A large group of Parrotts in the USA trace back to Benjamin Parrott, who lived in Rockingham county, North Carolina, from at least 1774 until his death in 1824. These are some of the records that have been used to document and reconstruct his family history. Bejamin had a son who moved to Georgia. Other grandchildren moved to Georiga, Tennessee, or Virginia. The documents are organized by state, and chronologically within each state. Some include notes explaining their relevance.
Guilford (later Rockingham) County, North Carolina
Land Patent for 500 acres
16 December 1778 Land Patent Book 33: p. 84. Benjamin Parrat "was issued 500 acres of land on 16 Dec 1778 in Guilford County, located 'On both sides of Wolf Island Creek the waters of Dan River'. This was recorded in Land Patent Book 33 page 84 as Guilford County Grant # 84. The original request for this land was entered on 18 Aug 1778 and assigned Guilford County Entry # 242. It took 4 months to issue the grant."
First assessor appointment
19 August 1782 At a County Court of Pleas & Quarter
Sessions begun & held for the County aforesaid the
Third Monday in August (being the 19th Day) 1782 p 38
Ordered that Thomas Sparks, Henry Terril, and Benjamin Parrot be appointed
assessors in Messrs. Browder's, Clark's and Challis's districts for the year 1782.
Abner Parrott 600-acre patent
22 October 1782 Land Patent Book 48, p. 79 Book 2, number 355 Abner Parrott "was issued 640 acres of land on 22 Oct 1782 in Guilford County, located 'On both sides of Duncans Branch' adjoining Hugh Challis Corner, North side of Burchfield Fork, Constant Perkins line, Sim's line, and Richard Marr's line on Guilford [later Rockingham] County. This was recorded in Land Patent Book 48 page 79 as Guilford County Grant # 505. The original request for this land was entered on 18 Nov 1778 and assigned Guilford County Entry # 597. It took 3 years and 11 months to issue the grant."
Note: This document shows that Abner must have been of age by 1782, helping calculate his birthdate.
Second assessor appointment
18 November 1782 At a County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions begun and held for the County aforesaid the third Monday in November,
being the 18th Day, AD 1782 p 48
Ordered that Thomas Sparks, Benjamin Parrot and John Smith be appointed assessors for
the years 1781 and 1782 in Mr. Browders, Challis's and Clark's Districts.
22 October 1782 Land Patent Book 48, p. 127 Benjamin Parrott Issued 640 acres of land on 22 Oct 1782 in Guilford [now Rockingham] County. "This was recorded in Land Patent Book 48 page 127 as Guilford County Grant # 606. The original request for this land was entered on 17 Oct 1778 and assigned Guilford County Entry # 389. It took 4 years exactly to issue the grant."
State of No Carolina
No 606-------------Know ye that we have Granted unto Benjamin
Parrott Six hundred and forty acres of land in Guilford County
On both sides of Burch field fork of Wolf Island Creek Beginning at
a Red Oak Richard Marrs Corner, thence South crossing the Creek
two hundred poles on sd line to a Red Oak, thence west on Miles
line One hundred and forty two poles to a Chestnut on John _____
bins line, thence west thirty degrees North One hundred & eighty poles
on Pattersons line to a Red Oak in ______, thence North one hundred
and fifty seven poles to a post oak, thence north seventy degrees
East two hundred and ninety poles toa post oak Sims corner
thence East sd line One hundred adn twenty two poles a red oak, thence
South on Sims line eighty six poles to a white Oak, thence East on
said line thirty five poles to a white alk, thence South on said
line sixty poles to a whiteOak as sd Marrs line thence west
on sd One hundred and thirty poles to the first station
To hold unto the said Benjamin Parrott his Heirs and assigns
forever. dated the 22d day of October 1792.
__ ___ Euleys, Comm.r-------------Alex Martin
& Glasgone Sec
Parrots Mill Creek
17 November 1783 At a County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions begun and held for the County aforesaid the third Monday in November,
AD 1783 -
"Abraham Spencer is appointed overseer of the road from his own house to where the said
road joins Perkins' Ferry Road & that he with the Hands on the South side of Dan River to
Parrots Mill Creek keep the said road in good repair."
--29 December 1783. North Carolina Deed Book 3, p 139, Guilford (later Rockingham) Co. Ambrose Nichols, for 10 pounds, sold Benjamin Parrott twenty acres on both sides of Wolf Island Creek adjoining Joshua Fendleys old deed line - being part of 400 acres formerly granted to John Graves by patent recorded in Orange County, since conveyed to Nichols. Abner Parrott witnessed this deed and proved its execution in open court.
Benjamin proves deed for 500 acres
7 January 1786 County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessionsimage 20
Benjamin Parrott proved a deed from William Brown to Richd Marr for 500 acres of land dated the 7th day of January 1786.
