![]() The Francis Parrotts of Maryland ![]() Last update = 4 March 2008 Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
For an explanation of the relationships between the Francis Parrotts of Maryland, see:
Francis Parrat #2
Francis Parrott #3
Land Patents & Headrights; not clear which Francis is involved in each transaction.
Francis Parrat #1- will, 26 Jul 1669
PREROGATIVE COURT (Testamentary Proceedings) Francis Parrott will, 26 Jul 1669, proved 10 Feb 1671, Liber 5, ff. 208-209, MSA S529-12, MdHR 961; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
This 26 Day of July 1669 I Francis Parrot in the county of Calvert Planter being at this Time
visited by the good hand of God with Sicknes and att this Time being weak in body Yet in Perfect mind
and memory and calling to mind how necessary it is to Sett my howse in order as in Relating to make A Will I Doe att this Time make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme as following first I doe commit my Soule and Body into the Hand of God Almightie for him to Dispose of it as itt best pleaseth him. Secondly after all my Just Debts being Truly paid and Satisfied I Doe Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Wife and to my child which is yet in her wombe if it Doe Live I Say I Doe give and bequeath all my Temporall Estate both Goods Land moneys cattell Servants bills Bonds and all and Every of my visible Estate unto Sarah Parrat my Beloved wife and our child which is in her wombe So to the Truth of this my last will and Testamt. I Doe Set my hand and Seale this 26th Day of July 1669.
Francis Parrat Sealed
The marke of [?] wood
The marke of T clement Sale
The marke of V John Brobant[?]
The marke of [+] Ralph Nicholson
Francis Parrat #1- probate, 10 February 1671
PREROGATIVE COURT (Testamentary Proceedings) Francis Parrott will, 26 Jul 1669, proved 10 Feb 1671, Liber 5, ff. 208-209, MSA S529-12, MdHR 961; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
The 10th February 1671
[Eodem?] Die
uppon the foregoing last will & Testamt. of ... Francis Parrat Late of Talbot County Dec’d Administracon of all and Singular the Goods Chatles Rights and Debts of the Said Deceased was unto
Sarah Parrat widdow and Relict of the Said Francis Parrat committed.
- Then the Said Sarah Parrat and Isaack Abraham became bound unto the Right Honoble. ye. Lord Proprytry. in the Sume of Fourty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco for her due Administracon.
- Warrant to Edward Roe and Anthony Male to Apprayse the Said Estate.
Then appeared before me Clement Sale & John Brobant witnesses to ye above written will of Francis Parrat and made oath that they Did See the Said Francis Parrot Signe Seale Deliver & Publish the above writing to be his last will & Testamt.
Robert Ridgely Clk.
- Warrant Likewise to Richard Gorsuch to Swear them Administratrix then Sworne.
Inventory Retornable Six months
Francis Parrat #1- Estate Inventory, 13 September 1672
PREROGATIVE COURT (Testamentary Proceedings) Francis Parrott estate, inventory, 13 Sep 1672, Liber 5, ff. 330-331, MSA S529-12, MdHR 961; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Papers) Francis Parrott estate, estate
papers inc. administration bond, inventory, and account, folder 429, MSA C1341-5,
MdHR 8878-429; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
January ye [...] 1710:
Apraisers: John Webb, Samu: R Jemitt (his marke)
[On the back of the inventory]
Tho. Fisher [Seal], John Webb [Seal], Samuel R Jemit [Seal]
QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Papers) Francis Parrott estate, estate
papers inc. administration bond, inventory, and account, folder 429, MSA C1341-5,
MdHR 8878-429; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
THE Condition of the above Obligation is such that if the above bound Rebecka Parrott Administratrix of all & Singular the Goods ... ... Chattells & Creditts of Francis Parrott late of Queen Anne’s County deceas’d do make or cause to be made a true & perfect inventary of all & singular the goods chaitells and credits of the said decnased ( appraised in Money ) and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Office for Probat of Wills &c. at or before the 20th day of March next ensuing & the same goods chattells & credits do well & truly administer ( viz. ) do pay the debts of the said deceased which he did owe at the time of his decease so far forth as the said goods chattells and credits will extend to and the Law will charge, and further do make or cause
to be made a just and true Account of and upon her said administration within twelve Months from the day of her admittance to such administration, and such parcel & portion of the said Estate as shall be found remaining upon such Account examined and adjusted by the Judge appointed for the time being for Probat of Eills &c. do distribute and dispose as by the said Judge shall be limitted and appointed according to the true intent and meaning of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased. And lastly do at all and every time and times hereafter clearly discharge and save harmless her said Majesty her judges and all other her Officers and Ministers from all persons having or pretending to have any right title or interest to the said goods and chattells, that then this Obligation to be void and of no Effect or else to stand remain and be in full force power and vertue.
