Family ID #012c in the Catalog of American P-rr-tt Families

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William Parrott
of Talbot Co., Maryland
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2084 people in the tree. Living individuals have not been knowingly posted.
• Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write.
Photo left: William's homestead, known as 'Parrott's Cage' or 'The Cage,' from Stein, 1961
Photo right: The seal of William Parrott from his will, dated 14 March 1668, & the seal from the will of Gabriell Parrott, 5 May 1698, share the same basic design, differing only by the letters flanking the tree.

One of the earliest Parrott lines of north America is that of William Parrott. Today it is one of the 10 largest Parrott famiies, accounting for some 3% of all Parrotts in the US today. Yet, the tree is still very incomplete. This is an attempt to place the bits and pieces of information floating around into one place, so as to aid future research. According to Stein, 1961:

"William Parrott, an early Puritan, received a grant of The Cage in 1652,and probably built the brick dwelling, which is one of the oldest and most interesting houses in Calvert County. It stands on the shore of the Patuxent between Battle Creek and St. Leonard's Creek. Later it was acquired by James Mckall. Since the American Revolution, it has been owned by the Parran family, descendants of Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon General of the American Army during the Revolution."

This family shows a distant DNA connection to another P-rr-tt family from Nunney, suggesting that this family came to Maryland from the Somerset/Wiltshire area.

  • See the DNA Results. Additional information is always useful-- If you are a male from this line, sign up to get tested!
  • Web pages with more information on this family:
  • William of Talbot County
  • Wills of William Parrott & descendants, 1668-1770
  • 17-century land patents of William Parrott & sons of Maryland
  • 17-century land transactions of William Parrott & sons of Maryland

Return to the William Parrott group
Return to the P-rr-tt families of North America

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  • Barnes, R.W. and F.E. Wright. 1997. Colonial Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Vol. 3. Family Line Publications, Westminster, MD.
  • Carroll, K. 1970. Quakerism on the Eastern Shore. The Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, MD.
  • Reksten, Harald and Wayne Parrott. 2009. A re-examination of the relationships among the Parrott families of the American Colonies in the 17th century. Magazine of Virginia Genealogy Feb 47(1):21-43 & May 47(2):129-147 , originally published by the Virginia Genealogical Society.
  • Scott, E.P. 1967. Links that Bind. Vol. 2. Sudan Beacon-News, Sudan, TX.
  • Stein, C.F. 1961. A History of Calvert County Maryland. 2nd Ed. Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, MD.
  • Parrott Talk IX:1-51, 1991
  • Updates & Corrections:
  • 28 Dec 2024: Added obits for 2024 decedents, Donald Dean, Marlys Wilhemina; Phyllis Joan, Blair Simon, Margaret Lubowicki, Brandy Faye, Shirley Marie & Mihael John. Also added obits for Tom Todd& Randy L. (108 persons added)
  • 31 Dec 2023: Added obits for Melvin Duane, Bruce Leroy, Marianne Ruth, & Harriet Ann; additional family and information to Barbara Ann, Darwin D, Dustin, Dylan, Madeline, Meredith, Rebecca Ann, William Willis, Gregory Lee (added 92 persons)
  • 15 Dec 2022: Obits for Leroy James, Carolyn Lee, Hal Harold Philip, Mary Maxine, Norman Lyle & Stephen W; lines of, Ezequiel, Brent Michael, David Leroy, Latricia, Sarah, Robert Mitchell, James Albert (207 Persons)
  • 11 Dec 2021: Merged the Montrose line into the file; lines of Andrew Craig, Lerory James, Doris Stella, Ricky Lee, Jeanette M, Marilyn Joan, and Thomas R (114 persons)
  • 25 Dec 2020: Added obits for Charles Wills, Mary Edwards, Horace Evering, Howard C, line of Fowler and of Chester Marion; 48 persons total
  • 22 Dec 2019: Added 33 people, including the family of Harold Alvin and news on John Ennals Parrott, local golf champion in Dayton
  • 13 Dec 2018: Added 182 people
  • 24 Dec 2017: Added to the families of John, Nimrod Levi, Lindesay Marc, James & Lydia, & Janet Reynolds (144 persons). At the same time, removed the Parrotts of Montrose (45 persons) to an orphan branch file, because the documentation is not strong enough to unquestionably place in this family.
  • 02 Jan 2016: Added 55 people, half of who are the John Calvin family.
  • 26 Dec 2015: Removed the parents of George; Added 64 people: another line to John James; the line of Orlando; the family of Josiah & Ann Seeley; Howard Milton line; family of Thomas Marc
  • 22 Dec 2014: Added the Josiah & Lucretia Watts Parrott family (67 individuals); the family of William James Parrott (41 individuals); the family of Jack J (16 people)
  • 18 May 2014: Added 6 children + descendants to Melvin + Ida Baker Parrott (49 individuals)
  • 22 Mar 2014: Added the William & Amelia Tharp Parrott branch
  • About William Parrott:
    The following biography is extracted from "Reksten, Harald and Wayne Parrott. 2009. A re-examination of the relationships among the Parrott families of the American Colonies in the 17th century. Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, May 47(2):129-147 . All the documentation is in the article.

    The best known early Maryland Parrotts were William of Talbot County and his descendants, along with his contemporaries Francis of Talbot & Calvert Counties and Gabriel of Anne Arundel County. All are described in Links That Bind, though the author was careful not to specify the nature of their relationship. This group of Parrotts appears to be a self-contained family. While William left issue alive today, no living issue is known for Francis and Gabriel, regardless of what is posted on the Internet.

    William Parrott lived in Talbot County. Two tracts of land were surveyed on William Sr.'s behalf in 1653: one for 250 acres, and one for 400 acres, called Charley. In 1658 he obtained the 250-acre tract for transporting three servants, and the 400-acre tract for transporting himself and his family. One or both of these tracts were referred to as The Cage by 1669. William also acquired 500 acres, called Poppingay in 1659. This land had been assigned to him in 1651, surveyed in 1654, and patented in 1659.

    A relationship between Francis of Calvert/Talbot and William of Talbot was assumed by Links That Bind partly on the basis that they owned the same tracts of land. As related in Links That Bind, a land patent for 100 acres, now called Partlett, ends up in William's ownership in 1659. Marshy Point, which is owned by William by 1665, was part of the 100 acres patented by Francis, as were the 300 acres later (1670) owned by Gabriel Parrott. In reality, these patents were never certificated, and Links That Bind confuses the acreage patented with certificate numbers, and therefore assumed these were the same land parcels previously owned by Francis Parrott. Though William did patent both Partlett, which he obtained for transporting Rebecca Lee, and Marshy Point Addition, which he obtained from John Edmondson, these are really different tracts of land from those owned by Francis; their only similarity is their acreage. The only land Francis owned during this time period ends up in possession of Hopkin Davies and Francis Armstrong.

    Francis Parrott of Calvert and Talbot counties first appears in the record retroactively on 8 November 1663, when James Ashborne mentioned headrights obtained by transporting Francis Parrott in 1655. Next, on 27 August 1658 (commonly but incorrectly reported as 1648), Francis Parrott purchased 100 acres from Thomas Meares in Calvert County on the Chesapeake Bay. Francis later purchased 300 acres on 14 April 1663 from Andrew Skinner. In the interim, he transported himself and two servants, receiving three head rights in return.

    While a relationship among these Maryland Parrotts cannot be inferred based on land tenure, there are other indications that these Parrotts were related. The will of Francis Parrott of Calvert County was written in 1669 and proved in 1671. He had married Sarah, who was pregnant when Francis died. Sarah's maiden name is thought to be Abraham, a probable sister of William's second wife, Ann Abraham. However, there is no documentation to prove that Ann and Sarah were sisters, as Sarah's maiden name has never been found in a document. The inference has been drawn from the fact that Ann's brother, Isaac Abraham, provided 40,000 lbs of tobacco as bond for Sarah to settle her husband's estate. Such bonds were commonly provided by the widow's relatives.

    A second Francis Parrott, absent from Links That Bind, had his estate inventoried on 10 January 1710 in Queen Anne's County, Maryland, which was formed in 1706 from parts of Talbot, Dorchester and Kent counties. It is possible this Francis was the son of the first Francis, who died ca 1671. Although a deed to this Francis' land has not been found, his inventory shows he owned tobacco and livestock, suggesting that he owned land as well. Other families connected to the descendants of William of Talbot, such as Pratt and Silvester, are mentioned in the administration bond or in the administration account.

    There are numerous published and Internet reports that a Francis Parrott who appears in 1691 in North Carolina was the son in utero mentioned in Francis' will. That is speculation based solely on the coincidence of time. Assuming the unborn child of Francis survived into adulthood, it is more likely he was this second Francis in nearby Queen Anne's County, not the one in North Carolina. Case in point, the Y-DNA from Maryland's William Parrrott descendants does not match that of North Carolina's Francis Parrott descendants.

    William died on 11 May 1669 in Talbot County, Maryland. His original will is still in existence, with its seal intact. Other seals survive as well. They are that of Gabriell Parrott, Henry Parrott, William Parrott, John Parrott, Abner Parratt, Francis Parrott, Gabriel Jr., Henry son of William, and William, grandson of William of Talbot. These seals are symbolic, rather than heraldic. As shown by the seal of Henry, sons did not have to use the seals of their fathers.

    Gabriel Parrott Sr. has been said to be the son of William Sr., but the relationship between them has never been firmly established. Although the seal of Gabriel Sr. has not survived, that of Gabriel Jr. still exists. Both William Sr. and Gabriel Jr. used the same design on their seals, differing only by the characters flanking the tree-characters that might be M & 2 for William, and R & L for Gabriel. Likewise, Francis has also been said to be a son of William. However, neither Gabriel nor Francis is mentioned in William's will, even though both were alive at the time the will was written. Perhaps William and Gabriel Sr. were brothers.

    Though commonly referred to as a 'Puritan,' the religious affiliation of William of Talbot is debatable. Links That Bind, believes him to have been a member of the Church of England, who converted to the Quaker faith before his death, which would coincide with the time when Quakerism was just becoming established in Maryland. However, there is no documentation that would support William's affiliation with the Quakers. Gabriel Jr. was of the Church of England. That much is particularly apparent from his will and that of his widow, Elizabeth Lockwood Parrott, both of whom make explicit reference to "the Compulcon of the Church of England". Likewise, there is no direct record that either of the two Francis was a Quaker. However, there is no doubt that William's children joined the Quaker faith, and there are frequent references to his descendants and their widows in their records.

    1. William Parrott Sr. died on 11 May 1669 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: From Links that Bind:

    "William Parrott Planter, thought to be in the Province of Maryland by 1649 owned land in both Calvert and Talbot and is accredited with building "The Cage" in Calvert County. He died in 1668 in Talbot County. William was a Justice of the Provincial Court and was also a member of the Commission authorized to treat with the Indians in 1654*. William Parrott of Marshy Point and Parrotts Cage, in some records is shown as keeper of a Vinyard, and he mentions his fruit trees in his will in 1668."

    *Webmaster's note: William was actually appointed on 23 March 1656/7 as a "commissioner for the well Ordering, directing and Governing the affaires of Maryland"

    "Two land grants to William Parrott on Patuxent River were near land of Robert Warren. The land grants received in 1658 states William Parrott hath transported himself and family "into _s our Province to inhabit".

    -One grant was for the total of 400 acres in Patuxent River and the other for 250 acres in Patuxent River.

    Appears on the rent rolls for Lord Baltimore, having obtained land on the Herring Creek Hundred in 1653.

    A list of land patents to William Parrott included:
    - 250 acres, "The Cage". Tract Poppingay, Patent 500, Calvert County, 1659.
    - Tract Charley, 1658 S1:. Marys County, 400 acres.
    - Tract Partlett, now Talbot County, 100 acres, 1659.
    - Tract Edmonsons' Reserve, now Dorchester County, patent 1050.
    - Tract Marshy Point, 1665, Talbot county, 100 acres

    As is shown by his will William Parrott was a large landowner. In his will he mentions acreage amounting to 2,900 acres.

    Parrott v. Brasse:
    Whereas Willm Parrott hath petitioned the Court for reparation in his credit, agst Alice Brasse, Shewing how tht the sd Brasse being his servant, & hee correcting her, scandalously reported how her sd Master had broake Two of her ribbs, & that if shee dyed wth in a twelve month shee would lay her death to him, &c :

    Capt Sampson waring sayth, tht being att Mr Stanleys, Mr Stanley requested him & James Veitch, & Mr Willm Coursey, to goe in & see his servant hee had bought of Mr Parrott, And shee seemed then to bee lame & sayd tht if shee dyed, Mr Parrott was the occasion of her Death by unreasonably beating her wth a great stick. And that shee thought tht hee had broken one or Two of her ribbs, And this Depont sayth tht shee then att tht time lay, as if shee were dying, but the next morning shee went about her business in dressing Victualls, & righting up the howse.

    James Veitch Jurat idem uerbatim quod Capt Waring, Anne Neuell sayth tht Veiwing Anne Brasse & searching her, shee fownd her all black & blew over one of her shoulders & over the back & sweld downe the back.

    Mr Stanley informeth the Court, tht it was a fortnight or three weekes after Anne Neuell searched her, from the time Mr Parrott beate her & tht it was wth a stick, as big as her little finger, & tht shee still complaines of the payne in her back.

    The Judgmt of the Court is There appeares noe cause of Accon & both parties dismissed.

    Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662, Volume 41, Page 268:
    Parrott v Brasse:
    Mr Willm Parrott demands warrt agst Alice Brasse in an accon of Defamaon. Writt to the Sheriffe of Calvert County to bring Anne Brasse to Court to iustify her allegaon. Writt to warne Capt Sampson Waring & James Veitch to testify in dit. Caan sub poen. 500l Tob. each, pro plf . Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to warne Anne Neuell to testify in dit pro deft, att Mr Hugh Stanleys request. Sub poena 500l Tob. Ret. ut supra.

    From: Stein, Charles Francis. 1961. A History of Calvert County Maryland. 2nd Ed. Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, MD:

    "Another Puritan who settled in St. Leonard's Creek Hundred, was William Parrott, one of the Puritan Commissioners of Calvert County in 1654. The well proportioned old brick house still standing on the shores of the Patuxent River about midway between St. Leonard's Creek and Battle Creek marks the site. It is known as Parrott's Cage, or simply, The Cage. This property has been in the possession of the Parran family for many generations and is one of the finest plantations in Calvert County."

    "William Parrott served also as an Associate Justice during part of the Puritan era."

    "St. Leonard's Creek Hundred was settled at a very early date, and most of its choicest locations came into the possession of Cavalier families, such as the Brookes, the Broomes, and Attorney-General Richard Smith, and of the original group of Puritans, such as Peter Johnson, Robert Taylor, and William Parrott."

    [Note: the following passage has at least 2 innacuracies. First, it states William was a Huguenot, simply because there are records for Parot Huguenots in England. This conclusion totally ignores the fact that there were also Perrots in England, who were not of Huguenot origin. Secondly, there is no proof Gabriel was son of William, and it must be explained why William does not mention Gabriel in his will. There is no documentation that supports that the Benjamin mentioned is a descendant of Gabriel, as he is not mentioned in his will or any other document; however the possibilty cannot be excluded.]

    "William Parrott was one of the Puritan settlers of lower Calvert County. In 1652 he received a grant of The Cage, sometimes called "Parrott's Cage," a plantation on the Patuxent River, about midway between St. Leonard's Creek and Island Creek. Like many of the Puritans, the Parrott family were French Huguenots. Their name appears on the early Huguenot records in England as Parot. William Parrott was a Justice during the Puritan era, and held other offices. He owned lands in Anne Arundel County and in Prince George's County, as well as in Calvert. He had a son, Gabriel Parrott, who resided for the most part in Anne Arundel County. His daughter Susannah Parrott, married George Parker II, and and after his death she became the wife of Col. John Mackall. Many famous men and women of later generations trace their ancestry back to the Parrott family though this marriage. Benjamin Parrott, who is listed on the Rent Rolls as the owner of Stoakley, was probably a son of Gabriel Parrott. He seems to have been the last of the men of the Parrott family to have resided in Calvert County."

    William married Unknown.

    Notes: Last name might have been Jenkinson. Son Henry mentions two cousins in his will, Jacob Abrahams and Emanuwill Jenkenson. Jacob Abrahams was his step-cousin.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 2 M    i. William Parrott Jr. died on 9 Jan 1696 and was buried in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 3 M    ii. Henry Parratt Sr. died before Oct 1685 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    William next married Ann Abrahams, daughter of Isaac Abrahams Sr. and Eliza Unknown. Ann died after 1679.

    Notes: August 1669-- William and Henry sell house and plantation to Ann Parrott, mother-in-law

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 4 M    i. George Parrott Sr. was born in 1652 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1692 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 5 M    ii. Benjamin Parrott Sr. was born in 1654 and died on 18 May 1724 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 70.

    Second Generation (Children)

    2. William Parrott Jr. (William Sr.1) died on 9 Jan 1696 and was buried in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: William Parratt, will, 9 Jan 1696, proved 18 Mar 1696 (Liber 7, ff. 271-273, MSA SM16-12, Microfilm no. SR 4403)--Abstract.

    – To be buried at Tuckahoe [Quakers].
    – To sons Jno. Parrat and William Parrat, dwelling plantn,. exc. parcel on contr. side of Creek adj. Thomas Taylor's plantn., to be div. beg. at head of Branch btw. brother Henry Parrat's plantn., through Old Field to Old Spring.
    – To sons Jno Parrat & William Parrat, 100 ac. of land in Dorcett Co., "Edmondses Reserve," adj. Thomas Harvey.
    – To dau. Rebecca Parratt, "Strawberry Fields Addition" (50 ac.) near Beaver Dam.
    – To dau. Hannah Parratt, land of dwelling plantn. on contr. side of Creek as excd. above.
    – To daus. Rebecca and Hannah, 100 ac. of land, pt. of "Edmondsones Reserve," adj.brothers pt. as above.
    – Personal estate to be div. btw. 5 chldn: Jno. Parratt, William Parratt, Elizabeth Kerwick, Rebecca Parratt, Hannah Parratt.
    – Exec: friend Jno. Pemberton, son Jno. Parratt.
    – Wit: Jno. Morgan, Brian Mounticue/Mountacue [mark], Jno. Dawsone [mark], William Makeing/Mackeining [mark]
    – Proved 18 Mar 1696 by Morgan, Mountacue, Dawsone, Mackeining on oath. Pemberton renounces executorship.

    William married Sarah Morgain.

    Children from this marriage were:

       6 F    i. Rebecca Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1725.

    Rebecca married Richard Webb. Richard was born on 18 Apr 1673 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1719 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 46.

    Rebecca next married Caleb Clark. Caleb was born on 5 Apr 1721 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       7 F    ii. Hannah Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Hannah married John Baggs.

       8 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 22 Dec 1670 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 27 Apr 1710 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 39.

    Elizabeth married Michael Kirby. Michael died on 18 May 1724 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 9 M    iv. John Parrott was born on 23 Nov 1672 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1720 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 48.

       10 F    v. Sarah Parrott was born on 22 Oct 1674 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1696.

    Sarah married Henry Clark. Henry died before 1723.

       11 M    vi. William Parratt III was born on 22 Mar 1677 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1720 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 43.

    Notes: PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) William Parratt, planter, will, 8 May 1720, proved 14 Jul 1720, Liber 16, ff. 119-122, MSA SM16-24, Microfilm no. SR 4410. Abstract:

    – To be buried at Tuckahoe Meeting.
    – To cousin Ann Parratt, dau of bro John Parratt, after dec. of wife Susanah Parratt, land I now live on, "Middle Spring" (50 ac).
    - To cousin John Kirby, etc.
    - To cousin Michael Kirby, etc.
    - To cousin William Kirby, etc.
    - To cousin David Kirby, etc.
    - To John Ralhel Jr., my gun.
    - To cousin Aron Parratt, my great Bible.
    - To cousin Benjamin Selvester, who now lives with me, etc., to be paid when "To age."
    - To cousin Elinor Selvester, who now lives with me, etc.
    - To wife Susanah, remaining part of personal estate.
    - Exec: wife Susanah
    - Wit: Mychal Kirby [mark], John Baggs [mark], E. Turner
    - Proved 14 Jul 1720 by Kirby & Baggs on oath, Turner affirm

    William married Susannah Silvester. Susannah died in 1752 in Talbot Co., Maryland. They had no children.

    3. Henry Parratt Sr. (William Sr.1) died before Oct 1685 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: - 26/7 February 1669, Henry, s/o William Parrott conveys Popinjay to Samuel Chew of Ann Arundell Co.

    Will, dated 24 June 1685 and probated 22 October 1685. Abstract:

    – To be buried at Tuckahowe Meetinghouse
    To son Henry Parratt, half of land I now live on, town lot, and remaining pt of "Parkers Neck."
    - To son Isaac Parratt, part of "Parkers Neck."
    - To eldest daughter Mary Parrot.
    - To son Isaac Parrat, "White Oake Swamp" (100 acres).
    - To servant girl Ann Cammell cow or sow if she relinquish cow given to her by former master George Allimby.
    - Goods & chattles to be div. amongst wife & children. Two old horses to wife. To son Henry a black mare. To dau. Mary a young sorrell mare.
    - Exec: wife Mary Parrat, brother Benjamin Parrot, cousin Jacob Abrahams, Emanuwill Jenkenson.
    - Sons to receive their share at age 18; daus. at age 17. Sons cannot dispose or sell their share until age 20.
    - Son Henry to live with his grandfather Henry Wallchurch. After his death, with Aunt Sarah, then his choice with a Friend [Quaker] from Tuckahoe Meeting. Daus. to live with wife.
    - Wit: James Morris, Francis Collins [mark], William Davison/Denisson, Benjamin Forbey
    Proved 22 Oct 1685, by Collins on oath & Forbey ref. to take oath. Morris is decd. Denisson is "not to be found.

    Henry married Elizabeth Woolchurch, daughter of Henry Woolchurch and Elizabeth Unknown. Elizabeth was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 16 May 1682 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

       12 F    i. Mary Parrott was born on 10 May 1672 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Mary married George Pratt.

       13 F    ii. Elizabeth Parratt was born on 8 Jan 1674 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Elizabeth married Obadiah Judkin Jr.

    + 14 M    iii. Henry Parrott Jr. was born on 30 Nov 1676 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died circa 1746 in Talbot Co., Maryland, about age 70.

       15 F    iv. Catharine Parratt was born on 17 Jan 1678 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Catharine married Thomas Buckingham.

    + 16 M    v. Isaac/Isaiah Parratt was born in 1683 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1719 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 36.

    Henry next married Mary Bates.

    4. George Parrott Sr. (William Sr.1) was born in 1652 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1692 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Calculated birth date for George, by, May 7, 2023, 12:41 PM

    William Parrott sr.'s will (1669) states sons are of age at 21. See MD Wills v.1 p.337-339 (FHL digital film #007737513 images 180-181 of 545.

    1) George Parrott: birth year calculated as 1652.

    George goes to court to establish that he is of age (21) 0n 18 Nov 1673.

    "The Court finding tht George Parratt sonn of William Parrott Late of this County deceased is at full Age hath ordered tht the said George Pratt Recede his Estate in to his ow Possession:" MSA vol 54 page 581.

    "Att a Court held for Talbott County By his Lordpps Justices of the Peace the Eighteenth day of Nouember in the 42th year of the Dominion off Caecilius & Annoq3 Dom: 1673" [18 Nov 1673] . MSA vol 54 page 580.

    Maryland State Archives online: volume 54 page 581 & page 580.
    Maryland State Archives
    Proceedings of the County Courts of Kent (1648-1676), Talbot (1662-1674), Somerset (1665-1668)

    George married Elizabeth Bodwell.

    Notes: "Whereas George Pratt of Talbot county in the province of Maryland and Elizabeth Parrott relic of George Parrott, spinster of the same county and province"

    Children from this marriage were:

       17 M    i. John Parrott .

    + 18 M    ii. George Parrott Jr. died in 1719.

       19 M    iii. Francis Parrott died in 1710 in Queen Ann Co., Maryland.

    5. Benjamin Parrott Sr. (William Sr.1) was born in 1654 and died on 18 May 1724 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 70.

    Notes: Benjamin Parrott of Talbot County planter in the province of Maryland 21st., of 8th month called October in the year 1680, in an assembly of the people of God at their meeting house at Henry Parrott's in the county aforesaid solemnly in the fear of God, took Elizabeth Keen of the aforesaid county spinster, to be his wife and the said Elizabeth Keen did then and there in like manner, take the said Benjamin Parrott to be her husband each of them promising to be faithful one to the other as husband and wife, so long as they should live in the presence of us. Among the witnesses: William, Henry, George, Elizabeth and Sarah Parrott.

    Note: not clear which children belong to which wife.

    Calculated birth date for Benjamin, by, May 7, 2023, 12:41 PM

    William Parrott sr.'s will (1669) states sons are of age at 21. See MD Wills v.1 p.337-339 (FHL digital film #007737513 images 180-181 of 545.

    2). Benjamin Parrott: birth year calculated as 1654.

    On the 6 Aug 1669 William Parratt & Henry Parratt recorded a deed of sale to their mother in law Ann Parratt for 1/2 the orchard/plantation until "our Brother Benjamin Parratt shall come of age (21). (Talbot Co., MD Land Records vol. 1 page 79).

    On the 9 Jun 1675 William Parratt, Henry Parratt, Gorge Parratt & Benjamin Parratt recorded deed of sale to Mr John Clemons. (Talbot Co., MD Land Records vol. 1 page 321-322.

    Benjamin married Elizabeth Keen.

    The child from this marriage was:

       20 F    i. Sarah Parrott was born on 22 Oct 1674 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Sarah married Henry Clark. Henry died before 1723.

    Sarah next married Unknown Dickinson.

    Benjamin next married Elizabeth Estell, daughter of Samuel John Estell. Elizabeth was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1711 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 21 M    i. Aaron Parrott Sr. was born in 1701 and died in 1759, at age 58.

    Benjamin next married Jane Clark. Jane died in Nov 1746 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

       22 M    i. Benjamin Parrott Jr. was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1728 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Benjamin Parratt Jr. of Talbot Co., Maryland, Planter. Will written 10 November 1728, probated 18 December 1728.

    – To sisters Mary Parratt, Hannah Parratt, Jane Parratt, Rebecca Parratt, and brother William Parratt, whole estate exc. "four folds accrueing by Law to me" fr. George Eaton & William Roberts, to Eaton & Roberts.
    – Exec: Joshua Clark
    – Wit: Edward Nedels, John Slaughtor [mark], William Goult [mark]
    – Proved 18 Dec 1728 by Nedles on oath, saw Goult sign, Slaughtor affirm

    Benjamin married Catherine Unknown.

       23 F    ii. Mary Parrott .

       24 F    iii. Hannah Parrott was born before 1713 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Hannah married James Powell. James was born on 16 Feb 1706 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 30 Oct 1734 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 28.

    Hannah next married Isaac Dobson. Isaac died before 1747.

    Hannah next married Henry Alexander.

       25 F    iv. Eliza Parrott .

       26 F    v. Jane Parrott .

    Jane married Anthony Roe.

       27 F    vi. Rebecca Parrott .

    + 28 M    vii. William Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before Mar 1748 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Third Generation (Grandchildren)

    9. John Parrott (William Jr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Nov 1672 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1720 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 48.

    Notes: Great Choptank, Talbot Co. Will dated 13 April 1720; probated 26 April, 1720. Abstract:

    -To son Benjamin Parrott, plantn. I now inhabit
    – To only dau. Ann Parrott, land called "Hereford[?]" in Dorchester Co. (50 ac)
    – To Ruth Smith, riding gelding, etc.
    – To dau. Ann Parrott, etc.
    – Remaining personal estate to be div. btw. them.
    – Dau. Ann Parrott to be raised and educated by sister Rebecca Webb until age 16. If sister
    die, then to be commended to monthly or quarterly meeting.
    – Exec: James Willson Jr., son Benjamin Parrott
    – Wit: Michll. Kerby [mark], Joshu Clark [mark], John Kerby [mark]
    – Proved 26 Apr 1720 by M. Kerby and J. Kerby on oath, Clark

    John married Ann Unknown.

    Children from this marriage were:

       29 F    i. Anne Parrott .

       30 M    ii. Benjamin Parrott was born on 13 Jan 1696 in St. Peter's Parish, Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Mentions father, John, on 20 July 1728. Benjamin was 31 years old.

    Benjamin married Deborah Arey.

    14. Henry Parrott Jr. (Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Nov 1676 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died circa 1746 in Talbot Co., Maryland, about age 70.

    Notes: - 14 March 1697/8-- Henry and wife Sarah convey 130 acres of Mannor of Canterbury on Treadaway Creek to James Berry [note: Elizabeth Woolchurch's (his mother) sister Sarah married James Berry]

    On 20 November 1705 Henry Parrott and his wife Sarah convey to Walter Trotter the plantation in Parrott's tenure; also a parcel of adjacent being part of Middle Spring formerly laid out for Henry Woolchurch near Kingstowne on Great Choptank River, and given by Woolchurch to old Henry Parrott and his wife Elizabeth, who formerly lived there and then was by said Henry devised to Henry Parrott his son, adjoining John Glover - a tract exchanged by old Henry with William Parrott - and land of Esaiah Parrrott - containing 150 acres. Also a lot in Kings Towne divided into lots which lot is the lot whereon Henry Parrott, Sr., formerly by Act of Assembly, built a house and the house and lot bequeathed to his son Henry.

    See PT IX:17 for additional notes.

    Henry married Sarah Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor and Elizabeth Marsh. Sarah was born on 2 Oct 1681 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 31 M    i. Isaiah Parrott was born before 1714 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1751 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 32 M    ii. William Parrott .

    Henry next married Anne. Anne died on 11 Feb 1721 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    16. Isaac/Isaiah Parratt (Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1683 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1719 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 36.

    Notes: Called Isaac in father's will, but Isaiah in wedding record.

    At September Court 1697, Ezaih (Isaiah?) Parrott, orphan of Henry Parrott, deceased, was ordered to serve William Sharpe until age 21, being now 12 years old.

    On 27 February 1719 Henry Parrott (Jr.) and his wife Anne convey to Hannah Parrott, relict of Isaiah Parrott, 150 acres, part of Middle Spring for her lifetime.

    The estate of Josias (ie, Isaiah) Parrott, with an inventory of £89.4.2, was administered on 30 August 1720 by Hannah Parrott the adminstrix.

    William Goult, planter of Talbot Co (2nd husband of Hannah Clark) names Leah Parratt in his will, dated 16 November 1728.

    On 8 August 1729, a valuation was made of a part of Middle Spring belonging to the orphan of Isaiah Parrott, deceased, near Kings Towne now in possession of Joshua Clark, guardian of the orphan.

    Isaac/Isaiah married Hannah Clark.

    Children from this marriage were:

       33 M    i. Isaiah Parratt .

    Notes: On the 26th day of the 12th month, it was judged at the Third Haven Meeting that Joshua Clark had a right to the guardianship of Iasiah Parrat.

       34 F    ii. Leah Parratt .

    18. George Parrott Jr. (George Sr.2, William Sr.1) died in 1719.

    Notes: Inherited a portion of Thornton from his father.

    The estate of George Parrott was appraised on 3 October 1733 by Solomon Robinson and Adam Brown. The personal property was appraised at £7.6.7.

    George married Hannah Martin, daughter of Thomas Martin.

    Children from this marriage were:

       35 F    i. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 13 Dec 1701 in Talbot Co., Maryland and was christened on 20 Jul 1702.

    Elizabeth married Matthew Jenkins.

    + 36 M    ii. Joseph Parrott Sr. was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1751 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 37 M    iii. Francis Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1761.

    + 38 M    iv. Abner Parrott Sr. was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in Nov 1760 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       39 M    v. George Parrott III died in 1733.

    21. Aaron Parrott Sr. (Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1701 and died in 1759, at age 58.

    Notes: On 10 March 1737 Aaron Parrott, wheelwright, and his wife Lydia, convey to Anthony Booth 100 acres, part of Bloomsberry.

    PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) Aaron Parrott, will, 19 Nov 1758, proved 13 Mar 1759,
    Liber 30, ff. 668-669, MSA SM16-45, Microfilm no. SR 4424-2. Abstract:

    \endash To wife, dwelling plantn., part of "Kingstone" and part of "John Neck"
    \endash To son Aaron, after wife's decease, her land. If he die w/o issue, then half each to sons William and Benjamin.
    \endash If son Aaron marry before wife's decease, half of lands and house on dwelling plantn.
    \endash To son Benjamin, land he now dwells on, part of above lands. If he die w/o heirs, then to son William.
    \endash To son William, part of "Cool Springs" in Queen Anne's Co. (200 ac). Son Aaron to build a dwelling house on "Cool Springs" after William arrives at age 21.
    \endash Personal estate to be div. equally btw. wife and sons & daughters. Son Benjamin to receive £60 less due to goods already recd.
    \endash Exec: Sons Benjamin and Aaron
    \endash Wit: Jonathan Tyler, John Tyler, Elizabeth Tyler [mark]
    \endash Proved 18 Mar 1759 by Jonathan Tyler (Quaker) affirm, John & Elizabeth Tyler on oat

    The estate of Aaron Parratt, with a balance of £512.14.8, was distributed on 3 June 1762 by Aaron Parratt, acting executor. A third went to the widow. The rest went to Benjamin, Aaron, Elizabeth (wife of Thomas Powell), Mary (wife of James Thomas), and William Parratt.

    Aaron married Lydia Kenton, daughter of William Kenton and Rebecca Dudley. Lydia died in 1768.

    Notes: PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) Lydia Parratt, will, 13 Feb 1766, proved 4 Aug 1768, Liber 36, ff. 585-586, MSA SM16-52, Microfilm no. SR 4430. Abstract:

    – To son William Parratt, negro woman named Hagar, negro girl named Minte, etc.
    – To grandson James Thomas, negro boy named Preston
    – To daus. Elizabeth Powell and Mary Thomas, equally div. wearing clothes
    – To son Aaron Parratt, £5; he to be at expense to bury her
    – To son Benjamin Parratt and Thomas Powell, residue of estate to be div. btw. them
    – Exec: Son Benjamin Parratt and William Parratt; George Dudley, Edward Nedals to "value divid and settle" the estate
    – Wit: Edward Nedels, Vincent Price
    – Proved 4 Aug 1768 by Nedels and Price on oath

    Children from this marriage were:

       40 M    i. William Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 41 M    ii. Benjamin Parrott III was born about 1731 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1773 in Talbot Co., Maryland, about age 42.

       42 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Elizabeth married Thomas Powell. Thomas was born on 5 Mar 1711 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1772 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 61.

       43 F    iv. Mary Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Had 3 sons: William, James and David., all b in Talbot Co.

    Mary married James Thomas, son of William Thomas and Joanna Powell. James was born on 18 May 1739 in Talbot Co., Maryland and was buried in 1771 in Kent Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Will written 26 Oct 1770, proved 28 Jan 1771; eldest son was heir.

    Mary next married Aquilla Page.

    + 44 M    v. Aaron Parrott Jr. was born in 1737 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1786.

    28. William Parrott (Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before Mar 1748 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    William married Mary Harwood, daughter of Peter Harwood and Elizabeth Taylor. Mary was born about 1703 in Anne Arundell Co., Maryland and died in 1747 in Talbot Co., Maryland, about age 44.

    The child from this marriage was:

       45 F    i. Mary Parrott was born about 1747.

    Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)

    31. Isaiah Parrott (Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born before 1714 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1751 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: On 9 September 1746 Isaiah Parrott conveys to William Parrott, wheelwright, 65, a part of Canterbury Manor whereon Isaiah Parrott now dwelled and late in the tenure of Arthur Connor, deceased, adjacent part purchased by George Robins in his lifetime purchased of Henry Parrott, lately deceased, father of Isaiah.

    The estate of Isaiah Parrott was appraised by Pollard Edmondson and Nicholas Glen, and valued at £172.4.6. Next of kin were William Parrott and Joshua Hopkins. Inventory filed on 14 June 1751.

    On 18 July 1752, the administrix of the estate, Susannah (his widow) and now wife of James Woolcott. After expenses, the remaining was distributed among her 3 children, Sarah, Henry and Elizabeth.

    Isaiah married Susannah Hopkins, daughter of Dennis Hopkins and Elizabeth Unknown. Susannah was born in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: 27 November 1739, Elizabeth Hopkins, widow of Dennis Hopkins, gives her daughter, Susannah Parrott, wife of Isaiah Parrott and their children, a negro woman named Jenny.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 46 M    i. Henry Parrott was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1793 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       47 F    ii. Sarah Parrott .

       48 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott .

    32. William Parrott (Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1).

    Notes: From PT 10:71: "The other William, Vol 29 pq 4, is not in the abstracts. he was, I (Pat Freselli) believe, the son of Henry Parrott of Canterbury manor. In an oral will he mentions sons - Thomas & William, wife Penelope and other children unnamed. A distribution of his estate names all of his children: Ruth Mullikin, Thomas, William, Rosanne and James. He married Penelope Sherwood in 1749 and I believe his first wife was Rosanne Clark - 1734."

    Not sure if all children are from first wife.

    William married Rosanne Clark.

    Children from this marriage were:

       49 F    i. Ruth Parrott .

    Ruth married Mullikin.

       50 M    ii. Thomas Parrott .

       51 M    iii. William Parrott .

       52 F    iv. Rosanne Parrott .

       53 M    v. James Parrott .

    36. Joseph Parrott Sr. (George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1751 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: On 21 May 1735 Joseph and Mary Parrott convey 100 acres to Thomas Martin, gent., Atwell, on the south side of Island Creek, along with 50 acres of Thorny Close.

    Children who were recipients of his estate's distribution on 21 December 1751: George (the administrator), James, Perry, Margaret, Joseph, Richard and Elizabeth.

    Joseph married Mary. Mary died about 1764 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

       54 F    i. Margaret Parrott died young in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       55 M    ii. Joseph Parrott Jr. died in 1733 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: On 21 September 1733, the estate of Joseph Parrott, worth £17.14.0, was distributed by Perry Parrott, administrator, with Richard Parrott and James Dawson as sureties. Distribution was to the brothers and sisters of the deceased: George, Jane, Perry, Margaret, Richard, and Mary wife of William Littleton.

       56 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott .

       57 F    iv. Mary Parrott .

    Mary married William Litttleton.

       58 M    v. George Parrott was born on 20 Apr 1730 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    George married Mary Brown.

       59 F    vi. Hannah Parrott was born on 1 Jul 1732 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       60 M    vii. James Parrott was born on 17 Feb 1733.

    + 61 M    viii. Peregrine "Perry" Parrott was born in 1736 and died in 1795, at age 59.

    + 62 M    ix. Richard Parrott Sr. died in 1786 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    37. Francis Parrott (George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1761.

    Notes: Will dated 9 June 1761, proved 23 June 1761.

    To children John, Abner, and Mary, slaves.
    Daughter Mary Parrott should give son John Parrott stock-- (first colt that my bay mare brings, and second colt that my said mare brings to son Abner Parrott)

    Remainder to rest of children: James, George, Hannah wife of Henry Alexander, Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Holmes.

    Estate was appraised at £148.0.3, and was distributed to heirs on 8 March 1767.

    Francis married Rosanna Lord.

    Children from this marriage were:

       63 M    i. James Parrott was born on 22 Nov 1736.

       64 F    ii. Hannah Parrott was born on 25 Mar 1738.

    Hannah married Henry Alexander.

       65 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 20 Jan 1739.

    Elizabeth married Nicholas Holms.

       66 M    iv. George Parrott was born on 21 Feb 1741.

       67 F    v. Mary Parrott was born on 4 Jul 1744.

       68 M    vi. John Parrott was born in May 1746.

    John married Mary Dobson.

    + 69 M    vii. Capt Abner Parrott was born about 1752 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 29 Apr 1809 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland, about age 57.

    38. Abner Parrott Sr. (George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in Nov 1760 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) Abner Parratt, will, 14 Nov 1760, proved 23 Dec 1760,
    Liber 31, ff. 169-170, MSA SM16-46, Microfilm no. SR 4425-1. Abstract:

    – To wife Margaret, two negroes, Nell & Ben
    – To dau Mary, one negro woman, Rachel, etc.
    – To dau Elizabeth, one negro woman, Sal, & unborn child
    – To son Abner, one negro boy, Dick
    – To son William, one negro boy, Peter
    – To dau Hannah, one negro boy, Jem
    – To children Abner, William, Hannah, wife's son Mark, clothes
    – Personal estate to be div. btw. 5 children after wife's third
    – Exec: wife Margaret, Mathew Jenkins
    – Wit: D. Dickenson, James Berry, Peter Coxe
    – Proved 23 Dec 1760 by Berry (Quaker) affirm, Cox on oath

    PREROGATIVE COURT (Balance Books) Abner Parrott, estate distribution, 26 Jun 1764,
    Liber 4, fol. 40, MSA SM9-4, Microfilm no. Roll 11-2. Abstract:

    – Exec: Margaret Parrott, Mathew Jenkins
    – Sureties: James Berry, Thomas Jenkins
    – To widow, one third
    – To dau Mary, legacy of one Negro woman, Rachel, etc.
    – To dau Elizabeth, legacy of one Negro woman, Sall
    – To son Abner, legacy of Negro boy, Dick
    – To son Wm., legacy of one Negro boy, Peter
    – To unnamed dau, legacy of one Negro man, Jem
    – Residue equally div. btw. children.

    Abner married Joanna Powell. Joanna was born on 9 Jan 1716 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1760 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 44. Another name for Joanna was Joanna Thomas.

    Children from this marriage were:

       70 F    i. Mary Ann Parrott was born on 27 Jul 1742 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Mary married Thomas Delehay.

       71 F    ii. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 17 Feb 1744.

    Elizabeth married John Littleton.

    + 72 M    iii. Abner Parrott Jr. was born in 1748 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1792 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 44.

       73 M    iv. William Parrott was born in 1752 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       74 F    v. Hannah Parrott was born in 1755 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Abner next married Margaret Unknown.

    41. Benjamin Parrott III (Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born about 1731 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1773 in Talbot Co., Maryland, about age 42.

    Notes: **NOTE** No proof this Benjamin was son of Benjamin Jr. In the absence of information of his parents, he is being placed here until further information comes along.

    Will dated 1 March 1773, probated 1 June 1773.

    To wife Mary Parratt, excx, dwelling plantation during life then to son Thomas Parratt, if he die without issue to my son William Parratt. Also two negroes to my wife. To son James Parratt, my lands in Queen Anne county, if he die without issue to may son Aaron Parratt. To daughter Elizabeth Parratt, one negress, if she have any children before my daugher marries, the eldest to her, if any more equally between sons Aaron and William Parratt. To son Thomas Parratt, one negress, if she have any children the first born to my son James, any more equally between sons Aaron and William Parrott. To son Aaron one negro if he die without issue to my son William. If he die without issue to my son Thomas Parratt. To children residue of estate equally. Test: George Dudley, William Love, Sarah Parrott.

    Inventories of Benjamin Parratt, Talbot County, June 26 1773. Appraised by Richard Jones, Solomon Neally. Kindred Aaron and William Parratt. Sum of 349/13/11 3/4 pounds. March 3, 1774. Mary Parratt, excx.

    Benjamin married Mary Ann Wilson.

    Notes: The case of Mary Ann is mentioned in the October & November meetings at Third Haven, 1779. In the records of the meeting of the 12th month, 1779 the issue is made clear:

    "The Friends appointed to visit Mary Ann Parrot for holding slaves gave this satisfactory information, that they saw her execute a manumission for two negroes, which appeared to be all in her possession, she had a right to a manumitt."

    Children from this marriage were:

       75 M    i. Thomas Parrott .

       76 M    ii. William Parrott .

       77 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott .

       78 M    iv. Aaron Parrott .

    Notes: This is probably the same Aaron Parrott mentioned in the Third Haven records.

    Section 311, 28th day of 5th month, 1778. "The report of the committed appointed to visit those possessed of slaves was again read, according to the direction of last meeting and the case of Aaron Parrott, as mentioned, therein, having become the subject of our solid consideration, the meeting therefore appoints James Berry and Howell Powell to visit him again."

    Section 313, 25th day of 6th month, 1778. "One of the friends appointed to visit Aaron Parrott reports that he has had an opportunity with him and that he does not appear in a disposition to comply with the direction of the yearly meeting in regard to slave keeping and he then charging him with the reports prevailing of his drinking to excess, and having taken an affirmation, which he apprehend enjoins him to contribute to the war, the truth of which he acknowledged his case is continued, another month at the request of Joseph Berry and Daniel Wilson."

    Section 316, 30th day of the 7th month of 1778. "The friends under whose care the case of Aaron Parrott, was left report that they have had an opportunity with him and that he does not appear, desirous, as in a capacity to make satisfaction-- for his dis-orders, but at the request of Solomon Seal his case is referred to our next meeting.

    Section 317, 27th day of 8th month of 1778. "The friend under whose care the case of Aaron Parrott was left reports that he does not find him disposed to make satisfaction for his disorders, therefore James Berry is appointed to draw testimony against him and produce it at our next meeting."

    Section 318, 24th day of 9th month of 1778. "The friend appointed to prepare a testimony against Aaron Parrot- complied therewith, which being read and approved was signed on be-half of the meeting by the clerk, Daniel Wilson is appointed to present it to his view and if he declined appealing to publish it by reading it at the close of a first day meeting at Tuccaho."

    Sections 322 & 323. By all which it manifestly appears that a dark and libertine spirit has prevailed over him and that he ought to be openly testified against as a person, who disregards the truth and has resisted the dictates thereof, in his own heart, which has brought a wound on himself, and a scandal on our proffession, therefore for clearing the truth as far as is in us lies, we do disown the said Aaron Parrot, as a member of our religious society until by sincere repentance and ____ of wife, he comes to sight and sense for his sorrowful condition and condenms the same to the satisfaction of this meeting, the which is our desire-given fourth from our montly meeting, at Third Haven, 26th day of eleventh month, 1778, signed in and on behalf thereof by Wm. Edmondson clerk this time."

    + 79 M    v. James Parrott was born on 7 Jul 1761 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 2 Feb 1813 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 51.

    44. Aaron Parrott Jr. (Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1737 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1786.

    Notes: Aaron Parratt, of Talbot Co., being Quaker, age 24, solemnly affirmed on the 3rd day of the 3rd month, 1761, that 25 January last, he was sent for by Hannah Alexander as witness to her will.

    Aaron married Mary Neal, daughter of Francis Neal and Elizabeth Unknown.

    Children from this marriage were:

       80 F    i. Lydia Parrott .

    Lydia married Isaac Cox. Isaac was born on 11 Nov 1759 and died on 28 Feb 1795, at age 35.

    Lydia next married Thomas Pearson. Thomas was born in Reading, Pennsylvania.

    + 81 M    ii. Aaron Parrott III .

    + 82 M    iii. Benjamin Parrott died in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Fifth Generation (2nd Great-Grandchildren)

    46. Henry Parrott (Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1793 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Evaluation of the land of Henry Parrott, orphan son of Isaiah Parrott, was made on 18 November 1751.

    All information on his descendants from file of Otto Palfenier and Parrott Talk 10:66, which in turn cites
    PARROTT FAMILY:Bible Records Source:Loretta Beck Parrott

    Henry married Susanna James.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 83 M    i. William James Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1755 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 20 Aug 1854 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 99.

       84 M    ii. Isaiah Parrott was born in 1758 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1793 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       85 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1761 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1793.

       86 M    iv. Henry Parrott was born in 1763 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1772 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       87 F    v. Susanna Parrott was born in 1765 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1793.

    + 88 M    vi. Perry Parrott was born on 7 Nov 1768 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       89 M    vii. Leven Parrott was born in 1770 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Leven married Nancy.

       90 M    viii. Henry Parrott was born in 1772 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1815 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 43.

    Notes: Was a tailor. PT 9:17

    Henry married Elizabeth Hopkins.

       91 M    ix. James Parrott was born in 1773 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died by 1803 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 30.

       92 M    x. John Parrott was born in 1775 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    61. Peregrine "Perry" Parrott (Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1736 and died in 1795, at age 59.

    Peregrine married Mary Denny, daughter of Peter Denny.

    The child from this marriage was:

       93 F    i. Mary Parrott was born in 1771.

    Mary married Howard Mullikin.

    62. Richard Parrott Sr. (Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) died in 1786 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Richard married Elizabeth Edwards. Elizabeth died in 1788 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 94 M    i. Richard Parrott Jr. was born in 1766 and died on 4 Jan 1823 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., at age 57.

       95 M    ii. William Parrott .

       96 F    iii. Susannah Parrott died about 1806.

    Susannah married Joseph Hartley. Joseph died in 1784.

    Susannah next married Matthew Greentree.

    + 97 M    iv. Joseph Addison Parrott was born calculated 1773 and died in 1819 in Louisiana, about age 46.

    69. Capt Abner Parrott (Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born about 1752 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 29 Apr 1809 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland, about age 57.

    Notes: See Appears in Parrott Talk 2(4):29, 1975

    Sea Captain. See Parrott Talk 10:87 for list of children.

    "Captain Parrott's paternal grandfather (ie, Abner Parrott), however, had emigrated from Salem, Mass., to the eastern shore, following the Revolutionary war, in which he had operated the brig, Dolphin, as a privateersman. "

    From grandson's obituary, The Dayton Herald, 01 Jan 1934, pp 1 and 2.

    Abner married Abigail Flint. Abigail was born on 11 Mar 1764 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts and died on 27 Apr 1806 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 42.

    Notes: "The captain's paternal grandmother was Abigail Flint, of a family which settled in Salem about 1643, going there from the west of England or from Wales."

    From grandson's obituary, The Dayton Herald, 01 Jan 1934, pp 1 and 2.

    Note- Abigail is mentioned in her father's (Joseph Flint of Salem MA) will: "I give to my daughter Abigail Parrott five shillings to be paid when she or any person in heir Rightfully authorized shall actually demand the same."

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 98 M    i. Thomas Parrott was born on 3 Mar 1797 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 8 Feb 1884 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 86.

    + 99 M    ii. William Parrott was born on 7 Jan 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 7 Jan 1858 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 59.

    Abner next married Abigail Flint. Abigail was born on 11 Mar 1764 in Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts and died on 27 Apr 1806 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 42.

    Notes: "The captain's paternal grandmother was Abigail Flint, of a family which settled in Salem about 1643, going there from the west of England or from Wales."

    From grandson's obituary, The Dayton Herald, 01 Jan 1934, pp 1 and 2.

    Note- Abigail is mentioned in her father's (Joseph Flint of Salem MA) will: "I give to my daughter Abigail Parrott five shillings to be paid when she or any person in heir Rightfully authorized shall actually demand the same."

    Children from this marriage were:

       100 M    i. Francis Parrott was born on 26 Apr 1787 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in Apr 1841 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 54.

       101 M    ii. William Parrott was born on 20 Aug 1788 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died about 1792 in Talbot Co., Maryland, about age 4.

       102 M    iii. Joseph Parrott was born on 6 Oct 1790 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 12 Apr 1822 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 31.

    Joseph married Eliza D. Littleton.

       103 F    iv. Phebe Parrott was born on 25 Jan 1793 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 31 Jan 1826 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 33.

    Phebe married Henry Thomas.

       104 M    v. Samuel Parrott was born on 1 Feb 1795 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 4 Feb 1795 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland.

    + 105 M    vi. Thomas Parrott was born on 3 Mar 1797 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 8 Feb 1884 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 86.

    + 106 M    vii. William Parrott was born on 7 Jan 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 7 Jan 1858 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 59.

    + 107 M    viii. George Parrott Esq. was born on 5 Apr 1801 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 28 Jan 1854 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 52.

       108 M    ix. James More Parrott was born on 8 Jan 1804 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 16 Feb 1816 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 12.

    72. Abner Parrott Jr. (Abner Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1748 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1792 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 44.

    Notes: On 22 March 1762 a valuation was made of the land and plantation of Abner Parrott, orphan son of Abner Parrott; Matthew Jenkins guardian.

    On 13 January 1774, Abner Parrott and his wife Elizabeth convey to John Littleton 100 acres, all of Jamaica heretofore conveyed by Daniel Maynadier unto Abner Parrott his father. [Daniel Maynadier was the stepfather of Abner Parrott Sr.].

    Information on additional descendants provided by Patricia Ann Parrott Frensilli.

    See PT IX:10 and X:85

    Abner married Elizabeth Jenkins.

    Children from this marriage were:

       109 F    i. Hannah Parrott was born in 1771 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in Dec 1836 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 65.

       110 F    ii. Mary Parrott was born in 1772 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       111 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1773 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       112 F    iv. Sarah Parrott was born after 1775 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       113 M    v. William Parrott was born in 1781 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1807.

       114 M    vi. Matthew Parrott died before 1795.

       115 F    vii. Margaret Parrott was born after 1784 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1812.

    Margaret married Terrance Connolly.

    + 116 M    viii. James Parrott was born in 1790 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 25 Jul 1880 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 90.

       117 M    ix. Abner Parrott III was born in 1791 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 21 May 1829 in Trappe, Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 38.

    79. James Parrott (Benjamin III4, Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Jul 1761 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 2 Feb 1813 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 51.

    James married Sarah Hutchings. Sarah died on 17 Feb 1802 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

       118 M    i. Thomas Parrott was born on 2 May 1785 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: This Thomas might be the one who m Elizabeth Corner, and whose 5th child was James C Parrott, b 21 May 1811 in Easton, Talbot Co. James became a general in the War. See PT 11:43.

       119 F    ii. Mary Parrott was born on 3 Mar 1787 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Birth date would be 1786 or 7. page is torn.

       120 M    iii. Benjamin Parrott was born on 17 Nov 1788 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       121 F    iv. Rebecah Parrott was born on 16 Feb 1791 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Rebecah married Robert C. Kirby.

       122 F    v. Elizabeth Parrott was born in Jun 1795 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       123 M    vi. William Hutchins Parrott was born on 3 May 1795 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

       124 F    vii. Lydia Parrott was born on 26 Mar 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died before 1816.

       125 F    viii. Sarah Parrott was born on 10 Mar 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Sarah married William Augustus Frederick Ceasar Kemp. William died on 2 Jan 1844 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    James next married Frances Bowman.

    81. Aaron Parrott III (Aaron Jr.4, Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1).

    Aaron married Rachel Bowers.

    Children from this marriage were:

       126 M    i. John Bowers Parrott was born on 22 Jan 1798 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 21 Nov 1846 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 48.

    + 127 M    ii. Benjamin Parrott was born on 16 Aug 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 21 Nov 1846 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 47.

       128 F    iii. Guilielma P. Parrott was born on 4 May 1802 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 23 Apr 1846 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 43.

    82. Benjamin Parrott (Aaron Jr.4, Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) died in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Benjamin married Sarah Parvin. Sarah died in 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    The child from this marriage was:

       129 M    i. Benjamin Parvin Parrott was born on 27 Mar 1800 in Talbot Co., Maryland and was buried in 1825 in Maiden Creek, Pennsylvania.

    Sixth Generation (3rd Great-Grandchildren)

    83. William James Parrott (Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Feb 1755 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 20 Aug 1854 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 99.

    Notes: See Parrott Talk IX:49-50 and PT 10:63-66, 79. Also PT 11:42

    William married Katherine Smith. Katherine was born in 1775 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1798 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 23.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 130 M    i. Edward Parrott was born in 1792 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1854 in Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 62.

    + 131 M    ii. William Parrott Jr. was born on 4 Nov 1794 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 24 Jul 1879 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 84.

    + 132 M    iii. James (Dave) Parrott was born in 1797 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 12 Feb 1832 in Turtle Creek, Warren Co., Ohio, at age 35.

    William next married Matilda Ann Tharp. Matilda was born in 1776 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 133 F    i. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 19 Jul 1801 in Maryland and died on 19 Dec 1892 in New Carlisle, Indiana, at age 91.

    + 134 M    ii. Dr. Henry J. Parrott was born on 18 Jan 1803 in Maryland and died on 7 Mar 1879 in Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 76.

       135 F    iii. Lucretia Parrott was born on 14 Feb 1805 in Maryland and died on 12 Apr 1862 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 57.

    Lucretia married Ezekiel Bright.

    + 136 M    iv. Thomas Parrott was born on 17 Jul 1809 in Maryland and died on 6 May 1870 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 60.

    + 137 M    v. John B. 'Jack' Parrott Sr. was born in 1814 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 24 Mar 1869 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 55.

       138 F    vi. Ann (Susanna James) Parrott was born on 30 Apr 1815 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 30 Jan 1906 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 90.

    Ann married Barnett McCombs. Barnett was born on 27 Apr 1798 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 27 Aug 1849 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 51.

    + 139 M    vii. Charles S. Parrott Sr. was born on 1 May 1818 in Turtle Creek, Warren Co., Ohio and died on 4 Nov 1907 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 89.

    88. Perry Parrott (Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Nov 1768 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Notes: Unconfirmed death place/date: 1812 in Lost City, Hardy, West Virginia

    Descendants from 'Lineage of Perry Parrott Descendant of William Parrott I Talbot Co. MD" in Parrott Talk 9: 19 (1991). from research of Grace Parrott Roberts, Book of Common Prayer- Church of England - owned by Lucretia Watts.

    Perry married Lucretia Watts. Lucretia was born on 10 May 1773 and died on 26 Jan 1832 in Glasgow, Barren Co., Kentucky, at age 58.

    Children from this marriage were:

       140 M    i. Thomas Parrott was born on 9 Dec 1807 in Talbot Co., Maryland.

    Thomas married Sarah F.

    + 141 M    ii. Samuel Watts Parrott was born on 8 Jan 1797 in Maryland and died on 3 Feb 1879 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 82.

       142 M    iii. William Henry Parrott was born on 12 Dec 1798 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1799, at age 1.

    + 143 M    iv. Josiah Perry Parrott was born on 20 Jul 1800 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 29 May 1881 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 80.

       144 F    v. Susan Ann Parrott was born on 4 Nov 1805 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1861, at age 56.

    Susan married Samuel H. Benny. Samuel was born in 1800 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland.

    94. Richard Parrott Jr. (Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1766 and died on 4 Jan 1823 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., at age 57.

    Notes: =============

    Parrott's Mill. - Little is known about Richard Parrott's Georgetown Wool and Cotton Manufactory located approximately at the present corner of 27th and Q Street, near Dumbarton House on the heights above the creek. The mill, on the same road that served Lyon's Mill down on the creek, carded wool and spun cotton. It was in operation in 1813 and supported a household of five people. His home, "Elderalie," was north of Georgetown in what is now Montrose Park. Nothing remains of Parrott's Mill.

    The Union Bank of Georgetown, incorporated on February 18, 1811, included among its founders many names prominent in Georgetown's history - Samuel Davidson, Thomas Corcoran, Francis Dodge, Richard Parrott, John Teakle, among others. Walsh reports on the short life of the bank:

    Source: Georgetown Architecture--Northwest, Northwest Washington, District of Columbia: Historic American Buildings Survey Selections

    William A. Gordon. 1915. Old Homes on Georgetown Heights. Source: Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C., 18: 70-91.
    Stable URL:

    The last place to be mentioned is "Montrose," which lies west of "Oak Hill" and east of Lovers' Lane. It became the property of Richard Parrott by three con-veyances between 1804 and 1813. In one of the deeds the dam over the creek afterwards known as Lyon's Dam is mentioned, showing it was built over one hundred years ago. During the ownership of Parrott he used the level path along the side of the woods as a rope walk, rope being then in great demand for the numerous vessels visiting the port, and by the name "The Rope Walk" it was known to subsequent owners. In deeds as early as 1817 not only the rope walk but the gardens are mentioned, and from constant refer-ence in subsequent deeds to gardens they must have been show places for many years. In 1822 Parrott died, designating himself in his will as "of Elderslie adjoining Georgetown"; so it is probable that the place formerly bore the name of "Elderslie." His estate was much involved, and the property with the exception of the woodland on the east was sold under decree in chancery to Clement Smith in 1822.

    2. Biographical note on Richard Parrott:
    In his Chronicles of Georgetown, D.C., 1751-1878 (Washington, D.C., R. O. Polkinborn, 1878), Mr. Richard Jackson relates an incident which involved Mr. Parrott. "On the 26th of September, 1810, an ordinance was passed authorizing Richard Parrott to make a rope to survey the width of the Potomac River. "The rope was duly made was anchored on one shore, and men on the other began to pull the rope tight. It could not be done however: "the whole town could not draw the rope into a straight ine." It finally had to be pulled ashore and the Potomac was left unmeasured. (p. 37).

    Our first knowledge of the present Montrose Park was as Parrott's Woods. Richard Parrott conducted there a "rope walk." It seems that when they made rope it was necessary to have a long, even stretch where the rope-makers walked up and down manufacturing the hemp into rope. And, of course, in this town with all its ships, the making of rope was a lucrative business.

    Mr. Parrott evidently was kind in loaning his property for picnics too, for again Mr. Gordon gives us vivid pictures of the Fourth of July annual picnic of all the Protestant Sunday schools. It seems to have been a huge affair, with flags and banners and rosettes of various colors adorning the scholars of the different schools.

    Montrose Park is on the northeast border of Georgetown between R St., Oak Hill Cemetery, Dumbarton Oaks (both the estate and the nature preserve) and Rock Creek Park. The land that became Montrose Park was owned by Robert Parrott a rope maker. The long walkway lit by gas lamps once served as the ropewalk where workers braided the rope. The lot was used by Georgetown families for recreation and was known as Parrott's Woods. In the early part of the 20th century, the land was proposed for a housing development (in fact a house once sat on the property). Sarah Louisa Rittenhouse and a group of other Georgetowners petitioned Congress to purchase the land for the benefit of the public. A memorial in her honor stands at the park's entrance.

    Richard married Jane Banning.

    Children from this marriage were:

       145 F    i. Eliza Ann Parrott .

    Eliza married Thomas W. Williams.

    + 146 M    ii. William Henry Parrott was born in 1800 in Washington, D.C. and died on 28 Feb 1858 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 58.

    97. Joseph Addison Parrott (Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born calculated 1773 and died in 1819 in Louisiana, about age 46.

    Joseph married Martha Brown.

    The child from this marriage was:

       147 M    i. Phillipe Parrott was born in Louisiana.

    98. Thomas Parrott (Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 3 Mar 1797 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 8 Feb 1884 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 86.

    Notes: Not clear who his parents were- most trees on Ancestry list them as Perry & Lucretia Watts Parrott. Fact that he was in Hamburg SC with his brother George and then ended up in Dayton OH with his other brothers argues for Abner and Abigail Flint to be his parents.

    Moved from Hamburg, SC to Dayton 1829.
    IN CONSEQUENCE of the intention of Thomas Parrott to return to Maryland, the firm of T&G Parrott was dissolved on the first of this month, by mutual agreement.-- George Parrott will continue the business and close the accounts of the concern. Persons having claims are requested to present them, and those indebted are solited to make payment without delay.

    Hamburg, January 16, 1829-3-31

    (Augusta GA) Chronicle & Advertiser, 17 Jan 1929, p 123

    DAYTON, Feb. 10th.-Thomas Parrott, of the firm of Parrott & Son, Linseed Oil Manufacturers of this city, and one of our oldest and most respectable citizens, died this morning, after a short illness.

    Cleveland Daily Plain Dealer, 10 Feb 1864, p 3

    Thomas married Sarah Ridgeway Sullivan. Sarah was born on 25 Aug 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 24 Jun 1883 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 86282165} {Find A Grave ID: 86282165}

    Children from this marriage were:

       148 F    i. Josephine Parrott was born on 23 Oct 1823 in Maryland and died on 25 Jul 1903 in Loveland, Hamilton Co., Ohio, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 106839767}

    Funeral of Mrs. Josephine Gaddis held Monday morning from Grace church
    Relatives in Cincinnati Came on the Train Which Brought Remains of the Woman Who Was a True Type of Gentle Christianity

    All that was earthly of the venerable Mrs. Josephine Gaddie, mother of Thomas P. Gaddie of this city, whose death at her home in Cincinnati was announced exclusively in The News Saturday, was tenderly laid to rest in Woodland cemetery Monday morning. The remains were broughtt o (sic) Dayton at 9 o'clock and were taken at once to Grace church, where the funeral services were held at 10:30. The church was well-filled with relativs and friends and the services were beautiful and impressive. Rev. H.C. Hameson was assisted by Rev. J.J. McCabe of Raper M.E. church and Rev. Mr. Hammaker of the Riverdale M.E. church.

    After the services at the church the remains were taken to Woodland where they were interred in the family lot. The pallbearers were Mrssrs. Dwight Marfield, Carlisle Gaddis, Mills Matthews, Richard Fowler, John and Roger Parrott, nephews of the diseased.

    Members of the family and relatives accompanied the remains from Cincinnati and attended the funeral services. Death was the result of injuries received by Mrs. Gaddis by bieing thrown from a carriage in a runaway some two weeks ago.

    The death of Mrs. Gaddie was the closing of a beautiful life, a life spent in the practice of the virtues of Christian womanhood. She was Miss Josephine Parrott, daughter of Thomas Parrott of Maryland, and was the sister of Colonel E.A. Parrott of Oakwood, and Mrs. F.A. Matthes of North Perry street, who survive of a family of nine children. Che (sic) was married to Rev. Maxwell P. Gaddis in May, 1849, in the old Wesley chapel of this city. In later years she made her home in Dayton, until last fall, when with her daughters, she removed to Loveland, Cincinnati.

    The members of Mrs. Gaddis' family who survive her are Thomas P. Gaddis of this city and Rev. E.S. Gaddis, Miss Lucretia Gaddis, Miss Sara W. Gaddis and Miss Mary F. Gaddis, all of whom reside in Loveland.

    The Dayton Daily News, 27 Jul 1903, p 3

    Josephine married Maxwell P. Gaddis. Maxwell was born on 9 Sep 1811 in Pennsylvania and died on 8 Sep 1888 in Ohio, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 106839772} {Find A Grave ID: 106839772}

       149 F    ii. Frances Augusta Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1826 in Hamburg, Aiken Co., South Carolina and died on 9 Mar 1909 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 82.

    After an illness of ten days death at 6:30 Tuesday evening closed the earthly career of Mrs. Frances A. Matthews, mother of Judge Edwin P. Matthews. Death occurred at home, 20 N. Perry-st.

    Mrs. Matthews, with the exception of a few years, lived in Dayton continuously since 1828. She was born in Hamburg, S.C., March 22, 1826, and two years later her parents, Thomas and Sarah Parrott, came to Dayton in carriage from South Carolina. Other members of the family made the trip, including Mrs. Josephine Gaddis, mother of Thomas P. Gaddis, Marcus J. Parrott, Joseph S. Parrott, and Anna E. Parrott, all deceased. Other children were born at Dayton, among them Col. E.A. Parrott and H.E. Parrott.

    The Parrott home was located on what is now Troy-st., but which then in the country.

    Thomas Parrott headed what became a noted family, notable in the commercial, literary and social life of the city. When the Rebellion broke out, four sons were sent into the service, the father, then a manufacturer of linseed oil, being too old for martial duty.

    Mrs Matthews received her edication in the Dayton schools and at a seminary in Worthington, O. In 1857 she was wedded to Judge Fitch James Mattews, who died in 1866.

    Besides Judge Matthews and Miss Lucy K. Matthews, children, the following grandchildren survive Mrs. Matthews: Attorney W.M. Matthews, Miss Margaret Mattews, Edwin P. Mattews Jr., David T. Matthews, George T. Matthews and Mrs. E.M. Fullington, of Columbus.

    Mrs. Matthews was an active and honored member of Christ Episcopal church and always manifested strong interest in religious work. Her culture was pronounced, memory clear and intellect keen. Her memory served to permit the recital of many interesting sotries of early life in Dayton. She rode on the first train into Dayton over the Mad River railroad. She also told ofttimes of horseback rides in social calls before the general use of carriages, of railroads, electric cars, or autos.

    The Dayton Herald, 10 Mar 1909, p 7

    Frances married Fitch James Matthews. Fitch was born on 18 Nov 1818 in Ohio and died on 8 Mar 1866 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 47. {Find A Grave ID: 81932831} {Find A Grave ID: 81932831}

    Notes: DAYTON, O. March 8.-Judge Fitch James Mattews, formerly Judge of the Superior Court at Columbus, O., died at his residence in this city at seven o'clock this evening

    The Daily Ohio Statesman, 09 Mar 1866, p 3

    By a telegraphic dispatch from Dayton, we learn that F.J. Matthews, formerly an attorney at law in this city, and Judge of the Superior Court of this county, died at seven o'clock last evening at his residence in Dayton. He had been in feeble health for several years. As a lawyer and as Judge of our Superior Court, the deceased had aquired a large share of public esteem, and his retirement from office of Judge was the subject of very general regret. His fine social qualities also endeared him to all his acquaintances.

    The Daily Ohio Statesman, 09 Mar 1866, p 2

    + 150 M    iii. Marcus Junius Parrott was born on 27 Oct 1828 in Hamburg, Aiken Co., South Carolina and died on 4 Oct 1879 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 50.

    + 151 M    iv. Col. Edwin Augustus Parrott was born on 30 Nov 1830 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 27 Sep 1931 in Princeton, Mercer Co., New Jersey, at age 100.

    + 152 M    v. Joseph Sullivan Parrott was born in 1834 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 1 Jun 1878 in Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio, at age 44.

       153 F    vi. Anna E. Parrott was born in 1837 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 21 Oct 1873 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 36. {Find A Grave ID: 86281851}

    + 154 M    vii. Capt. Henry Eugene Parrott was born on 1 Mar 1839 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 31 Dec 1933 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 94.

    99. William Parrott (Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Jan 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 7 Jan 1858 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 59. {Find A Grave ID: 196951403}

    Notes: Parrott Talk IX:44, reproduced from the Genealogical Index of Miami Valley Pioneers, Ohio, p 135

    William married Margaret Anne Willis. Margaret was born on 25 Dec 1811 in Dorchester Co., Maryland and died on 20 Oct 1879 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 86282111} {Find A Grave ID: 86282111}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 155 M    i. Rev. George Parrott was born on 12 Aug 1832 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 4 Sep 1892 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 60.

    + 156 M    ii. Col. Charles Parrott was born on 2 Sep 1834 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 22 Jan 1901 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio, at age 66.

       157 M    iii. William Parrott Jr. was born on 28 Mar 1836 in Ohio and died on 29 Aug 1865 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 29. {Find A Grave ID: 83252470}

       158 M    iv. John Parrott was born on 18 Jun 1838 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 11 Oct 1864 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 26. {Find A Grave ID: 83252341}

    Notes: John Parrott is the eponym behind the bourbon that bears his name.

    "John Parrott joined the order ie, Sigma Chi fraternity- he was the 1st member to join after it had been founded in the summer of 1855 prior to the start of the fall term. He was the first corresponding secretary and in the spring of 1856 was elected the first Vice President. Parrot (sic) was instrumental in the establishment of the second chapter of the order where his brother and cousin were founding members. John Parrot is unique in the history of the order - first initiate, first affiliate and the brother that assured of the transfer of the spirit of the order from the first chapter to the second. He died on Oct. 11, 1864, as a result of servic in the Civil War." [accessed 7 Sep 2024]

    "A recent statement from the whiskey maker noted that this whiskey is named for and celebrates the life and values of a man dedicated to friendship, justice, and learning.

    "John Parrott himself was the first initiate of a fraternal order of men founded in 1855. As the story goes, they bonded over shared values, spending many nights with a glass of whiskey in hand, discussing important matters of the day. In his writings, John Parrott touted that much more binds people than divides them, and that the values of friendship, justice, and learning were paramount." [accessed 7 Sep 2024]

       159 F    v. Virginia Parrott was born in 1841 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 29 Mar 1900 in Ohio, at age 59. {Find A Grave ID: 195882872}

    Notes: Mrs. Virginia Parrott Smith, died at 3:45 yesterday afternoon after an illness extending over several years. Her health had been such that death came as a relief after much suffering, patiently borne. Mrs. Smith was the wife of Captain J.B. Smith, and was aged 59. She was a lovable Christian woman, and was held in esteem by many friends during her life-time, which was spent in this city. In addition to her husband, three children survive as follows: Misses Pearlie and Grace Smith, and Mr. Willis Smith. The Misses Emily and Marjorie Parrott of this city, are sisters, and Col. Charles Parrott, of Columbus, is a brother of the deceased. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made.

    The Dayton Evening Herald, 30 Mar 1900, p 3

    Virginia married Captn J. B. Smith. J. was born in Jan 1838 in South Carolina and died on 27 Nov 1904 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 195829365} {Find A Grave ID: 195829365}

    + 160 M    vi. Henry R. Parrott was born in 1843 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 11 May 1896, at age 53.

       161 F    vii. Margaret Parrott was born in Jul 1844 in Ohio and died on 27 Feb 1916 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 86282114}

       162 F    viii. Emily Parrott was born in Oct 1845 in Ohio and died on 26 Feb 1924 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 86281950}

    Believe Heart Trouble Cause of Miss Parrott's Death in Her Room.

    Miss Emily Parrott, about 78 years old, was found dead in her room in the Gibbons hotel shortly before 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Death is believed to have been due to heart trouble.

    The body was found after an alarm had been given by a maid who had attempted to enter the room several times during the morning and found the door locked.

    Miss Parrott's body was partially dressed and was lying across a couch. Coroner Kimmel has been notified and will investigate.

    The Dayton Herald, 27 Feb 1924, p 1

    Simple funeral servicesfor Miss Emily Parrott, member of one of Dayton's old families, who died Thursday, were conducted on Friday morning at 10 o'clock at the Woodland cemetery chapel. Services were in charge of Rev. Phil Porter, rector of Christ Episcopal church.

    The Dayton Daily News, 29 Feb 1924, p M1

       163 F    ix. Louisa Parrott was born in 1847 in Ohio and died on 5 Dec 1885 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 38. {Find A Grave ID: 86282068}

    + 164 M    x. Thomas W. Parrott was born in 1849 in Ohio and died on 24 Nov 1882 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 33.

    + 165 M    xi. Homer Willis Parrott was born in 1853 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 24 Aug 1898 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 45.

    105. Thomas Parrott (Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 3 Mar 1797 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 8 Feb 1884 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 86.

    Notes: Not clear who his parents were- most trees on Ancestry list them as Perry & Lucretia Watts Parrott. Fact that he was in Hamburg SC with his brother George and then ended up in Dayton OH with his other brothers argues for Abner and Abigail Flint to be his parents.

    Moved from Hamburg, SC to Dayton 1829.
    IN CONSEQUENCE of the intention of Thomas Parrott to return to Maryland, the firm of T&G Parrott was dissolved on the first of this month, by mutual agreement.-- George Parrott will continue the business and close the accounts of the concern. Persons having claims are requested to present them, and those indebted are solited to make payment without delay.

    Hamburg, January 16, 1829-3-31

    (Augusta GA) Chronicle & Advertiser, 17 Jan 1929, p 123

    DAYTON, Feb. 10th.-Thomas Parrott, of the firm of Parrott & Son, Linseed Oil Manufacturers of this city, and one of our oldest and most respectable citizens, died this morning, after a short illness.

    Cleveland Daily Plain Dealer, 10 Feb 1864, p 3

    Thomas married Sarah Ridgeway Sullivan. Sarah was born on 25 Aug 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 24 Jun 1883 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 86282165} {Find A Grave ID: 86282165}

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 98)

    106. William Parrott (Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Jan 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 7 Jan 1858 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 59. {Find A Grave ID: 196951403}

    Notes: Parrott Talk IX:44, reproduced from the Genealogical Index of Miami Valley Pioneers, Ohio, p 135

    William married Margaret Anne Willis. Margaret was born on 25 Dec 1811 in Dorchester Co., Maryland and died on 20 Oct 1879 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 86282111} {Find A Grave ID: 86282111}

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 99)

    107. George Parrott Esq. (Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Apr 1801 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 28 Jan 1854 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 52. {Find A Grave ID: 25910964}

    Notes: Departed this lief in his residence in Aiken, on January 28, 1854, George Parrott, in his 53rd year of his age. He was born on the Eastern shore of Maryland. At the age of 18, he removed to Baltimore, and about the year 1825 to Hamburg Sc, where he was engaged in mercantile business until he retired in 1837. He was a kind father.

    The Edgefield (SC) Advertiser, 22 Feb 1854

    "Edgefield Death Notices & Cemetery Records," ed by Carlee T. McClendon (The Hive Press, Columbia, SC 1977)

    George married Margaret Martha Walker Schwartz. Margaret was born on 18 Nov 1819 in Charleston Co., South Carolina and died on 14 Mar 1891 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 46668820} {Find A Grave ID: 46668820}

    Children from this marriage were:

       166 F    i. Josephine Parrott was born on 7 Jun 1840 and died on 26 Aug 1840 in Pretty Run, South Carolina. {Find A Grave ID: 27905205}

    Notes: "Edgefield Death Notices & Cemetery Records," ed by Carlee T. McClendon (The Hive Press, Columbia, SC 1977)

    The Edgefield Advertiser, Edgefield, SC September 3, 1840

    Died on August 26, 1840, at Pretty Run, South Carolina, Josephine Parrott, infant daughter of George Parrott.

       167 M    ii. George Thomas Parrott was born on 2 May 1844 in Richmond Co., Georgia and died on 17 May 1844 in Richmond Co., Georgia. {Find A Grave ID: 25911047}

       168 F    iii. Sarah Julia Parrott was born on 12 Jul 1846 in Richmond Co., Georgia and died on 29 Sep 1916 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 64417276}

    Notes: Mrs. Ashley Interred
    The remains of Mrs. Gaines Ashley, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wilds, at Minita, September 29th, arrived here Nov. 24th. Funeral services were conducted at St. Thaddeus Church, conducted by Rev. Mr. Whitney, of Augusta, interment being in Bethant cemetery. The pallbearers were: W.W. Muckenfuss, L.E. Croft, R.M. Laird, Converse Woolsey, Drs. T.C. Stone and H.J. Ray.

    The Journal and Review, 06 Dec 1916, p 4

    Sarah married Gaines Ashley. Gaines was born on 30 Nov 1898 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina and died on 30 Nov 1898 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina. {Find A Grave ID: 64417036} {Find A Grave ID: 64417036}

       169 F    iv. Frances Margaret Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1847 and died on 10 Aug 1913 in New York, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 86715506}

    Aiken, S.C., Nov. 3.-Committal services were held today over the remains of Mrs. Charles P. Bull, who died several months ago in New York, and brought here for interment in Bethany Cemetery. Mrs. Bull was a sister of Mrs. S.J. Ashley of Aiken, and was beloved by many friends here. The services were held at Bethany Cemetery, and were conducted by Rev. R.C. Jeter, of St. Thaddeus Episcopal Church.

    Augusta Chronicle, 04 Nov 1913
    Posted on Find a Grave 86715506

    Frances married Charles Pickney Bull. Charles was born on 30 Mar 1846 in Charleston Co., South Carolina and died on 6 May 1916 in Albemarle Co., Virginia, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 86715593} {Find A Grave ID: 86715593}

    + 170 M    v. Abner Flint Parrott was born on 12 Jul 1848 in South Carolina and died on 3 Aug 1909 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 61.

       171 M    vi. William W. Parrott was born on 21 Feb 1850 and died on 4 Dec 1888 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 38. {Find A Grave ID: 75477238}

    William married Isacuena Lythgoe Walker Harmon. Isacuena was born on 2 Nov 1857 in South Carolina and died on 7 Sep 1930 in South Carolina, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 111819965} {Find A Grave ID: 111819965}

    116. James Parrott (Abner Jr.5, Abner Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1790 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 25 Jul 1880 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 90.

    Notes: Parrott Talk IX:9 and X:77

    James married Mary Haddaway.

    James next married Jane Wright. Jane was born in 1813 in Dorchester Co., Maryland and died on 7 Jan 1855 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., at age 42.

    Children from this marriage were:

       172 M    i. Abner Parrott was born in 1833 in Maryland and died on 30 Apr 1857 in Washington, D.C., at age 24.

    Abner married Eliza Ann Collins.

       173 F    ii. Jane Martin Parrott was born in 1834 in Maryland and died after 1880 in Solomons Island, Calvert Co., Maryland.

       174 F    iii. Olivia Lucinda Parrott was born on 25 Sep 1835 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 11 Jun 1923 in Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 87.

    + 175 M    iv. James T. Parrott was born in Jan 1836 in Maryland and died on 17 Nov 1892 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., at age 56.

       176 F    v. Frances E. Parrott was born in 1838 in Maryland and died on 17 Jan 1930 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland, at age 92.

    Frances married Richard James North.

       177 F    vi. Sarah Parrott was born in 1839 in Maryland.

       178 F    vii. Hannah Matilda Parrott was born on 20 Sep 1841 in Richmond, Virginia and died on 1 Jan 1925 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland, at age 83.

    Hannah married Thomas M. Robier. Thomas was born in 1833 in Richmond, Virginia and died on 14 Jan 1886 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland, at age 53.