Abner becomes guardian of the Hill orphans
1786 County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessionsimage 21
On the reliquishment of Archibald Yarborough who was by the County Court of Guilford appointed Guardian to the Estate of Sarah Hill, Rich'd Hill & Isaac Hill orphans of Isaac Hill deceased & relinquished his said guardianship- Benjamin Parrot is appointed Guardian of the above orphans who entered into bond with Richd Marr & __ ______ in the Sum of one Thousand pounds for each of the orphans Estates, for the faithful discharge of his duty in office.
Note: As per Janice McAlpine, this was done so that Abner could act for the Hill children concerning the estate of their grandfather John Hill.
Acreage sold from father to son
29 May 1789 Rockingham County Deed Book C, p 38 Benjamin Parrott to Abner Parrott: 500 acres for ₤200 on both sides Wolf Island Creek adjacent to
William Hill, Farlow, Jesse Hammon's Claim."
Parrott Benjamin to Parrott Abner Deed for
This Indenture made this Twenty ninth day of May in the year of our lord
one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine between Benjamin Parrot of the County of
Rockingham and state of North Carolina of the one part and Abner Parrot of the County &
State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Parrot for and in con
sideration of the Sum of Two hundred pounds Currency of the State aforesaid to him in hand
paid by the said Abner Parrott the receipt whereof he the sd Benjamin Parrot doth here
by acknowledge hath bargained granted and sold and by these presents doth grant
Bargain and sell unto the said Abner Parrot his heirs or assigns one certain tract or
parcel of Land Containing Five hundred acres more or less lying and being in the
County & State aforesaid on both sides Wolf Island Creek and bounded as followeth
Viz - Begining at a white oak W. Hills Northwest Corner running North
Crossing Wolf Island Creek Two hundred and sixty pole to a Red oak On Farlows
line thence South Eighty two degrees West Two hundred and Sixty Eight poles to a
white oak on Jesse Hammon's Claim, thence South Thirty six degrees West One
hundred and Sixty five poles to a black oak on the sd Claim or line thence South
One hundred poles to a red oak on or near Hills line thence East along the sd line
Crossing the Creek to the Beginning Together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals,
hereditaments and appertainances to the said Land belonging to appertaining to have
and to hold the sd Tract or parcel of Land with all the appurtenances unto the said
Abner Parrot his heirs Executors or assigns forever and the sd Benjamin Parrott
for himself his heirs and assigns doth Warrant and forever defend the said tract
or parcel of Land and every part thereof to the said Abner Parrott his heirs &
assigns against him the sd Benjamin Parrott his heirs and assigns and
all other persons whatsoever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my Seal this Twenry ninth day of May one thousand
seven hundred and Eighty Nine.
---------------------Benja Parrott - Seal
Fields Nichols + Benjamin Parrott Junr
29 May 1789 Rockingham County Deed Book C p 39 Abner Parrott, for ₤200, purchased 21 acres from Benjamin Parrott Sr. on both sides of Wolf Island Creek
Parrott Benjamin to Parrott Abner Deed for 21 acres p 39
This Indenture made this Twenty ninth day of May in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine Between Benjamin Parrot Sr.
of Rockingham County & state of North Carolina of the one part and Abner Parrot
of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the aforesd Ben
jamin Parrot Senr and in consideration of the Sum of Two hundred pounds Cur
rent money of the State aforesaid to him in hand paid by the said Abner Parrott
the Receipt Whereof he the sd Benjamin Parrot doth here by acknowledge hath
Bargained Granted and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell
unto the said Abner Parrot his heirs or assigns one certain Tract or parcel of Land
Containing Twenty acres More or less lying and being in the Cty and State aforesaid
on both sides Wolf Island Creek and Bounded as followeth Viz, Begining
at a pine on Joshua Penlies old Deeded line and Running East Twenty degrees North
Twenty four poles to a Red Oak thence South Twenty Degrees West Seventy Poles
To a Bunch of Maples on the aforesaid Creek, Thence South fifty five degrees
West Sixty poles Crossing the Creek to a poplar on the former deeded line thence
North along the old lin One hundred and Twenty poles to the Beginning Pt being
part of Four hundred acres of Land Granted to Jno Graves by patent and recor
ded in Orange Cty and Since Conveyed to the sd Benjamin Parrot Senr by Deed as
also the Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof To have and to hold the said Tract
or parcel of Land with all the appurtenances unto the said Abner Parrot his heirs Execu
tors or assigns for ever and the sd Benjamin Parrot for himself his heirs and assigns
doth Warrant and forever defend the said Tract or parcel of Land and every part
thereof to the said Abner Parrott his heirs and assigns against the said Benjamin
Parrott his heirs and assigns and all other persons Whatsoever In Witness
whereof I have here un to set my hand and affixed my Seal this Twenry ninth day
of May one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Nine.
---------------------Benja Parrott - Seal
Fields Nichols + Benjamin Parrott Junr
Note: The above 2 documents show Abner was related to Benjamin.
