There came to be two Perrot families in Northleigh. The first was known as the 'Hill' Perrots, and were recognized as descending from the Pembrokeshire Perrot family. The second family was founded by James Perrot, and lived west of the church. These were the 'Parsonage Perrots,' and claimed the same descent as the 'Hill' Perrots.
According to Barnwell--who incorrectly wrote James was the son of Richard and Winifred Luxmore Perrot, and therefore of the same branch of the family - when the Parsonage Perrots came into some wealth, the Hill Perrots denied they were related to their nouveau riche cousins. Relationships were tense between the two branches. Anthony Wood, a contemporary antiquary, may have penciled in his autobiography that the Hill Perrots considered the Parsonage Perrots to be a 'by-blow from Herefordshire' (Clark, 1894).
James applied for arms in 1664. For whatever the real reason was-- whether due to the poor documentation of James's pedigree, or to ojections from the Hill Perrots -- James was awarded arms, but with silver pears rather than the traditional gold.
The most famous descendant of this family might be the writer Jane Austen. Jane was the great-granddaughter of Jane Perrot, daugher of James and Ann Dawtry Perrot.
Right: Portrait of James Leigh Perrott (1736 - 1817). Born James Leigh, a grandson of James Perrott, he inherited the Perrott name and fortune after the Perrott family daughtered out.
Read some family wills
- Barnwell, Edward Lowry. 1867. Perrot notes, or some account of the various branches of the Perrott family (London: J. Russell Smith)
- Clark, Andrew. 1894. The Life and Times of Anthony Wood, antiquary, of Oxford, 1632-1695, described by Himself. Volume III, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp 188-189.
- Dunning, Ronald. The Jane Austen Family Tree, by Ronald Dunning
- Hunt, John. 2010. A History of North Leigh. The Tenants and the Manor, self published.
- Perrott, J. 1988. Additional data since Barnwell's "Perrot Notes." J. P-rr-tt Society 5(3):76-79.
- Schumer, B. 2013. The Perrotts of North Leigh. Amazon Press, Lexington, Kentucky
- Toynbee, M.R. 1946. Charles I and the Perrots of Northleigh.
Oxoniensia XI:132-146.
- Woodcock, T. 1984. Letter from the Somerset Herald. J. P-rr-tt Society 1(4):87-92.
1. Robert Perrott was born in Ingram, Buckinghamshire.
Robert married Elizabeth Rawlings 10 Oct 1586 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth was born in Warwickshire.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 2 M i. James Perrott was born in 1599 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, died 8 Dec 1687 at age 88, and was buried in Fyfield, Berkshire.
Second Generation (Children)
2. James Perrott (Robert1) was born in 1599 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, died 8 Dec 1687 at age 88, and was buried in Fyfield, Berkshire.
General Notes: He settled in Northleigh after the descendants of Simon settled there. His house was at the bottom of the hill in Northleigh, near the church, so his family was known as the 'Parsonage Perrots'. Simon's descendants lived on top of the hill, and thus were the 'Hill Perrots'
Granted arms in Dec 1664, based on his petition:
"I James Perrott of Northleigh and Fawler in the County of Oxon gent descended from the 4th house of the Perrotts of Pembrokeshire as was dellvered by the testimony of several of my ancestors but by the length of time the numerousness of the families with the distractions of the late times have made them and me uncapable of preserving so exact an account of the descent and pedigree as is requisite Yet upon the confidence of my predecessors reports have always made use of the arms pertaining to the family aforesaid and being employed In several public offices since His Majesty's restoration do desire the same coat of arms may be confirmed to me and my posterity'
Barnwell originally identified James as being the grandson of Leonard from the Hill Perrots. Toynbee (Oxoniensia, 1946-7), argued that the James Perrot of Northleigh who was awarded arms with silver pears and the James son of Richard and Winifred Luxford Perrot, are not the same person. This was later confirmed by the Somerset Herald [Parrott Talk 1(4):88].
