1. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Jno. Edmundson to Wm. Parrott, 14 Mar 1666/7, Liber A 1, fol. 24, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.14 Mar 1666[/7]
- John Edmundson and Sarah his wife to William Parrott
- For consideration of 13,000 pounds of tobacco
- Land parcel called "the Reserve", lying on the south side of Great Choptank River, contg.
- 1050 acres.
- Signed John Edmundson, Sarah Edmundson
- Witnesses: Philemon Loyd, Tho. Vaughan
2. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Andrew Cooke by attorney to William Parrott et ux, deed, 20 May 1667, Liber A 1, fol. 27, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. [...] May 1667
- Andrew Cooke of London, merchant, appoint Isack Abraham true and lawful attorney for sale of 1000 acres of land to William Parrott and Anne his wife
- Land called "Thornton" in Talbot Co., on north side of Chester River and east side of Morgans Creek
- Signed Andw. Cooke
- Witnesses: Wm. Moffett, Tho. Goddard
- Andrew Cooke acknowledges land lying in Chester River and Morgans Creek to be right of William Parrott and Anne his wife
- William Parrott gives sd. Cooke 8,000 pounds of tobacco
- Signed Andrew Cooke
- Witnesses: Willm. Moffett, Tho. Goddard, Isack Abraham
3. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Nathaniell Cleave to Henry Parett, bill of sale, 6 Jul 1668, Liber A 1, fol. 48, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 6 Jul 1668
- Nathaniell Cleave of Talbot Co. to Henry Parett
- Bill of sale for one cow
- Signed Nathaniell Cleave
- Witnesses: Jno. Mishell, Willm. Snaggs [his mark]
4. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) William and Henry Parratt to Ann Parratt, deed, 6 Aug 1669, Liber A 1, fol. 79, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 6 Aug 1669
- William Parratt and Henry Parratt to Ann Parratt
- Assign their rights in the plantation and housing, and half of the orchard and its produce
- Until brother Benjamin comes to age of 21 years, at which time Ann shall deliver the plantation and orchard to him
- Signed Wm. Parratt, Henry Parratt
- Witnesses: Thomas Skillington, Symond Richardson [his mark]
5. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) John Edmundsun to William Parratt, 19 Sep 1670, Liber A 1, fol. 122, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.19 Sep 1670
- John Edmundson of Talbot Co., Md, merchant to William Parratt of same, planter
- For consideration of 5,500 pounds of tobacco
- With consent of wife Sarah
- Land called "Upper Dover", contg. 450 acres
- Lying in Talbot Co. on north side of Choptank River
- Signed John Edmundson
- Witnesses: Timothy Goodridge, John Stanley
6. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Henry Woolchurch to Henry Parritt et ux, deed of gift, 20 Mar 1670, Liber A 1, fol. 141, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 20 Mar 1670
- Henry Woolchurch of Tredaven in Talbott Co., planter, to Henry Parritt of Tredaven, planter, and Elizabeth his wife, my daughter
- Land lying in Talbot Co., on north side of Great Choptank River, contg. 150 acres
- Courses mention "Midle Spring", land of Jno. Glover
- Signed Hery [sic] Woolchurch
- Witnesses: John Glover, Christopher Peeke
7. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Edward Roe and William Parrott to John Richardson, deed, 16 May 1671, Liber A 1, ff. 150-151, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
- Edward Roe and William Parrott, both of Talbot Co., to John Richardson of same, Inholder
- A house in town of Oxford, Talbot Co., in Great Choptank, Md., now in poss. of Richardson
- Signed 16 May 1671, Edward Roe, Wm. Parrett
- Witnesses: Thomas Alexander, Thimothy Goodridge
8. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) John Crooke et ux to Sarah Parratt, deed, 26 Feb 1671/2, Liber A 1, ff. 192-193, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 26 Feb 1671
- John Crooke and Hester his wife, of same, planter, to Sarah Parratt of Talbot Co., widow
- For consideration of 4000 pounds of tobacco
- Land called "Delph" on north side of Great Choptank River at head of Island Creek, contg., adj. to land laid out for Francis Parratt late of Talbot Co. decd.
