Will of Francis Perrot, merchant of London Last revision = 18 March 2008
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Will dated 20 March 1636/7. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008
Bold = Perrots and relatives
Blue = Surnames also in Kingston Parish
In the name of God Amen This
three and twentieth day of March in the thirteenth yeere of the Raigne of or.
Soverigne Lord Charles by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland
France and Ireland Defendr. of the fayth &c. I Francis Perrott of London
gent. be mee in health of body, and of Sound and [fitt?] minde and memory praised bee
Allmighty God, but callinge to minde the frailtie and uncertainty of this mortall
life, I doe make and declare my last will and testamt. in manner and forme following &
(that is to say) First and principally I commende my Soule into the hands of Allmighty
God my most merciful father assuredly trustinge that through his mercy, and
the death and merritts of Jesus Christ my onely Savior. and Redeemer I shall bee freely
pardoned all my Sinnes, And after the ende of this transitory life I shall remaine with
him in glory forevermore. And my body I comitt to the Earth to bee decently buried
in Christian manner accordinge to the discrecon of my Executors. hereafter named. And
[...] touchinge Such temporall goodes and substance as God of his mercy hath blessed mee
withall in this life, I dispose thereof as followeth. First my will and minde is that all
debts, and Sumes of money, &c. I shall owe of right or in conscience to any person or
psons. at the time of my Decease shall truly Satisfyed and payde within a Short time
after my Death as conveniently may bee. Item I give and bequeath unto my worthy &
Rev’rend friende Mr. Jesiah Shuke parson of the pish. of St. Mary Woolnoth in
Lumbard Streete in London twenty pounds in money to bee paide to hime at the ende of
six monthes next after my decease (yf hee bee then lyvinge). Item I give to Mr. [?]
parson of the parish of St. Martyns in the Vintrey London (yf hee bee Incumbent
there at my decease) fortie shillings to make him a Ringe. Item I give and bequeath
to my Neice Penelope Perrott eldest daughter of my brother Robert Perrott foure
hundred pounds in money to bee payde to her within two yeares next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Nephewe James Perrott Second Sonne of my
Saide brother Robert Perrott Two hundred pounds in money to bee paide him at his
age of twenty and five yeeres. And I give unto my Nephew Francis Perrott
the thirde Sonne of my Saide brother Robert fifty pounds, to bee paide to him at his
age of twenty and five yeeres. Item I give and bequeath to my Neece Damaris youngest Daughter of my Said brother Robert Perrott One hundred pounds in money
to bee paid her at her age of Twenty and one yeeres or day of marriage which Shall first happen/
Item I give unto my said brother Robert Perrott Tenn pounds to bee paide him at the ends of one
yeere next after my decease (yf hee bee then livinge) And to my brother John Perrott fourty
Shillings to bee paide him at the end of one yeere next after my decease (yf hee bee then lyvinge) Item
I give and bequeath unto my lovinge Cosens Mr. Humfrey Berrington, and Mr. Humfrey
Tompkyns five pounds a peece to make them Rings, and to my lovinge freinde Mr. Robert
[Yalloxxe?] five pounds to make him a Ringe. Item I give to my Cosen Mr. David Gwynn
of Haverfordwest five pounds to make him a Ringe, And to my Cosen Mr. Thomas Daveis
and to his [?] wife my Saide Cosen Gwynns Daughter, and to theire Daughter Martha to evry.
of them in token of my love Three pounds five shillings and eight pence a peece. Item I give
and bequeath unto my lovinge and faithfull freinde Mr. John Osborne of Derbie in remembrance of my love
a peece of plate of the value of Six pounds, thirteen shillings, and foure pence, And to my freinde Mr.