James son of Richard and Winifred, was born in 1614. In contrast, James of the silver pears died in 1687 at age 88, meaning he has born in 1599.
Although James of the Parsonage Perrots claimed to have the same origin as the Hill Perrots, the herald, for whatever reason, perhaps because he could not really prove his lineage, awarded him use of the traditional Perrot arms, albeit with silver pears rather than gold.
Barnwell claims that it was the Hill Perrots who prevented James' use of gold pears. Contrary to Barnwell's claim, what James was awarded in 1664 was the right to use arms (with silver pears), rather than having his right restored to use golden pears.
James was steward to Sir William Drake, of Shardloes.
His will was dated 19 April 1687; proved 7 February 1688, London.
James married Ann/Amye Dale, daughter of George Dale D.C.L. and Unknown,. Ann/Amye was buried in Fyfield, Berkshire.
Children from this marriage were:
3 M i. William Perrott was born in 1638 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, was christened 31 Dec 1638 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, died in 1664 at age 26, and was buried in Fyfield, Berkshire. He never married and had no children.
General Notes: Barrister at law. Matriculated at St. John's College, Oxford on 38 March 1655. Died without issue. Used the traditional Perrot coat on his monument, which may have triggered the Hill Perrots to challenge his right to arms. Coincidentally, James officially applied for arms the same year.
+ 4 M ii. James Perrott Esq. was born in Dec 1641 in Northleigh, was christened 15 Dec 1641 in Oxford, died 24 Jan 1724 at age 82, and was buried 29 Jan 1724 in Northleigh.
5 M iii. John Perrott was born in 1642 in Northleigh and was christened 29 Jan 1643 in St. Peters Parish in the East, Oxon.
6 M iv. Charles Perrott was born in 1642 in Northleigh, was christened 19 Dec 1642 in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, died 10 Jun 1686 in St. John's College, Oxford at age 44, and was buried in 1686 in Fyfield, Berkshire. He never married and had no children.
General Notes: -Matriculated at St. John's, Oct. 1657 - B.A.- 1661 -Fellow BCL, 1663-4 -DCL 1669 -An advocate Doctor's Common, 1671 -M.P. Oxford University, 1679-85 -Died without issue
Third Generation (Grandchildren)
4. James Perrott Esq. (James2, Robert1) was born in Dec 1641 in Northleigh, was christened 15 Dec 1641 in Oxford, died 24 Jan 1724 at age 82, and was buried 29 Jan 1724 in Northleigh.
General Notes: -Heir to estate of his older brother. -James Perrot of Shardloe, near Amersham, Bucks -Also known as James Perrot of Northleigh in Oxfordshire -Barrister at the Middle Temple
- Builder of Parrott Aisle at St. Mary's church:
Endorsed 1687, Northleigh, Mr Perrot's Petition for a faculty Ms Oxf dioc papers c455, f103 Faculty Papers Sir I am now fixt upon the building our isle [=aisle or wing] in the churchyard at Northleigh wch shall adjoin to the church as I acquainted you with for the use of my family. It will be placed on the North side of the church containing 14 foot in length and 16 foot in breadth. The bearer hereof Mr Kempster [= Christopher Kempster, a builder of the cathedral and dome of St. Paul's of London, at the employ of Christopher Wren] my undertaker I have ordered to wayte upon you to give you what further information you desire, and I only wayte my Authority from your Court to bigin the worke, which I request the favour of having in as short a time as conveniently may be and though I doe not at all question any Parish opposition in the thing there being no cause or pretence for it, yet I desire all things to be done requisite & necessary for the confirmation of it to my purpose and for the publishing of it at the church if it be required I desire it may be the next Sunday and that you will be pleased to send over a messenger wth directions for it, I would have wayted on you myself but that I am hindered by a lameness but it should not be long before I pay my Respects to you and acknowledge my obligations that I am Yo'e very Humble Servt at command, Ja Parrott Northleigh, May ye 10th 87 Copied from Miss Toynbee's copy, 5 Jan 1969, by Harry Carter.
