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![]() The Josiah Rhoton Parrott family of Cartersville & Newnan, GA ![]() 23 people in the tree, but living individuals have not been knowingly posted Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. Parrott-Camp-Soucy house in Newnan, GA, home of Charles & Callie Bigby Parrott, and backdrop for film, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. |
Updates & Corrections: |
1. Josiah Rhoton Parrott was born in Feb 1826 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died 10 Jun 1872 in Montvale Springs, Blount Co., TN at age 46.
It becomes our painful duty to announce the death of the Hon. Josiah R. Parrott, who departed this life at Montvale Springs, Tennessee, on Monday night last. His remains reached Cartersville by the down train on Tuesday night at 11 o'clock, and was met by some of the members of the Masonic lodge and also of the Bar and a large number of our citizens at the depot, all of whom deeply sympathize with the distressed family. In the decease of Judge Parrott, this community has sustained a loss which it will be difficult to repair, being as he was, one of our most useful and active citizens, always alive to the interests of our growing town, and who by his energy and foresight largely contributed to her present prosperity. On the bench he was dignified, ready and able, and by his wise administration proved himself one of the most efficient and popular Judges ever known to the circuit. In all the personal relations of life he was warmly regarded by his friends, and was always kind and good. While in the family circle he was the devoted husband and dear and gentle father.
Toiling from early life, patiently and industriously, he rose from poverty and obscurity, to fortune and honor, and in his last moments was not without hope of a better hereafter. If faults he had, and who has not? They sleep with him in his silent grave; be it ours to remember and cherish his many manly virtues.
The loss of Judge Parrott is but another added to the large and increasing list of the many prominent citizens of the State, who have lately passed away, repeating, by its mournful and impressive teaching the voice of inspiration, "be ye also ready."
"All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away, but the word of the Lord endureth forever, and this is the word, which by the gospel is preached to you."
[A Tribute of Respect from the Bar of Cartersville can be found on page 2 of this issue. Another Tribute of Respect can be found on page 2 of the July 18, 1872 issue.]
June 27, 1872
Page 2.
A long sketch of the life of J. R. Parrott. The following is an excerpt:
"He was born in Cocke county, Tennessee, on the __ day of February 1826, and died at Mont Vale Springs on the 10th June, 1872. He came to Georgia in 1848 or '49. Married Miss Mary M. Trammell, daughter of Col. Jehu Trammell of Habersham county, about the year 1850."
**Obituary from Cartersville newspaper - credit Kathy Gatlin** All posted on Find a Grave by Wes Phinney, 19 May 2007
Josiah married Masila Mary Trammell. Masila was born 20 May 1828 in Georgia and died 14 Oct 1899 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., Alabama at age 71.
General Notes: Obituary
Mrs. M. M. Parrott Dead.
Remains to Be Interred in cemetery here.
Mrs. Masila Mary Parrott died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Hollingsworth, at Gadsden, Ala., last Saturday night, of heart failure. She was seventy five years of age. Mrs. Parrott was the widow of Judge J. R. Parrott, who occupied the superior court bench of the Cherokee circuit with conspicuous ability for a number of years succeeding the war and died in 1872, while a resident of this city, but a visitor to some springs in Tennessee in the hope of physical benefit. Mrs. Parrott continued to reside in Cartersville for some time after her husband's death, but finally broke up housekeeping, disposed of her property here and went to live with her children.
She was originally Miss Trammell, being a sister of Hon. L. N. Trammell, of Marietta, and the late Mr. C. G. Trammell, of this city.
Six children survive her. They are: Mrs. M. H. Clift, of Chattanooga; Mrs. Robert Pillow, of Columbia, Tenn.; Mrs. Tracy Hollingsworth, of Gadsden, Ala., Mr. Charles C. Parrott, of Newnan, Ga.; Mrs. Hollinshed, of Newnan, Ga., and Mrs. Ab Wofford, of Hollingsworth, Banks county, Ga.
Mrs. Parrott was a lady of great strength of character, and possessing a womanly dignity coupled with a sweet disposition won friends wherever she made her abode.
The remains will be interred at Oak Hill cemetery, this city, the funeral occurring today. A telegram from Mr. C. C. Parrott, at Gadsden, to Mr. Thomas Lumpkin, requested that the burial and funeral be arranged for and suggested the following as pall bearers: Messrs. J. C. Wofford, W. W. Roberts, John W. Akin, W. H. Howard, J. E. Field, A. M. Foute, J. W. Harris and Thomas Lumpkin. Mrs. Hollingsworth, it was learned, was on a trip to Oklahoma, when her mother died, and the funeral plans were delayed in an attempt to have her present.
The remains will arrive here from Gadsden at 8:48 this morning and the funeral will occur from the depot and immediately after the arrival of the northbound train at 10 o'clock.
All posted on Find a Grave by Wes Phinney, 19 May 2007
Children from this marriage were:
2 F i. Lula E. Parrott was born 17 May 1851 in Habersham Co., Georgia and died 28 Nov 1912 in Mount Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas at age 61.
