Family ID #: 061a in the Catalog of American P-rr-tt Families

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Frederick Parrott
of Virginia
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3245 people currently in this tree; but people thought or known to be living are not posted
• Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write.

Photo: Jacob Wilson Parrott (1843-1908), a member of this family, and recipient of the first Congressional Medal of Honor.

This family founded Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, and gave rise to many of the Midwest Parretts/Parrotts. Frederick's descendants are the 3rd largest Parrott family living in the US today, under the surnames of Parrott and Parrett.

The origin and arrival of this family is still the subject of debate. The family patriarch, Frederick Parrott, was born ca. 1717 in Alsace-Lorraine or perhaps Switzerland. He arrived in the colonies ca 1737. By May, 1739, he was in the Shenandoah Valley; in 1767 he received a land grant of 347 acres of land in Dunmore County, later Shenandoah County. His eldest son, John, eventually moved to Cocke County, Tennessee, and numerous Parrotts still live there and in nearby counties. John's three youngest brothers, Joseph, Samuel, and Frederick, moved to Ohio, and numerous descendants remain there today.

Some of the family branches have been well reconstructed, while others have not been reconstructed at all. This then, is an attempt to start consolidating the available information in one place to serve as a guide for future research. The family tree reconstructed below is still very speculative in some parts-- use carefully! The core was compiled primarily from trees posted by Laura Flebbe, Dawn Parrett Thurston, and Rich Lebo, along with several pedigrees submitted to Parrott Talk .

  • Book on this family- published 2014, The Parrett Migration: Their Story is America's Story, by Dawn Parrett Thurston
  • Soldier Parrott: The Incredible Story of America's First Congressional Medal of Honor
  • Books by anthropologist Nancy Lee Parrott Hickerson (1928-2017), Professor of Anthropology at Texas Tech University and a member of this family
  • Parrott & Hahn, originally Parrott & Harter, a machine company started by David Garfield Parrott (1881-1958).
  • .

    DG Parrott & Son, the successor to Parrott & Hahn owned by David Garfield Parrott, and purchased by his son, Orvin David Parrott (1920-1991) in 1960; currently run by son, Stephen John (1947- ).

    Return to the P-rr-tt families of North America

    Updates & Corrections:
  • 27 Dec 2024: Added obits for Frankie Lynn, William Roger, Sharon Kay, Fay Arlene, William Earl, Pauline Mary, Emmons Glenn, Lewis W, Demri Lara, Harold Ned, Grover Cleveland, Doris Lee, Ethel Agnes, William Shelby, Herman, Patricia Ann, and Mary Catherine (85 persons added)
  • 31 Dec 2023: Added news to James Arthur, additional family to Andrew Theordore, Glenn, Harold Clifford, Margaret Isabelle, and Mary Jane; added obits for Barbara J, Michael Allen, Jeffrey David, Opal Ruth, Nina Mae, Elfreda, Richard Elmer & Marion Louise (added 136 persons)
  • 16 Dec 2022: Added obits for Geraldine, Mary Ann, Ruth & Scott Richard; lines of Lucy Elizabeth, Carlan Lynn, Glenda, Deborah, & Ralph Murrell (52 persons)
  • 12 Dec 2021: Added the families of Madison, Henry Clay, Wilda Tarwater, Suzanne Cody, Paul W., Terry Lee, & Clara Messer (37 persons)
  • 31 Dec 2020: Added to the lines of George Arlan, Marylin June, Austin W, Jack Howard, Judith Janice, Victoria Sue, Robert Ross, Scott, Gordon M, Elizabeth Darlene, Earl M, and Andrew Wilson. Also merged the Josiah Rhoten and William Stuart line into it.
  • 31 Dec 2019: Added 102 persons, mainly to lines of Zella, Irving Lloyd, Samantha, Thelma, James Louis, James Otis, and Joyce Fred.
  • 14 Dec 2018: Added 179 persons; removed 105 non-Parrott surnamed persons
  • 01 Jan 2018: Added to the families of Leonard, Samuel Houston, Marcus T., Bruce Roger, George F, Maudalese Jackson, Howard Ellis (168 persons)
  • 02 Jan 2017: Added 240 people: Families of Isaac Clayton, Dale Ellis, Danny Arden, James Trowley, Michael Patrick, Florence J, Pat Mike, & Robert Cureton.
  • 27 Dec 2015: Added the Family of Leander Stephenson (38 people); of Lee Otis & Amada Barton (8); of Shelby & Ethel (9); the line of George N b 1847 (110); and Eva Mae.
  • 17 Dec 2014: Added the Theodore Franklin branch (94 people) & the George and Elizabeth Boyer family (17 people), & the William D family (70 people), & added 7 people to the Freeman Parrott family.

  • 1. Parrott .

    Parrott married someone.

    His children were:

       2 F    i. Maria Catharina Parret .

    Notes: From Garth Borden (31 May 2013)

    On page two, paragraph three, of the book Frederick Parrott of Virginia it speaks of not finding a relationship of the Borden and Huddle families to the Parrotts.

    I believe my fifth great grandmother, Maria Catharina Parret, wife of Reinhardt Heinrich Borden and next door neighbors of Frederick Parret in Toms Brook, Virginia were brother and sister. The following is my reasoning:

    Reynold Baudin and Maria Catharina Parret were married on Feb. 26, 1734 in Old Swedes Church in Christina, Borough of Willmington, New Castle Co, Penn. (now Delaware).

    Their first five children were baptized in Old Swedes Church (Lutheran) Their fourth child was named Frederick. One of the sponsors at the baptism was named Fredrich Parrit. The child was born on Dec. 4, 1739.

    Sometime soon after the fifth child was born Reynold and Catharina Baudin (Borden) moved to North Mountain, Frederick Co, Virginia. Reinhardt and Catharina settled adjoing to Frederick Parrott's land and bought land from Frederick. By 1752 Reinhardt and Maria Catharina Borden had a 400 acre land grant from Lord Thomas Fairfax including the property they had purchased from Frederick.

    Frederick named his 7th child, Mary Catharine Parrott.

    I feel that Maria Catharina and Frederick Parrot were brother and sister.

    Reynold Baudin became Reinhardt Heinrich Borden within a few years after coming to North Mountain, although early land records gave Reynold Baudin as his name.

    Also, three of Reinhardt's sons moved to Tennessee about the same time as John Parrott left for Tennessee (North Carolina).

    I hope this is of some interest to you. I have pounds of Parret and Borden information

    Maria married Reinhardt Henrich Borden. Another name for Reinhardt was Reynold Baudin.

    + 3 M    ii. Frederick Parrott was born in 1717 in Berne, Switzerland and died in 1798 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, at age 81.

    Second Generation (Children)

    3. Frederick Parrott (Unknown1) was born in 1717 in Berne, Switzerland and died in 1798 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, at age 81.

    Notes: It has been argued that this family came from Berne, Switzerland (Parrott Talk Nov 1976, p 8); from Alasance-Loraine (Parrott Talk Feb 1976, p 24) and Germany (Parrott Talk Feb 1978, p 4). For more on possible German origins, see Parrott Talk 6(3):19-20.

    This family is said to have arrived from Switzerland, no proof. We do know that they spoke Old German, came to Virginia from Pennsylvania, and that their original surname might have been Barrett. Since Alsance-Lorraine was under German rule at the time, it would explain why they spoke German.

    See also
    PARROTT HISTORY by Jessie Thomas Mains, 1924;
    PARROTT FAMILY HISTORY by Frank C. Parrott 1928;

    From Parrott Talk, 1(3):33, 1973

    Margaret reports she has received an answer from Zurich, Switzerland, concerning the emigration of Fred PARRETT and there are no such records. A search in Bern, Switzerland has not uncovered any data pertaining to Fred. I feel Fred's mother may have been of Dutch or German extraction-- thus the reason for the German phonetic spelling used in old family documents. Margaret also sent along a chronological list of Parrotts of the colonies and transactions concerning these families. It was with interest I noted the first record of Frederick seems to be in 1739 when he acquired land from Joist Hite, in Shenandoah County, Virginia in the North Mts. In 1774, Frederic the first is shown to have wife, Margaret, when they sell land to his sons, Henry and John. I have thought the Shenandoah Parrotts and the Rockingham families who later settled in Cocke and Jefferson counties, Tennessee, respectively, were of the same rootstock;

    From Parrott Talk 2(2):34, 1974, article by Henrietta Lang

    "Frederick Parrott of Shenandoah County, Virginia very probably came into The Valley from Pennsylvannia. I recently saw the papers for the court case of Hite vs Huddell o.s. 78 N.S. 26, Augusta Co., Virginia, to which Lyman Chalkely refers to Vol II p 99 of his Records for Augusta County, 1745-1800.

    "Frederick Parrott bought his land from Jost (or Joist) Hite; a receipt for the down payment was submitted as evidence in this court case, which incidentally dragged on for years. The receipt by Hite to Frederick Parrott was dated May 31, 1739 for six pounds eight shillings paid in Pennsylvannia money.

    "The "Orators" in a petition were Henry Parrot, Frederick Parrot the younger, Jacob Parrot, Augustine Borden, and Jacob Parrot. The two Jacob Parrots is not a mistake on the part of the clerk, for these sa m e names were repeated over and over on many different papers. They all received their land of Frederic Parrot the older but I could not find any family relationship of the Bordens and Daniel Huddle to the Parrotts.

    "According to the "Orators" the receipt for the "balance of the purchase money was destroyed many years ago in a house of the said Frederick Parrot which was destroyed by fire".

    Since it could not be proved that Frederick Parrot ever paid the balance of the money owed to Jost Hite, it was ruled in 1790 that the "Orators" had to pay additional money to the plaintiffs, which they did in 1795."


    First Generation
    Frederick Parrott
    Genealogical researchers of the Parrott family claim that Frederick Parrott was born around 1717 in either Alsace-Lorraine or Switzerland. He migrated to America around 1737, likely entering the country at the port of Philadelphia, though no records have been found to substantiate this fact. A record of a court proceeding in the Jost Hite-Lord Thomas Fairfax land dispute links Frederick to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia in May 1739. The court transcript states that Frederick paid six pounds eight shillings Pennsylvania money for a tract of land in the Valley. A land grant finally awarded Frederick by Thomas Lord Fairfax on June 10, 1767, conveys 347 acres of land in the North Mountain Tract of Dunmore County, later Shenandoah County. This is undoubtedly the land involved in the Hite-Fairfax court proceeding.

    The Shenandoah Valley was a haven for immigrants of Scot-Irish and German descent who found land prices too high in Pennsylvania. Immigrants tended to settle in clusters according to nationality and religion. Census and land records later in the century show that the North Mountain tract was a gathering place for Germans like Frederick.

    Frederick's name is linked to two women's names, Barbara Edwards, who many researchers claim was an English girl Frederick married around 1739, and Margaret, whose name appears along with Frederick's on several land transactions. It's conceivable that these two names may belong to the same individual. Frederick fathered nine known children:

    John (1740-1798) md. Catharina Miar and Louisa Bean (27 June 1781)

    Henry (? to 1793) md. Elisabetha Miar (or Meyer)(27 June 1773) and Catherine Wiseman (1 Jan 1793)

    Jacob (? to aft 1821) md. Rachael Painter

    George (1755 to 1777) unmarried

    Samuel (1756 to1843) md. Eve or Ellen Custard (1775) and Eleanor Dailey

    Joseph D. (1760 to 1847) md. Sarah Windel (1783), Sarah Morris (24 Jul 1825), and Anna Hartman (7 Mar 1837)

    Elizabeth (? to ?) md. Henry Shoemaker (2 Sep 1786)

    Mary Catherine (1761 to 1835) md. Philip Fent (or Fine, Faent) (1 Jan 1785)

    Frederick H. (1764 to 1842) md Elizabeth Keller (17 May 1785)

    All of Frederick's sons served in the Revolutionary War, his son George dying on November 6, 1777, shortly after the Battle of Germantown.

    Beginning in 1774, Frederick and his wife deeded portions of their farm land to their sons. According to a speech given in 1853 by Joseph Parrett, a grandson, Frederick lived with his youngest son, Frederick Jr., until his death in approximately 1796 when he was in his 70s. Joseph said that grandmother, whom he called Barbara, had died many years before. The couple was reportedly buried on the family farm, though there is no evidence of a cemetery on the property today. All of their children, except Frederick, the youngest, had sold their portions of the farm some years before either to Frederick Jr., or to others. On December 29, 1813, Frederick Jr., sold his portion of the family farm, excluding the land set aside for the family cemetery, to William Jones and Richard Barten and headed to Ohio to join other family members who had preceded him. Jacob, Henry and Elizabeth probably remained in Virginia for the remainder of their lives. Joseph , Samuel, Mary Catherine, and Frederick migrated to Fayette County, Ohio, part of the Virginia Military District, after the War of 1812.

    Frederick married Barbara Elizabeth Edwards. Barbara was born in 1722 in England and died in 1780 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, at age 58.

    Notes: See also PT 4(2):17, 1976

    Reprinted from Parrott Talk, vol IV, pp 26-27, 1976. Letter by Margaret J. Wilde, 13749- 12th S.W. Seattle WA 98166.

    "I have a comment on Frederick1 of Shenandoah. While I am grateful for Mrs. Main's book, I have doubts as to reality of 'Barbara'. I am corresponding with several who are working on this first family who have the same feeling. Nothing so far has been found to document her. Deeds from Fred. l to sons John and Henry in 1774 was signed by her as Fred's1 wife. But 1785 deed to son Fred2 her signature is missing. I pressume she had died by this time. Margaret PARRETT signed as witness to will of Thomas LITTLE, ' 4 Jan l748. Thomas LITTLE, a near neighbor, and the man for whom Tom's Brook was name. He also established Fairfax line for that land grant. I found record of the will in Maryland Calendar of Wills but the will itself (per copy) was drawn up and filed in Frederick Co., Virginia. If this Magaret PARRETT is the same who is wife of Frederick1, she then is mother of most of his children. There were early Edwards in the valley who had dealings with Wilkins.

    "I sometimes think tradition leads us down a rosy path to confusion. The the dates on deed indicate Frederick deeded land to sons upon their marriage. Virginia's first census shows Samuel1, Joseph and Frederick1 in Rockinham Co., which leads me to believe Fred1 either had land in the county, earlier 1774, when Samuel joins militia from there or else acquired it when he removed from Shenandoah where sons John, Henry, Jacob and Fred2 are in Shenandoah Co. on Fairfax land. As yet, not proof. Rockingham records, may were destroyed by fire during Civil War, and I don't know where to look for evidence."

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 4 M    i. John Parrott Sr. was born in 1740 in Virginia and died in 1798 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 58.

    + 5 M    ii. Henry Parrott was born in 1742 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died in Virginia.

       6 M    iii. Jacob Parrott was born in 1744 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died in 1822 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 78.

    Jacob married Rachel Painter. Rachel was born in 1750.

       7 M    iv. George Parrott was born in 1746 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 6 Nov 1777 in Revolutionary War, at age 31.

       8 F    v. Parrott was born in 1750 and died in Perry Co., Ohio.

    Parrott married Shoemaker. Shoemaker died in Perry Co., Ohio.

    + 9 M    vi. Lt. Joseph Isaac Parrott was born on 8 Apr 1755 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, died on 28 Aug 1847 in Clinton Co., Ohio, at age 92, and was buried in Sugar Grove Cemetery, Clinton Co., Ohio.

    + 10 M    vii. Samuel Parrott Sr. was born on 8 Apr 1756 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, died on 6 Aug 1843 in Reading, Perry Co., Ohio, at age 87, and was buried in Custard-Parret Cemetary, Richland township, Fairfield Co., Ohio.

       11 F    viii. Mary Catherine Parrott was born in 1761 in Virginia, died in 1816 in Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 55, and was buried in Higbee Cemetery, Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Mary married Lt. Phillip Peter Fent. Phillip was born in 1758 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia, died in 1835 in Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 77, and was buried in Higbee Cemetery, Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 12 M    ix. Frederick H. Parrott Jr. was born in 1764 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 8 May 1842 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 78.

       13 F    x. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1768.

    Elizabeth married James Ross. James was born in 1805.

    Elizabeth next married Jacob Pleasant.

    Frederick next married Elizabeth Wallace. Elizabeth was born on 5 Sep 1801 and died on 27 May 1829, at age 27.

    Third Generation (Grandchildren)

    4. John Parrott Sr. (Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1740 in Virginia and died in 1798 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 58. Another name for John was Tennessee Joe.

    Notes: Said to have had 14 children with his second wife. Dawn Parrett Thurston

    submitted by Dawn Parrett Thurston

    Second Generation John Parrott

    John's life began in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley in 1740, probably a year after his parents' marriage. As the oldest of at least nine children, John would have been expected to shoulder a large part of his father's responsibilities on the family farm. He must have been a substantial help to his mother as well. New siblings joined the family on a regular basis, first five brothers, then two sisters, and finally a younger brother, so John didn't lack for playmates. His parents were illiterate and there were no schools in the Valley during his childhood, so John likely never learned to read and write.

    When John was in his mid 20s, he married Catharina Miar (sometimes spelled Miars, Moyers, Meyers, or Meyer), the daughter of German parents Henri and Eva/Barbara, who, like the Parrotts, had migrated to the North Mountain tract from Pennsylvania. Catharina was born on May 15, 1743, in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. The couple had two known children, John, referred to in later life as "Smoking Johnny," born June 24, 1773, and George, who may have been named for John's brother, born in July 27, 1776, and likely seven or eight more. A tax list compiled in 1783 indicates that there were ten people in John and Catharina's household. One Parrott researcher, a descendant of John and Catharina, located a power of attorney associated with the estate of Henry Meyers (likely either Catharina's father or brother), that lists a number of legatees whom she believes were John and Catharina's children. The legatees, all from Cocke County, Tennessee, include John and George Parrott, probably John and Catharina's sons mentioned above, and five others. Smoking Johnny was not born until 1773, when his father was 33. Given the child-bearing practices of the 1700s, it is probable that other children preceded Johnny, including some of those mentioned in the power of attorney. Power of Attorney

    John enlisted in the Revolutionary War for a three-year term on July 4, 1777, and served as a private in Colonel William Grayson's Virginia Regiment. He would have been 37 at the time of his enlistment, comparatively old for a soldier in those days. His age probably accounts for why he did not enlist earlier when his brothers did. It was undoubtedly a sacrifice for him to serve, for he left a wife of 17 years and a large family behind.

    John's regiment was one of sixteen organized by a congressional resolution in Congress in December 1777. Four of the sixteen units were composed largely of Virginians. John's commander, William Grayson, had been assistant secretary and aide-de-camp to George Washington at the time he was put in command of his regiment. John was assigned to Captain Thomas Triplett's company. By April 1779, the regiment, significantly reduced in size due to a smallpox epidemic, merged with Colonel Nathaniel Gist's regiment, where John served under the command of Captain Joseph Smith.

    There are 50 pay slips in John Parrott's Revolutionary War file that list his name variously as John Parrott, John Parrett, John Paret, Jno Parratt, Jean Poret, and John Paret. While all of these names are attributed to Colonel Grayson's or Colonel Gist's regiments, it's unclear whether they all pertain to the same individual. The pay slips indicate that John's regiment spent time in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York. On several occasions, John is listed as sick or in the hospital. A pay slip dated August 19, 1779 states that John deserted his regiment after serving only 14 months of his three-year commitment.

    One can only speculate about why John deserted his military unit. It appears that he was the only member of his family to do so. It was not uncommon during the Revolutionary War for soldiers to leave their troops for family emergencies. According to one source, "Unauthorized absence and desertion from military formations were not infrequent, and Germans share these rolls with other Virginians. The Revolutionary citizen-soldier, especially from the western countries, was an independent man, and plausible personal reasons to him often were paramount to all other considerations." (The Virginia Germans, p. 85) Circumstances suggest that John had what for him and the time may have been a plausible excuse for desertion. On June 27, 1781, just 22 months leaving military service, he married his second wife, Louisa Bean. It's fair to assume that John left his troop because of the illness or death of his first wife. Either the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was unaware of John's desertion or didn't find it significant enough, given the high desertion statistics of that war, to deny him a commemorative marker at his gravesite, a marker that was placed in 1783 and remains today.

    John was 41 at the time of his second marriage, which occurred in Shenandoah County. He would have courted Louisa with a war going on. His two known children, John and George, were eight and four, respectively, when he remarried. With a young family to care for, John undoubtedly felt an urgency to find a new mother for his children.

    There are no records that remain that shed any light on Louisa Bean, who is called variously Louise and Lucy in genealogy materials. There were a number of Beans who lived in the Shenandoah Valley area of Virginia, but Louisa has not been linked to any of them. A William Bean, from Scotland, was one of the original settlers of Tennessee, near where John and Louisa settled. He ran a ferry service at Bean Station. Records listing William Bean's descendants do not include Louisa, however, though she would have been the appropriate age to be his daughter. When one considers Louisa from 200 years later, one can only respect the pluck and courage of the woman who became a step-mother for John's numerous children and shortly thereafter set off to make a new home for them in the Tennessee wilderness.

    On 1783, two years after his second marriage, a land record indicates that John sold the 100 acres his father had deeded him to Paul Haman for 120 pounds. In the fall of the same year, a land office supervised by John Armstrong opened in Greene County, North Carolina. A 640-acre parcel of land in that county was surveyed for John on October 22, 1783.Armstrong's office was open from that October until the following May and during that time handled such a flurry of business that the seven-month period is called by one source "the great land grab." John received a warrant for that land in September 1784 and a grant in September 1787.

    John's land grant states that he paid 10 pounds per hundred acres (34 pounds) for his Greene County parcel, a typical land price for that time and area. To meet this obligation, he had the 120 pounds he had received from the sale of his Shenandoah land as well as a 12-pound sum his father-in-law had given him as a settlement after Catharina's death. Henri Meyer's undated note written in German and translated reads: "I, Henrich Meyer have already given to my son-in-law Johann Parrot as part of the inheritance of my daughter, Catharina, before he moved to Chacky in sum twelve pounds, seventeen shillings and ten pence, thus according to law."

    One wonders why John decided to move away from his family and the community he had known for his entire life. He owned a sizeable amount of property that by that time would have been cleared and cultivated. For that time period, John, at 41, would be considered old to be embarking on such a life-changing adventure.

    However, after selling his North Mountain property, John had the means to triple the amount of land he owned by moving into new territory. Like his father fifty years before, he would be one of the first settlers in a new area. A clever man with enough determination could make a name for himself in such circumstances. To a person of independence and adventure, the lure of such opportunities might prove irresistible. Chief Justice John Marshall, whose father and brothers left Virginia to settle in Kentucky, said, "Those who explore and settle new countries are generally bold, hardy, and adventurous men, whose minds, as well as bodies, are fitted to encounter danger and fatigue; their object is the acquisition of property and they generally succeed."

    How did travelers make the journey from Virginia to Tennessee in the 1780s? Most likely the Parrotts packed all the belongings they could take with them on horseback and in farm wagons, perhaps tethering the family ox and a pig or two to the wagon and tying wire pens to the side to transport chickens. Taverners or pub keepers ran public houses located at strategic points along the main trails. John, Louisa and their children may have stayed at one of these. It is more likely, given the size of their traveling party, they camped along the roadside.

    John's younger sister, Mary Catherine, and her husband Phillip Fent (or Faent or Fine) are found in Cocke County, Tennesse, records at the same time period, so it is possible that the two families, and maybe others, caravanned together.

    The children listed below are attributed to John and Louise, though there may have been others, since Rachel, the oldest for whom we have a birth date, was born seven years after their marriage.

    Rachel (1788- ) md. William Schaeffer (10 May 1805)
    Joseph J. (1792-1859) md. Rebecca Fancher (abt. 1812)
    Catherine (1796-1859) md. George Hershel Hughes (1825)
    Jacob (1799) md. Amelia Swaggerty
    Vashti (no records have been found for this child)
    According to the North Carolina State Archives, John Parrott was issued a grant (warrant #244, grant #300) in Greene County, Tennessee, on 20 September 1787, for 640 acres of land on Clear Creek, a branch of the French Broad River. The land was surveyed on 22 October 1783, the same year Greene County was established in what was then North Carolina, and the same year that the land office opened to sell property in that area.

    The land had been the hunting ground of the Cherokee Indians, and records show that the early Greene County settlers were the victim of frequent Indian attacks. In the latter part of 1783, Indians began to steal cattle and horses from the early settlers and escape across the mountains into North Carolina. In 1787 a blockhouse was built on Abraham Swaggerty's property (which adjoined the Parrott parcel) over a spring near the banks of Clear Creek. The blockhouse, one of only two that still remain in Tennessee today, served as a fort to protect nephew the settlers from Indian attack.

    John Parrott died around 1798-1800 and was buried in the Yett Cemetery, located on a bluff above the main road that runs through Parrottsville. The condition of the cemetery has deteriorated with time, with the majority of the gravestones missing or broken. Two gravestones mark John's grave, however. The older of the two states that he died in 1798. A newer stone placed by the D.A.R. in 1983 states that he died in 1800 and that he was the founder of Parrottsville. John's wife, Louisa, is supposed to be buried in the same cemetery, but no grave marker remains. There are stones for their son, George, and George's wife, Sarah. The cemetery borders a farm belonging to the Blazer family, whose forbears go back to Parrottsville's beginnings. The current owner of the Blazer property told me that many Revolutionary War soldiers and Parrottsville settlers are buried in the cemetery, but their identities vanished with their grave markers.

    After John's death, two of his sons, George and Jacob, ran a popular tavern, the Parrott Tavern, on the Parrott property. It had some financial success because of its location on the Old Stage Road which led from Washington, D.C., to Jonesboro, the state capitol. The road was used by hog drivers and wagoners hauling merchandise to market. According to several sources, Andrew Jackson stayed at the tavern on his way to his presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C

    John married Catherine Meyer. Catherine was born on 15 May 1743 and died in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 14 M    i. Henry Parrott was born in 1772 in Virginia and died in 1853 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

    + 15 M    ii. "Smoking" John Parrott Jr. was born in May 1773 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia, was christened on 24 Jun 1773, and died on 12 Oct 1852 in Mendon, Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 79.

       16 M    iii. Parrott .

       17 M    iv. Parrott .

    + 18 M    v. George Parrott was born on 27 Jun 1776 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 18 Feb 1861 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

       19 M    vi. Parrott .

       20 M    vii. Parrott .

    John next married Louise Bean. Louise was born est 1760 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 21 F    i. Bethany Parrott was born in 1782 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 22 M    ii. Captn "Tennessee" Joseph J. Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1782 in Tennessee and died on 10 Oct 1859 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 77.

       23 M    iii. John Parrott was born in 1785 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in 1872, at age 87.

       24 F    iv. Rachel Parrott was born in 1788 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 11 Nov 1838 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 50.

    Notes: birth year also given as 1782. Might have gone on to marry Conrad Rinehart and moved to Sevier co.

    Rachel married John William Shaffer. John was born on 22 Nov 1789 in Roane, Tennessee and died on 25 Mar 1839 in Morgan Co., Alabama, at age 49. Another name for John was Shover.

    + 25 M    v. Jacob Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1792 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

       26 F    vi. Catherine Parrott was born on 28 Dec 1796 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 23 Oct 1864 in Hickory Co., Missouri, at age 67.

    Notes: Birth year aslo given as 1799

    Catherine married George Herschal Hughes. George was born in 1792 and died on 3 Dec 1859, at age 67.

    5. Henry Parrott (Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1742 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died in Virginia.

    Notes: Some histories give wife as Rebecca; Others as Martha Euker.

    Henry married Barbara Elizabeth Meyer.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 27 M    i. Isaac Parrott was born in 1773 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 13 Feb 1854 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 81.

       28 F    ii. Elizabeth Parrott was born about 1774 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in Virginia.

    Elizabeth married Henry Terflinger. Henry died in Virginia.

    Henry next married Catherine Wiseman. Catherine was born in 1770.

    9. Lt. Joseph Isaac Parrott (Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Apr 1755 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, died on 28 Aug 1847 in Clinton Co., Ohio, at age 92, and was buried in Sugar Grove Cemetery, Clinton Co., Ohio.

    Notes: From The Parrott Book by Jessie Thomas Mains
    Joseph Parrett was born in Virginia in 1760. In 1775 he enlisted as a private in Captain Jonathan Clark's Company, Colonel Peter Muhlenberg's 8th Virginia Regiment, and served until December 25, 1777, when he was made Lieutenant and Purchasing Commissary of Provisions and Clothing for the Army at Valley Forge. He was in the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown and at the taking of Cornwallis and was discharged in November 1781 at Woodstock, VA., having served five years and ten months. For the above he was allowed a pension and 200 acres of bounty land. He moved to Ohio about 1812 and settled in Fayette County about five miles north of Washington C.H. Parrott Talk Feb 1977

    Joseph married Sarah May Wendel. Sarah was born in 1767 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died in 1825 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 58. Other names for Sarah were Mary and Sarah Windel.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 29 M    i. Leonard Parrott was born on 22 Jun 1779 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 15 Jun 1854 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 74.

    + 30 M    ii. Joseph D. Parrott Jr. was born on 14 Oct 1783 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 25 Dec 1850 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 67.

       31 F    iii. Rachel Parrott was born on 6 Dec 1785 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 7 Oct 1824, at age 38.

    Rachel married Jeremiah Smith. Jeremiah was born on 15 Dec 1785 and died on 28 Mar 1886, at age 100.

       32 F    iv. Mary Parrott was born in 1788 in Frederick Co., Virginia and died in 1821 in Ohio, at age 33. Another name for Mary was Polly.

    Mary married Abel Armstrong. Abel was born in 1783.

    Mary next married John Hays. John was born in 1788.

       33 F    v. Sarah Parrott was born in 1789 in Frederick Co., Virginia and died in Feb 1878, at age 89.

    Sarah married Hugh McCandless. Hugh was born in 1785.

       34 F    vi. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 1 Nov 1799 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 10 Aug 1843 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 43.

    Elizabeth married John Armstrong. John was born on 14 Apr 1790 in Virginia and died on 9 Feb 1865 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 74.

    Notes: "The Parrett Book, by Jessie Thomas Mains
    Article of Armstrong-Saum in Fayette County, states John came to Ohio in 1814 and that he died on 9 Feb 1865 nearly 75 years of age. Also states that Armstrong origin from Ireland, PA. Parents lived in Fairfax County, VA. Fayette County, Ohio Deed Book B. pg. 451-1 Dec 1818 Joseph Parrett Sr. and Mary his wife sold to John Armstrong for $300, 75 acres, signed Joseph Parrott, Mary Parrett made her mark Wit., John Hall and Joseph Parrett, Jr. ( Although no relationship is stated John Armstrong is probably Joseph and Mary's son in law) From Patti Forbes" -- Laura Flebbe

       35 F    vii. Rebecca Parrott was born on 11 Sep 1801 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 11 Apr 1874 in Colfax, Clinton Co., Indiana, at age 72.

    Rebecca married Phillip Bush. Phillip was born on 11 Mar 1800 in Virginia and died on 12 Mar 1875 in Colfax, Clinton Co., Indiana, at age 75.

    Joseph next married Sarah Morris. Sarah was born in 1863.

    Joseph next married Anna Hartman. Anna died on 12 Aug 1870.

    10. Samuel Parrott Sr. (Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Apr 1756 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, died on 6 Aug 1843 in Reading, Perry Co., Ohio, at age 87, and was buried in Custard-Parret Cemetary, Richland township, Fairfield Co., Ohio.

    Notes: From Parrott Talk 2(2):34, 1974, article by Henrietta Lang

    Samuel Parret signed the marriage bond of his daughter, Rosanna, to Aron Thomas in 1800 in German script. I had this signature read for me by two people proficient in the old German. The signature was Samuel Beret. Yet on signing another marriage bond just two years later, Samuel PERRET signed in English and spelled his name Parret.

    See also PT VII(3):3-5, Nov 1979 for a copy of his will; PT VII(3):10 has burial details.

    Samuel married Eva Custard. Eva was born in Apr 1756 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia, died on 2 Aug 1821 in Reading, Perry Co., Ohio, at age 65, and was buried in Custard-Parret Cemetary, Richland township, Fairfield Co., Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 36 M    i. George Parrett was born in 1776 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died in 1860 in Ohio, at age 84.

       37 F    ii. Rosanna Parrott was born about 1777 in Virginia and died in Ohio.

    Rosanna married Aaron Thomas.

    + 38 M    iii. Phillip Parrett was born on 1 Jan 1794 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, died on 4 Jan 1856 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 62, and was buried in Reedy's family cemetery.

    + 39 M    iv. Samuel Parrott Jr. was born in 1784 and died in 1832 in Ohio, at age 48.

       40 F    v. Eva Parrott was born on 16 Jun 1786 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 5 Jun 1866, at age 79.

    Eva married Jacob W. Hanisker. Jacob was born on 4 Nov 1775 in Frederick Co., Virginia and died on 18 Feb 1857, at age 81.

       41 F    vi. Margaret Parrott was born calculated 11 Nov 1789 in Virginia, died on 26 Jan 1851 in Ohio, about age 61, and was buried in Custard-Parret Cemetary, Richland township, Fairfield Co., Ohio. Another name for Margaret was Peggy.

    Margaret married Joseph Linville. Joseph was born in 1790.

       42 M    vii. Eli Parrott was born in 1796 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Samuel next married Eleanor Dailey. Eleanor was born in 1770, died in 1846 in Fairfield Co., Ohio, at age 76, and was buried in Custard-Parret Cemetary, Richland township, Fairfield Co., Ohio.

    12. Frederick H. Parrott Jr. (Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1764 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 8 May 1842 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 78.

    Notes: Some pedigrees have him married (2) to Mary Edwards, with Mary being the mother of Rachel forward.

    Frederick married Elizabeth Kellar. Elizabeth was born in 1745 and died on 9 Jul 1821 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 43 M    i. John Parrott Sr was born on 24 Feb 1786 and died on 20 Aug 1859 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 73.

       44 F    ii. Mary F. Parrott was born in 1788 in Virginia.

    Mary married John Harper. John was born on 25 Aug 1817.

    + 45 M    iii. Joseph F. Parrott was born on 20 Sep 1791 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 17 Feb 1859 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 67.

       46 F    iv. Sarah P. Parrott was born in 1792 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 1 Jan 1840 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at age 48.

    Sarah married John McArthur. John was born in 1788 and died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia.

    Notes: "Brother of ex-Gov. Duncan McArthur Served in the War of 1812 as First Lieutenant. He was a provision dealer and supplied provisions to the Surveyors of the Virginia Military Reservation." -- Laura Flebbe

    + 47 M    v. George Parrett was born on 24 Oct 1793 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 22 Sep 1863 in Ohio, at age 69.

    + 48 M    vi. Augustus Frederick Parrott was born in 1795 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 31 Jan 1865, at age 70.

       49 F    vii. Rachel Parrott was born in 1800 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia.

    Rachel married George Ware. George was born in 1795.

       50 F    viii. Rebecca Parrott was born on 24 Mar 1802 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 22 Sep 1863 in Ohio, at age 61.

    Rebecca married David Dernow. David was born in 1797. Other names for David were Ferneau and Fernow.

       51 F    ix. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 9 Jun 1804 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia.

    Elizabeth married George Helphrey. George was born on 13 Aug 1798 and died on 4 Jan 1867, at age 68.

    + 52 M    x. Henry Parrett was born on 11 Oct 1806 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 11 Apr 1883 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 76.

       53 F    xi. Barbara Parrott was born on 18 Aug 1809 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 12 Sep 1884, at age 75.

    Barbara married James A. Harper. James was born in 1804 in Delaware.

       54 F    xii. Anna Catherine Parrott was born on 12 Aug 1812 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 22 Aug 1882 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 70.

    Anna married Joseph Harper. Joseph was born on 23 Feb 1809 and died on 22 Jun 1878 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 69.

    Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)

    14. Henry Parrott (John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1772 in Virginia and died in 1853 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

    Henry married someone.

    His children were:

    + 55 M    i. Benjamin Parrott was born in 1800 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1848 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 48.

    + 56 M    ii. Parrott was born in 1800 in Tennesee.

    15. "Smoking" John Parrott Jr. (John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1773 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia, was christened on 24 Jun 1773, and died on 12 Oct 1852 in Mendon, Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 79. Another name for "Smoking" was Smoking John.

    Notes: I think this is Smoking John

    "Smoking" married Elizabeth Hall. Elizabeth was born in 1779 in Tennessee, died in 1859 in Mendon, Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 80, and was buried in Hussey Cemetery.

    Children from this marriage were:

       57 F    i. Rachel Parrott was born on 17 Jun 1794 in Parrottsville, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 11 Nov 1858 in Iowa, at age 64.

    Rachel married David Fancher. David was born on 23 Sep 1788 in Tennessee and died on 1 Dec 1857 in Batavia, Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    + 58 M    ii. George Parrott was born on 23 Jan 1796 in Parrottsville, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Aug 1888 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 92.

    + 59 M    iii. Thomas Parrott was born on 25 Jun 1798 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Dec 1880 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 82.

    + 60 M    iv. John "Blackbeard" Parrott III was born on 30 Sep 1800 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Jun 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 72.

    + 61 M    v. Henry Parrott was born on 13 Jan 1803 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 62 M    vi. Samuel Parrott Sr, was born on 14 Dec 1805 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Jun 1865 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 59.

       63 F    vii. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 25 Feb 1809 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Aug 1857, at age 48.

    Elizabeth married James Ross. James was born in 1805.

       64 F    viii. Lavinia Parrott was born on 18 Jun 1811 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Jan 1897 in Van Wert Co., Ohio, at age 85.

    Lavinia married George Pursley Rupert. George was born on 2 Apr 1788 in Lexington, Fayette Co., Kentucky and died on 11 Nov 1877 in Salem, Auglaize Co, , Ohio, at age 89.

    + 65 M    ix. Wesley Asbury Parrott was born on 29 Jun 1816 in Fayette Co., Ohio, died on 6 Jun 1886 in Allen Co., Ohio, at age 69, and was buried in Fletcher Cemetery.

    18. George Parrott (John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Jun 1776 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 18 Feb 1861 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

    Notes: PT VII(3):7, Nov 1979

    George married Sarah Manning. Sarah was born on 15 Nov 1772 in Pennsylvania and died on 18 Feb 1861 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 88.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 66 M    i. Job Parrott was born on 4 May 1797 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 10 May 1876 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

       67 F    ii. Anna M. Parrott was born on 19 Jan 1799 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, died on 25 Jun 1866 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 67, and was buried in Oven Creek Methodist Church cemetery.

    Anna married Abraham Ambrose Easterly. Abraham was born on 10 Dec 1798 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Jun 1828 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 29.

    + 68 M    iii. George Parrott was born on 21 Nov 1800 in Tennessee and died on 20 Mar 1863 in Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri, at age 62.

    + 69 M    iv. Samuel Parrott was born in 1804 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Nov 1873 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 69.

    + 70 M    v. Henry Parrott was born on 5 Jan 1808 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 30 May 1877 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 69.

       71 F    vi. Salina Parrott was born in 1810 in Tennessee.

    + 72 M    vii. Ellis McKendrie Parrott was born on 2 Jan 1816 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 28 May 1892 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 76.

    21. Bethany Parrott (John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1782 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    The child from this marriage was:

       73 M    i. J. C. Larue was born on 3 Oct 1824 in Knox Co., Tennessee. {Find A Grave ID: 145942762}

    Notes: J.C. La Rue, merchant and farmer, was born October 3, 1824, in Knox county, and came to Cocke County, when twelve years old. Up to his twenty-eighth year he was the main support of his father. In 1861, he married Margaret J. Parrott, a daughter of Samuel Parrott, a son of George Parrott, in whose honor the village was named. Our subject's children were Samuel B., Selma A., Frank D., Fannie K. (deceased), James H., Charles W., Horace L., Hugh F., and an infant (deceased). The third and fourth, and seventh and eighth were twins. His wife is a Methodist Episcopalian, and he is a Master Mason, and a Republican, and first voted for Taylor for President. He was a constable four years, and county clerk for a similar time. He owns a fine farm of about 450 acres near Parrottsville, besides another tract of 498 acres, and a saw and grist-mill two and a half miles southeast of Parrottsville. He was the third of seven children of Francis and Nancy A. (Young) La Rue, natives of Knox County. The father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was in politics an old line Whig. He was a Christian man, and devoted to agricultural pursuits. The La Rues were of French and the Youngs of English origin. George La Rue, a native of Knox county, was the next ancestor.

    From: Goodspeeds History of Tennessee 1887 Cocke County
    Posted on Find a Grave 145942762

    J. married Margaret J. Parrott, daughter of Samuel Parrott and Elizabeth K. Maloney. Margaret was born in 1830 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

    22. Captn "Tennessee" Joseph J. Parrott (John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Feb 1782 in Tennessee and died on 10 Oct 1859 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 77. Another name for "Tennessee" was Tennessee Joe.

    "Tennessee" married Rebecca Fancher. Rebecca was born in 1790 in Tennessee, died on 16 Nov 1869 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 79, and was buried in Washinghton Court House cemetery, Fayette Co., Oh.. Another name for Rebecca was Rebecca Fansher.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 74 M    i. Isaac Fancher Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1813 in Virginia and died on 16 Mar 1890, at age 76.

    + 75 M    ii. Pleasant H. Parrott was born on 2 Jun 1818 in Ohio and died on 6 Jul 1852, at age 34.

    + 76 M    iii. David Mann Parrott was born on 19 Oct 1819 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 5 Jun 1902 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 82.

    + 77 M    iv. William Jackson Parrott was born on 10 Nov 1819 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 12 Jan 1869, at age 49.

    + 78 M    v. Frederick M. Parrott was born in Nov 1822 in Ohio.

    + 79 M    vi. Benjamin Hinton Parrett was born on 18 Jan 1824 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1913, at age 89.

       80 F    vii. Minerva Elizabeth Wendel Parrott was born in Apr 1827 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Minerva married Jesse Allen. Jesse was born in Oct 1823 in Ohio.

    + 81 M    viii. Russell Biglow Parrett was born on 9 Aug 1833 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 26 Jul 1905, at age 71.

    + 82 M    ix. George Banner Parrett was born on 29 Jan 1834 in Ohio and died on 4 Jul 1913, at age 79.

    25. Jacob Parrott (John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Feb 1792 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 83 M    i. Josiah Rhoten Parrott was born in Feb 1826 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 10 Jun 1872 in Montvale Springs, Blount Co., TN, at age 46.

       84 M    ii. Charles Parrott was born in 1834 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

       85 M    iii. Jacob Parrott .

       86 F    iv. Susan J. Parrott was born in 1837 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in Atlanta, Georgia.

    Susan married Horace Bradley.

       87 F    v. Edith Armelia Parrott was born in 1843 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in Texas.

    Edith married Snead. Snead died in Texas.

    + 88 M    vi. Henry Clay Parrott was born on 5 May 1848 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Sep 1921 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., Florida, at age 73.

    27. Isaac Parrott (Henry3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1773 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 13 Feb 1854 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 81.

    Notes: Rufus Putnam, 1872, The Early Settlers of Fayette Co., Ohio:

    Isaac "was fond of money; had a chest full of silver, and when he became old and childish, he opened the chest and looked it over every day."

    Isaac married Christina Mary Painter. Christina was born in 1780 and died on 5 May 1841, at age 61.

    Children from this marriage were:

       89 M    i. Parrott was born about 1892 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died young.

    + 90 M    ii. Henry Parrott was born in 1805 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    + 91 F    iii. Christina Stout was born in 1810 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1847, at age 37.

    + 92 M    iv. Joseph Parrott was born in 1815 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 5 Apr 1876, at age 61.

    29. Leonard Parrott (Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Jun 1779 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 15 Jun 1854 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 74.

    Notes: PT VI(2):21, 23. Notes that age at death may have been 71 misread as 74 on the stone. Otherwise, his father was in the army until 1781

    Leonard married Elizabeth House Webb. Elizabeth was born on 12 Apr 1785 in Virginia and died on 15 Jan 1860 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 74.

    Children from this marriage were:

       93 F    i. Sarah Ann Parrett was born in 1800 in Ohio.

    Sarah married Allen Rinearson. Allen was born in 1795.

    + 94 M    ii. James Parrott was born calculated 19 Dec 1808 in Ohio and died on 30 Oct 1855 in Huntington Co., Indiana, about age 46.

    + 95 M    iii. Elias Parrett was born on 21 Mar 1817 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 22 Feb 1862 in Jefferson Co., Kentucky, at age 44.

    + 96 M    iv. Amos Parrott was born in 1820 in Ohio and died in 1862 in Arkansas, at age 42.

       97 F    v. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1822 in Ohio.

    Elizabeth married Rinearson.

       98 M    vi. Martin Parrott died in War.

    Notes: Assignment as son of Leonard is VERY tentative

    30. Joseph D. Parrott Jr. (Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Oct 1783 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 25 Dec 1850 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 67.

    Notes: PT VI(1):8 and 29-30, 1978
    PT VI(2):16-17, 22-23 1978

    Joseph married Mary E. Weywright. Mary was born on 30 Jun 1782 in Ohio and died on 8 Jul 1848 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 66. Another name for Mary was Mary Weybright.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 99 M    i. Andrew Daniel Parrett was born on 26 Feb 1804 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 10 Dec 1880 in Wabash Co., Illinois, at age 76.

    + 100 M    ii. John D. Parrott was born calculated 9 Mar 1809 in Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 20 Mar 1855 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 46.

       101 F    iii. Catherine Parrott was born on 20 Jun 1807 in Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 7 Oct 1864 in Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 57.

    Catherine married Robert Wilson.

    Catherine next married William Hidy.

    + 102 M    iv. Henry D. Parrett was born on 23 Jan 1811 in Ohio, died in Whitley Co., Indiana, and was buried on 27 Aug 1846.

    + 103 M    v. William D. Parrott Sr. was born on 28 Apr 1813 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 104 M    vi. David D. Parret was born on 23 Feb 1815 in Ohio and died on 18 Dec 1855 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 40.

    + 105 M    vii. Rev. Anderson D. Parrott was born on 1 Aug 1816 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 28 Mar 1905 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 88.

       106 F    viii. Mary Parrott .

    Mary married Samuel Brown.

    + 107 M    ix. Abington Parrott was born in 1919 in Ohio.

    36. George Parrett (Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1776 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died in 1860 in Ohio, at age 84.

    George married Mary Shaver. Mary was born in 1782 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1825 in Ohio, at age 43.

    Children from this marriage were:

       108 M    i. Augustus Parrett was born in 1805 in Virginia.

       109 F    ii. Diana Parrett was born on 12 Mar 1807 in Virginia and died on 17 Apr 1875 in Ottawa Co., Ohio, at age 68.

    Notes: PT 10:165

    Diana married John Bowland.

    + 110 M    iii. Noah Parrett was born in 1808 in Ohio.

    + 111 M    iv. Perry Parrett was born in 1810 in Ohio.

    + 112 M    v. George Parrett was born in 1811 in Ohio and died in 1847 in Ohio, at age 36.

       113 F    vi. Mahala Parrett was born in Mar 1812 in Ohio and died on 2 May 1889 in Richland, Fairfield Co., Ohio, at age 77.

    + 114 M    vii. Zebedee Parrett was born in 1815 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 10 Jun 1894 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 79.

       115 F    viii. Elizabeth Parrett was born on 15 May 1817 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 29 Oct 1888 in Ada, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 71.

    Elizabeth married Jacob Landfair. Jacob was born on 16 Oct 1817 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 3 Oct 1885 in Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 67.

    + 116 M    ix. Jackson Parrett was born in 1824 in Ohio and died in 1898 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    George next married Catherine Lonas. Catherine was born in 1801 in Virginia and died on 24 Jun 1873 in Ohio, at age 72.

    Children from this marriage were:

       117 F    i. Sarah Parrett was born in 1831 in Ohio and died on 10 Jun 1890 in Ohio, at age 59.

       118 F    ii. Rebecca Parrett was born in 1836 in Ohio.

    38. Phillip Parrett (Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Jan 1794 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, died on 4 Jan 1856 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 62, and was buried in Reedy's family cemetery.

    Phillip married Barbara Ann Snyder. Barbara was born on 19 Oct 1788 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, was christened on 7 Jun 1789 in Peak Mt. Church, and died on 16 Aug 1845 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 56.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 119 M    i. Branson Mathias Parrett was born on 24 Nov 1818 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, died on 25 Jun 1874 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 55, and was buried in Weavers Mennonite Church Cemetery.

       120 F    ii. Engel Susannah Parrett was born on 19 Feb 1820 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 27 Jan 1884 in Warren Co., Illinois, at age 63.

    Engel married Andrew Jackson Smith. Andrew was born on 1 Jan 1814 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 6 Jul 1859, at age 45.

    Engel next married Jacob Lewis. Jacob was born in 1811.

    + 121 M    iii. Jeremiah Parrett was born in 1822 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

       122 F    iv. Leannah Parrott was born in 1824 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Leannah married William J. Miller. William was born in 1829.

    + 123 M    v. John Strauder Parrott Sr. was born on 22 Mar 1825 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1907 in Putnam Co., Illinois, at age 82.

       124 F    vi. Maryann Eve Parrott was born on 14 Jan 1827 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 1 Mar 1905 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 78.

    Maryann married William Erasmus Showalter. William was born on 14 Apr 1806 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 3 Feb 1865, at age 58.

       125 M    vii. Samuel Henry Parrett was born on 23 Oct 1828 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

       126 F    viii. Barbara Ellen Parrett was born on 13 May 1831 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Barbara married John Riggs. John was born in 1830.

    39. Samuel Parrott Jr. (Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1784 and died in 1832 in Ohio, at age 48.

    Samuel married Polly Sites. Polly was born in 1790.

    Children from this marriage were:

       127 M    i. Levi Parrott was born in 1809 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1828, at age 19.

    + 128 M    ii. Eli Parrett was born in 1810 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    + 129 M    iii. David Parrett was born on 20 Nov 1812 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died on 31 Jan 1900 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa, at age 87.

    + 130 M    iv. Elijah Parrott was born in 1815 in Perry Co., Ohio and died in 1891, at age 76.

       131 F    v. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1817 in Perry Co., Ohio.

    Elizabeth married George Faflinger. George was born in 1815.

    + 132 M    vi. John W. Parrott Sr. was born in 1819 in Perry Co., Ohio.

       133 F    vii. Elinor Parrott was born in 1821 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       134 F    viii. Sariann Parrott was born in 1823 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

    43. John Parrott Sr (Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Feb 1786 and died on 20 Aug 1859 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 73.

    Notes: From The Early Settlers, Fayette co., OH, by Putnam:

    "John Parrott emigrated to Ross county, and thence to Fayette at an early day. His family consists of Eli, Sallie, Leahr, Bettie, Belindy, Allen, George and Augustus. < > John Parrott was in the Revolution; he was a successful farmer; in religion a Methodist; he died in 1862, much respected and lamented...

    John married Catherine Wendel. Catherine was born in 1787.

    Children from this marriage were:

       135 F    i. Sarah Parrott was born on 31 Jan 1809 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 30 Jul 1865, at age 56.

    Sarah married Abraham Rinehart Griffith. Abraham was born in 1805.

    + 136 M    ii. Elias Parrett was born on 4 Feb 1811 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia.

    + 137 M    iii. George Parrott was born in 1813 in Virginia and died on 29 Jul 1872, at age 59.

       138 F    iv. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 13 Sep 1815 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 8 Mar 1879, at age 63.

    Elizabeth married Thomas Kirkpatrick. Thomas was born on 5 Dec 1813 and died on 28 Jan 1884, at age 70.

    + 139 M    v. Augustus Frederick Parrott was born on 24 Feb 1820 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 140 F    vi. Leah Parrott was born in 1824 in Ohio.

    + 141 M    vii. Allen T. Parrott was born in 1829 in Virginia.

    + 142 F    viii. Belinda Parrott was born in Feb 1831 in Virginia and died on 25 Aug 1901 in Bridgewater, Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 70.

    45. Joseph F. Parrott (Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Sep 1791 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 17 Feb 1859 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 67.

    Joseph married Sarah Haas, daughter of John Haas. Sarah was born on 19 Jul 1795 and died on 7 Oct 1832 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 37.

    Notes: "Sarah was the granddaughter of Godfrey Wilkins, whom accompanied Frederick to America." -- Laura Flebbe

    Children from this marriage were:

       143 F    i. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 9 Jan 1816 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 14 Jan 1897, at age 81.

    Elizabeth married Adam Nebbergall. Adam was born on 30 Sep 1819 in Ohio and died on 8 Jan 1902, at age 82.

       144 F    ii. Mary Ann Parrott was born on 2 Feb 1817 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Mary married William Thomas. William was born in 1819.

       145 F    iii. Sarah K. Parrott was born on 10 Sep 1818 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       146 F    iv. Adaline Parrott was born on 1 Apr 1820 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1821 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 1.

    + 147 M    v. John Harrison Parrott was born on 11 Oct 1822 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       148 F    vi. Catherine P. Parrott was born on 4 Jul 1823 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 149 M    vii. Henry Calvin Parrett was born on 4 Jul 1825 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 23 Aug 1911, at age 86.

       150 M    viii. Absalom Parrott was born on 4 Oct 1827 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in Jul 1848, at age 20.

       151 M    ix. Aaron Parrott was born on 4 Oct 1829 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Aaron married Jo Anna Dickey Latta.

       152 F    x. Rebecca Harriett Parrott was born on 28 Jun 1831 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1831 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Joseph next married Malinda J. Cailey. Malinda was born in 1808 and died on 20 Apr 1886, at age 78.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 153 M    i. George F. Parrott was born on 17 Jan 1835 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 154 M    ii. Joseph Milton Parrott was born on 18 Jul 1837 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 10 Feb 1898, at age 60.

       155 F    iii. Margaret J. Parrott was born on 6 Nov 1839 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Margaret married John R. Braden.

    + 156 M    iv. William James Parrott was born on 2 Jul 1842 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 24 Nov 1913, at age 71.

       157 F    v. Elizabeth Susan Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1844 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Elizabeth married Isaac N. McClure.

    + 158 M    vi. Augustus Frederick Parrott was born on 21 Nov 1846 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    47. George Parrett (Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Oct 1793 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 22 Sep 1863 in Ohio, at age 69.

    George married Mary Millie Wilkins. Mary was born in 1796.

    Notes: Daughter of Henry Wilkins. Her grandfather Wilkins emigrated to Virginia along with Frederick

    Children from this marriage were:

       159 F    i. Rachel Parrett was born in 1819 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1843 in Indiana, at age 24.

    Notes: "Rachel married Anderson Wilson, of Buckskin towmship, went With him to Indiana and settled on a farm near Logansport, where she died in 1843;"

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    Rachel married James Anderson Wilson.

       160 F    ii. Maria Parrett was born in 1821 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 5 Jan 1905, at age 84.

    Maria married Daniel Kline.

    + 161 M    iii. Henry Allen Parrott was born in 1823 in Ohio and died in Sep 1895 in Illinois, at age 72.

       162 F    iv. Mary Jane Parrett was born on 20 Jan 1824 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 8 Mar 1851 in Marion Co., Ohio, at age 27.

    Mary married Henry Ulsh. Henry was born on 17 May 1821 and died on 27 Apr 1861, at age 39.

       163 F    v. Eliza Ann Parrett was born in 1826 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 18 Mar 1883, at age 57.

    Eliza married Isaac James.

       164 F    vi. Margaret Mary Parrett was born in 1828 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Margaret married Thomas Murray.

       165 M    vii. Alfred Armstrong Parrett was born in 1831 in Ohio and died in 1854, at age 23.

    + 166 M    viii. Strawder John Parrett was born 5Nov 1833 in Ohio and died on 11 Apr 1913, at age 79.

    + 167 M    ix. Frederick Franklin Parrett was born on 16 Aug 1836 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 23 Sep 1909 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 73.

    48. Augustus Frederick Parrott (Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1795 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 31 Jan 1865, at age 70.

    Augustus married Elizabeth Wallace. Elizabeth was born on 5 Sep 1801 and died on 27 May 1829, at age 27.

    Children from this marriage were:

       168 F    i. Elizabeth Jane Parrott was born on 18 Jun 1821 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 21 Aug 1857, at age 36.

    Elizabeth married George W. Cailey.

    Elizabeth next married David Clouser. David was born on 31 Oct 1825 and died on 9 May 1919, at age 93.

    + 169 M    ii. John Parrott was born in 1822 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1893, at age 71.

    + 170 M    iii. Frederick Alexander Parrott was born in 1825 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       171 F    iv. Hannah Parrott was born in 1826 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Hannah married Robert S. Sutherland. Robert was born on 14 Jul 1825.

    52. Henry Parrett (Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Oct 1806 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 11 Apr 1883 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 76.

    Notes: Might be the s/o Frederick Jr & Elizabeth Kellar Parrott

    Henry married Christina Stout, daughter of Isaac Parrott and Christina Mary Painter. Christina was born in 1810 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1847, at age 37.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 172 M    i. Marcus T. Parrett was born in 1838 and died in 1902 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 64.

       173 F    ii. Mary Jane Parrott was born in Sep 1840 in Ohio.

       174 F    iii. Martha A. Parrott was born in 1842.

    Henry next married Lydia A. Stout. Lydia was born in Jul 1822 in Ohio and died on 27 Nov 1980 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 158.

    Children from this marriage were:

       175 F    i. Artimissa E. Parrett was born in 1846.

    + 176 M    ii. W. Edwin Parrett was born in Sep 1850 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in Apr 1883 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 32.

       177 M    iii. William Parrott was born in 1852.

    + 178 M    iv. Peter Joseph Parrett was born on 5 Jan 1854 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 13 Mar 1915 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 61.

       179 F    v. Effa C. Parrott was born in 1857.

       180 F    vi. Emma Parrott was born in 1857.

       181 M    vii. Henry Parrott was born in 1859.

    Fifth Generation (2nd Great-Grandchildren)

    55. Benjamin Parrott (Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1800 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1848 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 48.

    Notes: From the Jefferson County Book of Wills:
    Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Parrott

    First that all my just debts be paid, next my burial expenses
    satified, next I will and bequeath to my dear wife,
    Catherine all the land and property to raise and school my
    children on towit: Henry Parrott, Nancy, George, Malinda,
    Michael & Catherine so long as she remains my widow. And if
    my wife, Catherine marries she is only to have a childs share.
    I further desire that my female children at home when they
    arrive of age or marry they be made equal in property with those
    that have married and left home. I further desire that at the
    death of my wife should be of age that all my lands be equally
    divided between them towit: Henry, George, and Michael. I
    further desire that all my personal property be divided equally
    between my daughers. I further desire that if my wife
    should die before my children become of age that Vineyard
    Brimer, Esquire be appointed their Grardian
    Elijah his mark Messer

    This 6th, July 1848
    Vineyard Brimer
    Benjamin Parrott
    his mark

    Benjamin married Catherine Wells. Catherine was born in 1880 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 182 M    i. Henry Parrott Sr. was born in 1826 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       183 F    ii. Nancy Parrott was born in 1830 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died in 1852 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 22.

    Nancy married Christopher C. Miller. Christopher was born in 1810 and died in 1880 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 70.

       184 F    iii. Malinda Parrott was born in 1834 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    Malinda married Christopher C. Miller. Christopher was born in 1810 and died in 1880 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 70.

    + 185 M    iv. George Parrott was born in 1835 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    + 186 M    v. Michael Patrick Parrott was born on 22 Aug 1838 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 14 May 1913 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 74.

       187 F    vi. Catherine Parrott was born in 1842 in Tennessee and died in 1899, at age 57.

    Catherine married Amara Conaster.

       188 F    vii. Diantha Parrott was born on 14 Jun 1853 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 23 Jan 1881 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 27.

    Diantha married Isaac Hiram Reneau. Isaac was born on 18 Sep 1850 and died on 18 Oct 1910 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 60.

    56. Parrott (Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1800 in Tennesee.

    Parrott married someone.

    His child was:

    + 189 M    i. Henry Parrott was born in 1828 in Tennesee.

    58. George Parrott ("Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Jan 1796 in Parrottsville, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Aug 1888 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 92.

    George married Nancy Fancher. Nancy was born on 6 May 1787 in Tennessee and died on 3 Dec 1870 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 83.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 190 M    i. Henry Jackson Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1825 in Jefferson Co., Ohio and died on 12 Jan 1900 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 74.

    + 191 M    ii. James Parrott was born in 1826 in Ohio and died in 1892 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 66.

    + 192 M    iii. George Ganch Parrott was born on 23 Oct 1828 and died on 16 Aug 1886, at age 57.

    59. Thomas Parrott ("Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Jun 1798 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Dec 1880 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 63209915}

    Thomas married Elizabeth Coil. Elizabeth was born in 1797 in Virginia and died in 1865 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 63210008} {Find A Grave ID: 63210008}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 193 M    i. Andrew C. Parrott was born in May 1823 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1907, at age 84.

    + 194 M    ii. John H. Parrott was born on 13 Mar 1825 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 1 Aug 1865 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 40.

       195 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1829 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       196 F    iv. Amelia Parrott was born in 1830 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    + 197 M    v. Joseph J. Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1832 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 4 Dec 1908 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 76.

    + 198 M    vi. Wesley Watson Parrott was born in Dec 1835 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died in 1908 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 73.

       199 F    vii. Lavina Parrott was born in 1837 in Ohio and died in 1905, at age 68.

    Lavina married Joseph Hesser. Joseph was born in 1827.

       200 F    viii. Sophronia Parrott was born in 1838 in Ohio.

    + 201 M    ix. Jacob Howard Parrott was born in 1840 in Ohio and died in 1910 in Indiana, at age 70.

    60. John "Blackbeard" Parrott III ("Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Sep 1800 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Jun 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 72. Another name for John was Blackbearded John.

    John married Mary Copeland. Mary was born on 15 Nov 1797 and died on 18 Mar 1851 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 53.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 202 M    i. John Alpheus Parrott was born on 24 Jun 1826 in Ohio and died on 20 Jul 1917 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 91.

    + 203 M    ii. Jacob Hussey Washington Parrott was born on 2 Mar 1828 in Ohio and died on 25 Oct 1895, at age 67.

       204 F    iii. Sarah Jane Parrott was born on 13 Mar 1830 in Ohio and died on 3 Feb 1898, at age 67.

    Sarah married George Knotts. George was born in 1817 in Pennsylvania.

       205 F    iv. Nancy Dawson Parrott was born on 8 Mar 1833 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 18 Jun 1899, at age 66.

    Nancy married William Baughan. William was born in 1828 in Ohio.

       206 F    v. Elizabeth Hall Parrott was born on 13 Oct 1835 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 18 Jun 1899, at age 63.

    Elizabeth married John Stephen Whitcomb. John was born on 9 Jun 1837 in Ohio and died on 15 May 1899 in Missouri, at age 61.

       207 F    vi. Mary Catherine Parrott was born on 24 Feb 1837 in Ohio and died on 21 May 1881, at age 44.

    + 208 M    vii. Joseph Copeland Marion Parrett was born on 22 Aug 1840 in Ohio and died on 22 May 1927, at age 86.

       209 F    viii. Judith Emily Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1843 in Ohio and died on 18 Jul 1898, at age 55.

    Judith married Levi Ingledue. Levi was born on 11 Oct 1841 in Ohio and died on 3 Oct 1923, at age 81.

    John next married Rachel Kirkpatrick Stephenson Whtcomb. Rachel was born on 20 Aug 1808 in Greene Co., Ohio and died on 24 Feb 1888 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 79.

    61. Henry Parrott ("Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Jan 1803 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Henry married Sarah Hendley. Sarah was born in 1803.

    Children from this marriage were:

       210 F    i. Martha L. Parrott was born in 1826 in Ohio.

       211 M    ii. James B. Parrott was born in 1829 in Ohio.

       212 M    iii. John Parrott was born in 1835 in Ohio.

       213 F    iv. Mahala Parrott was born in 1837 in Ohio.

       214 F    v. Sarah Parrott was born in 1843 in Ohio.

    62. Samuel Parrott Sr, ("Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Dec 1805 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Jun 1865 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 59.

    Samuel married Jemima Emanuel. Jemima was born in 1805 in Virginia. Another name for Jemima was Geneva.

    Children from this marriage were:

       215 F    i. Mary Parrott was born in 1828 in Ohio.

       216 F    ii. Elizabeth Parrott was born about 1830 in Ohio.

       217 M    iii. Samuel Parrott Jr. was born about 1832 in Ohio.

       218 M    iv. John Parrott was born about 1834 in Ohio.

       219 F    v. Almira Parrott was born in 1842.

       220 M    vi. Robert Taylor Parrott was born in 1847 in Ohio.

    Samuel next married Lucinda Morgan English. Lucinda was born on 14 Feb 1818.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 221 M    i. Leander Stephenson Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1858 in Des Moines, Mahaska Co., Iowa and died on 19 Nov 1931 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 73.

    + 222 M    ii. Andrew Jackson Parrott was born in Jan 1853 in Des Moines, Mahaska Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jun 1931 in Center, Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 78.

       223 F    iii. Julia Ann Parrott was born on 14 Mar 1854 in Des Moines, Mahaska Co., Iowa.

    65. Wesley Asbury Parrott ("Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Jun 1816 in Fayette Co., Ohio, died on 6 Jun 1886 in Allen Co., Ohio, at age 69, and was buried in Fletcher Cemetery.

    Wesley married Barbara Siler. Barbara was born on 21 Jun 1806 in Bedford Co., Pennsylvania, died on 4 Oct 1883 in Allen Co., Ohio, at age 77, and was buried in Fletcher Cemetery.

    Children from this marriage were:

       224 M    i. Peter Parrott was born in Mercer Co., Ohio and died as an infant in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       225 F    ii. Infant Parrott was born on 8 Nov 1842 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 8 Nov 1842 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    + 226 M    iii. Anderson Parrott was born on 8 Feb 1838 in Guilford, Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 20 Mar 1921 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio, at age 83.

    66. Job Parrott (George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 May 1797 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 10 May 1876 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

    Job married Sarah C. Swaggerty. Sarah was born on 20 Apr 1798 in Tennessee and died on 28 Jan 1852 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 53.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 227 M    i. James Gerome Parrott was born on 6 Jan 1819 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 29 Jan 1886 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 67.

       228 F    ii. Julia Parrott was born on 9 Mar 1821 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Julia married George Etherton. George was born in 1820 in Tennessee.

       229 F    iii. Thyssa Parrott was born on 15 Nov 1823 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 230 M    iv. Elbert S. Parrott was born on 10 Feb 1825 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

       231 M    v. Lloyd A. Parrott was born on 1 Mar 1827 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Lloyd married Eleanor Broyles. Eleanor was born in 1834.

       232 F    vi. Mary Parrott was born in 1831 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 233 M    vii. George Parrott was born on 10 Feb 1833 in Tennesee and died on 4 Nov 1904 in Glendale, Klickitat Co., Washington, at age 71.

    + 234 M    viii. Charles S. Parrott was born in 1836 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in 1910, at age 74.

       235 M    ix. Francis Parrott was born in 1840 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    68. George Parrott (George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Nov 1800 in Tennessee and died on 20 Mar 1863 in Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri, at age 62.

    George married Elizabeth Boyer. Elizabeth was born on 13 Jun 1799 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Jan 1862 in Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri, at age 62.

    Children from this marriage were:

       236 F    i. Harriett Parrott was born in 1828 in Tennesee.

       237 F    ii. Mary Parrott was born in 1829 in Tennesee.

       238 F    iii. Margaret Parrott was born in 1831 in Tennesee.

       239 F    iv. Sarah Parrott was born in 1833 in Tennesee.

       240 F    v. Jenett Parrott was born in 1837 in Ray Co., Missouri.

    + 241 M    vi. Louis Marion Parrott was born on 31 Aug 1839 in Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri and died on 5 Dec 1914 in Douglas Co., Oregon, at age 75.

    69. Samuel Parrott (George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1804 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Nov 1873 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 69.

    Samuel married Elizabeth K. Maloney. Elizabeth was born in 1809 and died in Tennesee. {Find A Grave ID: 123731590} {Find A Grave ID: 123731590}

    Children from this marriage were:

       242 F    i. Malvina Parrott was born in 1829 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

       243 F    ii. Margaret J. Parrott was born in 1830 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

    Margaret married J. C. Larue, son of Bethany Parrott. J. was born on 3 Oct 1824 in Knox Co., Tennessee. {Find A Grave ID: 145942762} {Find A Grave ID: 145942762}

    Notes: J.C. La Rue, merchant and farmer, was born October 3, 1824, in Knox county, and came to Cocke County, when twelve years old. Up to his twenty-eighth year he was the main support of his father. In 1861, he married Margaret J. Parrott, a daughter of Samuel Parrott, a son of George Parrott, in whose honor the village was named. Our subject's children were Samuel B., Selma A., Frank D., Fannie K. (deceased), James H., Charles W., Horace L., Hugh F., and an infant (deceased). The third and fourth, and seventh and eighth were twins. His wife is a Methodist Episcopalian, and he is a Master Mason, and a Republican, and first voted for Taylor for President. He was a constable four years, and county clerk for a similar time. He owns a fine farm of about 450 acres near Parrottsville, besides another tract of 498 acres, and a saw and grist-mill two and a half miles southeast of Parrottsville. He was the third of seven children of Francis and Nancy A. (Young) La Rue, natives of Knox County. The father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was in politics an old line Whig. He was a Christian man, and devoted to agricultural pursuits. The La Rues were of French and the Youngs of English origin. George La Rue, a native of Knox county, was the next ancestor.

    From: Goodspeeds History of Tennessee 1887 Cocke County
    Posted on Find a Grave 145942762

       244 M    iii. George Parrott was born in 1833 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

       245 F    iv. Mayant Parrott was born in 1834.

       246 F    v. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1836 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

       247 M    vi. Robert M. Parrott was born in 1837 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

    + 248 M    vii. John Van Buren Parrott was born in 1841 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Jun 1914 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    70. Henry Parrott (George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Jan 1808 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 30 May 1877 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 69.

    Henry married Elizabeth Yett. Elizabeth was born in 1810 in Tennessee.

    Children from this marriage were:

       249 F    i. Salina Jane Parrott was born on 20 Jan 1833 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Sep 1876 in Tennesee, at age 43.

    Salina married John J. Jones. John was born on 20 Aug 1857.

       250 F    ii. Sarah Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1836 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Sarah married Jesse Broyles.

       251 F    iii. Martha Woods Parrott was born in 1837 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Martha married George Smith.

       252 F    iv. Florence Letitia Parrott was born on 25 Jul 1855 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Sep 1930 in Lula, Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma, at age 75.

    Florence married Alvin Newton Harbin. Alvin was born on 20 Aug 1857 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 21 Apr 1933 in Lula, Pontotoc Co., Oklahoma, at age 75.

       253 F    v. Susan L. Parrott was born in 1855.

    72. Ellis McKendrie Parrott (George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Jan 1816 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 28 May 1892 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 76.

    Ellis married Jane Edgar. Jane was born on 6 Jan 1818 in Tennessee and died on 1 Feb 1881 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 63.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 254 M    i. Wallace Parrott was born on 13 Feb 1842 in Tennessee and died on 12 Jul 1921 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

       255 F    ii. Betsey A. M. Parrott was born in 1845 in Jefferson Co., Iowa and died in Tennessee.

    + 256 M    iii. George Newton Parrott was born in 1848 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died before 1900 in Limestone Co., Texas.

       257 F    iv. Sarah Lutitia Parrott was born on 25 Aug 1849 in Tennessee and died on 30 Jun 1888 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 38.

    Sarah married John Henry Smith. John was born on 25 Aug 1849 and died on 30 Jul 1888 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 38.

       258 F    v. Martha M. Parrott was born on 17 Jun 1851 in Tennessee and died on 14 Jun 1880 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 28.

       259 F    vi. Mary D. Parrott was born in 1854 in Tennessee.

    + 260 M    vii. Hugh Parrott was born on 7 Aug 1856 in Tennessee and died on 7 Mar 1932 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

       261 M    viii. Blackburn Parrott was born in 1859 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    74. Isaac Fancher Parrott ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Aug 1813 in Virginia and died on 16 Mar 1890, at age 76.

    Isaac married Mary Ann Kleppinger. Mary was born on 11 Jun 1813 and died on 3 Apr 1895, at age 81. Another name for Mary was Mary Ann Caplinger.

    Marriage Notes: PT 4(4)::12 gives marriage date as 4 Mar 1846

    Children from this marriage were:

       262 F    i. Rebecca Jane Parrott was born in 1836 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Rebecca married John Allen.

    + 263 M    ii. Noah B. Parrott was born in 1837 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 264 M    iii. Lawson A. Parrett was born on 10 Nov 1841 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       265 F    iv. Mary Parrett was born in 1843 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       266 F    v. Carolina Parrott was born in 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Carolina married James Welton. James was born in 1844.

       267 F    vi. Susan Parrett was born in 1854 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       268 M    vii. Henry Parrett was born in 1836.

       269 M    viii. Joseph Parrott was born in 1836 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Joseph married Josephine Rapp. Josephine was born in 1850 in Ohio.

    75. Pleasant H. Parrott ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Jun 1818 in Ohio and died on 6 Jul 1852, at age 34.

    Pleasant married Susan Bush. Susan was born on 22 Feb 1825 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       270 M    i. Harmon E. Parrott was born about 1844 in Ohio.

    + 271 M    ii. Cyrus Roten Parrott was born on 3 Jun 1845 in Ohio.

    76. David Mann Parrott ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Oct 1819 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 5 Jun 1902 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 82.

    David married Barbara A. Webb. Barbara was born on 31 May 1818 in Ohio and died on 20 Jun 1902 in Iowa, at age 84.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 272 M    i. Joseph W. Parrott was born on 6 Nov 1842 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 4 Sep 1924 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 81.

       273 M    ii. Jasper Parrott was born about 1844 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 274 M    iii. CL (Collins Luther) Parrott was born on 1 Feb 1845 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 9 May 1931 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 86.

       275 M    iv. Lochard W. Parrott was born about 1846.

    Lochard married Clara Bartholomew.

       276 M    v. Edward Mann Parrott was born on 5 Feb 1850 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 1 Nov 1920 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    Edward married Laura Ann Campbell. Laura was born on 7 May 1858 and died on 5 Oct 1947, at age 89.

    77. William Jackson Parrott ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Nov 1819 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 12 Jan 1869, at age 49.

    Notes: either his birthyear or that of his brother david is off

    William married Mary Shobe Bush. Mary was born on 16 Mar 1823 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 13 Oct 1909, at age 86.

    Children from this marriage were:

       277 F    i. Samantha Susan Parrott was born on 30 May 1842 in Fayette Co., Ohio, died on 22 Aug 1913, at age 71, and was buried in Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio.

    Samantha married Enoch Harlan Hutcheson. Enoch was born on 24 Jan 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 10 Dec 1919, at age 73.

    + 278 F    ii. Sarah Elizabeth Parrett was born on 24 Apr 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       279 F    iii. Bethana W. Parrott was born on 17 Apr 1849 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Bethana married William Squire Glaze. William was born in Feb 1844 in Ohio.

       280 F    iv. Minerva A. Parrett was born on 30 Nov 1850 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Minerva married Eli Smith. Eli was born in 1848.

       281 F    v. Mattie Viola Parrett was born on 24 Jan 1857 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Mattie married John Davis. John was born in 1855.

       282 F    vi. Jessie Laura Parrett was born on 3 Jun 1860 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       283 M    vii. Richard Ellsworth Parrett was born on 11 Sep 1865 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    78. Frederick M. Parrott ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Nov 1822 in Ohio.

    Frederick married Annie I. S. McKinney. Annie was born in 1838.

    Children from this marriage were:

       284 F    i. Clara C. Parrott was born in 1857 in Ohio.

    Clara married William H. Holderman.

    + 285 M    ii. Samuel Nelson Parrott was born in 1860 in Greene Co., Ohio.

       286 F    iii. Ida Ubay Parrott was born in Sep 1864 in Ohio.

    Ida married John Pollock. John was born in Jul 1847.

       287 M    iv. Charles Parrott .

    + 288 M    v. Joseph Parrott was born in 1870 in Kansas.

    79. Benjamin Hinton Parrett ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Jan 1824 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1913, at age 89.

    Benjamin married Nancy Allen. Nancy was born in Mar 1834 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 289 M    i. Seth Elijah Parrett was born in Mar 1855 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       290 F    ii. Eva J. Parrett was born on 31 Aug 1857 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 6 Mar 1932, at age 74.

    Eva married Robert Clay Miller. Robert was born in 1853 and died on 18 Dec 1908, at age 55.

       291 F    iii. Esther Parrett was born in 1859 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       292 F    iv. Ora V. Parrett was born in 1860 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Ora married William Hayes. William was born in 1860.

       293 F    v. Cora G. Parrett was born in 1864 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Cora married Francis J. Wood. Francis was born in 1864 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       294 F    vi. May Parrett was born in 1868 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    May married Charlie McCoy.

    81. Russell Biglow Parrett ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Aug 1833 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 26 Jul 1905, at age 71.

    Russell married Rebecca Ann Carley. Rebecca was born in Sep 1847 in Ohio and died on 6 Nov 1923, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

       295 F    i. Montress Parrett was born in Jan 1867 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 296 M    ii. Homer Carley Parrett was born on 14 Jun 1868 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 17 Dec 1933 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 65.

       297 F    iii. Clara Alberta Parrett was born on 11 Jan 1870 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       298 F    iv. Fanny Blanche Parrett was born on 3 Dec 1871 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Fanny married Arthur McPherson Parrott.

    Fanny next married Arthur McPherson Parrott, son of John Parrott and Sophia Cochran. Arthur was born in Jul 1875 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       299 F    v. Emma M. Parrett was born on 16 Jun 1879 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       300 M    vi. Albert Russell Parrett was born on 30 Nov 1882 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    82. George Banner Parrett ("Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Jan 1834 in Ohio and died on 4 Jul 1913, at age 79.

    George married Amelia A. Bush. Amelia was born on 10 Sep 1835 in Indiana and died on 23 Oct 1918, at age 83.

    Children from this marriage were:

       301 F    i. Euphemie Parrett .

    Euphemie married Henry Crow. Henry was born about 1853.

    + 302 M    ii. Edward Anthony Parrett was born on 4 Dec 1858 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 10 Jan 1942, at age 83.

       303 F    iii. Ella Gazelle Parrett was born on 31 Jan 1860 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 25 Mar 1947, at age 87.

    Ella married Jasper N. Clark. Jasper was born on 6 Oct 1843 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       304 F    iv. Florence Jane Parrett was born on 18 Nov 1861 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 9 Nov 1957, at age 95.

    Florence married John B. Harrison. John was born in 1858.

       305 F    v. Ada Verrell Parrett was born on 9 Feb 1863 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 29 Aug 1958 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 95.

    Ada married Everette John Harrison. Everette was born on 13 Sep 1860 and died on 2 Dec 1910 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 50.

    + 306 M    vi. Warren Webster Parrett was born in 1864 in Ohio and died in 1950, at age 86.

    + 307 M    vii. Erie Harlan Parrett was born on 9 Jan 1866 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 19 Nov 1940, at age 74.

    + 308 M    viii. Homer C. Parrett was born about 1868 in Ohio.

       309 F    ix. Alice Gertrude Parrett was born in 1868 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 310 M    x. Noles Marvin Parrett was born on 29 Aug 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       311 M    xi. Dio Ladell Parrett was born on 5 Aug 1875 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 23 Aug 1951 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 76.

    Dio married Belle Cole. Belle was born in 1879.

    + 312 M    xii. George Clyde Parrett was born on 15 Nov 1878 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1969, at age 91.

       313 F    xiii. Amanda Blanche Parrett was born in Jun 1881 and died in 1971, at age 90.

    Amanda married Albin Benton Cross.

    83. Josiah Rhoten Parrott (Jacob4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Feb 1826 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 10 Jun 1872 in Montvale Springs, Blount Co., TN, at age 46. {Find A Grave ID: 19448193}

    Notes: Col. Josiah R. Parrott, of Cartersville, was badly but not very dangerously hurt on the 6th inst., by attempting to jump out of a buggy while the horse was running. The shafts were both broken off, and there was no way to guide the buggy. Col. Ryals was with him, but escaped without injury.

    From Cassville Standard, 09 Sept 1858
    Reprinted The Daily Constitutionalist (Augusta GA), 10 Sep 1858, p 1

    Confirmation.- The Senate in secret Executive session yesterday, confirmed J.R. Parrott Judge of Cherokee Circuit, and C.E. Broyles Solicitor General of the same. So, the governor has paid that debt.

    The Daily Constitution (Atlanta GA), 13 Aug 1868, p 2

    How it Started.- A disreputable sheet blazoned forth the news of the assassination of Judge Parrott. It turns out that the report was based on the shooting of poll parrott in this city, who had escaped from its cage. The parrott was not the Judge of a court- simply a judge of good crackers.

    The Daily Constitution, 08 Jun 1869, p 4


    It becomes our painful duty to announce the death of the Hon. Josiah R. Parrott, who departed this life at Montvale Springs, Tennessee, on Monday night last. His remains reached Cartersville by the down train on Tuesday night at 11 o'clock, and was met by some of the members of the Masonic lodge and also of the Bar and a large number of our citizens at the depot, all of whom deeply sympathize with the distressed family. In the decease of Judge Parrott, this community has sustained a loss which it will be difficult to repair, being as he was, one of our most useful and active citizens, always alive to the interests of our growing town, and who by his energy and foresight largely contributed to her present prosperity. On the bench he was dignified, ready and able, and by his wise administration proved himself one of the most efficient and popular Judges ever known to the circuit. In all the personal relations of life he was warmly regarded by his friends, and was always kind and good. While in the family circle he was the devoted husband and dear and gentle father.

    Toiling from early life, patiently and industriously, he rose from poverty and obscurity, to fortune and honor, and in his last moments was not without hope of a better hereafter. If faults he had, and who has not? They sleep with him in his silent grave; be it ours to remember and cherish his many manly virtues.

    The loss of Judge Parrott is but another added to the large and increasing list of the many prominent citizens of the State, who have lately passed away, repeating, by its mournful and impressive teaching the voice of inspiration, "be ye also ready."

    "All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away, but the word of the Lord endureth forever, and this is the word, which by the gospel is preached to you."

    [A Tribute of Respect from the Bar of Cartersville can be found on page 2 of this issue. Another Tribute of Respect can be found on page 2 of the July 18, 1872 issue.]


    June 27, 1872
    Page 2.


    A long sketch of the life of J. R. Parrott. The following is an excerpt:
    "He was born in Cocke county, Tennessee, on the __ day of February 1826, and died at Mont Vale Springs on the 10th June, 1872. He came to Georgia in 1848 or '49. Married Miss Mary M. Trammell, daughter of Col. Jehu Trammell of Habersham county, about the year 1850."

    **Obituary from Cartersville newspaper - credit Kathy Gatlin** All posted on Find a Grave by Wes Phinney, 19 May 2007

    Josiah married Masila Mary Trammell. Masila was born on 20 May 1828 in Georgia and died on 14 Oct 1899 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., Alabama, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 19448215} {Find A Grave ID: 19448215}

    Notes: Obituary
    Mrs. M. M. Parrott Dead.
    Remains to Be Interred in cemetery here.

    Mrs. Masila Mary Parrott died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Hollingsworth, at Gadsden, Ala., last Saturday night, of heart failure. She was seventy five years of age. Mrs. Parrott was the widow of Judge J. R. Parrott, who occupied the superior court bench of the Cherokee circuit with conspicuous ability for a number of years succeeding the war and died in 1872, while a resident of this city, but a visitor to some springs in Tennessee in the hope of physical benefit. Mrs. Parrott continued to reside in Cartersville for some time after her husband's death, but finally broke up housekeeping, disposed of her property here and went to live with her children.

    She was originally Miss Trammell, being a sister of Hon. L. N. Trammell, of Marietta, and the late Mr. C. G. Trammell, of this city.

    Six children survive her. They are: Mrs. M. H. Clift, of Chattanooga; Mrs. Robert Pillow, of Columbia, Tenn.; Mrs. Tracy Hollingsworth, of Gadsden, Ala., Mr. Charles C. Parrott, of Newnan, Ga.; Mrs. Hollinshed, of Newnan, Ga., and Mrs. Ab Wofford, of Hollingsworth, Banks county, Ga.

    Mrs. Parrott was a lady of great strength of character, and possessing a womanly dignity coupled with a sweet disposition won friends wherever she made her abode.

    The remains will be interred at Oak Hill cemetery, this city, the funeral occurring today. A telegram from Mr. C. C. Parrott, at Gadsden, to Mr. Thomas Lumpkin, requested that the burial and funeral be arranged for and suggested the following as pall bearers: Messrs. J. C. Wofford, W. W. Roberts, John W. Akin, W. H. Howard, J. E. Field, A. M. Foute, J. W. Harris and Thomas Lumpkin. Mrs. Hollingsworth, it was learned, was on a trip to Oklahoma, when her mother died, and the funeral plans were delayed in an attempt to have her present.

    The remains will arrive here from Gadsden at 8:48 this morning and the funeral will occur from the depot and immediately after the arrival of the northbound train at 10 o'clock.

    All posted on Find a Grave by Wes Phinney, 19 May 2007

    Children from this marriage were:

       314 F    i. Lula E. Parrott was born on 17 May 1851 in Habersham Co., Georgia and died on 28 Nov 1912 in Mount Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas, at age 61.

    Lula married Absolan Polk Wofford. Absolan was born on 15 Apr 1844 in Habersham Co., Georgia and died on 3 Feb 1905 in Titus Co., Texas, at age 60.

       315 F    ii. Mary M. Parrott was born in 1853 in Bartow Co., Georgia.

    Mary married John S. Hollinshed. John was born in May 1850 in Georgia.

    + 316 M    iii. Charles C. Parrott was born on 19 Jan 1855 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died on 7 Apr 1913 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 58.

       317 F    iv. Florence Virginia Parrott was born on 22 Apr 1858 in Georgia and died on 16 Dec 1924 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 66.

    Florence married Moses Hainey Clift. Moses was born on 25 Aug 1836 and died on 3 Dec 1911 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    Marriage Notes: Cartersville, June 29.- Colonel M.H. Clift, one _____ prominent lawyers of the Chattanooga, was married Thursday afternoon ____ to Miss Florence Parrott, a daughter of the late Judge Josiah R. Parrott. The marriage ceremony was performed by the ____ Backman, of Chattannoga, Tenn. at the handsome residence of Mr. John S. Hollinshed, a brother-in-law of the bride, about three miles from the city. The marriage was very private, as no announcement had been made and no cards were issued. Only a few relatives and friends were present.

    After the marriage the bride and groom left on the 4:30 p.m. train. They will proceed ___ Cincinnati to California, and after remaining there a few weeks, will visit the northern lakes and return to Chattanooga, which place they will make their future home. the groom is well known as a prominent lawyer and a most pleasant and affable gentleman, while his bride was one of the social leaders of the state, having numerous friends and admirers. Few was so popular, and non would create so great a void in our society. She is a young lady of brilliant intellect, varied accomplisments and rare personal beauty, The congratulations of her numerous friends attend her with many good wishes for her future happines.

    The Constitution (Atlanta), 30 Jun 1883, p 2

       318 F    v. Sarah R. Parrott was born on 21 Jun 1860 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died on 21 Jan 1939 in Columbia, Maury Co., Tennessee, at age 78.

    Sarah married Robert Pillow. Robert was born on 4 Apr 1852 in Maury Co., Tennessee and died in Oct 1938 in Columbia, Maury Co., Tennessee, at age 86.

       319 F    vi. Julia R. Parrott was born on 18 Mar 1866 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died on 3 Dec 1916 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., Alabama, at age 50.

    Julia married Edward Tracy Hollingsworth. Edward was born on 18 Feb 1866 in Alabama and died on 8 Nov 1941 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., Alabama, at age 75.

       320 M    vii. Foster Parrott was born in Jun 1870 in Cartersville, Bartow Co., Georgia and died in Cartersville, Bartow Co., Georgia.

    88. Henry Clay Parrott (Jacob4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 May 1848 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Sep 1921 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., Florida, at age 73.

    Notes: 8 children total. Grew up in SC, was a cadet, drafted at end of Civil War, and later a Methodist Minister.

    PARROTT - Funeral services for Rev. Henry Clay Parrott, retired Methodist minster, aged seventy-three years, of Powell street, who died at a local hospital Wednesday night, will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the Oak Grove cemetery, Rev. W.F. Dunkle, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. N.E. Parrott of Tampa; three daughters, Mrs. E.B. Beckingham of Banburn, Ark.; Mrs. E.A. Lee of Pompton Lake, N.J., and Mrs. G.W. Graves of Mansfield, Ark., and two sons, Henry C. Parrott of Tampa and J.P. (sic) Parrott of Banburn, Ark. Funeral arrangements will be in charge of the F.T. Blount Company.

    The Tampa Morning Tribune, 16 Sep 1921, p 12

    Henry married Nancy Elizabeth McDonald. Nancy was born on 22 Jun 1858 in Okolona, Chickasaw Co., Mississippi and died on 21 May 1937 in Hillsborough Co., Florida, at age 78.

    73-Year-Old Instructor To Continue Work

    By Elmer Robinette

    With a record of more than half a century as a teacher behind her, Mrs. Nancy Parrott, 73, Hillsborough county's great-grandmother teacher, has no idea whaever of retiring.

    Teaching little tots the three r's has been the life work and ambition of Mrs. Parrott, whose 54 years as an instructor has led her into school rooms throughout Mississippi, Texas and Florida.

    A pupil of Grenada Women's college at Grenada, Miss., Mrs. Parrott saw her future unfurled in missionary work. She made plans for a trip to China, where she was to devote her life tot he welfare of the Chinese. One day she was asked to substitute as a teacher for a friend who was ill. that was at Chickasaw, Miss., where she received her elementary training. she substituted for her friend for two weeks and then cancelled her trip to China. She had found her life's work.

    Had Various Duties
    She entered the same school the next year as a regular teacher. The school was a one-room affair where Mrs. Parrott reigned as teacher, principal, janitor, superintendent or what have you. At one end of the room was a platform upon which rested a tall desk. Here sat the teacher, within easy reach of the little blackboard at her back.

    Out in front the room was lled (sic) with rough-hewn benches; not desks, just benches. They ranged on each side of the room with one big aisle down the middle of the room. An open fireplace, supplied with large oak logs by the pupils, kept the little school house warm during the cool weather.

    This was the whole school system. The primer grade pupils, bare-footed, pig-tailed country kids, sat in the orchestra seats. From there on back they ranged in size to the largest who were in the upper grades. They occupied the back seats.

    Days of Slate and Pencil
    Five different readers and seven different books on arithmetic graced this institution of learning. The pupils brought whatever books "pap" could afford or whatever they could manage to get. Some were handed down in the family. A book or two, slate and slate pencil made up the school equipment for the model pupil then.

    Most of the children walked several miles to school. they marched along the roads in little groups which increased in number as they neared the school house. Johnnie or Mary today just doesn't have time for anything like that.

    Clothes, books and supplies for the average pupil today just about put dad in the whole. While it is money for this and money for that, mondy grabbers to the right of him and money grabbers to the left him. Yet pupils will flunk in their studies.

    Taught Older Pupils
    A teacher then had to be something more than a mere instrutor, according to Mrs. Parrott, who pointed out that she had three boy pupils above her age. Her predecessor, who happened to be a man teacher, gave up on the job.

    Many times the older pupils helped the teacher with her work and thus acquired training in teaching. The girls especially were glad to help. She remembers that three girls from that class later became teachers.

    At noon the teacher helped the children in games. The boys generally played ball, using a yarn ball that they had wound themselves. A hickory stick from the nearby woods served as a bat.

    The pupil's lunch included everything from chicken to home-canned pickles. Boxes contained baked sweet potatoes, chicken, fruit, biscuits, jams and butter. They didn't go hungry.

    Taught in 25 schools
    Mrs. Parrott taught her three years. Then followed a period during which time she taught in 25 similar schoosl throughout three states. She watched hundreds of lanky country kids go out into the world and enter professions of all kinds including law, medicine and teaching.