Road Overseer
1786At a County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions begun and held for the County aforesaid - image 58
Ordered that Benjamin Parott be appointed
overseer of the Road from Richard Marrs to Owens
Ferry on the Virginia Line
Abner sells land to Drury Smith
22 Aug 1796 Abner Parrott to Drury Smith, 33 acres for ₤10.
Rockingham County Deed Book D:314.Transcript is available.
Abner's will
11 September 1797Will Book 1957, page 185. (Published in the North Carolinian, November 1955)
I Abner Parrott of Rockingham County, State of North Carolina being weak in body but of sound memory calling to mind the quality of this life and the certainty of death do make & ordain this my last will and Testament in the following manner to wit, first I will that my negroes Dick, Will, Tamor & her child be sold on credit a while to the best advantage & when collected the money to be put in Interest til my sons come of age & then to be divided among them viz William, Benjamin, Joseph & Abnor, the other two negroes Juno & Lucy I leave to my wife & Daughter viz Juno to my wife and Lucy to my Daughter Michal I also leave my land whereon I now live to my wife during her life & then to be divided between my four sons above mentioned. I also desire that the hundred & sixty acres of land I have of Peter Williams in Caswell be sold the best advantage to pay my debts & whatever there is coming to me out of my father's Estate I leave to my wife & the child she is now big with if it live, if not to go to my wife & Daughter Michal ~ I also will that as much of my stock and household furniture be sold as may discharge my debts & what is left be applied to the use of my wife & children furthermore I appoint my friends Richard Hill & James Grant Excers of this my last will and Testatment whereof I have set my hand & seal this 11th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety seven. Abner Parrott (seal)
Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of Nat Dickerson, Isaac Hill & Charles Price
Note: The importance of this document is that it lists Abner's children. His wife was pregnant at the time he wrote his will, and this child is believed to be Elizabeth daughter or Jr, as she is referred to in the records. Riley was also born posthumously, and he was not included as an heir when William bought his sibling's share of their inheritance.
Sale of Juno
25 Dec 1797 Elizabeth Parrott/Richard Hill sell Juno to Martha Challes.
Slave Deeds of North Carolina p 290
William's indenture to sell his and Benjamin's land
3 July 1818 State of North Carolina, Rockingham County: August Session 1818:
Indenture between William Parrott and William Parrott (attorney for Benjamin Parrott) of County of Lunenburg, Virginia, and William and Elisha W. Estes of Danville, Pittsylvania county, Virginia for $5,889 paid William Parrot for himself and also as attorney for Benjamin Parrott for a parcel of 98½ acres in Rockingham County, North Carolina on both sides of Wolf Island Creek - to wit: adj John Durhams, Fenley's old deeded line, Nichols line, on Jesse Williams corner, Farlow's line, John Moreheads line, Murphey's line, on Halobys line. Includes appurtenances.
Signed & sealed William Parrott Atty for Benjamin Parrott
In presence of John H. (X) Watson, Rich'd S. Ranzon.
This deed proved in open court by oath of John (x) Watson. Recorded, Robert Galloway C.C.
Note: This passage is confusing. According to Janice McAlpine, "There weren't two Williams on this deed. William Parrott was acting in two capacities. He was selling his own share of the land plus he had his brother Benjamin's power of attorney and was selling Benjamin's share of the land. If Benjamin had been there, the transaction would have been with William Parrott and Benjamin Parrott. Because Benjamin wasn't there, the transaction was with William in his individual capacity and William as attorney for Benjamin." The importance of this document is that it links the William Parrott of Lunenburg back to Rockingham county.
William buys out his siblings
12 September 1821 Rockingham County, NC Box X, pp 95-101, #3350
Parrott William from Parrott Elizabeth and others. Died.
