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![]() The Welsh Parrotts of Roseburg, Oregon ![]() • 20 people in the tree, but living individuals have not been knowingly posted • Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. • Photo: The Parrott House in Roseburg, Oregon |
This is a tiny family that daughtered out with the grandchildren. Nevertheless, it was prominent in the history of Douglas county, Oregon, and its house is still a promiment landmark.
It is the only Parrott family of Welsh extracton known to be in the USA, and was one of two unrelated Parrott families in Roseburg. Return to the P-rr-tt families of North America
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1. Moses Parrott, son of Moses Parrott Sr and Nancy Ann, was born in 1924 in Wales and died on 1 Feb 1907 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age -17.
General Notes: - Moses landed in Philadelphia with his parents & sister Elizabeth in 1841.
- Next appearance is 1850 census in Andrew Co., MO. His parents were still in Schuykill Co., PA
Mr. Moses Parrott first came to Portland later decided to go to Eureka, Calif. When he got as far as Roseburg, the Indian war broke out and so he decided to stop here until it was over. This was in the year 1853. He liked the place and decided to stay here. The town was then only one block in the lenght and what is now called Main street was the main street of the town, as the Deer creek bridge crossed the creek on Main street instead of Jackson street as it does now. There were two buildings here, a blacksmith;s shot and a hotel which was owned by Aaron Rose, the first man to settle in Roseburg. It took Mr. Parrott eight days or more to come to Roseburg from Portland, and now it can be made in eight hours.
Mr. Parrott decided to take land on which the city is now located, but was a few hours late in filing his claim as Aaron Rose had already filed on it. Then Mr. Parrott took most of the land south of it and settled upon it, building a house upon the site where the Parrott house still stands.
All supplies for Oregon and vicinity were brought into Winchester Bay and up the river to Scottsburg. From there it was taken by wag- all through the country, most of it passing through Roseburg. The roads were in a very bad condition and it was a very hard and difficult task to draw the wagons over them and it kept a large froce of men working to keep the settlers supplied. Many times the wagons would mire in the deep mud in the roads. Miss Josephine Parrott, who was the second child born in Roseburg and the oldest living child at the present time, said: "It was not an uncommon sight and that she had actually seen as many as seven and eight wagons mired in the road above her house at one time." <...>
The News-Review, 23 Apr 1917, p 3
To celebrate the centennial year of the arrival by wagon train in Roseburg of William Howard, his daughter, Tennessee, and the latter's husband, Moses Parrott, a charming party was held Saturday evening at the Parrott home on South Jackson Street. The home is now owned by the only living daughter of Moses and Tennesee Parrott, Miss Rosa B. Parrott, who was the tenth child in the family.
The Parrott family was among the first white families to settle in Roseburg. The first was the Aaron Rose family. the Parrott's daughter, Josephine was the first white child to be born in Roseburg. The palatial Parrott home in South Roseburg was built between 70 and 80 years ago. The original Parrott home, surrounded by a rail fence, was directly behind the present residence and at first consisted of just two rooms with two doors and two stoops, but with the advent of each child in the family, another door and another stoop were added and with the birth of Miss Rosa B, the house had grown to ten rooms.
Miss Parrott's maternal grandfather, William Howard, was captain of the caravan, which contained several hundered wagons crossing the plains from St. Louis, Mo., to Oregon. The family was originally from Savannah, Missouri.
William Howard had with him, his wife and five children, Phoebe, Tennessee, Elizabeth, Jack and Louisa. Mrs. Howard and Phoebe died en route west and were buried on the plains. In this same wagon train was Moses Parrott, then a young man of 14. Mr. Howard was the oldest person to buried in Roeseburg Masonic Cemetery.
No trouble with the Indians was reported by the wagon train during the entire cross-country trek, which took six months, however, loss of life and possessions took place when the party tried to cross the Snake River which is still considered one of the most treacherous rivers in the west.