    Next week she enters her forty-fourth contract as a teacher with Hillsborough county. She came to Florida with the intention of settling down on a farm, but she had found the school room so interesting and fascinating that she went back.

    She taught in the Gary school for a year and then was sent to the country where she taught 11 years. "At that time there was a great need for teachers in Hillsbororogh county who could handle a school where all the grades were in one room and all sizes and ages of children," Miss Parrott said.

    If you had walked into one of her classes at that time you would probably have been on the black board: "What America always said to me in the school room. Train me men to match my mountains. Train me men to match my plains. Men with empres in their purpose and new eras in their brain." Who knows how many little boys and girls have been inspired by this old maxim that she used for over 30 years? Mrs. Parrott says that maybe 10 boyws won't notice it, but one little fellow in the back of the room may notice it and dwell on it.

    Seven years ago Mrs. Parrott was given the task of Americanization work in the Philip Shore school. Latin pupils, many of them immigrants who couldn't speak a word of English, were put under her instruction.

    Must Teach English Language
    From 35 to 45 pupils make up the average class. The average age is six to seven years old, but sometimes she gets pupils 15 or 16 years old. Teaching the understanding of the English language is the task before her.

    Her method is unique and astoundingly productive in results. Miss Parrott capitalizes on the fact that Latin pupils understand art. She begins with pictures and objects. She shows them to her pupils, names the object for them, and soon they understand all about it. Clay modeling comes next. This forms creative work in the minds of the upils (sic). They are allowed to make objects of their own choosing. Maybe it is a boat, a fish, a snake, airplane or any of a hundred objects.

    The pupils "play" everything they do. They are not given a fear of having to do something whether want to or not. She tries to inspire them. After three months she gives them story-telling.

    Here is a story she tells her pupils. An official of a quarry was making an inspection among the laborers one day and coming to one fellow he asked: "What are you doing my good fellow?" He answered, "I'm cutting stone." The next fellow that he asked said, "I'm working for $2.50 a day." The next man that he asked replied, "I'm building a cathedral."

    Studies for Degree
    "You can't build a mansion on a bungalow foundation," is another of her sayings. "Education is the means of building a foundation for great things to come."

    Mrs. Parrott shows herself to be somewhat of a philospher when she said: "A person has finished his usefulness on earth when the stops learning." She is studying for a college degree by means of the university extension courses. She lists this amoung her ambitions. She says she wants to leave the world better off than she found it.

    Teaching is not all Mrs. Parrott has done. One might mention, incidentally, that has reared eight children. She has seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

    There is nothing wrong with modern youth, she says. The homes from which they come are in error.

    "Make the home the proper setting and center for youth," she says. "That is the crying need of the country today. A woman's greatest work is in her home. Provide the proper setting for youth and you will never have to worry about them being out with questionable company."

    Tampa Sunday Tribune, 14 Sep 1930, p 4-1.

    Was in County System 20 Years

    Mrs. Nannie Elizabeth Parrott, 76, of 106 West Genesee street, who was a school teacher for 55 years, 20 years in the Hillsborough county system, died yesterday at her home after serveral months' illness.

    Mrs. Parrott, the widow of the Rev. H.C. Parrott, Methodist minister, came to Tampa 25 years ago from Okolona, Miss., where she was born June 22, 1858.

    She was one of the oldest members of the teaching profession in Hillsborough county in the point of service. She served at several schools in the county system and was principal at Oak Grove when forced to retire several years ago because of ill health. She taught 43 years without a day's absence from school.

    Mrs. Parrott is survived by two sons, J.R. Parrott of Coffeyville, Kan., and H.C. Parrott of Tampa; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Buckingham and Mrs. Sue Graves, of Tampa, and Mrs. Louise Robinson of California; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

    Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Greenman Funeral hom, with the Rev. John W. Branscomb, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery. Pallbearers will be members of the Hillsborough County Teacher's Federation.

    Tampa Morning Tribune, 22 May 1937, p 2

    Children from this marriage were:

       321 F    i. Mary Weir Parrott was born on 14 Jul 1878 in Chickasaw Co., Mississippi and died on 11 Dec 1972 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, at age 94. {Find A Grave ID: 158623469}

    Mary married Eugene Banister Buckingham. Eugene was born on 14 Jul 1875 and died on 11 Apr 1938 in Jackson, Hinds Co., Mississippi, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 27193346} {Find A Grave ID: 27193346}

    Mary next married J. E. Stewart.

    + 322 M    ii. Josiah Rhoten Parrott was born in 1879 in Okolona, Chickasaw Co., Mississippi and died on 2 Aug 1939 in Coffeyville, Montgomery Co., Kansas, at age 60.

       323 M    iii. Henry Clark Parrott was born on 6 Dec 1886 in McCool, Attala Co., Mississippi and died on 11 Nov 1963 in Matthews, New Madrid Co., Missouri, at age 76.

       324 F    iv. Lula A. Parrott was born in May 1888 in Chickasaw Co., Mississippi and died circa 1906 in Chickasaw Co., Mississippi, about age 18.

    Lula married James William Farned. James was born on 20 Jun 1877 in Okolona, Chickasaw Co., Mississippi and died on 10 Mar 1925 in Okolona, Chickasaw Co., Mississippi, at age 47. {Find A Grave ID: 26459477} {Find A Grave ID: 26459477}

       325 F    v. Willie Sue Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1892 in Texas and died on 5 Sep 1955 in Arlington Co., Virginia, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 8754709}

    Willie married George W. Graves. George was born on 13 Aug 1886 in Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas and died in 1970 in Arkansas, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 182245124} {Find A Grave ID: 182245124}

    90. Henry Parrott (Isaac4, Henry3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1805 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Henry married Sarah Glaze. Sarah was born in 1824 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       326 F    i. Samantha Painter Parrott was born in 1847 in Ohio.

    Samantha married Solomon Saum. Solomon was born in 1842.

    91. Christina Stout (Isaac4, Henry3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1810 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1847, at age 37.

    Christina married Henry Parrett, son of Frederick H. Parrott Jr. and Elizabeth Kellar. Henry was born on 11 Oct 1806 in Toms Brook, Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 11 Apr 1883 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 76.

    Notes: Might be the s/o Frederick Jr & Elizabeth Kellar Parrott

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 52)

    92. Joseph Parrott (Isaac4, Henry3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1815 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 5 Apr 1876, at age 61.

    Joseph married Mary Elizabeth Harper. Mary was born in 1818.

    Children from this marriage were:

       327 F    i. Emeline J. Parrott was born in 1839 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       328 M    ii. James M. Parrott was born on 3 Sep 1841 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 15 Feb 1863, at age 21.

       329 M    iii. Joseph Marion Parrott was born on 11 May 1843 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       330 F    iv. Mary Christina Parrott was born in 1845 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Mary married Daniel Webster Kesler.

    + 331 M    v. Lewis Hamilton Parrott was born in 1847 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Joseph next married Nancy Jane Glaze. Nancy was born on 18 Jul 1825 in Ohio and died on 8 Feb 1868, at age 42.

    94. James Parrott (Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born calculated 19 Dec 1808 in Ohio and died on 30 Oct 1855 in Huntington Co., Indiana, about age 46.

    James married Matilda. Matilda was born in 1816 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       332 F    i. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1839 in Indiana.

       333 F    ii. Emily Parrott was born in 1841 in Indiana.

    + 334 M    iii. Leonard Parrett Sr. was born in 1842 in Indiana and died on 27 Jul 1915 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 73.

       335 M    iv. Jacob Parrott was born in 1844 in Indiana and died in Oct 1902 in Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 58.

    Notes: Jacob Parrott Is Still Missing.
    Wabash Plain Dealer:
    Leonard Parrott, of Pleasant Plain, Huntington county, was in Wabash Wednesday, searching for his brother, Jacob Parrott, mention of whose mysterious disappearance after coming to this city October 6 was made at the time.

    Although Mr. Parrott and other relatives have searched every place and sought tidings, they can learn nothing of the young man. At the time it was feared he had met with foul play as he had about a thousand dollars on his person, they think. As he has now been missing over a month they have no solution to the mystery and fear foul play. It will be remembered he had come to Wabash to buy a farm, having sold his property in Nebraska. Mr. Parrott was in the Plain Dealer office to-day for information. He seemed much worried and anxious for knowledge of his brother's whereabouts.

    Huntington Weekly Herald, 14 Nov 1902, p 4

    Jacob Parrott Disappeared While Looking for a Farm.
    WABASH, Ind., Nov. 13. - Jacob Parrott, of Pleasant Plain, Hutington county, who came to Wabash more than a month ago with $1,000 in cash to buy a farm, and who made several trips to the country from here, is believed to have been murdered. His brother, Leonard Parrott who has been searching for the missing man, says he is satisfied that Jacob Parrott has met his death by violence.

    The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, 14 Nov 1902, p 6

       336 M    v. Amos Parrott was born in 1846 in Indiana.

       337 F    vi. Margery Parrott was born in 1848 in Indiana.

       338 M    vii. James Parrott was born in 1850 in Indiana.

    95. Elias Parrett (Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Mar 1817 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 22 Feb 1862 in Jefferson Co., Kentucky, at age 44.

    Elias married Sarah Elizabeth Blocker. Sarah was born on 25 Feb 1825 in Holland and died on 12 Dec 1891, at age 66.

    Children from this marriage were:

       339 F    i. Elizabeth Parrett was born on 25 Apr 1846 in Wabash Co., Indiana and died on 14 Oct 1923 in Sumner Co., Kansas, at age 77.

    Elizabeth married Thomas Hartford Mason. Thomas was born on 26 Dec 1846 in Lee Co., Iowa and died on 28 Jul 1940 in Sumner Co., Kansas, at age 93.

    + 340 M    ii. Frederick Charles Parrett was born on 6 Mar 1848 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 20 May 1929 in Sedgwick Co., Kansas, at age 81.

       341 M    iii. Henry Pleasant Parrett was born on 30 May 1851 in Indiana and died on 20 Dec 1913, at age 62.

    Henry married Hannah Stutsman. Hannah was born in 1855.

       342 M    iv. Abraham Parrett was born in 1854 and died in Aug 1855, at age 1.

       343 M    v. Jesse Parrett was born on 28 Apr 1858 in Wabash Co., Indiana and died on 16 Oct 1922, at age 64.

    Jesse married Octavia McPherson. Octavia was born in 1862.

       344 F    vi. Eliza Parrett was born in 1861 in Indiana and died in 1861 in Indiana.

       345 F    vii. Sarah Louise Parrett was born on 28 Nov 1861 in Wabash Co., Indiana and died on 28 Dec 1931, at age 70.

    Sarah married Walter Mason. Walter was born in 1860.

    96. Amos Parrott (Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1820 in Ohio and died in 1862 in Arkansas, at age 42.

    Amos married Mary Shelley. Mary was born in 1825.

    Children from this marriage were:

       346 F    i. Martha A. Parrott was born in 1846 in Indiana.

    + 347 M    ii. Joseph L. Parrott was born in 1847 in Indiana.

       348 F    iii. Sarah I. Parrott was born in 1849 in Indiana.

    99. Andrew Daniel Parrett (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Feb 1804 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia and died on 10 Dec 1880 in Wabash Co., Illinois, at age 76.

    Notes: Had 11 children, Wabash co.

    Andrew married Margaret Jane Baughn. Margaret was born on 18 Jan 1807 in Virginia and died on 24 Mar 1874 in Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 67.

    Children from this marriage were:

       349 M    i. Joseph Daniel Parrett was born on 25 Sep 1827 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 7 Mar 1862 in Evansille, Vanderburgh, Indiana, at age 34.

       350 M    ii. Granville Parrett was born in 1830 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       351 F    iii. Margaret J. Parrett was born in 1832.

       352 M    iv. George W. Parrett was born on 12 Dec 1833 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 5 Mar 1902 in Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 68.

       353 F    v. Mary Ann Parrett was born in 1836.

       354 M    vi. Henry D. Parrett was born on 31 Dec 1839 in Wabash Co., Indiana and died on 13 May 1864 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 24.

       355 M    vii. John W. Parrett was born in 1841 in Wabash Co., Indiana and died on 8 Aug 1864 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee, at age 23.

    + 356 M    viii. Abraham Parrett was born on 21 Mar 1843 in Indiana and died in 1921 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    100. John D. Parrott (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born calculated 9 Mar 1809 in Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 20 Mar 1855 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 46.

    Notes: Parrott Talk VI(2):22, 1978

    John married Nancy Kern. Nancy was born calculated 20 Jan 1814 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 1 Dec 1883 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 69.

    Children from this marriage were:

       357 M    i. Infant Parrott died on 1 Sep 1856 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

       358 F    ii. Infant Parrott died in Aug 1853 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

       359 F    iii. Mary Parrott was born on 27 Apr 1831 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Mary married Samuel Brown. Samuel was born 11 Nov 181x in Licking Co., Ohio.

       360 F    iv. Catherine Parrott was born in 1833.

       361 F    v. Rebecca Parrott was born in 1836.

    Rebecca married Elijah Merriman.

       362 M    vi. Benjamin Hinton Parrott was born in 1841 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

       363 M    vii. Phillip Bush Parrott was born in 1844 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died in 1921 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 77.

       364 F    viii. Cynthia Ann Parrott was born calculated 26 Aug 1848 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 26 Jun 1856 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 7.

       365 M    ix. Joshua D. Parrott was born calculated 17 Aug 1851 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 23 Aug 1856 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 5.

    102. Henry D. Parrett (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Jan 1811 in Ohio, died in Whitley Co., Indiana, and was buried on 27 Aug 1846.

    Notes: "Had store on State St of South Whitley in Feb of 188?.

    Henry married Jane Higbee. Jane was born on 19 Nov 1811 in Clark Co., Ohio and died on 13 Oct 1846 in Jeffersonville, Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 34.

    Children from this marriage were:

       366 F    i. Sarah Parrett was born on 14 Apr 1833 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 27 Sep 1876 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 43.

    Sarah married Samuel A. Sheibley. Samuel was born on 19 Jun 1828 in Ladisburg, Perry Co., Pennsylvania and died on 30 May 1876 in South Whitley, Whitley Co, Indiana, at age 47.

       367 M    ii. Willis Parrett was born in 1837 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       368 F    iii. Martha J. Parrett was born on 20 Jul 1842 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 21 Mar 1858 in South Whitley, Whitley Co, Indiana, at age 15.

    103. William D. Parrott Sr. (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Apr 1813 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Notes: "Erected first saw mill in area in 1841. Identified also as a methodist local preacher who later resided in Fountain Co."

    William married Mary Rush. Mary was born on 7 Jul 1813 in Ohio and died in 1855 in Indiana, at age 42.

    Children from this marriage were:

       369 F    i. Ellen Parrott was born in 1837 in Indiana.

    + 370 M    ii. Hinton Parrott was born in 1839 in Indiana.

    + 371 M    iii. William D. Parrett Jr. was born in 1841 in Indiana and died in 1928 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 87.

       372 M    iv. Wesley Parrott was born in 1843 in Indiana.

    + 373 M    v. Andrew Parrett was born in Nov 1846 in Indiana.

       374 M    vi. Lorenzo L. Parrott was born in 1850 in Indiana.

       375 M    vii. Nelson Parrott was born in 1851 in Indiana.

    104. David D. Parret (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Feb 1815 in Ohio and died on 18 Dec 1855 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 40.

    Notes: "Post mastser at South Whitley from 1837 to 1849"

    David married Hannah Grabble. Hannah was born in Dec 1822 in Licking Co., Ohio and died on 24 Mar 1902 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

       376 F    i. Clarissa Parrott was born calculated 2 Mar 1843 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 8 Mar 1849 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 6.

    + 377 M    ii. Sylvester Parrett was born in 1846 in Indiana.

       378 F    iii. Sarah Ann Parret was born on 22 Feb 1848 in Indiana and died on 3 May 1873, at age 25.

    Sarah married George W. Myers. George was born on 23 May 1843 in Stark Co., Ohio and died in Apr 1919 in Indiana, at age 75.

    105. Rev. Anderson D. Parrott (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Aug 1816 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 28 Mar 1905 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 88.

    Notes: See Obit, PT VII(1):8-10, May 1979

    Anderson married Susan McCoy Perkins. Susan was born calculated 2 Feb 1818 and died on 2 Dec 1872 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 54.

    Children from this marriage were:

       379 M    i. Rev. R. J. Parrott was born in 1847 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died in 1918 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 71.

       380 M    ii. Samuel L. Parrott was born calculated 24 Apr 1849 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 4 Feb 1851 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 1.

       381 M    iii. Jesse A. Parrott was born calculated 12 Jan 1852 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 21 Jan 1852 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

       382 M    iv. William Parrott was born calculated 12 Jan 1852 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 22 Jan 1852 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

       383 F    v. Hulda Parrott was born calculated 5 Jan 1853 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 10 Dec 1872 in Whitley Co., Indiana, about age 19.

       384 F    vi. Lusetty A. Parrott was born calculated 22 May 1859 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 4 Dec 1859 in Whitley Co., Indiana.

       385 M    vii. John H. Parrott was born in 1859 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died in 1946 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 87.

    107. Abington Parrott (Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1919 in Ohio.

    Abington married Huldah Neff. Huldah was born in 1816 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       386 F    i. Sue Parrott was born in 1842 in Indiana.

       387 M    ii. George Parrott was born in Feb 1843 in Indiana.

    110. Noah Parrett (George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1808 in Ohio.

    Noah married Hannah Miller. Hannah was born in 1808.

    Children from this marriage were:

       388 F    i. Margaret A. Parrett was born in 1831.

       389 M    ii. Benjamin Parrett was born in 1844.

       390 F    iii. Mary C. Parrett was born in 1844.

       391 F    iv. Sarah Parrett was born in 1848 in Ohio.

    111. Perry Parrett (George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1810 in Ohio.

    Perry married Mary Miller. Mary was born in 1810 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       392 M    i. William A. Parrett was born on 15 Dec 1840 in Ohio and died on 14 Feb 1928 in Thornville, Perry Co., Ohio, at age 87.

       393 F    ii. Sarah Parrett was born in 1843 in Ohio.

    112. George Parrett (George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1811 in Ohio and died in 1847 in Ohio, at age 36.

    George married Anna Landfair. Anna was born in 1815 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died in 1853 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 38.

    Children from this marriage were:

       394 M    i. John Parrett was born in 1835 in Fairfield Co., Ohio.

       395 F    ii. Orilla Parrett was born on 20 Sep 1837 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 21 Sep 1929 in Jackson, Allen Co., Ohio, at age 92.

       396 M    iii. Marion Parrett was born in 1837 in Fairfield Co., Ohio.

       397 M    iv. Harvy Parrett was born in 1840 in Fairfield Co., Ohio.

    + 398 M    v. Jacob Wilson Parrott was born on 17 Jul 1843 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 22 Dec 1908 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 65.

    114. Zebedee Parrett (George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1815 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 10 Jun 1894 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 79.

    Zebedee married Susannah Turner. Susannah was born in 1815 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 12 Sep 1871 in Cherryville, Crawford Co., Missouri, at age 56.

    Children from this marriage were:

       399 M    i. Samuel T. Parrett was born on 11 Jul 1840 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 7 Aug 1862 in Harrison Landing, Charles City, Virginia, at age 22.

       400 F    ii. Elizabeth Parrett was born on 30 Dec 1841 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 18 Dec 1916 in Cherryville, Crawford Co., Missouri, at age 74.

       401 F    iii. Mary Adeline Parrett was born on 1 Mar 1844 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 7 Oct 1885 in De Soto, Jefferson Co., Missouri, at age 41.

       402 M    iv. Gilbert McSpaden Parrett was born in May 1847 in Ohio and died on 14 Aug 1929 in Cherryville, Crawford Co., Missouri, at age 82.

       403 F    v. Susan Caroline Parrett was born on 3 Jan 1850 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 19 Apr 1873 in Crawford Co., Missouri, at age 23.

       404 M    vi. Winfield Scott Parrett was born on 10 Jul 1852 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 16 Jul 1921 in Crawford Co., Arkansas, at age 69.

    + 405 M    vii. Zebedee Parrett Jr. was born on 14 Jul 1856 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 25 Apr 1938 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 81.

    116. Jackson Parrett (George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1824 in Ohio and died in 1898 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    Jackson married Sarah Elvira Wiseman. Sarah was born on 9 Jul 1830 in Ohio and died in 1862 in Fairfield Co., Ohio, at age 32.

    Children from this marriage were:

       406 F    i. Louisa Parrett was born in 1852 in Ohio.

       407 F    ii. Mary P. Parrett was born in 1853 in Ohio.

       408 F    iii. Emma Parrett was born in 1855 in Ohio.

    + 409 M    iv. Philip W. Parrett was born in 1858 in Ohio.

       410 F    v. Elsie Parrett was born in 1859 in Ohio.

       411 F    vi. Parrett was born in 1862 and died in 1862.

    Jackson next married Matilda Humberger. Matilda was born on 28 Oct 1836 in Reading, Perry Co., Ohio and died on 8 Sep 1929 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri, at age 92.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 412 M    i. George Wiseman Parrott was born on 13 May 1866 in Magnolia, Putnam Co., Illinois and died on 2 Jul 1948 in Big Creek, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 82.

       413 F    ii. Ida Belle Parrett was born on 21 May 1869 in Cass Co., Missouri and died on 17 Dec 1940 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri, at age 71.

    119. Branson Mathias Parrett (Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Nov 1818 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, died on 25 Jun 1874 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 55, and was buried in Weavers Mennonite Church Cemetery.

    Branson married Mary Showalter. Mary was born on 31 Jul 1815 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 16 Sep 1878 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 63.

    Children from this marriage were:

       414 F    i. Margaret A. Parrett was born on 27 May 1841 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 8 Feb 1921, at age 79.

    Margaret married Joseph S. Hinton. Joseph died on 20 Aug 1862 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Margaret next married James R. Chambers.

    + 415 M    ii. Philip Henry Parrett was born on 30 Aug 1842 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 14 May 1905, at age 62.

       416 M    iii. Jacob Grove Parrett was born on 12 Apr 1844 and died on 4 Mar 1914, at age 69.

    Jacob married Mollie F. Lineweaver.

       417 F    iv. Barbara C. Parrett was born on 28 Mar 1846 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 6 May 1847 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 1.

       418 F    v. Mary Virginia Parrett was born on 17 Mar 1848 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Mary married Jacob H. Bosser. Jacob was born in 1847 in Virginia.

       419 M    vi. Uriah Parrett was born on 12 Jul 1851 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 11 Mar 1852 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

       420 M    vii. Branson Mathias Parrett Jr. was born on 10 Mar 1852 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died 6 apr1852 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    + 421 M    viii. Samuel Jeremiah Parrett was born on 15 Jan 1854 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 18 Jan 1939 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 85.

       422 F    ix. Sophia E. Parrett was born on 19 Mar 1856 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 27 Mar 1919 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 63.

    Sophia married Solomon Custer. Solomon was born on 16 Aug 1852 in Virginia and died on 27 Nov 1905 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 53.

       423 F    x. Mary H. Parrett was born in 1863 in Virginia.

    Notes: might be a granddaughter or other relationship?

    121. Jeremiah Parrett (Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1822 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Jeremiah married Elizabeth Smith. Elizabeth was born on 10 Feb 1828 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    The child from this marriage was:

       424 M    i. David Parrett was born in 1849 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Jeremiah next married Mary Margaret Whitmore. Mary was born in 1833.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 425 M    i. William Stuart Parrett was born on 28 Aug 1852 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 11 May 1934 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 81.

       426 F    ii. Martha A. Parrett was born in 1854 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

       427 F    iii. Leanna Alice Parrett was born on 23 Dec 1855 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 7 Nov 1907, at age 51.

    Leanna married Cornelius Pease. Cornelius was born on 1 Mar 1844 in Ohio and died on 1 Sep 1923, at age 79.

    123. John Strauder Parrott Sr. (Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Mar 1825 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died in 1907 in Putnam Co., Illinois, at age 82.

    Notes: "John S. Parrott and family came to Fayette Co., OH abt 1850. From there they went to Monmouth Co., IL, but came back to Fayette Co before the Civil War. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. C 90th O.V.I., and served to the end of the war. He afterwards moved to Putnam Co. and purchased a farm. He is buried near Continental, Ohio."

    Also see PT VII(3):21 Nov 1979 and VII(4):11

    John married Angeline Fifer. Angeline was born on 18 Dec 1830 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Children from this marriage were:

       428 M    i. William H. Parrott was born in 1849 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    + 429 M    ii. Silas Ephraim Parrett was born on 20 Apr 1860 in Continental, Putnam Co., Ohio and died on 21 Apr 1932 in Toledo, Ohio, at age 72.

       430 F    iii. Margarette Parrott was born in 1862 in Putnam Co., Ohio.

    Margarette married Michael Daub.

       431 M    iv. John S. Parrott Jr. was born in 1866 in Putnam Co., Ohio.

       432 F    v. Rose E. Parrott was born in 1870 in Putnam Co., Ohio.

       433 F    vi. Mary Jane Parrott .

       434 M    vii. Perry F. Parrott .

       435 M    viii. Samuel E. Parrott .

       436 F    ix. Elizabeth E. Parrott died on 11 Jul 1925.

    Elizabeth married E. R. Eastman. E. was born in Ottawa, Ohio.

       437 M    x. Harvey Parrott was born in Jan 1870 and died on 4 Feb 1870.

    128. Eli Parrett (Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1810 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Eli married Eliza Diltz. Eliza was born in 1814 in New Jersey.

    Children from this marriage were:

       438 F    i. Mary Rebecca Parrott was born in 1835 in Pike Co., Ohio.

       439 F    ii. Henrietta Parrott was born in 1841 in Ohio.

    Henrietta married Chauncy D. Brown. Chauncy was born in 1835.

       440 F    iii. Ellen Jane Parrott was born in Nov 1845 in Ohio.

    Ellen married Joseph P. Dickey. Joseph was born in Jan 1837 in Ohio.

    + 441 M    iv. Daniel W. Parrett was born in May 1845 in Ohio.

       442 F    v. Anna Eliza Parrott was born in Jan 1850 in Ohio.

       443 M    vi. George Parrett was born in 1850 in Pike Co., Ohio.

    129. David Parrett (Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Nov 1812 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died on 31 Jan 1900 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa, at age 87.

    Notes: Laura Flebbe: "David and family moved to Iowa in a covered wagon a few years after their marriage. In May 1854, they settled in Johnston county, Iowa and entered land there. Sometime later they moved to what is now known as Marshalltown, Iowa, where they spent the remainder of their lives. David Parrett was a cabinet maker by trade, but was interested in astronomy and spent much time in the study of the heavenly bodies. Some of his theories were published. They had eight children, two dying in infancy."

    From Marshalltown Times Republican Wed Jan 31, 1900
    Mr David Parret, of this city died at 12:45 o-clock this afternoon at his home on Church Street, after an illness of a few days in his 88th year. He was taken ill Sunday with inflamation of the stomach and bowels, or gastro-entretis, and continued to fail until death relieved him. Mr. Parret was one of the most worthy citizens of Marshalltown and was a pioneer resident here. He was born in Picqua Ohio Nov 20, 1812, and in his youth learned the trade of cabinet and chair maker. He moved to Goshen Indiana where for four years he was engaged in the cabinet and chair making business. He came to Iowa with his own team, arriving May 10, 1855 at J. M. Ferguson's on Timber Creek, having entered a track of land there. Later he settled in Marshalltwon and for 13 years he was in the dry goods business before retiring. He married Miss Emaline Barton of Virginia and later of Indiana, April 24, 1836 and to them eight children were born, six of whom with the aged wifes urive him, Warren B. Milton L, David O, Chauncy J., Emma B, and Aurthur, the last being wntil recently the business manager of the Times-Republican. For some years Mr. Parret had lived in retirement and spent considerable part of his time in study. He was a close student of astronomy and the columns of the T. R. bear testimony to his researches in this direction. Within the past few months, despite the infirmities of years, he contributed articles on this subject. He was not a church member, but all his writings bare testimony to his belief in a supreme ruler of the universe. He was a man of the strictist integrity, temperate in all his habits, kindly disposed toward everybody and cheerful and humane in disposition. Full of years he passed away after an honorable life. At this writing arrangements for funeral services have not been made.

    David married Emmeline Silverthorne Barton. Emmeline was born on 18 Aug 1816 in Virginia and died on 21 Aug 1904, at age 88.

    Notes: Mon Aug 24, 1904 Marshalltown Times-Republican
    Mrs. Emaline Parret, one of the pioneer women and Marshalltown resident for 50 years died at her home 203 E Church Street Sunday evening at 6:25 after an illness of nine days caused by infirmities of old age. "Grandma" Parret was 88 years of age last Thursday and had been in poor health for four or five years. A little over a week ago Mrs. Parret began to fail rapidly and during the past few days it had been realized that the end was very near. Emaline Barton was born Aug 18, 1816, Clarksburg, Harrison Co. VA what is now West Virginia. She spent her childhood near Clarksburg, and when a young woman met David Parret, to whom she married, at Goshen Indiana. Mrs Parret lived in Goshen and other Indiana points until May 10, 1854, Mr Parret entered Gov land here and after farming it for a time engaged in the dry good business. For 13 years he conducted the largest business of its kind in town. Mrs. Parret was the mother of eight children, six of whom are living. The two who died past away in infancy, in Indiana. The children who survive a Milton L Parret of the city, Warren B. Parret of San Francisco, David Owen Parret of Denver, Chauncy Jerome Parret and Mrs Emma B. Buck of Denver and Arthur N. Parret of Minneapolis. Mr. Parret died Jan 31, 1900. The funeral will be held at the residence Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Nathaniel Rye officiating.

    Children from this marriage were:

       444 M    i. Isaac Newton Parrett was born on 22 Oct 1837 in Indiana and died as an infant in Indiana.

       445 M    ii. Francis Marion Parrett was born on 21 Oct 1839 in Indiana and died on 21 Jun 1840 in Indiana.

    + 446 M    iii. Warren Barton Parrett was born on 21 May 1841 in Indiana and died in 1918, at age 77.

    + 447 M    iv. Milton Latta Parrett was born on 24 Jul 1843 in Jackson, Elkhart Co., Indiana and died on 6 Jun 1929 in Marshall Co , Iowa, at age 85.

    + 448 M    v. David Owen Parrett was born on 5 Sep 1847 in Elkhart Co., Indiana and died on 23 Nov 1922 in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado, at age 75.

    + 449 M    vi. Chauncy Jerome Parrett was born on 31 Jan 1849 in Elkhart Co., Indiana and died in Jun 1910 in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado, at age 61.

       450 F    vii. Emma Belle Parrett was born on 28 Jan 1855 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa and died in 1915 in Colorado, at age 60.

    Emma married Frank Gwin. Frank was born in 1850 in Iowa.

    Emma next married Charles Buck. Charles was born in 1851 and died in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado.

    + 451 M    viii. Arthur Newton Parrett Sr. was born on 17 Dec 1858 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 7 Apr 1915 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 56.

       452 F    ix. Martha Parrett was born in 1858 in Marshall Co., Iowa.

    130. Elijah Parrott (Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1815 in Perry Co., Ohio and died in 1891, at age 76.

    Elijah married Mary T. Williams. Mary was born in 1818.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 453 M    i. George Morgan Parrott was born in 1838 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       454 M    ii. Samuel Parrott was born in 1840 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       455 M    iii. Joseph Thomas Parrott was born in 1843 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died on 25 Jul 1863 in Vicksburg, Tennessee, at age 20.

       456 F    iv. Ann Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1848 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

    Ann married Benjamin Linville. Benjamin was born in 1846.

    + 457 M    v. Henry McDonald Parrett was born in Nov 1847 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       458 M    vi. Alpheus C. Parrott was born in 1850 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died on 15 Nov 1857, at age 7.

       459 F    vii. Sarah Grace Parrott was born in 1851 and died on 7 Sep 1853, at age 2.

    + 460 M    viii. Frank Smith Parrott was born in 1852.

    + 461 M    ix. Abram A. Parrett was born in Sep 1858 in Ohio.

    132. John W. Parrott Sr. (Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1819 in Perry Co., Ohio.

    John married someone.

    His children were:

       462 M    i. Richard W. Parrott was born in 1845 in Indiana.

       463 M    ii. Edmund J. Parrott was born in 1847 in Indiana.

       464 M    iii. John W. Parrott was born in 1849 in Indiana.

    136. Elias Parrett (John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Feb 1811 in Shenandoah Co., Virginia.

    Elias married Lydia Robinson. Lydia was born in 1815 and died in 1845, at age 30.

    Children from this marriage were:

       465 F    i. Lucinda Parrott was born in 1841.

    Notes: moved west

    Lucinda married Wilsow Bailey. Wilsow was born in 1840.

       466 F    ii. Mary E. Parrott was born in 1843 and died young.

       467 F    iii. Catherine Lydia Parrett was born in 1845 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Elias next married Sarah Connor. Sarah was born in 1826.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 468 M    i. Col. John Allen Parrett was born on 19 Dec 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 3 Dec 1918 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 71.

    + 469 M    ii. Elias Salathial Parrett was born in Apr 1850 in Ohio and died in 1925, at age 75.

       470 F    iii. Melda L. Parrott was born in Jan 1854 in Ohio.

    Melda married Henry H. Johnson. Henry was born in Oct 1853 in Ohio.

    + 471 M    iv. Clayton C. Parrett was born on 18 Jun 1860 in Ohio.

       472 F    v. Anna M. Parrott was born in Jun 1864 in Ohio.

    Anna married Martin L. McCoy. Martin was born in Jun 1855 in Ohio.

    137. George Parrott (John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1813 in Virginia and died on 29 Jul 1872, at age 59.

    George married Anna Fletcher. Anna was born in 1812 and died in 1886, at age 74.

    Children from this marriage were:

       473 F    i. Almira Parrott was born in 1838 in Virginia.

    Almira married Henry Kirkpatrick. Henry was born in 1822.

    + 474 M    ii. Thomas F. Parrett was born on 19 Apr 1840 in Ohio.

       475 F    iii. Mary Catherine Parrott was born about 1842 in Virginia.

    Mary married Thomas G. Boyd. Thomas was born in 1840.

       476 F    iv. Caroline Elizabeth Parrett was born in 1845 in Virginia. Another name for Caroline was Lina.

    Caroline married James P. Popejoy. James was born in 1843.

       477 F    v. Belinda A. Parrott was born in 1848 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Belinda married Ward Morris. Ward was born in 1845.

       478 F    vi. Anna Susan Parrott was born in 1850 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       479 F    vii. Lucy O. Parrott was born in 1854 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Lucy married S. A. Marshall. S. was born in 1852.

    139. Augustus Frederick Parrott (John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Feb 1820 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Augustus married Caroline Hess. Caroline was born on 17 Jul 1820 and died on 12 Jan 1881 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 60.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 480 M    i. Leander Ervin Parrett was born on 22 Aug 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       481 F    ii. Melissa A. K. Parrett was born on 13 Jun 1849 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Melissa married Benton Garringer. Benton was born on 14 Oct 1841 in Ohio and died on 14 Sep 1921, at age 79.

       482 F    iii. Ella Elmira Parrott was born on 8 Feb 1856 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Ella married Ellsworth Shaw. Ellsworth was born in 1855.

    Ella next married Edward Klever. Edward was born in Mar 1849 in Ohio.

       483 F    iv. Indez Parrott was born on 3 Aug 1860 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Indez married Jesse B. Van Pelt. Jesse was born in 1859.

    140. Leah Parrott (John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1824 in Ohio.

    Leah married Anthony Allen. Anthony was born in 1820.

    The child from this marriage was:

       484 M    i. John Parrott Allen .

    141. Allen T. Parrott (John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1829 in Virginia.

    Allen married Mariah Nichols. Mariah was born in 1836 in Ohio.

    Marriage Notes: From Stark County 1:105

    Children from this marriage were:

       485 M    i. Otis Parrott .

       486 M    ii. Eugene Parrott .

       487 M    iii. George Parrott .

       488 F    iv. Etta Parrott .

       489 F    v. Della Parrott .

       490 F    vi. Ida Parrott was born in 1859 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    142. Belinda Parrott (John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Feb 1831 in Virginia and died on 25 Aug 1901 in Bridgewater, Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 55519381}

    Belinda married Isiah Brown. Isiah was born in 1820 and died on 26 Dec 1889 in Bridgewater, Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 69. {Find A Grave ID: 55519380} {Find A Grave ID: 55519380}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 491 F    i. Nevada Brown was born on 27 Mar 1863 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 6 May 1947 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 84.

    147. John Harrison Parrott (Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Oct 1822 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    John married Sarah A. Harper. Sarah was born in 1825 in Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 492 M    i. Caleb Harper Parrett was born on 6 Oct 1864 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 493 M    ii. Joseph Parrett was born in Jan 1856 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       494 F    iii. Molly (Mary) Parrett was born in Jan 1860 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Molly married Charles W. Crosby. Charles was born in Dec 1852 in Ohio.

       495 F    iv. Sarah Parrott was born in 1862 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Sarah married Levi Ireland.

    149. Henry Calvin Parrett (Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Jul 1825 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 23 Aug 1911, at age 86.

    Notes: "H. C. Parrott, the second son of Joseph F., was educated in the schools of Buckskin township and then embarked in farming as his life work. He started without advantages, but by steady industry has succeeded in establishing himself as one of the successful men of his community. In 1850 he took wife in the person of Emily Welsheimer, of Pickaway county, who proved to be a most valuable helpmeet in all his future struggles. She was a loving and devoted wife up to the time of her death, November 5, 1885. They have five living children: Ostie, wife of John F. Putnam, hardware merchant of Greenfield; Mary and Jennie, at home; W. E., druggist at Santiago, Cal.; Charley, merchant at Greenfield. Mr. Parrett is a man of patriotic and liberal views, Presbyterian in religion and Republican in politics. In addition to his farming interests, he was for thirteen years engaged in the drug business at Greenfield and made it a successful and profitable venture."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    Henry married Emily Welsheimer. Emily was born on 10 Feb 1823 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died on 5 Nov 1885 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 62.

    Children from this marriage were:

       496 M    i. William Edgar Parrett was born on 24 Feb 1851 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 10 Aug 1927, at age 76.

    William married Viola Tyson. Viola was born in 1851.

       497 F    ii. Laura Alice Parrett was born in 1854 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       498 F    iii. Sarah A. Parrett was born in 1855 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       499 F    iv. Austie Atlanta Parrett was born on 9 Apr 1856 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 4 Jul 1892, at age 36.

    Austie married John Franklin Putnam. John was born on 20 Oct 1855 and died on 16 Jan 1942, at age 86.

       500 F    v. Mary Parrett was born in Apr 1858 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       501 F    vi. Jennie Parrett was born on 24 Apr 1861 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 502 M    vii. Charles Parrett was born on 24 Jul 1863 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    153. George F. Parrott (Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Jan 1835 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    George married Sarah Catherine Kuhl. Sarah was born in 1836.

    Children from this marriage were:

       503 F    i. Josephine Parrott was born in 1857 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       504 F    ii. Olive F. Parrott was born in 1859 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Olive married Dick McConahey.

       505 F    iii. Mary Parrott was born in 1861 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       506 F    iv. Edith Parrott was born in 1864 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Edith married H. M. Brown.

       507 F    v. Ella Parrott was born in 1866 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Ella married Dr. Herring.

    + 508 M    vi. John F. Parrott was born in Oct 1867 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 509 M    vii. Albert Parrott .

    154. Joseph Milton Parrott (Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Jul 1837 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 10 Feb 1898, at age 60.

    Joseph married Jane Elliott Adams. Jane was born in 1841.

    Children from this marriage were:

       510 U    i. Acsah Parrott was born on 3 Jan 1864 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 511 M    ii. Willilam A. Parrott was born in 1865 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       512 F    iii. Elizabeth Molena Parrott was born in 1867 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       513 M    iv. Ernest Milton Parrott was born in 1869 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Ernest married Olive Berkstresser.

       514 F    v. Alice Estelle Parrott was born in 1871 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Alice married Samuel Morton Kingery.

       515 F    vi. Margaret Ruth Parrott was born in 1873 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Margaret married Boniface Franklin Wilson.

    156. William James Parrott (Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Jul 1842 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 24 Nov 1913, at age 71.

    Notes: "In 1862, when twenty years old, he enlisted in Company I, Eighty·first Ohio regiment, and served until he was wounded in front of Atlanta in 1864. This necessitated his retirement from the scene and prevented any further participation in the war. In 1867, he was married to Alethea Galloway, of Xenia, Ohio, daughter of James C. Galloway. They have two children, Carrie D. , and O. Sherman Parrett, both educated at the Salem academy and Wooster university. The family are members of the Presbyterian church and the father belongs to the Grand Army post at Lyndon ."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    William married Althea Ellen Galloway. Althea was born on 27 Mar 1846 in Xenia, Greene Co., Ohio and died in 1921, at age 75.

    Children from this marriage were:

       516 F    i. Cora Alice Parrott was born on 16 Jul 1868 and died on 26 Oct 1870, at age 2.

       517 F    ii. Carrie Dell Parrott was born on 10 May 1872 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Carrie married Charles Cory.

    + 518 M    iii. Clark Sherman Parrett was born on 10 Nov 1873 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1939, at age 66.

       519 F    iv. Ora Bertha Parrott was born on 21 Nov 1876 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 22 Oct 1880, at age 3.

    158. Augustus Frederick Parrott (Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Nov 1846 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Augustus married Nancy Jane Ross.

    Children from this marriage were:

       520 F    i. Jessie Parrott was born in 1872 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Jessie married Corwin Cory.

       521 F    ii. Flora Parrott was born in 1870 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       522 M    iii. Ross Parrett was born in 1874 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    161. Henry Allen Parrott (George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1823 in Ohio and died in Sep 1895 in Illinois, at age 72.

    Notes: moved to IL in 1851

    Henry married Jemina Almira Clouser. Jemina was born in 1835 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       523 F    i. Sarah Josephine Parrett .

    Sarah married J. Ferdinand Hinton. J. was born in 1861 in Ohio.

       524 F    ii. Clarissa Ann Parrett was born in 1848.

    Clarissa married Robert G. Spencer.

    + 525 M    iii. George Clint Parrett was born in Jun 1849 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 526 M    iv. Strauder John Parrett was born in Jan 1855 in Illinois.

    + 527 M    v. Albert Allen Parrett was born in May 1860 in Illinois.

       528 F    vi. Ella Bell Parrott was born in 1865 in Illinois.

    Ella married Frank Harris.

    Ella next married Edwin Fillmore.

       529 F    vii. Maggie Parrott was born in 1873 in Illinois.

    166. Strawder John Parrett (George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born 5Nov 1833 in Ohio and died on 11 Apr 1913, at age 79.

    Notes: "Strawder J. Parrett was educated in the district schools and at the South Salem academy. After leaving school he embarked in agricultural pursuits and soon established himself as one of the successful farmers and stock-raisers of Ross county. He has long been prominent in "the business and political affairs of his community and strongly interested in the public welfare. He belonged to "the sturdy band who took a stand for freedom away back in the trying days and cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, anti-slavery candidate for president; became a charter member of the rising young Republican party, and has always been a stauch advocate of its principles. As a member of the state militia during the civil war, be took part in the pursuit of John Morgan during that officer's daring raid into Ohio. Mr. Parrett has several times held the responsible position of trustee of his township. The family are members of the Presbyterian church and he has been a trustee of the Salem academy for over thirty years."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    Strawder married Sarah Ann Latta. Sarah was born on 1 Jul 1836 in Ohio and died on 28 Sep 1912, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 530 M    i. Alfred Franklin Parrett was born on 12 Feb 1861 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 2 Jan 1951, at age 89.

       531 F    ii. Albina A. Parrett was born in 1863 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Albina married Thomas A. Rogers.

       532 M    iii. William Latta Parrett was born in 1868 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    William married Alice Lockwood.

    167. Frederick Franklin Parrett (George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Aug 1836 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 23 Sep 1909 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 73.

    Frederick married Lucinda Kuhl. Lucinda was born on 8 May 1843 and died on 23 Sep 1862 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 19.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 533 M    i. George Carey Parrett was born on 24 Feb 1864 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 10 Mar 1937 in Bloomingburg, Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 73.

       534 F    ii. Charity Parrett was born in 1866 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    + 535 M    iii. Charles Allen Parrett was born on 30 Nov 1869 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 1 Jun 1956, at age 86.

       536 F    iv. Ruth Mazilla Parrett was born in Jun 1879 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    169. John Parrott (Augustus Frederick4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1822 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1893, at age 71.

    John married Sophia Cochran. Sophia was born on 4 Jul 1831 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 537 M    i. John Wallace Parrett was born in 1857 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       538 F    ii. Hannah Florence Parrott was born on 27 Dec 1858 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 30 Apr 1930, at age 71.

    Hannah married Edward Harvey Matthew. Edward was born on 13 Sep 1860 and died on 31 Aug 1943, at age 82.

    + 539 M    iii. William A. Parrett was born on 9 May 1860 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1931, at age 71.

       540 M    iv. Robert A. Parrott was born in 1862 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       541 F    v. Elizabeth Bell Parrott was born on 24 Mar 1864 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 27 Mar 1922, at age 58.

    Elizabeth married John McGarraugh. John was born in 1859.

    + 542 M    vi. James Albert Parrett was born in 1865 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       543 F    vii. Mary Blance Parrott was born in 1867 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Mary married Cary B. Wisehart.

       544 M    viii. Arthur McPherson Parrott was born in Jul 1875 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Arthur next married Fanny Blanche Parrett, daughter of Russell Biglow Parrett and Rebecca Ann Carley. Fanny was born on 3 Dec 1871 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       545 F    ix. Estella Maude Parrott was born in 1875 in Ohio.

    Estella married Ersa Strickler Beatty. Ersa was born in 1876 and died in 1936, at age 60.

    170. Frederick Alexander Parrott (Augustus Frederick4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1825 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Frederick married Elizabeth Groves.

    Children from this marriage were:

       546 M    i. Frederick M. Parrott was born in 1848 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       547 M    ii. John S. Parrott was born in 1850 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 548 M    iii. Noah S. Parrott was born in 1851 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       549 M    iv. Christian S. Parrott was born in 1853 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Frederick next married Elizabeth Jane Smalley. Elizabeth was born in 1833.

    Children from this marriage were:

       550 M    i. Harvey Bucher Parrett was born in 1859 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       551 F    ii. Alice Parrett was born in 1861 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       552 F    iii. Luetta Parrett was born in 1864 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    172. Marcus T. Parrett (Henry4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1838 and died in 1902 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 64.

    Notes: Death of Marcus Parrett
    There occurred on last Sunday morning near South Salem, the death of one of Buckskin township's most respected farmers, Mr. Marcus Parrett, aged 64 years.

    Mr. Parrett had been sick for some weeks with a complication of diseases. He leaves four childen, two sons Robert and Carl, and two daughters, Misses Anna and Mattie. The funeral occurred on Tuesday and the interment was in South Salem cemetery.

    Chillicothe Gazette, 26 Mar 1902, p 4

    Marcus married Elizabeth Kerr. Elizabeth was born in 1848 and died in 1884 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 36.

    Children from this marriage were:

       553 F    i. Anna May Parrett was born in 1869 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1951 in Winter Haven, Polk Co., Florida, at age 82.

    + 554 M    ii. Robert H. Parrett was born on 12 Jan 1872 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 16 Jun 1938 in Greenfield, Highland Co., Ohio, at age 66.

       555 M    iii. Hugh Henry Parrett was born on 29 May 1873 in Buckskin, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 27 Aug 1898 in Montauk, Suffolk Co., New York, at age 25.

    Notes: Tell His Own Story.
    A pathetic tale illustrative of Camp Wikoff;s hardships is related in connection with the death of S. Hugh Parrott, of Company D, Eighth United States infantry. Broken in health and spirit, Parrott was carried to Camp Wikoff with his regiment on a transport from Cuba. As he was not considered serioiusly ill at the time, the troops disembarked, he was sent into camp with the rest of the Eighth. A relapse of Santiago fever came in his case, as in the case of most of the ment. A few days after landing Parrott was seriously ill. His bed was the earth and a blanket. There was nothing for him to eat but army rations, and these his systems rebelled. What he needed was something more nourishing. He needed the care given to the men in the general hospital, but he could not get it because the wards were full, and sick men were even lying upon the floor.

    Again and again Parrott begged to be taken to the hospital. Finally, when he had been ill for days and had taken no nourishment, he gave up hope and and said to his companions that he could not live any longer. He died this morning. Malaria is given as the cause of death, but his friends say if ever a man died of neglect Parrott did. His comrades did all they could, but with no pay for three months and no money to buy what the sick man required, their hands were tied and the officers of the regiment saw this soldier die without being able to help him.

    The Courier-Journal, 28 Aug 1898, p 2

    Note: Parrott's death became a cause celebre that garnered national headlines. Here is an example:


    General Shafter Has Been Peremptorily Ordered to Convoke a Court of Inquiry or Court-martial to Fix Responsibility of Alleged Neglect of Soldier.

    Washington, Sept 7. -- Secretary Alger will leave to-morrow on a tour of inspection of army camps throughout the country,

    < >
    The secretary gave an earnest of his purpose to carry out strictly the decision he had announced, to hold field officers responsible for the condition of their men, as in the case of Private Hugh Parrott, who was reported to have perished in his tent at Montauk, lacking medical attendance. This was the case to which Representative Grosvernor had directed the attention of the war department. The secretary, several days ago, called upon the commanding officer at Camp Wikoff for a report of the subject, and to-day he sent a peremptory order to General Shafter by telegraph to create a court of inquiry to investigate the case, or, if the facts warranted it, to shorten the proceedings by ordering a court-martial at once, for the officer responsible for Parrott;s lack of attention.

    Democrat and Chronicle, 08 Sep 1898, p 2


       556 F    iv. Martha Jane Parrett was born in Aug 1876 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1960 in Winter Haven, Polk Co., Florida, at age 84. Another name for Martha was Mattie Parrott.

    Martha married John Wirt Dinsmore. John was born in 1858 in Pennsylvania and died in 1941 in Winter Haven, Polk Co., Florida, at age 83.

    + 557 M    v. Rev. John Carl Parrett was born in Aug 1881 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 31 Jan 1936 in Hammond, Lake Co., Indiana, at age 54.

    176. W. Edwin Parrett (Henry4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Sep 1850 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in Apr 1883 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 32.

    Notes: "W. Edwin Parrett was born on the old homestead of his family about one mile east of Lyndon, Ross county, in September 1850. His father, Henry Parrett, son of Frederick H. Parrett, was born in Virginia in 1806 and came from that state with his father, settling in Buckskin township, Ross county, in 1814. Henry Parrett became one of the successful farmers and stock raisers of the county and one of the leading citizens. He was a fine singer and in the early days taught vocal music by the old patent note system. He was leader in the congregational musci in the Presbyterian church, and altogether influential and notable character of his community. He spent his whole life in Buckskin township and died in April 1883, much lamented."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    W. married someone.

    His child was:

    + 558 M    i. W. Edwin Parrett Jr. was born in Ross Co., Ohio.

    178. Peter Joseph Parrett (Henry4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Jan 1854 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 13 Mar 1915 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 61.

    Notes: "Peter J. Parrett was born and reared in Buckskin township, Ross county, and has spent his life on the old homestead where he now resides. His father, Henry Parrett, was one of the four sons of Frederick Parrett hwo settled in Buckskin township in 1814 and became prominent workers in the development of that section. Frederick Parrett was the father of a family of nine children, four sons and five daughters, and Henry was the youngest son. The Parrett family is numerous and from an early day has been a factor in the progress and growth of Ross county. Nearly all of the male members became farmers and they have made excellent citizens in every sense of the word. Peter J. Parrett was educated in the public schools and at the Salem Academy. As soon as he reached manhood he embarked in the useful and independent occupation of cultivating the soil and was achieved success in his line. Mr. Parrett has farmed and raised stock on an extensive scale and understands all branches of the business thoroughly. He is no politician and has never sought office, preferring to devote all his energies and time to his legitimate business. Like most of the connection of that name, he is a member of the Presbyterian church."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    Peter married Nevada Brown, daughter of Isiah Brown and Belinda Parrott. Nevada was born on 27 Mar 1863 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 6 May 1947 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 41312987} {Find A Grave ID: 41312987}

    Marriage Notes: On Thursday last, at the beautiful new residence of Mr. E. Smith Dinkle, Mr. Peter J. Parrott and Miss Nevada Brown were united in marriage by Rev. J.J. Ringer, of New Market, Va., in the presence of a small company of intimate friends. The groom is a gentleman of sterling wrth, and a prosperous and highly respected citizen of Ross county, Ohio. The bride is well and favorably known in our social circles, and left a host of true and tried friends who most heartily wish for her a bright and happy married life. The contracting parties had known each other from childhood and seemed well pleased with the coide they had made of life companions. Immediately after the ceremony a most tempting dinner was served by Mr. Dinkle and his amiable wife, a sister of the bride, and was heartily enjoyed by the guests. At 2 p.m., amid a shower of rice and "old shoe" accompaniment, the happy couple left on a tour to Northern cities, and South to Ashville, N.C., to visit the bride's brother, and then to Mr. Parrott's home at Lyndon, Ohio.

    The Rockingham Register, 10 Apr 1903, p 2

    The child from this marriage was:

       559 F    i. Josephine Nevada Parrott was born on 19 Dec 1903 and died on 19 Nov 1942 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 38. {Find A Grave ID: 113416799}

    Sixth Generation (3rd Great-Grandchildren)

    182. Henry Parrott Sr. (Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1826 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    Henry married First Wife.

    Children from this marriage were:

       560 M    i. Jacob F. Parrott was born in Feb 1846 in Tennessee.

       561 F    ii. Nancy Parrott was born in 1849 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    Henry next married Malissa Chambers. Malissa was born in 1826.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 562 M    i. William J. Parrott was born in Mar 1852.

       563 M    ii. Jobe Parrott was born in 1855 in Alabama.

       564 M    iii. Henry Parrott Jr. was born in 1859 in Alabama.

    185. George Parrott (Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1835 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee. {Find A Grave ID: 118444991}

    George married Phalba Chambers. Phalba was born in 1837 in Tennessee. Another name for Phalba was Falby. {Find A Grave ID: 118445160} {Find A Grave ID: 118445160}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 565 F    i. Amanda Melvina Parrott was born on 9 Jul 1856 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 3 Oct 1928 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 72.

       566 F    ii. Martha Malisa Parrott was born on 9 Sep 1858 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 3 Aug 1922 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 63.

    Martha married Isaac Loveday. Isaac was born in 1832 and died on 12 Dec 1922 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 90.

       567 F    iii. Catherine Parrott was born in 1860 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       568 F    iv. Anna Eliza Parrott was born in 1862 in Tennessee.

    Anna married Alear H. Russell.

       569 M    v. Dolly C. Parrott was born on 24 Jul 1864 in Sevier Co., Tennessee.

    + 570 M    vi. William Moses Parrott was born on 5 Nov 1864 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jul 1944 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

    + 571 M    vii. Benjamin William Parrott was born on 3 Dec 1869 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Apr 1932 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 62.

    + 572 M    viii. James S. Parrott was born on 30 Apr 1871 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 11 Jan 1953 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

    186. Michael Patrick Parrott (Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Aug 1838 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 14 May 1913 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 8511155}

    Michael married Martha Patricia Birchfield. Martha was born on 14 Nov 1835 and died on 17 Jan 1895 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 59.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 573 M    i. Robert Parrott was born in May 1857 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Mar 1933 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

       574 F    ii. Lauretta Victoria Parrott was born on 23 Aug 1861 in Tennesee and died on 15 Jan 1914 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 52.

    Lauretta married Jacob Byrd. Jacob was born on 10 May 1850 and died on 24 Jul 1916 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 66.

       575 M    iii. John Henry Parrott was born on 5 Dec 1863 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 20 May 1885 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 21.

    John married Eliza Dunn. Eliza was born in 1863 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       576 F    iv. Anna C. Parrott was born on 5 Aug 1866 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Dec 1916 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 50.

    Anna married George W. Dunn. George was born on 18 Apr 1857 and died on 12 Sep 1911 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 54.

       577 F    v. Katherine M. Jane Parrott was born on 5 Jun 1869 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Apr 1948 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 78.

    Katherine married James W. Gaddis. James was born on 7 Feb 1864 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 18 Sep 1944 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 80.

    + 578 M    vi. William Newton Parrott was born on 2 Oct 1871 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Oct 1947 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 76.

       579 F    vii. Sarah M. Parrott was born in 1874 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died in 1958 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

    Sarah married William Washington Henry. William was born on 23 Jan 1872 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 28 Feb 1941 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 69.

    Michael next married Nancy Elizabeth McGaha. Nancy was born on 29 Dec 1862 in Tennesee and died on 6 Oct 1937 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 74.

    Children from this marriage were:

       580 F    i. Glennie L. Parrott was born on 22 Dec 1898 in Tennessee and died on 8 Jun 1986 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 87.

    Glennie married William Cornel Lethco. William was born on 29 Apr 1894 and died on 5 Jul 1969 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    + 581 M    ii. Earl Cecil Parrott was born on 7 Dec 1900 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Dec 1986 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 86.

       582 M    iii. Carl Alonzo Parrott was born on 8 Mar 1903 in Tennesee and died on 23 Oct 1969 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 66.

    Carl married Ann Floyd. Ann was born in 1905 and died in Sevier Co., Tennesee.

    + 583 M    iv. Francis Michael Parrott was born on 13 Oct 1906 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Dec 1979 in Anderson Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    189. Henry Parrott (Unknown5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1828 in Tennesee.

    Henry married Hannah. Hannah was born in 1822.

    The child from this marriage was:

       584 M    i. Benjamin Parrott was born in 1849 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    190. Henry Jackson Parrott (George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Jun 1825 in Jefferson Co., Ohio and died on 12 Jan 1900 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 74.

    Notes: Parrott Talk 11:111, by Mary Ellen Cook, on her g grandfather and descendants.

    Henry married Jane. Jane was born in 1831 in Illinois and died in Wapello Co., Iowa.

    Henry next married Mary Ellen Cook. Mary was born on 27 Sep 1835 in Jefferson Co., Ohio and died on 6 Sep 1922 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 86.

    Notes: Parrott Talk 11:111

    11 More Legacy Stories
    By Staff Jul 31, 2019 Updated Oct 4, 2022

    For more than 100 years, the Parrott family has provided reliable custom machinery to the people of Olympia, as well as a rich community history. The company now known as D.G. Parrott & Son was initially founded by David and Fred Parrott in 1911. However, their Olympia roots go back even further. In 1904, the mother of these machinists, Ellen Parrott, built a pioneer-style home in the South Capitol neighborhood that can now be found on Olympia's register of historic homes.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 585 M    i. Arvine White Parrott was born in Sep 1856 in Wapello Co., Iowa and died in 1922 in Washington, at age 66.

       586 M    ii. Albert J. Parrott was born in 1858 in Mahaska Co., Iowa.

    Notes: Killed by lightning

    Albert married Mary A. Taylor. Mary was born in 1866 in Bloomfield, Davis Co., Iowa.

    + 587 M    iii. Frank Sherman Parrott was born on 22 Nov 1859 in Iowa City, Wright Co., Iowa and died on 10 Jan 1950 in Sioux City, Clay Co., Iowa, at age 90.

       588 M    iv. Fred Laurence Parrott was born in Nov 1860 in Wapello Co., Iowa and died on 27 Dec 1936 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 76.

       589 F    v. Jennie A. Parrott was born on 5 Apr 1862 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 16 Jun 1942 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 80.

    Jennie married John Shuster. John was born in 1857 in Iowa.

    Jennie next married Cornelius Emery Creager. Cornelius was born on 29 Oct 1840 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., Maryland and died on 30 Nov 1918 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 78.

    + 590 M    vi. George F. Parrott was born in 1868 in Wayne Co., Iowa.

       591 F    vii. Darley Parrott was born in Jan 1873 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 9 Jun 1950 in Washington, at age 77.

    Darley married Charles C. Case. Charles was born in Jul 1857 in New York and died in 1929 in Thurston Co., Washington, at age 72.

    + 592 M    viii. David Garfield Parrott was born on 15 Jul 1881 in Ottumwa, Wapello Co., Iowa and died on 28 Apr 1958 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 76.

    191. James Parrott (George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1826 in Ohio and died in 1892 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 66.

    James married Christina. Christina was born in May 1833 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       593 M    i. William A. Parrott was born in 1851 in Iowa and died in 1875 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 24.

       594 F    ii. Nancy E. Parrott was born in 1854 in Iowa and died in 1855 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 1.

    + 595 M    iii. John W. Parrott was born in Jan 1858 in Wapello Co., Iowa.

       596 M    iv. George C. Parrott was born in Oct 1860 in Wapello Co., Iowa and died in 1942 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 82.

       597 F    v. Mary E. Parrott was born in 1871 in Wapello Co., Iowa and died in 1876 in Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 5.

    192. George Ganch Parrott (George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Oct 1828 and died on 16 Aug 1886, at age 57.

    George married Rachel Hussey. Rachel was born in 1830 and died on 3 May 1865, at age 35.

    The child from this marriage was:

       598 F    i. Laura Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1863 in Ohio.

    George next married Susan M. Susan was born in 1839.

    Children from this marriage were:

       599 M    i. Milton A. Parrott was born in 1868 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       600 M    ii. David A. Parrott was born in 1869 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       601 F    iii. Margaret Parrott was born in 1869 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    193. Andrew C. Parrott (Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1823 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1907, at age 84.

    Andrew married Rebecca Thornsley. Rebecca was born in 1826 in Ohio and died in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       602 F    i. Martha Parrott was born in 1845 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       603 M    ii. Thomas Parrott was born in 1848 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       604 F    iii. Jane Parrott was born in 1854 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       605 M    iv. Wesley Parrott was born in 1856 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       606 M    v. Philip 'Philo' Parrott was born in 1859 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

       607 F    vi. Phidela Parrott was born in 1864 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    Andrew next married Sarah E. Sarah was born in Sep 1839 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       608 M    i. Manuel Parrott was born in Sep 1875 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    + 609 M    ii. Joseph Clarence Parrott was born in May 1878 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 16 Sep 1924 in Defiance, Defiance Co., Ohio, at age 46.

    194. John H. Parrott (Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Mar 1825 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 1 Aug 1865 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 40. {Find A Grave ID: 63715002}

    John married Elizabeth Ann Miller. Elizabeth was born on 18 Oct 1832 in Ohio and died on 15 May 1853 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 20. {Find A Grave ID: 63715012} {Find A Grave ID: 63715012}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 610 M    i. Joseph Watson Parrott was born on 15 May 1853 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 31 Mar 1926 in Allen Co., Ohio, at age 72.

       611 F    ii. Infant Daughter Parrott was born on 3 May 1853 in Ohio and died on 3 Aug 1853 in Ohio. {Find A Grave ID: 158068583}

    197. Joseph J. Parrott (Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Mar 1832 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 4 Dec 1908 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 16500599}

    Joseph married Harriet Maria Waters. Harriet was born on 1 Feb 1845 and died on 5 Mar 1909 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 16500598} {Find A Grave ID: 16500598}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 612 M    i. Eber Sherman Parrett was born on 19 Jan 1868 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died in 1920 in Lake Worth, Palm Beach Co., Florida, at age 52.

       613 M    ii. Freddie D. Parrett was born in Feb 1869 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    + 614 M    iii. John Irving Parrott was born on 27 Oct 1871 in Mendon, Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 9 Jun 1942 in Yucaipa, San Bernardino Co., California, at age 70.

       615 F    iv. Lura Rosell Parrott was born on 14 Feb 1874 in Union, Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 27 Feb 1944 in Ross, Kalamazoo Co., Michigan, at age 70.

    Notes: Mrs. Lura Lane Piche, 70, died at 10 p.m. Sunday at her home at Gull Lake after an extended illness. She was born Feb. 14, 1874 in Mendon, O., the daughter of Joseph J. and Harriet (Walters) Parrott and in 1896 was married to Perry E. Lane, who died in 1914. In 1932 she was married to George C. Piche. They resided in California for a short time because of Mrs. Piche's health, and in 1941 returned and took up residence at Gull lake. Mrs. Piche was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist tabernacle and her literature and poetry has appeared in several publications. Surviving besides her husband are five daughters by her first marriage, Mrs. Frank Bauer of 846 West Michigan avenue, Mrs. J.E. Phillipson, Mrs. Kene W. Wolfe and Mrs. Charles E. Osborne of Lacon, Ill.; a step-daughter, Mrs. Olive Piche May of Battle-Creek and a step-son, Glen E. Piche of California; a sister, Mrs. O.E. Strohm of Chicago and five grandchildren.

    The (Battle Creek) Enquirer and News, 29 Feb 1944, p. 3

    Lura married Perry E. Lane. Perry was born on 16 Aug 1875 in Indiana and died on 5 May 1914 in Kokomo, Howard Co., Indiana, at age 38. {Find A Grave ID: 45510754} {Find A Grave ID: 45510754}

    Lura next married Ernest Vince. Ernest was born on 26 Jan 1871 in England and died on 18 Aug 1946 in San Bernardino Co., California, at age 75.

    Lura next married George C. Piche. George was born on 25 Oct 1870 in English Canada.

    Marriage Notes: Announcement has been received here of the marriage on March 14 of Mrs. Lura R. Lane, widow of Perry E. Lane, formerly of this city, to George C. Piche, a building contrator of Nashville, Tenn. The wedding took place in Battle Creek, Mich., and the couple are now on a trip to Tennessee.

    The Kokomo Tribune, 26 Mar 1932, p 3

    + 616 M    v. Bert Ronald Parrott was born on 27 Dec 1882 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 17 Aug 1934 in Monterey Co., California, at age 51.

       617 F    vi. Effie Estella Parrett was born on 21 Aug 1885.

    198. Wesley Watson Parrott (Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Dec 1835 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died in 1908 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 71216581}

    Wesley married Cynthia Ann Spry. Cynthia was born on 11 Jan 1844 in Ohio and died on 14 Oct 1916 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 71216315} {Find A Grave ID: 71216315}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 618 M    i. Willliam W. Parrott was born in Nov 1861 in Ohio and died in 1912 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 51.

    + 619 M    ii. Philip Edgar Parrott was born in 1863 in Ohio and died in 1914 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 51.

       620 F    iii. Mary Etta Parrott was born in Dec 1864 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 2 Apr 1918, at age 53. {Find A Grave ID: 77129212}

    Mary married Lucius N. Hamilton. Lucius was born on 9 Feb 1859 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 14 Dec 1918 in Saint Marys, Auglaize Co., Ohio, at age 59. {Find A Grave ID: 77129038} {Find A Grave ID: 77129038}

       621 F    iv. Rhonda V. Parrott was born in 1866 in Ohio and died on 10 Sep 1910 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 44. {Find A Grave ID: 16015161}

    Rhonda married Herman A. Bauer. Herman was born in 1860 and died on 30 Jul 1937, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 16015162} {Find A Grave ID: 16015162}

       622 F    v. Nettie M. Parrott was born on 31 May 1879 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 19 Apr 1920 in Charlotte, Eaton Co., Michigan, at age 40. {Find A Grave ID: 68223395}

    Nettie married Clemons Ellsworth Tullis. Clemons was born on 23 May 1873 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 28 Dec 1960 in Oakland Co., Michigan, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 68223368} {Find A Grave ID: 68223368}

    201. Jacob Howard Parrott (Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1840 in Ohio and died in 1910 in Indiana, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 40834079}

    Jacob married Charlotte Raudenbaugh. Charlotte was born in 1843 in Ohio and died in 1915 in Indiana, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 40833990} {Find A Grave ID: 40833990}

    Children from this marriage were:

       623 F    i. Hester Ella Parrott Leaser was born in 1862 in Ohio and died on 20 Mar 1929 in Mercer Co, . Ohio, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 63712991}

    Hester married Henry Leaser. Henry was born in 1854 in Ohio and died on 18 May 1932 in Dade Co., Florida, at age 78.

       624 F    ii. Emma F. Parrott was born in 1864 in Ohio.

    + 625 M    iii. Oscar L. Parrott was born on 29 Oct 1865 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 3 Aug 1946 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana, at age 80.

    + 626 M    iv. Henry Alpheus Parrott was born on 24 Jan 1868 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 14 Jan 1926 in Monticello, Van Wert Co., Ohio, at age 57.

       627 F    v. Ettie Parrott was born on 10 Nov 1871 in Union, Mercer Co, . Ohio.

    202. John Alpheus Parrott (John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Jun 1826 in Ohio and died on 20 Jul 1917 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 91.

    John married Mary Furnace. Mary was born on 24 Oct 1836 and died on 6 Apr 1857, at age 20.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 628 M    i. Samuel H. Parrott was born on 3 Mar 1855 in Ohio and died on 11 Sep 1939, at age 84.

    John next married Elizabeth Jane Coil. Elizabeth was born on 11 Aug 1842 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 18 Jun 1924, at age 81.

    Children from this marriage were:

       629 F    i. Mary Etta Parrott was born in Aug 1867 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       630 F    ii. Artemesa Evaline Parrott was born about 1870 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Artemesa married Clinton Butters.

       631 F    iii. Estella Edith Parrott was born in 1876 in Ohio.

    203. Jacob Hussey Washington Parrott (John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Mar 1828 in Ohio and died on 25 Oct 1895, at age 67.

    Jacob married Eliza Bloomer. Eliza was born on 21 Sep 1831 in Union City, Ashland Co., Ohio and died on 25 Sep 1857 in Fayette Co., Indiana, at age 26.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 632 M    i. Joseph Gatch Parrott was born on 5 Oct 1849 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 27 Oct 1921 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas, at age 72.

    + 633 M    ii. John Alpheus Parrott was born on 25 Oct 1851 in Jasper, Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jul 1906 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas, at age 54.

       634 F    iii. Mary J. Parrott was born in 1853 in Ohio.

    Jacob next married Margaret Stapleton. Margaret was born on 8 Mar 1838 in Logan Co., Illinois and died on 18 Mar 1995 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas, at age 157.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 635 M    i. Theodore Franklin Parrott was born on 8 Jun 1861 in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 13 Jan 1946 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 84.

       636 M    ii. Marion Anderson Parrott was born on 28 Aug 1861 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 9 Apr 1870 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 8.

       637 F    iii. Ida Mae Parrott was born on 10 Apr 1866 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jul 1925 in Òakland, Douglas Co., Oregon, at age 59.

    Ida married Isaac Wesley Spencer. Isaac was born on 25 Mar 1860 in Illinois and died on 10 Jun 1936 in Douglas Co., Oregon, at age 76.

    Ida next married Floyd.

       638 F    iv. Rachel Hannah Parrott was born on 17 Jun 1868 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 13 Mar 1934 in Wellington, Sumner Co., Kansas, at age 65.

    Rachel married Lewis Calvin Bender. Lewis was born in Mar 1860 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa.

    + 639 M    v. Thomas Allen Parrott was born on 12 Apr 1875 in Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 8 Jun 1950 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 75.

    + 640 M    vi. William Elmer Parrott was born on 25 Feb 1877 in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio and died in Sep 1969 in Valley Falls, Jefferson Co., Kansas, at age 92.

       641 F    vii. Malissa Edith Parrott was born on 21 Jul 1879 in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 30 Jan 1880 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       642 M    viii. Albert James Parrott was born on 4 Nov 1882 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 11 Apr 1937 in Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 54.

    Albert married Ethel Virginia Bewley. Ethel was born on 31 Aug 1892 in Atchison Co., Kansas and died on 6 Mar 1986 in Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 93.

    208. Joseph Copeland Marion Parrett (John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Aug 1840 in Ohio and died on 22 May 1927, at age 86.

    Joseph married Louisa Hyre. Louisa was born on 28 Mar 1845 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 643 M    i. Lemuel Parrett was born on 6 Dec 1870 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1913, at age 43.

       644 F    ii. Iota Orinda Parrett was born on 22 Feb 1869 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 1 Jan 1959, at age 89.

       645 M    iii. William Orpheus Parrett was born on 25 Oct 1881 and died on 5 May 1958, at age 76.

    William married Birdie May. Birdie was born on 7 May 1891 and died on 30 May 1971, at age 80.

       646 F    iv. Della Parrett was born on 10 Mar 1883 and died on 9 Aug 1893, at age 10.

    221. Leander Stephenson Parrott (Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Apr 1858 in Des Moines, Mahaska Co., Iowa and died on 19 Nov 1931 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 73.

    Leander married Minnie Elizabeth Jones. Minnie was born in Feb 1870 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died in 1906 in Miltonville, Cloud Co., Kansas, at age 36.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 647 M    i. Nolah Stanford Parrott was born on 10 Nov 1890 in Clay Center, Clay Co., Kansas and died on 1 Mar 1970 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 79.

       648 F    ii. Bessie Marie Parrott was born on 15 Apr 1900 in Kansas and died in Feb 1985 in Maysville, Dekalb Co., Missouri, at age 84.

    Bessie married Alfred Morton Weese. Alfred was born on 15 Feb 1893 in Gentry Co., Missouri and died in 1961 in Gentry Co., Missouri, at age 68.

    + 649 M    iii. Lee Otis Parrott was born on 15 Dec 1982 in Albany, Gentry Co., Missouri and died on 20 Jun 1980 in Cummings, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age -2.

    222. Andrew Jackson Parrott (Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jan 1853 in Des Moines, Mahaska Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jun 1931 in Center, Wapello Co., Iowa, at age 78.

    Andrew married Mary A. Mary was born in Aug 1865 in Iowa.

    The child from this marriage was:

       650 M    i. Charles E. Parrott was born in Aug 1884 in Iowa.

    226. Anderson Parrott (Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Feb 1838 in Guilford, Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 20 Mar 1921 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio, at age 83.

    Anderson married Harriett E. Bennett. Harriett was born in Battleground, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

       651 F    i. Anna Parrott was born in 1860 in Ohio.

       652 F    ii. Genettie B. Parrott was born in 1867 in Ohio and died on 26 Dec 1876 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 9.

    + 653 M    iii. Frank C. Parrott was born on 11 Jan 1872 in Mendon, Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 24 Jun 1935 in California, at age 63.

    Anderson next married Anne Lundanae Stephanae Lanney. Anne was born in 1850 in Paris, France and died on 18 Dec 1889 in Allen Co., Ohio, at age 39.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 654 M    i. Edward Wesley Parrott was born on 16 Aug 1877 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 5 May 1950 in Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 72.

    + 655 M    ii. Arlington Alphus Parrott was born on 8 Dec 1889 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio and died on 16 Jun 1958 in Vermillion Co., Illinois, at age 68.

    Anderson next married Sarah H. Sarah was born in Oct 1847.

    227. James Gerome Parrott (Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Jan 1819 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 29 Jan 1886 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 67.

    James married Mary Moore. Mary was born in 1821 and died in 1849, at age 28.

    Children from this marriage were:

       656 M    i. Robert Parrott was born in 1820 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       657 F    ii. Sarah J. Parrott was born in 1838 in Tennessee.

    Sarah married James Boyer. James was born in 1836.

       658 M    iii. William Senter Parrott was born in 1840 in Tennessee and died on 15 Oct 1861, at age 21.

       659 M    iv. Lorenzo Parrott was born in 1842 in Tennessee.

    + 660 M    v. Green L. Parrott was born in 1845 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 13 Dec 1910, at age 65.

       661 M    vi. Tayler Parrott was born in 1845 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

       662 F    vii. Mary E. Parrott was born in Oct 1847 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

       663 F    viii. Martha S. Parrott was born in Oct 1847 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Martha married Robert Cooper.

       664 F    ix. Ann E. Parrott was born in 1849 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina.

    + 665 M    x. James Washington Parrott was born on 7 Jan 1849 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Feb 1944, at age 95.

    James next married Cynthia Ann Anderson. Cynthia was born on 5 Feb 1821 in Strawberry Plains, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Aug 1892 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 71.

    Children from this marriage were:

       666 M    i. Calvin Gerome Parrott was born on 17 Nov 1850 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 667 M    ii. John Adams Parrott was born in Aug 1853 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 9 May 1923 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 69.

    + 668 M    iii. Isaac Clayton Parrott was born on 14 May 1860 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 14 Jul 1920 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 60.

    + 669 M    iv. Samuel Houston Parrott was born on 8 Mar 1865 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       670 M    v. Fleming Jerome Parrott was born on 1 Sep 1858 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina.

    230. Elbert S. Parrott (Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Feb 1825 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Elbert married Sarah Henry. Sarah was born on 25 Sep 1823 in Tennessee and died on 13 Feb 1899 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    Children from this marriage were:

       671 F    i. Rebecca Emeline Parrott was born on 14 Oct 1843 and died on 8 Jan 1917 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    Rebecca married Samuel Inman.

       672 F    ii. Sarah Matilda Parrott was born on 25 Jun 1853 in Tennesee and died on 16 Sep 1940 in Greene Co., Tennessee, at age 87.

    Sarah married William J. Whitaker. William was born on 19 Feb 1855 and died on 24 May 1920 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 65.

    233. George Parrott (Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Feb 1833 in Tennesee and died on 4 Nov 1904 in Glendale, Klickitat Co., Washington, at age 71.

    George married Martha Uell. Martha was born in Jan 1841 in Saint Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 27 Oct 1917 in Glendale, Klickitat Co., Washington, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

       673 F    i. Eliza Jane Parrott was born in 1859 and died in 1921 in Glendale, Klickitat Co., Washington, at age 62.

    Eliza married John Atkinson. John was born on 13 Oct 1852 in Nodaway Co., Missouri and died on 20 Feb 1931 in Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington, at age 78.

       674 F    ii. Annie A. Parrott was born on 12 Nov 1864 and died on 13 Jan 1899 in Grangeville, Idaho Co., Idaho, at age 34.

    Annie married David M. Story. David was born on 14 Mar 1861 and died on 16 Dec 1949 in Snohomish Co., Washington, at age 88.

       675 F    iii. Winifred Ellen Parrott was born on 11 Nov 1867 in Missouri and died on 18 Dec 1956 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 89.

    Winifred married Akellas Douglas Hartley. Akellas was born on 1 Mar 1860 in Jefferson Co., Illinois and died on 23 Nov 1929 in Glendale, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 69.

       676 F    iv. Gracia Parrott was born on 2 Sep 1882 and died on 16 Sep 1882 in Klickitat Co., Washington.

       677 M    v. Charles W. Parrott was born in 1902 and died in 1964 in Vancouver, Clark Co., Washington, at age 62.

    234. Charles S. Parrott (Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1836 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in 1910, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 50298811}

    Charles married Malinda Ellen Hommel. Malinda was born in 1842 in Tennessee and died on 26 Jan 1909 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 50298978} {Find A Grave ID: 50298978}

    Children from this marriage were:

       678 F    i. Mable Parrott was born in 1855 in Tennessee.

    + 679 M    ii. Frank Walter Parrott was born on 25 Apr 1869 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Mar 1953 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 83.

       680 F    iii. Mittie G. Parrott was born on 3 Nov 1871 in Tennessee and died on 1 Dec 1947 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 101112738}

    Mittie married James Washington. James was born on 7 Jan 1849 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Feb 1944 in Grady Co., Oklahoma, at age 95.

       681 M    iv. Hickson H. N. Parrott was born in 1874 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

       682 F    v. Sarah A. Parrott was born on 18 Nov 1876 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Apr 1971, at age 94. {Find A Grave ID: 49747616}

    Sarah married Richard Pleasant Driskill. Richard was born on 1 Jan 1859 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Oct 1915 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 56. {Find A Grave ID: 101050138} {Find A Grave ID: 101050138}

       683 F    vi. Mollie Kate Parrott was born on 25 Jul 1879 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 22 Aug 1927 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 48. {Find A Grave ID: 100658654}

    Mollie married Rev Will Weaver. Will was born on 22 Jul 1876 in Tennesee and died on 4 Apr 1952 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 47665952} {Find A Grave ID: 47665952}

    241. Louis Marion Parrott (George5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 31 Aug 1839 in Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri and died on 5 Dec 1914 in Douglas Co., Oregon, at age 75.

    Notes: Posted on Find a Grave by Nancy Hagood, 5 Nov 2011:

    Louis Marion Parrott was the son of George and Elizabeth Parrott of Ray Co, MO. In the 1850 census, his siblings were: Harriet, Mary, Margaret, Sarah, and Jenett.

    He married Mary Charlotte Bellis in Ray County, MO, on March 3, 1863. They moved to Colorado for a couple years, then Santa Rosa, CA, then to North Roseburg, Oregon about 1896, living there about 18 years. They had property in Deer Creek (Dixonville) which they sold to their nephew, Samuel Walter Leake.

    They had the following children: Emma (Chapman), James William and Ethel (Nelson).

    Source: John Gordon and Mary Rountree Family Record compiled by Eileen B. Penniston, 1959; Samuel Bellis Family Bible; Orrick Times (MO) 9/7/1905; audio tapes, 1981, Joe/Alda Brumbach/Pat Leake Glenn Hagood

    Louis married Mary Charlotte Bellis. Mary was born on 8 Jun 1844 in Ray Co., Missouri and died on 16 Aug 1905 in Douglas Co., Oregon, at age 61.

    Notes: Posted on Find a Grave by Nancy Hagood, 5 Nov 2011:

    Mary Charlotte Bellis Parrott was the daughter of Sarah Ann Owen and Samuel Bellis of Ray County, Missouri. Her siblings were James J. Bellis and Isabel Margaret (Leake).

    She married Louis Marion Parrott in Ray County, MO, on March 3, 1863. They moved to Colorado for a couple years, then Santa Rosa, CA, then to North Roseburg, Oregon about 1896. They had property in Deer Creek (Dixonville) which they sold to their nephew, Samuel Walter Leake.

    They had the following children: Emma (Chapman), James William and Ethel (Nelson).

    Source: John Gordon and Mary Rountree Family Record compiled by Eileen B. Penniston, 1959; Samuel Bellis Family Bible; Orrick Times (MO) 9/7/1905; Joe & Alda Brumbach/Pat Leake Glenn Hagood tapes, 1981.

    Children from this marriage were:

       684 F    i. Ethel Marion Parrott .

       685 F    ii. Emma Eudora Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1863 and died on 31 Aug 1923 in Craig, Moffat Co., Colorado, at age 60.

    Notes: Note: Information from Nancy Hagood of Corvallis, OR. The birth date on the stone and that entered on the memorial conflict due to records of the family. We will leave both opinions. On Find a Grave, by Neal Fenton, 26 Jul 2008.

    Emma married Nathaniel N. Chapman. Nathaniel was born on 10 Dec 1862 and died on 21 Sep 1947 in Craig, Moffat Co., Colorado, at age 84.

    + 686 M    iii. James William Parrott was born on 19 Oct 1866 in Colorado and died on 25 Aug 1940 in Lake Co., California, at age 73.

    248. John Van Buren Parrott (Samuel5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1841 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Jun 1914 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 123668537}

    John married Malvina C. Story. Malvina was born in Feb 1848 in Tennesee and died on 5 Oct 1905 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 57. Another name for Malvina was Ella.

    Marriage Notes: MARRIED,
    On Thursday morning, August 24th, by the Rev. James Mahoney,

    Mr. John V. Parrott, of Parrottsville, and Miss Malvina C. Story, of Knoxville.

    Brownlow's Knoxville Whig, and Rebel Ventilator, September 6, 1865, p. 2.
    Posted on Find a Grave 125245879

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 687 M    i. Samuel A. Parrott was born in 1870 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 3 Jun 1934 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 64.

       688 F    ii. Margaret Parrott was born in Feb 1872 in Tennesee.

       689 F    iii. Nina Parrott Boone was born on 22 Jun 1875 in Tennesee and died on 8 Feb 1941 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 125246082}

    Notes: Boone- Mrs. Nina, 65, died in a local hospital Saturday morning after a short illness. Survivors: one son, N.E. Parker; one daughter, Mrs. T.R. Smith; one sister, Miss Margaret Parrott; also one grandson, N.E. Parrott, Jr. Funeral services will be held in the chapel of the Turner-Williams Funeral home at 2:30 this afternoon, conducted by the Rev. William H. Harrison. Pallbearers: Earl Henry, Roy Lambert, Walter B. Million, J.B.F. Lowry, Rex Hale and James Jacobs. Interment will follow in Chattanooga Memorial Park. The body will remain at the funeral home. Arrangements are in charge of the Turner-Williams company.

    Chattanooga Daily Times, 09 Feb 1941, p 5

    Nina married Nimrod Elbert Parker. Nimrod was born on 7 Apr 1878 in Tennesee.

    254. Wallace Parrott (Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Feb 1842 in Tennessee and died on 12 Jul 1921 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

    Wallace married Maria Margaret Maynard. Maria was born on 22 Mar 1847 in Tennessee and died on 5 Feb 1936 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 88.

    Children from this marriage were:

       690 F    i. M. Lou Parrott was born on 7 Aug 1882 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Jun 1972 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

    M. married Louis W. Gregory. Louis was born on 7 Aug 1882 and died on 24 Jun 1972 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

       691 F    ii. Ida Pearl Parrott was born on 28 Jul 1885 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Dec 1941 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 56.

    Ida married William Clarence Britton. William was born on 29 Nov 1881 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 29 May 1954 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 72.

    256. George Newton Parrott (Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1848 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died before 1900 in Limestone Co., Texas.

    George married Emma C. Springfield. Emma was born on 7 Mar 1860 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died in 1926, at age 66.

    Children from this marriage were:

       692 F    i. Mary O. Parrott was born in 1878 in Limestone Co., Texas.

       693 F    ii. Alice Madora Parrott was born on 23 Jan 1880 in Limestone Co., Texas and died on 25 Apr 1958 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 60025346}

    Notes: Word has been received in Harlingen of the death of Mrs Alice Lloyd of Kosse, mother of George B. (Dick) Lloyd of Harlingen. Funeral services were held in the First Methodist church of Kosse Saturday, and burial was in the Kosse cemetery.

    Valley Morning Star, 30 Apr 1958, p 4

    Alice married George Ollie Lloyd. George was born in Dec 188 in South Carolina and died on 27 Jun 1932 in Falls Co., Texas, at age 1743. {Find A Grave ID: 60027368} {Find A Grave ID: 60027368}

    + 694 M    iii. James Ellis Parrott was born on 14 Jan 1882 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 23 Aug 1936 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas, at age 54.

    + 695 M    iv. Grover Cleveland Parrott was born on 1 Sep 1884 in Texas and died on 8 Jun 1942 in Falls Co., Texas, at age 57.

       696 F    v. Eula Lee Parrott was born on 16 Nov 1886 in Limestone Co., Texas and died on 29 Jul 1978 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas, at age 91.

    Eula married Thomas S. Swinnea. Thomas was born on 4 Apr 1870 and died on 17 Nov 1921 in Texas, at age 51.

    + 697 M    vi. Wallace Blackburn Parrott was born on 8 Jul 1889 in Limestone Co., Texas and died on 9 May 1954 in Marlin, Falls Co., Texas, at age 64.

    + 698 M    vii. George Newton Parrott Jr. was born on 9 May 1891 in Limestone Co., Texas.

    260. Hugh Parrott (Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Aug 1856 in Tennessee and died on 7 Mar 1932 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    Hugh married Orleana Elvina Talley. Orleana was born in Jun 1864 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 10 Jan 1955 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 90.

    Children from this marriage were:

       699 M    i. Edgar D. Parrott was born on 24 Jan 1888 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Mar 1954 in White Pine, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 66.

    Edgar married Clara Belle Rouse.

    + 700 M    ii. Richard Alexander Parrott was born on 5 Jan 1891 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jul 1968 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    263. Noah B. Parrott (Isaac Fancher5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1837 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Noah married Josephine Rapp. Josephine was born in 1850 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       701 M    i. Lang J. Parrott was born in 1886 in Ohio.

    Lang married Margaret Plymire. Margaret was born in 1885 in Ohio.

    264. Lawson A. Parrett (Isaac Fancher5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Nov 1841 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Lawson married Nancy Jennie Campbell. Nancy was born in 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       702 F    i. Stella Parrett was born in 1867 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       703 M    ii. Eddie Parrett was born in 1868 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       704 F    iii. Hattie Parrett was born in 1869 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       705 F    iv. Laura Mae Parrett was born in 1870 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       706 M    v. Roy Harmon Parrott was born in Tennesee.

       707 M    vi. Erk L. Parrett was born in 1872 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       708 M    vii. Ethel Parrett was born in 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       709 U    viii. Infant Parrett was born in 1875 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    271. Cyrus Roten Parrott (Pleasant H.5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 3 Jun 1845 in Ohio.

    Cyrus married Sarah Elizabeth Parrett, daughter of William Jackson Parrott and Mary Shobe Bush. Sarah was born on 24 Apr 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 710 M    i. Charles Hamilton Parrett was born on 8 Sep 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       711 M    ii. Willie J. Parrott was born about 1875 and died about 1887, about age 12.

       712 M    iii. Leroy (Leander) Parrott was born about 1877.

    Leroy married Bessie Hartzel.

       713 M    iv. Clarence Parrott was born about 1884.

    Clarence married Emma Sprague.

       714 F    v. Mary Parrott was born in Nov 1887 in Ohio.

    Mary married Cecil Cline.

    272. Joseph W. Parrott (David Mann5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Nov 1842 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 4 Sep 1924 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 81.

    Joseph married Mary A. Ornduff. Mary was born in Aug 1846 in Illinois and died on 26 Feb 1894 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 47.

    Children from this marriage were:

       715 M    i. Hillis O. Parrott was born on 29 Sep 1864 in Iowa and died on 25 May 1951 in Mono Co., California, at age 86.

    Hillis married Emelia.

    Hillis next married Emma.

    + 716 M    ii. William Edward Parrott was born in 1866 and died in 1930, at age 64.

       717 M    iii. John David Parrott was born in 1868 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

    John married Mary Campbell.

       718 M    iv. Eleazor O. Parrott was born in 1870 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

    Eleazor married Eva Almira McClain. Eva was born in 1875 and died in 1954, at age 79.

       719 F    v. Anne Parrott was born in 1872 and died in 1961, at age 89.

    Anne married Will Muldoon. Will was born in 1870 and died in 1955, at age 85.

       720 F    vi. Iona C. Parrott was born on 22 Jun 1874 and died in 1966, at age 92.

    Iona married Miles Bennett. Miles was born about 1870 and died in 1941 in Washington, about age 71.

       721 F    vii. Regina May Parrott was born on 17 Feb 1878 and died on 17 Mar 1894, at age 16.

       722 F    viii. Ada Virginia Parrott was born on 29 Aug 1880 and died on 29 Nov 1976, at age 96.

    Ada married Floyd Wells. Floyd was born on 19 Jul 1878 and died on 20 Dec 1950 in Virginia, at age 72.

       723 U    ix. E. O. Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1884 in Jefferson Co., Iowa and died on 13 Sep 1884 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

       724 M    x. Russell B. Parrott was born in 1886 and died in 1954 in Missouri, at age 68.

    Russell married Emma.

       725 M    xi. Guy H. Parrott was born in 1888 and died in 1967, at age 79.

    274. CL (Collins Luther) Parrott (David Mann5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Feb 1845 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 9 May 1931 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 86.

    CL married Hester McBurney. Hester was born on 2 Oct 1848 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 24 Jul 1908 in Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 59.

    Children from this marriage were:

       726 M    i. A. E. Parrott was born about 1877.

    A. married Bertha Fuller.

       727 M    ii. Ben B. Parrott was born about 1879.

    Ben married Nora Thompson.

       728 F    iii. Martha Pearl Parrott was born on 12 Oct 1882 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

    Martha married G. W. Smith.

       729 F    iv. Maud Parrott was born on 27 Oct 1884 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

    Maud married Ernest D. McCurry.

       730 M    v. Raymond W. Parrott was born on 16 Sep 1891 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

       731 M    vi. Ralph C. Parrott was born on 16 Sep 1891 in Jefferson Co., Iowa.

    278. Sarah Elizabeth Parrett (William Jackson5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Apr 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Sarah married Cyrus Roten Parrott, son of Pleasant H. Parrott and Susan Bush. Cyrus was born on 3 Jun 1845 in Ohio.

