♦ This is family #062 in the Catalog of American P-rr-tt Families
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The map above centers on the Kingston Parish area of Gloucester county

Haplogroup = I1-M253 Z58 ➔ Z62 ➔ Z140 ➔ Z141 ➔ Z2535 ➔ L338 ➔ S12289 ➔ S1990 ➔ FT258055 ➔ S1975 ➔ S1977 ➔ I-S1972 ➔ FT115201
  • ISOGG Haplogroup: I1a2a1a1a1a2b4b~
  • Family-specific SNPs: A9537, A9538, A9539, A9541, & A9542. These are available from Yseq. Anyone testing positive for one of these belongs to this Parrott/Neville family.
  • For questions, comments, additions, and corrections, please contact the Group Administrator.
  • Last update = 02 February 2025

This is one of the original Parrott families in the Colonies, where it became established in the mid to late 1600s. The family settled in the Middle Peninsula of Virginia, in what was then Kingston Parish of Gloucester Co., and which became Mathews County in 1791. Following the founding of Jamestown, new settlers moved up the Chesapeake Bay. Being just 50 miles north of Jamestown, the Middle Peninsula was one of the earliest places to be settled by the English.

Many colonial families were able to grow to a huge size in the new world, and this family is one such example. Nevertheless, today, it is only the second largest Parrott family in the US, and accounts for about 1 out of every 10 Parrotts. At least 5 separate branches are known to exist. However, the destruction of colonial records in a courthouse fire in 1820 has made it impossible to determine just how these branches are connected. These pages try to fill in the gaps with YDNA analysis.

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> The family patriarch:

Revised and updated 4 Jul 2018. Genealogy can change rapidly, as new information is found, forcing reevaluations of previous information. Check back for updates before using any of this information. If you cite any of this work, please include the date of last revision.

Its patriarch is Lawrence Perrott, estimated to have been b ~1640, most probably in England. The first reference to him is when John Singleton claimed a headright* for him in Maryland in 1662:

"This day came John Singleton and Enters these Rights for himself Edward Hooke, Lawrence Parrott, Ann Hallyard, Willm. Singleton, Thomas [...] Richard Joanes, Mary Joanes his Wife, Richard Joanes in all 9 persons, and now transported and demds. Warrant for the same. Warrant made to Surveyor Generall to lay out for John Singleton, and Richard Joanes 450 Acres of Land return ult: Augusti next." LAND OFFICE (Patent Record)1637-1979 SE23 p 238 of record; 124 of the PDF. Download a copy

As headrights are currently understood**, the only fact that can be inferred from this headright is that the elder Lawrence was in the Colonies by 1662. It does not mean that Lawrence was indentured to John Singleton-- headrights could be claimed on friends and relatives. Likewise, it does not mean that Lawrence arrived in 1662, or that John Singleton did the transportation-- the arrival in the colonies could have been years earlier, and John Singleton could have bought the headright from someone else. Lawrence has been reported to have later sold headrights in Maryland in the 1660's and owned land in Baltimore, but no documentation has been found to support these claims. Nothing is known of Lawrence's whereabouts for the next 16 years, until he appeared in Kingston Parish, Gloucester county, Virginia.

Today, there are 4 Parrott families that DNA testing shows descended from the Lawrence the original immigrant. Unfortunately, the documentation showing how these families descend from each other has not survived.

In addition to the 4 Parrott families, there is a fifth family that uses the surname Nevill. The elder Lawrence settled down in Kingston parish near the property of John Neville. The 1704 rent roll for Kingston parish in Gloucester county shows both living there. Today, the Y-DNA of the Parrott & Neville descendants is indistinguishable from each other. Furthermore, DNA shows these families are completely distinct from all other contemporary Parrott and Neville families in the colonies that have been Y-DNA-tested.

So while the records show John Nevill Sr. to be the founding ancestor of these Nevills, the line was most probably fathered by Lawrence, who was some 20 years his senior (And assuming John Sr and Lawrence were not related). There is tantalizing evidence both families were together in Barbados prior to arriving in Virginia***.

*Land Office (Patent Record) John Singleton, enters rights, ca. 1662, Liber 5, ff. 238, MSA SM2-8, Microfilm no. SR 7347; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of Land Office (Patent Record, Original) Liber X, ff. 302., Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008, www.haitfamilyresearch.com.

