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Last update = 09 Sep 2020
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The Northumberland County Parrotts:

Revised and updated 09 Sep 2020. Genealogy can change rapidly, as new information is found, forcing reevaluations of previous information. Check back for updates before using any of this information. If you cite any of this work, please include the date of last revision.

Three generations of Parrotts lived in Northumberland county, spanning a period of some 50 years. Although there are other branches of this family, the branch that arose in Northumberland county is by far the largest of all. The first family member there was Lawrence, who moved from Kingston Parish in what was then Gloucester county, for some yet undetermined reason, and took possession of 300 acres of land. The Lawrence who moved to Northumberland may have been born as early as 1700, or as late as 1709, and died intestate by 9 May 1946 in Northumberland Co. He was the grandson of the Lawrence Parrott who first settled in Gloucester county. If one assumes the Lawrence from Gloucester was as young as 18 when transported to the Colonies, he would have been 87 years old in 1731 when his son William was born, and thus too old to be starting a family. Even a son of the Lawrence who settled in Gloucester would be too old to be starting a family in 1731. Thus the Northumberland Lawrence must have been a grandson of Lawrence the immigrant.

1776 map of Northumberland, showing two possible locations for the Parrott lands. One is just south of the Great Wicomico, and the second is on the headwaters of Indian Creek, near the county line. Both of these are discussed below in more detail. From MapGeeks.

While in Northumberland, the Parrott family lived in Wicomico parish. Few records have survived for Wicomico Parish. Lawrence appears in the vestry record for Wicomico Parish in Northumberland County on 2 August 1743, when it was ordered that Lawrence Parrott be one of the land processioners for the precinct. Two years later, Laurence Parrot was recorded as owing the parish £200 at a vestry meeting on 12 October 1745.

Lawrence was married to Mary (ca 1715 to 1755), whose maiden name has been the subject of much speculation.

They had a daughter, Mary Ann (ca 1731-1807, see explanation of how her birthdate was calculated), who married Richard Haynie (d ~1754) ["Richard Haynie & Parrott, [married] before 11 April 1748; bride was a daughter of Lawrence Parrott" from Northumberland County Record Book 1747-1749, p 79, as given in Headley, R.K. Jr., Married Well & Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia 1649-1800, p 174.]

Mary Ann next married Elisha Betts (1720 - 1784). Her will was signed 5 June 1802 in Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co., and recorded on 10 Dec. 1807 by Charles Betts (Lunenburg Will Book #6, 1802-09, pages 201-202). Elisha Betts had a plantation in Lunenberg Co., Virginia, and the overseer in 1775 for this plantation was a John Parrott, married to Ruth. However, this John is from a completely unrelated family.

Lawrence and Mary also had a son, William, who was born ca 1732 and died 1778. Proof that Lawrence and William are linked is established by Fillis, James, and Winney, slaves named in the property inventory of Lawrence. Phillis, James, and Winney later appear in the will of William Parrott, tying Lawrence to William. A son William is also named in the will of Mary Parrott, widow of Lawrence.

Wlliam was born and lived his entire life there. He married Hannah Hughlett (ca 1735-1772), and the couple gave birth to 2 daughters and 5 sons who were born and raised there as well. Four of the sons survived, but left Northumberland county and went their separate ways, thus continuing this Parrott lineage in central Kentucky and Virginia.

William Jr., the eldest son, inherited the family land, but was prevented from selling it by the terms of his father's will. He was still paying taxes on it in the early 1790s, although he was already living in Orange county at the time.

Besides the family farm, the Parrotts bought a grist mill off Knight's Run in 1763, which son John received as his father's heir-in-law. The mill pond is still visible today. They petitioned to build a second one in 1766. The Parrott farm was just south of the Great Wicomico River (see discussion below), near their mill on Knights Run, somewhere west of the Howsons, but east of Knight's Run. In turn, the Howson property was bounded by Fishing Creek (now Tipers Creek) on the east and the Lawrence Parrott property on the west. Today, after crossing the Great Wicomico, Jessie DuPont Memorial Highway runs parallel to Tipers Creek before the two finally intersect. The last records of the family in Northumberland are from the tax lists of the 1780's, when William Jr is still paying taxes on the family farm, before he follows his brothers and moves away. All in all the Parrotts were in Northumberland county for only about 50 years.

Note that the earliest documents were burned in a fire in 1710. In addition, the Record Book for Northumberland for 1713 - 1718 is lost. The remaining references are posted here as they get found:

Layout of the land
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This map illustrates the places named in the documents. The two square insets show the areas where the Parrott plantation might have been.

As accounts of the day suggest, traveling by water was easier than trying to travel over land. Towns and churches were conveniently located near the head waters of navigable streams.

Inset 2 at the bottom of the top map ecompasses the area around Indian Creek, magnified in the middle map, with the shaded area depicting the reported location for the Parrott plantation. Dr. Walter L. Moore (1906-1997), himself a William Parrott descendant, visited Northumberland county in an attempt to find the location of Parrott properties by speaking to local residents. He later relayed the information to another family member, WB Parrott, who shared it at the time. The green triangle on the lower map indicates the location where the actual house is said to have stood, supposedly into the last century. According to what Dr. Moore relayed, it stood across the water from the end of what today is road 1115.

This property is just 2.5 miles east of what is now Main street in Kilmarnock. The area can be reached by taking highway 200 out of Kilmarnock, turning east on 608, and right onto Clifton Landing Road. The property originally encompassed 300 acres, which is the approximate size of the penninsula defined by the forks in Indian Creek; thus it is possible that the Parrott plantation occupied the whole penninsula, as speculated in the diagram. In this case, much of Clifton Landing Road would be on former Parrott lands, while the house itself would have been at the end of the road.

It must be emphasized that not a single document has been found that can corroborate the location of the Parrott lands, so Dr. Moore's account cannot be verified. To the extent that neighbors were often called to witness wills, that Mary Parrott's will was witnessed by Ann Linum suggests the account could be correct. The Linum house, originally owned and built by John Lynum in 1678, still stands as the Lynhams House. It is on the corner of N and S Sioux road (1107) and is shown by the orange triangle on the middle map. The location would make the Lynums neighbors living just an easy boat ride across Indian Creek in Bluff Point. The two houses would have been separated by the distance of just 2 football fields.

The location off Indian Creek was far removed from the places named in the documents. Court was held in Heathville, the Northumberland county seat that was 30 miles distant. Attending church in Wicomico would have required a 9-mile ride. Later, the family built a mill that was 6 miles beyond the church, or 15 miles away from the reported homestead. It is surprising that the family chose to build mills so distant from their main plantation. And, for someone living on a penninsula, it is surprising no boats were mentioned in Lawrence's inventory. Finally, the Lynum land became part of the plantation of Robert Clarke Jacob, which in turn got sold in 1780, and the Parrotts were not listed as neighbors.

That said, other information suggests the Parrott lands were actually south of the Great Wicomico River, near their mill on Knights Run. This area is shown by the inset 1 near the top of the top map, which is magnified in the bottom map at left. A Deed of Lease places the Parrott land somewhere west of the Howsons, but east of Knight's run. In turn, the Howson property was between Fishing Creek (now Tipers Creek) and the Lawrence Parrott property. Several documents besides this deed show that the Howson property was bounded by Fishing Creek. Today, after crossing the Great Wicomico, Jessie DuPont Memorial Highway runs parallel to Tipers Creek before the two finally intersect.