       179 M    viii. Charles W. Parrott was born in 1845 in Maryland and died on 30 Oct 1893 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland, at age 48.

       180 M    ix. George W. Parrott was born in 1846 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland and died on 22 Oct 1866 at sea, at age 20.

    Notes: Appears in Parrott Talk IX:9 as George M and in and Parrott Talk X:77 as George, which is how he appears in the 1850 census.

    I do not think M is the correct middle initial. Given the dates, the article below probably applies to him, though need better proof:

    Died at sea. - Captain North, of the bark Manitou, at this port yesterday from St. Johns, P.R., reports that Geo. W. Parrott, of Baltimore, second officer of his vessel, aged 20 years, died on the 22d instant, of bilious fever, and was buried at sea. The deceased is said to have been a promising young seaman.

    The Baltimore Sun, 30 Oct 1866, p 4

       181 F    x. Laura Parrott was born in 1848 in Maryland.

       182 F    xi. Roseanna H. Parrott was born on 18 Jun 1852 in Maryland.

    Roseanna married William C. Peregoy. William was born in 1855 in Maryland.

    James next married Mary Ann Mulloy Davidson. Mary was born in 1820.

    127. Benjamin Parrott (Aaron III5, Aaron Jr.4, Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 Aug 1799 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 21 Nov 1846 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 47.

    Notes: Moved to Cecil co.

    Benjamin married Rachel Atkinson, daughter of William Atkinson and Hannah Unknown. Rachel was born in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 12 Nov 1828 in Cecil Co., Maryland.

    Children from this marriage were:

       183 M    i. Jacob L. Parrott was born on 9 Sep 1824 in Cecil Co., Maryland.

    + 184 M    ii. John Bowers Parrott was born on 30 Apr 1826 in Kent Co., Maryland.

    Benjamin next married Mary Rebecca Bowers. Mary was born in 1811 in Delaware.

    Children from this marriage were:

       185 F    i. Sara Lamb Parrott was born in 1834 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 1 Sep 1887 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 53. {Find A Grave ID: 106476311}

    Sara married Charles W. Warren. Charles was born on 4 Nov 1835 in Queen Ann Co., Maryland and died on 24 Oct 1885 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 49. {Find A Grave ID: 106476195} {Find A Grave ID: 106476195}

       186 M    ii. Benjamin William Bowers Parrott was born on 11 Sep 1835 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 13 Oct 1856 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 21. {Find A Grave ID: 106460181}

    Notes: The son of John & Ann Bowers, as per 1850 census

    + 187 M    iii. George Richard Parrott was born on 28 Feb 1838 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 26 Aug 1898 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 60.

       188 F    iv. Rachael B. Parrott was born in 1841 in Kent Co., Maryland.

       189 M    v. Robert Thomas Parrott was born on 31 Jul 1844 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 31 Aug 1851 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 7. {Find A Grave ID: 106460878}

    Seventh Generation (4th Great-Grandchildren)

    130. Edward Parrott (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1792 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died in 1854 in Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 62.

    Edward married Rebecca Skinner, daughter of William Price. Rebecca was born in 1802 in Kentucky and died in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

       190 F    i. Sarah Parrott was born in 1823 in Ohio.

    Sarah married Thomas Morgan. Thomas was born in 1824 in Kentucky.

       191 F    ii. Eleanor Parrott was born in 1826 in Ohio.

       192 F    iii. Eliza Parrott was born in 1828 in Ohio.

       193 M    iv. William Parrott was born in 1834 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana.

       194 F    v. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1836 in Fountain Co., Indiana.

       195 F    vi. Martha Parrott was born in 1838 in Indiana.

       196 F    vii. Jerusha Parrott was born on 4 Aug 1838 in Brookville, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 27 Sep 1902 in Brookville, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 64.

    Notes: Death of Miss Jerusha Parrott.

    As stated in last week's Democrat, Miss Jerusha Parrott on Tuesday morning, while at the house of Mrs. Horn in the valley, fell and sustained serious injuries to her right arm and hip. She had been in feeble health for some time and the shock and her injuries were such as to cause her death about nine o'clock Saturday evening.

    The following was read at the funeral, which was conducted by Rev. J.H. Carnes, at the home of Frank Thomas, at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery:

    The subject of this sketch, Miss Jerusha Parrott, was born on a farm in Brookville township, Franklin county, Indiana, August 4, 1838, and departed this life at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas, in this city, Sept. 27, 1902, aged 64 yearss, 1 month and 28 days.

    On Tuesday morning of last week she accidentally fell while making a call on a friend, and injured her right arm and hip, and her age and general weakness made her recovery impossible, although loving friends and neighbors did all in their power to alleviate her sufferings.

    Jerusha Parrott was a daughter of Rev. Edward and Rebecca Parrott, pioneer residents of this county, and was the next youngest child of a family of ten children, of which only one, Mrs. Rebecca Coldren, of Gas City, Ind., is now living.

    It is known that some time during her earlier life, Miss Parrott united with the Presbyterian church, but where or at what date the writer is unable to learn.

    For many years she has resided in Brookville, and as can be attested by her many neighbors and friends, has lived an honest, upright and christian life. She had her faults-- who has not? but it can be truthfully be said that a just and good woman has gone to her reward.

    The Brookville Democrat, 2 Oct 1902, p 1

       197 F    viii. Rebecca Jane Parrott was born on 24 Jun 1841 in Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 4 Mar 1912 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana, at age 70.

    Notes: COLDREN-- Rebecca Jane Coldren, died Monday, March 4, 1912, at the home of her daughter, age 70 years, 8 months, 9 days. Short funeral services will be held at the residence of the Rev. William Verner Nelson, 144 Butler ave., Wednesday, 9 a.m. Burial March 6, at the I.O.O.F. cemetery, Marion, Ind.

    The Indianapolis News, 5 Mar 1912, p 14

    Rebecca married Rufus J. Harper. Rufus died in 1870 in Indiana.

    Rebecca next married William Ross Coldren.

    131. William Parrott Jr. (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Nov 1794 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 24 Jul 1879 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 84.

    William married Amelia Tharp. Amelia was born in 1815 in Maryland and died in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana. Another name for Amelia was Parmelia Parrott.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 198 M    i. Theodore Parrott was born on 20 Dec 1833 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 13 Nov 1922 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 88.

       199 F    ii. Clarissa Parrott was born on 26 Feb 1836 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 31 Jan 1924 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana, at age 87.

    Clarissa married Scott Pratt. Scott was born on 24 Aug 1832 and died on 17 Aug 1891 in Indiana, at age 58.

       200 F    iii. Harriet Parrott was born in 1839 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana.

    Harriet married Joseph H. Shepheard.

    + 201 M    iv. William Willis Parrott was born on 23 Jan 1841 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 7 May 1915, at age 74.

    + 202 M    v. Nimrod Parrott was born on 10 Jun 1843 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 21 Jan 1924 in Centerville, Wayne Co., Indiana, at age 80.

       203 F    vi. Susan Parrott was born in 1849 in Indiana.

    Susan married Philomen J. Starr.

    + 204 M    vii. Herman Link Parrott was born in 1853 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 17 Jun 1930 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 77.

       205 F    viii. Martha E. Parrott was born in 1857 in Fountain Co., Indiana.

    Martha married Perry L. McWhorter.

    132. James (Dave) Parrott (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1797 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 12 Feb 1832 in Turtle Creek, Warren Co., Ohio, at age 35.

    Notes: Could this be the James who married Lydia and had daughter, Narcissa??

    The parents, spouse, and children of James is put together just on coincidence of place and time, and totally lacks proper documentation.

    James married Lydia.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 206 M    i. George Parrott was born in Sep 1822 in Ohio and died in 1874 in Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 52.

       207 F    ii. Charlotte Parrott was born on 12 Nov 1824 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 14 Jan 1906 in Dallas Co., Iowa, at age 81.

    Notes: b Nov 1824 in Ohio. Both parents listed as being from Maryland.

    1900 census has a servant, John Parrott, b Dec 1840 in Indiana, with both Parents being from Maryland. I believe this is her half 1st cousin, (son of Henry J.), which supports her placement under James & Lydia.

    Charlotte married Henry Cassatt, son of Henry Cassatt. Henry was born on 11 Jan 1821 and died on 23 Sep 1869 in Dallas Co., Iowa, at age 48.

       208 F    iii. Narcissa D. Parrott was born on 26 Jan 1832 in Lebanon, Warren Co., Ohio.

    133. Elizabeth Parrott (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Jul 1801 in Maryland and died on 19 Dec 1892 in New Carlisle, Indiana, at age 91.

    Notes: PT 13:102, 1998

    Elizabeth married John Lane.

    134. Dr. Henry J. Parrott (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Jan 1803 in Maryland and died on 7 Mar 1879 in Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    Henry married Mary Price, daughter of William Price. Mary was born on 1 Jan 1804 in Delaware and died on 11 Jan 1875 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 71.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 209 M    i. William Parrott was born on 10 Jan 1824 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 27 Jan 1890 in Jones Co., Iowa, at age 66.

    + 210 M    ii. James Parrott was born on 7 Sep 1826 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 28 Oct 1901 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 75.

    + 211 M    iii. Leven Parrott was born on 12 Jan 1829 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 31 Jan 1862 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 33.

       212 F    iv. Ann Parrott was born on 17 Apr 1831 in Ohio.

    Ann married Ed McNary.

       213 F    v. Rebecca Parrott was born on 1 Jul 1833 in Ohio and died on 16 Feb 1838 in Ohio, at age 4.

       214 F    vi. Mary Parrott was born on 6 Nov 1835 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 19 Apr 1914, at age 78.

    Mary married Stephen Martin.

       215 M    vii. Henry Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1838 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 30 Dec 1846, at age 8.

    + 216 M    viii. Jonathan Parrott was born on 9 Dec 1841 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 9 Feb 1904 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 62.

       217 M    ix. John Parrott was born on 9 Dec 1841 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 5 Oct 1905, at age 63.

    John married Arminda Merrick.

       218 M    x. Edward Parrott was born on 17 Jan 1844 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 25 Mar 1846, at age 2.

       219 M    xi. George Parrott was born on 8 Feb 1847 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 12 Nov 1848, at age 1.

    136. Thomas Parrott (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Jul 1809 in Maryland and died on 6 May 1870 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 60.

    Notes: Information from the 1850 and 1860 census for Dubuque Co., Iowa. PT 11:48.

    Thomas married Elizabeth L. Miller. Elizabeth was born on 28 Mar 1806 in Virginia and died on 20 Mar 1876 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 220 M    i. Perry Parrott was born on 1 Oct 1833 in Henry Co., Indiana and died on 7 Jun 1919 in Greeley, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 85.

       221 M    ii. John Parrott was born on 2 Nov 1835 in LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 25 Feb 1919 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 83.

    John married Amanda Almeda Williams. Amanda was born on 21 Jul 1836 in Summit Co., Ohio and died on 22 Oct 1908 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    + 222 M    iii. Silas Burton Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1838 in LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 23 Jun 1886 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 48.

    + 223 M    iv. Thomas Miller Parrott was born on 29 Jun 1843 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 23 Feb 1935 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa, at age 91.

    137. John B. 'Jack' Parrott Sr. (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1814 in Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 24 Mar 1869 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 55.

    Notes: Information from Norma Nielsen's family tree posted on Rootsweb. Information on Jack and his descedants by Grant Hayes, based on his access to the Parrott family bible. Grant writes:

    "Jack speculated in land sales. He also built some cabins to rent out to travelers passing through town. In Sep, 1876 his son, George, rented a cabin to a man named Jesse James and his companions. They hadn't bothered to tell him they were on their way to rob a bank in Northfield, MN.

    An elderly Parrott cousin told that Jack taught his sons how to drink, always keeping a barrel of whiskey in the cellar available to the boys."

    John married Mary Wills, daughter of John Wills and Susannah. Mary was born in Jul 1814 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 19 Sep 1843 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 29.

    Children from this marriage were:

       224 F    i. Hannah Parrott was born on 10 Sep 1835 in LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 11 Dec 1910 in Atchinson Co., Kansas, at age 75.

    Hannah married Artemus Heald. Artemus was born on 29 Oct 1833 in Maine and died on 3 Dec 1909 in Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa, at age 76. Another name for Artemus was Artemus Held.

       225 F    ii. Sarah Parrott was born on 6 Jan 1837 in LaPorte, LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 23 Aug 1858, at age 21.

       226 F    iii. Matilda Ann Parrott was born on 27 Jul 1838 in LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 9 Feb 1920, at age 81.

    Matilda married Seth Heald. Another name for Seth was Seth Held.

    + 227 M    iv. John B. Parrott Jr. was born on 2 Apr 1839 in LaPorte, LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 15 Aug 1862 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 23.

       228 M    v. David W. Parrott was born on 8 Nov 1843 in Washington, Washington Co., Iowa and died on 4 Feb 1863 in Gallatin, Sumner Co., Tennessee, at age 19.

    Notes: Notes from Grant Hayes, 12 Feb 15:
    "d.4 Feb1863 of disease in Military Hospital in Gallatin,TN. Enlisted in Union Army on 11Aug1862. Never married. Owned a farm in LaPorte Co.,IN Note: this data shows David was born after Mary died." If correct, an explanation might be that "A relative has stated in the past that Jack had raised an Indian boy."

    John next married Catharine Everingham. Catharine was born on 10 Mar 1828 in Willoughby, Welland Co., Ontario, Canada and died on 30 May 1897 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    Children from this marriage were:

       229 F    i. Florence Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1848 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 1 Sep 1883 in State Center, Marshall Co., Iowa, at age 34.

    Florence married Abner Joel Phillips. Abner was born in 1844 in Illinois.

       230 F    ii. Mary H. Parrott was born on 11 Mar 1850 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 5 Oct 1906 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 56.

    Mary married Albert A. Anderson. Albert was born in Jan 1849 in Iowa and died in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa.

    + 231 M    iii. George Washington Parrott was born on 19 May 1852 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 Aug 1942 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 90.

       232 M    iv. Henry James Parrott was born on 24 Dec 1853 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 May 1872 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 18.

       233 F    v. Celia Parrott was born on 11 Mar 1856 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 17 Jun 1889 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 33.

       234 M    vi. Artimas E. Parrott was born on 17 Oct 1858 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 20 May 1871 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 12.

       235 F    vii. Kate Parrott was born on 4 Apr 1860 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 22 Apr 1860 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa.

    + 236 M    viii. Horace Evering Parrott was born on 14 Jul 1861 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 20 Oct 1945 in Rochester, Olmsted Co., Minnesota, at age 84.

       237 M    ix. Earnest Ferdinand Parrott was born on 23 Aug 1863 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 30 Jun 1885 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 21.

    + 238 F    x. Eugenia Daisy Parrott was born on 16 Oct 1866 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 10 Mar 1950 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 83.

    139. Charles S. Parrott Sr. (William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 May 1818 in Turtle Creek, Warren Co., Ohio and died on 4 Nov 1907 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 55058661}

    Charles married Anna M. Sweete. Anna was born on 18 Aug 1823 in Indiana and died on 26 Mar 1907 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 55058658} {Find A Grave ID: 55058658}

    Children from this marriage were:

       239 F    i. Lucretia Parrott was born on 5 Aug 1841 in LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 8 Aug 1874, at age 33.

    Lucretia married Josephus Williams. Josephus was born on 10 Jun 1833 and died on 12 Jul 1909 in Page Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    + 240 M    ii. Ezekiel Parrott was born on 23 Sep 1842 in Iowa and died on 5 May 1923, at age 80.

       241 F    iii. Mary Ann Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1844 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 27 Apr 1918 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 73.

    Mary married James Jefferson Lewis. James was born on 15 Jan 1843 and died on 31 Jan 1923 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 80.

       242 M    iv. Thomas Parrott was born on 10 Jun 1845 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 19 Jan 1890 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 44. {Find A Grave ID: 55058673}

    Notes: Based on marker on tombstone, served in the Civil War, 1863-1865.

    Thomas married Ellen E. Clark. Ellen was born on 1 Aug 1853 in Connecticut and died on 11 Oct 1942, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 81124233} {Find A Grave ID: 81124233}

       243 F    v. Matilda Parrott was born on 15 Jan 1847 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 27 Feb 1938 in Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 187684750}

    Notes: Mrs. Matilda Tibbetts, 91, died Sunday night at her home at 19th and Park Streets, Beatrice. She had been in poor health for some time. Her husband died some years ago. She leaves no relatives here.
    Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from Mincks' chapel with Rev. M. Horsch officiating. Interment in Evergreen Home cemetery.

    Beatrice Daily Sun, February 28, 1938
    Posted on Find a Grave 187684750

    Matilda married James Tibbetts. James was born on 8 Jul 1846 in Iowa and died on 29 Jan 1926 in Oklahoma, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 159911898} {Find A Grave ID: 159911898}

    + 244 M    vi. Charles Parrott Jr. was born on 10 Oct 1847 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 7 Apr 1920 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    + 245 M    vii. William James Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1850 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1931 in Adams Co., Iowa, at age 81.

       246 F    viii. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 31 Jul 1851 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 27 Sep 1923 in Carthage, Miner Co., South Dakota, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 84691842}

    Notes: Mrs. Elizabeth Tripp Buried Sunday Afternoon.

    The body of Mrs. Elizabeth Tripp which had been shipped from Carthage, S.D., following her death there Thursday 27, arrived in Newkirk Saturday morning. It was taken immediately to the Weber Funeral Home where arrangements were made for the funeral Sunday afternoon.

    Mrs. Tripp's death is said to have been due to a sudden attack of the heart since she had been in apparently the best of health. She was found dead in bed Thursday morning by her daughter, Mrs. William Ackers, with whom she had been living during the past two months. Mrs. Tripp's health had in fact gained in health during her brief stay in South Dakota. Her daughter and granddaughter accompanied the body to Newkirk.

    The funeral services held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Weber Funeral Home were conducted by Rev. A.A. Armstrong of the First Baptist church. Burial was in the Newkirk cemetery. Mrs. Tripp was an old resident of Newkirk. She is survived by the following children, Mrs. William Ackers, Carthage, S.D., Frank Skinner, Newkirk, Richard Skinner, Newkirk, W.D. Skinner, Ogdon, Utah, John Skinner, Ponca City, C.N. Skinner, Ashton, Ark., Mrs. J.C. Coffey, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. L.W. Marquis, Newkirk, besides three brothers and three sisters.

    The Republican News Journal (Newkirk OK), October 5, 1923, p 5

    (transcribed by Judy Mayfield) Oct. 2020 and posted on Find a Grave 84691842

    Elizabeth married Curtis N. Skinner. Curtis was born on 24 Mar 1849 in Illinois and died on 24 Aug 1925 in Kay Co., Oklahoma, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 41238635} {Find A Grave ID: 41238635}

    Elizabeth next married Edward P. Marsh. Edward was born in 1868 and died on 20 Jan 1900 in Columbus Junction, Louisa Co., Iowa, at age 32.

    Elizabeth next married William Tripp. William was born in 1843 in Harrietsville, Noble Co., Ohio and died on 2 Aug 1931 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 3759687} {Find A Grave ID: 3759687}

       247 M    ix. George Washington Parrott was born on 25 Oct 1852 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 10 Nov 1925 in Cass Co., Iowa, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 55058666}

       248 F    x. Clara Adeline Parrott was born in 1854 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 24 Dec 1876 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 22. {Find A Grave ID: 101198157}

    Clara married Nathan Stewart Wheeler. Nathan was born on 17 Dec 1848 in Cook Co., Illinois and died on 8 Feb 1929 in Willow Springs, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 101198212} {Find A Grave ID: 101198212}

       249 F    xi. Ida Evelyn Parrott was born on 4 Nov 1856 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 24 Oct 1940, at age 83.

    Ida married James Samuel Burns. James was born on 20 Mar 1847 in Missouri and died on 22 Jan 1925, at age 77.

    + 250 M    xii. Eleven "Lev" Parrott was born on 22 Apr 1858 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 12 Jun 1921 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 63.

    + 251 M    xiii. Martin Alexander Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1860 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 27 May 1937 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 77.

    + 252 M    xiv. Wilson Mcclearly Parrott was born on 23 Nov 1865 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 9 Dec 1935 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    141. Samuel Watts Parrott (Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 8 Jan 1797 in Maryland and died on 3 Feb 1879 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 118579871}

    Samuel married Mary M. Young. Mary was born on 17 Apr 1801 in Virginia and died on 2 Feb 1878 in Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 118579687} {Find A Grave ID: 118579687}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 253 M    i. William Parrott was born on 29 Jun 1823 in Kentucky and died on 16 Aug 1906 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 83.

    + 254 M    ii. Josiah Parrott was born on 3 Mar 1826 in Tompkinsville, Monroe Co., Kentucky and died on 16 Oct 1888 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Illinois, at age 62.

       255 F    iii. Susan Thomas Parrott was born on 2 Feb 1828 in Kentucky.

    + 256 M    iv. Theodore Parrott was born in Dec 1830 in Kentucky and died on 11 Nov 1912 in Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, at age 81.

    + 257 M    v. John B. Parrott was born in 1834 in Kentucky.

       258 F    vi. Nancy Turner Parrott was born in 1838 in Kentucky and died on 28 Jun 1910 in Henry Co., Missouri, at age 72.

    Nancy married George Stark. George was born in 1821 in Scotland.

       259 F    vii. Mary F. Parrott was born in 1838 and died in 1906 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 118402404}

    Mary married William C. G. Cassady. William was born in 1835 in Kentucky and died on 4 Jun 1909 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 118402788} {Find A Grave ID: 118402788}

    + 260 M    viii. Henry H. Parrott was born on 29 Jun 1841 in Illinois and died on 5 Jan 1901 in Idaho, at age 59.

    143. Josiah Perry Parrott (Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Jul 1800 in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland and died on 29 May 1881 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 80.

    Notes: Information on Josiah Perry and descendants provided by Marsha Unger Nicklaus,, on 4 Dec 2014

    Josiah married Nancy Glasgow Bransford. Nancy was born on 17 Jul 1807 in Buckingham Co., Virginia and died on 27 Jul 1835 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 28.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 261 M    i. Thomas Perry Parrott was born on 3 Sep 1825 in Tompkinsville, Monroe Co., Kentucky and died on 16 Jan 1910 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 84.

    + 262 M    ii. James Henry Parrott was born on 11 Jul 1828 in Glasgow, Barren Co., Kentucky and died on 24 Dec 1912, at age 84.

       263 F    iii. Elizabeth Parrott was born in 1829.

       264 M    iv. John Bransford Parrott was born on 17 Sep 1830 in Kentucky and died on 17 Jun 1860 in Buena Vista, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 29.

       265 F    v. Susan Mary Parrott was born on 6 Jan 1833 in Illinois and died on 11 Sep 1852 in Illinois, at age 19.

    Josiah next married Catherine Anne Scripps. Catherine was born on 28 Dec 1819 in Jackson Co., Missouri and died on 13 Aug 1893 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       266 M    i. George William Parrott was born on 27 Jul 1837 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 24 Sep 1876, at age 39.

    George married Lizzie Wishard.

       267 F    ii. Nancy Maria Parrott was born on 29 Jul 1839 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 27 Aug 1877 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 38.

    Nancy married William McAlister. William was born in 1832 in Kentucky.

       268 F    iii. Sarah Lucretia Parrott was born on 28 Mar 1841 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 29 Nov 1885 in Kearney, Buffalo Co., Nebraska, at age 44.

    Sarah married Albert Beard Clarke. Albert was born on 5 Jul 1840.

       269 F    iv. Lydia Frances Parrott was born on 30 Oct 1842 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 29 Jun 1929, at age 86.

    Lydia married George Clinto Ray Sr. George was born on 17 Mar 1844 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 10 Mar 1908, at age 63.

    + 270 M    v. Josiah Locke Parrott was born on 16 Nov 1844 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 18 Mar 1921, at age 76.

       271 M    vi. Lewis Watts Parrott was born on 15 Oct 1846 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

    Lewis married Reama Temple.

       272 F    vii. Agnes Catherine Parrott was born on 28 Sep 1848 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 28 Jun 1880 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, at age 31.

    Agnes married Simon P. McIntyre.

       273 M    viii. Franklin Scripps Parrott was born on 25 Apr 1851 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 6 Jun 1852 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 1.

       274 M    ix. Charles Samuel Parrott was born in May 1853 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 9 Sep 1893 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 40.

    Charles married Lizzie Wells.

       275 M    x. Walter Lee Parrotte was born on 23 Mar 1855 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 20 Jun 1946 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 91.

    Walter married Mary E. Tunnicliff. Mary was born on 11 Nov 1855 in Iillinois and died on 24 Dec 1909, at age 54.

    Walter next married Katherine G. Katherine was born on 5 Aug 1884 in Pennsylvania and died on 17 Nov 1969 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 85.

       276 M    xi. Marcus Lindsey Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1858 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 2 Aug 1948 in San Diego Co., California, at age 90.

    Marcus married Mary H. Hamer. Mary was born on 12 Mar 1863 and died in Jan 1934 in San Diego Co., California, at age 70.

       277 F    xii. Ellen Virginia Parrott was born on 17 Nov 1861 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 8 Mar 1888, at age 26.

    146. William Henry Parrott (Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1800 in Washington, D.C. and died on 28 Feb 1858 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 58.

    William married Elizabeth M. M. Wickoff. Elizabeth was born in 1805 in Louisiana.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 278 M    i. Richard Parrott was born on 1 Sep 1840 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 6 Mar 1866 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 25.

       279 M    ii. William H. Parrott Jr. was born in 1843 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.

    150. Marcus Junius Parrott (Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 27 Oct 1828 in Hamburg, Aiken Co., South Carolina and died on 4 Oct 1879 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 50. {Find A Grave ID: 18743929}


    Born at Hamburg, Aiken County, South Carolina, on October 27, 1828, but raised in Dayton, Ohio, Marcus Junius Parrott, whose views on the issue of chattel slavery were undoubtedly influenced by this Quaker father, was educated at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1849. He subsequently studied law at Cambridge University, Massachusetts, completed his degree, and returned to Dayton, Ohio, where he was admitted to the bar and commenced a legal practice. The future free-state delegate to the U.S. Congress from Kansas Territory soon became interested in a political as well as a legal career, and in 1853 and 1854 he served as a representative in the Ohio state legislature.

    Soon thereafter Parrott's interest in the newly organized territory of Kansas was peaked and in 1855 he moved west. Parrott chose Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, as his place of settlement and there resumed the practice of law and became active in territorial politics. During that first year he was appointed court reporter for the first session of the territorial Supreme Court, and the following September Parrott served as defense attorney for Charles Robinson and several other free-state partisans who were under indictment for treason and in the custody of the proslavery territorial government at Lecompton.

    A Democrat when he first arrived in the territory, Parrott soon became active in the Free-State Party (later Republican Party) and was elected as a delegate from Leavenworth to the Topeka Constitutional Convention that convened on October 23, 1855. The free-sate convention, meeting in Topeka in July 1857, nominated Parrott for the position of delegate to Congress under the Topeka Constitution. He was subsequently elected with over 7,000 votes and served Kansas in that capacity for nearly four years. Parrott was in Washington, D.C., when the Kansas bill finally passed in January 1861, and he transmitted the news to Leavenworth. Subsequently, he ran a very close third to James H. Lane and Samuel C. Pomeroy in the balloting for U.S. Senate, and unsuccessfully sought election to Congress in 1862 and 1874.

    Parrott then left political life altogether and turned is attention to agriculture pursuits on his farmer near Leavenworth. A few years later, after experiencing failing health for several months, Parrott moved back to Dayton, Ohio, to be close to his brother, and he died there on October 4, 1879.


    Blackmar, Frank W. Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History. Vol. II. Chicago, IL: Standard Publishing Co., 1912.
    Letter, Marc [Parrott] to Dear Edd [Edwin Parrott]
    Author: Parrott, Marcus J., 1828-1879
    Date: February 9, 1856

    Marcus Parrott wrote from Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, to his brother, Edwin Parrott. Marcus described the events of his ride home from a business meeting in Lawrence, where he encountered a funeral procession for his friend T. C. Shoemaker, who had been beaten to death for "abusing" Mayor William E. Murphy. Marcus equated this murder to the assault on William Phillips in May 1855, and anticipated that there would only be a "so-called" trial for the men responsible. He also told his brother to be prepared to come to Kansas Territory in April.

    Marcus J. Parrott died at Oakwood, Ohio, last Saturday. About two years ago, at Leavenworth, he was stricken with paralysis since which time he has been in a state of imbeciity. In early Kansas times Parrott was looked upon as one of the future men of Kansas. He was elected delegate to Congress in 1857, and came very near being elected United States Senator at the first Senatorial election. He was a brilliant orator and was often called silver-tongued Parrott. At one time he was a man of large means and being of a convivial disposition, probably drank too much. None of the early settlers or politicians will forget Marcus J. Parrott.

    Wichita Eagle, 16 Oct 1879, p 2

    Marcus married Louise J. Scott. Louise was born in Oct 1836 in Alexandria, Rapides Parish, Louisiana and died on 6 Dec 1902 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 66. Another name for Louise was Louisiana Scott. {Find A Grave ID: 86282074} {Find A Grave ID: 86282074}

    Mrs. Louise Parrott succumbs to fatal shock, while busily engaged.
    Honored Member of Prominent Dayton Families and a Long Resident.

    Mrs. Louise Parrott, the widow of Marcus J. Parrott, and closely connected with prominent Dayton families, died without warning Saturday morning while engaged in shopping at the store of the Rike Dry Goods Company.

    Mrs. Parrott was apparently in the best of health and sprite this morning, and there was nothing outwardly to indicate the stamp of death that must have already been upon her. While at the linen counter of the store she fell over, and before Dr. Ireland, who was at once called, could arrive she was already dead.

    At the time of her husband's death, which occurred 20 or 25 years ago, the family ived in Leavenworth, Kansas, but afterward, she returned to Dayton where she has resided since. Up to less than a year ago she lived at 566 West Second street, but since that time with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Francis A. Matthews, at No. 20 North Perry Street.

    Mrs. Parrott was a member of a prominent Southern family, and lived while she was yet Miss Scott, the family name, upon a plantation near Red river, Louisiana. Her daughter, Laulette, has been living with her in Dayton; Nan, the other, there are but two, is the wife of Richard S. Fowler, secretary and treasurer of the Rayol Remedy Copany.

    The body of Mrs. Parrott was taken to Mr. Fowler's home. The deceased was a lady of rare character, active in charitable and church circles, and highly respected and loved in the community.

    Col. E.A. Parrott and Eugene Parrott are surviving brothers of Marcus J. Parrott. His surviving sisters are Mrs. T.P. Gaddis and Mrs. Matthews. All are residents of Dayton.

    The Dayton Herald, 06 Dec 1902, p 8

    Children from this marriage were:

       280 F    i. Laulette LeDoux Parrott was born on 18 Nov 1870 in Paris, France and died on 13 Feb 1958 in Fort Benton, Chouteau Co., Montana, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 93905602}

    Laulette married James Monfort Irvin. James was born on 4 Dec 1868 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 14 Dec 1939 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 93905535} {Find A Grave ID: 93905535}

    Marriage Notes: After cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Parrott announcing the marriage of their niece, Miss Laulette Le Doux Parrott to Mr. James Montfort Irwin, on the afternoon of Wednesday, June the seventh at Maysfield, Dayton, Ohio. Miss Parrott resided for a number of years in Leavenworth.

    The Leavenworth Times, 10 Jun 1905, p 5

       281 F    ii. Nannette Eugene Parrott was born on 14 Nov 1876 in Kansas and died on 21 Apr 1963 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 75465529}

    Notes: FOWLER, Mrs. Nan Parrott, age 86, formerly of 809 Oakwood Av., passed away Sunday at Greenfield, Mass. Founder member of St. Pauls Episcopal church, and member of the first Oakwood school board. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bartlett Boyden, Deerfield, Mass.; 1 son, Richard S. Jr. of Kenilworth, Ill.; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren. Memorial services Friday 10:30 a.m. at St. Pauls Episcopal chapel. Interment Woodland cemetery. The family suggets that memorial contributions may be made to the Heart Fund in lieu of flowers. Arrangements Boyer Funeral home.

    The Dayton Daily News, 25 Apr 1963, p 49

    Nannette married Richard Stoddard Fowler. Richard was born in Aug 1868 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 23 Dec 1910 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 42. {Find A Grave ID: 75469488} {Find A Grave ID: 75469488}

    Marriage Notes: Invitation cards reading as follows have been received:

    Mrs. Louise Parrott
    requests the honor of your prensence
    at the marriage of her daughter
    Nan Eugene
    Mr. Richard Stoddard Fowler
    on Thursday evening, October twen-
    tieth, eighteen hundred and
    at six o'clock,
    Christ Episcopal Church,
    Dayton, O.

    The Dayton Herald, 06 Oct 1898, p 3

    151. Col. Edwin Augustus Parrott (Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Nov 1830 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 27 Sep 1931 in Princeton, Mercer Co., New Jersey, at age 100.

    Notes: See Biography Parrott Talk 11:44-46 & 11:171
    HISTORY OF THE CITY OF, DAYTON AND , Montgomery County Ohio, By REV. A. W. DRURY Professor Union Biblical Seminary Dayton, Ohio ILLUSTRATED Ay, VOLUME II CHICAGO- DAYTON THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING CO. 1909

    In the fall of 1828 Thomas Parrott emigrated from Hamburg, South Carolina, to Dayton, bringing with him two families of negroes '97 his farm slaves '97 for whom he sought a free state. He established his home in this city and his son Edwin A. Parrott was born November 30, 1830, at the southeast corner of Second and Perry streets. At that date the little house, which was afterward torn down to make way for the home of Preserved Smith, was the last on West Second except the cabin of Aaron, Judge Holt's negro man, which stood about where Houston Lowe's home is now to be seen.

    Edwin A. Parrott began his education when four years of age under the direc tion of Miss Crane, who conducted a primary school in the "Session House," where the manse of the First Presbyterian church now stands. A little later he was a pupil in the school of Edward Varian, conducted in the basement of the Episcopal church on Jefferson street, replaced by Clegg's block. From the Varian school he was transferred to that of Colonel Collins Wright in the old academy at corner Fourth and Williamson, while later he continued his studies in the school of E. E. Barney, held in the basement of the Baptist church, on the present site of the Home Telephone building. He began the study of the ancient languages there under Frederick Snyder, afterward a distinguished Baptist minister. In 1845 he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio, and was graduated four years later. In the fall of that year he began to read law in the office of Hart & Craighead, and after a year thus passed entered the Dane Law school of the Harvard University. Before completing his course, however, he gave up his studies to embark in business with his father and as T. Parrott & Son was for many years engaged in the manufacture of linseed oil.

    In 1870 E. A. Parrott became connected with the Malleable Iron Company, which had recently been organized, and as its president for twelve years brought to it a large and profitable business. He sold his interest in 1882 and has since then lived quietly in his country place near the city.

    In 1854 Mr. Parrott visited Kansas and became much interested in the effort to make it a free state. On his return home he was very active in the organization of the Anti-Nebraska party and as a delegate from this county attended the first state convention. In 1859 he was nominated by the republicans for state repre sentative. For a term of years Montgomery county had been democratic, but in 1859 the republican candidate was elected by a small majority. Representative Parrott in his legislative career was identified with thirteen members of the house and senate that constituted the conservative element as distinguished from the radicals in the legislature, headed by Governor Chase. Mr. Parrott was put up as a candidate for speaker against the choice of the governor. He was defeated but was soon elected speaker pro tem and in the organization of the committees was made chairman of that on federal relations. This was a very important committee at that time. During the session Representative Parrott introduced and carried through the house a joint resolution inviting the Kentucky legislature and its guest the legislature of Tennessee to visit Columbus as guests ot the state of Ohio, and as chairman of the house contingent with Senator James A. Garfield as chairman of the senate committee bore the invitation to Louisville. It was delivered and accepted at a banquet given by the citizens of Louisville, at which both the Ohio legislators spoke. The progress of these legislatures to Columbus and the receptions along the way were marked with patriotic speeches from the southerners, most of whom, alas, within a twelvemonth were in arms against the flag to which they were then declaring their devotion.

    On behalf of the conservative element in the legislature Mr. Parrott opened up correspondence with Mr. Lincoln, who had spoken at Dayton during his campaign of 1859, for permission to use his name as a candidate for the presidency against Senator Chase. None of these conservatives were elected delegates to the Chicago convention, but nevertheless, were there and active in behalf of Mr. Lincoln and, undoubtedly, influenced the final vote of Ohio, which nominated him. At the adjourned session of 1861 Mr. Parrott introduced the resolution inviting President-Elcct Lincoln to visit Columbus on his way to Washington and was chairman of the house committee that met Mr. Lincoln at Indianapolis and acted as his escort to Columbus. During this session Mr. Parrott and his con servative confreres opposed both the uncompromising resolutions of the radicals and those of the democrats, impeaching the good faith of the north and succeeded in passing the resolution under which Ohio was represented at the peace congress and in giving control of the delegation to the conservative element.

    In 1865 Colonel Parrott was again elected to the legislature and was chosen speaker of the house. He did not approve the radical reconstruction measures and thought President Johnson was aiming to carry out Mr. Lincoln's plans and so, being out of sympathy with his party, Colonel Parrott did not seek a re- nomination. He took part in the convention, however, which nominated Horace Greeley in 1872 and entered actively in the campaign work in support of that ticket. Four years later the nomination of his old friend, Governor Hayes, drew him back to the regular republican party and he took an active part in the campaign.

    Colonel Parrott was married in February, 1866, to the eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Thomas and of their children four survive. Their only son is professor of English literature in Princeton University.

    BRIEF SKETCHES OF THE Members of the 57th Ohio House of Representatives
    EDWIN A. PARROTT, Speaker of the House,
    From Montgomery, is a Lawyer. He was born the 30th of Nov. 1830, in Dayton, Ohio; was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University, where he graduated in the Regular Course, in 1849; took his second degree at his alma matter three years afterward; cast his first Presidential vote for Taylor, and last two for Lincoln; began his professional studies with S. Craighead, Esq., of Dayton, and after reading about two years went to the Law School at Cambridge, Mass.; remained there but a few months, when he returned to Dayton to engage in business; kept up his studies, and the subsequent year was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of Ohio; was elected to the House in 1859, being the first member from his county for ten years, other than a Democrat; was conservative in politics, but immediately on the first call for troops offered his services to the Governor; recruited three companies from the 1st Ohio Militia in which he was Major; resigned his seat, and under detail from the Governor, started for Washington in charge of 2000 unorganized volunteers, April 18th, 1861. He was detained under orders at Harrisburg, Pa., and the troops organized as 1st and 2d Regts Ohio Volunteers, and Mr. Parrott was chosen Lieut. Col. of 1st Regt. He served through three months as Lieut Col. In the fall reorganized Regiment for three years; was promoted to Col. in Feb., 1862; was detailed as A.A. Prov. Mar. Gen. of Ohio, in April 1803, and organized bureau in his state. Resigned Feb. 1864. Dayton P.O.

    Daily Ohio Statesman, 06 Apr 1866, p 1

    OLDEST ALUMNUS IS 99.; Princeton Man Gets the Ohio Wesleyan University Honor Cane.

    PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 25.-- Colonel Edwin A. Parrott, 99 years old, of Princeton, is now the oldest living alumnus of Ohio Wesleyan University, it was learned here today, when the announcement was made that he will carry the alumni cane always in the possession of the oldest graduate

    New York Times, 26 Feb 1928, p S32

    Native Daytonian, 101, Dies; Colonel E.A. Parrott Speaker Of Ohio House Before War

    Princeton, N.J. September 20 - Colonel Edwin A. Parrott, who sat on the Speaker's platform at Gettysburg and heard President Lincoln deliver his famed address, died here today in his home. He was 101 years old, the oldest resident of Princeton for a number of years.

    The Battle of Bull Run had been history for only a few days when Colonel Parrott enlisted. He was said to have been the first man to volunteer for service in the Union Army in Ohio, and his rise in rank was rapid. In 1863, he was made Provost of Ohio, and at another time he commanded a regiment of infantry.

    In later years Colonel Parrott spoke frequently of the exercises at Gettysburg. He said most of the men and women who heard the speeches on that occasion at first were of the opinion that Lincoln's address was inferior because of the brevity and simplicity.

    Colonel Parrott was born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1830. He entered Delaware College, now Ohio Wesleyan, when he was 14 years old and was graduated in 1949.

    After completing post-graduate study at Harvard Law School he was admitted to the bar and began practice in Ohio. He served several terms in the Ohio Legislature and was Speaker of the House before the Civil War.

    At the end of the war, Colonel Parrott returned to Dayton and served another term in the Legislature. Later he entered business. After his retirement, 25 years ago, he moved to Princeton, where his son, Thomas M. Parrott, is a professor in the university's Department of English.

    Colonel Parrott began work on a volume of memoirs a number of years ago, but did not complete the book because of failing eyesight. In other respects he remained in good health until last year. He took an automobile ride daily, walked in his garden and kept informed of political affairs. He was a Republican.

    Surviving are his son, three daughters and a brother. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at his home. Burial will be Princeton cemetery.

    The Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 Sep 1931, p 20

    Princeton, N.J., Sept. 20. - Col. Edwin A. Parrott, a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln and one of the group who sat on the platform at Gettysburg when Lincoln delivered his famous address, died this morning at his home here. He was Princeton's oldest resident and would have been 101 on Nov. 30.

    Col. Parrott at the time of his death was the oldest living alumnus of Ohio Wesleyan university, or Delaware college, as it was known when he was graduated in 1849. He was a former speaker of the Ohio house of assembly, having served in this capacity during 1866-'67. During the civil war he was provost marshal general for Ohio. Col. Parrott was born at Dayton, O., in 1830.

    Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 Sep 1931, p 22

    Former Daytonian, Who Sponsored Lincoln, Dies
    Funeral services for Col. Edwiin A. Parrott, former Daytonian and centenarian, who died early Sunday at Princeton, N.J., will be conducted at the residence of his son, Prof. Thomas M. Parrott, in that city, Tuesday afternoon. Burial will take place in Princeton.

    Judge E.A. Matthews, nephew of the deceased, left Monday for New York to attend the funeral. Col. Parrott had been eminent as a military officer, a public servant, and a business man. He had a natural capacity for leadership; and in anything which interested him he might always be found at the top.

    Spoken of frequently as "the little man with the big voice," he commanded attention when he was still a comparatively young man by his membership in the newly-formed Republican party. He was nominated as state representative in 1859, and despite the fact that Montgomery co. was then Democratic, he was a elected by a small majority.

    While serviving as a represntative he introduced and carried through a resolution inviting the legislature of Kentucky and Tennessee to visit the Ohio legislature in Columbus. The representatives from these states made a triumphant visit to the Ohio Capital, being, of course, unaware that America could be torn by civil war within a year.

    Col. Parrott is said to have been the first man who corresponded with Abrahan Lincoln and asked him permission for the use of his name as a Republican candidate for the presidency.

    According to an article appearing in the New York Herald Tribune in November, 1930, when Col. Parrott was 100 years old, he first met Lincoln in Galena, Ill. He had been visiting his brother, Mark Parrott, in Kansas City and stopped off at Galena in his journey back to Dayton. There he saw a tall man dressed in a long traveling coat and speaking on the streets. He was impressed by the man's delivery.

    "Who is that man?" he asked the hotel clerk. "He makes his points well." "That is Abe Lincoln," the clerk replied. "We are going to send him to congress."

    While in the legislature Col. Parrott, in behalf of the conservative element, opened up correspondence with Lincoln, whom he had met when he delivered an address in Dayton, asking permission to use his name as candidate for the presidency against Senator Chase. None of these conservatives was elected to the Chicago convention, it happened.

    Following the election of the man who was later to be known as the Great Emancipator, Col. Parrott introduced a resolution inviting him to visit Columbus on his way to Washington. He was chairman of the committee which met Lincoln at Indianapolis and escorted him to Columbus.

    When the first gun was fired at Ft. Sumter, Col. Parrott went to the office of the governor of the state, announced his intention of resigning his seat and declared that he was ready to serve in any capacity.

    As fourth colonel in the First Ohio militia he began his military career and was later commissioned lieutenant and adjutant. He came to Dayton April 15 under orders of Gov. Dennison to assist in recruiting for the militia regiment. The next day he returned to Columbus with three full companies.

    With 2000 men he went to Washington and these men were subsequently formed into the First and Second Ohio Volunteer infantry. Major Parrott was elected lieutenant colonel of the First a short time later. During the riot and burning of the Journal building, Col. Parrott was provost marshal of the city.

    He resigned his commission in 1864 to manage the estate of his father, the late Thomas Parrott. In 1865 he was elected again to the legislature and was subsequently named as speaker. As he was opposed to President Johnson's reconstruction policies he did not seek reelection. He took part, however, in the convention which nominated Horace Greeley, but later returned to the Republican ranks and helped to nominate his old friend, Gov. Rutherford Hayes.

    He was born in Dayton Nov. 30, 1830, and was the fourth child of the late Thomas Parrott. He attended various schools, including the institutions conducted by E.E. Barney and the old academy.

    In 1845 he was graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware. Some years ago he was presented with a cane in recognition of the fact that he was the oldest living graduate of that institution.

    For a time he was associated with his father in the linseed oil business. Though he studied law he gave up the practice of it for business. In 1870 he organized the Malleable Iron Works, resigning the presidency of the company in 1882.

    During most of his residence in Dayton, Col. Parrott lived in Oakwood, his home being known as Maysfield. He sold that residence and much of his property when he left Dayton nearly 30 years ago to live with his son, Prof. Thomas Parrott in Princeton.

    He had been in good health, considering his advanced age, until a comparatively short time before the end and often drove a car and walked about the city of Princeton. Though a very small man he possessed a robust constitution practically all his life.

    In 1867, he married Miss Mary Mae Thomas, daughter of the late Rev. E.E. Thomas. She preceded him in death years ago. Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. Katherine Gorringe, of California; Miss Elizabeth K. Parrott, of Princeton, and Mrs. Ethel Farmer, of Connecticut, and a son, Prof. Thomas M. Parrott, of Princeton. There is also one brother, H.F. Parrott, living in Dayton. He has reached the advanced age of 92 years. He is now the last of the family of the late Thomas Parrott which once numbered seven children.

    The Dayton Daily News, 21 Sep 1931, p 47

    Edwin married Mary May Thomas. Mary was born on 18 Aug 1841 in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio and died in Jan 1913 in Princeton, Mercer Co., New Jersey, at age 71.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 282 M    i. Thomas Marc Parrott was born on 22 Dec 1866 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 5 Feb 1960 in Neshanic, Somerset Co., New Jersey, at age 93.

       283 F    ii. Ethel Parrott was born on 4 Sep 1868 in Van Buren, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 19 Apr 1965 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 96.

    Ethel married Andrew Edwin Farmer. Andrew was born on 5 Sep 1874 in Nashville, Davidson Co., Tennessee.

    Marriage Notes: Mr. Edwin Farmer, of Indianapolis, was yesterday afternoon married to Miss Ethel Parrott, the charming daughter of Col and Mrs. E.A. Parrott.

    The ceremony was performed by Dr. Maurice E. Wilson, of the First Presbyterian church, at "Maysfield," the beautiful home of Col. Parrott at Oakwood.

    The wedding was the happy consumation of a friendship begun when both were students at the Konigliche Hochschule, of Berlin.
    After an elaborate wedding feast, the happy couple left for a trip of several weeks through the north, after which they will reside in Indianapolis.

    The Dayton Herald, 25 Jun 1897, p 3

       284 F    iii. Mary May Parrott was born on 20 Aug 1870 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 29 Nov 1870 in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio.

       285 M    iv. Edwin Agustus Parrott Jr. was born on 7 Apr 1872 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 8 Apr 1874, at age 2.

       286 F    v. Katherine Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1873 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 15 Sep 1967 in Carmel, Monterey Co., California, at age 94.

    Katherine married Walter Smith Gorringe. Walter was born on 3 Aug 1872 in Ohio and died on 15 Jan 1919 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 46.

    Marriage Notes: MISS KATHERINE PARROTT and Mr. Walter Gorringe were united in marriage at Spokane, Wash., Thursday the 24th. The bride is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. E.A. Parrott, of Oakwood, and is a bright, accomplished and most loveable young woman. The groom is an industrious and successful young business man, and was formerly connected with the Malleable Iron Company, of this city.

    A large number of friends will tender hearty congratulations and best wishes.

    The Dayton Herald, 25 Oct 1901, p 3

       287 F    vi. Elizabeth Kemper Parrott was born on 7 Aug 1875 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio.

       288 F    vii. Edith May Parrott was born on 10 Oct 1877 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 30 Oct 1882 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 5.

    152. Joseph Sullivan Parrott (Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1834 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 1 Jun 1878 in Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio, at age 44. {Find A Grave ID: 81930640}

    Notes: Joseph S. Parrott, a well-known business-man of Toledo, died very suddenly at Van Buren's Hotel in that city, last week. He came in very much intoxicated, and sitting down on a sofa was discovered a few hours afterwards sitting bolt upright, dead as a mackerel. A post mortem examination revealed the fact that his excessive drinking had so eaten away the inner coats of the stomach and duodenum that the outerwalls of the latter passage had ruptured, letting the contents into the abdominal cavity, producing death, as stated.

    The Clyde Enterprise, 13 Jun 1878, p 1

    Joseph married Mary Van Cleave. Mary was born in 1837 in New Jersey and died on 3 Jun 1908 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 81931258} {Find A Grave ID: 81931258}

    Children from this marriage were:

       289 F    i. Antoinette Parrott was born on 30 Jan 1871 in Ohio and died on 25 Feb 1911 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, at age 40. {Find A Grave ID: 78989417}

    Notes: Mrs. Antoinette Marfield, wife of Dwight Marfield, attorney at law, in Cincinnati, and a former Dayton girl, died at her home in Avondale Friday night. Mrs. Marfield was formerly Miss Antoinette Parrott, daughter of the late Joseph S. Parrott. Miss Sallie Parrott, of Oakwood, this city, is a sister. Mrs. Marfield leaves a husband and three children. The funeral will be in Cincinnati Monday.

    The Dayton Herald, 27 Feb 1911, p 2

    Antoinette married Dwight Steele Marfield. Dwight was born on 10 Dec 1868 in Circlevile, Pickaway Co., Ohio and died on 4 Nov 1955 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 86.

       290 F    ii. Sarah Parrott was born in 1869 in Ypsipilanti, Washtenaw Co., Michigan and died on 18 Sep 1940 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 71.

    Notes: Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Friday in Christ Episcopal church for Miss Sarah Parrott, prominently known Daytonian, who died at the Miami hotel at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. Miss Parrott, who was 71 years old, had been in failing health for several months, and had removed from her Oakwood avenue home to the Miami hotel last spring.

    A member of an old Dayton family long identified with the industrial, social and cultural life of the city, Miss Parrott was the last surviving member of the family Joseph Parrott, a Civil war soldier who became a widely known manufacturer of linseed oil here after the war. Her grandfather, Thomas Parrott, came to Dayton in 1828. She was born in Ypsipilanti, Mich., but had resided virtually all her life in Dayton. She was a member of the Christ Episcopal church and of the Dayton Woman's club.

    Surviving are a niece, Mrs. Lyman Quincy, of Sumter, S.C.; a nephew, Dwight Marfield of New York; and five cousins residing in Dayton, Mrs. N.S. Clunett, Mrs. James M. Irvin, Mrs. Richard S. Fowler, SR., Mrs. James M. Irvin (sic), Judge Edwin P. Matthews and Miss Lucy Matthews.

    Friends may call at the Boyer Mortuary Thursday evening and Friday morning.

    The Dayton Herald, 19 Sep 1940, p 17

    154. Capt. Henry Eugene Parrott (Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Mar 1839 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 31 Dec 1933 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 94.

    Notes: "Henry Eugene Parrott, usually called "Eugene," was born March 1, 1839, in Dayton, Ohio, the youngest surviving son of Thomas Parrott (1797-1864) and Sarah Sullivan (1880 [sic]-1883). Eugene attended the Dayton Academy, Delaware College (later Ohio Wesleyan University), where he graduated in 1860 and later held the distinction of being its oldest living alumni."

    "At the time the Civil War broke out, Eugene's father and older brother Edwin operated a linseed oil manufacturing business in Dayton. After Edwin took a commission in the First Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Eugene began to take a more active part in the business"

    "On June 11, 1862, Eugene went on a steamboat from Cincinnati to retrieve sick and wounded soldiers from the Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee (Battle of Shiloh), remaining with the relief workers about two weeks. In September 1862, he was among the "Squirrel Hunters" who defended Cincinnati against the threat of attack from the Kirby Smith's advancing forces. In July 1863, Eugene enlisted as an adjutant and lieutenant in the 86th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which was commanded by his college comrade Col. William Lemert, and served six months, being mustered out in February 1864."

    "After the Civil War ended, the Parrott brothers Eugene and Edwin both returned to the linseed oil business. In 1869, the brothers incorporated the Malleable Iron Company, a foundry which had been established a few years earlier by others. Eugene served as secretary and treasurer of the company; his older brother Edwin as president. In 1882, new officers took over the company, and Eugene became involved in marble dust manufacturing. In later years, he held positions at the Dayton Board of Trade, the Dayton Automatic Gas Savings Company, and the National Cash Register Company."

    See also:
    Books, Travel and 13 Grandsons All Help to Keep Nonagerian Fit

    The Dayton Daily News, 03 June 1928, p 2

    Capt. Henry Eugene Parrott, Pioneer Daytonian and Oldest Ohio Wesleyan Graduate, Dies
    Funeral services for Capt. Henry Eugene Parrott, who died Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at his home, 329 Five Oaks avenue, probably will be held Tuesday afternoon in Woodland cemetery chapel. Monday evening and prior to the time of the funeral the body will lie in state at the Boyer funeral parlors on Riverview avenue, where it may be viewed by friends.

    The funeral services will be in charge of Rev. Charles W. Brashares, pastor of Grace M.E. church, assisted by Rev. E.S. Gaddis of Cincinnati, a nephew of Captain Parrott.
    Captain Parrott was one of Dayton's oldest and best known residents and had he lived until March 1 would have been 95 years of age. Captain Parrott's death was not due to any specific organic illness, but rather to a general failing of his natural faculties. Thanksgiving day he was up and about with his family and during the day called on several of his friends. The exertion is thought to have proved too great for his system to endure, for on the following Monday he was forced to take to his bed and he had been sinking gradually since then.

    Captain Parrott held the distinction during the last two eyars of being the oldest living graduate of Ohio Wesleyan university and as such was in possession of the the alumni cane which tradition accords to the one having that distinction. This honor fell upon him upon the death in September of 1831 of his brother, Col. Edwin A. Parrott, who lived to the age of 101 years.

    Up to the time of his death, also, he held the honor of being the sole surviving member of the class of 1860 at Ohio Wesleyan. He also was a charter member of Gamma chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity, which was founded on Christmas eve in 1855.

    Was Given Scroll. On March 1 last, the Dayton alumni chapter of his fraternity staged a dinner in Captain Parrott's honor in the Engineer's club, the occasion marking his ninety-fourth birthday, and he was presented with a scroll testimonial while before him was a large birthday cake bearing 94 lighted candles.

    His brother, who had lived beyond the century mark, was credited with being the first man to propose to Abraham Lincoln that he permit his name to before the Republican convention of 1860 as a candidate for the presidency. He sat at the platform with Lincoln at Gettysburg on the occasion of his famous speech.

    Captain Parrott during the years he was able to get about easily as an active member of his fraternity, attended all its national conventions and was widely known among graduates of Ohio Wesleyan.

    Attended Meetings. At the Louisville grand chapter meeting in 1927 he made a stirring address and he appeared at the diamond jubilee on the occasion of the fraternity's seventy fifth anniversary at Oxford, O., in June of 1930. In June of the following year he journeyed to Cincinnati for the fortieth chapter meeting and received a great ovation from his fraternity brothers, actively participating in the stag meeting the first evening.

    Captain Parrott was born March 1, 1839 in Dayton. His parents, Thomas and Sarah Sullivan Parrott, had come to Dayton about 11 years earlier by carriage and wagon from a small South Carolina town near Augusta, GA., where they lived for a few years previous. Both had been residents of the eastern shore of Maryland, where Mrs. Parrott's family had lived for more than 150 years.

    Captain Parrott's paternal grandfather, however, had emigrated from Salem, Mass., to the eastern shore, following the Revolutionary war, in which he had operated the brig, Dolphin, as a privateersman. The captain's paternal grandmother was Abigail Flint, of a family which settled in Salem about 1643, going there from the west of England or from Wales.

    Dayton was a small town in 1833, but Thomas Parrott prospered as a general merchant. The household was served by colored people who had been family slaves in Maryland and South Carolina, and who ere freed by the journey north.

    Henry Eugene Parrott, youngest child to grow to maturity, was reared in the Methodist Episcopal church, to which his father gave liberally for church building and other purposes. Circuit-riding preachers were frequent visitors in the household. Another early memory he carried was of his father's intense interest in the Liberian colony, of his generous contributions to that cause and of his founding the Parrott professorship at Delaware college, now Ohio Wesleyan.

    Was Commissioned. Capt. Parrott early learned the art of riding and driving horses and of caring for them. He spent several of his boyhood summers and at least one winter, on a farm near Dayton, working with the farmer's other hands as a part of his education.

    Regular schooling was obtained at the old Dayton academy at the southwest corner of Fourth and Wilkinson streets, under Milo Williams. Here he prepared for Delaware College, from which he was graduated in 1860.
    He was in business with his father when the Civil war began, and remained at home for a while to assist him while his brothers went to war. However, he had a touch of soldiering when he joined the "Squirrel Hunters" and helped to patrol the banks of the Ohio river against Gen. Kirby Smith's possible coming.

    He also went with a hospital relief boat from Cincinnati to bring home the wounded from the Shiloh battlefield. When the war was less than two ears old he received a commission as lieutenant in the Eighty-sixth volunteer infantry, of which William C. Lemert, his contemporary in Delaware and Gamma chapter, was colonel. First as regimental and then as brigade adjutant, the young lieutenant served on the march across Kentucky to Cumberland gap, at its taking and during its subsequent holding from southern occupation.

    Five times he made the horseback trip to Cincinnati on brigade or regimental business, a trip always fraught with some uncertainty because of the undecided temper of Kentuckians as to support of the north or south. He was finally mustered out of the service with the rank of captain.
    His father died before the close of the war and after closing up the oil pressing business in which his parents had conducted. Captain Parrott was engaged in the manufacture of malleable iron in a company which he organized.

    First, however, he had taken a trip to Europe over a period of more than a year. Later the captain returned to this first love, farming, and his registered herd at Briar Hill, south of Dayton, was well known through southwestern Ohio and contiguous parts of neighboring states.

    Always a great reader, he collected a good contemporary and classical library and was a devoted member of the Saturday club, a literary circle of Dayton and Montgomery county men, which met regularly for years to hear papers and discussions by its members. The club disbanded more than 10 years ago, the few remaining members not caring to search for new blood.

    Captain Parrott's love for ha good mount remained with him his later years and up to several years ago he enjoyed nothing more than a horseback ride. After he had reached 90 he would indulge in daily two-hour rides, his formula for each half hour being "20 minutes to trot, 5 minutes to canter, 5 minutes to walk."

    Several years after his first European trip, he married Henrietta Elliott Peirce, of this city. She was of an older Ohio tradition even than her husband. Her great grandparents on four lines had been early settlers in the state. She was also even fonder of the country than her husband and their home in the woods of Briar Hill, south of Dayton, was a delightfully hospitable place in a simple, out-of-doors way for more than 50 years.

    Captain Parrott's younger son is Lieut. Col. Roger Sheffield Parrott of the United States army's artillery. He is in charge of student military instruction at Princeton university, having graduated from West Point in 1908, and having later studied at the war college. He did staff duty in France during the latter months of the World war and through the Rhine occupation.

    Three Daughters. The oldest daughter, Mrs. Samuel Ellis, resides in Buffalo and Monday was on the way to Dayton to attend the funeral services. Two other daughters survive, Miss Frances Parrott, with whom Captain Parrott made his home and who was constantly devoted to his care, and Mrs. N.S. Clunet, also of this city. There are also 13 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren surviving.

    Captain Parrott had been a member of the Masonic fraternity for many years, being affiliated with Dayton blue lodge and 32nd degree Scottish Rite Masonry.

    Up to the last year or so Captain Parrott enjoyed getting into the outdoors and nearly every month he made an automobile trip to Cincinnati and back to be present at the regular luncheon meeting of the Ohio Commandery of the Milirary (sic) order of the Loyal Legion, which consists of Union officers in the Civil war and their descendants, direct or collateral.

    The Dayton Herald, 01 Jan 1934, pp 1 and 2

    Henry married Henrietta Elliot Peirce. Henrietta was born on 21 Nov 1848 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, died on 21 Apr 1919 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 70, and was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio.

    Notes: "Henrietta Elliot Peirce, sometimes called "Etta," was born November 21, 1848, in Dayton, Ohio, the eldest daughter of Jeremiah H. Peirce (1818-1889) and Elizabeth H. Forrer (1827-1874). Henrietta was named after her paternal grandmother, whose maiden name was Henrietta Elliot."

    "Henrietta received most of her education at home or through teachers of particular subjects. Like her sisters, Henrietta was artistic, winning an award at the Ohio State fair in 1866 for best pencil drawing. She also had a lifelong interest in gardening. As a young lady, she attended the commercial college to learn bookkeeping."


    Children from this marriage were:

       291 M    i. Edward Peirce Parrott was born on 16 Nov 1872 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 1 Mar 1873 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio.

    + 292 M    ii. John Ennals Parrott Sr. was born on 25 Jan 1874 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 26 Jun 1929 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 55.

       293 M    iii. Samuel Forrer Parrott was born on 5 Apr 1875 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 21 Aug 1875 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio.

       294 F    iv. Elizabeth Forrer Parrott was born on 27 May 1876 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died in Nov 1979 in New York, at age 103.

    Elizabeth married Samuel Ellis. Samuel was born in 1866 and died in 1929, at age 63.

       295 F    v. Frances Isabel Parrott was born on 21 Jan 1878 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 13 Jul 1934 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 56.

       296 F    vi. Marianna Parrott was born on 15 Jun 1879 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 29 Oct 1879 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio.

       297 F    vii. Mary Edward Parrott was born on 28 Oct 1880 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 15 Jun 1945 in Ohio, at age 64.

    Notes: Mrs. Nathaniel Shannon Clunet, a member of one of Dayton's oldest families, died at 3:45 a.m. Friday at her home on Briar Hill rd. in Oakwood.

    Mrs. Clunet was born Mary Edward Parrott on Oct. 28, 1880, to Henry Eugene and Henrietta Peirces Parrott, both from pioneer Dayton families.

    She was married in 1902 to Nathaniel Shannon Clunet of Baltimore, Md., a contractor and consulting engineer. Until two and a half years ago Mrs. Cluent was associated with the Lenore Zapolean dress shop on First st. She was a member of the Dayton Garden club and Dayton Woman's club.

    Surviving with the husband are four daughters, Mrs. Robert F. Light, Mrs. Clunet Sawtelle, Mrs. Keith Wilson and Mrs. Roy Fitzgerald, jr., all of Dayton; a sister, Mrs. Samuel Ellis, of Buffalo, N.Y.; a brother, Col. Roger S. Parrott, of Marshall, Va., and eight grandchildren.

    Funeral services will be held in the Woodland cemetery chapel Monday at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Phil Porter officiating.

    Dayton Daily News, 15 Jun 1945, p J-16

    Mary married Nathaniel Shannon Clunet. Nathaniel was born in 1866 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland and died in 1965, at age 99.

    + 298 M    viii. Col. Roger Sheffield Parrott was born in 1883 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 11 Nov 1950 in Washington, D.C., at age 67.

       299 M    ix. Infant Parrott was born on 2 Jun 1887 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 2 Jun 1887 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio.

    155. Rev. George Parrott (William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 12 Aug 1832 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 4 Sep 1892 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 83252609}

    Notes: SUMMONED
    To the Right Hand of God,
    There to Enjoy the Well-Earned Reward of the Master.
    Rev. George Parrott, an Old Cincinnati Minister,
    Drops Dead While at the Middletown Conference.
    He Knew Not the Day Nor the Hour of the Great Coming, But Was Amply Prepared For Eternity.

    MIDDLETOWN, OHIO, September 4.- Death's messenger claimed to-day a venerale pastor at Middletown, where the Cincinnati M.E. Conference has been in session since last Monday.

    Rev. George Parrott, of Dayton, one of the most widely known and popular members of the conference, was stricken dead after attending the day's services at the M.E. Church.

    His tragic demise has cast a gloom over the Conference, as the reverend gentleman was one of the church's wisest counselors, and his sterling qualitie were known from the remotest circuits to the largest cchurches of the Conference. This morning early Mr. Parrott, with a number of Gem City friends, went to Middletown, and was the guest of the family of J.M. Johnston, whom he had known for many years. After the morning church service, he ate dinner at Mr. Johnston's place. After noon he, in company with his bosom friend, Rev. James Marshall, of Hillsboro, attended the servie at the M.E. Church. At its conclusion the couple walked leisurely to the Johnston home, on South Main street.

    As they entered the door mr. Parrott wheeled on his feet and dropped in the hallway a lifeless corpse at the feet of the friend with whom he had been conversing.

    Drs. Carson and Smith were summoned at once, but the venerable gentlemen was beyond all earthly aid. His sufferings were over; he had passed to that home where reward of his years of work in his Maker's vineyard awaited him. Death was found to be due to heart trouble. Mr. Parrott was 62 years old. At an early age in life he began study in theology. He was ordained minister in this, the Cincinnati Conference.

    And his work in the pastoral field was a triumph of success. When a young man he soon sprang into prominence. Among his first charges was the Monroe Circuit. He subequently assumed the pastorate of Asbury Church in Cincinnati, where he remained for several years, and he is still widely known about the M.E. Chruch circles of the Queen City. After a successful incumbency in Cincinnati, he accepted the Presidency of Vincennes (Ind.) University. His marked ability here soon manifested itself, and the institution made rapid strides in the educational world.

    The reverend gentleman's
    Soon told on him. Nature rebelled, and he was compelled to resign his position because of declining health.

    Sine then he was given his attention to manufacturing and literary work. His brother, Charles Parrtt, is the proprietor of the Aughe Plow Company of Dayton, and he assumed the superintendency of this business. Much of his time, however, was taken up in contributing to magazines and newspapers. He was an interesting writer, and his articles won econmiums from some of the brightest minds of the state. Mr. Parrott had an interesting family of wife and seven daughters, all married. Mrs. Parrott is at present in Rochester N.Y. visiting a married daughter.

    Were sent her immediately after her husband's untimely death. Deceased was a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge at Dayton. There are two peculiar coincidences connected with the sad death. When he was claimed by the grim reaper he was speaking to Mr. Marshall of the sufferings he had endured during the past year, informing his friend that his trouble of many years' standing-heart disease- had many times brought him to the shadow of death and his life was likely to out at any moment.

    Immediately after dinner he was enjoying a cigar with Samuel Kyle of Kyle's Station. They have been friends for years, and Mr. Parrott was informing his friend that he had prospered during the past few years. He told him of the property he had accumulated, and concluded by saying, "If I

    At any moment my family would receive a large insurance and be left considerable property." The remains were removed to Dayton tonight and taken to his home in Oakwood, a Gem City suburb. William Deshler, a promnent banker of Columubus, is a brother-in-law of the deceased, they having married sisters.

    DAYTON, OHIO. September 4.- George Parrott, Esq., whose sudden death occurred at Middletown this evening while in attendance at the M.E. Conference there, was one of Dayton's most honored and reputable citizens. He was Secretary and Treasurer of a plow manufacturing establishment here, and was identified with various enterprises. He was prominent in Odd-fellowship and one of its noted orators. Charles Parrott, member of the State Board of Public Works, is a brother.

    The Enquirer, 05 Sep 1892, p 4

    George married Arabella Sinks. Arabella was born in 1834 in Ohio and died on 21 Jul 1912 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 83252720} {Find A Grave ID: 83252720}

    Children from this marriage were:

       300 F    i. Alice M. Parrott was born in 1859 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 29 Jun 1926 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 67.

    Member of Old Dayton Family Passes Away at Home on Central Ave.

    Death of Miss Alice Parrott, member of one of Dayton's oldest and most prominent families, occurred at 8:45 o'clock Tuesday night at the residence, 138 Central avenue.

    Miss Parrott was the daughter of the late George and Belle Parrott and had spent practically her entire life in Dayton. Many years ago her father removed here from Maryland. He was a son of the late William Parrott, whose home was on South Jefferson street, now used by the City Rescue mission.

    She was a member of the Friday Afternoon club, a literary club in which she was intensely interested, and was a member of Grace M.E. church.

    She is survived by four sisters, the Misses Margaret and Georgia Parrott, of Dayton; Mrs. Harry F. McNutt, of Cleveland, and Miss Louise Parrott, of Pasadena, Cal. Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence, in charge of the Rev. C.W. Brashares. Friends are invited to attend this service, but burial in Woodland will be private.

    The Dayton Herald, 30 Jun 1926, p 4

       301 F    ii. Mary Parrott was born in 1860 in Ohio and died on 22 Sep 1877 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 17. {Find A Grave ID: 86282135}

    Notes: PARROTT-At Dayton, on Saturday morning, September 22, Mary, second daughter of Rev. George and Belle Parrott, aged 17 years. Notice of funeral in Dayton papers.

    The Daily Cincinnati Enquirer
    , 25 Sep 25, 1877, p 5

       302 F    iii. Margaret Parrott was born in Aug 1862 in Indiana and died on 26 May 1938 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 86282101}

    Notes: Miss Margaret Parrott Is Victim Of Sudden Illness
    Miss Margaret Parrott, prominent in Dayton insurance circles for the past 25 years, died suddenly at her home, 410 Grafton avenue, at 1:15 a.m. Monday. Her sister, Miss Georgia Parrott, is seriously ill at Miami Valley hospital.

    Miss Parrott, a native of Indiana, spent the greater part of her life in Dayton. Until a month ago she was an active representative of the Columbia Fire Insurance company, and prior to affiliating herself with that company was with the Merchants National bank here.

    She was the daughter of the late George and Arabella Parrott, and is survived by three sisters, Miss Georgia Parrott of Dayton, Mrs. Harry F. McNutt and Miss Louise Parrott, both of Pasadena, Calif.

    Funeral services will be held at Woodland cemetery chapel at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Dr. Hazen G. Werner, pastor of Grace M.E. Church, of which Miss Parrott was a member, will officiate. Burial will be in Woodland cemetery. The remains may be viewed at the Boyer mortuary on Riverview avenue Friday afternoon and evening.

    The Dayton Herald, 26 May 26, 1938, p 1

    Margaret Parrott Wills $8,000 Estate To Sister
    Margaret Parrott, in her will, probated Wednesday, bequeathed her $8,000 estate to her sister, Georgia Belle Parrott.

    The Dayton Herald, 08 Jun 1938, p 13

       303 F    iv. Annie Parrott was born in Aug 1862 in Indiana and died on 12 Jun 1864 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 1. {Find A Grave ID: 86281840}

       304 F    v. Eloise Parrott was born on 2 Dec 1863 in Ohio and died on 15 Feb 1951, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 170543425}

    Notes: McNutt- Mrs. Eloise Parrott McNutt, 1579 Lombardy road, passed away, Feb. 15 1951. A native of Dayton, Ohio, for many years she had liven in Cleveland and and been a resident of Pasadena 30 years. She is survived by her husband, Harry F. McNutt, and one daughter, Mrs. McNutt Harvey of Pasadena. Services will be private. Kindly omit flowers. Turner & Stevens company, directors.

    Pasadena Independent, 16 Feb 1951, p 46

    Eloise married Harry Filller McNutt. Harry was born on 6 Jul 1861 in Ohio and died on 30 Jun 1952 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 90. {Find A Grave ID: 170544104} {Find A Grave ID: 170544104}

       305 F    vi. Georgia Belle Parrott was born on 2 Aug 1867 in Vincennes, Knox Co., Indiana and died on 12 Jan 1946 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 86281962}

    Notes: Georgia Parrott, Teacher, Dies
    Miss Georgia Parrott, 78, for many years a Dayton kindergarten teacher, died at 6 a.m. today at her home, 410 Grafton avenue. She had been ill seven years.

    Before illness forced her retirement, she taught at Longfellow school for many years. As a young worman, he had operated her own kindergarten on Wilkinson street, near Monument avenue.

    She was a lifelong member of Grace Methodist church, where for many years she was in charge of the primary department. Many of Dayton's prominent citizens received their first instruction, in both church and school, from "Miss Georgie."

    She was the duaghter of George and Arabella Parrott, whos old home was Central and Grand avenues. Only survivors are two sisters, Miss Louise Parrott and Mrs. Eloise MacNutt, both of Pasadena, Calif.

    The Dayton Herald, 12 Jan 1946, p 1

       306 F    vii. Louise Parrott was born on 5 Apr 1870 in Vincennes, Knox Co., Indiana and died on 25 Jun 1948 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 240241839}

    Notes: Former Daytonian Dies In California
    Miss Louise Parrtt, formerly of Dayton, died Friday in Pasadena, Cal., where she had made her home for more than 30 years. Miss Parrott was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Parrott. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Harry McNutt and a niece, Mrs. Margaret Harvey, both of Pasadena, and a cousin, Fowler Parrott of Dayton. Funeral services will be held in Pasadena Monday afternoon.

    Dayton Daily News, 26 Jun 1948, p J28

       307 F    viii. Laura H. "Birdie" Parrott was born on 15 Jul 1873 in Indiana and died on 2 Apr 1895 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, at age 21. {Find A Grave ID: 86282057}

    Notes: Death of Miss Laura Parrott.
    It will be a great shock to the many friends of Miss Laura H. Parrott to learn of her death, which occurred last Tuesday evening at 9:30 o'clock, at Cleveland, where she was attending school. She was the youngest daughter of the late George Parott, and better known among her friends and schoolmates here as "Birdie" Parrott, a young lady possessed of loveable characteristics, and bright accomplishments. Her death-at the age of 21- was the result of a very brief but fatal illness. She body arrived here at 5 o'clock last evening, in charge of Mr. Henry McNutt, a son-in-law of her mother, and Mr. George Sinks, a brother who came from Columbus, where he met Mr. McNutt with the remains. Mrs. Belle Parrott, the other of the deceased, and four sisters, Misses Margaret, Georgia B., Alice B. and Louise H. Parrott, have the sympathy of the community in their sorrow and bereavement. The funeral will occur from the residence, 41 Prospect avenue, Friday morning at 10:30. Friends invited. Burial private.

    The Dayton Evening Herald, 04 Apr 1895, p 8

    156. Col. Charles Parrott (William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Sep 1834 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 22 Jan 1901 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 83252806}

    Notes: PARROTT, CHARLES.-Born in Dayton, O., September 2, 1834. Graduated at Ohio Wesleyan University in 1856; graduated at Cincinnati Law School in 1860. Practiced law in Dayton from 1860 to 1866, when he engaged in manufacturing business, to which his inclinations led him rather than to professional life. President Dayton Board of Education. In 1873 he removed from Dayton to Columbus to take charge of the Public Works of the State. From the termination of the lease of the Public Works in 1878 until within the past few years he was engaged with syndi
    cates in building railroads connected with Columbus, and was President of The Ohio Pipe Company, and interested in other manufacturing concerns. Retired from active business. Being a member of the Board of State Charities for the past six or seven years, has given attention to the charitable institutions of the State, etc. For several years Trustee of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society.[]=0004&display[]=452&display[]=481

    Given by Louis Mueller to the Employes of the Parrott Manufacturing Company on Saturday Night.

    Louis Mueller was born in Germany but came to Dayton and adopted this city as a place of residence in 1863, where by hard and patient toll and economical managment, he was accumulated considerable property, and has provided a handsome life insurance for his family. For twenty-five continuous years he has been working at ironing off plows in the Aughe Plow Works of this city, having lost little or no time by sickness. He commenced to work with Jefferson Aughe, the invetor and designer of this famous plow. He was with Aughe & Achey, then the Aughe & Parrott, and after the death of Jefferson Aughe, remained with Chas. Parrott and since the organization of the Parrott Manufacturing Company, has been in their emply ever since. <...>

    The Dayton Herald, 11 May 1891, p 8

    Col. Charles Parrott, the principal stakeholder of the Parrott Manufacturing Company of this city, died at his residence in Columbus last evening at 8:20 o'clock. His death was due to heart failure. He had been ill for about a week. Colonel Parrott was 67 years of age. He was born in Dayton, and went to Columbus some thirty years ago. For many years he was secretary of the canal commission. He was one of the projectors and builders of the Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking Railroad, and organized the Columbus Pipe Company. He retired from active management of the Pipe Company three years ago owing to failing health. At the time of his death he was a member of the state board of charities. He was also interested in many other business and manufacturing enterprises in Columbus and other cities, but has been retired from active management for several years.

    He is survived by three daughters, who reside in Columbus, and by two sisters, Misses Emily and Margie Parrott, of this city. Mrs. Parrott, who died several years ago, was Miss Lizzie Marlay, of Urbana, a sister of the late Dr. John F. Marlay.

    The time of the funeral has not been announced. It is expected that the remains will be brought to this city for burial.

    The Dayton Herald, 23 Jan 1901, p 3

    Colonel Charles Parrott, one of the original members and a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, and for many years one of its active trustees, died at his home, Columbus, Ohio, January 22, 1901. Colonel Parrott was born in Dayton, Ohio, September 2, 1834. A brief sketch of his life will be found in Vol. IV, page 470, of the Society's publications. The last few years of his life were devoted to the work incidental to his membership in the Ohio State Board of Charities, to which position he was at first appointed by Governor Foraker in 1889. He was an earnest student in the subject of public charities, and had become by both study and experience, one of the best authorities in matters of the conduct of eleemosynary institutions. Colonel Parrott was a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan University and the Cincinnati Law School, and was a gentleman of much learning and culture.[]=0009&display[]=532&display[]=533


    The Columbus Dispatch of Thursday evening says:

    Soon after Colonel Charles Parrott died last January, Elizabeth and Ann E. Parrott were appointed administratrixes of his estate. It was supposed at that time that Mr. Parrott had not made a will. They gave bond in $10,000. Recently a will was discovered and Mr. George W. Sinks was now been appointed executor under the will. This document gives to deceased's sister, Emily Parrott, $6,000; Margaret Parrott, another sister, $3,000, and to each of the children of his brothers, George and Homer Willis, and to his sister, Virginia Parrott Smith, $1000. These bequests are to be paid out of stocks in the Parrott Manufacturing Company, with the exception that Emily Parrott is to have one-half in money.

    Next the testacy gives his sisters Margaret and Emily, $3,000 to hold in trust. The income from this fund and whatever principal may be necessary is to be used by them for the relief of any member of Mr. Parrott's family; any brother or sister, or their children, who may be unfortunate and need relief. If there is anything left at the close of the trust, it is to go Mr. Parrott's children.

    The testator says that it is his desire that a sufficient amount be paid out of his estate from time to comfortably keep his brother, Henry, for life. He says the above bequests are made on the assumption that his estate will be worth, free of all indebtedness, $100,000.

    He gives to his children, Elizabeth, Mabel and Anna E. Parrott, $75,000, or $25,000 each. This request is to take precedence of all others. Each of the children is to get 167 shares the preferred stock of the Columbus & Cincinnati Midland Railway Company; also 15 shares of the Ohio Pipe Cmpany stock and Clinton National Bank stock. He also gives these chlidren his interest in the homestead at Dayton; also real estate owned by the deceased and Gilbert C. Hoover, at Long street and Garfield avenue. There are six frame dwellings on the land. His interest in the homestead at Dayton is estimated at $12,000 and the frame dwellings, above mentioned, at $9,000. He gives his children his books and his personal property.

    Mr. George W. Sinks and Homer W. Parrott, of Dayton, are nominated executors by the will, which was made September 19, 1892, and witnessed by Attorney James Watson and Mr. E.K. Stewart.

    A codicil made October 2, 1985, directs the executors hold the $25,000 given each of the children in trust for their benefit, or, that they have a special trustee appointed to do so. This trust is to last during their natural lives. He directs that instead of giving the children the Parrott Manufacturing Company's stock, this stock to be converted into money. This codicil was witnessed by Messrs. B.N. Huntington and Charles D. Hinman.

    The Dayton Herald, 26 Jul 1901, p 7

    Charles married Elizabeth C. Marlay. Elizabeth was born on 24 Dec 1839 in Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio and died on 16 Apr 1879 in Ohio, at age 39. {Find A Grave ID: 83252909} {Find A Grave ID: 83252909}

    Children from this marriage were:

       308 F    i. Elizabeth Parrott was born on 2 Aug 1867 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 3 Jun 1901 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, at age 33. {Find A Grave ID: 86281940}

    Miss Elizabeth Parrott, a native of this city, daughter of the late Charles Parrott, died in a hospital at Cincinnati, at 1:25 o'clock this morning, aged 25 years. Miss Parrott spent most of the winter in a health resort near New Orleans, and while on a trin passing through Cincinnati at noon yesterday, became unconscious and visibly suffering from consumption, was taken to City Hospital where she died. Two sisters, Misses Mabel and Ann survive. Their home is in Columbus, but are now in the South.