**Kilby, Craig M. 2013. People move. Land does not!. Germanna Research Group Journal, Spring, pp 13-19.

***John Neville's father might have been in St. Michael's parish, Barbados, as suggested by his connection to Duncan Bohannan, another neighbor in Kingston Parish. Duncan Bohannan -mentioned in the Neville land patent - was in St. Michael's parish, Barbados, where he got married prior to his move to Kingston Parish in Virginia. Other Nevilles and Perrotts were also there, as well as in the adjacent Christ Church Parish. So while the documents suggest a Neville connection between Barbados and Kingston parish, it remains to be established whether any of the Perrotts of Barbados were related to Lawrence before any conclusions can be made.


The DNA results:
See also the extended DNA results for all markers.

Marker & DYS #
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Descended from Lawrence Parrott --> John Neville, Gloucester Co., Virginia, late 1600's.
256048 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 38 12 10
633744 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 38 12 10
269763 13 22 14 10 13 15 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
440928 13 22 14 10 13 15 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
365382 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 25 12 14 15 16 11 8 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
393730 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 35 37 12 10
719160 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 37 11 10
399714 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 17 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 19 35 36 12 10
B309999 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 15 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
Descended from Benjamin Parrott » Abner (d ~1797, Rockingham Co., North Carolina).
62527 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
116383 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 35 36 12 10
66397 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
B3669 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 19 36 36 12 10
Descended from Robert Parrott, Mathews Parish, Gloucester Co., Virginia, ca 1773.
225055 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 35 36 12 10
916471 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
Descended from Lawrence Parrott --> William, Northumberland, Virginia, early 1700's.
24380 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 15 11 9 19 21 15 14 18 20 36 37 12 10
35190 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28
49732 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
25338 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 29 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 27 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 19 36 36 12 10
31108 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28
31382 12 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 10 12 11 28
Descended from George Parrott, b Virginia ca 1760.
227199 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
370455 13 22 14 10 13 14 11 14 11 12 11 28 15 8 9 8 11 22 16 20 26 12 14 15 16 11 9 19 21 15 14 17 20 36 36 12 10
Marker & DYS #








Early family reconstruction:

  • Below is an educated guess as to how the early Parrotts & Nevilles from Kingston Parish in Gloucester county fit together. It is based on dates, naming patterns, what few paper records are available, and Y-DNA. In the diagram, dashed lines are inferred relationships, so they need to be considered as speculative; solid lines are relationships documented with paper records.
  • When more than the 37 markers shown here are examined, #370455 shares a value of 16 for STR marker DYS534 along with the Neville line. Thus DYS534 divides the family into two groups. Those with DYS534 = 16 have the ancestral value, and include the Louisiana Parrott branch. The rest have DYS534=15, and thus must all descended from one son of Lawrence.
  • Benjamin had a granddaughter named Michael and William had a son George and a grandson Richard.
  • Lawrence from Northumberland county is probably the s/o Michael 1, but it is not possible to totally exclude Richard 1 as the father. The same applies to the Michaels. They are probably father and son, but it is not yet possible to cannot exclude an uncle-nephew relationship. All that is known is that one of these two had the DYS534 16 to 15 mutation, and gave rise to most of the Parrotts alive today.
  • There is only one date and record for both Patrick and Lawrence 3, both in the lower left corner. That is really not enough information to totally determine if they are sons of Lawrence 1 or are his grandsons. It might be more likely that they are grandsons rather than sons, with their father being either Michael 1 or Richard 1.
  • This diagram is a work in progress, and subject to change as new information becomes available.

How the tested N-v-ls relate to each other:

The earliest known ancestor is John (Neavill) Neville, Sr. (1662 probably Warwickshire Eng - 1733 Goochland VA). Note that John Neville Sr's birth coincides with Lawrence I's arrival in the colonies, and both had land near each other in Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co., Virginia. The family record is very incomplete, and the family tree needs a lot of reconstruction.
Thanks to Wayne Olson and Donna Sumner Shapiro for their assistance in curating the Neville information, and Wayne Olson for drawing the Neville Pedigree.