  • 1st mention of a Lawrence Parrot in Northumberland, 10 July 1733
  • Land division with Richard Howson, 21 April 1736
  • Witness to deed of Richard Kenner, 12 August 1738/9
  • Witness to will of Robert Hunter, 22 June 1740
  • Appraiser, estate of Robert Hunter, 14 July 1740
  • Receives payment from Leonard Howson estate, 13 October 1740
  • Appraiser of Charles Craven estate, 11 May 1741
  • A list of Saml Blackwell's votes, 17 November 1741
  • Payee to Peart estate 1742-3
  • Inventoried the estate of Richard Howson, 13 February 1743
  • Appraiser of Robert Lowry inventory, 4 April 1743
  • Processioner for Wicomico parish, 2 August 1743
  • Witness to will of Moses Webb, 1 October 1743
  • Quille to Gibbons Deed of Lease, 11 August 1745
  • Debt to Wicomico in Northumberland, 12 October 1745
  • Purchase by Lawrence Parrott, 9 February 1746
  • Estate of Lawrence Parrot, 9 March 1746
  • Lawrence Parrot allotment to Mr. Richard Haynie, 14 March 1947/8

  • Mary Parrott, adminsistrator of husband's estate, 14 March 1747
  • Will of Mary Parrett, 12 August 1749

    William Sr.
  • William and Hannah sell 50 acres to Swan Prichard, 10 November 1753
  • William Parrott petitions his father-in-law's estate on his wife's behalf, 10 March 1755
  • Division of Yarrett Hughlett Estate, 14 April 1755
  • William Parrott was compensated for serving as witness, 12 June 1758
  • Division of the land of Sarah Winter Hughlett, 16 January to 9 November 1762
  • William Parrott purchases a grist mill with Richard Taylor, 12 November 1763
  • William Parrott buys out Richard Taylor's half of the mill, May 11, 1765 - documentation pending
  • Request by William Parrott to value an acre of land for a 2nd grist mill, 23 July 1766
  • Will of William Parott, Sr., 16 July 1778

    John & William Jr.
  • Bond for money owed William Nutt, by John Parrott, 25 April 1777
  • Sale of grist mill by John Parrott, 15 September 1780
  • Tax list for Northumberland county, 1782

    Note: Names highlighted in color appear in the different documents, linking them together

    1st Mention of Lawrence Parrot in Northumberland, 10 July 1733.
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    Northumberland Co., Virginia. Order Book 3, 1729 - 1737; p 101

    "Kate a Negro girl belonging to Lawrence Parrot judgd to be Tenn years old"

    Land division 21 April 1736
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    Northumberland Co., Virginia, Order Book 3, 1729-1737, p 215

    "The report of the division of the lands between Richard Howson and Lawrence Parrot was returned to the court by John Shapleigh, Wm Eustace & Matthew Zuill, Gent. appointed to divide the same and is ordered to be recorded"

    Witness to deed of Richard Kenner, 12 August 1738
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    3 Aug MDCCXXXVIII. Deed. Richard Kenner of Saint Stephens Parish, Northumberland Co gent for 91 pd 7 si sold to Thomas Edwards of Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co gent a 261 a. parcel of land in Brereton's Neck adj the sd Thomas Edwards, Col Presly, Benjamin Toulson & Elias Märtin, which land is pt/o a greater tr given & bequeathed to the sd Richard Kenner by the will of his grandmother Elizabeth Winder dated 14 Apr 1730 .... Wit: John Shapleigh, Benjamin George June, Lawrance Parrot. Ackn 12 Mar 1738 & recorded. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 31)

    3 Aug MDCCXXXVIII. Deed of Covenant. Richard Kenner pf Saint Stephens Parish, Northumberland Ce? gent for settling the tr of land whereon he now lives upon Thomas Edwards in case the sd 261 a. of land ptlo 900 a. should hereafter be recovered & for 91 pd 7 si in hand paid release to Thomas Edwards gent of Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co gent the tr of land ... whereas Elizabeth Winder late of Saint Stephens Parish widow grandmother of the sd Richard Kenner was in her lifetime seized in a tr or neck of land called Breretons Neck containing 4,600 a. & being so seized by her will dated 14 Apr MDCCIXXX devised to the sd Richard Kenner pt/o the sd tr to wit 1,600 a. & the sd Elizabeth Winder on 14 May 1730 by her deed of gift did give to the sd Richard Kenner 700 a. of land in her sd will to him bequeathed & whereas the sd Richard Kenner is now vested in 900 a. of the land & the remainder viz his dwelling plantation with the lands being computed to contain 250 a. & bounded by Taskmenders Cr, the bay, the herring pond & Col Presly's land & whereas the sd Richard Kenner by his deed [see above] hath conveyed 261 a. ofthe 900 a. to the sd Thomas Edwards, & whereas the sd Richard Kenner is willing so far as in him lyeth to secure the peaceable possession & enjoyment of the 250 a. of land unto the sd Thomas Edwards .... Wit: John Shapleigh, Benjamin George Junr, Lawrance Parrot. Proved 12 Mar 1738/9 & on the motion of Joseph Ball esqr atty ofthe sd Edwards was admitted to record. Attest James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 32)

    Witness to will of William Tolson, 22 September 1738
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    Will of William Tolson of Northumberland, planter. To my only son John Tolson my plantation where I now dwell. To my only dau Winifride Wornam the bed, beding & furniture to it belonging as it now stands in the plank house. To my son in law Thomas Wornam a full trim'd suit of duray? cloths with the stockings & my whitney riding cote. To my grandson Thomas Wornam my largest gun. To my son John Tolson all my wareing cloths linen & woollen (not before given). To my son John Tolson all my Smith tools & my short gun I give to my grandson William Tolson the son ofthe afsd John Tolson. To my granddaus Winifride & Elizabeth Tolson daus of my son John Tolson to each of them a heifer. To William Porter (who lives with Me) a suit of cloaths & a small chest upstairs. To my son in law Thomas Wormam that hogshead of tobacco I have his bill for. To my beloved wife Mary Tolson the use of all the rest of my personal estate (quick & dead) during her widowhodd & afterwards to be divided between my son John Tolson & my dau Winifride Wormam. I order my estate not to be appraised. I appoint my wife Mary Tolson & my son John Tolson executors. - Witnesses: J. Coulton, Lawrance Parrot, Charles Reason. Proved: 12 March 1738/9 and recorded. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 33)

    Witness to will of Robert Hunter, 22 June 1740
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher, pp 47-48.

    Robert Hunter of Northumberland County. 22 Jun 1740. To Robert Boyd one cow & calf. To my aunt Joshan Hunter & to my five cousins Sarah Hammonds, Ann Hunter, Robert Hunter, Joshan Hunter & Findly Hunter all the remainder pt/o my whole estate to be equally divided between them. My will is that my aunt Joshan Hunter & John Hornsby be my executors. Wit: Lawrence Parrot, Richard Nash. Proved 14 lul 1740 & admitted to record. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 85)

    Appraiser, estate of Robert Hunter, 14 July 1740
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher, p 52.

    In obedience to an order of court dated 14 Jul 1740 we Charles Coppedge, John Coppedge & Laurenee PaRutt being first sworn by Capt Robert Jones have appraised the estate of Robert Hunter deed in the hands of Argail Taylor & the orphans of Wm Taylor deed & Aaron Taylor security for the estate of John Hunter decd late father to the sd Robert Hunter decd & posest John Hunter extr with the sd estate: 1 feather bed & furniture, 1 old ehest, 1 old table, 3 old chairs, 2 pr mens shoes, 1 pair of womens, 2 barrells of Indian eorn, 1 iran pot & hooks, 250 lbs of pork, cows & calves, sheep, 6 glass bottles, 1 old mare, 1 iran pot, 1 old gun, etc. [Not totaled] This inventory was exhibited 13 Oct 1740 by Josken Hunter extr & admitted to record. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 97)

    Receives payment from Leonard Howson estate, 13 October 1740
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher, p 109.