    The Dayton Evening Herald, 03 Jun 1901, p 5

       309 M    ii. Willie Marlay Parrott was born on 7 Apr 1869 in Ohio and died on 11 Jun 1869 in Ohio. {Find A Grave ID: 86282195}

    Notes: Willie Marley Parrott, died June 11,2m,4d, son of Charles & Elizabeth C. Parrott

    Dayton Daily Journal, posted on Find a Grave 86282195

       310 F    iii. Mabel Parrott was born on 19 Oct 1872 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 13 Jan 1926 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, at age 53. {Find A Grave ID: 86282084}

    Notes: Mabel Parrott - Funeral services for Miss Mabel Parrott, formerly of Columbus, who died Wednesday at Philadephia, Pa., were held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at Woodland cemetery chapel. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. Miss Parrott was the daughter of the late Charles Parrott, of Columbus, and the granddaughter of the late William Parrott, of this city.

    Dayton Daily News, 16 Jan 1926, p 3

       311 F    iv. Anne E. Parrott was born in Nov 1873 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 5 Jan 1950 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 86281835}

       312 F    v. Charlotte Parrott was born on 5 Aug 1875 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio and died on 12 Nov 1885 in Ohio, at age 10. {Find A Grave ID: 86281866}

    160. Henry R. Parrott (William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1843 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 11 May 1896, at age 53. {Find A Grave ID: 86282001}

    Notes: Up-Town Shops Consumed by the Fire Fiend.
    A Strong Breeze Assists in the Destruction and Threatens a Widespread Conflagration.

    At about ten minutes till eleven last night the ringing of the big fire bell apprised the people that there was a fire. The bell tapped the number 15, and then it was proved that the fire was near the corner of First and Foundry streets, box No. 15, which has been used so often during the past year, being situated on that corner.

    Soon the streets were alive with the clang of heavy fire apparatus and the clatter of feet of hundreds of curious individuals eager to to look upon the demon destroyer and see a gallant fight, such as Dayton's firemen always give. There was no need of hesitancy of an informed guide, as a great light in the north, illuminating the entire northern space of heaven, gave evidence that the fire was near as the box proclaimed it to be. The fire was a large and fierce one. This could be told by the bright and steady glare above the tree tops. It was such a glare, surmounted as it was by pale, light smoke and this in its turn by volumes darker, as it drew away from the light of the flames and stood out with the black bacground of the dark sky, as to strike terror into the heart of the householder as he beholds it in the distance, if it seems near his beloved home.
    The flames were immensely hot, and as sparks and brands were blown about in myriads, the firemen understood, as with anxious eyes they regarded the flying brandsm that it was to prevent a conflagration and extinguish a fire that would be their work, expecially as the neighborhood was the location of valuable shops, and soon their predictions were verified, for almost instantaneously, it seemed, the flames fastened on H.R. Parrott & Co.'s large furniture factory, on the west, the office of the shop on the east, <snip>.

    The loss on Parrott & Gilbert's lumber, probably amounting to about $300, is fully insured. The safe, though not fire proof, was saved. Firemen were instructied to save it if possible, and they did not let the flames become hot enough to destroy the iron box. All of the valuable papers were saved.

    Messrs. H.R. Parrott & Co.'s property was heroically protected.

    The Dayton Daily Herald, 13 Sep 1888, p 2

    Henry married Mary Young. Mary was born in 1847 in Ohio and died 18 mr 1874 in Ohio. {Find A Grave ID: 86282090} {Find A Grave ID: 86282090}

    The child from this marriage was:

       313 U    i. Infant Parrott was born in 1874 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 16 Mar 1874 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. {Find A Grave ID: 86282030}

    164. Thomas W. Parrott (William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1849 in Ohio and died on 24 Nov 1882 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 33. {Find A Grave ID: 86282184}

    Notes: Probable Case of Self-Destruction.
    DAYTON, OHIO, November 24.-Thomas Parrott, a middle-aged man, very highly and respectably connected, and well-known throughout this portion of the state, died this morning under circumstances that are at the best mysterious. He has been under the treatment of a physician for some time for some trivial ailment, and there is an attempt made to circulate the report that his death was natural, but the circumstances indicate self-destruction. He failed to put in an appearance at the breakfast table this morning, and when his room was finally entered, after much waiting, he was found lying on the bed, breathing heavily. A physician was at once summoned. The symptoms indicated poisoning by morphine, and, upon search being made, a small vial partially empty, containing the powder, was found in his bureau drawer. Antidotes were administered, and for over an hour the struggle between life and death continued, but all to no avail. He remained unconscious until he passed away.

    The cause assigned for the rash act is domestic troubles. Thomas Parrott was one of those individuals who know but little enjoyment, his life seeming to be made up chiefly of misfortunes and miseries, which seemed to be, at least to him, a part of his existence.

    Several months ago, his wife deserted him, and he has-since threatened several times to take his life. The last straw that broke the camel's back occurred yesterday, when the suicide started to take some clothing to his little daughter, and was refused admittance at the door. To these domestic troubles and his peculiar temperament and habit of brooding over his wrongs his friends attribute the rash act.

    The Enquirer, 25 Nov 1882, p 2

    Thomas married Olive D. Barrett Stecker. Olive was born on 26 Jun 1855 in Lockland, Hamilton Co., Ohio and died on 19 Aug 1898 in Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin, at age 43.

    The child from this marriage was:

       314 F    i. Ella Dumont Parrott was born on 4 Sep 1877 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 2 Jun 1954 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 76.

    Ella married Clark Maron Hunsberger. Clark was born on 8 Feb 1877 in Albion, Calhoun Co., Michigan and died on 12 Jan 1947 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 69.

    Marriage Notes: AT HIS OWN GAME.
    Marrying Parson Outwitted by His Son.

    Milwaukee, July 28. - Clark Hunsberger of Chicago, son of Rev. W.A. Hunsberger, who as the "marrying parson" at the Grand Avenue M.E. church has performed hundreds of secret marriage ceremonies, was secretly married here by Rev. O.P. Christian f the Sherman Street M.E. church, July 3. The bride was Miss Ella D. Parrott, who until Sunday lived with her parents at 1449 Fond du Lac avenue.

    Rev. Mr. Hunsburger did not know his son was married until several days after the ceremony has been performed. The bride's parents, however, were aware of the marriaage, but not present when the ceremony was performed.

    Topeka State Journal, 28 Jul 1898, p 3

    165. Homer Willis Parrott (William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1853 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 24 Aug 1898 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 45.

    Notes: Drops Dead.
    Dayton, O., Aug 24. - Homer Parrott, of this city, dropped dead from heart disease while attending the democratic state convention. He was a brother of the Col. Ed Parrott, of Dayton, and of Col. Charles Parrott, of Columbus.

    The Belvidere Standard, 25 Aug 1898, p 1

    Death of Mr. Homer W. Parrott This Morning.
    Stricken With Heart Disease While at the Democratic Convention.

    Shortly after 11 o'clock this morning, Mr. Homer W. Parrott dropped dead in front the Casino at Fairview Park. Mr. Parrott had gone to the Democratic State Convention as a spectator, and had just left the car to enter the hall, when he was seen to fall. Assistance was quickly at hand, but it was soon discovered that he was dead.

    The remains were removed to a side building, where they were viewed by Coroner Hatcher, after which they were brought to this city by Mr. O.P. Boyer, the undertaker, who was assisted by the Mssrs. G. Lindeman and Richard S. Fowler, a brother-in-law of the deceased.

    The cause of the sudden death of Mr. Parrott is thought to have been heart disease, superinduced by the excessive heat. He had been a sufferer from heart disease for some time. Mr. Parrott was bout 45 years of age, and resided at 16 West First street. He leaves a wife, the daughter of the late Henry Fowler, and two small and interesting sons.

    The deceased had a large acquaintance throughout the city. He was secretary and treasurer of the Parrott Manufacturing Company, plow manufacturers. He was formerly connected with the National Cash Register Company. He had a large number of friends who will be both shocked and saddened by his untimely death.

    The sympathy of the entire comuninty (sic) is extended to his bereaved wife and children.

    Col. Charles Parrott, of Columbus, is a brother, and Misses Emily and Marjy Parrott, and Mrs. J.B. Smith are sisters of the deceased.

    The Dayton Herald, 24 Aug 1898, p 1

    Homer married Elizabeth Fowler. Elizabeth was born in 1858 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 17 Jun 1926 in Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 68.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 315 M    i. Fowler Stoddard Parrott was born on 16 Jun 1888 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 14 Jun 1954 in Ohio, at age 65.

       316 M    ii. Charles Willis Parrott was born in 1890 in Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 22 Oct 1945, at age 55.

    Notes: C.W. Parrott, 55, Lowe Paint Executive, Dies
    Funeral services for Charles W. Parrott, 55, native Daytonian and for many years an executive of the Lowe Brothers Co., who died at 8:30 p.m. Mnday in Miami Valley hospital, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Woodland Cemetery chapel, with Rev. Raymond Riebs officiating. Burial will be in Woodland.

    Mr. Parrott, who was an officer in World War I, was vice president and secretary of the Lowe Brothers Paint Co. and secretary of the Lowe Brothers Paint Store Co.

    He was the son of Homer W. and Elizabeth Fowler Parrott. His father and Richard Anderson founded the Parrott Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of plows and one of Dayton's most widely known industrial concerns in its time. He was graduated from Steele high school and later attended Ohio State university, followed by his industrial career which began with the Lowe company.

    Mr. Parrott was a captain on the staff of Mar. Gen. Edwin Glenn, commander of the 83rd Division after he had been commissioned at Ft. Benjamin Harrison.

    He was a member of the Christ Episcopal church, the Buz-Fuz club, Moraine Country Club and Precinct 9, membership in the latter group being made up of men interested in the welfare of the police division. He also was a member of the Red Cross and was active for some years in the affairs of the Miami Valley hospital. Only his closer friends knew of his many charitable acts. Matters having to do with Dayton's civic interests also attracted his activities.

    He was known as an enthusiastic sportsman, golf and duck hunting being among his favorite pasttimes.

    Mr. Parrott, who never married, resided at 415 W. First st. His only immediate survivor is his brother, Fowlder Parrott, vice president of the Federal Home Savings and Loan association.

    Dayton Daily News, 23 Oct 1945, p 7

    170. Abner Flint Parrott (George Esq.6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 12 Jul 1848 in South Carolina and died on 3 Aug 1909 in Aiken, Aiken Co., South Carolina, at age 61. {Find A Grave ID: 75477195}

    Abner married Mary E. Eddings. Mary was born in 1842 in South Carolina.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 317 M    i. George Thomas Parrott was born on 4 Jan 1870 in Texas and died on 29 Mar 1934 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., Florida, at age 64.

       318 F    ii. Marjorie "Margie" Bell Parrott was born in 1876 in Georgia.

    Marjorie married Charles Oliver Mimms. Charles was born on 25 Mar 1877 in Saint Augustine, St. Johns Co., Florida and died on 29 Dec 1937 in Jacksonville, Duval Co., Florida, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 26048672} {Find A Grave ID: 26048672}

    175. James T. Parrott (James6, Abner Jr.5, Abner Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Jan 1836 in Maryland and died on 17 Nov 1892 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., at age 56.

    James married Mary F. Doyle. Mary was born on 19 May 1836 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. and died on 24 Dec 1917 in Washington, D.C., at age 81.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 319 M    i. George Marion Parrott was born on 29 Sep 1867 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. and died on 17 Nov 1936 in Washington, D.C., at age 69.

       320 M    ii. James F. Parrott was born in 1875 in Washington, D.C.

       321 F    iii. Fannie Parrott was born in 1888 in Washington, D.C.

    184. John Bowers Parrott (Benjamin6, Aaron III5, Aaron Jr.4, Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Apr 1826 in Kent Co., Maryland.

    John married Ann Rebecca Kelley. Ann was born in 1828 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 23 Apr 1908 in Still Pond, Kent Co., Maryland, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 221395155} {Find A Grave ID: 221395155}

    Notes: Mrs. Ann Rebecca Parrott, widow of the late John Parrott, died Thursday evening at the home of her son, John B. Parrott, at Still Pond, Kent county, at the age of 80 years. One son and two daughters survive her.

    Cecil Whig, 25 Apr 1908, p 1

    Children from this marriage were:

       322 F    i. Annie L. Parrott was born in 1848 in Kent Co., Maryland.

       323 F    ii. Rachel Parrott was born in 1850 in Kent Co., Maryland.

       324 F    iii. Mary Parrott was born in 1854 in Kent Co., Maryland.

       325 M    iv. John Benjamin Parrott was born on 18 Oct 1858 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 21 Apr 1913 in Still Pond, Kent Co., Maryland, at age 54. {Find A Grave ID: 240420920}

    John married Sallie B. Sallie was born in 1864 in Delaware.

       326 F    v. Gulie Elma Parrott was born in 1865 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 15 Oct 1911 in Maryland, at age 46. {Find A Grave ID: 88523489}

    Gulie married James S. Benson. James was born on 10 May 1852 in Maryland and died on 13 Jan 1913 in Maryland, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 143075741} {Find A Grave ID: 143075741}

    187. George Richard Parrott (Benjamin6, Aaron III5, Aaron Jr.4, Aaron Sr.3, Benjamin Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Feb 1838 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 26 Aug 1898 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 106460299}

    George married Elma B. Hopkins. Elma was born on 25 Nov 1843 and died on 29 Apr 1930, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 106459911} {Find A Grave ID: 106459911}

    Children from this marriage were:

       327 M    i. George Elwood Parrott was born on 24 Feb 1869 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 9 Jan 1926 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 56. {Find A Grave ID: 37661894}

    Notes: PARROTT.-Died at his home, St. Martin's, near Still Pond, Md., at 11:30 Monday morning, after a lingering illness, GEORGE ELWOOD PARROTT, son of the late George Richard and Mrs. Parrott. Funeral from his late home Wednesday at 2 P.M.

    The (Baltimore) Sun, 20 Jul 1926, p 20

       328 F    ii. Emily May Parrott was born on 8 Oct 1872 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 22 Mar 1929 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 56. {Find A Grave ID: 37661848}

       329 F    iii. Lillie Bowers Parrott was born on 8 Dec 1875 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 31 Dec 1938 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 106460788}

       330 M    iv. Howard H. Parrott was born on 31 Dec 1877 in Kent Co., Maryland and died on 21 Aug 1903 in Kent Co., Maryland, at age 25. {Find A Grave ID: 106460370}

    Notes: Howard H. Parrott, youngest son of the late George R. Parrott, died at the home of his mother, near Still Pond on Friday morning last of diabetes, aged 26 years. Mr. Parrott was a young man of fine character, was very popular among a host of friends in his neighborhood and his early demise is indeed extremely sad. Funeral services were held at his late home on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. C.T. Denroche officiating, interment in Friends Burying Ground near Lynchs. The pall bearers were Messrs. S.G. Rosebery, Edwin Schofield and Wm. Hepbron, Jr., Walter H. Davis, J. Biddle Hossinger. Undertaker Wm. H. Krusen had charge of the funeral arrangments.

    Chestertown Transcript, 05 Sep 1903
    Posted on Find a Grave 106460370

    Eighth Generation (5th Great-Grandchildren)

    198. Theodore Parrott (William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Dec 1833 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 13 Nov 1922 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 88.

    Theo Parrott's 71st Birthday Anniversary Fittingly Celbrated on December 20th.

    On Tuesday, December 20th, the immediate relativs, neighbors and friends of Theodore Parrott, of Blooming Grove township, faced the tempest of high winds and waded through the huge snow-drifts in the public highway leading to his residence, to notify him that he was on that day precisely 71 years old.

    They found him at home, making arrangements to erect a suitable sheep house and feed-rack, in order that he might bettetr care for his celebrated flock of pure blooded Southdowns.

    Theo has an eye open to business, and doubtless has been reading the papers and from them learned that in all probability there might be an extra session of Congress called soon, to "revise the tariff on wool," hence his timely exertion to care for his flock. But in consideration of the above, our esteemed friend has also a big heart, which constantly throbs in sympathy and unison with his neighbors, and he at once laid awaay his hatchet and saw and bad us welcome.

    The forenoon hours were pleasantly passed in greeting and friendly conversation and at "high twelve" we were invited to refreshments.

    On entering the dining room we found a large table groaning under its great load of choice edibles, prepared by the good ladies present, from which we all "did eat" and "were filled."

    We feel safe in remarking that a poor, famished editor would have given half his possetions (if he had any) to have been permitted to corss his feet under said table.

    After dinner was served, bidding host and hostess good-bye, we all departed for our respective homes, feeling glad we were there.

    Those present were Willis Parrott, wife and daughter, Elsworth Naylor wife and son, John Vanmeter and wife, Robert Vanmeter, wife and children, M. Swank and wife, William H. Younts and wife, Mrs. Stambaugh, Mrs. Nola Sherwood, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller and Miss Goldie Swift.

    The Brookville Democrat,
    29 Dec 1904, p 1

    Theodore Parrott, a pioneer resident of that locality, died at his home in Blooming Grove, at four o'clock Monday morning, Nov. 13, after a long illness, at the age of nearly 89 years. He is survived by the widow and two daughters, Mrs. Elsworth Naylor and Mrs. Enola Sherwood. Funeral services were held at the house at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery under the auspices of the I.O.O.F.

    The Brookville Democrat, 16 Nov 1922, p 1

    Theodore married Josephine Price. Josephine was born on 2 Mar 1842 in Indiana and died on 25 Nov 1923 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 81.

    Marriage Notes: Mr. and Mrs Nimrod Parrott are visiting Mr. Parrott's uncle, Theodore Parrott, at his hom in Franklin county. Mr.and Mrs. Theodore Parrott will celebrate their sixty-first wedding anniversary this week. Mr. Parrott is 87 years old.

    The Richmond Item, 11 Mar 1921, p 11
    [Note I think it should be brother rather than brother]

    Children from this marriage were:

       331 F    i. Enola R. Parrott was born on 24 Jan 1864 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 5 Jul 1924 in Bloomington, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 60.

    Enola married John N. Sherwood. John was born in Apr 1865 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 4 Nov 1908 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 43.

       332 F    ii. Cora Stanton Parrott was born on 21 Jul 1866 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 2 Apr 1866 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana.

    Cora married Elsworth H. Naylor. Elsworth was born in 1861 in Indiana and died on 2 Feb 1949 in Franklin Co., Indiana, at age 88.

    201. William Willis Parrott (William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Jan 1841 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 7 May 1915, at age 74.

    Notes: Willis Parrott, the subject of this sketch, was born near Blooming Grove, Indiana, January 23, 1841, and died May 7, 1915, aged 74 years, 3 months, 14 days.

    He was the son of William and Parmelia Parrott, and spent his entire life in this vicinity.

    He was made a member of the Odd Fellow's Lodge at Fairfield about fifty years ago. He was also a member of the Improved Order of Red Men at Everton, and Hay Makers at Connersville. He was a firm believer in the M.E. faith and as long as his health permitted was a regular attendant at its services. He had been failing in health for some time. The untiring effort of the daughter and son-in-law, Carson Rose, to make life easier and brighter for him were manifest to all.

    He was married to Sarah Isabelle White, May 15, 1878. To this union was born one daughter, Gusta Leila, who survives her parents, the wife and mother having passed away two years ago.

    Death is ever a solemn visitor and fills our hearts with sadness, altho we know that the same messenger has been sent to all the myriads how have gone before, and will soon come to us with all that is promised in the Great Light of Truth, and yet, realizing all this, his coming in this case plunges us in gloom because it is severing the bonds of brotherly love and affection, it is a breaking of these ties, the loss of companionship, the sudden ending of all association with our departed brother that makes the loss seem irreparable.

    He is survived by his daughter, Gusta, a grandchild, little Robert Rose; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Pratt, of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Susan Starr, of Connersville; three brothers, Nimrod, of Centerville, Theodore, of Blooming Grove, and Herman, of Woolcott, Kansas, and other relatives and friends.

    We loved him, yes, we loved him,
    But Jesus loved him best,
    And he has sweetly called him
    To yonder shining shore
    The golden gates were opened,
    A gentle voice said come
    And with farewells unspoken
    He calmly entered home.

    The Brookville Democrat, 20 May 1915, p 2

    William married Sarah Isabelle White. Sarah died in 1913 in Indiana.

    The child from this marriage was:

       333 F    i. Gusta Leila Parrott was born on 4 Dec 1885 in Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 8 Nov 1942 in Fayette Co., Indiana, at age 56.

    Gusta married Carson E. Rose. Carson was born on 12 May 1885 in Everton, Fayette Co., Indiana and died on 24 Nov 1952 in Fayette Co., Indiana, at age 67.

    202. Nimrod Parrott (William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Jun 1843 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 21 Jan 1924 in Centerville, Wayne Co., Indiana, at age 80.

    CENTERVILLE, Ind., Jan 21.- Nimrod Parrott, aged Civil war veteran, ended his life at his home here Monday morning by shooting himself. He was found in the cellar of the home by his wife, Mrs. Irene Parrott. It is believed that ill health was the cause for the deed.

    Mr. Parrott was for years a business partner of Walter Maconatha in the flour mills here, before his retiremetn. He also was prominent in Masonic lodge activities.

    Besides his widow, one son, Roy, living in Michigan survivesl Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

    Palladium-Item, 21 Jan 1924, p 1

    CENTERVILLE, Ind., Jan 23. - Funeral services for Nimrod Parrott will be held at 1 o'clock, Thursday afternoon at the home, followed by burial in Crown Hill ceetery (sic). The Rev. Chadwick will officiate. Friends may call at any time.

    Survivors are: The widow, Irena Parrott, and a son linving in Plymouth, Mich.

    Mr. Parrott died at his home in Centerville, at 9 o'clock, Monday morning. He was 80 years old. He was born in Franklin county June 10, 1843. He was very active as a member of the Masonic lodge.

    Palladium-Item, 23 Jan 1924, p 10

    Irene Parrott, widow of Nimrod Parrott, receivs the entire estate of the decedent by the terms of his will which was admitted to probate in circuit court yesterday. She is named executrix. The personal estate is estimated at $500. The will bore the date of May 17, 1919. Mr. Parrott died Jan. 21.

    The Richmond Item, 29 Jan 1924, p 10

    Nimrod married Irena Price. Irena was born in 1852 in Indiana and died in 1933 in Indiana, at age 81.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 334 M    i. Roy Russell Parrott was born on 17 Sep 1877 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 2 Jul 1935 in Plymouth, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 57.

    204. Herman Link Parrott (William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1853 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 17 Jun 1930 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 77.

    Notes: Funeral services for Herman Parrott, 77 years old, were held at the George H. Long Mortuary Thursday afternoon. Mr. Parrott, who was formerly a fireman on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, died at St. Margaret's Hospital Tuesday. He is survived by four sons, Guy F. Parrott, St. Joseph , Mo.; Willis N. Parrott, 316 North Twelfth street; Bert J. Parrott, Bethel, and Harry L. Parrott, of the home.

    The Masonic News (Kansas City, KS), 20 Jun 1930, p 8

    Herman married Jennette Alice Morehead. Jennette was born in 1856 and died in 1928 in Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 72.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 335 M    i. Guy Shepard Parrott was born in 1874 in Indiana and died in 1963 in Saint Joseph, Andrew Co., Missouri, at age 89.

       336 M    ii. William 'Willis' Neven Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1877 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana and died on 4 Jul 1935 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 57.

    William married Viola Parrott. Viola was born on 17 Oct 1878 in Kansas and died on 6 Jan 1949 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 70.

    + 337 M    iii. Bert James Parrott was born on 8 Dec 1883 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana and died in 1949 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 66.

       338 M    iv. Vadie Parrott was born on 15 Jun 1886 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas and died on 8 Aug 1886 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas.

       339 M    v. Vernie Parrott was born on 15 Jun 1886 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas and died on 29 Jul 1886 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas.

       340 F    vi. Jennie Parrott was born on 9 May 1887 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas and died on 7 Jul 1887 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas.

       341 F    vii. Jettie Parrott was born on 9 May 1887 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas and died on 29 Jun 1887 in Minneapolis, Ottawa Co., Kansas.

       342 M    viii. Frank L. Parrott was born on 20 Nov 1894 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 26 Jan 1895 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas.

    + 343 M    ix. Harry Landis Parrott was born on 16 Jul 1895 in Kansas and died on 14 Dec 1971 in Pomona, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 76.

       344 M    x. Infant Parrott was born on 31 Aug 1896 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 31 Aug 1896 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas.

    206. George Parrott (James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Sep 1822 in Ohio and died in 1874 in Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 52.

    Notes: Position under James and Lydia is not confirmed. That he is from the same family is borne out by both parents being from Maryland, and that he was Quaker support this placement

    Furthmore, his sister Charlotte has a John Parrott living with her in the 1900 census, listed as servant. Based on his age and origin, placing Charlotte under James and Lydia makes this John her 1/2 1st cousin.

    George married Mary Cassatt, daughter of Henry Cassatt. Mary was born in 1824 in Ohio and died in 1874 in Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 50.

    Notes: Her husband was executor of Henry Cassatt Sr's estate, along with with Henry Cassat Jr.

    Children from this marriage were:

       345 F    i. Harriet Parrott was born on 3 Sep 1847 in Prebble Co., Ohio and died on 27 Jul 1930 in Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    Harriet married Joab A. Thorburg. Joab was born in Mar 1847 in Delaware Co., Indiana and died in 1919 in Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 72.

    + 346 M    ii. Henry Parrott was born in 1849 in Indiana and died on 19 Oct 1898 in Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 49.

       347 M    iii. George L. Parrott was born in 1859 in Liberty, Delaware Co., Indiana.

    209. William Parrott (Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Jan 1824 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 27 Jan 1890 in Jones Co., Iowa, at age 66.

    Notes: Parrott Talk 2(2):32 1974 has his wife as Rebecca Ann Katherine Smith, m 12 Apr 1849, with her d on 17 Jan 1890

    William married Elizabeth A. Whitelock. Elizabeth was born on 5 Jan 1834 in Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 26 May 1906 in Jones Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 348 M    i. Irven Parrott was born on 21 Feb 1850 in Indiana and died on 6 Mar 1922 in Montana, at age 72.

    + 349 M    ii. Henry Parrott was born on 1 May 1853 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died in Jan 1918 in Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Minnesota, at age 64.

    + 350 M    iii. Edward Parrott was born in May 1855 in Indiana and died on 15 Aug 1931 in Nooksack, Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 76.

       351 M    iv. William Parrott was born in Dec 1857 in Dubuque Co., Iowa.

    + 352 M    v. Orlando O. Parrott was born in Apr 1858 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 30 Jul 1947 in Grand Traverse Co., Michigan, at age 89.

       353 F    vi. Rose Ann Parrott was born in Sep 1862 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 21 Jan 1939 in Monticello, Tama Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    Rose married William S. Wilkinson. William was born on 15 Oct 1856 in Greenfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts and died on 15 Jun 1928 in Monticello, Tama Co., Iowa, at age 71.

       354 M    vii. Newton Parrott was born in Sep 1863 in Indiana and died on 10 Nov 1933 in Monticello, Tama Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    Newton married Jessie E. Foreman. Jessie was born in 1870 in Iowa.

       355 F    viii. Leila Parrott was born in 1868 in Indiana.

    + 356 M    ix. Albert James Parrott was born on 17 Oct 1869 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Feb 1959 in Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 89.

       357 F    x. Daisy Parrott was born on 24 Apr 1874 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 6 May 1874 in Dubuque Co., Iowa.

    210. James Parrott (Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Sep 1826 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 28 Oct 1901 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 60223889}

    James married Elizabeth R. Whitelock. Elizabeth was born on 28 Oct 1836 in Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 28 Dec 1873 in Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 37. {Find A Grave ID: 60223881} {Find A Grave ID: 60223881}

    Children from this marriage were:

       358 F    i. Charlotte Parrott was born on 11 Feb 1855 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 17 Sep 1900 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 45. {Find A Grave ID: 144886497}

    Charlotte married Richmond Colvaren Vandiver. Richmond was born in 1853 in Iowa.

    + 359 M    ii. Melvin Parrott was born on 10 Feb 1856 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 21 May 1938 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 82.

       360 F    iii. Mary Parrott was born on 19 Sep 1857 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 10 Mar 1939 in Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 96535630}

    Mary married Peter Wolfe. Peter was born on 12 Aug 1850 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 21 Feb 1926 in Lamont, Buchanan Co., Iowa, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 96535729} {Find A Grave ID: 96535729}

       361 F    iv. Emma Parrott was born on 23 Mar 1859 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 28 Jul 1880 in Iowa, at age 21. {Find A Grave ID: 60223896}

    + 362 M    v. Frank Parrott was born in 1860 and died on 29 Jul 1923 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 63.

       363 F    vi. Della Ann Parrott was born on 5 Apr 1863 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 3 Mar 1938 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 51501401}

    Della married Franklin Edward Wilcox. Franklin was born on 19 Jan 1859 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 30 May 1937 in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 51501373} {Find A Grave ID: 51501373}

       364 F    vii. Ada Parrott was born on 21 Aug 1867 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 8 Nov 1949 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 100167452}

    Ada married William Franklin Hassenpflug. William was born in 1864 and died in 1919, at age 55. {Find A Grave ID: 100167453} {Find A Grave ID: 100167453}

    + 365 M    viii. James Clarence Parrott was born on 25 Jun 1872 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Jan 1928 in White Lake, Aurora Co., South Dakota, at age 55.

    James next married Sarah A. Overing Calkins. Sarah was born on 13 Aug 1823 in New York and died on 22 Apr 1890 in Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 76168052} {Find A Grave ID: 76168052}

    James next married Martha Shenn Allen. Martha was born on 16 Aug 1835 in Sistersville, Tyler Co., West Virginia and died on 31 May 1835 in Jones Co., Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 135961741} {Find A Grave ID: 135961741}

    211. Leven Parrott (Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 12 Jan 1829 in Warren Co., Ohio and died on 31 Jan 1862 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 33.

    Leven married Caroline. Caroline was born in 1836 in Ohio.

    The child from this marriage was:

       366 F    i. Rebecca Parrott was born on 1 Jul 1853 in Warren Co., Ohio.

    Leven next married Amanda Almeda Williams. Amanda was born on 21 Jul 1836 in Summit Co., Ohio and died on 22 Oct 1908 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    Children from this marriage were:

       367 F    i. Nancy Ann Parrott was born in 1858 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died in 1864 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 6.

    + 368 M    ii. Theodore Parrott was born in Apr 1859 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

    + 369 M    iii. Andrew Parrott was born on 18 Dec 1860 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 26 Jan 1915 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 54.

       370 F    iv. Mary A. Parrott was born in 1863 in Dubuque Co., Iowa.

    216. Jonathan Parrott (Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 9 Dec 1841 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 9 Feb 1904 in Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 62.

    Jonathan married Carolyn Sawyer. Carolyn was born on 22 Dec 1841 in Butler, Pennsylvannia and died on 17 Jul 1877 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 35.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 371 M    i. Harrison Parrott was born on 24 Jun 1861 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 7 Mar 1914 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 52.

    + 372 M    ii. Willis Elder Parrott was born on 3 Jan 1863 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 Jan 1948 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    + 373 M    iii. Lewis Milton Parrott was born on 19 Mar 1865 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 26 May 1944 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 79.

       374 F    iv. Mary Parrott was born on 29 Jan 1868 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 14 Feb 1914 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 46.

    Mary married George McNary. George was born on 7 Dec 1861 in Henry Co., Iowa and died on 21 Jul 1953 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 91.

       375 F    v. Lenora Parrott was born on 29 Jul 1871 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 29 Jun 1947 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 75.

    Lenora married Joshua Cousins. Joshua was born on 8 Apr 1863 in Fayette Co., Iowa and died on 17 Nov 1941 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 78.

       376 F    vi. Carrie Matilda Parrott was born on 29 Jul 1875 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 27 Oct 1958 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 83.

    Carrie married Christophis F. Schwennecker. Christophis was born on 24 Dec 1871 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois and died on 2 Feb 1932 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 60.

    220. Perry Parrott (Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Oct 1833 in Henry Co., Indiana and died on 7 Jun 1919 in Greeley, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    Mr. Perry Parrott was born in Henry County, Indiana, the first day of October1833. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Eagan in Greeley Towhship (sic) Audubon County, Iowas, June 8th, 1919, at five o'clock evening, at the age of 85 years, 8 months, and 7 days.

    When a boy his parents moved to Iowa and made their home in Dubuque County. In 1859 he was married to Miss Barbara Duel. In 1871 he came to this county and made his home two and on-fourth miles north of Exira, where he lived with his family until 1894 when he sold the place and bought again the north edge of Exira, where has since lived.

    He has been badly effected with the dropsy all winter and has been so bad that he could not lie down. Two week's before his death he went out to his daughers, where he rapidly failed.

    Thus another one that has long been in the county, is gone. Mrs. Parrott preceded him in death, August 10th, 1913. The old clock is counting time and as the days go fewer become the old settlers.

    Mr. Parrott was the father of eleven children, six girls and five boys. They are: Mrs. Frank Hensley of Seattle, Washington; Mrs. George Eagan of Audubon County, Iowa; Mrs. Flora Frederick of Boone, Iowa; Mrs. Jens Christensen of Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada and Mrs. David Sayles of Oregon, who died last October; Samuel Miller Parrott and Thomas Emory Parrott of Exira, Iowa; John Lester Parrott of Walnut Grove, Minnesot (sic); Arthur LeRoy Parrott, who died April 13th, 1879; Horace Allen Parrott of Exira, Iowa. Besides these there are forty-three grand children, fifteen great grand children and relatives.

    All will miss the one who is gone and we sympathize with ou. We can only take you to the one, who once stood in the house of mourning and gave hope for sorrow. Hear him now saying, "I am the Resurrection and the Life.

    The funeral servics were held in the Congregational Church, Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Revs. Matson and Baldwin. Interment was made in Exira cemetery.

    Audubon County Journal, 12 Jun 1919, p 1

    Perry married Barbara Ann Deuel. Barbara was born on 18 Sep 1841 in Ohio and died on 10 Aug 1913 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 71.

    Children from this marriage were:

       377 F    i. Mary Elizabeth Parrott was born on 18 Mar 1860 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 22 Oct 1918 in Albany, Linn Co., Oregon, at age 58.

    Funeral of Well-Known Woman will be held at 2 Tomorrow P.M.

    Mrs. Mary Elizabeth P. Sayles passed awat at 11:30 p.m. tuesday after a lingering illness. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, D.F. Sayles, and two daughters, Mrs. Perla Ann Johnson, residing in Talbot, Ore.; and Mrs. Hazel Barbara Leamire of North Dakota; one son, Homer Edw. Sayles, died seven years ago in North Dakota. There are 12 grandchildren.

    Five years ago the family came to Oregon from North Dakota and have made their home about two miles east of Albany since. Mrs. Sayles was 58 years old, a devoted mother; a woman of strong Christian character.

    Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock Thursday p.m. at Fisher-Braden chapel, Rev. Schuster officiating. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery.

    The (Albany) Semi-Weekly Democrat, 25 Oct 1918, p 4

    Mary married David Franklin Sayles. David was born in Nov 1856 in Michigan and died on 5 Jun 1928 in Marion Co., Oregon, at age 71.

       378 M    ii. Samuel Miller Parrott was born on 21 Dec 1862 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 27 Nov 1924 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 61.

       379 M    iii. Thomas Emory Parrott was born on 29 Dec 1864 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died in 1939 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 75.

       380 F    iv. Rosella Ellen Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1866 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 6 Oct 1936 in Lake Burien, King Co., Washington, at age 70.

    Rosella married Frank M. Hensley. Frank was born in Aug 1858 in Iowa and died on 12 Sep 1924 in Seattle, King Co., Washington, at age 66.

       381 F    v. Rachel Cordelia Parrott was born on 31 Dec 1867 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died in Feb 1953 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    Rachel married George Andrew Eagan. George was born on 22 May 1861 in Johnson Co., Iowa and died on 20 Apr 1936 in Iowa, at age 74.

    + 382 M    vi. John Lester Parrott Sr. was born on 30 Mar 1869 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died in 1920 in Minnesota, at age 51.

       383 M    vii. Arthur Leroy Parrott was born on 2 Jan 1872 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 13 Apr 1879 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 7.

       384 F    viii. Flora Anna Parrott was born on 13 Mar 1874 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jan 1961 in Boone, Boone Co., Iowa, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 96389623}

    Flora married Charles Frederick. Charles was born on 13 Nov 1868 in Whiteside Co., Illinois and died in Jun 1965, at age 96. {Find A Grave ID: 96389715} {Find A Grave ID: 96389715}

    + 385 M    ix. Horace Allen Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1877 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 22 Apr 1940 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 63.

       386 F    x. Bertha Agnes Parrott was born on 14 Jun 1880 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 10 Feb 1964 in Los Angeles Co., California, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 116952762}

    Notes: Bertha A. Campbell Dies at Hospital
    Funeral services for Bertha Agnes Campbell, 83, of 10368 Virginia Ave., South Gate, were conducted Thursday at 1 p.m. by Rose Hills Mortuary in Rainbow Chapel, with the Rev. Dr. Ray C. Jarman officiating. Interment followed in Rose Hills Memorial Park.

    Mrs. Campbell a resident of this area for five years, was born in Iowa, and died Monday in Rio Hondo Memorial Hospital. She is survived by seven daughters: Mrs. Glenna M. White; Mrs. B. Agnes Leigh; Mrs. Barbara A. Wagner; Mrs. Flora Belle Waits. Mrs. Opal W. Shaffer; Mrs. Dorothy C. Neal; Mrs. Melba R. Alborn; six sons; Robert, T. Franklin, Philip Royal; Oliver and Cletis Campbell; and many grandhildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

    South Gate Press, 16 Feb 1964, p 7

    Bertha married Henry Campbell. Henry was born on 17 Dec 1876 in Illinois and died on 19 Jan 1951 in Perry, Dallas Co., Iowa, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 16279038} {Find A Grave ID: 16279038}

    Marriage Notes: A pleasant occasion was the gathering of a few near relatives and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Parrott, in Exira, on last Wednesday evening to witness the ceremonies of marriage of their daughter, Miss Bertha E. Parrott, to Mr. Henry Campbell. Promptly at 4:30 P.M. Rev. H.L. Wissler spoke the word that made them man and wife. Mr. Campbell is one of Audubon county's prosperous young farmers, and his wife one of Exira's excellent young ladies, and we bespeak for them a pleasant journey through life with prosperity and blessing.

    Audubon County Journal, 08 Dec 1898, p 7

       387 F    xi. Clara Marie Parrott was born on 5 Feb 1883 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

    Clara married Jens Christensen. Jens was born in 1876 in Denmark.

    222. Silas Burton Parrott (Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Mar 1838 in LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 23 Jun 1886 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 48.

    Silas married Nancy J. Williams. Nancy was born on 10 Mar 1830 in Ohio and died on 11 Apr 1896 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 66.

    Children from this marriage were:

       388 F    i. Eva S. Parrott was born in 1862 in Iowa.

    + 389 F    ii. Elsie Irene Parrott was born in 1863 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 16 May 1910 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 47.

       390 M    iii. Frederick A. Parrott was born on 1 Apr 1865 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 26 Oct 1895 in Hamlin Township, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 30.

       391 M    iv. Burton S. Parrott was born in 1867 in Iowa.

    223. Thomas Miller Parrott (Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Jun 1843 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 23 Feb 1935 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa, at age 91.

    Thomas married Frances Rebecca Kissinger.

    Children from this marriage were:

       392 F    i. Adah Lenora Parrott was born on 1 Dec 1867.

    + 393 M    ii. Elmer Haines Parrott was born on 17 Dec 1868 in Iowa and died on 20 Jul 1896 in Iowa, at age 27.

    + 394 M    iii. Thomas William Parrott was born on 25 Jun 1871 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

       395 F    iv. Lulu Maggie Parrott was born on 11 Sep 1873 and died in 1883, at age 10.

    + 396 M    v. Jacob Lawrence Parrott was born on 23 Aug 1876 in Ida Grove, Ida Co., Iowa and died on 19 Dec 1948 in Washington, D.C., at age 72.

       397 M    vi. Earle M. Parrott was born on 1 Sep 1881.

    227. John B. Parrott Jr. (John B. 'Jack' Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Apr 1839 in LaPorte, LaPorte Co., Indiana and died on 15 Aug 1862 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 23.

    John married Jane Coleman. Jane was born on 10 Apr 1838 in Ohio and died on 7 Feb 1918 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

       398 M    i. Clarence Parrott was born on 20 Jul 1861.

       399 F    ii. Eva Mary Parrott was born on 16 Feb 1863.

    231. George Washington Parrott (John B. 'Jack' Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 May 1852 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 Aug 1942 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 90.

    George married Lyma Dillon. Lyma was born on 29 Jul 1857 and died on 30 Jun 1899, at age 41.

    Children from this marriage were:

       400 F    i. Mabel J. Parrott was born on 26 Sep 1879 in Dubuque Co., Iowa.

    Mabel married Jack Cunning.

       401 F    ii. Charlotte Jean Parrott was born on 4 Sep 1882 and died on 13 Sep 1973, at age 91.

    Charlotte married John Cunningham.

       402 F    iii. Florence Parrott was born on 3 Jul 1885 and died on 6 Feb 1983, at age 97.

    Florence married Edward Lippert.

    236. Horace Evering Parrott (John B. 'Jack' Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 14 Jul 1861 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 20 Oct 1945 in Rochester, Olmsted Co., Minnesota, at age 84.

    Notes: The following write up was abstracted from a writeup by Grant and Marge (Parrott) Hayes, Duluth, MN, 2020:

    Horace grew up working on the family farm. Jack (his father) raised horses, which Horace and his brothers rode at County Fairs.

    ln 1885 Horace left home to work on the farm of his mother's brother, Wm Eveingham, near Lawler, IA. He was 24 years old. William's son, James (b 1845) lived on the farm with his wife and children, working for his father. In 1870 James had married Margaret Allison Wright. In October,1885, James moved to Missouri alone. He wrote back asking his wife to sell off their assets and move to join him in Missouri. Margaret declined. She had become involved with Horace, James' cousin.

    In the Spring of 1886, Horace, Margaret and her 5 children moved to Wabash co., MN, where Horace rented them a little house on a hillside above the Zumbro River, about a mile from the little town of Kellogg, MN. Horace farmed there and painted houses to supplement their income. Growing up in Cascade, Horace often worked with his brother, George, who painted houses for a living. On July 9,1886, Margaret gave birth to Horace's baby, Edna E. Parrott at Kellogg.

    In 1888 James divorced Margaret while still living in Missouri. On Aug 28,1889, Margaret delivered Horace's son, Raymond Nelson, at Kellogg. In June 1901, Edna E. Parrott graduated from Kellogg Public School.

    On Sep 19, 1901 Horace, Margaret, Edna, and Raymond Parrott moved to Hay Crick, Central Point Twsp., MN-near Lake City, MN. They rented a small farm and Horace continued to paint houses on the side.

    The 1905 State Census shows the 4 Parrotts together at central Point. But Horace is missing in the 1910 U.S. Census listing. Sometime between 1905 and 1910 Horace left, or was ousted, from the home. Family lore notes Horace was a drinker and was abusive, and that he was asked to leave at the point of the family shotgun, which he did. Horace and Margaret were legally married, having met the requirement of seven years of cohabitation under the Minnesota State Common Law Marriage Act.

    Horace moved to Minneapolis, where he found a new mate, Mrs. Anna Miller. Both are listed in the Minneapolis City Polk Directory; he as a painter, and Anna as a janitress, and later, as a nurse. Horace is listed continuously from 1915 to 1939. It was noted that Anna (1867) died Nov 21,1938.

    Horace's niece, Florence Parrott Lippert (1888) and her daughter, Dorothy, visited Horace and Anna several times, at their house at 265 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis in the 1930s. "They had a tree growing up out of their kitchen floor and a flying squirrel was flying around in there. The place was closed up to keep the weather out." We have a picture of Horace and Anna standing in front of their house, circa 1935, captioned, "This is our castel, not by the See."

    Horace died October 20, 1945, age 84, while a patient in the Rochester State Hospital in Rochester, MN. He and Anna are buried next to each other in Lake Crystal Cemetery in North Minneapolis. Ray Parrott was the only family member to attend Horace's funeral. Many years later we visited the grave sites. No stones mark the graves.

    Horace married Margaret Allison Everingham. Margaret was born on 5 Mar 1848 in Ogle Co., Illinois and died on 2 Nov 1915 in Lake City, Minnesota, at age 67.

    Children from this marriage were:

       403 F    i. Edna Parrott was born on 9 Jul 1886 and died on 4 Dec 1975, at age 89.

    + 404 M    ii. Raymond Nelson Parrott was born on 28 Aug 1889 in Kellogg, Wabasha Co., Minnesota and died on 12 Feb 1963 in Lake City, Minnesota, at age 73.

    Horace next married Anna Miller. Anna died on 19 Nov 1938 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota.

    238. Eugenia Daisy Parrott (John B. 'Jack' Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 Oct 1866 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 10 Mar 1950 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 83.

    Eugenia married Fred Mead.

    Eugenia next married Elmer Haines Parrott, son of Thomas Miller Parrott and Frances Rebecca Kissinger. Elmer was born on 17 Dec 1868 in Iowa and died on 20 Jul 1896 in Iowa, at age 27. {Find A Grave ID: 94047325} {Find A Grave ID: 94047325}

    The child from this marriage was:

       405 F    i. Ruth Parrott Vane was born on 16 Aug 1895 in St Louis Co., Missouir and died on 25 Jul 1992, at age 96.

    Eugenia next married George Washington Riggle. George was born in 1879 in Pennsylvania.

    240. Ezekiel Parrott (Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Sep 1842 in Iowa and died on 5 May 1923, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 136105848}


    MONTICELLO, Ia., May 19. -- The body of Ezekiel Parrott, an old time resident of this vicinity, was brought here for interment in Oakwood cemetery. Mr. Parrott was ill less than a week at the home of his son, J.C. Parrott, ast Coffin's Grove. Funeral services were held at the son's home, Rev. J. Frank Moore, pastor of the Manchester Congregational church officiating.

    Mr. Parrott was born on a farm near Iowa City in 1842. He was united in marriage to Miss Phoebe Richardson and to this union were born eight children, three of whom are now living; J.C. Parrott of Delaware county, Charles Parrott of Monticello and Warren Parrott of Clark, South Dakota. The deceased was a member of a family of eighteen children, fourteen of which whom grew to maturity.

    The Daily Times, 19 May 1923, p 12

    Ezekiel married Phoebe Clemer. Phoebe was born on 26 May 1838 and died on 8 Feb 1905, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 136105780} {Find A Grave ID: 136105780}

    Children from this marriage were:

       406 F    i. Nellie Parrott was born on 15 May 1864 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died in 1922 in Texas, at age 58. Another name for Nellie was Martha C. Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 87812751}

    Nellie married John Wesley Cartwright. John was born on 15 Mar 1853 in Grayson Co., Texas and died on 9 Nov 1925 in Dallas Co., Texas, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 87812318} {Find A Grave ID: 87812318}

    + 407 M    ii. John Clemer Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1867 in Jones Co., Iowa and died on 21 Nov 1942 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 75.

    + 408 M    iii. Charles Ezekiel Parrott was born on 22 Mar 1869 in Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa and died on 1 Feb 1956 in Iowa, at age 86.

    + 409 M    iv. Warren Riley Parrott was born on 4 Nov 1872 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 1 Jul 1935 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 62.

       410 F    v. Laura Catherine Parrott was born on 14 Aug 1879 in Sand Springs, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 28 Mar 1902 in Jones Co., Iowa, at age 22. {Find A Grave ID: 136106187}

    Laura married Charles Everett Lambert. Charles was born on 21 Oct 1879 in Kossuth Co., Iowa and died in Jul 1968 in Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 81533008} {Find A Grave ID: 81533008}

    244. Charles Parrott Jr. (Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Oct 1847 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 7 Apr 1920 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 109778086}

    Charles married Mary Pauline Turner. Mary was born on 10 Oct 1853 in Illinois and died on 20 Jun 1926 in Iowa, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 55058670} {Find A Grave ID: 55058670}

    The child from this marriage was:

       411 F    i. Rose Etta Parrott was born on 22 Oct 1871 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 7 Jul 1938 in Klamath Co., Oregon, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 38964336}

    Rose married Albert Grant Croy. Albert was born on 28 Aug 1867 in Iowa and died on 22 Mar 1937 in Klamath Co., Oregon, at age 69. {Find A Grave ID: 38968211} {Find A Grave ID: 38968211}

    245. William James Parrott (Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 26 Jun 1850 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1931 in Adams Co., Iowa, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 125571012}

    Notes: Parrott Talk magazine 10:63

    William James Parrott, 80 years of age, died Tuesday afternoon, October 13th at 3:00 p.m. at the County Farm after an illness of ten days with Bright's Disease. He is survived by his widow and two children by his last marriage and five by the previous marriage. Funeral arrangements have not been made at this time.

    Adams County Free Press, October 15, 1931, page 4
    Posted on Find a Grave 125571012

    William married Angeline Turner. Angeline was born in 1852 in Illinois and died in 1883, at age 31.

    Children from this marriage were:

       412 F    i. Cordelia Parrott was born on 5 Feb 1871 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 3 Feb 1957 in Murray, Clarke Co., Iowa, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 20261774}

    Cordelia married Robert Nathan Carper. Robert was born on 26 Aug 1847 in Berkeley Co., West Virginia and died on 24 Jan 1914 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 31648033} {Find A Grave ID: 31648033}

    Cordelia next married Pearl Havelen. Pearl was born in 1872 in Indiana and died in 1957, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 20261775} {Find A Grave ID: 20261775}

       413 F    ii. Flora Parrott was born in 1872 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

    + 414 M    iii. James Benton Parrott was born on 5 Dec 1874 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 25 Mar 1950 in Montgomery Co., Iowa, at age 75.

       415 F    iv. Frances B. Parrott was born in 1876 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

    Frances married Fred C. Floyd. Fred was born on 25 Jul 1875 in Afton, Union Co., Iowa and died on 6 Sep 1942 in Limestone, Peoria Co., Illinois, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 126428222} {Find A Grave ID: 126428222}

       416 F    v. Ethel "Effie" Parrott was born on 11 Oct 1879 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Jun 1942 in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 32751612}

    Ethel married Ralph Akers Jr. Ralph was born on 11 Feb 1875 in Iowa and died on 20 May 1920 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, at age 45.

    William next married Sarah Ann Martin. Sarah was born in 1871 in Oklahoma. They had no children.

    William next married Mary Elizabeth "Ella'" Chadwick. Mary was born on 9 Dec 1872 in Appanoose Co., Iowa and died on 29 Oct 1943 in Cass Co., Iowa, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 140426885} {Find A Grave ID: 140426885}

    Children from this marriage were:

       417 M    i. Henry Parrott .

    + 418 M    ii. William Howard Taft Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1909 in Quincy, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 25 Jan 1950 in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 40.

       419 F    iii. Beatrice Lucille Parrott was born on 25 Sep 1911 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 4 Aug 1978 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 125569007}

    Beatrice married Perry Lawrence Hunter. Perry was born on 9 Feb 1899 in Carbon, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 21 Apr 1947 in Johnson Co., Iowa, at age 48. {Find A Grave ID: 58170641} {Find A Grave ID: 58170641}

    Beatrice next married Hilbert H. Andersen.

    250. Eleven "Lev" Parrott (Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 22 Apr 1858 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 12 Jun 1921 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 63.

    Eleven married Hannah Luanne Zaner. Hannah was born on 2 Jan 1861 in Jasper Co., Iowa and died on 13 Sep 1950 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 89.

    Children from this marriage were:

       420 F    i. Clara Annetta Parrott was born on 29 Oct 1882 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 29 Jun 1980 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 97.

    Clara married William R. Pearson. William died in Dec 1933 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

       421 F    ii. Nancy Ann Parrott was born on 9 Sep 1884 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 10 Jun 1959 in Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    Nancy married Archie Van Aerman. Archie died in Jan 1961 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

    + 422 M    iii. Alfred Levi Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1886 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Feb 1961 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    + 423 M    iv. George Robert Parrott was born on 7 Jul 1892 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Feb 1961 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 68.

       424 F    v. Luella Parrott was born on 12 Mar 1897 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 1 Aug 1973 in Cass Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    Luella married Alfred Lewis Baker. Alfred died in Apr 1953 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

    251. Martin Alexander Parrott (Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Apr 1860 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 27 May 1937 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 77.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 425 M    i. Marion A. Parrott was born on 28 May 1889 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 4 Jul 1967 in Blue Springs, Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 78.

       426 F    ii. Ollie May Parrott was born on 16 Nov 1890 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 6 Feb 1943 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 52.

    Ollie married Edward John Yearington.

       427 F    iii. Emily M. Parrott was born on 4 May 1893 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 20 May 1893 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa.

    + 428 M    iv. Charles Stewart Parrott was born on 18 Sep 1894 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 9 Feb 1965 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 70.

       429 F    v. Ester Evalyn Parrott was born on 23 Mar 1897 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 19 May 1968 in Sheridan Co., Iowa, at age 71.

    Ester married Loyd P. Chapell.

       430 M    vi. George Washington Parrott was born on 22 Feb 1899 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 14 Aug 1965 in Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa, at age 66.

       431 F    vii. Dessie Parrott was born in 1904 in Iowa.

    Dessie married Cecil F. Coulthard.

       432 M    viii. Alvin Earl Parrott was born on 8 Jun 1905 in Iowa and died on 25 Sep 1974 in San Diego Co., California, at age 69.

    Alvin married Ruby H. Ruby was born in 1906 in South Dakota.

       433 M    ix. Taft Ralph Parrott was born on 21 Nov 1908 in Quincy, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 7 Jul 1981 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California, at age 72.

    Taft married Jeannette L. Achilles. Jeannette was born in 1916. Another name for Jeannette was Jeannette L. Kerr.

       434 M    x. Harry Parrott was born in 1909 in Iowa.

       435 M    xi. Leonard Martin Parrott was born on 23 Nov 1910 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 14 May 1911 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa.

       436 M    xii. Lester Author "Pete" Parrott was born on 22 Oct 1912 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 9 Nov 1979 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California, at age 67.

    Lester married Arlene O. Arlene was born in 1915 in Iowa.

       437 M    xiii. Delmar Alexander Parrott was born on 5 Dec 1915 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 7 Aug 1998 in San Bernadino Co., California, at age 82.

    Delmar married Florence C. Ross. Florence was born in 1918. Another name for Florence was Florence C. Terry.

    252. Wilson Mcclearly Parrott (Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Nov 1865 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 9 Dec 1935 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    Wilson married Mildred Almira Zaner. Mildred was born on 30 Jul 1866 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 29 Apr 1947 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 80.

    Children from this marriage were:

       438 F    i. Bonnie H. Parrott was born on 1 Dec 1888 in Montana and died on 1 Jan 1959 in Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    Bonnie married Peter Heinrich Wahe. Peter was born on 4 Oct 1883 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois and died on 12 Apr 1953 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    + 439 M    ii. Horace Boise Parrott was born on 30 Nov 1890 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 19 Jul 1956 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 65.

       440 M    iii. Samuel Lee Parrott was born on 19 Nov 1892 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 19 Apr 1941 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 48.

    253. William Parrott (Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Jun 1823 in Kentucky and died on 16 Aug 1906 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 118580040}

    William married Eunice Ann Randall. Eunice was born on 21 Apr 1830 in Ohio and died on 26 Oct 1925 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 95.

    Children from this marriage were:

       441 M    i. Eugene Parrott was born on 25 Oct 1852 in Illinois and died on 28 May 1904, at age 51.

       442 F    ii. Isadora Parrott was born on 26 Dec 1854 and died on 24 Feb 1855.

       443 F    iii. Imogene Parrott was born on 30 Mar 1857 and died on 19 Oct 1935, at age 78.

       444 F    iv. Ella Heath Parrott was born on 23 Jun 1860 in Illinois and died on 20 Mar 1920, at age 59.

       445 F    v. Grace Parrott was born on 23 Mar 1863 in Illinois and died on 1 Feb 1960, at age 96.

    + 446 M    vi. George Samuel Parrott was born on 24 Jul 1866 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, died on 1 Dec 1938 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 72, and was buried in Morrris Hill Cemetery.

    254. Josiah Parrott (Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 3 Mar 1826 in Tompkinsville, Monroe Co., Kentucky and died on 16 Oct 1888 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Illinois, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 144538930}

    Josiah married Ann Willoughby Seeley. Ann was born on 10 Jan 1838 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 20 May 1906 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Illinois, at age 68.

    Children from this marriage were:

       447 M    i. Clarence Willis Parrott was born on 1 Nov 1856 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 24 Apr 1902 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Illinois, at age 45.

    + 448 M    ii. Arthur Huelett Parrott was born on 11 Feb 1860 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 14 Jun 1929 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 69.

       449 F    iii. Laura Luella Parrott was born on 17 Feb 1862 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 23 Oct 1942 in St Louis Co., Missouir, at age 80.

    Laura married Joseph Nanson Gettys. Joseph was born on 18 Dec 1862 in St Louis Co., Missouir and died on 4 Jun 1951 in St Louis Co., Missouir, at age 88.

       450 F    iv. Susan Willoughby Parrott was born on 9 Sep 1866 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 17 Apr 1915 in St Louis Co., Missouir, at age 48.

    Susan married Henry Stillman Lovejoy. Henry was born on 4 Apr 1864 in Harlem, Winnebago Co., Illinois and died on 14 Jan 1913 in Springfield, Sangamon Co., Illinois, at age 48.

       451 M    v. William H. Parrott was born on 10 Jun 1867 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 27 Sep 1936 in Hutchins, Dallas Co., Texas, at age 69.

       452 M    vi. Howard Scripps Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1870 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 15 Sep 1893 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co., Illinois, at age 22.

    + 453 M    vii. Herbert Young Parrott was born on 24 Jul 1873 in Illinois and died on 27 Sep 1945 in Grayson Co., Texas, at age 72.

       454 F    viii. Anne Maybelle Parrott was born on 28 Nov 1876 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 18 Nov 1929 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 52.

    256. Theodore Parrott (Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Dec 1830 in Kentucky and died on 11 Nov 1912 in Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 118579937}

    Theodore married Amanda E. Cowdry. Amanda was born in 1840 in Illinois and died in 1900 in Illinois, at age 60.

    The child from this marriage was:

       455 M    i. Norris Parrott was born in 1869 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois.

    257. John B. Parrott (Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1834 in Kentucky.

    John married Sarah Ann Doman. Sarah was born in 1840 in Virginia and died on 3 Apr 1909 in Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, at age 69.

    Mrs. Sarah Parrott Died Last Evening as Result of an Accident.
    Horse Frightened at Automobile on North Sixth Eight Weeks Ago.

    After suffering for eight weeks from injuries which Mrs. Sarah Parrott, the mother of Mrs. Herman Weber, of 317 Vine street, is said have received in a runaway in the North End, they proved fatal last evening, when she died at the home of her daughter at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Parrott, it is remembered, was out driving with her daughter two months ago when their horse was said to have been frightened at a passing automobile at Sixth and Mape, and ran away, throwing both of the occupants into the street. In falling the elder woman's feet were caught in the wheels. One of the limbs was so badly injured that it had to be amputated, when she was removed at once to Blessing hospital after the accident.

    Owing to Mrs. Parrott's advanced age, it was feared that the injuries would prove fatal at that time, and the amputation was resorted to as a the last hope of saving her life.

    Mrs. Parrott, who was 69 years of age, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and came to Quincy about five years ago to make her home with her daughter.

    She is survived by two sons and three daughters. The sons are Ralph, of Winnipeg, Canada, and Newton, of San Francisco. The daughters are Mrs. Charles Hutchison, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Herman Weber and Miss Nancy Parrott, both of this city.

    The Quincy Daily Whig, April 04, 1909; p 3

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 456 M    i. Newton Parrott was born on 5 Feb 1862 in Illinois and died on 29 Nov 1929 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California, at age 67.

       457 F    ii. Mary J. Parrott was born on 24 Oct 1865 in Holden, Johnson Co., Missouri and died on 22 Feb 1910 in Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, at age 44.

    Demise of Mrs. Herman M. Weber Occurs After a Brief Illness.

    Mrs. Molly Weber, wife of Herman M. Weber, died at her home at 317 Vine street yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock after but a brief illness. Althought she had been poor halth for some time she had been able to be upand around until Sunday night when she took bedfast and declined rapidly until the end. It was not generally known that she was ill and the news of her death was received with much her acquaintances.

    Mrs. Weber was born at Holden, Mo., 44 years ago. She . came to Quincy'about eighteen years, ago and during her residence here had acquired a large circle of friends and was well known throughout the city. Besides her husband .she is survived by a step-son, Hiram Weber.

    The Quincy Daily Whig, February 23, 1910; p 6

    Mary married Herman M. Weber. Herman was born on 26 Aug 1856 in Allentown, Lehigh Co., Pennsylvania and died on 21 Feb 1940 in Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, at age 83.

    + 458 M    iii. Elijah W. Parrott was born in 1870 in Illinois and died in 1954 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 84.

       459 F    iv. Dora Ella Parrott was born in 1871 in Missouri and died in 1929 in San Diego, San Diego Co., California, at age 58.

    Dora married Charles Albert Hutchinson. Charles was born on 30 Aug 1857 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota and died on 27 Oct 1909 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, at age 52.

    Dora next married Alfred Howard Parkyn. Alfred was born in 1866 in England and died on 22 Oct 1923 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, at age 57. They had no children.

    Dora next married William James Gleason. William was born on 1 Feb 1874 in Kansas and died on 19 Jul 1963 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co., Califronia, at age 89.

       460 F    v. Nancy Parrott was born in 1874 in Missouri.

    Nancy married Herman M. Weber. Herman was born on 26 Aug 1856 in Allentown, Lehigh Co., Pennsylvania and died on 21 Feb 1940 in Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, at age 83.




    HerMan M. Weber obtained a marriage license at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, which gave him permission to wed Miss Nancy Parrott. Mr. Weber is one of the best known men about town and evidently, fooled every one of his friends, including his own step-son, Hi Weber, none of whom were taken into his confidence. Although he enjoys an extensive acquaintance in the city, so far as The Whig has been able to ascertain he did not tell a one of them that he contemplated taking unto himself a wife. Miss Parrott is a sister of the former wife of Mr. Weber, who died about two years ago, and for some time past has been his housekeeper at the family home, 317 Vine streets.

    So carefully did Mr. Weber and his fiancee conceal their plans that no one had the remotest idea that they contemplated matrimony until the groom applied at the office of the county clerk and asked for a license.

    Asked for Rev. Darsie
    He wanted to know where he could find Rev. Clyde Darsie, pastor of the First Christian church, and that is the last that was seen of him, except that his step-son said that he was speaking with him about 6 o'clock and that the parent said he was going to Chicago. A Whig reporter asked Rev. Darsie if he had performed the ceremony and he said that he had not. Inquiry was made, also, of all the justices of the peace, and of every minister in the city that it was possible to get over the telephone last night, and they all said that they had not married the couple in question.

    Said Was to Visit Mother.
    It was learned at an early hours this morning that Mr. Weber had said to an intimate friend yesterday that he was going to Allentown, Pa., where his aged mother resides, to pay her a visit, and it is possible that there is where the couple may have gone. It is within the range of probability that the marriage was performed late last night in Camp Point, although that is merely problematical. If they were married in Quincy they are entitled to a bouquet for having fooled everyone...

    This Adds to Complications.
    It was learned at the Burlington passenger station this morning that Mr. Weber accompancd two ladies to the Eli train, Chicago bound, at 1 o'clock Friday morning, after which he left the station in a hurry and started back up town. It was thought that one of the ladies was Miss Parrott, although this was not clearly established.

    The ladies, were attired as if for a journey, but their destination is a matter of doubt.

    The Quincy Daily Whig, June 24, 1911; p 8

       461 M    vi. Lawrence J. Parrott was born in 1879 in Illinois.

       462 M    vii. Ralph Parrott was born on 14 Jul 1879 in Illinois and died on 23 Nov 1941 in St. Boniface, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, at age 62.

    Notes: Ralph Parrott, of 654 Furby st., aged 62, died Sunday in St. Boniface hospital. The funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2.30 in the Mordue funeral chapel, with burial in the family plot in Elmwood cemetery.

    The Winnipeg Tribune, 24 Nov 1941, p 19

    Ralph married Rose Edna Sheldon.

    260. Henry H. Parrott (Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Jun 1841 in Illinois and died on 5 Jan 1901 in Idaho, at age 59.

    Notes: Henry H. Parrott, of the Soldier's home, has been granted an original pension of $6.

    Elmore Bulletin, 27 Oct 1898, p 1

    TAKEN TO HOSPITAL - Henry H. Parrott, the old soldier who was arrested Saturday night and in bad shape physically, was taken to St. Alphonsus hospital.

    The Idaho Statesman, 31 Dec 1900, p 4

    ALL RIGHT AGAIN - H. A. Parrott, the old soldier who was found some days ago in a very bad condition and taken to St. Alphonseus hospital, is about well again, and will be sent to the soldiers home today.

    The Idaho Statesman, 03 Jan 1901, p 8

    ..roster of the veterans who are buried in the Boise cemeteries as it is possible to compile from the records of the depatment of Idaho of the Grand Army of the Republic. It was the graves of these old veterans which were strewn with flowers by the ladies of the Relief Corps yesterday.

    Henry Parrott, company G, Second Illinois cavalry.

    The Idaho Statesman, 31 May 1902, p 5

    Henry married Caroline E. Randall. Caroline was born in 1844 in Illinois and died in 1876 in Gem Co., Idaho, at age 32. {Find A Grave ID: 8208819} {Find A Grave ID: 8208819}

    The child from this marriage was:

       463 M    i. Ralph Richard Parrott was born in 1868 in Illinois and died in 1953 in Emmett, Gem Co., Idaho, at age 85. Another name for Ralph was Sam Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 50113827}

    261. Thomas Perry Parrott (Josiah Perry7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 3 Sep 1825 in Tompkinsville, Monroe Co., Kentucky and died on 16 Jan 1910 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 84.

    Thomas married Sarah F. Wright. Sarah was born on 25 Feb 1826 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., New York and died on 11 Nov 1849 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 23.

    The child from this marriage was:

       464 F    i. Sarah Nancy Parrott was born on 14 Oct 1849 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 26 Mar 1920 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colorado, at age 70.

    Sarah married Insco William Marine. Insco was born on 8 Feb 1846 in Washington, Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 15 Dec 1925 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colorado, at age 79.

    Thomas next married Emma Window. Emma was born on 18 Oct 1839 in Macomb, McDonough Co., Illinois and died on 22 Jul 1890 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 50.

    Children from this marriage were:

       465 F    i. Susan Glasgow Parrott was born in 1861 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died in 1905, at age 44.

    + 466 M    ii. John William Parrott was born on 17 Jul 1864 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 2 Jan 1908, at age 43.

       467 F    iii. Grace Emma Parrott was born on 26 Mar 1866 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 8 Jun 1937 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 71.

       468 M    iv. Josiah Henry Parrott was born in 1868 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died in 1894, at age 26.

    Josiah married Carrie J. McCormick. Carrie was born on 3 Apr 1869 and died on 3 Jul 1904 in Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 35.

       469 F    v. Catherine Rebecca Parrott was born on 8 Jan 1871 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 23 Dec 1896 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 25.

       470 F    vi. Ida Winifred Parrott was born in 1872 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

       471 F    vii. Nellie Parrott was born in 1878 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

       472 M    viii. Bransford Parrott was born on 18 Jan 1878 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 6 Jan 1895 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 16.

       473 F    ix. Margaret Little Parrott was born on 29 Mar 1880 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 29 Sep 1902 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 22.

    262. James Henry Parrott (Josiah Perry7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 Jul 1828 in Glasgow, Barren Co., Kentucky and died on 24 Dec 1912, at age 84.

    James married Esther Marie Walker. Esther was born on 1 Oct 1833 in Columbia, Adair Co., Kentucky and died on 21 Nov 1926, at age 93.

    Children from this marriage were:

       474 F    i. Eva Marie Parrott was born on 14 Jan 1855 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

    Eva married Cleon Sweeney.

       475 M    ii. Willis Bransford Parrott was born on 28 Dec 1865 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 6 Mar 1866 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

       476 F    iii. Anna Elizabeth Parrott was born on 30 Sep 1873 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

    270. Josiah Locke Parrott (Josiah Perry7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 Nov 1844 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 18 Mar 1921, at age 76.

    Josiah married Mary Worthington. Mary was born on 26 Jan 1844 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 14 Feb 1926 in Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 82.

    The child from this marriage was:

       477 F    i. Anna Catherine Parrott was born on 14 Oct 1867 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois.

    278. Richard Parrott (William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Sep 1840 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 6 Mar 1866 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 25.

    Richard married Martha Louise Wyckoff. Martha was born in 1843 in Louisiana and died on 14 Nov 1934 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 91.

    Children from this marriage were:

       478 F    i. Eliza Mary Parrott was born on 21 Nov 1821 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.

       479 F    ii. Delia M. Parrott was born in 1864 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.

    + 480 M    iii. Willliam Henry Parrott was born on 8 Feb 1866 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 28 Dec 1902 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 36.

    282. Thomas Marc Parrott (Edwin Augustus (Col.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 22 Dec 1866 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 5 Feb 1960 in Neshanic, Somerset Co., New Jersey, at age 93.

    Notes: From Wikipedia

    "Thomas Marc Parrott (1866 '96 1960) was a prominent twentieth-century American literary scholar, long a member of the faculty of Princeton University in New Jersey.

    "T. M. Parrott was born and raised in Ohio, the son of Col. Edwin A. Parrott, Civil War veteran, politician (Speaker of the lower house of the Ohio state legislature, 1866'96 7), and centenarian. The younger Parrott graduated from the College of New Jersey, later known as Princeton, in 1888, and was head of the preparatory department of Miami University from 1888-1890. At Miami, he was considered part of the "dude faculty" of young eastern professors brought to the school upon its reopening after a twelve-year hiatus. He is one of the men credited with bringing football to Miami where intercollegiate play began in 1888 against the University of Cincinnati. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Leipzig in 1893. His thesis was on the non-dramatic poems of Robert Browning. Parrott became assistant professor of English at Princeton in 1896, and full professor at the same institution in 1902. He remained there for the next three decades.

    "Parrott wrote and published voluminously on a wide range of subjects in English literature, though his special areas of interest were English Renaissance theatre and Victorian literature; he also published on eighteenth-century figures like Samuel Johnson and Alexander Pope. Parrott wrote many books and journal articles on Shakespeare and other Elizabethans; perhaps his most valuable contribution lies in his work on the canon of George Chapman. Parrott edited the comedies and tragedies of Chapman (1910'96 14), an edition that is still valuable a century after it was first published."

    Thomas married Mary L. Adamson. Mary was born on 1 Mar 1868 in Cape Town, South Africa and died in 1957 in New Jersey, at age 89.

    Children from this marriage were:

       481 M    i. D'Arcy L. Parrott was born on 3 Oct 1899 in Edinburg, Midlothian, Scotland and died in Dec 1982 in Princeton, Mercer Co., New Jersey, at age 83. Another name for D'Arcy was Lawrence Augustus D'arcy Parrott.

    D'Arcy married Mildred Frances Cody. Mildred was born on 9 Nov 1900 in Ohio and died in Nov 1979 in Princeton, Mercer Co., New Jersey, at age 79.

    + 482 M    ii. Lindesay Marc Parrott Sr. was born on 26 Jul 1901 in Edinburg, Midlothian, Scotland and died on 20 Sep 1987 in Arlington, Arlington Co., Virginia, at age 86.

       483 F    iii. Frances Mary Parrott was born in 1907 in England and died in 1984 in New Jersey, at age 77.

    Frances married Anthony Melmoth Walters. Anthony was born in 1895 and died in 1971 in New Jersey, at age 76.

    292. John Ennals Parrott Sr. (Henry Eugene (Capt.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 25 Jan 1874 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 26 Jun 1929 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 55.

    John E. Parrott Dies Early Wednesday Morning at Miami Valley Hospital.
    Members of Pioneer Dayton Family Had Large Circle of Friends.

    John E. Parrott, 55 years of age, who had been in the industrial lumber brokerage business for a number of years, died at 12:05 o'clock Wednesday morning at the Miami Valley Hospital.

    Mr. Parrott had been ill for only a short period, having been removed to the hospital from his home, Dixon avenue and Houk road, Oakwood, about two weeks ago.

    Mr. Parrott was born in Dayton, within a short distance of where he had resided in Oakwood for many years, his date of birth being January 25, 1974. He attended the public schools of this city.

    During the Spanish-American war Mr. Parrott enlisted in troop F of the First Ohio Cavalry, a troop organized in Dayton, but the war ended before he was afforded an opportunity of getting to Cuba

    He was the son of Col. H.E. Parrott, pioneer Dayton resident, who is still living, and a member of the second classs of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S.A.

    Colonel Parrott is a member of this order, which is for Civil war veterans, those in the "second class" order being descendants. Both have been very proud of their connections in this respect.

    Mr. Parrott held membership in the Dayton Country club but was not given to close association with other organizations, preferring to live a quiet life among his relatives and close friends. He was vice president of the Dayton Table company, Inc., also.

    Besides his father, Mr. Parrott is survived by his widow, Adele Reynolds Parrott; one son, John E. Parrott, Jr.; one brother, Col. Roger Parrott, of Washington, D.C., and three sisters, Mrs. Samuel Ellis, of Buffalo and Mrs. N.S. Clunet and Frances Parrott of Dayton.

    Funeral services for Mr. Parrott will be held Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock and will be conducted at the chapel in Woodland cemetery, where burial will be made. Rev. Charles W. Brashares, pastor of Grace M.E. church, will officiate at the services.

    The Dayton Herald, 26 Jun 1929, p 1

    John married Sophie Adéle Reynolds. Sophie was born in 1882 and died in 1944, at age 62.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 484 M    i. John Ennals Parrott Jr. was born on 24 Jun 1906 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 7 Oct 1966 in San Francisco Co., California, at age 60.

    298. Col. Roger Sheffield Parrott (Henry Eugene (Capt.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1883 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 11 Nov 1950 in Washington, D.C., at age 67.

    Notes: The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Second Lieutenant (Field Artillery) Roger Sheffield Parrott, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism while serving with 2d Field Artillery, in action on Patian Island, Philippine Islands, 4 July 1909. During the attack on the Moro stronghold Lieutenant Parrott commanded with great gallantry and coolness a mountain-gun detachment. In the face of enemy fire the mountain gun was dragged to and held by block and tackle within a few yards of the hostile position, from which place he directed a heavy fire on the enemy, and replaced his gunner when the latter was severely wounded. When the assault on the enemy's position took place and the gun commanded by Lieutenant Parrott could no longer be fired, he took command of the men in his immediate vicinity, gallantly leading them forward, and engaging the charging enemy in hand-to-hand combat. [accessed 20 Sep 2024]


    WASHINGTON. - Major Roger S. Parrott, field Artillery, stationed at the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, has just been awarded the distinguished service cross for gallantry in a Philippine action of fifteen years ago. Major Parrott, at that time a second lieutenant, was in command of a mountain gun detachment which went into action against a fortified Moros on Patian Island. His gunner being seriously wounded, he dragged teh gun withn (sic) a few yards of the Moro defenses under heavy fire and led in a charge and hand-to-hand combat.

    The Macon News, 01 Jun 1924, p10

    PARROTT, COL. ROGER SHEFFIELD, USA (Retired). On Saturday, November 11, 1950, at Walter Reed General Hospital, Col. Roger Sheffield Parrott, USA (Retired), husband of the late Mary Barlow Parrott and father of Mrs. T. Hughlett Henry, jr., of Eastern, Md., and Thomas A. Parrott of Washington, D.C. Graveside services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday, November 14, at 3 p.m. Please omit flowers.

    The Evening Star, 13 Nov 1950, p 14A

    Col. Roger S. Parrott, Hero Against Moros In Philippines, Dies
    Col. Roger Sheffield Parrott, 67-year-old retired Army officer, died Saturday at Walter Reed Hospital afer a brief illness. Col. Parrott, a veteran of 35 years in the Army, was awarded the Distinguished Cross for extraordinary heroism in action agaist the insurgent Moros in the Philippines in 1909.

    At the time of his retirement in 1943 he was president of the Field Artillery Board at Fort Bragg, N.C. He then moved to a farm in Marshall, Va., and came here a year and a half ago.

    Col. Parrott, born in Dayton, Ohio, was a 1908 gradaute of West Point. During World war I he served with the War Department General Staff here and later was in charge of artillery intelligence at Supreme Allied Headquarters at Chaumont, France. After the war he was assigned to the Army of the Occupation in Germany. He was a commander of an Army training school at Fort Sill, Okla., from 1921 to 1923. An Army War College student here from 1928-29, he then became professor of military science and tactics at Princeton University for several years.

    Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. T. Hughlett Henry, jr., of Easton, Md., and a son, Thomas A. Parrott, 2811 Dumbarton avenue N.W. His wife, the former Mary Barlo Ohmer, died in April. Graveside services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Arlington Cemetery.

    The Evening Star, 13 Nov 1950, p 14A

    "Roger Sheffield Parrott (1883-1950). He was named Roger because his parents liked the name and Sheffield after his mother's great-grandmother whose maiden name was Sheffield. Roger graduated from West Point in 1908 and attended the officers' school of artillery at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He was a career soldier and served on the staff of General John Pershing during WWI. In 1924, he was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in the Philippines in 1909. In his later years, he was in charge of student military instruction at Princeton University. He was a U.S. Army colonel when he retired."

    Roger married Mary Barlow Ohmer. Mary was born in 1883 and died in 1950, at age 67.

    Children from this marriage were:

       485 F    i. Virginia Sheffield Parrott was born in 1912 and died in 1986, at age 74.

    Virginia married T. Hughlett Henry Jr.

    + 486 M    ii. Col. Thomas Alexander Parrott was born on 27 Nov 1914 and died on 4 Jun 2007 in Washington, D.C., at age 92.

    315. Fowler Stoddard Parrott (Homer Willis7, William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 Jun 1888 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 14 Jun 1954 in Ohio, at age 65.

    Fowler married Augusta M. Horne. Augusta was born on 11 Jun 1892 in Lowell, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts and died on 26 Aug 1962 in Goose Rocks, York Co., Maine, at age 70.

    Notes: Augusta M. Parrott
    Local funeral arrangements for Mrs. Augusta M. Parrott, 70, Goose Rocks Beach and Dayton, Ohio, are under the direction of Bibber Funeral home and friends may call at Bibber Memorial chapel, 67 Summer street, Kennebunk, today from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Parrott died Sunday morning at her summer residence at Goose Rocks. Widow of Fowler S. Parrott, she was active in the Goose Rocks Beach association and had been a member of the summer colony for several years.

    She was born in Lowell, Mass., June 11, 1892, daughther of Fred and Martha Conlon Horne. prominent in civic and women's organizations at Dayton, Ohio, she was a life-member of Dayton Art Institute.

    Surviving are a son, Charles W. Parrott, Dayton, Ohio; a daughtr, Miss Elizabeth H. Parrott, Brookline, Mass.; five grandchildren, and a brother, Herbert W. Horne, Lowell, Mass.

    Funeral services will be held Thursday in Woodland cemetery chapel, Dayton, Ohio.

    Biddeford-Saco Journal, 27 Aug 1962, p 2

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 487 M    i. Charles Willis Parrott was born on 17 Oct 1926 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 25 Jun 1988 in Kettering, Ohio, at age 61.

       488 F    ii. Elizabeth Horne Parrott was born on 3 Feb 1928 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 18 Sep 1992 in Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 206379966}

    Notes: PARROTT - Of Chestnut Hill, Sept. 18. Elizabeth H. Beloved daughter of the late Fowler S. and Augusta (Horne) Parrott. Dear friend of Ursula O'Hare Burke and the O'Hare Family of Jamaica Plain. Burial Services at St. Joseph's Cemetery, West Roxbury will be private. Visiting hours are omitted. Remembrances may be made to the American Cancer Society, 247 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02116. Arrangements by Brady & Fallon Funeral Home, Jamaica Plain.

    The Boston Sunday Globe, 20 Sep 1992, p 47

    317. George Thomas Parrott (Abner Flint7, George Esq.6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Jan 1870 in Texas and died on 29 Mar 1934 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., Florida, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 53954192}

    Notes: WINTER GARDEN, March 31- Funeral was held this morning for Mr. George Thomas Parrott, 64, who died at his home this week of heart disease. Mr. Parrott has suffered for six years from hiccoughs which was complicated by asthma and caused the heart attack.