Note: In order to add the wing to the church, it was necessary to first move the pew belonging the Hill Perrots, continuing the animosity between the two family branches.
Tomb inscription reads: (translation from Latin by Harry Carter, 30 June 1968) Here lies James Parrott of Northleigh, esquire, Who was endowed with such superiority of mind and manners That he seemed as though born for the loftiest affairs;
Yet he adopted, and graced, a private station, And led with dignity and always most happily a life of ease at his home, The best of husbands, fathers, hosts, and patrons. His moderate expenditure made his wealth more honourable, By an unflagging generosity to the needy He removed such a thing as poverty far from the neighbourhood. Amid the turmoils of amost troublous time in youth and age He was firm in his allegiance to the English church and the monarchy. More eloquently than any monument This building ornamented at his cost Testifies to a worshipper of God as liberal as he was sincere. When at last he appears in the assembly He 'shall make glad the City of God'. He died on 24 January, A.D. 1724, aged 85.
James married Anne Dawtry in 1667. Anne was born in 1652 in Petworth, Sussex and died 19 Oct 1729 at age 77.
General Notes: Tomb inscription reads: (translation from Latin by Harry Carter, 30 June 1968) Here was laid to share the tomb Anna, a wife worthy of such a husband, An admirably prolific mother who held in her embrace Children resembling both parents by their virtues, And exchanged their loving companionship for heaven On 19 October A.D. 1729, aged 77.
Children from this marriage were:
7 F i. Aimee Perrot died in Aug 1721 and was buried 21 Aug 1721 in Northleigh.
General Notes: Mentioned in her father's will.
8 F ii. Anne Perrot was born in 1673, was christened 2 Jul 1673 in Northleigh, and died 6 Sep 1760 in Northleigh at age 87.
General Notes: - Spinster of the parish of Harden (Harpsden), Co. Oxford - Lived with the Leigh family - She requested her brother Thomas to leave the family properties to James Leigh, rather than to her - Will written 19 September 1755, proved 6 February 1761 in London
- Death place unclear. My have been Harpsden, where she was living in 1755 (pers comm BS)
9 F iii. Mary Perrot was born in 1674, was christened 10 Jun 1674 in Northleigh, died in Aug 1696 at age 22, and was buried 22 Aug 1696 in Northleigh.
10 M iv. James Perrot was born in 1675 in Doddinghurst, Essex and was christened 9 Jul 1675 in Northleigh. He never married and had no children.
General Notes: Was at Tetsworth in 1690
11 M v. Charles Perrot was christened 27 Aug 1676 in Northleigh. He never married and had no children.
General Notes: -Matriculated in St. John College, 28 June 1693 -B.C.L. 17 January 1698/9
+ 12 F vi. Jane Perrot was christened 3 Oct 1677 in Northleigh and died in 1733 at age 56.
+ 13 F vii. Catharine Perrot was christened 28 Apr 1680 in Northleigh.
14 F viii. Lucy Perrot was christened 2 May 1684 in Northleigh.
Lucy married John Partfield 9 Dec 1707 in Northleigh. John was born in London.
15 F ix. Sarah Perrot was christened 14 Aug 1685 in Northleigh, died in Feb 1731 at age 45, and was buried 1 Mar 1731 in Northleigh. She never married and had no children.
16 M x. William Perrot was christened 20 Jul 1688 in Northleigh and was buried 9 Dec 1688 in Northleigh. He never married and had no children.
+ 17 M xi. Sir Henry Perrot was born 20 Sep 1689 in Northleigh, Oxford, was christened 9 Oct 1689 in Northleigh, Oxford, died 4 Feb 1740 in Roulle, France at age 50, and was buried 9 Jul 1740 in Northleigh.
18 M xii. Thomas Perrot Esq. was christened 27 Jun 1693 in Northleigh, died 20 Feb 1751 at age 57, and was buried 25 Feb 1751 in Northleigh.