Edward Newton in token of my love three pounds Six shillings and eight pence. Item I remitte
and forgive my freinde Mr. John Ward of [Thenson?] in the County of Derbee all Such debts &
Sumes of money as hee shall owe unto mee at the time of my decease. And my Will is that
my Executor shall cleerely acquitt and dischardge him of & for the Same. And I doe
allsoe give unto the Saide John Ward the Sume of Tenn pounds in money. Item I give
and bequeath unto my lovinge Cosen James Clarke of Hereford a gold Ringe
of the value of forty shillings with a deathes-head thereon to bee engraven. Item I
give to my freinde Mr. John Bull Marchant, a gold ringe of the value of fourty shillings
Item I give to my freinde Mr. Christopher Maynard my greate gold Ringe with a
deathes-head thereon, And, to my good greinde Mr. Robert Farmery of [Scotton?] in the
County of Lincolne my lesser gold ringe with a deathes head thereon. Item I give and
bequeath unto the [padre?] of the parysh of AllSntts. in the Citty of Hereford the Sume of
Six pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence to bee distributed amongst them by and
at the discrecon of my Saide Cozen Mr. James Clarke and my Said brother Robert
Perrott, and the Survivor of them. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of Moreton
upon Lugge in the County of Hereford the Sume of Three pounds to bee distributed
amongst them by and at the discrecon of Mr. Peeter [Sarnier?] my Saide brother Robert
and my Nephewe Harbert Perrott and the Survivor of them. Item I give and bequeath
unto the poore of the aforesaid Parish of St. Martin in the Vintrey London Three
pounds to bee distributed amongst them by and at the discrecon of the Parson and
Churchwardens of the Same parish for the time beinge. Item I give and bequeath
the Sume of Tenn pounds to bee distributed unto and amongst tenn poore Schollars
at the discrecon of the aforesaide Mr. Josias Suts, and my Said Cozen Mr. Humfrey
Berrington the Survivor of them. Item I give and bequeath the Sume of tenn pounds
to bee distributed unto and amongst tenn poore widowes by and at the discrecon of Mr.
Shute, and my Saide Cozen Berrington. Item I give to Frecke Reader under
Mr. Shute, and to Mr. Dexter Mr.Shutes Clarke to either of them fortie shillings
in money. Item I give to my manservant John Newton, or to such manservant
as shall bee dwellinge with mee at the time of my death twenty shillings. And to
Such maid or woman Servant as shall bee livinge with mee at the time of my decease
fortie shillings. Item I give and bequeath unto my Neece Margarett Grismond
the Daughter of my Sister Alice Grismond twenty pounds to bee paid my Saide Sister
for her use within three yeeres next after my decease and my Saide Sister to pay the
Saide twenty pounds unto her Said Daughter at the day of her marriage or Sooner
at the discrecon of my Saide Didter The residue unbequeathed of all and Singular my
goodes, chattels, money, plate, houshould Stuffe, and p´sonall estate whatsoever (the debts
owinge by mee, and my funerall charges, and legacies herein by mee given and bequeathed
beinge first Satisfyed paide or deducted, I give, devise, and bequeath unto my Saide Nephewe Harbert Perrott, and the aforesaid James Perrott, Francis Perrott, and Damaris [web master's note: She married Owen Edwards,and had son John Edwards] Perrott, Children of my Saide brother Robert Perrott to bee equally divided to and amongst
them parte and parte like, And I make, name, ordaine, and appointe my Saide cosen Mr. Humfrey Berrington and my Saide Nephewe Herbert Perrott the Executors of this
my last will and testamt. desiringe them and either of them to p´forme the Same in all
things accordinge to my true Intent and meaninge herein Sett forth and declared; And I
doe hereby give unto my Saide cozen Mr. Berrington for his paines therein to bee taken
(ov´r and besides the aforesaide legacy of five pounds herein bequeathed to him) the Sume of
fifteene pounds. And whereas in and by an Indenture bearinge Date the fourteenth day
of this Instant moneth of March I the Saide Francis Perrott have covenanted to and
with the aforesaide Humfrey Berrington, Humfrey Tomkyns and Robert [Yalloxxe?] to
Stand Seized of and in all my Sev´rall Mannors with the lands and appurtenances thereunto
belonginge called or knowne by the Sevrall. names of Castleleigh, Amblestone
and Woodsforke in the County of Pembrooke and of and in certaine tenemts.