Lula married Absolan Polk Wofford. Absolan was born 15 Apr 1844 in Habersham Co., Georgia and died 3 Feb 1905 in Titus Co., Texas at age 60.
3 F ii. Mary M. Parrott was born in 1853 in Bartow Co., Georgia.
Mary married John S. Hollinshed. John was born in May 1850 in Georgia.
+ 4 M iii. Charles C. Parrott was born 19 Jan 1855 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died 7 Apr 1913 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 58.
5 F iv. Florence Virginia Parrott was born 22 Apr 1858 in Georgia and died 16 Dec 1924 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee at age 66.
Florence married Moses Hainey Clift. Moses was born 25 Aug 1836 and died 3 Dec 1911 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee at age 75.
6 F v. Sarah R. Parrott was born 21 Jun 1860 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died 21 Jan 1939 in Columbia, Maury Co., Tennessee at age 78.
Sarah married Robert Pillow. Robert was born 4 Apr 1852 in Maury Co., Tennessee and died in Oct 1938 in Columbia, Maury Co., Tennessee at age 86.
7 F vi. Julia R. Parrott was born 18 Mar 1866 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died 3 Dec 1916 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., Alabama at age 50.
Julia married Edward Tracy Hollingsworth. Edward was born 18 Feb 1866 in Alabama and died 8 Nov 1941 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., Alabama at age 75.
8 M vii. Foster Parrott was born in Jun 1870 in Cartersville, Bartow Co., Georgia and died in Cartersville, Bartow Co., Georgia.
4. Charles C. Parrott (Josiah Rhoton1) was born 19 Jan 1855 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died 7 Apr 1913 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 58.
General Notes: Biographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and Florida, p 687.
Chas. C. Parrott, president of the Newnan National Bank, was born in Bartow County, Ga., January 19, 1855. His father, J. R. Parrott, was a native of Tennessee, an attorney, and quite a prominent man in his day. He was solicitor-general of the Cherokee judicial circuit and was presidnet of the constitutional convention of Georgia in 1808. At the time of his death, which occurred in 1872, he was judge of the superior court of this circuit. The mother of the subject is Mary M. (Trammell) Parrott, of White County, Ga., and daughter of John Trammell. She is still living.
Chas. C. Parrott received his preparatory education in the schools of Cartersville, Ga., and finished at Emory and Henry College, Virginia. He then read law with General W. T. Wofford, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. In 1880 he moved to Atlanta, Ga., where he was assistant district attorney for one year and was clerk in the office of the districtrict attorney for about two years. He then returned to Cartersville, where he remained until 1885, at that time going to Newnan, Ga. That same year teh Newnan National Bank was organized, with Mr. Parrott as president and Mr. J.S. Hollingshead as cashier, and it is in a prosperous condition. They have a capital of $50,000; surplus $1,500; profits, $5,500; stock sells at $1.12 1/2, and they declare 7 1/2 per cent, dividends annually.
In 1878, Mr. Parrott married Miss Callie D. Bigby, daughter of Hon. J.S. Bigby, and they are the parents of two children: Bigby and Mary C. Both Mr. Parrott and wife are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
Charles married Callie D. Bigby 12 Nov 1878 in Cartersville, Bartow Co., Georgia. Callie was born 31 Aug 1858 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died 12 Jul 1909 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 50.
Marriage Notes: Cartersville Express: On Tuesday lat, at Newan, by Rev. Mr. Glenn, Mr. Charles C. Parrott, of this city, was married to Miss Callie D. Bigby. Mr. Parrott was accompanied from here by Messrs. Ham Harris and James Tumlin. The bride is a daughter of Hon. John S. Bigby. The wedding was quiet.
The Daily Constitution, 16 Nov 1878
Children from this marriage were:
+ 9 M i. Bigby Parrott was born 15 Dec 1879 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died 16 Jan 1917 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 37.
10 F ii. Mary C. Parrott was born 12 Jan 1882 in Atlanta, Georgia and died 30 Dec 1920 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 38.
Mary married Robert Orr.
9. Bigby Parrott (Charles C.2, Josiah Rhoton1) was born 15 Dec 1879 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died 16 Jan 1917 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 37.
Bigby married Maude Gideon. Maude was born 24 Dec 1889 in Missouri and died 20 Apr 1972 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., Oklahoma at age 82.
Children from this marriage were:
11 F i. Callie Bigby Parrott was born 12 Aug 1912 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died 9 Dec 1913 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia at age 1.
General Notes: Callie Bigby Parrott, the 16-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bigby Parrrott, of No. 4 Confederate avenue, died Tuesday morning at the residence. The body was sent Tuesday afternoon to Newnan, Ga., where funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock this morning.
Altanta Constitution, 10 Dec 1913
12 F ii. Mari Parrott was born 18 Sep 1914 and died 26 Jul 1998 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., Oklahoma at age 83.
Mari married Berry.
13 M iii. Bigby C. Parrott was born 6 Jun 1917 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died 5 Nov 2001 in Oklahoma at age 84.