General Notes: -- "Doctor of the Civil Laws"
--Thomas is mentioned in his brother Henry's will, indicating that Thomas was living in Fyfield, Berkshire.
--Inherits Northleigh property after death of his sister in law (widow of brother Henry). His nieces (Martha and Cassandra) renouced their claim to these properties
--Will dated 3 March 1747. Added a codicil to his will on 25 October 1748, when lining in Bath.
Proved London 2 March 1750. In the codicil, Thomas leaves his estate in Northleigh to his grand nephew, James Leigh, on the condition that James Leigh adopts the Perrot arms and last name, pending Parliamentary approval.
Thomas married Sarah Upton, daughter of Col. John Upton and Unknown, in Mar 1737 in Bath. Sarah was buried 27 Feb 1748 in Northleigh. They had no children.
Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)
12. Jane Perrot (James Esq.3, James2, Robert1) was christened 3 Oct 1677 in Northleigh and died in 1733 at age 56.
General Notes: This Jane Perrot was the great-grandmother of the novelist, Jane Austen. The following excerpt is from:
A Memoir of Jane Austen by her nephew, CHAPTER IV, http://labrocca.com/ja/mja-ch04.html.
"The family removed to Bath in the spring of 1801, where they resided first at No. 4 Sydney Terrace, and afterwards in Green Park Buildings. I do not know whether they were at all attracted to Bath by the circumstance that Mrs Austen's only brother, Mr Leigh Perrot, spent part of every year there. The name of Perrot, together with a small estate at Northleigh in Oxfordshire, had been bequeathed to him by a great uncle. I must devote a few sentences to this very old and now extinct branch of the Perrot family; for one of the last survivors, Jane Perrot, married to a Walker, was Jane Austen's great-grandmother, from whom she derived her Christian name. The Perrots were settled in Pembrokeshire at least as early as the thirteenth century. They were probably some of the settlers whom the policy of our Plantagenet kings placed in that county, which thence acquired the name of 'England beyond Wales', for the double purpose of keeping open a communication with Ireland from Milford Haven, and of overawing the Welsh. One of the family seems to have carried out this latter purpose very vigorously; for it is recorded of him that he slew twenty-six men of Kemaes, a district of Wales, and one wolf. The manner in which the two kinds of game are classed together, and the disproportion of numbers, are remarkable; but probably at that time the wolves had been so closely killed down, that lupicide was become a more rare and distinguished exploit than homicide. The last of this family died about 1778, and their property was divided between Leighs and Musgraves, the larger portion going to the latter. Mr Leigh Perrot pulled down the mansion, and sold the estate to the Duke of Marlborough, and the name of these Perrots is now to be found only on some monuments in the church of Northleigh."
Note: Mr. Leigh Parrott mentioned above was Jane Austen's uncle, James Leigh, who adopted the surname Perrot at the bequest of his grand uncle, Thomas Perrot.
Jane married John Walker 31 Jul 1699 in Northleigh. John died in 1736.
Children from this marriage were:
19 M i. John Walker .
20 M ii. Rev. Dr. William Walker was born in 1703.
General Notes: -- Principal of New Inn Hall in Oxford
+ 21 F iii. Jane Walker was born in 1704 and died 29 Aug 1768 in Steventon, Hampshire at age 64.
13. Catharine Perrot (James Esq.3, James2, Robert1) was christened 28 Apr 1680 in Northleigh.
Catharine married Rev. Dr. James Musgrave Sr. in Jan 1705. James died in 1778.
Children from this marriage were:
22 M i. Rev. Dr. James Musgrave Jr.
23 M ii. William Musgrave .
17. Sir Henry Perrot (James Esq.3, James2, Robert1) was born 20 Sep 1689 in Northleigh, Oxford, was christened 9 Oct 1689 in Northleigh, Oxford, died 4 Feb 1740 in Roulle, France at age 50, and was buried 9 Jul 1740 in Northleigh.