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 271)

    285. Samuel Nelson Parrott (Frederick M.5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1860 in Greene Co., Ohio.

    Samuel married Emma Brown.

    Children from this marriage were:

       732 M    i. Elgar Parrott .

    Elgar married Maud Shaffner.

       733 M    ii. Elwood Parrott .

    Elwood married Altha Miller.

       734 F    iii. Maud Parrott .

    Maud married Walter Shoffner.

       735 F    iv. Nell Parrott .

    Nell married Frank Daily.

       736 M    v. Charles Parrott .

    Charles married Beulah Weldon.

       737 M    vi. Samuel Parrott .

    Samuel married Hazel Ford.

    288. Joseph Parrott (Frederick M.5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1870 in Kansas.

    Joseph married Lena Walker.

    Children from this marriage were:

       738 M    i. Robert Parrott .

       739 M    ii. Thomas Parrott .

    289. Seth Elijah Parrett (Benjamin Hinton5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Mar 1855 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Seth married S. Jennie Creamer. S. was born in Oct 1858 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       740 M    i. Benjamin C. Parrett was born in Aug 1879 in Ohio.

    Benjamin married Pauline Flannigan.

       741 F    ii. Helen Parrett was born in Nov 1882 in Ohio.

       742 M    iii. Robert A. Parrett was born in Mar 1885 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Robert married Ann Moore.

    296. Homer Carley Parrett (Russell Biglow5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Jun 1868 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 17 Dec 1933 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 65.

    Homer married Clara Louise Griffith. Clara was born on 23 Oct 1876 and died on 26 Oct 1966, at age 90.

    Children from this marriage were:

       743 F    i. Edith E. Parrett was born on 23 Jan 1901 and died on 30 Jul 1937 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 36.

       744 M    ii. Russell Griffith Parrett was born on 27 May 1904 and died on 19 Feb 1983, at age 78.

    Russell married Hortense Elizabeth Vanmourick. Hortense was born on 16 May 1905 and died on 25 Oct 1987, at age 82.

    302. Edward Anthony Parrett (George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Dec 1858 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 10 Jan 1942, at age 83.

    Edward married Mary Frances Taylor. Mary was born in Mar 1859 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 745 M    i. Earl E. Parrett was born in Nov 1881 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       746 M    ii. Harvey G. Parrett was born in Dec 1882 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 747 M    iii. Scott Marvin Parrett was born on 4 Apr 1885 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       748 M    iv. Edward Parrett was born in 1886 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       749 F    v. Inez Parrett was born in Feb 1887 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Inez married Charles England.

       750 F    vi. Etura E. Parrett was born in Nov 1890.

    306. Warren Webster Parrett (George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1864 in Ohio and died in 1950, at age 86.

    Warren married Ida Noble. Ida was born in Jul 1864 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       751 M    i. Charles Parrett was born in Sep 1886 in Ohio.

       752 M    ii. Ross Parrett was born in Dec 1888 in Ohio.

       753 M    iii. Floyd Parrett was born in Sep 1891 in Ohio.

    307. Erie Harlan Parrett (George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Jan 1866 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 19 Nov 1940, at age 74.

    Erie married Minnie Parrott Pucket. Minnie was born in Apr 1871 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 754 M    i. Marvin Parrett was born in Aug 1888 in Ohio.

       755 F    ii. Marie Parrett was born in Jul 1890 in Ohio.

    Marie married William Dick.

       756 F    iii. Pearl Parrett was born on 22 Jun 1892 in Ohio and died on 8 Jan 1965, at age 72.

    Pearl married Ray Downs.

    Pearl next married John Iams. John died on 10 May 1966. They had no children.

    + 757 M    iv. Willard Parrett was born in Jul 1899 in Ohio.

    + 758 M    v. Glenn Parrett was born in Apr 1897 in Ohio.

       759 M    vi. Robert Parrett was born in 1895 in Ohio.

       760 M    vii. William Parret was born in Aug 1893 in Ohio.

    William married Ethel Edward.

    308. Homer C. Parrett (George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born about 1868 in Ohio.

    Homer married Louise Griggith. Louise was born in 1877 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       761 F    i. Edith E. Parrett was born in 1901 in Illinois.

       762 M    ii. Russell G. Parrett was born in 1905 in Massachussetts.

       763 F    iii. Anna L. Parrett was born in 1907 in California.

    310. Noles Marvin Parrett (George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Aug 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Noles married Ella Tary. Ella was born on 17 Mar 1878 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       764 M    i. Oliver Terry Parrett was born on 2 Oct 1898 and died on 25 Mar 1955 in Fayette Co., Kentucky, at age 56.

    Oliver married Anna M. Anna was born in 1896 in Kentucky.

       765 M    ii. Clay S. Parrett was born on 25 Sep 1899 in Ohio and died on 13 Aug 1977 in Pontiac, Oakland Co., Michigan, at age 77.

       766 F    iii. Margaret Parrett was born about 1901.

    312. George Clyde Parrett (George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Nov 1878 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1969, at age 91.

    George married Alta Long. Alta was born in Oct 1878.

    Children from this marriage were:

       767 F    i. Cleo E. Parrett was born on 26 Oct 1903 in Madison, Fayette Co., Ohio.

       768 M    ii. Eugene Parrett was born about 1904.

    316. Charles C. Parrott (Josiah Rhoten5, Jacob4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Jan 1855 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died on 7 Apr 1913 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 58.

    Notes: Biographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and Florida, p 687.

    Chas. C. Parrott, president of the Newnan National Bank, was born in Bartow County, Ga., January 19, 1855. His father, J. R. Parrott, was a native of Tennessee, an attorney, and quite a prominent man in his day. He was solicitor-general of the Cherokee judicial circuit and was presidnet of the constitutional convention of Georgia in 1808. At the time of his death, which occurred in 1872, he was judge of the superior court of this circuit. The mother of the subject is Mary M. (Trammell) Parrott, of White County, Ga., and daughter of John Trammell. She is still living.

    Chas. C. Parrott received his preparatory education in the schools of Cartersville, Ga., and finished at Emory and Henry College, Virginia. He then read law with General W. T. Wofford, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. In 1880 he moved to Atlanta, Ga., where he was assistant district attorney for one year and was clerk in the office of the districtrict attorney for about two years. He then returned to Cartersville, where he remained until 1885, at that time going to Newnan, Ga. That same year teh Newnan National Bank was organized, with Mr. Parrott as president and Mr. J.S. Hollingshead as cashier, and it is in a prosperous condition. They have a capital of $50,000; surplus $1,500; profits, $5,500; stock sells at $1.12 1/2, and they declare 7 1/2 per cent, dividends annually.

    In 1878, Mr. Parrott married Miss Callie D. Bigby, daughter of Hon. J.S. Bigby, and they are the parents of two children: Bigby and Mary C. Both Mr. Parrott and wife are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

    Charles married Callie D. Bigby. Callie was born on 31 Aug 1858 in Bartow Co., Georgia and died on 12 Jul 1909 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 50.

    Marriage Notes: Cartersville Express: On Tuesday lat, at Newan, by Rev. Mr. Glenn, Mr. Charles C. Parrott, of this city, was married to Miss Callie D. Bigby. Mr. Parrott was accompanied from here by Messrs. Ham Harris and James Tumlin. The bride is a daughter of Hon. John S. Bigby. The wedding was quiet.

    The Daily Constitution, 16 Nov 1878

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 769 M    i. Bigby Parrott was born on 15 Dec 1879 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died on 16 Jan 1917 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 37.

       770 F    ii. Mary C. Parrott was born on 12 Jan 1882 in Atlanta, Georgia and died on 30 Dec 1920 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 38.

    Mary married Robert Orr.

    322. Josiah Rhoten Parrott (Henry Clay5, Jacob4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1879 in Okolona, Chickasaw Co., Mississippi and died on 2 Aug 1939 in Coffeyville, Montgomery Co., Kansas, at age 60. Another name for Josiah was John Rhoten Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 59479862}

    Notes: "My maiden name was Mary Lisbeth Parrott, daughter of Josiah Rhoten Parrott son of Henry Clay Parrott. The latter was born in Tennessee, but grew up in South Carolina, was a cadet drafted at the end of the Civil War, and later became a Methodist minister. Our branch is descndants of Frederick Parrett, Sr., but still we need a lot more researching to really determine other backgrounds. I have one brother John R. Parrott, who lives in San Antonio. We were born and raised in Van Buren, Arkansas." Mrs. J.C. Daniel, 320 W. Columbia, Weatherford, Texas 76086.

    Parrott Talk VII(1):23 May 1979 pp 23-24.

    Josiah married Tommie Anne Crane. Tommie was born on 11 Aug 1891 in Gatesville, Coryell Co., Texas and died on 25 Nov 1952, at age 61. {Find A Grave ID: 59479929} {Find A Grave ID: 59479929}

    Children from this marriage were:

       771 F    i. Mary Lisbeth Parrott was born on 9 Jul 1912 in Van Buren Co., Arkansas and died on 28 Apr 2000, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 107109278}

    Mary married John Corley Daniel. John was born on 27 Feb 1909 in Texas and died on 22 Oct 1997 in Parker Co., Texas, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 107109293} {Find A Grave ID: 107109293}

    + 772 M    ii. John Rhoten Parrott Jr. was born on 18 Jun 1917 in Van Buren Co., Arkansas and died on 18 Oct 1997 in Bexar Co., Texas, at age 80.

    331. Lewis Hamilton Parrott (Joseph5, Isaac4, Henry3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1847 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Lewis married Martha. Martha was born in 1855 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       773 F    i. Inez Parrott was born in 1877 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       774 F    ii. Bessie Parrott was born in 1879 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    334. Leonard Parrett Sr. (James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1842 in Indiana and died on 27 Jul 1915 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 73.

    Notes: From: Historical sketch of Huntingdon Co., Indiana. Moved from Clinton Co., Ohio to Polk Township in Indiana ca 1837.


    Leonard Parrott, another Huntington county resident, will move to the new farming country in the southwest in the near future. He has purchased 160 acres of fine farm land in Oklahoma and Aug. 9 he will sell his personal property at public auction preparatory to moving to the new home.

    He will locate near the Texas line in the community of the Huntington people who went there several months ago.

    The Daily News-Democrat, 01 Aug 1906, p 3

    1910 census finds him in Oklahoma

    The company shredder started at Leonard Parrott's Friday. The whole company has corn to shred yet.

    Leonard Parrott has not heard from his brother, Jacob Parrott, who disappeared at Wabash about October 6.

    Daily News-Democrat, 26 Nov 1902, p 2

    AgeD resident of Jefferson township leave four sons and a widow.

    Paralysis, coming after a long illness from the infirmities of age, caused the deah of Leonard Parrott at his home in Jefferson township near Pleasant Plain at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday morning.

    Besides the widow he leaves four sons, John, George, Charles and William Parrott.

    Funeral services will be held at Lancaster Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. O.M. Hunt of Mt. Etna officiating. The procession will leave the residence at 1 o'clock. Burial will take place at Lancaster.

    The Huntington Herald, 28 Jul 1915, p 6

    Leonard married Mary Evaline Richardson. Mary was born in 1842 in Ohio and died in 1921 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 775 M    i. John Andrew Parrett was born on 6 Jun 1867 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 19 Aug 1936 in Liberty, Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 69.

    + 776 M    ii. George Matthew Parrett was born on 6 May 1872 in Warren Co., Indiana and died on 28 Mar 1937 in Mt. Etna, Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 64.

    + 777 M    iii. Charles M. Parrett was born on 12 Jun 1879 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 23 Dec 1957 in Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    + 778 M    iv. William Leonard Parrett was born on 20 Jan 1880 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 8 Dec 1962 in Mt. Etna, Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    340. Frederick Charles Parrett (Elias5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Mar 1848 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 20 May 1929 in Sedgwick Co., Kansas, at age 81.

    Frederick married Phoebe Jane Bidwell. Phoebe was born on 23 Mar 1851 in Wabash Co., Indiana and died on 19 Oct 1928 in Sedgwick Co., Kansas, at age 77.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 779 M    i. Charles Wilson Parrett was born on 9 Feb 1871 in Shelby Co., Indiana and died on 30 Apr 1928 in Taos Co., New Mexico, at age 57.

       780 F    ii. Mary Estelle Parrett was born on 14 Jan 1873 in Kansas and died on 4 Feb 1927, at age 54.

    Mary married Alva Minor Shockey. Alva was born in 1869.

       781 F    iii. Sarah Elizabeth Parrett was born on 22 Feb 1875 in Illinois and died on 15 Feb 1942, at age 66.

    Sarah married Claude Kenneth Harman. Claude was born in 1871.

    + 782 M    iv. Jesse Franklin Parrett was born on 26 Sep 1878 in Sumner Co., Kansas and died on 29 Jan 1953 in Custer Co., Oklahoma, at age 74.

       783 F    v. Joice Bird Parrett was born on 26 Jan 1882 in Belle Plaine, Kansas and died on 21 Feb 1976, at age 94.

    Joice married Jett Raymond Adams. Jett was born in 1878.

       784 F    vi. Ada Marie Parrett was born on 1 Aug 1890 in Kansas and died on 26 Apr 1987, at age 96.

    Ada married Charles Leonard Cecil. Charles was born in 1886.

       785 M    vii. Ivan Parrett was born on 15 Feb 1897 in Kansas and died on 3 Mar 1897 in Sedgwick Co., Kansas.

    347. Joseph L. Parrott (Amos5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1847 in Indiana.

    Joseph married Alice Richardson. Alice was born in 1851 in Indiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

       786 U    i. M. J. Parrott was born in 1870 in Indiana.

    + 787 M    ii. Asher E. Parrett was born in 1874 in Indiana.

       788 F    iii. Ada C. Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1878 in Wabash Co., Indiana.

    Ada married Lewis Francis Sutton.

    Joseph next married Matilda Evaline Slay.

    356. Abraham Parrett (Andrew Daniel5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Mar 1843 in Indiana and died in 1921 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    Abraham married Emeline J. Meyers. Emeline was born in Jan 1846 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died in 1915 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 69.

    Children from this marriage were:

       789 F    i. Carrie Belle Parrett was born on 31 Oct 1868 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died on 21 Nov 1945 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 77.

       790 F    ii. Clara Parrett was born in 1869 in Indiana.

       791 M    iii. Earl A. Parrett was born on 10 Jul 1877 in Whitley Co., Indiana and died in Mar 1965 in Whitley Co., Indiana, at age 87.

       792 M    iv. Curtis E. Parrett was born in Feb 1880 in Indiana.

    370. Hinton Parrott (William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1839 in Indiana.

    Hinton married Anna. Anna was born in 1842 in Pennsylvania.

    Children from this marriage were:

       793 M    i. Martin Parrott was born in 1861 in Indiana.

       794 M    ii. Charles Parrott was born in 1873 in Indiana.

       795 M    iii. Harry Parrott was born in 1876 in Indiana.

    371. William D. Parrett Jr. (William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1841 in Indiana and died in 1928 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 87.

    William married Rhoda Jane Effingham. Rhoda was born in 1847 in Indiana and died on 15 Feb 1926 in Delphi, Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 79.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 796 M    i. Bert Parrett was born on 5 Jun 1869 in Fountain Co., Indiana and died in 1941 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 72.

    373. Andrew Parrett (William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Nov 1846 in Indiana.

    Andrew married Sarah A. Sarah was born in Apr 1853 in Indiana.

    The child from this marriage was:

       797 M    i. Fred H. Parrett was born in 1886 in Indiana.

    377. Sylvester Parrett (David D.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1846 in Indiana.

    Sylvester married Delcena Bailey. Delcena was born in 1850 in Indiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

       798 F    i. E. Ada Parrett was born in 1870 in Indiana.

       799 M    ii. Franklin Parrett was born in 1872 in Indiana.

       800 F    iii. Girtie Parrett was born in 1880 in Indiana.

    398. Jacob Wilson Parrott (George5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Jul 1843 in Fairfield Co., Ohio and died on 22 Dec 1908 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 65.

    Jacob married Sarah E. Lawrence. Sarah was born in 1846 in Ohio and died on 6 Jan 1912 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 66.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 801 M    i. John Marion Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1867 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 19 Dec 1925 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 58.

    Jacob next married Gertrude Brown.

    Notes: PT 11:124a

    had 2 sons and 2 daughters

    405. Zebedee Parrett Jr. (Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Jul 1856 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 25 Apr 1938 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 84859909}

    Zebedee married Catherine Miller. Catherine was born on 1 Feb 1860 and died in 1879, at age 19. {Find A Grave ID: 246140403} {Find A Grave ID: 246140403}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 802 M    i. Austin Parrett was born on 25 Feb 1877 in Cuba, Crawford Co., Missouri and died on 15 Aug 1955 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 78.

    Zebedee next married Sarah Ellen Phelps. Sarah was born on 19 Mar 1857 in Warren Co., Kentucky and died on 15 Jul 1911 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 54. {Find A Grave ID: 84912354} {Find A Grave ID: 84912354}

    Children from this marriage were:

       803 M    i. Samuel Franklin Parrett was born in 1890 in Missouri and died in 1892 in Missouri, at age 2.

       804 F    ii. Estella Myrtle Parrett was born in 1892 in Missouri and died in 1977, at age 85.

    Estella married Bertha Bert Tabor. Bertha was born on 22 Jan 1890 in Pottersville, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 30 May 1961 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., Nevada, at age 71.

    Zebedee next married Laura Hicks. Laura was born on 13 Dec 1877 in Georgia and died on 9 Aug 1936 in Howell Co., Missouri, at age 58. {Find A Grave ID: 127694710} {Find A Grave ID: 127694710}

    409. Philip W. Parrett (Jackson5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1858 in Ohio.

    Philip married Ida M. Boyer. Ida was born in 1858 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       805 F    i. Lubel Parrett was born in 1891 in Kansas.

       806 F    ii. Laura I. Parrett was born in 1898 in Missouri.

    412. George Wiseman Parrott (Jackson5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 May 1866 in Magnolia, Putnam Co., Illinois and died on 2 Jul 1948 in Big Creek, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 82.

    George married Elizabeth H. Elizabeth was born in 1869 in Missouri and died in 1948 in Big Creek, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

       807 F    i. Infant Daughter Parrott was born on 12 Sep 1892 in Cass Co., Missouri and died on 31 Dec 1892 in Cass Co., Missouri.

       808 F    ii. Vera Elizabeth Parrott was born on 7 Oct 1895 in Cass Co., Missouri and died in Mar 1974 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 78.

    Vera married George Barker Lane Jr. George was born on 6 Aug 1896 in Kentucky and died on 12 Oct 1971 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 75.

       809 F    iii. Lou Ella Parrett was born on 28 May 1898 in Cass Co., Missouri and died on 18 Oct 1975 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 77.

    Lou married Harry G. Benson. Harry was born on 18 Sep 1889 and died on 17 Jan 1969 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 79.

    + 810 M    iv. George Harold Parrott was born on 23 Jan 1902 in Cass Co., Missouri and died on 2 Jan 1939 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 36.

       811 F    v. Mary Parrett was born in 1904 in Cass Co., Missouri.

    + 812 M    vi. Wilmott Jackson Parrott was born on 25 Sep 1909 in Cass Co., Missouri and died in Aug 1981 in Pleasant Hiil, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 71.

       813 F    vii. Juanita Parrott was born on 11 Mar 1913 in Cass Co., Missouri.

    Juanita married John Wesley Moore. John was born on 22 Jun 1914 and died on 21 Jan 1959, at age 44.

    415. Philip Henry Parrett (Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Aug 1842 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 14 May 1905, at age 62.

    Philip married Catherine Lesher. Catherine was born in 1842 in Pennsylvania.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 814 M    i. John H. Parret was born on 12 Jan 1875 in Franklin Co., Pennsylvania and died in 1905, at age 30.

       815 F    ii. Leanna L. Parrett was born in 1879 in Franklin Co., Pennsylvania.

    421. Samuel Jeremiah Parrett (Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Jan 1854 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 18 Jan 1939 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 85.

    Samuel married Nancy C. Brunk. Nancy was born on 1 Jan 1857 in Virginia and died on 23 Nov 1889 in Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 32.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 816 M    i. Luther Martin Parrett was born on 9 May 1878 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 20 Mar 1950 in Virginia, at age 71.

       817 F    ii. Mary Frances Parrett was born on 20 Oct 1881 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Mary married Herman T. Campbell. Herman was born on 27 Jun 1883 in Staunton, Virginia and died in Oct 1969, at age 86.

       818 M    iii. Philip H. Parrett was born on 30 Sep 1884 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

       819 M    iv. Enos Daniel Parrett was born on 25 Aug 1888 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 31 Jan 1889 in Rockingham Co., Virginia.

    Samuel next married Leah W. Eshelman. Leah was born on 18 Feb 1859 in Maryland and died on 29 Dec 1943 in Augusta Co., Virginia, at age 84.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 820 M    i. Jonas Samuel Parrett was born on 24 Aug 1896 in Augusta Co., Virginia and died in May 1964, at age 67.

       821 F    ii. Annie J. Parrett was born in Jun 1897 in Virginia.

    Annie married James O. Hoover. James was born in 1895 in Virginia.

       822 F    iii. Clara L. Parrett was born on 24 Nov 1901 in Augusta Co., Virginia and died on 10 Oct 1922 in Augusta Co., Virginia, at age 20.

    425. William Stuart Parrett (Jeremiah5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Aug 1852 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 11 May 1934 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 67662094}

    William married Salina Ann Majors. Salina was born on 1 May 1857 in Ohio and died on 27 Nov 1908 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 67662074} {Find A Grave ID: 67662074}

    Children from this marriage were:

       823 F    i. Cora M. Parrett was born on 25 Feb 1877 in Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 16 Aug 1895 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 18. {Find A Grave ID: 27072089}

       824 F    ii. Nora Parrett was born calculated 26 Jan 1878 in Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 8 Nov 1881 in Paulding Co., Ohio, about age 3. Another name for Nora was Elnora.

       825 M    iii. Elmer Archibald Parrett was born on 9 Jun 1880 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 7 Oct 1942 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 40103805}

    Elmer married Nora Mae Carr Mettert. Nora was born on 11 Aug 1886 in West Virginia and died on 29 Jun 1964 in Auburn, DeKalb Co., Indiana, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 40103576} {Find A Grave ID: 40103576}

    Elmer next married Beatrice Melborne Booker. Beatrice was born in 1893 and died on 15 Oct 1911 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 18. {Find A Grave ID: 87994833} {Find A Grave ID: 87994833}

       826 F    iv. Anna E. Parrett was born on 5 Nov 1883 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died in 1922 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 39. {Find A Grave ID: 68063221}

    Anna married Edward Maywood Richardson. Edward was born on 9 Feb 1879 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1951 in Ohio, at age 72. Another name for Edward was Edward Marion Richardson. {Find A Grave ID: 68063231} {Find A Grave ID: 68063231}

       827 F    v. Maude M. Parrett was born in 1886 in Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 22 Nov 1960 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 40103945}

    Maude married Horation Nelson Graves. Horation was born on 5 Oct 1878 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died in 1950 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 72.

    + 828 M    vi. William Franklin Parrett was born in Dec 1889 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died in 1966 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 77.

       829 F    vii. Eunice Marie Parrett was born on 24 Jun 1895 in Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 16 Nov 1992 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 97. Another name for Eunice was Una. {Find A Grave ID: 68063265}

    Eunice married Edward Maywood Richardson. Edward was born on 9 Feb 1879 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1951 in Ohio, at age 72. Another name for Edward was Edward Marion Richardson. {Find A Grave ID: 68063231} {Find A Grave ID: 68063231}

    429. Silas Ephraim Parrett (John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Apr 1860 in Continental, Putnam Co., Ohio and died on 21 Apr 1932 in Toledo, Ohio, at age 72.

    Notes: Birth date on his death certificate is 20 Apr 1860. He died Toledo State Hospital for Insane he was there 29 yrs. 10 mos. 24 days. He died of an ulcer of the duodenum.-- Mary Meserve.

    Silas married Ada Viola White. Ada was born on 20 Apr 1856 in Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 24 Oct 1927 in Continental, Putnam Co., Ohio, at age 71.

    Notes: Grave stone has death date of 5 Oct 1927. Buried in Roseland Park Cemetery with Silas.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 830 M    i. Irvin Lloyd Parrett was born on 8 Aug 1883 and died on 3 Nov 1947 in Tecumseh, Michigan, at age 64.

       831 M    ii. Frank Ellsworth Parrett was born on 25 Dec 1885 in Monroe Township, Putnam Co., Ohio and died in 1957 in Tecumseh, Michigan, at age 72.

    Frank married Hazel Shaughniss. Hazel was born on 6 May 1894 in Steuben Co., Indiana and died on 17 Jan 1972 in Angola, Steuben Co., Indiana, at age 77.

       832 F    iii. Edna I. Parrett was born on 11 Jan 1888 in Monroe Township, Putnam Co., Ohio.

    Edna married Charles Harley Beall. Charles was born on 23 Jan 1896 in Milan Ripley Co., Indiana and died on 15 Jul 1946 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 50.

    Edna next married Clyde Crumley.

       833 F    iv. Zella M. Parrett was born in Sep 1889 in Ohio.

    Notes: Name is Zella, not Ella, as per Donna Merservey, based on family bible.

    She was interned along with her father Silas at the Toledo Sanitarium.

    Zella married Wiliam H. Probert. Wiliam was born on 24 Sep 1892 in Ohio.

       834 F    v. Mella (Melvina) Parrett was born on 16 Mar 1892 in Continental, Putnam Co., Ohio and died on 8 Nov 1971 in Dearborn, Michigan, at age 79.

    Mella married J. Webster Elwood. J. was born on 3 Jul 1880 in Lansing, Michigan and died on 3 Jul 1969, at age 89.

    + 835 M    vi. Lester Silas Parrett was born on 1 Apr 1894 in Ohio and died on 14 Apr 1974 in Redford, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 80.

    441. Daniel W. Parrett (Eli5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1845 in Ohio.

    Daniel married Mary Maude Smith. Mary was born in Dec 1874 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       836 M    i. Robert Earl Parrett was born in 1901 in Ohio.

       837 F    ii. Margery A. Parrett was born in 1904 in Ohio.

       838 M    iii. Charles W. Parrett was born in 1910 in Ohio.

    446. Warren Barton Parrett (David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 May 1841 in Indiana and died in 1918, at age 77.

    Warren married Mary Edith Howard. Mary was born on 4 Nov 1844 in Missouri and died on 23 Mar 1923 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 78. Another name for Mary was Henderson.

    Children from this marriage were:

       839 F    i. Sarah Emiline Parrett was born on 19 Sep 1868 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 6 Nov 1908 in Montana, at age 40.

    Sarah married George Donat Hollecker. George was born on 25 Nov 1865 in Illinois and died on 15 Nov 1931 in Montana, at age 65.

       840 F    ii. Jessie Parrett was born on 16 Nov 1870 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 20 Dec 1928 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 58.

    Jessie married Joseph Henry Marshall. Joseph was born on 3 Sep 1858 in New York and died on 15 Jul 1931 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    + 841 M    iii. Frank A. Parrett was born in Sep 1877 in Iowa.

    447. Milton Latta Parrett (David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Jul 1843 in Jackson, Elkhart Co., Indiana and died on 6 Jun 1929 in Marshall Co , Iowa, at age 85.

    Milton married Mary Crawford. Mary was born in Feb 1860 in Illinois.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 842 M    i. George David Parrett was born in 1872 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died in Mar 1944 in Iowa, at age 72.

       843 F    ii. Della Lou Parrett was born in Mar 1876 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 9 Mar 1941 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 65.

    Della married Samuel S. Frantz. Samuel was born in 1876 in Ohio and died on 13 Jan 1954 in Washington, at age 78.

    448. David Owen Parrett (David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Sep 1847 in Elkhart Co., Indiana and died on 23 Nov 1922 in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado, at age 75.

    David married Emma Brenneche. Emma was born in 1848 in Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

       844 F    i. Nellie May Parrett was born in May 1877 in Arapaho Co., Colorado.

    Nellie married Fernando F. Owens. Fernando was born in 1865.

       845 F    ii. Katherine June Parrett was born in 1872 in Arapaho Co., Colorado. Another name for Katherine was Katherine Jane.

    Katherine married Harry James Capps. Harry was born on 16 Nov 1877 and died on 6 Jul 1968 in Walsenburg, Huerfano Co., Colorado, at age 90.

       846 M    iii. Fred Chauncy Parrett was born on 21 Sep 1880 in Colorado.

    Fred married Lucille Wagner. Lucille was born in 1886 in Colorado.

       847 F    iv. Pearl Parrett was born in 1885.

    Pearl married Grant Randall.

       848 F    v. Florence Edna Parrett was born in 1887.

    Florence married William T. Watts. William was born in 1875.

    449. Chauncy Jerome Parrett (David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 31 Jan 1849 in Elkhart Co., Indiana and died in Jun 1910 in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado, at age 61.

    Notes: 1898 Denver Biography

    CHAUNCEY JEROME PARRETT, who has been a resident of Colorado since 1874, was born in Goshen, Ind., to which place his father, David, had in early manhood removed from his birthplace in Ohio, but afterward went still further west and became one of the earliest settlers of Marshalltown, Iowa, engaging in the mercantile business there until his retirement from active labors. He is now eighty-seven and his wife seventy-two years of age and they still make their home in Marshalltown. Their family consists of five sons and one daughter. Two of the sons, W. B., now on the Pacific coast, and Milton L., a resident of Marshalltown, were soldiers in the Union army, the former enlisting in the Fifth and the latter in the Twenty-third Iowa Infantry. The other sons are: Arthur, who is editor of the Iowa Times-Republican; and D. O., who is in Denver.

    In 1865, when a small boy, our subject made two trips from Omaha to Denver, in company with his brother, Milton L., who was freighting on the plains. In 1871 he went to California and spent a short time near Sacramento, returning to Denver eighteen months after his departure for the coast. Locating in Colorado in 1874, he embarked in sheep-raising on a ranch near Byers, Arapahoe County, on the Bijou. In 1893 he established feed yards in St. Mary's, Kan., which he still owns and from which he feeds about fifteen thousand sheep. He owns lands in different parts of Arapahoe County, the most of which is used for the pasturage of sheep. He ships to the eastern markets, and finds his best shipping-point is Deertrail, in this county. In his business enterprises he has been very successful. In addition to property in other places, he is interested in city real estate, and owns a half corner on Seventeenth and Glenarm streets and a lot on Welton street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. For some years he was interested in the mercantile business at Byers, in partnership with two other men.

    In 1890 Mr. Parrett came to Denver, where he resides on Downing avenue. He has never taken an active part in politics, but is always stanch in his allegiance to the Republican party. He was married in this city to Miss Maud Gildersleeve, who was born in Missouri and accompanied her parents to Denver when this city was in its infancy. The three children born of their union are Grace, Blanche and Chauncey.

    Chauncy married Maude Gildersleeve. Maude was born on 19 Apr 1866 in Pettis Co., Missouri and died in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado.

    Children from this marriage were:

       849 F    i. Grace Gildersleeve Parrett was born in Jun 1884 in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado.

    Grace married William Emil Tarbel. William was born in 1886 in Illinois.

       850 F    ii. Blanche Minnie Parrett was born on 28 Jul 1886 in Colorado.

    Blanche married Merlin Hall Aylesworth. Merlin was born on 19 Jul 1886 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and died on 30 Sep 1952, at age 66.

    Notes: Biographical sketch, by Owen R. Aylesworth, provided by Marcia Louden.

    The son of Barton Orville Aylesworth and Georgia L. Shores. Merlin was born July 19, 1886 in Cedar Rapids, IA and came west with his parents to Colorado, first settling in Denver in 1896 and then to Fort Collins in 1898. Nicknamed "Deac" after his grandfather, Merlin attended the local schools and complete his early education at Colorado Agriculture College. He attended the University of Wisconsin and the University of Colorado and graduated in 1908 from the University of Denver with a LL. B degree. Later in 1932 he received his LL. D from Columbia University Upon graduation in 1908 he opened a Law Office in Fort Collins becoming the attorney for the Commerce Bank & Trust as well as the Northern Colorado Power Co. Marriage was next in his life and on Oct. 20, 1909 he took for his wife Blanche Minnie Parrett, born Jul. 28, 1886, Byers, Arapahoe Co., CO, died May 1959, the daughter of Chauncey Jerome Parrett (b. Jan. 1849, d. Jun. 1910) and Maud Heath Gildersleeve (b. Apr. 19, 1866)(their marriage being Sep. 5, 1883 in Denver, CO) This marriage bringing two children: Barton Jerome and Dorothy. Merlin was elected Chairman of the Larimer Co. Republican Central Committee in 1910 and Appointed Attorney of Larimer Co. in 1911 at the age of 25. His career now taking off he became Chairman of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission in 1914 and Vice-President in 1918 of the Utah Power & Light Co. 1919 he was appointed Manager of the National Electric Light Association. At the urging in 1926 of Owen D. Young of General Electric Co., David Sarnoff, Gen. J. C. Harbord of RCA and Guy E. Tripp of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. he accepted the position of the first President of the new National Broadcasting Co. now known as NBC. Always looking for new fields, in 1932 (to 1938) he became President and Chairman of Radio-Keith-Orpheum Corporation now know as RKO. During this period in 1934-35 he also served as Chairman of the Board of the Radio City Music Hall and in 1937, Publisher of Scripps Howard Newspapers. On March 31, 1938 until Dec. 19, 1939 we find him Publisher of the New York World Telegram. Returning to the practice of law in 1939 he was admitted to the Bar of New York by then Supreme Court Justice Francis Martin with the aim to practice Corporate Law and specializing in litigation of labor and taxation disputes. Chosen as Executive Consultant to the Office of Inter-American Affairs in 1940 was his last task in life. In 1945, his first marriage having ended in divorce, he married Caroline Andrus (Andrews) McEnteer. He passed away on Sep. 30, 1952 having filled a life of 66 years. The last honor bestowed on him came in 1960 when he was elected into the Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame. Time Magazine Jan. 6, 1936, Apr. 11, 1938, Jan. 1, 1940; History of Larimer County, CO; American Advertising Federation, Advertising Hall of Fame

       851 M    iii. Chauncey Gildersleeve Parrett was born on 24 Mar 1893 in Colorado and died in Sep 1973 in Denver, Arapahoe Co., Colorado, at age 80.

    Chauncey married Mary Goodall Westcott. Mary was born in 1880.

    451. Arthur Newton Parrett Sr. (David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Dec 1858 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 7 Apr 1915 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 56.

    Arthur married Margaret Guthrie Trotter. Margaret was born on 12 Dec 1870 in Ashton, Illinois and died on 1 Jul 1961 in Great Falls, Montana, at age 90.

    Children from this marriage were:

       852 F    i. Marjorie Emmeline Parrett was born on 6 Nov 1890 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 24 Feb 1970 in Great Falls, Cascade Co., Montana, at age 79.

    Marjorie married Edgar Cooper. Edgar was born on 5 Mar 1888 in Adrian, Nobles Co., Minnesota and died on 31 Jan 1950 in Great Falls, Cascade Co., Montana, at age 61.

       853 M    ii. Donald Barton Parrett was born on 21 Jun 1894 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died on 1 Apr 1957 in Stearns Co., Minnesota, at age 62.

       854 M    iii. Arthur Newton Parrett Jr. was born on 7 Jul 1896 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died in Dec 1956 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 60.

    Arthur married Doreen Aldwell. Doreen was born on 22 Nov 1903 and died on 2 Aug 1978 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 74.

    453. George Morgan Parrott (Elijah5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1838 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

    George married Helen G. Crawford. Helen was born in 1848 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       855 F    i. Mary Parrott was born in 1867 in Ohio.

       856 F    ii. Bessie Parrott .

    Bessie married Ennis Stockwell.

       857 M    iii. Orway Parrott was born on 30 Apr 1871 in Clinton Co., Ohio. Another name for Orway was Ottaway.

    George next married Elizabeth Briggs.

    The child from this marriage was:

       858 F    i. Sarah Jane Parrott was born in 1884 in Clinton Co., Ohio.

    Sarah married Harry E. Cooper. Harry was born in 1863.

    457. Henry McDonald Parrett (Elijah5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Nov 1847 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

    Henry married Sarah Amberg. Sarah was born in Jun 1850 in Kentucky.

    Children from this marriage were:

       859 M    i. Joseph A. Parrott was born in 1872 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       860 F    ii. Irene Parrott was born in Dec 1876 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       861 F    iii. Fannie (Francis) Parrott was born in Mar 1879 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

    Fannie married E. F. Roebuck.

       862 M    iv. Mack Parrott Jr. was born in 1880 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

       863 F    v. Mary Alice Parrett was born on 17 May 1885 in Staunton, Virginia and died in Dec 1966, at age 81.

       864 F    vi. Jane Bloom Parrott was born in 1886.

    Jane married James G. Curl. James was born in 1883.

       865 M    vii. Wolfson Parrott was born on 8 Dec 1888 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died in Feb 1978 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio, at age 89.

    Wolfson married Alma Greshemer.

       866 F    viii. Winifred Parrett was born in Nov 1891 in Pickaway Co., Ohio.

    460. Frank Smith Parrott (Elijah5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1852.

    Children from this marriage were:

       867 F    i. Tillie Parrott .

       868 M    ii. Fred Parrott .

    461. Abram A. Parrett (Elijah5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Sep 1858 in Ohio.

    Abram married Mary Walters. Mary was born in Feb 1868 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       869 F    i. Brunelle Parrett was born on 30 Jan 1886 in Pickaway Co., Ohio and died in Dec 1969, at age 83.

    Brunelle married William Emerson Downing. William was born in 1875.

       870 M    ii. McDonald Parrett was born in Aug 1888 in Ohio.

    468. Col. John Allen Parrett (Elias5, John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Dec 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 3 Dec 1918 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 71.

    John married Mary Emma Mercer. Mary was born on 28 May 1845 in Ohio and died on 15 Feb 1941 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 95.

    The child from this marriage was:

       871 F    i. Mary Olive Parrett was born on 26 Nov 1880 in Ohio and died on 8 Apr 1965 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 84.

    Mary married Auburn Wilford Duff. Auburn was born on 25 Mar 1874 in Ohio and died on 22 Sep 1963 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 89.

    469. Elias Salathial Parrett (Elias5, John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Apr 1850 in Ohio and died in 1925, at age 75.

    Elias married Jennette Patton. Jennette was born in Jan 1851 in Ohio and died in 1924, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       872 M    i. Earl Estle Parrett was born in Oct 1874 in Ohio.

       873 M    ii. George E. Parrett was born in Oct 1877 in Ohio.

    471. Clayton C. Parrett (Elias5, John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Jun 1860 in Ohio.

    Clayton married Estelle. Estelle was born in 1867 in Missouri.

    The child from this marriage was:

       874 F    i. Gale Losson Parrett was born in 1894 in Ohio.

    474. Thomas F. Parrett (George5, John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Apr 1840 in Ohio.

    Thomas married Mary M. Greenlee. Mary was born in 1841 in Virginia.

    Children from this marriage were:

       875 M    i. Frank L. Parrett was born on 2 Nov 1863 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 7 Oct 1932 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 68.

    Frank married Stella J. Briggs. Stella was born in Mar 1867 in Ohio.

       876 F    ii. Fantie B. Parrett was born in 1868 in Ohio.

       877 M    iii. Carey G. Parrett was born in Jul 1871 in Ohio.

    Carey married Cora Hays. Cora was born in Mar 1872 in Ohio.

    Thomas next married Mary Belle Coffman. Mary was born in 1850 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       878 M    i. Harry C. Parrett was born in 1878 in Wayne, Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Harry married Madge Anderson.

       879 M    ii. Thomas F. Parrett Jr. was born in 1888 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       880 M    iii. Louis C. Parrett was born in 1890 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Louis married Hazel Sollars.

    480. Leander Ervin Parrett (Augustus Frederick5, John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Aug 1846 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Leander married Jenny H. Hays. Jenny was born in Dec 1854 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       881 F    i. Faith Parrett was born in Oct 1888 in Ohio.

    Faith married Homer Miller.

    491. Nevada Brown (Belinda Parrott5, John Sr4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Mar 1863 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 6 May 1947 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 41312987}

    Nevada married Peter Joseph Parrett, son of Henry Parrett and Lydia A. Stout. Peter was born on 5 Jan 1854 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 13 Mar 1915 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 61.

    Marriage Notes: On Thursday last, at the beautiful new residence of Mr. E. Smith Dinkle, Mr. Peter J. Parrott and Miss Nevada Brown were united in marriage by Rev. J.J. Ringer, of New Market, Va., in the presence of a small company of intimate friends. The groom is a gentleman of sterling wrth, and a prosperous and highly respected citizen of Ross county, Ohio. The bride is well and favorably known in our social circles, and left a host of true and tried friends who most heartily wish for her a bright and happy married life. The contracting parties had known each other from childhood and seemed well pleased with the coide they had made of life companions. Immediately after the ceremony a most tempting dinner was served by Mr. Dinkle and his amiable wife, a sister of the bride, and was heartily enjoyed by the guests. At 2 p.m., amid a shower of rice and "old shoe" accompaniment, the happy couple left on a tour to Northern cities, and South to Ashville, N.C., to visit the bride's brother, and then to Mr. Parrott's home at Lyndon, Ohio.

    The Rockingham Register, 10 Apr 1903, p 2

    Notes: "Peter J. Parrett was born and reared in Buckskin township, Ross county, and has spent his life on the old homestead where he now resides. His father, Henry Parrett, was one of the four sons of Frederick Parrett hwo settled in Buckskin township in 1814 and became prominent workers in the development of that section. Frederick Parrett was the father of a family of nine children, four sons and five daughters, and Henry was the youngest son. The Parrett family is numerous and from an early day has been a factor in the progress and growth of Ross county. Nearly all of the male members became farmers and they have made excellent citizens in every sense of the word. Peter J. Parrett was educated in the public schools and at the Salem Academy. As soon as he reached manhood he embarked in the useful and independent occupation of cultivating the soil and was achieved success in his line. Mr. Parrett has farmed and raised stock on an extensive scale and understands all branches of the business thoroughly. He is no politician and has never sought office, preferring to devote all his energies and time to his legitimate business. Like most of the connection of that name, he is a member of the Presbyterian church."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 178)

    492. Caleb Harper Parrett (John Harrison5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Oct 1864 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Caleb married Miriam Fullenwider Cartwirght. Miriam was born on 28 Oct 1059 in Iowa.

    Children from this marriage were:

       882 M    i. John Harrison Parrett was born on 24 May 1882 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa.

    John married Etta May Gordon.

       883 F    ii. Elsie Miriam Parrett was born in May 1885 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa.

       884 F    iii. Ruth Evelyn Parrott was born in Jan 1892 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa.

    Ruth married Louis Ashley Williams Jr.

       885 F    iv. Edith Clarissa Parrett was born in Sep 1893 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa.

    Edith married Clarence Alonzo Mills.

    493. Joseph Parrett (John Harrison5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jan 1856 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Joseph married Eva Morton. Eva was born in 1865 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       886 F    i. Lena Parrett was born in Sep 1883 in Ohio.

    Lena married Clark Bugbee.

       887 M    ii. Glenn Parrett was born in Oct 1885 in Ohio.

       888 F    iii. Ruth Parrett was born in Dec 1891 in Ohio.

       889 F    iv. Jannette Parrett was born in Jan 1900 in Ohio.

    502. Charles Parrett (Henry Calvin5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Jul 1863 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Charles married Angie Hendrick. Angie was born in 1880 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       890 F    i. Adena Parrett was born in 1902 in Ohio.

    Adena married someone Paul Haines.

       891 F    ii. Doris Parrett was born in 1903 in Ohio.

    Doris married Harold Wilson.

       892 F    iii. Charlene Parrett was born in 1908 in Ohio.

       893 F    iv. Imogene Parrett .

    508. John F. Parrott (George F.5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Oct 1867 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    John married Flora Taylor. Flora was born in May 1871 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       894 F    i. Hazela Parrott was born in Apr 1897.

    509. Albert Parrott (George F.5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1).

    Albert married Myrtle St. John.

    Children from this marriage were:

       895 F    i. Irene Parrott .

       896 F    ii. Louise Parrott .

       897 F    iii. Harriett Parrott .

    511. Willilam A. Parrott (Joseph Milton5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1865 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Willilam married Martha Robison.

    Children from this marriage were:

       898 F    i. Elizabeth R. Parrott .

       899 M    ii. Robert M. Parrott .

    518. Clark Sherman Parrett (William James5, Joseph F.4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Nov 1873 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1939, at age 66.

    Clark married Sylvia M. Jones. Sylvia was born in 1880 and died in 1962, at age 82.

    Children from this marriage were:

       900 F    i. Lucille K. Parrett was born in 1903 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       901 F    ii. Katharine T. Parrett was born in 1903 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       902 F    iii. Irma Louise Parrett was born in 1908 in Ross Co., Ohio.

       903 F    iv. Mary A. Parrett was born in 1912 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    525. George Clint Parrett (Henry Allen5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jun 1849 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    George married Susan Mary Thomas. Susan was born in Feb 1858 in Illinois.

    Children from this marriage were:

       904 M    i. Morris Parrett .

       905 M    ii. Mervin Parrett .

       906 M    iii. Harold Parrett .

       907 F    iv. Frances Parrett .

       908 M    v. Roy F. Parrett was born in Jan 1890 in Illinois.

    526. Strauder John Parrett (Henry Allen5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jan 1855 in Illinois.

    Strauder married Rosa W. Slater. Rosa was born in Feb 1862 in Illinois.

    Children from this marriage were:

       909 F    i. Austie Alvina Parrett was born in Nov 1882 in Missouri.

    Austie married Charles Stevens.

       910 F    ii. Edna Lulu Parrett was born about 1884.

    Edna married George Bowman.

       911 M    iii. Walter G. Parrett was born in Aug 1886 in Illinois.

       912 M    iv. Calvin C. Parrett was born in Nov 1887 in Illinois.

    Calvin married Lydia Moore.

       913 M    v. Albert Ray Parrett was born in Jun 1889 in Illinois.

    Albert married Ethel.

       914 F    vi. Eva Mae Parrett was born on 15 Jul 1892 in Paxton, Ford Co., Illinois, died on 5 Jun 1986 in Marion Co., Oregon, at age 93, and was buried in Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon.

    Notes: Information provided by Paul Wilhelm, her grandson, on 4 Jul 2015.

    Eva married James Paul Wilhelm. James was born on 2 Apr 1896 in Rowan Co., North Carolina, died on 31 Dec 1983 in Mercer Island, King Co., Washington, at age 87, and was buried in Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon.

       915 F    vii. Maggie Viola Parrett was born in Dec 1893 in Illinois.

    Maggie married C. Gowdy.

       916 M    viii. Clarence W. Parrett was born in Dec 1896 in Illinois.

    527. Albert Allen Parrett (Henry Allen5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1860 in Illinois.

    Albert married Roxie McKinney. Roxie was born in Feb 1863 in Wisconsin.

    Children from this marriage were:

       917 F    i. Flossie Parrett was born in Jan 1894 in Illinois.

       918 F    ii. Ethel Parrett .

       919 F    iii. Helen Parrett .

    530. Alfred Franklin Parrett (Strawder John5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Feb 1861 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 2 Jan 1951, at age 89.

    Notes: "A. Frank Parrett received his education at the Salem academy, after which he embarked in farming and stock·raising. He soon obtained recognition as one of the most successful of the younger generation of Buckskin township agriculturists. He makes a specialty of stock feeding and understands every feature necessary to make that business successful. In 1898, he was elected trustee of Buckskin township and was re-elected to the same position in 1901, being now in his second term. He·has made a good officer and conservatively safeguards the interests of the people. In 1884, he was married to Dora A., daughter of William A . Kerr, member of one of the oldest of the Buckskin township families. Mr. Parrett and family are members of the Presbyterian church, and he is one of the members of the township school board."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    Alfred married Dora Ann Kerr. Dora was born on 31 Oct 1861 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 27 Mar 1936, at age 74.

    Children from this marriage were:

       920 F    i. Harriett Ann Parrett was born on 1 Oct 1886 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 8 Mar 1962, at age 75.

    Harriett married Crawford Fulton Hyde. Crawford was born on 8 Apr 1884 and died on 29 May 1969, at age 85.

       921 M    ii. Ralph K. Parrett was born in Jan 1896 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Ralph married Violet Rogers.

       922 F    iii. Margaret A. Parrett was born in Aug 1899 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Margaret married Dale Murray.

    533. George Carey Parrett (Frederick Franklin5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Feb 1864 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 10 Mar 1937 in Bloomingburg, Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 73.

    George married Fannie Wilson Pinkerton. Fannie was born on 21 Aug 1863 in Ohio and died on 4 Dec 1955 in Bloomingburg, Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 92.

    Children from this marriage were:

       923 F    i. Agnes Irwin Parrett was born on 22 Sep 1866 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 16 Nov 1935 in Cumberland, Guernsey Co., Ohio, at age 69.

    Agnes married Edward W. Lodwick. Edward was born on 5 Nov 1884 in Cincinatti, Hamilton Co., Ohio and died on 12 Jun 1980 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio, at age 95.

    + 924 M    ii. Edgar Wilson Parrett was born on 20 Dec 1888 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died in Nov 1980 in Farmington, New Mexico, at age 91.

       925 F    iii. Lucy Margaret Parrett was born on 20 Sep 1890 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died in Sep 1983, at age 93.

    Lucy married Frank Erskine Baird.

       926 M    iv. Frederick W. Parrett was born on 8 Apr 1893 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 24 Jul 1899, at age 6.

       927 F    v. Grace Ruth Parrett was born on 6 Apr 1895 in Ohio and died in May 1985, at age 90.

    Grace married Wilby Alexander Smalley. Wilby was born on 17 Oct 1883.

       928 M    vi. Robert Wilkin Parrett was born on 25 Jul 1897 in Fayette Co., Kentucky and died in Sep 1977, at age 80.

    Robert married Ellen Hinnegan. Ellen was born on 28 Oct 1895 and died on 23 Dec 1995, at age 100.

       929 F    vii. Mildred Parrett was born on 19 Mar 1900 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 21 Mar 1900 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       930 F    viii. Doris Irene Parrett was born on 10 Nov 1902 and died on 1 Dec 1992, at age 90.

    Doris married Leonard M. Freeman. Leonard was born on 10 Sep 1902 and died on 20 Jan 1997, at age 94.

    535. Charles Allen Parrett (Frederick Franklin5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Nov 1869 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 1 Jun 1956, at age 86.

    Charles married Stella M. Bailey. Stella was born on 6 Dec 1875 in Ohio and died on 2 Nov 1961, at age 85.

    Children from this marriage were:

       931 F    i. Dorothy Louise Parrett was born on 11 Jul 1897 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Dorothy married Emil Holdren.

       932 F    ii. Virginia Bailey Parrett was born on 27 Nov 1911 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 26 Sep 1988, at age 76.

    Virginia married Edward M. Fuller. Edward was born on 17 Sep 1908 and died on 12 Dec 1975, at age 67.

    537. John Wallace Parrett (John5, Augustus Frederick4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1857 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Notes: For a biographical sketch, see PT VII(3):17, Aug 1979.

    John married Susan Peters. Susan was born on 18 Jul 1862.

    Children from this marriage were:

       933 F    i. Florence May Parrett was born on 22 Nov 1886.

       934 F    ii. Ruth Parrett was born on 10 Feb 1900 and died in Aug 1982, at age 82.

    Ruth married Edward Leigh. Edward was born on 15 Aug 1897 and died in Dec 1973, at age 76.

    539. William A. Parrett (John5, Augustus Frederick4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 May 1860 in Ross Co., Ohio and died in 1931, at age 71.

    William married Dora Etta Seals. Dora was born on 26 Jun 1869 and died in Mar 1967, at age 97.

    Children from this marriage were:

       935 F    i. Grace S. Parrett was born in 1896.

       936 M    ii. Dwight Parrett was born on 30 Mar 1897 and died on 17 May 1980, at age 83.

       937 F    iii. Gladys Parrett was born in 1899.

       938 F    iv. Mary Louise Parrett was born on 22 Apr 1903.

    542. James Albert Parrett (John5, Augustus Frederick4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1865 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    James married Nelle Kerr.

    The child from this marriage was:

       939 M    i. Howard K. Parrett was born in Ohio and died on 9 Nov 1931 in Ohio.

    548. Noah S. Parrott (Frederick Alexander5, Augustus Frederick4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1851 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Noah married Letta. Letta was born in 1857 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       940 F    i. Stella Parrett was born in 1879 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    554. Robert H. Parrett (Marcus T.5, Henry4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Jan 1872 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 16 Jun 1938 in Greenfield, Highland Co., Ohio, at age 66.

    The Boy Died. "Tis Said- His Relatives Were Not Notified- An Investigation.

    Special dispatch to the The Enquirer.
    Chillicothe, Ohio, September 3. Mr. Robert Parrott left last night for Camp Wikoff, at Montauk Point, to reclaim, if possible, the body of his brother, Hugh Parrett, who died there a few days ago because of neglect, it is alleged. The first word Parrett's relatives received of their boy's death was from a newspaper. In terrible suspense the authorities there were wired to repeatedly for confirmation of the news, but no answer whatever was received from them. Then the Colonel of Parrett's regiment, the Eighth Regulars, General Wheeler, General Corbin and Secretary Alger were all wired, but no answer was received from any of them.. Almost in despair, Governor Grosvenor was appealed to for some official information about Parrett's fate, and the following was received yesterday afternoon:

    "Private Parrett died August 27, at 3 a.m. from malarial fever and gastritis. He was buried here.

    Joseph Wheeler, "General Commanding."

    Unsourced clipping posted by ingelshistory on 21 May 2014 on Ancestry.

    Robert H. Parrett, 68, prominent resident of Greenfield and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Ward Peck, died Thursday in the Greenfield hospital after an illness of one month.

    Mr. Parrett had suffered from a heart condition and after entering the hospital had been under treatment with an inhalator.

    Funeral services are to be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in the South Salem Presbyterian church.

    The Circleville Herald, 17 Jun 1938, p 2

    Robert married Elizabeth Jane Tootle. Elizabeth was born on 12 Oct 1876 and died on 6 Jun 1965 in Chillecothe, Ross Co., Ohio, at age 88.

    Marriage Notes: TOOTLE-PARRETT.
    On April 16th, a very pretty wedding was solemnized at Riverside, the home of Mr, E.T. Tootle, near Circleville, O. The bride was the charming and accomplished Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the host. The groom was Mr. Robert H. Parrett, of Lyndon, Ohio. He is the son of the late Marcus Parrett, and one of the most enterprising and progressive young farmers of that vicinity.

    At high noon, to the music of the wedding march, played by Miss Grace Day, the bridal party, preceded by ribbon girls, took their places in the beautifully decorated bay window of the north parlor. Dr. R.C. Galbraith performed the ceremony, assited by the Rev. J.C. Parrett, of Chicago, Ill., brother of the groom.

    After the hearty congratulations from their friends, a bountiful wedding luncheon was served in the dining rooms, which were decorated in white and green.

    The bride's dress was a creation of white grenadine and lace and ribbon over white silk. She carried a bouquet of bride roses.

    Shortly after the luncheon, the young couple took a carriage fro the railway station, amid showers of white ribbons, rice and old shoes, and the best wishes of their friends.

    The guests present were: Mr. E.T. Tootle and family, Misses Grace and Cloe Day of Greenland; Mr. Fulton and Miss Margaret Leslie of Versailles, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Parrett, Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Parrett, Miss Anna Parrett, Miss Martha Parrett, Mr. Carl Parrett, Mrs. I.S. Evans and Mrs. Dean Evans, of Lyndon; Mr. S.S. Grigsby and family of Circleville; Mrs. Douglas Tootle, Misses Katherine Kuhn, Blanche Peck, Annie Ebenhack, Iva Tootle, Messrs. Ward Peck, Ira May, Linton Hyde and James Parrett.

    Mr. and Mrs. Parrett will be at home to their friends after May 1st, near Lyndon, Ohio.

    Chillicothe Gazette, 22 Apr 1903, p 1


    An unusually beautififul wedding anniversary was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H. Parrett at their beautiful country home near Lyndon on last Saturday, April 14th. Mrs. Parrett again became the bride of Mr. Parrett in a mock ceremony at 12 o'clock. Rev. Dr. John C. Parrett, of Hammond, Ind., brother of the groom, who assisted Rev. R.C. Galbreath 25 years ago (a relative of the bride) read the ceremony in his usual quiet, dignified way, in the presence of 40 guests and relatives who had attended the first wedding 25 years ago.

    For rest of article, see Chillicothe Gazette, 21 Apr 1928, p 5

    Children from this marriage were:

       941 F    i. Elizabeth Belle Parrett was born on 22 May 1904 in Buckskin, Ross Co., Ohio and died on 7 Aug 1947 in Ross Co., Ohio, at age 43.

       942 F    ii. Margaret S. Parrett was born in 1906 in Buckskin, Ross Co., Ohio.

       943 F    iii. Roberta L. Parrett was born on 11 Aug 1915 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 13 Aug 1915 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    557. Rev. John Carl Parrett (Marcus T.5, Henry4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Aug 1881 in Ross Co., Ohio and died on 31 Jan 1936 in Hammond, Lake Co., Indiana, at age 54.


    Falls Dead in Kitchen Early Today- Had Served in Hammond 20 Years
    The Rev. John Carl Parrett, D.D., well known and popular pastor of First Presbyterian church, dropped dead of a heart attack today at 7:50 a.m. in the kitchen of his home at 6239 Moraine avenue. He was 55 years of age.

    He died in the presence of his wife, Maude, and daughter, Virginia, a junior at Indiana university, who is home during the mid semester vacation period. The end came shortly after he collapsed, according to Dr. T.W. Oberlin, who went to his aid.

    News of his death came as a shock to the countless number of friends who knew him as a ciivic leader and as a great friend of the underpriviledged in Hammond.

    Mayor Frank R. Martin called Dr. Parrett's death a "big loss to the city."

    "Probably his last public act," the mayor said, "was before the Kiwanis club on Wednesday noon when he made a plea for aid for a family in distress."

    Celebrated 20th Anniversary
    Several hundred of his parishoners and representatives of various organizations with which he was actively identified gathered at his church last October 1 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his and Mrs. Parrett's coming to Hammond.

    Providing clothing for underpriviledged families in Hammond was his hobby. Countless indigents in the city owe him thanks for assistance through the Kiwanis club charity committee, of which he was chairman.

    He spent most of his spare time seeking out families in dire need and looking after wayward boys.

    Dr. Parrett was present at practically every session of the juvenile court in Hammond. He made it his concern to see that boys were given every opportunity to mend their ways.

    Only last week, during the intense cold, he froze his nose while on a mission to help some family in great need.

    Studied Boy Gangs
    Few persons in the city knew more about boy gangs in Hammond than he. Several years ago he did extensive research on the problem and somehow managed to learn intimately of the secretive ways of youth. One of the most amusing discoveries in this respect was his report that a certain gang of Hammond boys met regularly in the rear of a grocery store at night without the owner ever knowing about it.

    Each summer he took a crowd of boys to a big league baseball game in Chicago.

    He was one of the prime movers in founding the Boy Scout organization in Hammond. Almost 20 years ago he and Dr. E.M. Shanklin founded Troop No. 9 at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Parrett was the first scoutmaster of the troop. At present he was head of the sponsoring institution of Troops No. 12 and No. 9 at his church.

    His sermon last Sunday, "Why Attend Church," was acclaimed at the time as one of his best. He was in the office The Hammond Times yesterday, cheerful as usual, to submit his notice for next Sunday. The subject of his sermon was to be, "More Than Conquerors Through Christ."

    According to tentative plans, only Sunday school services will be held at the First Presbyterian church next Sunday.

    Born in Ohio
    Dr. Parrett was born in August, 1881, in Greenfield, O., of Scotch and French Huguenot parents. He received his preparatory education at a Presbyterian academy in South Salem, O., and later received his bachelor of arts degree at Miami university in Ohio. It was this institution which later conferred on him the degree of doctor of divinity. He received his bachelor of divinity degree from McCormick Theological seminary in Chicago.

    After a year in home missionary work in several fields he accepted the pastorate at Rensellaer, where he remained 10 years before coming to Hammond in 1915. During his pastorate at Rensselaer he was married to Maude Stewart, of Chalmers, Ind.

    At the 20th anniversary celebration last October 1, Dr. Parrett told of coming to Hammnd when there were only 234 members attending the little stone church of the Presbyterian faith at Hohman avenue near Ogden street. The present imposing church at Hohman avenue and Highland street was dedicated in 1917, two years after his arrival in Hammond.

    800 Funerals - 500 Weddings
    In his anniversary talk, he also told of having officiated at almost 800 funerals and more than 500 weddings.

    He had one characteristic at small weddings which always amused the attendants. After the service he would congratulate the couple and then turn to the attendants and say, "Folks, meet Mr. and Mrs. -----."

    Besides being an active member of the Kiwanis club he served as chaplain of the Masonic order in Hammond.

    His survivors also include two sisters, Miss Martha Jane Parrett and Miss Ane May Parret, both of Winterhaven, Fla., and one brother, Robert Parrett, of Lyndon, O.

    Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

    The Times, pp 1 & 6, 1936

    John married Maude Stewart. Maude was born on 24 Nov 1883 in Chalmers, White Co., Indiana and died on 22 Feb 1966 in Hammond, Lake Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    The child from this marriage was:

       944 F    i. Virginia A. Parrett was born in 1915 in Indiana.

    558. W. Edwin Parrett Jr. (W. Edwin5, Henry4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Notes: "... W. Edwin Parrett, was educated in the public schools and at the Salem academy. After leaving school, he returned to the old homestead and engaged in farming, amaking a specialty of raising Duroc Jersey hogs. In this brnch of live stock business, Mr. Parrett has achieved quite a reputation and is regarded a skillful breeder. Mr. Parrett has taken an intersest in local politics and all township affairs but has never been an office seeker. In 1883, he was married to Henrietta Charlotte, daughter of Charles Christian Rindt, a native of Germany, for several years in business at Massieville, and now a merchant of Chillicothe. Mr. and Mrs. Parrett have two sons, one of whom, Ray Rindt Parrett, is attending Salem academy, and the other Charles Edwin, is at home. The family are presbyterians and Mr. Parrett is deacon in the church of that denomination in Salem."

    Source: Bennett, Henry Holcomb. 1902. The county of Ross: a history of Ross County, Ohio, from the earliest days, with special chapters on the bench and bar, medical profession, educational development, industry, agriculture and biographical sketches. Selwyn A. Brant, Madison, WI. pp 633-637.

    W. married Henrietta Charlotte Rindt. Henrietta was born in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       945 M    i. Ray Rindt Parrett was born in Ross Co., Ohio.

       946 M    ii. Charles Edwin Parrett was born on 29 Apr 1895 in Ross Co., Ohio.

    Seventh Generation (4th Great-Grandchildren)

    562. William J. Parrott (Henry Sr.6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Mar 1852.

    William married Nancy J.

    The child from this marriage was:

       947 M    i. W. M. Parrott was born in 1878 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    565. Amanda Melvina Parrott (George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Jul 1856 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 3 Oct 1928 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 72. Another name for Amanda was Monda.

    Amanda had a relationship with George Laymon. George was born in Tennesee.

    The child from this marriage was:

       948 M    i. Joseph L. Parrott was born on 13 Jan 1883 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 24 Nov 1934 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 51.

    Joseph married Emma. Emma was born in 1885 in Tennesee.

    Amanda next married James Pleasant Clendennen. James was born on 15 Apr 1846 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 19 Oct 1939 in Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 93.

    Children from this marriage were:

       949 F    i. Martha Elizabeth Parrott was born on 4 May 1879 in Tennesee and died on 22 Jan 1920 in Seymour, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 40.

    Martha married John Edgar Ellis. John was born on 14 Sep 1877 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 6 Nov 1954 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

       950 F    ii. Eva Rebecca Clendennen was born on 7 Sep 1888 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 25 Jun 1931 in Tennesee, at age 42.

    Eva married Robert Arthur Ward. Robert was born on 16 Mar 1889 and died on 4 May 1923 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 34.

    570. William Moses Parrott (George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Nov 1864 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jul 1944 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

    William married Mary Esibell Ellis. Mary was born on 23 Sep 1875 and died on 8 Dec 1959 in Seymour, Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

    Children from this marriage were:

       951 F    i. Vola Ida Parrott was born on 22 Apr 1901 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 22 Feb 1947 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 45.

    Vola married Luther Lewis Thomas. Luther was born on 25 Oct 1889 in Tennesee and died on 13 Apr 1946 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 56.

       952 M    ii. Cleo Parrott was born in 1904 in Sevier Co., Tennessee.

    + 953 M    iii. John Chandler Parrott was born on 19 Sep 1905 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 23 Mar 1984 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 78.

       954 M    iv. George Parrott was born in 1909.

       955 F    v. Ollie Parrott was born on 2 Jun 1912 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 21 Oct 2005 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 93.

    Notes: Ollie P. Thomas, age 93 of Maryville, passed away Friday, October 21, 2005 at the family home. She was a member of Wildwood Baptist Church and preceded in death by husband, John Thomas; parents, Bill and Mary Parrot; sons, George and Carl Thomas; son in law, Roy Trydell and grandson, Steven Trydell; 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Survivors include daughter, Virginia Trydell of Maryville; daughter and son in law, Trula and Doug Metcalf of Maryland; sons and daughters in law, Clyde and Naomi Thomas of Maryville, William "Cotton" and Dorothy Thomas of Knoxville, James "Fate" Thomas, Fred and Joyce Thomas, Willie and Dorothy Thomas all of Maryville; daughter in law, Dorothy Thomas of Maryville; 22 grandchildren; 46 great grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; special friend, Maxine McCarter of Maryville; several nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be held at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, October 23, 2005 at Miller Funeral Home Magnolia Chapel, Rev. Wayne Atchley officiating. Entombment 11:00 a.m. Monday at Sherwood Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Chapel. Family will receive friends from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Sunday at Miller Funeral Home, Maryville.

    Unsourced obit posted on FAG 72228665

    Ollie married John W. Thomas. John was born on 30 Oct 1904 and died on 15 Oct 1996 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 91.

    + 956 M    vi. William Ralph Parrott was born on 20 Dec 1914 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Sep 1979 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 64.

       957 F    vii. Lela Parrott was born in 1920 in Sevier Co., Tennessee.

    571. Benjamin William Parrott (George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 3 Dec 1869 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Apr 1932 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 34294550}

    Benjamin married Zemuel "Zem" Ellis. Zemuel was born in 1872 and died in 1896 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 24. {Find A Grave ID: 143013690} {Find A Grave ID: 143013690}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 958 M    i. Columbus Oscar Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1896 in Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 22 May 1972 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 76.

    Benjamin next married Sara Evelyn Spicer. Sara was born on 18 Jul 1879 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Jun 1952 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 72. Another name for Sara was Sena. {Find A Grave ID: 34294574} {Find A Grave ID: 34294574}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 959 M    i. Earl Victor Parrott was born on 25 Mar 1901 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Jan 1972 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 70.

       960 F    ii. Lula Parrott was born on 12 May 1903 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died in Sep 1987 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

    Lula married Pearl S. Bailey. Pearl was born in 1984.

       961 F    iii. Suatta Pearl Parrott was born on 13 Jul 1907 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died in Oct 1985, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 105619774}

    Suatta married Bleve Davis McMillan Sr. Bleve was born on 2 Dec 1908 in Tennessee and died in Nov 1984 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 105619638} {Find A Grave ID: 105619638}

    + 962 M    iv. George William Shelby Parrott was born on 25 Jan 1909 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Jan 1984 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

       963 F    v. Mildred Mae Parrott was born on 27 May 1911 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died in Sep 1991 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 156769057}

    Notes: WHITE, MILDRED PARROTT - age 80, of Knoxville, passed away Friday morning, Sept. 27, 1991 at Hillcrest North. Member of Zion Hill Baptist Church. Preceded in death by husband, George L. White. Survivors: daughter, Wanda Courtney; grandchildren, Vicki Church, Brenda Rowe; great-grandchild, Nicholas Rowe; sisters, Gertrude Perryman, Inez Watson, all of Knoxville; several nieces and nephews. Graveside service 11 a.m. Monday at Highland Memorial Cemetery. The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Sunday at Berry Funeral Home.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 28 Sep 1991, p C7

    Mildred married George Lee White. George was born on 14 Jan 1901 in Harriman, Roane Co., Tennessee and died on 27 May 1965 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 213980142} {Find A Grave ID: 213980142}

       964 F    vi. Gertrude Pauline Parrott was born on 6 Oct 1913 in Tennessee and died on 21 Oct 1996 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 83.

    Gertrude married Perryman.

       965 F    vii. Johnnie Inez Parrott Watson was born on 20 May 1916 in Tennessee and died on 16 Apr 2011 in Loudon Co., Tennessee, at age 94.

       966 F    viii. Bessie Ilo Parrott was born on 26 Nov 1918 in Tennessee and died on 29 Aug 1973 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 54.

    Bessie married George Perry Brewer. George was born on 12 Nov 1915 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Mar 1991 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    572. James S. Parrott (George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Apr 1871 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 11 Jan 1953 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

    James married Lucy Elizabeth Stafford. Lucy was born on 2 Nov 1873 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 15 Feb 1934 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 60. Another name for Lucy was Lucy.

    Notes: SEVIERVILLE, Feb. 16- Mrs. James Parrott, 61, died last night at her home near here. Funeral services and burial will be at Stock Creek Baptist church Sunday at 2 p.m.

    Surviving are her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Walter Rauhuff, Knoxville; Mrs. Henry Elmore and Mrs. John Knight, Sevierville; four sons, Trawley, Otha, Alonzo and Lavitor; mother Mrs. Loutitia Conatser, and sister, Mrs. L.M. Connatser, Sevierville.

    The Knoxville Journal, 17 Feb 1934 p 10

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 967 M    i. William Otha Parrott was born on 19 Feb 1892 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 31 Jan 1964 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 71.

       968 M    ii. John Alonzo Parrott was born on 23 May 1893 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died in Oct 1970 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    John married Ethel J. Ethel was born on 12 Sep 1903 and died on 4 Jan 1979 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    + 969 M    iii. Calvin Arlando Parrott was born on 21 Dec 1896 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Aug 1931 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 34.

       970 F    iv. Hilda Ellen Parrott was born on 18 Apr 1898 in Tennessee and died on 16 Mar 1969 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 70.

    Hilda married Walter Leonard Rauhuff. Walter was born on 11 Sep 1899 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 10 Jan 1977 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 77.

       971 F    v. Falby Lutisha Parrott was born on 26 Feb 1900 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 11 Apr 1920 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 20.

       972 M    vi. Luvator Mitchell Parrott was born on 23 May 1902 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Nov 1972 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 70.

       973 F    vii. Estella Blanche Parrott was born on 18 Aug 1904 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 23 Aug 1969 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 7001080}

    Estella married William Henry Elmore. William was born on 3 Jul 1870 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 27 Jan 1946 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 7001081} {Find A Grave ID: 7001081}

       974 F    viii. Gladys Eva Parrott was born on 27 Jun 1906 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Jul 1973 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 67.

    Gladys married John Beecher Knight. John was born on 13 Jun 1907 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 19 Apr 1991 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 83.

    + 975 M    ix. James Trowly Parrott Sr. was born on 26 Jun 1910 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Sep 2010 in North Carolina, at age 100.

    573. Robert Parrott (Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1857 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Mar 1933 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    Robert married Barbara Ann Holbert. Barbara was born in Jun 1859 and died on 29 Oct 1935 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

       976 F    i. Martha Jane Parrott was born in 1876 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 15 May 1936 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 60.

    Martha married Stewart Leonard Ellis. Stewart was born on 25 Dec 1875 in Tennesee and died on 2 Dec 1930 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 54.

    + 977 M    ii. Benjamin W. Parrott was born on 2 Jun 1876 in Tennessee and died on 24 Feb 1932 in Spartanburg Co., South Carolina, at age 55.

       978 F    iii. Mary Parrott was born in Apr 1881 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    + 979 M    iv. Michael Parrott was born on 21 Sep 1882 in Tennessee and died on 9 Sep 1926 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 43.

       980 F    v. Louisa E. Parrott was born in Feb 1885 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       981 F    vi. Laura Ivey Parrott was born on 6 Feb 1885 in Tennesee and died on 19 Nov 1927 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 42.

    Laura married James Casper Ivey. James was born in 1888 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 14 Oct 1933 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 45.

    Laura next married John Arwood.

       982 F    vii. Sarah A. Parrott was born in May 1887 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       983 M    viii. Joseph E. Parrott was born in Aug 1889 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Aug 1953 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 64.

       984 M    ix. John H. Parrott was born in Sep 1891 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    + 985 M    x. Luther Parrott was born in Dec 1894 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 18 Jan 1936 in Belmont, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 41.

    578. William Newton Parrott (Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Oct 1871 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Oct 1947 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 76.

    William married Mary Elizabeth Flynn. Mary was born on 28 May 1872 in Tennessee and died on 29 Mar 1936 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 63.

    Children from this marriage were:

       986 F    i. Lettie L. Parrott was born on 5 Aug 1890 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 16 Mar 1986 in Tennesee, at age 95.

    Lettie married William Deloizer Terry. William was born on 6 Nov 1889 and died on 17 May 1983 in Tennesee, at age 93.

       987 F    ii. Hester A, S, Parrott was born on 5 Jun 1892 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 6 Nov 1894 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 2.

       988 F    iii. Stella Mae Parrott was born on 26 Sep 1896 in Tennessee and died on 10 Dec 1971 in Tennesee, at age 75.

    Stella married William Delozier Lafollette. William was born on 2 Jul 1890 in Tennesee and died on 31 Jan 1971 in Tennesee, at age 80.

       989 M    iv. Elmer L. Parrott was born on 12 Jan 1900 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 13 Jul 1900 in Jefferson Co., Illinois.

       990 F    v. Pearlie Parrott was born on 27 May 1902 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 25 May 1990 in Tennesee, at age 87.

    Pearlie married Willie Raymond Holbert. Willie was born on 24 Sep 1900 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jan 1967 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 66.

    + 991 M    vi. Carl Harvel Parrott was born on 26 May 1904 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Feb 1990 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 85.

       992 F    vii. Estilena Parrott was born on 18 May 1914 in Tennesee and died on 24 Dec 1992 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 108416529}

    Notes: Her daughter, Mary Lou Atchley, married Broadus Ernest Parrott from the Sevierville group.

    Estilena married Carl Hooper Atchley. Carl was born on 4 Mar 1908 in Tennesee and died on 14 Oct 1947 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 39. {Find A Grave ID: 108416470} {Find A Grave ID: 108416470}

       993 F    viii. Rosie Parrott was born on 26 Oct 1906 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Mar 1991 in South Gate, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 84.

    Rosie married R. Clarence Burchfield. R. was born on 25 Feb 1903 and died on 31 Oct 1957, at age 54.

       994 F    ix. Beatrice Gertalee Parrott was born on 7 Oct 1907 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 29 Jun 1963 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 55.

    Beatrice married Oda Lee Lafollette. Oda was born on 22 May 1902 in Tennesee and died on 4 Jan 1988 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 85.

    + 995 M    x. Emmons Glenn Parrott was born on 8 May 1912 in Tennesee and died on 10 Nov 1959 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 47.

    581. Earl Cecil Parrott (Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Dec 1900 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Dec 1986 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 86.

    Earl married Gladys Audrey Poe. Gladys was born on 13 Sep 1906 in Tennesee and died on 9 Aug 1993 in Tennesee, at age 86.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 996 M    i. Deverce Quinton Parrott was born on 14 Aug 1923 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Apr 2017 in Tennesee, at age 93.

    583. Francis Michael Parrott (Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Oct 1906 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Dec 1979 in Anderson Co., Tennessee, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 49856033}

    Francis married Elizabeth Jones Foster. Elizabeth was born in 1908 in Tennesee and died on 2 Mar 1995 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 87.

    Notes: FOSTER, ELIZABETH PARROTT - age 87, of Knoxville, passed away March 2, 1995, at Hillcrest North Health Care Center. Member of Rainbow Baptist Church. Preceded in death by her husbands, Francis Parrott and Edd Foster; children James Parrott and Mildred Brown. Survivors: Sons Jack Parrott, Luttrell, Ralph and Joe Parrott, Knoxville; daughters, Helen Kitts, Knoxville, Margaret Ann Cates, Houston, Texas, Brenda Beauchamp, Jane Tompkin and Linda Kaye Beck, Chester, Pa.; 11 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandson. Funeral service 8 p.m. Sunday, McCarty Chapel, Rev. Lloyd Foster officiating. Family and frinds will meet 11 a.m. Monday at Woodlawn Cemetery for graveside service and interment. the family will receive friends 6-8 p.m. Sunday at McCarty Mortuary, 4004 Holston Drive.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel
    , 05 Mar 1995, p B2

    Children from this marriage were:

       997 M    i. James Conley Parrott was born on 2 May 1928 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       998 F    ii. Mildred Love Parrott was born on 31 May 1931 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Oct 1981 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 50. {Find A Grave ID: 183623404}

    Notes: BROWN, MILDRED LOVE PARROTT - age 50, of Route 2, Jefferson City, passed away Sunday at 1 p.m. Survivors: 2 daughters, Mrs. Nancy Pollard of Jefferson City, Mrs. Linday Kay Beck of Pennsylvania; son, William F. Brown of Knoxville; 5 grandchildren; mother, Mrs Elizabeth Parrott Foster of Knoxville; 4 sisters, Mrs. Helen Kitts of Knoxville, Mrs. Margaret Ann Cates of Texas, Mrs. Phyllis Jane Hunley of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Brenda Delancey of Pennsylvania; 4 brothers, James Parrott of Nashville, Joe Parrott of Knoxville, Ralph Parrott of Knoxville, Jack Parrott of Maryland; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services 2 p.m. Tuesday, Farrar's Chapel, Rev. Frank Humphrey officiating. Interment in Jefferson Memorial Gardens. Family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Monday at Farrar Funeral Home, Jefferson City.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 05 Oct 1981, p 17

    Mildred married Leon Brown. Leon was born in 1923 and died in 1985, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 183623391} {Find A Grave ID: 183623391}

       999 M    iii. Joseph Francis Parrott was born on 3 Feb 1933 in Jefferson Co., Illinois and died on 11 Dec 2002, at age 69.

       1000 M    iv. Jack D. Parrott was born on 18 Apr 1936 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 21 Jul 2010, at age 74.

       1001 M    v. Ralph Murrell Parrott was born on 10 Jan 1937 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Jan 2009 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 71.

    Notes: PARROTT, RALPH MURRELL - age 71 of Knoxville went to be with Jesus on Sunday January 4, 2009. He was a member of Kimberlin Heights Church of God. He is survived by loving wife, Sharon Parrott; brother, Jack Parrott; sisters Helen Kitts all of Knoxville, Kay Brock and Renda Bulshamp both of PA, and Barbara Cates of TX. Funeral service 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Rose Mortuary Broadway Chapel with Rev. Rebecca Milligan officiating. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-8:00 P.M. Tuesday at Rose Mortuary Broadway Chapel.

    Knoxville News Sentinel, Jan. 6, 2009, p A9

       1002 F    vi. Helen W. Parrott was born on 7 Jul 1938 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 18 Jan 2012 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 83956080}

    Notes: Helen W. Kitts, age 73, of Knoxville, passed away Wednesday, January 18, 2012, at Maryville Healthcare Center. Preceded in death by her husband, Charles L. Kitts. Survivors include son and daughter-in-law, Charles F. and Sue Kitts, David L. and Delores Kitts; grandchildren, Charles F. Kitts Jr., Michael Dustin Kitts, Jessica L. Kitts, Brittany L. Kitts and Samantha Kitts; sister, Margaret Ann Cates, Brenda Beauchamp, and Linda Kay Beck; devoted niece, Nancy Sakiewicz; many other family members and friends. Funeral services will be held Friday, January 20, at 8 p.m. at the Highland South chapel, Rev. Greg Kelly will be officiating. Interment will be held at noon Saturday, January 21, at Highland South Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Friday at Highland South Memorial Park, Funerals and Cremations, 865-573-7300. A guest book may be signed at

    The (Maryville TN) Daily Times, January 20, 2012

    Helen married Charles L. Kitts. Charles was born on 16 Mar 1932 and died on 10 Nov 1997, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 93093666} {Find A Grave ID: 93093666}

       1003 F    vii. Margaret Ann Parrott was born on 4 Sep 1944 in New Market, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 3 Sep 2015 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas, at age 70.

    Notes: Margaret Ann Cates, 70, passed away on September 3, 2015 in Houston. Mrs. Cates is preceded in death by her beloved husband of 43 years, Tommy; her loving daughter, Lisa and her parents, Francis and Elizabeth Parrott, brothers, James, Jack, Ralph and Joe and sisters, Mildred, Helen and Jane and her beloved poodle, Tazz. Margaret leaves behind sisters, Renda, Linda Kay and Nancy; her devoted son-in-law who she loved like a son, David, and two grandchildren, Holden and Hunter, who were the loves of her life, and a host of nieces and nephews. Born September 4, 1944 in New Market, Tennessee, Mrs. Cates loved nothing more than spending time with her grandchildren. Margaret was known for her fun-loving casino trips and was quite the player of Black Jack and Bingo. She was an avid reader, loved the ASTROS and TEXANS, and her fudge was rumored to be the "best in the world." Margaret Ann Cates, a pancreatic cancer survivor, was a loving, caring and giving person who will be missed greatly by those who had the honor to know her. A memorial service was held Friday, September 11 at Laurel Point Senior Apts at 10:30AM.

    Margaret married Tommy Cates.

       1004 F    viii. Phyllis Jane Parrott Tompkin Hunley was born in 1947 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Sep 2005 in Boothwyn, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, at age 58.

    Phyllis "Jane" Parrott Hunley, 58, of Boothwyn, died Sept. 4 at home.

    Born in Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. Hunley worked as a waitress at Neno's Country Western Bar.

    She was also employed at Chester and Trainer VFWs. Mrs. Hunley enjoyed cooking.

    Her siblings, James, Joseph and Mildred Parrott, also preceded her in death.

    Survivors: Buddy L. and C. Wayne Hunley, both of Upland siblings, Jack and Ralph Parrott and Helen Kitts, all of Knoxville, Tenn., Margaret Ann Cates of Houston, Brenda Beauchamp of Boothwyn, Linda Kay Beck of Sharon Hill, Nancy Sakiewicz of Powhattan, Va. three grandchildren one great-grandchild.

    Service: Noon Saturday at M.F. Williams Funeral Home, Clifton Heights.

    Burial: Private.

    Contributions: American Lung Association, 527 Plymouth Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462.

    Arrangements: M.F. Williams Funeral Home, Clifton Heights.

    Delaware County Daily Times, September 8, 2005

       1005 F    ix. Brenda Sue Parrott Beauchamp was born on 13 Dec 1947 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Apr 2017 in Boothwyn, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, at age 69.

    585. Arvine White Parrott (Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Sep 1856 in Wapello Co., Iowa and died in 1922 in Washington, at age 66.

    Arvine married Adeline B. Rush. Adeline was born in Apr 1861 in Iowa and died on 6 Jan 1940 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 78.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1006 F    i. Bertha M. Parrott was born in Mar 1889 in South Dakota.

       1007 F    ii. Lenna Bell Parrott was born on 26 Nov 1889 in Hand Co., South Dakota and died on 13 Sep 1953 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 63.

    Lenna married Clarence G. Fox. Clarence was born in 1886 in Kansas.

    587. Frank Sherman Parrott (Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Nov 1859 in Iowa City, Wright Co., Iowa and died on 10 Jan 1950 in Sioux City, Clay Co., Iowa, at age 90. {Find A Grave ID: 71921383}

    Frank married Hattie Jane Mead. Hattie was born on 8 Oct 1861 in Illinois and died on 11 Nov 1928 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1008 M    i. Albert Floyd Parrott was born on 31 Dec 1882 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 31 Jan 1964 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 81.

       1009 F    ii. Sarah E. Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1885 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 14 Jan 1963 in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa, at age 77.

    Sarah married Bernard William Farrell. Bernard was born on 12 Nov 1881 in Page Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1959 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 77.

    + 1010 M    iii. Orval Parrott was born on 28 Jan 1887 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1968 in Ventura Co., California, at age 81.

       1011 F    iv. Winnie J. Parrott was born in Dec 1891 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died in 1919 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, at age 28.

    Winnie married Orville Orestes Grisamore. Orville was born on 13 May 1889 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 10 Dec 1964, at age 75.

    Notes: Husband info from

    + 1012 M    v. J. C. Parrott was born on 5 Jun 1895 in Richman, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 27 Dec 1986 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, at age 91.

       1013 F    vi. Uma Vernice Parrott was born on 2 May 1898 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 1 Jul 1979 in East Moine, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 81.

    Uma married Robert Glen Showalter. Robert was born on 6 May 1897 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 1 May 1984 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, at age 86.

       1014 F    vii. Fern S. Parrott was born on 28 Sep 1901 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 15 Jul 1991, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 154724412}

    Fern married Leonard Robert Reed. Leonard was born in Dec 1899 in Jackson, Wayne Co., Iowa and died in 1975, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 154724450} {Find A Grave ID: 154724450}

    + 1015 M    viii. Alva Dennis Parrott was born on 1 Oct 1904 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 17 Oct 1997 in Iowa, at age 93.

    590. George F. Parrott (Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1868 in Wayne Co., Iowa.

    George married Sadie Parrott. Sadie was born in 1872 in Kansas.

    Notes: Surname is on son's wedding certificate, but is illegible. Perhaps Kenar

    Children from this marriage were:

       1016 F    i. Lillian Parrott was born in 1893 in Washington.

    + 1017 M    ii. George William Parrott was born in 1893 in Tacoma Co., Washington.

    592. David Garfield Parrott (Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Jul 1881 in Ottumwa, Wapello Co., Iowa and died on 28 Apr 1958 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 76.

    Notes: SINCE 1911
    "The Quality Remains Long After the Price Is Forgotten"

    In March, 1911, David G. Parrott and Frank E. Harter bought what is now Parrott & Hahn. a small machine shop catering to loggers and others requiring expert machine work. In 1913 William F. Hahn bought Mr. Harter's interest. Both Mr. Parrott and Mr. Hahn had lived in Olympia for years and had been thoroughly trained in their craft.

    Now, 30 years after its founding, Parrott & Hahn are recognized as experts in all types of machine shop work, both light and heavy. Work of high quality has always been their aim. From four to six expert machinists are maintained and every effort has been made to have the best and latest machinery for the various types of work.

    309 W. 4th Phone 5372

    The Sunday Olympian, 09 Nov 1941 p 7

    David Garfield Parrott, long time resident of Olympia, died Monday morning in an Olympia hospital at the age of seventy-six. Mr. Parrott was born in Humiston, Iowa, July 15, 1881. He came to Olympia from South Dakota when he was six years old. He apprenticed as a machinist in the Pioneer Iron Works here, then moved to Bremerton and returned to Olympia after three years. Mr. Parrott founded the Parrott and Harter Machine Shop here in 1911. The firm later became Parrott and Hahn. In 1945, Mr. Parrott became the sole owner of the business and the firm's name was changed to D.G. Parrott and Son. Mr. Parrott retired two years ago. he (sic) was a life member of Olympia Elks Lodge and a member of the Machinists Union. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Parrott at the family home, 122 Nineteenth Avenue West; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Naismith, Olympia; two sons, Dr. Gordon M. Parrott, Boston, Massachusetts, and Orvin D. Parrott, Olympia, and six grandchildren. The funeral service will be held in Selene and Eros Warnica chapel this Wednesday morning, starting at eleven o'clock. Burial will take place in Odd Fellows Cemetery. The family suggests those wishing to make memorials in Mr. Parrott's honor may do so by offering contributions to Olympia Zonta Club's Spastic Fund.

    The Daily Olympian, 28 Apr 1958 p 12

    David married Elizabeth Marie Wiggins. Elizabeth was born on 10 May 1882 in St. Helena, Cedar Co., Iowa and died on 31 Oct 1964 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 82.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1018 M    i. Gordon Maynard Parrott was born on 11 Sep 1908 in Kitsap Co., Washington and died on 9 Aug 1983 in Pierce Co., Washington, at age 74.

       1019 F    ii. Mary Ellen Parrott was born on 22 Jul 1911 in Thurston Co., Washington and died on 23 Feb 2007 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 95. Another name for Mary was Polly Parrott.

    Mary married William J. A. Naismith. William was born on 25 Aug 1911 in Laramie, Albany Co., Wyoming and died on 18 Jun 1999 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 87.

    + 1020 M    iii. Orvin David Parrott was born on 17 May 1920 in Thurston Co., Washington and died on 18 Mar 1991 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 70.

    595. John W. Parrott (James6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jan 1858 in Wapello Co., Iowa.

    John married Henrietta. Henrietta was born in Aug 1873.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1021 F    i. Edna Parrott was born in Dec 1899 in Wapello Co., Iowa.

    609. Joseph Clarence Parrott (Andrew C.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1878 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 16 Sep 1924 in Defiance, Defiance Co., Ohio, at age 46.

    Joseph married Lavinia Ethel 'Vina' Nation. Lavinia was born on 24 Dec 1891 in Greene Co., Indiana and died on 10 Sep 1959 in Perry Twp., Stark Co., Ohio, at age 67.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1022 M    i. Thomas Ward Parrott was born on 18 Dec 1912 in Ohio and died on 28 Apr 1991 in Ohio, at age 78.

    610. Joseph Watson Parrott (John H.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 May 1853 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 31 Mar 1926 in Allen Co., Ohio, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 11630869}

    Notes: As Read at the Last Sad Rites Held for Joseph Watson Parrott.
    On the evening of March 31, 1926, as the sun was settling down in the western horizon and the shadows of evening were settling over the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parrott, the community and home was saddened by the sudden death of Joseph Watson Parrott, the son of John and Elizabeth Parrott, born May 15, 1853, in Mercer county, departing this life on Wednesday evening, March 31, 1926, at the age of 72 years, 10 months and 16 days.

    On November 15, 1875, he was united in marriage to Miss Marie Alice Coil and to this union were born three children on daughter and two sons. Mrs. Harley Nolan of Mendon, Ohio, Frederic and William Harry Parrott of Mendon, Ohio. He leaves to mourn his departure a kind loving wife, one daughter, two sons and one son-in-law and many relatives and a host of friends.

    A precious one from us is gone
    A voice we loved is stilled.
    A place is vacant at our home
    Which cannot be filled.
    God in his wisdom has recalled
    The boon his love had given,
    And though the body slumbers here
    The sould has passed beyond.

    Funeral services were held at the home and the body was laid to rest in the Bethel cemetery. Services were in charge of Rev. Harmont Bumgardner.

    (Spencerville OH) Journal-News, 08 Apr 1926, p 6

    Joseph married Alice Mariah Coil. Alice was born in 1859 in Ohio and died on 27 Apr 1942 in Mercer Co, . Ohio, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 11630876} {Find A Grave ID: 11630876}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1023 F    i. Thursa Ruby Parrott was born in Sep 1876 in Union, Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 9 Jul 1959 in Mercer Co, . Ohio, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 11630910}

    Thursa married Harley Oscar Nolan. Harley was born on 18 Dec 1879 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 26 May 1961 in Ohio, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 11630918} {Find A Grave ID: 11630918}

       1024 M    ii. Frederick H. Parrott was born on 2 Mar 1881 in Van Wert Co., Ohio and died on 8 Feb 1964 in Mercer Co, . Ohio, at age 82.

    In Life As In Death

    CELINA, Feb. 8-Fred Parrott, 83, and Harry Parrott, 78, were bachelor brothers who lived in an old farm house four miles southeast of he village of Mendon.