Sign’d Seal’d and deliver’d in the presence of us
Rebeckah Parrott [mark], Ferdinando Callaghane, William Cooper [mark], [Tvh.?] Thomas, James Silvester [mark]
QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Papers) Francis Parrott estate, estate
papers inc. administration bond, inventory, and account, folder 429, MSA C1341-5,
MdHR 8878-429; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Qu: Anne’s Co: ss.
July 21th 1711 –
Talbot County Register of Wills (Wills, Original) Francis Parrott, original will, 1761,
Box 19, folder 38, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-38. Proved 23 Jun 1761. Transcript from Links that Bind, page 103.
In the name of God Amen I Francis Parrott of Talbot County, planter, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind etc.
Item - I give and bequeath to my son John Parrott one Negro woman named PEG
Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Abner Parrott one Negroe boy named JAMES, to him and his heirs in full of his part of my estate.
Item - I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Mary Parrott, one Negro man named BRISTLES, and one bay mare, but my will and desire is that this present years wages should go toward paying my debts and that my daughter, Mary Parrott should pay to my Executors five pounds current money toward helping to discharge my debts and out of ye value of said Negro man further my will and desire is that my daughter Mary Parrott give to my son John Parrott ye first colt that my bay mare brings and second colt that said mare brings to my son Abner Parrott.
Item - I give and bequeath all remaining parts of my estate to be equally divided among the rest of my children, James Parrott, George Parrott, Hannah, ye wife of Henry Alexander, Elizabeth ye wife of Nicholas Holmes, that is to say after all my just debts be paid and other charges I hereby nominate and appoint my son, James, and George Jenkins, Executors of my last will and testament, etc. This 9th day of June in the year of our Lord, 1761.
Francis Parrott Seal
Signed sealed and published and declared in above names Francis Parrott as and for his last will and testament in presence of we who have here unto subscribed our names as witness therin:
Sarah Wollcott (her mark), Thomas Martin Jr., Tenus Martin.
I James Parrott to ( ) being concerned in Executing ye ( ) will witness my hand this 23rd day of June 1761.
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) James Ashborne, assignment of rights, 8 Nov 1663, Liber AA, fol. 403, MSA SM215-3, Microfilm no. SR 8200; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
I James Ashborne doe assigne over unto Tho. Bradley or his Assignes all my title of land for service done in this province by my selfe whoe came in the yeare 1650 Elizabeth Ashborne 1650 Francis Parrott 1655 Peter Wren 1657 [??] Cobb 1657 Mary Gosse 1659 Geo. Barber 1661. Witness my hand this 8th Novem 1663
James IA Ashborne his marke
Witness Tho. Hutte[?] (his marke), Willm. Moore (his marke)
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Francis Parrott, land grant, 27 Aug 1658, Liber Q, ff. 103-104, MSA S920-5, MdHR 17,336-1; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Caecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come Greeting in Our Lord God Everlasting Know Yee that Wee for and in Consideration that Thomas Meares hath Transported Francis Stone into this Our Province here to Inhabitt and upon such Conditions and Termes as are Expressed in Our Conditions of Plantation Of Our said Province of Maryland under Our Greater Seal at Armes bearing Date at London the Second Day of July in the Year of Our Lord God 1649 and remaining upon Record in Our said Province Do hereby Grant to Francis Parrott Assignee of the said Thomas Meares all that Parcell of Land lying on the West side of Chesapeak Bay next adjoyning to the Land of Leonard Strong, begining at three holes cut in the Cliff the Said holes being the Southermost bound of the said Strongs Land runing South East and by