    The funeral was conducted at the home by the Rev. S.E. Lewis and burial was in the Winter Garden cemetery. Pallbearers were G.T. Smith, A.W. Hurley, Fred Gregory, G.W. Bray, Roy R. Roper and M.V. Dillard.

    Mr. Parrott was born in Texas later coming to South Carolina with his parents and then to Florida, spending half of his life here. He was a printer with A.B. Newton, printed the first paper ever published in Winter Garden. Surviving are his widow and children, George, Walter and one daughter, Marjorie and one sister, Mrs. C.O. Mims, Jacksonville.

    The Orlando Sunday Sentinel, 01 Apr 1934, p 8B

    George married Mary Elizabeth Bickemeyer. Mary was born on 16 May 1886 in Pennsylvania and died on 25 Nov 1968 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., Florida, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 53954255} {Find A Grave ID: 53954255}

    Children from this marriage were:

       489 M    i. George Milton Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1908 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., Florida and died on 20 Jun 1984 in Orlando, Orange Co., Florida, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 160151439}

    Notes: George Milton Parrott, 76, 2400 S. Thornton Ave., Orlando, died Wednesday. Born in Winter Garden, he moved to Orlando in 1955. He was a retired barber and a member of the Delaney Street Baptist Church. He was a member of the American Legion and a Navy veteran of World War II. Survivors: wife, Willie L.; stepson, Joseph L. Murray, Warwick, R.I.; stepdaughters, Dorothy George, Tavares, Joyce McDonald, Lake Panasoffkee; eight grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Hawthorne Funeral Home, Orlando.

    The Orlando Sentinel, 21 Jun 1984, p L4

    George married Willie Lorrine Saylors. Willie was born on 31 May 1909 in Hartwell, Hart Co., Georgia and died on 5 Nov 2003 in Wildwood, Sumter Co., Florida, at age 94. {Find A Grave ID: 160152351} {Find A Grave ID: 160152351}

       490 F    ii. Margie Elizabeth Parrott was born on 21 Jan 1911 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., Florida and died on 1 Oct 1978 in Orange Co., Florida, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 40950643}

    Margie married Orr Bennett Saylors. Orr was born on 18 Feb 1911 and died on 5 Jan 1968 in Leesburg, Lake Co., Florida, at age 56. {Find A Grave ID: 40950512} {Find A Grave ID: 40950512}

       491 M    iii. Walter Edwin Parrott was born on 22 Jul 1914 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., Florida and died on 2 Jul 1983 in Orlando, Orange Co., Florida, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 125724046}

    Notes: Walter Edwin Parrott, 68, Route 2, Apopka, died Saturday. Born in Jacksonville, he moved to Apopka from Orlando in 1983. He was a retired sanitation superintendent and member of the Delaney Streeet Baptist Church, Orlando, and the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Survivors: brother George, Orlando. Hawthorne Funeral Home, Orlando.

    The Orlando Sentinel, 05 Jul 1983, p B4

    Walter married Dorothy J. Snyder Simmons. Dorothy was born on 2 Oct 1918 in Michigan and died on 30 Apr 2008 in Constantine, Saint Joseph Co., Michigan, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 135600071} {Find A Grave ID: 135600071}

    Walter next married Catherine R. Catherine was born on 12 Mar 1901 and died in Oct 1992 in Orlando, Orange Co., Florida, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 125724086} {Find A Grave ID: 125724086}

    319. George Marion Parrott (James T.7, James6, Abner Jr.5, Abner Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Sep 1867 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. and died on 17 Nov 1936 in Washington, D.C., at age 69.

    George married Susan Mary Walsh. Susan was born on 10 Feb 1869 in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland and died on 16 Aug 1958 in Washington, D.C., at age 89.

    Children from this marriage were:

       492 M    i. James Elmer Parrott was born on 13 Sep 1895 in Washington, D.C.

    James married Ina L. Unknown. Ina was born on 31 Mar 1897 in Ohio and died on 23 Sep 1997, at age 100.

    + 493 M    ii. Charles Joseph Parrott was born on 15 May 1908 in Washington, D.C. and died on 3 Jan 1959 in Bethesda, Montgomery Co., Maryland, at age 50.

    Ninth Generation (6th Great-Grandchildren)

    334. Roy Russell Parrott (Nimrod8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Sep 1877 in Blooming Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died on 2 Jul 1935 in Plymouth, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 57.

    Notes: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrott of Superior, Wis., are the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod Parrott.

    Palladium-Item, 05 Oct 1908, p 6

    Roy R. Parrott, Plymouth real estate and insurance man, was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Plymouth, Monday afternoon following services in Schrader Brothers' Funeral Home, Plymouth. The rites were held under auspices of Plymouth Lodge No. 47, F. & A.M., of which he was a member.

    Mr. Parrott died Saturday at his home, 1158 S. Main St., Plymouth. He was born in Blooming Grove, Ind., Sept. 17, 1877, and had lived in Plymouth for several years. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church there. Surviving are the widow Florence M., and a daughter, Mrs. Mary Richwine, of Plymouth.

    Detroit Free Press, 04 Jun 1935, p 5

    Roy married Florence Mendenhall. Florence was born in 1881 in Illinois and died in 1960 in Plymouth, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 79.

    The child from this marriage was:

       494 F    i. Mary Irene Parrott was born on 23 Sep 1909 in Michigan and died on 26 Jan 1992 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, at age 82.

    Mary married Perry William Richwine. Perry was born on 11 Aug 1905 in Michigan and died on 10 Jul 1993 in Hillsborough Co., Florida, at age 87.

    335. Guy Shepard Parrott (Herman Link8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1874 in Indiana and died in 1963 in Saint Joseph, Andrew Co., Missouri, at age 89.

    Guy married Carrie Schraufek. Carrie was born in 1884 in Missouri and died in 1971 in Saint Joseph, Andrew Co., Missouri, at age 87.

    Children from this marriage were:

       495 F    i. Mildred Parrott was born in 1907 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri.

    + 496 M    ii. Herman L. Parrott was born on 7 Oct 1908 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 10 Jun 1988 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 79.

    + 497 M    iii. Robert W. Parrott was born on 30 Jan 1926 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 18 Nov 1986 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 60.

    337. Bert James Parrott (Herman Link8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 8 Dec 1883 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana and died in 1949 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 66.

    Bert married Elizabeth S. McCully. Elizabeth was born in 1884 in Iowa and died in 1922 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 38.

    Children from this marriage were:

       498 M    i. Dearl A. Parrott was born on 5 Jan 1908 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died in Aug 1958 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 50.

    Dearl married Ida Hootman. Ida was born in 1909.

    + 499 M    ii. Ralph Bertrum Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1909 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 14 Feb 1988 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 78.

    Bert next married Lucy M. Lucy was born in 1893 in Kansas.

    343. Harry Landis Parrott (Herman Link8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 Jul 1895 in Kansas and died on 14 Dec 1971 in Pomona, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 76.

    Harry married Bertha Mae Ford. Bertha was born on 20 May 1902 in Kansas and died on 7 Oct 1996 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 94.

    The child from this marriage was:

       500 F    i. Mary Jeanette 'Jan' Parrott was born on 24 Jan 1921 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 25 May 1993 in Orange Co., California, at age 72.

    Mary married Joseph Moore Nuzum. Joseph was born on 15 Dec 1919 in Fort Scott, Bourbon Co., Kansas and died in Dec 1983 in Whittier, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 64.

    Harry next married Rosetta Emma Kearby. Rosetta was born on 4 Apr 1910 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 28 Sep 1997 in Montclair, San Bernardino Co., California, at age 87.

    346. Henry Parrott (George8, James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1849 in Indiana and died on 19 Oct 1898 in Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 49.

    Notes: Blew Out His Heart
    Muncie, Ind., Oct 19. - Trying a shotgun in a fence and operating the triggers with a string, Henry Parrott, a farmer living near hear, managed to blow out his heart. Ill health was responsible for his suicide.

    Logansport Reporter, 19 Oct 1898. p 4


    Committed Suicide
    Word was received here last Monday that Henry Parrott, who was well known here, had committed suicide at his home two miles south of Selma, in Delaware county, last Monday morning. Mr. Parrott was a son-in-law of Simeon Cox and a brother of Mrs. Joab A. Thornburg. Before his marriage he made his home for several years with Mrs. Thornburg, and was well and favorably known to many of our older citizens. He leaves a wife, a daughter aged eighteen years and a son thirteen years old. A correspondent of the Muncie Morning news of yesterday gives the following account of the sad affair: "Perhaps Liberty township was never more shocked than on Monday morning when it was announced that Henry Parrott, a well-to-do and very popular farmer south of Smithfield had committed suicide, and no possible reason could be offered for the rash act. It appears that he arose as usual at about five o'clock, dressed himself, procured a shot gun and went outside the house to the east side of the yard. After taking off his coat and vest, hung them on the palings and then tied a string to the trigger of the gun. Laying down on the ground he placed the breech of the gun against the fence, its muzzle a few inches from his breast near the heart and pulled the string. The family hearing the report thought nothing of it for some minutes, but his not coming in soon caused alarm and the wife proceeded to investigate. On stepping from the door she was horror stricken to see her husband's lifeless body with clothing ablaze. She extinguished the fire and called for help which call was answered by the neighbors who were all equally at a loss in assigning a cause for the rash act. All agree that his relations with his family and those around him were as pleasant as could be expected, and his financial condition is thought to be good. He was never thought to be of a melancholy nature and no letters or explanation has been found at the latest report. A neighbor called on Mr. Parrott Sunday and found him suffering from a peculiar and severe headache which he attributed to lagrippe. It is possible that this has led to insanity which caused the act." Several of the relatives form this vicinity are attending the funeral which occurs to-day.

    The Winchester Journal, Oct 19 1898, p 1
    Posted on Find A Grave Memorial# 67010136

    Henry married Almira Cox Amburn. Almira was born on 3 Feb 1859 in Delaware Co., Indiana and died on 18 Oct 1957 in Lynn, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 98.

    Notes: Mrs. Almira Amburn Plans Quiet Day On 95th Birthday
    WINCHESTER - A quiet celebration at the home of her niece is planned by Mrs. Almira Parrott Amburn who will be 95 years old Wednesday, Feb 3.

    Mrs. Amburn makes her home with her niece, Mrs. Elmer Thomas, southeast of Winchester.

    A Randolph county native, Mrs. Amburn has one son, Rolla Parrott of Winchester. A daughter, Nola, died recently. Her husband, Marion Amburn died in 1931.

    Mrs. Amburn and one sister, Mrs. Delaney Grubbs of Muncie, aand the only survivors of a family of eight children. Mrs. Grubbs is 87 years old.

    Mrs. Amburn is in good general health with good eyesight and hearing and has a sharp memory.

    Palladium-Item, 01 Feb 1954, p 4
    Lifelong Randolph Resident To Be 98 Years Old Feb. 3
    WINCHESTER. - One of Randoph county's oldest residents will be 98 years old Feb. 3. She is Mrs. Almira Amburn, who lives six miles of southeast of here with her niece, Mrs. Carrie Thomas.

    Enjoying fairly good health, Mrs. Amburn was born in a log cabin about five miles east of her in 1859 the daughter of Simeon and Rosanna Cox. She lived in this area all her life.

    Mrs. Amburn who recalls three of her uncles returning home from Civil war fighting, plans no celebration for her birthday. She says that may come when she reaches 100.

    A son, Rolla Parrott of Winchester, is Mrs. Amburn's closest relative. She has in addition to h er son and niece several granchildren and great-grandchildren.

    She is the widow of Marion Amburn. Her first husband, Henry Parrott, died many years ago.

    When asked what she likes to do, Mrs. Amburn said she enjoys reading and until recent years did much sewing. She fell a few yeas ago and now is confined to a wheel chair. She enjoys naps in the morning and afternoon.

    She was one of nine children, having two brothers and six sisters. One sister is still living in Muncie. She is 90-year-old Mrs. Delaney Grubbs. Another sister lived until she was 986.

    Palladium-Item, 20 Jan 1957, p 11

    LYNN - Mrs. Elmira Parrott Amburn, 98 years old, died Friday. She resided with her son, Rolla Parrott, and had lived in Randolph county 46 years. She formerly resided in Delaware county.

    She was a member of the Peaceful Valley Friends Church.

    Besides the son, she leaves a stepdaughter, Mrs. Nellie Jones, Muncie, a stepson, Glee Amburn, Parker; one sister, Mrs. Delaney Grubbs of Muncie, six grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and several stepgrandchildren.

    Palladium-Item, 18 Oct 1957, p 7

    Children from this marriage were:

       501 F    i. Nola E. Parrott was born to 20 Oct 1879 in Delaware Co., Indiana and died to 16 Feb 1950 in Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 70.

    Nola married Carlton Edgar Keesling. Carlton was born on 7 Nov 1873 in Delaware Co., Indiana and died on 7 Nov 1873 in Delaware Co., Indiana.

    + 502 M    ii. Rolla Ray Parrott was born on 16 May 1886 in Delaware Co., Indiana and died on 19 Nov 1963 in Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 77.

    348. Irven Parrott (William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 21 Feb 1850 in Indiana and died on 6 Mar 1922 in Montana, at age 72.

    Irven married Matilda Rood Myer. Matilda was born on 28 Sep 1856 in Wisconsin and died on 31 Oct 1940 in Montana, at age 84.

    Children from this marriage were:

       503 F    i. Maude Parrott was born in Feb 1885 in Iowa.

    + 504 M    ii. Irven Lewis Parrott was born on 2 Jul 1895 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in May 1971 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 75.

    349. Henry Parrott (William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 May 1853 in Bloomington Grove, Franklin Co., Indiana and died in Jan 1918 in Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Minnesota, at age 64.

    Henry married Ellen Murphy. Ellen was born on 18 Jun 1859 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died in 1921 in Shelton, Iowa, at age 62.

    The child from this marriage was:

       505 F    i. Rachel Parrott was born on 5 Aug 1892 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa.

    Rachel married Lynn L. Myers M.D.

    350. Edward Parrott (William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in May 1855 in Indiana and died on 15 Aug 1931 in Nooksack, Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 76.

    Edward married Elizabeth Jane Turner. Elizabeth was born in Apr 1859 in Iowa and died on 26 May 1938 in Sumas, Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

       506 F    i. Bell M. Parrott was born in Sep 1883 in Iowa.

    Bell married Charles M. Merriam. Charles was born on 24 Jun 1885 in Minnesota and died on 11 Feb 1973 in Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 87.

    + 507 M    ii. Thomas Lloyd Parrott was born on 5 Jul 1885 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in 1968, at age 83.

       508 M    iii. Edward Parrott Jr. was born in Dec 1892 in Iowa.

    352. Orlando O. Parrott (William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Apr 1858 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 30 Jul 1947 in Grand Traverse Co., Michigan, at age 89.

    Orlando married Cora Dean. Cora was born in 1875 in Illinois and died on 27 Jun 1933 in Michigan, at age 58.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 509 M    i. Wlliam Parrott was born on 20 Mar 1892 in Iowa and died on 11 Oct 1952 in Michigan, at age 60.

    356. Albert James Parrott (William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Oct 1869 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Feb 1959 in Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 57410776}

    Notes: Pioneer Leader Of Fitzgerald Is Dead at 89

    FITZGERALD - James Albert Parrott, prominent Fitzgerald businessman and one of the early settlers of this Colony City, died Friday morning in Ben Hill County Hospital where he had been ill for a number of months. He was 89.

    Mr. Parrott, a native of Worthington, Iowa, came to Fitzgerald when its residents were still living in temporary lean-to shelters,and helped in construction of the early prmanent business blocks and houses, many of them still occupied.

    The builder's supply business he founded is one of Fitzgerald's oldest and leading firms.

    Funeral services were held in the Central Christian Church at 3 p.m. Saturday, with the Rev. Elburn Moore, the pastor, and the Rev. Garnie Brand, pastor of First Baptist church, officiating. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery.

    Mr. Parrott was a former member of City Council, a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, the Woodmen of the World, and was vice president of Fitzgerald Federal savings and Loan Association.

    Survivors include his wife, two sons, Lauren and Harold Parrott of Fitzgerald; and a grandson, Jim Parrott of Fitzgerald.

    The Macon News, 16 Feb 1959, p 10

    Albert married Alice Mosher. Alice was born on 31 Aug 1875 in Plymouth Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1908 in Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 33. {Find A Grave ID: 194749577} {Find A Grave ID: 194749577}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 510 M    i. Lauren Burton Parrott was born on 14 Sep 1901 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia and died on 2 Jun 1973 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 71.

       511 M    ii. Harold Leroy Parrott was born on 15 Nov 1903 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia and died on 10 Jul 1971 in Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 57410640}

    Notes: FITZGERALD, Ga. - Graveside services for Harold L. Parrott, 67, were conducted Monday morning in Evergreen Cemetery. He died Saturday afternoon at his home on N. Lee street.

    Born in Fitzgerald, Mr. Parrott was the son of the late James Albert Parrott and Addie Mosher Parrott, colony settlers of Fitzgerald. He was a member of Central Christian Church and Fitzgerald Country Club and was a partner of Standard Supply Company.

    Survivors are his widown, Mrs. Margaret Wise Parrott; and a brother, Lauren B. Parrott of Fitzgerald.

    The Macon News, 14 Jul 1971, p B2

    Harold married Margaret Ethel Wise. Margaret was born on 15 Dec 1904 in Georgia and died on 13 Jun 1996 in Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 192418393} {Find A Grave ID: 192418393}

    Marriage Notes: Mrs. Curtis Madison Wise, of Fitzgeral, announces the engagement of her daughter, Margaret Ethel, to Harold L. Parrott, the marriage to be solemnized during the Christmas holidays.

    The (Atlanta) Constitution, 01 Dec 1935, p 2M

    Albert next married Mabel May. Mabel was born on 9 Sep 1879 in Canada English and died on 29 Apr 1968 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 57410872} {Find A Grave ID: 57410872}

    359. Melvin Parrott (James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Feb 1856 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 21 May 1938 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 100654279}

    Melvin married Ida Ann Baker. Ida was born on 15 Sep 1862 and died on 15 Feb 1955 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 92.

    Children from this marriage were:

       512 M    i. Buena Murlis Parrott was born on 1 Sep 1882 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 9 Jan 1890 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa, at age 7.

    + 513 M    ii. Pierce Francesco Parrott was born on 30 Dec 1884 in Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 8 May 1964 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 79.

       514 F    iii. Sadie Beatrice Parrott was born on 1 Nov 1886 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 2 Feb 1937 in Alta, Buena Vista Co., Iowa, at age 50. {Find A Grave ID: 177857045}

    Sadie married Almus Wolcott Buckingham. Almus was born on 25 Jan 1886 in Alta, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 26 Oct 1985 in Storm Lake, Buena Vista Co., Iowa, at age 99. {Find A Grave ID: 177857019} {Find A Grave ID: 177857019}

    + 515 M    iv. George James Parrott was born in Jun 1889 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died in 1967 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 78.

    + 516 M    v. Floyd Dale Parrott was born on 2 Mar 1891 in Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 11 Feb 1977 in Minnesota, at age 85.

    + 517 M    vi. Oran Keith Parrott was born on 19 Dec 1892 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 28 May 1972 in Sibley, Osceola Co., Iowa, at age 79.

    + 518 M    vii. Ray Jennings Parrott was born on 28 Sep 1897 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 25 Mar 1982 in Wheaton, DuPage Co., Illinois, at age 84.

    362. Frank Parrott (James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1860 and died on 29 Jul 1923 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 63.

    Figures submitted in railroad rate hearing.

    CHICAGO, April 23. Figures were submitted today in the western rate case to show that the net return to Iowa farmers was less than 3½ per cent. on their investments.

    The testimony was given before W.M. Daniels, interstate commerce commissioner, by W.J. Ray, secretary of the Farmers and Grain Dealer's Association of Iowa, in opposition to the requests of the railroads. Detailed figures of the expenses and revenues of two Iowa farmers were presented by Mr. Ray.

    "Frank Parrott, of Aurelia," said the witness, "owns 400 acres of land, valued at $310 an acre. His stock and machinery have a value of $6,000, making the total investment of $90,000. For the year 1914 his net earnings, after allowing for wages of himself and family, were $1,805.70, which is 2.0063 per cent. on his investment. <snip>

    The Indianapolis News, 23 Apr 1915, p 17

    Prominent Farmer Dies.
    Aurelia, Ia., August 1-- Special: Frank Parrott, for thirty-three years a resident of this community, died suddently Sunday evening. He was stricken at the supper table and died in 20 minutes. He was a member of the board of directors of the Farmers National Cooperative Insurance association of Iowa.

    The Sioux City Journal, 02 Aug 1923, p 3

    Frank married Sarah Jane Baker. Sarah was born in 1865 and died in 1942, at age 77.

    Children from this marriage were:

       519 M    i. Mervin Roy Parrott was born on 22 Feb 1884 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 17 Dec 1923 in Iowa, at age 39.

       520 M    ii. Glenn Irwin Parrott was born on 21 Sep 1887 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 20 Jun 1931 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa, at age 43.

       521 M    iii. Russell G. Parrott was born in Oct 1892 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

    + 522 M    iv. Jay M. Parrott was born on 5 Apr 1894 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in Feb 1965 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 70.

       523 F    v. Hazel May Parrott was born on 4 Jul 1897 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in 1960 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 63.

    + 524 M    vi. Lloyd Leroy Parrott was born in Mar 1899 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in 1949 in Purdy, Barry Co., Missouri, at age 50.

    365. James Clarence Parrott (James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 25 Jun 1872 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Jan 1928 in White Lake, Aurora Co., South Dakota, at age 55. {Find A Grave ID: 141013587}

    James married Gertrude Nevada Wolfe. Gertrude was born on 30 Nov 1882 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 21 Oct 1960 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 77.

    Children from this marriage were:

       525 M    i. James William Parrott was born on 27 Jan 1901 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 13 Feb 1981 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 100401913}

    Notes: AURELIA, Iowa - Jim Parrott, 80, died suddenly at this home Friday of an apparent heart attack.

    Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the Methodist Church. Pastor Linn King and the Rev. Rex Whitman of Mount Olive Baptist Church, rural Cherokee will officiate. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill cemetery under direction of the Wharton Funeral Home.

    Mr. Parrott was born Jan. 27, 1901 at Worthington, Iowa. He married Mary Elzie Nelson May 28, 1932. She died Dec. 31, 1969.

    He operated a mobile feed grinder, and later was a custodian at the Aurelia High School, and was employed at the Aurelia Golf Club.

    Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Vernon (Zelma) Butterfield and Mrs. George (Luella) Geuther, both of Aurelia, and Mrs. O.C. (Louise) Holderness of Cherokee.

    The Sioux City Journal, 15 Feb 1981, p A11

    James married Mary Elsie Lewis Nelson. Mary was born in 1881 in Lake Geneva, Walworth Co., Wisconsin and died on 31 Dec 1969, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 100402208} {Find A Grave ID: 100402208}

    + 526 M    ii. Fred Arthur Parrott was born on 2 Sep 1902 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 30 Apr 1969 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 66.

       527 F    iii. Zelma Fay Parrott was born on 3 Jan 1905 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 11 Mar 1994 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 99924702}

    Notes: Zelma Fay Parrott was born on Jan.
    3, 1905 in Aurelia, the daughter of James
    C. and Gertie Wolfe Parrott. Zelma attended
    school in Aurelia. On Aug. 18,
    1940 she was united in marriage to
    Vernon Butterfield. They lived their
    entire lives in Aurelia. Zelma was a
    clerk in the local grocery store for many
    years and also worked for several years
    in the Aurelia School lunch room. Due
    to declining health Zelma became a resident
    of the Sunset Knoll Retirement
    Home in Aurelia in 1986 where she died
    on Friday, Mar. 11, 1994.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave 99924702

    Zelma married Vernon N. Butterfield. Vernon was born on 10 Sep 1900 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in Feb 1958, at age 57. {Find A Grave ID: 99924718} {Find A Grave ID: 99924718}

    + 528 M    iv. Galen LaCount Parrott was born on 8 Nov 1906 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 19 Sep 1977 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 70.

       529 F    v. Luella Mae Parrott was born on 10 May 1909 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 Dec 1989, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 99749881}

    Luella married George Henry Geutgher. George was born on 2 Feb 1900 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 12 Aug 1970 in O'Brien Co., Iowa, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 99749912} {Find A Grave ID: 99749912}

       530 F    vi. Louise Helen Parrott was born on 14 Apr 1913 in South Dakota and died on 5 Mar 2002 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 99751422}

    Notes: CHEROKEE, Iowa -- Louise H. Holderness, 88, of Cherokee died Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at Careage Hills Care Center in Cherokee following a month long illness.

    Services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Cherokee. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Aurelia, Iowa. Visitation will be 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today, with the family present 6:30 to 8 p.m., at Boothby Funeral Home in Cherokee.

    Sioux City Journal, March 7, 2002

    Louise married Oris Carrol Holderness. Oris was born on 29 Aug 1910 in Iowa and died on 22 Dec 1976 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 99751445} {Find A Grave ID: 99751445}

    368. Theodore Parrott (Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Apr 1859 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

    Notes: Complete Garden Seed Line Boasted by Parrott's Store
    Parrott Seed store, established in Lake Charles 28 years ago by a farmer from "the corn State of Iowa," has grown from a simple beginning to its current status as the most complete garden supply store in Southwest Louisiana.

    The late Theodore Parrott, in 1926, started his business on Pujo street where the Pioneer building now stands, having moved South from Iowa about 65 years ago. Today, Miss Verna M. Parrott, his daughter, operates two stores- one at 514 and a branch at 3314 South Ryan street.

    The store in the south portion of Lake Charles had its grand opening last Saturday. It features the same items as those found at the downtown location.

    The slogan of the firm is "seeds that grow;" the main items in their stock are seeds and insecticides. Their seeds range in king from "beans and watermelons;" their insecticides, from those against ants to those against black widow spiders.

    Miss Parrott, who has been in charge of the business for 20 years, is assisted by Larry Stephenson, first vice-president; Bert St. Dizler, second vice-president; and Mrs. P.K. McGee, secretary-treasurer.

    They buy their seeds direct from growers, except spot orders when necessary from jobbers. Their contracts are made up one full year ahead of time, Miss Parrott said. They sell all types of seeds-- flowers, grass, vegetable, etc.

    Hand-in-hand with things that grow are the things that make them grow effectively, Miss Parrott believes. That is why insecticides are gardening equipment are big items at her store.

    The three main classifications of insecticides are those against the three major types of pests- the sucking, eating, and fungus. Insecticides are "pushed" at these stores not only for the growing of plants, but in order to make dining and entertaining in the garden fun for the entire family.

    For those who would rather "eat out" than be "eaten up," there is available at Parrott's a complete stock of insecticides against files, mosquitos, ants, fleas, moths, caterpillars, chiggers, spiders, gnats, earwigs, yellow jackets, moles, crickets, etc.

    Another big item is poultry supplies, such as feeders, waterers, and nest eggs, adn also pet supplies which include cages and aquariums. They also sell plants in season, all garden tools, sprayers, and even gifts, pet toys, and greeting cards.

    The store features a complete stock of fertilizers, including the Parrott's Camellia and Azalea fertilizer which is a special mixture they produce themselves for those plants.

    They handle exclusively in Lake Charles the Lee's products for poultry and livestock. This includes tonics, insecticides, and (sic)

    All their items are designed wormers. Also in stock are the Dr. saulsberry, and Hess and Clark vaccines.

    Other items in their stores are gloves, hedge shears, pruning shears, gold fish, parakeets, turtles, and chameleons. They honor Production and Marketing Administration orders for cover crops and are a member of the Louisiana Seedsmen's Association.

    Lake Charles American-Press, 06 Mar 1954, p 8

    Theodore married Mary A. Mary was born in Apr 1861 in Iowa.

    Children from this marriage were:

       531 F    i. Verna Parrott was born in Mar 1883 in Iowa.

       532 M    ii. Cornell A. Parrott was born in Jan 1886 in Iowa.

       533 F    iii. Emily Parrott was born in Nov 1888 in Iowa.

    369. Andrew Parrott (Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Dec 1860 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 26 Jan 1915 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 54.

    A sad accident occurred at the big freight platform just north of Second street, Monday evening, when Andre Parrott received an injury that resulted in his death Tuesday morning.

    Mr. Parrott had been helping Herman Frisch load his two cars of movers property, and it is reported that he and Louis Dreir and his brother John having helped Mr. Frisch bring the goods in from the country, and also to help load them. In a scuffle which insued, Mr. Parrott fell or was knocked off the platform. He landed on his head, and was so stunned that he did not regain consciousness, so his ante mortum statement could not be secured.

    County Attorney Wehrmacher was notified and came over yesterday to investigae the case. We understand that he will come again to-day accompanied by the County Coroner. Until they have made their investigation the Gazette will reserve its opinion.

    Mr. Parrott was a widower, and had kept his children together in their home since the death of the mother about six or seven years ago. He was a kind hearted and inoffensive man, and it is hard to believe that he would be the aggressor in any altercation. There is much sympathy among our people for his family.

    The funeral will be held from the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, if the brother from the south arrives by that time.

    Unsourced clipping posted on Ancestry by Ellen_Gilb on 29 Apr 2016
    Andrew Parrott was born in Worthington, Dubuque county, Iowa, in the year of 1860, and died Tuesday morning, Jan 26, 1916, from the effects of an accident received the evening before.

    In 1886 he came to Sumner, Iowa, where he lived the remainder of his days.

    In 1887 he was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Irene Parrott, of Exira, Audubon county, Iowa. To this union nine children were born, seven of whom Orpha, Edna, Mary, Bertha, Ruth, Orin and Levi survive him. Otto, the oldest son, died at the age of six years, an Arlie died in infancy. Mr. Parrott's wife died May 16, 1910.

    Besides his children there is left to mourn his death his step father, Mr. John Parrott, of Worthington, Iowa, a brother, Theo. Parrott, of Lake Charles, La., and sister, Mrs. C.H. Lugg, of Pierre, S.D., and other relatives.

    Mr. Parrott was a believer in the religion of Jesus Christ. He was a devoted husband and father and was always ready to extend a helping hand to those in need or in trouble.

    The funeral services were held at the Methodist Friday afternoon, the pastor, Rev. Geo B. Shoemaker, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Bussey, of the United Brethren church. Burial was made in Union Mound cemetery.

    Unsourced clipping posted on Ancestry by Ellen_Gilb on 29 Apr 2016

    Andrew married Elsie Irene Parrott, daughter of Silas Burton Parrott and Nancy J. Williams. Elsie was born in 1863 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 16 May 1910 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 47.

    Children from this marriage were:

       534 M    i. Otto Parrott was born circa 1888 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died circa 1894 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, about age 6.

       535 F    ii. Orpha Iris Parrott was born on 5 Mar 1890 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in Apr 1976 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 86.

    Graveside services for a former Sumner area resident, Miss Orpha Parrott, 86, of Waterlook were held Monday morning at 11 a.m. in a Waterloo cemetery with Kearns-Dykeman Chapel in charge of arrangements.

    Miss Parrott was dead on arrival at Scholtz Memorial Hospital Friday, Apr. 23. She was born in Sumner, Ia., March 5, 1890, the daughter of Andrew and Elsie Parrott.

    Surviving are a brother, Levi of Princeton, and four sisters, Mrs. Mary Hanlon of Waterloo, Mrs. Ruth Lantow of Denver, Colo., Miss Edna Parrott of Denver, Colo., Miss Edna Parrott of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Bertha Rea of Santa Rosa, Calif. She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother, Orin.

    Sumner Gazette, 29 Apr 1976, p 2

       536 F    iii. Edna O. Parrott was born on 10 Mar 1892 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in May 1984 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 92.

       537 F    iv. Mary Irene Parrott was born on 26 Feb 1894 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in Sep 1983 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 89.

    Mary married Tom S. Hanlon. Tom was born on 22 Nov 1904 in Waukee, Dallas Co., Iowa and died in Oct 1974 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    + 538 M    v. Orin Jonathan Parrott was born on 3 Feb 1896 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died on 28 Apr 1965 in Missouri, at age 69.

       539 M    vi. Arlie Parrott was born circa 1898 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died Infancy in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa.

       540 F    vii. Bertha Amanda Parrott was born on 3 Oct 1900 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in Aug 1982 in San Francisco Co., California, at age 81.

    Bertha married Grant James Rea. Grant was born on 15 Nov 1895 in Oelwein, Fayette Co., iowa and died on 24 Nov 1957 in San Francisco Co., California, at age 62.

       541 F    viii. Ruth E. Parrott was born on 30 May 1902 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died on 7 Dec 1989 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 87.

    Ruth married Vernon E. Lantow. Vernon was born on 3 Mar 1896 in Iowa and died on 4 Aug 1985 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 89. Another name for Vernon was Werner Franz Ernst Heinrich Lantow.

    + 542 M    ix. Levi Noble Parrott was born on 12 Apr 1904 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1977 in DeWitt, Clinton Co., Iowa, at age 73.

    371. Harrison Parrott (Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Jun 1861 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 7 Mar 1914 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 52.

    Notes: Ref: PT V(3):32, 1977

    Harrison married Anna Mariah Lovelace. Anna was born on 24 Mar 1864 in Indiana Co., Pennsylvania and died on 7 Oct 1919 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 55.

    Children from this marriage were:

       543 M    i. Louis Elder Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1887 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died in Nov 1893, at age 6.

       544 F    ii. Ethel Harriet Parrott was born on 12 Sep 1889 in Audubon Co., Iowa.

    Ethel married Charles Monroe Jones.

    372. Willis Elder Parrott (Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 3 Jan 1863 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 Jan 1948 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    Notes: AUDUBON - Word has been received here of the death of William Parrott, 86, which occurred Saturday at his home in Dows. Surviving are several nieces and nephews in Audubon and a sister, Mrs. Carrie Schwenneker of Atlantic.

    Council Bluffs Nonpareil, 4 Feb 1948, p 12

    Willis married Clara Idella Zion. Clara was born on 5 Feb 1865 in Medianapolis, Des Moines Co., Iowa and died on 26 Aug 1922 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 57.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 545 M    i. Elmer Elder Parrott was born on 10 Apr 1892 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 22 Jun 1959 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    + 546 M    ii. Claude Raymond Parrott was born on 11 May 1896 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Dec 1957 in Keosauqua, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 61.

    + 547 M    iii. Leo Francis Parrott was born on 26 Oct 1901 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Aug 1967 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 65.

    373. Lewis Milton Parrott (Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Mar 1865 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 26 May 1944 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 82410495}

    Notes: Ref: PT V(3):32, 1977

    Lewis married Martha Almeda Heath. Martha was born on 19 Aug 1867 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 21 Nov 1925 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 58. {Find A Grave ID: 64463664} {Find A Grave ID: 64463664}

    Children from this marriage were:

       548 F    i. Lola Alice Parrott was born on 22 Jun 1889 and died on 6 Jan 1958, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 82283045}

    Lola married Floyd C. Freeman. Floyd was born on 18 Feb 1888 and died on 29 Oct 1953, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 82283025} {Find A Grave ID: 82283025}

    + 549 M    ii. Jonathan Calvin Parrott was born on 16 Sep 1890 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 18 Jul 1972 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 81.

    + 550 M    iii. Howard Milton Parrott was born on 14 Aug 1892 in Audubon, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 16 Jan 1981 in Ballwin, St. Louis Co., Missouri, at age 88.

    + 551 M    iv. Carlisle Burnett Parrott was born on 6 Aug 1894 and died on 27 Feb 1952, at age 57.

       552 F    v. Grace Almeda Parrott was born on 16 Mar 1896 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 23 May 1975 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 194134122}

    Notes: AUDUBON - Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in the United Methodist Church here for Mrs. Earl Garoutte, 79, longtime Audubon County resident, who died Friday in Audubon County Memorial Hospital. The Rev. Vernon M. Sorensen officiated, and burial was in Maple Grove cemetery under direction of the McFadden Funeral home.

    Pallbearers were Henry Walters, Leo Rubel, John Parrott, Melvin Parrott, Emory Martinsen, and George Heuss.

    Mrs. Graces Parrott Garoutte was born in Audubon County on March 16, 1896, daughter of Lewis and Martha Heath Parrott. She lived most of her life in Audubon County and was married at Atlantic to Earl Garoutte on February 7, 1923. The farmed and he later was an auctioneer. Her husband died in December, 1973.

    Survivors include two brothers, Dr. Howard Parrott of Albia, Ia., and Max Parrott of Exira; one sister, Mrs. Edna Heidbreder of Virginia, Ill.

    Carrol Daily Times Herald, Carroll, IA, 27 Mat 1975, p 2

    Grace married Earl Glenn Garoutte. Earl was born on 29 Oct 1984 in Iowa and died on 12 Nov 1973 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age -10. {Find A Grave ID: 194134123} {Find A Grave ID: 194134123}

    + 553 M    vi. Max Lourain Parrott Sr. was born on 12 Nov 1898 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 29 Apr 1998 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 99.

    + 554 M    vii. Benjamin Don Parrott was born on 24 Aug 1900 in Avoca, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa and died on 17 Jul 1972 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 71.

       555 F    viii. Beulah Iva Marie Parrott was born on 13 Sep 1903 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 3 Apr 1972, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 123745431}

    Beulah married Carl Austin Stanley. Carl was born on 27 May 1895 in Lorah, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 3 May 1967, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 123744917} {Find A Grave ID: 123744917}

       556 F    ix. Etna Ida Parrott was born on 9 Sep 1906 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 19 Aug 1993 in Iowa, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 175760863}

    Etna married Cloid Henry Rist. Cloid was born on 6 Jul 1899 in Tabor, Mills Co., Iowa and died in Apr 1977 in Virginia, Cass Co., Illinois, at age 77.

    Etna next married Chester Keller Heidbreder. Chester was born on 9 Nov 1897 and died in May 1978 in Virginia, Cass Co., Illinois, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 40383006} {Find A Grave ID: 40383006}

    + 557 M    x. Willis Merle Parrott was born on 11 Oct 1908 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Oct 1965 in Carroll Co., Iowa, at age 56.

    Lewis next married Elsie Sheely.

    382. John Lester Parrott Sr. (Perry8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Mar 1869 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died in 1920 in Minnesota, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 243089389}

    John married Bertha Marie Moldestad Kringen. Bertha was born on 9 Oct 1876 in Redwood Falls, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 10 May 1955 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 243089253} {Find A Grave ID: 243089253}

    Notes: KRINGEN-Bertha M., age 79, residence 1016 16th av N., on Tues. Survived by sons, Perry O. Parrott, Mpls., Lester J. Parrott, Chicago, & Verdon O. Parrott & Vernon O. Parrott, both of Mpls., George T. Parrott, Whitefish Point, Mich.; brother A.O. Moldestad, Delhi, Minn.; sister, Mrs. C.L. Maurstad, Redwod Falls. Funeral services Thurs., 1:30 p.m., Welander-Quist (North Chapel), 1200 W. Broadway. Interment Crystal Lake cemetery.

    The Minneapolis Star, 11 May 1955, p 54

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 558 M    i. Perry Orrin Parrott was born on 2 Mar 1898 in Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Nov 1967 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 69.

    + 559 M    ii. Lester John Parrott Jr. was born on 18 Nov 1899 in Redwood Falls, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 8 Apr 1962 in Shasta Co., California, at age 62.

       560 M    iii. Oliver Abe Parrott was born on 1 Feb 1903 in Delhi, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 22 Jan 1988, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 140000606}

    Oliver married Mabel Dorothy Cofer. Mabel was born on 9 Feb 1906 in Charles Mix Co., South Dakota and died on 15 Oct 1990 in Cook Co., Illinois, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 140000612} {Find A Grave ID: 140000612}

       561 M    iv. Verdon Orval Parrott was born on 17 Jun 1905 in Kintire, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 6 Feb 1974 in Lee Co., Florida, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 123705380}

    Notes: Verdon O. Parrott, 68, of North Fort Myers, died Wednesday. A retired painting contractor and World War II veteran from Minneapolis, Minn., had resided here for the past six years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ethel Parrott; three brothers, Vernon Parrott of North Fort Myers, Oliver Parrott of Chicago, Ill., and George Parrott of Minneapolis, Minn.

    Funeral service will be held today at 3:30 p.m. at the chapel of the Harvey Funeral Home with Rev. Irving H. Meier officiating. Pallbearers will be George Parrott, Vernone (sic) Parrott, Oliver Parrott, Thomas Harris, Eugene DeMent and Lewis Spieldenner. Burial will be in Fort Myers Memorial Gardens Cemetery.

    Fort Myers News-Press, 08 Feb 1974, p 4B

    Verdon married Ethel Eleonora Bergren. Ethel was born on 4 Oct 1907 in Cokato, Wright Co., Minnesota and died on 24 Oct 1988, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 123705429} {Find A Grave ID: 123705429}

    + 562 M    v. Vernon O. Parrott was born on 17 Jun 1905 in Kintire, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 4 Jan 1977 in Fort Myers, Lee Co., Florida, at age 71.

       563 M    vi. George Thomas Parrott was born on 7 Nov 1916 in Redwood Falls, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 3 Dec 1988 in Wisconsin, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 142824108}

    George married Irene Lutri Foldy. Irene was born on 2 Mar 1917 in Christopher, Franklin Co., Illinois and died on 10 Aug 1995, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 142474967} {Find A Grave ID: 142474967}

    385. Horace Allen Parrott (Perry8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Apr 1877 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 22 Apr 1940 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 63. {Find A Grave ID: 22280699}

    Horace married Emily Wells. Emily was born on 14 Sep 1879 in Illinois and died on 5 Oct 1917 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 38. {Find A Grave ID: 55058665} {Find A Grave ID: 55058665}

    Children from this marriage were:

       564 F    i. Mary Emily Parrott was born on 24 Feb 1906 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 21 Jul 1991 in Perry, Dallas Co., Iowa, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 17055295}

    Notes: Mary McCammon
    The Rev. Walter Sieck officiated at services at 1:30 p.m Wednesday at Murdock Funeral Home in Perry for Mary E. McCammon, 85, of Perry, who died Sunday at Dallas County Hospital in Perry.

    Music was provided by Judy Ohrt, who played "Wind Beneath My Wings." Pallbearers were Mike Ivey, Dough Bruce, Charles Stoner, Ned Willlis, Bill Graney and Dr. W.L. Franson. Burial was in Violet Hill Cemetery in Perry.

    The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Parrott, she was born in Audubon County on Feb. 24, 1906. She lived in Guthrie Center before her marriage to Jean McCammon on June 5, 1944 in Kansas City, Mo. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Perry. A memorial fund has been established in her name and may be left at the furneral home.

    She was preceded in death by her parents, one son, one brother and her husband on Oct 30, 1986. Survivors include one daughter, Beverly Church of Perry; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

    The Perry Chief, 25 July 1991
    clipping posted on Find a Grave 17055295

    Mary married Bernard Harry Gephart. Bernard was born on 29 Apr 1906 in Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Michigan and died on 16 Oct 1951 in Arlington, Arlington Co., Virginia, at age 45. {Find A Grave ID: 49188079} {Find A Grave ID: 49188079}

    Mary next married Jean McCammon. Jean was born on 28 Feb 1897 in Perry, Dallas Co., Iowa and died on 30 Oct 1986 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 17055301} {Find A Grave ID: 17055301}

       565 M    ii. Horace Allen Parrott was born on 11 Jun 1907 in Iowa and died on 25 Oct 1980, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 22280890}

    Horace married Marie June Beck. Marie was born on 15 Jun 1906 and died on 19 Feb 2006 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 99. {Find A Grave ID: 22280891} {Find A Grave ID: 22280891}

    Horace next married Emma L. Smith. Emma was born on 8 Jan 1895 and died on 27 Jul 1938 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 43. {Find A Grave ID: 22280703} {Find A Grave ID: 22280703}

    The child from this marriage was:

       566 F    i. Barbara Ann Parrott was born on 20 Sep 1926 in Valley, Guthrie Co., Iowa and died on 20 Sep 1926 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co., Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 22280698}

    389. Elsie Irene Parrott (Silas Burton8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1863 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 16 May 1910 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 47.

    Elsie married Andrew Parrott, son of Leven Parrott and Amanda Almeda Williams. Andrew was born on 18 Dec 1860 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 26 Jan 1915 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 54.

    A sad accident occurred at the big freight platform just north of Second street, Monday evening, when Andre Parrott received an injury that resulted in his death Tuesday morning.

    Mr. Parrott had been helping Herman Frisch load his two cars of movers property, and it is reported that he and Louis Dreir and his brother John having helped Mr. Frisch bring the goods in from the country, and also to help load them. In a scuffle which insued, Mr. Parrott fell or was knocked off the platform. He landed on his head, and was so stunned that he did not regain consciousness, so his ante mortum statement could not be secured.

    County Attorney Wehrmacher was notified and came over yesterday to investigae the case. We understand that he will come again to-day accompanied by the County Coroner. Until they have made their investigation the Gazette will reserve its opinion.

    Mr. Parrott was a widower, and had kept his children together in their home since the death of the mother about six or seven years ago. He was a kind hearted and inoffensive man, and it is hard to believe that he would be the aggressor in any altercation. There is much sympathy among our people for his family.

    The funeral will be held from the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, if the brother from the south arrives by that time.

    Unsourced clipping posted on Ancestry by Ellen_Gilb on 29 Apr 2016
    Andrew Parrott was born in Worthington, Dubuque county, Iowa, in the year of 1860, and died Tuesday morning, Jan 26, 1916, from the effects of an accident received the evening before.

    In 1886 he came to Sumner, Iowa, where he lived the remainder of his days.

    In 1887 he was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Irene Parrott, of Exira, Audubon county, Iowa. To this union nine children were born, seven of whom Orpha, Edna, Mary, Bertha, Ruth, Orin and Levi survive him. Otto, the oldest son, died at the age of six years, an Arlie died in infancy. Mr. Parrott's wife died May 16, 1910.

    Besides his children there is left to mourn his death his step father, Mr. John Parrott, of Worthington, Iowa, a brother, Theo. Parrott, of Lake Charles, La., and sister, Mrs. C.H. Lugg, of Pierre, S.D., and other relatives.

    Mr. Parrott was a believer in the religion of Jesus Christ. He was a devoted husband and father and was always ready to extend a helping hand to those in need or in trouble.

    The funeral services were held at the Methodist Friday afternoon, the pastor, Rev. Geo B. Shoemaker, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Bussey, of the United Brethren church. Burial was made in Union Mound cemetery.

    Unsourced clipping posted on Ancestry by Ellen_Gilb on 29 Apr 2016

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 369)

    393. Elmer Haines Parrott (Thomas Miller8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Dec 1868 in Iowa and died on 20 Jul 1896 in Iowa, at age 27. {Find A Grave ID: 94047325}

    Elmer married Eugenia Daisy Parrott, daughter of John B. 'Jack' Parrott Sr. and Catharine Everingham. Eugenia was born on 16 Oct 1866 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 10 Mar 1950 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 83.

    (Duplicate Line. See Person 238)

    394. Thomas William Parrott (Thomas Miller8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 25 Jun 1871 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

    Thomas married Alvina Barth.

    Children from this marriage were:

       567 M    i. Robert Parrott was born on 16 Nov 1908.

       568 F    ii. Genevieve Parrott .

    Genevieve married Andrew Quist.

    396. Jacob Lawrence Parrott (Thomas Miller8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Aug 1876 in Ida Grove, Ida Co., Iowa and died on 19 Dec 1948 in Washington, D.C., at age 72.

    Jacob married Ada Joanetta Bratsburg. Ada was born on 2 Oct 1881 and died on 26 Sep 1958 in South Carolina, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

       569 M    i. Jay Lawrence Parrott was born on 25 May 1909 in South Carolina and died on 4 Mar 1986 in Pilger, Stanton Co., Nebraska, at age 76.

    Jay married Lenore Remick.

       570 F    ii. LaVonne Parrott was born on 5 Aug 1911 in Timber Lake, Dewey Co., South Dakota and died in May 1986 in Pilger, Stanton Co., Nebraska, at age 74.

    LaVonne married Lavern Sowers.

    + 571 M    iii. Raymond Parrott was born on 28 Nov 1918 in Timber Lake, Dewey Co., South Dakota and died on 11 Nov 1996 in Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico, at age 77.

    404. Raymond Nelson Parrott (Horace Evering8, John B. 'Jack' Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Aug 1889 in Kellogg, Wabasha Co., Minnesota and died on 12 Feb 1963 in Lake City, Minnesota, at age 73.

    Raymond married Margaret Minnie Burch. Margaret was born on 20 Jun 1910 in Wabasha Co., Minnesota and died on 28 Sep 1996 in Lake City, Minnesota, at age 86.

    Children from this marriage were:

       572 F    i. Margaret Elizabeth Parrott was born on 23 Mar 1938 and died on 14 Nov 2009, at age 71.

    Margaret married Phillip J. Brunkhorst. Phillip was born on 11 Sep 1940 and died on 25 Feb 2016, at age 75.

    + 573 M    ii. Robert Raymond Parrott was born on 2 Nov 1941 in Lake City, Minnesota and died on 27 Oct 2020 in Plainview, Wabasha Co., Minnesota, at age 78.

    407. John Clemer Parrott (Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Jul 1867 in Jones Co., Iowa and died on 21 Nov 1942 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 136105693}

    Notes: MANCHESTER - John Clemer Parrott, 75 for 29 years a farmer near Manchester and the last year a resident of this city, died at his home Saturday night after a lingering illness of carcinoma; funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 at the Shelly funeral home here; burial in Oakwood cemetery at Monticello; son of Ezekiel and Phoebe Clemer Parrott, born July 30, 1867, in Jones county, Iowa; grew to young manhood on the farm; on Aug 23, 1888, he married Miss Gladys Inez Beeks at Worthington, Ia., and their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary was celebrated at their home west of Manchester in 1938; with the exception of his residence near here, practically all of his life was spent near Dubuque; leaves widow, Manchester; three daughters, Mrs. C.E. Johnson, Lansing; Mrs. Ruth Hughes, Noble, Ill., and Mrs. J.B. Gehl, Maquoketa; two sons, Elmer and A.C. Parrott, both of Manchester; and one brother Charles Parrott, Cascade; preceded in death by one daughter, Mrs. Albert Tucker; three brothers, two sisters, and three half-sisters.

    Waterloo Daily Courier, 23 Nov 1942, p 6

    John married Gladys Inez Beeks. Gladys was born on 5 Apr 1870 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 4 May 1959 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 136105668} {Find A Grave ID: 136105668}

    Children from this marriage were:

       574 F    i. Flossie Ethel Parrott was born on 15 Mar 1890 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 10 Jun 1968, at age 78.

    Flossie married Carl Eugene Johnson. Carl was born on 25 Oct 1895 in Indiana and died on 16 Apr 1997 in Minnesota, at age 101. {Find A Grave ID: 127290211} {Find A Grave ID: 127290211}

    Marriage Notes: On Tuesday of last week Miss Flossie E. Parrot and Eugene Johnson were united in marriage at Dubuque. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Parrot, of Coffins Grove township, and is an attractive and industrious young woman. The groom is a trusty and well educated young man. The Democrat wishes this deserving young couple a happy and prosperous voyage over their matrimnial sea.

    The Manchester Democrat, 07 Mar 1917, p 5

       575 F    ii. Blanche Parrott was born on 14 Oct 1892 in Sand Spring, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 8 Feb 1939 in Bernard, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 46. {Find A Grave ID: 74180724}

    Blanche married Albert Tucker. Albert was born on 11 May 1893 and died in May 1973 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 74180679} {Find A Grave ID: 74180679}

       576 F    iii. Ruth Parrott was born on 28 Sep 1897 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 29 Jan 1980 in Sterling, Whiteside Co., Illinois, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 34259164}

    Notes: Ruth Hughes, 82, Sterling and formerly of Olney, died at the Sterling Care Center at 12:55 p.m. Tuesday.

    She was-born in Dubuque County, Iowa on Sept. 28, 1897, daughter of John C. and Galdys (Beeks) Parrott. She married Roy Hughes on July 15, 1922, and he preceded her in death.

    She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, the 8 et 40 Jasper-Richland Salon, Richland Auxiliary 466, a charter member and past president of the Noble American Legion Auxiliary 572.

    She is survived by three sons, Glenn and Keith Hughes, both of Freeport, and Galen Hughes, Morrison; two daughters, Gladys Pense, Sterling and Arlene McDaniel, Shreveport, La.; a sister, Lula Gehl
    Clinton, Iowa.; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

    Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents, and an infant daughter.

    Services for Mrs. Hughes will be Friday at 10:30 a.m in the Summers Funeral Home with Rev. Phillip Gardner presiding. Visitation is from 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in the Greenhill Cemetery, southwest of Noble.

    Olney Daily Mail (IL), January 1980
    Posted on Find a Grave 34259164

    Ruth married Roy A. Hughes. Roy was born in 1895 and died on 15 Nov 1936 in Richland Co., Illinois, at age 41. {Find A Grave ID: 34259159} {Find A Grave ID: 34259159}

    + 577 M    iv. Elmer Leslie Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1901 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 16 May 1958 in Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 57.

       578 F    v. Lula Mary Parrott was born on 21 May 1905 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 6 May 1999 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa, at age 93. {Find A Grave ID: 171561510}

    Notes: 171561510

    Lula married John B. Gehl. John was born on 29 Jan 1903 in Iowa and died in Jan 1976 in Clinton Co., Iowa, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 187100201} {Find A Grave ID: 187100201}

    + 579 M    vi. Andrew Clemer Parrott was born on 16 May 1907 and died on 9 Aug 1968 in Volga, Clayton Co., Iowa, at age 61.

    408. Charles Ezekiel Parrott (Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 22 Mar 1869 in Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa and died on 1 Feb 1956 in Iowa, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 145918080}

    Notes: Data from 1900 census for Dubuque Co., Iowa

    Charles married Nellie E. Nagle. Nellie was born in Jul 1874 in Iowa and died on 16 Feb 1953, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 145918347} {Find A Grave ID: 145918347}

    Children from this marriage were:

       580 F    i. Florence Isabell Parrott was born on 30 Jun 1893 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 31 Jan 1951 in Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa, at age 57. {Find A Grave ID: 77656284}

    Florence married Anton O. Wroblewski. Anton was born on 25 Mar 1886 in Germany and died on 12 Feb 1949 in Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 77656283} {Find A Grave ID: 77656283}

    Marriage Notes: FORMER ENGINEER WEDS.
    Anton Wrobleski, who was formerly an engineer at the reformatory, was married in Worthington. His bride was Miss Florence Parrott. Mr. Wroblenski is now employed by the electric light company at Monticello, which place will be the home of the couple.

    The Evening Gazette, 15 Dec 1913, p 1

       581 F    ii. Ethel Marie Parrott was born on 11 Jun 1899 in Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 8 Aug 1948 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa, at age 49. {Find A Grave ID: 167705798}

    Ethel married Berteaux Hinton Madden. Berteaux was born on 19 Jan 1896 in Brookfield, Linn Co., Missouri and died on 31 Oct 1950 in Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa, at age 54.

    At a party for members of Lambda chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Carl W. Nelson, 360 Sixteenth street SE, announcement was made of the marriage of Miss Ethyl M. Parrott of Cedar Rapids, daughter of Mrs. Charles Parrott of Monticello, and Berteaux H. Madden of Moline, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Madden of Brookfield, Mo.

    The wedding took place Jan. 13, 1940, at Brookfield. Mrs. Madden is employed in the office of the Universal Crusher company of Kansas at Moline. The couple will make their home at the LeCaire hotel in Moline.

    Cedar Rapids Gazette, 23 Apr 1940, p 14

    409. Warren Riley Parrott (Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Nov 1872 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 1 Jul 1935 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 123502410}

    Warren married Jessie L. Berlin. Jessie was born in 1882 in Iowa.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 582 M    i. Lorrin Warren Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1904 in Farley, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 3 Jan 1981 in Clark, Clark Co., South Dakota, at age 76.

       583 F    ii. Iva C. Parrott was born on 24 Apr 1909 in Minnehaha Co., South Dakota and died on 30 Jun 1988 in Bremerton, Kitsap Co., Washington,, at age 79.

    Iva married Marvin Elmer Martin. Marvin was born on 4 Dec 1904 in Marshall, Lyon Co., Minnesota and died on 15 Oct 1994 in Bremerton, Kitsap Co., Washington, at age 89.

    414. James Benton Parrott (William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Dec 1874 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 25 Mar 1950 in Montgomery Co., Iowa, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 213253310}

    James married Anna Lugeland. Anna was born on 29 Nov 1880 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 23 Feb 1951 in Montgomery Co., Iowa, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 213252815} {Find A Grave ID: 213252815}

    Children from this marriage were:

       584 M    i. Infant Parrott was born on 25 Aug 1907 in Cass Co., Iowa.

       585 F    ii. Alma May Parrott was born on 29 Aug 1908 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 11 Aug 1920, at age 11.

       586 F    iii. Deverda Beatrice Parrott was born on 15 Jul 1910 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 12 May 1976 in Greenfield, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 207141776}

    Notes: Mrs. Leroy Nelson (DeVerda) Nelson, 65, died at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 12, 1976 at the Greenfield Hospital in Greenfield.

    Mrs. Nelson was born July 15, 1910 on a farm north of Massena, the daughter of James B. and Anna Lugland Parrott. She spent her early life around Massena. The family moved to a farm near Grant and she was graduated from the Grant High School in 1929.

    She married LeRoy Nelson at Maryville, Missouri February 15, 1933 and they farmed all their married life in Adams County near Corning. Mrs. Nelson was a member of the Gospel Chapel at Lyman.

    Surviving are her husband LeRoy; a daughter, Mrs. Wayne (Barbara) Held of Fontanelle; a son, Larry Nelson of Rock City, Illinois; seven grandchildren; a brother, LeRoy Parrott of Griswold; and a sister, Mrs. Arlene Ward of Elliott. She was preceded in death by her parents and an older sister Alma.

    Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. May 15 at the Roland Funeral Home in Atlantic, Iowa, with Don Welborn of the Atlantic Gospel Chapel officiating. Mrs. Doris Inhope was at the organ with Fred Meyer as the soloist. In charge of flowers were Mrs. Albert Swain and Mrs. Ronald Holste.

    Casketbearers were Albert Swain, Ronald Holste, Gerald James, Robert Nolte, Seymour Schafer, and Robert Gentry. Burial was in the Greenwood Cemetery at Cumberland.

    Adams County Free Press, May 20, 1976, p 8
    Posted on Find a Grave 207141776

    Deverda married LeRoy A. Nelson. LeRoy was born on 28 Jun 1908 and died on 20 Oct 1990 in Iowa, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 95357386} {Find A Grave ID: 95357386}

    + 587 M    iv. Virgil LeRoy Parrott was born on 4 Feb 1913 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 30 May 1989 in Montgomery Co., Iowa, at age 76.

       588 F    v. Arlene Frances (Susie) Parrott was born on 15 Sep 1919 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 27 Feb 2011 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colorado, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 201569511}

    Arlene married John H. Ward. John was born on 24 Jun 1904 in Kossuth Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1981 in Iowa, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 201569482} {Find A Grave ID: 201569482}

    418. William Howard Taft Parrott (William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Mar 1909 in Quincy, Adams Co., Iowa and died on 25 Jan 1950 in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 40. {Find A Grave ID: 140445109}

    Notes: Parrott Talk 11:47

    William married Opal Evangeline Meek. Opal was born on 6 Oct 1909 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 2 Apr 1983 in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 87309059} {Find A Grave ID: 87309059}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 589 M    i. LeRoy James Parrott was born on 22 Jan 1932 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 31 May 2022 in Iowa, at age 90.

       590 M    ii. Norman Eugene Parrott was born on 6 Mar 1933 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa.

    + 591 M    iii. Harold Alvin Parrott was born on 17 Jun 1934 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 15 Jul 1990 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 56.

    + 592 M    iv. Jack J. Parrott was born on 29 Mar 1936 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 3 Apr 2001 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 65.

       593 F    v. Lois Marie Parrott was born on 26 Oct 1937 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 30 Dec 2006, at age 69. {Find A Grave ID: 20823421}

    Lois married Kenneth Duane Malone. Kenneth was born on 22 Mar 1936 in Muscatine Co., Iowa and died on 30 Aug 1995 in Muscatine Co., Iowa, at age 59. {Find A Grave ID: 20823334} {Find A Grave ID: 20823334}

    + 594 M    vi. Virgil Howard Parrott was born on 17 Apr 1940 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 14 Dec 2010 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    422. Alfred Levi Parrott (Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Sep 1886 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Feb 1961 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    Alfred married Elisa Wilhemina Christina Wahe. Elisa was born on 10 Mar 1894 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Oct 1999 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 105.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 595 M    i. Herbert Frederick Parrott was born on 28 Jul 1916 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 14 Aug 1990 in Greenfield, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    + 596 M    ii. Gerald Wayne Parrott was born on 4 Dec 1917 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 1 Mar 1992 in Rogers Co., Arkansas, at age 74.

    + 597 M    iii. Melvin George Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1919 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jul 2005 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    + 598 M    iv. Norman Lyle Parrott was born on 4 Jul 1927 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 4 May 2022 in Greenfield, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 94.

    + 599 M    v. Harold Levi Parrott was born on 18 Aug 1928 in Massena, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 21 Nov 2003 in Bridgewater, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 75.

    423. George Robert Parrott (Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Jul 1892 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Feb 1961 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 68.

    George married Clara Margaretha Mathilda Wahe. Clara was born on 20 Feb 1900 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 21 Nov 1992 in Cass Co., Iowa, at age 92.

    Children from this marriage were:

       600 F    i. Georgene Lillian Parrott was born on 1 Jan 1921 in Ada Co., Idaho and died on 8 Feb 2007 in Nebraska, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 20871731}

    Notes: Georgene L. Mardesen, 86, of Papillion, Nebraska, formerly of Adair, Iowa, passed away peacefully on Thursday, February 8, 2007, after a courageous battle with cancer.

    Georgene was born in Adair, Iowa, to George R. and Clara (Wahe) Parrott. She graduated from Adair High School in 1939 and went on to attend college at Cedar Falls, IA, Drake University, Washburn University and Omaha University. Georgene taught school for ten years in Iowa, then worked for 33 years as a teacher of Junior High School math with Omaha Public Schools, retiring in 1984.

    As a concerned citizen, Georgene was a charter member, and worked many years with the Leavenworth Neighborhood Association (LNA). During her time with the LNA, she was instrumental to her area Police Department in beginning a Drive Patrol and Bike Patrol that gained citywide acceptance. Georgene also helped to organize a Bike Patrol for the Omaha Police. Her community work led to her appointment on two special committees by the Mayor of Omaha.

    Georgene was a lifetime member of the Adair Presbyterian Church, joining the church as a 12 year old. Her strong faith and sense of humor sustained her during her last months.

    Preceding her in death were her parents, Geroge and Clara Parrott and her brother, Howard R. Parrott.
    Graveside services for Georgene will be 11:00 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007, at Sunnyhill Cemetery, Adair, Iowa. Visitation will be Saturday morning, prior to the funeral, from 9:00 a.m. until the service time, at Hockenberry Funeral Home in Adair, Iowa.

    Contributor: Evelyn L. Jones Christensen
    Posted on Find a Grave 20871731

    Georgene married Orlie Mardesen. Orlie was born on 18 Aug 1917 and died on 23 May 1976 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 58.

    + 601 M    ii. Howard Robert Parrott was born on 25 Sep 1923 in Adair, Adair Co., Iowa and died on 5 Mar 2000 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    425. Marion A. Parrott (Martin Alexander8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 May 1889 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 4 Jul 1967 in Blue Springs, Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 78.

    Marion married Jesse Westlake. Jesse was born on 15 Aug 1892 in Iowa and died on 6 Mar 1963, at age 70.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 602 M    i. Glenn Kenneth Parrott was born on 18 Mar 1910 in Iowa and died on 17 Jan 1989 in Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 78.

       603 F    ii. Bernice Marie Parrott was born in 1912 in Iowa and died on 6 Aug in 1976.

       604 F    iii. Doris May Parrott was born on 22 Aug 1918 in Iowa and died on 11 Dec 2001 in Carroll Co., Georgia, at age 83.

       605 F    iv. Dorothy F. Parrott was born in 1918 in Iowa.

    428. Charles Stewart Parrott (Martin Alexander8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Sep 1894 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 9 Feb 1965 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 70.

    Charles married Marie Wilson. Marie was born on 8 Aug 1896 in Iowa.

    Children from this marriage were:

       606 M    i. Merle Parrott was born on 26 Apr 1923 in Iowa and died on 1 Oct 1973, at age 50.

       607 M    ii. Jack V. Parrott was born on 4 Jun 1926 in Nebraska and died on 10 Jul 1989 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 63.

    439. Horace Boise Parrott (Wilson Mcclearly8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Nov 1890 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 19 Jul 1956 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 93019331}

    Horace married Vera Norene Newport. Vera was born on 18 Dec 1893 and died on 30 Dec 1968, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 92848139} {Find A Grave ID: 92848139}

    Notes: ATLANTIC - Mrs. Vera Parrott, 75, former school teacher, died Monday and services were to be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Roland Funeral Home with burial in Atlantic Cemetery.

    Surviving are three sons, Denny Parrott of Porland, Ore., and Burdette and Lynn Parrott, both of Atlantic; seven daughters, Mrs. Maxine Burner, Mrs. Ruby Millhollin and Mrs Norene Jones, all of Atlantic, Mrs. Twila Worthington of Lima, Ohio, Mrs. Mildred Casey of Massena, Mrs. Shirley Jorgensen of Audubon , and Mrs. Zoe Beltz of Hastings, Minn.; a brother, Arla Newport of Adair, and 24 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

    Council Bluffs Nonpareil, 02 Jan 1969, p 8

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 608 M    i. Denison Newport Parrott was born on 4 Apr 1919 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 27 Sep 2004 in Oregon, at age 85.

    + 609 M    ii. Burdette Parrott was born on 23 Aug 1920 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 30 Jun 2012 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 91.

       610 F    iii. Zelda Maxine Parrott Bruner was born on 1 Sep 1922 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 28 Sep 2013, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 172678393}

    Notes: Maxine Zelda Bruner, 91, of Atlantic, passed away Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013, at Atlantic Nursing & Rehab in Atlantic.
    She was born Sept. 1, 1922, to Horace and Vera (Newport) Parrott in Anita. Maxine graduated from the Atlantic High School with the class of 1940. She enjoyed bowling at the Hawkeye Bowl and always had a great time. She also delighted in vacationing with her family. Maxine deeply loved and adored her family.

    Maxine is survived by her son, Burdette Bruner and his wife, Bonnie of Atlantic; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; her sister, Shirley (Lloyd) Jorgensen of Audubon; her son-in-law, Denny Brown of Cumberland; other relatives and friends.

    She was preceded in death by her daughter, Karen Brown; her grandson, Alan Brown; her brothers, Denny, Burdette ("Shorty") and Lynn ("Tuffy"); and her sisters, Norene Jones, Ruby Millhollin, Mildred Casey, Twila Worthington and Zoe Beltz.

    A gathering of family and friends will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic. The family will then gather in Hockenberry's community room for lunch at 12 p.m.

    An interment of the cremains will take place in the Atlantic Cemetery at a later date. Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic, is assisting the family. Condolences may be left at

    + 611 M    iv. Lynn Leroy Parrott was born on 5 Jun 1924 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 8 Nov 1994, at age 70.

       612 F    v. Twila Mae Parrott was born on 26 Jan 1926 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 30 May 2006 in Clearwater, Pinellas Co., Florida, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 93018797}

    Notes: Mrs. Don Worthington, 80, the former Twila Parrott, died May 30, 2006 in Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, Fla.

    She was one of 10 children of H.B. (Hod) and Vera N. Parrott of Atlantic, and graduated from Atlantic High School in 1943.

    She married Donald Cleo Worthington, and they resided in Wichita, Kan., where their first daughter, Sharon, was born. They moved to Duluth, Minn., and then to Des Moines, where their second daughter, Cathy, was born. They retired in Belleair, Fla.

    Preceding her in death are her parents, husband, sisters, Zoe Beltz, Mildred Casey, Ruby Millhollin, Norene Jones, brothers, Denny Parrott and Lynn (Tuffy) Parrott, and granddaughter, Amanda Erlandson.

    Surviving are her daughters, Sharon Worthington, of Des Moines, and Cathy Erlandson of Midland, Texas; two sisters, Maxine Bruner of Atlantic and Mrs. Lloyd (Shirley) Jorgensen of Audubon; and one brother, Burdette (Shorty) Parrott of Atlantic. Grandchildren include Valerie Hansen and husband Rob of Adel, Jeffrey VanVlair of Des Moines, Darlene Witzel and husband Randy of Des Moines, and Sonja Erlandson of Midland, Texas. Great grandchildren include Jasmine and Hannah Hansen, Christopher VanVlair, Brandon Lee Martin and Tylor Witzel, and Ravyn Braswell. Her husband's sisters Betty and husband Paul Jolcuvar of Belleair, Fla., Barbara Jean Jones of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Beth Beasley of Linden as well as numerous nieces and nephews also survive her.

    Twila spent most of her life as a devoted wife and mother, and homemaker. She loved reading the daily newspaper, and keeping up with current events. She was also an avid fan of all sports, but especially enjoyed watching basketball. Her family was of the utmost importance to her. She was always kind, considerate of others, and totally unselfish. She will be greatly missed.

    Memorials may be sent to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, 18328 Gulf Boulevard, Indian Shores, Fla., 33785-2097. A small family graveside service will be held at the Atlantic Cemetery.

    The Atlantic News Telegraph, August 9, 2006

    Twila married Donald Cleo Worthington. Donald was born on 26 Jul 1924 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 28 May 1993 in Florida, at age 68. {Find A Grave ID: 93018930} {Find A Grave ID: 93018930}

       613 F    vi. Mildred Faye Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1927 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 8 May 2005 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 77. {Find A Grave ID: 74164997}

    Mildred married Joseph Vincent Casey. Joseph was born on 7 Jun 1919 in Massena, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 6 Jul 2005 in Cass Co., Iowa, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 61417234} {Find A Grave ID: 61417234}

       614 F    vii. Ruby Arlene Parrott was born on 27 Sep 1928 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 11 Feb 1983 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 54. {Find A Grave ID: 93018342}

    Ruby married William Marshall Millhollin. William was born on 25 Sep 1923 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1999 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 93018521} {Find A Grave ID: 93018521}

       615 F    viii. Norene Dimple Parrott was born on 16 Dec 1929 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 18 Aug 2000 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 93019065}

    Norene married Charles B. Jones.

       616 F    ix. Shirley Marie Parrott was born on 17 Jul 1932 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 17 Jul 2024 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 92. {Find A Grave ID: 272572529}

    Notes: Shirley Marie (Parrott) Jorgensen was born July 17, 1932 and passed away on her 92nd birthday (July 17, 2024) at the Friendship Home in Audubon. She was born in Atlantic, Iowa, the ninth out of ten children to Horace (Hod) and Vera (Newport) Parrott.

    As a child she often worked at two or three jobs: paper routes, the movie theatre and detasseling along with doing things for the neighbors in Atlantic. After meeting Lloyd Jorgensen at the Atlantic roller arena they were married on August 27, 1949. She married Lloyd and moved to Audubon. They were married 65 years before Lloyd's death in 2014. After being married she quickly embraced life on the farm and became a true farmwife. She cooked for men, milked cows and helped with all the other chores, all to assist and help on the farm.

    For many years she also worked in town at the meat locker and grocery store. Along with those things she always had an immaculate house which had homemade breads and goodies to enjoy. She crocheted many afghans, table clothes and doilies, but also enjoyed playing cards. Often you would find her in the Our Saviour's Lutheran's kitchen. In 1967, she was named Audubon County's Homemaker of Year by the Audubon County Extension Family Living Committee as well as serving as the chairperson of that committee and was a 4-H leader. In her younger years she was also active with the church women and the Farm Bureau. She enjoyed her family, friends and life on the farm but also enjoyed her family's activities-especially Lloyd's stock car racing. Racing was enjoyed so much that she drove Lloyd's race car several times which resulted in an accident and a large scar on one arm. Rarely would she talk about the scar and how she got it. The lady's neighborhood club that lasted until it was a group of four, with Shirley being the last surviving member, was always something she enjoyed. Bird watching and feeding them was always one of her favorite pastimes as well as going to the Redwoods in Anita and having a pink squirrel on her birthday and going to get ice cream whenever possible. In later years she enjoyed being part of the Red Hats, bowling and always enjoyed going to coffee. Shirley took pride at being very independent and doing things her way, this made the last few years harder for her. Even then she always let her feelings known.

    Preceding her in death were her parents and all of her siblings and in-laws (being the last one for many years was difficult for her): Denny (Peggy) Parrott, Shorty/Burdette (Peggy) Parrott, Maxine Bruner, Tuffy/Lynn Parrott, Ruby (Bill) Milhoulin, Twila (Don) Worthington, Mildred (Joe) Casey, Norene Jones, and Zoe (Earl) Beltz. Also preceding her in death from Lloyd's family are H.P. and Carrie Jorgensen (in-laws), H.P Jorgensen Jr. (Jane), Franklin Jorgensen, Sharlene (Mike) Jensen, Louie Murray, Kent Walters, Beatrice Jorgensen, Yvonne Staples, Patricia Schurer, Eric John (Audrey) Jorgensen, Nadine Jorgensen and Geneva (LaVerne) Krauel. Several nieces and nephews also preceded her in death.

    Surviving her are her three children: Frank (Vickie) Jorgensen of Granger, Debbie Jo (Jeff) Hamling of Council Bluffs, and David (Kathleen) Jorgensen of Des Moines. She also leaves eight grandchildren: Angie(Chad)Bush, Kris (Jerrod) Sieverding, Kati (Ryan) Anderson, Sarah Jo (Bart) Boehm, Beth (Phil) Manley, Allyson Jorgensen, Amanda Jorgensen and Caleb Jorgensen. She also leaves seven great grandchildren. Along with her family she leaves two special friends that have been like family the last few years: Gloria Ahrens and Kevin Christensen and many nieces and nephews and many close friends that were very important to her.

    Funeral Services will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, July 22, 2024, at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Audubon, with Pastor Chris Townsend officiating. Burial will follow at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Audubon. A luncheon will be held in the church fellowship hall following the burial.

    The family will greet friends from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Audubon.

    Memorial contributions may be directed to Our Saviour's Lutheran Church or the Friendship Home in Shirley's name and may be mailed in care of Schmidt Family Funeral Home P.O Box 201 Audubon, IA 50025. The Schmidt Family Funeral Home of Audubon is Caring for the Jorgensen family at this time.

    Shirley married Lloyd Robert Jorgensen. Lloyd was born on 15 Mar 1931 and died on 27 Oct 2014 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 138038101} {Find A Grave ID: 138038101}

       617 F    x. Zoe Lillian Parrott was born on 29 May 1934 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 26 Feb 1981 in Hastings, Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 46. {Find A Grave ID: 92503612}

    Zoe married Haden Earl Beltz. Haden was born on 19 Feb 1932 in Winnebago, Thurston Co., Nebraska and died on 24 Oct 1994 in Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 92503699} {Find A Grave ID: 92503699}

    446. George Samuel Parrott (William8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Jul 1866 in Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois, died on 1 Dec 1938 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 72, and was buried in Morrris Hill Cemetery.

    Notes: Samuel Parrott, Pioneer Idahoan, Dies At His Home
    Samuel Parrott, 72, pioneer resident of Idaho and Boise buisinessman, died Thursday morning at his home, 415 Idaho street, after a lingering illness.

    He was born July 24, 1866, at Augusta, Ill., and came to Idaho in 1882. He first settled on the Payette river, where he was a rancher and a stock raiser, and moved to Boise in 1902, residing here since that time. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Linda E. Parrott; by two sons, William E., New York City, N.Y., and Samuel R. Parrott, Boise; by two daughters, Olive I. Davis, Twin Falls, and Grace Roberts, Chehalis, Wash.; by one sister, Grace Bushnell, in the east, and by four grandchildren.

    Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at the McBratney funeral home, with Dean Frank Rhea officiating. Interment will be in Morris Hill cemetery.

    The Idaho Statesman, 02 Dec 1938, p 15

    George married Melinda E. Moulton. Melinda was born on 15 Nov 1876 in Saint Joseph, Andrew Co., Missouri and died on 9 Aug 1970 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, at age 93.

    Children from this marriage were:

       618 M    i. Harlan Parrott was born on 17 Nov 1895 in Payette Co., Idaho and died on 6 Jul 1899, at age 3.

       619 F    ii. Grace Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1897 in Emmett, Gem Co., Idaho and died on 13 Sep 1977 in McCall, Valley Co., Idaho, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 70013860}

    Notes: PAYETTE - Memorial services for Grace P. Roberts, 80, Lakefork and Payette, who died Tuesday at a McCall nursing home, willl be included in the worship service at the Payette Christian Church at 10:45 a.m. Sept. 25. Services will be conducted at Stricklin Funeral Home in Centralia, by the Rev. Bill Putnam, Payette Christian Church. Interment will be in Centralia, with ocal (sic) arrangements by Walker Chapel, McCall.

    She was born April 2, 1897, at Falk Store, Idaho, and was reared and educated in Boise. She attended the University of Idaho. She married L. Howard Roberts April 16, 1919, at Boise. They lived in Chehalis, Wash. She was an office worker for the Lewis County Courthouse for many years. They moved to Payette in 1957, and to Lakefork this summer. She was a member of the Christian Churches of Payette and Chehalis, past president of the VFW Auxiliary, past matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a longtime member of the Grange.

    Surviving are her husband and a daughter, Olive M. Leaf, both Lakefork, a brother, William E. Parrott, Boca Raton, Fla., two grandchildren, two nephews and several aunts and uncles. She was preceded in death by a son, a sister and two brothers. Memorials may be made to the Payette Christian Church.

    The Idaho Statesman, 14 Sep 1977, p 2B

    Grace married Louis Howard Roberts. Louis was born on 26 Sep 1887 and died on 22 Aug 1980, at age 92. {Find A Grave ID: 70013864} {Find A Grave ID: 70013864}

    Marriage Notes: Louis Howard Roberts of Chehalis, Wash., and Miss Grace Parrott of Boise were married at 9 o'clock Wednesday night by Dean Alward Chamberlaine. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Parrott, and was witnessed by a large number of relatives and intimate friends. The happy pair willl make their home on a farm near Chehalis, Wash.

    Evening Capital News, 17 Apr 1919, p 9

       620 F    iii. Olive Imogene Parrott was born on 3 Sep 1898 in Emmett, Gem Co., Idaho and died on 7 Jul 1970 in Twin Falls Co., Idaho, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 59510376}

    Notes: TWIN FALLS (AP) \emdash Mrs. Olive (Polly) Davis, 71, of 1622 Addison Avenue East, died Tuesday evening at Magic Valley Memorial Hospital after a short illness.

    Born Sept. 3, 1898, at Emmett, she was a resident of Twin Falls for 37 years. Mrs. Davis was a member of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Twin Falls, the Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the Nile and Twentieth Century Club.

    On Sept. 9, 1920, she was married to J. Ted Davis at Boise.

    Surviving in addition to her husband are a son, James H. Davis, Denver, Colo.; her mother, Mrs. Linda Parrott, Boca Raton, Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Grace Roberts, Payette; and a sister-in-law, Mrs. John Tate, Boise.

    Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday at White Mortuary Chapel by the Rev. John Wallace. Concluding rites will be at Morris Hill Cemetery in Boise at 4 p.m. Friday.

    The family suggests memorials to the Twin Falls Shrine Club's Crippled Childrens Hospital fund. Friends may call at White Mortuary today.

    The Idaho Statesman, 09 Jul 1970, p 2-D
    transcribed and contributed by R.I.P., #47339884
    Posted on Find a Grave 59510376

    Olive married James Ted Davis. James was born on 27 Feb 1895 and died on 3 Mar 1974, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 59510352} {Find A Grave ID: 59510352}

       621 M    iv. William Ernest Parrott was born on 9 Sep 1900 in Emmett, Gem Co., Idaho and died on 25 Dec 1983 in Palm Beach Co., Florida, at age 83.

    + 622 M    v. Samuel Richard Parrott was born on 20 Aug 1902 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho and died on 23 Sep 1973 in Seal Beach, Orange Co., California, at age 71.

    448. Arthur Huelett Parrott (Josiah8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 Feb 1860 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 14 Jun 1929 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 69.

    Arthur married Effie F. Coleman. Effie was born on 25 Feb 1863 in Union Date, Susquehanna Co., Pennsylvania and died on 7 Mar 1942 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 79.

    Children from this marriage were:

       623 F    i. Geraldine A. Parrott was born in Aug 1890 in Illinois.

       624 F    ii. Lillian L. Parrott was born in Jul 1892 in Illinois.

       625 F    iii. Florence A. Parrott was born in 1897 in Illinois.

       626 F    iv. Helen Elizabeth Parrott was born on 16 Jul 1900 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 1 Oct 1976 in Tulsa Co., Oklahoma, at age 76.