State of Tennessee Overton county
this Indenture entered into this Twelveth day
of September 1821 Between Elizabeth ParrottBenjamin
Parrott and Elizabeth Parrott Daughter of Abner Par-
rot ded'd of the County of Overton & state of Tennessee
on the one part and William Parrott of that county of
Lunenburgh and commonwealth of virginia of the
other part, winesseth that the aforesaid Elizabeth, Ben
jamin and Elizabeth daughter of aforesaid for and
in consideration of the sum of three thousand dollars
to them in hand paid by the aforessaid William Parrott
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have
bargained and sold and by these presents doth
bargain and sell grant alien and confirm
and by thse presents do now convey unto the said
William Parrott his heirs assigns and representa-
tives for ever all their right title and Interest
to all their land lying on the waters of; and
on Wolf Island Creek in the County of Rockingham
which they and each of them claim under
Abner Parrott Senr deceased and those holding
under him, and which was owened by him in
his life time and on which he died being seized
& possessed there of & by his will devised to his wife
Elizabeth (one of the parties this Deed) for her life
and after her Death to his four sons William
ParrottBenjamin Parrott and Abner Parrott (one
of the parties to this Deed) and Joseph Parrott
and the said Joseph & Abner Parrott having
died without Issue, the said Elizabeth Parrott
daughter as aforesaid claim to be entitled as
heir at law of the said Joseph and Abner
dec'd as aforesaid: now it is to be expressly underst-
ood, tht the said Elizabeth ParrottBenjamin Par-
rott and Elizabeth Parrott daughter of Abner
Parrott Dec'd have conveyed and do convey as a-
bove described all their right title and Interest and
and claim (of what _____ it may be) in and
to the said Land being, their undivided part of
the said Land to the aforesaid William Parrott
his heirs and assigns forever, said land lying
and being in the County of Rockingham state of
North Carolina on sides of Wolk Island
Creek butted and bounded as follows to wit,
Beginning at a black oak John Durhams corner
then south 50 degrees seventy four poles to some Ashes
Durhams other corner; then north 70 degrees west
one hundred and ninety four poles to a sweet gum;
thence North 55 degrees East seventy six poles to a hi-
ckory on the North Bank of the Creek, then North
20 degrees west seventy poles to a red oak: then west
20 degrees south twenty four poles a pine bush
in Joshua Finley's line, then with said line North
84 poles to a red oak on Harley's line, then south
8 Degrees West with said line two hundred and
ninety poles to a white oak on John Moreheads
line, then South 36 degrees West to a black oak Jack
Moreheads corner, then on Moreheads line south
50 degrees West fifty one poles to an ashe; then west
one hundred and thirty six poles to a white oak;
then south five hundred and twenty one poles to
a black oak, then north 6 Degrees East on Mur
pheys line one hundred and fifty poles to a post
oak Murpheys corner, thence East on said line
one hundred and forty six poles to a post oak;
then North 55 degrees west twenty eight pole to a
post oak in Haldby's line, then north forty five
Degrees West twenty eight poles to a black out; then
East to the beginning containing by computation
nine hundred eighty one & half acres more or less
to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel
of Land - together with all the appurteances
thereunto Belonging or appertaining to the only
proper in and behoof of the aforesaid William
Parrott his heirs and assigns forever; and therefore
said Elizabeth ParrottBenjamin Parrott and
Elizabeth Parrott Daughter of the aforesaid Abner
Parrott dec'd, for themselves their heirs etc have
covenented warranted and defended and
by these presents do covenant warrant and de-
fend all their right title, and interest in said
tract of Land to the aforesaid William Parrott
his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim
and incumbrance of all persons claiming by
theough or under the - In Testimoy whereof
we have hereunto set our hands and seals the
day and date above written
Signed sealed and delivered
in presences of
Elizabeth [her x mark] Parrott seal
B. Parrott.........seal Elizabeth [her x mark] Parrott seal
Daughter of Abner Parrott dec'd
State of North Carolina Rockingham County
Court of Pleas and quarter
sessions for the 4th Monday
of November 1821
c/o Jacob beeson and John Montgold Esquires.
Whereas a rule of court hath been made into the
following words "to wit" "on motion ordered
by court" that a dedimus issue to two or more
"Commissioners in the County of overton State of Ten
nessee empowering them or either of them to take
the acknowledgement of Elizabeth Parrott, Benja
min Parrott and Elizabeth Parrott Daughter of
Abner Parrott dec'd touching their execution
of a deed by them made of Lands lying in this
county to William Parrott or to take the probate
of the said Deed, the witnesses considering out of this
state, and taht ehy return the same with the certificate
of such probrate or acknowlegement to the
worshipful court under their hands & seals"
Therefore we hereby authorize ye or either of you to
examine the said Elizabeth ParrottBenjamin Parr
ott and Elizabeth ParrottDaughter of Abner Par
rot Dec'd and their acknowledgement so taken
touching their executing of the said deed for
said Lands in said order described or that
you examine on oath he witness or witnesses to the
said deed as to the execution of the said Deed
and their being subscribbing witnesses through which
said Deed is hereunto annexed and make your
certificate under your hands and seals of such
acknowledgement or probate as the case may be
and certify the same under your hands and
seals and make return of the same, together with
this commission and the said Deed to our next
Court of Pleas and quarter sessons to be held for
the County of Rockingham at the Courth House in Went
worth ont he fourth monday of February next
In Testimony whereof Robert Galloway Clerk
of said Courth have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seal of my office this 26
day of November AD 1821, & in the 46 year
or our Independence.
......................Robert Galloway Clk
State of Tennessee Overton county
According to the Commission
hereunto annexed we the undersigned the com-
missioners hereby authorized have examined Eliza-
beth Parrott, Benjamin Parrott and Elizabeth
Parrott Daughter of Abner Parrott Deceased
all being sound mind and disposing me-
mories: and on their examination so taken
they and each of them do acknowledge that
they and each of them duly execute the annexed
deed to William Parrott conveying to him Lands
lying in the County of Rockingham State of North
Carolina - In Testimony whereof we have hereunto
set our hands and seasl this 18th day of April in
in the year of our Lord 1822.