    Neighbors helped care for them even though both were quite agile for their age. At 9:15 a.m. today, Harry Parrott died, apparently of a heart attack.

    HIS grief-stricken brother called in neighbors and together they went to a funeral home to make burial arrangements. The neighbors returned Fred to the farm house and promised to look in on him.

    Around 1 p.m., the bread man stopped at the Parrott home. As was his custom, he knocked and walked in. He found Fred Parrott in a chair-dying.

    FIFTEEN minutes later, at 1:15 p.m., Fred Parrott closed his eyes forever. It was just four hours after Harry's death.

    Joint services will be held for the bachelor brothers at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the W.J. Dick & Son funeral home.

    Dayton Daily News, 09 Feb 1964, p 5C

       1025 M    iii. William Harrison "Harry" Parrott was born on 28 Sep 1885 in Ohio and died on 8 Feb 1964 in Mercer Co, . Ohio, at age 78.

    612. Eber Sherman Parrett (Joseph J.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Jan 1868 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died in 1920 in Lake Worth, Palm Beach Co., Florida, at age 52.

    The funeral of Eber. S. Parrett, who died at Lake Worth, was held from the Ferguson Undertaking Company's establishment yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended. A minister from Miami conducted the services, and a duet was rendered. Mr Parrett's death was due to tabes.

    The Palm Beach Post, 14 Oct 1920, p 1

    Eber married Eltie May Woods. Eltie was born on 17 Nov 1870 in New Market, Virginia and died on 5 Nov 1960 in Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 89.

    Notes: Mrs. Eber S. (Eltie Mae) Parrott, 89, a Battle Creek resident for the past 65 years, died at 7 p.m. yesterday in a Marshall hospital where she had been living for the past two years. She became critically ill Wednesday. Mrs. Parrott was born Nov. 17, 1870 in New Market, Va., and came to Battle Creek about 1895. Mr. Parrott, whom she married in 1895, died in 1920. Mrs. Parrott was a member of the Dorcas Society and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. During her younger years, she worked as a nurse's assistant at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Surviving are two sons, Kenneth S. of Salisbury, Md., and Carroll A. of Los Angeles; five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Three daughters preceded her in death.

    The Battle Creek Enquirer and News, 06 Nov 1960, p 2

    Children from this marriage were:

       1026 F    i. Leota Mae Parrott was born on 6 Jul 1895 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 22 Mar 1942 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 46.

    Notes: Mrs. Leota Mae Stock, 46, wife of George W. Stock of 203½ North Kendall, and a lifelong Battle Creek resident, died at 5 a.m. today in her home after a two-year illness. Mrs. Stock was born July 6, 1895, in Battle Creek, the daughter of Eber S. and Eltie M. (Woods) Parrott. She was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist tabernacle. Surviving besides her husband are a daughter, Miss. Dorothy M. Stock at home; two sons, William Stock of Coulterville, Cal., and Robert B. Stock, at home; her mother of 203½ North Kendall, and two brothers, Kenneth S. Parrott of Chicago, and Carroll A. Parrott of 83 North Thirty-second street. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday from the Hebble chapel. Burial will be in Memorial park.

    The Battle Creek Enquirer and News, 23 Mar 1942, p 2

    Leota married George William Stack. George was born on 18 Sep 1897 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 29 Feb 1992 in Englewood, Florida, at age 94.

       1027 F    ii. Ruth Francis Parrott was born on 23 Apr 1898 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 28 Feb 1903 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 4.

    + 1028 M    iii. Kenneth Sherman Parrott was born on 21 Dec 1908 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 4 Sep 1998 in Woodridge, DuPage Co., Illinois, at age 89.

    + 1029 M    iv. Carroll Arwin Parrott was born on 4 Dec 1912 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 10 Oct 1993 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 80.

    614. John Irving Parrott (Joseph J.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Oct 1871 in Mendon, Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 9 Jun 1942 in Yucaipa, San Bernardino Co., California, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 177985778}

    John Irving Parrott, aged 70 years, died Tuesday at the Loma Linda hospital. He was a native of Ohio and had been a resident of Yucaipa for eight years.

    Mr. Parrott is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maude M. Parrott; two daughters: Mrs. George A. Beach of Loma Linda and Mrs. Ralph Beach of San Bernardino; also two sisters: Mrs. George Pichie of Battle Creek, Michigan, and Mrs. Otto Strohm of Chicago, Illinois. Seven grandchildren survive.

    Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 2:30 p.m. at the Little Chapel of the Palms. Brookside avenue, at the Center street, Redlands, with the Rev. Dan Dirksen of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Montecito Memorial Park, with Emmerson's Mortuary in charge.

    The Yucaipa News, 11 Jun 1942, p 6


    Funeral services for John I. Parrott of Yucaipa Boulevard, who died Tuesday of last week, were held on Thursday afternoon at the Little chapel of the Palms in Redlands. Elder Dan Dirksen officiated, and was assisted by Leland Hesseltin and Claude Heitman. Burial at Montecito memorial park was in charge of Emmerson's mortuary. Pallbearers were W.R. Jarrett, F.O. Buxton, S.C. Keehnel, P.S. Bushnell, R.W. Sufficool and A.W. Pollock.

    The Yucaipa News, 18 Jun 1942, p 6

    John married Maude May Hayward. Maude was born on 19 Nov 1878 in Eaton Rapids, Eaton Co., Michigan and died on 27 Jun 1953 in Redlands, San Bernardino Co., California, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 25178004} {Find A Grave ID: 25178004}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1030 F    i. Ava Lillian Parrott was born on 20 Apr 1905 in Washinghton and died on 22 Feb 1993 in San Bernadino Co., California, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 37938712}

    Ava married George A. Beach. George was born on 5 May 1901 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania and died on 17 Dec 1964 in San Bernardino Co., California, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 37938541} {Find A Grave ID: 37938541}

    Marriage Notes: A quiet wedding service took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott, 124 Glenwood last evening, when their daughter, Miss Ava Parrott, was united in marriage to George W. Beach of Battle Creek. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Knox. <snip> Many lovely gifts were received by the couple. Mrs. Beah was formerly a stenographer in Dr. Humphrey's office at the Sanitarium, and the groom is also employed at the Sanitarium. They will be at home after March 24 at 47 Greenwood avenue. An interesting feature is that on March 4 Miss Laura Parrott, a sister of the bride, was married to Ralph beach, a brother of the groom.

    The (Battle Creek) Enquirer and Evening News, 19 Mar 1926 p 6

       1031 F    ii. Lura Effie Parrott was born on 20 Apr 1907 in Washinghton and died on 15 Jul 1968 in San Bernadino Co., California, at age 61. {Find A Grave ID: 261986724}

    Notes: Services set for Mrs. Beach, former resident
    Mrs. Lura Effie Beach, 61, whose death shortly after midnight Monday followed critical injuries sustained in a two-car collision Sunday night, was a 35-year resident of the Redlands area and a member of the Redlands Seventh-day Adventist church.

    The accident occured at Sixth street and Colton avenue and Mrs. Beach's husband, Ralph, was critically injured. He is currently hospitalized at Redlands Community hospital.

    Mrs. Beach was a native of Tacoma, Wash. She and her husband moved to Redlands from Michigan and lived here for 35 years before recently moving to San Bernardino.

    In addition to her husband, she leaves four sons, Robert of Gig Harbor, Wash.; Tom of San Diego, Richard of Lacey, Wash., and Harry of Lompoc; and a daughter Neva Beach of Auburn. She also leaves eight grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Ava L. Beach of Redlands.

    Funerall services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Hughes Mortuary in Loma Linda. Interment will be in Montecito Memorial Park.

    Redlands Daily Facts, 17 Jul 1968, p A4

    Lura married Ralph Benjamin Beach. Ralph was born on 4 Mar 1906 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania and died on 13 Apr 1983 in Hood River, Hood River Co., Oregon, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 261997588} {Find A Grave ID: 261997588}

    616. Bert Ronald Parrott (Joseph J.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Dec 1882 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 17 Aug 1934 in Monterey Co., California, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 141423023}

    Notes: L.A. Engineer, 60, Killed Under Car
    SALINAS, Aug. 17. - Crushed beneath his heavy car when it overturned after failing to negotiate a sharp turn four miles west of Castroville, Bert R. Parrott, 60, wealthy Los Angeles engineer, was killed early this morning.

    No one witnessed the accident, but a passing motorist sighted the wreckage. When he got out to render aid he found Parrott alive but pinned beneath the heavy car. He was unable to extricate him. When a doctor, summoned to the scene arrived, Parrott was dead.

    Oakland Tribune, 17 Aug 1934, p 1

    Bert married Mina Maude Carson. Mina was born on 13 Oct 1881 in Galesburg, Kalamazoo Co., Michigan and died on 15 Feb 1904 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 22. {Find A Grave ID: 48841411} {Find A Grave ID: 48841411}

    The child from this marriage was:

       1032 M    i. DeWitt Parrott was born on 26 May 1902 in Galesburg, Kalamazoo Co., Michigan and died on 9 May 1977 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 48841410}

    Bert next married Florence M. Draper. Florence was born on 18 Dec 1881 in Rives, Jackson Co., Michigan and died on 4 Dec 1955 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 73.

    Bert next married Mable Marie Morgan. Mable was born on 9 Oct 1891 in Fisher, Champaign Co., Illinois and died on 9 Nov 1975 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 85484335} {Find A Grave ID: 85484335}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1033 M    i. William Morgan Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1925 in Los Angeles Co., California and died on 13 Sep 2014 in Thousand Oaks, Ventura Co., California, at age 88.

    618. Willliam W. Parrott (Wesley Watson6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Nov 1861 in Ohio and died in 1912 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 64324811}

    Willliam married Hannah Florence Grant. Hannah was born in Oct 1863 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1034 F    i. Maude E. Parrott was born in Apr 1889 in Mercer Co., Ohio.

    Maude married George E. O'Brien. George was born on 1 Aug 1889 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.

       1035 M    ii. Lawrence Parrott was born in Jul 1889 in Mercer Co, . Ohio.

       1036 F    iii. Hazel Madeline Parrott was born on 5 Mar 1897 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 29 Sep 1985 in Lee Co., Florida, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 74793871}

    Notes: Birth date from birth certificate. From SS it is 5 Mar 1903

    Hazel married Dallas Steven Cropper. Dallas was born on 17 Aug 1894 in Cambridge, Guernsey Co., Ohio and died on 17 Aug 1960 in Lee Co., Florida, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 74793870} {Find A Grave ID: 74793870}

    619. Philip Edgar Parrott (Wesley Watson6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1863 in Ohio and died in 1914 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 71216713}

    Philip married Elizabeth A. Barber. Elizabeth was born in Jan 1865 in Ohio and died in 1943 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 73440703} {Find A Grave ID: 73440703}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1037 M    i. Frank W. Parrott was born in May 1882 in Ohio and died on 6 Mar 1941 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 58.

    + 1038 M    ii. Lewis W. Parrott was born on 16 Feb 1892 in Mendon, Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 8 Jan 1967 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 74.

    625. Oscar L. Parrott (Jacob Howard6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Oct 1865 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 3 Aug 1946 in South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 99390118}

    Notes: Funeral services for Oscar L. Parrott, aged 80, of 202 West Battell street, who died at 9 p.m. Saturday in St. Joseph hospital South Bend, will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Bubb chapel. Mr. Parrott had been ill for 10 days. Born in Mercer county, Ohio, on Oct. 29, 1865, Mr. Parrott later married Miss Alvina Egleson, at Payne, O., on April 12, 1888. The moved to Mishawaka 22 years ago. Surviving other than Mrs. Parrott are two sons, Raymond Parrott of Mishawaka, and Herman E. Parrott, of South Bend and two grandchildren. Rev. M.E. Hawkins, D.D., will officiate at the the services and burial will be in City cemetery. Mr. Parrott was a member of the Ancient Order of Gleaners, of Ligonier, Ind.

    The South Bend Tribune, 05 Aug 1946, p 5

    Oscar married Alvina Eagleson. Alvina was born on 16 Jan 1869 in Hancock Co., Ohio and died on 25 Aug 1954 in Indiana, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 99390135} {Find A Grave ID: 99390135}

    Marriage Notes: NEAR 50TH WEDDED YEAR.
    <photo of Mr. and Mrs. Parrott>
    Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Parrott, 202 West Battell street, who will observe their 50th wedding anniversary Tuesday, will celebrate it by holding open house Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Parrott were married April 12, 1888, in Mercer county, Ohio, and came here 15 years ago from Ligonier, Ind. Mr. Parrott, aged 72, was born Oct. 29, 1865, in Mercer county. Mrs. Parrott, aged 69, was born Jan. 16, 1869, in Hancock, O. They have two sons, Herman Parrott, South Bend, and Raymond Parrott, this city; a granddaughter, Miss Virginia Lee Parrott, this city, and a grand step-son, Howard Stephenson, South Bend. A family cooperative dinner will be served at 1 p.m. Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parrott.

    The South Bend Tribune, 08 Apr 1938, p 11

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1039 M    i. Raymond Parrott was born on 4 Jun 1896 in Blue Creek Township, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 27 Apr 1977 in Penn, Cass Co., Michigan, at age 80.

    + 1040 M    ii. Herman Evertt Parrott was born on 8 Apr 1890 in Blue Creek, Paulding Co., Ohio.

    626. Henry Alpheus Parrott (Jacob Howard6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Jan 1868 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 14 Jan 1926 in Monticello, Van Wert Co., Ohio, at age 57. Another name for Henry was Alfred H. Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 27053635}

    Notes: Middle name is Alfred in 1880 census, and Alpheus in his marriage certificate.

    Prominent Citizen of Monticello Laid to Rest, Tuesday Afternoon, in New Salem Cemetery--For the Past Twenty Years Egaged in the Elevator and Hay Business-- Sick But One Week.

    Pneumonia claimed H.A. Parrott, prominent citizen of Monticello, Thursday. Mr. Parrott was il (sic) but one week. Double pneumonia following a cold caused his death.

    Henry A. Parrott was the son of Jacob H. and Charlotte Parrott and was born in Mercer-co, close Mendon, January 24, 1868. He as united in marriage to Miss Amelia Marquardt, December 5, 1889. To this union were born one son and three daughters. The son, Elmer H., fell somewhere in France, July 29, 1918, during service in the World war. The three daughterss surviving are: Mrs. Clara Miller, Spencerville; Mrs. Norma McMichael, Taft, Cali; and Miss Catherine at home.

    Mr. Parrott also leaves not only the daughters mentioned above, but a wife; four grand-children; a brother, Oscar L. Parrott, Mishawaka, Ind., a sister, Mrs. Ella Leaser, Celina.

    Last sad rites were held at the Monticello U.B. church, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in charge of Rev. Preston Horst, assisted by Rev. Sypker and Rev. Shere and interment was made in the New Salem cemetery.

    Spencerville Journal-News, 21 Jan 1926, p 1

    Henry married Amelia Theresa Marquardt. Amelia was born on 30 Nov 1871 in Cincinatti, Hamilton Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jan 1956 in Spencerville, Allen Co., Ohio,, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 27053645} {Find A Grave ID: 27053645}

    Notes: SPENCERVILLE-Mrs. Amelia Theresia Parrott, 84, a resident of this community for many years, died at 6:10 p.m. Sunday in the home of her son-in-law, Roy Miller, here. Death was due to brochial pneumonia. She had been ill since last October.

    She was born Nov. 20, 1981, in Cincinnati. On Dec. 5, 1889, she was married to Charles (sic) Parrott, who is dead. She was a member of the Gold Star Mothers Club and the American Legion Auxiliary.

    Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Clara Miller, Mrs. Norma McMichael and Mrs. Kathryn Bowers, all of Spencerville; a brother, Amil Marquardt, Wawaka, Ind.; three sisters, Mrs. F.D. Houk, St. Marys, Mrs. Charles Houk, Bowling Green, and Mrs. Amos Cameron, Fort Wayne; 8 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

    Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Trinity Methodist Church here, the Rev. James McCormack officiating. Burial will be in Salem Cemetery. Friends may call at the Leis Funeral Home after 7:30 p.m. Monday.

    The Lima News, 30 Jan 1956, p 2

    Children from this marriage were:

       1041 F    i. Norma Irene Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1897 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 11 Mar 1965 in Spencerville, Allen Co., Ohio,, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 27053673}

    Notes: Funeral Services Are Held here For Norma McMichael
    Funeral services were held at Trinity Methodist Church in Spencerville March 13 for Norma Irene McMichael, 67, of Rt. 1, Spencerville.

    Mrs. McMichael died at 5:35 a.m. Thursday, March 11, at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William (Martha) Morris. She had been ill one year. She was born Aug. 8, 1897 in Mercer county, the daughter of Henry A. and Amilia (Marquardt) Parrott. On Oct. 2, 1919, she was married to Forrest McMichael, who died in 1956.

    Mrs. McMichael was an active member of the Monticello Community Club, the Spencerville Grange, and Trinity Methodist Church.

    Surviving are two sons, Max Mcmichael of Rt. 1, Spencerville, and Paul McMichael of Spencerville; a daughter, Mrs. William (Martha) Morris of Spencerville; nine grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Harold (Kathryn) Bowen, Rt. 1, Spencerville.

    Rev. David Frazer was officiating clergyman at final rites, and interment was in New Salem Cemetery at Monticello. Arrangements were in charge of the Robert J. Leis Memorial Chapel.

    The Journal-News, 25 Mar 1965, p 1

    Norma married Forest Lloyd McMichael. Forest was born on 2 Nov 1892 in Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 25 May 1956 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 27046664} {Find A Grave ID: 27046664}

       1042 F    ii. Kathryn Ilene Parrott was born on 11 Aug 1911 in Jennings Twp, Van Wert Co., Ohio and died on 17 Jan 1987 in Spencerville, Allen Co., Ohio,, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 29797000}

    Notes: SPENCERVILLE - Kathryn I. Bowen, 75, of here, died at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at Shawnee Manor Nursing Home. She was born Aug. 11, 1911, in Jennings Township, Van Wert County, the daughter of Henry A. and Amelia Marquardt Parrott. On Nov. 30, 1933, she married Harold D. Bowen who survives.

    A homemaker, Mrs. Bowen was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Spencerville where she had been a Sunday School teacher for many years and where she had been a member of the church choir. Mrs. Bowen was an associate member of First United Methodist Church in Auburndale, Fla., and had been a member of its choir too.

    Mrs. Bowen was a member of Ida Rebekah Lodge 391 of Spencerville, Spencerville Grange 2424 and Excelsior Reading Club of Spencerville.

    Survivors also include two daughters, Mrs. Richard (Gertrude) Rider of Coldwater, Mich., and Mrs. Eugene (Shirley) Goodwin of St. Paris; five grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

    Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Thomas E. Bayliff Funeral Home, Spencerville, Rev. Robert. R. Card officiating. Burial will be in Spencerville Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Ida Rebekah Lodge will conduct services at 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Trinity United Methodist Church.

    The Lima News, 18 Jan 1987, p A4

    Kathryn married Harold Doyt Bowen. Harold was born on 17 Feb 1911 in Van Wert Co., Ohio and died on 20 Aug 1988 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 29797022} {Find A Grave ID: 29797022}

       1043 F    iii. Clara Ethel Parrott was born on 2 Jun 1893 in Blue Creek Township, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 16 Apr 1961 in Spencerville, Allen Co., Ohio,, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 29567861}

    Mrs. Clara Miller, 68, of 425 North Main street, Spencerville, died at 11:15 a.m. Sunday, April 16 at her residence. Mrs. Miller had been ill for some time prior to her death but had not been bedridden.

    She was born in Paulding County on January 2, 1893, and on April 7, 1915, she was married to Roy Miller, who survives. Other survivors besides her husband include three sons, Willard F. Miller, Robert H. Miller and Lonnie E. Miller, all of Route 2, Delphos; two sisters, Mrs. Norma McMichael and Mrs. Harold Bowen, both of Spencerville; and eight grandchildren. A brother, Elmer Parrott, died in World War I.

    Mrs. Miller was a member of the United Brethren Church of Christ in Monticello, Ohio. She was also a member of the Spencerville Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Spencerville Grange, the Berean Circle of Trinity Methodist Church of Monticello, and the Aunt Emma Club.

    Services wil be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, in the United Church of Christ in Spencerville with the Rev. G.W. Ledbetter officiating. Assisting will be the Rev. B.A. Amacher. Burial will be made in Spencerville Cemetery. The remains are at the residence where friends may call until noon Wednesday when they will be taken in the church to lie in state until time of the services. The Leis Funeral Home in (sic) in charge of arrangements.

    The Delphos Courant, 19 Apr 1961, p 4

    Clara married Roy Emerson Miller. Roy was born on 8 Apr 1894 in Salem Twp, Auglaize Co., Ohio, and died on 26 Apr 1976 in Spencerville, Allen Co., Ohio,, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 29567875} {Find A Grave ID: 29567875}

       1044 M    iv. Elmer H. Parrott was born on 20 Oct 1894 in Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jul 1918 in France, at age 23. {Find A Grave ID: 22663599}

    628. Samuel H. Parrott (John Alpheus6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 3 Mar 1855 in Ohio and died on 11 Sep 1939, at age 84.

    Samuel married Martha Jane Reynolds. Martha was born in Jun 1851 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1045 F    i. Bertha M. Parrett was born in 1877 in Clinton Co., Ohio.

       1046 F    ii. Leona L. Parrett was born in 1877 in Clinton Co., Ohio.

    632. Joseph Gatch Parrott (Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Oct 1849 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 27 Oct 1921 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas, at age 72.

    Joseph married Hattie E. Ballard. Hattie was born in 1850 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1880 in Fayette Co., Ohio, at age 30.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1047 F    i. Myrtle Aliza Parrott was born on 3 Nov 1871 in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 23 Feb 1931 in Muscotah, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 59.

    Myrtle married Joseph B. Smith. Joseph was born on 8 Apr 1959 in Missouri and died on 7 Feb 1942 in Muscotah, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age -17.

    Joseph next married Mary J. Butters. Mary was born in 1857.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1048 F    i. Lillie May Parrott was born on 11 Nov 1878 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       1049 M    ii. Jesse Orville Parrott was born on 5 May 1880 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       1050 M    iii. Charles Herman Parrott was born on 19 Oct 1881 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    + 1051 M    iv. William Preston Parrett was born on 22 Jul 1883 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       1052 F    v. Stella Edity Parrott was born on 15 Apr 1885 in Ohio.

       1053 M    vi. Leroy Parrett was born on 24 May 1886 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas.

       1054 F    vii. Mary Blanche Parrott was born on 26 Jan 1888 in Kansas.

       1055 M    viii. Harry Edward Parrett was born on 28 Jan 1890 in Kansas.

       1056 F    ix. Le Vada Madge Parrett was born on 29 Mar 1893 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas.

    633. John Alpheus Parrott (Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Oct 1851 in Jasper, Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jul 1906 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas, at age 54.

    John married Malinda Hopkins. Malinda was born on 18 Aug 1848 in Ohio and died on 1 Apr 1931, at age 82.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1057 F    i. Mary Parrott was born in Jan 1889 in Ohio.

    635. Theodore Franklin Parrott (Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Jun 1861 in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio and died on 13 Jan 1946 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 84.

    Theodore married Mary Jane Banks. Mary was born on 25 Apr 1860 in Saint David, Fulton Co., Illinois and died on 2 Dec 1932 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 72.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1058 M    i. Orville Elmer Parrott was born on 25 Jun 1884 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 31 Mar 1966 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 81.

    + 1059 M    ii. Arthur Allen Parrott was born on 6 Jan 1886 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 22 Feb 1966 in Buhl, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 80.

    + 1060 M    iii. George Robert Parrott was born on 4 Jun 1887 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 1 Jul 1970 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 83.

    + 1061 M    iv. Benjamin Franklin Parrott was born on 12 Feb 1889 in Bee Seward Co., Nebraska and died on 6 Jan 1946 in Jerome, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 56.

       1062 F    v. Jennie May Parrott was born on 22 Nov 1890 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 4 Dec 1955 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 65.

    Jennie married Thomas Cavender. Thomas was born in 1890 in Kansas and died in 1939 in Idaho, at age 49.

       1063 F    vi. Josie Mabel Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1893 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 4 Oct 1967 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 74.

    Josie married Robert E. Howard. Robert was born in 1892 in Colorado.

    + 1064 M    vii. Alfred Myron Parrott was born on 9 Nov 1894 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 1 Nov 1970 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 75.

       1065 F    viii. Oglie R. Parrott was born on 27 Sep 1897 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 1 Aug 1982 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 84.

    Oglie married Rex Eddis Lammers. Rex was born on 14 Jul 1893 in Wisconsin and died on 8 Aug 1951 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 58. They had no children.

    639. Thomas Allen Parrott (Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Apr 1875 in Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 8 Jun 1950 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 75.

    Notes: Thomas Parrott, 75, Passes Here
    Thomas A. Parrott, 75, died at 6:30 a.m. Thursday at 1345 Fifth avenue east. He had been a resident of the Salmon tract since 1913 and recently moved to Twin Falls. He had been in ill health for some time.

    He was born April 12, 1875, in Ohio and came to this area from Kansas. He married in 1902 at Whiting, Kans. His widow, Mrs. Armeda Parrott, survives him. Other survivors are a son, D. Charles Parrott, Twin Falls; One grandson, Larry Parrott, Twin Falls; one brother, William Parrott, Kansas, and several nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Methodist church.

    Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the White mortuary with the Rev. Albert B. Parrett officiating. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial park.

    Times-News, 08 Jun 1950, p 10

    Thomas married Armeda M. Magers. Armeda was born in 1881 in Kansas and died in 1968 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 87.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1066 M    i. David Charles Parrott was born on 26 Dec 1903 in Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 10 Dec 1984 in Carson City, Carson Co., Nevada, at age 80.

    David married Elizabeth. Elizabeth was born in 1907 in New Mexico.

    640. William Elmer Parrott (Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Feb 1877 in Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio and died in Sep 1969 in Valley Falls, Jefferson Co., Kansas, at age 92.

    William married Desdemona Lovelace. Desdemona was born in Oct 1883 in Kansas and died on 18 Dec 1933 in Muscotah, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 50.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1067 M    i. Walter Lee Parrott was born in 1903 in Muscotah, Atchison Co., Kansas and died on 2 Oct 1956 in Dover, Kent Co., Delaware, at age 53.

    William next married Bessie. Bessie was born in 1885 in Kansas.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1068 F    i. Betty M. Parrott was born on 17 Jul 1925 in Kansas and died on 14 Jun 2009 in Valley Falls, Jefferson Co., Kansas, at age 83.

    643. Lemuel Parrett (Joseph Copeland Marion6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Dec 1870 in Fayette Co., Ohio and died in 1913, at age 43.

    Lemuel married Adelia Louise Bereman. Adelia was born on 27 Oct 1870 in Indiana and died on 30 Dec 1929, at age 59.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1069 F    i. Cora Louise Parrett was born in 1902 in Oxford, Sumner Co., Kansas and died on 16 Jul 1990, at age 88.

    + 1070 M    ii. Vivian Elbert Parrett was born on 16 Jan 1895 in Tipton Co., Indiana and died on 11 Sep 1953, at age 58.

       1071 F    iii. Mary Myrtle Parrett was born on 4 Oct 1896 in Tipton Co., Indiana.

       1072 F    iv. Opal Bereman Parrett was born on 17 Mar 1898 in Hobbs, Tipton Co., Indiana and died in Jun 1992, at age 94.

       1073 M    v. Royal John Parrett was born on 23 Jun 1901 in Oxford, Sumner Co., Kansas and died in Jan 1966, at age 64.

    + 1074 M    vi. Clifford Theodore Parrett was born on 12 Apr 1905 in Gueda Springs, Sumner Co., Kansas and died on 29 Jul 1982, at age 77.

    + 1075 M    vii. Earl Richard Parrett was born on 9 Apr 1912 in Polk Co., Missouri and died on 25 May 1983, at age 71.

    647. Nolah Stanford Parrott (Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Nov 1890 in Clay Center, Clay Co., Kansas and died on 1 Mar 1970 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 79.

    Nolah married Estella Bahr. Estella was born on 15 Jan 1902 in Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 7 Feb 1995 in Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 93.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1076 M    i. Kenneth L. Parrott was born on 17 Sep 1922 in Guilford Township, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 3 Oct 2015 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 93.

    + 1077 M    ii. Austin W. Parrott was born on 25 Aug 1926 in Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 12 Jun 2020 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 93.

    649. Lee Otis Parrott (Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Dec 1982 in Albany, Gentry Co., Missouri and died on 20 Jun 1980 in Cummings, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age -2.

    Lee married Amanda L. Barton. Amanda was born on 24 Apr 1897 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 26 Jan 1990 in Cummings, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 92.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1078 F    i. Hazel Leona Parrott was born on 3 May 1916 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 24 Aug 2008 in Cummings, Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 92.

    Notes: Hazel Leona (Parrott) McKanna, 92, of Nortonville, KS, passed away Sunday, August 25, 2008 at her daughter's home in rural Nortonville.

    Funeral services will be 3:00 pm, Saturday, August 30, at the Cummings Christian Church with Rev. Gary Patterson and Rev. David Atzenweiler, officiating. Visitation will be from 7:00 to 8:30 pm, Friday, at the Becker-Dyer-Stanton Funeral Home, Atchison. Memorials in memory of Mrs. McKanna are suggested to the Cummings Christian Church Building Fund. Condolences to the family may be left online at

    Hazel was born on May 3, 1916 at Rushville, MO, the daughter of Lee Otis and Amanda (Barton) Parrott. She moved with her family to the Cummings, KS, community at the age of 8. She married Marcus E. McKanna on August 24, 1937 in Cummings and they farmed in the area for many years. Hazel and Mack moved to Colorado in 1958 and lived there until Mack's death in 1973. Hazel moved back to Kansas and worked for several years at the Mop Factory in Atchison. Hazel loved to sew, gardening and can. She was a very good cook and loved having her family around her. Hazel was a very active member of the Cummings Christian Church.

    Hazel is survived by her children, Anna L. Atzenweiler, Nortonville, KS, Leona (Roger) Bakel, Longmont, CO, Dale (Kathryn) McKanna, Burlingame, KS; ten grandchildren; fourteen great-grandchildren; two great-great grandchildren; a brother, Charles (Eula) Parrott, Rushville, MO; a sister, Edith (Bob) Lewman, Cummings, KS.

    She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; brother, Morgan Parrott; and one great granddaughter, Jessica McKanna

    Hazel married Marcus Elmer McKanna. Marcus was born on 18 Apr 1912 in Iowa and died on 28 Jun 1973 in Boulder, Boulder Co., Colorado, at age 61.

    + 1079 M    ii. Morgan Lee Parrott was born on 21 Feb 1918 in Gentryville, Gentry Co., Missouri and died on 17 Dec 1973 in DeKalb, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 55.

    + 1080 M    iii. Charles Otis Parrott was born on 15 Aug 1923 in Albany, Gentry Co., Missouri and died on 24 May 2012 in Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 88.

    653. Frank C. Parrott (Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Jan 1872 in Mendon, Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 24 Jun 1935 in California, at age 63.

    Frank married Ida Virginia Sherfey. Ida was born on 2 Apr 1870 in Virginia.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1081 F    i. Hazel Irene Parrott was born on 8 May 1893.

       1082 M    ii. Harry B. Parrott was born on 29 Oct 1896 in Allen Co., Ohio.

    + 1083 M    iii. Frank Herbert Parrott Sr. was born on 28 Jul 1899 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 7 Sep 1978 in San Bernadino Co., California, at age 79.

    654. Edward Wesley Parrott (Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Aug 1877 in Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 5 May 1950 in Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 72.

    Notes: PT 9:119, also 124-126, 1991

    Edward married Loma Maud Boyd. Loma was born on 2 Sep 1877 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 15 Sep 1960 in Richland Co., Illinois, at age 83.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1084 F    i. Cleo Mae Parrott was born on 13 Sep 1889 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 8 Apr 1991 in Murray Co., Ohio, at age 101.

    Cleo married Ezra Howard Ferrebee.

    + 1085 M    ii. Robert Merle Parrott was born on 21 Sep 1901 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 7 Jan 1975 in Coles Co., Illinois, at age 73.

    + 1086 M    iii. Glendale Grant Parrott was born on 30 Nov 1903 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 9 Feb 1970 in Wabash Co., Illinois, at age 66.

       1087 F    iv. Marjorie Gale Parrott was born on 12 Sep 1905 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 3 Oct 1964 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 59.

    Marjorie married Wibur Claude Pemberton.

       1088 M    v. Edward Russell Parrott was born on 15 Jun 1907.

       1089 M    vi. Donald Vance Parrott was born on 11 Jun 1910 in Lawrenceville, Illinois and died on 15 Jul 1982 in Richland Co., Illinois, at age 72.

    Donald married Ola Ellen Rabinson.

    + 1090 M    vii. Leonard Arlington Parrott was born on 3 May 1912 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 20 Jul 1976 in Ottawa Co., Kansas, at age 64.

    + 1091 M    viii. Kenneth Howard Parrott was born on 15 Nov 1914 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 24 Nov 1976 in Vanderburgh, Indiana, at age 62.

       1092 F    ix. Myrtle Lucille Parrott was born on 19 Mar 1919 in Butler Co., Kansas.

    Myrtle married Jack Laverne Bryan. Jack was born on 31 Dec 1916 in Manitu, Oklahoma.

       1093 F    x. Billie Lou Parrott was born on 14 Apr 1924 in Kay Co., Kansas and died on 27 Dec 1957, at age 33.

    Billie married Francis Eugene Carey.

    Edward next married Alice Stratton.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1094 F    i. Betty Jean Parrott was born in 1928.

    Betty married Hammonds.

    655. Arlington Alphus Parrott (Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Dec 1889 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio and died on 16 Jun 1958 in Vermillion Co., Illinois, at age 68.

    Notes: From Crawford County, Illinois-Illinois History Book:

    "Arlington Alphus Parrott (Arley) was born south of Lima, Ohio on 8 Dec 1889, to Anderson and Annis (Lannay) Parrott. He also had a half brother, Frank, and a full brother Edward Wesley. His mother, who died ten days after his birth, was born and educated in Paris, France. Once in the United States she became a governess for a time to the prominent Vanderbilt family. Arlington's father was from a long line of Parrotts that originally came fro Alsace Lorraine, France, to Shenandoah, Virginia, eventually serving as a Revolutionary soldier. In the 1790's the family founded Parrottsville, Tennessee, and later in 1814, Arlington's Great Grandfather moved to Ohio. At the age of 12 Arlington's father died., leaving him orphaned and for the next 5 yrs he lived with many different families. At age 15 he worked in a barrell stave factory in northern Michigan, In 1907 at the age 17, Arlington came to Crawford county, Illinois, with his brother Ed, Ed's wife Maud and her family the William Boyd family. They lived in tents on the open field on the New Hebron curve which is now a school and church. Arlington worked at several jobs in the county, the refinery, teaming in the oil fields, then finally as a pumper or oil johnny. A seasoned bachelor at age 29, he married Ola E. Inboden b. 9 Oct 1897. She was the daughter of John H. Inboden, a family who were early residents of Crawford county. After the marriage in Jul 1918, Arlington as called to duty in the U.S. Army during WWI. At the end of the war, he was a private-trainee of the central infantry officer's training school at Camp Grant, Illinois.

    "To the marriage of Arlington and Ola were born 6 girls and 2 boys: Juanita Rose Annis (Parrott) Schlosser, April 13, 1919; twins Beulah Faye (Parrott) Smith and Lula Mae (Parrott) Lowrance, Sept.3, 1920; Arlington Lowell Parrott, Feb.16, 1925; Ralph Allen Parrott, May 2, 1926; Wanda Glen (Parrott) Adams, April 27, 1928; Norma Paulette, June 5, 1931 (deceased 10 days old); Patricia Pauline (Parrott) Bailey, Dec.17, 1936. In 1929, Arlington moved his family to Copeland, KS. to work on water wells and wind mills. As a result of the depression, they moved on to Kaw City, OK., and finally back to Crawford County in 1934. Arlington confessed his faith in Christ in 1919 and was a member of the Oblong Christian Church. He died June 16, 1958 at the age of 68 years, 6 months. His wife Ola, resides in Robinson."

    Arlington married Ola Elsie Inboden. Ola was born on 9 Oct 1897 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 3 Oct 1980, at age 82.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1095 F    i. Juanita Rose Annis Parrott was born on 13 Apr 1919 in Crawford Co., Illinois.

    Juanita married Leo Clifton Schlosser. Leo was born in 1918.

       1096 F    ii. Beulah Faye Parrott was born on 3 Sep 1920 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 25 Dec 1998, at age 78.

    Beulah married Charles James Smith. Charles was born in 1920.

       1097 F    iii. Lula Mae Parrott was born on 3 Sep 1920 in Crawford Co., Illinois.

    Lula married Lloyd Charles Lowrance. Lloyd was born in 1920.

    + 1098 M    iv. Arlington Lowell Parrott was born on 16 Feb 1925 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 12 Mar 2008 in Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 83.

    + 1099 M    v. Ralph Allen Parrott was born on 2 May 1926 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 27 Feb 1998, at age 71.

       1100 F    vi. Wanda Glen Parrott was born on 27 Apr 1928 in Crawford Co., Illinois.

    Wanda married Grant C. Adams. Grant was born in 1927.

       1101 F    vii. Norma Paulette Parrott was born on 5 Jun 1931 in Kansas and died on 15 Jun 1931.

       1102 F    viii. Patricia Pauline Parrott was born on 17 Dec 1936 in Crawford Co., Illinois.

    Patricia married Thomas Winston Bailey. Thomas was born in 1935.

    660. Green L. Parrott (James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1845 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 13 Dec 1910, at age 65.

    Green married Susannah E. Renner. Susannah was born in 1853 in Tennessee.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1103 F    i. Eliza E. Parrott was born in 1872 in Tennessee.

       1104 F    ii. Mary M. Parrott was born in 1873 in Tennessee.

    + 1105 M    iii. Franklin Willett Parrott was born on 15 Apr 1875 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in Washington Co., Arkansas.

       1106 M    iv. Charles A. Parrott was born in 1877 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 1107 M    v. Gertie H. Parrott was born in 1888 and died in 1925, at age 37.

    665. James Washington Parrott (James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Jan 1849 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Feb 1944, at age 95.

    James married Laura J. Laura was born in 1849 in Tennessee.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1108 F    i. Mary Parrott was born in 1872 in Tennessee.

    James next married Mittie G. Mittie was born in 1872 in Tennessee.

    667. John Adams Parrott (James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Aug 1853 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 9 May 1923 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 69.

    John married Clarissa Elvira Penland, daughter of Marcus Lafayette Penland and Martha Elvira Horton. Clarissa was born in 1858 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 19 Apr 1939 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 81.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1109 M    i. James Jerome Parrott was born on 5 Oct 1877 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 20 Sep 1956 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 78.

       1110 M    ii. Richard Auburn Parrott was born on 3 Jun 1880 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 22 Dec 1944 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 64.

       1111 F    iii. Ida Parrott was born on 22 Jan 1885 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 11 Apr 1976 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 91.

    Ida married Bridwell.

       1112 F    iv. Zopha Parrott was born on 2 Aug 1887 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 28 Apr 1933 in Peters Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 45.

       1113 F    v. Florence Parrott was born in 1896 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       1114 F    vi. Cleo Parrott was born on 23 Jun 1900 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 24 May 2001 in Mitchell Co., North Carolina, at age 100.

    Cleo married Ector Bettis Higgins. Ector was born on 10 Sep 1893 in North Carolina and died on 30 Jul 1981 in Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 87.

    + 1115 M    vii. Thomas Grant Parrott was born on 9 Oct 1902 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 12 Mar 1980 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 77.

    668. Isaac Clayton Parrott (James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 May 1860 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 14 Jul 1920 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 60.

    Notes: Tragedy at Roan Mountain, Carter County- I.C. Parrott Arrested.

    Elizabethton, Tenn., Feb. 12. - A terrible crime was committed on Saturday night at Roan Mountain, this county, when I.C. Parrott shot and mortally wounded Zeb Winters. It seems that there was an old grudge exisitng between the two men. Both of them were drinking, so it is claimed, and when they met, the amtter (sic) was brought up, but they soon separated. Parrott procured a warrant and had Winters arrested, but the magistrate, T.L. Hilton, found that Winters was not guilty. This enraged Parrott and he made threats as to what he intended to do. Mrs. Winters and her two brothers in the meantime had come and were taking Mr. Winters home when they were met by Parrott. Parrott began to abuse Winters and asked him what he had called him a certain name for. Winters denied calling him that and Parrott attempted to strike him with an open knife. This was taken from him and he (Parrott) then ran into a store after his Winchester rifle and said that he would kill the whole "push." Mrs. Winters and her brothers ran away and Winters started to go away, but saw that Parrott was too close to him and turned and went toward Parrott. When he was within a few steps of Parrott he (Parrott) shot him through the stomach. Winters clinched Parrott and asked some one to take his gun from him, and then Winter's strength gave way. As he started to leave Parrott shot him twice. Winters crawled to a house some distance away. Parrott was considered very dangerous when drinking and were afraid of him. Soon after Parrott was arrested and brought to Elizabethton and lodged in jail. Winters is in precarious condition and the attending physicians say that there is but little hope for him.

    The whole community is shocked at the terrible crime. It is said that Winters was at one time a policeman at Elk Creek, N.C. and had arrested Parrott. It seems that Parrott had always held this against Winters.

    The (Knoxville) Journal and Tribune, 13 Feb 1906, p 5

    Circuit court has been in session here this week. The most prominent criminal case was the state of Tennessee vs. I.C. Parrott. Several months ago Parrott and a man by the name of Wintes became embroiled in a quarrel at Roan mountain, and after passing some very hot words the matter resulted in Parrott shooting Winters. Parrott was arrested and lodged in jail at Elizabethton. Winters revovered, and Parrott gave bond and has since lived here and conducted a small store. The trial consuded the whole of Tuesday and a part of Wednesday, and the jury gave a verdict of one year in the county jail and fine of $100. The attorneys moved a new trial, which was refused and therefore the case was appealed to the supreme court.

    The (Knoxville) Journal and Tribune, 18 Feb 1907, p 2

    Requisitions Granted.
    Governor Kitchin honored two requisitions to-day for prisoners now in jail in this State and wanted in other States to answer for crimes. I.C. Parrott, now in jail in Asheville, is wanted in Tennessee for felonious assault, ....
    The (Charlotte) Evening Chronicle, 29 Dec 1909, p 1


    Two requisitions from Governors of other States were honored today by Governor Kitchin. <snip> I.C. Parrott, escaped from a sentence in Tennesee for felonious assault, now in a jail at Asheville.

    The Wilimington Morning, 29 Dec 1909, p 1

    Gov. Patterson has granted the following pardons:
    I.C. Parrott, Carter County, sentenced to eleven months and twenty-nine days for felonious assault. The County Physician, officials and others ask clemency on the ground that petitioner is suffering intensely from an incurable disease, is a burden to the county and they do not want him to die in jail. He lives in North Carolina and wants to go there to be cared for by friends.

    Nashville Banner, 20 Apr 1910, p 8

    I.C. Parrott Fined $10 for Talking Too Much and Showing a Knife.

    Judge P.C. Cocke presided over a light docket in police court this morning. <snip>

    I.C. Parrott, charged with being drunk and and disorderly, came in for the most severe punishment. It was alleged that he asked a man on the street for a chew of tobacco; that the man replied he didn't have a chew and that as a result of this reply he was "cussed" by the defendant. It was also in evidence that the defendant drew his knife. A fine of $10 and costs was imposed.

    The Asheville Gazette-News, 06 Jul 1910, p 7

    I.C. Parrott, who was charged with a similar offense [drinking too much], failed to respond to the call of his name. A capias was issued for him.

    The Asheville Citizen, 09 Sep 1913, p 3

    Remains Will Be Interred Today in Yancey County

    Isaac C. Parrott, 69 years of age, died at 2:10 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home on Haywood street after an illness of several months with Brights' disease. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Angelina Parrrott, two brothers, John and Sam, two daughters, Mesdames Rosa Brinkley and Minnie Brewers; a half sister, Mrs. Eliza Hyatt. His remains will be interred today in Yancey county, near the scene of his birth.

    Asheville Citizen-Times, 15 Jul 1920, p 5

    Isaac married Angelina Naomi Penland, daughter of Marcus Lafayette Penland and Martha Elvira Horton. Angelina was born on 15 May 1860 in Cane River, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 23 Nov 1933 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1116 F    i. Rosa Lee Parrott was born on 4 Oct 1880 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 4 Sep 1973 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 92.

    Rosa married Charles O'Conor Brinkley. Charles was born on 2 Dec 1880 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 17 Jul 1958 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 77.

       1117 F    ii. Minnie Parrott was born on 11 May 1882 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 1 Oct 1984 in Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 102.

    Minnie married Hardy Brewer. Hardy was born in 1877.

    669. Samuel Houston Parrott (James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Mar 1865 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina.

    Samuel married Althea Boone. Althea was born on 29 May 1864 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 12 Jan 1947 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 82. Another name for Althea was Leathy Parrott.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1118 F    i. Dora B. Parrott was born in Sep 1879 in Yancey Co., North Carolina.

    Dora married JosephTurner Webb. JosephTurner was born on 15 Jul 1883 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       1119 F    ii. Cyntha A. Parrott was born in Apr 1881 in Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       1120 F    iii. Anna Bell Parrott was born on 25 Apr 1885 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 15 Dec 1958 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 73.

    Anna married William Austin Rathburn. William was born on 10 May 1886 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 5 Aug 1967 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 81.

       1121 M    iv. James G. Parrott was born in Aug 1888 in Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       1122 F    v. Queen Ester Parrott was born on 17 Aug 1890 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 17 Dec 1956 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 66.

    Queen married Thomas Josiah Young. Thomas was born in 1871.

       1123 F    vi. Bertha Parrott was born on 3 Jul 1891 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 31 Aug 1948 in Micahville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 57.

    Bertha married Hobart Carroll. Hobart was born on 26 Jul 1899 in Micahville, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 3 May 1964 in Spruce Pine, Mitchell Co., North Carolina, at age 64.

    + 1124 M    vii. Grant Alton Parrott was born on 23 Jul 1892 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 13 Jun 1948 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 55.

       1125 F    viii. Lizzie Parrott was born on 18 Oct 1894 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 5 Dec 1963 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 69. Another name for Lizzie was Elizabeth M. Boone.

    Lizzie married Nathan W. Boone. Nathan was born on 20 Feb 1887 in Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington and died on 8 Jul 1960 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 73.

       1126 M    ix. William M. Parrott was born in Nov 1896 in Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       1127 M    x. John M. Parrott was born in Jul 1899 in Yancey Co., North Carolina.

       1128 F    xi. Maude Kate Parrott was born on 1 Aug 1902 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 19 Dec 1989 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 87.

    Maude married Floyd Asbury Davis. Floyd was born on 24 Nov 1897 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 24 Jan 1986 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 88.

       1129 F    xii. Ruth A. Parrott was born on 10 Mar 1906 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 26 Sep 1999 in Asheville, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 93.

    Ruth married Carl Haskell Noblett. Carl was born on 19 Nov 1906 in Virginia and died on 16 Jun 1972 in Asheville, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 65.

    679. Frank Walter Parrott (Charles S.6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Apr 1869 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Mar 1953 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 100650902}

    Notes: PARROTT, FRANK W.,
    83, died Tuesday afternoon in a Newport Clinic after a short illness. He was born in Parrottsville and was married to Miss Annie C. Balch July 21, 1895. Survivors: wife; four children, Theodore, Eugene, Fred and Mrs. Hatchcher Graham, all of Newport; brother, H.H. Parrott; sisters, Mrs. R.P. Driscoll, Mrs. J.G. Allison; nine grandchildren. Funeral, Newport Methodist Church, 3 p.m. Thursday, Rev. T. Paul Sims and Re. Lowell B. Milburn officiating. The body will remain at Holder Funeral Home unitil 2 p.m. Thursday, when it will be taken to the church to lie in state one hour before services at the grave. Interment in Union Cemetery. Mr. Parrott had been very active in Republican politics and civic affains in Cocke County for many years. He served the county as superintendent of schools, as representative for three terms, and served the city of Newport as an alderman and recorder. He had been a trustee of the Methodist Church for more than 50 years, and was a charter member of the Newport Kiwanis Club, member of Newport Masonic Lodge No. 234, F&AM, owned and helped operate the Driscoll and Parrott Furniture Co. for 30 years. He had been one of Cock County most outstanding citizens.

    The Knoxville Journal, 18 Mr 1953, p 16

    Frank married Annie Caroline Balch. Annie was born on 26 May 1875 in Tennesee and died on 5 Feb 1960 in Morristown, Hamblen, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 100650967} {Find A Grave ID: 100650967}

    Notes: NEWPORT, Feb. 6 -- Mrs. Annie C. Parrott, widow of a former Cocke County official and state legislator, died yesterday at Morristown hospital. She was 84.

    Mrs. Parrott was active in Methodist church work, especially in the church's missionary society.

    Her husband, Frank W. Parrott, was a long-time furniture dealer in Newport and served as County Court Clerk and County Trustee. He also served three terms as a Representative in the State Legislature.

    Survivors: Four children, Eugene, Fred and Mrs. Hatcher Graham, all of Newport; sisters, Mrs. R.B. Smith, Parrottsville, Mrs. B.F. Easterly and Mrs. Charles Hodge, Newport; one brother, Fred S. Balch, Little Rock, Ark., and nine grandchildren.

    Services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at Newport Methodist Church, with the Rev. Harold Harris officiating.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 06 Feb 1960, p 9

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1130 M    i. Robert Ross Parrott was born on 30 Jun 1896 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 8 Jun 1941 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 44.

    + 1131 M    ii. Charles Eugene Parrott was born on 15 Oct 1898 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Dec 1969 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 71.

    + 1132 M    iii. Frank Theodore Parrott was born on 27 Oct 1901 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Jan 1983, at age 81.

       1133 M    iv. Frederick Walker Parrott was born on 4 Nov 1908 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Apr 1964 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 55.

    Notes: PARROTT, Fred W.--55, passed away at his home, North Street, Newport, Sunday afternoon. He was a Veteran of World War II, member of Newport Bar Association, member of First Methodist Church. Survivors: Mrs. Hatcher Grahame, Newport; brothers, Theo and Eugeen Parrott, Newport; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services 4 p.m. Tuesday, First Methodist Church chapel, Dr. Joseph Hardin officiating. Interment Union Cemetery. Pallbearers: Roy Campbell Jr., Fred Myers, Kenneth Porter, James McSwain, Roger Smith, Ed Hurd, Bill Buda, Z. Buda. Family requests in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to the organ fund of First Methodist Church. Body will remain at Griffey Mortuary, Newport, where family will receive friends Monday evening. Griffey Mortuary in charge.

    The Knoxville Journal, 13 Apr 1964, p 10

       1134 F    v. Anna Evelyn Parrott was born on 5 Jun 1912 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Nov 1992 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 99865755}

    Anna married James Hatcher Graham. James was born on 2 Sep 1908 and died on 29 Jul 1979, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 99865759} {Find A Grave ID: 99865759}

    686. James William Parrott (Louis Marion6, George5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Oct 1866 in Colorado and died on 25 Aug 1940 in Lake Co., California, at age 73.

    Notes: Posted on Find a Grave by Nancy Hagood, 29 Nov 2006:

    James William Parrott was the son of Mary Charlotte Bellis and Louis Marion Parrott. His parents were originally from Ray County, MO, then southern Colorado, then Douglas County, OR. His sisters were Emma (Chapman) and Ethel (Nelson).

    James married Callie Adele Abshire in Sonoma CO, California, 25 Dec 1887. They had the following children: Elsie Evangeline and Mary Marguertie.

    James married Callie Adele Abshire. Callie was born on 25 Oct 1863 in California and died on 9 Jul 1940 in Sonoma Co., California, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1135 F    i. Mary Marguerite Parrott was born on 10 Oct 1888 in California and died on 28 Jan 1970 in Lake Co., California, at age 81.

    Mary married Chester William Lampson. Chester was born on 24 Aug 1889 in California and died on 1 Feb 1962 in Lake Co., California, at age 72.

       1136 F    ii. Elsie Evangeline Parrott was born on 3 Dec 1894 in Geyserville, Sonoma Co., California and died on 12 Aug 1988 in Sonoma Co., California, at age 93.

    Elsie married Luther Barker Cake. Luther was born on 15 Apr 1895 in Geyserville, Sonoma Co., California and died on 6 Apr 1963 in Geyserville, Sonoma Co., California, at age 67.

    687. Samuel A. Parrott (John Van Buren6, Samuel5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1870 in Parrottsville, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 3 Jun 1934 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 2990641}

    Notes: Samuel A. Parrott, 64, died suddently in a late hour Sunday afternoon. Mr. Parrott was a veteran of the Spanish-American war. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Parrott and Mrs. Nina Boone of this city, and son, Fred Parrott.

    Funeral services will be held from the Chapman Funeral Home at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. W.H. Harrison coducting the services.

    Pallbearers wll be R.J. Benedict, Charles Davis, W.P. Lewis, Mack Stout, V. LaPoint and Odell Pettis. Interment will be in the National Cemetery.

    The Chattanooga News, 04 Jun 1934, p 2

    Samuel married Josephine Drake. Josephine was born in 1887 in Tennesee.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1137 M    i. Fred Melvin Parrott was born on 22 Sep 1900 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died in 1965 in Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 199384567}

    Fred married Catherine Adeila Brett. Catherine was born on 5 Jun 1905 in Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania and died on 3 Feb 1994, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 199384582} {Find A Grave ID: 199384582}

    Samuel next married Ella.

    694. James Ellis Parrott (George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Jan 1882 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 23 Aug 1936 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas, at age 54.

    James married Mabel Armantha Owen. Mabel was born on 11 Apr 1883 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 11 May 1939 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas, at age 56.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1138 M    i. Dale Ellis Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1906 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 26 Nov 1976 in Harris Co., Texas, at age 70.

       1139 F    ii. Edith Mable Parrott was born on 15 Nov 1911 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 17 Nov 1985 in Falls Co., Texas, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 60791980}

    Notes: MARLIN - Mrs. Edith P. Price, 74, of Marlin died Monday morning at a Marlin hospital. Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at First Baptist Church of Kosse, the Rev. Lindsay Coffield officiating. Burial will be at Kosse City Cemetery.

    Mrs. Price was born Nov. 15, 1911, in Kosse. She grew up in Kosse and attended schools there. She was married to Harry D. Price in 1929. She lived in Kosse, then moved to Sweeney in 1938. She retired from nursing and moved to Marlin seven years ago. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Marlin.

    Survivors include her husband; four sons, David Price of Conroe, Charles Price of Houston, John Price of Sweeny and James Price of Kingsland; two brothers, W.J. Parrott of Sacramento, Calif., and Arlan Parrott of Dover, Del.; and nine grandchildren.

    White Funeral Home of Kosse is in charge of arrangements.

    (Waco TX) Tribune-Herald, 19 Nov 1985, p 2B

    Edith married Harry D. Price. Harry was born on 3 Apr 1907 and died on 15 Jan 2004 in Marlin, Falls Co., Texas, at age 96. {Find A Grave ID: 60791797} {Find A Grave ID: 60791797}

    + 1140 M    iii. William Jones Parrott was born on 18 Oct 1918 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 20 Jan 2001 in Sacramento Co., California, at age 82.

    + 1141 M    iv. George Arlan Parrott was born on 7 Feb 1923 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 24 May 1986 in Dover, Kent Co., Delaware, at age 63.

    695. Grover Cleveland Parrott (George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Sep 1884 in Texas and died on 8 Jun 1942 in Falls Co., Texas, at age 57.

    Notes: G.C. Parrott Dies Near Kosse
    G.C. Parrott, age 57, died at his home one mile south of Kosse early Monday morning after several months illness.

    He is survived by his wife and seven children, Mrs. Lola Fae (sic) Martin, Oletha; Jack Parrott, Kosse; Walter and Wallace Parrott of Kosse; Mary Alice Parrott, J.K. Parrott and Bobby Lynn Parrott of Kosse. One brother, Wallace Parrott and two sisters, Mrs. Alice Lloyd of Kosse and Mrs. Eula Swinnea of Abilene also survive.

    Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Church in Kosse with the Rev. Hunter, pastor, officiating. Interment was in the Kosse Cemetery with J.I. Riddle & Company in charge of the funeral arrangements.

    The Mexia Weekly Herald, 12 Jun 1942, p 6

    Grover married Leeilla Ketner. Leeilla was born on 1 Aug 1899 in Texas and died on 7 Oct 1993 in Limestone Co., Texas, at age 94.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1142 F    i. Lola Faye Parrott was born on 7 Sep 1921 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas and died on 2 Apr 2003 in Groesbeck, Limestone Co., Texas, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 43981670}

    Notes: Funeral services for Lola Faye Martin, 81, of Groesbeck were held Friday, April 4, 2003 in the First Baptist Church of Groesbeck. Mrs. Martin died Wednesday, April 2, 2003. Burial was in McKenzie Cemetery.

    She was born Sept. 7, 1921 in Kosse. She and Jodie Martin were married 61 years and she taught school 40 years. Among the survivors are a brother, Jack Parrott, Granbury.

    Hood County News
    , 05 Apr 2003, p 8B

    Lola married Jodie William Martin. Jodie was born on 29 May 1914 in Texas and died on 22 Sep 2001 in Groesbeck, Limestone Co., Texas, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 43981649} {Find A Grave ID: 43981649}

    + 1143 M    ii. Jack Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1923 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 12 Aug 2005 in Granbury, Hood Co., Texas, at age 82.

    + 1144 M    iii. Walter Lee Parrott was born on 9 Dec 1924 in Limestone Co., Texas and died on 7 Jan 2002 in Karnes City, Karnes Co., Texas, at age 77.

       1145 F    iv. Mary Alice Parrott was born on 30 Aug 1928 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 1 Oct 2021 in Cuero, DeWitt Co., Texas, at age 93. {Find A Grave ID: 250113364}

    Notes: Mary Alice Handley, 93, formerly of Karnes City, passed away on Friday, October 1, 2021 in Cuero, Tx. She was born on August, 30, 1928 to G.C. Parrott and Lee Illa Ketner Parrott in Kosse, Tx.

    She married Jim Handley on February 2, 1947. Mary Alice was a longtime member of the First Baptist Church in Karnes City. She was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother.

    Mary Alice is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Jim Handley; son, Jack Handley; daughter, Jimmie Fenner, brothers, Jack, J.K., Walter, Wallace, and Bobby Parrott; and sister, Lola Fay Martin.

    She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Judy Handley; son-in-law, Donnie Fenner; grandson, Jamie Fenner and Jefferey Fenner; special niece, Jodie Fay Winn, as well as many other nieces and nephews.

    A visitation will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at Rhodes Funeral Home Chapel in Karnes City. The Funeral Service will begin at 3:00 p.m. in the Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Nate Ingle officiating. Burial will follow at the Karnes City Cemetery.

    Mary married James Arthur Handley. James was born on 4 Apr 1927 in Freestone Co., Texas and died on 30 Nov 2014 in Cuero, DeWitt Co., Texas, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 139482597} {Find A Grave ID: 139482597}

    + 1146 M    v. Grover Wallace Parrott was born on 16 Aug 1931 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 8 Aug 1987 in Ellis Co., Texas, at age 55.

       1147 M    vi. JK Parrott was born on 22 Sep 1933 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 15 Mar 2011 in Karnes City, Karnes Co., Texas, at age 77. Another name for JK was John Ketner Parrott.

    Notes: John K. "J.K." Parrott, of Karnes City, TX, and formerly of Kosse, passed away Tuesday, March 15, 2011, at Karnes City Health & Rehab Center, at age 77.

    Graveside services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday March 16, 2011 at Kosse City Cemetery, with Rev. Tracy Sims officiating.

    J.K. was born September 22, 1933 to Grover Cleveland Parrott and Leeilla Ketner Parrott in Kosse. He grew up and went to school in Kosse, and then moved to Freer to work in the oil fields. He worked all his life in the oil fields, including years working offshore. In between jobs in the oil industry, he was a drywall worker with his brother at Farris, TX.

    J.K. was preceded in death by his parents, Grover & Leeilla Parrott; sister, Lola Faye Martin; brothers, Jack Parrott, Walter Parrott, Wallace Parrott and Bobby Parrott; and nephew, Larry Parrott.

    He is survived by his sister, Mary Alice Handley and husband Jim of Karnes City; sister-in-law, Leta Faye Parrott of Granbury; and numerous nieces and nephews, including Jodie Winn and husband Glynn, of Thornton.

    + 1148 M    vii. Bobby Lynn Parrott was born on 20 Mar 1936 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 17 Mar 2000 in Blue Ridge, Collin Co., Texas, at age 63.

    697. Wallace Blackburn Parrott (George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Jul 1889 in Limestone Co., Texas and died on 9 May 1954 in Marlin, Falls Co., Texas, at age 64.

    Wallace married Marion Ruby Ferguson. Marion was born on 24 Jan 1898 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 27 Nov 1990 in Limestone Co., Texas, at age 92.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1149 M    i. William Boyd Parrott was born on 7 Dec 1919 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas and died on 5 May 2013 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas, at age 93.

    698. George Newton Parrott Jr. (George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 May 1891 in Limestone Co., Texas.

    George married Alice Adams. Alice was born on 19 Feb 1894 in Texas and died on 27 May 1943 in Limestone Co., Texas, at age 49.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1150 F    i. Eula Maeree Parrott was born on 13 Jun 1923 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas and died on 25 May 1955 in Texas, at age 31.

       1151 F    ii. Emma Jane Parrott was born on 17 Mar 1925 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas and died on 27 Dec 1993 in San Francisco Co., California, at age 68.

    700. Richard Alexander Parrott (Hugh6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Jan 1891 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jul 1968 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    Richard married Mary Caroline Tritt. Mary was born in 1897.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1152 F    i. Agnes Lea Parrott was born on 20 Jul 1917 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Aug 2006 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

    Agnes married Maynard Kenneth Clemmons. Maynard was born on 20 Oct 1945 in Tennessee and died on 25 Aug 1995 in Morristown, Hamblen Co., Tennessee, at age 49.

    + 1153 M    ii. Billy Hugh Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1929 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 15 May 2007, at age 77.

    710. Charles Hamilton Parrett (Cyrus Roten6, Pleasant H.5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Sep 1873 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Charles married Daisy Elizabeth Lininger. Daisy was born in Sep 1876 in Indiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1154 F    i. Ruth Margaret Parrett was born on 27 Sep 1895 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       1155 F    ii. Bessie Pearl Parrett was born on 1 Mar 1897 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

       1156 F    iii. Charlotte Lillian Parrett was born on 23 Oct 1913 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    716. William Edward Parrott (Joseph W.6, David Mann5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1866 and died in 1930, at age 64.

    William married Emma Merkt. Emma was born in 1873 and died in 1937, at age 64.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1157 M    i. Glen Ruttland Parrett was born on 13 Aug 1899 in Jefferson Co., Iowa and died on 20 Dec 1958 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 59.

    745. Earl E. Parrett (Edward Anthony6, George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Nov 1881 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Earl married Amelia Mitchell. Amelia was born about 1884 in Ohio.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1158 F    i. Helen Parrett was born in 1910 in Ohio.

       1159 F    ii. Hazel Parrett was born in 1913 in Ohio.

    747. Scott Marvin Parrett (Edward Anthony6, George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Apr 1885 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    Scott married Euda. Euda was born in 1888 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1160 F    i. Mary M. Parrett was born in 1919 in Ohio.

    754. Marvin Parrett (Erie Harlan6, George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Aug 1888 in Ohio.

    Marvin married Edna Graham. Edna was born in 1890 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1161 M    i. Harland Parrett was born in 1911 in Ohio.

    757. Willard Parrett (Erie Harlan6, George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jul 1899 in Ohio.

    Willard married Irene Reay. Irene was born in 1901.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1162 M    i. Clark Alvin Parrett was born on 1 Nov 1921 in Ohio.

       1163 F    ii. Eleanor Caroline Parrett was born in 1924 in Ohio.

    758. Glenn Parrett (Erie Harlan6, George Banner5, "Tennessee" Joseph J. (Captn)4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Apr 1897 in Ohio.

    Glenn married Hazel Buckley. Hazel was born in 1904.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1164 M    i. Frederick Parrett was born in 1922 in Ohio.

       1165 M    ii. Paul Parrett was born in 1923 in Ohio.

       1166 M    iii. Rodney Parrett was born in 1926 in Ohio.

       1167 M    iv. John Parrett was born in 1927 in Ohio.

       1168 M    v. Glenn J. Parrett was born in 1928 in Ohio.

       1169 F    vi. Pearl Parrett was born in 1930 in Ohio.

    769. Bigby Parrott (Charles C.6, Josiah Rhoten5, Jacob4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Dec 1879 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died on 16 Jan 1917 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 37.

    Bigby married Maude Gideon. Maude was born on 24 Dec 1889 in Missouri and died on 20 Apr 1972 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., Oklahoma, at age 82.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1170 F    i. Callie Bigby Parrott was born on 12 Aug 1912 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died on 9 Dec 1913 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia, at age 1.

    Notes: Callie Bigby Parrott, the 16-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bigby Parrrott, of No. 4 Confederate avenue, died Tuesday morning at the residence. The body was sent Tuesday afternoon to Newnan, Ga., where funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock this morning.

    Altanta Constitution, 10 Dec 1913

       1171 F    ii. Mari Parrott was born on 18 Sep 1914 and died on 26 Jul 1998 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co., Oklahoma, at age 83.

    Mari married Berry.

       1172 M    iii. Bigby C. Parrott was born on 6 Jun 1917 in Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia and died on 5 Nov 2001 in Oklahoma, at age 84.

    772. John Rhoten Parrott Jr. (Josiah Rhoten6, Henry Clay5, Jacob4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Jun 1917 in Van Buren Co., Arkansas and died on 18 Oct 1997 in Bexar Co., Texas, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 1062285}

    John married Sylvia Caroline Hartwick. Sylvia was born on 27 Jul 1917 in Meredith, Custer Co., Montana and died on 6 Mar 2006 in Harlingen, Cameron Co., Texas, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 59909394} {Find A Grave ID: 59909394}

    Notes: Sylvia C. Parrott, 87, of San Antonio, Texas, passed away Monday, March 6, 2006 in Harlingen, Texas. Sylvia was born July 27, 1918 in Miles City, Montana. Sylvia enjoyed traveling, playing cards, and visiting with family and friends. Her humor, generosity, and kindness will never be forgotten. She is survived by her daughter, Lynn (Kyle) Partridge of Harlingen, granddaughter, Alison Partridge of San Antonio; grandson, Kenneth Partridge of Arlington; brother, Toby (Kay) Hartwick of New Zealand; nieces, Roberta (Barney) Barnett of San Antonio and many other nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, John R. Parrott; parents, Tolley and Emma Hartwick; brother, Kenneth Hartwick and sister, Ruth D. Ray. Visitation hours will be held Thursday, March 9, 2006 from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. with the family receiving friends from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Buck Ashcraft Funeral Home. Graveside services only will be held at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio, 1:45 p.m., Friday, March 10, 2006 with the Rev. Joe Walts officiating. The family request that those desiring to do so may make memorial donations to Sandi Jo Funk Hospice Program, P.O. Drawer 2588, Harlingen, Texas 78551. Arrangements are under the direction of BUCK ASHCRAFT FUNERAL HOME Harlingen, TX 78550 (956) 423-3636

    San Antonio Express-News, March 9, 2006

    775. John Andrew Parrett (Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Jun 1867 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 19 Aug 1936 in Liberty, Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 69.

    John married Susan E. Johnson. Susan was born in 1871 in Grant Co., Indiana and died on 18 Dec 1899 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 28.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1173 F    i. Cora Eva Parrett was born on 6 Dec 1893 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 1 Jul 1978 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 84.

    Cora married Leon Rowland. Leon was born on 7 Nov 1891 in Grant Co., Indiana and died on 13 Apr 1971 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 79.

       1174 M    ii. Evert L. Parrott was born in Jun 1899 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 16 Aug 1900 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 1.

    776. George Matthew Parrett (Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 May 1872 in Warren Co., Indiana and died on 28 Mar 1937 in Mt. Etna, Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 64.

    Notes: George M. Parrett, 64 years old. life-long resident of Huntington county, died at his home in Mt. Etna at 11:30 friday night after an illness of 18 months.

    He was born in Warren, son of Leonard and Evaline Richardson Parrett, May 6, 1872. His father also was a native of the county, born in Polk township.

    He was a member of Jennings First Christian church. Surviving are three children, James B. Parrett, Mrs. Mary E. Mills and Miss Ina E. Parrett, all of Marion, and two brothers, William L., of Mt. Etna, and Charles M., of Pleasant Plains.

    Funeral services will be conducted from the Mt. Etna Methodist church at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon with the Rev. O.P. Van Y officiating. Burial will be in the Lancaster cemetery.

    Huntington Herald-Press, 28 Mar 1937
    Posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 15389811

    George married Atlanta R. Pinkerton. Atlanta was born in Jun 1881 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1175 M    i. John Leonard Parrett was born on 29 Jul 1902 in Indiana.

       1176 F    ii. Ina E. Parrott was born in 1905 in Polk, Huntington Co., Indiana.

       1177 F    iii. Mary E. Parrott Mills was born in 1907 in Polk, Huntington Co., Indiana.

       1178 M    iv. James David Parrett was born on 23 Feb 1912 in Polk, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 23 Oct 1995 in Marion, Grant Co., Indiana, at age 83.

    James married Martha F. Martha was born in 1915 in Kentucky.

    777. Charles M. Parrett (Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Jun 1879 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 23 Dec 1957 in Wabash Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    Notes: -- Charles Parrott, a small son of Leonard Parrott, while fishing in the Salamonle river Friday, caught a 9 1/2 pound carp which he was unable to land until his brother John came to his assistance.

    The Daily Democrat, 04 May 1896, p 3

    Charles M. Parrett, 83; Lagro, died at 11:40 a.m. Monday in the Wabash county hospital where he had been a patient since December 16.

    Mr. Parrett was born June 12, 1879, in Warren, to Leonard and Evaline Richards Parrett.

    Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy E. Moore of M - Iona, Mich., and Mrs, Martha Mayfield of Muncie; six grandchildren and a great-grandchild, and a brother, William of Mt, Etna. A daughter and three brothers preceded him in death.

    Mr. Parrett had been a resident of Wabash county for 10 years and prior to that he lived in Mt. Etna. He was a retired farmer.

    He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church in Warren and a former member of the Eagles and IOOF lodges.

    The body is at the Wire funeral home in Wabash where friends may call and where services will be hedl at 2 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. William Peterson officiating. Burial will be in the Lancaster cemtery, Hungtington county.

    Huntington Herald-Press, 24 Dec 1957
    Posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 15816979

    Charles married Pearl E. Choat. Pearl was born in 1893.

    Marriage Notes: < > came into the office yesterday to be sworn in for this eighth term as justice of the peace < >.

    Just then, Charles M. Parrott, 35 years old, a farmer of Pleasant Plain, son of Leonard Parrott, and Pearl E. Choat, 21 years old, came into the office and asked for a marriage license. When the papers had been filled out they asked if there was a squire handy as they wished to be married at once.

    Clerk Charles Griffith beckoned to Mr. Feightner and soon the ceremony was performed. < >

    The Huntington Press, 17 Dec 1914, p 6

    778. William Leonard Parrett (Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Jan 1880 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 8 Dec 1962 in Mt. Etna, Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    William married Maggie Jane Pinkerton. Maggie was born on 1 May 1884 in Indiana and died on 30 Nov 1943, at age 59.

    Mrs. Maggie Parrott today brought suit in circuit court asking for $5,000 damages against Leonard Parrott and she charges the defendant, Leonard Parrott, with being the cause of her abandonment by her husband and his failure to support her. No divorce is asked or does the complaint ask for support, but alleges that she has been left in a helpless condition with a child to care for by the conduct of Leonard Parrott. Attorneys Leah & Leah and J.S. Branyan are her attorneys.

    The parties in the suit live in the southern part of the county and are well known. According to the complaint the husband first left the plaintiff by the persuation of Leonard Parrott and later the two men went to Oklahoma.

    William Parrott is the woman's husband.

    Daily News-Democrat, 21 Aug 1906, p 5

    Mrs. Maggie Parrott Sues Her Father-In-Law.
    Alleges Alienation of Her Husband;s Affections- Demand for $5000.

    Maggie J. Parrott says that Leonard Parrott, her father-in-law, has been instrumental in alienating the affections of her husband, William P. Parrott, and that he has circulated false reports concerning her. She therefore asks damages in the sum of $5,000 from him. Such is in the burden of a complaint filed in circuit court this afternoon by Lesh & Leash and John S. Branyan as attorneys.

    The Parrotts live in the sourthern part of Huntington county. They were married August 31, 1904, and lived together until August 20, 1906, with the exception of while he was away on a trip to Oklahoma in April. One child was born to this union. It is alleged in the complaint that while the father and son were on a trip to Oklahoma the father exerted influence over his son in an effort to alienate him from his wife. He is also alleged to have been instrumental in circulating reports derogatory to plaintiff so they would reach the ears of the husband. Leonard Prescott (sic) is alleged to be about to leave for Oklahoma.

    The Huntington Herald, 21 Aug 1906, p 1

    In the suit of Maggie J. Parrott vs. Leonard Parrott, complaint for damages for the alienation of husband's affections, a dismissal has been entered on the motion of the plaintiff. The suit was filed some time agao and demanded damages for the alleged alienation of Mrs. Parrott's husband's affections by his father. B.H. Hurd sat as special judge in the case.

    The Huntington Herald, 04 Oct 1907, p 1

    Mrs. Maggie Jane Parrett, 59, died uexpectedly at 6:20 a.m. Tuesday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Ferguson, 1153 Bechtold street, of a heart attack. She had been in poor health for some time. The family lived in Mt. Etna until recently.

    Mrs. Parrett was born May 1, 1884, to John C. and Mary Cecil Pinkerton and was married to William L. Parrott August 31, 1904. Surviving are the husband, her mother, who lives in Mt. Etna, three sons, five daughters, 20 grandchildren, four brothers and four sisters.

    The children are Arthur Parrett, Mt. Etna; George W, Parrett adn Robert Eugene Parrett, Huntington; Mrs. Clara Bowers and Mrs. Ferguson, Huntington; Mrs. Gladys Lane and Mrs. AlbertaTiffany, Indianapolis; and Mrs. Virginia Cunningham, Huntington county. Two daughters preceded her in death.

    Brothers are Noble, Newton, Thomas P. and Emil P. Pinkerton, all of Huntington county. The sisters are Mrs. Atlanta Benson, Marion; Mrs. Nellie Hedrick, Wabash, and Mrs. Mary Hinds and Mrs. Ella Bartrom, Huntington.

    Funeral arrangements were to be made after the arrival of the daughters who live in Indianapolis.

    Herald-Press, 30 Nov 1943
    Posted on Find a Grave Memorial# 10555610

    Children from this marriage were:

       1179 F    i. Clara Alice Parrett was born on 17 Aug 1895 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 23 Dec 1972 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 77.

    Clara married Hayden O. Bowers. Hayden was born on 21 Aug 1907 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 3 Nov 1978 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 71.

    + 1180 M    ii. Arthur J. Parrett was born on 15 May 1907 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 5 Jan 1995, at age 87.

       1181 F    iii. Edna Delight Parrett was born in 1909 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana.

       1182 F    iv. Gladys Adeline Parrett Lane was born in 1910 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana.

    + 1183 M    v. George Wilbert Parrett was born on 7 Mar 1912 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 14 Jul 1997 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 85.

       1184 F    vi. Alberta June Parrett was born on 20 Apr 1915 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 12 Sep 1983 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana, at age 68.

    Notes: Services were Friday September 16 in Hampton-Gentry Funeral Home, Plainfield, for Alberta J. Tiffany, 68,, Indianapolis. Officiating was Rev. Dennis Fulton, with burial in Maple Hill Cemetery, Plainfield. Mrs. Tiffany died Monday, September 12 in St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis.

    Born in Huntington county April 20, 1915, she sas the daughter of William and Maggie Pinkerton Parrett. She was married to Carl Tiffany, who preceded her in death in 1960.

    Mrs. Tiffany was a member of Chapel Rock Christian church and Bridgeport order of Eastern Star.

    Surviving are son, James B. Tiffany; brothers: Arthur, William, and Robert Parrett, all of Huntington; sisters: Evelyn Ferguson and Virginia Cunningham, both of Huntington; 35 nieces and nephews.

    Contributions may be made to St. Vincent Hospice.

    21 Sept 1981.
    Obit posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 89720970

    Alberta married Carl E. Tiffany. Carl was born on 7 Feb 1911 and died on 18 Dec 1980, at age 69.

       1185 F    vii. Goldie Evelyn Parrett was born on 24 Mar 1917 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 2 Apr 2000, at age 83.

    Notes: Goldie E. Ferguson, 83, of Huntington, a cook, died Sunday, April 2, 2000, at Huntington Memorial Hospital.

    Surviving are her daughter, Betty Joann McKinzie of Huntington; a sister, Virginia Cunningham of Huntington; three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by her brothers, Bud, Art and Robert Parrett; and sisters Alberta Tiffany, Clara Bowers, Gladys Lane, Edna Parrett and Maxine Parrett.

    Services are 11 a.m. Wednesday at Bailey-Love Mortuary, Huntington, with calling from 2 to 4 and from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Burial will be at Mount Etna Cemetery in Huntington County.

    Memorials are to the Church of God.

    Information provided by Bailey-Love Mortuary, Huntington, 1-219-356-1710.

    The News-Sentinel, April 3, 2000

    Goldie married William M. Ferguson. William was born on 12 Jun 1915 and died on 11 Dec 1973, at age 58.

       1186 F    viii. Nellie Virginia Parrett was born on 26 Nov 1920 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 23 Oct 2007, at age 86.

    Notes: The funeral service for Virginia Cunningham was held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Deal-Rice Funeral Home-Huntington Chapel, with Pastor Jimi Staton officiating.

    Mrs. Cunningham, 87, Huntington, died at 9:13 a.m. Tuesday (Oct. 23, 2007) at Parkview Huntington Hospital.

    She worked at Model Engineering and Manufacturing (later Memcor) as an inspector and repair technician for 10 years. She was a member of the Moose Lodge and enjoyed bowling, camping, and fishing.

    She was born Nov. 26, 1919, in Andrews, to William and Maggie J. Pinkerton Parrett. Her marriage was on Nov. 10, 1938, in Indianapolis, to Fred E. Cunningham. He died on Dec. 25, 2001.

    Survivors include a son, Fred E. Cunningham Jr., of Markle; two daughters, Bonnie Kratz and Beverly Sunderman, both of Huntington; seven grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by three brothers, Arthur Parrett, George "Bud" Parrett, and Bob Parrett; and four sisters, Clara Bowers, Gladys Lane, Alberta Tiffany, and Evelyn "Goldie" Ferguson, as well as an infant sister.

    Pallbearers at the funeral service were Tod Kratz, Ed Kratz, Rich Sunderman, John Sunderman, Terry Smith, and Jamie Macy.

    Honorary pallbearers were Alex Varney and Ben Kratz.

    Burial was at Mt. Etna Cemetery.

    Preferred memorials are to the family, in care of Deal-Rice Funeral Home, 338 E. Washington St., Huntington, IN 46750.

    Online condolences:

    The above obituary is being reprinted to correct two errors in the original, which appeared in Wednesday's Herald-Press.

    Huntington Herald-Press, November 2, 2007

    Nellie married Fred E. Cunningham. Fred was born on 8 May 1916 and died on 25 Dec 2001, at age 85.

    + 1187 M    ix. Robert Eugene Parrett was born on 16 Mar 1922 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 1 Jun 1998 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 76.

       1188 F    x. Maxine Parrett was born in Huntington Co., Indiana and died as an infant in Huntington Co., Indiana.

    779. Charles Wilson Parrett (Frederick Charles6, Elias5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Feb 1871 in Shelby Co., Indiana and died on 30 Apr 1928 in Taos Co., New Mexico, at age 57.

    Notes: From PY 4(3):5-6, 1976

    Children from this marriage were:

       1189 M    i. George Parrett was born in 1897.

       1190 F    ii. Marjorie Parrett was born in 1899.

    Charles next married Marie M. Scott. Marie was born on 1 Jan 1880 in Mill Creek, Texas and died on 10 Feb 1953 in Taos Co., New Mexico, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1191 F    i. Thelma Dell Parrett was born on 10 Apr 1907 in Arkansas City, Kansas and died on 10 Aug 1956, at age 49.

    Thelma married Elmer E. Burch.

       1192 F    ii. Vontell Parrett was born on 12 Jun 1909 in Kansas.

    Vontell married Carl Burnaid Beimer.

       1193 M    iii. Frederick Charles Parrett was born on 22 May 1911 in Arkansas City, Kansas.

    Frederick married Juanita Hargas.

       1194 F    iv. Helen Margaret Parrett was born on 26 Aug 1913 in Mulvane, Kansas.

    Helen married Fiske O'Connell Niles.

       1195 M    v. Scott Parrott was born on 24 Sep 1915 in Mulvane, Kansas and died on 29 Nov 1966, at age 51.

    Scott married Ruby May Cochren.

       1196 F    vi. Aila Ruth Parrett was born on 23 Sep 1917 in Mulvane, Kansas.

    Aila married Kenneth Niles McKinney.

    782. Jesse Franklin Parrett (Frederick Charles6, Elias5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Sep 1878 in Sumner Co., Kansas and died on 29 Jan 1953 in Custer Co., Oklahoma, at age 74.

    Jesse married Nellie Grace Lipperd. Nellie was born on 14 Dec 1880 in Kansas and died on 12 Apr 1969 in Custer Co., Oklahoma, at age 88.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1197 M    i. Howard Wendall Parrett was born on 15 Nov 1905 in Oklahoma and died on 23 Dec 1975 in Custer Co., Oklahoma, at age 70.

       1198 M    ii. Melvin E. Parrett was born on 8 Mar 1909 in Oklahoma and died on 20 May 1998 in New Mexico, at age 89.

       1199 F    iii. Elda L. Parrett was born in 1912 in Oklahoma.

       1200 M    iv. Clarence Warren Parrett was born on 13 Dec 1912 in Custer Co., Oklahoma and died on 18 Dec 1969, at age 57.

       1201 F    v. Ima R. Parrett was born in 1917 in Custer Co., Oklahoma.

       1202 F    vi. Nell A. Parrett was born in 1920 in Custer Co., Oklahoma.

       1203 F    vii. Mildred Marie Parrett was born on 14 Mar 1927 in Custer Co., Oklahoma and died in Feb 1966, at age 38.

    787. Asher E. Parrett (Joseph L.6, Amos5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1874 in Indiana.

    Asher married Matilde Irey. Matilde was born in 1882.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1204 M    i. Oras Parrett was born on 6 Apr 1903 in Indiana and died in Aug 1972, at age 69.

       1205 M    ii. Chauncey Parrett was born on 21 Mar 1905 in Indiana and died in Sep 1973, at age 68.

       1206 M    iii. Cyril Parrett was born on 14 Jun 1907 in Indiana and died in Dec 1967, at age 60.

       1207 F    iv. Freda Parrett was born in 1911 in Indiana.

       1208 M    v. Jack Parrett was born on 27 Jan 1914 in Indiana and died in Apr 1985, at age 71.

       1209 F    vi. Ellanese Parrett was born in 1916 in Indiana.

       1210 F    vii. Helen Parrett was born in 1917 in Indiana.

    796. Bert Parrett (William D. Jr.6, William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Jun 1869 in Fountain Co., Indiana and died in 1941 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 72.

    Bert married Lillie Rosetta Landis. Lillie was born on 7 Aug 1870 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 12 Sep 1895 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 25.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1211 M    i. Harry Arthur Parrett was born on 5 Feb 1893 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died in Oct 1964 in Indiana, at age 71.

    Bert next married Eliza Jane Jordon. Eliza was born in Feb 1869 in Ohio and died in 1929 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 60.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1212 F    i. Louise Parrett was born on 4 Apr 1901 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 25 Oct 1987 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, at age 86.

    Louise married John Raymond Rush. John was born on 31 Aug 1890 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 6 Nov 1955 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, at age 65.

    + 1213 M    ii. Lloyd R. Parrett was born in 1904 in Monroe, Carroll Co., Indiana and died in 1943 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 39.

       1214 M    iii. Walter G. Parrett was born on 18 Oct 1907 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 8 Dec 1985 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    Walter married Mildred E. Cree. Mildred was born on 2 May 1910 in Ohio and died on 20 Sep 2000 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 90.

       1215 F    iv. Ellen L. Parrett was born on 18 May 1915 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 27 Jun 1916 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 1.

    Bert next married Mary E. Brown Jacoby.

    801. John Marion Parrott (Jacob Wilson6, George5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Apr 1867 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 19 Dec 1925 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 58.

    John married Edith Gertrude Brown. Edith was born on 19 Sep 1882 in Belleville Ridge, Wood Co., Ohio and died on 13 Dec 1955 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1216 M    i. Joseph Willard Parrott was born on 22 Jul 1905 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 22 Oct 1978 in Medina Co., Ohio, at age 73.

    Notes: KENNESAW - Joseph W. Parrott, 72, has gone back to West Salem, Ohio, empty-handed and for that Georgians can be thankful.

    You see, Mr. Parrott was down South, at Kennesaw, for the Big Shanty Days celebration and look (lovingly, I presume) at The General locomotive.

    Back in 1862, Mr. Parrott's grandfathers, Jacob Parrott and Wilson W. Brown, looked lovingly at the same locomotive. And they took it.

    Jacob and Wilson were among the 19 members of the "Andrews' Raiders." Wilson was the engineer. Jacob was only 16 at the time. And those Union boys took our locomotive about 87 miles while the South gave chase.

    Mr. Parrott, who is understandably a scholar of the Great Raid, explained, "When the Gray's captured Jacob they tried to make him tell who was in the raiding party but he wouldn't. They beat him with oxen whips across the back."

    Later in the Civil War, members of the raiders were in the office of Secretary of War Edward Stanton and he heard their story. At that time he reached in his desk drawer and pulled out the jeweler's model of the Medal of Honor and told the group that they would be receiving the medal.

    And, according to Mr. Parrott, Mr. Stanton, told Jacob, "Here, Parrott, you shall be the first one." The next day Wilson was the first of the group to receive the medal from President Abraham Lincoln.

    Mr. Parrott said, "My father married Wilson Brown's daughter."

    And that makes Joseph Parrott:

    1) The only man with two grandfathers who participated in the Andrews' Raid.
    2) The only man with two grandfathers who received the Medal of Honor.

    And you could keep listing such things as Jacob Parrott receiving the very first Medal of Honor and Wilson Brown getting the first such medal from President Lincoln.

    Mr. Parrott told me that Grandfather Parrott came south again, which was bad news from our viewpoint, to participate in the march to the sea as a field captain in Gen. Sherman's army.

    Grandson Parrott said, "There are amy stories about him. In one place in Goergia they found a trunkful of Confederate money and left it in payment for the animals and food they took from a farm. In later years, when he was working the mica mines in Georgia, this woman recognized him and told him that that was her family's farm and that money he left paid off their farm, the only one in the county not to be taken over by the carpetbaggers."

    Until some years ago Grandson Parrott published a newspaper in West Salem and he was very much upset when the Walt Disney film, "The Great Locomotive Chase," came out. The film was cut at a critical point the result of which had, not his grandfather, but a Yankee named Pittenger receiving the Medal of Honor.

    Immediately the grandson fired off a volley which could be measured in "two-inch type and right across the front page" which said, "Walt Disney Film Lies."

    I asked Mr. Parrott, "What were your thoughts when you viewed the General?"

    He laughed, knowing what my thoughts about his thoughts were, and said, "Well, I was just wondering if I could get some men to help me lay some track and burst out that wall where they've got the engine stored."

    Rest easy, folks, Joseph W. Parrot has gone back north and the General hasn't turned a wheel.

    The Atlanta Constitution, 03 May 1972, p 6-A

    Joseph married Edna Elizabeth English. Edna was born on 13 Jun 1895 in Roundhead, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 21 Apr 1992 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, at age 96.

    + 1217 M    ii. Jacob Wilson Parrott was born on 16 Sep 1909 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 2 Apr 1958 in Polk City, Polk Co., Florida, at age 48.

       1218 F    iii. Clarissa Ellen Parrott was born on 2 Nov 1910 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 12 Mar 1985 in Mount Dora, Lake Co., Florida, at age 74.

       1219 F    iv. Florence E. Parrott was born on 18 Apr 1913 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 17 Jun 1997, at age 84.

    802. Austin Parrett (Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Feb 1877 in Cuba, Crawford Co., Missouri and died on 15 Aug 1955 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 54603743}

    Austin married Ida Isabell Wisdom. Ida was born on 29 Jan 1881 in Salem, Dent Co., Missouri and died on 23 Jan 1976 in Howell Co., Missouri, at age 94. {Find A Grave ID: 54603554} {Find A Grave ID: 54603554}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1220 M    i. Theodore Herschell Parrett was born on 17 Mar 1900 in Crawford Co., Missouri and died on 26 Jul 1984 in Howell Co., Missouri, at age 84.

    + 1221 F    ii. Hazel Parrett was born in 1903 and died in 1985, at age 82.

    + 1222 M    iii. Treffie Randolph Parrett was born on 1 Jan 1909 in Steelville Crawford Co., Missouri and died on 20 Jul 2002 in Florence, Lane Co., Oregon, at age 93.

       1223 M    iv. Delmar Vern Parrett was born on 4 Aug 1912 in Howell Co., Missouri and died on 29 Mar 1989, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 127758687}

    Notes: Delmar Vern Parrett, age 76, of Mountain Home, died at 2:15 a.m. Wednesday, (March 29, 1989) at the University Hospital at Little Rock. He was born Aug. 4, 1912, in Howell County, Mo., the son of the late Austin and Ida Isabelle Wisdom Parrett. He received his education the schools of Howell County, Mo., and Lincoln County, Okla. On June 2 1981, was married at Mountain Home to Norma Leone Gardner. He was a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows of Mountain Home.

    He is survived by his wie, Norma, of the home; three stepchildren, Linda Holt of Vancouver, Wash, Roger Hickman and wife Colleen of Wichita, Kan., and Karen Flud and husband Robin of Jasper; seven stepgrandchildren, four brothers, Clifford Parrett and Donald Parrett, both of West Plains, Mo., Treffie Parrett of Albany, Ore., and Robert Parrett of Lebanon, Ore.; one sister, Mildred Gallaway of Meeker, Okla. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, and two sisters. Mr. Parrett was of the Baptist faith.

    Services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Rose Chapel of the Robertson-Drago Funeral Home of West Plains, Mo., with the Rev. Glen Murray officiating. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery under the direction of the Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    The Baxter Bulletin, 31 Mar 1989, p 3A

    Delmar married Betty Jeanne Baldwin. Betty was born on 23 Jan 1922 in Salem, Sedgwick Co., Kansas and died on 25 Oct 2008 in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon, at age 86.

    Notes: Jan. 23, 1922 - Oct. 25, 2008

    Betty Jeanne Parrett, 86, of Albany died Saturday at her sister's home. She was born in Salem, Kan., to Charles Wesley and Etta (Branson) Baldwin.

    Betty moved to Albany in the mid-1940s. She taught school in Philomath and Myrtle Creek for many years. Then she worked in Salem for Marion County, and later worked as an administrator to the county supervisor for Linn-Benton Public Schools until she retired. Betty also held many offices in the Rebekah Lodge up until her death, and was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church.

    Betty is survived by sister Margot Burt. She was preceded in death by both parents and three sisters, Charlette Anna Anderson, Marjorie Faye Davis and Pauline Doris King.