    The estate of Capt Leonard Howson in cash. Paid David Lattimore, 2 lawsuits Archibald Johnson, Lawrence Parrot, Abner Neale, Col Presly, Mr. Edwards, Capt Eustace, Francis Anberry (Auberry?), Thos Smith. 14 pd 11 sI 9 ½ pn .. .. [illegible] .. . .

    Appraiser of Charles Craven estate, 11 May 1741
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    In obedience to an order of court dated 11 May 1741 we, Argail Taylor, Lawrence Parrot & Saml Mahane have met & appraised the estate of Charles Craven decd in money being first sworn. 1 servant man John Pursley. Negroes: man named Nail, woman named Rose, boy named Ned, girl named Hagor, boy named Sam, boy named Harry, boy named Simon, child named James, 15 sheep, feather beds & furniture, 1 horse skin trunk, 2 old trunks, 1 large chest, I side sadle & bridle, a parcel of cloaths, 1800 10 lb nailes, 19 % yd cotton, 4 yd coors linnen, 3 yd linsey woolsey, dear skins, 10 oz thread, I razor, I funnel, t some pouder & shot, 1 jug & triftes, etc. This inventory was exhibited 8 Jun 1741 by Rebecka Craven & John Coppidge executors & on their motion admitted to record. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 125)

    On list of Saml Blackwell's & of George Mills' votes, 17 November 1741
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher, p 88 & p 91.

    A list of Saml Blackwell's votes taken by Saml Nelms: Richd Hudnall, John Nutt, Richd Nutt, George Mills, John Downing, John Maise, Wm Mash, Joseph Lancaster, Charles Coppidge, Mosely Mott, Shapleigh Neale, Lawrence Parrot, John Coppidge, <...> 17 Nov 1741 Saml Nelms. Copy attest Robt Jones sheriff. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 158)

    [?] list of votes taken by George Mills: ." [some names illegible] ... [?] Parrot, [?] Wright, [?] Palmer, Uriah Angel, Elizamond Basey, Josias Basie, James Webb, [?] Burbro, Edwd Gardner, lohn Waddy, Saml Temple, Robt Mitchell, Wm Fletcher, John Taylor, Francis Timberlake, Edwin Smith, Wm Garlington, Aron Taylor, Joseph Knight, Thomas Harvey, Randolph Mott, Thos Winter, George Mills. 17 Nov 1741 George Mills. Copy attest: Robert Jones sheriff. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 160)

    Payee to Peart estate 1742-3
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    < > received as followeth: Tobacco received of Richard Kenner, Roger Winter, John Hurst planter, George Ball Junr, David Ball, Christopher Dameron, William Garlington, Henry Schofleld, Charles Pritchard, John Nichols, Saml Mahane, David Fluker, Thos Williams Junr, Mallachy Burberry,- James Webb, Charles Ingram, John Reason, Thos Hurst joiner, William Dameron, John Kent, Mary Gaskins, Joshua James, Wm Lunsford, Richard Dudley, John Ledford, John Paine, Thos & Edwin Gaskins, John Cole, Nargail Palmer, Francis Mott, James Waller, John Pitman, Thos Harrison, George Ball Junr, Leanna Badger, Wm Edwards, Stephen Swanson, James Tapscott, Wm Robuck, John Condre, Thos James Junr, William Haynie, Wall ase Wm, John Percifull, Ann Fallin, Jane Robinson, Joseph Bridgman, George Curtis, Denis Swanson, Joseph Lunsford, John Crawford, Joseph Williams, Richd Hudnall, Joseph Hester, John Williams, Henry Miller, William Ellet, John Nicbo1s, Thomas Harrison, John Eustace, Francis Mott, John Frame for Moses Webb, Charles Fallin, Francis Timberlake, James Waddey, Pitts Curtis, Aron Tavlor, Geo Ingram, Lawrence Parrot, Cap Robt Jones, Wm Harcum, Geo Barrett, John Swift. 23,142 lbs tobacco.

    Inventoried the estate of Richard Howson 13 February 1743
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    Pursuant to an order of court dated 13 Feb 1743 we Joshua James, Lawrence Parrot & Robt. Boyd have met being first sworn by Capt Robert Jones & valued all the estate of Richard Howson decd that was brought to our view in money. Negroes: man James, man Natt, man Moses, man Harry, girl Jane, girl Moll, woman Ittey, woman Hannah, old woman Betty, girl Lucy, boy Spencer, child Isaac. 9 cows & calves, 1 bull, 5 stears, 11 heifers, 3 ewes & 1ambs, 1 weather, 12 new leather chairs, 1 round tab1e, case of bottles, 1 corner cupboard, 1 small looking glas & brush, 12 black flag chairs, 1 case tea spoons, 2 punch bowls, 1 stone jug, 21 pieces teaware, 11 pieces earthenware, 8 drinking glasses, 3 old books, etc. [Not totaled] Cash due by John Hopkins 1 pd 9 pn, 67 lbs of tobacco due from Minton Morgan. This inventory was exhibited 11 June 1744 by Argail Taylor, Judee Howson & John Taylor executors & on their motion admitted to record. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 36)

    *Judith, widow of Richard Howson, was the d/o George Dameron and Margaret Taylor. Her 1st husband was Charles Copedge; their son Charles Jr, helped invetory the estate of Lawrence Parrott.

    Appraiser of Robert Lowry inventory 4 April 1743
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    ... [illegible] ... 1 spinning wheel, 1 linning wheel, 1 old ehest, 1 old razor & hoane, 2 iron wedges, 2 old axes, 2 old hoes, 1 iron spit, 1 iron pestle, 1 old hand saw, 1 old drawing haspe, 1 old stock lock, l old pad lock, 1 basket, old lumber, some wool, old sheers, pareel of tannd leather, 1 old Bible, 1 old common prayer book, 2 old frying pans, old landle stick, old shovel, table, old pewter, 19 1bs of old iron, 1 old box iron & heaters, 1 old tankard, 11 Ibs pewter, 2 glass bottles, 1 old water paile, 1 iron pot & hooks, 2 sheep, etc. [Not totaled] Charles Coppedge, Lawrence Parrote, Thos Everitt. This inventory of the estate of Robert Lowry decd was exhibited 4 ADr 1743 by Henry Mays adminr of the sd decd & admitted to record. Attest: lames Fontaine clerk.

    Appraiser of Richard Howson inventory 11 June 1743
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    01-036 Northumberland Co, Virginia

    Inventory of Richard Howsen, deceased. Appraisers: Joshua James, Lawrence Parrot, Robt. Boyd

    Land processioner 2 August 1743
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    Wicomico Parish Vestry Minutes

    It was ordered that Lawrence Parrott be one of the land processioners for the precinct.