John Mongold Justice of the Peace for said County and Commissioner etc Seal
Jacob Beeson Justice of the Peace & Commissioner seal
State of North Carolina Rockingham County Nov. Sessions 1822
.........The execution of the within Deed
from Wm Parrott to Jno morehead being duly
certified it was ordered to be recorded
.........Ro Gallaway C.C.
The court approved of the
within probate & ordered
it be recorded.
Note: The importance of this document is that it lists Abner's children and clarifies the relationships with the Parrotts of Overton county, Tennes, and the William Parrott of Lunenburg county, Virginia. A parallel document was drawn up for his other daughter, Michal Parrott Powers, in Georgia.
Overton County, Tennnessee
Joel Pettit vs Riland Parrott
Note: The importance of the lawsuit below is that it confirms most of the genealogical information on this family. Benjamin's wife's maiden name might have been Pettit.
24 June 1839
Supreme Court of Middle Tennessee District
Livingston, CHANCERY COURT, 1st Monday in September, 1841
A bill filed 24 June, 1839
A bill of complaint of Joel Pettit, Administrator of the estate of Benjamin Parrott, deceased. A citizen of Overton County - showeth that on the ___ day of February, 1839, the said Parrott departed this life in said county, intestate. That your orator was appointed administrator upon his estate by the County Court of Overton County at June court, 1839. Your orator states that the said Benjamin Parrott at his death was possessed of a note of hand, for money, to the amount of four hundred dollars, dated the eleventh day of February, 1839, and this in four years, with interest from the date, upon John B. Murphey, Thomas Champlin, & Benjamin J. Bledsoe. Your orator states that immediately after the death of said Benjamin Parrott, one Riland Parrott, took said note into his possession, together with many other papers of the said Benjamin Parrott and refuses to give them up, although your orator has since his appointment, repeatedly most earnestly requested him to do so. Your orator states that said Riland Parrott has but little property, not worth, at the highest valuation, more than one hundred and fifty dollars, and will not be good for the amount of said note.
Your orator states, that he is informed that said Riland Parrott has made use of one note belonging to the estate already. And your orator has not doubt, but that if not restrained, by injunction, will dispose of said note of four hundred dollars.
The premises considered, may it please your Honor, that said Riland Parrott, John B. Humphrey, Thomas Champlin, and Benjamin J. Bledsoe of Overton County, State of Tennessee, be made defendants to this bill. That process of subpeona, and issue that they answer the allegations of this bill. That said Riland Parrott specify his property and effects, notes, accounts, and receipts belonging to the estate in his hands, and that he produce them. That he be enjoined from transferring or disposing of said note in any way. And that the other defendants be enjoined from paying it to any person. And that said Riland be compelled to surrender said note; and that all such other and for this relief as may appertain to equity be granted. A. Cullom, Solicitor
24th June, 1839 Joel Pettit made an oath on the Holy Gospel, before me that the statements made in the foregoing bill is of his own knowledge, and true and subscribed his name hereto in my presence, and this is the first application for an injunction.
Al Caruthers, Judge
Joel Pettit (signed)
4th Judicial Circuit Court
To the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court at Livingston, issue an injunction agreeable to the ___ of the foregoing bill in this complaint to giving an injunction Bond and Security according to law in three hundred dollars
24th June 1839, Judge, 4th District
The answer of Riland Parrott to the Bill of Complaint filed gainst him in the Chancery Court of Livingston, Tennessee, by Joel Pettit, Administrator of Benjamin Parrott, deceased.
This respondent saving and reserving to himself the right of exception to the many errors, uncertainties and falsehoods in said Bill of complaint contained, for answer them to, or so much this of as he is advised is material for him to answer unto, he answers and says that it is true that said complaintant is the administrator of the said Benjamin Parrott, deceased. But he expressly denies that he holds any of the notes or effects of the said Benjamin Parrott, with the exception of the note of $400 mentioned in said bill. Respondent will not explain how he came to hold said note, and will show from the following statement of fact that in equity and justice he is entitled to same. Said note is a part of the price of a valuable negro man named JERRY which your respondent and said Benjamin Parrott, and William Parrott, Peter Williams, Richard Hill, Isaac Hill, and John Powers were the heirs at law of said Elizabeth Parrott, deceased, and were each entitled to a distributive share of the personal estate of said Elizabeth Parrott.
Note: John Powers and Peter Williams were Elizabeth's sons-in-law, with John Powers being married to Michal Parrott and Peter Williams to Sarah Hill. Sarah, Richard and Isaac Hill were Elizabeth's children from her first marriage and wards of Abner Parrott, Elizabeth's husband.
Your respondent further shows, that he has, for a fair and valuable consideration, bought the claims of all of said heirs, so far as they were interested in said Negro man, JERRY, he therefore insists that he is entitled to hold said note, as being the equitable owner of the same, especially as he joined with the said Benjamin Parrott in an obligation binding themselves to warrant and deed the title of said negro man JERRY to the said John B. Murphrey against the claim of all manner of purchases whatsoever.
