerome White Surveyr. Generall have Resurveyed for ye Said Grammer a percell of land formerly Called Wards Neck lying in Calvert County one ye North Side of Puttuxent river and begining at ye Side of ye Eastern Branch of ye Island Creeke Att a bounded Chestnutt and running East South East forti and five perches to a bounded oake in ye Woods bounded one ye East bi a line Drawne South for length three hundred and Sixti perches to ye Side of Puttuxent River where it Intersect [on?] A Parcell of land formerly laid out for William Darratt Called ye Cage. Bounded bi ye Said River for ye Length of Sixti Eight pearches to a Seader tree marked with
fouer Notches at ye Mouth of a Cove Called Grammers Back Cove and from ye Said Seader running over ye sd. Cove and bounded bi ye West side thereof to ye mouth of a Creeke Called Island Creeke and from thence bounded by ye East Side of ye Said Creeke for ye Length of fouer hundred perches to ye first bounded Chestnutt tree this Survei Takeing and wholi Including one other prell of land Granted formerli to ye Said Grammer ) Contayneth by first Survey two hundred forti and nine Acres C. Boteler Depty Surveyr.
May ye viith MDCLxviiii
Thos. Harwood, assignment of rights to William Parrot, and descendance to Isaac Abraham, 14 Dec 1670
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Thos. Harwood, assignment of rights to William Parrot, and descendance to Isaac Abraham, 14 Dec 1670, Liber WT, fol. 41, MSA SM215- 12, Microfilm no. SR 7547; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
I Tho: Harwood doe assigne over unto Mr. William Parrot all my Right and Title of Richard Sixbee James Dowd, Alive Beavin for the Custome of the Country with their Rights of land, I Thomas Harwood having not taken it up as witnes my hand the 9th of March 1667 for a valluable Consideration already Received by me
The Rights above mentioned were proved by Thomas Harwood before me 10th of March 1667
14th of December 1670
Tho: Harwood
Charles Calvert
William Parrett, certificate of survey, "Strawberry Fields," 25 Sep 1678
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrett, certificate of survey, "Strawberry Fields," 25 Sep 1678, Liber 21, fol. 140, MSA SM2-24, Microfilm no. SR 7362; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber WC 3, fol. 244.
Maryland ss. September 25th 1678 To t[he H]onble. The Governor. These in humble maner [sheweth] that by virtue of part of a wart. granted unto Samuell Groome for two thousand two hundred & fifty acres of Land due by renewmt. of a Wart. for the [sd.] due Quantity 24th Septm. Anno 1677 & by assignt. from
John Edmonson of one [hun]dred acres of the [sad.?] tract. I John [Stan]ley depty. Survr. under Baker Brooke Esqr. Survr. Genl. have laid out for William Parett a Pcell of Land lying near the beaverdame of Kings Creek on the North side of Choptank River in the Woods between Kings Creek and Tuckahoe called by the name of Strawberry Fields begining at a Marked white Oak & runing for breadth East one hundred perches to another marked Oak then from the said Oak with a line drawn south one hundred & Sixty pches then with a line drawn West one hundred pches then with a straight Line North One hundred & Sixty Pches. to the first bounded Oak Containing & now laid out for one hundred Acres more or less To beholden of the Mannor of Baltemore.
[...] me John Stanley Deputy Survor.
Henry Parat, certificate of survey, "White Oak Swamp," 24 Nov 1678
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Henry Parat, certificate of survey, "White Oak Swamp," 24 Nov 1678, Liber 21, ff. 193-194, MSA SM2-24, Microfilm no. SR 7362; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber WC 3, fol. 346.
[In margin:
To the Honble. the Governor.
Novr. 24th 78
Henry Parrat
Cert 100 Acres
White Oak Swamp
Rent 4 Stg. ]
These in humble maner sheweth that by virtue of part of a warrant granted unto Samuell Groom for three thousand two hundred and fifty Acres of Land dated the twenty fourth day of September Anno Seventy Seven and by an assignt. of part of the said wart. unto Henry Parret from John Edmonson the attorney of the said Groom I John Stanley Depty. Survr. under Baker Brooke Esqr. Surr. Genl. have laid out for the said Henry Parret a parcell of Land lying on the North side of Choptank River called White Oak Swamp begining at a Marked white Oak and runing for breadth North East fifty Pches with a parcell of Land formerly laid out for Andrew Skinner called Roachcliff to a marked red Oake and from the Said Oak with a line drawn North West and by North three hundred and twenty Pches and from thence with a line drawn South West fifty Pches untill it intersects a parlell of Land called Middle Spring formrly. Laid out for Henry Woolchurch and with the Said land with a streight Line South East and by South to the first bounded white Oak Containing and now laid out for One hundred Acres more or less. To beholden after the Mannor of Baltenore.
Henry Parat, certificate of survey, "Buck Range," 24 Nov 1678,
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Henry Parat, certificate of survey, "Buck Range," 24 Nov 1678, Liber 21, fol.. 196, MSA SM2-24, Microfilm no. SR 7362; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber WC 3, fol. 349.
To the Rt. Honble. the Govr. Novemr. the 24th 78
These in humble maner sheweth that by virtue of part of a Wart. granted unto Samll. Groome from three thousand two hundred and fifty acres of Land dated the twenty fourth day of Septr. Anno Seventy Seven and by an assignt. of part of the said Wart. unto Henry Parret from John Edmonson the Attorney of the said Groom I John Stanley depy. Surr. under Baker Brooke Esqr. Survr. Genl. have laid out for the said Henry Parret a Pcell of land lying near the Beaver Dams of Kings creek in the Woods between Kings Creek and Tuckable branches called by the name of Buck Range begining at a Marked red oak and runing for breadth North fifty Pches to another Mked oak then with a line drawn East one hundred and Sixty Pches then with a line drawn South fifty Pches then with a straight Line drawn West to the first bounded tree Containing & now laid our for fifty acres more or less To be holden after the Mannor of Baltemore. P. John Stanley Dty. Surr.