- Signed Jno. Crooke [his mark], Hester Crooke [her mark], Sarah Parratt [her mark]
- Witnesses: Peter Ever, John Edmundson, George Seley Chyngge
9. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) William Parratt et ux to William Seares, deed, 19 Mar 1671/2, Liber A 1, ff. 195-196, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 19 Mar 40th year of Cecilius [1671/2]
- William Parratt and Sarah his wife, of Talbot Co. to William Seares of same, planter
- For consideration of 7,000 pounds of tobacco
- Part of land called "Marsh Poynt" form. laid out for James Adames of Calvert Co.
- Courses mention land of William Hambleton, "the Cove" where William Parratt "first seated"
- Signed William Parratt
- Witnesses: John Hawkins, Robert Knappe [his mark]
10. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Henery Woolchurch to Hennery Parratt, deed, 10 Mar 1671/2, Liber A 1, ff. 207-208, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 10 Mar 40th year Caecilius [1671/2]
- Henery Woolchurch of Talbot Co., planter, to Hennery Parratt of same, planter
- For consideration of several sums of tobacco
- Parcel of land contg. 150 acres, on north side of Chesapeake Bay, on north side of Choptank River, adj. to land previously given to Parratt by Woolchurch
- Courses mention Woolchurch's land "Middle Spring"
- Consent of Woolchurch's wife Elizabeth
- Signed Henery Woolchurch, Elizabeth Woolchurch
- Witnesses: Thomas Anderson, Christopher Peeke
11. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Hennery Woolchurch et ux to William Parratt, deed, 20 Aug 1672, Liber A 1, ff. 211-212, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 20 Aug 41st year Caecilius
- Hennery Woolchurch and Elizabeth his wife, of Talbot Co., planter, to William Parratt of same, planter
- For consideration of a valuable sum
- Tract of land called "Middle Spring", contg. 250 acres
- Courses mention Kings Creek
- Signed Hennery Woolchurch [his mark]
- Witnesses: William Power, Ralph Blackhall
12. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) William Parratt to John Glover, deed, 18 Jun 1672, Liber A 1, fol. 221, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
- William Parratt, planter, of Talbot Co., to John Glover of same
- Acknowledged 18 Jun 1672
- Signed William Parratt
- Witnesses: William Crose, Elizabeth Moole [her mark]
- John Edmundson, merchant, of Talbot Co., to Willm. Parratt
- Land called "Upper Dover", contg. 450 acres, 19 Sep 1670
- Delivered land to Glover 18 Jun 1672
- Witnesses: William Crose, Elizabeth More [her mark]
13. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) George Parratt et al to John Clemens, 9 Jun 1675, Liber A 1, fol. 321, MSA CE90-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 9 Jun 1675
- George Parratt, Benjamin Parratt, William Parratt, and Henry Parratt, all of Talbot Co., planters, sons of William Parratt, late of same, decd., to John Clemens of same
- George & Benjamin for consideration of 14,000 pounds of tobacco; William & Henry for consideration of 10,000 pounds of tobacco
- Land called "Marshy Point", lying in Talbot Co., on east side of Tredaven Creek, contg. 700 acres
- Signed William Parratt, Henry Parratt, George Parratt, Benjamin Parratt
- Witnesses: [William & Henry] Wm. Crosse, Walter Dickenson, Tho. Alexander;
- [George & Benjamin] Walter Dickenson, John Dickenson, Wm. Crosse, John Pemberton
14. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Henry Parrett to William Parrett, deed, 14 Jun 1680, Liber GG 3, ff. 343a-344a, MSA CE 90-4; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 14 Jun 1680
- Henry Parrett of Talbot Co., planter, to William Parrett of same, planter
- In exchange for William's part of "Middle Spring"; courses mention swamp by side of Henry Parrett's plantation