    Witness to will of Moses Webb, 1 October 1743
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    Wil1. Moses Webb ofNorthumberland Co. 1 Oct 1743, To my son Richard Webb my plantation & a11 the lands that I am now possessed with to him & his heirs but in case my son should die without heir then my will is that my dau Agatha should have a11 my land & plantation on provisor she pays to my dau Sarah Ann Webb 10 pd. To my wife Elizabeth Webb & my son Richd Webb & my two daus Agatha & Sarah Ann Webb a11 the remainder pt/o my estate after my debts are pald. My will is that my two friends John Porter & John Frame be my executors. Wit: Joseph McAdam, Law Parrot. Proved 14 7br 1743 & admitted to record. Attest: James Fontaine clerk. (Pg 5)

    Quille to Gibbons Deed of Lease 11 August 1745
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    Matthew Quille gent & Elizabeth his wife of St. Stephens Parish, Northumbrland Co for 5 sl leased to Maurice Gibbons.......first pt/o the tr of land formerly belonging to Capt Leonard Howson who his will dated 17 Apr ---- bequeathed the same to be divided between his eldest son William & his youngest son John & the sd Wm by his will dated 15 Jan 1700 his part thereof bequeathed to his only dau Eliz who dying without issue or transferring the same the sd land descended by right of inheritance to Anna Stepto a dau to Leonard Howsin second son of the the afsd Capt Leonard Howson & is of Wm Howsin & Jno Howzen made pursuant to an order of court by Jno Taylor, Thos Taylor, Richd Lattimer, Thos Downing & George Cooper surveyor, the second part adj to this & bounded by a br of Fishing Cr & Lawrence Parrot, this being pt of a tr of land divided by the will of Jno Howson gent to his son Richard Howson ....for the term of one year paying the rent of one ear of Indian corn at the feast of the Nativity of our blessed Lord & Savior Jesus Christ if demanded......Wit: Spencer Corbell, Francis Timberlake, William Murphy

    Note: This deed of lease is important because it names Lawrence Parrott relative to a land mark (Fishing Creek, now Tipers Creek), that can be used to locate the approximate place of the Parrott property.

    Debt to Wicomico parish 12 October 1745
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    Wicomico Parish Vestry Minutes

    Laurence Parrot was recorded as owing the parish £200.

    Purchase, 9 February 1746
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    Brewer, Mary Marshall. 2007. Northumberland County, Virginia deeds, wills, inventories, etc. 1743-1749. Colonial Roots Publisher.

    15 Aug 1746. Deed of Mortgage. William Fallin of St. Stephens Parish, Northumberland Co merchant for 100 pd sold to Lawrence Parrott of Great Wiccocomoco Parish, sd co planter five Negroes named Toney, Tom, Bristol, Daniel & Sam with their futer increase ... upon condition that if the sd William Fallin shall well & truly pay unto the sd Lawrence Parrot the full sum of 100 pd on or before 24 Dec next ensuing then these presents shall cease .... Wit: Thomas Harcom Junr, John Irons. Proved 9 Feb 1746/7 & ackn 10 Feb 1746/7 by the sd William Fallin & recorded. Attest: Billr Claibome clerk. (Pg 174)

    Estate inventory of Lawrence Parrot, 9 March 1746/7
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    Download a copy page 1 page 2

    Northumberland Co. Record Book 1743-49, page 197

    Parrot's Inventory
    Pursuant to an order of court bearing Date the 9th Day of March 1746 we the Subscribers have met being first Sworn by Mr Argaile Taylor and appraised all the Estate of Lawrence Parrot Decd that was Brought to our view which is as followeth
    £ s d
    To 1 Negro man Named Saml 35 0 0
    To 1 Negro woman Named Kate 30 0 0
    To 1 Negro woman named Fillis 30 0 0
    To 1 Negro Boy Named James 14 0 0
    To 1 Negro Girl named Hannah 10 0 0
    To 1 Negro Girl named Judith 18 0 0
    To 1 Negro Girl named Winney 20 0 0
    To 1 Negro Girl named Pegg 25 0 0
    To 1 bed and all Furniture £5 s10 and 1 Do. £ 10s 10 0 0
    To 1 Chest 6/ & one Lock 1/6 & one Looking Glass 8/ 0 15 6
    To 1 fishing line & some trifles 1/6 & 1 chest @ 7/ 0 8 6
    To 1 Lancil @ 9d & one Round table & Cloth £1 6s & one gun 15/ 2 1 9
    To pair Silver Clasps & a pr Studs @ 3/ & six flagg Chairs 12/ 0 15 0
    To 3 old Chair frames 1/6 & 2 old wiggs 6/ 0 7 6
    To 1 worn Suit of Cloaths £1 10s & pair of Leather Britches 16/ 2 6 0
    To a parcel of old Cloaths 15/ & a parcel of Cloaths £3 3 15 0
    To 1 case of pistols & sword 20/ & one cow bell 5/ 1 5 0
    To 6 glass Bottles @ 4d & one side of tand Leather 3/ 0 5 0
    To 2 Gemblits 5d & 4 Chizels 2/6 & a parcel of old tools 15/ 0 17 11
    To 3 plains 6/ & a parcel of Old Shoes 4/ 0 10 0
    To 38 feet of wild Cherry tree plank @ 3d a foot 0 9 6
    To 1 old Side Sadle 5/ & 3 pecks of beans 1/10d ½ 0 6 10½
    To 1 peck of peas 7d½ & 3 Lasts 1/ & some but Leather 1/ 0 2
    To 1 papar Trunk 1/ & a parcel of old Books 8/ 0 9 0
    To a parcel of old hoes and a Ga?bing ax @ 12/ 0 12 0
    To 3 old axes 6/6 & a Set of Iron wedges & a iron pestle 9/ 0 15 6
    To 1 Box Iron and Heators 5/ & a pair Sheep Shears 1/ 0 6 0
    To Some old Knives & forks 3/6 & 2 Sifters 3/10 0 7 4
    To 2 old hats 6/ & one chest 6/ & one Spinning wheel 5/ 0 17 0
    To 2 p? Cards 5/ & a parcel of wooden ware 6/ 0 6 0
    To 1 Sugar Box 1/ & a Stone Jugg 3/ & a parcel of trifles 2/ 0 6 0
    To a parcels of Glass ware & two punch bowls 5/ 0 5 0
    To 1 Small table & Cloth 2/6 & 10 old fire tongs & old hoe 0 3 9
    To 3 Large Mobby Tubs @ 8/ apeace & 6 Sixty Gallon Casks @ 4/6 2 11 0
    To 20 old hoes ¹/10d 3 Large hides 3/ 1 yearling skin 1/ 0 11 10
    To 17½ pds of good pewter @ 1/ & 16 pds of old Do. @ 8d 1 8 2
    To 1 young horse sadle & bridle £5 10s & old mare 5/ 5 15 0
    To 7 Ewes & lambs @ 7/ & 2 Small Ewes & 1 ----- 3/6 2 19 6
    To 1 Claw hammer 1/ & comb 3d & 15 young hogs 3/ 2 6 3
    To 2 ld Barril 4/ & 1 ring & Bolt and Key 3/6 0 7 6
    To a parcel of staves & heding 2/6 0 2 6
    To a yoke of oxen £4 4 0 0
    1 Cow & yearling 28/ & 2 Heffors with Calf 8 18 0
    To 1 Cow & Calf 28/ & young Bull 8/ & 1 Heffor 20/ 2 16 0
    To 1 Cow & Heffor 35/ & 2 Barrils of Corn 12/ 2 7 0
    To 1 peck of Salt 9d & Iron Spitt 3/ & 1 frying pan 2/ 0 5 9
    To 123 pds of Bacon @ 4d & 10½ lbs of Beef 1½d 2 2
    To 1¾ pds of Pickd Cotten 1/ & 4 pds of Spun Cotten 0 9 1
    To 12 pds Hogs Lard @ 5d & 2 fatt potts 2/6 0 7 6
    To 1 Iron Tromel & Some Rings 3/6 0 3 6
    To 2 pots the weight 48 lbs @ 3d per pd. & 1½ pd wool @ 6d 0 12 9
    To a parcel of old Baskets 1/3 & 18 foot of Plank 0 2 1
    To 1 Tub & Ru?dle/ & Brass Cock 0 6 0
    To 1 Rule & Campers 0 1 3
    To 18 gallons of Brandy @ 3/ 2 14 0
    To 1 hoe 1/3 0 1 3
    Thos. Yerby
    Cha. Copedge Junr
    Jessey Robinson
    This is a true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of Lawrence Parrot decd as yet come to my hands the meath & Corn barly Sufficient for the family
    Mary X Parrot
    At a Court held for Northumberland County the 13th day of April 1747 This Inventory ofthe Estate of Lawrence Parrot Decced. was Returned and ordered to be Recorded
    Teste Billy Claiborne -- ----

    Lawrence Parrot's bible given to Mary Ann Parrott Haynie, 14 March 1747/8
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    Northumberland County records, Record Book.1747-1749, page 79, via Haynie family

    Pursuant to order of court March 14, 1747/8 we the subscribers met and allotted Mr. Richard Haynie, his wife's part of her deceased father's estate.-- one old Bible.