Your respondent expressly denies the charge of being insolvent, contained in said bill. Respondent admits that he did sell a note of three dollars and fifty cents on John Kennedy, which note was sold for the purpose of purchasing shoes for the daughters of the said Benjamin Parrott, deceased, and he is able and willing at all times to account for that. He also used two dollars in money, which in like manner was expended for the benefit of said Benjamin Parrott's family. For the same purpose he used a note of Jesse Rooker, for one dollar, said children having been left in some manner, IN A STATE OF DISTRIBUTION. Respondent having all the material allegations in said bill, denies all fraud with which he is charged, and prays a dissolution"
Washington/Hancock County, Georgia
John Harvey to grandson John Parrott
19 May 1802
"Know all men by these presents that I John Harvey Sen.r of the State of
Georgia & County of Hancock for the love and good will & affection I
have for my grandson John H. Parrotte do give and bequeath one negro
Girl named Delse." Witnesses: Jno. Simmons, Josiah Simons, and Wm
Raburn JP.
Hancock Co. Deed Book F: 96
Ordered to work on road
08 February 1805
Ordered that the following hands work on the road leading from Shulderbone Bridge Baxter's Mill to Greene County line, Viz
William Mills, James Huff, Robt Adams, Robert Middlebrooks, Mark Moon, Stith Evans, David Evans, Abner Evans, Henry Furguson, James Wooton, Thomas Walker, David Walker, William Walker, Greene Cato, John Hern, Chappell Heath, Walter Hamilton, James Lyon, David Adams, Peyton Slege, Green Wood, Wm Adams, [ ] Gary, Benjamin Parrott, John Thomas.
Hancock County Inferior Court Minutes 1800-1808, p 135 [Ports, Michael A. 2019. Hancock County Georgia Inferior Court Minutes 1800-1808. Southern Historical Press, Inc. Greenville, SC]
Baxter's Mill, now Millmore Mill, still stands on Shoulderbone Creek.
Additional road work order
05 January 1807
Ordered that Francis Lewis be & he is hereby appointed Overseer of the Road leading from the Greene County line to Baxter's Mills & the following hands work thereon, Viz
James Wooton, David Wommack, Greene Cato, Benjamin Parrot, Stith Evans, Abner Evans, William Walker, David Walker, John Hearn, Henry Forgerson, Joseph Middlebrooks, Thomas Middlebrooks, James Shackleford, Robert Adams, William Mills, William Adams, David Adams, Walter Hammilton, Chappel Heath, Robert Gilmore, Nathaniel Mathews, John Thomas, Stephen Wright, David Henry, Beachum Owens, Thomas Walker, Byren Shell, Hamlin Cook, John McNabb.
Hancock County Inferior Court Minutes 1800-1808, p 205 [Ports, Michael A. 2019. Hancock County Georgia Inferior Court Minutes 1800-1808. Southern Historical Press, Inc. Greenville, SC]
William buys out Michal
12 September 1821
State of Georgia Greene County to wit
This Indenture entered into this
twelfth day of September 1821 between John Powers and his wife Michal (both of
the State of Georgia County of Greene) of the on part and William Parrott of the
County of Lunenburgh Commonwealth of Virginia of the other part witnesseth that
the aforesaaid John Powers & his wife Michal for and in consideration of the sum
of Four hundred Dollars to them in hand paid before the sealing and delivery
of this deed hath bargain and sell a lien release and Conformant unto the
said William Parrott his heirs and assigns forever all our claim to that parcel
or Tract of Land lying and being on both sides of Wolf Island Creek in the county
of Rockingham State of North Carolina being the same whereon Abner Parrott
lived & died and which was owned by him in his lifetime and by him devised
to his wife Elizabeth for her life and afer her death to his four sons William,
Benjamin and Abner & Joseph, and the said Joseph and AbnerParrott having deed without heirs the said Michal Powers who claims to be the sister
of the said Joseph & Abner and their heirs at Law and claims to be entitled to a
childs part of her said two deceased brothers estate thereon now it is explicitly
understood that the said John Powers & Michal do by these presents transfer all
their right title interest and Claims of and to the said Land being their undivided
moiety or part of the said Land as lying in the buts and bounds following to
wit Begining at a black Oak John Durhams Corner thence South fifty degrees
seventy four poles to seom Ash's Durhams other corner, thence north seven degrees
West one hundred & ninenty four poles to Sweet Gum thence north fifty five degrees
East seventy six poles to a Hickory on the North Bank of the creek thence North
twenty degrees west seventy poles to a Red Oak thence West twenty degrees South
twenty four Poles to a Pine bush in Joshua Finleys line Thence with said
line North Eighty four poles to a red oak on Farleys line thence South eighty
degrees West with said line two hundred & ninety poles to a white oak
on John Moreheads line thence Suoth thirty six degrees West to a blanck Oak
Moreheads Corner thence on Moreheads liine south fifity degrees West fifty one poles to
an Ashe thence west one hundred & thirty six poles to a white oak thence
South five hundred & twenty one poles to a black oak thence North six degrees
East on Murpheys line one hundred & fifty poles to a post oak Murpheys Corner
thence east on said line one hundred and forty six poles to a post oak thence
North forty five degrees West twenty Eight poles to a post oak in Halobys line
thence North forty five degrees west twenty eight poles to a Black oak thence East
to the beginning Containing nine hundred eighty one & half acres more or less To
have and to hold the aforesaid Tract or parcel of Land together with all the
appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining to the only proper use
and behalf of the aforesaid William Parrott his heirs and assigns forever and the
aforesaid John Powers and Michal Powers for themself their heirs & hath
warrant and defend all their right little & interest in Said Tract of Land
to the aforesaid William Parrott his heirs and assigns forever free from the
claim and encumbrance of all persons claiming by through or under their
seals the day and date above written
interlined with the words "claim to be" after the twenty.........John Powers seal
third line from the begining, .........Michal Powers seal
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
George W. Elliott
Charles Baldwin J.P.