South from the said holes for the length of Fifty Perches to a Marked Locust Tree Bounding on the South with a line drawn West and by South from the said Locust for the length of three hundred and twenty Perches, On the West with a line drawn North East and by North from the end of the West and by South line unto the Land of the said Leonard Strong On the North with the said Land, On the East with the said Bay, Containing One hundred acres more or less. Together with all Proffitts Rights and Benifitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) To have and to have the same unto him the said Francis Parrott his Heires and assignes for Ever. To be holden of Us and Our heires as of Our Mannor of St. Maries in Free and Common Soccage by Feal ty only for all Services, Yielding and Paying therefore Yearly unto Us and Our Heires at Our Receipt of St. Maries at the two Most Usual Feasts in the Year Vizt. At the Feast of the Anunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and at the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angell by even and equall Portions the Rent of two Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold or the full Value thereof in such Commodities as Wee and Our Heires or such Officer or Officers appointed by Us or Our Heires from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall accept in Discharge thereof At the Choice of Us and Our heires or such Officer or Officers as aforesaid. Given at St. Mary’s the Sixth Day of August in the 27th Year of Our Dominion over the said Province of Maryland Under the Great Seal of Our said Province of Maryland and in the Year of Our Lord God 1648 [ sic, should be 1658]. Wittness Our Trusty and Welbeloved Josias Fendall Esqr. Our Lieutenant of Our Said Province.
Endors: Intratr. in Recorde
These prnts wittnisseth yt I Francis Parrott have transported my selfe free into this Province of Maryland & Two servants ye one named Thomas Evans, wch. came into this Province Ano 1660 ye other called by ye name of Willm. Waker wch came in the yeare 1662. All these rights I doe assigne over unto Francis Armestrong & Hopkin Davies. wittnes my hand 25th feb 1662
Francis Parrott
This assmt. wee desyre to have in both or. names.
Francis [mark] Armestrong
Hopkin Davies enters Rights (Vizt.) himselfe, Eliza beth his wife, Elizabeth Lee his daughter & John Bolend for wch. ye sd. Davies dds. warrt., as allso Alexander Jorden’s right & Two rights assigned by Parrott (Vizt.) Thomas Evans & Willm. Waker. (That other right remayning (Vizt.) Francis Parrott being formerly taken up by Francis Armestrong) as in Lib. 1662 fol. 308 (350 Acres)
Wart. made to Survr. Grall to Lay out for Hopkin Davies
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) John Edmondson, assignment of rights, 8 Feb 1663; Francis Armstrong, land survey, 30 Mar 1663; Brett Dalendar, land grant; Liber CC, fol. 21, MSA SM215-4, Microfilm SR 8201; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
I doe Assigne over unto Brett Dalender all my right of the land called Edmonds cove conteyning two hundred Acres as witnes My hand this 8th of february 1663.
To the Right Honorblle the Leiutennt Generall
Layd out for Francis Armstrong of this province planter a parcell of land called Edmonds Cove Lying in Talbotte County on ye North side of Choptanck River & on the East side of a creeke in the said river called Devideing creeke be Adjoyning to the Land laid out for Patrick Mollekin beginning att a marked oke & running for bredth downe ye Creeke west one hundred perches to a marked Beach bounded on ye South by a lyne drawne East South East for length three hundd. & twenty perches, on the East by a line drawne North North East for bredth one hundred perches from ye End of the East South – East lyne, on the North by a lyne drawne North North West from ye End of the North north East line for length three hundred & twenty perches unto the first markt oke conteyning & now laid out for two hundred Acres more or less.
[p] me A Skinner deputy Survr.