    Mary Parrott, adminsistrator of husband's estate, 14 March 1747
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    Northumberland County records, Order Book 1743- ?, page 161, via Haynie family

    Northumberland County Court March 9, 1746/7, On Notion of Mary Parrot, who made oath according to law, certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of Lawrence Parrot, deceased, she having given bond and security according to law

    Will of Mary Parrett, 12 August 1749
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    Northumberland County Wills and Orders of Administration, 1710-1749; Northumberland County Virginia Record Book No. 3, 1753-1756, page 244). It was probated 18 December 1755. North'd Co. Record Book # 10, 1753-56, page 244.

    In the name of God amen. I Mary Parrett being very sick and weak of Body but perfect sence and memory thanks be to God for the same and Calling to mind the uncertainty of this Frail state make this my last will and Testament in manner as followeth- First I give and bequeath my soul to God who gave it me and my body to the Earth from whence it came to be buried in a Decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned - Item I Give and bequeath to my well loved son William Parrett my whole Estate Excepting one Pistole which I give to my beloved Granddaughter, Mary Haynie if she lives to the age of Ten years, And Lastly I leave my son William Parrett my sole Executor of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 12th day of August 1749.

    Witness William Cooke, William Edwards, Ann Linum* (her mark)
    Mary Parrett (her mark and seal)

    At a Court Held for Northumberland County the 8th day of December 1755.--

    This Last will and Testament of Mary Parrett dec'd was this day Presented in Court by William Parrett the Executor therein named who made oath thereto according to law, And the same being proved the oath of William Cooke who made oath that he saw the other two witnesses Subscribe their Names as such was order'd to be recorded, And on the motion of the said Executor a Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.

    Test. Tho. Jones Jr.

    *Linum is probably the phonetic spelling for Lynum, later changed to Lynhams. The Lynums were neighbors living in Bluff Point, off Indian Creek. Their house, built in 1678, is still standing.

    William and Hannah sell 50 acres to Swan Prichard, 10 November 1753
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    Northumberland County order book 3, pp 37-38.

    This Indenture made this Tenth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fifty three Between William Parrott of Northumberland County Planter and Hannah his Wife of the one part and Swan Prichard of the same county on the other part Witnesseth that the said William Parrott and Hannah Parrott his said wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty five pounds Current Money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Swan Pritchard the Receipt of whereof the said William Parrott and Hannah his said Wife doth hereby Confess and acknowlege and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth Clearly acquit Exonerate and Discharge from the said Swan Prichard his Heirs Executors and Administrators forever Hath given, Granted, Bargained and Sold alined, ____ and Confirmed and by their Presents doth fully Clearly and absolutely Give Grant & Bargain and Sell unto the said Swan Prichard his Heirs and Assigns for ever Fifty Acres of Land ____ lying and being on the County of Northumberland and Runs ascppl/ followeth beginning at a Corner Tree between Judith Howson Edward Garner and William Cook. The Tree stands near the Branch Side and then Southerly along a line of marked Trees to a Stake set up by the Road Side that goes from Mrs Howsons to William Parrotts thence S 84 E 21 1/2 poles to a Persimon Tree on the __ 8.15 poles to a ___ sapling we made a line of thence said Road which is Corner between this Land and William Parrotts from thence N 12 1/2 W 2 3/4 Pole to a white Oak Tree that is marked Thence N 23 E 12 3/4 Pole to a Black Gum a Line Tree Thence N 2 W 15 1/4 Pole to a Small marked Oak at the head of the Branch Thence down the Main of the said Branch to the Beginning Corner Tree Including Fifty acres allowing for variation Compose To have and to hold the said Fifty Acres of Land hereby Granted and Sold with all and Singular Rights Member and Appurtenances Together with all Woods ___ ___, Profits and Commodities whatsoever to the said Tract or parcel of Fifty acres of Land ___ to any ___ ___ of ___ or in anywise apportioning unto the said Swan Pritchard his heirs and assigns forever and the said William Parrott and Hannah his wife for themselves their heirs executors and administrators and every of them the said Tract of Fifty acres of Land less ___ Granted Bargained & Sold with ye appurtenances and Premises unto the said Swan Prichard his Heirs and Assigns forever shall & will for ever Warrant and Defend by these Reasons from the Claim or Claims of any manner of Person or Persons whatsoever and the said Tract of Fifty acres of Land and all the Premises are Clearly and freely acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of all and from all manner of others and former Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, Mortages, Joynters, Dowers, Recognizances, Judgements and Executions and also from all and Singular other Titles Troubles and Changes Demands and Incumbrances Whatsoever and futher the said William Parrott and Hannah his wife doth by these Presents ___ & Promise for themselves their Heirs Executors, administrators every of them that the said Swan Prichard his Heirs and Assigns and every of them Shall and may by force and ___ of these Presents from time to time and as all times for ever hereafter Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly have hold, use, occupy, Enjoy and Possess the said Tract Fifty Acres of Land with all every and Singular the before Granted Premisses with all and every of their Rights Members and appurtances to his own proper use and Behoof for ever without any lawfull Lett, __ Troubles or Disturbances of them the said William Parrott and Hannah Parrott their heirs Executors or Assigns or any other Personn or Persons whatsoever and further that they the said William and Hannah their heirs executors administrators and every of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the Reasonable Request of him the said Swan Pritchard his Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns ___ ___ ___ Executors Administrators and ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Suffered ___ Executed and Acknowledged all and every such further and other Reasonable and Lawfull Grants Acts Conveyances and Assurances in the Law whatsoever for the better and more Perfect Granting Passing and Conveying the said Tract of Fifty Acres of Land the Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said Swan Prichard his Heirs and Assigns for ever According to the true Intent and Meaning hereafore by him the said Swan Prichcard his heirs and Assigns or by his or their Council learned in the Law shall be advised Devised or Required In Witness whereof we have set out Hands and Seals the Day and Year before written.

    William Parrott (seal)
    Hannah her mark



    Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of William Cooke, William Angle, William Taylor, Lawrence Copedge This delivered by ___ and ___ in Preference of the Persons before mentioned.

    At a Council held for Northumberland County the 10th Day of December 1753.

    This Deed with Livery & ___ from William Parrott & Hannah his wife to Swan Prichard was Proved by the oaths of William Cook, William Taylor & Lawrence Copedge Three of the Witnesses thereto and Ordered the Record as Previous to which the said Hannah being first Previously Examined as the Law desires. Teste. Tho. Jones ___ ___

    NOTE: Compiler's explanation: Judith Dameron Coppedge Howson was the widow of Richard Howson, who had earlier divided his grandfather's lands with Lawrence Parrott.

    William Parrott petitions his father-in-law's estate on his wife's behalf, 10 March 1755
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    Northumberland County Order Book, 1753-1756, p 273.