    A viewing will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Fisher Funeral Home. A funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Calvary Baptist Church. Concluding services will be at Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens. Memorial contributions may be made to Samaritan Evergreen Hospice and sent in care of Fisher Funeral Home, 306 Washington St. S.W., Albany, OR 97321 (

    Albany Democrat-Herald
    , October 30, 2008

    Delmar next married Lora. Lora was born in 1916 in Oklahoma.

    Delmar next married Norma Leone Gardner. Norma was born on 23 Oct 1931 and died on 28 Jan 2010, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 127758713} {Find A Grave ID: 127758713}

    + 1224 M    v. Nolan Kenneth Parrett was born on 19 Apr 1914 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 23 Apr 1981 in Oregon, at age 67.

    + 1225 M    vi. Clifford Leroy Parrett was born on 14 Apr 1917 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 13 Jan 2016 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 98.

       1226 F    vii. Mildred Maxine Parrett was born on 25 Aug 1919 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 19 Oct 2020 in Meeker, Lincoln Co., Oklahoma, at age 101. {Find A Grave ID: 217530335}

    Notes: Mildred Maxine (Parrett) Gallaway was born August 25, 1919 in West Plains, Missouri to Austin and Ida (Wisdom) Parrett. She passed from this life and went to be with the Lord October 19, 2020, in Meeker, Oklahoma, at the age of 101 years.

    When Mildred was four years old, her family moved from West Plains to Meeker, Oklahoma. The trip took many days with the family traveling by covered wagon and Model T. The journey left a lasting impression on her and launched her love of traveling and adventure.

    Mildred graduated from Meeker High School in 1935. She married Jesse Gallaway in Shawnee, Oklahoma on February 22, 1936. Mildred and Jesse were together for 58 years before his passing in January of 1994. They raised three children on the family farm west of Meeker where Mildred resided for over 80 years of her life.

    Mildred loved to travel and never passed up an opportunity to hop in a car, train, airplane, or cruise ship for a vacation. She enjoyed visiting family and was blessed to have relatives all over the country who were happy to offer her lodging anytime she came to their town. She had a quick wit and everyone who knew her talked about how fun she was to be around.

    Mildred liked flowers and gardening and she was an excellent cook. A few of her specialties were fried chicken, meatloaf, cream pie with whipped topping, and chocolate sheet cake.

    Mildred was preceded in death by her parents, siblings, her husband Jesse, and her sons Boyd and Dean Earl.

    She is survived by her daughter Margaret Louise Kennedy and her husband, Dale of Meeker; daughters-in-law, Ella Mae Gallaway (Boyd) of Tecumseh, and Ruthie Gallaway (Dean Earl) of Meeker; grandchildren, Sharon Ragsdale, Bobby Gallaway, Tommy Gallaway, Joella Sievert, James Gallaway, Kevin Gallaway, Leslie Yocham, Laurie Christian, Kimberly Young, Trina Channel, and many great and great-great grandchildren; nieces, nephews and other extended family members and friends.

    Mildred married Jesse Samuel Gallaway. Jesse was born on 24 Mar 1914 and died on 18 Jan 1994, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 24324853} {Find A Grave ID: 24324853}

       1227 F    viii. Roberta Parrett was born on 9 Sep 1922 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 9 Sep 1922 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri. {Find A Grave ID: 54603686}

    810. George Harold Parrott (George Wiseman6, Jackson5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Jan 1902 in Cass Co., Missouri and died on 2 Jan 1939 in Cass Co., Missouri, at age 36.

    George married Gladys Louise Coleman. Gladys was born on 26 Sep 1904 in Missouri and died on 28 Jul 1979 in Peculiar, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1228 M    i. George Robert Parrott was born on 16 Mar 1928 in Pleasant Hiil, Cass Co., Missouri and died on 14 Nov 2002 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    812. Wilmott Jackson Parrott (George Wiseman6, Jackson5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Sep 1909 in Cass Co., Missouri and died in Aug 1981 in Pleasant Hiil, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 71.

    Wilmott married Thelma Marguerite Jeter. Thelma was born in 1908 in Missouri and died in 1965, at age 57.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1229 M    i. Wilmott Jack Parrott Jr. was born in 1934 in Pleasant Hiil, Cass Co., Missouri and died on 8 May 2002, at age 68. Another name for Wilmott was Billy Jack Parrott.

    814. John H. Parret (Philip Henry6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Jan 1875 in Franklin Co., Pennsylvania and died in 1905, at age 30.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1230 F    i. Catherine Parret .

    816. Luther Martin Parrett (Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 May 1878 in Rockingham Co., Virginia and died on 20 Mar 1950 in Virginia, at age 71.

    Luther married Margaret Catherine Brookes. Margaret was born on 20 May 1874 in Augusta Co., Virginia and died on 2 May 1948 in Augusta Co., Virginia, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1231 M    i. Ermine Wallace Parrett was born on 25 Oct 1903 in Waynesboro, Virginia and died in Aug 1978 in Richmond, Virginia, at age 74.

    + 1232 M    ii. Raymond Lynn Parrett was born on 12 Jan 1906 in Waynesboro, Virginia and died on 15 Sep 1966 in Waynesboro, Virginia, at age 60.

       1233 F    iii. Lola Elizabeth Parrett was born on 9 Aug 1908 in Waynesboro, Virginia and died on 1 Jun 1985 in Finksburg, Carroll Co., Maryland, at age 76.

    Lola married Leslie J. Allen. Leslie was born in 1904 in North Carolina and died in 1951 in North Carolina, at age 47.

    Lola next married Harvey Hill Smith. Harvey was born in 1905 in Virginia.

    + 1234 M    iv. Carl Grove Parrett was born on 25 Sep 1912 in Waynesboro, Virginia and died in Sep 1982 in Augusta Co., Virginia, at age 70.

    820. Jonas Samuel Parrett (Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 Aug 1896 in Augusta Co., Virginia and died in May 1964, at age 67.

    Jonas married Eva Naomi Bernhard. Eva was born on 4 Apr 1898 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and died on 6 Apr 1994, at age 96.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1235 M    i. Jay Ralph Parrett was born on 17 Jun 1919 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and died on 26 Oct 2007 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, at age 88.

       1236 F    ii. Mildred Elizabeth Parrett was born in 1921 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

       1237 M    iii. Elmer Parrett was born in 1922 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and died in 1922 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

       1238 F    iv. Ruth Lucille Parrett was born on 26 Jul 1924 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

    Ruth married John Edward Lebo. John was born on 14 Nov 1923 in Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania and died in Pennsylvania.

    + 1239 M    v. Jonas Samuel Parrett Jr. was born on 27 Jul 1926 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

       1240 F    vi. Emily Parrett was born in 1931 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

    828. William Franklin Parrett (William Stuart6, Jeremiah5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Dec 1889 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died in 1966 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 45790656}

    Notes: ANTWERP - W. Frank Parrett, 76, rt. 2, Antwerp, died in Paulding County Hospital at 2 a.m. Monday.

    He was born Dec. 18, 1889 in Carryall tp., and lived in the Antwerp area all his life. He was a retired farmer and a member of Bethel Methodist Church.

    Surviving are his wife, Olive; four sons, William and Harry both of Antwerp, Dale, Fort Wayne, and Ed, Sarasota, Fla.; two daughters, Mrs. Hazel Reece, Antwerp, and Mrs. Ruth Ramage, New Jersey; a sister, Mrs. Una Richardson, Antwerp; 20 grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren.

    Services will be at 2 p..m. Wednesday in Schilb funeral home, with Rev. William Miller, pastor of the Bethel Church, and the Rev. J.E. Turner, retired minister, officiating. Burial wil be in the church cemetery.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave 45790656

    William married Clara Pearl Saylor. Clara was born in Jun 1888 in Indiana and died in 1935 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 47. {Find A Grave ID: 39113147} {Find A Grave ID: 39113147}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1241 M    i. Harry Raymond Parrett was born on 11 Jul 1913 in Frafill, Allen Co., Indiana and died on 10 Nov 1967 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 54.

    + 1242 M    ii. Dale Lavon Parrett was born on 15 Apr 1916 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 19 Apr 2004 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 88.

    + 1243 M    iii. Edward Nelson Parrett was born on 30 Oct 1918 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 24 Nov 1989 in Sarasota Co., Florida, at age 71.

       1244 F    iv. Ruth Louise Parrett was born on 10 Dec 1922 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 27 Jun 2007 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 84.

    Notes: RUTH L. PARRETT RUMAGE, 84, died Wednesday, June 27, 2007, at Parkview Hospital, Fort Wayne. Born in Antwerp, Ohio, she was a school teacher for over 40 years and retiring from Antwerp local schools. She loved her family, enjoyed traveling, was an avid reader and loved to cook. Survivors include sons, Steven (Melinda) Rumage of Sebago, Maine and Scott (Grace) Rumage of Fort Wayne; daughter, Sara (Michael) Quigley of Fort Wayne; eight grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles J. Rumage, in 2005. Service is 11 a.m. Monday at D.O. McComb & Sons Lakeside Park Funeral Home, 1140 Lake Ave. The Rev. Ken Weaver officiating. Calling is from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Burial in Antwerp Cemetery, Antwerp, Ohio. Memorials to Allen County Public Library.

    The News-Sentinel, June 29, 2007

    Ruth married Charles J. Rumage. Charles was born on 8 Mar 1924 and died on 31 May 2005, at age 81.

       1245 F    v. Hazel Eloise Parrett Reece was born on 9 Jun 1925 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 14 Nov 2014 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 89.

    Notes: HAZEL REECE, 89, of Fort Wayne, passed away Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 at St. Anne's Home. She was born in Antwerp, Ohio, June 9, 1925 a daughter of the late Frank and Clara (Saylor) Parrett. Hazel retired from Crossroads after more than 40 years as administrative manager. She will be sadly missed by her children, Roger (Julie) and Ronald both of Fort Wayne; step children, Nancy Espinosa of McCordsville, Ind., David and Steven both of Florida; half brother, William Parrett of Antwerp, Ohio; and five grandchildren, Rob, Abby, Wesley, Allyson, and Adam. She was preceded in death by three brothers; and one sister. Memorial service is 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014 at Taylor Chapel UMC, 10145 Maysville Road, Fort Wayne. Preferred memorial gifts benefit "A Baby's Closet" of Associated Churches, 602 E. Wayne St. Fort Wayne, (IN 46802).

    The News-Sentinel, December 3, 2014

    William next married Olive A. Calkins. Olive was born on 27 Sep 1895 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 24 Mar 1976 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 45790694} {Find A Grave ID: 45790694}

    Notes: ANTWERP - Mrs. Olive Parrett, 80, Route 1, Antwerp, died Wednesday in the Paulding County Hospital. She had been ill the past year.

    She was born in Antwerp on Sept. 27, 1895 to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Calkins and was a lifetime resident. She was a member of the Bethel United Methodist Church.

    Surviving are a son, William Parrett, Route 1, Antwerp, five stepchildren and nine grandchilden. A daughter, Mary Hutchins, is deceased.

    Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Schilb Funeral Home. Rev. Harlan Wright officiating, and burial will be in Bethel Cemetery. Friends may call in the funeral home after 7 p.m. today.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave 45790694

    830. Irvin Lloyd Parrett (Silas Ephraim6, John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Aug 1883 and died on 3 Nov 1947 in Tecumseh, Michigan, at age 64.

    Irvin married Nyra Lucilia Lucas. Nyra was born on 13 Jan 1889 and died in Apr 1986 in Tecumseh, Michigan, at age 97. Another name for Nyra was Nyra Lucilia Crawford.

    Notes: b Lucas, adopted Crawford

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1246 M    i. George Bronson Parrett was born on 19 May 1911 in Ohio and died on 11 Aug 1992 in King Co., Washington, at age 81.

       1247 M    ii. Robert Earl Parrett was born on 24 Feb 1913 in Westerville, Ohio and died on 17 Jan 1940 in Coldwater, Branch Co., Michigan, at age 26.

    Notes: Died of appendicitis.

    + 1248 M    iii. Donald Nyron Parrett was born on 11 Jul 1917 in Chattanooga, Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 23 Nov 1998, at age 81.

    835. Lester Silas Parrett (Silas Ephraim6, John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Apr 1894 in Ohio and died on 14 Apr 1974 in Redford, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 80.

    Lester married Violet A. Flint. Violet was born on 29 May 1891 in Michigan.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1249 F    i. Parrett was born on 2 Jul 1918 in Berlin, Monroe Co., Michigan and died on 2 Jul 1918 in Berlin, Monroe Co., Michigan.

       1250 M    ii. Orla F. Parrett was born on 25 Jul 1921 in Michigan and died on 17 Dec 1979 in Bedford, Calhoun Co., Michiga, at age 58.

       1251 F    iii. Aileen I. Parrett Laity was born on 29 Dec 1923 in Michigan and died on 10 Sep 2009 in San Diego Co., California, at age 85.

    Aileen married Sidney Charles Laity. Sidney was born on 22 Aug 1924 in Negaunee, Marquette Co., Michigan and died on 25 Jul 1979 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 54.

    Aileen next married Stanislaw Michael Harski. Stanislaw was born on 4 Jul 1927 in New Jersey and died on 28 Oct 1997 in San Diego Co., California, at age 70.

    + 1252 M    iv. Loren Loyd Parrett was born on 30 Nov 1928 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan and died on 20 Dec 2003, at age 75.

    + 1253 M    v. Ivan Rollo Parrett was born on 18 Sep 1931 in Michigan and died on 1 Dec 2014 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 83.

       1254 M    vi. Norvel Leon Parrett was born on 21 Sep 1934 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan and died on 5 Feb 2004 in Selma, Fresno Co., California, at age 69.

    Notes: Selma resident Norvel Leon Parrett, 69, died Feb. 5 of natural causes.

    Norvel was born on Sept. 21, 1934. He was a retired oil driller.

    Visitation will be today from 2-7 p.m. at People's Funeral Chapel in Hanford. Graveside services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Hanford Cemetery.

    The Hanford Sentinel, February 10, 2004

    841. Frank A. Parrett (Warren Barton6, David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Sep 1877 in Iowa.

    Frank married Etta Washington.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1255 M    i. Frank Washington Parrett .

    842. George David Parrett (Milton Latta6, David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1872 in Marshall Co., Iowa and died in Mar 1944 in Iowa, at age 72.

    George married Martha Dawson. Martha was born in 1872 in Iowa.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1256 M    i. Parrett .

       1257 F    ii. Belle Parrett was born in 1896 in Iowa.

    924. Edgar Wilson Parrett (George Carey6, Frederick Franklin5, George4, Frederick H. Jr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Dec 1888 in South Salem, Ross Co., Ohio and died in Nov 1980 in Farmington, New Mexico, at age 91.

    Edgar married Lillian Estelle Porterfield.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1258 F    i. Mildred Parrett was born in 1917 in Ohio.

    Eighth Generation (5th Great-Grandchildren)

    953. John Chandler Parrott (William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Sep 1905 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 23 Mar 1984 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 78.

    John married Clara Oleta Pratt. Clara was born on 19 Jun 1907 in Tennessee and died on 6 Mar 1987 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1259 F    i. Mary Elizabeth Parrott was born 20 Dec 19`27 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 22 Feb 1928 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 1908.

       1260 M    ii. Clarence Parrott was born on 7 Mar 1926 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 1 Jan 1995 in Tennessee, at age 68. Another name for Clarence was Bud Parrott.

       1261 F    iii. Charlotte E. Parrott was born on 29 Apr 1929 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 11 May 2013 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 84.


    age 84 A angel came from Heaven to take a angel home 05-17-13. A resident of Shannondale for 8 years. Born in Sevier Co. A resident of Knox Co. for 80 years. Retired member West Lonsdale Baptist Church. She was a beautiful loving wife, mother and grandmother. Her faith and strength was Jesus Christ. She dedicated her life to family and friends. Preceded by husband Jack, parents Clara, John Parrott, brothers. Bud, George, son-in-law, Gary Merryman. Survived by son Steve Valentine NY; daughters and son-in-law, Gail Merryman, Sandra and Jimmy Gheen, TN; grandchildren Michelle Schaffer, Kay and Jeff Taylor, Jamey and Lee Ann Gheen, Marcus and Lucy Valentine, Wesley, Stephanie Valentine; step Cindy Long, Angie Brasfield; great grandchildren Lexie, Alex, Noah, Emery, Caden, Jace, Finley; step-Charlotte, Bryce; brothers Paul and Jean, Jim, Jackie and Sharon, Francis Parrott; several nieces, nephews, cousins. A special thanks to the entire staff at Shannondale for the love and care given to our mother. Honorary pallbearers, Marcus, Wesley Valentine, Jamey Gheen, Jeff Taylor, Jessie Valentine, Tim Hutchison, June, Jim Jomes and Bill Austine. Funeral service 6:00 PM 05-22-13 at Rose Mortuary Mann Heritage Chapel. Family will receive friends 5:00-6:30 PM Chuck Ramsey, Jamey Gheen, Jessie Valentine, Dr. Michael Otis officiating. Family and friends will meet 05-23-13 at 11:00 AM Edgewood Cemetery for interment service. Online condolences may be sent to

    Knoxville News Sentinel, May 21, 2013

    Charlotte married Jack Marshall Valentine. Jack was born on 16 Apr 1929 and died on 10 Dec 1999 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 70.

    + 1262 M    iv. Paul Wilshire Parrott was born on 31 Dec 1931 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 21 Feb 2021 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

    + 1263 M    v. George William Parrott was born on 11 Feb 1934 and died on 15 Oct 2011, at age 77.

       1264 F    vi. Dolores Oneta Parrott was born on 3 Jun 1936 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 6 Aug 1938 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 2.

    Notes: Dolores Parrett, 2 - year - old daugher of Mr. and Mrs. John Parrett, 2612 Nichols Avenue, died at 6:40 p.m. yesterday at the home after two-week's illness. The child fell about a month ago and struck her head against a nail, making a small wound, and it was first thought that this was the cause of her illness but Dr. Oliver Hill later diagnosed the cae as spinal meningitis.

    Surviving are the parents; one sister, Charlotte; four brothers, Clarence, Paul, George, and James, all of Knoxville; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Parrett of Maryville, and a grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Pratt.

    Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. today at Zion's Hill Baptist Church in Sevier County. Burial in the church cemetery.

    The body will be taken frorm Rose's to the home at 9:30 a.m. today, and the funeral party will leave the church at 1:30 p.m.

    Unsoured obit posted on FAG 122925138

    + 1265 M    vii. James Louis Parrott Sr. was born on 13 Feb 1938 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 8 Jul 2019 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

       1266 M    viii. Bobby Ray Parrott was born on 3 Nov 1940 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 2 Jan 1941 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee.

    Notes: Bobby Ray Parrott, 2-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parrott, died this morning at the home, 2827 Nichols Avenue.

    Besides the parents, the survivors include: a sister, Charlotte; four brothers, Clarence, Paul, George and James, and grandparents, Mrs. Sarah Pratt, of Knoxville, and Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Parrott, of Blount County.

    Funeral services tomorrow at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Sevier County, with the Rev. H.M. Turner and the Rev. Lloyd Langston officiating. Funeral party will leave Rose's at 12:30 p.m. Burial in the church cemetery.

    Unsource obit posted on FAG 125824195

       1267 M    ix. Gene Autry Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1942 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 6 Jul 1942 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee.

    956. William Ralph Parrott (William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Dec 1914 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Sep 1979 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 64.

    William married Ethel Virene Varner. Ethel was born on 19 Jan 1919 and died on 1 Mar 1999 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 80.

    Notes: PARROTT, VIRENE VARNER - of South Knoxville, passed away March 1, 1999. Preceded in death by: husband, William Ralph Parrott; and sons, James L. and William R. Parrott, Jr. Survived by: son and daughter-in-law, Ronnie L. and Paula Parrott, Sr.; daughters and sons-in-law, Francis and Bobby G. Terrell, Margaret and Ed Grodeman, Barbara and Al Adams, Judy and Gary Johnson; brother, Clyde Varner of Section, Ala.; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and special pet, Cocoa. Funeral service 8 p.m., Wednesday at Mynatt's Chapel, Rev. Dewey Cooper, Dr. Robert McDonald officiating. Family and friends will meet at Varner Cemetery at 1 p.m., Thursday for interment. Pallbearers: Ronnie Parrott, Jr., Bobby Terrell, Ronnie and Gary Johnson, James Parrott, Jr. and Darrell Evans. The family will receive friends 6-8 p.m., Wednesday at Mynatt's.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel
    , March 3, 1999

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1268 M    i. James Lee Parrott Sr. was born on 24 May 1937 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Aug 1988 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 51.

       1269 F    ii. Margaret I. Parrott was born on 19 Mar 1939 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 1 Nov 2021 in Fountain City, Buffalo Co., Wisconsin, at age 82.

    Notes: Margaret I. Grodeman, age 82 of Fountain City, went to be with her Heavenly Father on Monday, November 1, 2021. She was a beloved wife, mother, and Mamaw who will be missed dearly. Preceded in death by her late husband, Edward Grodeman; former husband, Billy Wayne Beeler; daughter, Teresa Gail Beeler; grandson, Brandon Lee Arms; parents, William and Ethel Parrott; brother James Parrott. Survived by loving daughter, Connie (Allen) Arms; sisters, Frances Terrell; Barbara Adams; Judy Johnson. Brother, Ronnie (Paula) Parrott. Grandchildren, Ashley (Greg) Bloomfield; Justin (Jessica) Beeler; Kayla Curlee; Haley (Josh) Hoskins. Great grandchildren, Mason Downs; Lexi and Livi Bloomfield; Brantley, Race, and Axle Beeler; Abby Curlee; Harper and Laney Hoskins; and a host of nieces, nephews, and special friends. The family extends a special thanks to CAC, UT Hospice, and Mobile Meals. The family will receive friends at Mynatt Funeral Home Fountain City Chapel on Thursday, November 4, 2021, from 10:00am-12:00pm. Service will immediately follow, with Pastor Gilbert Owens officiating. Friends and family will then go in procession to Greenwood Cemetery for a 1:00pm graveside service. Online condolences may be left

    Margaret married Edward Lee Grodeman. Edward was born on 24 Jun 1936 and died on 7 Jul 2015 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 79.

       1270 M    iii. William R. Parrott Jr. was born on 7 Aug 1943 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Aug 1943 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

    958. Columbus Oscar Parrott (Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Mar 1896 in Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 22 May 1972 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 16450357}

    Columbus married Zora M. Baker. Zora was born on 26 Apr 1896 in Tennessee and died on 23 Aug 1922 in Tennessee, at age 26. Another name for Zora was Zo. {Find A Grave ID: 16450358} {Find A Grave ID: 16450358}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1271 F    i. Kate Parrott was born on 4 Jun 1915 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Aug 2008 in Gwinett Co., Georgia, at age 93. {Find A Grave ID: 84336993}

    Kate married John Wesley Huskey. John was born on 25 Mar 1918 in Tennesee and died on 14 Aug 1991 in Rockford, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 5443374} {Find A Grave ID: 5443374}

    + 1272 M    ii. Freeman Baker Parrott was born on 13 Nov 1916 in Tennessee and died on 7 Mar 2002 in Anderson Co., Tennessee, at age 85.

       1273 F    iii. Anna Ruth Parrott was born on 25 Dec 1918 in Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 15 Jun 2003 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

    Anna married George Hill Harveston. George was born on 20 May 1916 and died on 16 May 1981 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 64.

    + 1274 M    iv. Charles Oscar Parrott was born on 26 Jan 1922 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 2 Nov 2008 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 86.

    959. Earl Victor Parrott (Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Mar 1901 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Jan 1972 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 72659574}

    Notes: PARROTT, Earl V. - age 70, of 5822 Third St. died 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Mary's Hospital. He was a member ofthe Black Oak Heights Baptist Church. Survivors: wife, Mrs. Gertie Dunlap Parrott; daughters, Mrs. Ollie Boring, Maryville, Mrs. Lorine Carpenter, Mrs. Louise Cole, Mrs. Barbara Beaver, Mrs. Charlotte Carpenter, Mrs. Wanda Henson, Knoxville, Mrs. Vaunita Treadway, Indiana, Mrs. Irma Coffey, Knoxville; one son, Raymond Parrott, Akron, Ohio; 27-grandchildren; 8-great-grandchildren; brothers, Oscar Parrott, Rockford, Shelby Parrott, Ohio; sisters, Mrs. Lula Bailey, Ohio, Mrs. Bleve Bleve McMillan, Mrs. Mildred White, Mrs. Gertrude Perryman, Mrs. Inez Watson, Mrs. George Brewer, all of Knoxville. The body is at Berry's.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 26 Jan 1972, p 35

    Earl married Gertie Mae Dunlap. Gertie was born on 16 Aug 1904 and died on 11 Oct 1983 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 72659477} {Find A Grave ID: 72659477}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1275 F    i. Willie Parrott was born on 11 Sep 1923 in Tennesee and died on 22 Aug 2021 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 97. {Find A Grave ID: 231134528}

    Notes: Willie P. Boring, age 98 of Maryville, passed away on Sunday, August 22, 2021, at her home. Willie worked for Rockford Manufacturing for many years. She enjoyed watching Nascar Racing, gardening, and spending time with her grandchildren. Preceded in death by her husband, Ollie Boring; parents, Earl and Gertie Parrott; daughter, Linda Lawson; grandson, Roger Lawson. Survived by son, Carroll Ward of Indiana; grandchildren, Cindy and Charles Meridieth of Maryville, Aaron Ward of Indiana, Eddie Ward of Indiana, Randy Lawson of Vonore; great-grandchildren, Haley Lawson of Maryville, Wesley Meridieth of Maryville; sisters, Irma Coffey of Knoxville, Nita Treadway of Knoxville; several other grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Special thanks to Cindy, Charles, and Haley for the many years of care that they gave to Willie. Family will receive friends from 11:00 AM until 12:00 PM Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at Smith Trinity Chapel. The Funeral Service will be held at 12:00 PM with Rev. Charles Ballard officiating. Interment to follow at 1:00 PM at Sherwood Memorial Gardens. Smith Funeral & Cremation Service, Maryville, 865-983-1000,

    Willie married Ollie A. Boring. Ollie was born in 1917 and died in 1989, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 188569161} {Find A Grave ID: 188569161}

       1276 F    ii. Florence Lorene Parrott was born on 16 Aug 1926 in Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Apr 2001 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 74.

    Notes: CARPENTER, LORENE P. - age 74, of Knoxville, passed away Monday, April 9, 2001, at home. A member of Dante Baptist Church. Preceded in death by parents, Earl and Gertie Parrott; brother, Raymond Parrott, and sister, Louise Cole. Survivors: Husband, Edward L. Carpenter; daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Michael Heath; daughter, Donna J. Carpenter; son and daughter-in-law, Edward Jr. and Susan Carpenter; grandchildren, Tammi and Kevin Carroll, Micca Goans, Michael Jr., and Jamie Heath, Gerald and Jennifer Carpenter; three great-grandchildren, Michelle Goans, and Gerald and Jennifer Carpenter; three great-grandchildren, Michelle Goans, and Chase and Brandon Heath; special sister, Willie Boring, of the home, Barbara Beever, Charlotte Carpenter, Wanda Henson, Nita Treadway, and Irma Coffey, all of Knoxville. Funeral service 11 a.m. Thursday, Lynnhurst, Greenwood Chapel with Pastor Phillip Murphy, Chaplain Sean White and Rev. Kelsey Jessee officiating. Interment in Highland Memorial Cemetery. Grandsons and nephews will be pallbearers. A special thanks to St. Mary's Hospice. Arrangements by Lynnhurst-Greenwood Chapel of Berry Funeral Home, 2300 W. Adair Dr.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 12 Apr 2001, p A12

    Florence married Edward L. Carpenter.

    + 1277 M    iii. Raymond Edward Parrott was born on 10 Jul 1929 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Jun 1989 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio, at age 59.

       1278 F    iv. Louise Parrott Cole Russell was born in 1932 in Tennesee.

       1279 F    v. Barbara J. Parrott was born on 13 May 1934 in Tennesee and died on 26 May 2006, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 164032196}

    Notes: BEEVER, BARBARA - age 72 of Knoxville passed away Friday May 26, 2006. Survivors: husband, LeRoy Beever; sons, Ron and Deb, Jim and Kim, Michael and Roger Beever; daughter, Donna Gilby; sisters, Neta and husband Bud Treadway, Bill Boring, Erma and husband, Obie Coffey; grandsons, Eddie Gilby, Josh and Nicholas Beever; two great-grandsons; best freinds, Mary Lee and Terry Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lee. Family will receive friends Sunday May 28, 2006 at Weaver Funeral Home from 6-8 pm. Family and friends will meet at 9:45 am Monday May 29, 2006 at Knott Cemetery for a 10 am graveside service with Rev. Roy Gost officiating. Arrangements by Weaver Funeral Home.

    News-Sentinel, 28 May 2006, p B8

       1280 F    vi. Charlotte June Parrott was born on 13 Jan 1937 in Tennesee and died on 3 Mar 2005 in Powell, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 160772060}

    Notes: CARPENTER, CHARLOTTE J. - age 68 of Powell, passed away March 3, 2005. She was a member of New Beverly Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by: husband Frank E. Carpenter; grandson, Steven E. Carpenter. Survivors: sons Steve E. Carpenter and wife Wendy, Curtis W. Carpenter, Jeffery A Carpenter and wife Casey, Jason Carpenter; grandchildren Jeffery Carpenter Jr, Christopher Carpenter, Jacob Carpenter & Casey Carpenter; 4 sisters and several nieces and nephews. Family and friends will meet 9:45 a.m., Saturday, Bookwalter Cemetery for a graveside service at 10:00 a.m., Rev. Randy Singleton officiating. The family will receive friends from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday at Mynatt Funeral Home.

    News-Sentinel, 04 Mar 2005, p B6

    Charlotte married Frank E. Carpenter. Frank was born on 28 Apr 1927 and died on 9 Aug 1997, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 176644722} {Find A Grave ID: 176644722}

       1281 F    vii. Wanda Faye Parrott was born on 5 Sep 1939 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 23 Jan 2004 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 39686837}

    Notes: HENSON, WANDA FAYE - age 64, of Knoxville, passed away Saturday January 24, 2004 at St. Mary's Hospital. She was a member of Hoitt Ave. Baptist Church. Preceded in death by parents.

    Survived by husband, of 45 years Donald Henson; daughters, Janet and husband Steve Carter of Knoxville, and Genia Plemons of Ider, Al; four grandchildren, Amber Rauhuff & husband David of Knoxville, Katie Carter of Knoxville, and Karla and Tony Plemons both of Ider, Alabama; two great grandchildren, Emily and Dylan Rauhuff both of Knoxville. Ms. Henson is also survived by five sisters and special friends, Ginger Patrick, Elizabeth Hayes and her church family.

    Memorial Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday January 28, 2004 at Hoitt Ave. Baptist Church with Rev. James Hammond and Randy Byrd officiating. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations to the Juvenile Diabetes Fund. The family will receive friends from 6-7 p.m. Wednesday at the church.

    News Sentinel, 28 Jan 2004, p B6

    Wanda married Donald Eugene Hensen. Donald was born on 17 Jul 1934 and died on 21 Jan 2009, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 72045989} {Find A Grave ID: 72045989}

    962. George William Shelby Parrott (Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Jan 1909 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Jan 1984 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    Notes: PARROTT, SHELBY W. - age 75, of 3508 June St., passed away Monday morning at Shannondale Nursing Home. Member of Shiloh Baptist Church. He was a retired teamster. Survivors: wife, Mrs. Ethel Clark Parrott; sons, Carl H. Cleves, Oh., Kenneth C. Parrott, Louisville, Dennis W. Parrott, Chillicothe, Oh., Terry Wayne Parrott, Loveland, Oh.; daughter, Miss Geanine Parrott, Knoxville; 19 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; sisters, Lula Bailey, Sue McMillan, Mildred White, Gertrude Perryman, Inez Watson, all of Knoxville. Funeral 11 a.m. Thursday, Berry Chapel, Rev. Michael D. Singleton, Rev. Louis O. Ball, Rev. J.C. Parrott officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Pallbearers: Grandsons. The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at Berry Funeral Home.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 01 Feb 1984, p B7

    George married Ethel Agnes Clark. Ethel was born on 2 Dec 1908 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 29 Mar 1986 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    Notes: PARROTT, MRS. ETHEL AGNES CLARK - age 77, of 3508 June St., passed away 5:03 a.m. Saturday, March 29, 1986, at Fort Sanders Medical Center. Member of Fort Hills Baptist Church. Preceded in death by husband, Shelby Parrott; son, Herman Parrott; brother, Carl Clark; sister, Rebecca Gibson. Survivors: sons, Carl Parrott, Cleves, Ohio, Kenneth Parrott, Louisville, Tenn., Dennis Parrott, Knoxville, Terry Parrott, Loveland, Ohio; daughter, Jeanine Parrott, Knoxville; 19 grandchildren; 12 great-grand-grandchildren; brother, Lida Clark, Hickson, Tenn.; sister, Mrs. Lela Helton, Houston, Texas. Funeral 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Berry Chapel, Rev. Hayden Wright officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Monday at Berry Funeral Home.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 31 Mar 1986, p C6

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1282 M    i. Carl Henry Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1928 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Oct 1995 in Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 67.

    + 1283 M    ii. Herman Ray Parrott was born on 8 Nov 1930 and died in 1970 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 40.

       1284 M    iii. Kenneth Clark Parrott was born on 27 Jul 1933 and died on 6 Mar 2002 in Pinellas Co., Florida, at age 68.

    Kenneth married Clara Ruth Marcum. Clara was born on 1 Nov 1934 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Mar 2007 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 72.

    + 1285 M    iv. Dennis William Parrott was born on 18 Sep 1941 in Tennesee and died on 3 Mar 2015 in Henagar, DeKalb Co., Alabama, at age 73.

    967. William Otha Parrott (James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Feb 1892 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 31 Jan 1964 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 71.

    William married Anna Belle Knight. Anna was born on 20 Oct 1895 in Tennesee and died on 17 Apr 1969 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1286 M    i. Gib J. Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1920 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 16 Feb 1998 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

       1287 F    ii. Velma Estella Parrott was born on 18 Sep 1921 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Nov 1980 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 59.

    Velma married Sam H. Sauls. Sam was born on 4 Apr 1918 in Tennesee and died on 30 Oct 1990 in Alcoa, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 72.

    Notes: Services for an Alcoa man who died from an accidental gunshot wound will be 2 p.m. Friday at Miller Funeral Home chapel.

    Sam H. Sauls, 72, Wright Road, Alcoa, was wounded Oct. 19 when a young relative in another room of Sauls' house picked up a high-powered rifle and it discharged, Alcoa police said. Mr. Sauls died Tuesday night at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville.

    Police ruled the shooting an accident.

    Mr. Sauls was retired from ALCOA.

    He leaves his daughters, Mary Nell Masser of Kennesaw, Ga., and Bennie Marie Presley and Carolyn Orr, both of Maryville; son, Jim Ed Sauls of Alcoa; sisters, Vina Burns of Louisville, Nell Garner of Maryville and Ruth Smith of Alcoa; and brother, Clyde Sauls of Alcoa.

    The family will receive friends 7 to 9 tonight at Miller Funeral Home. Burial will be with full military honors in Sherwood Memorial Gardens.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel
    , November 1, 1990
    Posted on FAG 34163249

    + 1288 F    iii. Kathleen Parrott was born on 7 Feb 1924 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 1 May 2008 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 84.

       1289 F    iv. Fontella Parrott Brewer was born on 5 Nov 1925 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 7 Mar 2002 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 76.

       1290 F    v. Willie Mae Parrott was born on 31 Dec 1927 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 8 Feb 1986 in Macomb Co., Michigan, at age 58.

    Willie married James H. Everett Jr. James was born on 19 Aug 1919 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 28 Nov 1999 in Macomb Co., Michigan, at age 80.

       1291 M    vi. Troy Lee Parrott was born on 19 Mar 1930 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Mar 1930 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee.

    + 1292 M    vii. Orville Lee Parrott was born on 25 Apr 1931 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Apr 2012 in Michigan, at age 80.

       1293 F    viii. Mary Louise Parrott was born on 21 Apr 1933 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 21 Apr 1933 in Sevier Co., Tennesee.

    969. Calvin Arlando Parrott (James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Dec 1896 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Aug 1931 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 34. Another name for Calvin was Arlie.

    Calvin married Mary Knight. Mary was born on 19 Aug 1906 and died on 15 Jul 1980 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1294 M    i. Leonard Calvin Parrott was born on 29 Mar 1925 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 27 Apr 2005 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 80.

    975. James Trowly Parrott Sr. (James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Jun 1910 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Sep 2010 in North Carolina, at age 100.

    Notes: Knoxville News Sentinel (TN) - September 17, 2010

    Deceased Name: PARROTT, JAMES T., SR.

    age 100 of Canton, NC, passed away Sunday, September 12. 2010. He was a member and former Deacon of Vestal Baptist Church. James was preceded in death by his wife Mary Knight Parrott, sons Leonard C. Parrott, George M. Parrott, Sr., daughter Alma Florance Parrott, grandsons infant Bobby Parrott, George M. Parrott, Jr., and SSGT Michael C. Parrott, killed in Iraq in 2005, parents James S. and Lucy S. Parrott, 5 brothers and 5 sisters. Survivors: son, James T. Parrott, Jr.; daughters-in-law, Suzanne C. Parrott and Faye Davenport; 10 grandchildren; 8 great-grand-children; 4 great-great-grand-children; several nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to: SSGT Michael Parrott Scholarship Fund C/O Haywood County Schools Foundation 1230 N. Main St. Waynesville NC, 28786. Funeral service 2 PM Saturday at Atchley's Seymour Chapel with officiating. Interment to follow in Stock Creek Cemetery with military honors provided by America Legion Post 104. Pallbearers will be grandsons, Kenny, David, Jim, Dewayne, Jerry and Terry. The family will receive friends 12-2 PM Saturday at Atchley Funeral Home, Seymour. 122 Peacock Court, Seymour, TN 37865 (865) 577-2807. (

    Knoxville News Sentinel, September 17, 2010

    James married Mary Knight. Mary was born on 19 Aug 1906 and died on 15 Jul 1980 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1295 M    i. George Mitchel Parrott Sr. was born on 13 Feb 1931 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 27 Sep 1993, at age 62.

    + 1296 M    ii. James Trowley Parrott Jr. was born on 31 Dec 1934 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Jul 2016 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

       1297 F    iii. Alma Florence Parrott was born on 17 Aug 1938 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Apr 1983 in Sevier Co., Tennessee, at age 44.

    977. Benjamin W. Parrott (Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Jun 1876 in Tennessee and died on 24 Feb 1932 in Spartanburg Co., South Carolina, at age 55.

    Notes: Funeral services for Ben W. Parrott, 56, of Arcadia, who was stricken at his home shortly before noon Wednesday and died before medical aid could reach him, were conducted at Zoar Methodist Church, near Greer, at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon by the Rev. J.E. Bailey and the Rev. W.R. Roland. Burial was in the chuchyard. Mr. Parrott for a number of years had been night watchman at Arcadia.

    The deceased is survived by his widow and the following children: Mrs. W.H. Brannon of Fairforest, Mrs. Grady Ashmore of Arlington, Miss Fay Parrott, Miss Nancy Parrott and W.R. Parrott, all of Arcadia and J.F. Parrott of Clover.

    Spartanburg Herald, 26 Feb 1932, p 7
    Posted on FAG 19497261 by Kelly Jane O

    Benjamin married Mary C. Owen. Mary was born on 11 Apr 1879 and died on 2 Sep 1945 in Greer, Spartanburg Co., South Carolina, at age 66.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1298 F    i. Nancy Mattie Parrott was born on 26 Nov 1900 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died in Nov 1978 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 78.

       1299 M    ii. Jessie Francis Parrott was born on 26 Feb 1904 in Tennesee and died on 11 Nov 1956 in Black Mountain, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 52.

       1300 F    iii. Alice L. Parrott was born on 27 Feb 1907 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Apr 1980 in Greer, Spartanburg Co., South Carolina, at age 73.

    Notes: GREER - Alice Ashmore, 73, of 1 Arlington St., Apalache, widow of Grady Ashmore, died Saturday.

    Born in Newport, Tenn., she was a retired textile employee and a member of the Apalache Baptist Church.

    Surviving are daughters, Joyce Smith of Woodruff, Vicki Ashmore of the home, and Mary Floyd, Betty Boyter and Mariene McCuen, all of Greer; sons, Randolph, Fred and Jimmy Ashmore, all of Greer; a brother, Bill Parrott of Kings Mountain, N.C.; sisters, Fay Hopper of Dallas, N.C., and Belle Brannon of Whitewright, Texas; 13 granchdchildren and one great-grandchild.

    Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Apalache Baptist Church, burial at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Sunday at Wood Mortuary.

    The Greenville-News and Piedmont 13 Apr 1980, p 8-B

    Alice married Grady B. Ashmore. Grady was born on 1 Apr 1903 in South Carolina and died on 10 Jul 1958 in Greer, Spartanburg Co., South Carolina, at age 55.

    Notes: Grady Ashmore Drowns; Body Is Recoverd

    GREER - Some 20 volunteers dragged the power plant pond at Apalache Mill here for two and a half hours Thursday before a trio of men located the underwear-clad body of Grady B. Ahsmore.

    Spartanburg Rural Policeman Bill Painter said the body of the 55-year-old barber was found about 8:30 in about 15 feet of water by Dewey Armstrong, James Armstrong and Eldridge Blackwell. The team was using drag lines from a motor boat in the search.

    Mr. Palmer said a 15-year-old boy, Danny Wilson of Rt. 2, Greer, sounded the alarm about 6 p.m. when he discovered a man's clothing on top of the dam.

    Immediately volunteers joined in the search with seven boats plying back and forth over the water.

    The Spartanburg Fire Department was en route with outdoor lighting when the body was brought up.

    Coroner George Adams said he had not determined whether an inquest would be held.

    Aiding in the investigation were Rural Policeman Lt. R.R. Southers, Rural Policeman Wallace Snow, Joe Hightower, Marvin Young and Mill Deputy O.R. McCarter.

    Mr. Ashmore, a native of the Campobello section, had lived in Greer for the past 35 years. He was a son of the late William and Florence Price Ashmore and a member of Apalache Baptist Church.

    Surviing are his wife, Mrs. Alice Parrott Ashmore; five daughters, Mrs. Joyce Smith, Mrs. Mary Lee Floyd, Mrs. Betty Boyter, Mrs. Marline MeCuen, all of Greer; and four grandchildren.

    Funeral plans will be announced by Wood Mortuary.

    The Greenville News, 11 Jul 1958, p 16

       1301 F    iv. Edna Belle Parrott was born in 1912 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    Edna married Walter Roy Brannon. Walter was born in 1908 in South Carolina.

       1302 M    v. William R. Parrott was born in 1914 in Sevier Co., Tennesee.

       1303 F    vi. Gladys Faye Parrott was born on 12 Sep 1916 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Sep 1980 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, at age 64.

    Gladys married Ray Woodrow Hopper. Ray was born on 23 Mar 1914 in South Carolina and died on 2 Jan 1976 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 61.

    979. Michael Parrott (Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Sep 1882 in Tennessee and died on 9 Sep 1926 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 43. Another name for Michael was Mike.

    Michael married Laura Cordelia Shrader. Laura was born on 9 Jan 1885 in Tennesee and died on 22 Mar 1981 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 96.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1304 M    i. Arthur Conway Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1905 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 13 Dec 1982 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 77.

    Arthur married Elizabeth Mae Smith, daughter of George Smith and Adra Warren. Elizabeth was born in 1907 in Tennesee.

    Arthur next married Lela Virginia Smith, daughter of George Smith and Adra Warren. Lela was born on 18 Apr 1924 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 22 Dec 1992 in Winston-Salem, Yadkin Co., North Carolina, at age 68.

       1305 F    ii. Effie Delilah Parrott was born on 25 Aug 1906 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died in Aug 1979 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    Effie married Ernest Foxx. Ernest was born on 23 Sep 1899 in Tennesee and died on 28 Apr 1989 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

    + 1306 M    iii. Rex Warren Parrott was born on 25 Apr 1908 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 1 Dec 1975 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 67.

       1307 F    iv. Genivie Parrott was born on 7 Jul 1910 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 5 Mar 1988 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, at age 77.

    Genivie married John Melburn Smith. John was born on 30 May 1895 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jun 1957 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, at age 62.

    Genivie next married Ike Wilson Singley. Ike was born on 24 Apr 1916 in Mississippi and died on 11 Dec 1975 in Concord, Cabarrus Co., North Carolina, at age 59.

       1308 F    v. Rosa Lee Parrott was born on 16 Jun 1913 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 26 Nov 2007 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 94.

    age 94 of Sevierville, passed away Monday, November 26, 2007. She was preceded in death by her husband Chan F. Huskey, parents Mike Parrott and Laura Parrott Adams, stepfather Rev. Giles Adams, brothers Arthur, Rex, and Robert Parrott, and sisters Effie Foxx and Genivie Singley. Survivors: sons and daughters-in-law: Gene F. and Judy Huskey, Stephen and Becky Huskey; grandchildren: Michelle and Dwight Payne, Michael and Jodie Huskey, Scott and Missy Huskey, Shawn and Becky Huskey, Reneé Huskey; great grandchildren: Taylor and Peyton Payne, Isaac, Michaela, and Isaiah Huskey, Kaylee, Britton, Addison, and Hannah Huskey, Faith and Seth Huskey; sister and brother-in-law: Thelma and Charles Query; sister-in-law: Blanche Parrott; special friend: Ruby Howard. Memorial contributions may be made to Bethel Baptist Church, 2776 Bethel Church Road, Sevierville, TN 37876. Funeral service 7 PM Tuesday in the West Chapel of Atchley Funeral Home with Rev. W.A. Galyon and Rev. Melvin Carr officiating. Family and friends will meet 10 AM Wednesday in Smoky Mountain Memory Gardens for interment. The family will receive friends 5-7 PM Tuesday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville.

    Knoxville News Sentinel, November 27, 2007

    Rosa married Chan Fred Huskey. Chan was born on 20 Feb 1913 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 14 Jan 1994 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 80.

       1309 M    vi. Robert B. Parrott was born on 19 Aug 1916 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 7 Aug 1932 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 15.

       1310 F    vii. Thelma Parrott was born on 29 Nov 1925 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 2 Mar 2019 in Clemmons, Forsyth Co., North Carolina, at age 93.

    Notes: Thelma Parrott Query, 93, formerly of Kannapolis, went to be with the Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday, March 2, 2019, at Trinity Elms Health and Rehab in Clemmons, where she was a resident for the last two years. She was born Nov. 29, 1925, in Sevier County, Tenn., to the late Michael Parrott and Laura Parrott Adams. Thelma retired from Cannon Mills after more than 40 years of service. She was a member of Lakewood Baptist Church for 70 years. She delighted in watching and feeding birds, and loved spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She enjoyed her friends, sharing laughter and good food. Most of all, she loved her Lord and Savior. She was preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Charles O. Query; brothers, Arthur, Rex and Robert Parrott; and sisters, Effie Foxx, Genevie Singley and Rosa Lee Huskey. Those left to cherish her memory are son, Steve Query (Cindy) of Moncks Corner, S.C.; daughter, Phyllis Mills (Mike) of Clemmons; five grandchildren, Bryan Mills (Donna) of Winston-Salem, Brandon Mills (Shannon) of Wake Forest, Meredith Query of St. Simons Island, Ga., Melissa Pearson (Jonathan) of Lyman, S.C. and Michelle Sullivan (Jeremy) of Wilmington; seven great-grandchildren; and numerous nephews and nieces. Service & Visitation: A celebration of life will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 9, 2019 at Whitley's Funeral Home Chapel in Kannapolis, with Rev. Jonathan Pearson officiating. Burial will follow at Carolina Memorial Park. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at Whitley's Funeral Home. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Lakewood Baptist Church, 806 Klutz St., Kannapolis, NC 28081. Whitley's Funeral Home is assisting the family. Online condolences may be left at

    Salisbury Post, March 7, 2019

    Thelma married Charles Owen Query. Charles was born on 22 Mar 1920 in Alexander Co., North Carolina and died on 23 Sep 2010 in Kannapolis, Cabarrus Co., North Carolina, at age 90.

    985. Luther Parrott (Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Dec 1894 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 18 Jan 1936 in Belmont, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 41.

    Luther married Rachel Lula McGaha. Rachel was born on 10 Aug 1897 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Jul 1980 in Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 82.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1311 M    i. Leonard C. Parrott was born on 25 Nov 1914 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Jul 1930 in Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 15.

       1312 F    ii. Viola M. Parrott was born on 21 Nov 1917 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 14 Sep 1985 in South Carolina, at age 67.

    Viola married Aaron Felix Maltba. Aaron was born on 21 Feb 1913 in Caldwell Co., North Carolina and died on 12 Dec 1988 in Lenoir Co., North Carolina, at age 75.

    + 1313 M    iii. Rev. James Ralph Parrott was born on 2 Feb 1920 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 18 May 1974 in Oteen, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 54.

    + 1314 M    iv. Clarence Quincy Parrott was born on 28 Jul 1927 in Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 24 Jul 1983 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 55.

    + 1315 M    v. Alvin Luther Parrott was born on 5 Jan 1931 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 17 Feb 1985 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., North Carolina, at age 54.

       1316 F    vi. Geraldine Blanche Parrott Hovis Deal was born on 25 Mar 1933 in Belmont, Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 10 May 2002 in Bessemer City, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 69.

    Geraldine married Gary Ulysus Hovis. Gary was born on 28 Jul 1934 in Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 27 Jan 2016 in Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 81.

    Geraldine next married Ralph Edward Deal. Ralph was born on 5 Jan 1935 in Iredell Co., North Carolina and died on 14 May 2004 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 69.

    + 1317 M    vii. Jack Alphus Parrott was born on 9 Oct 1935 in Belmont, Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 13 Sep 1995 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 59.

    991. Carl Harvel Parrott (William Newton7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 May 1904 in Dandrige, Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Feb 1990 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 85.

    Carl married Florence Elizabeth Burchfiel. Florence was born on 28 Jan 1905 in Tennesee and died on 29 Apr 1969 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 64.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1318 M    i. Floyd Glenn Parrott was born on 14 Mar 1927 in Tennesee and died on 22 Feb 2017 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

    Floyd married Ida Jane Atchley. Ida was born on 17 Sep 1934 in Tennesee and died on 3 Mar 2019 in Tennesee, at age 84.

    + 1319 M    ii. William Elisha Parrott was born on 8 Jan 1929 in Tennesee and died on 9 Mar 2018 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 89.

       1320 F    iii. Wanda Parrott was born on 3 Aug 1934 in Tennesee.

    Wanda married Wyndell C. Patterson. Wyndell was born on 12 Aug 1933 in Tennesee and died on 25 Jul 1959, at age 25.

    995. Emmons Glenn Parrott (William Newton7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 May 1912 in Tennesee and died on 10 Nov 1959 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 47.

    Notes: Murder-Suicide Victims Buried
    SEVIERVILLE, Tenn. - A Jefferson County farm couple, divorsed last Friday, will be buried Thursday at a double funeral - 48 hours after the husband shot his ex-wife and then himself.

    Sevier County Sherrif Fred Pierce said the couple's 4-year-old daughter, Jo Ann, saw her father, Emmons Parrott, 47, shoot her mother and then kill himself with a shotgun. Pierce was called to the scene and notified the Jefferson County Authorities. Nine other children, some married, survive.

    Kingsport Times, 11 Nov 1959, p 18

    Emmons married Ina Ruth Manning. Ina was born on 29 Apr 1914 in Tennesee and died on 10 Nov 1959 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 45.

    Notes: PARROTT, Mr. and Mrs. Emmons - died at 9 a.m. Tuesday at their home, Sevierville, Route 8. Survivors: four sons, Richard, Eugene, Gary, James; six daughters, Mrs. Richard Allen, Mrs. Shirl Price, Mrs. Edward Bohannon, Misses Nadine, Charlene, and Joanne Parrott. Mrs. Ruth Parrott, 45, is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Glenn Hurst; two brothers, Jesse and Alger Manning. Mr. Parrott, 47, also is survived by six sisters, Mrs. Clarence Burchfiel, Mrs. Willie Holbert, Mrs. Lettie Terry, Mrs. Carl Achley, Mrs. W.D. LaFollette, Mrs. Ode LaFollette; one brother, Carl. Double funeral services, 2 p.m. Thursday, Atchley's Chapel. Rev. Henry Maples, Rev. Earl Lane officiating. Interment, Parrott's Chapel Cemetery. the bodies remain at Atchley's, Sevierville.

    The Knoxville Journal, 12 Nov 1959, p 15

    Children from this marriage were:

       1321 F    i. Gladys Marie Parrott was born on 17 Feb 1932 in Tennesee and died on 12 May 2013 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 81.

    Notes: Gladys Marie Allen, age 81, of Sevierville, passed away Sunday, May 12, 2013.

    She was retired from Raymond's Store where she worked for 26 years.

    She was preceded in death by her son; Richard Samuel Allen, parents; Emmons and Ruth Parrott, sisters; Marilyn Price, Charlene Cate, brothers; Eugene Parrott, Edward "Bob" Parrott, and Gary Parrott, father-in-law and mother-in-law; D.F. and Mildred Allen.

    Survivors: husband of 61 yearsm Richard F. Allen; daughter-in-law, Sharon Allen; grandson, Keaton Allen; brothers and sisters-in-law, Richard and Geraldine Parrott, James and Doris Price; sisters and brothers-in-law, Almeda and Edward Bohanan, Nadine Parton, Joanne and Dale Carr; brother-in-law and wife, Bob and Janene Allen; special friends, Linda and Larry Smith, Dan and Helen Collins, Rusty Henry, Dr. Sam McGaha.

    Family and friends will meet 2 PM Wednesday in Shiloh Cemetery for graveside service and interment with Rev. Mike Underwood officiating. Arrangements by Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville.

    The Mountain Press, May 13, 2013

    Gladys married Richard Fowler Allen. Richard was born on 22 Nov 1934 in Tennesee and died on 8 Apr 2014 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 79.

       1322 F    ii. Marilyn Bernice Parrott was born on 20 Jan 1933 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 11 May 2001 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 68.

    Marilyn married Shirrell Price.

    + 1323 F    iii. Willie Almeda Parrott was born on 7 Nov 1935 in Tennesee and died on 31 Aug 2013 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 77.

       1324 M    iv. Edward Glenn Parrott was born on 4 Jan 1937 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Dec 1958 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee, at age 21. Another name for Edward was Bob Parrott.

    Notes: Car Crash Toll Rises To Two
    NEWPORT, Dec. 21 - Floyd Ray Manning, 22, Sevierville, Route 8, tonight became the second victim of a traffic accident o U 25-70 early last Friday. He died at Baptist Hospital at 8 p.m. of critical injuries sustained when the car in which he was a passenger careened off the highwaay at what officers called a "high speed," caroomed off a tree and traveled another 45 yards.

    Edward Glenn Parrott, 21, same address as Manning and driver of the vehicle was killed almost instantly. Officers said Parrott apparently lost control of the car shortly after crossing a bridge about four miles east of here and failed to "make a curve." Parrott's funeral service will be held at Sevierville today. <snip>

    The Knoxville Journal, 22 Dec 1958, p 10

    + 1325 M    v. Richard E. Parrott was born on 18 Dec 1939 in Tennesee and died on 7 Dec 2015 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

       1326 M    vi. Eugene Parrott was born on 2 Jan 1944 in Tennesee and died on 4 Feb 2001 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 57.

       1327 F    vii. Charlene Ruth Parrott was born on 12 Mar 1946 in Tennesee and died on 4 Mar 1983 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 36.

    Charlene married Tommy Ray Cate. Tommy was born on 19 Nov 1946 and died on 4 Feb 2004 in Tennesee, at age 57.

    + 1328 M    viii. Gary LeMoore Parrott was born on 13 Jul 1948 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 18 Dec 2003 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 55.

       1329 F    ix. Wilma Jean Parrott was born on 25 Mar 1954 in Tennesee and died on 25 Mar 1954 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

       1330 F    x. Mary Elizabeth Parrott was born on 25 Mar 1954 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Mar 1954 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee.

    996. Deverce Quinton Parrott (Earl Cecil7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Aug 1923 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Apr 2017 in Tennesee, at age 93.

    Notes: Quinton was born on August 14, 1923 and passed away on Sunday, April 30, 2017.
    Quinton was a resident of Tennessee.
    Quinton graduated for Cocke County High School in 1943.
    Quinton was a veteran and served in the United States Navy.

    The family will receive friends from 1:00 pm ? 2:00 pm Saturday May 13 2017 at the First United Methodist Church with memorial service following at 2:00 pm with Rev. Dr. James Bennington officiating. Burial will be held at a later date.

    In lieu of flowers the family requests that memorials be made to the Tarwater Cemetery Fund 512 Tarwater Road Sevierville TN 37862 First United Methodist Church 212 Washington Ave. Newport TN 37821 or St. Jude Children?s Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105.

    Deverce Quinton Parrott, Normandy Invasion veteran, dies at 93

    NEWPORT-One of Cocke County's most decorated World War II veterans, Deverce Quinton Parrott, died Sunday afternoon, April 30, 2017, after a short illness. He was 93.

    Born August 14, 1923 in Jefferson County, he was the older of two children of Earl Cecil and Audrey (Poe) Parrott. When he was two years old, the family moved to Newport, where he attended Newport Grammar and Cocke County High Schools.

    Parrott enlisted in the United States Navy on June 7, 1943. The 19-year-old received his basic training as a Boatswain's Mate Second Class at Bainbridge Maryland, amphibious training at Little Creek, Virginia, and advanced amphibious forces training at Ft. Pierce, Florida in preparation for the Allied invasion of Normandy.

    He crossed the Atlantic in the largest convoy of World War II aboard the USS LST 503 and was based in Southampton, England, where he received additional training for the June 6, 1966 invasion. Parrott was later attached to Gen. George Patton's 3rd Army Corps of Engineers, who ferried troops across the Rhine River.

    After the Allied victory in Europe, Parrott then was sent to the Pacific Theatre where he was stationed in Guam.

    Upon his discharge on Feb. 19, 1946, Parrott returned to Cocke County, where he worked with his father at Parrott's Service Station.

    During the war years, he began corresponding with Wilda 'Bill' Tarwater, a Sevier County girl, at the suggestion of their mutual aunt. After the war, the couple's courtship quickly led to their wedding on June 6, 1946, at Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in Sevier County. This past year the couple celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

    The couple had two sons, Dr. Earl Parrott, of Columbia, TN, and the late Richard Parrott.

    In 1949, Parrott opened the local Studebaker dealership, a business he operated until 1966. He later sold Equitable Life Insurance and commercial laundry equipment for several years before his retirement in 1978.

    Parrott was also active in civic affairs for many years. He was a charter member of the Newport Lions Club and a Mason for approximately 70 years.

    Parrott was the second oldest member of First United Methodist Church, but had been a member longer than anyone else, having joined in 1931. As long as his health permitted, he was active in all church activities, serving as a trustee and a member of the stewardship, finance, and bus committees.

    Manes Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

    The Newport Plain Talk, May 2, 2017

    Deverce married Wilda Evelyn Tarwater. Wilda was born on 12 Jul 1926 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 6 Feb 2021 in Columbia, Maury Co., Tennessee, at age 94.

    Notes: Wilda Evelyn Tarwater Parrott, 94, long time resident of Newport, Tennessee, died peacefully on Saturday morning Feb. 6, 2021 at Morning Pointe in Columbia, Tennessee of Alzheimer's Disease and COVID-19.

    She was preceded in death by D.Q. Parrott, her husband of sixty-one years who died in 2017.

    She is survived by Dr. Earl Q. Parrott (Celia).

    "Bill" as she was known to friends was born in Sevier County July 12, 1926 to Millard E. Tarwater and Ella Floyd Tarwater, well-known farmer and teacher. She was the second of four sisters, Doris Tarwater Phelps of Sevierville who survives and the late Ruth Thomas, Altha Wager, and Rosemary Starnes.

    She was a member of Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church and attended school in Sevierville, graduating from Sevier County High School. She was the mother two sons Dr. Earl Parrott (Celia) Columbia, Tennessee and the late Richard Parrott (Patti). She is survived by three grandchildren, Adam Parrott (Hiromi), Amy Mills (Michael), Ashley Parrott (Chris) and three great-grandchildren.

    After moving to Newport, she went on to teaching kindergarten at First United Methodist Church where she was active. She began designing and dressmaking leading to directing weddings for years. She was active in The Twentieth Century Club serving as president and DAR as Regent. She owned Bills' Wearhouse, a boutique womens apparel shop and was well known for her Teen Board, fashion shows and introducing her young ladies to working in business until 1997 and was Cocke Archivist until 2012.

    She was a leader in community service and was Co-president of the Cocke County Bicentennial Celebration with Quinton and with the East Tennessee Foundation and Vision 21 benefiting the county with grants and funds for local projects. She lived at home until moving to Columbia, where her son Earl lives, until her death. She was an active member of First United Methodist Church in Newport and later a communicant at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Columbia.

    Graveside services and interment will be in Tarwater Family Cemetry, 1549 Tarwater Road Saturday May 15 at 2 p.m.

    The Mountain Press, May 6, 2021

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1331 M    i. Richard Edmond Parrott was born on 15 Apr 1952 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Sep 2016 in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio, at age 64.

    1008. Albert Floyd Parrott (Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 31 Dec 1882 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 31 Jan 1964 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 81.

    Albert married Maude M. Taylor. Maude was born on 17 Dec 1888 in Iowa and died in Mar 1973 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 84.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1332 M    i. Joe Taylor Parrott was born on 3 Aug 1912 in Iowa and died on 5 May 2002 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 89.

    Joe married Violet June Swensrud. Violet was born on 4 Jun 1923 and died on 12 Jan 1999 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 75.

    + 1333 M    ii. Richard F. Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1918 in Iowa and died on 30 Jun 2007 in Washington, at age 88.

    1010. Orval Parrott (Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Jan 1887 in Wayne Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1968 in Ventura Co., California, at age 81.

    Notes: Orval Parrott, 81, of 140 Mupu St., Santa Paula, died last evening in a local hospital after a lingering illness. Born Jan. 28, 1887, in Cambria, Iowa, he moved to Santa Paula 20 years ago from Iowa. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I.

    Surviving are his daughters, Mrs. Caron Gerner and Mrs. Bernardine Lawson, both of Santa Paula; sons, Orval, Chula Vista, Richard, Burlington, Iowa; brothers, Alva, Des Moines, Iowa, J.C., Grinnell, Iowa; sisters, Mrs. Uma Showalter, Moline, Ill., Mrs. Fern Reed, Corydon, Iowa, 12 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchilren.

    Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Santa Paula Cemetery, with the Rev. H. Harris Wood, former pastor of the First Christian Church of Santa Paula, officiating. Friends may call at the Robert A. Stetler Funeral Chapel until noon Monday.

    Ventura County Star-Free Press, 22 Jun 1968, p 2

    Orval married Cora Shanks. Cora was born in 1889 in Wayne Co., Iowa.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1334 M    i. Orval Otis Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1907 in Unionville, Putnam Co., Missouri and died on 15 Dec 1979 in San Diego Co., California, at age 72.

    Orval next married Anna May Mick. Anna was born in 1899 in Wadesboro, Calloway Co., Kentucky and died on 14 Mar 1963 in Ventura Co., California, at age 64.

    Notes: Mrs. Anna May Parrott, 63, of 621 Ojai Road, Santa Paula, died yesterday in a local hospital after a short illness.

    A Santa Paula resident for 17 years, coming to the county from Iowa, she was born Oct. 11, 1899, in Wadesborro (sic), Ky. She and her husband served as custodians for Santa Paula Savings and Loan Association.

    Survivors include her husband, Orville; daughters, Mrs. Bernadine Lawson, Santa Paula, and Mrs. Karen Gerner, Santa Susana; sons, Richard of Iowa and Oral of National City; sister, Mrs. Gertrude Stennett, Iowa; brothers, Ed Mick and Jess Mick, both of Iowa; eight granddaughters, four grandsons, and 19 great-grandchildren.

    Funeral services are pending at the Robert A. Stetler Funeral Chapel, Santa Paula.

    The Ventura County Star-Free Press, 14 Mar 1963, p B4

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1335 M    i. Richard Elmer Parrott was born on 18 May 1921 in Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa and died on 23 Feb 2012 in Bradley, Kankakee Co., Illinois, at age 90.

    1012. J. C. Parrott (Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Jun 1895 in Richman, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 27 Dec 1986 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, at age 91.

    Notes: GRINNELL, IA. - J.C. Parrott, 92, of Grinnell died of a heart attack Saturday at the Mayflower Home here. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Grinnell First Baptist Church. Burial will be in Hazelwood Cemetery.

    Mr. Parrott was born in Corydon and lived in Grinnell since 1920. He retired in 1964 as owner and operator of Sanitary Barber Shop in Grinnell. He was a former deacon and trustee at the First Baptist Church and a former exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge in Grinnell.

    Survivors include a son, James Gordon of Loveland, Colo., a brother, Alvie of Dallas, Texas; a sister Fern Reed of Corydon; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

    Friends may call from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday at the Smith Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to First Baptist Church or the Grinnell Elks Lodge Building Fund.

    The Des Moines Sunday Register, 28 Dec 1986, p 7B

    J. married Lora Blanche Threlkeld. Lora was born on 25 Oct 1893 in Warren Co., Iowa and died on 29 Jun 1985 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, at age 91.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1336 M    i. James Gordon Parrott was born on 30 May 1930 in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa and died on 6 Jul 2017 in Ankeny, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 87.

    1015. Alva Dennis Parrott (Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Oct 1904 in Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa and died on 17 Oct 1997 in Iowa, at age 93.

    Notes: Alva D. Parrott, 93, of Norwalk died of a heart ailment Friday at Regency Care Center there. The body will be cremated and no services are planned.

    Mr. Parrott was born in Corydon and lived in Arlington, Texas, before moving to Norwalk five years ago. He was a retired radio and television engineer with Northwestern Bell and a member of Za Ga Zig Shrine, Telephone Pioneers of American and St. John's Lutheran Church.

    Surviving are a son, Dennis of Tucson, Ariz.; two daughters, Marsha Wheeldon of Norwalk and D'Ann Besley of Arlington, Texas; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

    Arrangements are being handled by Caldwell-Raddatz Hickman Chapel.

    The Des Moines Register, 20 Oct 1997, p 5M

    Alva married Myra Harriett Larson. Myra was born on 6 May 1907 and died on 16 Nov 1988 in Iowa, at age 81.

    1017. George William Parrott (George F.7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1893 in Tacoma Co., Washington.

    George married Elsie Theodore Carson. Elsie was born in 1896 in San Francisco Co., California.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1337 M    i. Wilbert D. Parrott was born on 12 Mar 1913 in Seattle, King Co., Washington and died on 1 Mar 1994 in Washington, at age 80.

    1018. Gordon Maynard Parrott (David Garfield7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Sep 1908 in Kitsap Co., Washington and died on 9 Aug 1983 in Pierce Co., Washington, at age 74.

    Notes: Drug Addict Is Sentenced
    TACOMA - A former health officer charged with violating the narcotics law was sentenced in Federal Court Monday to a minimum of two years at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at Lexington, Ky.

    The court said the defendant, Dr. Gordon M. Parrott, will be eligible for release when is addiction is cured but would be on probation for two years after his release.

    Dr. Parrott, former assistant health officer in Tacoma, was health officer for Douglas anad Benton Counties until last summer.

    The Daily Chronicles, 09 Dec 1952, p 7

    Dr. Gordon Parrott, 74, retired psychiatrist, dies
    Dr. Gordon M. Parrott, 74, a retired psychiatrist and former staff member at the Western State Hospital, died Tuesday. Born in Bremerton and reared in Olympia, Dr. Parrott had lived in Tacoma for 30 years.

    After graduation from the University of Washington, he entered Northwestern University Medical School at Evanston, Ill., attended Johns Hopkins University i Washington, D.C., and received his psychiatric degree from a university in Connecticut.

    He was a membr of the Washington State Medical Association, American Medical Association, Canadian Psychiatric Association and the American Psychiatric Association. He was a Navy veteran of World War II.

    Survivors incude his wife, Elsie; a daughter, Mrs. Fred (Sharon) Meyers of Olympia; three stepsons, Dale Hultengren of Eatonville and Paul Hultengren of Tacoma; a sister, Mrs. William (Marie) Naismith of Olympia; and a brother, Orvi D. of Olympia; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Buckley-King Downtown, is in charge.

    The News Tribune, 11 Aug 1983 p C8

    Gordon married Gladys M. Rodside. Gladys was born in 1908 in Washington and died in 1968 in Washington, at age 60.

    Gordon next married Elsie R. Elsie was born on 23 Jan 1919 and died on 20 Mar 2017 in Shoreline, King Co., Washington, at age 98.

    1020. Orvin David Parrott (David Garfield7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 May 1920 in Thurston Co., Washington and died on 18 Mar 1991 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 38804516}

    Notes: Orvin David Parrott, 70, a lifelong resident of Olympia, died as a result of a brain tumor Monday, March 18, 1991, in Olympia. He was born May 17, 1920, in Olympia, to David G. an Elizabeth M. (Wiggins) Parrott. He attended Lincoln Grade School and was graduated from Olympia High School in 1940.

    As a child he was fascinated by his father's machine shop where he started out by sweeping the floors and grew up in the shop learning he trade. Following graduation from high school, he joined D.G. Parrott and Son, which he purchased in 1960. He operated the company until his retirement in 1984.

    He was married to Virginia Tanner in 1942. They were later divorced. he was married to Ethel A. Clees in 1963. Mrs. Parrott died in 1983. He was married to Helen B. Scofield on Aug. 14, 1988, in Olympia.

    Mr. Parrott was an avid boater and was past commodore and a life member of the Olympia Yacht Club. He was also a member of the Olympia Rotary Club, a life member of the Olympia Elks Club and the American Legion. He was also a member of the Navy League, Day Island Yacht, the Evergreen Sportsman and Gun Club, the Maritime Historical Association and a former member of the Olympia City Planning Commission.

    Surviving Mr. Parrott, besides his wife of the family home, are two sons, Orvin David, Bremerton and Stephen John, Olympia; two daughters, Ellen Rodrigues, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, and Joan Browning, Vancouver; two stepsons, John Clees, Olympia and David Clees, Seattle; a sister, Marie Naismith, Olympia; also 12 grandchildren and a nephew. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Dr. Gordon M. Parrott.

    A memorial service for Mr. Parrott will begin at 2 p.m. Friday, March 22, in the United Churcesh of Olympia, 11th and Capitol Way. The family suggests memorial donations may be made to the Memorial Fund of United Churches of Olympia or a favorite charity. Arrangements are by Mills and Mills Funeral Directors, Olympia.

    The Olympian, 21 Mar 1991 p C2

    Orvin married Virginia Ellen Tanner Shacklett. Virginia was born on 31 Mar 1922 in Missoula Co., Montana and died on 29 Apr 2009 in Thurston Co., Washington, at age 87.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1338 F    i. Ellen Lee Parrott Rodrigues was born on 15 Jun 1942 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington and died on 29 Nov 2003 in Burlington, Halton, Ontario, Canada, at age 61.

    + 1339 M    ii. Orvin David Parrott Jr. was born in Jul 1944 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington and died on 23 Dec 2013 in Spokane Co., Washington, at age 69.

    Orvin next married Ethel Alene Pearson Clees. Ethel was born on 3 Feb 1922 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington and died on 3 Jun 1983 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington, at age 61.

    Orvin next married Helen Louise Byrd Scofield. Helen was born on 31 Jul 1922 in Marysville, Snohomish Co., Washington and died on 19 Oct 2013 in Puyallup, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 124723737} {Find A Grave ID: 124723737}

    Notes: Helen Byrd Scofield-Parrott (In Memoriam)
    Out of sight now... but always in our hearts and memories.

    A beautiful, strong and courageous woman is no longer with us. She had many family names of endearment, but GG was that "special" one given to her by her great-grandchildren.

    Helen led a full and active life doing all the things she wanted to do. She graduated from Wenatchee High School in 1940 with an ambition to be successful at whatever she attempted, and she was... in home, work and community.

    Helen loved Jim, Orvin, Peter and dancing
    Roses, Estee Lauder, jewelry and shopping
    Fresh strawberry shortcake, seafood, Hawaii and boating
    Cruises, vacations, conventions and bowling
    Dancing With The Stars, Neil Diamond, family and friends
    Ronald Reagan, crossword puzzles and her Mercedes Benz
    She worked hard and she played hard, but I must say
    Her favorite thing was dancing at the end of the day.

    She once said, "I danced all the way through school... junior high and high school... and ever since." Dancing was her passion and she thoroughly enjoyed every moment she spent with the Greater Olympia Dixieland Jazz Society (GODJS). She served as treasurer for GODJS for many years.

    Her other passion was her work in Epsilon Sigma Alpha Service Sorority Omicron Chapter (Tacoma), for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. She was involved in their charitable work for over fifty years! During that time, she served as Omicron president and Woman of the Year in 1967 and then Washington state president 1974-75.

    Helen was a lifetime member of the Day Island Yacht Club (Tacoma) where she received the 1983 Woman of the Year award. She was also a lifetime member of the Olympia Yacht Club and president of the Women's Interclub Council (WIC) in 1996. In her spare time, she enjoyed being a docent at the Governor's Mansion.

    Private Family Graveside Services will be held for Helen in Wenatchee. A Celebration of Life for friends will be held in Olympia. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or the charity of your choice.

    Helen was an amazing woman! She was our sister, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was our friend, our mentor and so much more. She will be deeply missed by many and always remembered with love.

    ~ Her Family
    The Wenatchee World, 24 October 2013

    1022. Thomas Ward Parrott (Joseph Clarence7, Andrew C.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Dec 1912 in Ohio and died on 28 Apr 1991 in Ohio, at age 78.

    Thomas married Alice Elizabeth Snyder. Alice was born on 6 Sep 1914 in Van Wert, Van Wert Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jun 2003 in Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio, at age 88.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1340 F    i. Carol Elizabeth Parrott .

    + 1341 M    ii. Dennis Ward Parrott was born on 9 Jul 1943 in Decatur Co., Indiana and died on 14 Oct 2013 in Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio, at age 70.

    Thomas next married Barbara J. Wiedelman. Barbara was born on 12 Aug 1927 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana and died on 6 Jan 2023 in Hicksville, Defiance Co., Ohio, at age 95.

    Notes: Barbara J. Parrott, 95, of Hicksville, Ohio, passed away Friday, January 6, 2023, following a brief illness. Barbara was born August 12, 1927, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, daughter of the late Carl and Agnes (Miller) Wiedelman. Barbara married Thomas W. Parrott on June 30, 1955, in Dubuque, Iowa, and he preceded her in death on April 28, 1991. Barbara worked in the Product Accountability department at International Harvester for over 30 years, retiring in 1981. She was a past member of the United Auto Workers \endash Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the Camion Club. Barbara enjoyed sewing, crocheting, crafting, and spending time with her family.

    Barbara is survived by her three children, Patricia Appel of Hicksville, Carol Mayberry of Corunna, Indiana, and Daniel (Helena) Bauer of Fort Wayne; seven grandchildren, Sean Appel, Brent Appel, Jeffrey Appel, Travis Kaylor, Michelle Kaylor, Dorinda Katz, Susann Fuller; and ten great-grandchildren. Barbara was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Thomas W. Parrott; and one son, Michael Bauer.

    Visitation for Barbara J. Parrott will be held Friday, January 13, 2023, from 12:00 Noon \endash 2:00 P.M. at Oberlin-Turnbull Funeral Home, 706 North Main Street, Hicksville, Ohio 43526. Funeral services for Barbara will immediately follow in the funeral home on Friday, beginning at 2:00 P.M. with Pastor Chris Stull officiating. Interment will follow in Spindler Cemetery, Defiance County, Ohio. Memorial contributions can be directed to the Fort Defiance Humane Society, 7169 State Route 15 \endash PO Box 2, Defiance, Ohio 43512.

    1028. Kenneth Sherman Parrott (Eber Sherman7, Joseph J.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Dec 1908 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 4 Sep 1998 in Woodridge, DuPage Co., Illinois, at age 89.

    Kenneth next married Elsie Ethel Dearden. Elsie was born on 28 Nov 1918 in Massachussetts and died on 24 May 2008, at age 89.

    1029. Carroll Arwin Parrott (Eber Sherman7, Joseph J.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Dec 1912 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 10 Oct 1993 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 80.

    Carroll married Mary Jane Green Shumate. Mary was born in 1917.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1342 F    i. Barbara Anne Parrott was born on 9 Apr 1935 in Waco, McLennan Co., Texas and died in Nov 1979, at age 44.

    Notes: Stepdaughter. Father was mother's 1st husband, J.M. "Ned" Shumate.

    1033. William Morgan Parrott (Bert Ronald7, Joseph J.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Sep 1925 in Los Angeles Co., California and died on 13 Sep 2014 in Thousand Oaks, Ventura Co., California, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 184701877}

    Notes: William Morgan Parrott, 88, passed away September 13, 2014. He resided in Thousand Oaks, California at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Glendale, California.

    He was born in 1925 in Los Angeles, California to Mabel Marie Morgan of Fisher, Illinois, and Bert R. Parrott of Mendon, Ohio. In 1944 After graduating from University High School of West LA, he was drafted into the Army for the duration of World War II. He served with the 89th Infantry Division, where at the age of 19, he was one of the youngest soldiers to obtain the rank of First Sergeant. He served in three European theaters of operation which included France, Rhineland, and Germany. Dring the war, his division crossed the Rhine River into Nazi Germany under heavy fire, and also liberated the Ohrdruf concentration camp.

    With the help of the G.I. Bill, he graduated with a bachelor's degree from UCLA. After graduation, he went to work for many companies, including Gilfillan Brothers, FMC, Anchor Automation, and Xircom, usually in positions of manager or director of electronic engineering. Among his many passions were skin diving, motorcycles, bluegrass music, target shooting, and electronic engineering.

    He is survived by his wife and three children: Christopher, Brett, and Daniel.

    Funeral services for William will take place Saturday October 11th, at 2 PM at Forest Lawn of Glendale, at the Church of the Recessional. Memorial Donations can be made to The American Lung Association, and Wounded Warrior Project.

    William married Florence Jean. Florence was born on 18 Oct 1938 and died on 22 Oct 2016, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 184701898} {Find A Grave ID: 184701898}

    Notes: surname listed as Richards for son Christopher's birth certificate, and as McCorris for son Daniel.

    1037. Frank W. Parrott (Philip Edgar7, Wesley Watson6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in May 1882 in Ohio and died on 6 Mar 1941 in Mercer Co., Ohio, at age 58. {Find A Grave ID: 73440674}

    Notes: MENDON, March 7 - Funeral services will be held at the Mendon Church of God Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Frank W. Parrott, 59, who died at his home in Mendon on Thursday morning following a pneumonia illness. Surviving are his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clay, of Mendon; one daughter, Mrs. Donna Robertson, of Battle Creek, Mich.; one brother, Lewis Parrott, of Battle Creek, and one granddaughtter. Burial in the Mendon cemetery.

    The Lima News, 07 Mar 1941, p 4

    Frank married Dora L. Riddle. Dora was born on 5 Sep 1879 in Columbia Co., Wisconsin.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1343 F    i. Aleine Loretta Parrott was born in 1904 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 5 Sep 1905 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 1. {Find A Grave ID: 15837155}

       1344 F    ii. Donna A. Parrott was born in 1908 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan.

    Donna married Everett Reese Robertson. Everett was born on 17 Dec 1905 in Dalton City, Moultrie Co., Illinois and died on 19 Oct 1990 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 84.

    1038. Lewis W. Parrott (Philip Edgar7, Wesley Watson6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Feb 1892 in Mendon, Mercer Co, . Ohio and died on 8 Jan 1967 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 176714880}

    Notes: Truck Lines Fete Lewis W. Parrott
    The Battle Creek Motor Carriers Assn. yesterday honored Lewis W. Parrott, retiring Oliver Corp. traffic manager and former mayor of Springfield, at a luncheon in the Post Tavern. His nearly half-a-century in the traffic business was recalled in a presentation address by the association's president, Joseph E. Lawhead, who gave Mr. Parrott a fishing rod and reel in behalf of the club.

    Mr. Lawhead reminded the group of the millions of tons of freight that had been carried by local motor carriers through the efforts of Mr. Parrott. In presenting the fishing rod, Mr. Lawhead commented that it was a basic tool of the future for the veteran traffic manager.

    Starting in 1910 with the Oliver Corp., which was then known as Nichols & Shepard, Mr. Parrott rose from shipping clerk to the head of the firm's traffice department, which handles over 100,000 pounds of freight per day.

    A Springfield resident, who lives at 447 N. 23rd st., Mr. Parrott entered the political arena when his home community incorporated as a city in 1952. He was an active member of the committee that drafted the city's charter and became its lone candidate for mayor and assumed office in December 1952. He was reelected to office in 1954, but did not seek the post in the 1957 elections.

    A native of Mendon, Ohio, he came to Battle Creek following graduation from high school. Facing retirement on March 1, Mr. Parrott said, "I am through with working and politics." He said he may travel, play a lot of golf and learn how to be an expert with his new fishing rod, but will will always return to Springfield where, according to Mr. Parrott, "My roots are deepest."

    The Battle Creek Enquirer and News, 01 Feb 1959, p 4

    Springfield Leader, Lewis Parrott, Dies
    Lewis W. Parrott, 74, of 447 N. 23rd St., first mayor of the City of Springfield, died Sunday afternoon in a local hospital where he had been a patient since Dec. 24. He had been in failing health since last June.

    A Springfield resident since 1940, he served on the commission which framed the city's original charter and was elected mayor in 1952. He did not seek reelection after completing his two-year term in 1954, but came out of political retirement in 1963 to run for the Springfield City Council. He won election easily and in 1965 was reelected with a larger vote total than any other candidate. He submitted his resignation last Aug. 30, due to illness, as a councilman and member of the Calhoun County Board of Supervisors.

    Mr. Parrott had been a resident of the Battle Creek area 57 yers and for 49 years was employed by the Oliver Corp. and its predecessor organizations. He retired in February, 1959, as traffic manager for Oliver's.

    During World War I, Mr. Parrott served in the Army. He was a life member of Battle Creek Chapter 19, RAM; the Battle Creek Commandery, No. 33, Knights Templar, and Saladin Temple of the Shrine, in Grand Rapids. He also was a past president and honorary member of the Battle Creek Traffic Club.

    He was born Feb. 16, 1892, at Mendon, Ohio, the son of Edward and Elizabeth (Barber) Parrott, and was married here Aug. 31, 1915, to Lillian M. Austin. She died in June, 1964. Mr. Parrott is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Harry C. (Mary Ellen) Bradford [note: actually, a niece of his wife] of 267 Reynolds Rd., and two granddaughters. He was a member of the Church of God at Menden, Ohio.

    The family will receive friends at the Hebble Funeral Home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the First Congregational Church, with the Rev. Dr. James M. Lichliter officianting. Burial will be in Reese Cemetery.

    The Battle Creek Enquirer and News, 09 Jan 1967, pp 1 & 2

    Lewis married Mary Lillian Austin. Mary was born on 25 Oct 1888 in Clinton, Clinton Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1964, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 176714881} {Find A Grave ID: 176714881}

    The child from this marriage was:

       1345 F    i. Mary Ellen Austin was born on 5 Jan 1918 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 10 Nov 1997 in Emmett Township, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 176629094}

    Notes: Mary Ellen (Parrott) Bradford, 79, of Emmett Township, died Monday, Nov. 10, 1997, at home. She was born Jan. 5, 1918, in Battle Creek to George R. and Ida (Cook) Austin. She was adopted at age 4 by Lewis W. and Lillian (Austin) Parrott after her father was killed while working on the Michigan Central Railroad. She was a lifelong area resident exept for five years in Olivet. She graduated from Battle Creek Central High School in 1935 and attended Battle Creek College. She was employed by Dr. A.R. Dickson, Olivet Manufacturing and Clark Equipment Co.

    She married Harry C. Bradford on Jan. 9, 1938, in First Congregatonal Church in Battle Creek. He survives. Also surviving are daughters, Mary Ilene Joy of Battle Creek and Martha Goodall of Vicksburg; four grandsons; one granddaughter; and three great granddaughters. she was preceded in death by a son, Stephen Bradford in 1963; five brothers and three sisters.

    Community involvement, hobbies: Member of Clark's Women's Organizations. Active in Campfire Girls, Order of the Eastern Star, PTA and Olivet Congregational Church while living in Olivet. Former member of the Women's Board at Olivet College. Member of First Congregational Church, where she was an office in Betsy Williams Circle, Town Hall Board and several other church committees. Life member of Battle Creek Chapter of Order of the Eastern Star and secretary of the Wally Byam Caravan Club. Wintered in Florida with her husband for 16 years.

    Visistation: After 1 p.m. Thursday at Shaw Funeral Home, where the family will b present from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Services: 10 a.m. Friday at the funeral home, with the Rev. David D. Young and the Rev. David h. Graham officiating. Burial: Reese Cemetery, Springfield.

    Battle Creek Enquirer, 12 Nov 1997, p 4A

    Mary married Harry C. Bradford. Harry was born on 23 Oct 1909 in Indiana and died on 31 Aug 1998 in Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., Michigan, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 17629095} {Find A Grave ID: 17629095}

    1039. Raymond Parrott (Oscar L.7, Jacob Howard6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Jun 1896 in Blue Creek Township, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 27 Apr 1977 in Penn, Cass Co., Michigan, at age 80.

    Notes: Raymond Parrott, 80, of 617 Locust, died at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday of an apparent heart attack while fishing at Diamond Lake, Cassopolis, with a friend. He was born in Paulding County, Ohio, on June 4, 1896, and had lived here nearly all his life, coming from Albion, Ohio.

    He was employed for 43 years at Uniroyal Inc., and retired in 1961. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Ford of Fort Wayne, and two grandchildren. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday in the Bubb Funeral Chapel. Parrott was a member of First United Methodists Church.

    The South Bend Tribune, 28 Apr 1977, p 37

    Raymond married Mary Emma Duffield. Mary was born on 22 Jan 1903 in Tennesee and died on 2 Nov 1989 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 86.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1346 F    i. Virginia Lee Parrott Ford was born on 21 May 1930 in Mishawaka, St. Joseph Co., Indiana and died on 17 Mar 2007 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 76.

    1040. Herman Evertt Parrott (Oscar L.7, Jacob Howard6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Apr 1890 in Blue Creek, Paulding Co., Ohio. {Find A Grave ID: 90608940}

    Herman married Lora A. Marquiss. Lora was born on 4 Aug 1892 in Piatt Co., Illinois and died on 5 Oct 1918 in Noble Co., Indiana, at age 26. {Find A Grave ID: 40834105} {Find A Grave ID: 40834105}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1347 F    i. Ruth Ilene Parrott was born on 29 Oct 1916 in Noble Co., Indiana and died on 29 Sep 1918 in York, Noble Co., Indiana, at age 1. {Find A Grave ID: 40834121}

       1348 M    ii. Keith Parrott was born in 1918 and died in 1818 in Noble Co., Indiana, at age -100. {Find A Grave ID: 41569778}

    1051. William Preston Parrett (Joseph Gatch7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 22 Jul 1883 in Fayette Co., Ohio.

    William married Ethel M. Ethel was born on 31 Aug 1892 and died in Mar 1986, at age 93.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1349 M    i. Lawrence P. Parrett was born in 1914 in Kansas.

       1350 M    ii. Scott J. Parrett was born on 19 Jun 1917 in Kansas and died on 13 Dec 2002 in Topeka, Shawnee Co., Kansas, at age 85.

       1351 M    iii. William J. Parrett was born in 1920 in Jackson Co., Kansas.

    1058. Orville Elmer Parrott (Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Jun 1884 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 31 Mar 1966 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 81.

    Orville married Anna Margarette Christiansen. Anna was born on 23 Jan 1881 in Kansas and died on 9 May 1939 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 58.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1352 M    i. Elmer Rogers Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1910 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 9 Sep 1998 in Filer, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 88.

       1353 M    ii. Merle Christiansen Parrott was born on 17 Sep 1915 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 9 Mar 1998 in Brownsville, Linn Co., Oregon, at age 82.

    Merle married Rema Hattie Hall. Rema was born on 22 May 1918 in Hazelton, Jerome Co., Idaho and died on 31 Oct 1981 in Marion Co., Idaho, at age 63.

       1354 F    iii. Dora Eleanor Parrott was born on 24 Feb 1919 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 27 Dec 2017 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 98. {Find A Grave ID: 191149706}

    Dora married Lloyd Charles Chick. Lloyd was born on 22 Sep 1915 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 24 Mar 1998 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 107648860} They had no children. {Find A Grave ID: 107648860}

    1059. Arthur Allen Parrott (Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 6 Jan 1886 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 22 Feb 1966 in Buhl, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 80.

    Arthur married Christina M. Christiansen. Christina was born on 9 Aug 1885 in Kansas and died on 25 Oct 1975 in Buhl, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 90.

    Marriage Notes: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parrott were married July 1 in Kansas and have made their home in Twin Falls for the past several years. They have two sons, Allen Parrott, Granite City, Ill., and Alva Parrott, Buhl, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

    The Times-News, 04 Jul 1963, p 11

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1355 M    i. Alva A. Parrott was born in 1910 in Grasshopper, Atchison Co., Kansas and died on 29 Nov 1996 in Buhl, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 86.

    + 1356 M    ii. Christian Allen Parrott was born on 1 Aug 1922 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 5 Dec 1994 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 72.

    1060. George Robert Parrott (Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Jun 1887 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 1 Jul 1970 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 83.

    George married Jessie. Jessie was born in 1887 in Kansas and died on 22 Apr 1977 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 90.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1357 M    i. Dwight Moulton Parrott was born on 7 Dec 1919 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 19 Jan 2009 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 89.

    + 1358 M    ii. Donald Robert Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1924 in Circleville, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 6 May 2014 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 89.

    1061. Benjamin Franklin Parrott (Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Feb 1889 in Bee Seward Co., Nebraska and died on 6 Jan 1946 in Jerome, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 56.

    Benjamin married Leura R. Martin. Leura was born in 1893 in Kansas and died on 3 Jan 1974 in Hot Springs, Sanders Co., Montana, at age 81.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1359 M    i. Earl M. Parrott was born on 20 Jan 1918 in Burley, Cassia Co., Idaho and died on 1 Nov 1992 in Othello, Adams Co., Washington, at age 74.

       1360 F    ii. Ester Faye Parrott was born on 23 Dec 1919 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 19 Aug 1996 in Sanders Co., Montana, at age 76.

    1064. Alfred Myron Parrott (Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Nov 1894 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 1 Nov 1970 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 75.

    Alfred married Elsie Marie Peterson. Elsie was born on 12 Mar 1906 in Copenhagen, Denmark and died on 29 Jun 2001 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 95.

    Notes: Elsie Marie Petersen Parrott born March 12, 1906, in Copenhagen, Denmark, returned home to be with her Heavenly Father on June 29, 2001. Elsie came to the United States with her parents in July of 1910. Her family settled in the Buhl area. Elsie was married to Alfred Parrott in 1933. They were blessed with eleven children. She is survived by her children, Bruce Adeline Parrott of Jerome, Jack Jerry Parrott of Twin Falls, Pat Anita Parrott of Kimberly, Freda Smitty Smith of Kimberly, Jewel Roger Blades of Twin Falls, Larry Parrott of Boise, Carol Featherston of Kimberly and Danny Parrott of Kimberly. She is also survived by 40 grandchildren, 63 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. In addition, she is survived by a sister, Martha Schlund of Twin Falls, a brother, Harry Petersen of Long Beach, California, and several special nieces and nephews. Elsie was preceded in death by a daughter, Ruth Marie, and two sons, Fred and Jerry, in addition to her parents, two brothers and two sisters. Elsie was a loving Mother, Grandmother, Sister and Friend. She taught us the importance of Family, Friends and God. She was a member of the Calvary Pentecostal Church. Services under the direction of White Mortuary will be held Monday, July 2, 2001, at Calvary Pentecostal Church at 11 a.m. with Rev. N. Wayne Nigh officiating. Interment will follow in Twin Falls Cemetery. Friends may call at White Mortuary today from 4-8 p.m. The family suggests memorials to the Calvary Pentacostal Church, 450 3rd Ave. W., Twin Falls, Idaho 83301.