Caecilius [?]. To all persons to whome these presents shall come Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that wee for & in consideracon that Francis Armstrong hath due unto him two hundred Acres of land for transporting Henry Gill Francis Parrott Hatton Band Charles Davis into this province here to inhabit & his Right thereto hath assigned & made over unto John Edmond son of this province Merchant & the said Edmundson his Right thereto hat assigned & made over unto Brett Dealendar as appeared upon Record And upon such condicons & termes as are Expressed in our condicons of plantacon of our province of Maryland under our greater Seale att Armes bearing date att London the Second day of July in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sisty three with such Alteracon as in them is made by our Declaracon bearing date the two & twentyeth day of Septem ber Anno one Thousand six hundred fifty Eight & remayning upon record in our said province of Maryland Doe hereby grant unto him the said Brett Dalendar all that parcell of land (called Edmonds Cove) lying in Talbotte County on the North side of Choptancke river & on the East side of a creeke in ye said River called Devyding creeke Adjoyning to the Land laid out for Patrick Mullekin beginning att a marked oke & runn ing for bredth downe the creeke west one hundred perches to a marked beach bounded on ye South by a lyne drawne East South East for length three hundred & twenty perches & on the East by a lyne drawne North North East for bredth one hundred perches from ye End of the East South East line on ye North by a Lyne drawne North North West from ye End of ye North North East line for length three hundred & twenty perches unto the first markt oke conteyning & now laid out
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Andrew Skinner, assignment of rights, 14 Apr 1663; Anthony LeCompte, assignment of rights, 18 Mar 1662; Francis Parrett, land grant, 24 Dec 1662[?]; Liber 5, ff. 546-548, MSA S11-8, MdHR 17,338-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
These presents Wittnesseth that I Andrew Skinner do assigne over unto Francis Parrett all my right Title and Interest of the abovementioned Certificate of Survey of Three hundred Acres of Land with all the Priviledges rights and benefitts thereunto belonging. The said Francis Parrett his heirs and Assignes peaceably to enjoy the same forever. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand the 14th day of April 1663.
A Skinner
Assign Coram me Robert Clarke
These presents Wittnesseth that I Anthony LeCompte for me my heirs Executors and Assignes do assigne and pass over unto Andrew Skinner his heirs Executors and assignes all my right Title and Interest of this Warrant of Two hundred Acres of Land, and to Enjoy the same forever. Wittness my hand this 18th day of March 1662.
Anthonie Le Compt
Caecilius Absolute Lord and Propr. of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To all persons to whom these Presents shall come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know yee that we for and in consideration that Andrew Skinner hath due unto him Two Hundred Acres of Land by assignment from Anthony Lecompte and One Hundred Acres more by assignment from Henry Catelin and his whole Right in the same, unto Francis Parrott hath assigned, as appears upon record, and upon such Conditions and terms as are Expressed in our conditions of plantation of our Province of Maryland, under our greater Seal at Armes bearing date at London the Second day of July in the Year of our Lord God 1649, and remaining upon record in our sd. Province of Maryld. with such alteration as in them is made by our declaration bearing date the 22d of September Anno 1658, likewise remaining upon record in our sd Province of Maryland Do hereby grant unto him the said Francis Parrett Assignee of the said Andrew Skinner a Parcell of Land (called the Rich Range) lying in Talbott County, on the North side of Choptanck River, at the head of a Creek in the said River called the Island Creek, Beginning at a marked Oak at the mouth of a Cove, and running for breadth from the said Oak, East fifty perches to a marked Cedar, then East South East One hundred Perches to a marked Wallnutt, bounded on the East by a Line drawn North West from the said Wallnutt Three hundred and twenty perches, to a marked Oak, on the North by a Line drawn West North West from the said Oak One hundred Perches for breadth then West fifty perches to a marked Pine on the West by a Line drawn South East from the said pine for length Three hundred and twenty unto the first marked Oak, on the South with the head of the sd Creek, Containing and now laid out for Three hundred Acres more or less. Together with all rights profitts and benefitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted). To have and to hold the same unto him the said Francis Parrett his heirs and assignes forever. To be holden of us and our heirs as of our Mannor of Baltemore in free and common Soccage by fealty only for all manner of Services, Yeilding and paying herefore yearly unto us and our heirs at our receipt at Saint Mary’s at the two most usuall feasts in the year vizt. at the feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel by ever and equall portions the Rent of Six Shillings Sterl. in Silver or Gold and for a fine upon every alienacon of the sd Land or any Part or Parcell thereof one whole years Rent in Silver or gold or the full value thereof in such comodities as we and our heirs, or such officer or officers appointed by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect and receive the same shall Accept in discharge thereof at the choice of us and our heirs, or such officer or officers as afd. Provided that if the said Francis Parrett his heirs or assignes shall not pay unto us or our heirs, or such officer or officers as afd. the said Sume for a fine before such alienacon, and Enter the said alienacon upon record either in the Provinciall Court or in the County Court where the said Parcell of Land lyeth within one month next after such alienacon the said alienacon shall be void and of none Effect. Given at Saint Maries under our great Seal of our sd Province of Maryland this Sixteenth day of Septembr. in the 32d. year of our dominion over our said Province of Maryland Annoq Domi 1663. Wittness our dear Son and heir Charles Calvert Esqr. our Lieuetenant Generall of our sd province of Maryland December 24th 1662
An Inventory of the Estate of Francis Parrot Decesed
Appraysed by us whose names are underwritten ...