with the lands thereunto belonginge lyinge and beinge in a Village called the Walls
in the P´ish of Anlestone aforesaide, and of and in certaine lands, and houses thereupon
erected Scituate and beinge in Holme in the parish of Whitwell in the County of Derby
And of and in all other my lands and tenemts. with the appurtenances in the Said Counties
of Pembroke and Derby To the Sev´rall uses in the Saide Indenture expressed that is
to Say, To the use of my Selfe for and duringe my naturall life wthout. ympeachment
of or for any manner of Craft And from and after my decease to the use of Such person
persons and for & duringe Such Sev´rall estates tymes and termes, and in Such manner and
forms, and under Such charges Rents, reservacons, condicons, and lymitacons, and to Such
use Intents, and purposes as I the Saide Francis Perrott by my last will and testamt. in
writinge, or any other writinge to bee by mee Signed Sealed, published, and deliv´red in
the pr´sence of two or more credible wittnesses, shall lymitt, appointe, devise, bequeath
or dispose All my Said Mannors, Messuages, lands, Tenemts. and pr´mises, or any parts
thereof and to noe other use intent, or purpose whatsoever as by the Saide Indenture
more plainely appeareth. Noew I the Saide Francis Perrott the testator accordinge to the
power and authoritie by mee reserved in and by the Said Indenture Doe hereby lymitt
bequeath and dispose All my Said Mannors, Messuages, lands Tenemts. and pr´mises to these
uses intends, and purposes hereafter menconed, and expressed (that is to say) of for & concerninge
all my Said lands and Tenemts. with th´ appurtince lyinge and beinge in Holme
aforesaide in the Said p´ish of Whitwell in the Saide County of Derbie I doe by this my
last will and testamt. will and appointe and I doe hereby give full power, and authoritie
unto my Saide Executors Mr. Humfrey Berrington, and Herbert Perrott and the
Survivor of them, and to the heires of the Survivor of them to bargaine, Sell, and convey all
the Same lands and tenemts. in Holme aforesaide, and ev´ry pte. thereof within as Short time
after my death as conveniently may bee unto Such p´son or p´sons, or for Such Sume or Sumes
of money as they or either of them can obtaine, and gett therefore. And what monies
shall bee made and gotten by the Sale of these lands my Will is, and I doe hereby appointe
that the Same or Soe much thereof as Shall bee needfull shall goe to, and bee allowed
and disbursed for and toward the paymt. of the legacies afore herein by mee given &
bequeathed (in case my p´sonall estate shall fall short, and not bee enought to Satisfy the
Same) And after all my legacies bee paide (any overplus of the Same monies shall bee
then remaininge}Then I will, and I doe hereby bequeath the Same ov´rplus unto the
Saide Harbert Perrott the aforesaide James Perrott, Francis Perrott, and Damaris
Perrott to bee Equally devided betweene them parte, and parte like And of for and
concerning all and Singular my Saide Sev´rall Mannors of Castleleigh. Amblestone
and Woodforke with the Sev´rall lands, and appurtenances thereunto respectively belonginge
And all other my lands tenemts. and hereditamts. with theire appurtenances in the Saide
County of Pembrooke I doe hereby give and bequeath the Same and ev´ry of them, and
ev’ry pte. thereof unto my Saide Nephewe Herbert Perrott for and furinge the tearme of
his naturall life, and from and after his decease then I bequeath the Samue unto the first Sonne
of the body of the Saide Herbert lawfully to bee befotten, and to the heires males of the
body of the Said first Sonne lawfully to bee befotten, and for default of Such yssue, Then
to the use and behoofe of the Second Sonne of the body of the Saide Harbert lawfully to bee
begotten, and to the heires males of the body of the Said Second Sonne lawfully to bee
begotten, And for default of Such yssue then to the use and behoofe of the thirde Sonne
of the body of the Saide Harbert lawfully to bee begotten, and to the heires males of the
body of the Saide third Sonne lawfully to bee begotten. And for default of Such yssue
Then to the use of my Saide Nephewe James Perrott for and duringe the tearme of his
[right margin: and behoofe]
naturall life; And from and after his decease then to the use and behoofe of the first Sonne