George Parret, certificate of survey, "Eagle Neck," 26 Nov 1679
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) George Parret, certificate of survey, "Eagle Neck," 26 Nov 1679, Liber 21, fol. 225, MSA SM2-24, Microfilm no. SR 7362; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber WC 3, fol. 409.
[In margin:
To the Rt. Honble. the Lord Propry. Nor. 26th 1679
Talbot ss.
George Parret
Cert 100 acres
Eagle Neck
Rent 4 S. ]
By virtue of a Wart. for one hundred & fifty acres of Land granted Henry Parret of the Same County and bearing date the tenth day of October one thousd. Six hundred & Seventy nine and one hundred acres thereof by him Assigned to George Parret I Henry Parker Dty. Sur. of Talbot County under Vincent Lowe Esqr. Sur. Genl. do hereby certifie that I have laid out for the said George Parret a parcell of land called Eagle Neck Lying in Talbot County on the North Side of Choptank Rivr. near the head of the Northern branch of Kings Creek begining at a marked hiccory
Standing by the branch side and on a point of a Small fork & next to the land of Mathias Morgan and runing by and with the said Morgans land West South West One hundred & fifty pches to a marked red oak Standing By [?] Side in the line of the land of Stephen Durden to the point of the dividing of the creek the first Bounds of the said Durden’s Land and from thence up the creek and branch to the first bounded tree Containing and now laid out for One hundred Acres more or less To be held of the Mannor of Baltemore
P. me Henry Parker Dty. Sur.
Wm. Parrett, land patent, "Strawberry Field," 22 Oct 1680
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Wm. Parrett, land patent, "Strawberry Field," 22 Oct 1680, Liber CB 2, ff. 110-111, MSA SM2-28, Microfilm no. SR 7366; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles absolute Lord & Propry. of ye Province of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all psons to whom these presents shall come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know yee yt for & in Consider -acon yt. Wm. Parrett of Talbot County; in our sd Province of Mary -land hath due unto him one hundred Acres of land within this our sd Province p. Assignmt. from Jno. Edmonson; pt. of a warrt. for three thousand two hundred & fifty Acres granted to Samuell Groom ye four &twentieth day of September Anno Domi. one thousand six hundrd seaventy seaven as appears upon Record, & upon such Condicon & terms as are expressed in ye Condicon of Plantacon of our late Father Cecilius &c. of noble Memory; according to the Declaracon bearing date ye two & twentieth day of September Anno one thousand six hundred fifty Eight; with such alteracons as in them is made by his Instruccons to us bearing date ye Eight & twentieth day of July Anno one thousand six hundred sixty nine; & ye one & twentieth day of March then next foll.; all being & remaining upon Record in our sd Province of Maryland; Wee do hereby grant unto him ye sd Wm. Parrett all yt pcell of Land called Strawberry fields; lying near ye Beaver Dams of Kings Creeke; & Tuckahoe branches; begining at a marked white Oak & running for breadth East one hundred pches to another marked Oake; then from ye sd Oake with a Line drawn South one hundred & sixty pches; then with a Line drawn West one hundred pches; then with a streight Line North one hundred & sixty pches to ye first bounded Oake Containing & now laid out for one hundred Acres more or less to be holden of ue Mannor. of Baltemore; previlidges taken & returned into our Office for Lands; bearing date ye five & twentieth day of September anno one thousand six hundred seaventy Eight; & remaining upon Record in our sd Office, Together with all Rts. Profits Benifits & previlidges thereunto belonging (Royall mines Excepted) To have & to hold ye same unto him ye sd Wm Parrett his Heires & Assignes for ever; To be holden of us & our Heires as of our Mannor. of Baltemore; in free & Comon Soccage by fealty onely for all Mannor. of Services; Yielding & paying therefore yearly unto us & our Heires; at our Receipt; at our City of St. Maries at ye two most usuall feasts in the year (Vizt.) the feast of ye Annunciacon of ye Blessed Virgin Mary; & at ye feast of St. Michael ye Archangell; by even & equal porcons ye Rent of four shill. Sterl. in Siver or Gold; or ye full value thereof in such Comodities as we & our Heires or such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed by us & our Heires from time to time to Collect & receive ye same shall accept in discharge thereof at ye Choice of us and our Heires or such Officer or Officers as aforesd. Provided yt if ye sd sum for a fine for Alienacon shall not be pd. unto us & our Heires or such Officer or Officers as aforesd. & ye sd. Alienacon entered upon Record either in ye Provinciall Court or in ye County Court where ye sd. parcell of Land lieth; within one Month next after such alienacon; the said Alienacon shall be void & of none Effect; Given at our City of St. Maries under ye great Seal of our sd. Province of Maryland; ye two & twentieth day of October; in ye fifth year of the Dominion &c. Annoq. Dom. one thousand six hundred & Eighty Witness our Selfe.
William Parrot, certificate of survey, "Strawberry Hills Addition," 10 Oct 1682
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrot, certificate of survey, "Strawberry Hills Addition," 10 Oct 1682, Liber 21, fol. 490, MSA SM2-24, Microfilm no. SR 7362; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber WC 3, fol. unknown.
Talbot ss. To the Rt. Honble. His Lord Propry. October the 10th Ao. 1682 By vertue of a Wart. for twelve hundred acres of Land granted to me Richard Peacocke bearing date the Eight day of September last and fifty acres thereof assigned unto William Parrot of Talbot County planter as may appear I Richard Peacocke Dty. Sur. under Vincent Lowe Esqr. Sur. Genl. Do humbly certifie that I have laid out for the Said William Parrot a parcell of land called Strawberry Hills Addition Lying in Talbot County and upon the branches of a creek Called Kings Creek adjoining to a parcell of Land called Strawberry Hills formerly laid out for Said Parrot Begining at a Marked Oak being the
second bound tree of the afsd. Land and runing thence East with a parcell of Land formerly laid out for Henry Parrot forty and five pches then South one hundred and Eighty Pches & then West forty five perches & then North to the afd. bound tree Cont. and now Laid out for fifty acres more or less To beholden of the Mannor of Baltemore.