Upon coming to Roseburg, the newcomers were treated so fine by Aaron Rose, that they decided to remain here and file donation land claims.
Moses married Tennessee Howard and by their marriage were entitled to file for the 640 acres allowed married couples. The land extended south from the present home site. Moses Parrott had the first shoe-making store in Douglas County, which was in a building next to the present Star Theatre.
Ten children were born to Moses and Tennessee and who included: Josephine, Bill, Dulcina (Mrs. N.T. Jewett), Charles, E.L. (Gene), Sarah (Mrs. B. Casey), Elizabeth, Abigail, Jack and Rosa B. Only the latter is living. With the exception of Sarah, who was married young, all the grils in the family became school teachers and earned enviable records in their chosen profession. Bill, Charles and Gene operated a shoe store (now Len Mitchell's Men's Store) on N. Jackson Street.
All the Parrott sons were also interested in extensive cattle raising and E.L. (Gene) Parrott was sheriff of Douglas County for 20 years and was a charter member of Roseburg Elks Lodge. While he as sheriff, his brother, Charles, served as his deputy.
The Parrott home, as well as its surrounding gardens, is one of the show places in the county. Most of the landscaping has been done since Miss Parrott retired from teaching and returned to the home-place to reside. Miss Parrott became a teacher while in her teens and besides teaching in Oregon, she taught in a number of fashionable university, colleges and schools in the east. She was the Roseburg Business and Professional Women's Club's first president and she was the first advisor for the Roseburg High School newspaper, "The Orange "R."
The News-Review, 12 Jul 1952, p 5
Notes-- the article is not totally correct: Moses was about 25 when he joined the wagon train, not 14. There was a son Grant, but no Jack. There were at least 12 children born to Moses and Tennesee.
Moses married Tennessee Howard in 1855 in Umpqua, Douglas Co., Oregon. Tennessee was born in Jan 1831 in Missouri and died in 1906 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 75.
General Notes: In the 1870 Census, the names have been changed for the her and many of the children:
Moses -> Moses
Tennesse --> Fanny
Josephine --> Ida
---> Phillip
William ---> William
Charles W ---> Elias
Ben -----> Eugene
Sarah --> Alice
Elizabeth--> Eliza
Della ---> Della
Children from this marriage were:
2 F i. Josephine L. Parrott was born on 9 Aug 1856 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 8 Nov 1935 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 79.
3 M ii. William H. Parrott was born in 1857 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died in 1888 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 31.
4 M iii. Phillip Parrott was born in 1858 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon.
5 M iv. Charles W. Parrott was born on 29 May 1859 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 2 Mar 1922 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 62.
6 M v. Eugene L. Parrott was born in Jan 1863 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 18 Jan 1941 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 78.
7 F vi. Dulcina Della Parrott was born on 29 Apr 1864 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 28 Nov 1916 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon at age 52.
8 F vii. Elizabeth Parrott was born in Jul 1868 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 9 Jul 1935 in Douglas Co., Oregon at age 67.
9 F viii. Abigail G. Parrott was born in May 1870 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died in 1907 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 37.
10 F ix. Sarah Parrott was born in 1871 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 1 Feb 1944 in Douglas Co., Oregon at age 73.
11 M x. Grant Parrott was born in 1872 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died in 1893 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 21.
12 F xi. Rosa B. Parrott was born in Sep 1875 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 3 Jan 1961 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon at age 85.
2. Josephine L. Parrott (Moses1) was born on 9 Aug 1856 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 8 Nov 1935 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 79.
3. William H. Parrott (Moses1) was born in 1857 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died in 1888 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 31. Another name for William was Bill Parrott.
4. Phillip Parrott (Moses1) was born in 1858 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon.
5. Charles W. Parrott (Moses1) was born on 29 May 1859 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 2 Mar 1922 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 62.