    Helen married Raymond Eugene Day. Raymond was born on 5 Feb 1893 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio and died in Oct 1962 in Tulsa Co., Oklahoma, at age 69.

    453. Herbert Young Parrott (Josiah8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Jul 1873 in Illinois and died on 27 Sep 1945 in Grayson Co., Texas, at age 72.

    Herbert married Minna Louise Klopp. Minna was born on 14 Dec 1880 in Germany and died on 22 Dec 1974 in Sherman, Grayson Co., Texas, at age 94.

    Children from this marriage were:

       627 F    i. Louise Willoughby Parrott was born on 25 Jun 1913 in Sherman, Grayson Co., Texas and died on 25 Aug 1984 in Denison, Grayson Co., Texas, at age 71.

    Louise married Harry C. Preston. Harry was born on 10 Apr 1910 in Denison, Grayson Co., Texas and died on 19 Jan 1985 in Denison, Grayson Co., Texas, at age 74.

    + 628 M    ii. Frederick Herbert Parrott was born on 2 Feb 1917 in Denison, Grayson Co., Texas and died on 25 Mar 2015 in Humble, Harris Co., Texas, at age 98.

    456. Newton Parrott (John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Feb 1862 in Illinois and died on 29 Nov 1929 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California, at age 67.

    Notes: PARROTT- In this city, Nov. 29, 1929, Newton Parrott, dearly beloved husband of the late Mary Louise Parrott, loving father of John E. Parrott, brother of Mrs. H.M. Weber of Illinois, Ralph Parrott of Winnipeg, Canada, and Elijah Parrott of Nebraska, a native of Illlinois. A member of California Camp No. 265. W.O.W.

    Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Monday, Dec. 2d, at 1 p.m., at the chapel of H.F. Suhr Co., 2919 Mission st., near 25th. Inerment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park.

    The San Francisco Examiner, 30 Nov 1929, p 15

    Newton married Louisa Carlson. Louisa was born in Jan 1861 in Sweden and died on 30 Jul 1916 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California, at age 55.

    Notes: PARROTT - In this city, July 30, Louisa C. Parrott, dearly beloved wife of Newton Parrott, loving mother of John Parott and devoted sister of J.H. Carlson, a native of Iowa, aged 56 years and 6 months.

    Friends and acquaitances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services to-day (Tuesday), at 2:30 o'clock p.m., at the chapel of H.F. Suhr & Co., 2919 Mission street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by automobile.

    The San Francisco Examiner, 01 Aug 1916, p 4

    The child from this marriage was:

       629 M    i. John E. Parrott was born on 27 Oct 1881 in Iowa and died on 15 Jul 1962 in Sacramento Co., California, at age 80.

    John married Helen Chadwick. Helen was born on 28 May 1881 in Wisconsin and died on 13 Aug 1946 in San Francisco Co., California, at age 65.

    Notes: PARROTT- In this city, Aug. 13, 1946, Helen Chadwick Parrott, dearly beloved wife of John E. Parrott, loving sister of Mrs. Mary Major of Sacramento, and beloved aunt of C.C. and John Major; a native of Wisconsin.

    Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Thursday at 10:30 a.m., at the chapel of H.F. Suhr Co., 2919 Mission, near 25th St. Interment private. (Sacramento Bee, please copy.)

    The San Francisco Examiner, 15 Aug 1946, p 15

    458. Elijah W. Parrott (John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in 1870 in Illinois and died in 1954 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 84.

    Elijah married Ruby Alberta Jenks. Ruby was born on 5 Dec 1874 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 6 May 1947 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 72.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 630 M    i. Joseph W. Parrott was born on 18 May 1902 in Nebraska and died on 17 Aug 1971 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 69.

       631 F    ii. Edith N. Parrott was born on 3 Nov 1904 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 30 May 1997 in Vallejo, Solano Co., California, at age 92.

    Edith married James Damato. James was born on 25 Mar 1904 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska and died on 16 Nov 1999 in San Pablo, Contra Costa, California, at age 95.

    + 632 M    iii. David C. Parrott was born on 25 Dec 1905 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 12 Aug 1983 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 77.

    + 633 M    iv. John R. Parrott was born on 1 Jun 1907 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 22 Jun 2003 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 96.

       634 M    v. Edward H. Parrott was born on 16 Mar 1909 in Nebraska and died on 6 Jun 1972 in San Pablo, Contra Costa, California, at age 63.

       635 F    vi. Pearl Parrott was born on 14 Feb 1913 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 18 Sep 1916 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 3.

    466. John William Parrott (Thomas Perry8, Josiah Perry7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Jul 1864 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 2 Jan 1908, at age 43.

    John married Alice Margaret (Allie) Clarkson. Alice was born on 3 Sep 1862 in Illinois and died on 23 Feb 1947, at age 84.

    Children from this marriage were:

       636 F    i. Emma E. Parrotte was born on 9 Nov 1893 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died in Feb 1981 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 87.

       637 F    ii. Carrie Irene Parrotte was born on 11 Mar 1896 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died in Dec 1983 in Illinois, at age 87.

       638 M    iii. Albert F. Parrott was born in Aug 1897 in Illinois.

    + 639 M    iv. John H. Parrotte was born on 19 Mar 1903 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 26 Jun 1998 in Indiana, at age 95.

       640 M    v. James W. Parrott was born on 10 Aug 1904 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died in Aug 1986 in Indiana, at age 82.

    James married Esther M. Esther was born on 18 Mar 1906 in Indiana and died in Feb 1983 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana, at age 76.

       641 F    vi. Margaret Alice Parrotte was born on 27 Nov 1906 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 12 Sep 1983 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 76.

    Margaret married Lloyd B. Gregory. Lloyd was born on 14 Feb 1908 in Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 13 Mar 1979 in Schuyler Co., Illinois, at age 71.

    480. Willliam Henry Parrott (Richard8, William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 8 Feb 1866 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 28 Dec 1902 in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 36.

    Willliam married Cora Elizabeth Stagg. Cora was born on 20 Aug 1868 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 25 Jun 1939 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 70.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 642 M    i. Richard Stagg Parrott Sr. was born on 13 Nov 1895 in LaFayette, Louisiana and died on 20 Nov 1951 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 56.

    + 643 M    ii. Gerald Ashton Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1900 in Whiteville, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 3 Jul 1943 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 42.

    482. Lindesay Marc Parrott Sr. (Thomas Marc8, Edwin Augustus (Col.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 26 Jul 1901 in Edinburg, Midlothian, Scotland and died on 20 Sep 1987 in Arlington, Arlington Co., Virginia, at age 86.


    Lindesay Parrott, a foreign correspondent for The New York Times who covered the Pacific theater in World War II and later the Korean War and served as Tokyo bureau chief for 10 years, died of heart failure yesterday at his home in Arlington, Va. He was 86 years old.

    Mr. Parrott, who joined The Times in 1937, covered the return of Gen. Douglas MacArthur to the Philippines during the American invasion in October 1944. He followed General MacArthur on his campaigns through the Philippines and to Tokyo at the end of the war.

    Mr. Parrott was wounded by shell fragments on Nov. 24, 1944, as American troops moved ashore at Leyte. He was removed by plane, but returned two months later to cover the final stages of the war.

    Following the surrender of the Japanese aboard the battleship Missiouri in 1945, Mr. Parrott reopened The Times bureau in Tokyo.

    Traveled in Japan
    As bureau chief, he had direct supervision of Times correspondents in the Korean peninsula, providing daily coverage of the war and the cease-fire negotiations. He would open the bureau at 4 each morning - midafternoon in New York - to prepare and forward the copy on the previous day's fighting or negotiations.

    During his 10 years in Japan he traveled from the northern island of Hokkaido to the southern island of Kyushu. He wroted in 1953 that ''these field trips, so necessary to the understanding of a people still in great degree rural, are among the pleasant interludes of a Tokyo correspondent's life.''

    ''Sleep on the floor's straw matting of a village inn,'' he wrote. ''Soybean soup, rice and green tea for breakfast. Crazy! But some of us like it.'' He spoke Japanese, in addition to French, Russian and Italian.

    New York a 'Sharp Contrast'
    He left Tokyo in December 1955 and came home to New York to report from the United Nations. He wrote of his move from the Far East to the East River, ''There is a sharp contrast between the polite chitchat of the United Nations and the harsh realities of the Korean War or a Japan where most of the inhabitants still must spend about 70 percent of their incomes just for food to stay alive.''

    However, he noted, ''anyone who thinks of the Japanese as a slow-moving people should take a look at the rush hours'' in Tokyo. ''Times Square can't match it.''

    Mr. Parrott was born July 26, 1901, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He attended schools in England and Switzerland, the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, and Princeton University, where he graduated in 1921. His father, Dr. Thomas Marc Parrott, was a professor of English at Princeton for 39 years.

    Mr. Parrott's first newspaper job was with The Newark Evening News. He then moved to The New York Evening Post, for which he covered the Lindbergh

    Covered Sale of His Paper
    From The Post he went to The Morning World. His last story there was about the sale of the newspaper, the lead story in its last issue.

    Between the demise of The World and joining The Times, Mr. Parrott workd for the International News Service. He headed that organization's bureaus in Moscow, in Rome during Mussolini's war in Ethiopia, and finally in Paris.

    Mr. Parrott's last story for The Times, on May 26, 1961, was written from the United Nations on a crisis in the Belgian Congo.

    Following his retirement from The Times in 1961, Mr. Parrott moved to his 50-acre farm at Bradford, Vt. Several years later he moved to Arlington.

    He is survived by his son, Lindesay Marc Parrott, of Honolulu, two grandsons and one great-grandson.

    The New York Times, September 21, 1987
    Posted 08 Aug 2013 by sjblonigen on Ancestry

    Lindesay married Katherine Ursula Towle. Katherine was born on 26 Mar 1900 in Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts and died in Sep 1957 in New York, at age 57. Another name for Katherine was Ursula Parrott.

    Notes: Novelist who wrote under 'Ursula Parrott'. From her Wikipedia entry:

    "Parrott was married four times. Her marriage to the journalist Lindesay Marc Parrott lasted from 1924 to 1928; her second to the banker Charles Greenwood in 1931 lasted a year. Parrott's third marriage, to the theatrical lawyer and producer John J. Wildberg in 1934, ended in June 1938. Her final marriage, to Alfred Coster Schermerhorn, officially ended in 1944.

    In December 1942, Parrott became the subject of national coverage when she was brought up on Federal charges of attempting to help the jazz guitarist Michael Neely Bryan escape from the Miami Beach Army stockade, but was found innocent by the jury at her trial.

    Parrott died in New York in 1957, apparently in poverty."

    Overlooked No More: Ursula Parrott, Best-Selling Author and Voice for the Modern Woman

    Her writing, from the late 1920s to the late '40s, about sex, marriage, divorce, child rearing and work-life balance still resonates.

    By Marsha Gordon Published July 10, 2024
    Updated July 13, 2024

    In Ursula Parrott's estimation, happiness was never more difficult for women to attain than it was in her lifetime. This was a central theme of her writing; from 1929 until the late 1940s, she published 20 books and more than 100 short stories, articles and serialized novels, from which 10 movies were adapted.

    Reading them today, one encounters direct and still-relevant discussions about marriage and divorce, sex and its consequences, work-life balance and burnout for career women, and the challenges of child-rearing at a time when many men were free of the burdens of fatherhood and many women were drawn \emdash or pushed, depending on how you saw it \emdash toward life outside the home.

    Many of Parrott's tales are set in New York City and written with the wit, candor and style that is a hallmark of America's best-known writers of the Jazz Age. And she was, in her day, one of the most widely read and well-compensated authors in America, as well as a formidable public personality whose name appeared regularly in bylines and headlines.

    Katherine Ursula Towle was born on March 26, 1899, in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston to Irish Catholic parents. Her father, Henry Charles Towle, was a doctor; her mother was Mary Catherine (Flusk) Towle.

    Kitty, as she was known, attended Girls' Latin School in Boston and then Radcliffe College, graduating with a degree in English in 1920. She worked as a newspaper reporter until 1922, when she moved to Greenwich Village and eloped with Lindesay Marc Parrott, who became a foreign correspondent for The New York Times.

    The Parrotts' only son, Marc, was born the next year. After a long separation, the couple divorced in January 1928, and Ursula found herself a self-supporting single mother.

    "When I separated from my husband," she told The Los Angeles Times in 1931, "I was lost. I thought mine an unusual case, but I discovered, when I found a job, that there were hundreds just like me. It seemed to me that the divorcée is one of the modern phenomena, one of the new products of the age. She is so new that she doesn't quite know what to do about herself yet, nor do people know what to make of her."

    After a series of jobs writing advertisements for department stores, she borrowed money from a friend and committed to becoming a writer. Her debut, a semi-fictional novel called "Ex-Wife" (1929), was recently republished by McNally Editions in the United States.

    A delightful rediscovery, "Ex-Wife" is a stylish and witty cautionary tale written from a woman's perspective about life in hedonistic New York City at a time of significant cultural change. Focused on young marriage, infidelity, divorce, self-sufficiency and remarriage, the novel brims with frustration, exhaustion, conflict and disappointment as it offers representations of sex (consensual and otherwise) and its consequences, including a powerful abortion scene.

    "Ex-Wife" brought Parrott (her middle name, Ursula, was the pen name chosen by her publisher, Harrison Smith) overnight success at an extraordinary time: Her first big paycheck coincided with the stock market crash of October 1929. Although an anonymous male reviewer in The Times dismissed the novel as a "True Confessions"-style tale, he also credited it with contributing a "new descriptive tag to the American language": "ex-wife."

    Perhaps it is not surprising that a woman, Florence Haxton of The New York Herald Tribune, took the novel more seriously. She wrote in her review that Parrott's novel was "a witty presentation of a whole class of modern metropolitan women" and that it expressed "profound convictions about living and loving."

    Hollywood called, turning "Ex-Wife" into "The Divorcee" (1930), a box-office smash that earned Norma Shearer her only Academy Award, for best actress.

    Parrott was hired by movie studios in New York and Los Angeles, where she adapted stories and wrote original treatments and screenplays for stars like Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson and Claudette Colbert while working with the prominent literary agent George Bye on her publishing career: novels, short fiction, magazine serials and nonfiction stories.

    She also raised her son (with help from her never-married sister, Lucy Towle, whom she supported on a country estate in Connecticut, an easy train ride from Manhattan) and gave countless interviews about the difficulties women faced in the modern world \emdash especially career women and single mothers.

    In 1931, she told the movie magazine Screenland: "This, I think, is the most difficult age of all for a woman to be happy in. Not only has a wife to be a combined Madonna and Cleopatra, but she has often to be a business woman, sharing a 50 percent economic burden with her man, as well as a fairly good athlete, a perfect listener, and \emdash if she hopes to hold her man \emdash she must also put on a 'clinging vine' act."

    Given Parrott's fame, fortune and literary stock in trade, her personal life became newsworthy. Her marital notoriety (three more marriages, to Charles Greenwood, John Wildberg and Alfred Coster Schermerhorn, ended in divorce) often competed for attention with her achievements, among them starting a weekly rural newspaper, The Connecticut Nutmeg, with the journalist and American Newspaper Guild founder Heywood Broun and other literati neighbors.

    She also traveled the world, once for an extended story-collecting trip to Russia; flew with the Civilian Air Corps during World War II; and, perhaps most important to her, put her son through Harvard.

    In the mid-to-late 1940s, Parrott struggled \emdash financially, mentally and physically \emdash even as she continued to publish and reflect on the second postwar generational change she witnessed in her lifetime. Her last story appeared in Redbook magazine in November 1947.

    She had always been a reckless spender and was generous to those around her, squandering the entirety of her fortune as she tried, and ultimately failed, to keep up with writing deadlines and debts.

    Scandals followed her. She had a widely publicized dalliance in 1942 with Pvt. Michael Neely Bryan of the U.S. Army, who was awaiting trial on marijuana charges when she drove him out of a military stockade for a night on the town. That led to a military tribunal and a pair of federal indictments (Parrott was charged with subversive activities and enticing Bryan to desert). Although Parrott was found not guilty, this was the start of a series of headline-grabbing misfortunes.

    Parrott had long struggled with alcohol \emdash frequenting a circuit of Greenwich Village speakeasies, then blaming the bottle for bad decisions and, like so many other members of the lost generation who used liquor as an analgesic, swearing off booze "forever."

    In the afterword to the 1989 reprint of "Ex-Wife," Marc Parrott described his mother's death "in a charity ward of a New York hospital, of a mercifully fast cancer, in 1957, at age 58." She was buried, alongside her parents, in Holyhood Cemetery in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Brookline, Mass., outside Boston.

    Despite ample press about Parrott and her literary career, not a single American newspaper appears to have published her obituary. She suffered the fate of many female authors of her time, inaccurately dismissed as a writer churning out romantic pablum for undiscerning female readers.

    Parrott was, first and foremost, a trenchant observer of women like her, who were smart, ambitious and adventurous, but who failed to navigate a brave new world in which the odds seemed stacked against their well-being and continued success. In her penultimate publication, the 1946-47 Redbook serial "Of Course, She's Older," Parrott makes this most personal of points through dialogue delivered by a senior magazine editor to her new employee:

    "No one guesses how lonely successful women can be, except other successful women."

    Marsha Gordon is the author of "Becoming the Ex-Wife: The Unconventional Life & Forgotten Writings of Ursula Parrott" (2023). [accessed 28 Jul 2024]

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 644 M    i. Lindesay Marc Parrott Jr. was born on 28 Oct 1923 in Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts and died on 1 Aug 1988 in Honolulu, Honolulu Co., Hawaii, at age 64.

    Lindesay next married Marion Moore.

    484. John Ennals Parrott Jr. (John Ennals Sr.8, Henry Eugene (Capt.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Jun 1906 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 7 Oct 1966 in San Francisco Co., California, at age 60.

    Notes: Jack Parrott, of the Dayton Country club and Harold Jordan of the Hills and Dales club came together today in the 36-hole final play of the city championship over the Community links. Parrott, who is but 18 years old, has surely earned a name for himself by becoming a finalist in a contest which started out with 32 of Dayton's best amateur golfers. <...>

    The Dayton Herald, 09 Aug 1924, p 9

    Jack Parrott, city golf champion, arrived in Dayton Wednesday morning from prep school and by noon had already made his appearance at the Dayton Country club course. Jack feels that he should be able to display a beter (sic) game of golf this season than he did last, though he refuses to make any predictions about retaining the title.

    Dayton Daily News, 29 Mar 1925, p 10

    The fifteen highest ranking players in Dayton, as selected by a committee of the Dayton District Golf association, follow:
    15. Jack Parrott, Dayton C.C.
    Jack Parrott, Lawrence prep school student, still in his teens, who surprised Dayton in 1924 by stepping out and winning the city championship, was ill during the greater part of the tournament season and failed to make the showing he did the previous year. therefore, he is rated as fifteenth. To win the city championship, Parrott had to defeat Harold Jordan, now a professional in the finals at Jordan's own course, the Community. During 1924, Parrott also set a marathon-playing record over the Dayton Country club course, his home links.

    Early in the 1925 season, Parrott was captain of the Lawrenceville prep school golf team that won the national prep school golf championship.

    Jack has several hole-in-ones to his credit, two made over the Dayton Country club links and one over an eastern course.

    Dayton Daily News, 10 Jan 1926, p 2 sports

    John married Cynthia Hemmingway Gates Schenck. Cynthia was born on 14 Jan 1911 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana and died on 31 Mar 1967 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, at age 56.

    Children from this marriage were:

       645 F    i. Cynthia Gates Parrott was born on 2 Aug 1939 in Ohio and died on 4 Feb 1953 in Tarrytown, Westchester Co., New York, at age 13.

    Notes: Services for Cynthia Parrott, 14, daughter of Mrs. Robert S.C. Schenk of 630 Runnymede rd., will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at Woodland cemetery chapel by Dr. Phil Porter. The girl died Tuesday in Tarrytown, N.Y., after a brief illness.

    Dayton Daily News, 07 Feb, 1953, p 3

    + 646 M    ii. John Ennals Parrott III was born on 15 Feb 1943 in Los Angeles Co., California and died on 7 Oct 2011 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 68.

    John next married Ida Florence Lewis Ramseyer Hart. Ida was born on 29 Feb 1912 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana and died on 20 May 2006 in Brentwood, Los Angeles Co., California, at age 94.

    Notes: Ida Parrott Hart 2-29-1912 - 5-20-2006 Resident of Brentwood Ida Hart passed away peacefully on May 20, 2006 at the age of 94. She will be missed by her loving family; son, Richard and daughter-in-law, Laurie Wooldridge; and daughter, Pat and son-in-law, Tony Lubrano. She was the proud grandmother of 6 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchildren. Services will be held at Golden Gate Cemetery on June 20, 2006 at 2 p.m.

    Contra Costa Times, June 16, 200

    486. Col. Thomas Alexander Parrott (Roger Sheffield (Col.)8, Henry Eugene (Capt.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 27 Nov 1914 and died on 4 Jun 2007 in Washington, D.C., at age 92.

    Notes: Thomas A. Parrott '36

    Tom died peacefully June 14, 2007, at home in Washington, D.C. A memorial service was held at Arlington National Cemetery.

    Tom majored in politics and was managing editor of The Daily Princetonian and chairman of The Tiger board. He was a member of the Committee on Undergraduate Life, the Honor Committee, the swim team, the 150-pound crew, and Charter Club.

    Tom worked for Vick Chemical until 1941. He saw active duty with the Army in North Africa and Italy. He received the Legion of Merit, the Soldier's Medal, and the Italian Order of Sts. Maurizio e Lazzario (then the oldest order of nobility in Europe).

    In 1949, Tom joined the two-year-old CIA. He stayed there until his retirement as assistant deputy director in 1973. He was the first person to serve as principal intelligence officer in the White House.

    Tom volunteered on many boards, including the Georgetown Citizens Association, the Washington Hospital Center, where he was vice chairman, and the National Rehabilitation Hospital.

    He is survived by Barbara, his wife of 67 years; daughters Cynthia MacNair and Susan Crary; and three grandchildren. His son, Thomas, died in 1957 at age 15. We offer our regrets to the family for its loss of this respected and well-liked classmate.
    The Class of 1936

    Princeton Alumni Weekly, July 16, 2008

    Thomas A. Parrott, 92, a former official with the Central Intelligence Agency and a member of several hospital boards and citizen groups, died June 14, 2007, of a heart attack at his home in Washington. He had a second home in Fishers Island, New York.

    Mr. Parrott spent 24 years with the CIA and was Assistant Deputy Director for National Intelligence Programs. Early in his career, he was Deputy Chief of the Soviet Division of the Clandestine Services Unit, a base chief in Germany and an assistant to CIA Director Allen Dulles.

    During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, he was assigned to the White House.

    Mr. Parrott was born at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and graduated from high school in Princeton, New Jersey. He was a 1936 graduate of Princeton University.

    During World War II, he served in the Army in North Africa and Italy and was awarded the Soldier's Medal and Legion of Merit. He served in the Army Reserve for many years.

    After retiring from the CIA in 1973, Mr. Parrott was vice chairman of the board of the Washington Hospital Center and was a founding director of the National Rehabilitation Hospital. He was an officer of the Citizens Association of Georgetown and served on the boards of the Foundation for the Preservation of Historic Georgetown and Hospice Care of D.C. He was on the original board of the City Tavern Club and was a member of the Chevy Chase Club and the Metropolitan Club. He had lived in Georgetown since 1949.

    A son, Tommy Parrott, died in 1957.

    Survivors include his wife of 67 years, Barbara Parrott of Washington; two daughters, Cynthia MacNair and Susan Crary, both of New York; and three grandchildren.


    Of Washington, D.C. and Fishers Island, New York, after 92 wonderful years, passed away peacefully June 14, 2007. He was with the CIA for 24 years and served as Assistant Deputy Director for National Intelligence Programs. Earlier in his career with the CIA he was the Deputy Chief of the Soviet Division of the Clandestine Services, a Base Chief in Germany, Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, and held an unprecedented assignment to the White House that included the period of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    During WWII, Mr. Parrott served with the Army in North Africa and Italy. He was awarded the Soldier's Medal (the Army's highest decoration for heroism not in actual combat), the Legion of Merit and honored by Italy with the Order of Sts. Maurizio and Lazarus (at the time the oldest order of nobility in Europe). He retired from the Army Reserve as a Colonel.

    After retiring from the CIA in 1973, he was active in many charitable and community organizations. He served on the Board of the Washington Hospital Center as Vice Chairman, was one of five founding directors of the National Rehabilitation Hospital, was an officer of the Citizens Association of Georgetown, served on the boards of the Foundation for the Preservation of Historic Georgetown, the Hospice Care of D.C. and was on the original Board of the City Tavern Club. He was a member of the Chevy Chase Club and the Metropolitan Club. He graduated from Princeton University in 1936 and had lived in Georgetown since 1949.

    Tom Parrott is survived by his loving wife of 67 years, Barbara, of Washington; his daughters, Cynthia MacNair and Susan Crary; his son-in-law, Horace Crary, Jr.; and three loving grandchildrcn, Gardner, Nicholas and Ian Crary, all of New York City. His son, Tommy, predeceased him. Tom Parrott's sharp mind, wit, loyalty and love will be deeply missed.

    Services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery, September 28 at 11 a.m. Contributions in his memory may be made to the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Attn: Michael Leaver, 102 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC 20010.

    Thomas married Barbara Brown. Barbara was born on 27 May 1916 in New Rochelle, New York and died on 4 May 2008 in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., at age 91.

    Marriage Notes: In New York Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Brown of that city are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Brown, to Thomas Parrott, son of Col. and Mrs. Roger Parrott, of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and grandson of Mrs. E.G. Ohmer, of New Milford, Conn., formerly of this city. The announcement is being made by Mr. and Mrs. Brown at a tea given in the Ritz Tower.

    Miss Brown is active in the New York Junior League and attended Briarcliff. She is prominent in New York's younger set.

    Mr. Parrott is a graduate of Princeton university and is in the R.O.T.C. He spent several years in Germany and other foreign countries with his father when the latter was in service there. Col. Parrott, who is a former Daytonian and is a brother of Mrs. Horace Lytle of Lytle dr., is now chairman of the board of the field artillery of the United States army. Mrs. E.G. Ohmer is at present visiting Col. and Mrs. Parrott in Fort Bragg. Thomas Parrott is associated in business in New York.

    The wedding which will be of prominent social interest in New York will take place in October.

    Dayton Daily News, 20 Apr 1940, p 7

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes Brown of New York and Fisher Island, N.Y., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Brown, to Thomas Alexander Parrott of Park avenue, N.Y., son of Colonel Roger Sheffield Parrott, U.S.A., and Mrs. Parrott of Fort Bragg, N.C.

    Miss Brown attendedd Miss Porter's school, Farmington, Conn., and Les Fougeres in Lausanne, Switzerland. She made her debut in 1934, and is a member of the the Apawamis club and the Junior league.

    Mr. Parrott was graduated from the Hun school and in 1936 from Princeton university where he was elected to the Charter club. He is a member of the Princeton club of New York and is with the Vic Chemical company. He is a grandson of Mrs. Edward G. Ohmer, of Dayton, and New Milford, Conn., and a nephew of Mrs. E.D. Grimes of Oakwood avenue.

    The Dayton Herald, 20 Apr 1940, p 3

    For photo, see

    Notes: PARROTT--Barbara Brown, 91, of Washington, DC and Fishers Island, NY passed away at her home in Georgetown on May 4, 2008. She was born in New Rochelle, NY on July 27, 1916 and had lived in Washington since 1949. A graduate of Miss Porter's School, she was married for 67 years to the late Thomas A. Parrott. She is survived by and will lovingly be missed by her daughters, Cynthia P. MacNair and Susan P. Crary, a son-in-law Horace I Crary, Jr., and three grandchildren, Gardner, Nicholas and Ian, all of NYC. Her son Tommy predeceased her. Services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on June 17th

    The child from this marriage was:

       647 M    i. Thomas S. Parrott was born on 1 Jun 1942 and died on 2 May 1957, at age 14.

    Thomas married someone.

    487. Charles Willis Parrott (Fowler Stoddard8, Homer Willis7, William6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Oct 1926 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 25 Jun 1988 in Kettering, Ohio, at age 61.

    Notes: PARROTT, Charles W., age 61, of Kettering, died Sat. June 25, 1988 at Kettering Medical Center. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Mr. Parrott was a graduate of Amherst College and received his masters degree from the Wharton School of Business. He was an office manager for Standard Register until his retirement. Survivors include his wife, Nina; 2 daughters, Deborah Kratz of DeGraff, OH and Lisa Gaines of Dayton; 3 sons, Jeffrey M. of San Diego, CA, Charles S. of South Bend, IN and Mark F. of San Francisco, CA; 6 grandchildren; sister, Elizabeth H. Parrott of Boston, MA. Memorial services will be held on Monday, 11 A.M. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 33W. Dixon Ave., in Oakwood. The Rev. William H. Privette officiating. Private family burial at Woodland Cemetery. The family will receive friends following the memorial service in St. Paul's Cloister. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to St. Paul's Book of Remembrance. Arrangements by Routson Funeral Home, Oakwood Chapel.

    Dayton Daily News, 27 Jun 1988, p 4C

    Charles married Nan Irene Pirsig. Nan was born on 23 May 1952 in Montgomery Co., Ohio and died on 22 Jun 2020 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, at age 68.

    Notes: DAYTON, Ohio - Nan Pirsig Parrott, age 93, of Dayton, passed away peacefully Monday, June 22, 2020 in her home.

    Nan was a graduate of Fairview High School and The Ohio State University in 1948 with a B. S. in Business. She was a member of the Dayton Women's Club, The O.S.U. President's Club, Alpha Chi Omega, St. Paul's Episcopal Church and several bridge clubs. She volunteered at Kettering Hospital, the Dayton Art Institute, and the Kettering Road Department. She was also a longtime summer resident of Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine.

    She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles W. Parrott, in 1988.

    She is survived by her children, Deborah E. Kratz (Richard), Jeffrey M. Parrott (Amy), Charles S. Parrott (Lynda), Mark F. Parrott, and Lisa P. Gaines (James). She is also survived by 11 grandchildren, Rebecca and Stephanie Kratz, Laura and Michelle Parrott, Kathryn Robinson, Stacey Thompson, Matthew and Sarah Parrott, Melinda Burk, and Emily and Lindsey Gaines. She also has 11 great-grandchildren.

    SERVICES: The family will receive friends one hour prior to the Memorial Service, which will be held at 11 a.m., Wednesday, July 8 at Routsong Funeral Home, 2100 E. Stroop Rd., Kettering, with the Reverend Nancy Birdsong officiating. A reception will follow at the funeral home.

    The family would like to express their gratitude to Ohio's Hospice of Dayton and Home Instead Senior Care for the help and care they gave to Nan. If desired, friends my make a memorial donation to Ohio's Hospice of Dayton or Southminster Presbyterian Church. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting

    493. Charles Joseph Parrott (George Marion8, James T.7, James6, Abner Jr.5, Abner Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 15 May 1908 in Washington, D.C. and died on 3 Jan 1959 in Bethesda, Montgomery Co., Maryland, at age 50.

    Charles married Virginia Lucy Ryan. Virginia was born on 17 Feb 1910 in Washington, D.C. and died on 13 Jun 1997 in Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., Maryland, at age 87.

    Tenth Generation (7th Great-Grandchildren)

    496. Herman L. Parrott (Guy Shepard9, Herman Link8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Oct 1908 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 10 Jun 1988 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 79.

    Herman married Elizabeth A. Charles. Elizabeth was born on 27 Sep 1909 in Kansas and died on 1 Apr 1988 in Troy, Doniphan Co., Kansas, at age 78.

    The child from this marriage was:

       648 F    i. Marisue Parrott was born on 28 Feb 1946 in Concordia, Cloud Co., Kansas and died on 14 Jul 2009 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 63.

    Notes: Marisue (Parrott) Blake, 63, of St. Joseph, formerly of Troy, Kan., entered into eternal life on July 14, 2009, after a fierce battle with brain cancer.

    She took great comfort in her relationship with Jesus and knew that the best was yet to come.

    Marisue was born in Concordia, Kan., the only child to beloved parents, the late Herman and Elizabeth Parrott.

    Upon entering high school the family moved to Troy where she met her husband of 46 years, Roger Blake.

    "Polly," as she was affectionately called, possessed a seemingly effortless gift of genuinely befriending all she met. This heartfelt generosity and kindness shaped her to be a wife, mother, nana and friend whose love was limitless.

    Throughout her life Marisue could be found pursuing various roles from babysitting to clerical work. She worked for years as the cashier and hostess at the Oriental Restaurant where she made many friends in the St. Joseph community. She concluded her career as the receptionist at Vek-Tek.

    When not working, Marisue loved to be with family and friends, especially shopping and dining out together.

    Her pets were also a passion and brought her great joy over the years.

    She was a member of the Troy Christian Church where she taught Sunday school.

    Left to cherish Marisue's memory are her husband, Roger; and three children, Bradley Blake (Elizabeth), Julie Ingwerson (Bob) and Melissa Blake.

    Her grandchildren, Blake Ingwerson and Andrew and Erin Blake will also greatly miss their nana.
    Keeping suit with the spirit of her personality, it is important for Marisue and her family to thank all of her dear friends and caretakers for every visit, thoughtful act, kind word and prayer she received over the course of her illness.

    In lieu of flowers, donations can be made through the funeral home, P.O. Box 185, Troy, KS 66087, to Kansas State Cancer Research or M'Shoogy's animal rescue.

    Service: Thursday, July 16, 10:30 a.m. at Troy (Kan.) Christian Church. Burial: Mount Olive Cemetery in Troy. Visitation: family will receive friends Wednesday evening 6 to 8 p.m. at the Harman Rohde Funeral Home in Troy

    St. Joseph (MO) News-Press, 15 Jul 2009

    497. Robert W. Parrott (Guy Shepard9, Herman Link8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Jan 1926 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri and died on 18 Nov 1986 in St, Joseph, Buchanan Co., Missouri, at age 60.

    Robert married Norma Osborne. Norma was born on 30 Aug 1931 in Missouri and died on 26 Feb 2014, at age 82.

    499. Ralph Bertrum Parrott (Bert James9, Herman Link8, William Jr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Apr 1909 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 14 Feb 1988 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas, at age 78.

    Ralph married Dorothy E. Crosswhite. Dorothy was born on 21 Feb 1918 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 19 Apr 2018 in Kansas, at age 100.

    Notes: Dorothy E. Parrott, 100, of Lenexa, KS, died Thursday, April 19, 2018. Visitation will be from 10-11 AM with Funeral Services starting at 11:00 AM Wednesday, April 25, at Porter Funeral Home, 1835 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, KS. Burial in Memorial Park Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Westchester Village in Lenexa, KS.

    Dorothy was born February 21, 1918, in Kansas City, MO. She was a graduate of Washington High School, class of 1936. She was the "Donut Lady" at the Donut Shop for 20 years retiring in 1982. Dorothy was a member of Grandview Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband Ralph B. Parrott, her parents Seibert and Delia Crosswhite, daughter Ann Marie Parrott, grandson Timothy Filer, sisters Lola Marie Nelson, Ennis D. Wyrosdick, and Edith D. Marquis. Survivors include 3 daughters; Cynthia (Michael) Koskan, Peggy (Mark) Bliss, Patricia Greer, Six grandchildren; Tami Bluegel, Scott Bliss, Michael Bliss, Sarah Bliss, Bobby Greer and Jill Greer sister Betty Uzzell, seven great grandchildren and many nieces, nephews and extended family.

    The child from this marriage was:

       649 F    i. Ann Marie Parrott was born on 27 Sep 1948 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas and died on 16 Nov 1948 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kansas.

    502. Rolla Ray Parrott (Henry9, George8, James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 May 1886 in Delaware Co., Indiana and died on 19 Nov 1963 in Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 77.

    Notes: LYNN - Rolla R.. Parrott, 77, father of Deloss Parrott, Muncie, died Tuesday in the Randolph County Hospital, Winchester. He was born near Selma but had lived in Randolph County sinc 1911. He was a retired farmer and a former employe of the Anchor Hocking Glass Co., Winchester. He was a member of Peaceful Valley Friends Church.

    He is survived by his wife, Grace; a daughter, Mrs. Rosemyra Ritchey, Winchester; four sons, Willis, Lynn, Boyden and Todd, Union City, and Deloss, Muncie; 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

    Friends may call at the Thomas Funeral Hone, Lynn, after 2 p.m. Thursday. Services will be held there at 2 p.m. Friday with Rev. Dale Lewis officiating. Burial will be in Fountain Park Cemetery, Winchester.

    The Star Press, 20 Nov 1963, p 4

    Rolla married Grace Melissa Rowe. Grace was born on 29 Jul 1889 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 26 Jun 1972 in Lynn, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    Marriage Notes: LYNN - Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Parrott will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday Feb. 23, with open house at their home, 302 West Sherman street.

    Relatives and friends are invited to call from 2 until 5 p.m.

    Mr. and Mrs. Parrott were married Feb. 28, 1908, by Rev. Levi Capron at his home in Winchester. Mr. Parrott is 71 years old and Mrs. Parrott is 68 years old.

    The couple had seven children, Mrs. Robert Ritchey of Albany, Deloss of Muncie, Todd and Boyden, both of Union City, and Willis of Lynn. Vernon was killed in World War 2 and Henry died at the age of three.

    They have 10 grandchildren.

    Palladium-Item, 17 Feb 1958, p 7

    Notes: LYNN - Mrs. Grace Parrott, 82, died Monday night at the Parrott Rest Home wehre she had lived fro the past seven years. A lifelong resident of Randolph County, she was the widow of Rolla Parrott and a member of the Lynn Friends Church.

    Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Robert Ritchey of Albany; four sons, Willis and Boryden of Lynn, Todd of Union City rural route and Deloss of Grand Rapids, Mich.; nine grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.

    Services for Mrs. Parrott will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Thomas Funeral Home where friends may call from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. Hubert Clevenger will officiate and burial will be in Fountain Park Cemetery at Winchester.

    Palladium-Item, 27 Jun 1972, p 7

    Children from this marriage were:

       650 M    i. Darrel Vernon Parrott was born on 28 Jan 1909 in Liberty, Delaware Co., Indiana and died on 22 Dec 1943 in Texel, Netherlands, at age 34.

    Winchester, Ind., Jan. 17,- Mrs. Marie Parrott has been notified that her husband, Staff Sergeant Darrell V. Parrott, 34 years old, has been missing in action since Dec. 22.

    Sèrgt. Parrott was tail gunner on a bomber and has been missing since a raid over Germany.

    He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Parrott of east of Winchester and was graduated from Wayne High School. A brother, Willis Parrott, is in North Africa with the navy.

    The Indianapolis Star, 16 Jan 1944, p 5

    Darrel married Evelyn Fullhart. Evelyn was born on 10 Oct 1912 in Muncie, Delaware Co., Indiana.

    Marriage Notes: Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Fullhart of Burlington Drive, announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn, and Vernon Parrott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Parrott, of Winchester, which took place October 24. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burg of Richmond.

    Muncie Evening Press, 01 Nov 1930, p 2

    Darrel next married Marie. Marie was born in 1912 in Ohio.

       651 M    ii. Henry Francis Parrott was born on 24 Jul 1912 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 23 Aug 1915 in Wayne, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 3.

    + 652 M    iii. Willis Ray Parrott was born on 29 Jul 1913 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 20 Sep 1995 in Lynn, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    + 653 M    iv. Boyden Rowe Parrott was born on 28 Oct 1915 in Wayne, Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 2 Jul 1976 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Indiana, at age 60.

    + 654 M    v. Hollis Nimrod "Todd" Parrott was born on 18 Sep 1917 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 3 Oct 1998 in Wisconsin, at age 81.

    + 655 M    vi. Deloss Edson Parrott was born on 14 Dec 1925 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 25 Jul 2009 in Rockford, Kent Co., Michigan, at age 83.

    504. Irven Lewis Parrott (Irven9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Jul 1895 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in May 1971 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 75.

    Irven married Margaret Manila Harris. Margaret was born in 1899 in Oklahoma and died on 15 Oct 1960 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 61.

    Children from this marriage were:

       656 F    i. Manila Belle Parrott McGuire was born on 3 Jul 1920 in Roundup, Musselshell Co., Montana and died on 10 Jun 2005 in Youngtown, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 84.

    Notes: Manila Belle McGuire, of Youngtown died Friday, June 10, 2005, in Youngtown.She was a nursing instructor. Palm Funeral Home handled arrangements. 623-583-7711.Visit this person¹s Guest Book at

    + 657 M    ii. Dewey Irven Parrott was born on 27 Nov 1921 in Roundup, Musselshell Co., Montana and died on 15 Feb 2002 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 80.

    + 658 M    iii. Harold Mosley Parrott was born on 30 May 1923 in Roundup, Musselshell Co., Montana and died on 7 Nov 2003 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 80.

    507. Thomas Lloyd Parrott (Edward9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Jul 1885 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died in 1968, at age 83.

    Thomas married Ina Isabelle Kale. Ina was born in 1887 in Everson, Whatcom Co., Washington and died on 5 Dec 1921 in Sumas, Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 34.

    Children from this marriage were:

       659 F    i. Myrth H. Parrott Irwin was born on 27 Nov 1907 in Washington and died on 4 Apr 2000 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 92.

    Myrth married Earl G. Irwin. Earl was born on 23 Mar 1903 and died in Oct 1987 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 84.

    + 660 M    ii. Gwynn Lawton Parrott was born on 11 Oct 1909 in Sumas, Whatcom Co., Washington and died on 3 Dec 1987 in Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., Idaho, at age 78.

       661 M    iii. Thomas Edward Parrott was born in 1914 in Whatcom Co., Washington and died on 24 Jan 1914 in Bellingham, Whatcom Co., Washington.

    Thomas next married Edna Gulick. Edna was born on 20 Jun 1890 in Dexter Cowle Co., Kansas and died on 8 Feb 1993, at age 102.

    The child from this marriage was:

       662 F    i. Louise Marie Parrott was born on 7 Feb 1927 in Nooksack, Whatcom Co., Washington and died on 22 Feb 2012 in Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 85.

    Notes: Life-time Sumas area resident, Louise M. Westergreen, age 85, was taken home to her Heavenly Father at the Christian Health Care Center in Lynden on Wednesday, Feb. 22. Born February 7, 1927 in the Clearbrook area, Louise was the daughter of Tome and Edna (Gulick) Parrott and graduated from Nooksack Valley High School in 1945. Following graduation she enrolled in the government sponsored Cadet Nursing Program where she spent one year at Western Washington University and then two years at St. Lukes Hospital where she received her RN Degree. On September 4, 1948 she married Richard Westergreen and together they raised their family and operated a tree farm on South Pass Road. Louise also worked as Dr. Kenneth Spady's nurse for many years. She and Richard were founding members of the Whatcom County Chapter of the Washington Farm Forestry Assn. Louise was also a life member of the Nooksack Valley United Methodist Church. She enjoyed many craft activities, especially making items for the annual church bazaar. She and Richard enjoyed traveling throughout the United States after their retirement. Besides her parents, Louise was preceded in death by her husband Richard in 2007; sister Myrth Irwin and brother Gwenn Parrot. She is survived by her children Tom (Bonnie) Westergreen, Bill (Janet) Westergreen and Ed (Sharon) Westergreen all of Sumas; Joan (Gary) DeBruin of Lynden and Carol Westergreen(Dale Poppe) of Mollala, OR.; ten grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; sister Grace Jonasson of Maple Valley, WA; sisters-in-law Frances Westergreen of Bellingham and Betty Westergreen of Moscow, ID and numerous other relatives. Graveside committal services will be at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 29, in Greenacres Memorial Park followed by memorial funeral services at 1:00 p.m. in the Nooksack Valley United Methodist Church, 203 E Lincoln St, Nooksack. Memorials in Louise's name may be made to the United Methodist Women's Ministries; c/o Nooksack Valley United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 4046, Nooksack, WA 98276. You are invited to share your memories and extend your condolences to Louise's family by signing the online guest book at Services are under the care of Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Lynden.

    The Bellingham Herald
    , February 26, 2012

    Louise married Richard Albert Westergreen. Richard was born on 27 Oct 1921 in Sumas, Whatcom Co., Washington and died on 29 Mar 2007 in Sumas, Whatcom Co., Washington, at age 85.

    509. Wlliam Parrott (Orlando O.9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Mar 1892 in Iowa and died on 11 Oct 1952 in Michigan, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 43627307}

    Wlliam married Nina Marie Hollister. Nina was born on 5 Jun 1894 in Montague, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 12 Dec 1941 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan, at age 47. {Find A Grave ID: 43627304} {Find A Grave ID: 43627304}

    Children from this marriage were:

       663 F    i. Evelyn Marie Parrott died on 27 Sep 1918 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan.

    + 664 M    ii. Elmer A. Parrott was born on 21 Oct 1923 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 27 Nov 1981 in Midland, Midland Co., Michigan, at age 58.

    + 665 M    iii. Lyle James Parrott Sr. was born on 20 Jun 1925 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 22 Jul 2000 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan, at age 75.

    Wlliam next married Goldie Tyler Vroman. Goldie was born in 1905 in Gratiot Co., Michigan and died in 1970 in Michigan, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 159180204} {Find A Grave ID: 159180204}

    510. Lauren Burton Parrott (Albert James9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 14 Sep 1901 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia and died on 2 Jun 1973 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 182756213}

    Notes: FITZGERALD - Lauren B. Parrott, former mayor and city councilman of Fitzgerald, died unexpectedly at his residence Saturday morning. He was 71.

    Services will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in Evergreen Cemetery.

    Mr. Parrott was elected mayor in 1949 and served one two-year term. He was a member of the city council prior to his election as mayor. He was director at Bank of Fitzgerald and Fitzgerald Federal Savings and Loan Association at the time of his death. He was an architect and building supply dealer and was a member of Central Christian Church.

    Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Grace Sears Parrott of Fitzgerald and a son, James A. Parrott of Fitzgerald.

    Paul Funeral Home has charge of arrangements.

    The Macon Telegraph and News, 03 Jun 1973, p 4C

    Lauren married Grace Sears. Grace was born on 31 Aug 1905 in Shellman, Randolph Co., Georgia and died on 29 Oct 2003 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 98. {Find A Grave ID: 39541307} {Find A Grave ID: 39541307}

    Notes: Grace Sears Parrott, 98, of Fitzgerald, Georgia, died Wednesday, October 29, 2003, at Dorminy Medical Center.

    Graveside services will be held 11 A.M., Saturday, November 1, 2003, at Evergreen Cemetery in Fitzgerald with Dr. Buddy Cooper officiating. The family will receive friends from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., Friday at Paulk Funeral Home, Fitzgerald.

    Mrs. Parrott was born August 31, 1905 in Shellman, Georgia, to the late Frank C. & Lillian Crittenden Sears. Along with her parents, her husband Lauren B. Parrott & three sisters preceded her in death. Mrs. Parrott lived in Fitzgerald most of her life and was a graduate of Wesleyan College in Macon. She was a homemaker and former high school teacher at Fitzgerald High School. Mrs. Parrott was the oldest member of Central United Methodist Church in Fitzgerald.

    Survivors include: Son & Daughter-In-Law, James A. & Connie M. Parrott, II, Fitzgerald; Grandsons & Grandaughters-In-Law, J. Palmer & Angela Parrott, Fitzgerald and Payton S. & Allison Parrott, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Niece, Echo Puckett, Montgomery, AL; Faithful Caregivers, Flossie Bush, Sharron Lucky & Louise Wilkins.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave 39541307

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 666 M    i. James Albert Parrott II was born on 24 Mar 1939 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia and died on 8 May 2022 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 83.

    513. Pierce Francesco Parrott (Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Dec 1884 in Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 8 May 1964 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 100403430}

    Pierce married Iva Leota Neville. Iva was born on 13 Aug 1886 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 19 Apr 1969 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 82. {Find A Grave ID: 100403383} {Find A Grave ID: 100403383}

    Children from this marriage were:

       667 U    i. Infant Children Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1914 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 26 Jun 1914 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 100403540}

    + 668 M    ii. Galen Leroy Parrott was born on 15 Jul 1915 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 8 Apr 2008 in Gaylord, Sibley Co., Minnesota, at age 92.

    515. George James Parrott (Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Jun 1889 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died in 1967 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 78.

    George married Phena Harriett Neville. Phena was born in 1892 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in 1949 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 57. {Find A Grave ID: 100399112} {Find A Grave ID: 100399112}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 669 M    i. Clair Neville Parrott was born on 24 Jan 1913 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 6 Jan 2011 in Iowa, at age 97.

    + 670 M    ii. Dean G. Parrott was born on 12 Dec 1920 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 19 Jan 1997 in Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    516. Floyd Dale Parrott (Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Mar 1891 in Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 11 Feb 1977 in Minnesota, at age 85.

    Floyd married Myrtle Wall. Myrtle was born on 7 Jun 1898 in Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 2 Oct 1988 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 90.

    Notes: Services for Myrtle J. Parriott, 90, of St. Louis Park, Minnesota was held October 6 at the Jones Barker funeral home in Alta, Iowa. The Rev. Marvin Lindley of the United Methodist Church, Alta officiated. Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Alta, Iowa.

    Myrtle was born June 7, 1898 to Thomas and Sarah Millard Wall in Alta, Iowa. She married Floyd Parrott on May 20, 1918 in Worthington, Minnesota. She was a farm homemaker and sold Avon for ten years, and was an active 50 year member of the Balaton Methodist Church. She enjoyed needlework, gardening, cooking and traveling. Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, one sister Dora Benson and one grandson. Survivors include one daughter, Janet Tighe of Plymouth, Minnesota, one brother Cecil Wall of Storm Lake and four grandchildren; Jill Metcalf of Wayland, MA; Colleen Kinderlehrer of Minneapolis, MN; and Shawn and Cindy Tighe of Apple Valley, MN and five great-grandchildren.

    Obituary researched by Kris, FAG volunteer # 47933584

    Pilot Tribune, October 8, 1988.

    The child from this marriage was:

       671 F    i. Janet Parrott was born in Aug 1921 in Minnesota and died on 14 Dec 2013 in Wayland, Middlesex Co., Massachusestts, at age 92.

    Notes: ANET PARROTT TIGHE of Wayland, Mass, formerly of Redwood Falls (1953-1986) and Plymouth, Minnesota (1986-2009), died December 14, 2013, after several years of declining health.

    Born in 1921, she was the daughter of Floyd and Myrtle (Wall) Parrott of Balaton, Minnesota. Janet graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Nursing in 1943. She worked in a large community/military hospital in mineral Wells, Texas. In Minnesota she worked as a charge nurse in hospitals in Minneapolis and Redwood Fall and the longest and last professional position was teaching health occupations and supervising internships for students at the Redwood Falls High School.

    She is survived by her daughters, Colleen Davidson of Pittsburgh, Pa. and Jill Metcalf of Wayland, Mass, her daughter-in-law Cynthia Retherford of Apple Valley, her sons-in-law and grandchildren.

    She was predeceased by her former husband, Earle F. Tighe, her sons Reid and Shawn, and special friend Howard Johnson.

    A memorial service will be held at the Weston United Methodist Church in Weston, Mass on December 29, 2013. A committal service will be held in Minnesota at a later date.

    Donations in her memorial may be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 6931 Arlington Road, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814 or Messiah United Methodist Church, 17805 County Road 6, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447.

    Boston Globe, 2013

    Janet married Earle Francis Tighe. Earle was born on 28 Oct 1923 and died on 30 Sep 2010 in Morgan, Redwood Co., Minnesota, at age 86.

    517. Oran Keith Parrott (Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Dec 1892 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 28 May 1972 in Sibley, Osceola Co., Iowa, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 183432097}

    Oran married Flossy Bell. Flossy was born on 28 Sep 1892 in Kentucky and died on 18 Sep 1989 in Sun City, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 96.

    Children from this marriage were:

       672 F    i. Ruth Gloria Parrott was born on 14 Aug 1918 in Sibley, Osceola Co., Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 183429932}

    Ruth married Cyril Joseph Meyer. Cyril was born on 27 Jul 1915 in Volga, Clayton Co., Iowa and died on 22 May 2001, at age 85. {Find A Grave ID: 184253190} {Find A Grave ID: 184253190}

       673 F    ii. Gertrude Parrott was born on 14 Feb 1923 in Sibley, Osceola Co., Iowa and died on 16 Jan 2014 in Jupiter, Palm Beach Co., Florida, at age 90. {Find A Grave ID: 133317109}

    Notes: JACOBY, Gertrude P. "Polly"Gertrude P. "Polly" Jacoby of Jupiter, FL, passed away peacefully on January 16, 2014 after a brief illness, surrounded by the love of her family and friends. She was just one month short of her 91st, Valentine's Day birthday and enjoyed good health until an untimely fall at the end of the year.

    Polly was born February 14, 1923, daughter of Dr. Oran K. and Flossie Parrott in Sibley, IA where she and her sisters were raised with a large loving group of aunts, uncles and cousins. She married Robert J. "Bob" Jacoby in Wilkes Barre, PA in September of 1944. After Bob's discharge from the service in 1945 they moved first to Genoa, NY and then to Ovid, NY to pursue their careers as educators and raise their family, before retiring to Florida in 1978.

    Education was paramount to Polly. She received her undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX in 1944. After a time-out to raise her three sons, she returned to her studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, earning her Masters Degree in 1966 and ultimately her PhD in 1973 at the age of 50. She worked first as a high school teacher and later as a research assistant while pursuing her graduate degrees at Cornell. Subsequent to obtaining her advanced degrees, she served as an Educational Testing Expert at the State Department of Education in Albany, NY, a Professor at Mansfield State College in Mansfield, PA and finally at Edison Community College in Ft Myers, FL after "retiring" to Florida.

    These varied jobs lead to she and Bob making many sacrifices personally so that they would be in a position economically to send their three sons to college to ensure they had the best chance to succeed in their careers and life, for which the boys are forever in their debt. She was fiercely devoted to her family and considered herself blessed to have developed especially wonderful loving relationships with her four granddaughters while watching over them when they were young and later participating in their growth into the beautiful people they have become. They were, as she liked to point out, "all hers".

    She is survived by her sons Rob (Biby) Jacoby, Bill (Holly) Jacoby and Jim (Jo Ann) Jacoby; her granddaughters Jolie (Jim) Woodard, Hope, Jennifer and Kristen Jacoby; great-granddaughter Juliette Woodard; sister R. Gloria Meyer; nephew Don (Mig) Jacoby; nieces Connie Mitchell and Carol Force; cousin Marilyn Huisenga and many other Iowa and Wilkes Barre family members.

    She was preceded in death by Bob, her husband of 57 years, her sister Marnie Force, Iowa cousin Audrey Schulte and brothers-in-law Cy Meyer and Dick Force.

    Polly had a strong and loving relationship with her Lord, in whose care she rests together with Bob, her parents, sister Marnie and all those family and friends who have gone before her. A family prayer service was held in Tequesta, FL on January 17. Her ashes will be laid to rest alongside Bob at a graveside service in Ovid, NY on a beautiful day this summer, with the date still to be determined by her family. In lieu of flowers donations in her memory to either of her two spiritual homes: First Presbyterian Church of Tequesta, Tequesta, FL or Ovid Federated Church of Ovid, NY.

    The Palm Beach Post, January 23, 2014

    Gertrude married Robert James Jacoby. Robert was born on 10 Oct 1919 and died on 26 Jan 2001, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 208450593} {Find A Grave ID: 208450593}

       674 F    iii. Marjory A. Parrott was born on 26 Aug 1924 in Sibley, Osceola Co., Iowa and died on 6 Mar 2010 in Peoria, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 85. Another name for Marjory was Marnie. {Find A Grave ID: 183431928}

    Notes: Sibley, Iowa Marjory Ann Marnie Force, age 85 of Litchfield Park, AZ died Thursday, March 6, 2010 at the Hospice of Arizona in Peoria, AZ. Memorial service will be 10:00 a.m. Saturday, April 10, 2010 at the United Methodist Church in Sibley, with Pastor Doug Noonkester officiating. Burial will take place prior to the memorial service with family and friends meeting at 9:00 a.m. at the Holman Township Cemetery of Sibley. Mrs. Force was born at Sibley, IA, on August 26, 1924, the youngest of three daughters, to Dr. and Mrs. O.K. Parrott. She graduated from the Sibley High School in 1942, where she had been an accomplished pianist, playing for all the school musicals and at graduation was awarded the extracurricular activity girl. She attended Texas Technical College in Lubbock, TX, with cousins, Audrey Attig (Schulte), Frances Buckingham (Jensen) and sister, Gertrude Parrott (Jacoby). Here she met her husband, Richard Dick Force. They were married in the Sibley Methodist Church on April 14, 1946. While her husband completed his education at Morningside College, she was a secretary for George Allen, who later coached the Washington Redskins. After graduation, Dick became a member of the Sioux City Swift Company. Through the years there were transfers from Sioux City, to Denver, CO, to Chicago, IL and in 1968 they moved to Litchfield Park, AZ. Marnie worked as the executive secretary to Agua Fria Union High School District Superintendent for more than twenty years. She is survived by her two daughters, Connie Mitchell of Crestline, CA and Carol Force of Romeo, MI; two sisters, Gloria Meyer of Sibley, IA and Gertrude Jacoby of Jupiter, FL; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; and four nephews and many cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents and husband Richard.

    518. Ray Jennings Parrott (Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Sep 1897 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 25 Mar 1982 in Wheaton, DuPage Co., Illinois, at age 84.

    Ray married Claire L. Schacht. Claire was born in 1901 in Wheaton, DuPage Co., Illinois and died on 26 Dec 2004 in Wheaton, DuPage Co., Illinois, at age 103.

    Notes: Claire L. (Schacht) Parrott, 103, of Wheaton died Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004. She was born in 1901 in Wheaton. She was a near-lifelong resident of Wheaton, living in her home on East Willow Avenue until the age of 99.

    Prior to her marriage in 1928, she worked for more than nine years for the librarian of records at the Ravenswood office of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. She enjoyed cooking, reading and travel. She volunteered at the Wesley Shoppe of Gary Memorial United Methodist Church, where she was a longtime member.

    She is survived by two sons, Ray "Jack" (wife Alya) Parrott Jr. of Natick, Mass., and Joel (wife Karilyn) Parrott of Gurnee; nine grandchildren, Julie Moundalexis, Steven Parrott, Jeff Parrott, Sheri Barnes, Janice Larson, Ray J. (wife Andy [sic - Andy should be the nickname of Ray J. Parrott III, not that of his wife!]) Parrott III, Barbara Parrott, Timothy Parrott and Kristen Parrott; 12 great-grandchildren; three siblings, Irene Freeman of Wheaton, Elizabeth Youker of Santa Barbara, Calif., and C. William Schacht of Whittier, Calif.; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.

    She was preceded in death by her husband, Ray J. Parrott; a son, Robert Parrott; her parents, Herman and Benedicta (Bertha) Schacht; and five siblings, Selma Doolittle, Helen Toft and Elmer, Robert and Phillip Schacht.

    A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 12, at Gary Memorial United Methodist Church, 224 N. Main St., Wheaton. Hultgren Funeral Home in Wheaton handled burial arrangements.

    The Wheaton (IL) Sun, 14 Jan 2005, p 12

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 675 M    i. Robert Melvin Parrott was born on 19 Apr 1929 in Evaston, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 10 Jun 1996 in Peoria, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 67.

    522. Jay M. Parrott (Frank9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Apr 1894 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in Feb 1965 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 70.

    Jay married Angie Lucille Dick. Angie was born on 14 Feb 1896 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in Oct 1979 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 83.

    Children from this marriage were:

       676 F    i. Marjorie Jane Parrott was born on 1 Jun 1918 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 8 Mar 2008 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa, at age 89.

    Notes: Marjorie Roethler, 89, of Aurelia died on March 8, 2008 at the Mercy Medical Center in Sioux City. Funeral services were on March 12 at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Cherokee with Deacon Leroy Rupp officiating. Burial was in the Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Cherokee. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund has been established.

    Marjorie Jane Parrott was born June 1, 1918, the only daughter of Jay M. and Angie Lucille (Dick) Parrott south of Aurelia. She attended school in Aurelia, graduating in 1936. She obtained her normal teaching certificate in Storm Lake and taught country school. Marjorie also took care of her ill mother. She later worked for Swanson Hardware in Cherokee.

    Marjorie married Ralph Roethler on Jan. 2, 1947 at Marcus, Iowa. They lived on the Dick farm south of Aurelia for 37 years, retiring into Aurelia in 1983.

    She was a 4H leader for 25 years working with the Pitcher Ramblers and Aurelia Lassies, two of her demonstration teams represented Cherokee County at the State Fair. She enjoyed sewing, gardening and helping Ralph on the farm. Marjorie became a resident at Sunset Knoll Nursing and Rehab Center in Aurelia on Nov. 9, 2006.

    Preceding Marjorie in death were her parents, husband Ralph on July 3, 1999, and a brother, Robert Parrott.

    Survivors include her sister-in-law, Mabel Parrott and her nieces, Linda and her husband Larry Fixsel, Bobbi and her husband Michael Canale, and Carol and her husband John Cook, and other relatives and friends.
    March 17, 2008

    Marjorie married Ralph Russell Roethler. Ralph was born on 20 Sep 1912 in Bijou Hills, Brule Co., South Dakota and died on 3 Jul 1999 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 86.

    + 677 M    ii. Robert Dean Parrott was born on 31 May 1922 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 2 Nov 2006 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 84.

    524. Lloyd Leroy Parrott (Frank9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born in Mar 1899 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died in 1949 in Purdy, Barry Co., Missouri, at age 50.

    Lloyd married Marjorie Aileen Farrow. Marjorie was born on 25 Feb 1912 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa.

    The child from this marriage was:

       678 F    i. Joan Elaine Parrott was born on 1 Mar 1931 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 17 Apr 1998 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    Notes: PETERSON, Iowa - Joan Peterson, 67, of Peterson died Friday at a Sioux City hospital.

    Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at First Church of Christ in Cherokee, Iowa. A family prayer service will be at 10:45 a.m. Monday at the church. Burial will be in Cherokee Memory Gardens. Visitation will be 5 to 9 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. at Boothby Funeral Home in Cherokee.

    Joan married Karl F. Peterson. Karl was born on 24 Mar 1928 in Tilden, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 14 Oct 2002 in Purdy, Barry Co., Missouri, at age 74.

    Notes: PETERSON, Iowa -- Karl F. Peterson, 74, of Purdy, Mo., formerly of Peterson, died at his residence surrounded by his family on Monday, Oct. 14, 2002, following an extended illness.

    Services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at First Church of Christ in Cherokee, Iowa, with his nephew, Larry Roseen, officiating. There will be a family prayer service at 10 a.m. Friday at the church. Burial will be in Cherokee Memory Gardens. Visitation will be 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today, with the family present 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Boothby Funeral Home in Cherokee. A memorial services will be held in Cassville, Mo.

    Karl was born March 24, 1928, in Tilden Township, Cherokee County, Iowa, the 10th of 13 children born to Carl A. and Edna C. (Stevenson) Peterson. He was raised on a farm north of Cherokee and graduated from Larrabee (Iowa) High School. He attended Buena Vista University.

    He married Joan Parrott on Dec. 10, 1949, in Cherokee. They farmed near Aurelia, Iowa, until 1969, then moved to Purdy, Mo., to preach and attend Ozark Christian College. In 1974, they returned to Peterson to work with Midwest Christian Children's Home. Supported by his wife, he served as farm manager, promotional director, maintenance man and various capacities for over 27 years, while touching the lives of many troubled teens. Joan preceded him in death in 1998.

    He was an active member of First Church of Christ in Cherokee. His greatest passions in life were to love, honor and serve his Lord, and care for his family. He has a special mission project in rural Nigeria, West Africa. Since his visit in 1992, he has provided encouragement and financial support for the Betem Christian Children's Home there. In 2000, he returned to dedicate the new building for Betem Christian Academy, built with funds he donated and raised. He was currently raising funds to build dormitories for the school.

    He is survived by his four children, Teresa and her husband, Stan Roberts, of Sioux City, Leland and his wife, Lynne Peterson, of Badger, Iowa, Karla and her husband, Gary Rickman, of Purdy, Mo., and Karlene Ferguson of Minneapolis; 11 grandchildren, Beth Roberts, Caleb and Carmen Peterson, Brandon, Heath, Joby and Karissa Rickman and Joshua, Andrew, Christy and Lindsey Ferguson; a great-grandchild, Jewell Ferguson; nine brothers and sisters, Paul Peterson of Mesa, Ariz., Burnette Johnston of Cherokee, Jean Smith of Holstein, Iowa, Roberta and her husband, Glenn Jones, of Oklahoma City, Okla., Jerry and her husband, Louie Hammer, of Pocahontas, Iowa, Gilbert and his wife, Norma Peterson, of Phoenix, Ariz., Ernest and his wife, Doris Peterson, of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Ted and his wife, Darlene Peterson, of Sioux City, and Ralph and his wife, Dottie Peterson, of Wichita, Kan.; many nieces, nephews and a multitude of friends.

    In addition to his wife, he was also preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Sally Roseen and Nellie Shouse Berg; and a brother, Elmo Peterson.

    Memorials are being directed to Betem Christian Academy. Checks may be made payable to MMC-Nigeria Fund for a receipt and tax deduction. They may be mailed to Morningside Church of Christ, 5015 Garretson Ave., Sioux City, IA 51106.

    526. Fred Arthur Parrott (James Clarence9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Sep 1902 in Cascade, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 30 Apr 1969 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 66. {Find A Grave ID: 100401535}

    Fred married Elma Opal Sauter. Elma was born on 15 Mar 1913 in Woodland, Decatur Co., Iowa and died on 21 Oct 1995 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 82.

    Children from this marriage were:

       679 F    i. Imagene Parrott was born on 23 Sep 1930 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 26 May 2023 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 92. {Find A Grave ID: 262992310}

    Notes: Funeral services for Imagene Galvin, 91, of Aurelia will be 10:30 A.M. Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at the First United Methodist Church in Aurelia with Pastor Linda Morris officiating. Interment will follow at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, rural Aurelia. Visitation will be Tuesday from 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M., with the family present, at the church.

    Imagene (Jeannie) was born on Sept 23, 1931 to parents Frederick and Elma (Sauter) Parrott of Aurelia. She was the oldest of Fred & Elma's family, later to be joined by brothers Gerald, Dennis and Donald.

    Jeannie lived in Aurelia her whole life. She attended Aurelia Community School, graduating with the Class of 1949. After graduation she went to work for the Cherokee State Bank in Cherokee, IA. On May 8, 1952 Jeannie married the love of her life, Donald Dale Galvin. They settled in the town of Aurelia to raise their family. From this union they raised three children Nancy, Randy & Rodney. Jeannie was a stay-at-home mom for a few years and then she started working for the Aurelia Community School as a cook. Within a few years she became the Head Cook at the school. As the saying goes "If you find a job that you love, you will never work a day of your life." Well for Jeannie she loved going to work every school morning preparing and feeding hundreds of children. Her motto was that no child was going to leave her lunchroom hungry, and they didn't. Jeannie and her co-workers took a lot of pride in serving the best meals for the students at Aurelia Community School. The one meal that they were known for serving was their chili and cinnamon rolls. If a student or even school personnel ever got on Jeannie's bad side she would let them know it when they emptied their lunch tray with a little "accidental" spray from her spray wand. Jeannie retired in 1997 after serving the Aurelia School system for 33 years.

    Jeannie was a very active member of the Aurelia United Methodist Church. She was involved in UMW, Mary Circle, Sunday School and Bible School, and of course she was very active in the Kitchen activities at the Church. Some might say she was the Czar of the Kitchen being one of the head organizers of the Church's Annual Harvest Dinner.

    Jeannie also worked part-time at Pat's Clover Farm in the deli where she was known for her delicious potato salad. Jeannie also ran the concession stand during the summer at the baseball complex for many years. Jeannie and her sister-in-law Phyllis, with a little help from her brother, Jerry, served for the meal after the Memorial Day services for a few years.

    Jeannie loved the Aurelia Community and she gave back to the community in any way she could. Over the years she was involved in a card club, a Cub Scout leader, Federated Women's Club, Sunset Knoll Auxiliary, American Legion Women Auxiliary, and Cherokee County Retired School Workers. In 2006 she was named the Commercial Club "Citizen of the Year."

    Jeannie was a huge sports fan. She loved her Bulldogs, Warriors and of course the Wildcats. Jeannie was an avid Iowa Hawkeye fan. She loved her Black and Gold. If you ever stopped and visited her, there was always some type of sports show or event playing on her TV. She commented many times that if it wasn't for sports, there wouldn't be anything to watch.

    The biggest love of her life was her family, especially her grandsons and great-grandchildren. She traveled many miles to many activities her grandsons were active in and later her great-grandchildren. It didn't make a difference if they won or lost, she just wanted to be there to support them. The last event she attended was a Parrott Family Reunion in Des Moines ending the day with a youth basketball game in which one of her great-grandsons was playing. Jeannie was 91 at this time and she just wanted to be there.

    Imagene (Parrott) Galvin peacefully passed away at the age of 91 at the Accura Health Care Center in Aurelia on May 26, 2023.

    Preceding Jeannie in death were her husband Donald on October 10, 1975, son Rodney on May 1, 2020, son-in-law Orlyn Webb on December 7, 2013, her brother Gerald, and her parents and parents-in-law Fred and Elma Parrott and Charles and Lillian Galvin.

    Jeannie is survived by her daughter Nancy (Galvin) Webb, Aurelia, her son Randy and his wife Deb Galvin, Early, IA, grandsons Heath and his wife Jenny Galvin and their children Avery, Aiden, and Hunter of Grimes, IA, Timothy and his wife Ashley Galvin and their children Maddox, Kutler and Kolby Jane of Aurelia, and Cody and his wife Jana Galvin and their children Sullivan and Stevie Lee of Aurelia. Brothers, Dennis and his wife Lois Parrott, Osceola, IA, and Donald and his wife Nancy Parrott, Washta, IA, and sister-in-law Phyllis Parrott of Denver, IA, and many brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, cousins, and many very good friends.

    Imagene married Donald Dale Galvin. Donald was born on 6 Dec 1930 in Pilot, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 10 Oct 1975 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 44. {Find A Grave ID: 99938207} {Find A Grave ID: 99938207}

    + 680 M    ii. Gerald Clarence Parrott was born on 18 Dec 1933 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 9 Dec 1996 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 62.

    + 681 M    iii. Donald Dean Parrott was born on 6 Jun 1946 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 9 Jan 2024, at age 77.

    528. Galen LaCount Parrott (James Clarence9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 8 Nov 1906 in Worthington, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 19 Sep 1977 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 99765331}

    Galen married Arlene Hazel Mummert. Arlene was born on 19 Mar 1913 in Iowa and died in Jan 1981 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 99765303} {Find A Grave ID: 99765303}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 682 M    i. William James Parrott was born on 2 Jul 1943 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 11 Oct 2010 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    538. Orin Jonathan Parrott (Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 3 Feb 1896 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died on 28 Apr 1965 in Missouri, at age 69.

    Orin married Mary Wilhelmina Alice Dinger. Mary was born on 9 Mar 1900 in Sisseton, Roberts Co., South Dakota and died in Dec 1981 in Missouri, at age 81.

    Notes: CLEVELAND - Services for Mary Dinger Parrott, 81, are 10 a.m. today at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home with burial in Howell Memorial Park.

    Survivors are three daughters, Clarice Bradshaw, Marylys Miller of Waverly, Tenn., and Barbara Charles of New Jersey, four sons, Roger E. Parrott of Clevaland, William O. Parrott, Gerald E. Parrott of Farmington, Minn., and Orin J. Parrott Jr. of Milan, Ill.; and a sister, Alice Fox.

    The (Jackson MS) Clarion-Ledger, 30 Dec 1981, p 2B

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 683 M    i. Orin Jonathan Parrott Jr. was born on 27 Nov 1923 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 25 Nov 1989 in Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 65.

    + 684 M    ii. William Orin Parrott was born on 23 Feb 1926 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Apr 2005 in Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 79.

    + 685 M    iii. Gerald Eugene Parrott was born on 7 Apr 1927 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 17 Sep 2000 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 73.

    + 686 M    iv. Roger Emery Parrott was born on 14 May 1931 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Apr 2009 in Bolivar Co., Mississippi, at age 77.

       687 F    v. Barbara Lou Parrott was born on 18 Feb 1933 in McGrath, Aitkin Co., Minnesota and died on 3 Feb 2002 in Sussex Co., New Jersey, at age 68.

    Notes: FRANKFORT TWP. - Barbara L. Charles died Sunday at the Sussex County Homestead after a long illness. She was 68.

    Born in Aitkin, Minn., she lived in Sussex County for many years. The daughter of the late Orin J. and Mary W. Parrott, she was a homemaker. Mrs. Charles was an active 4-H leader in Sussex County for many years, working with horses and rabbits.

    Her husband, Arthur, died in 1963. Her son, David A., died 1999. Her brother, Orin J. Parrott, also died previously.

    Survivors include her son, John W. of the Lake Lackawanna section of Byram Township; one daughter, Evelyn M. Godumski of Byram Township; two brothers, William O. of Farmington, Minn. and Roger E. Parrott of Cleveland, Miss.; two sisters, Clarice Bradshaw of West Pines, Mo., and Marlys W. Miller of Denver, Tenn.; and four grandchildren.

    Funeral services Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 10 a.m. at Iliff-Ruggiero Funeral Home, 156 Main St. (Route 206), Newton. Private cremation services to follow. Visitation at the funeral home on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

    The (Morristown NJ) Daily Record, 04 Feb 2002, p A9

    Barbara married Arthur John Charles. Arthur was born on 20 Jun 1910 in Bloomfield, Essex, New Jersey and died on 22 Sep 1963 in Newton, Sussex, New Jersey, at age 53.

       688 F    vi. Clarice May Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1935 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 27 Mar 2021 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 86.

    Notes: Graveside services for Clarice May Bradshaw, 86, West Plains, Missouri, will be held at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, April 1, 2021 at Oak Lawn Cemetery, under the direction of Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    Mrs. Bradshaw passed away at 7:07 p.m., Saturday, March 27, 2021, at Brooke Haven Healthcare.

    She was born March 4, 1935, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Orin Johnathan Parrott and Mary Wilmine Dinger Parrott. On October 20, 1956, she was married at West Plains, to Lewis Clinton Bradshaw, who preceded her in death on October 30, 2012. Mrs. Bradshaw worked at the International Shoe Factory for twenty-five years. She loved to sing and sew and enjoyed gardening and woodworking.

    She is survived by three children, Clinton Bradshaw and wife, Annette, Centralia, Missouri, Tammy Mosier, Thayer, Missouri and Yvonne Bradshaw, Hardy, Arkansas; three grandchildren, Krystina Mosier, Clinton Robert Bradshaw, Jr. and Amelia Mae Bradshaw; three great-grandsons; one sister, Marlys Miller; and thirty-eight nieces and nephews. Her parents, husband and five siblings, preceded her in death.

    Memorial contributions may be made to The Humane Society and may be left at or mailed to Robertson-Drago Funeral Home, 211 West Main, West Plains, MO 65775.

    Clarice married Lewis Clinton Bradshaw. Lewis was born on 15 Apr 1929 and died on 30 Oct 2012, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 110653117} {Find A Grave ID: 110653117}

       689 F    vii. Marlys Wilhemina Parrott was born on 27 Jul 1937 in McGrath, Aitkin Co., Minnesota and died on 10 Jan 2024 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 21959152}

    Notes: Funeral services for Marlys Wilhelmina Downen Miller, 86, West Plains, Missouri, will be held at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 18, 2024, in the Rose Chapel at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.

    Mrs. Miller passed away at 5:50 a.m., Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at Brooke Haven Healthcare.

    She was born July 27, 1937, at McGrath, Minnesota, to Orin Johnathan Parrott and Mary Wilmine Dinger Parrott. On October 16, 1954, she was married at West Plains, Missouri, to Leroy Earl Downen, who preceded her in death January 9, 1978; from their union they were blessed with three children, Romona, Rhonda and Tommy Downen. In February of 1979, she was married at Smith, Tennessee, to Virgil Thomas Miller, who preceded her in death on June 23, 2007; from their union they were blessed with a son, Steven Miller. She loved her family and going to family reunions. Marlys was an artist and enjoyed painting and drawing. She loved her animals and raised award winning goats; she enjoyed going to shows and fairs. Mrs. Miller worked with children teaching them to take care of animals and how to show them in competitions. Before her retirement in 2006, she loved working at Wal-Mart and helping customers find what they needed. She loved people.

    She is survived by four children, Romona Romans and husband, Johnny, West Plains, Missouri, Rhonda Perry, Lewisberg, Missouri, Tommy Downen and Cathy Welker, Pottersville, Missouri and Steven Miller and Chrissy Sullivan, Nashville, Tennessee; thirteen grandchildren; thirty-four great-grandchildren; ten great-great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

    Her parents, husbands, four brothers, Orin Jr., Bill, Gerald and Roger Parrott and two sisters, Barbara Charles and Clarice Bradshaw, preceded her in death.

    Visitation services will be held from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home. Burial will be at New Liberty Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to New Liberty Cemetery and may be left at or mailed to Robertson-Drago Funeral Home, 211 West Main, West Plains, MO 65775.

    Marlys married Leroy Earl Downen. Leroy was born on 15 Nov 1926 in West Plains, Howell Co., Missouri and died on 9 Jan 1978, at age 51. {Find A Grave ID: 21959151} {Find A Grave ID: 21959151}

    Marlys next married Virgil Thomas Miller. Virgil was born on 17 Aug 1927 in Crucible, Greene Co., Pennsylvania and died on 23 Jun 2007, at age 79.

    542. Levi Noble Parrott (Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 12 Apr 1904 in Sumner, Bremer Co., Iowa and died on 13 Oct 1977 in DeWitt, Clinton Co., Iowa, at age 73.

    Notes: Levi N. Parrott, 83, of R.R. 1, Princeton, died Thursday in DeWitt Community Hospital.

    Services will be 1 p.m. Saturday at McGinnis Chapel, DeWitt. Burial will be in McCausland Cemetery. Visitation is 2 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

    He was retired from the D&P Lumber Co., Davenport. Mr. Parrott was born in Sumner, Iowa. He married Anna Miller in 1950 in Prairie City, Iowa.

    Survivors include his wife; sons, Jerry, Eldridge, and Allyn, Lincoln, Neb.; stepdaughters, Mrs. Robert (Joan) Steele, Wheatland, Iowa, and Mrs. Edward (Janite) Huggart,Cleveland, Ill.; 12 grandchildren, and sisters, Mrs. Mary Hanlon, Waterloo, Iowa; Edna Parrott and Mrs. Ruth Lantow, both of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Bertha Rhea, California.

    Quad-City Times, 14 Oct 1977, p 8

    Levi married Minnie Mary Schmidt. Minnie was born in 1902 in Linville, Wayne Co., Iowa and died in 1947 in Iowa, at age 45. Another name for Minnie was Miinnie Smith.

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 690 M    i. Allyn D. Parrott was born on 4 Nov 1935 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa and died on 4 Jan 2017 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 81.

    + 691 M    ii. Jerry L. Parrott was born on 27 Mar 1942 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa and died on 6 Feb 2011 in Eldridge, Scott Co., Iowa, at age 68.

    Levi next married Anna Marie Miller. Anna was born on 12 Feb 1922 in Runnells, Polk Co., Iowa and died on 15 Jan 2012 in Wheatland, Clinton Co., Iowa, at age 89.

    Notes: DeWITT, Iowa - Anna Marie Parrott, 89, of DeWitt, died Sunday evening January 15, 2012, at Wheatland Manor, Wheatland, Iowa.

    Anna was born to Lowman "Todd" and Cora (Flemming) Miller on February 12, 1922, in Runnells, Iowa. Anna married Dale McDannel. She later married Levi Parrott on June 30, 1950. Levi preceded Anna in death in October 1977.

    Anna lived in McCausland for many years before moving to DeWitt in 1977. Anna retired from Iowa Mutual Insurance Company after working there for more than 20 years. She went on to work for Wapsi Oaks until she was 80 years old. Anna had been a member of First Congregational United Church of Christ for 34 years and was a member of the Candlelight Fellowship of the church. She also cooked for the Lions and volunteered at the church.

    Anna is survived by her daughters, Joan (Robert) Steele of Wheatland and Janice (Edward) Huggart of Colona; her son, Allyn Parrott of Lincoln, Neb.; daughters-in-law, Charlene Schudel, of Godfrey, Ill., and Margaret Parrott of Park View; a sister, Dorothy Tratchel, of Newton; grandchildren, Rick McDannel, Christina Hendrix, Machelle Stetson, Sherry Howes, Gene Huggart, Bill Garrow, Kim Ewing, Patty Schulz, Angela Ingwersen, Steven Parrott, Shirley Parrott, and Allyn Parrott Jr.; 20 great-grandchildren; and nine great-great grandchildren. In addition to her husbands, Anna was preceded in death by her sons, Don McDannel and Jerry Parrott, four sisters, and five brothers.