- Henry's part of "Middle Spring"; courses mention land of Henry Parrett, land of William Parrett, Tuckahoe
- Signed Henry Parratt
- Witnesses: John Stanley, James Benson, Griff Jones
15. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) William Parrett to Henry Parrett, deed, 14 Jun 1680, Liber GG 3, ff. 344a-345a, MSA CE 90-4; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 14 Jun 1680
- William Parrett of Talbot Co., planter, to Henry Parrett of same, planter
- In exchange for Henry's part of "Middle Spring"; courses mention land of Henry Parrett, land of William Parrett
- William's part of "Middle Spring"; courses mention swamp by side of Henry Parrett's plantation
- Signed William Parratt
- Witnesses: John Stanley, James Benson, Griff Jones
16. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) George Parratt et ux to John Eason, deed, 22 Aug 1688, Liber KK 5, ff. 178-179, MSA CE90-6; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 22 August 1688
- George Parratt, planter, of Talbott Co., and Eliza. his wife, to John Eason of same, planter
- In consideration of 10,000 lbs. of tobacco
- Land called "Poplar Level", lying on east side of Chesapeake Bay, in the woods on a branch on the beaver dam of Kings Creek, northernmost branch near Tuckahoe Road
- Courses mention Old Mill Road, Beaverdam Branch
- Containing 116 acres
- Signed George Parrat, Elizabeth Parat
- Witnesses: John Morrogh, Jacob Abrahams
17. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Benja. Parratt et ux to Robert Framton, 20 Nov 1688, Liber KK 5, ff. 206a-207, MSA CE90-6; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 20 November 1688
- Benja. Parratt of Talbott Co., planter, and Eliza. his wife, to Robert Framton of same, planter
- For a valuable consideration
- Land called "Collins Pasture", lying in Talbot Co., at head of branch in Highfield Creek issuing out of Tuckahoe
- Courses mention Parratt's land called "Parratt's Researve"
- Containing 50 acres
- Signed Benja. Parratt, Eliza. Parratt
- Witnesses: Chris. Deney, John [Ducknearth?], John Raynard
18. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Francis Collins to Benja. Parratt, 20 Nov 1688, Liber KK 5, fol. 208a, MSA CE90-6; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
- Francis Collins, planter of Talbott Co., to Benja. Parratt
- For a valuable consideration
- Land called "Collins Pasture", lying in the woods at the head of a branch of Tuckahoe
- Signed 20 November 1688, Francis Colins [his mark]
- Witnesses: Samuell Brodaway [his mark], William [Barnes?] [his mark]
19. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Benjaman Parratt to John Jadwine, deed, 5 Jun 1690, Liber KK 5, ff. 338a-339, MSA CE90-6; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Recorded 22 Oct 1691
- Benjaman Parratt of Talbott Co., planter, to John Jadwine
- Parratt's half of land called "Parratts Lott", lying in freshes of Choptank River on north side of Tuckahoe Creek, adjoining land of Jadwin
- Signed 5 June 1690, Benjaman Parratt
- Witnesses: Hen. Adcock, Jacob Abrahams
20. TALBOT COUNTY COURT (Land Records) Henry Parrott et ux to James Berry, deed, 14 Mar 1697, Liber LL 7, ff. 194a/196/195a [pages not consecutive], MSA CE90-8; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. 14 March 1697
- Henrey/Henry Parrott of Talbot Co., planter, and Sarah his wife, to James Berry of same
- For consideration of 32 £ sterling
- Part of land called the "Mannor of Canterbury", containing 130 acres; lying in Choptank River, Tredhaven Creek, in Talbot Co., adjoining land given by grandfather Henry
- Woolchurch to his daughter Sarah Berry, then wife of sd. Berry
- Signed Henry Parrott, Sarah Parrott
- Witnesses: Thomas Taylor, Joseph Runam [his mark]
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