Georgia Greene County
Be it remembered that on the twelfth day of
September 1821 personally came and appeared Michal
wife of the within named John Powers who being by me privately
Separately and apart from her husband examined declares that she
doth freely and voluntarily relinquish her dower or third part and all
claim whatsoever on and to the within tract of land sold and conveyed to William
Parrott (Recorded 12th September 1821) Michal Powers seal
Taken and acknowledged before me
Charles Baldwin JP ......... Ebenezer Torrence Clk
Greene Co. Deed Book HH: 76-77
Note: The importance of this document is that it confirms the children of Abner Parrott, including William Parrott Jr of Lunenburg County, Virginia. It also confirms that the Michal Parrott in Abner's will is Michal Powers of Georgia. Michal Parrott must have moved to Georgia with her grandfather and uncle Benjamin.
Benjamin fails to claim his mail
14 October 1822
A list of Letters remaining in the Post-Office at Sparta, Hancock county, on the 1st of October, 1822, which if not taken out by the 1st of January next, will be forwarded to the General Post-Office. Parrott, Benja. The missionary, Image 4
19 April 1824
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Sparta, March 31, 1824 ------- Parrott, sen. The missionary, Image 3
Benjamin appointed grand juror May 03, 1824
Georgia, Hancock County
Superiour Court, April Term, 1824.
Present, his Honour, John M. Dooly, Judge.
THE GRAND JURY for the county of Hancock, for April Term, 1824:
William Terrell, Foreman.
William Burritt, ------------John Long,
John Johnson, ------------John Cheely,
Starling Evans, -------,----Burwell L. Barnes,
Jared Carter, --------------Wiley Allen,
Samuel Harris, ------------John Simms,
Edmund S. Bass, ---------Benjamin Parrott,
Malcom Johnson, ---------Thomas Crowder,
Jacob P. Turner, ----------Barnaby Shivers,
Philip Turner, --------------James Simmons.
The missionary, Image 3
Abner enrolls in law school
The Students, 1828. Catalogue of the Litchfield Law School, from 1792 to 1827 inclusive. S.S. Smith, Litchfield, Conn., p 22 [Ancestry image 20]
Benjamin Parrott sells land to James Ely
19 September 1832 Benjamin Parrott of Green County to James Ely, for $1000: 250 acre tract on waters of Rocky
Fork of Shoulderbone joining lands of James Ely, Grimes, and Ramby Shivers. Witnesses:
Augustus Collier and Butt L. Cato, J. P. Recorded in Hancock County on 10 November 1832.
Hancock Co. Deed Book O: 108
Note: Washington county was established on February 25, 1784. Greene County was formed on February 3, 1786, from land given by Washington County. Hancock Co created Dec. 17, 1793 from Greene and Washington Counties.
Benjamin Parrott sells land to his son John
19 September 1832 Benjamin Parrott of Green County to John H. Parrott for $2000: 725 acres in Green County on
waters of Rocky Fork of Shouderbone Creek bounded by land of Green Cato, Thomas Marchman, Michael Chappell, and David Davis. Signed Benjn Parrott. Witnesses: Augustus Collier and Butt L. Cato, J. P. Recorded 17 October 1833.
Hancock Co. Deed Book O: 165-66.
Benjamin Parrott will
1 March 1837, Greene County
Will of Benjamin Parrott
In the name of God amen. I Benjamin Parrott of the county and state aforesaid, being advanced in years and though diseased, possessed of a sound mind & memory and believing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do hereby constitute and make this my last will & testament.
Item 1st. I resign my soul into the hands of that God who gave it, and my body to the tomb, to be buried in a decent & Christian like manner.
Item 2nd. I wish my Funeral expenses, together with my Just debts paid out of any monies which may be on hands or due me, or that may arise from the sale of any of my property.