    Family will greet relatives and friends from 10 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, January 18, at Schultz Funeral Home, 722 8th Street, DeWitt. Funeral service will follow at 11 a.m. at the funeral home. Pastor Jeff Wartgow will officiate. Burial will be at McCausland Cemetery, McCausland, Iowa. Grandchildren will serve as pallbearers.

    The Quad-City Times, 17 Jan 2012, p A10

    545. Elmer Elder Parrott (Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Apr 1892 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 22 Jun 1959 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    Notes: Information on him and descendants appears in PT 2(4):26-27, 1975

    Elmer married Lura Eloise Wiley. Lura was born on 28 Jul 1893 in Manhattan, Riley Co., Kansas and died on 22 Feb 1970 in Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    Children from this marriage were:

       692 F    i. Edna Mae Parrott was born on 29 Mar 1914 in Van Buren Co., Iowa.

    Edna married Raymond Dorothy.

       693 M    ii. Clyde Willis Parrott was born on 14 Jun 1916 in Van Buren Co., Iowa.

    Clyde married Dorothy Irene Wickham.

       694 F    iii. Esther Vivian Parrott was born on 26 Feb 1918 in Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 18 Feb 1924, at age 5.

    + 695 M    iv. Harold Elmer Parrott Sr. was born on 10 Apr 1922 in Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 27 Nov 1982 in Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 60.

       696 M    v. Arthur Lee Parrott was born on 9 Feb 1924 in Van Buren Co., Iowa.

    Arthur married Geraldine Moore.

       697 M    vi. Warren Parrott was born on 20 Dec 1930 in Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 20 Dec 1930 in Van Buren Co., Iowa.

    546. Claude Raymond Parrott (Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 May 1896 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Dec 1957 in Keosauqua, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 61. {Find A Grave ID: 145028239}

    Notes: Claude Raymond Parrott, son of Willis and Clara Zion Parrott, died Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Van Buren County Memorial hospital after a short illness. He was born May 11, 1896 near Ross, Ia., in Audubon county.

    He was united in marriage to Nellie Hootman on Jan. 5, 1921 in Fairfield. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the Reneker Legion Post No. 494 of Douds.

    He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Christensen of Council Bluffs; a son, Billie, of Fairfield; three grandchildren; two brothers, Elmer and Leo Parrott both of Douds.

    Services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11, at the Oak Grove church in charge of Rev. J.C. Austin. The Reneker Legion Post was in charge of military services at the Zion Lutheran cemetery.

    Source: Van Buren Co. Genealogical Society Obituary Book D, Page 247, Keosauqua Public Library, Keosauqua, IA - Posted on Find a Grave 145028239

    Claude married Nellie May Hootman. Nellie was born on 13 Feb 1900 in Kilbourn, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 1 Feb 1992 in Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 159094879} {Find A Grave ID: 159094879}

    Notes: DOUDS - Nellie M. Parrott, 91, formerly of rural Douds, who died at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, 199s, at Parkview Care Ceneter in Fairfield, is survived by three grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by a son, Bill; a daughter, Mary Christensen; two sisters, Hazel Musser and Anna Lorenia Hootman and a brother, Daniel Hootman.

    Mrs. Parrott was born Feb. 13, 1900, in Kilbourn, the daughter of William and Rose Reatherford Hootman. She married C. Raymond Parrott in Fairfield in 1921. He died in 1957. A homemaker, she had lived in the Oak Grove community near Douds until moving to Fairfield in 1989. She was a member of Oak Grove Church and Ladies Aide, Van Buren County Historical Soceity and was involved in genealogical research.

    The Fairfield Ledger, February 4, 1992, p 8
    Posted on Find a Grave 159094879

    Children from this marriage were:

       698 F    i. Mary Lovinia Parrott was born on 27 Nov 1921 in Lick Creek, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 10 Jan 1986 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 204468317}

    Mary married George Wiliam Atkinson. George was born on 8 Feb 1912 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1977, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 81829505} {Find A Grave ID: 81829505}

    Mary next married Lyle Levi Christensen. Lyle was born on 9 Feb 1919 in Shelby Co., Iowa and died on 10 Jun 1983 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 134504715} {Find A Grave ID: 134504715}

    + 699 M    ii. William Willis Parrott was born on 21 Sep 1928 in Lickcreek, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1983 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 54.

    547. Leo Francis Parrott (Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 26 Oct 1901 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Aug 1967 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 90985799}

    Leo married Ella Lulu Hootman. Ella was born on 21 May 1897 in Ross, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Aug 1969 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 135835849} {Find A Grave ID: 135835849}

    Notes: Mrs. Lewis (sic) Parrott
    Mrs. Leo J. Parrott, 72, of Rural Birmingham, Iowa, died this morning in Illini Hospital, Silvis.

    The body will be taken from Runge Mortuary to Robert Pedrick Funeral Home, Douds, Iowa, for services and burial.

    Mr. Parrott preceded her in death. Included in the survivors is a son, David L. of Moline.

    The Daily Dispatch, 12 Aug 1969, p 12

    Children from this marriage were:

       700 F    i. Clella Idella Parrott was born on 24 May 1922 in Lick Creek, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 10 Mar 2012 in Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 89. {Find A Grave ID: 86675043}

    Notes: EAST MOLINE - Funeral services for Clella I. McQuaide, 89, of East Moline will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Van Hoe Funeral Home Ltd., East Moline. Burial will be in Greenview Memorial Gardens, East Moline. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. McQuaide died Saturday, March 10, 2012, at Trinity Rock Island. Memorials may be made to St Jude Children's Research Hospitals.

    Clella Parrott was born May 24, 1922, in Douds, Iowa, the daughter of Leo and Ella Hoottman Parrott. She met her husband to be while working at the Ordnance Plant in Burlington, Iowa, during World War II. She married Vernon M. McQuaide on December 23, 1944, in Fairfield, Iowa. He died March 29, 1989. She had also worked at the former Buddy L. Toy Company, East Moline, and the Plantation, Moline, and retired from Lutheran Hospital, Moline. She loved farming, gardening, and crocheting.

    Survivors include her daughter, Wanda Hernandez, Moline; sons, Melvin McQuaide, East Moline, and Gary McQuaide, Rock Island; grandsons, Chad (Michelle) Hernandez and Quinn (Tonya) Hernandez; great-grandchildren, Kristanna, Seth, Griffin, Anselmo, Anthony, Manuel, and Foster; and sister, Beulah (Bob) Raines, Birmingham, Iowa. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, and brother, Dave Parrott.

    Online condolences may be left for the family at

    The Quad-City Times, March 13, 2012

    Clella married Vernon M. McQuaide. Vernon was born on 11 Nov 1910 in Iowa and died on 29 Mar 1989 in Silvis, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 202792830} {Find A Grave ID: 202792830}

       701 F    ii. Beulah Margaret Parrott was born on 29 Aug 1926 in Oak Grove, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 3 May 2014 in Keosauqua, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 87. {Find A Grave ID: 129209099}

    Notes: Beulah M. Parrott Rains, 87, of rural Birmingham, died Saturday, May 3, 2014, at Good Samaritan Society-Van Buren in Keosauqua.

    A funeral is at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Pedrick Funeral Home in Douds, with the Rev. Phil Campbell officiating. Burial will be in Zion Lutheran Cemetery east of Douds.

    Visitation opens at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, with family present 6-7:30 p.m.

    Memorials to Good Samaritan Society Hospice or Haney-Brannan Post No. 181 American Legion in Birmingham may be left at the funeral home or mailed to the family at PO Box 5, Birmingham 52535.

    Mrs. Rains was born Aug. 29, 1926, in the Oak Grove community east of Douds, the daughter of Leo F. and Ella Hootman Parrott. She married Robert J Rains Jr. Sept. 16, 1944, in Butler, North Carolina.

    She graduated from Keosauqua High School with the Class of 1944, and was a farm wife and homemaker.

    Survivors include her husband; two sons, Allan L. Rains and spouse Maria of Bonaparte and Roy D. Rains and spouse Sherry of Birmingham; one daughter, Carolyn K. Taylor and spouse Delbert of Bloomfield; nine grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Darrell Robert Rains; one sister, Clella McQuaide; and one brother, David Parrott.

    The Fairfield Ledger, May 5, 2014

    Beulah married Robert J. Rains. Robert was born on 17 Oct 1925 in Lockridge, Jefferson Co., Iowa and died on 11 Sep 2014 in Keosauqua, Van Buren Co., Iowa, at age 88. {Find A Grave ID: 135828804} {Find A Grave ID: 135828804}

    + 702 M    iii. David Leroy Parrott was born on 24 Jun 1929 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 27 Apr 1997 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 67.

    549. Jonathan Calvin Parrott (Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 Sep 1890 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 18 Jul 1972 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 81.

    Notes: AUDUBON - J.C. (John) Parrott Sr., 81, a prominent retired businessman, died Friday at Audubon County Memorial hospital after a lingering illness.

    He was born Sept 16, 1890, the son of Lewis and Martha Parrott. In 1920 he established the Audubon Produce Co., which is operated today by his son, John Jr. The firm is a carload shipper of eggs.

    Mr. Parrott was a former mayor of Audubon, and served on the rationing board in World War II.

    Surviving are his wife, Lenore; a son, John Jr., of Audubon; daughter, Mrs. Emery (Lavonna) Martinsen of Audubon; three grandsons, and two great-grandchildren; brothers Howard of Albia, and Max of Exira; sisters, Mrs. Earl Garoutte of Audubon, and Mrs. Chester Heidbreeder of Virginia, Ill. Another brother, Ben, died suddenly Thursday, and his funeral was to be Saturday afternoon.

    Final rites for J.C. Parrott will be at 2 p.m. Monday in United Methodist Church, the Rev. Andrew Hofer Officiating. Burial will be in Exira. The body is at McFadden Funeral Home.

    Carrol Daily Times Herald, 22 Jul 1972, p 10

    Jonathan married Hazel Catherine Cousins. Hazel was born on 30 Apr 1896 and died on 6 Aug 1948 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 52.

    Children from this marriage were:

       703 F    i. Gertrude LaVona Parrott was born on 14 Feb 1915 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 19 Feb 2002, at age 87.

    Gertrude married Emery Martinsen. Emery was born on 6 Aug 1915 and died on 6 Jul 2003, at age 87.

    + 704 M    ii. John Calvin Parrott II was born on 13 Sep 1919 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Jun 2016 in Ames, Story Co., Iowa, at age 96.

    Jonathan next married Thoroa Lenora Weighton Holland. Thoroa was born on 22 May 1905 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 6 Nov 1974 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    Notes: AUDUBON - Funeral services were held Saturday in First Presbyterian Church for Mrs. Lenore Weighton Parrott, 69, lifelong Audubon area resident who died Wednesday in Audubon County Memorial Hospital.

    The Rev. Andres J. Hofer officiated and burial was in Arlington Heights Cemetery under direction of McFadden Funeral Home. Pallbearers were Alvin Hansen, Richard Hansen, Robert Matiesen, Harold McLaughlin, Alfred Nelson, and John Weighton.

    Lenore Weighton Parrott was born in Audubon May 22, 1905, daughter of John and Annis Randolph Weighton. She attended Audubon elementary school and the Brownell Hall School in Chicago, Ill. She was married to George Holland, and that marriage ended in divorce. On Jan. 15, 1956, she was married to John C. Parrott, Sr., who died in 1972. Mrs. Parrott was a member of the Presbyterian Church here since 1920.

    Survivors include a grandson, Tom Holland of San Luis Obispo, Calif.; daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leon (Juanita) Koenen of San Luis Obispo; one counsin (sic); a stepson, John C. Parrott, Jr.; and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Emery Martinsen, both of Audubon.

    She was preceded in death by her husband; a son, John Holland; and a sister, Thelma.

    Carrol Daily Times Herald, 13 Nov 1974, p 2

    The child from this marriage was:

       705 M    i. Darwin D. Parrott was born on 15 Mar 1889 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 14 Jul 1939 in Maywood, Cook Co., Illinois, at age 50. {Find A Grave ID: 74782044}

    Notes: Darwin Parrott was thrown from a horse Saturday in such a way as to break his shoulder. The friends of Darwin are sorry to learn of this and hope he may recover rapidly.

    Audubon County Journal, 30 May 1907, p 2

    Darwin Parrott Injured
    Harry Parrott went to Brayton on Tuesday to see his son (sic, should be nephew) Darwin Parrott who was injured Monday in a runaway. The young man was working on he farm of A.F. Anderson and running a disc. As we get it he was oiling the machine when the team became frightened and started. Darwin grabbed for the lines but got only one. In an effort to mount the disc to get to the other line he was thrown down among the knives and dragged for forty rods, saving his life by holding himself up by one of the levers. His legs were badly skinned and bruised. The wonder is that he was not killed.

    Audubon Republican, 29 Apr 1909, p 10

    Harry Parrott an wife returned Saturday from Brayton where they had been to visit their nephew Darwin Parrott who was hurt in a run away.

    Audubon County Journal, 06 May 1909, p 4

    - Darwin Parrott is home this week. Although he is on crutches yet is improving rapidly.

    - Harry Parrott and wife who returned last of the week from Brayton report their son Darwin who was injured in the runaway as improving quite rapidly.

    Audubon Republican, 06 May 1909, p 5

    Josh Cousins and Darwin Parrott left Tuesday for an extended trip through Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado.

    Audubon Republican, 23 Sep 1909, p 8

    Darwin Parrott met with an accident last week. While chopping wood a stick flew up striking him on he cheek, cutting quite a gash. Dr. Koob was called and dressed the wound.

    Audubon County Journal, 20 Mar 1913, p 6

    Darwin Parrott, while scuffling, strained his hip and side so badly that he is under teh (sic) doctor's care.

    Audubon County Journal, 10 Jul 1913, p 3

    Darwin Parrott came Monday to Exira and visited until Tuesday with his cousin, John Parrott. From here he went to the Carlisle Parrott home, south of town, then to Atlantic for a visit, after which he will return to Newtown, where is is employed. Darwin is an overseas boy, having returned to the U.S. February 14th, after spending five months over there.

    Audubon County Journal, 06 Mar 1919, p 5

    Darwin married Nellie May Lyons Rowe. Nellie was born in 1890 in Shelby Co., Iowa.

    Marriage Notes: Darwin Parrott and Nellie Lyons were married Sunday at Audubon. They will live on the Thune Thomas farm east of town.

    Audubon Republican, 15 Jul 1915, p 4

    Darwin D. Parrott and Mrs. Nellie Mary Rowe, both of Brayton were married in this city Sunday afternoon by Rev. Jackson Giddens. The people have lived in the viciniy of Brayton for many years and are known to a wide circle of friends, all of whom join the Rupublican in extending most hearty congratulations.

    Audubon Republican, 15 Jul 1915, p 5

    Darwin next married Emma Gene Trotter. Emma was born on 8 Jun 1878 in Dardanelle, Yell Co., Arkansas and died on 13 Sep 1942 in Porter Co., Indiana,, at age 64. {Find A Grave ID: 74782018} {Find A Grave ID: 74782018}

    Notes: Dies at Home of Son Following Extended Illness
    Mrs. Emma Gene Parrott, age 64 years died Sunday night at 9:10 o'clock at the home of her son. George H. Mills, on North Campbell road. She had been ill for the last three years.

    The decedent was the widow of Darwin D. Parrott, who was employed by the Chicago Tribune for 20 years. Upon the daeth (sic) of her husband three years ago, she came here from Maywood, Ill., to reside with her son.

    Besides the son she is survived by two grandchildren, Mrs. Robert Holzbauer and Don Mills and two great grandchildren, all of this city, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Brown, of Dixon, Ill., and a host of friends.

    Memorial services will be held at the Stinchfield funeral home, corner Jefferson and Lafayette streets, at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Rev. H.E. Garner, of the Baptist church, of which she was a life long member, officiating, assisted by Rev. Chester W. Wharton, of the Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Graceland cemetery. Friends may call at the Stinchfield funeral home this evening and up until time of the services.

    Vidette-Messenger, 14 Sep 1942, p 3

    550. Howard Milton Parrott (Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 14 Aug 1892 in Audubon, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 16 Jan 1981 in Ballwin, St. Louis Co., Missouri, at age 88.

    Howard married Ruth Marion Bugg. Ruth was born on 24 Apr 1897 in Oakland, Gibson Co., Indiana and died on 17 May 1968 in Albia, Monroe Co., Iowa, at age 71.

    Notes: Dr. R.M. Parrott Dies at Home Here

    Dr. R. Marion Parrott, 71, wife of Dr. H.J. Parrott, died at her home, 116 B Ave E. early Saturday morning of cancer.

    Dr. Parrott was born April 24, 1897 in Oakland City, Ind., the daughter of T.C. and Della Richardson Bugg. She was graduated from the B.J. Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport in 1921.

    She was married to Dr. Parrott Nov. 10, 1921 in Davenport. They practiced in Decatur, Ill. before moving to Albia in 1933. She retired about six years ago.

    Dr. Parrott was a member of the First Methodist Church, Eatern Star, the American Legion Auxiliary and the World War I Veterans Auxilliary.

    Surviving are her husband: two daughters, Mrs. Martha Hawkings of Santa Ana, Calif., and Mrs. Bille Lee Rehmeir of Ellisville, Mo., a son, Thomas of Van Nuys, Calif., eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

    Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at United Methodist Church with the Rev. John A. Lippincott officiating. Burial will be in Oak View Cemetery. Graveside rites will be conducted by the Order of Eastern Star.

    The body is at the Downs Funeral Home.

    The Monroe County News, 20 May 1968, p 1

    Children from this marriage were:

       706 F    i. Martha Jean Parrott was born on 11 Nov 1922 in Indiana and died on 12 Oct 1995 in Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Oregon, at age 72.

    Martha married Hawkings.

       707 F    ii. Billie Lee Parrott was born on 26 Oct 1924 in Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois and died on 22 Feb 2013 in Jefferson City, Cole Co., Missouri, at age 88.

    Notes: REHMEIER Billie Lee Rehmeier, 88, of Jefferson City, passed away Thursday, February 22, 2013, at Golden Living Center, Jefferson City. She was born October 26, 1924, in Decatur, Illinois, a daughter of Howard and Marion (Bugg) Parrott. In 1947, Billie was united in marriage to Richard Stanley Rehmeier, who preceded her in death on September 4, 1983. She was a member of the Daughters of the Nile in Panama City Beach, Florida. She is survived by twin sons, Richard Rehmeier and wife Sandy of Jefferson City, Robert Rehmeier and wife Pat of Jefferson City; one brother, Thomas Parrott of California; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. One sister, Martha Hawkins, preceded her in death. Gravesides services and interment will be held at 12:45 p.m., Tuesday, February 26, 2013, at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy are suggested to the Humane Society of America. Arrangements are under the direction of HOUSER-MILLARD Funeral Directors, 2613 W. Main St., (573) 636-3838. Condolences may be left for the family online at

    Jefferson City News-Tribune, February 24, 2013

    Billie married Richard Stanley Rehmeier. Richard died on 4 Sep 1983.

    + 708 M    iii. Thomas Milton Parrott was born on 13 Jul 1931 in Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois and died on 12 May 2015 in Fresno Co., California, at age 83.

    551. Carlisle Burnett Parrott (Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 6 Aug 1894 and died on 27 Feb 1952, at age 57.

    Notes: John Horning, that hustling representative of the Register Leader, at Des Moines was in Brayton Monday afternoon and appointed Carlisle, Parrott, son of L.M. Parrott and wife as their agent to handle the Sunday issue of the Register-Leader at Brayton. Carlisle is a bright young man and will serve the people with the paper in a courteous manner.

    Audubon County Journal, 08 Nov 1906, p 5

    Carlisle parrott, son of M.L. Parrott, is at home again after working for a farmer east of Hamlin for couple of months or so.

    Audubon County Journal, 19 Mar 1908, p 7

    Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Parrott are in thiss (sic) city making a few days visit with his brother, John Parrott and family.

    Audubon County Journal, 01 Feb 1917, p 1

    Carlisle and family are now residents of our city, having moved here from near Brayton, last week. They are livng on North Street in the house recently vacated by Frank Kreamer. At present, Mr. Parrott is husking corn for Luther Hensley.

    Audubon County Journal, 10 Oct 1918, p 1

    Carlisle Parrott and family moved Friday to the Smith Burton farm, south of town, where they will farm this year.

    Audubon County Journal, 06 Mar 1919, p 4

    Electric lights have been installed in the Carlisle Parrott home this week.

    Audubon County Journal, 19 Feb 1920, p 5

    Another business deal was made this week when Howard Parrott sold his Cream and Produce business to his brother, Carlisle, who took possession immediately.

    Carlisle is a good, honest young man and is deserving of much patronage. He formerly owned the Cream Station which was sold to Ed Northup, and his customers were well pleaed while dealing with him.

    Call abd see Carlisle and give him a share of your patronage. He can be found at the same stand, occupied by his brother on Main St.

    Audubon County Journal, 11 Mar 1920, p 1

    Carlisle married Stella Sue Benham. Stella was born on 20 Aug 1895 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa and died on 27 Nov 1990 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 95.

    Notes: Writes Solemn And 'Fun' Verse
    by Herb Owens

    ADAIR, IA - The front door plate at the home of Mrs. Carlisle B. Parrot says simply, "Stella Sue." That's the name by which Mrs. Parrott, 69, is best known to most Adair residents.

    Stella Sue, a widow who owns produce companies here and at Exira, is known particularly as "the lady who writes the poetry." She has written verse to be read at anniversaries, funerals, birthday parties. She writes "fun" pieces, or solemn memorials.

    Poetry is only one of Mrs. Parrott's hobbies. She has been quilting since she was 15, and continues to produce many quilts. She is a dedicated knitter, producing house slippers, baby sets, sweaters and mittens.

    For years, she was worked at crocheting, producing large colorful afghans, chair sets, and other items.

    And she has a fine display of house plants, many varieties, in her home, which is loaded with attractive antiques.

    Also: "I love to cook and I love to eat- which is rough when I have to struggle with a diet because of arthrictic trouble," she said.

    Christmas Eve Wedding
    Born Stella Sue Benham in Des Moines, Mrs. Parrott attended West High School there moving to Anita, then to Winterset, where she was wed Christmas Eve, 1916, to Carlisle Barnett Parrott.

    The Parrotts farmed a while south of Exira before starting a produce business in town. They also had a business for nine months at Audubon but in 1942 moved to Adair, where they bought an established produce business.

    The Adair business is now managed by Ray Gochanour, a nephew of Mrs. Parrott; the Exira business by Max Parrott, a brother-in-law.

    Carlisle Parrott died 13 years ago. Mrs. Parrott has one daughter, Mrs. Martha L. Sublett of Adair, and a grandson, Cecil Carlisle Sublett of Des Moines.

    For 15 years Mrs. Parrott has spent summer months in her cabin in Spearfish Canyon, in South Dakota's Black Hill. Her son-in-law has a cabin nearby.

    Mrs. Parrott, who learned enough piano to play hymns, taught Sunday Shool seven years at the Methodist Church.

    Des Moines Tribune, 22 Mar 1965, p 12

    Children from this marriage were:

       709 F    i. Dona Daphene Parrott was born on 5 Mar 1918 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 25 Mar 1919 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 1.

    Notes: It is with sadness that we report the death of Dona Daphene Parrott, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Parrott, who died at the home south of town, Tuesday, March 25, 1919. The little one was born March 5 1918 and had been the pride of the happy parents. The cause of her death was bronchial pneumonia with which disease she was sick only a short time.

    The funeral service was held at the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock Rev. Matson in charge, and the body was laid to rest in the Exira cemetery. The taking away of this child has left a sad home. Only her memory is left, yet how sweet, how uplifting its influence. Our deepest sympathy is extended the bereaved parents.

    Audubon County Journal, 27 Mar 1919, p 1

       710 F    ii. Martha Louise Parrott was born on 23 May 1920 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 7 Nov 1992 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 109978577}

    Martha married Cecil Edward Sublett. Cecil was born on 26 May 1919 in Eagle Grove, Wright Co., Iowa and died on 10 Apr 1976 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 56. {Find A Grave ID: 20871863} {Find A Grave ID: 20871863}

    Marriage Notes: Martha Parrott To Take Vows This Month
    Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Parrott of Adair, Ia., announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Martha Louise, to Cecil Edward Sublett, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Sublett of Boone, Ia., The wedding will take place Saturday in Adair.

    Miss Parrott attended Drake University, where she was a member of Delta Sigma Epsilon, educational professional sorority, and Sigma Delta Epsilon, honorary science fraternity. Mr. Sublett attended Iowa State College at Ames. The couple will live in Wichita, Kan.

    Des Moines Sunday Register, 08 Feb 1942, p 9-9

    553. Max Lourain Parrott Sr. (Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 12 Nov 1898 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 29 Apr 1998 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 99.

    Notes: Max L. Parrott, 99, of Exira died of a heart ailment Wednesday in Elk Horn. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Exira Christian Church, of which he was a member. burial will be at Exira Cemetery.

    Mr. Parrott was born near Brayton and lived in Exira many years. He was the retired owner of Parrott produce and had worked at the Exira Cafe.

    Surviving are five daughters, Maxine Burns of Indianola, Rosemary Heuss of Audubon, Jo Ann Nadler of Indianola, Karol Armentrout of Collins and Jean Walker of Atlantic; two sons, Max of El Paso, Texas, and Melvin of Buhler, Kan.; 45 grandchildren; many great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren.

    The family will greet friends after 6 p.m. today at Kessler Funeral Home in Exira.

    The Des Moines Register, 01 May 1998, p 7M

    Max married Ella Genevive Ballou. Ella was born on 27 Jul 1904 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 27 May 1960 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 55.

    Children from this marriage were:

       711 M    i. Merle Parrott was born on 2 Feb 1924 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 3 Feb 1924 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 109779069}

       712 F    ii. Maxine Genese Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1924 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 9 May 2007 in Iowa, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 99743837}

    Maxine married Charles Ray Burns. Charles was born on 29 Nov 1922 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 25 Dec 2016 in Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa, at age 94. {Find A Grave ID: 174689542} {Find A Grave ID: 174689542}

    + 713 M    iii. Max Lourain Parrott Jr. was born on 14 Jun 1927 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jul 2013 in El Paso, El Paso Co., Texas, at age 86.

       714 F    iv. Rosemary Parrott was born on 10 Nov 1930 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 5 Jan 2015 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 141014311}

    Notes: Rosemary Heuss, 84, of Atlantic, went to be with the Lord, Monday, January 5, 2015, at the Heritage House in Atlantic.

    Rosemary was born on November 10, 1930, in Exira Township, (Audubon County) Iowa, the daughter of Max L. and Ella L. (Ballou) Parrott. She grew up in Exira and moved from there to Audubon after her marriage to George Donald Heuss on March 28, 1948, at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. Their connection was love at first sight at a roller skating party between Christmas and New Years, 1947. They lived south of Audubon, where they farmed and raised four daughters. As a mother there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for her daughters, and after her girls started their own families her grandchildren were her pride and joy. In 2004, when George retired, they moved to Heritage House in Atlantic.

    She was a woman of faith. At age 17 she heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time and knew immediately that it was the thing she had been looking for her whole life. From that point on, she never looked back and throughout the years, she spread His word; whether it was as a coordinator for Stonecroft Bible Studies, a member of Gideon's International for over 25 years, or the Bible studies that she and George had in their home. Rosemary was an active member of the Atlantic Gospel Chapel; she was an officer for the Christian Women's Club and taught Preschool Sunday School for over 20 years.

    Rosemary enjoyed cooking and baking, and one of Georgia's favorite memories will be spending time in the kitchen beside her mom learning how to make things from scratch because she didn't believe in mixes. When she wasn't in the kitchen, she was quite the seamstress and passed on her secrets to daughter, Bonnie, who sews to this day. Angie recalls Sunday nights on the way home from church, laying on the front seat of the car between her parents, with her head on her mother's lap (before child seats existed), and Rosemary would gently rub her forehead all the way. Rosemary sewed all of her daughters' wedding dresses and Mary Rose fondly remembers on snow days her mom making her doll clothes. Rosemary was part Indian, and when a storm was rolling in, her adventurous side came out, as she loved to watch the weather and storm spot; she also liked gardening. She had a beautiful voice, but when she wasn't singing herself, she enjoyed listening to The Gaithers, Big Band music of the 40's and watching old movies.

    Rosemary is survived by her daughters, Georgia Marie (Quentin) Schiltz of Champlin, Minnesota, Bonnie Louise (Ken) Novak of Elkhorn, Nebraska, Angela Joy (Mark) Vehlewald of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Mary Rose (Grant) Nelson of Atlantic, Iowa; 14 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; brother, Melvin Parrott of Buhler, Kansas; sisters, Karol (Ray) Armentrout of Collins, Iowa, and Jeanie (Joe) Walker of Atlantic, Iowa; and several nieces and nephews.

    She is preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, George Heuss; parents, Max and Ella Parrott; brother, Bud Parrott, sisters, Maxine Burns and Joann Nadler; and father and mother-in-law, Otto and Myrtle Heuss.

    Memorial services will be at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, January 10, 2015, at the Atlantic Gospel Chapel in Atlantic, with Pastor Stefan Johnson, officiating.

    A private family burial will be held prior to the service at Maple Grove Cemetery in Audubon.

    Visitation with the family present will be from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Friday, January 9, 2015, at Roland Funeral Service in Atlantic.

    Roland Funeral Service is caring for Rosemary's family and her arrangements. Condolences may be left at and posted on Find a Grave

    Rosemary married George Donald Heuss. George was born on 13 Oct 1925 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 13 Mar 2006 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 141015714} {Find A Grave ID: 141015714}

       715 F    v. JoAnn Parrott was born on 26 Jun 1932 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Jan 2005 in Johnston, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 72. {Find A Grave ID: 16841162}

    Notes: JoAnn Burg Nadler, 72, formerly of Atlantic, IA, passed away Saturday at the Mercy Hospice in Johnston, IA. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic. Burial will be in the Exira Cemetery in Exira, IA.

    Survivors include three sons, John (Teri) Burg of Washburn, IA, Gary (Sandy) Burg of St. Joseph, MO, and Steve (Brenda) Nadler of Mansfield, OH; two daughters, Amy (Dave) Curtis of Johnston, IA, and Sue (Dave) Bowers of Mason City, IA; four sisters, Maxine Burns of Des Moines, IA, Rosemary Heuss of Atlantic, IA, Karol Armentrout of Collins, IA, and Jeanie Walker of Atlantic, IA; two brothers, Max Parrott of El Paso, TX, and Mel Parrott of Buehler, KS; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren.

    The Des Moines Register, 11 Jan 2005, p 4B

    JoAnn married Dean Albert Burg. Dean was born on 17 Apr 1927 in Fontanelle, Adair Co., Iowa and died on 17 Nov 2007, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 181577536} {Find A Grave ID: 181577536}

    JoAnn next married Paul Mont Nadler. Paul was born on 3 Sep 1928 in Gray Summit, Franklin Co., Missouri and died on 23 Feb 1990 in Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa, at age 61. {Find A Grave ID: 117553007} {Find A Grave ID: 117553007}

    + 716 M    vi. Melvin Duane Parrott was born on 2 Jun 1936 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 24 Jan 2023 in Buhler, Reno Co., Kansas, at age 86.

    554. Benjamin Don Parrott (Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Aug 1900 in Avoca, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa and died on 17 Jul 1972 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 71.

    Notes: AUDUBON - Ben D. Parrott, 71, retired owner of the City Dairy, died suddenly of a heart attack Thursday at his home in Audubon. He was born Aug. 24, 1900 at Avoca, the son of Lewis and Martha Parrott. he was married to the former Evelyn Reuss.

    Mr. Parrott also served 16 years on the Audubon volunteer fire department.

    Surviving are his wife, Evelyn; son Ben Jr., of Oma- beth) [sic] Rubel of Audubon; six grandchildren; brothers Howard of Albia, and Max of Exira; sisters, Mrs. Earl Garoutte of Audubon, and Mrs. Chester Heidbreeder of Virginia, Ill.

    Services were to be at 2 p.m.Saturday in United Methodist Church, the Rev. Andrew Hofer officiating. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery.

    Carroll Daily Times Herald, 22 Jul 1972, p 10

    Benjamin married Evelyn Dora Reuss. Evelyn was born on 2 Nov 1906 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 18 Sep 1976 in Audubon Co., Iowa, at age 69.

    Notes: AUDUBON = Funeral services were held last Tuesday in First United Methodist Church here fro Mrs. Evelyn D. Parrott, 69, a lifelong Audubon resident who died Sept. 19 at Friendship Home. The Rev. Vernon Sorensen officiated, and burial was in Maple Grove cemtery under direction of McFadden Funeral home.

    Pallbearers were Dalton Borkowski, Frank Jorgensen, Richard Miller, Fred Nissen, John Parrott Jr., and Roger Schultz.

    Evelyn D. Parrott, the daughter of Evald. A.C. and Pauline Jensen Reuss, was born in Audubon on Nov. 22, 1906. She was educated in the Audubon schools adn was a member of the United Methodist Church as well as being active in numerous community organizations.

    Her marriage to Ben D. Parrott took place in Audubon on Feb. 15, 1924. They lived all their married life in Audubon. Mr. Parrott died in 1972.

    Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Leo (Elizabeth) Rubel of Audubon; a son, Benjamin Don Parrott Jr., of Omaha; six grandchildren; two sisters, Ann Pratt of Washington, Ia., and Ellowene Marrs of Omaha.

    Times Herald, 27 Sep 1976, p 2

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 717 M    i. Benjamin Don Parrott Jr. was born on 8 Sep 1924 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 6 Apr 1994 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 69.

    557. Willis Merle Parrott (Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 Oct 1908 in Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 8 Oct 1965 in Carroll Co., Iowa, at age 56. Another name for Willis was Bus Parrott.

    Notes: GLIDDEN - Willis Merle Parrott, 56, Glidden, died about 8 a.m. Friday, Oct. 8, at St. Anthony Hospital in Carroll after a long illness. A resident of Glidden for 23 years, he had been manager of the Quality Egg Market Corporation and then manager of the Walnut Grove Feed Company.

    Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Methodist Church here, with the Rev. Earl McGinness officiating. Interment will be in Westlawn Cemetery, Glidden. Friends may call at the Huffman Funeral Home, Glidden, after 10 a.m. Saturday and until 1:30 p.m. Sunday. The casket will not be opened at the church.

    Mr. Parrott was born at Brayton Oct. 11, 1908, coming to Carroll County in 1942. He graduated from Audubon High School. His marriage to Veda Irene Barenson took place at Carroll Feb. 27, 1928. He was a member of the Methodist Church and Masonic Lodge at Glidden and of the Elks Lodge at Carroll. He was also a member of the National Guard.

    Survivors include his wife; two sons, Roger of Royal, and John, of Harlan; three daughters, Mrs. Bernard (Barbara) Hobson, Waterloo; Mrs. Gerald (Marilee) Michael, Council Bluffs; and Linda, at home; seven grandchildren; four brothers, J.C. Parrott, Audubon; H.M. Parrott, Albia; Max L. Parrott, Exira; and Ben Parrott, Audubon; three sisters, Mrs. Earl Garoutte, Audubon; Mrs. Carl Stanley, Exira; and Mrs. Chester Heidbreder, Virginia, Illinois.

    One brother and one sister preceded him in death.

    Carroll Daily Times Herald, 8 Oct 1965, p 1

    Willis married Veda Irene Barentson. Veda was born in 1910 and died in 2005 in Carroll Co., Iowa, at age 95.

    Children from this marriage were:

       718 F    i. Barbara Jean Parrott was born on 29 Oct 1928 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 30 Oct 2018 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 90.

    Notes: WATERLOO \emdash Barbara Jean Jauch, 90, of Waterloo, died Oct. 30 at the Landing at Friendship Village.

    She was born Oct. 29, 1928, in Audubon, daughter of Willis and Veda (Barentson) Parrott. She married Bernard Hobson in 1948; he died in 1966. In 1971, she married Dr. Karl E. Jauch. He died in 1998.

    Barbara graduated from Glidden High School and received her RN from Mercy in Fort Dodge. After moving to Waterloo in 1957, Barbara worked for Schoitz Memorial Hospital as head nurse of OB Department. and later as assistant director of nurses.

    Survived by: her children, Mark Hobson (Diane Burroughs) of Madison, Wis., Matt Hobson (Connie) of Waterloo and stepson Kurt Jauch (Carol) of Cincinnati; a sister, Linda Klinzman (Marc) of Broomfield, Colo.; five grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

    Preceded in death by: her parents; two brothers, Roger and John Parrott; a sister, Marilee Michaels; and a granddaughter, Crystal Hobson.

    Celebration of Life and luncheon: 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, at Hickory Hills Park, Lakeview Lodge, La Porte City. Kearns Funeral Service Kimball Chapel in Waterloo is in charge of the arrangements.

    Memorials in lieu of flowers: may be directed to Prairie Rapids Audubon Society or Cedar Valley Hospice.

    Condolences may be left at

    Barbara was an accomplished birdwatcher and enjoyed birding all over the U.S. and other countries. She was a generous individual, loved nature and was passionate about preservation of natural areas and good literature.The family thanks Friendship Village, Cedar Valley Hospice, and her friend Barbara Gray for her care.

    Barbara married Bernard Hobson. Bernard was born on 20 Feb 1921 in Wall Lake, Sac Co., Iowa and died in Oct 1966 in Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 45.

    Marriage Notes: GLIDDEN - The marriage of Barbara Jean Parrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Parrott of Glidden, to Bernard Hobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hobson of Adair, took place at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Glidden Methodist church. The Rev. Harold Hewitt read the double ring service.
    < >

    The bride, a graduate of Glidden high school, was in nurse training at Fort Dodge for two and one-half years. Mr. Hobson attended Simpson college, Indianola, after his graduation from Adair high school. He is affiliated with Kappa Theta Pi fraternity. He held the rank of lieutenant, (j.g.), in the naval air corps, in which he served three years. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

    Carroll Times Herald, 21 Dec 1948, p 4

    Barbara next married Dr. Karl Ernst Jauch. Karl was born on 4 Nov 1925 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 14 Jan 1998 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 72.

    + 719 M    ii. Roger Willis Parrott was born on 5 May 1932 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 24 Nov 1999 in Jackson, Teton Co., Wyoming, at age 67.

    + 720 M    iii. John M. Parrott was born on 13 Jul 1936 in Iowa and died on 22 May 2017 in Jackson Hole, Teton Co., Wyoming, at age 80.

       721 F    iv. Marilee Parrott was born on 28 Jan 1944 in Iowa and died on 7 Feb 2013 in Iowa, at age 69.

    Marilee married Gerald Michael.

    558. Perry Orrin Parrott (John Lester Sr.9, Perry8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Mar 1898 in Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Nov 1967 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 69. {Find A Grave ID: 243089444}

    Notes: PARROTT- Perry, age 69, 7224 Harriet Av. Survived by 3 daughters and 4 brothers. Services Wednesday 1 p.m. Enga Memorial Chapel, 5600 Excelsior Blvd. Interment Crystal Lake Cemetery.

    The Minneapolis Star, 27 Nov 1967, p 19B

    Perry married Hilja Marie "Mae" Koski. Hilja was born on 20 May 1901 in Wakefield, Gogebic Co., Michigan and died on 9 Mar 1998 in Ashland Co., Wisconsin, at age 96. {Find A Grave ID: 12829159} {Find A Grave ID: 12829159}

    Children from this marriage were:

       722 F    i. Berniece Marie Parrott was born on 3 Nov 1924 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 13 Jan 2004 in Palm Bay, Brevard Co., Florida, at age 79.

    Berniece married Lawrence Edwin Lund. Lawrence was born on 26 Oct 1916 in Superior Co., Wisconsin and died on 4 Apr 1999 in Melbourne, Brevard Co., Florida, at age 82.

       723 F    ii. Shirley E. Parrott was born on 28 Jul 1926 in Wisconsin and died in Oct 1981, at age 55. {Find A Grave ID: 12829156}

       724 F    iii. Delores Irene Parrott was born on 5 Feb 1928 in Cook Co., Illinois and died on 26 Jul 2009 in Mount Prospect, Cook Co., Illinois, at age 81.

    Notes: Delores Irene Loeb of Mount Prospect for 47 years The funeral service for Delores Irene Loeb (nee Parrott), 81, formerly of Franklin Park for 12 years and Chicago for 22 years, will be held from 11 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday, Aug. 1, at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1624 E. Euclid Ave., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, 847-824-7408. Pastor Peter Hellstedt and Intern Jade Yi will officiate. Interment will be private. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 31, and from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, at the church. Delores was born Feb. 5, 1928, in Chicago. She grew up in Chicago, spending summers with her grandparents (the Koski Farm), in northern Wisconsin, near Marengo. She went to Knickerbocker Elementary and Waller High School in Chicago. She had a lifelong friendship with girls she met in elementary school, Grace, Mary and June. She met the love of her life, Red, at a street dance when she was 14, and he was 15. They were married eight years later after his return from the military. Delores was employed in the lease accounting department at Montgomery Ward Headquarters on Chicago Avenue until she and Red became adoptive parents, at which time she became a stay-at-home mom. During that time, she volunteered to be a foster parent for the Lutheran Home Finding Society. She cared for nine different infants, successively at different times while rearing her own two children. Delores has been very grateful to God and the Lutheran Church for the many blessings bestowed upon her, including her five grandchildren, wonderful children and their spouses. She became an LPN later in life and worked at Americana Nursing Home. She was a volunteer at the Lutheran Home in Arlington Heights for nine years and also did volunteer work for PADS. She was the wife of Harmon "Red" Loeb for 58 years; mother of Mark (Amy) Loeb and Heidi (Dick) Lloyd; grandmother of Heather Loeb, Kevin Loeb, Kristyn Loeb, Alex Lloyd and Mickey Lloyd; aunt of Jean Patterson and Bruce Lund; and cousin of Dorothy Miles. She was preceded in death by her mother, Mae Makie and sisters, Shirley and Bernice. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. For information, Friedrichs Funeral Home, Mount Prospect, 847-255-7800 or

    Daily Herald, 31 July 2009

    Perry next married Louise. Louise was born in 1908 in Iowa.

    559. Lester John Parrott Jr. (John Lester Sr.9, Perry8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Nov 1899 in Redwood Falls, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 8 Apr 1962 in Shasta Co., California, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 93201348}

    Notes: Parrott appointed to labor council
    Lester Parrott, a business agent of the Carpenters union, has been appointed second vice-president of the AFL-CIO Five Counties Central Labor council. Parrott takes the place of Robert Hancock, former business agent of the Machinists union.

    Redding (CA) Record-Searchlight, 19 Feb 1962, p 9

    Funeral services for Lester J. Parrott will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at McDonald's Chapel. Services will also be conducted in Minneapolis, Minn., where Parrotts will be buried.

    Redding RecordSearchlight, 10 Apr 1962, p 13

    PARROTT-Lester J., age 61, formerly of Mpls. Services and interment Project City, Calif.

    The Minneapolis Star, 12 Apr 1962, p D-1Y

    Lester married Dorothy M. Birge. Dorothy was born on 15 Nov 1905 in Michigan and died on 10 Feb 1976 in Redding, Shasta Co., California, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 93067536} {Find A Grave ID: 93067536}

    562. Vernon O. Parrott (John Lester Sr.9, Perry8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Jun 1905 in Kintire, Redwood Co., Minnesota and died on 4 Jan 1977 in Fort Myers, Lee Co., Florida, at age 71.

    Notes: Vernon O. Parrott, 71, of Mobil Manor, North Fort Myers, died Tuesday in Fort Myers. He was born in Redwood County, Minn., and moved to Florida in 1962. He was a paint contractor and retired from his decorating business. He was married to Josephine Claypatch, Feb. 22, 1926, and celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last year at Mobile Manor.

    He is survived by his wife, Josephine Parrott of North Fort Myers; one son, Verdon Parrott of Minneapolis; two brothers, Oliver of Chicago, Ill, and George of Michigan; two granddaughters, Mrs. Nancy Lundberg of Iowa and Jacqueline Bolvin of Minneapolis, and one great-granddaughter, Dana Michelle Lundberg of Iowa.

    Funeral service will be held Friday at 1 p.m. at the North Fort Myers Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Irving Meiers officiating. The family will receive friends today from 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be in Memorial Gardens Cemetery.

    Fort Myers News-Press, 06 Jan 1977, p 4B

    Vernon married Josephine Claypatch. Josephine was born on 22 Apr 1906 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 1 Feb 1988 in Hernando Co., Florida, at age 81. {Find A Grave ID: 123705560} {Find A Grave ID: 123705560}

    Notes: PARROTT, JOSEPHINE, 81, of Brooksville, died Monday (Feb. 1, 1988) at Lykes Memorial Hospital. Born in Chicago, she came here two years ago from Fort Myers and was a retired sales clerk. Survivors include a son, Verdon, Brookridge; a brother, Henry Claypatch, Brooklyn Center, Minn.; two sisters, Rose Sandholm, Fort Myers, and Blanche Davis, Parkers Prairie, Minn.; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Pinecrest Funeral Chapel, Brookville.

    Times, 02 Feb 1988, p 8

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 725 M    i. Vernon Verdon Parrott was born on 21 Dec 1926 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 14 May 1994 in Hernando Co., Florida, at age 67.

    571. Raymond Parrott (Jacob Lawrence9, Thomas Miller8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Nov 1918 in Timber Lake, Dewey Co., South Dakota and died on 11 Nov 1996 in Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico, at age 77.

    Raymond married Margaret Brisbine. Margaret was born on 22 Oct 1918 and died on 18 Aug 2011, at age 92.

    Notes: Margaret Brisbine Parrott is an artist working primarily in ink, water-colors, oils, acrylics and ceramics. Her ceramics include small angels which can be custom made to your order. She has also produced three decks of playing cards.

    The Parrott Tarot Deck is based on the Golden Dawn tradition (also the source of Aleister Crowley's Thoth Deck and A. E. Waite's Rider-Waite Tarot Deck) with the addition of four new face cards, the Mentors, designed with her son, Thom Parrott, who discusses the Mentors on their own page. (1997)

    573. Robert Raymond Parrott (Raymond Nelson9, Horace Evering8, John B. 'Jack' Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Nov 1941 in Lake City, Minnesota and died on 27 Oct 2020 in Plainview, Wabasha Co., Minnesota, at age 78.

    Notes: Robert Raymond Parrott, 78, passed away on October 27, 2020 while under hospice care at Green Prairie Rehabilitation Center in Plainview, MN. Bob was born November 2, 1941 in Lake City, MN to Raymond and Margaret (Burch) Parrott. He graduated from Lincoln High School in Lake City in 1959 and served in the Army Reserves in the 1960's. He was a proud Lake City native and one of the city's most knowledgeable historians.

    Bob married Marlene Fritz on June 15, 1973 in Waseca and they made their home in Lake City. He was involved in a number of the town's service groups and organizations including the Lake City Police Reserves, Jaycees, Lake City Sportsman's Club, Lake City Area Arts Council, Lake City Historical Society, Centennial Book Committee, Kiwanis Club, Children's Theater Board, and the Phantoms Car Club.

    While he was involved in a number of community groups, Bob was an active part of the Lake City Public Schools. He was a long-time member of the Band Boosters, served on the Lake City School Board, the Hiawatha Valley Educational District Board, and The Lake City Education Foundation. He also volunteered for a number of school events and trips as a chaperone and supervisor. He was even nominated by teachers in 1995 for the "WCCO Good Neighbor Award" because of his deep commitment and dedication to the schools. Bob was inducted into the Lake City Public School's Hall of Fame in 2008 in the category of outstanding contributions.

    Bob served a number of roles in the community but was most well-known for his photography. He photographed a number of weddings but was frequently seen capturing action shots at local high school sporting events and fine arts performances as a part of the Lake City Graphic staff. While not all of his shots made the local paper, he was always working hard to get them into the hands of the students.

    Bob enjoyed taking vacations with his family, Vikings football, old cars, and catching up with friends. He could strike up a conversation with anyone, even a perfect stranger.

    Bob is survived by his wife Marlene Parrott, daughter Stacy Loomis, granddaughter Chloe Loomis, sisters, Marjorie (Grant) Hayes, and Phillis Hanson. He was preceded in death by his parents, sister, Peggy Brunkhorst, and son-in-law Wade Loomis.

    A Celebration of Life Gathering will be held from 4:00 \endash 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 7 at Schleicher Funeral Homes, Lake City Chapel. Masks are required and please practice social distancing. Should friends desire, gifts may be given to the family or contributions may be made in Bob's name to the Lake City Public Schools.

    577. Elmer Leslie Parrott (John Clemer9, Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Apr 1901 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 16 May 1958 in Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 57. {Find A Grave ID: 67396495}

    Notes: MANCHESTER - Funeral services for Elmer L. Parrott, 57, who died at the Delaware County Memorial Hospital Friday evening will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the First Lutheran church here; burial will be in Pine View cemetery, Delaware; body at Shelly Funeral home; survivors include his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Harold Hutchison, Manchester; Mrs. Raymond Miller, Greeley; and Carol, Manchester; his mother, Mrs. Gladys Parrott, Manchester.

    Waterloo Sunday Courier, 18 May 1958 p 18

    Elmer married Dora Anna Wilemena Rath. Dora was born on 5 Apr 1901 in Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 29 Apr 2007 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 106. {Find A Grave ID: 19140328} {Find A Grave ID: 19140328}

    Notes: Dora Parrott, 106, of Manchester, died Sunday, April 29, 2007, in the Good Neighbor Home, Manchester, following a brief illness. Services: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Leonard-Muller Funeral Home, Manchester, with the Rev. Jill Mack officiating. Interment: Pine View Cemetery, Delaware, Iowa. Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Survivors include her two daughters, Billee (Raymond) Miller of Baraboo, Wis., and Carole Hutchinson of Manchester; her sister, Gayle McElmeel of Manchester; 12 grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

    Dora was preceded in death by her husband, Elmer; her daughter, Syble Hutchinson; two brothers, Henry and Lawrence Rath; and a sister, Frances Mattice.

    The Gazette, April 30, 2007

    The child from this marriage was:

       726 F    i. Syble Gayle Parrott was born on 27 Sep 1922 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died in Oct 1982, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 23134290}

    Syble married Harold Raymond Hutchinson. Harold was born on 2 Sep 1922 in Robinson, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 30 Dec 1996 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 23134342} {Find A Grave ID: 23134342}

    579. Andrew Clemer Parrott (John Clemer9, Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 16 May 1907 and died on 9 Aug 1968 in Volga, Clayton Co., Iowa, at age 61. {Find A Grave ID: 116696524}

    Notes: GREELEY - Services for Andrew C. Parrott, 61, who died Friday at a doctor's office in Volga, will be 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Shelly Funeral Home in Manchester; burial in Oakland Cemetery in Manchester; survived by a son, Donald of Manchester; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Gray of Waterloo; 2 sisters: Mrs. Ruth Hughes of Olney, Ill., and Mrs. J.B. Gehl of Clinton.

    Waterloo Sunday Courier, 11 Aug 1968, p 21

    Andrew married Amber Pearl Tripp. Amber was born on 18 Jul 1903 in Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 23 Dec 1997 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 94. {Find A Grave ID: 119129545} {Find A Grave ID: 119129545}

    Notes: Amber Pearl Antons, 94, died Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1997, in the Good Neighbor Home following a long illness. Services: 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, United Methodist Church, by the Rev. Ellis Andrews. The family will greet friends from 2 to 8 p.m. on Monday at thte Bohnenkamp-Murdoch Funeral Home, Manchester, and one hour before the services at the church. Burial: Oakland Cemetery.

    Survivors include her son, Don Parrott and wife Florence of Manchester; a daughter, Marian Gray and husband Robert of Waterloo; and two sisters, Helen Annis and Doris Heiserman, both of Manchester. Also surviving are four grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.

    She was preceded in death by her parents; two husbands; and a son, Robert Parrott.

    Born on July 18, 1903, in rural Delaware County to Alfred and Lorena Lee Tripp, she married Andrew Parrott on Feb. 26, 1926, in Galena, Ill. They later divorced. She then married John Herman Antons on June 25, 1965, in Manchester. He died on June 16, 1973.

    Amber was a member of the United Methodist Church, an active member of United Methodist Women, and was enrolled in Golden Link. She had also been active in many card clubs through the years.

    A memorial fund has been established in Amber's memory.

    The Gazette, 28 Dec 1997, p 14A

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 727 M    i. Donald Alfred Parrott was born on 2 Sep 1927 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 12 Apr 2002 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 74.

       728 M    ii. Robert Dean Parrott was born on 5 Jan 1930 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 5 Jan 1930 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 128711441}

       729 F    iii. Marian Ann Parrott was born on 27 May 1932 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 4 Feb 2011 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 126955957}

    Notes: CEDAR FALLS \emdash Marian Ann Gray, 78, of Cedar Falls, died Friday, Feb. 4, at ManorCare Health Service, Waterloo.

    She was born May 27, 1932, in Manchester, daughter of Andrew and Amber Tripp Parrott. In 1952 she married Robert Gray in Nashua. He preceded her in death.

    Mrs. Gray graduated from Manchester High School in 1950 and worked as an accountant at Brownies Food Locker until her retirement. Survived by: two sons, Steven (Linnea) of Deer Creek, Minn., and Jeff of Evansdale; a daughter, Susan (James) Walker of Evansdale; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a sister-in-law, Florence Parrott. Preceded in death by: two brothers, Robert Parrott in infancy and Donald Parrott.

    Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Parrott & Wood Chapel of Memories, an Overton Family Service, Waterloo, with burial in Garden of Memories, Waterloo, in the spring. Visitation for an hour before services Saturday at the funeral home. Memorials: may be directed to Waterloo Metro Bowling Association.

    Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, 11 Feb 2011

    Marian married Robert Milton Gray. Robert was born on 16 Oct 1931 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa and died on 11 Nov 2010 in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, at age 79. {Find A Grave ID: 62006384} {Find A Grave ID: 62006384}

    582. Lorrin Warren Parrott (Warren Riley9, Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 26 Jun 1904 in Farley, Dubuque Co., Iowa and died on 3 Jan 1981 in Clark, Clark Co., South Dakota, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 130698376}

    Lorrin married Alice Mildred Lamb. Alice was born on 17 Sep 1904 in Dell Rapids, Minnehaha Co., South Dakota and died in May 1975 in Watertown, Codington Co., South Dakota, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 130698377} {Find A Grave ID: 130698377}

    Notes: Alice was born in Dell Rapids, SD to John and Jennie Lamb on September 17, 1904. She later moved to a farm south of Clark, SD, with her parents. Alice married Lorrin Warren Parrott on June 24, 1925 in Sanborn, O'Brien, Iowa, USA. At first, they farmed and lived southwest of Clark. Later they moved into town where they eventually lived in John & Jennie's home in Clark. Alice worked in various cafes until Alice & Lorrin started their own cafe, "Snack Shop." She was a wonderful cook and baker - well known for her saffron buns & Thanksgiving dinners. She died on 30 May 1975 in Watertown Hospital, Watertown, Codington, South Dakota, USA.
    To this union, one son, Donald Parrott, was born in 1925. He died shortly after birth.

    --from Feeding the Flock: A Collection of John & Jennie Lamb Family Favorites - posted on Find a Grave 130698377

    The child from this marriage was:

       730 M    i. Donald Parrott was born in 1925 in Clark, Clark Co., South Dakota and died in 1925 in Clark, Clark Co., South Dakota. {Find A Grave ID: 130698375}

    587. Virgil LeRoy Parrott (James Benton9, William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Feb 1913 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 30 May 1989 in Montgomery Co., Iowa, at age 76.

    Virgil married Eva Evelyn Johnson. Eva was born on 30 Sep 1918 in Kanorado, Sherman Co., Kansas and died on 21 May 2016 in Brighton, Adams Co., Colorado, at age 97.

    Notes: Eva Evelyn Johnson Parrott was born September 30, 1918 to Oscar Chelmar Johnson and Lara Belle Leazenby Johnson in Kanorado, Kansas and died May 21, 2016 in Brighton, Colorado. Eva married Virgil LeRoy Parrott on January 6, 1938 in Griswold, Iowa where they farmed until LeRoy's death in 1989.

    She is survived by her son, Dennis Parrott and wife, Barbara, of Brighton, Colorado; two grandchildren, Katherine Parrott of Wheat Ridge, Colorado and Dennis Parrott and his wife, Tara, of Tampa, Florida and one great-grandchild, Logan Parrott.

    Eva moved to Brighton, Colorado in 1994. She enjoyed gardening, especially flowers, sewing, Crocheting, quilting and making many other craft items. She had a feisty spirit with a heart of gold and she will be dearly missed.

    A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 3:30pm at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Brighton.

    Tabor-Rice Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.

    589. LeRoy James Parrott (William Howard Taft9, William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 22 Jan 1932 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 31 May 2022 in Iowa, at age 90.

    Notes: LeRoy J. Parrott, age 90, passed away peacefully at his home on May 31, 2022 after a 6 month illness. LeRoy was born in Atlantic, Iowa on January 22, 1932 to the late Howard and Opal Parrott. He married Marianne Runte on November 10, 1951 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. To this union their daughter, Cathy was born on her father's 21st birthday. LeRoy was employed at Fruehauf Bulk Tank Corporation for 35 years. In addition to his parents, LeRoy was preceded in death by his brothers, Norman, Harold (Gail), Jack (Shirley), Virgil and his sister, Lois (Kenny) Malone. LeRoy is survived by his loving wife of 70 years, Marianne; daughter, Cathy (Dennis) Messerli; grandson, Steve Messerli and his girlfriend, Jessica Minatra and her daughter, Bella; brother-in-law, LeRoy Runte; special niece, Mary Parrott and many nephews and nieces. Visitation with the family, Monday, 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. with funeral beginning at 11:00 a.m. at Cutler-O'Neill-Meyer-Woodring Bayliss Park Chapel. Interment Cedar Lawn Cemetery with a lunch following at Gethsemane Presbyterian Church, 224 Wallace Ave. Memorials are suggested to Gethsemane Presbyterian Church or to the Kanesville Riders Honor Guard, 3000 Ave. B dedicated to our deceased loved ones: Virgil Parrott, US Army, Harold Parrott and Norman Parrott, US Marine Corps, Clarence Runte, US Army, and Edward Messerli, US Navy. [accessed 28 Jun 2022]

    LeRoy married Marianne Ruth Runte. Marianne was born on 2 Feb 1934 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa and died on 6 Jul 2023, at age 89.

    Marriage Notes: LeRoy and Marianne Parrott will be celebrating their 70th anniversary on November 10, 2021.

    They were married at Bethany Presbyterian Church, in Council Bluffs, on November 10, 1951.

    They have one daughter, Cathy and husband Dennis Messerli, of Council Bluffs; and one grandson, Steve Messerli and girlfriend Jessica Minatra and her daughter, Isabella.

    Notes: Marianne R. Parrott, age 89, passed away peacefully at UNMC on July 6, 2023. Marianne was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa on February 2, 1934 to the late Miles and Thelma (Walker) Runte. She married LeRoy J. Parrott on November 10, 1951. To this union their daughter Cathy was born. Marianne was employed at A.I. Root Candle Company for 35 years. She was also employed at Laidlaw/First Student as a bus monitor for special need students for 25 years. Marianne retired at the age of 82 years old.

    In addition to her parents and husband LeRoy, Marianne was preceded in death by brothers, Jesse and Clarence and her sister Beverly. Marianne is survived by her daughter, Cathy (Dennis) Messerli; grandson, Steve Messerli (Jessica Minatra) and her daughter, Bella; brother, LeRoy Runte; special niece, Mary Parrott and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

    Funeral service, Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. at Cutler-O'Neill-Meyer-Woodring Bayliss Park Chapel. Interment Cedar Lawn Cemetery with a lunch following at Gethsemane Presbyterian Church, 224 Wallace Ave. Visitation with the family one prior to the service on Tuesday at the funeral home. Memorials are suggested to Gethsemane Presbyterian Church.

    591. Harold Alvin Parrott (William Howard Taft9, William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Jun 1934 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 15 Jul 1990 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 56.

    Harold married Gail Jean Johnson. Gail was born on 6 Sep 1936 in Grand Island, Hall Co., Nebraska and died on 23 Mar 2004 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    Notes: Gail J. Parrott, 67, of Council Bluffs died March 23 at home.

    She was born Sept. 6, 1936, in Grand Island, Neb. She moved to Council Bluffs in 1955. She graduated in 1954 from Grand Island High School. She was a homemaker and she and her late husband were the original owners of the Leisure Lounge. She was a member of Our Savior's Lutheran Church; Christian Women's Association; various quilt guilds in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Glenwood; Council Bluffs Eagles Club Aerie No. 104. She was a friend of Bill W. for nearly 20 years.

    Mrs. Parrott was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Harold A. Parrott, in 1990. She was also preceded by her father and mother, Vernon and Edna Sundstrom; and brother, Alan Sundstrom.

    Survivors include her daughter, Mary Parrott and friend, Forrest Martinson, of Council Bluffs; three sons, Jerry Parrott and wife, Patti, and Steve Parrott and wife, Kay, all of Council Bluffs, and Jeff Parrott and wife, Ronda, of Phoenix, Ariz.; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sisters, Kay Campbell and husband, Ted, of Florida, Peggy Salinas of Leavenworth, Kan., Pat Proskocil and husband, Leonard, of Ord, Neb., and Donna Gallo and husband, Frank, of Washington; brothers, Vernon Sundstrom Jr. and wife, Geta, of California and Chuck Johnson and wife, Linda, of Texas; nieces and nephews.

    Visitation with the family will be Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. at Cutler-O'Neill-Meyer-Woodring Funeral Home. The funeral will be Saturday at 11 a.m. at the funeral home with the Rev. Jonathon V. Kosec of Our Savior's Lutheran Church officiating. Private burial will be held on Monday in Ridgewood Cemetery. Funeral lunch will immediately follow the funeral service at Our Savior's Lutheran Church.

    Memorials may be offered to Immanuel Rehabilitation Center, Council Bluffs Library or Our Savior's Lutheran Church.

    592. Jack J. Parrott (William Howard Taft9, William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Mar 1936 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 3 Apr 2001 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 65. {Find A Grave ID: 87309873}

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 731 M    i. Jack Timothy Parrott Sr. was born on 29 Oct 1958 in Iowa and died on 17 Dec 2014 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 56.

    594. Virgil Howard Parrott (William Howard Taft9, William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Apr 1940 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 14 Dec 2010 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 70. {Find A Grave ID: 62956169}

    Notes: Virgil Howard Parrott, age 70, of Council Bluffs, passed away at his home on December 14, 2010.

    He was born April 17, 1940, in Atlantic, Iowa, to William A. and Opal E. (Meek) Parrott.

    Virgil is preceded in death by his wife, Loretta M. (Beck) Parrott; sister, Lois Malone; brothers, Harold, Jack, and Norm Parrott.

    He is survived by his children, Robert L. Parrott, Michael T. Parrott, and Lura M. Bishop; grandchildren, Chad Parrott and Amanda Parrott; 5 great grandsons; brother, LeRoy Parrott; fiancé, Flo Bicking.

    Visitation will be Thursday, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., at Maher-Livingston Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be Friday, at 10 a.m., at Maher-Livingston with interment following at Cedar Lawn Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to Gethsemane Presbyterian Church, 224 Wallace Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa, 51503.

    The Daily Nonpareil

    Virgil married Loretta Mary Florence Beck. Loretta was born on 14 Apr 1942 in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa and died on 29 Jul 2000 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 58. {Find A Grave ID: 86998653} {Find A Grave ID: 86998653}

    595. Herbert Frederick Parrott (Alfred Levi9, Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Jul 1916 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 14 Aug 1990 in Greenfield, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 74.

    Herbert next married Sherry Marlene Beaman. Sherry was born on 19 Jun 1938 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 26 Jun 1999 in Fontanelle, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 61.

    Notes: Sherry Parrott, 61, of Fonanelle died of a heart ailment Saturday at Mercy Hospital Medical Center in Des Moines. Services will be at 10 a.m. today at Fontanelle United Methodist Church. Burial will be at Canby Cemetery. Mrs. Parrott was born in Madison County and lived most of her life in the Fontanelle area. She was a homemaker.

    Surviving are two daughters, June Parrott of Fontanelle and Rita Parrott of Greenfield; two sons, Johny of Fontanelle and Roy of Greenfield; 10 grandchildren; and four stepgrandchildren. Kenneth Hubard of Fontanelle was her longtime companion. Steen Funeral Home in Fontanelle is handling arrangments.

    The Des Moines Register, 29 Jun 1999, p 5M

    Children from this marriage were:

       732 F    i. Jean Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1966 in Iowa and died on 20 Feb 1966 in Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 21352052}

       733 F    ii. Jane Parrott was born on 20 Feb 1966 in Iowa and died on 20 Feb 1966 in Iowa. {Find A Grave ID: 21352051}

    596. Gerald Wayne Parrott (Alfred Levi9, Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Dec 1917 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 1 Mar 1992 in Rogers Co., Arkansas, at age 74.

    Gerald married Beulah Irene Christenson. Beulah was born on 19 Apr 1921 in Guthrie Co., Iowa and died on 3 Oct 2001 in Fayetteville, Washington Co., Arkansas, at age 80.

    Notes: Beulah Irene Parrott, 80, of Bella Vista, Ark., died Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2001, at City Hospital in Fayetteville, Ark. She was born April 19, 1921, in Guthrie Center, Iowa, to Alfred Hans Christensen and Inez Branson Christensen.

    She had lived in Bella Vista for 10 years, moving from Denver, Colo. She worked as a legal stenographer and was a Lutheran. She enjoyed reading and gardening.

    Survivors include a son, Martin Parrott of Manhattan, Kan.; and a brother, Alfred H. Christensen Jr. of Northridge, Calif.

    No services are planned. Cremation arrangements are by Rollins Funeral Home of Rogers, Ark.

    Benton County Daily Record, 05 Oct 2001, p 1

    The child from this marriage was:

       734 M    i. Martin Alfred Parrott was born on 26 Jul 1940 in Guthrie Co., Iowa and died on 3 Dec 2016 in Manhattan, Riley Co., Kansas, at age 76.

    Notes: Martin Parrott, age 76 of Manhattan, passed away Saturday, December 3, 2016 at the Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan.

    He was born on July 26, 1940 in Guthrie Center, Iowa, the son of Gerald Wayne and Beulah Irene (Christensen) Parrott. Martin lived in Guthrie County the first 13 years of his life. The family moved to Denver, Colorado in 1953. Martin honorably served his country in the Army from 1962 to 1988. He achieved Master Sergeant E8 status, with 16 years as an Intelligence Specialist and 10 years as a Counter Intelligence Agent. Martin was fluent in Polish, Japanese, German and English languages, and spent time in Germany and Japan, along with other countries. Some of his decorations included Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon, 2 Accommodation Medals, 3 Good Conduct Medals, Armed Force Expedition Medal and Legion of Merit. After leaving the military he managed the Waukee Gun Club in Iowa, later moving to Manhattan, Kansas.

    Martin was an active member of the Board of the Manhattan-Ogden Public Schools Foundation where he dedicated $2,000 per student scholarship for three or four students each year for the Charles Davis Scholarship. He was proud of "his" students that were selected and looked for other ways to help students in need beyond the scholarships. He was a member of the Kansas Trap Shooting Association, Amateur Trap Shooting Association, American Legion Post 124 in Guthrie Center, Iowa and a lifetime member of the National Skeet Shooting Association. He enjoyed helping Uncle Mervyn Branson on the family farm, hunting and competitive trap and skeet shooting.

    He is survived by his uncle, Norman Parrott and wife Betty of Greenfield, Iowa, 13 cousins on the Parrott side and 3 cousins on the Christensen side. He was preceded in death by his parents, Gerald and Beulah Parrott.

    Graveside inurnment services at the Montieth Cemetery with Full Military Honors in Montieth, Iowa are pending.
    The Anderes-Pfeifley Funeral Home in handling the arrangements.

    597. Melvin George Parrott (Alfred Levi9, Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 26 Aug 1919 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jul 2005 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 85.

    Notes: Melvin Parrott, 85, of Corning died July 27, 2005, at Alegent Health Mercy Hospital in Corning.

    Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, July 30, at Steen Funeral Home, 101 S.E. Fourth St., Greenfield. The Rev. David Kruse will officiate the service. Burial will be in Greenfield Cemetery with full military rites. Open visitation will be after 1 p.m. today with family visitation 5 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home in Greenfield. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the American Legion.

    Mr. Parrott, son of Christina (Wahe) and Alfred Levi Parrott, was born Aug. 26, 1919, in Cass County. On Nov. 28, 1945, he married Irene Glade in Fontanelle. He was a farmer.

    Survivors include his wife, Irene Parrott of Corning; two sons, Mark Parrott of Greenfield and Doug Parrott of Lenox; daughter Vivian (husband Dennis) Walton of Story City; brother Norman (wife Betty) Parrott of Greenfield; and three granddaughters.

    He was preceded in death by his parents and three brothers, Herb, Wayne and Harold Parrott.

    Creston News Advertiser, 02 Aug 2005

    Melvin married Bessie Irene Glade. Bessie was born on 24 Jul 1921 in Jackson, Adair Co., Iowa and died on 15 May 2013 in Corning, Adams Co., Iowa, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 111034765} {Find A Grave ID: 111034765}

    Notes: Bessie Irene Parrott was born on July 24, 1921, in Adair County, Iowa, the daughter of Charles and Bertha (Neilson) Glade. She passed away on Wednesday, May 15, 2013, at the Corning Nursing and Rehab Center in Corning, Iowa, at the age of 91.

    Irene was raised in the area of her birth. She attended school at Bridgewater, Iowa. Upon graduating in 1940 she became a teacher and taught classes at a country school in Adair County. She was thus employed during WW II while anxiously awaiting the return of her sweet heart, Melvin Parrott. Upon his safe return they were united in marriage on November 28, 1945, in Fontanelle, Iowa. To this union three children were born: Douglas, Vivian and Mark. When first married Irene and Melvin made a home on farms near Bridgewater until 1951 when they purchased a farm near Williamson. In 1963, they bought a farm near Corning where they lived until August of 2000 when they moved into the town of Corning. Irene enjoyed sewing many quilts, pillows and doll clothes for her granddaughters.

    She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Melvin Parrott; three sisters, Ilah and husband Paris Sullivan, Minnie and husband John Welsch and Edna and husband Al Sullivan; brother, Calvin and wife Chris Glade; and many other beloved relatives, friends and neighbors.

    She is survived by her son, Douglas Parrott of Lenox, daughter, Vivian Walton and husband Dennis of Ames, son, Mark Parrott of Creston; three granddaughters, Laura Peterson, Andrea Parrott and Megan Herrick; six great grandchildren; two step granddaughters; eight step great grandchildren; many other relatives, friends and neighbors.

    598. Norman Lyle Parrott (Alfred Levi9, Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Jul 1927 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 4 May 2022 in Greenfield, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 94.

    Notes: Norman Parrott, 94, of Greenfield

    Funeral Services: Will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. at the Greenfield United Methodist Church with burial following in the Greenfield Cemetery with full military graveside rites will be conducted by the Greenfield American Legion Head-Endres Post No. 265 and V.F.W. Post No. 5357. A luncheon will be held at the church following the committal services. Pastor Melinda Stonebraker will officiate the service. The Lamb Funeral Home in Greenfield is in charge of the professional arrangements.

    Open Visitation: Will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Lamb Funeral Home in Greenfield.

    Family Visitation: The family will greet friends on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Lamb Funeral Home in Greenfield.

    Memorials: To the Norman Parrott Memorial Fund to be established by the family at a later date.

    Norman Lyle Parrott was born to Alfred Levi Parrott and Elisa Wilhemina Christina (Wahe) Parrott on July 4, 1927, in Cass County, Iowa. He was united in marriage to Betty Lou Buckner on December 21, 1946, at Avondale Church.

    Norman graduated 8th grade but was not allowed to go to high school by his father. Norman worked on the home farm, and then spent several years working for various farmers in the Bridgewater area. He and Betty bought their farm outside of Greenfield, but left to spend two years in the Army in Augusta, Georgia, after the army lowered standards and took him with eyesight in only 1 eye. While in the army, he was top of his class in radio repair/communications and chose to stay on base as an instructor instead of going overseas. They returned to Iowa 1954 with daughter Norma, and started farming again. The family grew with son George and daughter Karen. Norman enjoyed hunting and fishing and was a good steward of the land. He was always a good neighbor to all those around him, always willing to help others and could fix or build anything. Many nephews and nieces got a chance to experience farm life helping on the farm, or visiting. In 1979, daughter Karen and husband Alvin joined the farming venture. Working together all those years allowed Norman and Betty to continue farming and stay in their home on the farm into their 90's.

    Norman was a long-time member of the Hebron Church, and very active thru 1975. He enjoyed being active in the Barzona Cattle Breeders Association, the Adair County Coon Hunter Assn, Green Hills Hay Association and the Adair County Sheriff's Posse, as well as other groups.

    He was preceded in death by his wife Betty of 72 years in 2019, parents, brothers Herbert, Gerald Wayne, Melvin, and Harold Levi and their spouses. He was also preceded in death by son, George Lyle.

    He is survived by daughters Norma Nielson of Eugene, Oregon, and Karen (Alvin) Havens of Greenfield, grandchildren Mathew Havens, Alecia (Matt) Heinz, Katey Havens and Eric G. Nielson, great grandchildren Lilah, Caleb and Gaton Heinz, and Sydney and Wyatt Nielson, as well as many nieces and nephews and their families.

    Norman married Betty Lou Buckner. Betty was born on 24 Nov 1927 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 2 Nov 2019 in Greenfield, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 204870240} {Find A Grave ID: 204870240}

    The child from this marriage was:

       735 M    i. George Lyle Parrott was born on 4 Jun 1955 in Adair Co., Iowa and died on 7 Sep 1975 in Adair Co., Iowa, at age 20. {Find A Grave ID: 52850039}

    Notes: Man's body found
    CUMBERLAND - The body of a man missing since Sept. 7 was found Tuesday in his overturned car in a creek 1 1/2 miles west of here along Iowa 92.

    A farmer spotted the partially submerged car and the body of George L. Parrott, 20, rural Greenfield, under a bridge, authorities said.

    Muscatine Journal, 17 Sep 1975, p 17

    599. Harold Levi Parrott (Alfred Levi9, Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Aug 1928 in Massena, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 21 Nov 2003 in Bridgewater, Adair Co., Iowa, at age 75. {Find A Grave ID: 29585391}

    Harold married Mary Jane Waage. Mary was born on 31 Dec 1932 in Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa and died on 2 Dec 1993 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 29585360} {Find A Grave ID: 29585360}

    Notes: Mary Jane Parrott, 60, of Bridgewater died of cancer Thursday at Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Bridgewater United Methodist Church, with burial at Garner Cemetery near Bridgewater.

    Mrs. Parrott, a homemaker, was born in Villisca and lived in the Bridgewater area most of her life.

    Survivors include her husband, Harold; two sons, Rick of Hannibal, Mo., and Jack of Greenfield; two daughters, Peg Scott of Fontanelle and Chris Warner of Greenfield; a brother, John Waage of Gardner, Kan.; three sisters, Betty Rhamy of Villisca, Dorothy Henry of Waukegan, Ill., and Margaret Neill of Elm Creek, Neb.; and seven grandchildren.

    Visitation will begin after 2:30 p.m. today at Steen Funeral Home in Fontanelle.

    Des Moines Sunday Register, 05 Dec 1993, p 5B

    601. Howard Robert Parrott (George Robert9, Eleven "Lev"8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 25 Sep 1923 in Adair, Adair Co., Iowa and died on 5 Mar 2000 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 20871792}

    Notes: Howard R. Parrott, 76, of Exira Care Center in Exira died of pneumonia Sunday there. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Mullen Funeral Home in Anita, with burial at Sunny Hill Cemetery in Adair.

    Mr. Parrott was born in Adair and had lived in the Adair and Anita areas all of his life before moving to the care center. He was a retired investor and a member of the Adair Lions Club and Adair Trailer Park Board.

    He is survived by two sons, Craig of Denver, Colo., and Curt of Des Moines; a daughter, Connie Scarlett of Anita; a brother, Noel of Lincoln, Neb.; a sister, Georgene Mardesen of Omaha; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchilren.

    Friends may call after 9 a.m. today at the funeral home.

    The Des Moines Register, 07 Mar 2000, p 5B

    Howard married Odella Ann Claussen. Odella was born on 14 Jul 1926 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 19 Apr 2015 in Guthrie Center, Guthrie Co., Iowa, at age 88.

    Notes: Odella Ann Roof, 87, of Guthrie Center, Iowa, and formerly of Adair, Iowa, passed away Sunday, April 19, 2015, at The New Homestead in Guthrie Center.

    She was born July 14, 1927, in Cass County, Iowa, the daughter of C. Arthur and Frieda (Ahrens) Claussen of Wiota, Iowa. Odella was baptized into the Christian faith on August 7, 1927 and confirmed on June 29, 1941. She attended grade school at Victory in Cass County and graduated from Wiota Consolidated with the class of 1945.

    Odella was united in marriage to Howard Robert Parrott of Adair on March 8, 1947. They had three children: Connie Rana, Craig Howard and Curt Robert. Howard and Odella owned and operated Parrott Oil Company in Adair for many years. They divorced in 1968. Odella then married Mike Roof on September 14, 1986 in Adair, Iowa. She worked at the ASCS in Atlantic for eighteen years and Adair Exchange State Bank for eighteen years. She served on the city council in Adair and was Adair's first woman mayor, serving two and a half years in the 1980s. Odella was a proponent of the smiley face water tower, which is now a landmark of the community. She was a friend to all generations. Odella greatly loved and supported the Adair community.

    Odella is survived by her three children: Connie Rana and husband John Scarlett of Anita, IA, Craig Howard and wife Michelle Parrott of Firestone, CO and Curt Robert and wife Barbara Parrott of Urbandale, IA. Connie Rana's three children: Rana Scarlett- Johnson and husband Phil and their children, Sean and Mary; Brett and wife Laureen Scarlett and their children, Ryker and Nadia; Justin and wife Yanira Scarlett and their daughter, Olivia. Craig Howard's three children: Andrew Parrott, wife Charmaine and son, Marcus Steiner; Rachel Parrott; Mark Parrott and stepchildren Journey and Jazz Mueller. Curt Robert's children: Carson Walker and his children Maddie, Carson Jr. and Chase; Kyle Walker, and other relatives and many, many lifelong friends.

    She was preceded in death by her husband, Mike Roof; her parents, C. Arthur and Frieda Claussen; her brother, Darrell J. Claussen; and her sister, Marlis M. Williamson.

    Odella had a list of many places in Adair she wants memorials to go to, therefore, the family requests, in lieu of flowers, that memorials be directed to the family so they may divide them up per Odella's wishes.

    Visitation will be from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2015, at Hockenberry Family Care Funeral Home in Adair, IA.

    A memorial service will be held Friday, April 24, 2015, at 11:00 a.m., at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Adair. Interment will be at the Franklin Cemetery in Wiota, IA.

    602. Glenn Kenneth Parrott (Marion A.9, Martin Alexander8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Mar 1910 in Iowa and died on 17 Jan 1989 in Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 78.

    Glenn married Thelma Luciel Doyle. Thelma was born on 20 Apr 1917 in Burchard Co., Nebraska and died on 5 Jan 2009 in Gage Co., Nebraska, at age 91.

    Notes: Thelma Luciel Parrott, 91, Beatrice, died Monday, Jan. 5, 2009. She was born April 20, 1917, in Burchard, to James and Golda (Harwick) Doyle. She married Glenn K. Parrott on her 18th birthday, and to their union, nine children were born. Her entire life revolved around her family.

    Survivors include sons, James M. and wife Linda of Carriere, Miss., Dennis L. and wife Kathy of Beatrice, Michael D. and wife Jody of Lincoln, Neb., Martin E. of Beatrice, Daniel K. and wife Darla of Harbine, Neb.; daughters, Kay F. Sell and husband Vic of Lincoln, Neb., Judith J. Ubben of Lincoln, Marcia R. Kline and husband Dale of Beatrice; daughter-in-law, Dorothy Parrott of Eugene, Ore.; 19 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years; one son, Glenn Jr.; son-in-law, Dean H. Ubben; her parents, James and Golda (Harwick) Doyle; sister, Donna Rhamy; and brother, James Doyle.

    Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 9, at the Christ Community Church, 2727 Lincoln Blvd., Beatrice, with Pastor Jack Magness officiating. A family prayer service will be held at 12:45 p.m. Friday in church fellowship room. Burial will be in the Blue Springs Cemetery, Blue Springs, Neb. The body will lie in state at the Harman-Wright Mortuary, 623 Elk St., Beatrice, on Thursday from noon to 8 p.m., and one hour prior to services at the church. The family will greet friends from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. on Thursday evening at the mortuary. A memorial has been established to Christ Community Church with the mortuary in charge. A register book for messages of condolence is also available online at Harman-Wright Mortuary, 623 Elk Street, Beatrice, in charge of arrangements.