    The (Twin Falls, ID) Times-News, 01 Jul 2001, p B02

    Children from this marriage were:

       1361 M    i. Fred Julian Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1930 in Idaho and died on 21 Jul 1946 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 16.

    + 1362 M    ii. Bruce Roger Parrott was born on 25 Apr 1934 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 28 Nov 2017 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 83.

    + 1363 M    iii. Jerry Myron Parrott was born on 13 Sep 1935 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho and died on 18 May 1974 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 38.

    + 1364 M    iv. Jack Elmer Parrott was born on 17 Feb 1937 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 5 Jun 2004 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 67.

    + 1365 M    v. Pat Mike Parrott was born on 25 Jul 1938 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 12 Nov 2016 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 78.

       1366 F    vi. Elfreda J. Parrott was born on 31 Aug 1940 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 4 Oct 2023 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 83.

    Notes: On October 4, 2023 with open arms, Jesus welcomed Freda Smith home. She passed peacefully in her sleep surrounded by her family. Freda resided at Brookdale Assisted living for the last three years. She was born August 31, 1940, to Alfred and Elsie Parrott.

    Freda married Stanley Hostetler, with this union they had four daughters, Linda, Connie, Julie, and Karen. They were later divorced. Freda married Len Mealer and had a son, Skott. They were later divorced. She then married Darrel "Smitty" Smith, Smitty passed away in May 2019.

    Freda was preceded in death by her parents, Alfred and Elsie Parrott and brothers: Jack, Bruce, Fred, Larry, Jerry, Danny and her sister, Jewel Blades. She is survived by her sister, Carol Featherston; and her five children: Linda (Steve) Maier, Connie (Roger) Wiese, Julie (Ed) Mills, Karen (Adair) Johnson; and her son, Skott (Lorena) Mealer; she had 12 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.

    Mom was a wonderful cook, every Sunday she had something in the oven ready to eat after Sunday morning church. You never knew who was going to be at her table as she welcomed everyone. Everyone especially loved mom's cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls and her soups. Many times, mom would bring her freshly made cinnamon rolls and sometimes the family would eat the middle and Smitty would eat the outsides. The family waited by the oven while the dinner rolls were cooking, once out of the oven they were gone before they hit the table. Mom was such a wonderful baker.

    Mom instilled in her children how important serving God was, her children are at peace knowing that mom is in Heaven having a reunion with her mom and family again. As per her and dad's wishes, mom will be laid to rest with dad at Sunset Memorial Park. A Graveside service will be held October 20, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at Sunset Memorial Park.

    Her family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Brookdale for taking such excellent care of mom, as well as Visions Hospice, especially Steve and Lindsay and Chaplain John Copen.

    Elfreda married Stanley Harry Hostetler. Stanley was born on 13 Jan 1931 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 28 Apr 2007 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 76.

    Elfreda next married Leonard Lee Mealer. Leonard was born on 29 Dec 1937 in Pocatello, Idaho and died on 2 Jan 2008 in Idaho, at age 70.

    Elfreda next married Darrell "Smitty" Smith. Darrell was born on 21 Jul 1927 in Carey, Blaine Co., Idaho and died on 12 May 2019 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 91.

       1367 F    vii. Ruth Marie Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1942 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died in 1942 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho.

       1368 F    viii. Jewel Elaine Parrott was born on 14 Dec 1943 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 18 Jul 2011 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 67.

    Notes: Jewel (Parrott) Blades went peacefully at home "to be with her Heavenly Father" July 18, 2011, in Twin Falls, Idaho, after a very courageous battle with pancreatic cancer.

    Jewel was born on Dec. 14, 1943, in Twin Falls.

    A very devoted wife, mother, grandmother, sister and aunt, she loved most of all to be surrounded by and spend time with her family. She also loved to camp, fish, spend time gardening and watch the birds at her birdfeeders.

    Among numerous jobs, Jewel worked at Buttrey Foods for seven and a half years. In 1994, she and her husband started and are still operating Jewel's Home Care where they have been blessed to help many.

    Roger and Jewel moved to Montana where they built a home but returned to Twin Falls after she became ill to be around her family.
    She is survived by her loving husband and best friend, Roger Blades; three children from a former marriage, Tami (Rudy) and Scott Brown of Anchorage, Alaska, Amy (Rudy) Jaquith of LaGrande, Ore., and Rick Rudy of Boise, Idaho; and three stepchildren, Belinda Blades and David Day of Boise, Mitch and Sandy Blades of Kalispell, and Lee Blades of San Francisco. Jewel had 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her siblings, Bruce Parrott, Pat and Anita Parrott, Larry Parrott, Freda and Smitty Smith and Carol Featherston; and many other extended family members.

    She was preceded in death by her parents, four brothers and one sister.

    The family suggests memorials be given to your favorite cancer research organization.

    Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, July 22, at Rosenau Funeral Home in Twin Falls. Burial will follow at the Twin Falls Cemetery.

    Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, MT)
    July 21, 2011

    Jewel next married Roger L. Blades. Roger was born on 21 Nov 1934 and died on 24 Aug 2018, at age 83.

    + 1369 M    ix. Larry Peter Parrott was born on 14 May 1945 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 20 Mar 2012 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 66.

    + 1370 M    x. Daniel Arden Parrott was born on 1 Jul 1949 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 16 Feb 2004 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 54.

    1070. Vivian Elbert Parrett (Lemuel7, Joseph Copeland Marion6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Jan 1895 in Tipton Co., Indiana and died on 11 Sep 1953, at age 58. Another name for Vivian was William Victor Parrett.

    Vivian married Madeline T. Fritz. Madeline was born on 9 Feb 1901 and died on 14 Nov 1994, at age 93.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1371 F    i. Dorothy M. Parrett was born on 10 Oct 1921 and died on 22 Mar 2006, at age 84.

    Dorothy married Charles F. Schielfin. Charles was born on 14 May 1914 and died on 20 Mar 1990, at age 75.

    1074. Clifford Theodore Parrett (Lemuel7, Joseph Copeland Marion6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Apr 1905 in Gueda Springs, Sumner Co., Kansas and died on 29 Jul 1982, at age 77.

    Clifford married someone.

    His children were:

    + 1372 M    i. Ted V. Parrett was born on 21 Dec 1928.

       1373 M    ii. Richard E. Parrett was born on 7 Jan 1934.

       1374 M    iii. John Clifford Parrett was born on 2 Oct 1936.

    1075. Earl Richard Parrett (Lemuel7, Joseph Copeland Marion6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Apr 1912 in Polk Co., Missouri and died on 25 May 1983, at age 71.

    Earl married Ruth Austin. Ruth was born on 17 Jan 1918 and died on 19 Apr 2006, at age 88.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1375 M    i. Robert Parrett was born on 27 Jan 1946.

    1076. Kenneth L. Parrott (Nolah Stanford7, Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Sep 1922 in Guilford Township, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 3 Oct 2015 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 93.

    Notes: ELIZABETH '96 Kenneth L. Parrott, 93, of Elizabeth, passed away Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015, at Midwest Medical Center in Galena.

    Ken was born Sept. 17, 1922, in Guilford Township, the son of Nolah and Estella (Bahr) Parrott. He attended country schools and went on to graduate from Elizabeth High School in 1938. He served as a pilot and flight instructor in the Army Air Corps during World War II from 1942 until 1945, retiring as lieutenant colonial (sic) of the Air Force Reserve in 1982.

    Ken was united in marriage to Dorothy E. Nadigon (sic) on June 15, 1947. She preceded him in death in August 1981. He married Opal Andreas on Sept. 3, 1988, at Schapville Zion Church. Ken took pride in providing for his family. He had a tremendous work ethic, juggling his full-time work at Black Hawk Production Credit Association and running the family farm. While not much for hobbies, he was a devoted family man.

    He took great joy in hosting family gatherings, regularly serving as head chef. Ken had great humor and whit, often being the life of the party over a board game or cards. Ken was a devoted member of the Schapville Zion Church, where he served in many capacities throughout his life. Forging a strong bond with the community, he served on the Elizabeth School Board and was a charter member of the Galena Rotary, recording perfect attendance for more than 25 years.

    He is survived his wife, Opal; four children, Bonnie Sims of Galena, Douglas (Carol) Parrott of Sheridan, Wyoming, Cindy (Tom) McCleary of Rock Falls, and Teresa (Terry) Montgomery of Galena; three stepdaughters, Karen Knapp of Plano, Texas, Kathy Parton of Galena, and Rose Mary (John) Pratt of Sterling; one stepson, Dr. John Moloney of Peoria; six grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; 12 stepgrandchildren,; 11 step-great-grandchildren; one brother, Austin of Elizabeth; and many nieces and nephews.

    He also was preceded in death his parents; sister in-law, Monique; and stepgrandson, Nate.

    The family wishes to extend a special thank you to the staff at Midwest Medical Center, Dr. Vandigo, family, and many friends, whose support during this difficult time always will be remembered.

    Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Furlong Funeral Chapel in Galena. Visitation also will be from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, and the funeral at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Schapville Zion Presbyterian Church. Burial, with military honors accorded Galena VFW Post 2665 and American Legion Post 193, will be at Schapville Cemetery.
    Visit to send condolences.

    Sauk Valley Newspapers, October 5, 2015

    Kenneth married Dorothy Ellen Nadig. Dorothy was born on 30 Jan 1920 in Schapville, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died in Aug 1981 in Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 61.

    Kenneth next married Opal Ruth Andreas. Opal was born on 3 Sep 1920 in Sterling, Whiteside Co., Illinois and died on 15 May 2023 in Sterling, Whiteside Co., Illinois, at age 102.

    Notes: Opal Parrott, 102, of Sterling, died on Monday, May 15, 2023 at Parkway Center of Sterling. She was born on September 3, 1920 in Sterling, the daughter of Earl and Mary (Powell) Andreas. She married Neil F. Moloney in 1946 in Sterling. He preceded her in death on July 19, 1983. She was an active member of First United Methodist Church of Sterling. She later married Kenneth Parrott on September 3, 1988 at Schapville Zion Presbyterian Church of which she became an active member. He preceded her in death on October 3, 2015. She enjoyed donating her time at the Sunshine Center of Schapville. She also enjoyed attending church dinners. She loved being able to help at her children's school functions, cub scouts, and going to her son's sporting events. She was generous and loved making memories with her family and friends. She was always behind the camera capturing the good times had. If you knew Opal, you were family. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

    Survivors include two daughters, Rose (John) Pratt of Sterling, Kathleen Parton of IL; three step-daughters, Cindy (Tom) McCleary of Rock Falls, Teresa (Terry) Montgomery of Galena, Bonnie Sims of Galena; one son, John (Jill Angstadt) Moloney of Peoria; one step-son, Doug (Carol) Parrott of Sheridan, WY; nine grandchildren; many step grandchildren, great grandchildren, step great grandchildren; several great, great grandchildren; many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; one daughter, Karen Knapp; three brothers, Wayne (Betty) Andreas, Merle Andreas, Max (Peggy) Andreas; one grandson, Nathan Parton.

    A visitation will take place from 12PM-1PM on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at McDonald Funeral Home in Rock Falls. Funeral Services will follow the visitation at the funeral home and take place at 1PM with Ministerial servant, Ray Urrutia, officiating. Burial will take place at Oak Knoll Memorial Park of Sterling. A memorial has been established.

    1077. Austin W. Parrott (Nolah Stanford7, Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Aug 1926 in Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 12 Jun 2020 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois, at age 93.

    Notes: Austin W. Parrott, 93, of rural Elizabeth, IL, passed away, on Friday, June 12, 2020, at the Galena-Stauss Senior Care Community.

    Graveside services will be at 11:30 A/M, on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at the Zion Presbyterian Cemetery, Schapville, IL, with Pastor Dottie Morizzo officiating. **The services will be live-streamed on Facebook starting at approximately 11:30 A/M, subject to acceptable Internet service - To view, go to MILLER FUNERAL HOME GROUP - click Like**

    Military honors at the gravesite will be accorded by Members of VFW Post #2665 and American Legion Post #193, both of Galena.

    Visitation will be from 9:30 A/M to 11:15 A/M, on Tuesday, at the Schapville Zion Presbyterian Church, where he was a lifetime member. Social distancing rules will be observed, and wearing of face masks would be appreciated. The Miller & Steinke Funeral Home, of Scales Mound, is serving the family.

    Austin was born on August 25, 1926, the son of Nolah and Stella (Bahr) Parrott, on the family farm in Guilford Township and that remained his home for the next 93 years.

    With his parents' permission, he enlisted in the United States Navy, in 1944, at the age of 17. He proudly served on a transport ship in the South Pacific. After discharge, he returned to the family farm which he dearly loved. In 2010, he and his brother, Ken, were able to go on one of the Honor flights to Washington, D. C. and he loved every minute of that trip. Along with running the farm, he also worked many years at Westwick Foundry in Galena. In later years, we discovered his hidden talent for writing poetry and we dubbed him "Farmer Poet"! He got his first computer at age 86, signed himself up for Facebook and enjoyed keeping up with his ever growing family on social media.

    He married the love of his life, Monique Cooley, on June 6, 1948. She passed on September 14, 2006. We can imagine Mom saying "welcome home, it's about time...where have you been"?

    He is survived by his four children, Pat (Mel) Halstead, of Hanover, IL, Cheryl Eversoll, of Galena, IL, Kathie (Larry) Marty, of Monticello, WI, and Kelly (Carla) Parrott, of Elizabeth, IL; 10 grandchildren, Michelle (Buzzie) Harris, Jason (Amy) Montgomery, Billie Jo Peine, Edward Eversoll, Jennifer Smith, Jodi Benson, Josh (Jennifer) Montgomery, Jesse Montgomery, Michael and Tammila Parrott; 18 great-grandchildren; 8 great-great grandchildren; sister-in-law, Opal Parrott; nieces and nephews; and his "deer" friends, Rocco and Joe Maggio; "cousin" Joe Maggio and Allen Wegener who loved the farm as much as he did.

    He was preceded in death by his parents, Nolah and Stella Parrott; his wife, Monique; his brother, Kenneth Parrott; sister-in-law, Dorothy Parrott; grandson, Peter Eversoll; his in-laws, Isaac and Annie Cooley, Mildred Cooley, Margie (Clifford) Beyer, Mark (Margaret) Cooley; and nephews, Mark Cooley and Stanley Beyer.

    Special thanks to Midwest Medical Center, Galena-Stauss Assisted Living and Nursing Home for the care given the past 6 months.

    Memorials are suggested for Zion Presbyterian Church, Schapville, or to the charity of one's choice.

    Austin married Monique Cooley. Monique was born on 21 Aug 1928 in Singer Bureau Parish, Louisiana and died on 14 Sep 2006, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 72022525} {Find A Grave ID: 72022525}

    1079. Morgan Lee Parrott (Lee Otis7, Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Feb 1918 in Gentryville, Gentry Co., Missouri and died on 17 Dec 1973 in DeKalb, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 55. {Find A Grave ID: 68073699}

    Notes: Morgan Lee Parrott, 55, DeKalb, Mo., died Monday at a St. Joseph hospital. He was born in Gentryville, Mo., and had lived in Platte County near DeKalb since 1950. Mr. Parrott was a farmer. He was a member of the Cummings, Kan. Christian Church. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Jane Parrott of the home; three sons, Larry Parrott, Dearborn in Platte County, Ronald Parrott and Terry Parrott , both of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Sharon Drimmel, Atchison, Kan.; his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Otis Parrott, Nortonville; a brother, Charles Parrott, Rushville, Mo.; two sisters, Mrs. Hazel McKanna, Nortonville, and Mrs. Edith Lewman, Cummings and five grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Vaughn Chapel, Weston in Platte County; burial in West Lawn Cemetery, DeKalb. Friends may call from 7 to 9 tonight at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society.

    The Kansas City Times, 18 Dec 1973, p 16

    Morgan married Mary Jane Buthman. Mary was born on 2 Dec 1921 in Falls City, Richardson Co., Nebraska and died on 9 Nov 2003 in Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 68073769} {Find A Grave ID: 68073769}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1376 M    i. Larry Lee Parrott was born on 28 Feb 1943 in Valley Falls, Jefferson Co., Kansas and died on 29 Aug 2012 in Dearborn, Platte Co., Missouri, at age 69.

       1377 F    ii. Beverly Ann Parrott was born in 1945 in DeKalb, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 29 Nov 1962 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri, at age 17.

    1080. Charles Otis Parrott (Lee Otis7, Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Aug 1923 in Albany, Gentry Co., Missouri and died on 24 May 2012 in Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 88.

    Notes: ATCHISON, Kan. \emdash Charles O. Parrott, 88, Atchison, formerly of Rushville, Mo., passed away Thursday, May 24, 2012, at the Atchison Senior Village.

    Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 29, 2012, at the Becker-Dyer-Stanton Funeral Home, with Pastor Keith Hoover and Pastor Gary Patterson officiating. Burial will follow in the Armstrong Cemetery, Rushville. The family will receive friends from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday, at the funeral home.

    Memorials are suggested to the Sugar Creek Christian Church, Cummings Christian Church or N.E.K. Hospice and may be sent in care of the funeral home.

    Condolences to the family may be left online at

    Charlie was born August 15, 1923, in Albany, Mo., the son of Lee Otis and Amanda (Barton) Parrott. He attended school at St. Nick Grade School in Cummings, Kan. and was a lifelong farmer. Charlie enjoyed singing and dancing and had played his guitar and sang on the radio. He was a member of the Lions Club and also liked playing cards, fishing and farming.

    Charlie married Eula Sparks on July 29, 1942, in Atchison. She survives of the home, in Atchison. Additional survivors include two sons, Kenneth (Mary) Parrott, Jim (Linda) Parrott, both of Rushville; a daughter, Joyce Winders, Tracy, Mo.; sister, Edith Lewman, Cummings; five grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Morgan Parrott; sister, Hazel McKanna; two grandchildren; and a great-grandson.

    St. Joseph News-Press , May 27, 2012

    Charles married Eula G. Sparks. Eula was born on 7 Sep 1921 in Paton, Greene Co., Iowa and died on 17 Nov 2015 in Atchison Co., Kansas, at age 94.

    Notes: RUSHVILLE, Mo. Eula G. Parrott, 94, of Rushville, passed away Tuesday, November 17, 2015, at Atchison Senior Village.

    Funeral service will be 11 a.m. Friday, November 20, 2015, at Becker-Dyer-Stanton Funeral Home, Atchison, Kan., with Rev. Keith Hoover officiating.

    Burial will follow at Armstrong Cemetery, Rushville, Mo.
    Family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, November 19, 2015, at the funeral home.

    Memorials are suggested to Sugar Creek Church or Armstrong Cemetery, and may be sent in care of the funeral home.

    Online condolences may be left at

    Eula was born September 7, 1921, in Payton, Iowa, the daughter of James and Hazel (Garrison) Sparks. She graduated from DeKalb High School. Eula was a housewife, a member of the Sugar Creek Church and Lions Club. She enjoyed embroidery, playing cards and fishing.

    Eula married Charles Parrott on July 29, 1942, in Atchison. He preceded her in death on May 24, 2012.

    Survivors include: two sons, Kenneth and Mary Parrott, Rushville, Jim and Linda Parrott, Rushville; a daughter, Joyce Winders, Tracy, Mo.; five grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.

    She was also preceded in death by her parents and three great-grandchildren. As published in the St. Joseph News-Press.

    St. Joseph News-Press , November 18, 2015

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1378 M    i. Jim Parrott was born on 7 Sep 1945 in Atchison Co., Kansas and died on 28 Dec 2019 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    1083. Frank Herbert Parrott Sr. (Frank C.7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Jul 1899 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 7 Sep 1978 in San Bernadino Co., California, at age 79.

    Notes: Frank H. Parrott, 79, a 16-year resident of Mentone, died Thursday in Redlands. He was a native of Lima, Ohio. He was an automotive engineer. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Scottish Rite and York Rite Masonry and the Trinity United Methodist Church, all of Delphos, Ohio.

    Survivors include his wife, Helen; three sons, Frank Jr. of Redondo Beach, William Earl of Whittier and Robert Alan of Mentone; two daughters, Dorothy Jeanne Acker of Lompoc and Marjorie Ann Drake of Van Wert, Ohio, and nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

    Services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Monday in the F. Arthur Cortner Mortuary Chapel. Burial will be in Desert Lawn Cemetery.

    The (San Bernardino County) Sun-Telegram, 10 Sep 1978, p B-5

    Frank married Helen Martha Bogardus. Helen was born on 25 Aug 1899 and died on 25 Jun 1984 in San Bernadino Co., California, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 51372658} {Find A Grave ID: 51372658}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1379 M    i. Frank Herbert Parrott Jr. was born on 2 May 1919 in Ohio and died on 11 Jul 1999 in Riverside Co., California, at age 80.

       1380 F    ii. Dorothy Jean Parrott was born on 7 Aug 1921 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio and died on 15 Apr 1998 in Lompoc, Santa Barbara Co., California, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 82262972}

    Dorothy married William Frederick Acker. William was born on 17 Mar 1916 in Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Indiana and died i oct 1988 in Lompoc, Santa Barbara Co., California, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 82262973} {Find A Grave ID: 82262973}

    + 1381 M    iii. William Earl Parrott Sr. was born on 9 Jun 1923 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio and died on 13 Mar 2002 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 78.

       1382 F    iv. Marjorie Ann Parrott was born on 18 Dec 1926 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio and died on 13 Nov 1997 in Van Wert Co., Ohio, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 64316255}

    Marjorie married Frederick J. Drake. Frederick was born on 21 Aug 1924 and died on 3 Sep 1975, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 64316217} {Find A Grave ID: 64316217}

    Marriage Notes: Miss Parrott, F.J. Drake Are Married
    Simplicity marked the marriage of Miss Marjorie Parrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Parrott, Delphos, and Frederick J. Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Drake, Mendon, which took place Sunday afternoon, Feb. 3, at 2:30 o'clock in the parsonage of Trinity Methodist church at Delphos.

    The Rev. J.V. Stone officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parrott of Lansing, Mich., the former a brother of the bride, attended the couple. <snip>

    The bride is a graduate of Delphos Jefferson high school. the bridegroom recently returned from overseas duty.

    The Lima News, 11 Feb 1946, p 7

       1383 M    v. Robert Alan Parrott was born on 15 Jul 1931 in Ohio and died on 21 Dec 2013, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 124777128}

    1085. Robert Merle Parrott (Edward Wesley7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Sep 1901 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 7 Jan 1975 in Coles Co., Illinois, at age 73.

    Robert married Mildred Leola Deaver. Mildred was born on 18 Jan 1909 in Wells Co., Indiana and died on 15 Sep 2010 in Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 101.

    Notes: Mildred L. Parrott, 101, of Robinson, IL, formerly of Mattoon, IL died at 12:15 a.m. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at the Crawford County Convalescent Center, Robinson, IL. She was born January 18, 1909 in Wells County, IN, the daughter of Clyde Deaver and Minnie Jefferies Deaver. She worked in an office at a cleaners. She was a member of the RSVP, the Christian Church, and the Moose all of Mattoon, IL.Mildred married Robert M. Parrott on April 29, 1929 and he preceded her in death on January 7, 1975. She was also preceded in death by her parents; 3 brothers, Loren, Wayne and Guy Deaver; and 2 sisters, Bonnie Eaton and Frances.She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Mary and Leon Alderson, Monterey, TN; 2 grandchildren, Jackie Deters and her husband, Vernon, Charleston, IL, Robert Alderson, Monterey, TN; 2 great grandchildren, Julie Deters, Lerna, IL and Shane Deters, Mattoon, IL; 2 great-great grandchildren, Zachary Burton, Lerna, IL, August Laughter, Decatur, IL; and 2 brothers, Allen Deaver, of Arkansas and Roy Deaver, CA.There will be cremation with private family graveside services held at a later date. The Goodwine Funeral Home, Robinson is in charge of arrangements.!/Obituary

    The child from this marriage was:

       1384 F    i. Mary Lee Parrott was born on 28 Feb 1935.

    1086. Glendale Grant Parrott (Edward Wesley7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Nov 1903 in Allen Co., Ohio and died on 9 Feb 1970 in Wabash Co., Illinois, at age 66.

    Glendale married Modessa Helen Baker.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1385 F    i. Deloris Rhea Parrott was born on 6 May 1935.

       1386 F    ii. Barbara Jean Parrott was born on 27 Jun 1944.

       1387 F    iii. Joan Elizabeth Parrott was born on 6 Sep 1946.

    1090. Leonard Arlington Parrott (Edward Wesley7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 3 May 1912 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 20 Jul 1976 in Ottawa Co., Kansas, at age 64.

    Leonard married Esther Lucille Debus.

    1091. Kenneth Howard Parrott (Edward Wesley7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Nov 1914 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 24 Nov 1976 in Vanderburgh, Indiana, at age 62.

    Kenneth married Ruby Elizabeth Duncan.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1388 F    i. Maudalese Parrott Garrett was born on 18 Dec 1947 in Illinois and died on 19 Apr 2017 in Evansille, Vanderburgh, Indiana, at age 69.

    Notes: Maudalese (Parrott) Jackson, 69, of Evansville, Indiana, passed away on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at Deaconess Hospital.

    Maudalese was born in Illinois on December 18, 1947 to the late Kenneth and Ruby Elizabeth (Duncan) Parrott. She retired from Whirlpool Corp. and worked part time as a bartender. Maudalese loved spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

    Maudalese is survived by her husband of 29 years, Barton Jackson; her children, Laura Garrett Black, Tamara Garrett, Terry Garrett all of Evansville, IN; sister, Jeannette Robertson (Charles) of Tampa, FL; brother, Roger Parrott (Myra) of Fairfield, IL; grandchildren, Brian Garrett, Jessica Black, Jaime Torres, Bryan Hale, Jacy Robertson, Amber Garrett, Noah Garrett; great grandchildren, Shyanne, Kayleigh, Christian, Nevaeh, Serinity, and Conner.

    Maudalese was preceded in death by her parents; and a sister, Rita Herbert.

    There will be no services at Browning Funeral Home.

    Memorial contributions may be made to the American Lung Association , 115 W. Washington St., Suite 1180 South, Indianapolis, IN 46204.

    Condolences may be made online at

    Courier Press, Apr. 23, 2017

       1389 F    ii. Rita Ann Parrott was born on 20 Jun 1950 in Sullivan, Sullivan Co., Indiana and died on 10 Jun 2013 in Evansille, Vanderburgh, Indiana, at age 62.

    Notes: Evansville, Ind. Rita A. (Parrott) Herbert, 62, of Evansville, Indiana, passed away Monday, June 10, 2013, at her home.

    Rita was born in Sullivan, Indiana, on June 20, 1950, to the late Kenneth and Ruby (Duncan) Parrott. She graduated from North High School. Rita most recently worked at Macy's Department Store in sales for 15 years, she had previously worked in real estate and as a interior designer. Rita was a member of Sojourn Community Church and Ladies Tea Club. She was a story teller, people enjoyed listening to her stories.

    Rita is survived by her husband of 38 years, Steven Herbert, of Evansville, Ind.; son, Chris Herbert, of Evansville, Ind.; daughter, Wendy (Russell) Johnson, of Eddyville, Ky.; sisters, Jeanette Robertson, of Fla., Lisa Jackson, of Evansville, Ind.; brother, Rodger Parrott, of Fairfield, Ill.; grandchildren, Savannah, Taylor and Hunter; and motherin-law, Doris Dixon, of Evansville, Ind.

    Rita is preceded in death by her parents.

    Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2013, at Browning Funeral Home, 738 Diamond Ave., Evansville, Indiana, 47711, with Pastor Matt Brunton officiating.

    Friends may visit from 4 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, June 12, 2013, at Browning Funeral Home and from 9 a.m. until service time on Thursday.

    Memorial contributions may be made to: Sojourn Community Church, 4288 Oak Drive, Newburgh, IN 47630.

    Condolences may be made online at

    Evansville Courier & Press, June 11, 2013, p 6A

    + 1390 M    iii. Roger Wayne Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1952.

    1098. Arlington Lowell Parrott (Arlington Alphus7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Feb 1925 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 12 Mar 2008 in Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 83.

    Notes: Arlington "Lowell" Parrott, 83, Robinson, died at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 12, 2008 at Crawford Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Unit. He was born February 16, 1925 in Robinson, IL, the son of Arlington "Arley" Parrott and Elsie "Ola" Inboden Parrott. He was an electrician for Marathon Oil Company for 37 years. Lowell was a World War II veteran, serving with the 110th Infantry, 28th Division. He was a member of the Robinson First United Methodist Church, a lifetime member of the Robinson V.F.W. Post #4549, the Robinson American Legion Post #69, and the Robinson Masonic Lodge #250. Lowell enjoyed fishing, hunting and gardening. He married Ruth Goodwin on June 25, 1949, and she survives. He is also survived by five daughters and their spouses, Sabra and Floyd Adams, Robinson, Kaye and Tom Weger, New Albany, IN, Karen and Rick Holt, Oblong, Tammie and Jeff Wellbaum, Roswell, GA, Greta and Allen Lowry, Robinson; ten grandchildren and spouses, Brooke and George Mullins, Lawrenceville, Travis and Erin Adams, Robinson, Nick and Kristina Weger, Washington, D.C., Kristina Kaye Weger, Louisville, KY, Tanner and Jed Holt, Oblong, Emily and Andrew Wellbaum, Roswell, GA, Allison and Alisa Lowry, Robinson; three great-grandchildren, Katie Adams, Maya and Olivia Mullins; three sisters, Pauline and her husband Tom Bailey, Wanda Adams, Juanita Schlosser; two sisters-in-law, Ellen Parrott and Phyllis Goodwin, and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, one son, Stephen Lowell Parrott, his brother, Ralph Parrott, his twin sisters Lulu Lowrance and Beulah Smith and an infant sister, Norma Paulette Parrott. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, March 15 at the Goodwine Funeral Home in Robinson. Burial will be in the Oblong Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Friday, March 14, with a Masonic service following at 7:30. Memorials may be made to the Crawford County Relay for Life, the 1st United Methodist Church or the American Legion Post #69 Transportation Fund.!/Obituary

    Arlington married Ruth Evelyn Goodwin. Ruth was born on 16 Feb 1928 in Oblong, Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 10 Feb 2022 in Oblong, Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 93.

    Notes: Ruth Parrott, 93, of Robinson, IL, passed away on February 10, 2022, at Ridgeview Care Center in Oblong, IL. She was born February 16, 1928, in Oblong, the daughter of Willard A. & Velma (Voke) Goodwin, both of whom preceded her in death. She married Arlington "Lowell" Parrott on June 25, 1949, and he preceded her in death on March 12, 2008. She was also preceded in death by her grandparents, Samuel & Lydia Goodwin; her brother, Keith Goodwin; her son, Stephen Lowell Parrott; and recently, her daughter, Kaye Weger.

    She is survived by her daughters & sons-in-law, Sabra & Floyd Adams, Karen & Rick Holt, Tammie & Jeff Wellbaum, and Greta & Al Lowry; her son-in-law, Tom Weger; her grandchildren, Brooke Mullins, Travis & Erin Adams, Nick & Kristina Weger, Kris Weger, Tanner & Heather Holt, Jed & Brenda Holt, Emily & Fred Roselli, Drew Wellbaum, Allison & Rusty Reinoehl, and Alisa Lowry; 15 great-grandchildren; her sisters-in-law, Pauline & husband Tom Bailey and Phyllis Goodwin; as well as several nieces and nephews.

    A 1946 graduate of Oblong High School, Ruth furthered her education in Paris, IL, where she attended beauty school. Though she worked in a beauty shop in Oblong for a time, she would soon start a family and dedicate the rest of her life to being a homemaker. She enjoyed spending time in the kitchen and was known to bake delicious pies and snickerdoodle cookies that would often make an appearance at the many Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners the Parrotts put on. Her hands were constantly moving, be that cooking, piecing together beautiful quilts, or tending to the flowers in her garden. While it is true that she appreciated time spent at home, she and Lowell also shared a passion for travel. In addition to seeing much of the continental United States, they were able to see the sights of Europe and Japan as well.

    In addition to being a member of the Robinson First United Methodist Church, she was also a longtime member of the Republican Women and the Crawford Memorial Auxiliary, with whom she was affiliated for over 30 years.

    A time of visitation will be held from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 13th, at the Goodwine Funeral Home in Robinson. Funeral services will immediately follow and be held at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home with Dennis Inboden officiating. Burial will be in the Oblong Cemetery at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the "Robinson First United Methodist Church" or to Riley Hospital for Children's "Heart Center Fund". Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1391 M    i. Stephen Lowell Parrott was born on 28 Jan 1950 in Illinois and died on 21 Sep 1974 in Solano Co., California, at age 24.

    Notes: Airman murdered
    Fairfield, Calif. - The victim of a stabbing murder was identified today as Stephen L. Parrott, 25, a Robinson, Ill., Air force man stationed at Travis Air Force Base. The body was identified by Air Force officials.

    Parrott was stabbed more than 25 times and was run over several times. His body was found on a road near Fairfield last Saturdy morning.

    Berkeley Daily Gazette
    , 24 Sep 1974, p 18


    Officers Find Car Of Travis Stabbing Victim

    FAIRFIELD - Officers have discovered the car of stabbing victim Sgt. Stephen L. Parrott in the parking lot of a local bowling alley.

    Officers had issued an all points bulleting for the missing vehicle after Parrott's body was found Saturday in a roadside ditch on Mankas Corner Road. He had been stabbed 27 times and hit by a car, officers said.

    Investigators said they are trying to learn if Parrott was at the bowling alley shortly before his death. Parrott, who came to Fairfield about four months ago, was a medical technician at Travis Air Force Base.

    The Sacramento Bee
    , 24 Sep 1974, p B2

       1392 F    ii. Sabra Lynn Parrott was born on 4 Oct 1951.

       1393 F    iii. Cynthia Kaye Parrott was born on 12 Dec 1952 in Robinson, Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 19 Jan 2022 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson Co., Illinois, at age 69.

    Notes: Kaye Weger, 69, of Centralia, IL, formerly of Robinson, IL, passed away January 19, 2022, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Mount Vernon, IL. She was born December 12, 1952, in Robinson, IL, the daughter of Arlington "Lowell" & Ruth (Goodwin) Parrott.

    She wore several hats throughout the decades as a medical secretary, realtor, and assistant school librarian. However, her life's fulfillment revolved around her family, especially her three grandchildren. A perfect day would include a ride on the pontoon boat, making popcorn, and playing several rounds of cards. In her family, she will always be the "Hand and Foot" queen - a well-earned title.

    While Illinois will always be home, Tom and Kaye had the opportunity to live and travel the world together. In her retirement years, there was nothing better than a beach trip to Destin, FL with Tom and drinking gin and tonics.

    As we all reflect and remember our favorite memories of Kaye, it will be impossible to forget her infectious laugh, clever quips, and heart of gold. Very simply, the world is a better place because of her.

    She married Tom Weger on May 31, 1975, and they enjoyed 47 years of marriage. She is survived by her mother Ruth Parrott. Their daughter, Kristina Weger, and her significant other James Robinson. Their son Nicholas Weger and his wife Kristina Merrick Weger; by her beloved grandchildren, Evelyn (8), August (4), and Cyrus (six months). She is survived by her sisters and their spouses: Sabra & Floyd Adams, Karen & Rick Holt, Tammie & Jeff Wellbaum, and Greta & Al Lowry, as well as, 26 nieces and nephews. She is also survived by her brothers-in-law and their spouses: Mike & Julie Weger, Joe and Shawnee Weger, and cousin Tony & Sherri Butcher - and a total of 20 nieces and nephews.

    A time of visitation will be held from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 25th, at the First Missionary Baptist Church in Flat Rock. Funeral services will immediately follow and be held at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, with Pastor J.D. Branson officiating. **The family kindly requests that all attendees wear masks while inside the church.**

    Burial will be in the Jones Cemetery. Memorials may be made to "The Brain Research Foundation", with envelopes available at the church. The Goodwine Funeral Home in Flat Rock is in charge of arrangements.

    Following services, the family would like to invite everyone back to the church for a meal from 1:00-2:00 p.m., followed by an open house at the Flat Rock Community Center, where, from 2:00-6:00 p.m., family and friends may continue to visit and celebrate this dear woman's life.

       1394 F    iv. Karen Sue Parrott was born on 14 Feb 1956 in Oblong, Crawford Co., Illinois.

       1395 F    v. Tammie Lou Parrott was born on 14 Sep 1957.

    {Find A Grave ID: 21956}

       1396 F    vi. Greta Ann Parrott was born on 28 Nov 1961.

    1099. Ralph Allen Parrott (Arlington Alphus7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 May 1926 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 27 Feb 1998, at age 71.

    Ralph married Ellen Adeline Weaver. Ellen was born on 19 Apr 1928 in Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 7 Jun 2015 in Robinson, Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 87.

    Notes: Ellen Adeline (Weaver) Parrott, born April 19, 1928 youngest daughter of the late William H. Weaver, Sr & RosaEllen (Letts) Weaver passed away on Sunday, June 7, 2015. She attended country grade schools and then Robinson and Oblong High Schools.

    Ellen married Ralph Allen Parrott on January 9, 1948 and he passed away on February 27, 1998 after 50 years of marriage. She was also preceded in death by her daughter-in-law Linda Parrott; parents William & Rosa Ellen; six brothers, Floyd, Donald, Olin, William H., Jr, and Norman Weaver; as well as eight sisters, Alma Hupp, Melia Margaret Ozella, Blanche Rowland, Irene Cantwell, Lefvonia Sexton Stover, Thelma Brush, Marie Reynolds Wheeler and Flossie Dennis; as well as many beloved nieces, nephews, and friends.

    Surviving is one son Greg Parrott (Robinson, IL); granddaughters RoseEllen & Tom Osborne (Robinson, IL), Amber & Matt Kramme (Monticello, IL); grandson Johnathan Allen Arlington & Amanda Parrott (Decatur, IL) as well as 4 great grandchildren, Aidan Osborne, Liam Osborne, Amos Kramme and Milaina Kramme. Also surviving is one brother Clyde & Nadine Weaver (Cadiz, KY); sister-in-law Mary Weaver (Oblong, IL); sister-in-law Pauline & Tom Bailey (Robinson, IL) and sister-in-law Ruth Parrott (Robinson, IL); as well as many cherished nieces and nephews.

    Ralph and Ellen lived in Findlay, OH for eighteen years and made many friends traveling for Marathon Oil Company. Ellen belonged to the Findlay Art League becoming an accomplished artist in many medias. Several of her art pieces were shown, juried, and purchased. Ellen was a member of the Hebron Road Church of Christ and past president of the Oblong Century Club. Ralph and Ellen both worked for many years with the Oblong Oil Field Museum. Ellen enjoyed the arts, working in the church, studying the Bible, working in her flower gardens and watching, feeding and identifying the many birds in her gardens. She loved spending time with her family, church family, and friends.

    A time of visitation will be held from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10th at the Goodwine Funeral Home in Robinson. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 11th at the funeral home with Minister Bill Greenwood officiating. Burial will follow in the Oblong Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Hebron Road Church of Christ or the Oblong Children's Christian Home.!/Obituary

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1397 M    i. Gregory Allen Parrott was born on 10 Aug 1948.

    1105. Franklin Willett Parrott (Green L.7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Apr 1875 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died in Washington Co., Arkansas.

    Franklin married Minnie Maude Pierce. Minnie was born on 25 Sep 1878 in Nebraska and died on 11 Jun 1957 in Washington Co., Arkansas, at age 78.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1398 M    i. Glen Bernard Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1905 and died on 24 Dec 1992, at age 87.

    Glen married Cleo. Cleo was born on 24 Apr 1906 and died on 17 Aug 1987, at age 81.

    + 1399 M    ii. Charles Dale Parrott was born on 18 Sep 1908 in Washington Co., Arkansas and died on 10 Nov 1965, at age 57.

       1400 F    iii. Opal Lolita Parrott was born on 9 Jan 1911 in Arkansas and died on 5 Jan 1966, at age 54.

    Opal married Arthur Howard. Arthur was born in Australia.

    1107. Gertie H. Parrott (Green L.7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1888 and died in 1925, at age 37.

    Gertie married Mary A. Vanhorn.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1401 M    i. Dale Parrott was born in 1908.

    1115. Thomas Grant Parrott (John Adams7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Oct 1902 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 12 Mar 1980 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 77.

    Thomas married Lottie Penland. Lottie was born on 27 Jan 1906 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 13 Jun 1998 in Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 92.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1402 F    i. Helen Louise Parrott was born on 6 Feb 1927 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 10 Feb 1999 in Asheville, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 72.

    Helen married Jacob.

       1403 F    ii. Betty Lou Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1930 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 28 Dec 2017 in Essex, Baltimore Co., Maryland, at age 87.

    Notes: On December 28th, 2017 Betty Lou Fox; Beloved wife of the Earl Fox; Devoted mother of Ronnie Fox and his wife Beth, Deborah Keene and her husband Albert and Sandra Francis and her husband Al. Also survived by her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

    Friends may call at family owned Bruzdzinski Funeral Home P. A. at 1407 Old Eastern Avenue, Essex at route 702 (beltway exit 36) on Tuesday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 pm. Funeral service on Wednesday at 11 am in First Baptist Church of Essex 911 Mace Avenue Essex, Maryland 21221. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. In Lieu of flowers memorials may be made in Betty's name to the Susan G. Komen " Race for the Cure" P.O. Box 650309 Dallas TX 75265-0309.

    Betty married Earl Fox. Earl was born on 18 Aug 1928 and died on 28 Feb 2014, at age 85.

    + 1404 M    iii. Bobby Lee Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1930 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 18 Jul 2002 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 72.

    1124. Grant Alton Parrott (Samuel Houston7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Jul 1892 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 13 Jun 1948 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 55.

    Notes: WAYNESVILLE - Grant Alton Parrott, 64, a native of Burnsville, died at his home here Sunday morning following a heart attack.

    Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Crawford funeral home with the Rev. L.G. Elliott, pastor of First Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be in Green Hill Cemetery.

    Pallbearers will be Alton and Alden Noblett, Ted Chambers, Virgil Sizemore Frank Rogers and Ben Sutton.

    He had made his home here for the past 12 years.

    Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ruth Medford Parrott; five sons, Kenneth, Webb, Grant, Jr., Howard and Edward, all of Waynesville; three daughters, Doris Lee Parrott of Spruce Pine, and Joan and Jimmie Sue of the home; seven sisters, Mrs. Dora Webb of Greensville, S.C., Mrs. Pete Young, Mrs. Nathan Boone and Mrs. Alston Rathbone of Burnsville, Mrs. Hobart Carroll of Bowditch, Mrs. Carl Noblett of Asheville and Mrs. Floyd Davis of Waynesville and a brother William Parrott of Asheville.

    Crawford funeral home is in charge of arrangements.

    Asheville Citizen-Times, 14 Jun 1948, p 2

    Grant married Gudrun Katinka Overby Thompson. Gudrun was born on 18 Nov 1900 in Norway and died on 22 Apr 1976 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 75.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1405 M    i. Martin Aldon Parrott was born on 16 Jul 1919 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 5 Jan 1977 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 57. Another name for Martin was Martin A. Thompson.

    Notes: Martin Aldon Thompson, 57, 5120 Capehart St., Kearns, died Jan. 5, 1977, in Bountiful.

    Born July 1919, Windon, N.C., to Charles Edward and Gudrun Katinka Overby Thompson. Married Dorothy Uffens, Salt Lake City, June 16, 1939. Veteran, W.W. II, served in U.S. Army. Member, Kearns 22nd LDS Ward. Painting and decorating contractor.

    Survivors: wifel son, Paul Martin, Kearns; two daughters, Mrs. Russell (Patricia) Coon, Torrance, Calif.; Mrs. Charles (Carol) Alvey, Bountiful; 6 grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Betty Huntzinger, Costa Mesa, Calif.

    Funeral services Saturday, 11 a.m., Deseret Mortuary, 26 E. 7th South, where friends may call, Friday, 6-8 p.m. and Saturday before services. Burial, Valley View Meorial Park.

    Unsourced obit posted on Ancestry by TMB12

    Martin married Dorothy Uffens. Dorothy was born on 31 Mar 1922 and died on 9 Mar 2008, at age 85.

    Grant next married Cora Lee Howell. Cora was born on 8 Aug 1900 and died on 28 Nov 1933 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 33.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1406 M    i. Kenneth Harold Parrott was born on 27 Dec 1924 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 8 Sep 1983 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 58.

       1407 F    ii. Doris Lee Parrott was born on 8 Jan 1933 in Mitchell Co., North Carolina and died on 24 Dec 2024 in North Carolina, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 171804652}

    Notes: Doris Lee Parrott Hall, age 91, of Mitchell County, went Home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, December 24th, 2024. A native of Mitchell County, she was the daughter of the late Grant and Cora Lee Howell Parrott. She was also preceded in death by her loving husband of 48 years, Dewey Hall Jr.; two daughters: Janie Boone and Iris Susan Hall Green.

    Doris attended Bowman High School where she played on the basketball team. She later married Dewey in 1950, and they had 48 wonderful years together before his passing. She worked at Belk's on Lower Street in Spruce Pine for a number of years, began her career as an LPN at Burnsville Hospital, then made her final move to Spruce Pine Hospital from which she retired. She was a member at Bakersville Methodist Church. She loved all her little dogs but, more importantly, deeply loved her family.

    Left to cherish her memory is her daughter, Patricia Stockton (Lawrence) of Bakersville; seven grandchildren: Nancy Byrd (Mark) of Bakersville, James Hall Gay (Stephanie) of Lincolnton, Jeremy Brice Gay (Bobbie) of Concord, Robert Bryant (Christy) of Bakersville, Allen Green (Stephanie) of Los Angeles, CA, Sarah Boone of Bedford, KY, and Samantha Lawson (Daniel) of Bedford KY; fourteen great-grandchildren, and five great, great-grandchildren.

    A private graveside memorial service will be held. The family would like to extend special thanks to Madison Health and Rehabilitation for their excellent care of Doris. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of the Blue Ridge at 236 Hospital Drive, Spruce Pine, NC 28777.

    Doris married Dewey James Hall Jr. Dewey was born on 28 Dec 1927 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 14 Jun 1998 in North Carolina, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 58283187} {Find A Grave ID: 58283187}

    Grant next married Mary Ruth Medford. Mary was born on 16 Feb 1912 in Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 11 Aug 1987, at age 75.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1408 M    i. William Roger Parrott was born on 10 Nov 1936 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 20 Mar 2024 in Clyde, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 87.

       1409 F    ii. JoAnn Parrott was born on 4 Apr 1939 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 18 Feb 2011 in Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., Virginia, at age 71.

    Notes: Jo Ann Parrott Joseph, age 71, was born in in Haywood County, NC on Apr. 4, 1939 and passed away on Friday, February 18, 2011 at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

    A native of Haywood County, Jo Ann had resided in West Virginia for the past 25 years and was the daughter of the late Grant Alton and Mary Ruth Medford Parrott. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a brother, Ed Parrott and a sister, Johnnie Davis. She attended Waynesville Township High School and was a former employee of Dayco Corporation and worked at several supermarkets. Jo Ann and her husband, "Buck" owned and operated The Cabin Restaurant in Brandywine, West Virginia until spring of 2010. She was an avid and accomplished quilter; and was a member of Antioch Baptist Church.

    Burial will be at Garrett Hillcrest Memorial Park Mausoleum.

    Wells Funeral Home.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 65932937

    + 1410 M    iii. Jack Howard Parrott Sr. was born on 23 May 1941 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 7 Apr 2013 in Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 71.

    + 1411 M    iv. Edward Hugh Parrott was born on 15 May 1943 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 29 Dec 1990 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 47.

    1130. Robert Ross Parrott (Frank Walter7, Charles S.6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Jun 1896 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 8 Jun 1941 in Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 44. {Find A Grave ID: 50299324}


    Newport, June 28.-- In the teacher's examination held here at the normal this week, the feature was the high averages secured by Robert Parrott, son of Representative Parrott, and who is but fifteen years of age. He had an average of ninety and his still a pupil at the high school, having taken the examination as a means of instructions. <snip>.

    The Daily Journal and Tribune, 29 Jun 1911, p 5

    NEWPORT, June 9.--- Robert R. Parrott, 45, county court clerk, died at 9:30 Sunday night at his home here. While in declining health for several years his death was unexpected.

    He was a Mason, past commander of the American Legion Post on two different occasions and also a member of the 40 et 8. He served as a sergeant in the famous volunteer corops from Newport during the World War.

    Surviving ahre his widow, Mrs. Lagretta Parrott; parents, Representative and Mrs. F.W. Parrott; three brothers, Theo, Gene and Fred Parrott; one sister, Mrs. Hatcher Graham, all of Newport.

    Funeral services will be held from the First Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. John L. Cheney, the Rev. Will Weaver and Dr. D.C. Amick officiating. Burial will be in Union Cemetery. The body will lie in state for one hour before time for the funeral.

    Johnson City Press, 09 Jun 1941, p 8

    Robert married Lagretta Aileen Cureton. Lagretta was born on 8 Feb 1907 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Dec 1993 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 86.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1412 M    i. Robert Cureton Parrott was born on 16 May 1934 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Nov 2016 in Tennesee, at age 82.

    1131. Charles Eugene Parrott (Frank Walter7, Charles S.6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Oct 1898 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Dec 1969 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 50261207}

    Charles married Theresa Lewis. Theresa was born on 22 Jan 1906 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 15 Feb 1976 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 99743994} {Find A Grave ID: 99743994}

    1132. Frank Theodore Parrott (Frank Walter7, Charles S.6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Oct 1901 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Jan 1983, at age 81.

    Frank married Doris Julia Mims. Doris was born on 25 Apr 1901 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 22 Oct 1982, at age 81.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1413 F    i. Nancy Lee Parrott was born on 28 Oct 1928 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Sep 2017 in Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., Arkansas, at age 88.

    Notes: "Nancy P. Hickerson retired from teaching after serving many years as Professor of Anthropology at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, where she taught courses in Anthropological Linguistics and Ethnology. In her later career Dr. Hickerson focused her research on native populations in Texas and the American southwest during the Spanish colonial period, especially the Jumanos. In addition to her many journal articles on linguistics, teaching, and ethnology, Nancy Hickerson is known for her books The Jumanos: Hunters and Traders of the South Plains and Linguistic Anthropology, a widely-used linguistics textbook."

    Lubbock- Nancy "Polly" Lee Parrott Hickerson, Ph.D., 88, of Lubbock, Texas, passed away Saturday, September 30, 2017.

    Nancy was born in Newport, TN, on October 28th, 1928, to Theodore and Doris Mims Parrott. She graduated from Barnard College (NY) in 1947, going on to earn a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Indiana University. In 1972 she joined the Anthropology department at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, where she was a professor for forty years. She was an accomplished scholar and teacher, and a devoted mother, who taught her children to share her intellectual curiosity and adventurous spirit, as well as her passions for social justice, wildlife preservation, and protection of cultural heritage and the arts. She died while visiting her daughter in Pine Bluff, Arkansas with her son and daughter at her side.

    Nancy is predeceased by her oldest son, David, her husband, Hal, her siblings, Janet and Bill, and her parents. She is survived by her two younger children, Daniel and Megan, and their families, and by her sister, Mary Dunn. Her ashes will be returned to the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, where she was born. Her children suggest that donations in Nancy's memory can be made to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an organization special to Nancy (please ask to notify Megan Hickerson,

    Cremation arrangements were handled by Ralph Robinson & Son Funeral Directors of Pine Bluff, Arkansas (online register:

    Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, October 8, 2017

    Nancy married Harold Hickerson. Harold was born in 1923 in New York.

       1414 F    ii. Dorothy Janet Parrott was born in 1936 in Cocke Co., Tennessee.

    + 1415 M    iii. William Theodore Parrott was born on 15 Dec 1944 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Feb 2010 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 65.

    1138. Dale Ellis Parrott (James Ellis7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Jul 1906 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 26 Nov 1976 in Harris Co., Texas, at age 70.

    Dale married Nita Geneva Phiefer. Nita was born on 7 Feb 1909 in Texas and died on 22 Jul 1954 in Harris Co., Texas, at age 45.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1416 M    i. Neil Jones Parrott was born on 19 Sep 1929 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 9 Aug 2018 in Plano, Collin Co., Texas, at age 88.

    + 1417 M    ii. Rodney Dale Parrott was born on 8 Jul 1931 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas and died on 19 Aug 2008 in Texas, at age 77.

       1418 F    iii. Virginia Ruth Parrott was born on 8 Jan 1937 in Pecos, Reeves Co., Texas and died on 11 Dec 2001, at age 64.

    Notes: VIRGINIA PARROTT MITCHELL, of Pearland, Texas, went to be with the Lord on December 11,2001. She bravely fought a 18 month battle with bulbar ALS (also called Lou Gehrig's Disease). "Jenny" was born January 8, 1937, in Pecos, Texas, to Dale E. and Nita Phifer Parrott. She is a graduate of Milby High School in Houston, Texas, and Centenary College in Shreveport, Lousiana. She received her masters degree from the University of Houston. A 27-year employee of the Pasadena School District, she spent most of her teaching career at Pearl Hall Elementary. After retiring in 1995, she continued her education work teaching parenting classes and English as a Second Language. She loved storytelling and reading to children, especially at her grandchildren's school. For more than 30 years, she was a faithful member at Park Place Baptist Church of Houston, where she spent many years teaching youth and young adults. Most recently she was an active member of First Presbyterian Church of Houston and enjoyed the fellowship of their neighborhood support groups. Virginia is preceded in death by her parents, her dearest grandmother Ruth Ayers Phifer, and a nephew, Dale Parrott. She is survived by her devoted husband of 44 years, Thomas L. Mitchell; two daughters and their families, D'Nita and Steve Cruse, Gregory and Kristin of Pasadena, Texas, and Robin and Cliff Stricklin, Cal and Colton of Dallas, Texas. Also, she is survived by three brothers: Neil and Nina Parrott of Baytown, Texas; Rodney and Minnie Parrott of Cedar Park, Texas; and Harold and Phyllis Parrott of Houston, Texas; a brother-in-law, Ronald and Barbara Mitchell, and a sister-in-law, Shirley and Greg Waldrop, all of Birmingham, Alabama. She is also survived by her special nephew Kenneth and Vicki Parrott of Houston, Texas, as well as 4 other nephews, 6 nieces, and a number of great nephews and nieces. Visitation will be held at Forest Park Lawndale funeral home on Thursday, December 13, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A service to celebrate her life will be at Forest Park Lawndale's main chapel on Friday, December 14, at 1 p.m. Memorials may be made toward the cure of ALS through the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

    Houston Chronicle, Thursday, December 13, 2001

    Virginia married Thomas Lawley Mitchell.

    + 1419 M    iv. Harold Ellis Parrott was born on 30 Nov 1939 in Monahans, Ward Co., Texas and died on 14 Sep 2017 in Dresden, Weakley Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    1140. William Jones Parrott (James Ellis7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Oct 1918 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 20 Jan 2001 in Sacramento Co., California, at age 82.

    in Sacramento Saturday January 20, 2001. Mr. Parrott was born October 18, 1918 in Kosse, Texas and was 82 years of age at the time of his death. Beloved father of Geary Parrott and his wife Sandra Lyn of Fair Oaks. Loving grandfather of Michael Parrott of Sacramento, Michele Grason of Redwood City and Meredith Parrott of Marina, CA. Loved great grandfather of Shane Parrott, Connor Grason, and Emily Parrott. Also survived by his loving Companion Rosemary Vellanoweth of Sacramento. Preceded in death by his wife Mary Elizabeth Parrott. Mr. Parrott was a long time Sacramento resident, retiring in 1971 after 30 years of service as a Comptroller for McClellan A.F.B. Mr. Parrott was also a Building Contractor for many years. He was a member of the Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church & the Washington Masonic Lodge #20 F & AM. Mr. Parrott was a veteran of WWII serving in the many campaigns in the South Pacific. Friends are invited to attend Memorial Services Thursday, January 25, 2001, at 1:00 PM at the Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church, 11427 Fair Oaks Blvd Fair Oaks, CA 95628. Private burial services will be held at Westwood Hills Memorial Park, Placerville, CA. Memorial contributions may be made to Deacons Fund c/o Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church. Reichert's Funeral Service - Directors.

    The Sacramento Bee, 24 Jan 2001, p B5

    William married Mary Elizabeth Lefever. Mary was born on 29 Sep 1923 and died on 27 Sep 1997, at age 73.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1420 F    i. Sherry Lynn Parrott was born on 3 Dec 1947 in Sacramento Co., California and died on 3 Dec 1947 in Sacramento Co., California.

    1141. George Arlan Parrott (James Ellis7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Feb 1923 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 24 May 1986 in Dover, Kent Co., Delaware, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 29233419}

    Notes: DOVER - George A. Parrott, 63, of 126 Woodstock Road, died of a heart attack Saturday in Kent General Hospital.

    Mr. Parrott, who served with the Air Force for 23 years, was a master sergeant when he retired in 1963. He was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War.

    He was a member of Union Lodge 7 AF&AM, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Wilmington Consistory, and Nur Temple of Wilmington. He was a past president of First State Shrine, Little Heaven, and a past patron of Victory Chapter Order of Eastern Star.

    He is survived by his wife, Judith J.; two sons, Ellis B. of Felton and Ronald A. of San Jose, Calif.; a brother, William J. of Sacramento, Calif.; and five grandchildren.

    Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Torbert Funeral Chapel, Bradford and Reed streets, Dover, where friends may call Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Masonic services will be held at 8. Burial will be in Barratt's Chapel Cemetery, Frederica.

    Instead of flowers, the family suggests contributions to the Heart Association, care of Victory Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, 543 S. State St., Dover 19901.

    Sunday News Journal (Wilmington DE), 25 May 1986, p C14

    George married Judith Janice Wilson. Judith was born on 12 Aug 1922 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas and died on 18 Aug 2020 in Sun City Center, Hillsborough Co., Florida, at age 98.

    Notes: Judith Janice Parrott of Sun City Center, Florida, passed away peacefully at The Sun Terrace Rehabilitation Center after a short illness on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020.

    She was born in Houston, Texas, on August 12th, 1922 to the parents of Henry B Wilson and Leila Judith Hague Wilson.

    Judith was an active member of the Order of the Eastern Star for over 50 years, including Grand Representative to many states such as Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Illinois. She was also active and held a number of statewide offices of the Order of the Eastern Star in Delaware; where she resided for more that 50 years before moving to Florida in 2013 with her son and his wife.

    Judith is preceded in death by her devoted husband, George Arlan Parrott and her beloved Granddaughter, Christina Arlice Parrott Burke.

    She is survived by her devoted sons, Ronald Arlan Parrott and Ellis B Parrott of Sun Center City Florida. Former daughter-in-law, Pauline Parrott, Granddaughter Monica Joan Parrott Swaney, husband Kane, step-granddaughter Elizabeth Lee Rogers, step-grandson Mark Alan Rogers, great-grand children, Sameul Greloch, Julia Burke, Amber Aldanowski, Steven Rash, Collin Rash, Ethan Rash, Andrew Swaney Abby Swaney, and great-great-granddaughter Elodie Vigo, grandson, Arlan Parrott, wife Hanna, granddaughter Rene Audria Parrott Alt, great-grandsons, Arlan T. Parrott, Jordan Parrott, Justin Parrott, and great-granddaughter Lauren Parrott.

    Her last words were: "I'm fine!"

    1143. Jack Parrott (Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Mar 1923 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 12 Aug 2005 in Granbury, Hood Co., Texas, at age 82.

    Notes: GRANBURY '97 Jack Parrott, 82, passed away Friday, Aug. 12, 2005, at a Granbury hospital.

    Graveside service: 10:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 19, in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Mount Olivet Funeral Home. Memorial service: 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, at Granbury Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Highway 377. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Mount Olivet Funeral Home.

    Jack was born March 4, 1923, in Falls County and was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1995. He was retired from the U.S. Army, having served during World War II and the Vietnam era. He was preceded in death by his wife of 54 years and the mother of his children, Marguerite Rohrer Parrott.

    Survivors: Wife, Leta; daughters, Jacklin Petzold and husband, John, and Linda Nelson and husband, Terry; son, Glenn Parrott and wife, Janie; granddaughter, Tabitha Shegda and husband, Alex; brother, J.K. Parrott; sister, Mary Alice Handley and husband, Jim; and numerous nieces and nephews.

    Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TX), August 18, 2005, Edition: Tarrant Arlington, Page: B9

    Jack married Marguerite Gay Rohrer. Marguerite was born on 11 Apr 1923 in Beaumont, Jefferson Co., Texas and died on 26 Dec 2001 in Pennsylvania, at age 78.

    Jack next married Leta Fae White. Leta was born on 3 Sep 1934 and died on 18 Apr 2016, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 64598707} {Find A Grave ID: 64598707}

    1144. Walter Lee Parrott (Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Dec 1924 in Limestone Co., Texas and died on 7 Jan 2002 in Karnes City, Karnes Co., Texas, at age 77.

    Walter married Elizabeth Darlene Martin. Elizabeth was born on 8 Sep 1934 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri and died on 24 Jun 2016 in Mayview, Lafayette Co., Missouri, at age 81.

    Notes: Elizabeth Darlene Parrott, 81, of Mayview, MO passed away on June 24, 2016. Visitation will be Saturday July 2 at Langsford Funeral Home from 9-10am, service at 10, and burial to follow at Lee's Summit Cemetery. Elizabeth was born on September 8, 1934 in KCMO. She retired from the KC Club in 1997. Before that she was a housewife taking care of 6 children. Her loves included watching John Wayne movies and Gene Autry. She is preceded in death by her parents, Marie E. Gray and Samuel Pearl Paul Martin; brother, Robert Lee Martin; sister, Peggy Bohm; and granddaughter, Andrea D. McBrannon. Survivors include her 6 children, Nancy Dorr of Red Oak, TX, David Parrot of Ferris, TX, Michael Bishop of Independence, MO, Patricia Breedlove of the home, Sherry Soban of Independence, MO, and Linda Fiegenbaum of Corder, MO; 13 grandchildren; and 3 great grandchildren.

    1146. Grover Wallace Parrott (Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Aug 1931 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 8 Aug 1987 in Ellis Co., Texas, at age 55.

    Grover married Leta Fae White. Leta was born on 3 Sep 1934 and died on 18 Apr 2016, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 64598707} {Find A Grave ID: 64598707}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1421 M    i. Larry Don Parrott was born on 11 Dec 1954 in Ellis Co., Texas and died on 9 Jul 2007, at age 52.

    1148. Bobby Lynn Parrott (Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Mar 1936 in Falls Co., Texas and died on 17 Mar 2000 in Blue Ridge, Collin Co., Texas, at age 63.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1422 M    i. Steven Lynn Parrott was born on 20 Mar 1965 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas and died on 19 Jun 2015 in Denton, Denton Co., Texas, at age 50.

    1149. William Boyd Parrott (Wallace Blackburn7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Dec 1919 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas and died on 5 May 2013 in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas, at age 93.

    William married Dorothy Louise Whitener. Dorothy was born in 1921 in New Mexico and died on 13 Nov 1989 in Liberty Co., Texas, at age 68.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1423 F    i. Marion Louise Parrott was born on 9 Jan 1944 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas and died on 10 Dec 2023 in Baytown, Texas, at age 79.

    Notes: Marion Louise Parrott, a beloved member of the community, passed away on December 10, 2023, in Baytown, Texas, at the age of 79. Born on January 9, 1944, in Houston, Texas, Marion was the cherished daughter of William Boyd Parrott, Sr., and Dorothy Louis Whitener Parrott.

    Marion was a proud graduate of the Sam Houston High School Class of 1960 in Houston. Though she resided in Dayton, she had spent a significant part of her life in Houston before moving to the Dayton area. Marion dedicated many years of her life working as a secretary and later retired from the school system after serving as a teacher's aide.

    An active and devout member of Grace Community Baptist Church in Dayton, Marion was known for her culinary talents, particularly her delicious punch. She devoted her time to making flowers for special events and showers and expressed her love for others through her generous provision of food and care.

    Marion was a true Republican with a passion for politics, and she followed the Texas Aggies with unwavering support and enthusiasm. A spirited game player, Marion despised losing but brought joy and laughter to those around her. Among her greatest passions was her love for dogs, with her cherished companion, Skippy, holding a special place in her heart.

    Marion, often affectionately referred to as the family's "old maid," was a pillar of support, consistently having everyone's back and remaining steadfastly loyal to her family. She had a special fondness for children, especially her numerous nieces and nephews, memorizing each of their birthdays and ensuring they received heartfelt birthday wishes without fail.

    Her sister, Donna, lovingly dubbed her "a mess" and appreciated her infectious sense of fun. Marion will be deeply missed by her surviving sister, Donna Rogers, and her husband, Chuck, along with numerous nieces, nephews, and other extended family members and friends.

    Marion was preceded in death by her parents, her brother, William Boyd Parrott, Jr., and sister Margaret Dempsey. A graveside service to celebrate Marion's life will be held on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at Magnolia Park Cemetery in Dayton, Texas, with Pastor Marvin Dennison presiding. All arrangements are under the compassionate care of Pace Stancil Funeral Home, Dayton.

    + 1424 M    ii. William Boyd Parrott Jr. was born on 15 Aug 1945 in Harris Co., Texas and died on 29 Sep 2003 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas, at age 58.

       1425 F    iii. Margaret Parrott was born on 15 Oct 1947 in Marlin, Falls Co., Texas and died on 12 Jan 2023 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas, at age 75.

    Notes: Margaret Dempsey, born on October 15, 1947, passed away on January 12, 2023, at the age of 75.

    Margaret was born in Marlin Texas, as a child lived in Kossee, Texas and lived throughout the Greater Houston area most of her life. Beloved mother and grandmother. Always greeted everyone with a kiss and made sure to tell you she loved you. She had an impeccable work ethic and never once called in sick. She retired from the Barbecue Inn after 22 years. Her passion for the Houston Texans, devotion to her family, and her generous and giving nature will be her legacy. Everyone who knew her, loved her. She will be deeply missed.

    Margaret is preceded in death by 5 grandsons Christopher, Brian, Wesley, James and Scott. Spouse Willie Dempsey, her mother Dorothy Louise Parrott, her brother Boyd Parrott, father William Boyd Parrott.

    She is survived by her sisters Marion Parrott, and Donna Hardin-Rogers. Her children Cheri Yancey and spouse John, Willie Shannon Dempsey and spouse Deborah (Doo), Catherine Rowe and spouse Greg, Brandilyn Sancerni and spouse Johannes, Robin Dempsey, 33 grandchildren, 54 great grandchildren, 14 great-great grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews.

    Margaret married Willie Dempsey. Willie was born on 14 Dec 1932 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas and died on 29 Sep 1996 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 241214710} {Find A Grave ID: 241214710}

    William next married Zelma June Graves. Zelma was born on 6 Jun 1921, died on 16 Mar 2008 in Bayside, Refugio Co., Texas, at age 86, and was buried in Kosse, Falls Co., Texas.

    Notes: Zelma June Graves Parrott of Crosby, Texas, formerly of Marlin, passed away Sunday, March 16, 2008, in Baytown. Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, March 22, at the Kosse City Cemetery in Kosse, Texas, with the Rev. Thomas Q. Robbins and the Rev. Wayne Hardin officiating. Visitation will be from 6 until 8 p.m. Friday evening at Adams Funeral Home, 129 Coleman St., Marlin.

    Zelma June was born to the late Cora Susan and Joseph Capeus Graves. She was the youngest of their six children. June graduated from Kosse High School with highest honors in 1938 and from Draughn's Business College in Dallas with a major in bookkeeping. She worked for Patton Transfer Company in Austin and Mare Island Navy Yard in Vallejo, Calif. In Marlin, while working at Wilson Brothers and at The Falls County Samaritan House, she made many life-long friends. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church. June was an avid reader, and a great storyteller, with a quick sense of humor and an infectious laugh. She cherished memories of life in Marlin and always called it "home." June's extended family, friends and animals gave her great joy.

    In 1945, she was preceded in death by her infant son, Edward Larkin Jr.; and the following years by her brothers, Floyd and Joseph Graves and sisters, Jewel Birdsong, Mable Railsback and Ruth Taylor.

    Survivors include her husband of 27 years, William Boyd Parrott, of Crosby, formerly of Kosse and Marlin; step-daughters, Marion Parrott and Margaret Dempsey; and families of Crosby and Donna Hardin and family of Dayton, each of whom were her loving and faithful caregivers in her latter years. Numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren as well as nieces and nephews survive her, including nephews Edward Larkin, of Waco, Joseph A. Graves, of Cross Plains, and niece, Helen Taylor Sehon, of Marlin.

    Waco Tribune-Herald, 21 March 2008

    1153. Billy Hugh Parrott (Richard Alexander7, Hugh6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Jun 1929 in Hamblen Co., Tennessee and died on 15 May 2007, at age 77.

    Billy married Wanda Mae Hurley. Wanda was born on 12 Apr 1936 and died on 20 Sep 2003, at age 67.

    1175. John Leonard Parrett (George Matthew7, Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Jul 1902 in Indiana.

    John married Iva Irene Kibbey. Iva was born on 3 Feb 1906.

    1180. Arthur J. Parrett (William Leonard7, Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 May 1907 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 5 Jan 1995, at age 87.

    Notes: Arthur J. Parrett, 87, 1275 Ogan Ave., died at 6 a.m. Thursday (Jan. 5, 1995) at his home.

    Mr. Parrett retired from Orton Crane & Shovel on Nov. 30, 1970 after 19 1/2 years of service. He attended Andrews High School. He also worked at the Huntington Shoe factory and the Marion Shoe factory and resided in Mt. Etna prior to moving to Huntington in 1952.

    Mr. Parrett was born May 15, 1907 in Jefferson Township to William Leonard and Maggie Jane Pinkerton Parrett.

    Surviving are three sons David Lee Parrett, Kenneth Doyle Parrett and Mark. W. Parrett, all of Huntington County; two brothers, George Wilbur Parrett and Robert Eugene Parrett both of Huntington; two sisters, Goldie Evelyn Ferguson, and Nellie Virginia Cunningham, both of Huntington; eight grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

    Four sisters, Clara Alice Bowers, Edna Delight Parrett, Gladys Adeline Lane and Alberta June Tiffany Parrett - preceded him in death.

    There will be no calling hours. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Bergman-Glancy H. Brown & Son Funeral Home in Warren with Rev. Ronald Blake officiating.

    Burial will be in Mt. Etna Cemetery. Preferred memorials are to the American Diabetes Foundation.

    Huntington Herald-Press, 6 Jan 1995
    Find A Grave Memorial# 19455387

    Arthur married Mary Jane Wood.

    1183. George Wilbert Parrett (William Leonard7, Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Mar 1912 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 14 Jul 1997 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 85. Another name for George was Bud Parrett.

    Notes: George Wilbert Parrett, 85, Mt. Etna, died at 12:45 p.m. Monday (July 14, 1997) at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Fort Wayne.

    Mr. Parrett was a retired tool and die maker at Memcor, Huntington. He was a member of the Mt. Etna Wesleyan Church and American Legion Post 7, Huntington. He attended Mt. Etna School.

    He was born March 7, 1912, in Huntington to William L. and Maggie Pinkerton Parrett. On Aug. 22, 1942, in Oklahoma, he marrieed Hattie Dee Elaine Cline. Mrs. Parrett died on Dec. 15, 1995.

    Survivors include two sons, Jim Parrett and Dan Parrett, both of Huntington; a brother, Robert Parrett, Huntington; two sisters, Godie Ferguson and Virginia Cunningham, both of Huntington; 13 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and one step-great-granchild.

    Preceding Mr. Parrett in death were a son, Rev. William J. Parrett; a brother, Arthur Parrett; and five sisters, Clara Bowers, Maxine Parrett, Alberta Tiffany, Edna Parrett and Gladys Lane.

    Calling will be from 4-8 p.m. Thursday at the Bergman-Glancy Brown & Son Funeral Home, Warren, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday with Rev. Kenneth Sandefur officiation.

    Burial will be in the Mt. Etna Cemetery, where the VFW Post 2689 will conduct military graveside services. Preferred memorials are to the Mt. Etna Wesleyan Church.

    George W. Parrett is survived by a daughter, Joan Parkinson, Fort Wayne, in addition to the survivors listed in Tuesday;s Herald-Press.

    Services for George Wilbert Parrett were held Friday at the Bergman-Glancy Brown & Son Funeral Home, Warren, with Rev. Kenneth Sanderfur officating.

    Pall bearers were Heath Pressler, Jason Parrett, Mark Parrett, Carl Parkerson, Greg Smith, Ed Purvis and Kenneth Parrett.

    A color guard was provicded by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2689, Huntington, with Gene Bartrom, John Behrends, Ervin Ade, Allen Nichols, Willis Winkler, Jerry Helms and Richard Riggle participating.

    Huntington Herald-Press, 15 Jul 1997
    posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 19537468

    George married Hattie Dee Elaine Cline. Hattie was born on 22 Jan 1922 in Arkansas and died on 15 Dec 1995 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1426 M    i. William Jay Parrett was born on 26 Jul 1943 in OKlahama and died on 11 Mar 1994 in Illinois, at age 50.

    + 1427 M    ii. Jimmie Ray Parrett was born on 21 Dec 1945 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 15 Feb 2013 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 67.

    1187. Robert Eugene Parrett (William Leonard7, Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Mar 1922 in Jefferson, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 1 Jun 1998 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 76.

    Notes: Huntington - ROBERT EUGENE PARRETT, 76, died Monday at Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne. He retired in 1978 from the Huntington County Highway Department, and also was a truck driver for several businesses. He was a World War II Navy veteran. Surviving are his wife, Rheva; two sons, Michael and Brian, both of Huntington; two sisters, Goldie Evelyn Ferguson and Virginia Cunningham, both of Huntington; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

    Services at 11 a.m. Thursday at Bergman-Glancy H. Brown & Son Funeral Home, with calling from 4 to 8 p.m. today.

    Burial in Mount Etna Cemetery, Mount Etna. Memorials to donor's choice.

    The Journal Gazette, June 3, 1998
    Edition: Final, Page: 3C

    Robert married Rheva Marie Hedrick. Rheva was born on 14 Nov 1923 and died on 20 Sep 2002 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    Notes: HUNTINGTON - Rheva M. Parrett, 78, died Friday at home. She was a 1987 graduate of Polk Township High School and worked at Memor Inc., Huntington.

    Survivors include sons, Michael and Brian, both of Huntington; siblings, Mae Archbold and Barbara Jean Paul, both of Mt. Etna, Robert Hedrick, Lancaster, and James Hedrick, Huntington.

    Services: 11 a.m. Monday in Glancy Funeral Home, H. Brown & Son Chapel, Warren. Burial is in Mount Etna Cemetery. Visitation is 5-8 p.m. today and 9 a.m. until services Monday, funeral home.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 12183505

    The child from this marriage was:

       1428 M    i. Brian Kirby Parrett was born on 29 Jan 1955 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 24 Feb 2005 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 50.

    Notes: HUNTINGTON - Brian Kirby Parrett, 50, died Thursday in Parkview Huntington Hospital.

    The Huntington native born to the late Robert and Rheva Marie (Hedrick) Parrett worked at Vienna Pastry Shop.

    A brother, Michael E., Florida, survives.

    Services are at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Glancy Funeral Home, H. Brown & Son Chapel, 203 N. Matilda St., Warren, with the Rev. John Bellante officiating. Burial is in Mount Etna Cemetery.

    Visitation is from 10 a.m. until services Wednesday at the funeral home.

    Chronicle-Tribune, March 1, 2005, Page: 4A

    1211. Harry Arthur Parrett (Bert7, William D. Jr.6, William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Feb 1893 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died in Oct 1964 in Indiana, at age 71.

    Harry married Lily May High. Lily was born on 25 May 1894 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died in 1954 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 60.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1429 M    i. Sam A. Parrett was born on 8 Mar 1917 in Indiana and died in Mar 1978 in Indiana, at age 61.

    + 1430 M    ii. Carl L. Parrett was born on 30 Jun 1922 in Indiana and died on 20 Jun 2002 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 79.

    1213. Lloyd R. Parrett (Bert7, William D. Jr.6, William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1904 in Monroe, Carroll Co., Indiana and died in 1943 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 39.

    Notes: FLORA - Feb. 14- Lloyd R. Parrott, 38, died at 3 a.m. Sunday at his home near Rossville. Born in Carroll county, he was a member of the Methodist church at Radnor and was employed at the Aluminum company. He was married to Gladys Zook.

    Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Cora Jane, at home; two brothers: Harry, Flora; Walter, Camden; a sister, Mrs. Louise Rust (sic), Frankfort.

    Friends may call at the Leiter funeral home. Services will be held from the funeral home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Rev. Arthur Howell officiating; burial in the Maple Lawn cemetery.

    Journal and Courier, 15 Ffeb 1943 p 7

    Lloyd married Gladys Zook. Gladys was born in 1907 in Indiana and died in 1982 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 75.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1431 F    i. Cora Jane Parrett was born in 1936 in Madison, Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 18 Jul 2014 in Noblesville, Hamilton Co., Indiana, at age 78.

    Notes: Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, IN) - July 21, 2014

    NOBLESVILLE - Cora Jane Parrott Davis, 78, formerly of Cutler, passed away on Friday, July 18, 2014, at Riverside Hospital-Noblesville.

    Friends may call from 11 a.m. until her funeral at 1 p.m. on Tuesday at Baker-Abbott Funeral Home, Flora with Pastor Jeff Landon officiating. Burial will be at Maple Lawn Cemetery-Flora. Memorial contributions can be made to the donor's favorite charity.

    1217. Jacob Wilson Parrott (John Marion7, Jacob Wilson6, George5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Sep 1909 in Kenton, Hardin Co., Ohio and died on 2 Apr 1958 in Polk City, Polk Co., Florida, at age 48.

    Jacob married Corline Pearl Vincent. Corline was born on 6 Oct 1919 in Michigan and died on 3 Jun 2000 in Dunlap, Sequatchie Co., Tennessee, at age 80.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1432 M    i. Jacob Wilson Parrott was born on 1 Jan 1938 and died on 5 Dec 1981 in Marion Co., Florida, at age 43.

    Notes: JACOB WILLIAM PARROTT, 43, of Hernando, died Saturday. A native of Petersburg, Mich., he came to Citrus County 26 years ago from Kenton, Ohio, and was a truck driver for Masons Concrete of Crystal River, and a former member of the Inverness Jaycees.

    He is survived by son, Jack Martin of Brooksville, mother, Coraline Jowers of Inglis; three brothers, Gregory V. of Orlando, Joseph of Plainview, Texas and Clark of Kenton, Ohio; three sisters, Joan Ann McRee of Pinellas Park, Glendale Lee Abbe of Homosassa and Bobby Annett Pierce of Orlando. Hooper Funeral Homes, Inverness Chapel, was in charge of arrangements.

    Jacob married Juanita Kay Neuharth. Juanita was born in 1944.

    + 1433 M    ii. Joseph Marion Parrott was born on 27 Sep 1939 in Monroe, Monroe Co., Michigan and died on 19 May 1996 in Wichita Falls, Wichita Co., Texas, at age 56.

    + 1434 M    iii. Clark Anthony Parrott was born on 19 Nov 1941 in Florida and died on 18 Dec 2009 in Rogersville, Hawkins Co., Tennessee, at age 68.

       1435 F    iv. Joan Ann Parrott McRee Tucker was born in May 1943 and died on 13 May 2014 in Dunlap, Sequatchie Co., Tennessee, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 233980289}

    Notes: DUNLAP - Joan Ann Parrott Tucker, 71, passed away Tuesday, May 13, 2014. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Tucker; son, Troy Reichert; three brothers; and one nephew.

    Survivors include her sons, Steven, Danny and Tommy Reichert; brother, Gregory Vincent Parrott; sisters, Glendale Abbe and Bobby Mulero; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

    Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. CDT Friday, May 16, 2014, at Camp Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CDT Friday at the funeral home.

    Chattanooga Times Free Press, May 15, 2014, p 8

       1436 M    v. Gregory Vincent Parrott was born on 1 Jan 1951 and died on 3 Apr 2016, at age 65.

       1437 M    vi. Timothy John Parrott was born on 11 Oct 1953 and died on 3 Sep 1979 in Orange City, Orange Co., Florida, at age 25.

    1220. Theodore Herschell Parrett (Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Mar 1900 in Crawford Co., Missouri and died on 26 Jul 1984 in Howell Co., Missouri, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 127758848}

    Theodore married Sarah Hannah Pence. Sarah was born on 16 Nov 1896 in Romance, White Co., Arkansas and died on 15 Dec 1989 in King Co., Washington, at age 93. {Find A Grave ID: 54603603} {Find A Grave ID: 54603603}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1438 M    i. Rufus Neal Parrett was born on 10 Jan 1940 in Missouri and died on 9 Apr 2013 in King Co., Washington, at age 73.

    1221. Hazel Parrett (Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1903 and died in 1985, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 127695609}

    Hazel married someone.

    Her child was:

       1439 M    i. Donald Eugene Parrett was born on 11 Jan 1923 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 7 Feb 1997 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 104787807}

    Donald married Lonez Warren. Lonez was born on 25 Feb 1925 in Elijah, Ozark Co., Missouri and died on 1 Sep 2009 in Monett, Barry Co., Missouri, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 104790103} {Find A Grave ID: 104790103}

    Hazel next married Richard Bishop. Richard was born in 1885 and died in 1955 in Howell Co., Missouri, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 127695520} {Find A Grave ID: 127695520}

    1222. Treffie Randolph Parrett (Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Jan 1909 in Steelville Crawford Co., Missouri and died on 20 Jul 2002 in Florence, Lane Co., Oregon, at age 93.

    Notes: Former Albany resident Treffie R. "TR" Parrett, 93, of Florence died Saturday. Mr. Parrett was born in Northern, Mo., to Austin and Ida Parrett. He grew up in West Plains Mo., moved to Oklahoma in 1923 and married Helen Gatlin on June 14, 1930. The Parretts moved to Albany in 1942 and TR worked for Simpson Timber Co. for 30 years. They owned and operated a gift shop in Albany for 10 years before moving to Florence in 1989.

    Mr. Parrett is survived by wife Helen; son Bill of Gilbert, Ariz.; daughter Patricia Thompson of Albany; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren.

    No services are planned. Burns Riverside Chapel of Florence is handling arrangements.
    Contributions in Mr. Parrett's name may be made to the Florence Hospice.

    Albany Democrat-Herald, July 24, 2002

    Treffie married Helen Marguerite Gatlin. Helen was born on 10 Aug 1913 in Davenport, Lincoln Co., Oklahoma and died on 21 Nov 2006 in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon, at age 93. {Find A Grave ID: 16749195} {Find A Grave ID: 16749195}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1440 F    i. Margaret Ann Parrett was born on 22 Jul 1931 in Sparks, Lincoln Co., Oklahoma and died on 28 Jul 1999 in Coos Bay, Coos Co., Oregon, at age 68. Another name for Margaret was Kay.

    Notes: Memorial services for Margaret "Kay" Pearson, 68, of Coquille, will be held in the garden of her home at 11 a.m. on Friday, July 30. Mrs. Pearson was born July 22, 1931, in Sparks, Okla. She died July 28, 1999, in Coos Bay. She was married to Darrell Pearson in November 1969 in Reno, Nev.

    A 35-year resident of Coquille, she led an active life as a past president of the Eagles Ladies Auxiliary and was an active participant in the Lady Elks. Mrs. Pearson retired after 17-plus years with the Coquille School District as a school bus driver. She was an avid Atlanta Braves fan and fisherman.

    She is survived by her parents, T.R. and Helen Parrett of Florence; brother, Bill Parrett and wife, Carolyn, of Gilbert, Ariz.; sister, Patricia and husband Keith Thompson, of Palm Desert, Calif.; son Terry and wife, Theresa Risley, of Slidell, La.; grandson, Christopher and wife, Judi; grandsons, Joshua and Jonathan Risley of Niceville, Fla.; granddaughter, Traci Risley of Portland; and numerous nieces and nephews.
    She was preceded in death by her husband, Darrell, in 1996, and her daughter, Judy Kay Summers, in 1971.

    The family suggests memorial contributions to South Coast Hospice Bereavement Center, 1620 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Ore. 97420.

    The World, 30 Jul 1999, p A5

    Margaret married John J. Risley. John was born on 9 Feb 1926 in Oregon and died on 23 Oct 2006 in Oregon, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 186379391} {Find A Grave ID: 186379391}

    Marriage Notes: Miss Parrett Married To John Risley

    Miss Margaret Ann Parrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Risley, Corvallis, were married Friday, November 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConnell, 1120 West Eighth street. <snip>

    After a wedding trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will live in Alsea, where Mr. Risley is in the logging industry.

    Albany Democrat-Herald, 06 Dec 1947, p 4

    Margaret next married Edward Walter Freese. Edward was born on 1 Feb 1933 in Sonoma Co., California and died on 5 Jun 1993 in Klamath Co., Oregon, at age 60.

    Margaret next married Darrell Edward Pearson. Darrell was born on 2 Mar 1936 in Richfield, Lincoln Co., Idaho and died on 6 Feb 1996 in Coos Bay, Coos Co., Oregon, at age 59.

    + 1441 M    ii. Billy Ray Parrett was born on 14 Feb 1934 and died on 20 Dec 2021 in Arizona, at age 87.

       1442 F    iii. Mary Helen Parrett was born on 27 Jul 1941 in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon and died on 27 Sep 1942 in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon, at age 1. {Find A Grave ID: 79291217}

    1224. Nolan Kenneth Parrett (Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Apr 1914 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 23 Apr 1981 in Oregon, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 113792439}

    Notes: Former Albany resident Nolan Kennith (sic) Parrett, 67, more recently of Roseburg, died Thursday at his home. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at the Long andn Shukle Memorial Chapel in Roseburg and burial will follow at Roseburg Memorial Gardens. Parrett was born April 19, 1914, at West Plains, Mo.

    While living in Albany, Parrett had worked at a plywood mill. He moved to Roseburg in 1947. A glassblower before retirement, he had also owned Roseburg Neon Co. Parrett was a member of the Roseburg Elks Lodge and member of the North Roseburg Church.

    He married Marie Schlotfeldt Oct. 25, 1977, in Roseburg. She survives. Other survivors include one son, Nolan D., Vancouver, Wash.; one daughter, Karen Suppa, Gladstone; six brothers, Herscell (sic) Parrett, Pottersville, Mo., Treffe (sic) Parrett, Albany, Delmar Parrett, Mountain Home, Ark., Clifford and Donald Parrett, West Plains, Robert Parrett, Lebanon; and two sisters, Hazel Bishop, Independence, Mo., and Mildred Gallaway, Meeker, Okla.; and four grandchildren.

    Albany Democrat-Herald, 24 Apr 1981, p 2

    Nolan married Zella Mae Gentry. Zella was born on 3 Aug 1912 in Oklahoma and died on 18 Jan 1973, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 113792540} {Find A Grave ID: 113792540}

    1225. Clifford Leroy Parrett (Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Apr 1917 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 13 Jan 2016 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 98. {Find A Grave ID: 156964805}

    Notes: Funeral services for Clifford Leroy Parrett, 98, West Plains, Missouri, will be held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 13, 2016 in the Rose Chapel at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    Mr. Parrett passed away at 12:38 p.m., Saturday, January 9, 2016 at his home.

    He was born April 14, 1917, at West Plains, Missouri, to Austin Parrett and Ida Isabelle Wisdom Parrett. On April 23, 1938, he was married at Shawnee, Oklahoma, to Lydia Berneice Broyles, who preceded him in death on January 25, 2008. Mr. Parrett was a farmer and had worked at Cloud Oak Flooring. He was the first President of Fairview School Board and enjoyed sports, especially Cardinals baseball. Mr. Parrett was a member of United Freewill Baptist Church.

    He is survived by two children, Harold "Bucky" Parrett and wife, Phyllis, Mountain Home, Arkansas and Beverly Rector, Topeka, Kansas; daughter-in-law, Carol Parrett, West Plains, Missouri; five grandchildren, Steve Rector, GayLynne Parnell, Mike Rector, Gregg Parrett and Jacque Collins; ten great-grandchildren; fourteen great-great-grandchildren; one sister, Mildred Gallaway, Meeker, Oklahoma; one sister-in-law, Oreta Parrett, Lebanon, Oregon; and many nieces and nephews.

    His parents, wife, one son, Cecil Parrett, one great-grandson, one grandson-in-law, six brothers and one sister, precede him in death.

    Visitation will be from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Pleasant Hill Cemetery and may be left at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    Clifford married Lydia Berneice Broyles. Lydia was born on 9 Nov 1920 in OKlahama and died on 25 Jan 2008 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 127753325} {Find A Grave ID: 127753325}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1443 M    i. Cecil Leroy Parrett was born on 1 Apr 1946 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 8 Sep 2013 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 67.

    1228. George Robert Parrott (George Harold7, George Wiseman6, Jackson5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Mar 1928 in Pleasant Hiil, Cass Co., Missouri and died on 14 Nov 2002 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    Notes: Robert Parrott, 74, Peculiar, MO, died Thursday, November 14, 2002, at St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, MO. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Saturday, November 16, at the Church of the Nazarene, Harrisonville. Burial will be in Wills Cemetery, Peculiar. Friends may call 5-8 p.m. Friday at the Atkinson Chapel, Harrisonville. Contributions may be made to the American Heart Assoc. or American Cancer Society.

    Mr. Parrott was a lifelong resident of Peculiar, MO, where he farmed and raised cattle. He also worked for Hulen Turner Plumbing in Grandview for 14 years. He was a member of the Harrisonville Church of the Nazarene for 29 years.

    He is survived by his wife, Patricia "Pat" of the home, one daughter, Sandy Parrott, Pleasant Hill, MO, four sons, Harold Parrott and wife, Tineka, Urich, MO, Robb Parrott and wife, Dawn, Pleasant Hill, MO, Charlie Parrott and wife, Dianna, Garden City, MO, and K.R. Parrott and wife, Missy, Peculiar, MO, and 11 grandchildren. (Arrangements: Atkinson Funeral Home, Harrisonville, MO, 816-380-3268)

    The Kansas City Star, 15 Nov 2002

    George married Patricia Ann Jeter. Patricia was born on 5 Jan 1938 in Missouri and died on 31 Dec 2024 in Belton, Cass Co., Missouri, at age 86.

    Notes: Patricia Ann "Pat" Parrott, 86, of Peculiar, Missouri passed away peacefully, Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at Beautiful Savior in Belton, Missouri. Funeral services will be held 11:00am Saturday, January 4, 2025 at the Atkinson Funeral Home in Harrisonville, MO. Interment to follow in Will's Cemetery, Peculiar. The family will receive friends 6:00-8:00pm Friday, January 3, 2025 at the funeral home. Contributions may be made to the Harrisonville Church of the Nazarene, memo line to Pat Parrott Mission Fund. A complete obituary will be added when it becomes available.

    1232. Raymond Lynn Parrett (Luther Martin7, Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Jan 1906 in Waynesboro, Virginia and died on 15 Sep 1966 in Waynesboro, Virginia, at age 60.

    Raymond married Margaret Lucy Sheets. Margaret was born on 3 Apr 1915 in Augusta Co., Virginia.

    1234. Carl Grove Parrett (Luther Martin7, Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Sep 1912 in Waynesboro, Virginia and died in Sep 1982 in Augusta Co., Virginia, at age 70.

    Carl married Anna Newton Fielding. Anna was born on 14 Dec 1912 and died in Dec 1993 in Augusta Co., Virginia, at age 81.