P. Richard Peacocke Dty. Surr.
Emmanuell Jenkinson and William Parratt, certificate of survey, "Brotherly Kindness," 6 May 1683
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Emmanuell Jenkinson and William Parratt, certificate of survey, "Brotherly Kindness," 6 May 1683, Liber 21, fol. 548-549, MSA SM2-24, Microfilm no. SR 7362; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber WC 5, fol. 503.
To the Right Honble. Caci: Absolute Ld. & Propry. of the Province of Maryland &c. By vertue of a Wart. for four thousand and two hundred acres of Land To be laid out for Edward Day of Somerset County dated the ninth of February one thousand Six hundred Eighty two whereof two thousand and one hundred acres is assigned to Emmanuel Jenkinson of Talbot County Merchant and one hundredand twenty five acres is by the Said Jenckinson assigned to William Parrott
of Talbot County planter I Certifie that I have laid out for the Said Emmanuell Jenckinson and William Parratt a tract of land Called Brotherly Kindness Lying in Dorchester County On the South Side of Great Choptanck River opposite to Kings Creek towne begining at an old marked red oak (new Marked again on each quarter with three notches betwixt the old Markes) at the lower end of a great marsh and from thence runs by the River upwards (including that Same great Marsh) to a black Oak Sapling Marked an Each quarter with three notches Standing at the first firm landing by the Side of a Gutt runing through that great Marsh near the upper end of it into the land and from thence runing up by that Gutt according to the Severall Courses and windings most Especially South South East one hundred and sixty perches to a White Oak marked on one quarter with four notches on the rest with three notches Standing by the branch of that Gutt where it winds to the South West and from that white Oak it runs (Crossing the branch) South South East one hundred and sixty perches further, And from the end of that line it runs West & by South One hundred perches and from the end of that West and by South line it runs on a straight line to the first bounder Containing with the adjacent Marsh Two hundred and fifty Acres within the lines Exprest and is held of the Mannor of Nantecoke. May the 6th 1683.
Tho: Smithson Deputy Surveyor.
William Parrot, certificate of survey, "Brotherly Kindness," 8 May 1683
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Benjamin Parrot, certificate of survey, "Parrots Reserve," 25 Oct 1683, Liber 22, fol. 22, MSA SM2-25, Microfilm no. SR 7363; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber SD A, fol. 57.
May the 8th 1683
By vertue of a wart. for four Thousand and two hundred acres of land To be laid out for Edward Day
of Somerset County dated the Ninth of February 1683 whereof two Thousand & one hundred acres is assigned to Emanuel Jenkinson of Talbot County Merchant & one hundred and Twenty five acres part
of that assignt. is by the Said Jenkinson assigned to William Parrot of Talbot County planter I certifie that I have laid out for the said Emanuel Jenkinson and William Parrot a tract of Land called Brotherly Kindness Lying in dorchester County on the South side of great Choptank River in the freshes opposite to Kings [Creek] Town begining at an old Marked red Oak new Marked again on each quarter with three notches betwixt the old Notches & from thence runs by the River upwards (including a great Marsh lying betwixt the River and the form Land) to a black oak sapling Standing at the first firm landing by the side of a Gutt runing through that great Marsh into the land and thence runing up by the Gutt according to its Severall Courses and windings most especially South South East One hundred & Sixty perches to a white Oak Mked. on one quarter with four notches on the rest with three Standing by the branch of that Gutt where it winds to the South West and from that white Oak it runs (Crossing the branch ) South South East One hundred & sixty perches further and from the end of that line it runs West & by South One hundred pches. and from the end of that West & by South Line it runs on a straight Line to the first bounder Conta with the adjacent marsh within these lines Two hundred & fifty acres To be held of the Mannor of Nantecoke P. me
Tho: Smithson Dpty. Survyr.
Exd. & ent: in the Secrs. Office in dorcher. County Book No. A fo: 14 P Robt Jones Dpty. Surr. Generall
John Newman, assignment to Beniamin Parrat 28 June 1683
LAND OFFICE (Warrant Record) John Newman, assignment to Beniamin Parrat, Liber WC 4, ff. 422, MSA SM230-1, Microfilm no. SR 8264; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
On the back of a Warrt. for two hundred Acres of Land granted unto John Newman of Talbott County the 28th day of June 1683 was Endorsed as followeth:
Know all men by these presents that I John Newman of Talbott County in the Province of Maryland Planter Doe Assigne and sett over all my Right and title of this Within mentioned Warrant to Beniamin Parrat of the County and Province aforesaid Planter to him his heirs Execrs. or Assignes from me my heirs Executrs. Administrators firmly by these presents as Wittnesse my hand & seale this 29th day of the 9th month Called September 1683.
John Newman (Seal)
John Duir George Parrat
Benjamin Parrot, certificate of survey, "Parrots Reserve," 25 Oct 1683
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Benjamin Parrot, certificate of survey, "Parrots Reserve," 25 Oct 1683, Liber 22, fol. 22, MSA SM2-25, Microfilm no. SR 7363; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber SD A, fol. 57.
Talbot ss. To the Right Honble. The Lord Propry. October 25th 1683
By vertue of Wart. for two hundred acres of land granted unto John Neecing[?] of Talbot County bearing date the eight day of June last and Same assigned unto Benjamin Parrot of the afd. County as may appear I William Coursey Junr. Dty. Sur. of Talbot County under Vincent Lowe Esqr. Sur. Genl. Do humbly certifie that I have laid out for the said Parrot a parcell of land called Parrots Reserve lying in Talbot County on the Western side of Tuckahoe Creek Begining at a Marked Spanise Oak and runing East North East one hundred and fifty pches binding with Wm. Southerbyes Land and then runing north west two hundred and eighteen perches and from thence west south west one hundred and fifty perches and then South East two hundred and Eighteen perches to the first bounded tree Containing and now laid out for Two hundred acres more or less To be holden of the Mannor of Baltemore
P. Wm. Coursey Junior Deputy Surveyor
Examined & Entred in the Survrs. office in Talbert County Book no. A fo: 8 P. Rob. Rob Jones dty. Surveyor Generall.