    Beatrice (NE) Daily Sun, 07 Jan 2009

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 736 M    i. Glenn Kenneth Parrott Jr. was born on 8 Jul 1936 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska and died on 18 Apr 1997 in Eugene, Oregon, at age 60.

    608. Denison Newport Parrott (Horace Boise9, Wilson Mcclearly8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Apr 1919 in Cass Co., Iowa and died on 27 Sep 2004 in Oregon, at age 85. Another name for Denison was Denny Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 72582414}

    Notes: Denny Parrott died Sept. 27, 2004, at age 85.

    Mr. Parrott was born April 4, 1919, in Des Moines, Iowa. He served in the Coast Guard during World War II, and moved to Portland in 1952. He was a regional sales manager for Richfield Oil and district sales manager for Ace Electric. In 1944, he married Margaret Devlin.

    Survivors include his wife; daughter, Victoria Kangiser; brother, Burdett; sisters, Mildred Casey, Maxine Bruner, Twila Worthington and Shirley Jorgenson; one grandchild; and two great-grandchildren.

    Remembrances to the Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation. Arrangements by Mt. Scott.

    The Oregonian, October 5, 2004

    Denison married Margaret L. Devlin. Margaret was born on 26 Oct 1921 and died on 14 May 2008, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 36327668} {Find A Grave ID: 36327668}

    609. Burdette Parrott (Horace Boise9, Wilson Mcclearly8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Aug 1920 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 30 Jun 2012 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 91. Another name for Burdette was Shorty Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 92860690}

    Notes: Burdette "Shorty" Parrott was born Aug. 23, 1920, the son of Horace Boise and Vera (Newport) Parrott in Anita, and passed away Saturday, June 30, 2012, at the Heritage House in Atlantic.

    Shorty lived in Anita until he was 8-years-old. He then moved to Atlantic where he graduated from the Atlantic High School in 1940.

    Shorty entered the U.S. Army Feb. 10, 1941, serving three and a half years overseas. During that time he was a prisoner of war for two years and three months. He spent that time in three German prison camps; Lukenvald Stalag 3A, Mooseburg Stalag 7a and Furstenberg Stalag 3B.

    After his discharge from the service in August 1945, Shorty returned to Atlantic and married Peggy Marie Williams on Nov. 5, 1946, in Council Bluffs. The couple then made their home raising their children, Mick, Steven and Lori, in Atlantic.
    He worked for 10 years as a brick layer. Shorty was then employed at Walnut Grove in Atlantic for 30 years, retiring in December of 1984.

    Shorty was proud of his military service and was a member and former commander of VFW 3415 in 1946, Disabled American Veterans and ex POW-MIA Southwest Iowa Chapter.

    He enjoyed fishing, especially the trips to Canada. The Smith Cottages in Lake Okoboji was a favorite fishing spot with his family for many years.

    Shorty was preceded in death by his wife, Peggy Parrott; his son, Mick Parrott; his parents, Horace and Vera Parrott; his brothers and sisters, Zoe Beltz, Ruby Milholland, Norene Jones, Lynn "Tuffy" Parrott, Denny Parrott, Mildred Casey and Twila Mae Worthington.

    He is survived by his children, Steven (Gordia) Parrott of Shell Knob, Mo., and Lori (Joe) Skupa of Glenwood; his grandchildren, Troy Parrott, Haley Parrott Kickland, Amanda Parrott Wilson, Amy Evans Katz, Tyler Skupa and Tara Skupa; nine great-grandchildren; his sisters, Maxine Bruner of Atlantic and Shirley (Lloyd) Jorgensen of Audubon; nieces and nephews; other relatives and friends.

    A visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday, July 2, 2012, at Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m, Tuesday, July 3, 2012, at Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic. A graveside service with full military honors will be held in the Atlantic Cemetery following the funeral service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Wounded Warriors or the Make A Wish Foundation. Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic, Iowa, is in charge of the arrangements. Condolences may be left at

    Atlantic News Telegraph on July 2, 201

    Burdette married Peggy Marie Williams. Peggy was born on 23 Aug 1925 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa and died on 3 Jul 1997 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 71. {Find A Grave ID: 93017918} {Find A Grave ID: 93017918}

    The child from this marriage was:

       737 M    i. Michael Lynn Parrott was born on 22 Jul 1946 in Lewis, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 17 Sep 1977, at age 31. Another name for Michael was Mick Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 93019216}


    611. Lynn Leroy Parrott (Horace Boise9, Wilson Mcclearly8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Jun 1924 in Anita, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 8 Nov 1994, at age 70. Another name for Lynn was Tuffy Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 93019331}

    Lynn married W. Jean Harper Query. W. was born on 31 May 1932 and died on 1 Jan 1992, at age 59. {Find A Grave ID: 99352967} {Find A Grave ID: 99352967}

    Children from this marriage were:

       738 M    i. Randy L. Parrott was born on 19 Jul 1951 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 9 Feb 2010 in Harlan, Shelby Co., Iowa, at age 58.

    Notes: Randy Parrott, 58, of Atlantic, died Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010, at Myrtue Medical Center in Harlan.

    Visitation will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010, with family present from 5:30 - 7 p.m., at Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010, at Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic. Burial will be in the Atlantic Cemetery. Following the burial a luncheon will be held in the Zion Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 800 Oak Street, Atlantic.

    Survivors include his wife, Marie.

    Hockenberry Family Care in Atlantic is in charge of the arrangements. Condolences may be left at

    Atlantic News Telegraph, 09 Feb 2010

    + 739 M    ii. Ricky Lee Parrott was born on 25 Oct 1953 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 8 May 2021 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    622. Samuel Richard Parrott (George Samuel9, William8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Aug 1902 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho and died on 23 Sep 1973 in Seal Beach, Orange Co., California, at age 71.

    Notes: Former Spokane resident Samuel R. Parrott, 71, died Sunday at his home in Seal Beach, Calif. He retired two years ago as president of the insurance firm of Farmin, Rothrock & Parrott, at which time he moved to California.

    He was a member of the Spokane Insurance Agents Association, Spokane Club and Spokane Country Club and had lived in Spokane for more than 30 years. Survivors include his wife, Mary, at the home in Seal Beach; a son, Samuel J. Parrott, Seal Beach; and two grandchildren.

    Rosary will be said at 8 p.m. today at Peak's Funeral Home, Westminster, Calif. Requiem mass will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. Bonaventure Roman Catholic Church, Huntington Beach, Calif. Burial will follow.

    The Spokesman-Review, 24 Sep 1973, p 6

    Samuel married Mary Catherine O'Neill. Mary was born on 21 Feb 1904 in Idaho and died on 16 Mar 1977 in Orange Co., California, at age 73.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 740 M    i. Samuel James Parrott was born on 2 Apr 1933 in Idaho and died on 13 Dec 2011, at age 78.

    628. Frederick Herbert Parrott (Herbert Young9, Josiah8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Feb 1917 in Denison, Grayson Co., Texas and died on 25 Mar 2015 in Humble, Harris Co., Texas, at age 98.

    Notes: Frederick Herbert Parrott, 98, departed March 25, 2015 in Humble, TX having fulfilled his earthly responsibilities. Fred arrived in this world February 02, 1917 in Denison, TX to Herbert Young Parrott and Minna Louise Klopp.

    Survivors: sons Robert and wife Connie, and David and wife Marge. Grandchildren: Chris and Allison Parrott, Kimberly and Zach Valenzuela, Diana and Austin Buesing, Daniel Parrott, Adam Parrott, Jennifer and Luke Doebele, Sarah and Rossi Morgan. Great-grandchildren: Dora, Elias and Bennett Parrott, Noah, Preston and McKenzie Valenzuela, Kohen and Ian Doebele.

    Visitation will be from 3:00pm until 6:00pm Sunday, March 29th, at Niday Funeral Home. The funeral service will be at 10:00am Monday, March 30th, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Interment will follow at Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery.

    Houston Chronicle, Mar. 29, 2015

    Frederick married Grace Alice Bradbury. Grace was born on 4 Dec 1923 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas and died on 9 Apr 2008 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas, at age 84.

    Notes: Grace Alice (Bradbury) Parrott, born in Houston to Alfred Thomas Bradbury and Lou Ella Koonce on Dec. 4, 1923 entered Heaven April 9th 2008. She graduated from Reagan High School in 1941, studied for a year at U of H until she met and married Frederick H. Parrott. Resigning a career, she became a Homemaker, with few equals. With great dedication she solved family problems, devoting her life to her two sons. They responded by becoming Eagle Scouts, honorable and successful businessmen. She traced her family tree to Judge William Bradbury, a Republic of Texas public servant & rancher near Bellville. Grace also became an accomplished artist, leaving many beautiful oil paintings. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, her sons David C. & Robert F. Parrott, her sister Thelma Whigham, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Visitation will be from 4:00-6:00pm on Sunday, April 13th, at Niday Funeral Home. The Funeral Service will be held at 1:00pm Monday, April 14th, at Christ Church Cathedral, 1117 Texas Ave., with Rev. Canon Lucrecia Littlejohn officiating. Internment will follow at Forest Park Cemetery, 12800 Westheimer at 3:00pm.

    Houston Chronicle (TX), April 13, 2008

    630. Joseph W. Parrott (Elijah W.9, John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 May 1902 in Nebraska and died on 17 Aug 1971 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 69.

    Notes: Parrott
    Joe W., age 69 of 3431 Grand Av. S. Employed at Continental Baking Co. 30 years. Survived by wife, Viola L.; 6 sons, Gerald J., Coon Rapids, Donald L., Mpls.; Richard, Sacramento, Calif.; Jack L., Richfield, Minn.; Ronald W., Patrick E., both of Mpls, 9 grandchildren, 3 brothers, John, Lincoln, Neb.; David, Ashland, Neb.; Ed, Hemit, Calif. Sister Mrs. James Damato, San Pablo, Calif. Services Fri. afternoon, 1 o'clock. Werness Brothers Chapel, 37th St. & Nicollet Av. S. Inerment Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call at Chapel beginning Thurs., 3 p.m.

    Star Tribune, 18 Aug 1971, p 5C

    Joseph married Viola L. Miller. Viola was born on 3 Oct 1905 in Battle Creek, Madison Co., Nebraska and died on 27 Apr 2002, at age 96.

    Notes: Parrott Viola L. Born in Battle Creek, NE on Oct. 3, 1905, died on April 27, 2002 in Mpls. Preceded in death by husband, Joe and son, Ronald. Survived by sons, Gerald (Florence), Donald, Richard, Jack (Bobbie), Patrick; sisters, Helen Chambers, Myerl Reed; brother-in-law, John Parrott; 9 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, 6 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral service Wed., 1 pm, with visitation one hour prior at: WERNESS BROTHERS 3700 Nicollet Avenue 612-824-2624

    Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 30, 2002

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 741 M    i. Gerald Joe Parrott was born on 11 Oct 1928 and died on 9 Mar 2004, at age 75.

       742 M    ii. Donald Leroy Parrott was born on 27 Apr 1932 and died on 18 Jun 2007, at age 75.

    Notes: Parrott, Donald L., Age 75 of Minneapolis. Preceded in death by his parents; and 3 brothers. Survived by 2 brothers, Richard and Patrick; 2 sisters-in-law, Florence and Bobbie; nieces, nephews and friends. Inurnment at Lakewood Cemetery. Memorial service Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 2 PM at LAKEWOOD CEMETERY CHAPEL. Visitation Wed., June 20 from 5-7 PM at:. Washburn-McReavy. Davies Chapel 612-377-2203. 2301 Dupont Ave. S.

    St. Paul Pioneer Press
    , June 20, 2007

       743 M    iii. Richard Louis Parrott was born on 24 Sep 1933 and died on 1 Dec 2019 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 86.

    Notes: Parrott, Richard L. of Minneapolis passed away on December 1, 2019 at the age of 86. Preceded in death by parents Joseph & Viola Parrott, brothers Gerald, Donald, Jack, Ronald, Patrick, and sister-in-law Florence. Survived by sister-in-law Pearl Parrott; nieces Renee (Chuck) Raskin, Linda (Steve) Hammond, Laurie (Pete) Zentner, Teresa Borgan , Wendy Parrott; nephews Greg (Marie) Parrott, Bob (Diane) Parrott, Curt Parrott, Jeff Parrott; cousins Carol Reed and Jackie Rudnick; Memorial service 10 AM Saturday, Dec. 14 at Lakewood Cemetery Chapel, 3600 Hennepin Ave, Mpls.; interment following. Memorials to donors' choice. Coon Rapids Chapel 763-767-1000

    December 8, 2019

       744 M    iv. Jack Lee Parrott was born on 2 Dec 1935 and died on 22 Mar 2007, at age 71.

    Notes: Beloved husband, father, step father & grandpa passed away after a valiant struggle following a head injury. Jack was preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, Jerry and Ronald. He was a longtime employee of General Office Products and a member of the Teamsters Union. Jack & his loving wife, Bobby, enjoyed many years of traveling the country. He leaves behind a family who loves him dearly and wish him enternal peace on his final journey. A memorial service followed by an informal reception will be held at Christ the King Church, 51st and Zenith Ave S, Mpls on Sat, April 14, at 1pm.

    Star Tribune, 08 Apr 2007

       745 M    v. Ronald William Parrott was born on 27 Oct 1943 and died on 8 Jul 1997, at age 53.

       746 M    vi. Patrick Elroy Parrott was born on 23 May 1946 and died on 24 Aug 2018 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 72.

    632. David C. Parrott (Elijah W.9, John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 25 Dec 1905 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 12 Aug 1983 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 77.

    Notes: Parrott - David C., 77, Ashland, died Friday in Lincoln. Retired farmer. Survivors: wife, Ruth; brother, John, LIncoln; sister, Mrs. Edith Damato, California; niece, Mrs. John (Joyce) Wescott, Raymond; two great-nieces.

    Services: 10 a.m. Monday, MARCY MORTUARY, Ashland, Ashland Cemetery.

    Lincoln Journal Star, 13 Aug 1983, p 14

    David married Ruth McAlister. Ruth was born on 15 Feb 1901 in Nebraska and died on 19 Apr 1986 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, at age 85.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 747 M    i. Chester Marion Parrott Sr. was born on 13 Oct 1916 in Sikesyon, Missouri and died on 28 Mar 1978 in Joliet, Illinois, at age 61.

    633. John R. Parrott (Elijah W.9, John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Jun 1907 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 22 Jun 2003 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 96.

    Notes: Parrott - John R., 96, Lincoln, died Sunday (6/22/03). Born, Ashland to Elijah and Ruby (Jenks). Retired mechanic. Member, Bethany Christian Church; International Order of Oddfellows.

    Survivors: daughters, sons-in-law, Jo Clow, Ruby and John Weber, all Lincoln, Leona and Laverne Wright, Effingham, Ill.; sister-in-law, spouse, Ellen and Howard McBride, Humeston, Iowa; brother-in-law, spouse, Otis and Barbara Keller, Rosemont, Ore.; 16 grandchildren; numerous great- and great-great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by wife, Ila; son, Delbert; parents; three brothers; sister.

    Services: 11 a.m. Thursday, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, 6800 S. 14th St. The Rev. Daryl Lauber. Lincoln Memorial Park. Visitation: after 9 a.m. Wednesday, funeral home.

    Lincoln Journal Star, June 24, 2003

    John married Ila C. Keller. Ila was born on 7 Nov 1910 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska and died on 25 Mar 1996 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 85.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 748 M    i. Delbert R. Parrott was born on 19 Feb 1939 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska and died on 9 Oct 1982 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 43.

    639. John H. Parrotte (John William9, Thomas Perry8, Josiah Perry7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Mar 1903 in Rushville, Schuyler Co., Illinois and died on 26 Jun 1998 in Indiana, at age 95.

    John married Nancy. Nancy was born on 4 May 1903 in Illinois and died on 4 Apr 1991 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana, at age 87.

    642. Richard Stagg Parrott Sr. (Willliam Henry9, Richard8, William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 13 Nov 1895 in LaFayette, Louisiana and died on 20 Nov 1951 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 56.

    Notes: Eunice Rites Held For R.S. Parrott, Lafayette Native
    EUNICE, Nov. 23 - Last rites were conducted from St. Anthony's Catholic church in a Requiem Mass at 8:30 a.m. Thursday morning for Richard Stagg Parrott, Sr., 56.

    A well-known retired rice broker, he died Tuesday night at 10:30 at his home on West Ash ave. after an illlness of a year. His condition had been critical for several days.

    The son of the late William Henry Parrott and Cora Stagg, he was born in Lafayette. The family lived for someone in Eunice and then later moved to New Orleans. In 1924 he came to Eunice with his wife and children and tehy have lived here ever since.

    The body remained at the family home until the hour of the funeral. Pallbearers were: Lester tagg (sic), I.E. Baker, Raymond Bradley, Clem La Fleur, C.A. Mornhinveg, Holand Stagg, S.J. Morris Sr., Willie Robin. Honorary pallbearers were George Sabatier, Eugene Sabatier, F.E. Derbes, J.O. Brousard, Dannie Hayes, Leroy Lafleur, Edgar Schaeffer, S.J.Fontenot, John Sabatier, and George Schneider. Interment was in St. Paul's cemetery under the direction of Ardoin's Funeral home.

    Survivors are his wife, the former Mary Culberta Baker, of New Orleans; four sons, William Henry Parrott of Tepetate, Richard Stagg Parrott, Jr., John Baker Parrott, Blair Simon Parrott all of Eunice; two daughters, Mrs. Eugene Cline of Richmond, Calif., and Miss Harriet Ann Parrott of Eunice and eight grandchildren.

    The (Lafayette LA) Advertiser, 23 Nov 1951 p 3

    Richard married Mary Culberta Baker. Mary was born on 22 Apr 1893 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana and died on 24 Sep 1975 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 82. Another name for Mary was Cubby Parrott.

    Children from this marriage were:

       749 M    i. William Henry Parrott was born on 18 Oct 1915 in Louisiana and died on 30 Oct 1974 in Louisiana, at age 59.

    + 750 M    ii. Richard Stagg Parrott Jr. was born on 17 Mar 1917 in Louisiana and died on 30 Mar 1957 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 40.

    + 751 M    iii. John Baker Parrott was born on 20 Aug 1921 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana and died on 16 Mar 1978 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 56.

       752 F    iv. Betty Mary Parrott was born on 23 Oct 1926 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 14 May 2005 in California, at age 78.

    Betty married Eugene Edward Cline. Eugene was born on 25 Feb 1924 in Louisiana and died on 15 Nov 1990 in Kern Co., California, at age 66.

    + 753 M    v. Blair Simon Parrott was born on 22 Sep 1929 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 19 Mar 2024 in Covington, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, at age 94.

       754 F    vi. Harriett Ann Parrott was born on 13 Nov 1930 in Louisiana and died on 29 Dec 2023 in Gonzales, Ascension Parish, Louisiana, at age 93.

    Notes: Harriet Ann Parrott Ardoin, 93, passed away on Friday, December 29, 2023. A private visitation will be held at Ascension Funeral Home in Gonzales, LA on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Burial will be held at Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Eunice, LA.

    Harriet is survived by her husband of 70 years, Eugene Dale Ardoin; three sons, Dana Dale Ardoin, Ashley Dale Ardoin and Cy Dale Ardoin; five daughters, Jolene Ann Ardoin, Simone Ann Ardoin, Noel Ann Ardoin, Julie Ann Ardoin and Eugenie Ann Ardoin; daughter-in-law, Sandra Swint Ardoin: sons-in-law, Blaine E. Ardoin and Joseph Deutsch; ten grandchildren, thirteen great grandchildren; brother, Blair Parrott.

    She was preceded in death by her parents, Richard Stagg Parrott, Sr. and Culberta "Cubby" Bakker Parrott; a sister, Betty Parrott Klein; brothers, William Parrott, Richard S. Parrott, Jr. and Jack Parrott.

    After completing her education, Harriet ran the laboratory for Calcasieu Hospital in Lake Charles, LA followed by the laboratory for Savoy Memorial Hospital in Mamou, LA. After her marriage, she began a new career, motherhood. Gene and Harriet lived in Eunice and moved to Burnside, La in 2000 to be closer to family.

    The family would like to thank the many friends, family members and caretakers for prayers and support.!/Obituary

    643. Gerald Ashton Parrott (Willliam Henry9, Richard8, William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 26 Aug 1900 in Whiteville, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 3 Jul 1943 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 42. {Find A Grave ID: 5805462}

    Notes: Gerald Parrott Funeral Services Held here Sunday
    Funeral services for Gerald A. Parrott, 42, of this city, who died at his home on South Second street, Saturday at 8:30 p.m., were conducted at his late residence Sunday, July 3 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, The Right Rev. Monsignor A. Martel, pastor of the St. Anthony's Catholic church officiating. Burial was in the Catholic cemetery with the the Ardoin Funeral Home in charge of arrangments.

    Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Stella Crawford, a daughter, Miss Darline Parrott of Little Rock, Ark., and brother Richard A. Parrott, of Eunice.

    The deceased was born at Whiteville, St. Landry parish, and reared in Eunice, where he was active in the rice brokerage and other lines of business here until ill health compelled him to retire more than a year ago.

    The pall bearers were William Parrott, R.S. Parrott, Jr., Lester Stagg, Dr. C.W. Lewis, R. Clem LaFleur, O.A. LaHaye, W.C. McManus, Albert R. Picou.

    The (Eunice LA) New Era, 07 Jul 1943 pp 1 & 6

    Gerald married Annette Lillian Cyrier. Annette was born in 1902 and died 9 mun 1978 in Arkansas, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 42025499} {Find A Grave ID: 42025499}

    The child from this marriage was:

       755 F    i. Darlene Elaine Parrott was born on 24 Dec 1920 and died on 25 Oct 2013, at age 92. {Find A Grave ID: 204253622}

    Darlene married Charles Thomas Pilcher. Charles was born on 21 Sep 1910 in Ellaville, Schley Co., Georgia, and died on 3 Jul 1989 in Burleson, Johnson Co., Texas, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 76704437} {Find A Grave ID: 76704437}

    Gerald next married Stella Mae Crawford. Stella was born in 1902 and died in 1988, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 5833390} {Find A Grave ID: 5833390}

    644. Lindesay Marc Parrott Jr. (Lindesay Marc Sr.9, Thomas Marc8, Edwin Augustus (Col.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Oct 1923 in Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts and died on 1 Aug 1988 in Honolulu, Honolulu Co., Hawaii, at age 64.

    Notes: Lindesay Marc Parrott Jr., 64, who was the librarian and an English and history teacher at St. Stephen's School in Alexandria for 12 years before retiring in 1985, died Aug. 1 at his home in Honolulu after a heart attack.

    He came to the Washington area and joined St. Stephen's, an Episcopal school, in 1973. He moved to Hawaii in 1986, having spent his last year here as a part-time instructor at the Emerson School in Washington.

    Mr. Parrott was a native of Boston and served with the Marine Corps in the Pacific during World War II. He was an honors graduate of Harvard University and had been a Fulbright Scholar in Belgium.

    Before moving here, he had taught history and literature at the University of Buffalo, and also had taught in New York, Hawaii and Richmond.

    Survivors include his wife, Janice, of Honolulu; two sons, John, of Philadelphia, and Richard, of Oakland, and one grandchild.

    Lindesay married Janice Chan. Janice was born in Oct 1932 in Hong Kong and died on 23 Oct 2017 in Honolulu, Honolulu Co., Hawaii, at age 85.

    Notes: Janice Chan Parrott, 85, of Honolulu, Hawaii, died in Honolulu on October 23, 2017. She was born in Hong Kong.

    Graveside Services: 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 29, 2017 at Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery.

    Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 26 Oct 2017

    646. John Ennals Parrott III (John Ennals Jr.9, John Ennals Sr.8, Henry Eugene (Capt.)7, Thomas6, Abner (Capt)5, Francis4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 15 Feb 1943 in Los Angeles Co., California and died on 7 Oct 2011 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 68.

    Notes: PARROTT John Ennals Parrott, III, born on February 15, 1943 in Los Angeles, CA passed away on October 7th, 2011. During his childhood, John resided in Dayton, OH and spent summers at Beaver Camp in Number Four, NY. He served in the US Navy on the USS Enterprise. He lived most of his life in Jacksonville, FL where he retired from Delta Airlines and returned to school to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. He spent the last 6 years of his life living in Denver, CO, enjoying the cool weather and spending fun times with his family. He is survived by his loving family: a daughter and son-in-law, Christin and Zach Smith; 2 grandchildren, Caleb and Aaden; a sister, Peggy Power; a sister-in-law, Barbara Schenck, and step-sisters Gertrude Embree and Carol Smith. His Memorial Service will take place at The Rock of Southwest Church in Littleton, CO on November 19th, 2011 at 1:30 pm followed by a reception. He will be missed by many for his kindness and great sense of humor! As he often said, Everybody needs a John! Please Sign the Guestbook @

    Florida Times-Union, Nov. 13, 2011

    11th Generation (8th Great-Grandchildren)

    652. Willis Ray Parrott (Rolla Ray10, Henry9, George8, James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Jul 1913 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 20 Sep 1995 in Lynn, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 82.

    Willis married Sarah Elizabeth Paul.

    Marriage Notes: Parrott-Paul
    WINCHESTER, Ind., Aug. 31. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul of Palestine, Ohio, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth to Willis R. Parrott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Parrott of Winchester.

    The marriage took place Saturday, Aug. 21, with Rev.Elvin Thornburgh of Winchester, officiating.

    Mrs. Parrott was married in blue crepe with white and gold accessories. She has been employed in the Byrum Store at Bartonia. Mr. Parrott is employed in the O.D. Hinashaw Store at Winchester.

    Mr. and Mrs. Parrott are residing west of the city.

    Palladium-Item, 31 Aug 1937, p 4

    Willis next married Mary Maxine Kettering. Mary was born on 11 Mar 1918 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 14 Jul 2022 in Parker City, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 104.

    Notes: Hard work pays off for Lynn's 100-year-old Maxine Parrott
    By BETH MOLAND News-Gazette Correspondent Mar 8, 2018

    She once offered quality care for the elderly, now Maxine Parrott finds herself managing nicely at 100 years of age. The Lynn resident looks forward to celebrating her milestone with loved ones on her birthday, March 11.

    Speaking to Parrott, a woman of many talents and gifts, she attributed her longevity to a lifetime labor of love and the will to keep going.

    "Don't be afraid of hard work," Parrott said, "and I always wanted to live longer than my mother, who died at 100 years and six months."

    Born in 1918, north of Arba to Frank and Carrie Ketring, she graduated from Spartanburg School in 1936 and Anderson Beauty School in 1938. Discussing her long life, Parrott did not dwell on her early years, as much as her growing years.

    She opened Maxine's Beauty Shop in 1940 in downtown Lynn. Besides, coiffuring for the local ladies, she always did her own. Eventually, Parrott put her hair salon in her own home and continued her vocation well into her eighties.

    "She still does her own hair," said daughter-in-law, Joan Parrott. "She's never been in another beauty shop."

    She was married over 50 years to Willis Parrott from 1943 until his death in 1995. In him, she found a partner who liked to labor in love. Together, they built a small nursing home attached to their home in 1957. She said it was Willis' idea as a business venture. Back in the 1950s, laws and codes were less restrictive, so Parrott only needed a nursing home administrative license.

    "It was called Parrott's Rest Home," she said. "It was more like an assisted living place."

    The entrepreneurs proved to be successful care-givers, as they continued their home health operation for 39 years. Besides offering the locals a home-away-from-home, Parrott cared for her father, mother-in-law and sister in the interim.

    "That's what I'm most proud of," Parrott said, "having the nursing home."

    But she and Willis did not rest on their laurels of respite care, instead they proceeded to buy land and built five homes in their neighborhood. Parrott was quick to add her handiwork in the undertaking.

    "I did a lot of the painting and woodwork finishing," she said. "I never sat down, except when I went to bed, but I enjoyed it."

    Then when most people are beginning retirement, this energetic senior citizen got herself elected to the Lynn Town Council in 1997. She was re-elected a second term until 2004. A distinguished part of her political career, besides serving as Council President, was being a part of the Lynn Water Treatment Plant, installed in 1998. She also served on the Randolph County Economic Development Committee.

    "I liked that because I got to meet other people in the county," Parrott said.

    This "energizer bunny" of a woman was not quite done with her contribution to her small little town. In 2000, she decided to purchase the former Chenoweth Dry Goods Store at the four-way stop in Lynn. She fixed it up and called it Maxine's Senior Center, where she was hostess to those who came to play cards and games and enjoy carry-in dinners.

    "The only reason she gave it up was because she ran out of people coming," Joan said. "The ladies and men who used to come started dying off and the younger ones, in their sixties and seventies just didn't come by."

    Her proud daughter-in-law and son, Mark added that Parrott generously bought some land next to the City Building and fixed it into a 'green space' and then donated it.

    As a long-time community care-giver, Parrott, who still lives in her own home, has her own care-givers now. She sadly acknowledged she gave up driving a year ago, but still has her driver's license, just in case.

    "If I had to drive myself somewhere, I could!" she said.

    Mark and Joan Parrott are holding an Open House in honor of their mother on Sunday, March 11 at the Lynn Lions Club. They encourage loved ones of Maxine to come and help them celebrate her 100 life-giving years. For those unable to attend, birthday wishes may be sent to Maxine Potter, P.O. Box 347, Lynn, Indiana, 47355.

    This article originally ran on

    Maxine Parrott, 104, passed away on July 14, 2022, at Parker Health & Rehabilitation Center of Parker City, IN. She was born near Arba, Indiana on March 11, 1918, to Frank and Carrie (Cadwalder) Kettering. She was a 1936 graduate of Spartanburg High School and graduated from Anderson Beauty School in 1938. She was a member of the Church of Christ in New Castle. On August 10, 1943, she married Willis Parrott. They shared 52 years of marriage until his death in 1995.

    Maxine was licensed as a beautician and a health facility administrator. She was an entrepreneur who established her first business, Maxine's Beauty Shop, in 1940. She operated it until 1990. In 1957, she and her husband built a small nursing home, and she cared the elderly for over 40 years, until she herself was in her 80's. She and Willis also built and operated Parrott's Meat Market. In 2000, she opened Maxine's Senior Center in the former Chenoweth Dry Goods Store in the heart of Lynn where she hosted numerous social activities. She served on Randolph County Area Planning Organization for eight years and Randolph County Economic Development for four years.

    Maxine was a lifelong resident of Randolph County, and she cared deeply about the community of Lynn. She was elected to serve on the Lynn Town Council several times from 1997 to 2004 and did much to improve the town. She served as Council President and was affectionately called the Town Mayor. She was always available to help others, touching the lives of countless friends, family members and neighbors.

    Maxine is survived by a son, Mark (Joan) Parrott. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Willis; and her siblings, Robert Kettering and Doris Fraze.

    A graveside service to celebrate Maxine's life will be held 11:00 a.m. Thursday, July 21, 2022, at Spartanburg Cemetery, with Pastor Michael Kirby officiating. Family and friends may gather to share and remember from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 20th at Wilson Shook Funeral Home, Thomas Memorial Chapel of Lynn, IN. Memorial contributions may be made to Lynn First Responders. Envelopes will be provided at the funeral home.

    653. Boyden Rowe Parrott (Rolla Ray10, Henry9, George8, James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 28 Oct 1915 in Wayne, Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 2 Jul 1976 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Indiana, at age 60.

    Boyden married Helen Irene Retz. Helen was born on 8 May 1918 in Indiana and died on 17 Sep 1986 in Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 68.

    654. Hollis Nimrod "Todd" Parrott (Rolla Ray10, Henry9, George8, James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Sep 1917 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 3 Oct 1998 in Wisconsin, at age 81. Another name for Hollis was Todd Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 38648187}

    Hollis married Treva May Collins. Treva was born on 10 Oct 1923 in Green, Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 20 Apr 2008 in Union City, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 84. {Find A Grave ID: 16274478} {Find A Grave ID: 16274478}

    The child from this marriage was:

       756 M    i. Tom Todd Parrott was born on 15 Jan 1947 in Winchester, Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 9 Mar 2002 in Portland, Cumberland Co., Maine, at age 55. {Find A Grave ID: 16270277}

    Notes: SCARBOROUGH - Tommy Todd Parrott, 55, fomerly of New York City, N.Y., died Saturday, March 9, 2002 in a Portland hospital after a long illness.

    He was born in Winchester, Ind., a son of Todd and Treva Collins Parrott, and was Educated in Winchester schools. He also attended Bowling Green University in Ohio. Mr. Parrott was a licensed masseur in New York City.

    While living in the Portland area, Mr. Parrott worked as a property manager for the York-Cumberland Housing Agency. He was a member of the Gay Men's Chorus.

    Mr. Parrott was predeceased by his life partner, Steve Dubiel in 1994; his father Todd Parrott; and his stepfather, Richard Lykins, Sr.

    Survivors include his mother, Treva Lykins of Winchester, Ind.; stepmother, Leona Parrott of Union City, Ohio; a stepbrother, Richard Lykins, Jr. of Indiana; a stepsister, Janice Young of Union City, Ohio; and many friends.

    At his request, there will be no services. Donations in Mr. Parrott's memory may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1599 Clifton Rd., N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30329. Arrangements are by Hobbs Funeral Home, 230 Cottage Rd., So. Portland.

    Portland Press Herald, 12 Mar 2002, p 6b

    Hollis next married Leona M. Zech. Leona was born on 6 Mar 1919 in Union City, Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 18 Dec 2010 in Union City, Randolph Co., Indiana, at age 91. {Find A Grave ID: 130001434} {Find A Grave ID: 130001434}

    Notes: Leona M. Parrott, age 91 of Union City, Indiana passed away on Saturday December 18, 2010 at 5:50 AM Union City Assisted Living, Union City, Indiana. She was born March 6, 1919 in Union City, Ohio the daughter of the late Willard & Laura (Good) Zech. She worked at Union City Locker Plant for several years. She was an antique buff. She was preceded in death by her parents; Husband: Hollis Todd Parrott in 1998 whom she married in 1951; Sister: Helen Kennan in 1995. She is survived by her daughter & son in law: Janis & Rollie Young of Union City, Ohio; Granddaughter & spouse: Teresa & Tom Roberts of Jamestown; Grandson & spouse: Ricky & Margie Young of Ft. Benning, Georgia; 3 great grandchildren. A graveside service will be held on Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 10:30 AM at Teegarden Cemetery on State Route 47 with Pastor Mick Whistler officiating. There will be no visitation. Arrangements are being handled by Zechar Bailey Funeral Home, Greenville, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be given to State of the Heart Hospice.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave # 130001434

    655. Deloss Edson Parrott (Rolla Ray10, Henry9, George8, James (Dave)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 14 Dec 1925 in Randolph Co., Indiana and died on 25 Jul 2009 in Rockford, Kent Co., Michigan, at age 83.

    Deloss married Janice Lee Phillps. Janice was born on 1 Oct 1936 in Muncie, Delaware Co., Indiana and died on 6 Apr 2017 in Rockford, Kent Co., Michigan, at age 80.

    Notes: Parrott, Janice Janice Lee Parrott of Rockford, Michigan, (Formerly of Yorktown, Indiana), age 80, passed away on Thursday, April 6, 2017. She was born to Gareld and Opal Phillips on October 1, 1936, in Muncie, Indiana. Janice devoted 100% of her life to family. "None of us could have done it without her". Janice is survived by sister Jannie Waddel; adored children Steve Stark and Tim Stark; grandchildren Randy Stark, Jessica Stark, and Tyler Stark; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 45 years Deloss Parrott; son Randy Stark; siblings Gerald Phillips Jr., Betty Roetkin, and Patty Lenington. There will be a time of visitation from 11:00 a.m. until 12:55 p.m. on Saturday, April 15, 2017, at Pederson Funeral Home, 127 N. Monroe Street NE, Rockford, MI 49341. The memorial service for Janice will be celebrated at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 15, 2017, at Pederson Funeral Home. Pastor Steve Welch will be presiding. Those wishing to offer expressions of sympathy are encouraged to make a memorial contribution to NAMI National Association for Mental Illness, 3803 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203.

    Grand Rapids Press, Apr 9, 2017

    The child from this marriage was:

       757 M    i. Larry Ray Parrott was born on 7 Nov 1947 and died on 24 Jun 1969 in Muncie, Delaware Co., Indiana, at age 21.

    657. Dewey Irven Parrott (Irven Lewis10, Irven9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 27 Nov 1921 in Roundup, Musselshell Co., Montana and died on 15 Feb 2002 in Denver, Denver Co., Colorado, at age 80.

    Notes: Dewey I. Parrott, 80, died Friday at the Sunset Manor Care Center in Brush.

    Parrott was born Nov. 27, 1921, in Gibbtown, Mont., to Irven and Margaret Parrott.

    On Feb. 12, 1963, in Emblem, Wyo., he married Janet Preis.

    Parrott served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and worked as a petroleum engineer for Amoco Oil.

    Survivors include his wife, Janet of Lakewood; one son, Clark Parrott of Littleton; one stepdaughter, Elizabeth San Miguel of Littleton; one brother, Harold Parrott of Billings, Mont.; one sister, Manila McGuire of Sun City, Ariz.; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

    A memorial service will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 4225 W. Yale Ave. in Denver.

    Services will conclude at the church. The Heer Mortuary & Crematory is in charge of arrangements.

    Fort Morgan Times, February 18, 2002

    658. Harold Mosley Parrott (Irven Lewis10, Irven9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 May 1923 in Roundup, Musselshell Co., Montana and died on 7 Nov 2003 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 80.

    Notes: Harold Parrott, 80, of Billings, passed away on Nov. 7, 2003, at Parkview Care Center.

    He was born May 30, 1923, in Roundup, the youngest of three children of Margaret and Irven Parrott.

    He grew up on family farms near Roundup, Roberts and Red Lodge. He graduated from Carbon County High School in 1941. He worked in the shipyards in Tacoma, Wash., before he joined the Navy Air Corps and served as a tail-gunner in the South Pacific during WWII. He was honorably discharged from the Navy in March of 1946.

    In 1947, he met and married Charlotte Hobbs Ward. They moved from Billings after he and his parents purchased the DeSoto/Plymouth dealership in Lewistown. While in Lewistown, their two children, Nikki and Hal, were born, joining stepsister Sandra Ward. Harold enjoyed hunting in the area and fly fishing in Spring Creek. And each Memorial Day, he would return to Billings for the stock car races, which were a favorite pastime. The family sold the car dealership and moved back to Billings in 1957.

    After returning to Billings, Harold drove a taxi for the Yellow Cab Company for several years before going to work in the mid-1960s for the Yellowstone County Sheriffs' Office as a deputy sheriff. He was most proud of his career in law enforcement. He was fond of pointing out that he was one of the last of the deputies who had worked in the Sheriffs' Office when the jail was located atop the Yellowstone County Courthouse. After leaving the Sheriffs' Office, he worked in the parts department of Selover Buick until a back injury forced his retirement in 1983. In retirement, he was heavily involved in his church and frequently taught Bible study.

    He and Charlotte were divorced in 1972. He married Mabel Trythall in July, 1976. He and Mabel enjoyed dinner and dancing at the Elks Club and spending time with their respective families. Because she didn't drive, he was able once again to be the "taxi" driver.

    He was preceded in death by his parents; his brother, Dewey; and Mabel. He is survived by his sister, Manila McGuire of Phoenix; daughter, Nikki Parrott (Dan Richards) of Seattle; son, Hal Parrott (Diana) of Billings; stepchildren, Sandra Corey, Janis White and Jim Trythall, all of Billings; grandchildren, Staci Robison, Heath Corey, Frank Parrott, Chase Parrott, Tristan Parrott and Sydney Stochl; great-granddaughter, Frankie Marie Parrott; and nieces and nephews.

    10-4 Dad!!

    A memorial service will be 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the chapel of Michelotti-Sawyers Mortuary. Memorials may be sent to the Diabetes Foundation.

    Harold married Charlotte Lou Hobbs Ward. Charlotte was born on 23 Oct 1922 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana and died on 21 Dec 2001 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 79.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 758 M    i. Harold Philip Parrott was born on 11 Jan 1955 in Lewistown, Fergus Co., Montana and died on 28 Aug 2022 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 67.

    Harold next married Mabel N. Trythall. Mabel was born on 3 Oct 1909 in Red Lodge, Carbon Co., Montana and died on 4 Dec 1997 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 88.

    660. Gwynn Lawton Parrott (Thomas Lloyd10, Edward9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 Oct 1909 in Sumas, Whatcom Co., Washington and died on 3 Dec 1987 in Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., Idaho, at age 78.

    Gwynn married Sheila Maxine Lingg. Sheila was born on 12 Aug 1914 in Pullman, Whitman Co., Washington and died in May 1978 in Pullman, Whitman Co., Washington, at age 63.

    Gwynn next married Fern G. Hadley Paine. Fern was born on 18 Apr 1911 in Mountain Park, Kiowa Co., Oklahoma and died in Aug 1991 in Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., Idaho, at age 80.

    664. Elmer A. Parrott (Wlliam10, Orlando O.9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 21 Oct 1923 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 27 Nov 1981 in Midland, Midland Co., Michigan, at age 58. {Find A Grave ID: 102800772}

    Elmer married Sarah T. Bently. Sarah was born on 29 Jul 1926 and died on 17 Dec 1963 in Michigan, at age 37. {Find A Grave ID: 3627306} {Find A Grave ID: 3627306}

    Elmer next married Marie Josephine Caprara. Marie was born on 19 Jun 1925 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 16 Feb 2015 in San Rafael, Marin Co., California, at age 89.

    Notes: Parrott, Marie Josephine Caprara Born, June 19, 1925 in Muskegon, Michigan. She went to be with her lord and the lover of her life, Elmer, on February 16, 2015 in San Rafael, California after a brief illness. Marie is much beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and aunt. She was a licensed Cosmetologist in Michigan and had her own successful business in Clare and in Muskegon, MI. She lived in Muskegon, Detroit, Clare, Sedona, Arizona, Lake Isabella, St. Croix, USVI, Valencia, CA, Orlando, FL, and San Rafael, CA. She married the love of her life, Elmer Parrott on November 6, 1965 and he proceeded her in death November 27, 1981. She was proceeded in death by her parents, Gregory Caprara, Rose Quellette Caprara Van Dyke and her sister, Helen Caprara morris Kingsbury. Surviving are her son; John (Judy) Parrott, grandsons; Jeffrey (Brigette) Parrott and Jason Parrott, great-grandchildren; Jaxon Parrott and Gabrielle Parrot, brothers; Anthony Caprara and Peter (Sandra) Caprara, sisters; Gloria Carr, Nancy (Dr.Charles) Reaume and Linda (David) Doub, god-daughters; Julie Reaume and Melissa Doub Porter. Memorial service will be held; Saturday, February 21, 2015 with visitation at 12 PM, one hour prior to the service. The service will be held at 1 PM at Heritage Life Story Chapel - Alt & Shawnut Hill Chapel, 2120 Lake Michigan Drive NW, Grand Rapids, MI. Burial at Mona View Cemetery, Muskegon Heights privately at a later date by the family. Lunch will follow at the Amway Grand Plaza in the Gerald Ford Ballroom. Memorial donations in her name can be made to Heartland Hospice care, 1050 Northgate Drive Suite 400, San Rafael, CA 94903 or your lord Hospice. - See more at:

    665. Lyle James Parrott Sr. (Wlliam10, Orlando O.9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Jun 1925 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 22 Jul 2000 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan, at age 75.

    Lyle married Doris Stella Cooper. Doris was born on 24 Oct 1927 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 14 Apr 2021 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan, at age 93.

    Notes: Doris Parrott, age 93, joined her husband Lyle, in heaven, on April 14, 2021 surrounded by her loving family. Doris was born on October 24, 1927 to Hazel and Clifford Cooper in Muskegon, MI, and was an identical twin and one of twelve children (eleven girls and one boy). Doris was a stay-at-home mom, raising her kids alongside close friends and neighbors on Cornell Road. There were always friends at the kitchen table having coffee, while the neighborhood kids gathered to play games in the yard. Sundays were designated family days, spent visiting family and friends, and stopping for ice cream along the way. Butter Pecan was Doris' favorite, and Lyle's was always chocolate. What great times those were. During Christmas, Doris and her sister Jackie would bake various kinds of cookies, and make their famous sea foam. Doris was full of life, outgoing, and loved her cigarettes! She didn't have much of a filter - always speaking what was on her mind. For fun, she loved watching her grandkids play sports, catching a Detroit Tigers game on tv, and working in her yard. We will always have fun memories of playing on Snapchat with her, making funny faces and laughing hysterically. Her grandchildren will cherish memories of family summer camping trips, building forts in the living room and remembering how she let them do whatever they wanted to, as long as they were having fun. Doris will be lovingly remembered by her children Diane and Vern Westerhof from Holland, Jan Schumacher from North Muskegon, Phyllis and Mike Sullivan from Muskegon, and Lyle and Becky Parrott from Traverse City. Her grandchildren: TJ Schumacher (Michelle Williams), Tara and Mike Steketee, Michael Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan (Kaleigh Sumner), Kristin Parrott, and Brandon and Melanie Parrott. Her great grandchildren: Sebastian and Magnolia Steketee, Westyn, Carsyn, and Ender Parrott, and Jaxson and Josie who lovingly called her LaLa. Doris was preceded in death by her husband Lyle, her infant son, and her son-in-law Tom Schumacher. If you wish to make a donation in Doris' name, please consider Hospice of Muskegon Michigan. There will be a celebration of life for Doris at a later date.

    The child from this marriage was:

       759 M    i. Lyle James Parrott Jr. was born on 30 Mar 1951 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan and died on 10 Apr 1951 in Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Michigan.

    666. James Albert Parrott II (Lauren Burton10, Albert James9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Mar 1939 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia and died on 8 May 2022 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia, at age 83. {Find A Grave ID: 239626936}

    Notes: James Albert Parrott, II of Fitzgerald, Georgia, passed away on Sunday, May 8, 2022, at Dorminy Medical Center. Visitation will be held Thursday, May 12, from 5 PM until 7PM, at the Parrott residence, 146 Franklin Avenue, Fitzgerald Georgia. A memorial service will be held Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 11 AM, at Evergreen Cemetery in Fitzgerald.

    James "Jim" Parrott was born on March 24, 1939, in Fitzgerald, Georgia, to Grace and Lauren Parrott. He was named after his grandfather, James Albert Parrott, who was a founding father of the Colony City and originator of Standard Supply Company (est. 1916). Jim's father, Lauren Parrott, and uncle, Harold Parrott, continued operation of the business until Jim took over operations and ran the business for over 50 years. Today, Standard Supply Co. is operated by Palmer Parrott (4th generation).

    Jim attended public schools in Fitzgerald through the 10th grade transferring to The Darlington School in Rome, Georgia, where he graduated with honors in 1957. He entered Emory University, later transferring to Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida where he graduated in 1962 with a B.S. Degree from the School of Business. He was an avid Seminole fan and was affiliated with Kappa Alpha Fraternity at both Emory University and Florida State University.

    His military career began when he entered the United States Naval Reserves, serving aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, CVAN-65 (6th Fleet). During this time, he was involved in two Mediterranean Tours and the Cuban Blockade Crisis.

    After two years of active service, he returned to Fitzgerald to begin his lifelong career at The Standard Supply Company. He married Connie Munn from Port St. Joe, Florida, in 1967 and they welcomed two sons: Palmer and Payton.

    Jim was a promoter of Fitzgerald and spent a lifetime helping others in the community. He was a lifelong member of Central United Methodist Church where he began his scouting activities with Methodist Scout Troup 758. He earned the Eagle Scout Award and later served as chairman of the BSA Eagle Advancement Committee for 15 years for the five-county area of Ben Hill, Irwin, Coffee, Atkinson and Jeff Davis. He was later awarded the "Silver Beaver Award" for his encouragement to youth of the importance of scouting.

    He was a founding member of Community Bank of Fitzgerald, serving on the Board of Directors for many years until earning his Director Emeritus status. He was a member of the Fitzgerald Rotary Club for over 20 years and during that time was named "Paul Harris Fellow". He served the Fitzgerald-Ben Hill Chamber of Commerce for many years as a member and on the Board of Directors.

    Jim is survived by his wife of 55 years, Connie Munn Parrott; his sons: Palmer (Angela) of Fitzgerald and Payton Parrott of Palm Harbor, Florida. He is also survived by his three grandchildren: Payton and Tripp Parrott of Palm Harbor, Florida and Parks Parrott of Fitzgerald. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by an infant son, Lauren Parks Parrott.

    The family suggests those desiring to send memorials, may send them to the Boy Scouts of America or to a charity of the donor's choice.

    The child from this marriage was:

       760 M    i. Lauren Parks Parrott was born in 1972 in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Co., Georgia and died on 17 Aug 1972 in Dougherty Co., Georgia. {Find A Grave ID: 182756226}

    668. Galen Leroy Parrott (Pierce Francesco10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 15 Jul 1915 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 8 Apr 2008 in Gaylord, Sibley Co., Minnesota, at age 92. {Find A Grave ID: 92844912}

    Galen married Rosella Noreen Smestad. Rosella was born on 8 Sep 1917 in Murray Co., Minnesota and died on 10 Apr 2015 in Gaylord, Sibley Co., Minnesota, at age 97. {Find A Grave ID: 145238814} {Find A Grave ID: 145238814}

    Notes: Rosella was born the daughter of Oliver and Helen (Protextor) Smestad. In 1923 the family moved to Walnut Grove, MN and Rosella attended Walnut Grove Elementary School. The family later moved to Lake Wilson, MN in 1929. Rosella graduated from Lake Wilson High School in 1935. Following high school Rosella worked as a telephone switchboard operator in Lake Wilson. On October 20, 1939 she and Galen (Polly) Parrott were married at her parents home in Lake Wilson. Following their marriage they made their home in Lake Wilson and raised their three children. In 1999 they moved to Westside Apartments in Slayton and in August 2007 they moved to Oak Terrace Health Care Center in Gaylord, MN. Galen passed away on April 8, 2008. Rosella passed away at the Oak Terrace Health Care Center at the age of 97. She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Lake Wilson. In her younger days Rosella was active in several ladies groups and taught Vacation Bible School. Rosella was a member of the Lake Wilson American Legion Auxiliary and served as past President. She also was a member of the Order of Eastern Star and served as past Matron. Rosella served as an election Judge for several years and as Den Mother for her son's Boy Scout troop and as a helper in her daughter's Girl Scout troop. Rosella enjoyed spending time with family and touched many hearts and she will be deeply missed.

    Survivors include her three children, Bruce (Judy) Parrott, Doug (Iris) Parrott, and Lynn Parrott; six grandchildren, Dean (Tammy) Parrott, Denise (David) Schreier, Leslie (Troy) Brinkman, Eric (Tami) Parrott, Bryan (Chelsea) Parrott and Fr. Gregory Parrott; nine great-grandchildren, Justin Parrott, Joshua Parrott, Katelyn Brinkman, Aaron Brinkman, Anthony Parrott, Madelyn Parrott, Audrey Parrott, Trevor Parrott, and Aleah Parrott; two sisters, Beulah (Ray) Powell, and Betty (Ron) Krell and many nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, husband, Galen, daughter, Patricia Jean Parrott, infant brother, Clifford Smestad, brother and sister-in-law, Orville and Evelyn Smestad, sister and brother-in-law, Iola and Maurice Wall and brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Donald and Margaret Parrott.

    Funeral services were held from United Methodist Church in Lake Wilson, MN on April 15, 2015 with Rev. Jon Marburger officiating. Graveside services officiated by Fr. Gregory Parrott.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave 145238814

    Children from this marriage were:

       761 F    i. Patricia Jean Parrott was born on 13 Nov 1942 in Pipestone, Pipestone Co., Minnesota and died in 1942 in Pipestone, Pipestone Co., Minnesota. {Find A Grave ID: 175758978}

    + 762 M    ii. Bruce Leroy Parrott was born on 10 Oct 1943 in Pipestone Co., Minnesota and died on 20 Mar 2023 in Slayton, Murray Co., Minnesota, at age 79.

       763 F    iii. Lynn Janet Parrott was born on 24 Dec 1949 in Slayton, Murray Co., Minnesota and died on 23 Dec 2022 in St. Louis Park, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 72.

    Notes: Lynn Parrott was born on December 24, 1949, in Slayton, Minnesota to Galen (Polly) and Rosella Smestad Parrott. She grew up in Lake Wilson and graduated from Lake Wilson High School in 1967. Following high school Lynn attended Pipestone Vo-Tech graduating in 1969. She then moved to Minneapolis for a time before moving to Crystal, MN and making her home there for the last 52 years. Lynn worked for IDS Ameriprise until her retirement in 2004. Lynn passed away Friday, December 23, 2022, at the Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN at the age of 72. She was a member of the United Methodist Church. Lynn enjoyed traveling, gardening, cooking, family gatherings and spending time with nieces, nephews, and friends.

    Survivors include her two brothers and their spouses, Bruce and Judy Parrott of Slayton, MN, and Douglas and Iris Parrott of Gaylord, MN, and six nieces and nephews and their families, Dean and Tammy Parrott, Denise and David Schreier, Leslie and Mike Sornberger, Eric and Tami Parrott, Bryan and Chelsea Parrott and Fr. Gregory Parrott. She is preceded in death by her parents, and sister, Patricia Parrott.

    A graveside service will be on Friday December 30, 2022, at Hillside Cemetery in Lake Wilson, MN at 11:00 a.m. with Fr. Gregory Parrott officiating. The pallbearers are her nieces and nephews. Totzke Funeral Home is entrusted with arrangements.

    669. Clair Neville Parrott (George James10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Jan 1913 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 6 Jan 2011 in Iowa, at age 97.

    Notes: Howard C. Parrott, 78, of Garner passed away Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center in Mason City.

    A private family funeral services will be held 10:30 A.M., Saturday, November 14, 2020 at Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church in Garner with Rev. Brian Lund officiating. Burial will be held at 2:00 P.M., Saturday at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Aurelia, Iowa.

    Howard Clair Parrott, the son of Clair and Ruby (Frank) Parrott, was born July 31, 1942 in Cherokee, Iowa. He graduated from Aurelia High School in 1960 and continued his education at NBT Business College in Sioux City. He later did post graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin and University of Nebraska for city government. On September 2, 1962 he married Marlene Schipper at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Cherokee. They lived in several cities in Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas where Howard was employed as a city manager. In 1998, they moved to Garner and Howard served as city manager until his retirement in 2005. In their retirement, Howard and Marlene wintered in Florence, AZ for ten years. Howard was very proud to leave each town he worked in better than what it was when he arrived. He enjoyed reading, woodworking, collecting toys, playing cards and especially following his grandchildren's many athletic, academic and musical activities over the years.

    He was a member of Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Masonic Lodge.

    Howard is survived by his wife, Marlene of Garner; three sons, Doug (Jennifer) Parrott of Kansas City, MO, Brian (Deb) Parrott of Iowa City, IA and Aaron (Cindy) Parrott of Lenexa, KS; eight grandchildren, Sarah, Sam, Katie, Olivia, Lindsey, Grace, Ashley and Alexis Parrott; a brother, Tom (Mary) Parrott of Fruitland, IA; a brother-in-law, Larry (Melody) Schipper of Lamoni, IA; a sister-in-law, Mary Lou Schipper of Anamosa, IA; and many nieces and nephews.

    He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Jim Parrott; and sister, Gwen Mullinix.

    Clair married Ruby Lucille Frank. Ruby was born on 16 Sep 1915 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 25 Jan 1996 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 80. {Find A Grave ID: 100396607} {Find A Grave ID: 100396607}

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 764 M    i. James Frank Parrott was born on 1 Jan 1933 in Elk, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 29 Apr 2014 in West Des Moines, Iowa, at age 81.

       765 F    ii. Gwendolyn Jean Parrott was born on 4 Mar 1938 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 22 Dec 2011 in Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa, at age 73.

    Notes: Gwendolyn Jean (Parrott) Mullinnix was born March 4, 1938, to Clair Nevelle and Ruby (Frank) Parrott in Aurelia, Iowa. She was raised in Aurelia and graduated from Aurelia High School. She then attended AIB in Des Moines for two years. Gwen married Rudy Mars Mullinnix on April 7, 1957, in Aurelia, Iowa. The couple lived in Dubuque, Iowa. Gwen worked at the Area Residential Care, Robert's River Rides, Dubuque County Fairground, Plaza 20 Shopping Center, and Palmer Drug. Rudy died on May 18, 2000.

    Gwen was a member of the United Methodist Church in Dubuque and most recently in Woodbine. She was the Sunday School Coordinator and sang in the church choir in Dubuque. In Woodbine she was active in the circle and the prayer group. Gwen was a Girl Scout leader and also played the organ at her Aurelia church when she was in high school.

    Gwen died on December 22, 2011, at the Assisted Living in Woodbine at the age of 73 years, nine months, and 18 days.

    Gwen was preceded in death by her parents and husband, Rudy Mullinnix. She is survived by her two children, Scott Mullinnix of Madison, Wisconsin, Karen and her husband Chad Lantz of Woodbine, Iowa; one granddaughter, Sierra Lantz; three brothers, James Parrott and his wife Barbara of West Des Moines, Iowa, Howard Parrott and his wife Marlene of Garner, Iowa, Tom Parrott and his wife Mary of Fruitland, Iowa; sister-in-law, Jeanne and her husband Terry Moores of Woodbine, Iowa; and many other relatives and friends.

    Funeral Service
    10:30 am Tuesday, December 27, 2011
    United Methodist Church
    Woodbine, Iowa

    Obituary: The Fouts Funeral Home

    Gwendolyn married Rudy Mars Mullinnix. Rudy was born on 20 May 1932 and died on 18 May 2000 in Iowa, at age 67.

    + 766 M    iii. Howard Clair Parrott was born on 31 Jul 1942 in Cherokee, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 10 Nov 2020 in Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., iowa, at age 78.

    + 767 M    iv. Thomas R. Parrott was born on 13 Dec 1945 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 17 Sep 2021 in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa, at age 75.

    670. Dean G. Parrott (George James10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 12 Dec 1920 in Nokomis, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 19 Jan 1997 in Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa, at age 76. {Find A Grave ID: 32304491}

    Notes: HAPPY Birthday?!?!
    There probably is no greater practical joker than Dean Parrott, court reporter par excellence for Judge G.W. Stillman. His keen mind has provided all sorts of devilment for local druggist "Dutch" Honsburch, abstractor Al Buchanan, and others.

    It wasn't too long ago that Buchanan forgot who borrowed his two sawhorses and advertised for their return. He got them back - plus about two dozen others of assorted shapes, sizes and models. There was little doubt that Parrott was in back of this deluge but last night, it was Burchanan & Cos. time to smile.

    Yesterday was Parrott's birthday and about supper time his presents began arriving. First came a bantam hen, then a parakeet. Soon a goldfish and frog were delivered and then a guinea pig. Another bantam hen came and a stray dog popped up. Luckily, only one rabbit was depositted on his doorstep.

    At last report last night, this assortment of "live" gifts were congregated in his kitchen and Parrott reported his bird dog was going crazy--didn't know whether to point at the hens or rabbit. And to top it off, the telephone rang and a voice questioned: "Where do you want the horses put?" Parrott almost fainted!

    The givers including Buchanan, Honsbruch, "Stu" Albright and Clair Rowe don't believe they'll have the last laugh-but they're chuckling for the time being, anyway!

    Kossuth County Advance, 13 Dec 1956, p 1

    Algona - Dean G. Parrott of Algona died Sunday, Jan. 19, 1997, at Kossuth Regional Health Center, Algona. He was 76.

    Funeral services for Mr. Parrott were held Wednesday, Jan. 22, at the First Congregational Church, UCC, Algona. The Rev. Dennis Secrease officiated.

    Burial was in Riverview Cemetery, Algona. The Wilson Funeral Home in Algona was in charge of arrangements.
    Honorary bearers were members of the Morning Koffee Club, the Kossuth County Bar Association, and the Masonic Lodge and their wives.

    Casket bearers were Chad Michael Claude, Mark Richard Dreyer, Christopher Ryan Claude, Meghan Lynn Claude and Marne Frances Dreyer.

    Dean G. Parrot was born Dec. 12, 1920, in Buena Vista County, Ia., the son of George J. and Phena (Neville) Parrott. He attended school in Aurelia, then continued his education and graduated from AIB in Des Moines.

    On Oct. 11, 1941, Dean Parrott and Frances Porter were married in Des Moines. Mr. Parrott served with the U.S. Navy, Seabees, During World War II. After the war the couple made their home in Chicago, Ill., before Mr. Parrott accepted the position of judicial court reporter in Alliance, Nebr. In 1950 they moved to Algona where Mr. Parrott served as a district court reporter for Judge G. W. Stillman and later for Judge James Andreasen.

    Frances Parrott preceded her husband in death in 1978. On July 20, 1979, Dean Parrott and Geraldine Wolfe were married and they made their home in Florida. After her death in 1996, Mr. Parrott returned to Algona.

    Dean Parrott was a member of the First Congregational Church, UCC, where he taught Sunday School and served as church treasurer for many years. He was a member of the Morning Koffee Club, a member and past officer of the Algona Country Club, and a member of Prudence Lodge No. 205, A.F. & A.M., Des Moines Consistory, Abu Bekr Temple of Sioux City, and Kossuth Shrine Club. He was an honorary member of the Kossuth County Bar Association.

    Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. David (Judy) Havlik of Algona and Mrs. Steve (Marne Ruth) Claude of Naperville, Ill.; five grandchildren and one great grandchild. Also surviving is a brother, Clair Parrott of Storm Lake. Mr. Parrott was preceded in death by his wives, parents and a sister.

    The family suggests memorials be directed to the Shrine Children's Hospital Transportation Fund, Abu Bekr Temple, Box 3347, Sioux City, IA 51102.

    The Democrat, 23 Jan 1997, p 10

    Dean married Frances D. Porter. Frances was born on 5 Apr 1918 and died in Apr 1978 in Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa, at age 60. {Find A Grave ID: 66279257} {Find A Grave ID: 66279257}

    The child from this marriage was:

       768 F    i. Judith Lynn Parrott was born on 17 May 1947 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 17 Aug 2007 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota, at age 60.

    Notes: Librarian continues to be remembered
    Mindy Baker, Editor

    Less than a month before Judith Lynn Havlik died on Aug. 17, 2006, she was attending a weeklong workshop that partnered school librarians with public librarians.

    "She was so excited about that," said her widower, David Havlik. "She was really looking forward to working more with (then Algona Public Librarian) Jet KoFoot."

    Instead, a virus attacked her heart and she died at the age of 59. She had been a Algona Community School District librarian for 32 years and had been honored by then First Lady, Christie Vilsack with the Glass Apple Award.

    "The schools, the kids, were her life," said David. "She really loved working at the elementary school level."

    Over the past four years there have been several memorials to the dedicated educator. Her students made quilts to give to her children, bookshelves have been placed at the Water's Edge Nature Center, and trees planted at each of the schools she worked at.

    On Friday, April 2, David oversaw one of the final memorials being placed as a plaque was placed at Judy's tree at Bryant Elementary. The tree is a seedless and podless honey locust. "It has real delicate features, and reminds me of Judy," said David. He was grateful to everyone involved in helping maintain her memory.

    "She loved what she did," said David. "We talked about retiring, but she wasn't ready to leave her students."

    The Algona Upper Des Moines 08 Apr 2010

    Funeral services for Judith Lynn Havlik were held at 10 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 21, 2006, at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Algona with Reverend Charles E. West officiating. Burial was in Riverview Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by the Garry-Roberts-Murphy-Schaaf Funeral Home of Algona.

    Judith Lynn Havlik was born May 17, 1947, in Chicago, Ill., the daughter of Dean and Frances Porter Parrott. At an early age her family moved to Algona where she attended school. She graduated from Algona High School in 1965. After her schooling, she went on to attend the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.

    On June 8, 1968, Judy was united in marriage to Richard Dreyer in Algona. After their marriage, the couple lived in Virginia as Richard was serving in the military. They later returned to Cedar Falls where Judy graduated from UNI in 1971. Richard and Judy lived in Fort Dodge for a short time before moving to Algona in 1974, where Judy began working as a Library/Media Specialist in the Algona Community School District. Richard died Feb. 14, 1981.

    On June 30, 1995, Judy was united in marriage to David Havlik in West Bend. After their marriage, the couple lived in Algona where she continued to work for the school. Judy was one of eight librarians statewide who were honored by the First Lady Christie Vilsack with the Glass Apple Award.

    Judy enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, reading and doing crafts. She was very active in the Stinson Prairie Arts Council, PEO and Alpha Delta PI. Judy was also a member of the Algona Association of Educators, on the Board of the Iowa Stories 2000 Program, started by Christie Vilsack and a member of the First Congregational UCC in Algona.

    Judy died Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006, at Fairview-University Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minn., at the age of 59.

    She is survived by her husband, David Havlik of Algona; children, Mark and Amy Dreyer of Bancroft; Marne and Eric Bormann of State Center; Michael Havlik and Amy Yoakum of Madrid; (Mary) Michelle and John Jergens of Webster City; Matthew and Michelle Havlik of Renwick; Molly and Joe McGovern of Elkhart; 12 grandchildren, Sheldon, Victor, Joseph, Jackson, Riley, Nolan, Madeline, Cade, Neah, Avery, Ellie and Max. Also surviving is her sister, Marne and Steve Claude of Naperville, Ill., and their children, Chad, Chris and Meghan. She was preceded in death by her parents and husband, Richard.

    The (Ames, IA) Tribune, 24 Aug 2006

    Judith married Richard Dreyer. Richard died on 14 Feb 1981 in Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa.

    Dean next married Geraldine Wolf. Geraldine was born on 13 Sep 1921 and died in Feb 1996 in Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 66279258} {Find A Grave ID: 66279258}

    675. Robert Melvin Parrott (Ray Jennings10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Apr 1929 in Evaston, Cook Co., Illinois and died on 10 Jun 1996 in Peoria, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 67.

    Notes: DeWITT, Iowa - Robert M. Parrott, publisher of The Observer since 1954, died Monday at DeWitt Community Hospital from complications from cancer. He was 67.

    Services will be 3 p.m. Wednesday at DeWitt United Methodist Church. Visitation is 4-8 p.m. today at the church social hall. Schultz Funeral Home, DeWitt, is in charge of arrangements.

    He got his start in the newspaper business as advertising manager at Maquoketa Community Press and Jackson Sentinel (now the Maquoketa Sentinel Press) from 1951-54. He was chosen publisher of the The Observer in the fall of 1954.

    In addition to being publisher of The Oberver for more than 40 years, he was instrumental in establishing the North Scott Press, a weekly newspaper serving Scott County, and was co-foundr of Tri-State Graphics, a commercial printing firm with facilities in Maquoketa, Cedar Rapids and Dubuque.

    Mr. Parrott married Phyllis Null in 1950 in Monticello.

    He was a 1951 graduate of Cornell College, Mount Vernon. In 1980, he was chosen Master Editor Publisher by the Iowa Press Association. He was past president Iowa Newspaper Association, a trade association of most of the state's daily and weely newspapers.

    During his tenure as Observer publisher, the newspaper had won awards from the Iowa Newspaper Association and the National Newspaper Association.

    Mr. Parrott was active in the community and church. He had been president various times of DeWitt Chamber of Commerce and chairman of DeWitt Development Co. Over the years, he supported
    a number of community projectts, including construction of DeWitt Community Hospital, the Frances Banta Waggoner Community Library, the swimming pool, community center, the restoration of the Operahouse Theatre and the HART center.

    Survivors include his wife, daughters, Julie (Mrs. Michael) Moundalexis, Servena Park, Md., Sheri (Mrs. Greg) Barnes, DeWitt, and Janice (Mrs. David) Larson, Seattle; sons, Steven, Iowa City, and Jeff, Silvis, Ill.; 11 grandchildren; his mother, Claire Parrott, Wheaton, Ill.; and brothers, Ray J., Iowa City, and Joel, Gurnee, Ill.

    Quad-City Times, 11 Jun 1996, p 2M

    677. Robert Dean Parrott (Jay M.10, Frank9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 31 May 1922 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 2 Nov 2006 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 84.

    Notes: Robert Dean Parrott, 84, of Aurelia, died Nov. 2, 2006 in the Sunset Knoll Care and Rehabilitation Center, Aurelia, following a lengthy illness.

    Services will be held Tuesday, at 10:30 a.m. at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Cherokee, Iowa. Rev. Armand Bertrand will officiate. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Aurelia, Iowa.

    Visitation will be Monday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., with a family prayer service at 7 p.m., with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Greenwood Funeral Home, Cherokee. Online condolences may be left at

    Parrot was born May 31, 1922 in Aurelia, to Jay and Angie (Dick) Parrott. He was educated in Aurelia, graduating from Aurelia High School in 1940. Bob attended Buena Vista College in Storm Lake, playing football for the college his freshman year.

    On September 14, 1944 he married Mabel M. Gordon in Cherokee, Iowa. They farmed north of Aurelia for many years, moving to Aurelia in 1985 and retiring in 1991.

    Bob was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, past member of the Aurelia Kiwanis, and former member of the Aurelia School Board.

    He was always proud and interested in his three daughters and their families. Bob was an avid sports fan, particularly enjoying the Aurelia Bulldogs and the Chicago Cubs.

    He is survived by his wife, Mabel, of 62 years; daughters, Linda Fixsel, and her husband, Larry, of Anthon; Roberta (Bobbi) Canale, and her husband, Michael M.D., of Jupiter, Fla.; Carol Cook, and her husband, John, of Dubuque; grandchildren, Marc and Amy Fixsel, Susan and Derrick Lint, Jennifer and Rick Beckler, Peter Canale, Michael Canale, Aaron and Natalie Harwood, Shane Harwood and his fiance~Nicole, and Adam Harwood; a sister, Marjorie Roethler, of Aurelia; and great-grandchildren, Erik and Tanner Fixsel, Caitlyn and Abbygail Lint.

    He was preceded in death by his parents, brother-in-law, Ralph Roethler and a great-grandson, Devan Lint.
    November 9, 2006

    Robert married Mabel M. Gordon. Mabel was born on 27 Dec 1921 in Iowa and died on 24 Jul 2018 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 96.

    Notes: Mabel was born on December 26, 1921 and passed away on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Mabel was a resident of Cherokee, Iowa at the time of passing.

    She grew up in Meriden and graduated from Meriden High School.

    A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, July 30, 2018, at Immaculate Conception Church, 709 W. Cedar Street in Cherokee. Father Jeff Schleisman will officiate CASKET BEARERS Shane Harwood Adam Harwood Mark Fixsel Tanner Fixsel Derrick Lint Alan Vandehaar Visitation will be at the Greenwood-Schubert Funeral Home in Cherokee from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m., Sunday, July 29th. A prayer service will follow at 4:00 p.m.

    680. Gerald Clarence Parrott (Fred Arthur10, James Clarence9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 18 Dec 1933 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 9 Dec 1996 in Cherokee Co., Iowa, at age 62. {Find A Grave ID: 100401297}

    Notes: CHEROKEE, Iowa - Gerald C. Parrott, 62, of Cherokee died Monday, Dec. 9, 1996, following an apparent heart attack.

    Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday, with a family prayer service at 10:15 a.m., at the St. Paul's Methodist Church of Cherokee. The Rev. Gary Armstrong will officiate. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery of Aurelia, Iowa. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, with the family present from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, at the Greenwood Funeral Home of Cherokee.

    Mr. Parrott was born Dec. 18, 1933, in Aurelia, the son of Fred and Ema (Sauter) Parrott. He attended school in Aurelia and graduated from Aurelia and graduated from Aurelia High School in 1953. He attended Westmar College, in Le Mars, Iowa, for one year. He was employed with Cherokee County Secondary Roads from 1954, until his retirement in 1993. He married Phyllis Massman on Jan 18, 1958, in Cherokee.

    He was a member of the Cherokee Fire Department from 1973 to 1996, serving as the second assistant chief from 1991 to 1996. He coached Little League for many years, and played softball for Hamm's Distributing. He was an avid supporter of Washington High School athletics and a past president of the Cherokee Booster's Club. He was a member of the St. Paul's United Methodist Church.

    Survivors include his wife; two daughters and their husbands, LaDonna and Jake Olson of Cherokee and Tricia and Dennis Kurtz of Cedar Falls, Iowa; two sons and their wives, Lanny and Vicki of Eagle Grove, Iowa and Larry and Lily of Glendale, Ariz.; nine grandchildren, Shane and Bree Olson, Aaron, Megan, Molly, Andrew, and Madison Parrott, and Kalyn and Nicholas Kurtz; a sister, Imogene Galvin of Aurelia, two brothers and their wives, Dennis and Lois of Osceola, Iowa, and Don and Nancy of Washta, Iowa. He was preceded in death by his parents.

    The Sioux City Journal, 11 Dec 1996, p B4

    Gerald married Phyllis Joan Massmann. Phyllis was born on 21 Oct 1937 and died on 5 Mar 2024 in Denver, Bremer Co., Iowa, at age 86.

    Notes: Phyllis Joan Parrott, age 86 of Denver, IA, and formerly of Cherokee, IA, passed away Tuesday, March 05, 2024, in Denver, IA, surrounded by her family. Funeral arrangements are currently pending at the Greenwood-Schubert Funeral Home in Cherokee, IA.

    681. Donald Dean Parrott (Fred Arthur10, James Clarence9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 6 Jun 1946 in Aurelia, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 9 Jan 2024, at age 77.

    Notes: DONALD D. PARROTT, 77, of Washta, Iowa, passed away, Tuesday morning, January 9, 2024 at MercyOne Siouxland Medical Center in Sioux City, Iowa with his family by his side.

    Due to inclement weather, visitation for Donald D. Parrott, 77, of Washta, Iowa on Friday evening January 12, 2024 has been canceled.

    Service will remain at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 13, 2024 at the River Valley High School North Gymnasium at Correctionville, Iowa. There will be visitation prior to the service from 9:30 a.m. until the service time at the River Valley High School North Gym. Burial will be in the Sunset View Cemetery at Washta, Iowa following the luncheon after the service on Saturday. For those unable to attend, the service will be livestreamed will be through the assistance of Fuller Digital Solutions on the Boothby Funeral Home website. Online condolences may be left at The Boothby Funeral Home of Cherokee is assisting the family with arrangements.

    In lieu of flowers the family requests memorials be made in Don's name to the River Valley Shoe Party, River Valley Backpack Program, or a future scholarship in Don's memory.

    Donald was born on June 1, 1946 to Fred and Elma (Sauter) Parrott at Aurelia, Iowa. He attended Aurelia Schools, graduating in 1964. Don earned his Bachelor's of Science Degree in Business Education and Social Studies from Buena Vista College in 1968.

    Don was united in marriage to Nancy Irwin on August 6, 1977 at Memorial Presbyterian Church in Cherokee, Iowa.

    Don began teaching in 1969 at Willow School District and taught there until 1992. In 1992, he began teaching for River Valley School District. He also served as interim principal for a short period of time at River Valley. Don also taught for Western Iowa Tech Community College and was a loyal substitute teacher for the surrounding communities.

    He was a member of the Washta Church of Faith. Don served his community in many ways with 24 years with the Washta Fire Service, served on Washta Town Council, and was Mayor of Washta serving for combined 40 years, and served as church treasurer. Don was active with Kidz in the Afternoon, Shoe Party, Bible School, Cherokee Area Economic Development Corp., Cherokee Landfill Commission, and Washta Housing.

    Don loved his family and friends and enjoyed working with youth in the community. One of his favorite hobbies was frequenting the casino with friends and he also ushered at the Sioux City Explorers Baseball Park for a few years.

    He is preceded in death by his parents, Fred and Elma Parrott, Brother Gerald "Jerry" Parrott, sister and brother-in-law Imagene and Don Galvin, nephews Rodney Galvin, Orlyn Webb, and Dennis Kurtz.

    Don will lovingly be remembered by his wife: Nancy of Washta, Iowa; children: Brian (Michelle) Parrott of Cherokee, Iowa, Jason (Lisa) Parrott of LeMars, Iowa, and Marci (David) Pinkerton of Sioux City, Iowa; 6 grandchildren: Kaitlyn Parrott, Kelsay Parrott, Austin Parrott, Mason Parrott, Carson Pinkerton, and Logan Pinkerton; brother: Dennis (Lois) Parrott of Osceola, Iowa; sister-in-law: Phyllis Parrott of Denver, Iowa; many nieces and nephews, and the many students that he taught over the years.

    Supporting students: Don Parrott's lasting legacy
    By Erin Rydgren February 02, 2024

    Teachers matter. The impact of a great teacher doesn't end once the bell rings or the diploma is handed over. An educator like Don Parrott, who began teaching in 1969 at Willow School District and continued officially in that profession until 2014, taught generations of area students. Parrott was so dedicated to education and helping students that after his official retirement he continued to serve as a substitute teacher until 2023.

    Don passed away on Jan.9, and the community lost one of its longtime leaders.

    A widely respected citizen of Washta, Don was dedicated to his community. He served on Washta Town Council and was mayor for 40 years. He served as church treasurer for the Washta Methodist Church, now called Washta Church of Faith. Don was active with Kidz in the Afternoon, Shoe Party, Bible School, Cherokee Area Economic Development Corporation, Cherokee Landfill Commission and Washta Housing.

    In wake of his passing, a group of River Valley alumni wanted to find a way to contribute to causes that were near and dear to Don's heart. Derek Sadler, a 1998 River Valley graduate, reached out to his former classmates when he heard of Don's passing.

    "Initially when they posted on the funeral page they mentioned options in lieu of flowers to give to those programs," Sadler explained. "I wanted to find the best way to give, so I shot out this idea to a handful of old classmates and it kind of took off."

    Sadler organized a GoFundMe on behalf of "Mr. Parrott" and his family to "continue his efforts in boosting important causes in the community." The fundraiser has the goal of raising $6,000, which will be put forward to the Backpack Program, Shoe Party, and a future scholarship in Don's name that is being organized by his family.

    The Shoe Party is a program Parrott and his wife Nancy began over a decade ago to help less fortunate kids in the River Valley District. They got the idea after helping at Sioux City Goodwill's shoe party with River Valley Student Council members. Completely donation-driven, it provides students with tennis shoes, socks, hats, gloves and several other items along with a visit from Santa. It is the family's hope that this program will continue.

    The Backpack Program provides nutrition for students with food insecurity. Donations to the Backpack Program were handled by the Parrotts, while the food was packed by River Valley teachers.

    "It's all done by donation," explained Nancy Parrott. "Don would write letters to area businesses, individuals and churches to ask for their support," she continued. "He really loved those children."

    "He was very supportive of the schools and community, especially the youth," reads the fundraising page. At this time, $2,800 has been raised. The funds will be divided equally among the three listed causes.

    "Teachers who teach as long as they do…I think they don't realize the ripple effects they have in that community," Sadler added. [accessed 17 Feb 2024]

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 769 M    i. Jason Parrott was born on 1 Oct 1971 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

    682. William James Parrott (Galen LaCount10, James Clarence9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Jul 1943 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 11 Oct 2010 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa, at age 67.

    William next married Carolyn Lee Stewart Medbourn. Carolyn was born on 11 Sep 1944 in Vancouver, Clark Co., Washington and died on 3 Jul 2022 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa, at age 77.

    Notes: Carolyn Lee Parrott, 77 of Ponca, NE passed away on Sunday, July 3, 2022 at a Sioux City Hospital.

    Graveside services will be at 11:00 A.M. Friday at the Dakota City Cemetery in Dakota City, NE. Arrangements are under the direction of Mohr & Becker-Hunt Funeral Home in South Sioux City.

    Carolyn was born September 11, 1944 in Vancouver, WA, she was the daughter of David and Geraldine (Powell) Stewart. Carolyn grew up in South Sioux City, NE. She married James Medbourn and to this union four children were born, Ralph, Jamy, Stewart and Paula.

    On July 5, 1985, Carolyn married William J. Parrott. He passed away on October 11, 2010.

    Carolyn worked for the Cook Country Store in Ponca for several years.

    Survivors include her children: Ralph Medbourn (Jeanne) of Omaha, NE, Jamy Medbourn of Ponca, NE, Stewart Medbourn (Rebecca) of Sioux City and Paula Eickholt of Ponca, NE; her brother: David Stewart of South Sioux City, NE and her sister: Susan Dahl of Sioux City; 8 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by her husband, William J Parrott, her parents: David Stewart and Geraldine (Powell) Stewart, her sister Nancy Luesebrink, her brother Terry Stewart and her son in law, Leo Eickholt.

    The family would like to give special thanks to the Ponca Community for their care of Carolyn.

    683. Orin Jonathan Parrott Jr. (Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 27 Nov 1923 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 25 Nov 1989 in Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 65.