How the tested Parrotts relate to each other:

Pedigrees of the YDNA-tested Parrotts tested are below. Four different Parott lines seem to have come out of Gloucester county, along with the Neville line. Gray lines/boxes have Parrott Y-DNA but Stover as their surname.

More information on the family branches:

Five subbranches of this family have been identified thus far, and all are in the US.

John Neville

Benjamin of Rockingham

Robert of Mathews

William of Northumberland

George of Edgefield

John Nevill Jr. (later Sr.) of Gloucester (mentioned as "infant" in a property transaction of 1674/75), thought to have died around 1733 in Gloucester county, Virginia. His appears on the 1704 quit rent roll for Gloucester county, along with Lawrence Parrott.

First definite ancestor is Benjamin. He is recorded in Guilford (later Rockingham) Co., North Carolina first on 18 August 1778 when he obtained a land grant for 500 acres on both sides of Wolf Island Creek. This grant is part of the land which Benjamin Parrott, Sr. sold to Abner on 9 May 1789.

Henry Blanton Parrott appears to be a member of this branch via his mother, and moved with them to GA, but has Flippen YDNA instead of Parrott YDNA. A neighbor in Greene co., GA, is Armistead Flippen, and can be traced back to Kingston Parish, helping cement the relationship.

Tax lists for 1790s Mathews co list Robert, s/o Geo, so Robert could be the s/o George & Lucy Longest, but his age in 1850 census suggests his birth precedes their marriage. Richard & Susannah Flippin Parrott had a son, Robert, b 3 Nov 1771. This could be this Robert.

First definite ancestor is Lawrence, who died in 1746 in Northumberland Co., VA. He almost certainly originated in Gloucester Co., where an older Lawrence received 137 acres in Kingston Parish (later Mathews Co.) on 26 September 1678 (Bk 6, p 660).

First ancestor George, b ca 1760 Virginia, married Susannah Vines, and moved to Edgefield, South Carolina. First definite ancestor is his grandson William, who was b in Georgia ca 1814. William's son John Robert was a successful farmer of Zwolle, Louisiana. He was born in the state of Alabama, March 11, 1839, and moved with his father to Northeast Louisiana in the early '40's and from there to Sabine Parish in 1854. William was probably the son of Robert George & Sarah Travis Parrott, who moved from Edgefield Co., South Carolina to Wilcox Co., Alabama, and then to Natchitoches Parish in Louisiana, but supporting evidence is needed. The evidence for Robert George's parents is even weaker, and based only on family oral history.

Primary current locations: Primary current locations:
  • Tennessee
  • Mississippi
  • Texas
  • Michigan
Primary current locations:
  • Arkansas
  • Texas
Primary current locations:
  • Virginia
  • Kentucky
Primary current locations:
  • Louisiana
Additional web sites: ~ Neville Family

Ancient ancestral origins:
This section was last updated 14 January 2025

Y chromosomes from different geographic areas (known as haplogroups) are recognizable by their combination of markers. This Parrott family's DNA type is from the I1a haplogroup, which is most common among Anglo-Saxons and their descendants, namely the Vikings and the Normans, meaning Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans cannot be distinguished from each other on Y-DNA alone. The I1 (also known as M-253) haplogroup has various subtypes. This Parrott family belongs to the Anglo-Saxon subtype. Haplogroup I, with all its branches and subbranches, accounts for about 16% of all European Y chromosomes. Haplotype I1a is most common in Scandinavia, particularly in Denmark and western Norway and Sweden.

Within I1 (M-253), the I-S1972 SNP is of particular interest, as it is the 'terminal SNP' that defines the lineage, after which it branches off into a group of sister families, shown in green in the diagram below, that includes the Parrott/Neville line. Confirmed sister families to date are Hamilton, Tate, Moehlen & Ouchterloney. The last common ancestor for these families is calculated to have lived roughly some 1550 years ago (as recently as 900 years ago, or as much as 2400 years ago).

Determining the arrival of this lineage to the British Isles has been more difficult. It could have arrived with the Anglo-Saxon migrations, the Viking raids, or the Norman invasion. Vikings and the Normans are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. Thus, they share the same YDNA and cannot be distinguished based on YDNA. However, evidence is starting to sccumulate that points to Viking origin. It would first arrive in the British Isles via the Viking raids that started ca the year 800.