2 feather Bedds, boulsters & 4 Pillowes 2 old payre
of Curtaynes & vallence – 1 pr. of Blankets & 2 old Ruggs}
1 feather Bed with boulster & 2 Pillowes & 1 payre
of Blanketts & 1 suite of Curteynes & vallence & Rugge}
4 payre of Sheetes old 2 table Clothes : 14 Napkins
8 old Pillobers, 11 Towells old}
6 porringers, 2 basons, 4 dishes, 5 Plates
1 Cuppe, 1 Tankard a small pcell of old puten}
2 Brasse Kettles, 1 brasse pan, 1 warmyingpan
1 morter & 2 Pestles, 1 brasse Candlestick & Ladle}
5 Iron potts, 3 pr. pot hookes, 2 pr. pot Rackes
2 old fryingpans 1 pr. old Andirons, 3 Spitts}
1 old Gunne 3 Reaphookes, 1 old Sawe, 1 handsawe
1 broad Axe, 1 old pr. of fire shovell & Tongs}
4 Chests, 1 small box
3 Leather & 4 old wooden Chaires
2 small Tables
1 old payre of Bellowes & 3 peeces of old tin ware
10 Cowes & Calves
2 Baren Cowes
1 3 yeare old Bull
5 yearlings
1 Steere 4 yeares old 2 steers 3 yeare old
2 Servante Ladds 3 yeares P. Each
a Certeyne pcell of Hoggs
1 horse
2 men Servants 19 monthes P. each
1 Servant 9 monthes to Serve}
Debts Due to the Estate of the Said Parrot
James Elton of the County of Calvrt. by Bill
Benjamyn Cloyster & Daniell Blade of Calvert County
Jointly & Sevrally by bill
Debts Due from the Estate as doth Appeare
by Sevrall bills & reicipts Amounting to}
} De.13877
The Ballance
one boate & Sayles
Maryland ss.
By virtue of an order to us Directed from the Secretaryes
office, wee have Accordingly to the best of our Judgmt. made an
Appraismt. of the Estate of Francis Parrot Deceased
the 13th 7ber }
1672 }Edw: Roe (Seale)
Anto. Mayle (Seale)
Francis Parrott #2- inventory, 10 January 1710
A Trew Inventary : of all ye Goods Creditts and Chattills of ye Estate of Francis Paratt of Quen
Anns County of Late Dissesed Takein and Praisd. By Us whoes names are hear subscribed.
To 306 Pownd of Tobaco att
To 2 : Cows Att
To 2 young Stears 2 : year old pr. heed :
To : 1 Larg mare att
To 1 : old Rug and Par of Blankitts
To 1 : oulld Chist att :
To A Perscill of Earthin ware att
To 1: Small ould frine Pann & A Percee of old spons att
To 1 Carsey Cote hallfe worne att
To 1 old Tub att
To 1 Shote att
Tho : Baynard one of ye Creditors
Emd. Jenkeson on of ye Creditors
Relations: William Parratt, Thomas Pratt
[?] that [...] 10th day of Jan[...] [...]710 Then the w[...] in John Webb and was tested and Sam[...]ll Jemmet and wa swer appraisers of ye goods Chattles and Credits of Francis Parrett Late Decease before Me the Subscriber one of her Majes. Justs. &c. as witness out hands and seales
the day and year above sd.