William Parrott, land patent, "Strawberry Hills Addition," 13 Nov 1683
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrott, land patent, "Strawberry Hills Addition," 13 Nov 1683, Liber NS B, ff. 59-61, MSA SM2-34, Microfilm no. SR 7370; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles Absolute Lord & Propry. of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these presents shall Come greeting in Our Lord God Everlasting Know yee that for and in Consideration that William Parrott of Talbott County in Our said Province of Maryland hath due unto him fifty Acres of Land within Our said Province by assignment from Richard Peacock part of a warrant for twelve hundred Acres granted the said Peacock the Eighth Day of September One thousand six hundred Eighty two as appears upon Record and upon such Conditions & termes as are expressed in the Conditions of Plantacon of Our late father Caecilius &c. of noble memory according to his Declaration bearing Date the two and twentieth Day of September One thousand six hundred fifty Eight with such alterations as in them are made by the Instruccons to Us bearing Date the Eight & twentieth Day of July One thousand six hundred sixty nine and thee One & twentieth Day of March then next following all being and remaining upon Record in Our said Province of Maryland Wee Doe hereby grant unto him the said William Parrott all that tract or parcell of Land called Strawberry hills addition lyeing in Talbott County aforesaid upon the branches of a Creek called Kings Adjoy adjoyning to a parcell of Land called Strawberry hills formerly laid out for the said Parrott Begining att a marked Oak being the second bounded tree of the aforesaid Land & runing thence East with [...] a parcell of Land formerly laid out for Henry Parrott five & forty pches then South One hundred & Eighty perches & then west forty & five perches & then North to the aforesaid bounded tree Conteyning & laid out according to the Certificate of Survey thereof taken & returned into the Land Office att the Citty of St. Maries bearing date the tenth Day of October One thousand six hundred Eighty two and there remaining upon Record [inter: for fifty acres more or less] Together with all rights proffitts benefitts & priveledges thereunto belonging (Royall mines excepted) To have & To hold the same unto him the said William Parrott his heirs and Assignes for ever To be holden of Us and Our heirs as of Our mannour of Baltemore in free & Comon Soccage by fealty Only for all mannre of Services Yielding & paying therefore yearly unto Us & Our heirs att Our Receipt att Our Citty of St. Maries att the two most usuall feasts in the year vizt. the feasts of the Annuntiacon of the blessed Virgin Mary & St. Michaell the Archangell by even & equall porcons the rent of two Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold And for a fyne upon every alienation of the said Land or any part or parcell thereof One whole years rent in Silver or Gold or the full vallue thereof in such Comodities as Wee and Our heirs or such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed by Us and Our heirs from time to time to Collect & receive the same shall accept in Discharge thereof att the Choice of Us and Our heirs or such Officer or Officers as aforesaid Provided that if the said sume for a fyne for alienation shall not be paid unto Us and Our heirs or such Officer or Officers as aforesaid before such alienation & the said alienation entred upon Record either in the Provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said parcell of Land lyeth within One month next after such alienacon the said alienation shall be void and of none effect Given att Our said Citty of St. Maries under the great Seale of Our said Province of Maryland the thirteenth Day of November in the Eighth year of Our Dominion &c. Annoqr. Domini One thousand six hundred Eighty three Witnesse Our Self
Benjamin Parrott, land patent, "Parrots Reserve," 10 Aug 1684
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Benjamin Parrott, land patent, "Parrots Reserve," 10 Aug 1684, Liber NS B, ff. 52-53, MSA SM2-34, Microfilm no. SR 7370; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles Absolute Lord & Propry. of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these presents shall Come greeting in our Lord God everlasting Know yee that for & in Consideration that Beniamen Parrott of Talbott County in Our said Province of Maryland hath due unto him two hundred Acres of Land within Our siad Province by assignment from John newman being a Warrant for the same Quantity granted the said Newman the Eight & twentieth Day of June One thousand six hundred Eighty three as appears upon Record and upon such Conditions and termes as are expressed in the Conditions of Plantacon of this Our Province bearing Date the second Day of Febry One thousand six hundred Eighty two and remaining upon Record in Our said Province of Maryland Wee Doe hereby grant unto him the said Benjamin Parrott all that tract or parcell of Land called Parrots Reserve lyeing in Talbott County on the Westerne side of Tucka hoe Creek Begining att a marked Spanish Oak & runing East North East One hundred & fifty perches binding with William Southerbyes Land & then runing North West two hundred & Eighteene perches & from thence west South West One hundred & fifty pches & then South East two hundred & Eighteene perches to the first bound tree Conteyning & now laid out for two hundred Acres of Land according to the Certificate of Survey thereof taken & returned into the Land Office att the Citty of St. Maries bearing Date the five & twentieth Day of October One thousand six hundred Eighty three and there remaining upon Record Together with all rights proffitts benefitts and priveledges thereunto belonging (Royall mines excepted) To have and To hold the same unto him the said Benjamin Parrott, his heirs and Assignesfor ever To be holden of Us and Our heirs as of Our Mannour of Baltemore, in free & Comon Soccage by fealty only for all manner of Services Yielding & paying therefore yearly unto Us and Our heirs att Our receipt att Our City of St. Maries att the two most Usuall feasts in the year vizt. the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary & St. Michaell the Archangell by even & equall portions the rent of Eight Shilling Sterling in Silver or Gold and And for a fyne upon every alienation of the said Land or any part or parcell thereof One hole years rent in Silver or Gold or the full vallue thereof in such Comodities as Wee and Our heirs or such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed by Us and Our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in Discharge thereof att the Choice of Us and Our heirs or such Officer or Officers as aforesaid Provided that if the said sume for a fyne for Alienation shall not be paid unto Us and Our heirs or such Officer or Officers as aforesaid before such alienation & the said alienation entred upon Record either in the Provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said parcell of Land lyeth within One month next after such alienation the said alienation shall be void & of none Effect Given att Our said Citty of St. Maries under the great seale of Our said Province of Maryland this tenth Day of August in the ninth year of Our Dominion &c. Annq. Domini One thousand six hundred Eighty four Witnesse Our trust & well beloved Coll. Henry Darnall & Coll. William Digges Comissaries Genll. of Our said Province of Maryland.