The best characterized of these sister families is the "Group A" Hamilton clan, (and a Robertson branch derived from it), which is defined by A376 as its basal SNP; the most recent common ancestor of A376 lived some 700 years ago as dated by YDNA. This time frame coincides when Walter Fitzgilbert (founder of Clan Hamilton) and the first War of Scottish Independence. The Hamilton history and background pages provide more information.

Overall, Vikings did not leave as much YDNA behind as did other peoples who settled the Scotland. Nevertheless, there are pockets in Scotland where I1a occurs in higher frequency. One of these areas, east of Glasgow, is the homeland of Clan Hamilton. Another is in Angus, home of Clan Ouchterlony. The inference, is the Parrott line has a common ancestor with Hamilton and Ouchterlony in 4th century Scandinavia. But, unlike Hamilton and Ouchterloney, the Parrott line did not end up in Scotland; instead it appears to have ended up in England.

Where did the Parrott line settle and get started in England? One can look at English lines related to Parrott. Based on the 1841 census, the one place where all these families converge is surrounding the village of Oakmere in Cheshire. Additional evidence is needed to either confirm or disprove this hypothesis. It is mentioned here to stimulate more research, not to to endorse the hypothesis.

Parrott/Nevilles from this group will notice that most of their Y-DNA matches are to Gordons, specifically to the "Jock & Tam" and " Sir William" Gordon families from the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands, respectively. Both descend from Sir Adam Gordon (b ~1035). Although there really is a Gordon-Parrott/Neville relationship, it is not nearly as close as these DNA STR results suggest.

An estimate based on timing STR markers suggests that Parrotts and Gordons parted ways some 900 years ago. However, when SNP markers are included in the calculation, it is evident that the Gordons & Parrotts went their separate ways some 2900 years ago, well before surnames came into use; the apparent closeness is due to back-mutations in the STR markers (shown in purple in the diagram below) in the family line that leads to Parrott/Neville. By the time they settled in the British Isles, it is almost certain that the men who would go on to become Gordons, Parrotts, or Hamiltons did not know they were distantly related to each other, and just thought of each other as fellow countrymen, assuming they even knew each other.

The tree below is based on the one assembled by YFull, and shows the family relationships as inferred from STR and SNP (shown in red) markers for people who have taken the BigY test and uploaded it to YFull. Dates on SNP markers are as calibrated by YFull, and represent the time to the most recent common ancestor. Additional information from the FTDNA block tree is superimposed on it.

References for Ancient family origins:

  • Norsemen, Parrotts, and DNA. 2012. P-rr-tt Society Family Notes 29:18-19.
    Note: This reference was written before the advent of SNPs. Besides revealing that the original time of Parrott-Gordon divergence was underestimated, SNPs also revealed that the Hamiltons and Parrotts are much more closely related to each other than the Parrotts are to the Gordons.
  • Ending up a Perrott rather than a Gordon or Hamilton: Reconstructing early family origins. 2016. P-rr-tt Society Family Notes 33:5-8.
  • Gretzinger, J., Sayer, D., Justeau, P. et al. 2022. The Anglo-Saxon migration and the formation of the early English gene pool. Nature 610, 112‐119. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05247-2
  • Margaryan, A., Lawson, D.J., Sikora, M. et al. 2020. Population genomics of the Viking world. Nature 585, 390-396 (pay-walled).
  • Vikings in Scotland: Norse Influence and Raids
  • Vikings in Scotland and the Western Isles

Bibliography for Y-DNA -->

For more information, see the FamilyTree DNA explanation page, or contact the Group Administrator.

Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write.
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  • Creative Commons License. All information on this and other pages within the p-rr-tt.org.uk/Y-DNA/ domain is copyrighted. Feel free to copy and share the information, but please abide by the terms and conditions below.
  • Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Information and data obtained from on pages within the p-rr-tt.org.uk/Y-DNA/ domain must be attributed to the P-rr-tt Family Genealogy by DNA Project as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please include the date when the material was accessed (information changes rapidly!), and please notify an administrator when using data for public or private research released in a public forum.

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