    Orin married Dorothy Elsie Sander. Dorothy was born on 6 Jun 1928 in Springfield, Cedar Co., Iowa and died on 25 Apr 2002 in Milan Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 73.

    Children from this marriage were:

       770 M    i. Orin Jonathan Parrott III was born on 4 Nov 1949 and died on 13 Jan 1955 in Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 5. Another name for Orin was Butchie Parrott.

       771 F    ii. Janet Anita Parrott Yarrington Knowles was born on 6 Apr 1953 in Rock Island Co., Illinois and died on 25 Jul 2007, at age 54.

    Janet married Daniel William Dawson Sr. Daniel was born in 1919 and died in 2004, at age 85.

    684. William Orin Parrott (Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 23 Feb 1926 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Apr 2005 in Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 79.

    William married Joan Marie Ryan. Joan was born on 11 Sep 1931 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 10 Mar 1997 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minnesota, at age 65.

    The child from this marriage was:

       772 F    i. Eva Marie Parrott was born on 22 Feb 1949 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 6 Nov 2015 in Lakeville, Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 66.

    Notes: Asher, Eva M.
    Age 66, of Lakeville, passed away peacefully at her home on November 6, 2015, after a brief battle with cancer. Eva was born in Farmington, MN to Joan (Ryan) and William Parrott. She is survived by her loving husband of 44 years, Dan; children, Tony (Bridey) Asher and Tanya (Shaun) Kelly; grandchildren: Myiah, Cole, Rourke and Ronin Asher and Jayden and Kaitlyn Kelly; siblings, LeeAnn Tiedeman, Connie (Kevin) O'Leary, Christine (Bill) Fach, Ginger (Tom) Arntson, David (Dawn) Parrott, Renee (Mark) Eck-erly. As per Eva's wishes, there will be no service, viewing or visitation.

    Star Tribune, 15 Nov 2015, p 1B

    685. Gerald Eugene Parrott (Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 7 Apr 1927 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 17 Sep 2000 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 73. Another name for Gerald was Pinky Parrott.

    Notes: Parrott, Gerald E. (Pinky), age 72 of Farmington, suddenly on September 17. Survived by loving wife Janis; children Cindy (Randy) Coffey, Pam (Pete) Kluender, Pat Parrott, Linda Mann-Parrott, Mike Parrott and Danny (Malissa) Parrott; 19 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, also by sisters Clarice Bradshaw, Marlys Dowing and Barbara Parrott; brothers Roger and Bill Parrott. Mass of Christian Burial 10am Wednesday at ST MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH of Farmington with visitation on Tuesday from 5-8pm at the WHITE FUNERAL HOME of Farmington. 651-463-7374; also one hour prior to mass at church.

    St. Paul Pioneer Press, September 18, 2000
    Edition: CITY, Page: 3B

    Children from this marriage were:

    + 773 M    i. Patrick Gerald Parrott was born on 30 Jun 1959 in Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 23 May 2010 in Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 50.

    + 774 M    ii. Michael John Parrott was born on 5 Sep 1965 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 23 Sep 2024 in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota, at age 59.

    + 775 M    iii. Daniel Edwin Parrott was born on 6 Nov 1975 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 18 Mar 2001 in Randolph, Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 25.

    686. Roger Emery Parrott (Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 14 May 1931 in Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Apr 2009 in Bolivar Co., Mississippi, at age 77.

    Roger married Shirley Margaret Belk. Shirley was born on 6 Oct 1933 in Merigold, Bolivar Co., Mississippi and died on 15 May 1994, at age 60.

    Notes: CLEVELAND - Shirley Margaret Belk Parrott, 60, owner of Cleveland Upholstery Shop, died of a heart attack Sunday at Bolivar County Hospital in Cleveland.

    Services are 2 p.m. today Thweatt-King Funeral Home with burial in New Cleveland Cemetery.

    Mrs. Parrott, a Merigold native, was a graduate of Cleveland High School. She and her husband established Cleveland Upholstery Shop in 1976. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Boyle, where she was a member of the Woman's Missionary Union and a Sunday school class.

    Survivors include: husband, Roger; daughters, Debra Jean Baker and Donna Mechal Parrott; son, Roger "Mickey" Parrott of Cleveland; sisters Elinor Rozier of Greenwood, Carolyn Prewitt of Carrollton and Barbara Adams of Indianola; brother, James Calvin "J.C." Belk of walls; and four grandchildren.

    The Clarion-Ledger, 24 May 1994, p 2B

    The child from this marriage was:

       776 F    i. Delores June Parrott was born on 9 Dec 1956 in Bolivar Co., Mississippi and died on 11 Dec 1956 in Bolivar Co., Mississippi.

    690. Allyn D. Parrott (Levi Noble10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 4 Nov 1935 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa and died on 4 Jan 2017 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 81.

    Notes: Allyn D. Parrott Sr., 81 of Lincoln passed away peacefully at home January 4, 2017. He was born November 4, 1935, in Grinnell, Iowa, to Levi and Minnie (Schmidt) Parrott. Allyn served four years in the U.S. Navy and retired from the U.S. Air Force after 17 years. He was employed by National Crane for 20 years and Russ's IGA in Havelock.

    He is survived by his daughter Shirley Parrott, his son and daughter-in-law, Duane and Lori Parrott and their sons; sisters and their families, Joan Steele and Janice Huggaet; in-laws, Marie and Robert Winfrey and family; numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother, Minnie; his parents and a brother.

    Private family graveside service with military honors by the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard. Memorials to the family for later designation.Online condolences:

    Lincoln Journal Star, January 8, 2017
    Page: 005

    Allyn married someone.

    His child was:

       777 M    i. Allyn Duane Parrott Jr. was born on 18 Feb 1971 in Nebraska and died on 17 Jan 2019, at age 47.

    691. Jerry L. Parrott (Levi Noble10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 27 Mar 1942 in Grinnell, Poweshiek Co., Iowa and died on 6 Feb 2011 in Eldridge, Scott Co., Iowa, at age 68.

    Notes: Jerry L. Parrott, 68, a resident of Park View, Iowa died on Sunday, February6, 2011 after a courageous battle with leukemia.

    His funeral service will be held at 11:00 A.M. Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at Chambers Funeral Home of Eldridge, Iowa. Burial will follow at the Rock Island National Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, Gilda's Club or the Open Bible Church of Eldridge.

    He was born in Grinnell, Iowa and was a 1960 graduate of North Scott High School of Eldridge. On February 3, 1973, he was united in marriage to Peg M. Lubowicki in Princeton, Iowa.

    Jerry was employed as a pipeline operator for Phillips Petroleum, retiring in 2007 after 27 years of faithful service.

    He was a very family oriented person and loved participating in his children's activities through their growing-up years. Motorcycles were a favorite of Jerry's as well as the Iowa Hawkeye football & basketball teams.

    His memberships included the Open Bible Church of Eldridge and AARP.

    Those left to honor his memory include his beloved wife, Peg; his daughter & son-in-law, Angela & Chad Ingwersen of Eldridge; his son & daughter-in-law, Steven & Carrie Parrott of Long Grove, Iowa; his mother, Anna Parrott of Wheatland, Iowa; his grandchildren, Isabella, Dylan & Elizabeth; his sisters & brothers-in-law, Janice & Ed Huggart of Colona, Illinois and Joan & Bob Steele of Wheatland, Iowa; and his brother, Allen Parrott of Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Jerry was preceded in death by his father, an infant sister, and his brother, Donnie McDannel.

    Jerry married Margaret "Peg" Marie Lubowicki. Margaret was born on 3 Feb 1943 in Phillipsburg, Warren Co., New Jersey and died on 31 May 2024 in Bettendorf, Scott Co., Iowa, at age 81. Another name for Margaret was Margaret Marie Lubowicki.

    Notes: Margaret M. Parrott, 81, a former resident of Park View, Iowa died on Friday, May 31, 2024 at Harmony Utica Ridge in Bettendorf, Iowa.

    Visitation will be from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. on Friday, June 7, 2024 at Chambers Funeral Home in Eldridge, Iowa. A graveside service with military honors will follow at 12:00 P.M. at the Rock Island National Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Stead Family Children's Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa.

    Margaret was born on February 3, 1943 in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, the daughter of Steven and Mildred (Rush) Lubowicki. On February 16, 1962, she enlisted in the U.S. Navy and was honorably discharged on February 15, 1965,

    She was united in marriage to Jerry L. Parrott in Princeton, Iowa on her birthday, February 3, 1973. Jerry preceded her in death on February 6, 2011.

    Margaret was a familiar face at the Eldridge Tru-Value Hardware Store where she worked for many years. In earlier years, she was employed at the former Montgomery Ward Store in Northpark Mall in Davenport. She was a devoted wife, mom & grandma who loved to crochet and knit in her spare time.

    Those left to honor her memory include her daughter, Angela (Chad) Ingwersen of Eldridge; her son, Steve (Carrie) Parrott of Long Grove, Iowa; her grandchildren, Isabella, Dylan and Elizabeth; and her sisters, Debbie Lubowicki of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Suzie Lubowicki of Belvidere, New Jersey.

    695. Harold Elmer Parrott Sr. (Elmer Elder10, Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Apr 1922 in Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 27 Nov 1982 in Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 60.

    Harold married Cleo Gayle Day. Cleo was born on 4 May 1919 in Utah and died on 16 Dec 1983 in Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 64.

    699. William Willis Parrott (Claude Raymond10, Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 21 Sep 1928 in Lickcreek, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died in Jun 1983 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 54. {Find A Grave ID: 204254291}

    William married Naomi Joy Makepeace. Naomi was born on 20 Dec 1939 in Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa and died on 7 Jul 2014 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 204254292} {Find A Grave ID: 204254292}

    Notes: Joy Makepeace Parrott, 83, of Mesa passed away on July 7, 2014. Joy was born on December 20, 1930 in Fairfield, Iowa, the daughter of Jesse Nelson and Faye Emily (Kyle) Makepeace.

    Joy is survived by her son, Randy Parrott (Barbara); daughters, Gloria Becker (Bob) and Cindy Goodwin; grandchildren, Alicia Maggio (Glenn), Angela Purviance (Andy), Mark Parrott, Gearald William Becker, Bobbi Daly, Lori Keehner (Brandon), Shawn Goodwin (Clare), Tracy Goodwin (Sara), Patrick Goodwin (Andrea), and Katie Goodwin; sisters, Julie Ann Tate and Marjorie Barton (Christopher); eight great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. She is preceded in death by her husband, William "Bill" Parrot; brother, Rodney Makepeace; and sister, Marilyn Ewing.

    A memorial service for Joy will be held on Saturday, July 12 at 10:00am at Apache Wells Community Church, 2115 N. Gayridge Rd., Mesa, AZ 85215. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in Joy's name to the Arizona Center for the Blind, or to Apache Wells Community Church. Private inurnment will take place at First United Methodist Church in Mesa. Arrangements entrusted to Mariposa Gardens Memorial Park and Funeral Care. Please visit to leave a tribute to Joy.

    702. David Leroy Parrott (Leo Francis10, Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 24 Jun 1929 in Douds, Van Buren Co., Iowa and died on 27 Apr 1997 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 67.

    Notes: David L. Parrott, 67, of 920 54th St., Moline, died Sunday April 27, 1997, at home.

    Services are 2 p.m. Wednesday at Elim Covenant Chuch, Moline. Burial is in Moline Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation is 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at Van Hoe Funeral home Ltd., East Moline. Memorials may be made to Pathway Hospice.

    Mr. Parrott was born June 24, 1929, in Douds, Iowa, the son of Leo and Ella Hootman Parrott. He married Phyllis R. Parsons Aug. 27, 1949, in Primghar, Iowa. She died Jan. 29, 1997.

    He graduated from Douds High School in 1947. He retired in 1991 as Inspection Grinder from Frank Froundries after 41 years. He was an avid Cub fan and enjoyed the outdoors.

    Survivors include sons and daughters-in-law, Stephen and Sandy Parrott, Moline, Douglas and Carol Parrott, Carbon Cliff; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and sisters Clella McQuaide, East Moine, and Beulah Rains, Birmingham, Iowa. He is preceded in death by a grandson, Jamie Parrott.

    The Dispatch and the Rock Island Argus, 28 Apr 1997, p A5

    David married Phyllis R. Parsons. Phyllis was born on 20 Jan 1931 in Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa and died on 25 Jan 1997 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 66.

    The child from this marriage was:

    + 778 M    i. Stephen W. Parrott was born on 1 Feb 1951 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois and died on 23 Jul 2022 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 71.

    704. John Calvin Parrott II (Jonathan Calvin10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 13 Sep 1919 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Jun 2016 in Ames, Story Co., Iowa, at age 96.

    Notes: John Calvin Parrott Jr., the son of J.C. and Hazel (Cousins) Parrott, was born September 13, 1919, in Exira, Iowa and died June 12, 2016, at the Northridge Village Retirement Home in Ames, Iowa at the age of 96 years, 8 months, and 29 days.

    John was baptized and confirmed at the First Methodist Church in Audubon. He attended Audubon Community Schools, graduating with the High School Class of 1937. He attended Wentworth Military Academy from 1938-1939 where he was Captain of the track team and participated in the high jump and pole vault events. He also played the trombone in the band and a dance band. From there he enrolled in Iowa State University in 1939 and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Poultry Husbandry in 1942. He participated in the Iowa State Marching Band and the Basketball Pep Band and lettered in the high jump and pole vault events with the track team. He was a member of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity while at ISU.

    On October 19, 1942 he was united in marriage to Florence Mae Bamsey at her family's home in Audubon. They were an inseparable couple until Flo passed away on May 30, 2008.

    He served four years in the Army during WWII as an Anti-Aircraft Officer stationed in New Port, Rhode Island. He was a battery commander of a 90MM AA Artillery Battery in the Eastern Defense Command.

    Returning home from the service on April 3, 1946, he entered into the Audubon Produce Company with his father and became sole owner in 1955. After 60 years of service, the Audubon Produce Co. was closed in 1979. Shortly thereafter he became employed by the Audubon State Bank. He served on the Board of Directors of the bank from 1972 until he retired at the end of 2011.

    He was active in Boy Scouts since 1946 serving in every volunteer position for Troop 103. He touched the lives of many young men on their way to achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. He received the Silver Beaver Award, the highest scouting award presented at the local level.

    He also participated in many local civic and religious boards, including the Board of Education, Chamber of Commerce, T-Bone Club and First Presbyterian Church. He received the Audubon Community Service Award in 1963. Having a great love of horses, John rode with the Horse Mounted Patrol of the ZaGaZig Shrine known as the "Mounties."

    Preceding him in death were his wife Florence Mae; his son Jeffry Ray Parrott; his great-grandson Christopher Frandsen; his brother Milton and his sister LaVona (Emery) Martinsen.

    Survivors include his son John Calvin (Cal) Parrott III (Frances) Ames, IA; his granddaughters: Callie Ann (Kevin) Bower Kansas City, MO; Alisa Nell (Matt) Frandsen Ames, IA; Amanda Mae (Andrew) Pals West Des Moines, IA; Molly Elizabeth (Allie) Parrott Ames, IA; 10 great-grandchildren: his nephews: Bill (Jane) Martinsen Norman, OK and John (Geri) Martinsen Bellevue, WA; other relatives.

    Funeral services will be conducted by Reverend Roger Todd on Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at 11:00 A.M. at the First Presbyterian Church in Audubon, Iowa. Interment will be in the Maple Grove Cemetery in Audubon, Iowa. The family will meet with friends Wednesday morning from 10:00 A.M. until the time of the service at the First Presbyterian Church in Audubon, Iowa.

    Des Moines Register, June 15, 2016

    John married Florence Mae Bamsey. Florence was born on 12 Sep 1918 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 30 May 2008 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 89.

    Marriage Notes: Ray Bamsey of Audubon, Ia., announces the marriage of his daughter, Florence Mae of 1120 Polk blvd., to Lieut. John C, Parrott, jr., of Fort Adams, R.I., which took place Oct. 19 in Audubon, Ia.

    The bride was employed by Bankers Life Co., and is a member of Eta Beta Phi, business sority. Lieutenant Parrott is a graduate of Wentworth Military academy and Iowa State College where he became a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.

    Lieutenant and Mrs. Parrott will live at Fort Adams.

    The Des Moinse Register, 28 Oct 1942, p 15

    Notes: Florence Mae Parrott, the daughter of Ray and Alice Kopp Bamsey, was born September 12, 1918, at her parent's farm near Audubon, Iowa and died May, 30, 2008, at Jennie Edmundson Hospital in Council Bluffs, Iowa at the age of 89 years, 8 months, and 18 days.

    Flo was baptized and confirmed at the First Presbyterian Church in Audubon. She attended Audubon Community Schools, graduating with the High School Class of 1936.

    She attended business school in Des Moines, IA, then was employed at Bankers Life. While working at Bankers Life she participated on the company's basketball team.

    On October 19, 1942, she was united in marriage to John C. Parrott, Jr. at the family home in Audubon.

    John was in the service and they lived near Newport, RI for a few years. When John was honorably discharged they returned to live in Audubon. Flo was a homemaker and took great care of John and her sons.

    Flo was a life-long member of the First Presbyterian Church in Audubon. She taught Sunday School and sang in the choir for over 35 years.

    She was very active in the Mariners Club. Flo was a member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood and served as president. She was a den mother in Cub Scouts and also involved in the Boy Scouts. Flo and John enjoyed watching their sons and grandchildren participate in all types of sports and music activities. Flo was an excellent cook and baker.

    Preceding her in death were her son Jeffry Ray Parrott; her great-grandson Christopher Frandsen; her parents and her brother and sisters: Gertrude Elizabeth and Harlan Klever; Alice Louise Bamsey, and Raymond Laverne Bamsey; her sister-in-law: LaVona and husband Emery Martinsen; and her aunt Olive Kopp Bamsey.

    Survivors include her husband John C. Parrott, Jr. of Audubon, IA; her son John Calvin (Cal) Parrott, III and his wife Frances Ann of Council Bluffs, IA; her granddaughters: Callie Ann and Kevin Bower of Liberty, MO; Alisa Nell and Matt Frandsen of Ames, IA; Amanda Mae Parrott of West Des Moines, IA; Molly Elizabeth Parrott of Ames, IA; her great-grandchildren: Cole, Katie, and Luke Bower of Liberty, MO; Alison and Meredith Frandsen of Ames, IA; her nephews: Bill Martinsen of Norman, OK and John and Geri Martinsen of Bellevue, WA; her special cousin Beulah Lucas of Audubon; other relatives and friends.

    , 1 Jun 2008, p 32

    The child from this marriage was:

       779 M    i. Jeffry Ray Parrott was born on 24 May 1947 in Carroll, Carroll Co., Iowa and died on 12 Mar 1967 in Greeley, Weld Co., Colorado, at age 19.

    Notes: Parrott, 19, of Audubon, Dies in Crash
    LONGMONT, Colo. - Jeffrey Parrott, 19, Audubon, Iowa, was one of two persons killed Sunday nigh in a car-pickup collision on U.S. 87 near Longmont. <snip>

    Authorities said Christensen and Miss Brotzman were students at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, and Parrott was viewing the campus with thoughts of enrolling there.

    Parrott, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott Jr. of Audubon, has been attending Wentworth Military Academy in Missouri.

    Carroll Daily Times Herald, 13 Mar 1967, p 1

    Jeffry Ray Parrott, the son of John C. and Florence May (Flo) Bamsey Parrott, Jr., was born in Carroll, Iowa, on May 24, 1947. He was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Longmont, Colo., on Sunday, March 12, at 6:55 p.m.(CST)

    Jeff attended the Audubon Elementary and High School. He received his high school diploma on May 26, 1965. During the past two years, he has attended Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Missouri.

    Jeff was a talented competitor in athletics. While in high school, he was named to the All-Conference teams in both basketball and football and he received All-State Honorable Mention in both sports. He excelled in basketball and football during the past two years at Wentworth Military Academy. He letter in both sports each year. During the past year, he was one of two boys who played varsity positions in both sports. Although he missed the first four games in basketball this year because of a football injury, he finished the season as the top scorer on the team. Jeff was an avid horseman. He enjoyed riding and caring for the horses which he owned.

    Jeff was active in all the phases of the Boy Scout program. He earned his Eagle Scout Rank on August 29, 1962.

    Jeff was baptized on March 21, 1948 and received as a Communicant member in the Presbyterian Church on April 6, 1960. He was active in the youth activities, serving as Moderator of the Senior High Youth Fellowship in 1964-1965. He participated during the worship service on Youth Sunday, January 31, 1965.

    He was preceded in death by his paternal grandmother, Mrs. John C. (Hazel) Parrott, Sr., and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ray (Alice) Bamsey. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parrott, Jr. of Audubon; brother, John C. (Cal) Parrott 3rd, Tucson, Ariz.; grandfathers, John C. Parrott, sr., and Ray Bamsey, both of Audubon.

    Casket bearers for the service were Donald Brader, George Frank, Paul James, Jr., Lance Levis, John Ramsey, and Roger Swensen. Ushers were Steve Kness, Greg Off, Craig Owen, Scott Ross, Joe Sklenar, Jr., and Larry Wellendorf. Interment was in Maple Grove cemetery, Audubon, under direction of McFadden Funeral Home.

    Unsourced obit posted on Find a Grave

    708. Thomas Milton Parrott (Howard Milton10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 13 Jul 1931 in Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois and died on 12 May 2015 in Fresno Co., California, at age 83.

    Notes: PARROTT - Thomas M. Parrott, 83, of North Fork died May 12. He was a tow truck business owner. Services to be held at a later date. Arrangements: Neptune Society of Central California.

    The Fresno Bee, May 15, 2015
    Edition: 1st State, Page: 11A

    Thomas married Phyllis Elaine Phipps Szabo. Phyllis was born on 25 Aug 1937 in Boone, Boone Co., Iowa and died on 4 Feb 1997 in Fresno Co., California, at age 59.

    713. Max Lourain Parrott Jr. (Max Lourain Sr.10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 14 Jun 1927 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 27 Jul 2013 in El Paso, El Paso Co., Texas, at age 86. {Find A Grave ID: 116682404}

    Notes: Manville, Oct. 1.- Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Parrott Jr. and son, Max 3rd, have gone to Audubon, Iowa, where Parrott will join his father in business. The couple have resided here with rMs. (sic) Parrott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kozar at 305 North Second avenue.

    The (New Brunswick NJ) Daily Home News, 01 Oct 1948, p 21

    PARROTT, MAX L. "BUD" Age 86, was called to our Lord Saturday, July 27, 2013. Born in Exira, Iowa to Max L. Sr. and Ella Parrott, Max was a long-time resident of El Paso, TX. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sally V. Parrott; his parents; and sisters: Maxine Burns, and JoAnn Nadler. He is survived by his daughter, Angel M. Jimenez and husband Abel (Albuquerque, NM) and his son, Jason C. Parrott and wife Celeste (El Paso, TX); 6 grandchildren; grandson, Benito J. Gallardo and wife Jessie (New Orleans, LA); granddaughters: Athena M. Gallardo (Las Vegas, NV), Halley A. Gallardo, Maxie E. Gallardo (Albuquerque, NM), Sarah M. Parrott, Chloe I. Parrott (El Paso, TX); 4 great grandchildren: Jazzmin B. Gallardo (Las Vegas, NV), Tiara J. Burns (Albuquerque, NM), Gavino C. Gallardo, Etienne M. Gallardo (New Orleans, LA); brother, Melvin Parrott (Buhler, KS); sisters: Rosemary Heuss (Atlantic, IA), Karol Armentrout and husband Ray (Collins, IA), Jean Walker and husband Joe (Atlantic, IA); brother in law, Ray Burns (Des Moines, IA); Niece, Marjorie Armendariz and husband Joe (Las Vegas, NV) and many more nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service in celebration of his life will be held at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at Sunset Funeral Home- East, 750 N. Carolina, El Paso, TX. Interment will be held at Ft. Bliss National Cemetery. A small reception at the family home will follow. Services entrusted to Sunset Funeral Home-East. Please visit our online register book

    El Paso Times, 07 Sep 2013

    Max married Mary Kozar. Mary was born in 1926 in Manville, Somerset Co., New Jersey and died on 18 Jul 2005 in Dunedin, Pinellas Co., Florida, at age 79.

    Notes: PARROTT, MARY K., 79, of Clearwater, died Monday (July 18, 2005) at Mease Dunedin Hospital. She was born in Manville, N.J., and came here in 1998 from New Jersey. She worked more than 15 years as a reservation agent with Eastern Airlines and for 10 years with Johnson & Johnson. She attended Light of Christ Catholic Church, Clearwater, was a member of the Red Hat Society and was active in the social programs at On Top of the World. Survivors include a daughter, Tanya Yasensky, New Port Richey; a son, Max L. III, West Jordan, Utah; a brother, George Kozar, Franklin Township, N.J.; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Moss-Feaster Funeral Homes & Cremation Services, Belcher Road Chapel, Clearwater.

    North Pinellas Times, July 20, 2005, p 5

    Max next married Sally Veronica Lambert. Sally was born on 28 Dec 1937 and died on 1 Jun 2007 in El Paso, El Paso Co., Texas, at age 69. {Find A Grave ID: 19812205} {Find A Grave ID: 19812205}

    716. Melvin Duane Parrott (Max Lourain Sr.10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Jun 1936 in Exira, Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 24 Jan 2023 in Buhler, Reno Co., Kansas, at age 86.

    Notes: Melvin Duane Parrott, 87, went home with his Heavenly Father January 24, 2023. He was born June 2, 1935, to Max and Ella (Ballou) Parrott in Exira, Iowa.

    On August 8, 1956, he married the love of his life, Sandra Kay Andersen in Exira. Together the couple moved to Nebraska where Melvin was active in 4H, REACT, and was the entertainment director for Douglas County Fair, he was also on the Nebraska State Fair Board. He worked for Lloyd Shoes in Omaha and Mangelson's. In 1978, he moved to Buhler and became a Vice President of Erickson's Inc. until he became pastor of Faith Baptist Church in 1987, where he was acting pastor until he passed. He also was a Reno County Sheriff Chaplain from 1987, until he passed away. He was the director of Buhler Ambulance Service from 1982, until 1997. Melvin loved spending time with his family, fishing, and was an avid HAM Radio (CB) Operator.

    Melvin is survived by: his beloved dog, Heidi, of the home; two sisters, Karol Armentrout and Jeanie Walker; five children, Tony (Jackie) Parrott, Ed (Suzie) Parrott, Craig (Toni) Parrott, Renee (Kurt) Cubbage, Janene Starks; 14 grandchildren and their children, Jessica (Coty) Thornton, Children: Timothy (Mercy Roper), Marrissa, Bella, LillyAnna, Christoffer Thornton; Becky (Nathan) Tindell, Children: Tytus, Violet, Ethan and Anaiah Tindell; Melissa (Garrett) Parson, Children: Livvie, Owen, Gemma Parson; Angela (Terry) Reimann, Children: Parker, Avery and Ella Riemann; Amanda Strausberg, Children: Madylynn and Braeden Strausberg; Julie Kottwitz; Laura (Troy) Biesler, Children: Mason and Carter Jones; Sarah Parrott; Breanne (Adam) Jones, Children: Jasper, Pippa, and Beau Jones; Chris (Taelir) Parrott, Children: Ezra and Arie Parrott; Dawn Zongker, Children: Andrew Zongker, Grayson and Mya Johnson; Maygen (Aaron) Burnett, Child: Abrianna Burnett; Brittney (Ryan) Carey; Heather (Leroy) Wyatt, Children: Brylee and Colton Wyatt; and several nieces and nephews.

    He was proceeded in death by; his wife, Sandra, son Bradley, parents, brother Max "Bud" (Sally) Parrott, sisters, Maxine Burns, Rosemary (George) Heuss, JoAnn (Paul)Nadler and brothers-in-law Ray Armentrout, Joe Walker.

    Funeral service will be held Saturday January 28, 2023, at 10 a.m. at Faith Baptist Church, 509 E. 56th Ave Hutchinson, Ks. with Pastor Richard Haley presiding. Burial will follow in the Buhler Municipal East Cemetery. Friends may call from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, January 27, with the family present from 5 to 7 p.m. at Elliot Mortuary.

    In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Reno County Sheriff Chaplaincy, in care of Elliott Mortuary, 1219 N. Main, Hutchinson, KS 67501

    Melvin married Sandra Kay Anderson. Sandra was born on 23 Sep 1940 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 12 Feb 2011 in Buhler, Reno Co., Kansas, at age 70.

    Notes: BUHLER - Sandra "Sandy" Kay Parrott, 70, went home to be with the Lord on Feb. 12, 2011. She was born to Carl A. and Oma M. "Graves" Andersen on Sept. 23, 1940, in Audubon, Iowa.

    She was united in marriage to Melvin D. Parrott on Aug. 8, 1956, in Exira, Iowa. He survives. Other survivors include: children, Tony and wife, Jackie, Ed and wife, Suzie, Craig and wife, Toni Beth, Renee and husband, Kurt Cubbage, and Janene Starks; 14 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; grandparents, Frank and Ollie McNary; son, Brad; brother, Hubert Andersen; and sisters, Virginia Nielsen and Betty Knoke.

    Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday Feb. 16, 2011, at Faith Baptist Church, 56th and Plum, Hutchinson, with Pastor Willard Stafford presiding. Visitation will be 2 to 8 p.m. today with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. at Buhler Mortuary, Buhler. Burial will be in Buhler East Cemetery, Buhler. Memorials may be sent to the Sandra Parrott Memorial Fund, in care of the church. It was Sandy's wish that those who attend the funeral wear no black but bright colors instead. Funeral arrangements are with Buhler Mortuary, Buhler.

    The Hutchinson News, February 14, 2011

    The child from this marriage was:

       780 M    i. Bradley Allan Parrott was born on 8 Jul 1966 in Douglas Co., Nebraska and died on 8 Jul 1966 in Douglas Co., Nebraska. {Find A Grave ID: 27795447}

    Notes: PARROTT - Bradley Allan, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parrott, 3006 Westgate Road; also survived by three brothers, Anthony, Edward and Craig; sister, Renee; grandparents, Mr. Max Parrott, Exira, Ia., and Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Andersen, and great-grandmother, Mrs. Ollie McNary, Audubon, Ia. Graveside services Saturday, 11 a.m. Hillcrest Cemetery, Dworak Mortuary.

    Evening World-Herald, 11 Jul 1966, p 28

    717. Benjamin Don Parrott Jr. (Benjamin Don10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 8 Sep 1924 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 6 Apr 1994 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, at age 69.

    Benjamin married Rita Anna Frances Olberding. Rita was born on 7 Mar 1918 in Carroll, Carroll Co., Iowa and died on 4 Jan 2014 in Carroll, Carroll Co., Iowa, at age 95.

    Notes: Rita Parrott, 95, of Carroll died Saturday, January 04, 2014, at Regency Park Nursing Home in Carroll.

    Mass of the Christian Burial will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Carroll. The Celebrant will be Fr. Timothy Johnson. Music will be by Barb McDermott and the Holy Spirit Choir. Lectors for the funeral mass will be: Ben Parrott and Colin Parrott. Eucharistic Minister will be Clete Windschitl. Gift Bearers will be Patrick and Mary Parrott. Casket Bearers will be Ben Parrott, Colin Parrott, Joshua Eberle, Jonas Eberle, Noah Eberle, Jose Ordarza. Burial will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Carroll.

    Visitation will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday at Holy Spirit Church until time of the funeral mass. Memorials may be left at the church for Holy Spirit Parish.

    Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Sharp Funeral Home in Carroll and online condolences may be left for Rita's family at

    Born on March 7, 1918 at Arcadia, Iowa, Rita was the daughter of Herman and Josephine (Dunck) Olberding. She spent her younger years in the Maple River, Arcadia, and Vail Communities and later graduated from St. Bernard's High School in Breda. Her entire working career Rita was employed at Northwestern Bell in Carroll where she held many job titles while employed there. She had a strong devoting to her faith, her family, and also enjoyed reading. Rita was a member of the Telephone Pioneers, Holy Spirit Parish, Ladies Guild, and also volunteered for many organizations while living in the Carroll Community.

    Rita is survived by her children: Michael Parrott and his wife Cathy of Spokane, WA, Patrick Parrott and his wife Mary of Spirit Lake, and Mary Jo Eberle and her husband Steve of Arlington, TX; 8 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; one sister, Lois Duffy of Carroll; as well as other extended relatives. Her parents, and her son Edward preceded her in death.!/Obituary

    719. Roger Willis Parrott (Willis Merle10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 May 1932 in Audubon Co., Iowa and died on 24 Nov 1999 in Jackson, Teton Co., Wyoming, at age 67.

    Notes: Roger Willis Parrott, 67, died at St.. John's Living Center on Nov. 24. Roger was born in Audubon, Iowa, on May 5, 1932. As a young boy he worked and played on his father's farm. He was involved in all sports in high school. After graduating from high school in Glidden, Iowa, he attended the University of Iowa in Iowa City and Buena Vista College where he played college football.

    Upon graduating he entered the Navy and was stationed at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, Calif., where he worked in the physical therapy department. Roger then returned to Iowa and began his long career of teaching physical science and coaching. While coaching in Royal, Iowa, his team had its first unbeaten, unscored-on season.

    In 1968, Roger yielded to a lifelong dream and moved his family and himself out West. He had the best of the best in Jackson: a beautiful cabin, a job he loved and all the land he could possibly need to hunt and fish. Upon retiring from teaching in 1993, he began to work seriously and full-time on being retired, enjoying his hobbies and being a friend and mentor to his family and friends. He stil found time to sell a little Royal Purple synthetic oil on the side.

    He enjoyed cowboy poetry and penned many cowboy poems himself. He loved horses, and his horse Traveller was his greatest pal. He also enjoyed taking friends, guests and visitors on horseback rides.

    Roger was deeply loved by his friends and family. He will be missed and fondly remembered.

    Roger is survived by his wife, Sharon Parrott, his children, Vicki Rampley, Jeff Parrott and Robyn McCain; his step children, Jonel Smith and Taylor Jones; his grandchildren, Chad Rampley, Allie Parrott, Madison Parrott, Jesse McCain, Jeffrey McCain, Jordan Smith, Trevor Smith and Sydney Smith; his mother, Veda Daeges; his brother John Parrott, and his sisters, Barbara Jauch, Linda Klinman and Marilee Michaels.

    And how about Roger Parrott?
    The scourge of the West,
    The dastardly creature,
    The varmint, the dog, the pest...

    When ole Rog takes his
    Last ride to the sky
    The Lord wil probably say
    "We've got a special place for such a guy."
    --- From The Big Parrott Burn, by Bill S. Antisdale

    Jackson Hole News, 22 Dec 1999, p 19B

    Roger married Alice Janet Reynolds. Alice was born on 10 Aug 1932 in Ayrshire, Palo Alto Co., Iowa and died 21 may 2916 in Jonesboro, Craighead Co., Arkansas. Another name for Alice was Petie Parrott.

    Notes: JONESBORO \emdash Alice Janet Parrott, known as "Petie," went to heaven to be with her savior on Saturday, May 21, 2016.

    Petie's life started Aug. 10, 1932, in Aryshire, Iowa. She was born to Scottie and Alice Reynolds. Petie had one brother, Maynard Reynolds, who preceded her into heaven. After Petie graduated from Ayrshire High School, she became a "semi-pro roller-skating dancer," winning many contests with her 6-foot-4-inch partner named Pete.

    So because she was 4 foot, 11 inches, Janet became Petie. Petie lived a very full life. She worked for more than 30 years with Sportsman's of Spencer in Spencer, Iowa. She was the salesperson who designed all sports uniforms for the high schools in that area.

    She finished her working career as the dorm mother of Kays Hall at Arkansas State University from 1990 to 2002.

    Petie would bake cookies and cupcakes for her students when they would stay up late to study for finals. After Petie retired, many, many ASU students would greet her with a hug at football and basketball games or just out and about.

    Fifteen years ago Petie became the housekeeper at Arkansas Glass Container where she would visit with many before they would call it a day and then she would start her day of cleaning. She cleaned her last day on May 19, 2016. She will be missed for her smile and bringing her secret recipe cupcakes every holiday.

    Petie loved to laugh and have a good time. She would go to Memphis and watch her Grizzlies \emdash no bigger fan. Petie also traveled to Jackson Hole, Wyo., where she would spend time with her son and his family along with many friends she had there.

    Petie leaves behind a daughter, Vicki and husband Tony Rampley; her grandson, Chad Rampley and his wife Kara and their three sons, Harry, Conner and Christian.

    She also leaves behind her son, Jeff Parrott and his wife Cathy and their two daughters, Allie and fiancé Logan and Madison, from Jackson Hole.

    Petie was also very close to her niece, Connie Vanderzanden and husband Marty, their daughter Andrea and her husband Kyle from Minnesota; and nephew Brad and his wife Terry, also from Minnesota.

    Petie's life was also blessed by many loving people who considered her their grandmother, the "Lost Boys of the Sudan" of Jonesboro who moved here more than 13 years ago from the Sudan to start a new life. She got to know their beautiful wives and children.

    Another part of her family were all of her sons from John 3:16 Ministries, New Creations (transition house) and Breaking Bonds Ministry. Her favorite time to spend with them was having coffee and a doughnut at Elevation service at the First United Methodist Church every Sunday morning.

    To celebrate the life of this beautiful soul there will be a visitation that starts at 4 p.m. Saturday in the atrium of the First United Methodist Church in Jonesboro. The celebration service will start at 5 p.m. in Wesley Hall, and a dinner will be served at 6 p.m. at Elevation, by John 3:16 Ministries.

    In lieu of flowers, Petie would like for donations to be sent to her grandson Chad Rampleys' transition program: New Creations, 200 Sartin Lane, Jonesboro 72404.

    The Jonesboro Sun, 01 Jun 2016

    720. John M. Parrott (Willis Merle10, Lewis Milton9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 13 Jul 1936 in Iowa and died on 22 May 2017 in Jackson Hole, Teton Co., Wyoming, at age 80.

    Notes: Parrott, former Jackson school teacher, dies at 80
    WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2017 4:30 AM

    A memorial service for former Jackson Hole High School teacher John M. Parrott, 80, will be held at 11 a.m. on June 10 at the Bar J Chuckwagon. Parrott, who lived in Star Valley Ranch, died May 22. His family provided the following.

    John was born in 1936. He graduated from Buena Vista College in Storm Lake, Iowa, with a degree in education.

    John was married to Janet Haals Parrott in 1961. They were married 56 years.

    His 33-year teaching career began in Royal and Harlan, Iowa, and concluded in Jackson Hole in 1994 when a heart transplant ended his career. John was dean of students, athletic director, and a high school and middle school teacher. His love and passion for teaching included American, Wyoming and Jackson Hole history.

    Within the unique Jackson Hole School system, John was able to instruct students in hunter safety and archery and direct student research into early homesteads that make up the National Elk Refuge. John was a longtime referee in Iowa, and with his brother, Roger, in Wyoming. He also received the Pioneer Award in 1993.

    John enjoyed golfing, hunting, fishing, sports, horse racing, bird watching, family and friends. He was also actively involved with the Jackson Hole Historical Society.

    John is survived by wife Janet Haals Parrott; son Blaine Parrott and his wife, Kim; daughter Shellie Parrott Miller and her husband, Brian; grandchildren Katie, Jeff, Cody, Taylor, Austin, and Carson; sisters Barbara Parrott Jauch, Linda Parrott Klinzman and her husband, Marc, and numerous supportive nieces, nephews and family.

    John is preceded in death by father Bus Parrott; mother Veda Barentson Parrott; brother Roger Parrott and sister Marilee Parrott Michaels.

    The family will be greeting friends and relatives following the service at the Bar J, one of John's favorite places.

    725. Vernon Verdon Parrott (Vernon O.10, John Lester Sr.9, Perry8, Thomas7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 21 Dec 1926 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 14 May 1994 in Hernando Co., Florida, at age 67. {Find A Grave ID: 1062303}

    Notes: PARROTT, VERNDON V., 67, of Brookridge, Brooksville, died Saturday (May 14, 1994) at HCA Oak Hill Hospital. He came here 10 years ago from his native Minneapolis. He was a retired program and systems manager for the Harvest States Grain Cooperative. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and a member of Brookridge Golf Association. Survivors include his wife, Jeanette; two daughters, Nancy Lundberg, Goshen, Ind., and Jackie Bolvin, Kimball, Minn.; six grandchildren. Pinecrest Funeral Chapel, Brooksville.

    HT Times, 17 May 1994, p 9

    Vernon married Jeanette Myrtle Sullivan. Jeanette was born on 8 Feb 1929 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 26 Jun 2021 in Paynesville, Stearns Co., Minnesota, at age 92.

    Marriage Notes: Parrott-Sullivan Vows Exchanged
    Victory Lutheran church was the scene of the marriage Aug. 14 of Jeannette Sullivan and Verdon V. Parrott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O. Parrott, 4146 Upton avenue N. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sullivan, Crystal Village.

    Larome Nelson and Mary Carlson attended the bride. Bill Jonassen was best man. Mr. Parrott and his bride will live at Crystal Village.

    The Minneapolis Star, 03 Sep 1948, p 30

    727. Donald Alfred Parrott (Andrew Clemer10, John Clemer9, Ezekiel8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Sep 1927 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa and died on 12 Apr 2002 in Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa, at age 74. {Find A Grave ID: 116696391}

    Notes: Donald A. Parrott, 74, died Friday, April 12, 2002, in Regional Medical Center, Manchester, after an extended illness. Services: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Leonard-Muller Funeral Home & Crematory, by the Rev. David Wagner. Burial: Oakland Cemetery, with military rites. Friends may call from 3 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.

    Donald was born Sept. 2, 1927, in Manchester, to Andrew and Amber Tripp Parrott. He was raised and educated in the area, attending the Little Red School north of Manchester and Manchester High School. Don served honorably in the U.S. Navy from September 1944 to July 1946.

    Don was united in marriage to Florence White on Oct. 17, 1948, in the Little Brown Church in Nashua. They resided in the Manchester area and together had one son, Randy.

    Don owned and operated at trucking service for a time, worked for W.I. Sidwell Feed and Grain, farmed from 1952 to 1954, then worked for Stimson Motors, Hauser's Water Conditioning for 7 years, and Smitty's from 1962 to 1990.

    Don participated with the United Methodist Church. He will be remembered as one who enjoyed reading, woodworking and tinkering. He especially loved and enjoyed his family and granddaughters.

    Survivors include his wife, Florence; a son, Randy (LuAnn) of Manchester; two granddaughters, Catherine Parrott of Iowa City and Christina Parrott of Waterloo; a sister, Marian (Robert) Gray of Waterloo; and several nieces and nephews.

    He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Robert Parrott, in infancy.

    The Gazette, April 14, 2002

    731. Jack Timothy Parrott Sr. (Jack J.10, William Howard Taft9, William James8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 29 Oct 1958 in Iowa and died on 17 Dec 2014 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa, at age 56. {Find A Grave ID: 140229842}

    Notes: Jack T. (Skeet) Parrott was born on October 29, 1958, to Jack and Shirley Parrott. Jack entered into rest December 17, 2014 at his home surrounded by family and friends.

    Jack was preceded in death by his father, Jack Parrott; and his brother-in-law, Rick.

    He is survived by his wife, Kelly; sons, Jack T. Parrott and wife, Ashlee, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jason L. Parrott and girlfriend, Misty, of Omaha, Neb.; mother, Shirley, of Council Bluffs; sisters, Jeanie Diercks, Brenda Phillips and husband Dan, Tonya Budlong and husband, Dana, Shirleena Gooch and husband, Scott, all of Council Bluffs; brothers: Ed, of Atlantic, Iowa and Wendell, of Council Bluffs; and brothers-in-law, Mike Vincent and wife, Karen, of Omaha, Everett Thiles and wife, Tracy, Danny Vincent and wife, Sandra, Ron Vincent, all of Council Bluffs; sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild.

    Visitation will be Sunday, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m., at Maher-Livingston Funeral Home. Funeral service will be Monday, at 1 p.m., at Maher-Livingston with interment following at Garner Township Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family will designate memorials.

    Daily Nonpareil, The (Council Bluffs, IA), December 21, 2014

    736. Glenn Kenneth Parrott Jr. (Glenn Kenneth10, Marion A.9, Martin Alexander8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 8 Jul 1936 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska and died on 18 Apr 1997 in Eugene, Oregon, at age 60.

    Notes: Parrott - Glenn Kenneth, 60, Eugene, Ore., died April 18. Born, Beatrice. Served, U.S. Navy, Oregon Army National Guard. Part-time member, National Guard. Former store manager, Montgomery Ward. Retired store manager, Coast-to-Coast; Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. Survivors: wife, Dorothy; son, Glenn Kenneth III, Portland; daughter, Karen Parrott Ralls, Portland, Ore.; mother, Thelma Luciel Parrott, Beatrice; brothers, Jim, Niceville, Fla., Dennis, Marty, both Beatrice, Mike, Lincoln, Danny, Harbine; sisters, Kay Sell, Judi Ubben, both Lincoln, Marsha Block, Beatrice; three grandsons. Preceded in death by father, Glenn Kenneth Parrott Sr.

    Memorial services were held Tuesday, Musgrove Family Mortuary, Eugene, Ore. Inurnment, Willamette National Cemetery, Portland. Memorials to Santa Clara Fire Department paramedic unit or Elderhealth program, Eugene, Ore.

    Lincoln Journal Star, April 25, 1997

    A memorial service has been was held April 22, 1997, in Musgrove Family Mortuary in Eugene for Glenn Kenneth Parrott, who died
    April 18 of a heart attack at age 60.

    Mr. Parrott was born July 8, 1936, in Beatrice, Neb. He served in the U.S. Navy and was a retired sergeant major with the Oregon National Guard. He managed was a manager for Montgomery Ward Co. stores in Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho, was . He became manager of the Eugene Coast-to-Coast store in 1978 and worked for Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. in 1979.

    Mr. Parrott had an associate's degree from Lane Community College and a student at George Fox College. He was president of the Lane County Mental Health Advisory Committee.

    Survivors include his wife, Dorothy M.; son, G. Kenneth III, of Portland; and daughter, Karen Parrott Ralls, both of Portland; mother, Thelma Parrott of Lincoln, Neb.; eight brothers and sisters; and three grandchildren.

    The family suggests remembrances to the ElderHealth program under PeaceHealth program in Eugene, Lane County Mental Health or Santa Clara Volunteer Fire Department.

    The Oregonian, April 25, 1997

    739. Ricky Lee Parrott (Lynn Leroy10, Horace Boise9, Wilson Mcclearly8, Charles S. Sr.7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 25 Oct 1953 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa and died on 8 May 2021 in Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa, at age 67. Another name for Ricky was Root Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 226699439}

    Notes: Ricky "Root" Lee Parrott was born October 25,1953, the second son to Lynn "Tuffy" Parrott and W. Jean (Harper) Parrott in Atlantic, Iowa.

    He graduated from Atlantic High School in 1972 and then attended IWCC. He married Barb Ross July 14, 1984, in Atlantic, Iowa. They had two children; Guy and Katie.

    Rick worked for Burk Brothers Steel Erectors, Midwest Steel Rec, Central State Steel Erectors, and American Builders Company. His hobby became reality in 1988 as he founded The Fish Store with his best friend Rick Johnson. His other interests were hunting and fishing, and listening to old music.

    Rick passed away Saturday, May 8, 2021, at Atlantic Specialty. He is preceded in death by his parents, Tuffy and Jean Parrott; and his brother Randy.

    Rick is survived by his children Guy (Anna) Parrott of Providence Village, Texas, and Katie Parrott of Atlantic; grandchildren, Reece, Lauren, and Max of Atlantic; siblings, Rolly Parrott of Atlantic, Shelley (Marlan) Hagedorn of Dickens, Iowa; sister-in-law, Marie Parrott of Atlantic; several nieces and nephews; and great-niece and nephews.

    Family is planning on a gathering soon. Please look back for more information.

    Per Ricks wishes, a cremation will take place with Hockenberrys in charge of arrangements.

    740. Samuel James Parrott (Samuel Richard10, George Samuel9, William8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 2 Apr 1933 in Idaho and died on 13 Dec 2011, at age 78. {Find A Grave ID: 81985324}

    The child from this marriage was:

       781 M    i. Samuel R. Parrott was born on 12 Sep 1964 in Los Angeles Co., California and died on 13 Sep 1964 in Los Angeles Co., California.

    Notes: PERROTT, Infant Samuel R., graveside services Sept. 15, San Fernando Mission. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Perrott of Glendale. J.T. Oswald.

    The Tidings, 18 Sep 1964, p 15

    741. Gerald Joe Parrott (Joseph W.10, Elijah W.9, John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 Oct 1928 and died on 9 Mar 2004, at age 75.

    Notes: Parrott Gerald J., age 75, of Coon Rapids. Korean War veteran. Member of American Legion Post #334 and 42-year employee of Wonder Bread Bakery. Preceded in death by parents, Joe & Viola, and brother, Ronald. Survived by loving wife of 51 years, Florence; children, Gregory (Marie), Renee (Chuck) Raskin, Robert (Diane), Linda Montague & fiance Steve Hammond, Curtis, Laurie (Peter) Zentner; 16 grandchildren; 5 step- grandchildren; 8 great- grandchildren & 8 step- great-grandchildren; brothers, Donald, Richard, Jack and Patrick; also many nieces, nephews, other relatives & friends. Funeral service Saturday, 11 AM, Gearhart Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 11275 Foley Blvd., Coon Rapids. Visitation Friday, 4-7 PM, also one hour prior to service, all at the funeral home. Thank you to Allina Hospice for their care. Memorials, in lieu of flowers, to American Lung Association and Allina Hospice Program. Interment Morningside Cemetery. GEARHART 763-755-6300

    Star Tribune, March 11, 2004

    Gerald married Florence Vivian. Florence was born on 18 Apr 1933 and died on 14 Oct 2018 in Iowa, at age 85.

    Notes: receded in death by Husband, Jerry; Parents, Neal and Laura; and Brothers, Ernest and Norman.

    She will be forever remembered by her Children, Greg (Marie), Renee(Chuck), Robert(Diane), Linda(Steve), Curt, and Laurie(Peter); Brother, Lester; 23 Grandchildren; 42 Great-grandchildren; 1 Great-great grandchild; and many Nieces, Nephews and Friends.

    ~Funeral Service~ 12:00 pm Monday, October 22, 2018 at Gearhart Funeral Home 11275 Foley Blvd. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota Visitation at 11:00 am.

    ~Burial~ Morningside Memorial Gardens Coon Rapids, Minnesota

    747. Chester Marion Parrott Sr. (David C.10, Elijah W.9, John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 13 Oct 1916 in Sikesyon, Missouri and died on 28 Mar 1978 in Joliet, Illinois, at age 61.

    Notes: Chester M. Parrott, 61, former city superintendent and police chief of Mounds, died Tuesday, March 28, 1978, in Joliet.

    He was a truck driver for a construction company and served with the U.S. Marines in the Pacific during World War II. He was a member of the Teamsters Union.

    Mr. Parrott was born Oct. 13, 1916, in Arkansas, to David Marion and Ruth McAllister Parrott. He married Vera Lucille Lackey, who survives.

    Other survivors include three sons, Chester M. Jr. of Panama City, Panama, Larry Eugene of Yuma, Ariz., and Jerry Lee of San Antonio, Texas; eight daughters, Shirley Hight and Lisa Arnhart, both of Cairo, Donna Young and Dorris Straggs, both of Mound City, Ruth Hudson, Judy Hite and Angela Parrott, all of Mounds, and Vickie Pickett of Murphysboro; 22 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

    Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Crain Funeral Homes in Mounds. Burial will be in the National Cemetery in Mound City. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

    Southern Illinoisan, 29 Mar 1978, p 7

    Chester married Vera Lucille Lackey. Vera was born on 17 Jun 1922 in Olmsted, Pulaski Co., Illinois and died on 3 Jul 1999 in Cairo, Alexander Co., Illinois, at age 77.

    The child from this marriage was:

       782 F    i. Shirley Marie Parrott was born on 8 Aug 1939 in Mounds, Pulaski Co., Illinois and died on 23 Jan 2000 in Cairo, Alexander Co., Illinois, at age 60.

    Notes: DONGOLA -- Shirley Parrott Hite, 60, died at 12:14 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 23, 2000, in Daystar Care Center in Cairo.

    Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 27, in First Baptist Church in Dongola, with the Rev. Paul Sadler officiating. Burial will bein Mound City National Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at Crain Funeral Home in Dongola and after 9 a.m. Thursday at the church.

    Memorials may be made to the church or Dongola Public Library.

    Southern Illinoisan, January 25, 2000

    Shirley married Thomas J. Hite. Thomas was born on 11 Mar 1928 and died on 29 Jul 1981, at age 53.

    748. Delbert R. Parrott (John R.10, Elijah W.9, John B.8, Samuel Watts7, Perry6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 19 Feb 1939 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska and died on 9 Oct 1982 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Nebraska, at age 43.

    Notes: Parrott - Delbert R., 43, 7030 Dudley St., died Saturday. State Farm insurance supervisor. Born Lincoln. Survivors: wife, Patricia; son, Daniel, Darren, Gregroy, all home; parents, John and Ila, Lincoln; sisters, Mrs. John (Ruby) Weber, Lincoln; Mrs. LaVern (Leona) Wright, Effingham, Ill., JoAnn Clow, Oregon.

    Services: 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, ROPER AND SONS CHAPEL, 4300 O St. The Rev. Robert Chitwood. Lincoln Memorial Park. Memorials in care of family.

    Lincoln Journal Star, 10 Oct 1982, p 5C

    750. Richard Stagg Parrott Jr. (Richard Stagg Sr.10, Willliam Henry9, Richard8, William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 17 Mar 1917 in Louisiana and died on 30 Mar 1957 in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 40.

    Richard married Edith Bradley. Edith was born on 3 Jul 1918 and died on 6 Jul 2011 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 93.

    Notes: EUNICE - Funeral services will be held for Edith Bradley Parrott, 93, of Eunice, at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Eunice at 1 p.m., Friday, July 8. Burial will follow in the St. Paul Cemetery.

    Ms. Parrott died Wednesday, July 6, 2011, at Acadian Medical Center in Eunice.

    Survivors include one daughter, Pam Quirk and her husband, Bob, of Eunice; one son, Richard "Dickie" Parrott and his wife, Faye, of Reddell; nine grandchildren, Cecily O'Brien, Guy Manuel, Richard Parrott, Mitchell Parrott, Edie Turk, Bobby Quirk, Cindy Wright, Eddie Parrott and Dru Manuel; 26 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.

    She was preceded in death by her parents, George and Theresa Francois Bradley; her husband, Richard S. Parrott Jr.; one daughter, Cindy Manuel; one brother, Raymond Bradley; one sister, Isabelle Guillory; and one grandson, Bradley Parrott.

    The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Friday, July 8, with a rosary at 11 a.m. led by Deacon Gary Gaudin.

    In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of choice.

    Father Nathan Comeaux and Father Randy Moreau will officiate.

    Quirk and Son Funeral Home of Eunice will be in charge of arrangements.

    Ville Platte Gazette, July 6, 2011

    The child from this marriage was:

       783 F    i. Cynthia Ann Parrott was born on 30 Jul 1937 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 11 Feb 1984, at age 46. {Find A Grave ID: 46901468}

    Cynthia married Dr. Wilbert Joseph Manuel. Wilbert was born on 31 Dec 1935 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 23 Apr 2009 in Pascagoula, Jackson Co., Mississippi, at age 73. {Find A Grave ID: 42802684} {Find A Grave ID: 42802684}

    Marriage Notes: Cynthia Parrott Is Bride of Mr. Manual
    Eunice- Miss Cynthia Ann Parrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Parrott Jr., became the bride of William Joseph Manuel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malta Manuel all of Eunice, Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at St. Anthony's Catholic church here. <snip>

    The bride and groom graduated from St. Edmund's high school and Mr. Manuel is presently enrolled in Southwestern Louisiana Institute in Lafayette.

    Daily World, 10 Mar 1957 p 22

    751. John Baker Parrott (Richard Stagg Sr.10, Willliam Henry9, Richard8, William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 20 Aug 1921 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana and died on 16 Mar 1978 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, at age 56. Another name for John was Jack Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 5833407}

    Notes: Jack Parrott Of U.S. Navy Visits His Parents Here
    Boatswain's Mate John B. "Jack" Parrott, U.S. Navy, left this week to assume his duties aboard the Yorktown, new aircraft carrier, after spending his fourteen day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Parrott, Sr., and other relatives here. His father accompanied him to New Orleans en route to his post of duty.

    "Jack," as he is known to his friends, has seen much service in Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean waters in the Navy, working on an oil tanker, the U.S. Destroyer Doran, and participating in the North African invasion. He was guest of the local Rtary (sic) club Thursday.

    The Eunice News, 24 Feb 1943 p 1

    Jack Parrott Flies Back To Duty After Visiting In Eunice
    John B. Parrott, B.M. 1c recently flew back to duty in the Pacific after spending 15 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Parrott. Jack, as he is better known is attached to Task Force 58 aboard a Carrier, having seen action in practically all major battles in the Pacific for the past 13 months.

    Jack is a graduate of St. Edmund's Convent also attended Southwestern Louisiana Institue, leaving S.L.I. to enter the U.S. Navy in May, 1941.

    The Eunice News, 13 Sep 1944 p 1


    Namesake Of U.S. Carrier Sunk At Midway Is Worthy Successor
    John B. "Jack" Parrott, B.M. 1-c, M.A.A., of the U.S.S. Yorktown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Parrott, Sr., of this city, and who is also the husband of Mrs. "Jack" Parrott, the former Miss Lorrain Andrus, one of the very efficient and courteous clerks of the Eunice post office, holds his position aboard one of the most renowed Aircraft Carriers in the U.S. Navy. The following, is from the Official U.S. Navy Department: <snip>

    The Eunice News, 31 Jan 1945 p 1

    Mr. J.B. (Jack) Parrott, age 56, died March 16 in Salt Lake City, Utah, after an illness of seven months. He was the brother of Mrs. Eugene Ardoin of Eunice. Services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 19, at St. Anthony's Catholic Church. Burial was in St. Paul Cemetery.

    His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Parrott, Sr. He is survived by two sons, John Parrott of Pensacola, Florida, and Steve Parrott of Dallas, Texas; three daughters, Mrs. Jerry Zumbrunnen, Miss Delta Parrott, and Miss Melinda Parrott, all of Salt lake City, Utah; one brother, Blair Parrott of New Orleans; two sisters, Mrs. Gene (Betty) Cline of Bakersfield, California, Mrs. Eugene (Harriet) Ardoin of Eunice; and five grandchildren.

    Mr. Parrott was an oilfield engineer in Salt Lake City, Utah and a World War II Naval veteran.

    The Eunice News, 21 Mar 1978 p 2

    The child from this marriage was:

       784 M    i. Steven Mark Parrott was born on 11 Nov 1962 in Morgan City, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana and died on 4 Feb 1994 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas, at age 31.

    Notes: Steven Mark Parrott, age 31, died February 4, 1994, in Fort Worth, Texas. Born November 11, 1962 in Morgan City, Louisiana to John Baker Parrott and Bobbye Pierce Parrott.

    Steven had many fond memories of growing up in Salt Lake City. He was perviously employed by Eastern Airlines and American Airlines. At the time of his death he was a full-time student at North Texas State University pursuing a degree in Business Administration.

    Survivors include mother, Bobbye Johnson and stepfather, Joseph A. Johnson; brother, John Baker Parrott, Jr. and sisters, Delia Woodbury, Nancy Zumbrunnen and Melinda Brereton. Preceded in death by fatehr, John Baker Parrott.

    Burial will be at the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Funeral Directors: Evans & Early Mortuary.

    The Salt Lake Tribune, 08 Feb 1994 p B8

    John next married Lorraine Andrus. Lorraine was born on 4 Jun 1920 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 20 Oct 2010 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, at age 90. {Find A Grave ID: 60463115} {Find A Grave ID: 60463115}

    753. Blair Simon Parrott (Richard Stagg Sr.10, Willliam Henry9, Richard8, William Henry7, Richard Jr.6, Richard Sr.5, Joseph Sr.4, George Jr.3, George Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 22 Sep 1929 in Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana and died on 19 Mar 2024 in Covington, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, at age 94.

    Notes: Blair Simon Parrott, Sr., age 94, of Covington, LA passed away on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. He was born in Eunice, LA to Cubertha M. (Baker) and Richard Stagg Parrott, on September 22, 1929 leading some to suspect his birth somehow precipitated the Stock Market Crash.

    Blair is survived by his children Blair S. Parrott, Jr., Valerie Jameson and Corey Gaffney as well as his eight grandchildren, Katie Wright, Jaclyn Johnston, Corey, Sarah and Broderick Jameson, Brittany Vesich, Dana Stringer and Alexandra Moore. He is also survived by seven great-grandchildren Ava, Liam and Logan Vesich, Joanna and Penelope Wright, Bennett and Simon Johnston.

    Blair is preceded in death by Dorothy "Dody" Doucet Parrott, his wife of 63 years and Karol Brady Parrott, his wife with whom he shared two of his elder years at St. Anthony's Garden.

    Blair began his academic career at LSU and while hitchhiking back to school after one summer break, his older brother abducted him, taking him to SLU in order to remove Blair from the distractions he apparently couldn't resist in Baton Rouge. In Lafayette, he began the illustrious geology career that led him to work at Shell for the next 35 years. (Little did they know they would ultimately pay him a pension for the following 35 years!)

    After college, the Army drafted him to protect England from invasion by the North Koreans. Dody discovered his whereabouts and sailed to London where they were married. They moved to Houston, had three children in 4 years, transferred to New Orleans where they had three dogs, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren in 61 years. The house they built in Bush, Louisiana remains to this day, as the "Happy Place" everyone goes to in their heads during stressful times.

    After Dody passed in 2017, Blair made a fateful decision to move to St. Anthony's Garden where the food varied with the caliber of the current chef, but the faith-filled environment and camaraderie was nothing short of lifesaving. During this time, he battled leukemia, prostate cancer, gave up driving and golf, but gained four more great-grandchildren while maintaining an active lifestyle as well as a sharp mind and wit. He loved God, his family, his country, and his friends, not always in that order. He is now, and will always be, sorely missed.

    Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Memorial Mass at Grace Funeral Home, 450 Holy Trinity Drive, Covington, LA 70433 on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 1:00 PM, officiated by Fr. Dean Robbins. Visitation will be held immediately before Mass beginning at 11:30AM. There will be a life celebration and luncheon following the service at Covington Country Club at 200 Country Club Dr in Covington from 2:00-4:30 PM.

    In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in memory of Blair may be made to Catholic Charities on the Northshore. Donations may be submitted at

    Blair married Dorothy Doucet. Dorothy was born on 13 Apr 1934 in Iota, Acadia Parish, Louisiana and died on 21 Dec 2017 in Louisiana, at age 83. Another name for Dorothy was Dody Doucet.

    Notes: Dorothy Doucet Parrott, "Dody" to her loved ones, passed away December 21, 2017. She was 83 years old. Dody was preceded in death by her parents, Remy Lambert Doucet and Lula Mae McGee of Iota, Louisiana. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, Blair Simon Parrott, Sr., and their children, Blair S. Parrott, Jr., Valerie Jameson and Corey Gaffney as well as their grandchildren, Katie Wright, Jaclyn Johnston, Corey, Sarah and Broderick Jameson, Brittany Vesich, Dana and Alexandra Gaffney as well as their great-grandchildren, Ava and Liam Vesich. Dody was born in Iota, Louisiana, the youngest of five siblings and the last surviving member of her family. She came away from LSU after three years with two degrees and a husband. She played the piano, the ukulele, the recorder and bridge. She loved music, dancing, reading, movies, great-grandchildren and Bubby, her dog. She left behind thousands of books, a well-used iPad, a Netflix subscription and a deep hole in all our hearts. Relatives and friends are invited to attend a Memorial Mass at 12:00 PM on Saturday, January 06, 2018 at E. J. Fielding Funeral Home, 2260 West 21st Avenue Covington, LA 70433 with a visitation beginning at 11:30 AM. A Celebration of Life will follow the mass at the Oxlot 9 Restaurant in the Southern Hotel, 428 East Boston Street, Covington, LA 70433. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be sent to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New Orleans at c/o E.J. Fielding Funeral Home address. Share a memory on the tribute wall at, Dec. 23, 2017

    12th Generation (9th Great-Grandchildren)

    758. Harold Philip Parrott (Harold Mosley11, Irven Lewis10, Irven9, William8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 11 Jan 1955 in Lewistown, Fergus Co., Montana and died on 28 Aug 2022 in Billings, Yellowstone Co., Montana, at age 67. Another name for Harold was Hal Parrott.

    Notes: Harold "Hal" Philip Parrott passed away on August 28, 2022, at his residence in Billings, MT. He was born in Lewistown, MT on January 11, 1955, to Harold and Charlotte (Hobbs) Parrott. He moved to Billings at a very young age, and proudly attended Miles Avenue Elementary School. He played football for Billings West High School, graduating in 1973.

    Hal really enjoyed Christmas time, with all the lights and décor; he loved decorating the outside of the house! He made a family tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree, and it always had to be at least twelve feet tall. If someone else needed a tree, Hal was the guy, always willings to pick up an extra tree or two.

    A hard-working man, Hal wasn't one to take time off, but he did love taking time to share with his family the annual hunt for the perfect Christmas tree.

    Hal is survived by his wife, Diana; sisters, Sandi Corey and Nikki Parrot; niece, Staci (Tim) Corey; nephew, Heath (Andrea) Corey; great-nephew and great-niece, Christian and Sydney Parrott; sons, Frank (Billie) Parrott, Chase Parrott, Tristan Parrott; grandkids, Frankie Marie, Miles, Anaia, Ovionna.

    Special thanks to Riverstone Hospice, and to John Dahl for their kindness during the loss of our beloved Hal.

    762. Bruce Leroy Parrott (Galen Leroy11, Pierce Francesco10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 10 Oct 1943 in Pipestone Co., Minnesota and died on 20 Mar 2023 in Slayton, Murray Co., Minnesota, at age 79.

    Notes: Bruce Parrott was born on October 10, 1943, in Pipestone, Minnesota to Galen "Polly" and Rosella Smestad Parrott. He grew up in Lake Wilson and graduated from Lake Wilson High School in 1961. On December 5, 1964, he and Judith Moritz were married at St. Columba Church in Iona, MN. Following their marriage, they made their home in Minneapolis, MN for a short time before returning to Lake Wilson where Bruce partnered with his father in Polly's 66. While living in Lake Wilson Bruce served as director of the Lake Wilson Community Club. In 1974 the family moved to Slayton, MN. Bruce work at various jobs over the years eventually going to work for the Slayton Manor in the maintenance Department. Bruce and Judy also worked for Holiday De-Lites making Christmas decorations. Bruce retired in 2006 from the Golden Living Center. Retirement did not last long for Bruce in 2010 he and Judy started their own lawn care and snow removal business. Due to failing health from a 2 ½ year battle with Cancer Bruce moved to Our House Hospice Home in Slayton on Thursday, March 16, 2023. He passed away there on Monday, March 20, 2023, at the age of 79. If you were looking for Bruce, he could be found driving around on his golf cart, JD Mower or sitting on the front porch visiting with whomever stopped at that point in time. Bruce enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, being on his golf cart and visiting with people.

    Survivors include his wife of 58 years, Judy Parrott of Slayton, MN, two children and their spouses, Dean and Tammy Parrott of Dell Rapids, SD, and Denise and David Schreier of Avoca, MN, two grandsons, Justin and Bekka Parrott, and Joshua Parrott and Chrystina Anderson, five great grandchildren, Korey, Aubrie, Brody, Ensley, and Emmarie, one brother, Douglas Parrott and his wife, Iris of Gaylord, MN, brother-in-law, Stan Moritz of Worthington, MN, and sister-in-law, Mary Swalve and her husband, Scott of Sioux Falls, SD. He is preceded in death by his parents, two sisters, Patricia and Lynn Parrott, his mother and father-in-law, Phil and Gen Moritz and sister-in-law, Amy Moritz.

    Memorial Services

    St. Ann's Church in Slayton, MN on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. with Fr. Gregory Parrott officiating. The organist is Patty LeClaire. The song leader is Paula Herrig. Interment will be at Slayton Memorial Gardens at a later time.

    Visitation will be on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at St. Ann's Church in Slayton from 4-6 p.m. also one hour prior to the services at the church on Wednesday. Totzke Funeral Home of Slayton is entrusted with arrangements. To view online obituary and send condolences visit To honor Bruce the family is asking everyone to please dress comfortably in blue jean and something red.

    764. James Frank Parrott (Clair Neville11, George James10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Jan 1933 in Elk, Buena Vista Co., Iowa and died on 29 Apr 2014 in West Des Moines, Iowa, at age 81.

    Notes: James Frank Parrott
    West Des Moines

    James, 81, passed away Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 3 at Merle Hay Funeral Home with burial to follow at Chapel Hill Gardens. Visitation will be Friday evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home.

    His memory will be cherished by his wife of 58 years, Barbara; children, Nancy Hayden, Phil (Jodi) Parrott, David (Sue) Parrott and Tammy (Tom) Bowman; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren and two brothers, Howard (Marlene) Parrott and Tom (Mary) Parrott. James was preceded in death by a son-in-law, Jon Hayden and sister, Gwen Mullinnix.

    Memorial contributions may be directed to Iowa Chapter of American Parkinson's Disease Association, PO Box 507, Waukee, IA, 50263.

    Des Moines Register from May 2 to May 4, 2014

    James married Barbara Lee. Barbara was born on 23 Sep 1933 and died on 15 Mar 2015 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa, at age 81.

    Notes: Barbara, 81, passed away March 15, 2015 at Taylor House. Funeral services will be at 10:00 a.m., Friday, March 20, at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in West Des Moines with burial to follow at Chapel Hill Gardens. Visitation will be Thursday evening from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Merle Hay Funeral Home.

    Barbara worked as a Registered Nurse at Broadlawns for more than 30 years. She was active in the Ladies Bible Study at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.

    Barbara will be remembered by her children: Nancy Hayden, Phil (Jodi) Parrott, David (Sue) Parrott and Tammy (Tom) Bowman; 12 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James; and son-in-law, Jon Hayden
    Des Moines Register, March 17, 2015

    766. Howard Clair Parrott (Clair Neville11, George James10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 31 Jul 1942 in Cherokee, Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 10 Nov 2020 in Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., iowa, at age 78.

    767. Thomas R. Parrott (Clair Neville11, George James10, Melvin9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 13 Dec 1945 in Cherokee Co., Iowa and died on 17 Sep 2021 in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa, at age 75.

    Notes: Thomas R. Parrott, (75), of Fruitland, Iowa, passed away on Friday, September 17, 2021 at University of Iowa Hospitals. Memorial services will be held on Sunday, September 26, 2021 at 1:30pm at the New Hope United Methodist Church in Muscatine. Following the celebration, a time of food and fellowship will be held at the church. Cremation rites were facilitated by the Snyder & Hollenbaugh Funeral & Cremation Services. Memorials may be directed to his family for later donations. Sympathy notes may be left for the family at

    Thomas R. Parrott was born on December 13, 1945 in Cherokee, Iowa, the son of Clair and Ruby (Frank) Parrott. Tom was a 1964 High School graduate in Aurelia, Iowa. He went on to graduate from Morningside University with a B.A in 1968 and received his Master of Divinity from the Dubuque Theological Seminary in 1971. On October 7, 1972 Tom was united in marriage to Mary Dietz in Harmon, Illinois. He was employed by the Iowa Methodist Conference as Pastor from 1969 \endash 2009. Tom served as a student pastor at churches in Harmon and Eldena, Illinois with fellow student pastor Rick Melin. Tom went on to serve as pastor at churches in Ayrshire, Curlew, Glidden, Elgin, Marathon, and Rembrandt, all located in Iowa. Tom was instrumental in the building of six churches and one parsonage, coming to Muscatine in June 1988 to the Otterbein and Park Avenue United Methodist Parish. In October 1988 the Otterbein United Methodist Church and Park Avenue United Methodist Churches merged, and in 1990 building began for the New Hope United Methodist Church established in Tipton Road. Tom was co-supervisor for the construction of the new church building and went on to spend 16 years as pastor of New Hope. He later served as pastor of Christ Community Church of Marion, Iowa. Tom is now associated with Grace Community Church in Conesville, Iowa. Tom has served on the Conference Boards and District Boards for Iowa Methodist Conference and was recognized by The Young Men of America.

    Tom will be deeply missed by his wife Mary of Fruitland; his children, Courtney Ferreira and husband Robert of Muscatine, Lance Parrott and significant other Mary Elizabeth O'Rourke of Clearwater, Florida, and Matthew Parrott and wife Cassandra of Wilton; grandchildren Calvin Parrott, Malea Parrott, Lily Parrott, and Ellis Ferreira; Sister-in-law Marlene Parrott, brother-in law David Dietz, brother-in-law Jimmy Dietz (Anita), sister-in-law Diane (David) Schoenholtz, brother-in-law Joe (Carol) Dietz, brother-in-law John Dietz, brother-in-law Mike (Sally) Dietz, and many nieces and nephews.

    He was preceded in death by his parents, father-in-law Harold Dietz and mother-in-law Aletha "Jean", brother Jim Parrott and sister-in-law Barb; sister Gwen Mullinnix and brother-in-law Rudy; brother Howard Parrott, sister-in-law Wilma Paris, nephew Scott Mullinnix.

    769. Jason Parrott (Donald Dean11, Fred Arthur10, James Clarence9, James8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Oct 1971 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

    773. Patrick Gerald Parrott (Gerald Eugene11, Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 30 Jun 1959 in Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 23 May 2010 in Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 50.

    Patrick married Tonnette Ann Reisinger. Tonnette was born on 28 Aug 1962 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minnesota and died on 16 Mar 2021, at age 58.

    Notes: Tonette Ann Reisinger, age 58 of Farmington passed away peacefully surrounded by some of the ones she loved most. Tonette was born in Minneapolis on August 28th 1962 to Glen and Ruth Reisinger but spent her whole life in Farmington. She married Patrick Parrott of Farmington in 1989 and had one son, Bryan Parrott, together who was their pride and joy.

    Tonette worked for the Burnsville School District as a administrative assistant for special education for 20 years and took pride in her work and loved all of her coworkers dearly.

    She loved spending time with family and friends and just adored her grandson (Xander). When she wasn't at bingo or crafting with her friends she enjoyed spending time with her dog Rocket whether it was snow shoeing, bringing him to the dog park or just relaxing at home.

    She had a heart of gold, a smile that could light up a room and a laugh that could brighten anyone's day.

    She was truly something special and was loved by so many and will be missed more than words can explain.
    Memorial service 3:00 PM Saturday, April 17, 2021 at White Funeral Home 901 Third St., Farmington, MN. Visitation from 1-3 PM prior to service.

    774. Michael John Parrott (Gerald Eugene11, Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 5 Sep 1965 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 23 Sep 2024 in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co., Minnesota, at age 59.

    Notes: Michael Parrott
    September 5, 1965 \emdash September 23, 2024

    Michael Parrott, 59, passed away unexpectedly, on Monday, September 23, 2024.

    He was born in Farmington, MN to Gerald and Janis (Doyle) Parrott. He was a loving husband to Beth and together, they raised five daughters and welcomed four grandchildren, all of whom where his pride and joy.

    Mike dedicated his early life to the family recycling business before moving to Fergus Falls in 2004, where he established his own handyman and construction business. Known for his exceptional skills, he was always ready to lend a hand to friends and family.

    Mike was a man of many passions who cherished time spent with his family. He had a knack for fishing and loved hunting for deals on Facebook Marketplace, often rescuing items from the roadside, seeing potential value in everything he encountered. With his witty sarcasm and boisterous personality, he was a natural character builder and a joy to be around. Wherever he went, he made connections, and his infectious spirit left a lasting impression on everyone he met.

    He was preceded in death by his daughter, Makayla Parrott; father, Gerald; brothers, Patrick and Daniel; brothers-in-law, Randy Coffey and Eddie Niedzielski; sister-in-law, Tonette Reisinger; father-in-law, William Hoffbeck and mother in-law, Patricia Hoffbeck.

    Mike is survived by his wife, Beth; daughters, Amanda Hoffbeck, Naomi (Robert) Hanson, Felicia Parrott (Fiancé Mike Fultz) and Hannah Parrott; four grandchildren, Lillian Rude, Roland Rude, Winston Rude and Augustus Hanson; mother, Janis Parrott; siblings, Cindy Coffey, Pam Parrott (Pete Kluender) and Linda Niedzielski; sisters-in-law, Malissa (Jason) Parrott-Stahnke, Lena (Todd) Larson; brother in-law, Jacob Hoffbeck; aunts and uncles; many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.

    A Celebration of Michael's life will be held at 3:00 p.m., October 6, 2024 at Hilltop Celebration Church, 525 State Hwy 210 East, Fergus Falls with visitation one-hour prior to the service at the church. Refreshments to follow the service. He will be deeply missed but warmly remembered by all who knew him. Assistance provided by Olson Funeral and Cremation in Fergus Falls.

    The child from this marriage was:

       785 F    i. Makayla Hope Parrott was born on 18 Apr 1997 in Burnsville, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 6 Aug 2018 in Fargo, Cass Co., North Dakota, at age 21.

    Notes: Makayla Hope Parrott, age 21 of Fergus Falls died on Monday August 6, 2018, at Sanford in Fargo, ND.

    Makayla was born to Michael and Beth (Hoffbeck) Parrott on April 18, 1997, in Burnsville, MN. She was one of five daughters being the third. When Makayla was in first grade her family moved to Fergus Falls. Makayla graduated from Underwood HS in 2015.

    Her favorite hobbies were drawing and writing. She also enjoyed being out in nature and spending time with her niece and nephews. Her passion was to help others.

    Makayla battled the brutal addiction of drugs for several years. Last year she successfully completed treatment. Makayla was doing an outstanding job at staying sober and working so hard at making substantial changes in her life. She had so much love to give and so much to offer. She had plans of moving to Oregon and going to school to become a vet tech. Makayla's desire was to make the world a better place.

    She was preceded in death by grandparents; Gerald Parrott, William Hoffbeck, Patricia Hoffbeck and uncles; Daniel Parrott and Patrick Parrott.

    Makayla leaves behind her parents Mike and Beth along with her loving sisters: Amanda, Naomi (Casey Rude), Felicia and Hannah; niece and nephews; Lilly, Roland and Winston; grandmother, Janis Parrott as well as many aunts, uncle and cousins.

    Memorial service will be Saturday August 18, 2018 at 2:00pm at Hilltop Celebration Church with Pastor Dan Mueller officiating.!/Obituary

    775. Daniel Edwin Parrott (Gerald Eugene11, Orin Jonathan10, Andrew9, Leven8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 6 Nov 1975 in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota and died on 18 Mar 2001 in Randolph, Dakota Co., Minnesota, at age 25.

    Notes: Parrott, Daniel E., age 25, of Vasa, MN, formerly of Farmington, died 3/18 as a result of an auto accident. Preceded in death by father, Gerald. Survived by wife, Malissa; children, Cassidy and Vanessa; mother, Janice Parrott; brothers, Pat and Mike; sisters, Cindy Coffey, Pam Kluender and Linda Parrott. Funeral Service Monday 2 PM WHITE FUNERAL HOME, 901 3rd St. Visitation 2 hours prior to service. Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery, Rosemount, MN. White Funeral Home Farmington 952-463-7374.

    St. Paul Pioneer Press, March 30, 2001
    Edition: CITY, Page: 9B

    778. Stephen W. Parrott (David Leroy11, Leo Francis10, Willis Elder9, Jonathan8, Henry J. (Dr.)7, William James6, Henry5, Isaiah4, Henry Jr.3, Henry Sr.2, William Sr.1) was born on 1 Feb 1951 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois and died on 23 Jul 2022 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 71.

    The child from this marriage was:

       786 M    i. James Benjamin Parrott was born on 16 Jul 1975 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois and died on 24 Jul 1985 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Illinois, at age 10. Another name for James was Jamie Parrott. {Find A Grave ID: 107979771}

    Notes: Funeral services for James Benjamin Parrott, 10-year-old son of Stephen and Sandy Parrott of 5410 7th Ave., Moline, who died yesterday at University Hospital in Iowa City, will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Elim Covenant Church, Moline, with the Rev. Dewey Sands officiating. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Estate, Moline.

    Visitation will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Van Hoe Funeral Home, East Moline. Memorials may be made to Elim Covenant Church.

    James Parrott was born July 16, 1975, in Moline and attended Benjamin Franklin Grade School in Moline, where he would have been in fifth grade.

    Surviving in addition to his parents are two brothers, Jeffrey and Joshua, both at home; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Parrott of Moline; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crandall of East Moline; and maternal great-grandparents, Mrs. and Mrs. Floyd Fitch of Bushnell.

    The Argus, 25 Jul 1985, p 6

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