William Parrott, land patent, "Strawberry Fields," 20 Feb 1685
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrott, land patent, "Strawberry Fields," 20 Feb 1685, Liber NS B, ff. 219-221, MSA SM2-34, Microfilm no. SR 7370; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles &ca. To all persons to
whome these presents shall Come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know Yee that for and in Consideration that William Parrott of Talbott County in our said province of Maryland hath due unto him one hundred acres of land within our said province by assignment from John Edmundson the assignee of Samuell Groome part of a warrant for Two Thousand Two hundred and fifty acres granted the said Groome the Twenty fourth day of September one Thousand six hundred seaventy four as appears Upon Record and Upon Such Conditions & Termes as are Expressed In the Conditions of Plantacon of our late father Caecilius &ca. of Noble Memory according to his Declaration bearing date the Two and Twentieth day of September One Thousand Six hundred fifty
Eight with Such Alterations as are made by his Instructions to Us bearing date the Eight and Twentieth day of July One Thousand Six hundred Sixty nyne and the one and Twentieth day of March then Next following all being and remaining Upon Record in Our said province of Maryland Wee Doe hereby grant Unto him the said William Parrott all that Tract or pcell of Land [...] Lyeing neare the beaver Dams of Kings Creeke on the North Side of Choptanck River in the woods between Kings Creeke and Tuckahoe branches Called by the name of Strawberry fields begining at a Marked white Oake and runing for breadth East one hundred perches to a Nother Marked Oake then from the said oake with a line drawne West one hundred perches then with a straight line North one hundred and Sixty perches to the first bounded Oake Containing and Now laid out for one hundred Acres more or less According to the Certificat of Survey thereof taken and returned into the land office at the Citty of St. Marys bearing date the Twenty fifth of September One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Eight & there Remaining Upon Record Together with all rights profits benefits and priviledges thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have & To Hold the same Unto him the said William Parrott his heirs and assignes for Ever To be holden of us and our heirs as of our Mannour of Baltemore in free and Comon Soccage
by fealty only for all Manner of services Yielding and paying therefore yearly Unto Us and our heirs at our Receip at our Citty of St. Marys At the Two most Usuall feasts in the yeare Vizt. the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michaell the Archangell by Even & Equal porcons
the Rent of four Shillings sterling in Silver or Gold and for a fyne Upon Every Alienation of the said land or any part or parcell thereof one whole years Rent in Silver or Gold or the full Vallue thereof in Such Comodities as wee and our heirs or Such officer or officers as shall be appointed by Us and our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in discharge thereof at the Choice of Us and our heirs or such officer or officers as aforesaid Provided that if the said Sume for a fyne for alienation shall not be paid Unto Us and our heirs or Such officer or officers as aforesaid before Such alienacon and the said Alienacon Entred Upon Record Either in the provinciall Court or in the County Court where the sd. parcell of land lyeth within one Mounth Next after such alienation the said Alienation shall be Void and of None Effect. Given at our said Citty of St. Marys Under the greate Seale of our said province of Maryland this twentieth day of February In the Tenth yeare of our Dominion &ca. Annowr. Domini one Thousand Six hundred Eighty five Witness our trusty & wellbeloved Coll. Henry Darnall and Coll. William Digges Comissaries Genll. of our said province of Maryland.
William Parrett, land patent, "Strawberry Hills Addition," 10 Aug 1685
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrett, land patent, "Strawberry Hills Addition," 10 Aug 1685, Liber NS 2, ff. 76-77, MSA SM2-35, Microfilm no. SR 7371; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles &ca. To all persons to whome these prsents. shall Come Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know Yee that for and in Consideracon that William Parrett of Talbott County in our Said province of Maryland hath due unto him fifty acres of Land within our Said province by assignement from Richard Peacock part of a Warrant for Twelve hundred Acres granted the Said Peacock the Eight day of September one thousand Six hundred Eighty two and Remaining upon Record in our Sad province of Maryland Wee doe therefore hereby Grant unto him the Said William Parrett all that Tract or parcell of Land Called Strawberry hills Addicon as appeares upon Record and upon Such Condicons and Tearmes as are expressed in the Condicons of plantacon of our late father Caecilius &ca. of Noble Memory According to his Declarcon beareing Date the two & twentieth day of September one thousand Six hundred fifty Eight with Such alteracons as in them are made by his Instructions to Us beareing Date the Eight & twentieth day of July one thousand Six hundred Sixty Nine and the one & twentieth day of March then next following all being and Remaining upon Record, in our Said Province of Maryland Wee doe hereby Grant unto him the Said William Parrett all that Tract or parcell of Land Called Strawberry hills Addition lying in Talbott County aforesaid upon the Branches of a Creeke Called Kings Creeke adjoyning to a parcell of Land Called Strawberry hills formerly laid out for the Said Parrett Begining at a marked oake being the Second bounded Tree of the aforesaid Land and Runing thence East with a parcell of Land formerly laid out for Henry Parrett forty & five perches and then North to the aforesaid bounded tree Containing & now laid out for fifty acres more or less according to the Certificate of Survey thereof taken & Returned into the Land office at the Citty of St. Maryes beareing Date the Tenth day of October one thousand Six hundred Eighty two and there Remaining upon Record Together with all Rights profitts benefitts & priviledges thereunto belonging (Royall Mines excepted) To have & to hold the Same unto him the Said William Parrett his Heires & Assignes forever To be holden of Us & our heires as of our Mannor. of Baltemore in free & Comon Soccage by fealty onely for all manner of Services Yielding & paying therefore yearely unto Us & our Heires at our Receipt at our Citty of St. Maryes at the two most usuall feasts in the yeare (vizt.) the feasts of the Anunciacon of the blessed Virgin Mary & St. Michaell the Archangell by even & equall porcons the Rent of Two Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold And for a fyne upon every Alienacon of the Said Land or any part or parcell thereof One whole yeares Rent in Silver or Gold or the full Vallue thereof in Such Comodities as Wee & our Heires or Such officer or officers as Shall be appointed by Us & our Heires from time to time to Collect & Receive the Same Shall accept in dischargethereof & at the Choice of Us & our heires or Such officer or officers as aforesaid Provided that if the Said Sume for a fyne for Alienacon Shall not be paid unto Us & our Heires or Such officer or officers as aforesaid before Such Alienacon & the Said Alienacon entered upon Record either in the provinciall Court or in the County Court where the Said parcell of Land lyeth within one Month next after Such alienacon the Said Alienacon Shall be void & of none Effect Given at our Said Citty of St. Maryes under the Great Seale of our Said province of Maryland this Tenth day of August in the Ninthe yeare of our Dominion &ca. Annoqr. Dni. one thousand Six hundred Eighty five Wittness our Trusty & well beloved Coll. Henry Darnall & Coll. Wm. Digges Comissaries Genll. of our Said province of Maryland.