    Upon the petition of William Parrott for his wifes part of her deceased Father Yarrot Hughletts Estate in the hands of the Executors of the said ___Samuel Tolachnoff?, John Foucher and Joseph Ball or any two of them are appointed to allott and possess Parrott with the same according to the will of the sd. Yarrott. and make report thereof to the Court.

    Yarrat's will names only daughters Judith and Sarah, but indicates that he has several unmarried daughters. Hannah Hughlett must have been one of those unmarried daughters, which is why William had to sue his father-in-law's estate to get his wife's share. As the division below shows, his petition was successful:

    Division of Yarrett Hughlett Estate, 14 April 1755
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    Order Book 3, Northumberland Co., Virginia, pp 210-211

    In obedience to an order of Northumberland County Dated the 14th Day of April 1755 Directed to us the Subscribers to Divide the Estate of Yarrot Hughlett We accordingly met the house of the said Deceased & have Dividid and possest the heirs of the said Deeds Estate with their proportionable Parts of the Slaves & Personal Estate of the said Yarrot Hughlett according to his Will But only on Dividing the Slaves --- We ordered that Jemima Hughlett Pay to Mary Hughlett the sum of Six pounds current money and that Mrs. Sarah Hughlett pay the said Mary Hughlett the sum of Forty Shilling Current Money and that William Parrott also pay the said Mary Hughlett the sume of Twenty Shilling Current money to make the said Marys part in the Slaves Equal with the Rest and We Also oder that Sarah Hughlett the Younger Pay to her Brother John Hughlett the sum of Forty Shillings Current Money Given under own hand this 21st Day of Aprill 1755.

    At a court held for Northumerland County the 12th Day of May 1755. This report of the Settlement of Division of the Estate of Yarrott Hughlett Dec'd was this Day returned in order to be Recorded.

    John Fousher, Robert Clarke, Thomas Williams, Tho. Dameron.
    Teste. Thos. Jones -- ---

    Compensated for serving as a witness, 12 June 1758
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    Northumberland County Order Book 52, page 298.

    On the motion of Willam Parrot a witness for Judith Howson Plt. against George Payne* jr. Deft. It is ordered that the sd Plt. pay him two hundred and twenty five pounds of tob'o. for Nine days attendance at this Court according to law.-

    * George Payne, Jr. m Nancy "Nanny" Howson Sept 1756. Nancy was d/o Richard and Judith Howson of Wicomico Parish, and neighbors of William Parrott. Nancy and George appear to have sued her father's estate, and their neighbor, William Parrott, had to testify.

    Division of the land of Sarah Winter Hughlett, starting 16 January 1762
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    Heirs of Yarrett Hughlett 1762 Northumberland County Record Book 5 1758-1762 Reel 8, p 521

    Know all men by these Presents that we Sarah Hughlett one of the Daughters & Heirs of Yarrat Hughlett Deceased - Moses Lunsford, Wm. Parrott & Wm. Davenport who intermarried with Mary Hannah & Jemima Daughters & Heirs of Yarrat Hughlet aforesaid, all of the County of Northum'd are held & firmly bound unto John Hughlett of the County aforesaid In the Sum of Seven hundred Pounds Curr't money of Virginia to be paid to the s. John Hughlett his certain attorney heirs Executors administrators or assigns to the which payment well & truly to be made Done & performed. We bined ourselves our Heirs Executors and administrators Jointly & severally firmly by these presents Dated & sealed with our seals this 16 Day of Jan'ry Anno Domini 1762 --

    The condition of this obligation is such that whereas the above bounden Sarah Hughlet, Moses Lunsford, Wm. Parrott & Wm Davenport and the above named John Hughlet hath made choice of Mefs'rs John Foushee, Samuel Esckridge, Elisha Betts & Robert Clark to devide the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Hughlet Dew and Equally amongst them. Now if the above bounden Sarah Hughlett Moses Lunsford Wm. Parrott & Wm. Davenport their Heirs Executors & Adminstrators shall Each of them & each of their Heirs & Jointly & severally stand to the sd Devision then the above obligation to be void & of no Effect otherwise to be in Force.

    Sealed & Delivered
    In the presense of
    John Foushee...........................................Sarah her mark Hughlett
    Robert Clarke...........................................Moses Lunsford
    Samuel Eskridge......................................Wm. Parrott
    Elisha Betts..............................................Wm. Davenport

    At a court held for Northum'd County the 8th Day of the Feb'y 1762 - This Bond from Sarah Hughlett & to John Hughlett was proved by the Witnefses thereto & ordered to be Recorded - Teste Tho's Jones Clerk


    Page 143
    Articles of agreement made and agreed on between John Hughlett, William Parrot, and Wm Davenport all of the County of Northumberland in the Colony of Virginia in which they all agree and oblige & bind themselves their heirs, executors, administrators & to each other in the full and just sum of five hundred pounds current money of Virginia to attend to abide by, fulfill and perform all the conditions & clauses that shall be made and adjusted arbitrated and awarded by Robert Clarke, Elisha Betts and Sam Eskridge arbitrators indifferently chosen & selected by aforesaid parties in regard to dividing of the estate of Mrs. Sarah Hughlett, which she has already made over, signed and acknowledged to the said Hughlett, Parrott & Davenport and may appear by the records after said County of Northumberland now therefore if the said John Hughlett, William Davenport & William Parrott do attend to abide by, fulfill & comply with all and every article and clause that shall be made and awarded by the said Robert Clark, Elisha Betts & Sam Eskridge that then, this agreement to be void and of no effect, otherwise whoever of the said parties, that is of said John Hughlett, William Davenport & Wm Parrott or either of them that fails complying with and attending to all & every of the articles & clauses that shall be made and mentioned by the arbitrators in the award that they shall give in in regard to the dividing of the said Sarah Hughlett's estate between them that they or those who fail to attend to the same shall forfeit & pay to the other or others that does & is willing to attend to and abide by the same the full and just sum of two hundred pounds current money of Virginia to be received by law as an action of debt or otherwise in witness whereof we have here unto set our hands & seals this the 29 day of October 1762,

    Sealed and delivered
    In presence of

    P. 144.

    Robert Clarke...........................................John Hughlett (seal)
    Elisha Betts.............................................William Parrot (seal)
    Sam Eskridge...........................................William Davenport (seal)

    At a Court convened & held for Norhumberland County the 9th day of November 1762, this bond between Jno Hughlett, Wm Parrott & Wm Davenport was this day proved by the oaths of Robert Clarke & Sam Eskridge two of the witnesses thereto & admitted to records. Teste Thomas Jones, Clerk.


    To all Christian people __ whereas Mr. John Hughlett, Mr. William Parrott & Mr. William Davenport all of Northumberland County in the Colony of Virginia hath by one certain instrument of writing bearing date the 29th day of October 1762 bound and obliged themselves to each other in the sum of five hundred pounds current money of Virginia to attend to abide by the arbitration final end & determination of us the subscribers indifferently chosen & selected as well by one of the said parties as __ others , to set apart and divide the estate of Mrs. Sarah Hughlett between them there is all her estate exclusive of her Negroes and we being willing to to the aforesaid affair have met and settled & divided the said Sarah Hughlett's estate exclusive of her Negroes aforesaid between them the said Hughlett, Parrott & Davenport and have possessed them with three equal parts of the same, and we do further order and decree that the said Hughlett & Parrott buy out of the possessions of the said Sarah Hughlett's estate one bed & furniture apiece to the value of eight pounds current money of Virginia to be kept at each of their houses for the said Sarah Hughlett's use and we together order and decree that this present instrument of writing be a final settlement, end and determination of all matters that has been or is now subsisting between them the said Hughlett, Parrott & Davenport about or concerning the premises aforesaid given is __ our hands this the 8th day of November of 1762.