Francis Parrott #2- administration bond, 20 December 1710
KNOW all Men by these Presents that We Rebekah Parrott of Queen Anne’s County Widdo., William Cooper & James Silvester of the Same County Planters are held & firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne in the full & just Sum of Two hundred------------------------ pounds Sterling currant Money of ... Great Brittain to be paid to her Majesty her Heirs & Successors to the which payment well & truly to be made & done. We binde ourselves and either of us our & either of our Heirs Executors & Administrators joyntly & severally firmly by these Presents sealed with our seale & dated this 20th day of December in the 9th year of her Majesty’s Reign &c. Anno Domini 1710 -
Francis Parrott #2 -Administration account, 21 July 1711
The Account of Rebecka Parot Admrx. of all & Singular ye Goods Chattells & Creditts of Francis Parrot late of Queen Ann’s County Decd. as well as and for Such and So much of the Goods Chattells & Creditts of the Said Decd. as came to her hands and Possession, as of ye Payments and
Disbursments made out of the Same – as followeth – vizt.
Impes. This accomptant Charges her Selfe with all and Singular ye Goods
Chattells and Creditts of the sd. Decd. Comprized in an Inventary thereof
£ 10 . 8 . - .
taken & returned into ye Office for Probat of Wills, amounting to
The Said accomptant humbly Craves allowance for ye following –
Payments & Disbursmts. made out of ye Same Estate –
£ Toba.
for Tobbacco pd. Thoms. Baynard as pr. Acct. proved & rect. appears
for Tobba. pd. John Willson as pr. Bill takein & rect. appears
for Tobba. pd. Emanl. Jenkinson as pr. Acct. proved & rect.
for Toba. pd. [?] [?] as pr. Acct. provd. & rect.
for Tobba. pd. Mr. Robt. Grundy as pr. Bill & rect. apprs.
for Tobba. pd. for a Coffin & funerall Charges
And ye sd. Accomptant humbly Craves allowance of 10 pr. Cent }
for ye above Payments being }
At sd. p. [?]
£ 12 . 14 . 8
£ 2 . 6 . 8
£ 10 . 8 . –
Then Came Rebecka Parrot Admrx. of Francis Parrot & made oath upon ye Holy Evangelists yt ye above is a true & perfect of her admtion. on ye sd. Decds. Estate Before me Evh. Thomas Depty Comty.
Francis Parrott #3 - Will, 9 Jun 1761, proved 23 Jun 1761
Land Patents & Headrights
James Ashborne sells land to Thomas Bradley; said land was originally obtained from the transportation of Francis Parrott in 1655.
Francis Parrott buys land from Thomas Meares, 27 August 1658, which Meares had obtained for the transportation of Francis Stone.
Phillip Calvert Secret.; Josias Fendall
This Grant is according to Certificate and &c.
Robert Clark Surveyor
Francis Parrott transports himself and two servants; sells his land to Francis Armstrong and Hopkin Davies, 25 Feb 1662
LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Francis Parrott, rights and assignment, 25 Feb 1662, Liber AA, ff. 317-318, MSA SM215-3, Microfilm no. SR 8200; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Wittness Jno. Troster[?]
Hopkin Davies
350 Acres of Land. Ret. 27th Aprill next.
Francis Armstrong sells the land he bought the year before from Francis Parrott, 8 February 1663
John Edmondson
March 30th 1663
Francis Parrott buys 300 acres from Anthony Skinner on 14 April 1663
On the back of a Warrant to Anthony LeCompte for 200 Acres of Land dat: 21st Febry. 1662 is this assignmt: Vizt.
Testa. Brett Dallender, Ralph Ellstone
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