    1235. Jay Ralph Parrett (Jonas Samuel7, Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Jun 1919 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and died on 26 Oct 2007 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, at age 88.

    Jay married Marian Eshelman. Marian was born on 24 Feb 1918 and died on 8 Nov 1997 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, at age 79.

    Jay next married Pearl.

    1239. Jonas Samuel Parrett Jr. (Jonas Samuel7, Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Jul 1926 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

    Jonas married Louise Roselyn Fisher. Louise was born on 24 Mar 1926.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1444 M    i. Brent Fisher Parrett was born on 3 Mar 1956 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and died on 9 Jun 1998, at age 42.

    1241. Harry Raymond Parrett (William Franklin7, William Stuart6, Jeremiah5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Jul 1913 in Frafill, Allen Co., Indiana and died on 10 Nov 1967 in Paulding Co., Ohio, at age 54. {Find A Grave ID: 39113157}

    Notes: ANTWERP - Harry R. Parrett, 54, did at 4:20 p.m. Friday in Parkview Hospital, Fort Wayne, following a brief illness.

    He was born July 11, 1913 in Allen county, Ind., a son of William and Clara (Saylor) Parrett; and lived in Antwerp nearly all his life.

    He was a driver for Snook Trucking Co., Antwerp. He and his wife, Auhleen, were in Payne in 1937. She survives.

    Also surviving are a daughter, Darlene; two brothers, Dale, Fort Wayne, and Edward, Sarasota, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Hazel Reece, Antwerp, and Mrs. Ruth Rammuage, Acton, Mass.; and a half brother, Bill Parrett, Antwerp.

    He was a member of Antwerp Presbyterian Church.

    Services will be Monday at 2 p.m. in Schilb funeral home, the Rev. Gilmore Creelman officiating. Burial will be in Maumee cemetery. Friends may call in the funeral home after 7 o'clock tonight.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave 39113157

    Harry married Auhleen T. Hargrave. Auhleen was born on 11 Aug 1914 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 24 Dec 1993 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 39113185} {Find A Grave ID: 39113185}

    1242. Dale Lavon Parrett (William Franklin7, William Stuart6, Jeremiah5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Apr 1916 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 19 Apr 2004 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., Indiana, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 121690154}

    Notes: DALE L. PARRETT, 88, died Monday April 19, 2004, at his home in Fort Wayne. He was born April 15, 1916, in Antwerp, Ohio, the son of Frank and Clara (Saylor) Parrett. He was a 1935 graduate of Antwerp High School in Ohio, and was a truck driver for many years. He married Irene Carroll Aug. 9, 1952, at the Church of the Garden in Angola. He was an Army veteran of World War II and was a dedicated member of American Legion Post 82. He also enjoyed fishing. Surviving are his wife, Irene; a son, Rex (Linda) Parrett of Lafayette; a daughter, Sandra (Bob) Mass of Lafayette; five grandchildren; six great grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren; a brother, William Parrett of Blue Rock, Ohio; two sisters, Ruth (Charles) Rumage of Fort Wayne and Hazel Reece of Defiance, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers. Service is 11 a.m. Friday at Covington Memorial Funeral Home, 8408 Covington Road. Calling is from 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Burial at Covington Memorial Gardens. Memorials are to Parkview Hospice and Cancer Services of Allen County, 2925 E. State Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805.

    The News-Sentinel, April 21, 2004

    Dale married Zelda Helen Arrants Merkey. Zelda was born on 19 Sep 1918 in Hicksville, Defiance Co., Ohio and died on 13 Aug 2004 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 128315943} {Find A Grave ID: 128315943}

    Notes: Zelda H. Arrants Merkey, 85, of Lafayette, died at 9:35 a.m. Friday, Aug. 13, 2004 in Home Hospital.

    Born Sept. 19, 1918, in Hicksville, Ohio., she lived in Fort Wayne and Albuquerque, N.M., before moving to Lafayette. She married Dan L. Merkey in 1951. He died in 1982.

    Mrs. Merkey worked for Loeb's for eight years before retiring. She was a member of Brady Lane Church of Christ, Hope Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, Eagles Auxiliary of the Moose. She was a Pink Lady volunteer at Home Hospital.

    Surviving are a son, Rex Parrett (wife: Linda), and a daughter, Sandra Maas (husband: Bob), both of Lafayette; and a brother, Omar Arrants of Los Angeles.

    Journal and Courier, 14 Aug 2004, C2

    Dale next married Irene Margaret Carroll. Irene was born on 31 Dec 1916 in Lancaster, Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 23 Jul 2018 in Mount Zion, Macon Co., Illinois, at age 101. {Find A Grave ID: 191672907} {Find A Grave ID: 191672907}

    Notes: Irene M. Parrett, 101, passed Monday, July 23, 2018 in Mount Zion, Illinois at Heritage Health. She was a daughter to the late, Ervin Carroll and Rena (Keller) Carroll. She graduated in 1936 from Warren High School, in Indiana. Irene worked for Bowser, Coca Cola, Perfection Bakery and retired from Danner's, in 1979. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She enjoyed bowling, fishing and gardening and was an avid Cubs fan.

    She is survived by several nieces and nephews; step daughter, Sandra (Bob) Maas; step son, Rex (Linda) Parrett; five step grandchildren; six step great grandchildren; and four step great great grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by her husband, Dale L. Parrett; and all of her siblings, Esther Stritmatter, Doris Carroll, Ruth Sorg, Dean Carroll, Wallace Carroll, Harold Carroll and Gene Eldon Carroll.

    Private services were held for the family. Irene was laid to rest at Covington Memorial Gardens, Friday, July 27, 2018.

    1243. Edward Nelson Parrett (William Franklin7, William Stuart6, Jeremiah5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Oct 1918 in Carryall, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 24 Nov 1989 in Sarasota Co., Florida, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 164475644}

    Notes: Edward N. Parrett, 71, of Sarasota died Friday. He was born in Antwerp, Ohio, and came to this area 37 years ago. He was self-employed in the drapery business and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He is survived by two daughers, Ann Vincent of West Palm Beach, and Patricia of Tampa; as son, Gene of Sarasota; two sisters, Ruth Rumage and Hazel Reece, both of Fort Wayne, Ind.; a brother, Dale Parrett of Fort Wayne; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. National Cremation Society, Sarasota Chapter.

    The Tampa Tribune, 30 Nov 1989 p 2-South Bay

    Edward married Bonnie Maxine Beiderwell. Bonnie was born on 4 Jan 1921 in Antwerp, Paulding Co., Ohio and died on 2 Dec 1963 in Sarasota Co., Florida, at age 42. {Find A Grave ID: 164475356} {Find A Grave ID: 164475356}

    The child from this marriage was:

       1445 M    i. Gene Parrett was born on 1 May 1947 in Ohio and died on 8 Jun 2010, at age 63. Another name for Gene was Wendell Eugene Parrett.

    1246. George Bronson Parrett (Irvin Lloyd7, Silas Ephraim6, John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 May 1911 in Ohio and died on 11 Aug 1992 in King Co., Washington, at age 81.

    George married Blanche E. Collins Gray. Blanche was born on 11 Jan 1914 and died on 2 Dec 2008 in Ohio, at age 94.

    George next married Helen Rabb. Helen was born on 14 Jan 1920 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan and died on 12 Feb 2007 in King Co., Washington, at age 87.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1446 F    i. Barbara Annett Parrett was born on 7 Jan 1949 in Mount Clements, Macomb Co., Michigan and died on 3 Mar 1949 in Mount Clements, Macomb Co., Michigan.

    1248. Donald Nyron Parrett (Irvin Lloyd7, Silas Ephraim6, John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Jul 1917 in Chattanooga, Mercer Co., Ohio and died on 23 Nov 1998, at age 81.

    Donald married Nora Jean Everett. Nora was born on 10 Sep 1919 in Northville Township, Wayne Co., Michigan and died on 21 Jun 2019 in Jackson, Jackson Co., Michigan, at age 99.

    1252. Loren Loyd Parrett (Lester Silas7, Silas Ephraim6, John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Nov 1928 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan and died on 20 Dec 2003, at age 75.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1447 M    i. Lloyd J. Parrett was born on 20 Mar 1961 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 15 Mar 1963 in Cook Co., Illinois, at age 1.

    1253. Ivan Rollo Parrett (Lester Silas7, Silas Ephraim6, John Strauder Sr.5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Sep 1931 in Michigan and died on 1 Dec 2014 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 83.

    Notes: PARRETT IVAN R. Age 83, December 1, 2014. Beloved husband of Lois A. for over 65 years. Dearest father of Ronald & Larry Parrett, Carol McBride, Susan (Rick) Hilliker, Mary (Billy) Greenlee & the late Kenneth Parrett. Loving grandfather of 24, great grandfather of 23 & great great grandfather of one. Visitation Thursday, December 4, 12 noon until time of funeral service 7 p.m. at The Fisher Funeral Home 24501 Five Mile (Btw Beech Daly & Telegraph) Redford Twp. (313) 535-3030.

    The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, December 3, 2014

    The child from this marriage was:

       1448 M    i. Kenneth Ivan Parrett was born on 12 Jan 1953 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan and died on 25 Jul 2005, at age 52.

    1256. Parrett (George David7, Milton Latta6, David5, Samuel Jr.4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1).

    Parrett married Cecily. Cecily was born in 1896 in Missouri.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1449 M    i. Milton Lloyd Parrett was born in 1917 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa and died in 1979 in Tacoma, Washington, at age 62.

       1450 F    ii. Mary Ann Parrett was born in 1919 in Marshall Co , Iowa.

    Mary married Sanchez.

    Ninth Generation (6th Great-Grandchildren)

    1262. Paul Wilshire Parrott (John Chandler8, William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 31 Dec 1931 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 21 Feb 2021 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 89.

    Notes: Paul W. Parrott, age 89 of Knoxville, passed away February 21, 2021. He was a member of Blood Bought Baptist Church. Paul was an Army veteran serving in the Korean War. Preceded in death by his wife, Jean Parrott; brothers, George, Bud and Jim; sister, Charlotte. Survived by children, Denny (Shirley) Parrott, Lisa Parrott Long (Tom), David Parrott, Robin Parrott Brown (Carl) and John Parrott; grandchildren, Chris, Amber, Tabatha, Dusty, Joel, Jonathan, Jaiden, Shanna, Johna, Christie and Dawn; great-grandchildren, Alex, Jacob, Cole, Korbyn, Hunter, Parker, Sean, Hope, Rylee, Braelynn, Jaden, Chyenne, Lexus, Miley, Emiley and Abby; brother, Jack (Sharon) Parrott. Visitation will be from 5:00-7:00 pm on Monday at Weaver Funeral Home with service to follow. Family and friends will meet Tuesday at East Tennessee Veterans Cemetery on Gov. John Sevier Highway at 12:15 pm for a 12:30 pm interment. Condolences are welcome at Weaver Funeral Home 5815 Western Ave. Knoxville, TN 37921

    Paul married Aretta Jean Mellon. Aretta was born on 2 Apr 1943 and died on 10 Dec 2015 in Tennessee, at age 72.

    Notes: Aretta Jean Parrott, 72, went to be with Jesus on Thursday, December 10, 2015.

    She is preceded in death by her father, Oscar Mellon.

    Survived by her husband, Paul W. Parrott; mother, Carrie Mellon; sons, David, John, Denny Parrott; and daughters, Robin Brown and Lisa Long; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brother and sisters.

    Family and friends will be holding service at Blood Bought Full Gospel Church, 3110 Shipe Rd., Corryton TN 37721 at 6:00 p.m. funeral at 7:00.

    Knoxville News Sentinel, Dec. 14, 2015

    1263. George William Parrott (John Chandler8, William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Feb 1934 and died on 15 Oct 2011, at age 77.


    77, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, October 15, 2011. George was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He was a member of Immanuel Baptist Church. He retired from Fire Pro, Inc. George loved his wife, Frances, and loved his kids, and he especially loved his grand and great grandchildren. George's favorite thing on earth was a good ballgame, a family gathering, a card game, and a good laugh. He loved nothing more than watching his kids excel in sports and later took pride in the games of the grandchildren. He probably holds the record for being thrown out of the most ballgames at Maynard Glenn Field in the 70's. George was preceded in death by his parents, John and Clara Parrott; his brother, Clarence (Bud); and his mother and father in-law, Clyde and Velma Gorman. He is survived by his loving wife, Frances; his children, Debbie and Mark Humphrey, Donna Bodenheimer, Daniel and Krisden Parrott and Jeff and Kristin Parrott; his grandchildren, Crystal and Curt, Kevin, Brad, Jill and Beau, Joshua, Amber, Brandon, Kayla and Kade, and his great grandchildren, Gavin and Addison; his brothers and sisters-in-law, Paul and Jean Parrott, Jim Parrott, Jack and Sharon Parrott; his sister, Charlotte Valentine; his brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Bill and Kathryn Irwin and Harold and Shara Gorman; and many nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Monday with funeral services to follow at 2:30 p.m. Dr. George Hollander officiating. Family and friends will meet at 10;00 a.m. Tuesday at Berry Funeral Home and proceed to Woodlawn Cemetery for an 11:00 a.m. interment service. Pallbearers will be Daniel Parrott, Jeff Parrott, Mark Humphrey, Joshua Bodenheimer, Brad Humphrey and Beau Baker. Condolences may be offered at

    Knoxville News Sentinel, October 17, 2011

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1451 M    i. Jeffrey Kevin Parrott was born on 12 Jan 1973 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee.

    1265. James Louis Parrott Sr. (John Chandler8, William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Feb 1938 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 8 Jul 2019 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

    Notes: Knoxville - James Louis Parrott, Sr., age 81, of Knoxville, passed away Monday, July 8, 2019. Member of New Christian Rest Missionary Baptist Church. Veteran of the U.S Army. Preceded in death by parents, John and Clara Parrott; and wife, Patsy Parrott. Survivors include brothers, Paul Parrott and Jack Parrott; children, daughter, Teresa Hatfield; son, James Parrott, Jr.; daughters, Oleta Sims and Angel Christian; step-son, John Williams; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Graveside service will be 11:00 am Monday, July 15, 2019, at Zion Hill Baptist Church Cemetery in Sevierville. Berry Lynnhurst Funeral Home, 2300 W Adair Drive, Knoxville, TN 37918. (865) 689-8888

    Knoxville News Sentinel, July 14, 2019

    James next married Patsy Ruth. Patsy was born on 28 May 1941 and died on 11 Mar 2002 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 60.

    Notes: PARROTT, PATSY RUTH - age 60, of Knoxville, went to be with the Lord, Monday, March 11, 2002, from U. T. Medical Center. Member of New Christian Rest Missionary Baptist Church. Survivors: beloved husband; two children; four step children; several grandchildren and many great-grandchildren, and one brother and one sister. Life Celebration Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday at New Christian Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 3817 Oakland Dr. with Rev. David Cloud officiating. Family and friends will meet at the West Adair Entrance to Lynnhurst Cemetery 10:45 a.m. Thursday for interment at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family request, memorials be made to her church. Arrangements by Rose Mortuary Broadway Chapel.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, March 13, 2002

    1268. James Lee Parrott Sr. (William Ralph8, William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 24 May 1937 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 19 Aug 1988 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 51.

    James married someone.

    1272. Freeman Baker Parrott (Columbus Oscar8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Nov 1916 in Tennessee and died on 7 Mar 2002 in Anderson Co., Tennessee, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 59651873}

    Freeman married Lina Bell McClure. Lina was born on 6 Oct 1916 in Tennesee and died on 1 Jul 1993 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 5432103} {Find A Grave ID: 5432103}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1452 F    i. Katie Ruth Parrott was born in 1936 in Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Feb 2024, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 265138863}

    Notes: Our dear mother, Katie Ruth Inman, sadly passed away on February 9, 2024. She lived a long and full life with her partner, John Haley. Together they traveled, enjoying classic car shows and active members of the Lions Club.

    Katie Inman worked as an interior designer for Sears. She was very creative and took great pride in everything she did. Mom was a beautiful lady and was always prim and proper.

    She was preceded in death by her mother, Lina Belle Anderson; father, Freeman Parrott; husband, Tommy Inman Sr. and sisters Mary Stallans and Sarah Crisp as well as brother David McClure. She was also preceded in death by her oldest son, Tommy Inman Jr.

    Katie Inman is survived by her daughter, Kathy Inman Park and her husband Ken Park; son, Mark Inman and his wife Rose Inman; son, Spencer Inman and his wife Virginia Inman; daughter in law, Tracy Inman and 11 grandchildren - Ashley, Grant, Tommy Kyle III, Gabe, Joey, Abby, Christina, Mitchell, Mandy, LeAnn and Johnny.

    If you would like to pay your respects, you are welcome to attend the memorial service we are holding in her honor at Clarks Grove Cemetery in Blount County on March 9, 2024 at 11am.

    Katie married Tommy Inman.

       1453 F    ii. Mary Elizabeth Parrott was born on 1 Apr 1938 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Sep 2021 in Skiatook, Oklahoma, at age 83.

    Notes: Mary Parrott Stallans, 83, of Maryville, TN, passed away on September 24, 2021 in Skiatook, Oklahoma.

    Mary was born in Maryville, Tennessee. Mary worked as a Nursing Assistant for the University of Tennessee and was loved by all her coworkers.

    Mary is preceded in death by her sons, Mitchell Davis and Michael Davis; granddaughter, Autumn Davis; sister, Sarah Crisp; brother, David Charles McClure; great-grandson, Zayden Slagle.

    Mary is survived by Morgan, Josh and Braxton Slagle, Tammie Davis, Katie Inman, Mark and Rose Inman, Kathy and Ken Park, Tommy and Tracy Inman, Spencer and Virginia Inman, Christina Inman, Abby and Hunter Abercrombie, Mitchell Inman, Nikolas and Levi Rodriguez, Steve and Misty Crisp, Missy and Roscoe Morgan, Becky Crisp, Amber Albright, Angel McClure Click, and so many more loved nieces and nephews.

    The family of Mary Stallans wishes to extend our sincere thanks to Grace Hospice for superior and loving care provided her at her end days.

    Pallbearers will be Mitchell Inman, Josh Slagle, and Elijah Albright. Visitation and Service will be Thursday, October 7th at 3:00 pm \endash 4:00 pm with a short service at 4:00 pm to be held at McCammon-Ammons-Click Funeral Home in Maryville, Tennessee.

    The funeral will be held at Clark's Grove Cemetery, Friday, October 8th at 10:00 am. The procession to begin lining up at McCammon-Ammons-Click Funeral Home on Friday, October 8th at 9:30 am.

    Mary married Floyd Earl Stallans. Floyd was born on 13 Jan 1928 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 26 Jun 1995 in Floyd Co., Georgia, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 71674905} {Find A Grave ID: 71674905}

       1454 F    iii. Sarah Catherine Parrott was born on 3 Mar 1941 in Tennesee and died on 8 Jun 2014 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 73.

    Notes: Catherine Parrott Crisp, age 73, of Maryville, passed away Sunday, June 8, 2014, at UT Medical Center. She attended Smoky View Baptist Church and she loved her dogs. She was preceded in death by her dad, Freeman Parrott; mom, Lina McClure Anderson; and brother, Charles David McClure.
    Survivors include her husband of 51 years, Wade M. Crisp, Jr.; son, Stephen Crisp and wife Misty; daughter, Melissa Morgan and husband Roscoe; daughter, Rebecca Crisp; grandchildren, Roscoe Morgan and wife Megan, Katherine Clabough and husband Logan, Anna Wood, Amber Crisp, and Bethany Morgan; great grandchildren, Raiden Morgan, Emma Clabough, Logan Clabough, Jr.; sisters, Mary Stallans, Katie Inman and husband John Haley; numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in McCammon-Ammons-Click Funeral Home Chapel. The interment will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Sherwood Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday at McCammon-Ammons-Click Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Heart Association, 4708 Papermill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909. McCammon-Ammons-Click Funeral Home, Maryville 982-6812

    Daily Times, The (Maryville, TN)
    Date: June 10, 2014

    Sarah married Wade McClean Crisp Jr. Wade was born on 13 Jul 1940 in Tennesee.

    Freeman next married Georgia Long. Georgia was born on 23 Jan 1888 and died on 14 Nov 1959, at age 71.

    1274. Charles Oscar Parrott (Columbus Oscar8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Jan 1922 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 2 Nov 2008 in Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 86.

    Notes: Charles O. Parrott
    Born January 26, 1922
    Died November 2, 2008
    Services: Funeral service will be at 8:00 PM, Wednesday November 5, 2008 at Smith Trinity Chapel with Pastor Ronnie Hepperly officiating.
    Visitation: Family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00PM, Wednesday, November 5, 2008, Smith Trinity Chapel.
    Charles Oscar Parrott age 86 of Rockford, passed away Sunday November 2, 2008 at Blount Memorial Hospital. "Angels are rejoicing," a child of God has walked thru the "pearly gates" to live with his savior Jesus Christ everlasting. He was a member of Rockford Baptist Church. He served his country being a World War II Veteran in the United States Army.He was a highly decorated World War II Veteran with company C 780th Amphibian Tank Battalion receiving 4 bronze stars and 1 bronze arrowhead.Charles was a member of the Masonic Masons for 50 years of Lodge #469. He retired from Alcoa Aluminum Company after 39 years of service. Charles was an avid fox hunter having many friends and being well liked and respected. Charles also enjoyed walking at Foothills Mall, meeting and talking with his many friends there. Although our heart are broken, we are at the same time comforted by our faith of knowing that he is now with our heavenly father. Preceeded in death by: Parents, Oscar & Zora Parrott: Brother and Sisters, Freeman Parrott, Kate Huskey, & Anna Ruth Harveston. He will be greatly missed by his loving wife Bonnie after 64 years of marriage, Son Darrell Parrott and Janice Kirkland; Daughter, Linda Brown Ferguson; Grandchildren, Robbie Brown & Liza, Scott Brown & Tonya, Telissa Parrott & Scott Russell; Great-Grandchildren, Josh, Rachel, Brittany, John, Kelly, Dyland, Levi, Brandi, Ezra, and Charles Hunter; Great-Great Grandchild, Katelyn; many, many friends and relatives not mentioned. We love you and will see you again, your loving family.

    Charles married Bonnie.

    1277. Raymond Edward Parrott (Earl Victor8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Jul 1929 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Jun 1989 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio, at age 59.

    Notes: Raymond E. Parrott, 59, died June 24. He was born in Knoxville, Tenn., and had lived in the Akron area for 28 years. He was a truck driver for Carolina Freight Co., retiring in 1987, and was a member of Local 24.

    Mr. Parrott is survived by wife, Jeanette French; son Robert George Brooks of Toledo; daughters, Phyllis Allen of Maryville, Tenn., June Reeves of Athens, Tenn., Shirley DiSanto of Akron; 15 grandchildren, sisters, Lorene Carpenter, Eloise Russell and Wanda Henson, all of Knoxville, Tenn., and Bill Boring of Maryville, Tenn.

    Services will be held at the Billow Fairlawn Chapen, 85 N. Miller Rd., Wednesday, 11 a.m., Rev. C. Kenneth Hayes officiating. Interment at Rose Hill Burial Park. Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. (Billlow, Fairlawn Chapel, 867-4141.)

    The Beacon Journal, 27 Jun 1989, p D7

    Raymond married Evelyn Louise Butcher Ridner. Evelyn was born on 8 Oct 1932 in Maynardville, Union Co., Tennessee and died on 24 Oct 1998 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 172429887} {Find A Grave ID: 172429887}

    Marriage Notes: Evelyn Louise Butcher Parrott, 27, Sharp Rd., Powell, against Raymond Edward Parrott, 30.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 23 Dec 1959, p 16

    Raymond next married Jeanette French. Jeanette was born in 1934 in Tennesee.

    1282. Carl Henry Parrott (George William Shelby8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Aug 1928 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 4 Oct 1995 in Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 67.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1455 M    i. Carlan Lynn Parrott Sr. was born on 16 Oct 1949 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Nov 2021 in Tennesee, at age 72.

    Carl next married Joyce Freda Lynd. Joyce was born on 18 Jan 1939 in Cincinatti, Hamilton Co., Ohio and died on 29 Sep 2019 in Cincinatti, Hamilton Co., Ohio, at age 80.

    Notes: Joyce Freda Parrott, age 80 of Harrison, Ohio passed away Sunday, September 29, 2019 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Born January 18, 1939 in Cincinnati, Ohio the daughter of Fred and Gertrude (Apke) Lynd.

    Joyce graduated from Taylor High School in 1957 and was a member of Bright Christian Church.

    Joyce is survived by her sons Jerry Parrott, Michael (Debbie) Parrott and Robert (Maureen) Parrott. Nana of Travis (Brittney) Hack, Julia (Charlie) Maxwell, Kyle (Lauren) Parrott, Ryan Parrott, Jake and Jenny Parrott. Great grandmother of Arlyss and Lennon Hack, Katlyn, Brooklyn, Clara and Jonathon Maxwell. Sister of Edward (Sandra) Lynd.

    Preceded in death by her parents Fred and Gertrude Lynd, and her husband Carl Parrott.

    Visitation will be held Saturday, October 5, 2019 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at Jackman Hensley Funeral Home 215 Broadway Street Harrison, Ohio 45030

    1283. Herman Ray Parrott (George William Shelby8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Nov 1930 and died in 1970 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 40.

    Notes: PARROTT, Herman Ray - 39, residence 1122 Valley Avenue, passed away 10:45 p.m. Saturday at the University Hospital. He was a member of Fort Hill Baptist Church. Survivors: Mrs. Martha Cobble Parrott; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Parrott; brothers, Carl, Kenneth, Dennis, and Wayne Parrott; sister, Jeanne Kay Parrott, all of Cincinnati, Ohio. Funeral services 2 p.m. Tuesday at Fort Hills Baptist Church with the Rev. Louis O. Ball, Revl J.L. Helton, Rev. Clell Gibson and Rev. Bob Bevington officiating. Interment Holly Hills Cemetery. Pallbearers: Jack Cobble, Robert Cobble, Hal Cobble, Donald Lawson, Bill Wells, Leon Green. The family will receive friends 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at Rose Mortuary.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 17 Aug 1970, p 2

    Herman married Martha Josephine Cobble. Martha died in 1993 in Tennessee.

    1285. Dennis William Parrott (George William Shelby8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Sep 1941 in Tennesee and died on 3 Mar 2015 in Henagar, DeKalb Co., Alabama, at age 73.

    Notes: Age 73 of Henagar, AL SURVIVORS Wife: Lucretia Higdon Parrott of Henagar, AL Son: Timothy Scott Parrott Stepsons: Jeff Higdon of Tunnel Hill, GA Stuart (Darlene) Higdon of Flat Rock, AL Daughter: Pamela Parrott (Don) Deller of Sunman, IN Grandchildren: Brandon Deller Amanda Deller Samantha Deller Step-Grandchildren: Chas (Heather) Higdon Grace Higdon Olivia Higdon Ava Higdon Rowdy Higdon Great Grandchild: Chace Deller Brother: Terry Wayne (Lynn) Parrott of Loveland, OH Sister: Jeanine (Billy) Sherrod of Atlanta, GA PRECEDED IN DEATH Parents: Shelby and Ethel Parrott Brothers: Carl Parrott Herman Ray Parrott Kenneth Parrott. Mr. Dennis Parrott attended Southside High School in Knox County and then joined the Army and served during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He then graduated with honors from Ohio University in Cincinnati, OH. Dennis Loved his family and was an avid traveler. He also loved boating and fishing. He retired from Red River International in Athens, TN. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him.

    1286. Gib J. Parrott (William Otha8, James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Apr 1920 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 16 Feb 1998 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    Gib married Emma Helen Townsend. Emma was born on 5 Nov 1922 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 26 Apr 1990 in Tennesee, at age 67.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1456 M    i. William Lee Parrott was born on 26 Mar 1954 in Tennesee and died on 5 Nov 2018 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 64. Other names for William were Bill Parrott and Teet Parrott.

    Bill Parrott, known to his friends as "Teet", passed away on November 5, 2018, at the age of 64. Bill was retired from the Knox County Sheriff's Department after 36 years of service. Bill charmed all that knew him with his witty sense of humor. He was preceded in death by parents Gib and Helen Parrott. Bill was a devoted husband to Teresa Russell Parrott, who is a survivor. Other survivors are brother Wayne and wife Gaye; nieces Amanda May and Leigh Terry; nephew Joey Parrott; several great nieces and nephews; and special friends Matt Baird and Joe Preston. Pallbearers Knox County Sheriff's Department Honor Guard.

    Family will receive friends from 6:00pm until 8:00pm Saturday, November 10, 2018 at Mynatt Funeral Home Fountain City Chapel. Funeral Service will be held at 2:00pm Sunday, November 11, 2018 at Mynatt Funeral Home Fountain City Chapel with Rev. Toby Webber officiating. Family and friends will go in procession to Highland South Cemetery immediately following the funeral service. Please leave online condolences at

    Knoxville News Sentinel, Nov. 9, 2018

    1288. Kathleen Parrott (William Otha8, James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Feb 1924 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 1 May 2008 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 84.


    age 84, of Knoxville, passed away Thursday, May 01, 2008. She was of the Baptist faith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Albert King, son, Alvin King. Survivors: sons and daughters-in-law, Fred Parrott and wife Dianne, Bobby King and wife Jenny; daughters and sons-in-law, Kathy Fox and husband Harold, Amy Gross and husband Randy 9 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren; brother, Orville Parrott and wife Marilyn; several nieces and nephews. The family wishes to express their special thanks to the Hillcrest North Nursing Home staff. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Alzheimer's Association, P.O. Box 10088, Knoxville, TN 37939-9910 or to the charity of your choice. Funeral service 7 PM Saturday at Atchley Funeral Home, Seymour with Fred Braden officiating. Interment 2 PM Sunday in Woodlawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends 5-7 PM Saturday at Atchley Funeral Home, 122 Peacock Court, Seymour, TN. (

    Knoxville News Sentinel, May 3, 2008

    Kathleen married someone.

    Kathleen next married Fred Albert King. Fred was born on 17 Oct 1918 and died on 23 Jan 1981 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 62.

    1292. Orville Lee Parrott (William Otha8, James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Apr 1931 in Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Apr 2012 in Michigan, at age 80.

    Notes: Deceased Name: Orville L. Parrott WHITE CLOUD - Orville L. Parrott, 80, of White Cloud, passed away Tuesday, April 17, 2012, at his home.

    Orville was born on April 25, 1931, in Knoxville, Tenn., to Otha William and Anna Belle (Knight) Parrott. Orville married Marilyn (Knezek) on Oct. 16, 1971, in Taylor, Mich. Orville moved to the White Cloud area in 1981 from Inkster and had worked in the plant security at the General Motors Company, Plant 1 in Detroit and retired in 1983 from Plant 5 in Livonia after 30 years of service.

    Orville had served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and also served in the U.S. Army Reserves and the U.S. Marine Reserves. He was a member of the Big Rapids VFW and Stanwood Lions Club. Orville enjoyed history surrounding the Civil War, fishing, being outdoors and working in his yard.

    Survivors include his wife of 41 years, Marilyn of White Cloud; his children, Terri Wells of Maryville, Tenn., Melanie Parrott of Inkster, Keith Parrott of White Cloud, Stewart (Martha) Parrott of White Cloud, and Kelli Parrott of Miami, Fla.; eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren.

    He was preceded in death by his stepdaughter, Karen Sullivan; step granddaughter, Beth Ann Livingston; sisters and brother, Velma, Willie Mae, Fontella, Gib and Kathleen.

    Visitation is from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday, April 20, 2012, at Crandell Funeral Home White Cloud Chapel. The funeral service is at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 21, at the Crandell Funeral Home.

    Interment is at Goodwell Township Cemetery. Memorial contributions can be made to Stanwood Lions Club.

    The Pioneer (Big Rapids, MI), April 19, 2012

    Orville married Marilyn June Knezek. Marilyn was born on 14 Feb 1939 and died in White Cloud, Newaygo Co., Michigan.

    Notes: WHITE CLOUD -- Marilyn June Parrott (nee Knezek) passed away on Saturday, April 18, 2020. She was 81.

    Marilyn was born on February 14, 1939, to Rudolph and Willie Pearl (Kirby) Knezek, and graduated from Edsel Ford High School in 1957.

    She is survived by her step children, Terri Wells, of Maryville, TN, Melanie Parrott, of Inkster, Keith Parrott, of Maryville, TN, Stewart (Martha) Parrott, of White Cloud, and Kelli (Dennis) Allerding, of Newaygo; brother, Richard (Sandy) Knezek, of Farmington Hills; nine grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

    She is preceded in death by her husband, Orville; daughter, Karen Hupman-Sullivan; granddaughter, Bethany Sullivan-Livingston; and brother, David Knezek, of Plymouth.

    She was a long-time member of TOPS club #1527, White Cloud; 32 years with Girl Scouts USA; and 10 years with Boy Scouts USA.

    Her hobbies included sewing, reading and playing with her grandchildren.

    A celebration of life will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, August 1, at Big Prairie Community Church, 1988 S. Elm Ave., White Cloud, MI.

    Big Rapids Pioneer, Jul. 25, 2020

    1294. Leonard Calvin Parrott (Calvin Arlando8, James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Mar 1925 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 27 Apr 2005 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 80.

    Notes: L.C. was a native of Knoxville, Tenn., but lived in Haywood County for the past 50 years. He was a son of the late Arley and Mary Knight Parrott and was also preceded in death by a sister, Alma Parrott and a brother, George Parrott. He was employed by Champion International Papers as a machine operator for 30 years and retired in 1988. Mr. Parrott was a very active member of First Methodist Church of Canton and he enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. He was also an army Veteran of World War II and served in the Pacific Theatre. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Suzanne Cody Parrott; father, James T. Parrott Sr.; two sons, Michael Parrott and his wife, Dr. Margaret Corwin, of Timnath, Colo., and Jim Parrott and his wife, Peggy, of Greenville, S.C.; brother, James T. Parrott and his wife, Eleanor, of Knoxville, Tenn.; and three grandchildren, Lindsay Suzanne Parrott, Jason Corwin and Jessica Widener. He died at his residence at age 80.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave

    Leonard married Suzanne Cody. Suzanne was born on 29 Mar 1931 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 14 Feb 2021 in North Carolina, at age 89.

    Notes: Canton native Suzanne Cody Parrott, 89, peacefully passed away on Feb. 14, 2021, with immediate family by her side. She was the daughter of the late Fred L. Cody and Helen Clark Cody.

    She is preceded in death by her husband of 51 years, Leonard (LC) Parrott who passed in 2005, her eldest son, Army First Class Staff Sgt. Michael Calvin Parrott, who was killed in Iraq in 2005 and her three brothers, Joe Bob, Roy Lee and Bill Cody.

    Suzanne is survived by her son, Jim Parrott and wife Peggy of Concord, North Carolina; her sister Nancy Cody Young of Lady Lake, Florida and granddaughter Lindsay Suzanne Parrott of Asheville, North Carolina. She was deeply loved by her three great-grandchildren, Jackson Calvin, Carter and Raegan Barnes; sister-in-law, Dr. Coleen Cody and all of her beloved nieces and nephews.

    Suzanne graduated from Canton High School in 1950 and received her nursing degree from St. Mary's School of Nursing in Knoxville, Tennessee. Suzanne was selflessly devoted to her service at the American National Red Cross for over 50 years and a dedicated Hospice Nurse for over 30 years. Her time as a Health Occupation instructor at Pisgah High School brought her great joy for nearly 25 years.

    Suzanne's family would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the staff at Generations Senior Living Hospice House for the care given to Suzanne; and specifically Liz for her unique attention and kindness bestowed upon Suzanne in her time of need.

    No services are planned at this time. A life celebration will occur at a later date as determined by the family. Memorials in Suzanne's honor may be given to First United Methodist Church of Canton, where Suzanne was a life-long member or Hospice of Haywood County.

    The Mountaineer, February 17, 2021

    The child from this marriage was:

       1457 M    i. Michael Calvin Parrott was born on 13 Dec 1955 in North Carolina and died on 10 Nov 2005 in Balad, Iraq, at age 49.



    Finishing well
    Canton native dies in a war he didn't support for the country he did

    By Michael Beadle
    Michael Parrott wanted to be in Iraq.

    He told his wife Meg about it every Sunday morning while he was over there. "Greetings from Mesopotamia," he would write in letters. He savored his time in the cradle of civilization, marveling at the trees along the Euphrates River, soaking up the ancient history of the region, eager to talk about the high-tech gadgetry inside an M1A1 Abrams tank.

    A world away from his childhood home of Canton, far from the mill town streets where he and his younger brother Jim would cruise around on Friday nights, Parrott was five months into his second tour of duty. A 49-year-old former Army reservist who signed up with a Pennsylvania Army National Guard unit, he served alongside soldiers who were young enough to be his children. As family and fellow soldiers would attest, he was something of a father figure to them.

    Parrott was more than a soldier. His zest for adventure led him to take up trail running and ultra-marathons. An avid hiker, biker and cross-country skier, Parrott thrived in the great outdoors and biked every day to Colorado State University, where he and his wife worked. Married for 19 years to his best friend, he had a life many would envy.

    Then came the news no one expected, the day when family and friends would have to speak of Parrott in the past tense.

    On Nov. 10, the day before Veterans Day, when Americans honor U.S. military, Staff Sgt. Michael Calvin Parrott and 27-year-old Sgt. Joshua A. Terando were killed by small enemy fire while patrolling in a tank in Al Khalidiyah about 60 miles west of Baghdad. Parrott became the first Haywood County native killed in active duty since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom began in 2003.

    Finishing Well

    On an icy cold Saturday afternoon, Nov. 19, the same day President Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address speech after one of the bloodiest battles in Civil War history, about 200 people gathered at Wells Funeral Home in Canton to honor their native son. Parrott received a full military funeral that included a posthumous awarding of the prestigious Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals, a 21-gun salute, the playing of "Taps," and the formal flag folding ceremony dedicated to soldiers killed in action. It was the first such military funeral Wells Funeral Home had done in 30 years \emdash not since the Vietnam era.

    Among those sharing remarks at the funeral were military chaplains from Parrott's Wyoming and Pennsylvania National Guard units; the Parrott family's pastor, Rev. Alice Day; and family friend David Burrell. Parrott's commanding officer from the Wyoming National Guard read a letter from Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal offering condolences to the Parrott family.

    "Freedom comes at a great price," said Chaplain David Hall of the Wyoming Army National Guard. Then, facing the Parrott family, Hall added, "He died loving you and loving his country."

    Burrell, a close family friend, remembered Parrott as a passionate man who inspired those around him to "finish well" in the long distance race of life, alluding to Parrott's longtime love of running.

    The ceremony was also a personal reflection of Parrott's endearing, free-spirited personality. Teary-eyed friends and family found themselves grinning as the guitar riffs of Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky" played during the indoor funeral ceremony. Other music selections included Ralph Stanley's "O Death" from the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" soundtrack and old-time favorites "I'll Fly Away" and "Amazing Grace."

    Best Friends

    Parrott graduated from Pisgah High School in Canton in 1974. A member of the Jr. R.O.T.C program at Pisgah, he later joined the military after struggling as a sociology major at Western Carolina University. While in the U.S. Army, he was stationed in California and Panama. He came back to Western North Carolina and finished up his bachelor's degree at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. That's where he met his wife, Meg Corwin, in the mid-1980s.

    Corwin, a Franklin native and the daughter of Leo and Betty McIntyre, was working on her bachelor's degree in political science while Parrott worked for the university's maintenance department. They got married in 1986, and when Corwin got a graduate teaching assistantship at Colorado State University, the couple moved out to northern Colorado. Mike went to work for the facilities department at Colorado State, and Meg would eventually earn her doctorate and become an adjunct political science professor there.

    They fell in love with the Rocky Mountains and the great outdoors. They'd go cross-country skiing, hiking, biking, trail running. They'd run up Bighorn Mountain, race in ultra-marathons, bike across Wyoming.

    "Mike and I loved the mountains out there," she said. "We did it all together \emdash best friends for 20 years. We were each other's best friends."

    A life that never

    stopped moving

    After 15 years in the U.S. Army and Army Reserve, Parrott wanted to pick up five more years of service in order to earn retirement benefits. His Colorado unit, however, disbanded during the military cutbacks of the George H.W. Bush administration, a period of post-Cold War downsizing nationwide. Parrott was left without a local Army Reserve unit, so he crossed the state line and joined up with the Wyoming National Guard in Cheyenne.

    After the war in Iraq began in 2003, Parrott shipped out on a tour of duty to Kuwait with the 115th Forward Artillary Brigade. In his late-40s, Parrott was twice the age of many soldiers stationed overseas, but friends and family say he was eager to serve and helped mentor younger soldiers.

    "He was just like that \emdash a very sweet fellow," Corwin said.

    And while he didn't believe in the Iraqi war and opposed Bush politically, he was willing to serve his country, she added. The two loved to talk politics, but his willingness to serve outweighed any political ideals.

    "He still loved the things his country stood for," she said. "He lived to point out the ironies of life."

    After finishing his first tour, he looked for a way to go back to the Middle East, and this time to Iraq. He came home to Canton for three weeks at Christmas and then returned again in April to be with his family just weeks before his father, L.C. Parrott, died. Mike stayed in town a few weeks after his father's death and met with the family's pastor, Rev. Alice Day, to make his own funeral arrangements, should he need them.

    Robin Corn, a family friend who grew up with Parrott and went to school with him at Pisgah, remembers talking in April when the soldier came home to be with his father. Parrott came by Lonestar Motors in Canton where Corn worked and the two chatted.

    "It just never entered my mind that anything would happen," Corn said.

    Determined once again to support his fellow troops in Iraq, Parrott signed up with the 28th Infantry Unit from Pennsylvania. He shipped out from Mississippi in June for a 12-month tour. This time, he'd be going into Iraq. Pennsylvania units had suffered some of the highest casualty rates among U.S. military troops during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Parrott was replacing a soldier who had been killed in the war.

    This time over, things had changed.

    "He began to realize it really was dangerous," said Mike's mother, Suzanne Parrott, a retired Pisgah High School health occupations teacher and award-winning Hospice volunteer. "I still don't believe we should be there."

    According to Parrott's wife, Mike was stationed at a base about 60 miles west of Baghdad. He patrolled in a tank division along the Euphrates River in the infamous Sunni Triangle, an area of west-central Iraq notorious for hostile attacks against U.S. troops.

    But Parrott was thrilled to be there. He sent off emails, letters, and packages to his family. Just last month, he sent his niece, Lindsay, a collection of four hand-carved elephants. Mike's brother, Jim, of Greenville, S.C., got a letter gushing about the high-tech capabilities of the Abrams tank.

    "I could smell the testosterone through the ink," Jim said.

    There were still so many questions Jim wanted to know about Iraq, questions he will never know the answers to, having lost his only brother, his older brother, the brother he'd wrestle with in the yard and compete against and tease. Only a year-and-a-half apart in age, they grew to respect each other though separated by miles and time zones.

    "It was all good love here," Jim said.

    Iraq seemed so far away it didn't really register in Jim's daily life, but now he thinks about it a lot more \emdash and especially of the U.S. soldiers still stationed there.

    "We really need to keep them in our thoughts," Jim said.

    Michael Parrott will be honored in three different states. In addition to the funeral in Canton and recognition from Wyoming's National Guard and governor, Colorado State University has scheduled an afternoon memorial service Dec. 2 in its university student center.

    Michael Calvin Parrott, husband, father, brother, son, soldier and seeker of adventure, will find his way back to the Rocky Mountains this fall. Meg Corwin is taking her husband's ashes to Colorado and plans to scatter them in the high country he loved so much \emdash a fitting tribute for a man who never stopped looking for new places to discover.

    1295. George Mitchel Parrott Sr. (James Trowly Sr.8, James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Feb 1931 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 27 Sep 1993, at age 62.

    George married Nancy Lucinda Clark. Nancy was born in 1931 and died in 1952, at age 21.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1458 M    i. George Mitchell Parrott Jr. was born on 18 Sep 1952 and died on 29 Sep 1998, at age 46.

    1296. James Trowley Parrott Jr. (James Trowly Sr.8, James S.7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 31 Dec 1934 in Sevier Co., Tennessee and died on 9 Jul 2016 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 81.

    Notes: ames T. Parrott, Jr., age 81, of Knoxville, passed away Saturday, July 9, 2016. A longtime resident of Knoxville. James was of the Baptist faith and attended Bethel Baptist Church. He retired from Baptist Hospital. He was a proud veteran of the United States Army and served during the Korean War.

    Preceded in death by parents, James and Mary (Knight) Parrott; wife, Eleanor; and siblings, L.C., George, and Alma Parrott. Survived by sons, Jerry J. Parrott (Tracy), Terry L. Parrott, David L. Parrott (Barbara), Kenneth J. Parrott (Terrie), and W. Dewayne Parrott (Jonah); daughter, Kathy L. Oaks (Fred); several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.

    The family would also like to acknowledge special friends, Scott and Kristi McCloud, and thank the staff from Westmoreland Care and Rehabilitation and Caris Hospice for their wonderful service. Family and friends will meet at East Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery, 5901 Lyons View Pike in Knoxville at 11:15 AM on Wednesday, July 13, 206, for an 11:30 AM interment with Rev. Teddy McCloud officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a memorial fund in the care of Kristi McCloud, 1205 Quiet Brook Lane, Knoxville, TN 37914. The family will receive friends from 6:00-8:00 PM on Tuesday at Bridges Funeral Home, 5430 Rutledge Pike, 865-523-4999. -

    Knoxville News Sentinel, July 12, 2016

    James married Eleanor Almeda Russell. Eleanor was born on 1 Oct 1937 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 29 Aug 2005 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 67.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1459 M    i. Terry Lee Parrott was born on 15 May 1957 in Tennesee and died on 14 May 2021 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 63.

    1306. Rex Warren Parrott (Michael8, Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Apr 1908 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 1 Dec 1975 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 67.

    Rex married Blanche Rebecca Myers. Blanche was born on 3 Aug 1915 and died on 25 Oct 2008 in Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, at age 93.

    Notes: Blanche Rebecca Myers Parrott, 93, of Maryville passed away Oct. 25, 2008 at Asbury Place. She was a member of Piney Level Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her Husband: Rex Parrott, Grandson: Blaine Parrott. She is survived by her Children: Arthur (Barbara) Parrott, Mary Ruth (Dan) Matlock, Frances (JR) Holder all of Maryville, Eight Grandchildren, Nine Great Grandchildren, Two Great-Great Grandchildren, Brothers: Frank (Ruth) Myers, J.P. (Eva) Myers all of Sevierville, Harold (Joyce) Myers of Walland, she also has many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 8 p.m. Monday Oct. 27, 2008 at Memorial Funeral Home in Maryville with Rev. Mike Boring officiating. The family and friends will meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008 at Piney Level Cemetery for a grave side service. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Condolences may be sent at website

    The Daily Times, October 27, 2008

    1313. Rev. James Ralph Parrott (Luther8, Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Feb 1920 in Jefferson Co., Tennessee and died on 18 May 1974 in Oteen, Buncombe Co., North Carolina, at age 54.

    Notes: GASTONIA, April 26. - Ralph Parrott, 20, employee of the city light department contacted a high tension wire today and was electrocuted. He was assisting in installation of new equipment in the city power house.

    Asheville Citizen-Times, 27 Apr 1937, p 2

    James married Essie E. Clontz. Essie was born on 12 May 1920 in South Carolina and died on 10 Mar 1996 in Rock Hill, York Co., South Carolilna, at age 75.

    Notes: ROCK HILL - Mrs. Essie Clontz Parrott
    75, of 1086 Hearn St. died March 10, 1996, at Piedmont Medical Center.

    Funeral is 1 p.m. Wednesday at First Foursquare Gospel Church with Rev. Jon Jenkins, Rev. Glenn Burris Jr. and Rev. Doyle Smith officiating. Interment will be 3:30 p.m. in Goshen Cemetery, Belmont, NC. Visitation is 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Greene Funeral Home.

    Mrs. Parrott was a member of First Foursquare Gospel Church and was a retired minister of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.

    Mrs. Parrott was the widow of Rev. James Ralph Parrott.

    Survivors include her two daughters, Nancy Kopp and Jan Dernier, both of Rock Hill; her sister, Janet Hill of Mt. Holly, NC; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

    Memorials may be made to First Foursquare Gospel Mission Fund, 2216 Myers Street, Rock Hill, SC 29732.

    Greene Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

    The Charlotte Observer
    , March 12, 1996

    The child from this marriage was:

       1460 M    i. Luther H. Parrott was born on 4 Jan 1938 in Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 24 Jun 1938 in Gaston Co., North Carolina.

    1314. Clarence Quincy Parrott (Luther8, Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Jul 1927 in Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 24 Jul 1983 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 55. {Find A Grave ID: 177203747}

    Notes: CRAMERTON - Mr. Clarence Quincy Parrott, 55, Ithaca Mills knitting supervisor, died Sunday. Funeral is at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Bumbardner Funeral Home, Belmont.

    Survivors are son, Kenneth Parrott; brothers, Alvin Parrott of Fayetteville, Jack Parrott of Mount Holly; sisters, Mrs. Viola Maltba of North Belmont, Mrs. Geraldine Deal of Gastonia.

    The Charlotte Observer, 25 Jul 1983, p 5 B

    Clarence married Rilda Juanita Ensley. Rilda was born on 2 Apr 1929 in Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 12 Oct 1994 in Hardin Co., Kentucky, at age 65.

    1315. Alvin Luther Parrott (Luther8, Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 5 Jan 1931 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois and died on 17 Feb 1985 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., North Carolina, at age 54. {Find A Grave ID: 140087679}

    Children from this marriage were:

       1461 F    i. Cynthia Rachel Parrott was born on 8 Jul 1953 in Ashiya, Japan and died on 13 Jun 2022 in Greensboro, Caroline Co., Maryland, at age 68. Another name for Cynthia was Sindi.

    Notes: Cynthia Rachel Parrott Sikorski of Greensboro, MD passed away on June 13, 2022, at the University of Maryland Shore Medical Center in Easton, MD. She was 65.

    Born on July 8, 1956, in Ashiya, Japan, she was the daughter of Elsie Rae Loggins Parrott of Fayetteville, NC, and the late Alvin Luther Parrott also of Fayetteville, NC Sindi served in the US Air Force from 1979 \endash 1983 and was honorably discharged as a Staff Sergeant. She was one of the first women jet engine mechanics for the Air Force. Later in life, she was an administrative assistant for the Ft. Meade Fire Department. Sindi was an avid gardener and craftswoman and loved to collect dragons.
    In addition to her mother, Sindi is survived by her husband James Sikorski of Greensboro, MD; two daughters Rachel Smith (Jack) of Greensboro, MD; and Alyssa Sophie Draculesti (Tawnya) and two granddaughters of Jacksonville, FL; one sister Beverly Parrott of NC; three brothers Jeffrey Parrott of NC; Terrance Parrott (Sue) of NC; and Keith (Anna)Parrott of NC.!/Obituary

    Cynthia married Robert Lesle McGuire. Robert was born on 2 Aug 1951 in Ohio and died on 29 Jul 1978 in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, at age 26. {Find A Grave ID: 102789300} {Find A Grave ID: 102789300}

    + 1462 M    ii. Jeffrey David Parrott was born on 26 Jan 1961 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina and died on 8 May 2023 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., North Carolina, at age 62.

    1317. Jack Alphus Parrott (Luther8, Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Oct 1935 in Belmont, Gaston Co., North Carolina and died on 13 Sep 1995 in Gastonia, Gaston Co., North Carolina, at age 59.

    Jack married Betty Ann Morris. Betty was born on 15 May 1937 and died on 2 Apr 2018 in North Carolina, at age 80.

    Notes: Betty Ann Parrott, 80, went to her Heavenly home Monday, April 2, 2018. She was the daughter of Earl James and Bessie Inez Huffstetler Morris. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Jack Alpus Parrott and grandson, Russell O'Neal.

    Betty was a member of Goshen Free Will Baptist Church. Betty was the church pianist for over 50 years and taught the ladies Sunday School Class. She also enjoyed being a part of the Merry Hearts and traveling with them on many church outings. Betty loved her church family and her Sunday lunch group. Betty was a loving mother and grandmother whose life revolved around her family, friends and a church.

    She is survived by her loving daughter, Debbie O'Neal and husband, Jeff; son, Jack Parrott and wife, Millie; grandchildren, Wesley O'Neal, Devin O'Neal, Chad Parrott and wife, Katie, Josh Parrott and wife, Mary Beth, Taylor Parrott and wife, Heather; three great-grandchildren and her dear friend, Anita Pilo.

    The family will receive friends 6-8:00pm,Wednesday, April 4, 2018 McLean Funeral Director of Belmont.

    A celebration of life service will be held at 2:00pm, Thursday, April 5, 2018 at Goshen Free Will Baptist Church, Mt. Holly with Dr. Clayton Burch officiating.

    Interment will follow at Hillcrest Gardens.

    Memorials may be sent to the Russell O'Neal Impact Foundation, 203 Hickory Lane Dr., Mt. Holly, NC 28120.

    Condolence messages may be sent online at McLean Funeral Directors of Belmont is serving the Parrott family.

    1319. William Elisha Parrott (Carl Harvel8, William Newton7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Jan 1929 in Tennesee and died on 9 Mar 2018 in Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 89.

    1323. Willie Almeda Parrott (Emmons Glenn8, William Newton7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Nov 1935 in Tennesee and died on 31 Aug 2013 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 77.

    Notes: Almeda Bohanan, age 77 of Sevierville, passed away Thursday, August 29, 2013. She was a member of Sims Chapel Baptist Church.

    She was preceded in death by her parents: Emmons and Ruth Parrott; three brothers and four sisters.

    Survivors include her husband of 57 years: Edward Bohanan
    Children: Jeff Bohanan and wife Summer, Joann Carr and husband Dale
    Grandchildren: Jessica Elwell and husband Aaron, Bailey Bohanan, Brandon Carr and wife Jamie
    Great grandchildren: Abby and Maddy Elwell, baby Lincoln (due in October) and Finley Grace Carr
    Brothers: Richard Parrott and wife Geraldine, James Price and wife Doris
    Sister: Nadine Parton
    Brother-in-law: Richard Allen

    Thank you to all of our many family, relatives, friends and neighbors.

    In lieu of flowers, please send contributions to: Sevier County Animal Shelter, 959 Gnatty Branch Rd. Sevierville, TN 37876.

    Family and friends will meet 1 PM Saturday in Sims Chapel Cemetery for graveside service and interment. Rev. Dewayne White will officiate. Arrangements by Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. (

    Obituary posted on FAG 116487314

    1325. Richard E. Parrott (Emmons Glenn8, William Newton7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Dec 1939 in Tennesee and died on 7 Dec 2015 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 75.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1463 F    i. Sonya Dennee Parrott was born on 12 Jan 1964 in Tennesee and died on 20 Jun 1980 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 16.

    1328. Gary LeMoore Parrott (Emmons Glenn8, William Newton7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Jul 1948 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 18 Dec 2003 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 55.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1464 M    i. Frankie Lynn Parrott was born on 15 Apr 1974 in Tennesee and died on 9 Mar 2024 in Tennesee, at age 49.

    Notes: Frankie Lynn Parrott born April 15, 1974 died March 09, 2024 at the age of 49. He was preceded in death by his father Gary Parrott and Beloved little sister Christina Ruth Ann Parrott, Grand-parents Emmons & Ina Ruth Manning Parrott. Frank & Ina Ruth Boling Bohanan.

    He leaves behind his wife Rachel Brady Parrott, son & daughter-n-law Michael & Kat Brady. Mother & step-father Linda & Richard Tipton, sister & husband Lisa & Kenny Sutton, step brothers Rickie & Shelly Tipton, Robbie & Rhoda Tipton & David Tipton, Nephew Chance Sutton (Nikki), Nieces Victoria Sutton & Christina Brown, Great-Nephew's Johnny & Vincent Loose, Great-nieces Isis & Josephine Taylor, Father-n-law Ronald Brady, brothers in law David Brown & Ronnie Brady, Aunts Sandra Campbell, JoAnn & Dale Carr, Uncle James & Doris Price.

    There will be a Celebration of life on Monday, April 15, 2024 at Dandridge Full Gospel Ministries from 5pm to 7pm. Arrangements entrusted to Rawlings Funeral Home.!/Obituary

       1465 F    ii. Christina Ruth Ann Parrott was born on 10 Nov 1982 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 5 Jul 1995 in Sevier Co., Tennesee, at age 12.

    Gary next married Darlene Sims. Darlene was born on 9 Feb 1957 in Sevier Co., Tennesee and died on 22 Jun 2011 in Tennesee, at age 54.

    1331. Richard Edmond Parrott (Deverce Quinton8, Earl Cecil7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Apr 1952 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 17 Sep 2016 in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio, at age 64.


    Mr. Richard E. Parrott, age 64, of Wauseon, Ohio died early Saturday morning, September 17, 2016 in his home in Wauseon, Ohio. He was born April 15, 1952 in Knoxville, Tennessee to Deverce Quinton and Wilda (Tarwater) Parrott and they survive. He married Patricia Ann Bates on May 13, 2000 in Newport, Tennessee and she survives .Mr. Parrott was a graduate of the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. He was employed for many years as a Regional Manager of tool cribs with the Meritor Corporation. He was a Air Force veteran and enjoyed cooking and NASCAR.

    Survivors include his wife, parents, Son, Steven Michael Hoeft, San Mateo, CA. Daughters, Jennifer Amy (Michael) Mills, Newport, TN. Ashley Morgan Parrott, of Oklahoma. Casey Lynn (Derek) Schmidt, Morristown, TN. Brother, Earl (Celia) Parrott, Columbia, TN. Three grandchildren, Lolah Annette Perry, Johnathan Shane Mills, Allison Schmidt.

    Celebration of Richard's life will be announced later.

    Arrangements entrusted to Edgar-Grisier Funeral Home, Wauseon, Ohio.

    Richard next married Lucretia Hilton Shadrick. Lucretia was born on 16 Jul 1956 and died on 29 Dec 2005, at age 49.

    Richard next married Patricia Ann Bates. Patricia was born on 20 Nov 1961 in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio and died on 15 May 2018 in Wauseon, Fulton Co., Ohio, at age 56.

    Notes: Patricia Ann Parrott, age 56, of Wauseon, passed away unexpectedly in her home on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Patricia had worked at Heartland of Wauseon.

    Patricia was born in Wauseon on November 20, 1961, the daughter of Robert and Sharon (Palmer) Bates. On May 13, 2000, she married Richard E. Parrott, and he preceded her in death in 2016.

    Surviving is her son, Steven Hoeft of San Francisco, CA; daughter, Casey Schmidt of Morristown, TN; grandchildren, Allison Rose and Taylor; and Father and Step-Mother, Robert (Margaret Helen) Bates of Wauseon. She was preceded in death by her husband, and mother, Sharon Drewyore.

    A Celebration of Patricia's Life will be announced at a later time. Edgar-Grisier Funeral Home in Wauseon has been entrusted with arrangements.

    1333. Richard F. Parrott (Albert Floyd8, Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Jul 1918 in Iowa and died on 30 Jun 2007 in Washington, at age 88.

    Notes: Richard F. Parrott Born July 30th, 1918, passed away June 30th, one month shy of his 89th birthday. Born in Iowa but residing in Tacoma since the age of five, Dick was a graduate of Stadium High School, a WWII veteran and retired from Sears and Roebuck. He was presented with the Volunteer of the Century Award by the Tacoma Lutheran Home in 2003 for having the most volunteer hours of anyone in their history, married to his wife of 50 years, Janette, who preceded him in death in 1998. Survived by son Scott (Janet) Parrott, Seattle, daughter Julie Parrott, Kent, grandson Scott Nafziger, Seattle, and grandson Brian Nafziger, stationed in Iraq. Memorial service July 21st, 1:00 PM at the Tacoma Lutheran Home chapel, 1301 N Highlands Parkway, Tacoma 253-752-7112. The family would like to express their appreciateion to the staff of the Tacoma Lutheran home for their care of Dick the past few years. Remembrances to Tacoma Lutheran Home or Please sign the online guestbook at

    The News Tribune, Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    Richard married Janette Ruth Johnson. Janette was born on 2 Sep 1926 and died on 26 May 1998 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 71.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1466 M    i. Scott Richard Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1956 in Washington and died on 11 Oct 2022 in Leavenworth, Chelan Co., Washington, at age 66.

    Notes: Passed away October 11th at his home in Leavenworth. He grew up on Lake Steilacoom and graduated from Clover Park High School class of '74. He worked in the sign industry for 45 years at companies such as National Sign, TubeArt and Heath Northwest. He loved the UW Huskies, driving fast and anything on or in the water. He is a past president of the NW Sign Council and past member of Inglewood Golf Club. Survived by his wife of 28 years, Janet, nephews Scott, Brian (Erika) and Jacob, niece Nicole, sister Julie, in-laws Curt & Heather, mother-in-law Gail and lots of loving cousins and friends. Celebration of Life will be held November 12th from 1:00-4:00pm at the Inglewood Golf Club, 6505 Inglewood Rd NE, Kenmore, WA

    The Seattle Times, October 30, 2022

    1334. Orval Otis Parrott (Orval8, Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Jun 1907 in Unionville, Putnam Co., Missouri and died on 15 Dec 1979 in San Diego Co., California, at age 72.

    Orval married Margaret Ann LaVelle. Margaret was born in 1910 in Billings, Yellowstone, Montana and died on 19 Mar 2002 in San Diego Co., California, at age 92.

    Notes: Margaret Ann LaVelle Preston
    Margaret, 91, passed away peacefully March 19, 2002, in San Diego, where she had moved to be with her family. Margaret was born in Billings, Montana. Her family moved to Tacoma when she was a small girl.

    She was preceded in death by her son Robert Parrott and her husband of 43 years, Harold. She belonged to St. Ann's Catholic Church. She also belonged to the Daisy Belles Garden Club, St. Ann's Guild and St. Ann's Seniors. She loved her volunteer job at St. Joseph's Hospital where she received a Volunteer of the Year award. Margaret is suvived by her daughter Marilyn Parrott-Jarman and husband Bob. She had 7 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-granddaughter. Also survived by a niece and a nephew.

    Rosary will be said Friday night at 7:00 PM at Piper-Morley Funeral Home. Her ashes will be placed with her mother, Margaret LaVelle at Calvary Cemetery at 10:00 AM, Saturday.

    The News Tribune, 24 Apr 2002, p B5

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1467 M    i. Robert Sherman Parrott was born on 28 Jul 1931 in Washington and died on 3 Feb 1989 in San Diego Co., California, at age 57.

    Orval next married Dorothy Louise Ballard Lane. Dorothy was born on 25 Dec 1915 in Stewartville, Olmsted Co., Minnesota and died on 13 Apr 2004, at age 88.

    1335. Richard Elmer Parrott (Orval8, Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 May 1921 in Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa and died on 23 Feb 2012 in Bradley, Kankakee Co., Illinois, at age 90.

    Notes: Richard E. Parrott Sr., 92, formerly of Burlington died Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012, in Bradley, Ill. Born May 18, 1921, in Red Oak, he was the son of Orval and Anna Mae Mick Parrott. On Oct. 11, 1946, he married Mary Lou Ertz. Mr. Parrott retired from the ammunition plant as a heavy equipment operator. Survivors include his wife; and one daughter, Pamela Harris of St. Anne, Ill. No services are planned.
    Kankakee County Cremation Society was in charge of arrangements.

    The Hawk Eye, March 13, 2012

    Richard married Jane Victoria Tornholm. Jane was born on 28 Nov 1922 in Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa.

    Richard next married Mary Lou Ertz. Mary was born on 2 Oct 1927 in Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa and died on 23 Jan 2013, at age 85.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1468 M    i. Richard Elmer Parrott Jr. was born on 2 Nov 1949 in Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa and died on 9 Nov 2023 in Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    1336. James Gordon Parrott (J. C.8, Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 May 1930 in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa and died on 6 Jul 2017 in Ankeny, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 87.

    Notes: James Parrott, 87, passed away Thursday, July 6, 2017, at Sunny View Care Center in Ankeny.

    A celebration of Jim's life will be held at 10 a.m., Thursday, July 13, 2017, at Cornerstone Pentecostal Church of God, 4148 E. 29th Street in Des Moines, Iowa.
    James Gordon Parrott was born May 30, 1930, in Iowa City, Iowa. He was raised by J.C. and Blanch Parrott in Grinnell, Iowa where he received his education.
    Following graduation, Jim enlisted in the United States Air Force and proudly served until he was honorably discharged.

    Jim started his career as a barber in Grinnell working with his dad. He later went on to become a Master Electrician and worked in Iowa, California, and Colorado until his retirement. In November of 1997, Jim was united in marriage to Ruth French Parrott. The couple lived in Colorado until moving back to Ankeny.

    Jim stayed very active throughout his life working on HO trains and boxcars. He was also extremely handy and was able to fix broken items. Jim will be missed by his wife of 20 years, Ruth.

    James married Mary Ann Meyer Parrott. Mary was born on 2 Apr 1937 in Hampton, Franklin Co., Iowa and died on 7 Nov 2022 in Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    Marriage Notes: Bridal Couple Home After S.D. Wedding
    Miss Mary Ann Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Meyer of Hampton, and James G. Parrott, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Parrott of Grinnell, who were married in Sioux Falls, S.D., have returned from a wedding trip through South Dakota and Minnesota and are making their home in Iowa Falls. The Rev. W. Leslie Pugh performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schafer of Dougherty attended the couple.

    The bride is a graduate of Hampton High School and attended Ellsworth Junior College for two years. She has been working in Mason City for the last year.

    The bridegroom is a graduate of the Iowa Barber College in Des Moines and is employed at E.W. Kessels Barber Shop at Iowa Falls.

    Globe-Gazette (Mason City IA), 20 Jun 1959, p 11

    Notes: Mary Ann Parrott, 85, of Hampton, Iowa, passed away Monday, November 7, 2022, at IOOF Home in Mason City.

    Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., Friday, November 11, 2022, at Counsell Woodley Funeral Home in Hampton. Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 10, 2022, at Counsell Woodley Funeral Home in Hampton. Burial will take place in the Hampton Cemetery at a later date.

    Mary was born on April 2, 1937, in Hampton, to William Henry and Genevieve Leon (Bayless) Meyer. She graduated from Hampton High School and attended Ellsworth Community College.

    Throughout her life, Mary worked at United Hydraulics in Hampton, Eaton Corporation in Belmond, the Rehabilitation Center of Hampton and at the Hampton Hardware Store. She also owned two bars: The Tap and Mary's Place.

    Mary enjoyed bowling, traveling, helping others, and being with family and friends. She was able to go on a cruise, visit Europe, and take numerous trips to Branson taking family and friends along. Family was important to Mary and she especially enjoyed time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    Mary is survived by her daughter, Ann (Bill) Nalan of Hampton; granddaughter, Sigourney (Jacob) Gosen of Stacyville; granddaughter, Sapphire Bird (Carl Zuehl) of Osage; granddaughter, Amy (Rob) Dosh of Glenrock, Wyoming; grandson, Adam (Brooke) Nalan of Mason City; great-grandchildren, Zander, Logan, Destiny, Odin, Charlotte, Axel, Penelope, Amaya, Amara, and Colt.

    She was preceded in death by her parents.

    Counsell Woodley Funeral Home of Hampton is caring for Mary and her family.!/Obituary

    1337. Wilbert D. Parrott (George William8, George F.7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Mar 1913 in Seattle, King Co., Washington and died on 1 Mar 1994 in Washington, at age 80.

    Notes: Living with his grandparents by 1920 census, so at least 1 parent died before then.

    Wilbert married Gertrude Wolf. Gertrude was born in 1914 in Washington.

    1339. Orvin David Parrott Jr. (Orvin David8, David Garfield7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in Jul 1944 in Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington and died on 23 Dec 2013 in Spokane Co., Washington, at age 69.

    Notes: On Dec. 23, 2013 Orvin D. (Dave) Parrott, Jr. departed the land of the living after having spent the past few years battling chronic leukemia. Dave was born the second of four children on July 27, 1944 in Olympia, Wash., to Virginia (Tanner) Parrott and Orvin D. Parrott Sr.

    Dave believed that life was a battle and, for him, most of it was. He started working in the family machine shop at the age of six. At the same time, he started fighting his way through a school system that recognized neither his abundant talents nor the mental health issues that plagued him all his life, instead choosing to label him "misfit."

    Never being one to pass up a chance to challenge established authority, in high school he joined with other so-called misfits who collectively became "The Magnificent Seven" of Olympia High (you know who you are!).

    After he left high school he joined the U.S. Navy serving on the USS Isle Royal as a Machinist's Mate. Upon his discharge, and a brief sojourn at Olympic College in Bremerton, Wash., where he became active in the anti-war movement, he worked at a wide variety of skilled jobs.

    He became proficient at everything he attempted and eventually worked as a commercial painter, carpenter, machinist, millwright, welder, concrete contractor, song writer, book seller, and all around political philosopher. He read voraciously and loved a lively debate.

    In 1969 he married Christy Blessing with whom he had one son, Hollin David Parrott. After their divorce, he met and married Sheila Gormley with whom he had two more sons, Jacob Stephen Gormley and Sean Jesse Parrott.

    He and his small family spent the years following work through Juneau, Alaska, Colville, Wash., and Bremerton.
    He ultimately settled in Priest River, Idaho where he could retire in relative peace to watch and feed his beloved wildlife.

    Being of a spiritual and curious nature, Dave studied various religions and took part in some, but could never bring himself to believe that a loving God would allow the kind of pain that so permeated his life and the lives of others and he particularly detested hypocrisy, which he found rampant in established religion.

    He specifically requested that no public service be held for him.

    Dave was preceded in death by his parents and grandparents, his sister, Ellen Rodrigues, and his first ex-wife, Christy Blessing Parrott. He is survived by his brother, Stephen Parrott, sister Joan (Parrott) Browning, step-father, Dean Shacklett, half-sister Laura Shacklett, half-brothers Doug and Chris Shacklett, sons Hollin (& Jackie) Parrott, Jake Gormley, and Sean Parrott, and second ex-wife Sheila Gormley, four grandsons and numerous nieces and nephews.

    Some will remember Dave fondly, some not so fondly, but all will admit it was a helluva ride. Bon voyage, mon ami - bon voyage.

    Priest River Times
    , 15 January 2014

    Orvin married Christy Robbins Blessing. Christy was born on 2 Jul 1950 in Bremerton, Kitsap Co., Washington and died on 20 Feb 2001 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., Washington, at age 50.

    Notes: Christy Parrott, 50, of Tacoma died Feb. 20, 2001, at home. She was born July 2, 1950, in Bremerton to George and Shyla Blessing. She graduated in 1968 from East Bremerton High School. She enjoyed music, gardening and was involved in various support groups.

    Survivors include her mother and stepfather, Shyla and Don Manning of Bremerton; a son, Hollin of Taylorsville, Utah; three sisters, Cozette Billings and Cheri Bergquist, both of Poulsbo, and Cindy Flanagan of Bremerton; a brother, George Blessing of Bremerton; and one grandchild. At her request, no service will be held.

    Kitsap Sun, 23 February 2001, p A09

    1341. Dennis Ward Parrott (Thomas Ward8, Joseph Clarence7, Andrew C.6, Thomas5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Jul 1943 in Decatur Co., Indiana and died on 14 Oct 2013 in Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio, at age 70.

    Notes: Dennis W. Parrott, 70, of Circleville, passed away Monday, October 14, 2013 at Pickaway Manor, Circleville, after a hard-fought battle with lung cancer. Born July 8, 1943 in Decatur, Indiana, Dennis graduated from high school in Van Wert County, completed his undergraduate degree at Indiana Tech where he was a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity and received his PhD in chemistry from Ohio University. It was there on the evening of the first moon landing, July 20, 1969 that he met the love of his life, his wife of 42 years, Ellisa Anne (Evans) Parrott. He was employed as the state-wide Head of the Chemical Section for the Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Materials Management, and was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Circleville. An avid reader and lifelong learner, he enjoyed all aspects of nature and loved being home watching the seasons change. Witty and intelligent, yet humble and grounded, he was devoted to his family, had a dry, clever sense of humor, was a wonderful friend and neighbor, and was known to be somewhat of a "tinkerer." He was the son of Alice Elizabeth (Snyder) Parrott and Thomas Ward Parrott, who preceded him in death along with his sister, Carol Elizabeth, who died at age three, and mother-in-law Margaret Fischer Evans. He is survived by his loving wife; his sons, Robert Ellis Frederick (Elisabeth) Parrott of Mont Vernon, NH and David Dennis (Diane) Parrott of Cary, NC; granddaughters, Hannah Margaret Hedwig Parrott and Emma Elisabeth Anne Parrott; and a half-sister, Beth. Funeral service will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, October 20, 2013 at DEFENBAUGH-WISE-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, Circleville with Rev. E. Dean Queen officiating. Friends may call from 1 p.m. until the time of service at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. A private graveside service will take place at Forest Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Touching Lives for Christ, 459 E. Ohio St., Circleville, OH 43113. To send condolences or share a memory of Dennis visit

    The Columbus Dispatch, Oct. 18, 2013

    1352. Elmer Rogers Parrott (Orville Elmer8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Feb 1910 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 9 Sep 1998 in Filer, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 88.

    Notes: Elmer Roger Parrott, 88, formerly of Berger, died Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1998, at his home in Filer. He was born Feb. 20, 1910, in Whitling, Kan., the son of Anna Margerita Christiansen and Orville Elmer Parrott. At age three he cameto Berger on a settlement railcar. He attended the Berger grade school, then graduated from Filer High School in 1928. After attending automotive school in Oakland, Calif., he returned to the family farm on Salmon Tract.

    After marrying Beckie Wallace in 1934, Elmer farmed one year on the Castleford tract, then returned to farm and homestead the now exisiting Parrott farm. In the early years, he purchased a 28-44 Hart-Parr and a stationary thrashing machine which he custom trashed will all over the tract. He resided on the tract for more than 70 years, asisting with the work after Beckie passed away in 1980. In 1982, he married Louise Partin and moved to Filer.

    During his farming years, he served his community as a board member of the Salmon River Canal Company for three separate periods. He was involved in purchasing land and water rights for the tract from Nevada ranches, gaining congressional approval for supplemental Snake River water, and lining sections of the canals with concrete. He traveled to Washington, D.C. and attended regional water meetings to politic on behalf of the Salmon Tract. He was a walking history book on the Salmon Tract and Canal Company.

    Elmer loved to fly and was charter member and a Captain of the Twin Falls Civil Air Patrol. He held his pilot's license for more than 20 years and flew extensively around Southern Idaho.

    He is survived by his wife, Louise, of Filer, a sister, Dora Chick of Hagerman; daughter Peggy Cristobal of Filer, a son Richard (Norma) Parrott of Berger; six grandchildren, Teresa Jansen, Anita Nowak, David Cristobabl, Eric Parrott, Jill Moon and Anna Hawker; and four stepchildren, Patricia P;att and Nick, Mick an Erik Partin. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife Beckie Wallace, brother Merle Christiansen Parrott, daughter Betty Parrott, and one great-grandchild, Riley Parrott.

    A graveside service for Elmer Roger Parrott will be conducted at 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 14, 1998, at Twin Falls Cemetery, with Rev. John Forrester officiating. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 13, 1998, at White Mortuary. The family suggests memorials to Magic Valley Rehabilitation services, Magic Valley Staffing Services, or the Filer Quick Reponse Unit.

    Times-News, 11 Sep 1998, p B2

    Elmer married Beckie M. Wallace. Beckie was born on 10 Feb 1907 in Missouri and died on 3 Aug 1980 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1469 F    i. Margaret Ann Parrott Cristobal was born on 14 Nov 1938 in Idaho and died on 13 Mar 1994 in Lapeer, Lapeer Co., Michigan, at age 55.

    + 1470 F    ii. Betty Jean Parrott was born on 23 Aug 1944 in De Quincy, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana and died on 12 May 1994 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 49.

    Elmer next married Rachel Louise Peterson Partin. Rachel was born on 8 Sep 1929 in Castleford, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 9 Sep 2010, at age 81.

    1355. Alva A. Parrott (Arthur Allen8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born in 1910 in Grasshopper, Atchison Co., Kansas and died on 29 Nov 1996 in Buhl, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 86.

    Alva married Martha Ruby Ross. Martha was born on 14 Aug 1908 in Deadwood, Owyhee, Idaho and died on 5 May 1988 in Buhl, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 79.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1471 F    i. Donnie Lee Parrott was born on 29 Sep 1932 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 25 Nov 1954 in Malta, Cassia Co., Idaho, at age 22.

    Donnie married Joyce Marie Hill. Joyce was born on 20 Jan 1934 in Rigby, Jefferson Co., Idaho and died on 25 Nov 1954 in Malta, Cassia Co., Idaho, at age 20.

    1356. Christian Allen Parrott (Arthur Allen8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Aug 1922 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 5 Dec 1994 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 72.

    Notes: S/Sgt. Christian A. Parrott was asssigned to the 24th infantry division in Germany. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Parrott, 1041 Second avenue west, Twin Falls. His wife, Loretta Parrott, lives at 348 Third avenue west, Twin Falls.

    The Times-News, 12 sept 1963, p 2

    Christian married Loretta Genevieve Simpson. Loretta was born on 26 Nov 1922 in Fall River, Bristol Co., Massachusetts and died on 6 Feb 1988 in Richmond, Contra Costa Co., Calfornia, at age 65.

    Notes: TWIN FALLS - Loretta Parrott, 65, of Richmond, Calif., and formerly of Twin Falls, died Feb. 6, 1988, in Richmond. The service was held in Richmond.

    Surviving are two daughters, Judy Moriarity of Richmond and Linda Parrott of Napa, Calif.; and a son, Michael Parrott of Boise.

    The Times-News, 16 Feb 1988, p B-2

    The child from this marriage was:

       1472 M    i. Michael Allen Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1954 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 1 Feb 2023 in Idaho, at age 68.

    Notes: AIRMAN Michael A. Parrott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Parrott, Twin Falls, has completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base Tex. He has been assigned to Keesler AFB, Miss., for training in the armament systems field. He attended Twin Falls High School.

    The Times-News, 14 Jul 1972, p 19

    TWIN FALLS - A 19-year-old Twin Falls mas was found guilty of grand larceny Thursday following a two-day jury trial. The Fifth District Court jurors returned the guilty verdict about 2 p.m. Thursday against Michael Allen Parrott.

    Parrott was accused of stealing a pickup truck belonging to a Filer couple on Nov. 4. Presiding Judge Theron W. Ward will pronounce sentence on Parrott following a pre-sentence investigation by State probation and parole officers. Parrott was arrested on the grand larceny charge Nov. 6 and pleaded innocent on Dec. 3. Another trial scheduled for Wednesday has been postponed.

    The Times-News, 11 Jan 1974, p 2

    Christian next married Bessie Louise. Bessie was born on 1 Feb 1923 and died on 6 Dec 2018, at age 95.

    Notes: WINNER!! Queen For A Day
    The Winner: Bessie Parrott of Twin Falls-- submitted by her husband, Allen Parrott.
    Bessie Parrott from Zane's Jewelers. Bessie will be the recipient of the $1,000 shopping spree at Zanes Jewelers.

    The Times-News, 11 May 1989, p 3

    1357. Dwight Moulton Parrott (George Robert8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Dec 1919 in Berger, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 19 Jan 2009 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 89.

    Notes: Dwight M. Parrott, 89, of Twin Falls, died early Monday morning, Jan. 19, 2009, St. Luke's Magic Valley Medical Center of complications following a broken hip.

    Dwight was born Dec. 7, 1919, in Berger, to George and Jessie Parrott. He spent his youth on the Salmon Tract, graduating from Hollister High School in 1937. He worked briefly on his cousin's farm until joining the Army Air Corps. He was sent to Salt Lake City with his friend, Dwight Shaw, and then went on to radio school at Scott's Field in Illinois. When the opportunity came to get into the flight school, he moved to Oregon, Texas and California. In 1941, Dwight met his future wife, Geraldine Crow, and they were married on Oct. 15, 1943, while he was in the Glider Program in Texas. Dwight was in Europe during World War II, where he flew glider missions across the Rhine into France and Germany.

    When the war ended, Dwight returned to Twin Falls and started a business with his brother, Don. The business was bought by Nalley's Fine Foods, and Dwight worked for them for 36 years, retiring in 1984 as vice president of Industrial Foods Division. He and his wife, Gerry, returned to Twin Falls for their retirement.

    Dwight is preceded in death by his parents; numerous aunts, uncles and cousins; his brother-in-law, Maurice Humphries; and sister-in-law, Carolee Parrott. He is survived by his wife, Gerry; daughter, Carol Cortney (Jim); son, Greg Parrott (Nancy); grandchildren, Douglas Cortney, Cathy Cortney and Debra Olguin (Jesus; plus two great-granddaughters, Sofia and Allison Olguin; his sister, Dorothy Humphries; brother, Don Parrott; and several nieces and nephews.

    Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, at White Mortuary. The funeral service will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 23, also at White Mortuary, followed by interment at Sunset Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the First United Methodist Church of Twin Falls or donor's choice.
    Please join the family by sharing your thoughts and memories of Dwight at

    Times-News, The (Twin Falls, ID)
    January 21, 2009

    Dwight married "Gerry" Geraldine Crow. "Gerry" was born on 13 Sep 1922 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 27 Feb 2017 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 94.

    Notes: Geraldine Parrott. Gerry passed away quietly after a brief illness. She had been living in the Seattle area for the past few years. She is survived by her daughter Carol Cortney (Jim), and son Greg Parrott (Nancy).
    Feb 28, 2017

    Obituary: Geraldine Crow Parrott

    September 13, 1922 \endash February 14, 2017

    Gerry was born near Whiting, Kansas, on September 13, 1922, the fifth of six children to Lawrence and Bessie Crow. She enjoyed growing up there, on the farm, but, when she graduated from high school in 1941, she moved to Twin Falls where her sister, Eula, was living. Gerry enrolled in business college and, after graduating, soon went to work for the City Water Office.

    In October of 1943, she married Dwight Parrott, a Salmon Tract native who was in the Army Air Corp. During his training, the couple moved around the country, spending time mostly in South Carolina and Texas. When Dwight was sent to Europe, Gerry returned to Twin Falls. In 1945 their daughter, Carol Ann, was born, and their son, Gregory Dwight joined the family in 1952. The family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah; Denver, Colorado, and Tacoma, Washington, until Dwight and Gerry returned to Twin Falls in 1984 to enjoy their retirement.

    Gerry was active in the Good Neighbor Club, the Hollister Chapter of Eastern Star, and the First Methodist Church, but spending time with family and cooking were always her favorite times.

    After Dwight's death in 2009, Gerry relocated to Bridgeview, and, then, in 2014, she moved to Poulsbo, Washington, where Greg and his wife, Nancy, live. She was so happy to have them close, and they helped her through the challenges of her last years.

    Gerry died on February 14, 2017, in Washington. She was preceded in death by her parents, her sisters: Eula Foye , Alice Hinch , Ruby, Carolee Parrott ; her brother, Lawrence Crow , her brother-in-laws Richard Wood, Marlin Wilson, Leon Hinch, Cecil Foye ,Maurice Humphries, and Don Parrott ; a sister-in-law, Audrey Crow, her niece, Janet Knefel (Paul), nephews Keith Humphries and Dale Wood (Bonnie), a granddaughter, Barbara Cortney, and her husband, Dwight. She is survived by her son, Greg (Nancy), daughter, Carol (Jim Cortney) a grandson, Douglas (Blue), granddaughters Cathy and Debra (Manuel Rodriguez), three great-granddaughters, Sofia, Allison, and Natalia, plus several nieces and nephews, and sister-in-law, Dorothy.

    Gerry will be interred at Sunset Memorial Park, with her husband, Dwight, on Saturday, July 8, 2017, at 11 a.m.

    The Times-News
    , Thursday, July 6, 2017

    1358. Donald Robert Parrott (George Robert8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Sep 1924 in Circleville, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 6 May 2014 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 89.

    Notes: TWIN FALLS • Donald Parrott joined Carolee in heaven on the morning of Tuesday, May 6, 2014.

    Don was born Sept. 30, 1924, in Circleville, Kan.,s to George and Jessie Parrott. He joined a brother, Dwight, and a sister, Dorothy. He grew up on a farm near Berger on the Salmon Tract. He graduated from Hollister High School in 1943. He especially enjoyed playing basketball in high school and later as an adult on an "Outlaw League." He served in the 11th Airborne Division of the Army in Japan as a member of Company "B" 517th Parachute Infantry. He married Carolee Crow on Feb. 16, 1947. Following the war, he worked several jobs, including co-owning Polly Food Service with his brother, Dwight. His last job was as a mail carrier and then a clerk for the U.S. Postal Service. He worked there for 23 years until ill health forced his retirement in 1975.

    Don was always a country boy at heart. His lawn and beautiful flowers became his "farm." In his earlier years, he enjoyed bird hunting and had several dogs. He enjoyed working with horses and later golfing with family and friends. He enjoyed the morning coffee group at the Depot Grill and his friends at church. He also valued his friendship with Ed Koester as they both dealt with being widowers. Don always had a good sense of humor and was quite a prankster. He was a loving father and enjoyed the time spent with his grandchildren. They built many projects together. He was very proud of his grandchildren, and they love him dearly. "Grief is the price we pay for love."

    Life was not easy. He seldom complained and persevered even after losing his vision. In 2004, he lost his loving companion, Carolee. He has missed her every day since her passing. In 2006, he suffered the loss of his daughter, Janet. Throughout these many difficult times, he amazed us with his acceptance and courage. He found great strength and comfort in God and was active in various capacities at the First United Methodist Church. In his younger years, he was active in the Masonic Lodge and the Order of the Eastern Star. He was a 50-year member of both. His faith was an inspiration to all of us. "Well done, good and faithful servant."

    Those left with loving memories are daughter, Dianne (Ted) Clark of Castleford; grandsons, Dr. Russ (Jessica) Clark of Boise and Dr. Nic (Becky) Clark of Newberg, Ore.; granddaughters, Randi Knefel of Boise and Caroline Knefel of Meridian; great-grandsons, Eithan Knefel and Grayson Clark; and step-grandchildren, Tony, Amy and Talia Knefel. He is also survived by his sister, Dorothy Humphries; and sister-in-law, Gerry Parrott, both of Twin Falls; and faithful nieces and nephews.

    A visitation for family and friends will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 10, at Rosenau Funeral Home, 2826 Addison Ave. E. in Twin Falls, with a funeral to follow at 2 p.m. Interment will follow the service at Sunset Memorial Park. Arrangements are under the direction of Rosenau Funeral Home.

    The family wishes to thank JoAnn Mambert for caring for Don so he could remain in his home as long as possible, to the staff of Evergreen Assisted Living in Buhl where he spent his last year and a half, to Hospice Visions and to Dr. Daryl Ficklin and Jayne for their care.

    The family suggests those wishing to make donations send them to the First United Methodist Church in Twin Falls, to Idaho Talking Book Library Service, 325 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702, or to a charity of your choice.

    Donald married Carolee Crow. Carolee was born on 30 Aug 1926 in Whiting, Jackson Co., Kansas and died on 5 Aug 2004 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 77.

    Notes: -- Twin Falls Carolee Parrott, 77, of Twin Falls, died Thursday, Aug. 5, 2004, at Magic Valley Regional Medical Center from complications of a stroke. She was born Aug. 30, 1926, in Whiting, Kan., the daughter of Eugene and Bessie Crow. Carolee was reared an educated in Whiting and graduated from high school there. She then moved to Topeka, Kan., for a time and in 1945 moved to Twin Falls. She married Donald Parrott in Twin Falls on Feb. 16, 1947. She worked for the Idaho Department Store for a number of years and then for the Idaho State Tax Office for over 26 years, retiring in the late 1984. Carolee was an active member of the 1st United Methodist Church, a 50-year member of the Order of the Eastern Star in which she had held all offices and had worked with the Interfaith Caregivers. She participated and enjoyed the Over 60 and Fit group at the CSI and spending time in her garden. She was loved by many and especially by her family, which includes her husband, Don, of Twin Falls she is survived by two daughters, Janet Paul Knefel of Meridian and Dianne Ted Clark of Castleford; seven grandchildren, Anthony, Amy, Talia, Randi, Caroline, Russell and Nicholas; and by one sister, Geraldine Parrott of Twin Falls. She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother and three sisters. A funeral for Carolee will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 9, 2004, at White Mortuary, "Chapel by the Park," with the Rev. Greg Lindsay officiating. Interment will follow in Sunset Memorial Park. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at White Mortuary. The family suggests memorials to the 1st United Methodist Church, 360 Shoshone St. E., Twin Falls, ID 83301. "Grief is the price we pay for love."

    Times-News, The (Twin Falls, ID)
    August 7, 2004

    1359. Earl M. Parrott (Benjamin Franklin8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Jan 1918 in Burley, Cassia Co., Idaho and died on 1 Nov 1992 in Othello, Adams Co., Washington, at age 74.

    Notes: OTHELLO, Wash. - Earl M. Parrott, 74, of Othello, Wash., died suddenly Sunday, Nov. 1, 1992, at his home.

    He was born Jan. 20, 1918, in Berger, Idaho, the son of Benjamin Franklin and Leura R. (Martin) Parrott. He attended elementary and high school in Eden, Idaho. He married Elizabeth I. Ringgold on Aug. 5, 1946, in Elko, Nev. They farmed near Eden for several years and came to Othello in 1960. He was an avid outdoorsman and was retired.

    He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth at the home in Othello; one son, Michael Parrott of Kalispell, Mont.; six daughters, Elaine Christensen of Kennewick, Wash., Julie Parrott of Lolo, Mont., Michelle Swanger of Missoula, Mont., Denise Parrott of Lolo, Mont., Viki Parrott of Redmond, Wash., and Shani Parrott of San of San (sic) Jose, Calif.; one sister, Esther Hall of Hot Springs Mont.; grandchildren, Staci McQuain, Chris Parrott Matt Parrott and Derek Swanger; and three great-grandchildren, Alicia, Trista and Nicolas McQuain.

    There will be no services at his request. Memorial contributions may be made in his name to the Children's Orthopedic Hospital, P.O. Box C5371, Seattle WA 98105; or to a charity of choice.

    Times-News, 10 Nov 1992, p B2

    Earl next married Elizabeth Irene Ringgold. Elizabeth was born on 19 Jun 1925 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 17 Jun 1995 in Missoula, Missoula Co., Montana, at age 69.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1473 M    i. Michael Allison Parrott was born on 29 Dec 1947 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 29 Jun 2000 in Missoula, Missoula Co., Montana, at age 52.

    1362. Bruce Roger Parrott (Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Apr 1934 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 28 Nov 2017 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 83.

    Notes: Bruce Roger Parrott went home to be with the Lord and his loving wife on Tuesday, November 28, 2017. He was born April, 25, 1934 to Elsie and Alfred Parrott. He attended school in Twin Falls, Idaho. He married Adeline Marie Dickson on October 31, 1953. They raised seven children and fostered many others.

    Dad worked in the meat cutting industry for nearly 20 years after which he and Mom embarked upon a journey of being in business for themselves running Bruce's Towing and wrecking yard. That's where many of their grandchildren grew up riding the wrecker, following him through the yard and meeting customers. Dad and mom opened their house and table to anyone who needed to eat, rest or just have a cup of coffee. Many friends were made over the years through the business.

    Dad loved fishing, camping, painting and family. He had a passion for feeding people. He solved all of life's problems with good food, hot coffee and well-meant advice.

    Dad was preceded in death by his wife of 53 years; daughter, Cindy Nathan; and son, Eddie. Also preceding him in death were his mother and father; his brothers, Fred, Pat, Jerry, Larry and Danny; and sisters, Ruth Marie and Jewel.