    Robert Clarke
    Elisha Betts
    Saml. Eskridge

    At a court convened and held for Northumberland County the 9th day of November 1762 this award was this day presented into court by the parties therein named & on their motion the same is admitted to record. Teste: Thomas Jones, Clerk.

    Note: this pertains to the division of Sarah Winter Hughlett's estate, while she was still alive, among her son John, and her sons-in-law, William Parrott & William Davenport. Moses Lunsford, her other son-in-law, is mentioned in the first document, but is longer mentioned in the 2nd, for whatever reason. Her other children are not mentioned either. One of the arbitrators, Elisha Betts, was married to William Parrott's sister at the time.

    Richard Taylor & William Parrott buy a grist mill, 12 November 1763
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    Northumberland County Record Book 6,1762-1766 Reel 9.

    pg 304
    This Indenture made the 12th day of November in the fourth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of great Britain, france & Ireland. King Defender of the Faith &c .Anno Dom. 1763, Between John Nutt of the Parish of Wicocomico in the county of Northumberland of the one part and Richard Taylor and William Parrott of the same Parish and County of the other part, Witnesforth that that the sd John Nutt for and in Consideration of the Sum of One hundred pounds curr't money of Virginia and Thirty Barrels of Indian Corn to him in hand paid or secured to be paid by the sd Richard Taylor and William Parrott before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof this sd John Nutt doth thereby acknowledge and confess, he the sd John Nutt hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, Enfroffed and confirmed and by these presents Dos give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfroff & confirm unto the sd Richard Taylor and William Parrott their heirs & assigns forever all that this water grist mill with the appurt's sictuate & being in the County & Parish aforesaid and all that parcel of ground on part whereof the sd Mill stands containing by Estimation Two acres, one acre at Each end of the sd Mill dam, And also all that suit of and to the sd Mill and the Toll and Custom for grinding at the same, and all & singular the mill House, Mill Ponds, Mill dams, Banks, Streams, Water courses, ways, Easement, Profits Advantages, Commodities & appurt's whatsoever to the sd Mill & premises belonging or appertaining, together with the Mill Home, Mill P____ and all manner of Iron work & wooden work Tools, Utensils and necessary furnitures & materials to the sd Mill belonging and also all the right, Title, Interest, property, Challenge, Claim, & demand of him the sd John Nutt of in and to the same Mill, Hill Houses, Land & appurt's or any part or parcel thereof. To have & to hold the sd Mill, Mill Houses, Land & premises with their & every of their appurt's to them the sd Richard Taylor & William Parrot their heirs and assigns forever and the sd John Nutt for himself his heirs, exec'rs & adm's and every of Doth convennant Promise to warrant, secure & defind to the sd Richard Taylor & William Parrott their heirs & assigns the sd Mill, Mill Houses, Land Premises & appurt's & every part & parcel thereof---from all fomer gifts, grants, Dowers & Incumbrances whatsoever with warranty against the claim of the Heirs of the sd John Nutt, And also from the Claim, Challenge & Demand of any other persons or person whatsoever, And the sd John Nutt for himself his heirs & assigns & adm'rs and wary of them doth further Covennant and Promise that they the sd Rich'd Taylor and William Parrott their heirs & assigns shall & may from time to time & at all time forever hereafter, Peacefully & Justily, have, hold, occupy, possess and Enjoy all & Singular the sd Mill, Mill Houses, Lands, premises & appurt's unto the sd Mill belonging or in any wise appertaining without the let suit, Hindrance & Interruption of any person or persons whatsoever, And the sd John Nutt doth by these presents further covenants & Promises to make do and Execute at the Cost and Charges in the law of the sd Taylor and Parrott their heirs & assigns any other Deed or Deeds for the _____ ­­____ Conveying a Fee Simple Estate to the sd Richard Taylor and William Parrott their heirs & assigns in all the aforesaid Mill, Lands & Premises, and the same to the sd Taylor and Parrott their Heirs and assigns to secure & Defend against all Incumbrances, Charges Claims or

    p 305
    Titles whatsoever, and Lastly, the said John Nutt doth further command & promises that he and his wife Winefred Nutt will acknowledge this Deed to the sd Richard Taylor and William Parrott their heirs or assigns at the next Court to be held for the County of Northumberland or afterwards when Required by the sd Taylor & Parrott their heirs or assigns. In Witness whereof the sd John Nutt hath hereunto let his hand & seal the day and year above written.

    Signed Sealed & Delivered in
    Presence of George Payne---------------------------------------------------------John Nutt seal
    -----------------Tho's Yerby
    -----------------John Knight

    Memorandum. That on the day of the date of the the within written Indenture, Peaceable and Quick Possession & seizure of the Mill, Mill Houses Land & other the premises in this Deed contained was Delivered by the within named John Nutt to the within mentioned Richared Taylor and William Parrott according to the form & Effect of this Deed in the presence of those whose names are hereunto subscribed.

    George Payne --------------------------------------------------------------------John Nutt
    Tho's Yerby
    John Knight


    In his will (dated 10 August 1754 & probated 11 February 1760), Charles Ingram Sr. leaves his mill to his son John, or in his decease, the mill was to go to John Nutt, who ended up with the mill, and later sold it to Richard Taylor and William Parrott: "To son John Ingram 70 acres of land which I bought of William Jones, and the mill which joins to the said land and at his death to John Nutt and his heirs and what stock he now has in his possession". John Nutt was a ½-1st cousin to Hannah Hughlett, the wife of William Parrott. Witness Thomas Yerby III had 2 daughters, who went on to marry 2 of William Parrott's sons.

    Request by William Parrott to value an acre of land upon which to build a 2nd mill, 23 July 1766
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    In obedience to an order of Northumberland County Court bearing date the 14th day of July 1766 We the Subscribers being summoned by the sherriff & Sworn according to Law, have Valued the acre of Land Petitioned for by William Parrot and William Davenport* to build a Mill on, belonging to John Gaskins Infant Son of John Gaskins decd, And do say the said Acre of Land with the Timber thereon is worth Ten Shillings Curr. money & no more, And We do further say that no other person whatsoever will Sustain any Damage by the building such Mill according to the Best of our Judgement, Give under our hand & seales this 23rd day of July 1766.

    Moses Lunsford-------------Mayes Hatcher-------------Robert Palmer-------------Charles Pritchard
    Willm Campbell-------------Thos Freances-------------Wm Blackwell--------------Mosby Nutt
    Edward Garner-------------William Taylor-------------Narg'l Palmer-------------John Knight

    At a Court Continued & Held for Northumberland County the 12th day of August 1766. This Report of the Valuation of an Acre of Land Petitioned for to Build a Mill, was this day Returned and ordered to be Recorded.

    Teste, Tho. Jones
    *William Davenport was married to William Parrott's sister in law, Jemimah Hughlett.

    Will of William Parrott, 16 July 1778
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    Northumberland Co., Va Record Book No. 10, page 45.WW 16 July 1778 - WWP 12 October 1778, page 391/392.

    In the name of God Amen. I William Parrott of Northumberland County, being very sick and weak but of perfect Sence mind and memory thank the almighty for the same and calling to mind the uncertainty of Life, do settle and make this my last will and Testament in manner and form as followeth Viz.

    Item I lend my Land whereon I now live to my son William Parrott during his natural life, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and at his Decease I give and bequeath it to his male heir lawfully begotten of his own body, and for want of such heir I give and bequeath it to my son Charles Parrott, to him and his heirs forever. Item My will and desire is that my oldest wench Phillis should remain on my plantation

    Item I Give and bequeath onto my Son William Parrott my negro boy named Moses, my silver watch with the things I have already lent him.