George Parrott, certificate of survey, "Poplar Level," 22 Apr 1686
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) George Parrott, certificate of survey, "Poplar Level," 22 Apr 1686, Liber 22, fol. 416, MSA SM2-25, Microfilm no. SR 7363; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber SD B, fol. 489.
[In margin:
By virtue of a wart. for five hundred acres granted to Richard Royston the 26th day of November 1685 whereof one hundred and sixteen acres is assigned to George Parrott of Talbot County planter I certifie that I have laid out for the Said George Parrott a Tract of land called Poplar Levell lying in Talbot County at the head of a beaver dam branch of Kings Creek northern branch begining at a markt white Oak Standing by a pocason and runs West Seventy five perches to a markt black Oak by the old mill road & from the black oak runs north & by west One hundred and
thirty perches to a markt Gum by another pocason and from that Gum runs East North East half a point northerly One hundred and fifty perches to a markt Oak Standing by the said beaver dam branch And from that Oak runs South & by east fifty perches & from the end thereof runs on a direct line to the first named Oak Containing within these Lines and now laid out for One hundred and Sixteen acres be it more or less To beholden of the Mannor of Baltemore Examd. P me Hen: Brent Examr. Genll.
Maryland ss. }
Apl. the 22d 1686 }
George Parrotts
Cert 116 acres
Poplar Levell
Rent 4 S 8 p [?] ]
Tho: Smithson depty. Surr.
Benjamin Parrot, certificate of survey, "Parrotts Lott," 17 Jul 1686
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) William Parrot, certificate of survey, "Parrotts Lott," 17 Jul 1686, Liber 22, fol. 248, MSA SM2-25, Microfilm no. SR 7363; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber SD B, fol. 104-105.
July 17th 1686
Maryland ss.
By virtue of a wart. for three Thousand acres granted to Col. Vincent Lowe twenty eight
day of Aprill 1686 whereof eighty Two acres is assigned to Benjamin Parrot of Talbot County planter I certifie that I have laid out for the Said Benjamin Parrot a tract of land called Parrots Lott lying in Talbot County betwixt the branches of Tuckahoe and Kings creek on both Sides of Tuckahoe Road begining at an Oak Marked four two four and two notches
Standing on the West Side of the road in the line of John Jadwins land and runs thence West and by
South paralell with the land of Henry Parker one hundred and ten perches to another Marked oak in the line of a tract of Land called Parkers Parke thence it runs South and by East One hundred fifty five perches paralell with Parkers Parke to the land of John Earle thence it runs North East One hundred and Thirty perches till it intersect the land of John Jadwin and from that intersection runs by a direct line to the first Marked Oak Containing within these Lines and now laid out for Eighty Two Acres To be holden of the Mannor of Baltemore P. A True Cert Examd. P. Tho: Taylor deputy Sur & Examd Genl. }
Tho: Smithson deputy Surr.
Benjamin Parrott, land patent, "Parrotts Lott," 1 Jun 1687,
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Benjamin Parrott, land patent, "Parrotts Lott," 1 Jun 1687, Liber NS 2, ff. 304-306, MSA SM2-35, Microfilm no. SR 7371; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles &ca. To all persons to whome these prests. shall Come Greeting in our Lord God everlasting Know Yee that for and in Consideraon that Benjamin Parrott of Talbott County in our Said Province of Maryland hath due unto him eighty two acres of Land within our Said Province by assignement from Collo. Vincent Lowe of the Said County part of a warrant for three thousand Acres granted the Said Coll: Lowe the Eight Day of Aprill one thousands Six hundred Eighty Six as appeares upon record and upon Such Condicons and tearmes as are Expressed in the Condicons of plantacon of this our province beareing date the fifth day of Aprill one thousand Six hundred eighty four and Remaineing upon Record in our Said Province of Maryland Wee Doe therefore hereby grant unto him the Said Benjamin Parrott all that tract or parcell of land called Parrotts Lott lyeing in Talbott County betwixt the branches of Tuckahoe and Kings Creeke on bo-th side of Tuckahoe Roade begining att an oake marked four to four and two notches, Standing on the west side of the Roade in the line of John Jadwins land [...] thence west and by South parralell with the land of Henry Parker one hundred and tenn perches to another marked oake Standing in the line of a tract of land Called Parkers Parke thence it runs South and by east one hundred fifty five perches paralell with Parkers Parke to the land of John Earle thence it runs north east one hundred and thirty perches till itt intersect the land of John Jadwin and from that intersection runs by a direct line to the first marked oake Containeing within these lines and now laid out for Eighty two Acres according to the Certificate of Survey thereof taken and returned in the land office att the Citty of St. Maries beareing Date the Seaventeenth day of Jully one thousand Six hundred Eighty Six and there Remaining
upon Record together with all rights proffitts benefitts & prviledges thereunto belonging (Royall mines excepted) To Have & to hold the Same unto him the said Benjamin Parrott his heyres and assignes for ever to be holden of us and our heyres as of our Mannor of Baltemore in free and Comon Soccage by fealty only for all manner of Services Yielding and paying therefore yearely unto us and our heyres att our receipt att our Citty of St. Maries att the two most usuall feasts in the
yeare (vizt.) the feasts of the Annuntiacon of the blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michaell the Archangell by even and equall Porcons the rent of three shillings and three pence Sterling in Silver or gold and for a fine upon every alienacon of the Said Land or any Part or parcell thereof one whole yeares rent in Silver or gold or the full vallue thereof in Such Comodities as wee and our heyres or Such officer or officers as shall be appointed from time to time to Collect and receive the Same Shall accept
In Discharge thereof att the Choyce of us and our heyres and Such officer or officers as afforesaid Provided that if the Said Summe for a fine for alienacon shall not be paid unto us and our heires or Such officer or officers as afforesaid before Such alienacon and the Said Alienacon and the Said
alienacon entred upon Record Either in the Provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said parcell of land lyeth within one month next affter Such alienacon the said alienacon Shall be void and of none Effect Given att our Said Citty of St. Maries under the great Seale of our Said Province of Maryland the first day of June in the twelfth yeare of our Dominion &ca. Annoqr. Domini one thousand Six hundred Eighty Seaven Wittness our trusty and well beloved Collo. Henry Darnall keeper of the great Seale of our Said Province of Maryland.