    He is survived by daughters, Ruth (Marten) Vonk; Sherry (Andy) DePew; Shawna (Terry) Harbaugh; Gina (Mike) Ordaz; and Holly Parrott. He is also survived by grandchildren Jon, Kate, JoAndi, Teneale, Dennis, Emily, Nick, TJ, Josh, Matt, Megan, Jennifer, Mikey, Kelsey, Mallory and Ali; and 16 1/2 great grandchildren.

    A celebration of Bruce's life will be held Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 2:00pm at Believers Church, 100 East Avenue D, Jerome, Idaho. We will also share a meal in his honor at 4 pm at the American Legion, 107 7th Avenue East, Jerome, Idaho.

    In lieu of flowers donations may be made in his honor to the Salvation Army Feeding Program.

    Memories and condolences may be shared with the family on Bruce's webpage at www.farnsworthmortuary .com

    Bruce married Adaline Marie Dickson. Adaline was born on 14 Aug 1937 and died on 22 Feb 2006 in Jerome, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 68.

    Children from this marriage were:

       1474 F    i. Cynthia J. Parrott Nathan was born on 24 Jan 1958 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 8 May 1998, at age 40.

       1475 M    ii. Edward D. Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1967 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 4 Jul 1988 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 20.

    1363. Jerry Myron Parrott (Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 13 Sep 1935 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho and died on 18 May 1974 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 38.

    Notes: Twin Falls News
    19 May 1974, p 2

    Twin Falls - Jerry Myron Parrott, 38, Twin Falls, died early Saturday morning as the result of a fire.

    Born Oct. 11, 1933, at Twin Falls, he attended school in Twin Falls.

    Mr. Parrott had served for eight years with the US Air Force.

    He was a member of the Petacostal Church.

    Survivors include one daughter, Sharon Parrott, two sons, Tommy and Curt Parrott, his mother, Mrs. Elsie M. Parrott, three sisters, Mrs. Elfreda Hostetler, Mrs. Jewel Rudy and Mrs. Carol Featherstone, all Twin Falls; five brothers, Bruce Parrott, Gooding, Jack Parrott, Eding, and Pat, Larry and Danny Parrott, all Twin Falls.

    Funeral services for Mr. Parrott will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at the White Mortuary Chapel by Rev. J.L. Tankersley. Burial in the Twin Falls Cemetery.

    Friends may call at the mortuary this evening and until 1 p.m. Monday.

    Clipping posted on Ancestry

    Man Faces Sentencing for Arson

    Twin Falls, Idaho (AP) - A presentence investigation was ordered Friday for Jerome Cree, Twin Falls, after he pleaded guilty in an arson charge filed following a fire that killed one person.

    Cree, 45, originally was charged with first degree murder but the charge was later reduced. Idaho law does not provide for murder by arson.

    The fire occurred in Twin Falls in May, 1974.

    Killed in the fire was Jerry Parrott, 42, Twin Falls. Priscilla Machipiness, 35, was injured. Cree was burend and held under guard at Magic Valley Memorial Hospital for several weeks.

    Fifth District Court Judge Theren Ward ordered a presentence investigation and told Cree the maximum sentence for arson does not exceed

    Partial, unsourced clipping posted on Ancestry

    Jerry married Betty Jean Parrott, daughter of Elmer Rogers Parrott and Beckie M. Wallace. Betty was born on 23 Aug 1944 in De Quincy, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana and died on 12 May 1994 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 49. {Find A Grave ID: 62826583} {Find A Grave ID: 62826583}

    Marriage Notes: Twin Falls Times News
    23 May 1961, p 6
    Posted on Ancestry

    Mrs. Betty j. Parrott filed suit for divorce Monday in district court Jerry M. Parrott, charging that he treated her "in a cruel and inhuman manner."

    They were married in July 27, 1955, at Lake Charles, La., and have two children, 4 1/2 and 3 years old. She asks that custody of the children and that defendant pay $150 per month alimony and $35 per month for support of each chid. She is being represented by May and May law firm.

    Notes: TWIN FALLS- Betty Jean Parrott, 49, of Twin Falls, died suddenly on Thursday, May 12, 1994, at her home. She was born Aug. 23, 1944, in Twin Falls, the daughter of Elmer and Backie Parrott. She resided may years onthe Salmon Tract where she attended Hollister Grade School and Filer High School. Betty worked for Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services for 20 years and retired last fall.

    Survivors include her father, Elmer and Louise Parrott of Filer; one sister, Peggy Cristobal of Filerl one brother and sister-in-law, Dick and Norma Parrott of Twin Falls; and six niees and nephews. She was preceded in death by her mother.

    A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, May 16, 1994, at the Twin Falls Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at White Mortuary in Twin Fall. The family suggests that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services, 484 Eastland Drive S, Twin Falls ID 83301.

    Times-News, 13 May 1994, p B2

    1364. Jack Elmer Parrott (Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Feb 1937 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 5 Jun 2004 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 171792016}

    Notes: Jack Elmer Parrott, 66, of Twin Falls, died Monday, Jun. 5, 2004, at his home following an extensive illness.

    Jack was born Feb. 17, 1937, in Twin Falls, the son of Alfred and Elsie Peter Parrott. He attended school in Twin Falls, until he enlisted in the United States Marine Corp. at the age of 17. Jack served his country for two years of active duty and six years in the reserves. Jack ended up as an atomic veteran from the radiation of the bombs out at the test site in the deserts of Nevada. Jack was employed by McRill Auto Service as an auto and truck mechanic for several years and then became a deputy sheriff for Twin Falls County. He later owned and operated I-84 Wrecker Service and Wrecking Yard out of Eden for 22 years; farmed 80 acres of land when he retired and moved back to Twin Falls. Jack had one daughter, Debra Lynn Parrott Howard, by his fist wife, LaDonna Martin. Jack married Geraldine Barker Jansson in 1960, and he helped her raise her two children, Connie and Mike, as his own.

    Surviving him are his wife, Geraldine; his children, Debra Howard, Connie Juchau, and Mike Jansson. He had seven grandchildren; three sisters, Freda Smith of Kimberly, Jewel Blade of Twin Falls, Carol Featherstone of Kimberly; four brothers, Bruce Parrott of Jerome, Pat Parrott of Kimberly, Larry Parrott of Kimberly; and numerous nieces and nephews who loved him dearly.

    Jack's whole life was about his church, his family, hunting, and fishing. He loved to go up inthe pines in the fall and by the lake in the summer. Jack's love of music took up all his free hours after he moved back to Twin Falls. He played guitar, sang all of Hank Williams and Hank Thompson songs, and may of his own. Everyone loved to hear the tapes that Jack made and then the videos when they came out. He had many, many friends who valued his friendship. Jack was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, was president of the sunday school and then secretary and group leader of the High Priests Quorum prior to his illness putting him down. He was sealed to his wife and one daughter, Conni, in the LDS Boise Temple prior to his death.

    He was preceded in death by his parents, Elsie and Alfred Parrott; two brothers; and one sister.

    Funeral service will be conducted 2 p.m., Friday, Jan. 9, 2004, at the 11th Ward LDS Chapel, 847 Eastland Dr., N., Twin Falls. Interment will follow in Sunset Memorial Mortuary "Chapel by the Park," from 4 to 8 p.m., Thursday and from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m., Friday at the church.

    Twin Falls Times News, 7 Jan 2004, Sec B2
    Clipping posted on Ancestry

    Jack next married Geraldine Mangum Barker Jansson. Geraldine was born on 15 Aug 1929 in Kanab, Kane Co., Utah and died on 11 Feb 2022 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 92.

    Notes: Geraldine Parrott was born August 15 1929 in Kanab Utah to Clara Mangum. She was raised by her mother and stepfather Ralph Barker. She left us on February 11th 2022 to be reunited with her family who went before her with loved ones beside her.

    She was a beautiful and strong willed woman whom we all loved and adored greatly. Mom had genuine faith in the Lord and loved being involved in the different organizations in the church, including Relief Society. She taught the Boy Scouts how to make jewelry for their mothers. She was also an amazing cook and loved cooking for her family.

    She had so many talents including building her own beautiful lamps from scrap pieces and going to ceramics making dolls from porcelain. She spent her time working off and on but was always a devoted homemaker. She married Bill Jansson in 1946 and had their two children; Connie and Mike. They later divorced.

    Mom was Happily Married for 44 years to her amazing husband Jack Parrott whom preceded her in death in 2004. She was also preceded in death by her only son, Mike Jansson in 2017, and many other family members.

    After Dad passed away, I (Connie) moved in with her so I could help her to reside in her own home. I lived with and cared for her for 18 years. I keep saying that she has raised me twice now. Her surviving family include her Daughter Connie Jansson Juchau, Daughter In-law Claire Jansson, step daughter Debbie Howard. Her Grandchildren Tina Wright, Toni (Laine) Harbaugh, Tracy Thornton, Delaney Jansson (Jeff), Dustin (Chrissy) Jansson and Amy Greco. She is also survived by 15 great grandchildren and 14 great great grandchildren.

    Words cannot express how much she will be missed. A funeral service is scheduled for Saturday, February 19th at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- Twin Falls Stake Center at 10:00 am. A viewing will take place on February 19th at the church starting at 9:00 am.

    1365. Pat Mike Parrott (Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 25 Jul 1938 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 12 Nov 2016 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 78.

    Notes: TWIN FALLS - In 1938, Alfred Parrott and Elsie Petersen of Twin Falls, ID, were blessed with a son. Pat Mike Parrott. He was one of 11 children.

    He graduated from Twin Falls High school and worked at Magic Valley Skateland, Radio Rendezvous. He and his wonderful wife, Anita Parrott (Malberg), bought the business, which they still own and operate today.

    Pat joined the Army National Guard 116th Armed Calvary and served his country for 36 years until retiring with the rank of Lt. Colonel.

    Pat and Anita have five children; Tina (Ben) Nelson, Scott (Diane Kallay), Lisa (Ryan Hinton), Anita Jo, Eric, and three grandchildren. Pat is survived by his wife Anita, their children and grandchildren, two sisters; Carol Featherston, Freida (Daryl) Smith and brother, Bruce.

    Pat knew no stranger nor shied from any adventure. All were welcome wherever he was. Be it his home, hunting and fishing camp, or to join him in his travels. As Pat would say, "God Bless You 'See ya on the Round!.

    Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Edwards Catholic Church at 10:00 a.m. Friday November 18, 2016.

    Arrangements under the direction of White Mortuary and Crematory, Twin Falls, ID.

    1369. Larry Peter Parrott (Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 May 1945 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 20 Mar 2012 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 66.

    Notes: Larry Peter Parrott, born May 14, 1945, to Alfred and Elsie Parrott, went home Tuesday, March 20, 2012, due to a long battle with COPD.

    Larry enjoyed spending time with his family. He loved home-cooked meals and his cup of coffee served in his favorite cup. He also loved to camp, hunt and fish. He spent his last days gearing up for his next fishing trip. Larry loved the Lord very much and will be greatly missed by all.

    He is survived by his three children, Dawn Renee (Parrott) Hicks of Iowa, Marie Lynn (Parrott) Dyer of Washington and Mark Allen (Parrott) Dyer of Washington. He is also survived by his siblings, Pat (Anita) Parrott of Kimberly, Bruce Parrott of Hansen, Freda (Smitty) Smith of Kimberly and Carol Featherston of Twin Falls.

    A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, March 23, at the Twin Falls Cemetery, with the Rev. James Lastinger officiating.

    Posted on Find a Grave

    Larry married someone.

    1370. Daniel Arden Parrott (Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Jul 1949 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 16 Feb 2004 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 54. Another name for Daniel was Danny Parrott.

    Notes: Arden 'Danny' Parrott
    54, of Kimberly, passed away Monday, Feb. 16, 2004, at Mountain View Care Center. Danny was born July 1, 1949, in Twin Falls, the son of Alfred and Elsie Parrott. Danny grew up in the Kimberly area with his many brothers and sisters. He worked for the Kimberly School District as a custodian for many years. He loved to fish, hunt and go camping. Danny also loved spending time with his family and taking care of his flowers in his garden. There was nothing he enjoyed more than his MJB coffee in the morning. Danny is survived by his four children, Daniele Don Williams of Kimberly, Ronnie Jo Parrott of Boise, Jeremiah Mindy Parrott of Jerome and Spencer Jamie Jones of Twin Falls; 11 grandchildren; three brothers, Bruce Adeline Parrott of Jerome, Pat Anita Parrott of Kimberly and Larry Parrot of Boise; and three sisters, Freda Darrell Smith of Kimberly, Jewel Roger Blades of Twin Falls and Carol A. Featherston of Kimberly. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers and one sister. A service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20, 2004, at the Bethel Temple Apostolic Church, 3200 Ninth Ave. E., Twin Falls, with Pastor Lance Meyers officiating. Burial will follow the service at Twin Falls Cemetery. A viewing will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004, at White Mortuary "Chapel by the Park."

    The Times-News, Wednesday, February 18, 2004

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1476 F    i. Ronie Jo Parrott was born on 21 Sep 1972 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 25 Aug 2015 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 42.

    1372. Ted V. Parrett (Clifford Theodore8, Lemuel7, Joseph Copeland Marion6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Dec 1928.

    Ted married someone.

    1376. Larry Lee Parrott (Morgan Lee8, Lee Otis7, Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Feb 1943 in Valley Falls, Jefferson Co., Kansas and died on 29 Aug 2012 in Dearborn, Platte Co., Missouri, at age 69.

    Larry Parrott, 20 De Kalb, Mo., pleaded guilty before Magistrate Margaret Young Thursday on charge of disturbing the peace at De Kalb. Parrott was specifically charged with destroying a pump belonging to the De Kalb Homecoming Association when he placed a large firecracker in the pump. Magistrate Young placed him on a year's probation and ordered him to pay court costs.

    St. Joseph Gazette, 26 Jul 1963, p 3

    Larry L. Parrott Larry L. Parrott, 69, passed away Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at his home in Dearborn, MO. A visitation will be held 6:30 \endash 8:00 p.m., Friday, August 31, 2012 at Vaughn Funeral Home in Weston, MO. Funeral services will be 2:00 p.m., Saturday, September 1, 2012, at the funeral home. Interment will follow in the DeKalb Westlawn Cemetery in DeKalb, MO. The family suggests contributions be given to the Larry L. Parrott Educational Fund in care of Platte Valley Bank of Platte City, MO. Larry was born February 28, 1943 in Valley Falls, KS to Morgan Lee and Mary Jane (Buthman) Parrott. He was a 1961 graduate of the Weston High School. Larry was a member of the Wallace Christian Church, in Wallace, MO; and has lived in the DeKalb, Rushville, and Wallace areas. Larry married Bonita (Glasscock) on August 3, 1963 in DeKalb, MO. He worked as a material Handler for the Atchison Casting Foundry, in Atchison, KS; and was a member of the United Steel Workers Local #6943. Larry was a member of the Betterman's Club of Faucett, MO. He also loved fishing, and enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren. Larry was preceded in death by his parents, and a sister Beverly Ann Parrott. He is survived by: his former wife Bonita Eberhart, of St. Joseph, MO; his sons, Ricky Parrott, (Christi) of Faucett, MO, and Eric Parrott, (Kristie) of St. Joseph; his daughter Penny Molloy, (Russell), of Faucett; his brothers Ronald Parrott, (Betty), of DeKalb, and Terry Parrott of DeKalb; his sister Sharon Drimmel, (Richard), of Lansing, KS; and 5 grandchildren Morgan, Austin, Hannah, Emily, and Cadyn. Arrangements By: Vaughn Funeral Home\emdash Weston, MO\emdash Ph. 816-386-2281\emdash

    1378. Jim Parrott (Charles Otis8, Lee Otis7, Leander Stephenson6, Samuel Sr,5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 7 Sep 1945 in Atchison Co., Kansas and died on 28 Dec 2019 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 74. Another name for Jim was James Otis Parrott.

    Notes: James "Jim" Otis Parrott, 74 of Rushville, MO, passed away peacefully on Saturday, December 28, 2019 at his home surrounded by his family.

    Funeral service will be 10:30 AM, Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at Becker-Dyer-Stanton Funeral Home, Atchison, KS with Rev. George Baugh officiating. Burial will follow at Mt. Vernon Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 PM on Monday, December 30, 2019, at the funeral home. Memorials are suggested to Rushville Christian Church or Mt. Vernon Cemetery and may be sent in care of the funeral home. Online condolences may be left at

    Jim was born September 7, 1945 in Atchison, KS, the son of Charles and Eula (Sparks) Parrott. He graduated DeKalb High School in 1963. Jim farmed his whole life. He was a member of the Rushville Christian Church, Lions Club. Jim enjoyed fishing, gardening, old cars and car shows. He especially enjoyed his family.

    Jim married Linda Nitz on June 4, 1966 at the First Christian Church, Atchison, KS. She survives of the home. Additional survivors include a son, Brian and Diane Parrott, Leavenworth, KS, a daughter, Wendy and Wayne Adams, St. Joseph, MO, a brother, Kenneth and Mary Parrott, Rushville, MO, a sister Joyce and Larry Kincaid, Tracy, MO, seven grandchildren, five great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren.

    He was also preceded in death by his parents, a daughter, Shelly Parrott, a grandson, AJ Adams.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1477 F    i. Shelly Renee Parrott was born in 1969 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died in Oct 1975 in Rushville, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 6. {Find A Grave ID: 54868191}

    Notes: Funeral services for Shelly Renee Parrott, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Parrott, Rushville, were held at 2 p.m. today at the Sawin-Dyer chapel with the Rev. J. Preston Gregory officiating. Burial in Mt. Vernon cemetery. Among survivors are the parternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee O. Parrott, Nortonville.

    The Atchison Daily Globe, 09 Oct 1975, p 6

    1379. Frank Herbert Parrott Jr. (Frank Herbert Sr.8, Frank C.7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 May 1919 in Ohio and died on 11 Jul 1999 in Riverside Co., California, at age 80.

    Frank married Sylvia Anderson. Sylvia was born on 23 Jan 1924 and died on 15 May 2009 in Riverside Co., California, at age 85.

    1381. William Earl Parrott Sr. (Frank Herbert Sr.8, Frank C.7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 9 Jun 1923 in Lima, Allen Co., Ohio and died on 13 Mar 2002 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 78.

    Notes: William Earl Parrott Sr., 78, of Boise, died Wednesday, March 13, 2002, in a Boise hospital. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Monday, March 18, at the Alden-Waggoner Funeral Chapel. The Rev. David Thompson of Hillview United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will take place Thursday, March 21 at Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Calif.

    Mr. Parrott was born June 9, 1923, in Lima, Ohio, to Frank Herbert Parrott Sr. and Helen Martha (Bogardus) Parrott. He grew up on farms in LIma and Delphis, Ohio. He obtained a B.S. degree in business administration at Ohio State University Law School. He and Mildred Barnes were married March 28, 1946, in Columbus, Ohio. He enjoyed a 37-year career in municipal finance until retiring in 1991 when he moved to Boise to be near his family.

    William had a love for animals, especially cats. He took care of stray cats all the time and was a longtime member of the Humane Society of the U.S. and Best Friends, an animal advocacy group.

    Survivors include his wife, Mildred of Boise; two sons, William Earl Parrott Jr. of Boise, and Raymond Stanley Parrott and wife, Darlene of Nampa; grandchildren, Tony, Joey and Andrea Parrott; great-granddaughter, Tyra (sic) Parrott; and a brother, Robert, of Redlands, Calif.

    William was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Frank H. Parrott Jr.; and two sisters, Dorothy Acker and Margie Drake. Memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Boise.

    The Idaho Statesman, 16 Mar 2002 , p local 5

    William married Mildred Louise Barnes. Mildred was born on 1 Aug 1921 in Washington, D.C. and died on 2 Oct 2013 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 92.

    Notes: Mildred Louise Parrott, 94, of Boise, died Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at her home in Boise. Mildred was born August 1, 1919 in Washington D.C., the daughter of John and Edna Collins Barnes. She lived in several different cities before moving to Columbus, Ohio. It was there that she met and later married William Parrott Sr. Mr. Parrott died in 2002.

    Mildred was a homemaker, working hard at raising her family and supporting her husband. The family lived in So. California for many years, and enjoyed all that it had to offer them. They very much enjoyed Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farms, the ocean beaches and the Big Bear Lake region of California.

    Mildred had a special place in her heart for animals and was a member of the Idaho Humane Society. She also wanted to help others. She belonged to the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) and was a supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project.

    She is survived by her two sons, William "Bill" Parrott Jr., of Boise, and Ray Parrott and his wife, Darlene of Nampa, Idaho; her grandchildren, Andrea, Joey and Anthony (Jessica) Parrott, all of Nampa; five great-grandchildren; her sister, Margaret Sergeant of Whitehall, Ohio; and her special caregivers, Pam, Nicole, Ludie, and Danyelle. In addition to her husband she was preceded in death by one grandchild, Josy Parrott, and a brother, John Barnes.

    Memorials are suggested to the Idaho Humane Society, 4775 Dorman, Boise, Idaho 83705.
    A memorial service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Monday, October 7, 2013 at the Alden-Waggoner Funeral Chapel, Boise. A graveside inurnment service will be held at a later date at Rose Hill Cemetery, Whittier, California.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1478 M    i. William Earl Parrott Jr. was born on 12 Jul 1951 and died on 24 Jun 2024 in Idaho, at age 72.

    1390. Roger Wayne Parrott (Kenneth Howard8, Edward Wesley7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Jul 1952.

    1397. Gregory Allen Parrott (Ralph Allen8, Arlington Alphus7, Anderson6, Wesley Asbury5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Aug 1948.

    Gregory married Linda Jane Adkisson. Linda was born on 7 Dec 1947 in Robinson, Crawford Co., Illinois and died on 29 Aug 2014 in Robinson, Crawford Co., Illinois, at age 66.

    Notes: Linda Jane (Adkisson) Parrott, age 66, of Robinson, Illinois went to join her Heavenly Father on August 29, 2014 at home surrounded by her family, after a three year battle with cancer.

    She was born on December 7, 1947 in Robinson, the daughter of John and Florence (Crandall) Adkisson of Bellair, IL.

    She attended Robinson Grade Schools and graduated from Oblong High School as a Co-Valedictorian. She graduated from Eastern Illinois University in December of 1969 with a Bachelor's degree in Home Economics.

    She taught at both New Hebron Christian School and Robinson High School. She was a member of the Bellair Church of Christ and Highland Church of Christ. Linda was a member of the DAR, Delta Kappa Gamma and Illinois Retired Teachers. She also taught the 3 year old Sunday School class at Highland Church of Christ for over 20 years.

    In December 1969, she married Gregory Allen Parrott in Bellair, Illinois and he survives.

    Her family also includes two daughters and one son, RoseEllen & Tom Osborne, Robinson, Amber & Matt Kramme, Monticello, Johnathan & Amanda Parrott, Decatur.

    Her grandchildren include Aidan Osborne, Liam Osborne, Amos Kramme and Milaina Kramme. She is also survived by her mother-in-law Ellen Parrott, an Aunt Rose Penrod, and close cousin Carolyn Ripley along with many beloved relatives and friends.

    Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 2nd at the Goodwine Funeral Home in Robinson with Bill Greenwood officiating. Burial will be in the Oblong Cemetery. Visitation will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 1st at the funeral home.

    Memorial contributions in memory of Mrs. Parrott may be made to the Home Economics Program at the Oblong Christian Children's Home.!/Obituary

    1399. Charles Dale Parrott (Franklin Willett8, Green L.7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 18 Sep 1908 in Washington Co., Arkansas and died on 10 Nov 1965, at age 57. {Find A Grave ID: 51861303}

    Notes: Huntsville - Dale Charles Parrott, 57, of Huntsville, died Tuesday in a Fayetteville hospital. He was born Sept. 8, 1908, in Washington County. Survivors are a widow, Mrs. Ruth Parrott; two daughters, Mrs. Gwenn Gray of Texas and Mrs. Pat Hargis of Huntsville; two sons, Jeff and Jim of Huntsville; one sister, Mrs. Opal Howard of Houston, Tex,; one brother, Glenn of Springdale, and four grandchildren. Funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the First Baptist Church of Huntsville with burial in the Huntsville Cemetery under direction of Brashers Funeral Home.

    Northwest Arkansas Times, 10 Nov 1965, p 5

    Charles married Ruth Canzadi Watson Bone. Ruth was born on 22 Dec 1908 in Huntsville, Madison Co., Arkansas and died on 8 Dec 1979 in Springdale, Washington Co., Arkansas, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 51861356} {Find A Grave ID: 51861356}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 1479 M    i. Jeff Parrott was born on 30 Oct 1936 in Springdale, Washington Co., Arkansas and died on 19 Mar 2006 in Miami, Ottawa Co., Oklahoma, at age 69.

       1480 F    ii. Gwenn Dale Parrott was born on 4 Aug 1933 in Springdale, Washington Co., Arkansas and died on 20 May 2009 in Temple, Bell Co., Texas, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 102762750}

    Notes: Gwen Dale Gray, age 75, of Temple died Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at her residence. A memorial service will be held at 10:00 AM Tuesday, May 26, at First Baptist Church in Temple. Private burial was at Bellwood Memorial Park.

    Mrs. Gray was born on August 4, 1933 in Springdale, Arkansas to Dale Charles and Ruth (Watson) Parrott. She graduated from high school in Huntsville, Arkansas. She received her bachelor of music degree from Hardin Simmons University and her master of education degree from the University of Houston, Clear Lake. She married J. Edward Gray on August 18, 1955 in Huntsville. She taught school for 35 years in North Carolina and Texas. She had been a resident of Temple for the past eight years. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Temple.

    She was preceded in death by her parents and one brother, Jeff Parrott. Survivors include her husband, Eddie Gray of Temple, one son, Jonathan Gray and wife, Lucrecia of San Antonio, one daughter, Cindy Garcia and husband, Tom of Spring, five grandchildren, Jennifer, Shawn, Colton, Caleigh and Justin and one great-grandson, Matthew. Also surviving is one sister, Pat Hargis of Huntsville, Arkansas, one brother, Jim Parrott and wife, Joy of Moscow, Texas and several nieces and nephews.

    Memorial donations may be made to CTLC, 702 W. Ave. G, Temple, TX 76504 or VistaCare Hospice, 2626 S. 37th St., Temple, TX 76504.

    1404. Bobby Lee Parrott (Thomas Grant8, John Adams7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 4 Mar 1930 in Price Creek, Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 18 Jul 2002 in Yancey Co., North Carolina, at age 72.

    Notes: BURNSVILLE- Bobby Parrott, 72, of Horton Creek, died Thursday, July 18, 2002, at his home.

    A native of Yancey County, he was a son of the late Tom and Lottie Penland Parrott. He was also preceded in death by his sister, Helen Jacob. He was an Army veteran and a very loving father.

    Surviving are his son, Marty Parrott, of Burnsville; daughter, Tammy Gosnell, of Mars Hill; sister, Betty Fox, of Essex, Md.; five grandchildren; and nephew Mark Jacob, of Burnsville.

    The funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Paint Gap Baptist Church. The Revs. Seth Metcalf and Benny Phillips will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the church. Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

    Asheville Times-Citizen 19 Jul 2002, p B2

    1406. Kenneth Harold Parrott (Grant Alton8, Samuel Houston7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Dec 1924 in Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina and died on 8 Sep 1983 in Canton, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 58. {Find A Grave ID: 150153478}

    Notes: WAYNESVILLE - Kenneth Harold "Polly" Parrott, 58, of 108 Fifth St., died Thursday in a Haywood County hospital. A native of Burnsville, he was a son of the late Grant Alton and Cora V. Howell Parrott and was the husband of Faustine Powell Parrott, who died in 1966. He was a service representative with Harry's Cadillac in Asheville, and Army veteran of World War II and a master Mason.

    Surviving are his stepmother, Ruth Medford Parrott of Waynesville; a son, Harold Parrott of Waynesville; a daughter, Kendra Buckner of Clyde; four brothers, Grant, Bill, Jack and Ed Parrott, all of Waynesville; four sisters, Doris Lee Hall of Spruce Pine and Joann Frady, Jimmie Sue Smathers and Johnnie Davis, all of Waynesville; and two grandchildren.

    Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Green Hills Cemetery with the Rev. Carl Cook officiating. Military graveside rites will be conducted by American Legion Post No. 47 and VFW Post No. 5202. Garrett Funeral Home is in charge.

    The Asheville Citizen, 09 Sep 1983, p 27

    Kenneth married Faustine Myrtle Powell. Faustine was born on 13 Sep 1923 in Cecil, Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 21 Aug 1966 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tennessee, at age 42. {Find A Grave ID: 59431878} {Find A Grave ID: 59431878}

    The child from this marriage was:

       1481 M    i. Harold Ned Parrott was born on 18 Mar 1958 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 17 Nov 2011 in Gulfport, Pinellas Co., Florida, at age 53.

    Notes: Harold Ned Parrott, 53, of Gulfport, FL, died Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 at Northside Hospital. He was born in Waynesville, NC and was a Machinist at Pneumatic Scales Clearwater and was a member of Friendship Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife of 18 years, Carolyn; 2 step daughters, 1 sister, Kendra Buckner of Clyde, NC; 3 grandchildren, Robert, Louis, Candra and 2 great grandchildren. Friends may call 11:00 AM to service time at 12:00 Noon Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 at Friendship Baptist Church with Rev. Fred V. Cooley officiating. Interment will follow at Memorial Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials to: Friendship Baptist Church 4001-74th St. No. St. Petersburg, FL 33709.

    Kenneth next married Betty J. Ketron Lane. Betty was born on 24 Sep 1929 and died on 8 Aug 1973 in Arlington Co., Virginia, at age 43. {Find A Grave ID: 146251286} {Find A Grave ID: 146251286}

    1408. William Roger Parrott (Grant Alton8, Samuel Houston7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Nov 1936 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 20 Mar 2024 in Clyde, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 87.

    Notes: Waynesville, William Roger Parrott, 87, passed away on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at Haywood Regional Medical Center. He was the son of the late Grant and Ruth Medford Parrott. He was also preceded in death by his wife of 69 years Nina Parrott who passed September 2023; two sisters, Jo Ann Joseph and Johnnie Davis and three brothers, Ken Parrott, Jack Parrott and Ed Parrott.

    Bill spent 40 years at Harry's Cadillac and Pontiac as a Salesman before retiring. He then worked at S&S Auto Sales. In his later years, he loved spending time with his family at Pioneer Seed. Bill was a proud veteran of the United States Marines and the Army National Guard. Loved to fish and work in the yard. He loved spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Bill accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

    Bill is survived by his daughter Pam Frisbee (J.R.); a son, Roger Parrott (Lynn); one sister, Jimmie Sue Smathers (Doug); one brother, Grant Parrott; three grandchildren, Misty Jones (Chad), Cody Frisbee, Colton Parrott (Brittany); four great-grandchildren, Greyson Jones, Bridger Jones, Cadence Parrott, Chase Parrott.

    No formal services will be held. The family would like to thank Haywood Regional Medical Center, ICU staff and Dr. Steven Gore for the excellent care that was given to Bill during his time with them.
    The care of Mr. Parrott has been entrusted to Wells Funeral Home of Waynesville.

    William married Nina Mae Connor. Nina was born on 16 Jul 1938 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 16 Sep 2023 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 85.

    Notes: Waynesville, Nina Parrott, 85, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, passed away peacefully on September 16, 2023, at Haywood Regional Medical Center in Haywood County. She was born on July 16, 1938, in Haywood County to Eamus and Sally Massie Connor.

    Nina was a remarkable woman who will be fondly remembered for her nurturing spirit and dedication to her family. As a homemaker, she took great pride in creating a warm and loving home for her loved ones. One of her greatest joys in life was tending to the flowers in her garden, where she found solace and beauty. Nina led a life committed to her faith and was an active member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Waynesville.

    Nina is predeceased by her two sisters Wilma Rogers and Juanita Ballard. as well as her brother Bud Connor.
    Nina is survived by her loving husband of 69 years, Bill Parrott. Together they built a strong foundation of love and companionship that stood the test of time. She was a dedicated mother to Pam Frisbee (J.R.) and Roger Parrott (Lynn), instilling in them the values of kindness and resilience. Nina adored her three grandchildren, Misty Jones, Cody Frisbee, and Colton Parrott; they brought immense joy into her life. Her four great-grandchildren, Greyson Jones, Bridger Jones, Cadence Parrott, and Chase Parrott were the light of her world.

    No Formal Services will be held at this time for Mrs. Parrott. The care of Mrs. Parrott has been entrusted to Wells Funeral Home of Waynesville.

    1410. Jack Howard Parrott Sr. (Grant Alton8, Samuel Houston7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 May 1941 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 7 Apr 2013 in Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 71.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1482 M    i. Jack Howard Parrott Jr. was born on 12 Jan 1967 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 26 Sep 2020 in Clyde, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 53.

    1411. Edward Hugh Parrott (Grant Alton8, Samuel Houston7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 May 1943 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 29 Dec 1990 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 47. Another name for Edward was Cootie Parrott.

    Notes: WAYNESVILLE - Edward Hugh "Cootie" Parrott, 47, of 234 Hall Top Road, died Saturday.

    A native and Haywood County resident for most of his life, he was a son of the late Grant Alton and Ruth Medford Parrott. He was co-owner of Parrott-Smathers Construction Company and was a member of Barbeville Baptist Church.

    Surviving are his wife, Brenda Haynes Parrott; a daughter, Teresa P. Hensley of Waynesville; two sons, Hugh Alton Parrott of Fort Knox, Ky., and Steven Edward Parrott of the home; three sisters, Johnnie Davis of Waynesville, Jimmie Smathers of Clyde and Joann Joseph of Brandywine, W.Va.; three brothers, Bill, Grant, and Jack Parrott, all of Waynesville; and two grandsons.

    Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Waynesville chapel of Wells Funeral Home. The Rev. C.W. Jameson will officate. Burial will be Garrett-Hillcrest Cemetery.

    The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral Home. Memorials may be made to building fund of Dellwood Baptist Church, Jonathan Creek Road, Waynesville, N.C. 28786.

    Asheville Citizen-Times, 31 Dec 1990, p 3B

    1412. Robert Cureton Parrott (Robert Ross8, Frank Walter7, Charles S.6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 May 1934 in Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Nov 2016 in Tennesee, at age 82.

    Robert married Deborah McClung.

    Robert next married Jean Fell. Jean was born on 21 Sep 1940 and died on 22 Aug 1988 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 47.

    1415. William Theodore Parrott (Frank Theodore8, Frank Walter7, Charles S.6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Dec 1944 in Newport, Cocke Co., Tennessee and died on 25 Feb 2010 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 48826877}

    Notes: William Theodore Parrott, DDS, MS, age 65, native of Newport, passed away on February 25, 2010, at home and in peace.

    He was predeceased in death by his parents Frank Theodore (Theo) Parrott and Doris Julia Mims (Dodi) Parrott. Both of his parents were Newport natives, and he was a descendant of the original settler, John Parrott, for whom Parrottsville was named. His father Theo Parrott was the co-founder of the Smokey Mountain Country Club.

    Bill graduated from Cocke County High School and the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and UT Dental School in Memphis. At UT, he was a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He served as a dentist in the Army in Fort Lewis, Washington, and upon discharge, returned to UT Dental School to complete his training as an orthodontist. Dr. Parrott practiced orthodontics in Federal Way and Tacoma, Washington until his retirement to Arizona and most recently to Knoxville, TN.

    He is survived by his daughter Shannon Parrott Spotswood and her husband Matthew and grandchildren Vivian, Eastin, and Georgia, all of San Francisco, CA. He made his home in later years with his son Andrew Theodore Parrott and wife Carrie and their children Olivia, Scarlett Belle, and Jack Theodore, in Knoxville.

    He is additionally survived by his sisters Dr. Nancy P. Hickerson of Lubbock, TX, Janet P. Jackson of Knoxville, and Mary P. Dunn and husband Clyde of Newport. He also left nine nieces and a nephew and their children.

    We will honor him and live by his wise words, "Life is a journey, not a destination." Services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, February 28, 2010, at the First United Methodist Church in Newport, TN with a reception preceding at 1:00 p.m. Burial will be held in Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to The Gratitude House, a sober living house for women co-founded by Dr. Parrott, 11744 N. Williamsburg Drive, Knoxville, TN 37934. Family and friends may sign the guest register online at Manes Funeral Home, Newport, TN, is in charge.

    The Newport Plain Talk, February 27, 2010

    1416. Neil Jones Parrott (Dale Ellis8, James Ellis7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Sep 1929 in Kosse, Limestone Co., Texas and died on 9 Aug 2018 in Plano, Collin Co., Texas, at age 88.

    Notes: Neil Jones Parrott was born on September 19, 1929 in Kosse, Texas and passed away on August 9, 2018 in Plano, Texas

    Nina Norine Parrott, Wife
    Two Brothers and One Sister, siblings
    Elaine Puype, Daughter
    Wayne Parrott and wife Melissa, Son
    Alan Parrott and wife Debbie, Son
    Four Grandchildren, grandchildren

    Neil married Nina Norine Herndon. Nina was born on 7 Sep 1931 in Alief, Harris Co., Texas and died on 3 Mar 2016 in Baaytown, Harris Co., Texas, at age 84.

    Notes: Nina Norine Parrott went peacefully to be with Our Lord on March 3, 2016. She was born in Alief, TX on September 7, 1931. Nina was a faithful member of Bethel Baptist Church for over 30 years and of First Baptist Church in Baytown, TX for the past 22 years. One of her greatest joys was teaching Sunday School to young married women for almost 50 years. She was a devoted Christian whose faith never wavered. Nina was a loving wife, mother and grandmother and is survived by her beloved husband of 65 years, Neil Jones Parrott and by her three children, Elaine Parrott Puype; Wayne Parrott and wife, Melissa; and Alan Parrott and wife, Debbie; and also by her four grandchildren, Zachary Parrott; Christine Westfall and husband, Dan; Dale Parrott; and Kyle Parrott. Visitation will be held from 3-5:00 pm on March 6, 2016 at Navarre Funeral Home, 2444 Rollingbrook Dr., Baytown, TX; graveside services will be held at 10:00 am, March 7, 2016 at Forest Park Cemetery, 6900 Lawndale, Houston, TX followed by a memorial service at 11:30 am at First Baptist Church, 505 Rollingbrook St., Baytown, TX.

    Houston Chronicle, Mar. 4, 2016

    1417. Rodney Dale Parrott (Dale Ellis8, James Ellis7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 8 Jul 1931 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas and died on 19 Aug 2008 in Texas, at age 77.

    Notes: Rodney Dale Parrott was born on July 8, 1931 in Houston, Texas. After a brief illness in Austin, Texas, he went Home to be with the Lord on August 19, 2008.

    He was preceded in death by parents Dale and Nita Parrott, son Dale Ellis Parrott, sister Virginia Mitchell, grandparents Ellis and Mable Parrott and Calvin and Ruth Phifer.

    He is survived by wife, Minnie S. Parrott of Cedar Park, Texas; son, Kenneth Parrott and wife Vicki of Houston, Texas; stepchildren, Gloria A. Lord of Granada Hills, California, Molly A. Cabansag of San Antonio, Texas, Gregory Esparza of Austin, Texas; grandchildren, Matthew Parrott and wife Tiffany of Houston, Texas, and Karen Brashear and husband Price of Temple, Texas; step-grandchildren, Walter W. Lord Jr. of Granada Hills, California, and Dianne Lord of Cedar Park, Texas; great-grandchildren, Jackson Kenneth Parrott of Houston, Texas, Arthur Price Brashear V of Temple, Texas, Dale Hudson Parrott of Temple, Texas; step-great-grandchildren, Victoria A. Lord of Granada Hills, California; brothers, Neil Parrott and wife Nina of Baytown, Texas, and Harold Parrott and wife Phyllis of Houston, Texas; brother-in-law, Thomas Mitchell of Pearland, Texas, and numerous nieces and nephews, and special pets, Travis, and Ashley.

    He loved the Lord from early childhood, giving him a firm foundation in life. As a young man he served in the United States Air Force reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant. His love for the truth lead him to law school. He graduated from the University of Houston and South Texas School of Law where he was Editor of the Law Review. He began his career as a trust officer at the Houston Bank and Trust. He also served as Assistant City Attorney for the City of Houston. He then served as the City Attorney for the City of Pasadena prior to serving as the Presiding Judge for the City of Houston Municipal Courts. He concluded his career as an Assistant Attorney General for the Transportation Division of the State of Texas.

    He was a 50-year member of the Houston Masonic Lodge Number 1189- AFAM. He was a long time member of Hillcrest Baptist Church.

    Though he suffered during his illness, his heart rested in peace, assured, happy, and ready to return home to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Rodney will be missed as much as he was loved, most important of all, his memory will live on in our hearts.

    Family will receive friends from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Thursday, August 21, 2008 at Cook-Walden Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m., Friday, August 22, 2008 at Cook-Walden Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Cook-Walden Memorial Hill Cemetery.

    Austin American-Statesman, August 21, 2008

    Parrott, long-haul trucker in between long law careers

    Rodney Parrott, former presiding judge of Houston municipal courts who later briefly left the world of law to become a long-haul truck driver, died of heart problems Tuesday in an Austin hospital. He was 77.

    "Truck driving," Parrott told reporters in 1979 during his time on the road, "did something that I wouldn't do for myself. That is, it got me out of politics. It's an honest life, a good life, and you don't have to prostitute your beliefs and ideals the way you do in politics."

    Even so, after 16 months of traveling, Parrott returned to the practice of law, opening an office in Houston. He said the long periods of separation from his family had dimmed his enthusiasm for the trucker's life.

    Rodney Dale Parrott was born July 8, 1931, in Houston, the son of Dale and Nita Parrott. He attended Milby High School, but dropped out to join the Air Force, serving from 1950 to 1954 and attaining the rank of staff sergeant. While in the Air Force, Parrott earned a GED and an AA degree from Amarillo Junior College.

    Parrott earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Houston in 1956 and a law degree in 1961 from South Texas College of Law, where he was editor of the South Texas Law Review.

    His first job as a lawyer was as an assistant trust officer of the former Houston Bank & Trust Co. Parrott also was an assistant city attorney in Houston and city attorney for Pasadena before returning to the Houston municipal courts as presiding judge in 1969.

    Parrott was elected president of the American Judges Association in 1977.

    He resigned as presiding judge in 1978 during allegations of ticket fixing in the Houston municipal courts. Parrott acknowledged dismissing tickets but said he got nothing in return. No charges were filed against him, and a hearing before the state Commission on Judicial Conduct was canceled after he resigned.

    In 1984, Parrott unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for 178th Criminal District Court.

    From 1985 until 2003, Parrott was an assistant attorney general of Texas in Austin in the transportation division, where his experiences as a trucker were useful.

    "Dad was funny, he liked to laugh," said Parrott's son, Ken Parrott of Houston. "He was a good man, and loved the Lord. His passion was practicing law. He wasn't like some people who retire and never look back. He missed it."

    In addition to his son, survivors include his wife, Minnie Sanchez Parrott of Cedar Park; two stepdaughters, Gloria A. Lord of Granada Hills, Calif., and Molly A. Cabansag of San Antonio; a stepson, Gregory Esparza of Austin; two brothers, Neil Parrott of Baytown and Harold Parrott of Houston; and a brother-in-law, Thomas Mitchell of Pearland. A son, Dale Ellis Parrott, died at age 17 in 1969.

    The funeral is scheduled for 1 p.m. today at Cook-Walden Funeral Home, 6100 N. Lamar, Austin. Burial will be in Cook-Walden Memorial Hill Cemetery.

    Houston Chronicle, August 22, 2008

    The child from this marriage was:

       1483 M    i. Dale Ellis Parrott was born on 12 Sep 1951 in Potter Co., Texas and died on 13 Mar 1969 in Harris Co., Texas, at age 17.

    1419. Harold Ellis Parrott (Dale Ellis8, James Ellis7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Nov 1939 in Monahans, Ward Co., Texas and died on 14 Sep 2017 in Dresden, Weakley Co., Tennessee, at age 77.

    Notes: arold Ellis Parrott went to be with the Lord on September 14, 2017. He was born in Monahans, Texas on November 30, 1939 to Dale Ellis Parrott and Nita Geneva Phifer Parrott. He was a graduate of Milby High School and attended San Jacinto Junior College. Although he worked in the healthcare and wellness profession for many years, his true calling was sharing his love for Jesus.

    For 33 years he was a faithful member of Lakewood Church and served as a prayer partner, Director of the Married Couples Fellowship under Pastor John Osteen and in the Visitor's Reception with Pastor Joel Osteen.

    Harold is preceded in death by his parents, his dearest grandmother Ruth Ayers Phifer, known lovingly as Mama Lady, Brother Rodney Dale Parrott and nephew Dale Parrott, Sister Virginia Parrott Mitchell, brother-in-law Thomas Lawley Mitchell, and Sister-in-law Nina Herndon Parrott. He is survived by his loving wife, Phyllis Hutcherson Parrott, children Deborah Ann Parrott, Rodney Sterling Parrott and wife Linda Kay Parrott, Cathryn Allene Parrott and Holly Gayle Parrott. Grandchildren Rachel, Eli, Ashley, Dennis, Frank and Damon. 9 great grandchildren, 6 nephews, 8 nieces, 10 great Nephews, 4 great nieces, and many adopted family members. Brother Neil Jones Parrott, Mother-in-law Carol Beth Hutcherson, brother-in-law Dr. Richard Dale Hutcherson and wife Barbara Johnson Hutcherson.

    Funeral services for Mr. Parrott will be held on Thursday, September 21, 2017 at Dresden First Baptist Church at
    11:00 AM with burial to follow in the Sunset Cemetery.

    Visitation will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at Bowlin Funeral Home from 5 PM to 8 PM. Mr. Parrott's body will lie in state at Dresden First Baptist Church on Thursday from 10 AM until service time at 11:00 AM.

    1421. Larry Don Parrott (Grover Wallace8, Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 11 Dec 1954 in Ellis Co., Texas and died on 9 Jul 2007, at age 52. {Find A Grave ID: 64693387}

    Larry next married Thomatha Louise Stuard. Thomatha was born on 21 Jan 1949 in Altus, Jackson Co., Oklahoma and died on 2 Aug 2000 in Lewisville, Denton Co., Texas, at age 51. Another name for Thomatha was Sam Stuard.

    Notes: Thomatha "Sam" Downs, 51, passes away on August 2, 2000 in Lewisville, Texas. She was born on January 21, 1949 in Altus, OK to Floyd Elvis Stuard and Mamie Louise Anderson Stuard.

    She has lived in Lewisville for the past six years. Sam owned her own cleaning service business and loved to collect Indian art.

    She is survived by her mother, Peggy and Larry Anderson of Blair, OK: her son, Jarrod Lee Parrott of Lewisville, TS; daughters, Laura Denise Woods of McGregor, TX and Shanda Lilian Flores of Lewisville, TX; three sisters, Ella Faye Underwood of Fredrick, OK, Deiva Burket of Goldsboro, North Carolina, and Elvora Easely of Oklahoma City, OK: one brother, F. E. Stuard of Blair, OK. Her grandchildren Jeffery Lee Don Parrott, Andel Flores, Andrew Flores, Lindsey Flores, Morgan and Marissa Flores and Tyler Lee Parrott.

    She was preceded in death by her father, Floyd Stuard, and a sister, Mary Evelyn Stuard. Pallbearers will be Andy Flores, Gary Downs, Randy Woods, Denny Paige, Larry Bowers and F. E. Stuard.

    Services were held on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 2 pm at the B. G. Boydston Funeral Home Chapel in Lindsay, Oklahoma with Rev. John Griffith officiating. Arrangements are with B. G. Boydston Funeral Home. She will be laid to rest in Green Hill Cemetery in Lindsay, Oklahoma.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1484 M    i. Jarrod Lee Parrott was born on 31 Jul 1975 in Ellis Co., Texas and died on 5 Aug 2012 in Frisco Co., Texas, at age 37.

    1422. Steven Lynn Parrott (Bobby Lynn8, Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 20 Mar 1965 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas and died on 19 Jun 2015 in Denton, Denton Co., Texas, at age 50.

    Notes: Steven Lynn Parrott, of Sanger, passed away at Denton Regional Medical Center in Denton, Texas, on Friday, June 19, 2015, at the age of 50. He was born on March 20, 1965, in Dallas, Texas, to Bobby and Pat Parrott.

    Steve spent the majority of his career in the construction industry, including owning a company called Total Package Construction and founding Art Deco Con, a stained concrete company, with his wife in 2000. They did many jobs over the years, including places like the Texas Tech Wellness Center and Angelo State University. When he wasn't working, Steve enjoyed activities like bass fishing and watching football.

    He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Lillie Flynn; his grandfather, S. L. Flynn; and his uncle, Ricky Flynn. He was survived by his wife, Kay Van Hauen Parrott, of Sanger; his daughter, KayCee Parrott, of Denton; his mother, Pat Parrott, of Lancaster; his sister, Paula Clark, of Lancaster; two nephews and two step-sons.

    He will be missed by many.

    Denton Record-Chronicle (TX), June 23, 2015, Page: 5a

    1424. William Boyd Parrott Jr. (William Boyd8, Wallace Blackburn7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 15 Aug 1945 in Harris Co., Texas and died on 29 Sep 2003 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas, at age 58.

    1427. Jimmie Ray Parrett (George Wilbert8, William Leonard7, Leonard Sr.6, James5, Leonard4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Dec 1945 in Huntington Co., Indiana and died on 15 Feb 2013 in Huntington Co., Indiana, at age 67.

    Notes: Jimmie R. Parrett, 67 of Mt. Etna, IN, died Friday, Feb. 15, 2013, at 10:17 a.m. at the Parkview Huntington Hospital.

    Mr. Parrett had worked at Fisher Body in Marion for 30 years as a skilled tradesman. He had attended Lancaster High School and later attended Tucker College and IVY Tech. He served in the United States Army as a combat engineer and was a paratrooper.

    He was a member of the Masonic Lodge 333 of Mt. Etna, the Scottish Rite and the Mizpah Shrine. He was a lieutenant for the Huntington County Sheriff's Department and had served as assistant department director of Civil Defense of Huntington County. He was head of the Huntington County Scuba Search and Rescue and was a member of the Professional Association of Dive Instructors. He was a member of the Mt. Etna Volunteer Fire Department and served as the Mt. Etna Town Board president. He had also served as scout master of the Lancaster Boy Scouts and was a former member of the Mt. Etna Wesleyan Church.

    He was born Dec. 21, 1945, in Huntington to George W. and Hattie Cline Parrett. He was married to Lila R. Stetzel on June 12, 1976, in Huntington. His wife survives.

    Additional survivors include two sons, George (Angie) Parrett, of Huntington, and Jason Parrett of Mt. Etna; a daughter, Chantal Parrett, of Pasadena, CA; a sister, Joan Parkinson of Fort Wayne; a grandson; and three stepgrandchildren.

    Calling is Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, from 2 p.m. to 6 pm at the Myers Funeral Home Huntington Chapel, 2901 Guilford St., Huntington. Masonic and military services will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, at 6 p.m. Interment will take place at a later date.

    Memorials are to the family, in care to Myers Funeral Home, 2901 Guilford St., Huntington, IN 46750.

    To sign the online guest registry, visit

    Posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 117441820

    1430. Carl L. Parrett (Harry Arthur8, Bert7, William D. Jr.6, William D. Sr.5, Joseph D. Jr.4, Joseph Isaac (Lt.)3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Jun 1922 in Indiana and died on 20 Jun 2002 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 79.

    Notes: FLORA - Services for Carl L Parrett, 79, 612 S. Division St., will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Reinke Funeral Home. He died at 6:34 p.m. Thursday, June 20 at St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Lafayette. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Burial will be in Maple Lawn Cemetery. Pastor Larry DeVos will officiate the services. Memorial contributions may be made to American Heart Association.

    Pharos-Tribune, Jun 22, 2002

    Carl married Julia C. Lawson. Julia was born on 22 Nov 1926 in Carroll Co., Indiana and died on 5 Sep 1991 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 64.

    1433. Joseph Marion Parrott (Jacob Wilson8, John Marion7, Jacob Wilson6, George5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 27 Sep 1939 in Monroe, Monroe Co., Michigan and died on 19 May 1996 in Wichita Falls, Wichita Co., Texas, at age 56.

    Notes: WICHITA FALLS, Texas - Joseph M. Parrott, 56, died Sunday at Wichita General Hospital. Born Sept. 27, 1939, in Monroe, Mich, he was the son of the late Jacob W. Parrot and Caroline (Vincent) Parrott Jowers. His mother survives in Tennesse.

    A general laborer, he was the great-grandson of Jacob Parrott who was the first American soldier to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for service to his country during the Civil War. He is also survived by a daughter, Mrs. Luke (Terri) Dreffer, Powell; a son Richard W. Parrott, Killeen, Texas; two brothers and three sisters; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers.

    A graveside service is 2 p.m. Friday at Old Mission Cemetery, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, with the Rev. Edward Gorsuch officiating. Calling hours will not be observed at Lucas Funeral Home, Upper Sandusky, which is handling arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the charity of the donor's choice.

    The Marion Star, 23 May 1996, p 5A

    The child from this marriage was:

       1485 F    i. Terri Lynne Parrott was born on 23 May 1963 in Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Co., Ohio and died on 29 Dec 2019 in Westerville, Ohio, at age 56.

    Notes: Terri Lynne Dreffer, age 56, of Westerville, Ohio passed away on December 29, 2019 at Mt. Carmel St. Ann's in Westerville, Ohio.

    Terri was born on May 23, 1963 in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and was the daughter to her late father Joseph Marion Parrott, and her mother Eleanor Louise (Shearer) Schley of Upper Sandusky. Terri married Luke Richard Dreffer on October 26, 1989 in the Virgin Islands at St. Thomas, and had one daughter, Alexis Nicole Dreffer.

    Terri is survived by her mother and stepfather, Eleanor and Loren Schley, of New Madison; a daughter, Alexis Dreffer of Cleveland; a brother, Tony (Kelly) Schley of Upper Sandusky; and a sister Jennifer (Mark) Fleagle of New Madison, along with three nieces, Kadence, Ashlynn, and Cheyene. Terri is also survived by many aunts, uncles, and cousins.

    Terri was an Upper Sandusky High School graduate, Class of 1981. She worked as a pet sitter and house manager for several years. Before that, she worked as a banker at various branches, Dorcy International, and was a Stay at Home Mother. Terri was an avid animal lover, especially dogs. She also enjoyed photography, drawing, and had a love of trying new pizza places.

    A memorial service for Terri will be held on January 11, 2020 at 2:00pm at the Apostolic Gospel Church in Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
    Visitations will be held one hour prior to services at Apostolic Gospel Church in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Memorial contributions for Terri can be made to the Columbus Humane Society and can be sent to Lucas-Batton at 476 S. Sandusky Ave., Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351.

    Terri married Luke Richard Dreffer. Luke was born on 17 Dec 1963.

    1434. Clark Anthony Parrott (Jacob Wilson8, John Marion7, Jacob Wilson6, George5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 19 Nov 1941 in Florida and died on 18 Dec 2009 in Rogersville, Hawkins Co., Tennessee, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 72041009}

    Notes: Clark Anthony Parrott, age 68 of Rogersville died December 18, 2009 at his residence after a extended illness. He was a veteran of the Vietman War having served in the U.S. Army. Mr. Parrott was preceded in death by his parents, Jacob and Carolyn Vincent Parrott.

    Survivors include his two daughters, Carolyn Martinez and husband Richard of Hampton, VA and Sheryl Davis of Tampa, FL; four grandchildren; three sisters, Joan Tucker and Bobby Mulero both of Dunlap, TN and Glendale Abbe of Lewis Chapel, TN; brother, Gregory V. Parrott of Dunlap, TN; a number of nieces and nephews.

    Graveside service will be conducted at 2:00 p.m. Monday, December 28, 2009 at Mountain Home National Cemetery, Johnson City, TN with military honors provided by American Legion Post #49, Elizabethton, TN. Everyone will meet at the cemetery by 1:45 p.m. for the graveside service. Broome Funeral Home, Rogersville is serving the Parrott family.

    The Rogersville Review,
    December 18, 2009

    1438. Rufus Neal Parrett (Theodore Herschell8, Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 10 Jan 1940 in Missouri and died on 9 Apr 2013 in King Co., Washington, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 134123210}

    1441. Billy Ray Parrett (Treffie Randolph8, Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 14 Feb 1934 and died on 20 Dec 2021 in Arizona, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 235337817}

    Notes: Billy Ray ("Bill") Parrett joined the world on Valentine's Day of 1934, so perhaps it is not surprising that he was a romantic - he loved life, loved people, and loved adventure.

    Bill was a natural wonder. From his early days as quarterback of his high school football team to his long career as a civic and corporate leader, Bill led by "just being Bill." In 1952, he co-captained the Albany High School baseball team to the Oregon state championship. He was scouted to play professional baseball, but was urged by his father to accept a dual football/baseball athletic scholarship and get his education first. Then, when his draft notice came, he left college and enlisted in the Air Force. After basic training at Parks Air Force Base, CA, and attending aircraft engineering school in Wichita Falls, TX, Bill spent his time in Korea as a flight engineer, traveling with and ensuring the safety of a general's aircraft.

    Once Bill returned to the states and finished college, he began his career as a business and civic leader. He had a 37 year journey with PacifiCorp, with increasing responsibilities that took him from sales representative to regional manager to corporate headquarters. With his family of five, he criss-crossed the Pacific Northwest, living in Pendleton, Klamath Falls, Medford (twice!), Portland (three times!!), Roseburg, and Yakima. He was regional manager in multiple communities, including in Salt Lake City with Utah Power. He relished community service and was especially proud of his work with the Jaycees, his leadership in the Republican Party, and his service on economic development committees and hospital boards in many of the places that he lived. Bill retired in 1998 to dedicate more time to his athletic pursuits - golfing, motorcycling, and armchair coaching of football games. Along with many of their closest friends, Bill and CJ - his partner of 33 years - discovered the joys of splitting their time between Whitefish, Montana, and Goodyear, Arizona, often motorcycling back and forth with their Pomeranians on board.

    Bill truly never met a stranger. Warm and welcoming, he was a joyful presence wherever he went. As a big brother to Pat, he was ringleader, protector and hero. As little brother to Margaret he was, well, a little brother. As a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he was coach, cheerleader and biggest fan. As friend or family, he was the great listener, the ready laugh, the warmest hug. He also made the best fudge ever. Always generous with his time and talents, he was a builder of homes, doghouses, playhouses, cottages and barns. With his affable assurance, infectious smile, and twinkly blue eyes, he was often mistaken for a celebrity or the coach that he once dreamed of being.

    Bill could be pied piper, peace maker or protective bear. A charmer of young and old, he could persuade anyone to good or to a bit of well-meaning larceny. Dynamic. Strong. Gentle. Kind. Sweet. Optimistic. Funny. Tenacious. Bill was a fighter who battled to stay with us for as long as he could. While our hearts are broken, our love for Bill is boundless.

    We lost Bill's presence on December 20, 2021. He is survived by his spouse, CJ (Carolyn) Irby, sister Pat Thompson, children Debbie Glaspey (and spouse Gary), Sheri Parrett, and Todd Parrett (and spouse Pauline); nephews Terry Risley and Chris Craig (and spouse Liz); grandchildren Michelle and Chad Pommarane (and spouse Courtney), great grandchildren Mason Pommarane, Conner Pommarane, Seth Allen, and Sean Pommarane Harner, numerous Irby inlaws and outlaws (including Galen, Jane, Sheria, Bob, Galen, Cynthia, Gary, Joyce, Denny, Pam and Merita), nieces and nephews (including Austin, Jonathan, Justin, Randi, Kendall, Nathan, Titus, Candice and Erin) and countless friends, including life-forged brothers Hal Bennett, Brad Hodges and Ron Sloan. He is also greatly mourned by his Pomeranian, Maverick.

    Visitation held Wednesday, December 29, from 2:30 to 4:00 at Best Funeral Services West Valley Chapel, 9380 W. Peoria Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85345. A service with military honors held for family members at the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona on Thursday, December 30th at 10 a.m. In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Bill's honor to the Alpha-1 Foundation at

    1443. Cecil Leroy Parrett (Clifford Leroy8, Austin7, Zebedee Jr.6, Zebedee5, George4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 1 Apr 1946 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 8 Sep 2013 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 117549510}

    Notes: Funeral services for Cecil Leroy Parrett, 67, West Plains, Missouri, will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, September 14, 2013, in the Rose Chapel at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    Mr. Parrett died at 10:01 p.m., Sunday, September 8, 2013, at his home.

    He was born April 1, 1946, at West Plains, Missouri, to Clifford Leroy Parrett and the late Lydia Berniece Broyles Parrett. On April 26, 2001, he was married at West Plains, Missouri, to Carol Smith. He loved music, family, friends and horses. Mr. Parrett was of the Baptist faith.

    He is survived by his wife, Carol Parrett, of the family home; one daughter, Jacque June (J.J.) Collins, special friend, Bobby Collins; two grandchildren, Dustin Levi Collins and Cody Wayne Collins, special friend, Sarah; his father, Clifford Parrett, West Plains, Missouri; one brother, Harold "Bucky" Parrett, wife, Phyllis, Mountain Home, Arkansas; one sister, Beverly Rector, Topeka, Kansas; one sister-in-law, Margie Goss, West Plains, Missouri; one brother-in-law, Bobby Smith, Salem, Missouri; nieces and nephews, Tom Staggs Griffin, Christine Wake, husband, Duane, Austin Wake, wife, Tori, Lonnie Sitzes, Chandele King, husband, Mike; special niece, Loretta June Wake; great-niece, Veronica (Burrito) Ward; great-nephews, Brayden, Hunter and Jaylen; cousins, Penny Parks, Phil Jarvis, Stacy Ashen, Scott Ashen, wife, Michelle and Dee and Bill McPherson.

    His grandparents, mother, one grandson, Joshua Leroy White, son-in-law, Matthew Wayne Collins, mother-in-law and father-in-law, Mary Michaels and Bobby Smith, Sr., special friends, James Davis, Marty Smith, Jeannie Painter and a special life friend, Larry Ward, preceded him in death.

    Visitation will be held from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m., Friday at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Family, and may be left at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    1444. Brent Fisher Parrett (Jonas Samuel Jr.8, Jonas Samuel7, Samuel Jeremiah6, Branson Mathias5, Phillip4, Samuel Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 3 Mar 1956 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania and died on 9 Jun 1998, at age 42.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1486 F    i. Priscilla Ayn Parrett was born on 21 Dec 1984 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania.

    Tenth Generation (7th Great-Grandchildren)

    1451. Jeffrey Kevin Parrott (George William9, John Chandler8, William Moses7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Jan 1973 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee.

    1455. Carlan Lynn Parrott Sr. (Carl Henry9, George William Shelby8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 16 Oct 1949 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 20 Nov 2021 in Tennesee, at age 72.

    Notes: Baby Girl's Head Hurt in Bus Door
    A 10-month-old baby girl was under observation last night at General Hospital after her head was caught in the door of a KTL bus.

    Admitted in fair condition, was Carlan Lynn Prrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parrott, of 1016 Valley Avenue.

    Traffic Officer Raymond Crawley said the little girl's head was caught in the bus door as she was carried from it by her mother at North Broadway and Oglewood Avenue. Little Carlan was X--rayed for a possible head injury.

    The Knoxville News-Sentinel, 03 Sep 1950, p A10

    Carlan Lynn Parrott, Sr. passed away Saturday, November 20, 2021. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee to Trudie Geneva Randolph and Carl Henry Parrott on Sunday, October 16, 1949. He is preceded in death by his father, Carl Henry Parrott; son, Carlan Lynn Parrott, Jr.; step-father, Charles P. Gervin.

    He is survived by his mother, Trudie Geneva Gervin. His wife of 52 years, Paula Ann Hayes Parrott. Children: Cynthia (Darryl) Brooks, daughter-in-law Amanda Parrott, Jeremy (Jennifer) Parrott, Nikki Tompson. Grandchildren: Mackenzie (Austin) Parrott, Taylor (Dee) Parrott, Britney (Gunner) Parrott, Christian (Camryn) Larsen, Josh Finnegan, Michael Parrott, Darryl Brooks, Jr., Madi Brooks, Nala Tompson. Great-grandchildren: Jace, Sophie, Jaden, Harper, Logan, Julianna. Sisters: Sandra (Phillip) Weatherly, Sheri (Tim) Lederer; Donna (Anthony) O'Krongly. Brothers: Chuck (Deanna) Gervin, Jerry Parrott, Michael Parrott, and Robert Parrott.

    Mr. Parrott was quite a busy man, he was a distributor for Coca-Cola Distributing Company, Industrial Towel, Snap-on Tools, owned and operated two coin laundries and retired from Metro Nashville Public Schools as a School Bus driver for Special Needs children. He valued the people he worked with. He enjoyed his old cars, "Henry" his 1950 ford, "Chubby" his 1940 Chevrolet, and his old truck 1949 ford pickup.

    Later he decided to work on model cars to occupy his time as his sickness progressed. He was a loving husband, a great father to his children, and a great "Peepaw" to his grandchildren and great grandchildren. We all loved him very much and he will be missed greatly.

    Funeral Services will be held 2:00 Saturday, November 27, 2021 at Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens 1150 Dickerson Road Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072 with Dr. Jeffrey L. Spangler, Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) US Army Retired and Pastor at Fayetteville Church of The Nazarene, Fayetteville, NC. Burial will follow in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. His Pallbearers will be Darryl Sr., Jeremy, Christian, Gunner, Josh, Michael, and Darryl Jr.

    Family and friends will gather to remember Mr. Parrott at a visitation Friday November 26, 2021, from 4:00 to 8:00 PM. at Forest Lawn Funeral Home. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Parrott family.

    Carlan married Jane M. Barber. Jane was born on 30 Jun 1960 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska and died on 10 Jan 2017 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 56.

    Notes: Jane M. Aden, 56 years of age, of Beatrice passed away at the Beatrice Community Hospital Tuesday evening, January 10, 2017. She was born on June 30, 1960 in Beatrice, NE to Darwin and Elizabeth (McKee) Barber, and was a 1978 graduate of Beatrice High School. Jane and Roger Aden were married on November 18, 1996. She had been employed at the Beatrice State Developmental Center, The Gift Shoppe, and was the volunteer coordinator for the gift shop at the Beatrice Community Hospital. She was a member of Christ Community Church, and had taught Sunday school, AWANA, and vacation bible school. Jane enjoyed shopping, cooking, Black Friday, decorating, snuggling, and being with her family.

    Survivors include her husband Roger; 9 children Jeremy Parrott and special friend Jennifer Wilson of Hesston, KS, Derek Parrott of Omaha, Christopher Schultz and special friend Crystal Goller of Pittsburg, PA, Derek Linck and wife Samantha of Ramona, CA, Amanda Maldonado and husband Joe of Chino, CA, Erik, Trenten, and Hailey Aden of Beatrice, and De'Angelo Aden of Lincoln; 7 grandchildren, Ethan, Emily and Madison Parrott, Gage Wilson, Austin and Addisyn Linck, and Brayden Schultz; and 3 brothers Michael Barber and wife Marina of Novato, CA, Pat Barber of Beatrice, and Steve Barber and wife Alla of Milan, MO. Jane was preceded in death by her parents Darwin and Elizabeth (McKee) Barber; sister Theresa Barber; and brother Jack Barber.

    Funeral services will be held at 3:00 PM Saturday, January 14, 2017 at the Christ Community Church with Pastor Dan Martin officiating. Interment will be at the Evergreen Home Cemetery. The body will lie in state Friday from 10-8:00 PM with the family greeting friends from 6-7:30 PM, and Saturday from 9-1:00 at the Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel in Beatrice, and at the church one hour preceding the service. A family prayer service will be held at 2:45 PM Saturday at the church. A memorial has been established to the family's choice with the funeral home in charge. Sign Jane's online guestbook and view her video tribute when completed at

    These services have been entrusted to the Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel in Beatrice.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1487 M    i. Jeremy Alan Parrott was born on 17 Sep 1976 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 1488 M    i. Carlan Lynn Parrott was born on 17 Dec 1969 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Jun 2017 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 47.

    1462. Jeffrey David Parrott (Alvin Luther9, Luther8, Robert7, Michael Patrick6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 26 Jan 1961 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina and died on 8 May 2023 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., North Carolina, at age 62.

    Jeffrey married Glenda Faye Sowell. Glenda was born on 26 Jul 1963 in Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee and died on 30 Mar 2022 in Prescott, Yavapai Co., Arizona, at age 58.

    1467. Robert Sherman Parrott (Orval Otis9, Orval8, Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 28 Jul 1931 in Washington and died on 3 Feb 1989 in San Diego Co., California, at age 57.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1489 M    i. Robert Sherman Parrott Jr. was born on 4 Aug 1954 in Washington and died on 22 Oct 1954 in Seattle, King Co., Washington. {Find A Grave ID: 96819621}

    Notes: Robert S. Parrott Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Parrott of 4818 So. Tacoma Way, died Friday in a Seattle hospital. Besides his parents he leaves grandparents, Mrs. Margaret Parrott of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. William Schreven of Vashon, and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Margaret LaVelle of Tacoma. Services will be announced by the Evergreen Chapel.

    The Tacoma News Tribune, 25 Oct 1954, p 2

    1468. Richard Elmer Parrott Jr. (Richard Elmer9, Orval8, Frank Sherman7, Henry Jackson6, George5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 2 Nov 1949 in Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa and died on 9 Nov 2023 in Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    Notes: Richard E. "Rick" Parrott Jr., 74, of Burlington, died Thursday, November 9, 2023 at the Southeast Iowa Regional Hospice House in West Burlington.

    Born November 2, 1949 in Burlington, he was the son of Richard and Mary Lou (Ertz) Parrott Sr. He graduated from Notre Dame High School in 1967. On July 12, 1969 he married Sharon Smelser in Burlington.

    Rick was a truck driver for 50 years. He drove for Walmart for 35 of those years. Rick enjoyed fishing, trucking and watching NASCAR (especially the Earnharts). He loved spending time with his grandchildren and spoiling them.

    Survivors include his wife Sharon of Burlington; one daughter Kim Parrott of Washington; two sons William "Bill" Parrott and Richard E. (Wealthy Moser) Parrott III both of Burlington; six grandchildren Tyler Parrott, Haley (Austin) Latcham, Trace Parrott, Lexi (Brandon) Crawley, Blake Reusch and Savannah Parrott; two great-grandchildren Ellie Latcham and Kye William Richard Crawley. Rick was preceded in death by his parents.

    Per his wishes, cremation has been accorded and entrusted to the care of Lunning Chapel. There will be no services at this time. A memorial has been established for great-grandson Kye William Richard Crawley. who was born the same day his great grandpa passed away.

    Richard married Sharon Kay Smelser. Sharon was born on 11 Jul 1951 in Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa and died on 21 Apr 2024 in West Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    Notes: Sharon "Kay" Parrott, 72, of Burlington, died Sunday, April 21, 2024, at the Southeast Iowa Regional Hospice House in West Burlington.

    Born July 11, 1951, in Burlington, she was the daughter of William "Billy" and Virginia Smelser. She married the love of her life Richard E. "Rick" Parrott Jr. on July 12, 1969 in Burlington. Together they celebrated 54 years of marriage. He preceded her in death on November 9, 2023.

    In her younger years, Sharon worked at Van's Lunch Box. After her marriage she became a stay-at-home mom. She enjoyed going to the casino, playing bingo and anything ladybugs and cardinals. Her priority and joy in life was always her family and she loved spending time with her grandkids and great grandkids.

    She is survived by her three children; Kim Parrott, Richard E. "Rick" Parrott III and William "Bill" Parrott; six grandchildren, Tyler Parrott, Haley (Austin) Latcham, Trace Parrott, Lexi (Brandon) Crawley, Blake Reusch and Savannah Parrott; two great grandchildren, Ellie Latcham and Kye Crawley; siblings; Ronnie Smelser, Dwane (Pat) Savage and Julie Peterson and her aunt Sandra (Marvin) Messler. She was preceded in death by her parents and husband.

    According to her wishes, cremation has been entrusted to the care of Lunning Chapel. There will be no services at this time. In lieu of flowers, a memorial has been established in her memory for the Special Needs Foundation.

    1470. Betty Jean Parrott (Elmer Rogers9, Orville Elmer8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 23 Aug 1944 in De Quincy, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana and died on 12 May 1994 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 49. {Find A Grave ID: 62826583}

    Notes: TWIN FALLS- Betty Jean Parrott, 49, of Twin Falls, died suddenly on Thursday, May 12, 1994, at her home. She was born Aug. 23, 1944, in Twin Falls, the daughter of Elmer and Backie Parrott. She resided may years onthe Salmon Tract where she attended Hollister Grade School and Filer High School. Betty worked for Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services for 20 years and retired last fall.

    Survivors include her father, Elmer and Louise Parrott of Filer; one sister, Peggy Cristobal of Filerl one brother and sister-in-law, Dick and Norma Parrott of Twin Falls; and six niees and nephews. She was preceded in death by her mother.

    A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, May 16, 1994, at the Twin Falls Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at White Mortuary in Twin Fall. The family suggests that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to Magic Valley Rehabilitation Services, 484 Eastland Drive S, Twin Falls ID 83301.

    Times-News, 13 May 1994, p B2

    Betty married Jerry Myron Parrott, son of Alfred Myron Parrott and Elsie Marie Peterson. Jerry was born on 13 Sep 1935 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho and died on 18 May 1974 in Falls City, Jerome Co., Idaho, at age 38.

    Marriage Notes: Twin Falls Times News
    23 May 1961, p 6
    Posted on Ancestry

    Mrs. Betty j. Parrott filed suit for divorce Monday in district court Jerry M. Parrott, charging that he treated her "in a cruel and inhuman manner."

    They were married in July 27, 1955, at Lake Charles, La., and have two children, 4 1/2 and 3 years old. She asks that custody of the children and that defendant pay $150 per month alimony and $35 per month for support of each chid. She is being represented by May and May law firm.

    Notes: Twin Falls News
    19 May 1974, p 2

    Twin Falls - Jerry Myron Parrott, 38, Twin Falls, died early Saturday morning as the result of a fire.

    Born Oct. 11, 1933, at Twin Falls, he attended school in Twin Falls.

    Mr. Parrott had served for eight years with the US Air Force.

    He was a member of the Petacostal Church.

    Survivors include one daughter, Sharon Parrott, two sons, Tommy and Curt Parrott, his mother, Mrs. Elsie M. Parrott, three sisters, Mrs. Elfreda Hostetler, Mrs. Jewel Rudy and Mrs. Carol Featherstone, all Twin Falls; five brothers, Bruce Parrott, Gooding, Jack Parrott, Eding, and Pat, Larry and Danny Parrott, all Twin Falls.

    Funeral services for Mr. Parrott will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at the White Mortuary Chapel by Rev. J.L. Tankersley. Burial in the Twin Falls Cemetery.

    Friends may call at the mortuary this evening and until 1 p.m. Monday.

    Clipping posted on Ancestry

    Man Faces Sentencing for Arson

    Twin Falls, Idaho (AP) - A presentence investigation was ordered Friday for Jerome Cree, Twin Falls, after he pleaded guilty in an arson charge filed following a fire that killed one person.

    Cree, 45, originally was charged with first degree murder but the charge was later reduced. Idaho law does not provide for murder by arson.

    The fire occurred in Twin Falls in May, 1974.

    Killed in the fire was Jerry Parrott, 42, Twin Falls. Priscilla Machipiness, 35, was injured. Cree was burend and held under guard at Magic Valley Memorial Hospital for several weeks.

    Fifth District Court Judge Theren Ward ordered a presentence investigation and told Cree the maximum sentence for arson does not exceed

    Partial, unsourced clipping posted on Ancestry

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 1363)

    1473. Michael Allison Parrott (Earl M.9, Benjamin Franklin8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 29 Dec 1947 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 29 Jun 2000 in Missoula, Missoula Co., Montana, at age 52.

    1476. Ronie Jo Parrott (Daniel Arden9, Alfred Myron8, Theodore Franklin7, Jacob Hussey Washington6, John "Blackbeard" III5, "Smoking" John Jr.4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 21 Sep 1972 in Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., Idaho and died on 25 Aug 2015 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 42.

    Notes: BOISE • Ronie Parrott was born in Twin Falls September 21st 1972

    Right from the start she was a beautiful soul that marched to the beat of her own drum. She was a happy-go-lucky kid that was quick to smile and laugh. Ronie attended Kimberly schools.

    She gave birth to four girls, Teela, Mariha, Shay and Miriam.

    Ronie's adult life was lived in Boise Idaho. She loved the Boise area, the people and the music community. While in Boise she changed the lives of the people she met. She gave freely to others, often times putting their needs above her own. She was called mom and sister to many.

    Ronie greatly loved her family, friends and animals. Music truly was her life's passion she worked in the music industry promoting bands. Although Ronie was taken before her time, she is rocking it loud now in heaven.

    Ronie was preceded in death by her father, Danny Parrott and grandfather Ron Jones.

    She is survived by her mother, Jennifer Jones, four daughters, Teela and Mariha Vaudrin, Shay Jones and Miriam Parrott, brothers Spencer Jones Jeramiah Parrott a sister Danyel Williams, aunts PJ and Tink Jones grandmother Margaret Jones, two grandchildren, many nieces, nephews and cousins.

    Services will be held at Rosenau funeral home in Twin Falls at 2:00 on March 25, 2016. Anyone wishing to say something about Ronie is welcome to.

    The Times-News, Saturday, March 19, 2016

    Ronie Parrott - Detectives seek those who saw Boise woman before she was killed

    Ronie Parrott was likely killed sometime after she was seen at a Maverik convenience store at 27th and Main streets last Aug. 25, Ada County Sheriff Stephen Bartlett said Thursday afternoon.

    "We have a strong working theory that this is a homicide, at this point," Bartlett said during a talk with reporters.

    The official determination of Parrott's death by the Ada County Coroner's Office is still pending. And while Bartlett said he wasn't prepared to publicly release details of why detectives believe Parrott was killed, the evidence points to that, he said.

    Detectives have interviewed a number of people who were with Parrott, 42, during her final days. They have also identified people seen with her on store videotapes before she disappeared. There was no indication from those tapes that Parrott was in trouble or going anywhere against her will, Bartlett said.

    "We do know people that were with her in those last few days of her life and we're working through those critical interviews at this time," Bartlett said. "We believe those are part of that strong working theory as to why we believe that this is not a random crime. Nor do we feel at this time that the community is at risk."

    Parrott, a music promoter, was a "very social person," who knew many people and was involved in the community, Bartlett said.

    "We believe she could have had interactions with many people. This is one of the reasons we're reaching out to the public at this time," Bartlett said.

    Might Parrott or some of the people she came in contact with have known her killer?

    "It's very possible," Bartlett said.

    Parrott was reported missing in September. She wasn't seen again after she visited the Maverik store to buy a soda pop. Earlier that day, at around noon, she was seen at a Jacksons Food Store at 8th and Fort streets. And the day before that, she was spotted riding a bicycle in the area near 28th and State streets.

    The Boise Police Department investigated Parrott's disappearance. The sheriff's office did not become involved until her body was found about a mile past a federal Bureau of Land Management gate along Sunset Peak Road, in the Boise Foothills. A woman walking her dogs on Feb. 13 spotted the remains past the gate, which is locked over the winter.

    Bartlett would not say whether investigators believe Parrott was killed there or whether she was killed somewhere else and her body dumped at that spot. Detectives do believe the body had remained there since late August.

    It's likely that given the many months between when detectives believe Parrott was killed and her body was found that the body was badly decomposed, although Bartlett would not confirm that.

    "Anytime a body stays out in the weather for any length of time, that causes some challenges, for sure" Bartlett said.

    Detectives would like to speak to anyone who saw or spoke to Parrott in late August.

    "If you have any sighting of her during this time, if you were involved with her during this time, we would really like your help ... so we can talk to you, know your contact with her, where you were, what you were doing, what that contact was in those last couple of weeks of August of 2015."

    Anyone with information is asked to call detectives at 208-577-3718 or 208-577-3723.

    Parrott had four daughters and two young grandchildren whom she adored, said her mother, Jennifer Jones. The Kimberly resident spoke to the Statesman in February.

    "She never knew a stranger. She just loved everyone," Jones said then. "I went on her Facebook page when she first went missing and I was amazed by all the people who commented on the helpful things, kind things she did."

    John Sowell: 208-377-6423, @IDS_Sowell

    Deputies are investigating the death of Ronie Parrott as homicide. Details at Ada County Sheriff (@AdaCoSheriff) April 7, 2016//

    The Idaho Statesman, Thursday, April 7, 2016
    Page: crime

    Death of Ronie Parrott appears to be a homicide
    Detectives want to talk to anyone who was with \emdash or knows anything about \emdash Ronie Parrott in the days leading up to and through Aug. 25. That's the last time Ronie Parrott was seen before she was killed.

    Detectives are investigating Parrott's death as a homicide and pursuing several significant leads in the case. They have identified who was with Ronie Parrott in the days prior to her death and want to make sure they have found everybody who has information on what happened.

    A woman walking her dogs on Sunset Peak Road north of Boise on Feb. 13 found human remains in the remote Foothills area, about a mile past the Bureau of Land Management gate that closes the road to vehicles during the winter.

    Those remains turned out to be 42-year-old Ronie Parrott, who was publicly identified as a missing person by the Boise Police in September. Detectives say evidence indicates Parrott's body had been in the Foothills since late August.

    Ronie Parrott was last seen just after 11 p.m., Aug. 25th, at the Maverik store at 27th and Main streets in Boise, where she bought some soda.

    Ronie Parrott was also seen at the Jacksons Food Store at the corner of 8th and Fort streets around noon on Aug. 25 and on a bicycle by 28th and State streets on the afternoon of Aug. 24.

    Officials with the Ada County Coroner's Office are still waiting on the results of evidence testing, so an official cause and manner of death is not yet established.
    Specific information about the cause of death \emdash or where it happened \emdash will not be released at this point in the investigation.

    If you have any information about Ronie Parrott, contact ACSO detectives at 577-3723 or 577-3718. You can also email information to

    ttps:// [accessed 4 Oct 2023]

    Ronie Parrott: Woman found in Foothills died of multiple gunshot wounds, coroner says

    A woman whose body was found in the Boise Foothills in February died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head, according to the Ada County Coroner's Office.

    Ronie Parrott had been missing since August 2015 when her remains were found Feb. 13, about a mile past the U.S. Bureau of Land Management gate along Sunset Peak Road. Police were unable to determine the cause of her death at that time.

    The coroner's office ruled the death a homicide.

    Its report did not specify a date of death, rather giving a range of possible days: Aug. 25, 2015, to Feb. 13, when the body was found. "We know her remains were (in the Foothills) longer than a couple of days," said Patrick Orr, a spokesman for the Ada County Sheriff's Office.

    Investigators say they have "a strong working theory" about who may have killed Parrott, though no warrants have been issued in the case.

    Parrott's mother, Jennifer Jones, said she's grateful for the detectives who have "diligently worked on the case for over a year." She said she hopes evidence from the case is sufficient enough to file charges against whoever is accountable.

    "Now all we have to do is know who did it," she said. "She didn't deserve this."

    The Idaho Statesman, October 25, 2016

    Ronie married someone.

    1479. Jeff Parrott (Charles Dale9, Franklin Willett8, Green L.7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 30 Oct 1936 in Springdale, Washington Co., Arkansas and died on 19 Mar 2006 in Miami, Ottawa Co., Oklahoma, at age 69. Another name for Jeff was Paul Howard Parrott.

    Notes: PARROTT -- Paul Howard (Jeff), husband, father, Papa, brother, friend, passed away Sunday morning, March 19, 2006, in Miami, OK, surrounded by his family. Jeff was the owner/operator of Miami Ready Mix and other construction-related businesses until his retirement in 1993. Jeff was an active member of the A-Team, the Grand Lake Shrine Club and The Royal Order of the Jesters, Tulsa Court No. 47, and served on the Boards of Miami Golf and Country Club and Miami Baptist Hospital. Jeff was also a long-standing member of First Baptist Church of Miami. He is survived by: his wife, Bette; daughter, Paige Thomas and husband, Shawn; son, Jeffrey Parrott and wife, Christina; 4 grandchildren, Gray and Posey Thomas, and Christian and Cortland Parrott; brother, Jimmy Parrott; and 2 sisters, Pat Hargis and Gwen Gray. Memorial service will be held 2 p.m., Wednesday, March 22, 2006, at the First Baptist Church of Miami. In lieu of flowers please make a memorial donation to M. D. Anderson Cancer Center or The Grand Lake Shrine Club in care of the funeral home. Arrangements are under the direction of the McClendon-Winters Funeral Home, 303 East 7th, Okmulgee, OK 74447.

    Tulsa World, March 21, 2006

    1482. Jack Howard Parrott Jr. (Jack Howard Sr.9, Grant Alton8, Samuel Houston7, James Gerome6, Job5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 12 Jan 1967 in Haywood Co., North Carolina and died on 26 Sep 2020 in Clyde, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 53.

    Notes: Jack Howard Parrott, Jr., 53, of Clyde, passed away peacefully, at his home, surrounded by his loving family on Sept. 26, 2020, following a brief battle with cancer.

    He was preceded in death by his father, Jack H. Parrott, Sr.

    Jack is survived by his mother, Mary (Albert) Henson; daughters, Kori (Josh) Knight and Hannah (Jon) Arrington; grandchildren, Reagan Arrington, Carli and Aiden Knight; sisters, Nancy (Ron) Rogers and Penny Duvall; brother by heart, Ronnie Parris; along with numerous extend family and friends who he loved dearly.

    No formal services will be held at this time per Jack's request.

    Smoky Mountain Cremations and Funeral Service of Clyde is caring for the family

    Jack next married Victoria Sue Hyre Grosse. Victoria was born on 3 Jun 1963 and died on 29 Nov 2020 in Waynesville, Haywood Co., North Carolina, at age 57.

    1484. Jarrod Lee Parrott (Larry Don9, Grover Wallace8, Grover Cleveland7, George Newton6, Ellis McKendrie5, George4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 31 Jul 1975 in Ellis Co., Texas and died on 5 Aug 2012 in Frisco Co., Texas, at age 37. {Find A Grave ID: 148600955}

    11th Generation (8th Great-Grandchildren)

    1487. Jeremy Alan Parrott (Carlan Lynn Sr.10, Carl Henry9, George William Shelby8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Sep 1976 in Knox Co., Tennessee.

    The child from this marriage was:

       1490 F    i. Madison Elizabeth Parrott was born on 27 Dec 2006 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska and died on 11 Jul 2021 in Hesston, Harvey Co., Kansas, at age 14.

    Notes: Madison (Maddie) Elizabeth Parrott, age 14, passed away the evening of Sunday, July 11th, 2021 in Newton, Kansas. She was an incoming freshmen at Hesston High School in Hesston, Kansas.

    Madison was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on December 27th, 2006, to her parents Jeremy Parrott and Abbie Erichsen.

    Madison is a beautiful young woman who was taken from us too soon. She was very loving, compassionate, and full of confidence and sass. She was very outgoing and loved to spend time with all of her friends and family. She had a unique talent in art and spent many hours creating beautiful drawings. Many of which she was never fully satisfied with. She was definitely her own worst critic.

    Madison is survived by her parents Jeremy (Jennifer) Parrott & Abbie (Kelsey) Erichsen; siblings, Ethan & Emily Parrott and Gage Wilson; and many aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

    Madison is preceded in death by her paternal grandmother Jane Aden, maternal grandmother Janet Wolcott, grandfather Dennis Wolcott & Aunt Joannie Harding.

    A visitation will be from 5:00PM to 7:00PM, Sunday, July 18th, 2021, at Hesston Mennonite Brethren Church, with the family present from 6:00PM until 7:00PM.

    A memorial service will be at 11:00AM the following day, Monday, July 19, 2021, at the Hesston Mennonite Brethren Church in Hesston, Kansas. Burial will follow at Greenwood Cemetery.

    Memorial contributions are suggested to the Madison Parrott Memorial Fund at Hesston Mennonite Brethren Church, 610 W Randall St, Hesston, KS 67062.


    'Our family is devastated': Dad identifies 14-year-old girl shot and killed in Newton
    Monday, July 12th 2021, 10:40 AM CDT

    NEWTON, Kan. (KAKE) - A Kansas father says his family is devastated after his 14-year-old daughter was shot and killed over the weekend.

    "It is time for our community to put a name and a face to this beautiful young girl who was taken from us too soon," Jeremy Parrott said in a statement to KAKE News on Tuesday.

    Her name was Madison Elizabeth Parrott, and she was from Hesston.

    Madison "Maddie" was at a home in Newton with a group of other teens at around 10 p.m. Sunday when the 16-year-old suspect arrived at the home.

    Witnesses told Newton police that the suspect was intoxicated and waving a gun.

    "He pointed the gun at others in the room before fatally shooting the victim," the police department said in a release. "Witnesses and neighbors attempted to perform CPR and called 911, and the suspect ran from the house."

    The teen was arrested about 12 hours later at his Newton home. Police did not release his name.

    Jeremy Parrott said Madison's two passions in life were art and spending time with her closest friends.

    "She had a very soft, loving, and compassionate heart that was most often overshadowed by her confidence and fiery personality," he said. "She also enjoyed volleyball, going to the pool, and encouraging everyone around her to do a tiktok video with her. She was so much fun to be around.

    "Our family is devastated and we ask for some time to grieve the loss of our daughter, sister, and best friend. She will certainly be missed."

    Investigators were working Monday to determine whether the shooting was intentional. The Harvey County Attorney's Office charged the suspect with one count each of alleged first-degree murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault and criminal threat.

    A GoFundMe has been set up to help Madison's family with expenses. A prayer service was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Hesston Mennonite Brethren Church at 610 West Randall. A candlelight vigil will follow at King Park at 200 North Ridge Road in Hesston.

    Newton police say they've arrested a 16-year-old boy for the shooting death of a 14-year-old girl Sunday night.

    The department said on Facebook that the suspect arrived at a home in the 900 block of South Walnut just before 10 p.m. The post said a group of teens were hanging out at the home.

    Witnesses told police that the suspect was visibly intoxicated and waving a gun.

    "He pointed the gun at others in the room before fatally shooting the victim," the post said. "Witnesses and neighbors attempted to perform CPR and called 911, and the suspect ran from the house."

    Officer arrested the suspect, whose name was not released, at his Newton home just after 10 a.m. Monday and was being held for first-degree murder.

    Police have not identified the victim but did say she was from Hesston. Investigators are working to determine if the shooting was intentional.

    1488. Carlan Lynn Parrott (Carlan Lynn Sr.10, Carl Henry9, George William Shelby8, Benjamin William7, George6, Benjamin5, Henry4, John Sr.3, Frederick2, Unknown1) was born on 17 Dec 1969 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee and died on 12 Jun 2017 in Knox Co., Tennessee, at age 47.

    Notes: There will be a celebration of life service for Carlan Lynn Parrott, Jr., age 47, of Shelbyville this Friday June 16, 2017 at 11:00 am in the chapel of Doak-Howell Funeral Home with Brother Carlos Saddler and Daniel William Hayes officiating.

    Visitation will be held Thursday from 4:00 to 8:00 pm at the funeral home.

    Mr. Parrott was born December 17, 1969 in Knoxville, Tennessee to Carlan Lynn Parrott, Sr. and Paula Ann Hayes Parrott.

    Carlan worked for Nissan Corporation for 25+ years. He loved restoring his 1974 Datsun pickup truck, spent a lot of time in the outdoors fishing and camping. He enjoyed flying model planes and was a great photographer.

    In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, the love of his life, Amanda Kiehn Parrott, children MacKenzie Parrott of Shelbyville, Taylor Parrott of Ft. Bliss, Texas, sister Cindy (Darryl) Brooks of Ashland City, TN and brother Jeremy (Jennifer) Parrott of Greenbrier, TN & many nieces and nephews.

    Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.
    Doak-Howell Funeral Home is serving the family.

    Times-Gazette, June 13, 2017

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