General Notes: -His marriage to Martha was the second for both. - Kighted, 1721
-Got his D.C.L. degree in 1733 -Churchwarden of Barnsley Parish, Gloucester Co., 1732 -M.P. for Oxfordshire from 1715 to his death, 1740
- Will written 7 August 1737 - Proved in London, 27 March 1740
Henry married Barbara Heysham 4 Jul 1717 in St Mary at Hill, London. Barbara died 15 Feb 1718 in St Mary at Hill, London and was buried 22 Feb 1718 in Northleigh.
Henry next married Martha Bourchier, daughter of Brereton Bourchier Esq. and Catherine Brydges, 2 Apr 1719 in Westminster Abbey. The marriage ended in separation in 1734. Martha was born in 1703, died 11 Oct 1741 at age 38, and was buried 17 Oct 1741 in Northleigh.
Children from this marriage were:
24 F i. Cassandra Perrot was born in 1721, died in 1778 in Barnsley, Gloucestershire at age 57, and was buried 26 Jun 1778 in Northleigh.
General Notes: -unmarried
25 F ii. Martha Perrot was born in 1724, died 3 Mar 1773 in Barnsley, Gloucestershire at age 49, and was buried 11 Mar 1773 in Northleigh. She never married and had no children.
Fifth Generation (Great Great-Grandchildren)
21. Jane Walker (Jane Perrot4, James Esq.3, James2, Robert1) was born in 1704 and died 29 Aug 1768 in Steventon, Hampshire at age 64.
Jane married Rev Thomas Leigh, son of Theophilus Leigh and Mary Brydges,. Thomas was born 16 Dec 1696 in Adlestrop, Gloucestershire, died in 1764 at age 68, and was buried 24 Jan 1764 in St. Swithin's Church, Walcot, Bath, Somerset.
Children from this marriage were:
26 F i. Anne Leigh died in 1738.
27 F ii. Mary Leigh died 31 Oct 1737.
28 M iii. James Leigh Perrot Esq. was born in 1736, died 28 Mar 1817 at age 81, and was buried in Wargrave.
General Notes: Heir to his grand uncle Thomas Perrot's estate, with the proviso that he change his name to Perrot and adopt the Perrot family arms.
Died childless. Upon death of his widow, the Perrot estates passed on to his nephew, James Edward Austen, on condition he adopt the Leigh arms and surname. Upon finding out that James' fortune went to his widow, not his Austen nieces and nephews, who were counting on an inheritance to lift them out of poverty, Jane Austen was taken ill. She wrote to her brother: 'I am ashamed to say that the shock of my uncle's will brought on a relapse.... I am the only one of the legatees to be so silly' "
"...James... was more fortunate in every sense of the word [than the other Leighs], inheriting from his mother's side of the family a considerable estate, and doing so at such a young age that his life was early marked out for leisure and independence. He was only fourteen when his great-uncle Thomas Perrot died, bequeathing him the estate of Northleigh in Oxfordshire, on condition he took the arms and surname of Perrot. It was stipulated that James must reach the age of twenty-one before coming into his inheritance; as soon as he did so, he pulled down Northleigh, sold the land to the Duke of Marlborough and built for himself a mansion more to his liking, on land he had purchased in the parish of Wargrave, near Maidenhead in Berkshire. He called his new house Scarlets."
========= From: La Faye, D. 2004. Jane Austen: A Family Record. 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press.
"Another legacy which filtered from the Perrots through the Walkers and so on to the Austens was the advantage of being 'kin' to Sir Thomas White, the Founder of St. John's College, Oxford, an advantage of which several members of the Austen family later availed themselves.
James Leigh-Perrot moved to Northleigh when he came of age .... However, Northleigh did not suit him, and a couple of years later he sold the estate to the Duke of Marlborough, buying instead for himself the small Berkshire property of Scarlets at Hare Hatch in the parish of Wargrave, situated on the Bath Road midway between Maidenhead and Reading. Scarlets had at one time been in the possession of James' mother, Mrs. Leigh, and its ownership could be traced back through the Perrots and their maternal ancestors to the middle of the thirteenth century."