George Parrott,land patent, "Poplar Levell," 7 Mar 1688
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) George Parrott, land patent, "Poplar Levell," 7 Mar 1688, Liber NS B, ff. 677, MSA SM2-34, Microfilm no. SR 7370; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Charles &ca. To all persons to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting in Our Lord God Everlasting Know Yee That for and in Consideracon That George Parrott of Talbott County in our Said Province of Maryland hath due unto him One hundred & Sixteen acres of Land Within our Said Province being due unto him the Said George Parrott by assignement for the Same quantity from Richard Royston of Talbott County afsd. parte of a warrant for five hundred acres Granted The said Richard Royston the Twenty six day of November One Thousand Six hundred Eighty five as appears Upon Record and upon Such Condicons and termes as are Expressed in the Condicons of plantacon of this our Province bearing date the fifth Day of Aprill One Thousand Six hundred Eighty four and Remaining upon Record in Our said Province of Maryland Wee Doe Therefore hereby Grant unto
him the Said George Parrott all that tract or parcell of Land Called a Poplar Levell Lyeing in Talbott County att the head of a beaver Dam Branch of Kings Creeke Northern branch Begining at a mrked. Gum by another Pocoson & from that Gum runs East Northeast half a pointe Northerly One hundred & fifty perches to a marked oake Standing by the Said Beaverdam branch and from that Oake runs South
& by East fifty perches and from the End thereof runs on a direct Line to the first named Oake Containing within these lines & now Laid outt for one hundred & sixteen acres be it more or Less according to the Certificate of Survey thereof taken and Returned into the Land office att the Citty of St. Maryes Bearing date the Twenty Second Day of aprill one thousand six hundred Eighty Six and there remaining Upon Record Together with all rights profitts benefitts & priviledges Thereunto Belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have & To Hold The Same unto him the Said George Parrott his heyres & assignes for Ever To be holden of us and our heyres as of our Mannor. of Baltemore in free and Comon Soccage by fealty only for all Manners of Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly Unto us and our heyre att our Receipt att our Citty of St. Maryes att the two most usuall feasts in the yeare (vizt.) The feasts off the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michaell the Archangell by Even and Equal porcons the rent of four Shillings & Eight pence Sterling in Silver or gold or the full vallue thereof in such Comodities as Wee and our heyres or such officer or officers as Shall be appointed by us and our heyres from time to time to Collect & Receive the Same Shall accept [...] in Discharge thereof att the Choice of us and our heyres or Such officer or officers as affsd. Provided that if the said sume for a fine for alienacon shall nott be paid Unto us and our heires or such officer or officers as aforesd. Before such alie -nacon and the Said alienacon Entred upon Record Either in the Provinciall Court or in the County Court where the Said parcell of Land Lyeth within one month next after such alienacon the Said alienacon Shall be Void and of none Effect Given att our said Citty of St. Maryes under the great Seale of our Said province of Maryland the Seaventh day of March in the XIIII yeare of our Dominion &ca. Annoqr. Domini one Thousand Six hundred Eighty Eight Wittness our trusty & Well Beloved Collr. Henry Darnall Keepr. of the great Seale of our sd. province of Maryland
William Parratt to George Pratt, deed, 21 Nov 1699
TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) William Parratt to George Pratt, deed, 21 Nov 1699, Liber AB 8, ff. 1-2, MSA CE 90-10; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland..