    Item I Give and bequeath unto my Son John Parrott my negro fellow James and two hundred pounds Cash to be raised out of my Estate, one Cow and Calf and two Ewes and Lambs, and what things he has already had.

    Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Betty Parrott my negro wench Jenny, my negro Girl Keziah.

    Item I Give unto my Daughter Mary Ann Parrott my negroes known by the names Jemimah, and Winney.

    Item I Give unto my Son Charles Parrott my negroes Isaac, and Jacob.

    Item I Give and bequeath the remainder part of my Estate after my debts are paid unto my five younger children Rhodom, George, Betty, Mary Ann, Charles Parrott to be equally divided amongst them all. But in case any should die before they survive to the age of twenty one years or marriage. Then my will is their part should be Equally divided amongst the Survivors, and I appoint my Son William Parrott Guardian to my daughter Betty till marriage or twenty one years of age. My Son John Parrott Guardian to my daughter Mary Ann till she arrives to the age of twenty one years or marriage and I appoint my loving friend Thomas Yerby Guardian to my Son Charles Parrott and I appoint my Loving Sons John and William Parrott and my Loving friend Thomas Yerby my whole and Sole Executors to this my last Will and Testament revoking all other will or Wills heretofore made by me, acknowledging this my last will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have Inxxxchangeable affixed my Hand and Seal this 16th day of July 1778.

    Test: Charles Pritchard, George Shepherd, and Ezekiel Haydon. Signed and Sealed, William Parrott

    In Court held for Northumberland County the 12th day of October 1778. This last will and testament of William Parrott dec'd was presented in court by William Parrott & Thomas Yerby two of the Exec's therein named who made oaths thereto according to law of the same being proved by the oaths of Charles Pritchard George Shepherd & Ezekiel Haydon the subscribing witneses hereto was admitted to record & on the motion of the said executors giving security a certificate is granted them for obtaining aprobate thereof in due form.

    Bond to William Nutt, by John Parrott, 25 April 1777
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    Northumberland County, Virginia Record Book #10

    Know all ye men by these present that I John Parrott of the Parish of Christ Church & County of Lancaster am held and firmly bound unto William Nutt of the Parish of Wicomico and County of Northumberland in the full and just sum of Seventy three pounds ten shillings lawful money of Virginia to be paid to the said William Nutt his heirs Exors Admors Assigns and for the which payment will and truly to be made I bind myself my heirs Exors & Admors firmly by these present sealed with my seal and dated this 25th day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy seven.

    The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John Parrott his heirs Exors & Admors and every of them do and shall in all things will and truly observe perform fullfil accomplish and Keep all and singular the covenants grants articles clauses condition and agreement whatsoever which on the part and behalf of the said John Parrott his Heirs Exors and Amors an or ought to be observed performed fulfilled accomplished and kept comprised or mentioned in certain indenture bearing even dates with these presents and the above written obligation made or mentioned to be made between the said John Parrott and Frankey his wife of the one part, and the above named William Nutt of the other part, according to the true intent & meaning of the said indenture than the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force power & virtue.

    John Parrott

    Sealed & delivered in the presence of
    John Leland
    Moses Sutton
    Daniel Betts

    At a Court Held for Northumberland County the 11th day of August 1777 this Bond from John Parrott to William Nutt was this day acknowledged by the said John Parrott and admitted to record. test.

    Sale of grist mill at Knights Run by John Parrott, 15 September 1780
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    Book 11 Reel 13

    This Indenture, made the 15th Day of September Anno Domino One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty in the --- of the Commonwealth of Virginia Between John Parrott and Frances his wife of the County of Lancaster of the one part and William Davenport* of the County of Northumberland & the other part Witnesseth that the said John Parrott and his Wife for and in consideration of the Sum of Tree Hundred and fifty pieces current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said William Davenport the receipt whereof and themselves fully satisfy and paid the said John Parrott and Frances his Wife doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth fully and absolutely Executes and discharge the said William Davenport his Heirs and Assigns by these presents Hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth fully and absolutely gives grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said William Davenport his heirs and Assigns one half of a Certain Water Grist Mill** now in the possession of the said Davenport situate and being on a branch known by the name of Knights run in Wicomico Parish which mill fell to the said John Parrott after the Death of his Father as heir at law there being no device made of the said mill in the last Will of William Parrott Dec'd Father of the said John Parrott which said half the mill together with all the Utensils Land and appurtenances there present belonging in any way appertaining To have and to hold unto the said William Davenport his Heirs and Assigns forever and the said John Parrott and Frances doth for themselves and their heirs covenant promise and agree to warrant the one half of the said water Grist Mill and Land those unto belonging clear and free from themselves their Heirs and from any other person or persons claiming by or from them or any other ways unto the said William Davenport and his heirs for use and the said John Parrott and Frances his wife doth further covenant for themselves and their heirs with the said William Davenport and his heirs and Assigns at the request of the request of the (sic) said Davenport his heirs or Assigns to make do or execut any further or other Deed or Deeds Act or Acts Consequence or Consequences at the Cost and Charges in the Law of the said Davenport his Heirs and Assigns for ever from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever and the said John Parrott and Frances his Wife doth promise to acknowledge this due at some Court holden for Northumberland County within eight months in Witness whereof the parties to these presents have set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and date above written.

    Sign & sealed & deliveredhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhJohn Parrott
    In presence of

    Onesephorus Harvey
    Moses LunsfordnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnFrances her mark Parrott
    Chas Lee

    By Wishes of the within Commission to use directed we have examined the within named Frances Parrott apart from her Husband and She doth Voluntarily of her own free will acknowledge all her right and and --- and Interest of --- to the said mill and promises mentioned in the Deed hereto announced without the permission or threats of her said Husband and is willing the --- shall be entered upon record. Certified under our hands and Seals this 6th Day of November 1780.
    Thomas Lawson
    John Berryman

    20th April 1780 Received of William Davenport Three Hundred and fifty pounds Current Money for which Sum I acknowledge to be satisfied and so to be the full sum I oblige myself my Heirs &c to give the said Davenport from his Heirs &c a Warrant Deed and the same acknowledge in Northumberland Court when acquired by said Davenport for the half of a Water Grist Mill formerly the property of William Parrott Dec'd.
    Onesiphorus Harveymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm John Parrott
    Moses Lunsford

    At a Court held for Northumberland County the 9th of Day of April 1781
    This Indenture of Bargain and Sale for John Parrott & Frances his Wife to William Davenport Gent with the receipt thereon endorsed was proved the Oaths of Onesiphorus Harvey & Charles Lee and ordered to Lye for further proof and at another Court held for the said County of Northumberland the 11th Day of June following the said Indenture of Bargain Sale and receipt was further proved by the Oath of Moses Lunsford any other --- thereto & admitted to Record Together with the --- and Return thereto announced
    Teste Gatesby Jones ----

    *William Davenport was married to John's aunt, Jemimah Hughlett.
    **Only the mill pond remains in 2015.

    Tax list for Northumberland county, 1782
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    Source: Microfilm reel 256, frames 232-243, Library of Virginia; Frame 233, p 2

    Northumberlad Land Tax List for 1782. -----------------Pounds-shillings-d.
    Wm Parrott [Jr] was taxed on 250 acres @4/ -------------Total: £50-0-0

    Thomas Edwards district
    10 thithable persons, 21 cattle, 3 horses, 0 wheels, 0 Ordinary licenses

    Note, as per Craig Kilby, appearance on this list makes descendants of William Parrott Jr. (not Sr.!) eligible for membership in the SAR. Regardless, William Jr. was an enlisted soldier in the Revolutionary War.

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