James married Jane Chomeley, daughter of Robert Chomeley and Unknown, in 1764. Jane was born in 1744 in Barbados and died in 1836 at age 92.
General Notes: She was the "... daughter of a barrister who had spent almost his entire working life in Barbados. Jane had been born on the island and set back to school in England at the age of six, never to see her immediate family again. When not at school she lodged with her Cholmley relations, until she had the early good luck to captivate the wealthy James Leigh Perrot. Becoming mistress of Scarlets amply compensated for her former deprivations, and the couple settled happily in their country home. When gout began to trouble James, he also bought a house in Bath [The Paragon], where they spent part of each year."
========= "Whilst in Bath in 1799, Mrs Leigh-Perrot was accused of the theft of a piece of lace valued at £1, a felony punishable by death or transportation. She was imprisoned in the house of the gaoler of llchester gaol throughout the winter, but was finally acquitted at Taunton in 18oo. It was revealed as a blackmail plot, but the threat of the punishment was very real. Family tradition says that Mr Leigh-Perrot was prepared to sell up everything to accompany her to Australia if she was found guilty."
======== "After spending seven months in gaol, her trial finally took place. It was attended by a thousand people and lasted seven hours. Although she was acquitted, the verdict is still debatable" http://www.jasna.org/persuasions/printed/number11/austen_leigh.htm
29 F iv. Jane Leigh died in 1738.
Jane married Edward Cooper in 1768.
+ 30 F v. Cassandra Leigh was born 26 Sep 1739 in Harpsen, Oxfordshire and died 17 Jan 1827 at age 87.
31 M vi. Thomas Leigh died in Dec 1821.
General Notes: Was mentally deficient ("imbecile"), and raised by a foster family paid to care for him, and "rarely mentoned in the family again."
Sixth Generation (3rd Great-Grandchildren)
30. Cassandra Leigh (Jane Walker5, Jane Perrot4, James Esq.3, James2, Robert1) was born 26 Sep 1739 in Harpsen, Oxfordshire and died 17 Jan 1827 at age 87.
Cassandra married George Austen, son of William Austen and Rebecca Hampson, 26 Apr 1764 in St. Swithin's Church, Walcot, Bath, Somerset. George was born 1 May 1731 in Tonbridge, Kent and died 21 Jan 1805 at age 73.
Children from this marriage were:
32 M i. James Austen died in 1819.
33 M ii. George Austen was born 17 Jan 1838 in Monk Sherborne, Hampshire.
34 M iii. James Edward Austen was born in 1798 and died 19 Nov 1852 in Godmersham, Kent at age 54.
General Notes: "When Jane Leigh Perrot died in 1836, James Edward Austen inherited the Leigh-Perrot estates, including the family home "Scarlets", and he took the name Leigh when their fortunes changed. The family moved to "Scarlets" in 1837."
James married Emma Smith 16 Dec 1828.
35 M iv. Henry Thomas Austen died 12 Mar 1850.
36 F v. Cassandra Elizabeth Austen was born 9 Jan 1773 in Steventon, Hampshire and died 22 Mar 1845 in Portsdown, Hampshire at age 72.
37 M vi. Francis William Austen died 10 Aug 1865.
38 F vii. Jane Austen was born 16 Dec 1775 in Steventon, Hampshire and died 18 Jul 1817 in Winchester, Hampshire at age 41.
General Notes: Author of 'Sense and Sensibility' and 'Pride and Prejudice,' among others.
Upon finding out that her uncle James Leigh Perrott's fortune went to his widow, not his Austen nieces and nephews, who were counting on an inheritance to lift them out of poverty, Jane Austen was taken ill. She wrote to her brother: 'I am ashamed to say that the shock of my uncle's will brought on a relapse.... I am the only one of the legatees to be so silly' "
39 M viii. Charles John Austen died in 1852 in Burma.
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