of the body of the Saide James lawfully to bee begotten, And for default of Such yssue
then to the use and behoofe of the Second Sonne of the body of the Saide James lawfully to
bee begotten, and of the heires males of the body of the Said Second Sonne lawfully to bee
begotten, And for default of Such yssue then to the use of the third Sonne of the body of
the said James lawfully to bee begotten, and of the heires males of the body of the Saide
third Sonne lawfully to bee begotten. And for default or want of Such yssue then to
the use and behoofe of my Nephew Francis Perrott, for and duringe the tearme of
his naturall life, And from and after the decease of the Said Francis, then to the use
and behoofe of the first Sonne of the body of the Saide Francis lawfully to bee begotten
and of the heires males of the body of his first Sonee lawfully to bee begotten. And for
default of Such yssue then to the use and behoofe of the Second Sonne of the body of the
Said Francis lawfully to bee begotten and of the heires males of the body of Such Second
Sonne lawfully to bee begotten, and for default of Such yssue, then to the use and behoofe
of the third Sonne of the body of the Said Francis lawfully to bee begotten ^ And for default
[in margin: and of the heires males
of the body of the Said
third Sonn lawfully to
be begotten ]
or want of Such yssue then to the use and behoofe of the right heires of my Said brother Robert Perrott forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my Saide Sister Alice Grismond
our Annuity or yeerely Rent of tenn pounds of lawfull English money, to bee yssuinge
[?] and taken out of all and Singuler my Said Sev´rall Mannors of Castleleigh, Amblestone
and Woodstocke with the lands thereto belonginge, and out of all other my lands Tenemts.
and Hereditamts. Scituate and beinge in the Said County of Pembrooke, To have hold
Secure, increase and enioy the Said Annuity, or yeerely Rent of Tenn pounds [...]
[...] unto my Saide Sister Alice and her Assignes from and after my decease
for and duringe the tearme of her naturall life To be paide at two feasts or tymes in the
yeere, that is to Say, Att the feasts of St. Philippe and Jacob, and All Stts. (commonly
called Allhallowtide) by equall porcons, The first paymt. thereof to bee begin, and
bee made at that feast of the feasts aforesaid which shall first happen and come next
after my decease (yf my Said Sister bee then lvinge) And further my Will is
That yf and as often as it shall happen the Said Anuity or yeerely Rent of Tenn
pounds, to bee behinde and unpaide in pte. or in all by the Space of fourty daies [?] or
after any feast of the feasts aforesaide. Wherein the Same shall bee due and ought to
bee paide beinge lawfully demanded Att the South doore of the Parish Church of
All Saints in Hereford aforesaide, That then and Soe often it shall and may bee lawfull
to and for the Saide Alice Grismond my Sister, and her Assignes duringe her life
into all and ev´ry the Saide Mannors lands and other the pr´mises with the appurtenances
to reenter and distreins, and the distresse or distresses then and there founde to take
beare and carry away, and in her, or theire hands to deteine and keepe untill or the Saide
Annuity or yeerely Rent of Tenn pounds And of all arrerages thereof (yf any bee)
Shee the Said Alice and her Assignes shall bee fully Satisfied contented and paide
Item I give and bequeath forty shillings unto Francis Sheapheard of London
Gent. to bee paide to him at the ende of Six monethes next after my death (yf hee
bee then livinge) In Wittnes whereof I the Said Francis Perrott the testator have
hereunto Sett my hand and Seale Dated the day and yeere first abovewritten, one
thousand Sixe hundred thirty Seaven Francis Perrott Memorandum That these
words vizt., or to Such manservant as shall bee dwellinge with mee at the time of my
death were interlined in the fourthe leafe of this will,before the Sealinge and publishinge
hereof, And afterwards these pr´sents, beinge written in nyne sheetes of paper were by
the abovenamed Francis Perrott the testator Signed, Sealed, published and declared
as for his very last will and testamt. the day and yeere first abovewritten in the pr´sence
of John Turlington Fran: Sheapheard [?] London, and William Tiddon his Servant.