During the funeral of Charles W. Parrott, who is to be buried tomorrow afternoon, all of the stores of the city will be closed. The closing hours will be between 1 and 2:30 o'clock. The funeral is to be held from the Elks temple with the local lodge of Elks conducting the services. Rev. L.B. Quick will deliver the funeral message.
The members of the Roseburg fire department will be present in a body at the funeral services of Charles w. Parrott, who is to be buried from the Elks hall tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr. Parrott was fro many years an active member of the fire department. He served as fire chief for several years and has put in many terms as a member of the board of fire commissioners.
The News-Review, 03 Mar 1922, p 1
Charles married Bertha M. Johnson on 27 Dec 1911 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon. Bertha was born in 1873 in Minnesota and died on 27 Dec 1939 in Lane Co., Oregon at age 66.
Marriage Notes: Charles Parrott, chief of the Roseburg fire department, and one of the best known residetns in this vicinity, will be married at Portland tonight to Miss Johnson, a local dressmaker. After a brief wedding tour the happy couple will return to Roseburg where they will make their future home.
The News-Review, 27 Dec 1911, p 4
6. Eugene L. Parrott (Moses1) was born in Jan 1863 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 18 Jan 1941 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 78. Another name for Eugene was Gene Parrott.
General Notes: E.L. Parrott, Ex-Sheriff of Douglas, Dies
Son of Roseburg Pioneers Of 1852; Funeral Set for Monday at Elks Temple
E.L. (Gene) Parrott, 77, a lifelong resident of Douglas county, which he served for four years as sheriff, died at his home today following a long period of ill health.
Mr. Parrott, member of a prominent pioneer family, was engaged for many years in the mercantile business in Roseburg. He was active in political affairs and held many varied property and financial interests in Roseburg and vicinity.
He was born in 1863 on the donation land claim just south of the Roseburg city limits. This claim was taken in 1852 by his parents, Moses and Tennessee Parrott, and Mr. Parrott made his home throughout his entire life upon this property.
The father and sons were engaged for a number of years in the shoe business, but ill health finally forced the retirement of Gene Parrott, who sold his interest in the store and engaged in investments.
Always interested in political affairs, he served as sheriff of Douglas county from 1900 to 1904.
Business interests varied
He was director for many years in the Douglas National bank and has managed personal property investments, as well as acted as administrator of the Parrott estate holdings.
Surviving are two sisters, Rosa B. Parrott, and Mrs. B. Casey, both of Roseburg. He also leave three nieces, Helen Casey and Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon, Roseburg, and Mrs. S.L. Cawthorn, San Francisco; three nephews, Delwin P. Jewett, Roseburg; W.I. Jewett, San Francisco, and E.L. Jewett, Fresno, Calif. He also leaves five grand nieces and nephews, most of whom are well known in Roseburg. These include <...>
Mr. Parrott was a member of the Elk and Masonic Lodges and was very active for many years in the work of both orders, in which he held very high offices.
Funeral services are to held at the Elks temple at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Rev. Chas. A. Edwards officiating. Interment will follow in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the Roseburg Undertaking company.
The News-Review, 18 Jan 1941, pp 1 & 6
7. Dulcina Della Parrott (Moses1) was born on 29 Apr 1864 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 28 Nov 1916 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon at age 52. Another name for Dulcina was Alice Parrott.
General Notes: Roseburg, Or., Dec. 1. - Mrs. N.T. Jewett, who died in Portland Tuesday evening, was a native of Roseburg, where she had been born in 1863. She was a daughter of the late M. Parrott, a pioneer resident of Roseburg. Mrs. Jewett is survived by her husband, who is county coroner; three sons and three daughters, E.L. Parrott, Charles W. Parrott, Rosa, Josephine and Elizabeth Parrott of Roseburg. Mrs. B. Casey of Dallas was her sister.
The Oregon Daily Journal, 01 Dec 1916, p 8
Note: Name used in headstone is 'Della' which is also her name in the 1870 census
Dulcina married Nehemiah Taylor Jewett. Nehemiah was born on 10 May 1847 in Maine and died on 20 Jul 1922 in Douglas Co., Oregon at age 75.