Item 3rd. I do hereby give unto my son, John H. Parrott and my son inlaw James Ely "all the property which I have heretofore gave them - together with the further sum of Fifty dollars each.
Item 4th. I will & bequeath to my Grand Daughter Mary Michael Ely the sum of Four hundred Dollars, which sum of money I want kept by my Executors at interest until she become of age or marries. If she should die before she received this legacy the money to be divided between all her sisters.
Item 5th. I will & bequeath to my beloved Nancy Parrott (my wife) my four wheel carriage & Harness.
Item 6th. I will & bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Parrott the one half of all the property of which I am now possessed or of which I may be hereafter possessed of after paying all my just debts and dividing as before contemplated by this will with the exception of a negro girl by the name of Hannah and the further exception of another negro Girl or seven hundreds Dollars in the event that Hannah should die
Item 7th. I will & bequeath to my little Daughter Rebecca Ann Margaret Parrott a negro Girl by the name of Hannah, but if the said Hannah should die, the sum of Seven hundred dollars or a negro Girl of equal value with Hannah together with the one half of all my property after the Divisions which are contemplated by this will.
Item 8th. I wish all my property to remain on the premises (the place on which I now live) without a division Between my wife Nancy Parrott & my little Daughter Rebecca Ann Margaret Parrott until my wife dies or marries or my Daughter Rebecca become of lawful age or marries or dies, then in either case a division to take place agreeably to the intent & meaning of this will.
Item 9th. I wish my little Daughter Rebecca Ann Margaret Parrott to share the one half of all the property made after supporting her & her mother the Daughter accounting one for her half to be placed at interest by my Executors for the use only of my Daughter Rebecca.
Item 10th. I want my wife Nancy Parrott to have the one half of the profits made after taking out expenses as before contemplated, that is the expenses of living - to dispose of as she may think proper.
Item 11th. I wish my wife to dispose of what property is left to her in this will as she may think proper but if she should die without making any disposials then and that event, my will is that my child Rebecca Ann Margaret Parrott heir all she possesses.
Item 12th. In the event my Daughter Rebecca Ann Margaret Parrott should die before she becomes of lawful age or marries then the one half of her property shall to my Grand Daughter by Hannah Ely and the other half to my wife Nancy Parrott to dispose of as she may think proper.
Item 13th. My executors to have power to sell or buy such property as they may think proper for the support of the family.
Item 14th. My landed property as well as Negros and all other Kinds of Property to be divided equally to this will.
Item 15th. Nothing in this will shall be so construed as to admit the heirs of Hannah Ely wife of James Ely my son in law claiming any property of mine, other than what is contemplated by this will. The fifty dollars being all coming to that family, except what is otherwise expressed.
Item 16th. I do hereby appoint my beloved wife, Nancy Parrott executrix and my friend John Copelan Esq. my executor.
In the testimony whereof I Benjamin Parrott doth this day of march the first Eighteen hundred thirty seven, set my hands and affixed my seals.
The word "dies, Nancy Parrott" intervened and the words "from" and what" erased before assigned.
Signed, Sealed & delivered
in presence of us .....................Benj. Parrott seal
Francis S. Cooley
Hardy Bridger
Jenkins D. Williams
Codicil July 18th 1837.
In addition to the above Will I do hereby appoint James Ely my son in law an executor to sit in concert with those already appointed.
Test......................................Benj. Parrott seal
Francis S. Cooley
Hardy Bridger
Jenkins D. Williams
Georgia Greene County
Court of ordinary In Chambers Tuesday 17th day of October 1837 personally appeared in open Court Francis S. Cooley, Hardy Bridger, and Jenkins D. Williams the subscribing witnesses to the within last Will and Testament of Benjamin Parrott deceased and on oath say that they saw him subscribe the same, and that they each believed him to be of perfect sound mind and disposing memory at the time of his signing the same, and that they in the presence of each other and in the presence of the testator subscribed their names as witnesses thereunto.
Sworn to in open Court 17th day of Oct 1837.
Thomas W. Grimes, Clk.
Francis S. Cooley
Hardy Bridger
Jenkins D. Williams
Recorded 9th day of February 1838
Thomas W Grimes Clk
Proved 17 October 1837.
Thomas W Grimes Clk
"Georgia Probate Records," folder: Parrott, Benjamin.
Will Book F: 218-220 (microfilm p 479-480)
Abner Parrott at the University of Georgia
Hull, A.L. 1894. A Historical Sketch of the University of Georgia, Athens, GA.List of Alumni for 1854: Catalogue of the trustees, officers and alumni of the University of Georgia from 1785 to 1894. Ancestry image 238
Anonymous, 1855. University of Georgia Catalogue of the officers and Students of Franklin College, Athens, GA, 1854 -'5. Reynolds & Bro. Printers, Athens, GA. p 10 [Ancestry image 11]
Lunenberg County, Virginia
See William Parrott of Lunenburg for documentationReturn to top