P-rr-tt Families & their Y-DNA Profiles There are now many types of DNA tests available. To participate in this study, make sure the test is a Y-DNA test! Y-DNA results sorted by haplogroup, and family within haplogroup. Y-DNA profiles for families with at least 3 tested individuals are on their own page; Families with just 1 or 2 tested individuals have been grouped into a miscellaneous page at the bottom their haplogroup. |
The E1b1b1 (M35) family: | |
E-M35 (E1b1b1): Descended from Thomas Perrott, born 1618 in Evenlode, Gloucestershire
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
The I1a (M253) families: | |
I1-Y2592/Z2336, Descended from Francis Parrott
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on these families | |
I1-S1972 ➤ A9538: Descendants of Lawrence Parrott
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family, which accounts for ~10% of Parrotts in the USA | |
I1a: Additional P-rr-tt families, each with < 3 tested members
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
The I2a1 (P37) family: | |
I2a1: Parrotts of Lincolnshire in Ontario & Michigan
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
The R1b (M269) families: | |
R-S9793 (R1b1a2): Descendants of Christopher Parrott
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
R-P312 (R1b1a2a1a1b): Descendants of Frederick Parrott, Shenandoah, Virginia
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
R-M269 (R1b1): Descendants of Needham & William Perrit
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
R-P312 (R1b1a2a1a1b): Descendants of Nicolas Perrot, French explorer, arrived ca. 1660
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
>R-M269 (R1b1a2): Descendants of Richard & Robert Perrot of Middlesex Co., VA
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family, which accounts for ~20% of Parrotts in the USA | |
R-M269 (R1b1a2) → R-FGC15332: Descendants of Samuel Parrott, Hever, Kent
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
R-M269 (R1b1a2): Descendants of William Parrott, Talbot Co., Maryland
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on this family | |
R1b1a2: Additional P-rr-tt families, each with < 3 tested members.
See the Y-DNA results & additional information on these families |
Thus far, all P-rr-tts tested have fallen within one of four different haplogroups (main branches of the human family tree). These particular 4 are called E-M35 (previously E1b1b1), I-M253 (previously I1a), I-P37 (previously I2a) & R-M269 (previously R1b1a2 and its subbranches). The Y-DNA results indicate that most of the P-rr-tt families tested are not related to each other-- thus, the Parrott and related last names have come into use on several independent occassions, which is consistent with the premise that Parrott comes from the French for Perot, meaning little Peter, essentially, Peterson. Other P-rr-tt families may represent a toponym, indicating an origin near the the River Parrett in Somerset. Those P-rr-tt families that migrated to the American Colonies before ~1710 have grown to enormous size, and account for most of the individuals bearing this name in the USA. The Y-DNA results and additional information on each of these families can be obtained by following the links above. |
For more information, see the FamilyTree DNA explanation page, or contact the Group Administrator. Last update = 13 Dec 2023 |