8. Elizabeth Parrott (Moses1) was born in Jul 1868 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 9 Jul 1935 in Douglas Co., Oregon at age 67. She had no known marriage and no known children.
9. Abigail G. Parrott (Moses1) was born in May 1870 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died in 1907 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 37. Another name for Abigail was Abbie Parrott. She had no known marriage and no known children.
10. Sarah Parrott (Moses1) was born in 1871 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 1 Feb 1944 in Douglas Co., Oregon at age 73.
Sarah married Bartholomew Casey. Bartholomew was born on 19 Dec 1855 in Oregon and died on 28 Feb 1933 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 77.
11. Grant Parrott (Moses1) was born in 1872 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died in 1893 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon at age 21.
12. Rosa B. Parrott (Moses1) was born in Sep 1875 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., Oregon and died on 3 Jan 1961 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon at age 85.
General Notes: Roseburg Girl Is Found; Says She Was Robbed
NEW ORLEANS, June 6 (AP) - Miss Rosa B. Parrott, of Roseburg, Ore., missing Florence, Ala., school teacher, was located here tonight by the police. She was registered at a hotel.
Miss Parrott told officers that while en route from Florence, Ala., to Roseburg, to visit her brother, E.L. Parrott, she was robbed and had stopped here and wired Mr. Parrott to send money to pay her expenses to Oregon.
Miss Parrott was instructor in English at a normal school at Monmouth, Ore., for several years. She left Rosenburg in 1928 to take a position in Florence, Ala.
Statesman Journal, 07 Jun 1931, p 1
Rosa B. Parrott Has Birthday Open-House
(on occasion of her 80th birthday)
Miss Parrott is the youngest of ten children born to Moses and Tennessee Parrott, who settled here in the early 1950's. She is the only member of the immediate family living. The Parrott land claim included 640 acres starting where the home is and on south of Roseburg.
Miss Parrott attended University of Oregon and was graduated from the University of Arizona. She received her Master's Degree from Columbia University and her Doctor's Degree from Peabody University in Georgia. While working on her theses in psychology at Florence, Ala., Miss Parrott was taken ill and retured to Roseburg, where she regained her health and is an active member of organizations and social groups.
Three of the Parrott sisters, the late Miss Elizabeth and the late Miss Abbie and Miss Rosa B. all began their teaching careers in Lane School. Miss Parrott was 16 years of age when she first started teaching. At the age of 19, she was principal of a two-room school. She taught Deer Creek School, Dixon School, Oak Creek School and was superintendent at Gardiner, before going to Prineville to head the English department. She taught at Monmouth in 1902 and then returned to Roseburg to teach for a few years and then continue her advance studies. While head of the English department of Roseburg High School, she started the "Orange R" and served as its first advisor. She was the first president of the Roseburg Business and Professional Woman's Club. Miss Parrott traveled in a number of European countries and has written articles for various magazines, as well as writing an instruction book on English.
Miss Parrott's youthful appearance, her good health and her fine mind keep her busy and happy. Her extensive garden is one of her most absorbing hobbies, however, she devotes considerable time to her writings as well as being an active member in the Douglas County Historical Society and the Douglas County Retired Teachers Association. Her many friends with her continued good health and many more birthdays.
The News-Review, 24 Sep 1955, p 6
Rosa B. Parrott, a native of Douglas County who only last week received word an honorary degree would be conferred by the University of Arizona for her school teaching accomplishments, died today.
Her death came at Portland's Willamette Manor at 9:15 this morning.
The grande dame of Roseburg had left her manorial home on SE Stephens St. several years ago. She had been born in Roseburg and had lived here most of her life. She taught English at Roseburg High School for many years and is credited with launching the school's newspaper, the Orange R. She had also been a college teacher.
The News-Review, 03 Jan 1961, p 1