This Indenture made the twenty first day of November in the Eleventh Yeare of the Raigne of our Severaign Lord Wm. the third of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of ye Faith &ca. And in ye Yeare of our Lord God One thousand six Hundred Ninety & Nine: Between Wm. Parratt of Talbot County in ye Province of Maryland Planter of the one part and George Pratt of ye same County & Province Joyner of the other part. Witnesseth yt ye sd Wm. Pratt for & in consideration of ye summe or quantity of Sevon thousand pounds of Tobacco to him att & before ye sealing & delivery of these presents well and truly in hand paid or otherwise secured to be paid by the sd. Geo: Pratt whereof and wherewith he the sd Wm. Parratt doth acknowledg himself fully Contented satisfied & paid, and thereof & therefore doe Clearly release Discharge Exonerate & Acquitt the sd. Geo. Pratt his Heirs Executrs. Admrs. hath given Granted Alliened bargained sold & Confirmed & by these Presents doth fully Clearly & absolutely give Grant Alliene bargain Sell & confirme unto the sd. Geo. Pratt his Heires & assignes all that Message of Tenement Plantation and Parcell of Land, being part of A tract of Land called Middell Spring Scittuate and lying upon Great Choptank River in Talbot County aforesd: it being part of the land formerly laid out for A town and called by ye Name of Kings town And beginning at A Marked White Oake Standing at the Mouth of A Branch A little above ye sd. town by ye Side of the plantation of Henry Parratt it being the Devition tree formerly between ye afd. Henry Parratt and ye Father of the afd. Wm. Parratt And running from the sd. Oake North west by West One Hundred & forty Pearches bounding with the Swampe to A marked White Oake standing at ye turne of ye sd. swampe on ye East side then Running from ye sd. White Oake binding with the swamp North East & by North twenty four pearches to A Marked white Oake standing upon A point by ye sd. branch on the west side & from the sd. White Oake west & by North One hundred twenty four pearches to A Creek called Kings Creek then down and with the Creek untill it intersect the North west & by North Line of ye afd. tract of land called Middle Spring drawne from the Second bounded tree of ye sd. Land then down & with the sd. Line South East & by south one hundred ninety three pearches untill it meet with A parcell of Land Sold by the sd. Wm. Parratt and one Henry Parratt to Capt. John Gallon then with ye head of ye sd. Land North East twelve Pearches, then with the sd. Gallons Land South East & by South twenty Seven pearches to the River Side then up and with the River & Marsh to the first mentioned white Oake at the mourth of the Branch Containing one hundred Acres of Land be the same more or less within the afd. lines. And all Dwelling houses tobacco houses Oarchards Gardens buildings and other Heredittaments to the same belonging or apertaining or with the same Commonly used Occupied or Enjoyed or Or which are accepted reputed or taken to be part parcell or member of the same And the Revertion & Revertions Remainder & remainders Rents and yearly proffitts whatsoever of all and singular ye sd. premisses & Every part & parcell thereof together with all & Singuler ye Deeds Evidences & writings touching & Concerning ye bargained premisses or any part thereof To have and to hold the said messuage or tenement & land contained within the bounds aforesd. & other the premisses with their appurtenances before by these presents bargained & sould or Mentioned or Intended to be hereby granted Alliened bargained sold & confirmed & Every part & parcell thereof unto ye said Geo. Pratt & to ye heires and assignes of ye sd. George to ye only proper Use & behoofe of the said Geo: Pratt & ye sd. heires & assignes of ye sd. Geo Pratt for Ever: And the sd. Wm. Parratt for himself his heires Executers & Admrs. doth Covenant & promise that the sd. Wm. Parratt for and notwithstanding any Act done by him ye sd. Wm. Parratt to ye contrary att ye time of the Ensealing & Delivery of these presents is and standeth Lawfully & Rightfully seized in his Demessen as of fee simple in his own Right & to his own right use without any Condition Limitation or other Use or trust to alter change or Determine ye same Estate of & in ye afd. tract or parcell of land & other ye premisses before mentioned to be hereby granted bargained & Sold & of & in every part & parcell thereof And yt he ye sd. Wm. Parratt for & notwithstanding any Act by him done to the Contrary now hath & at the time of ye first Estate to be had & Executed to ye sd. Geo: Pratt [...] According to ye intent & true meaning of these presents shall have full power just right & lawfull authority to grant bargaine & sell the same & Every part and parcell thereof with the appartenances unto ye sd. Geo Pratt & the heires and assigns of ye sd. Geo Pratt in manner & forme as is before in these presents Expressed, & yt. ye same messuage or Tenement land & premisses & every part & parcell thereof with the appartenances shall from henceforth for Ever remain & Continue unto ye sd. Geo Pratt & to his heires & assignes freely & Clearly acquitted Exonerated & Discharged of & from all & all manner of former bargains, sales Gifts grants Dowers Joyntures Leases Rents charges Rents Seck arrearages or Rents Annuitys : Uses Entailes Statutes Marcht: & of ye Staples judgmts: forfeitures Executions intrusions & incumbrances whatsoever & of & from all other Charges titles troubles & incumberances whatsoever had made committed or Wittingly or willingly suffered or done by ye sd. Wm. Parratt or by any other Person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under him ye sd. William Parratt or by his means assent privily or procuremt. (the Rents & Servises from henceforth to Grow Due to ye Chieftor or Lord of ye fee or fees of ye premisses for or in respect of his or their Seignorie or Seignories only Excepted & foreprized) And farther yt. the said Wm. Parratt & his Heires & assignes shall & will at all times hereafter upon ye reasonable request & att ye cost & Charges in ye law of ye sd. Geo Pratt or of ye heires or assignes of ye sd. Geo Pratt make Suffer doe knowledg & Execute or cause to be made done Knowledged & Executed all & Every such further lawfully reasonable Act & Acts thing & things Devise & devises Conveyances & assurances in ye law whatsoever for ye further more perfect & better assuring & sure making of the premisses before mentioned to be hereby bargained and sold & of Every part & parcell thereof unto ye sd. Geo Pratt his heires & assignes for Ever be it by fine or fines, Deed or Deeds Enrolled or not Enrolled, the Enroulement of these presents, Release confirmation with Warranty of the sd. Wm. Parratt & his heires against him the sd. Wm. Parratt & his heires & all other person or persons whatsoever or by all Every or any of the sd. ways or means or by any other ways & means which by ye sd. Geo: Pratt or his heires & assignes or by his or their Councell Learned in ye law shall be reasonably devised Advised or required: And it is further Covenanted & agreed unto by & between ye partys afd: that he ye sd. Wm. Parratt & his heires the before bargained premisses & every part & parcell thereof against him the sd. Wm. Parratt & his heires & against all & every other person or persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant & defend for Ever And lastly it is agreed between ye sd. partys to these presents that all & Every ye said assurances & Conveyances soe as afd: hereafter to be had of ye premisses shall be and shall be Esteemed & taken to be to the only use of him ye. sd. Geo: Pratt his heires & assigns for Ever & to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever. In Witness whereof ye partys abovesd. have hereunto Interchangeably put their hands & Seals the day &Yeare first above written.
Signed sealed & delivered in ye Presence of Us
November ye 21st Anno. Dom. 1699. Then Came into Open Court the abovesaid Wm. Parrott and Acknowledged ye foregoing Indenture unto George Pratt to be his act and deed.
William [his mark] Parratt [sealed]
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