![]() Wills of the William Parrott family of Maryland ![]() Last update = 13 June 2009 Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
For an explanation of the relationships between William and the other Parrotts of Maryland, see:
Name - Date of Will - Date of Probate
Seals of William Parrott, Sr. (14 March 1668), of his son, Henry Parratt (24 Jun 1685), and of his grandson, William Parratt (26 Apr 1770). Note the similarity of the seal of William Sr. to that used by Gabriel Parrott Jr, also of Maryland.
Note that the rest of the seals on the family wills have been defaced. As examples, clockwise from upper left:
Photos by Michael Hait, 2008.
PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills, Original) Isaack Abraham will, 14 Oct 1674, proved 28 Jun 1675, Box A, folder 2, MSA S540-1, MdHR 1330-1-2; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
October ye 14th 1674
I Isaac Abraham being sicke in body & beinge sensible blessed be ye Lord to call to remembrance the uncertaine state of this transitory life, & yt all these must yeeld unto death when it shall please god to call, doe make Constitude ordaine & declare this my last will and testament in maner & forme followinge, revoking & anullinge by these presents all & every testament & testaments will or wills heretofore by me made eithere by word or writting & this is to be taken onely for my last will & testament & none othere, & first I cummit & give my soule & spirit to ye almighty god from whom I received it, & my body to be buried in a decent and a Christian like maner where my exxecutrs hereafter named shall thinke meete, And for the setling of my temporall estate, & such goods, Chatels & debts as it hath please god to bestow uppon me I do order, give and Disepose the same in maner & forme followinge Imps. I give & bequeth unto Sarah Reede one feather bed with ye furniture yt belongeth to it which was her fathers formerly. I also give and Doe will yt George Parett & Beniamin Parret shall have two thousand # of tobb: payd them two yeare hence between them by my excecutr hereafter named. I also yt all ye rest of my psonall estate [?] goods Chatels & debt & whatsoever estate yt is truely mine owne property shalbe equully devided between my wife, my sun & my daughter when my sun cumeth to ye age of ninteene and not befor, further I will & bequeath my land with ye appurtenance thereunto unto my sun Jacob Abraham for him & his heires for ever exceptinge my wife her [?] right thereunto accordinge to law duringe her pleasure. I also will yt all debts & dutys yt I owe in right or cunsciens to any pson or psons whatsoever shalbe truely payd in Convenient time after my desease by my excecutrs hereafter mentioned. Now my desire and will is and by these presents doe Constitude make, ordaine, & appoint my luvinge wife Elizabeth Abraham
& Jacob Abraham my son, to be my whole & sole excecutrs to manage manure order & disepose yt sayd estate to theire beneffit & proffit, accordinge as my sayd excectrs shall thinke meet, and to excecute & pforme this my will in as lardge a maner & respecte to all intents, & purposes as if my selfe were living to excecute the same & also with as much power. In witnes of this my last will & testament I have sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written Signed sealed & [do?] in ye psence
[on the back]
of John Stoaken
his marke
Edmund [mark] fishIsaack [mark] Abraham [seal]
June the 28th A. D. 1675
These may Certify unto ye office of wills probatts of wills yt John Stoaker & Edmund fish did make
oath to this ye within mentioned will ye day & yeare aboave written befor me
Ri. Govenend
Will written 14 March 1668, and probated 11 May 1669. Talbot county register of wills (Wills, Original) William Parrat, original will, Box 18, folder 41, MSA C1926-22, MdHR 9053-18-41. Talbot county register of wills (Wills, Original) William Parrat, original will, 1669, Box 18, folder 41, MSA C1926-22, MdHR 9053-18-41.
In the name of God Amen, I William Parrott of Third Heaven in Choptank river in Talbot County being sick and weak in body etc. And as for my worldly goods and possessions my just debts being paid first, I will and bequeath in manner and form following:
Imprimis I will and bequeath my personal estate that is to say my goods and chattels unto five equal parts or shares, viz, unto my loving wife, Ann Parrot, one fifth part and unto my loving son, Wm. Parrott, one fifth part; unto my loving son Henry Parrott one fifth part, unto my loving son, George Parrott one fifth part and unto my lov son Benjamin Parrott, one fifth part my will and desire is the above-said goods and chattels shall be by Executors hereafter named to my aforesaid children at the age of one and twenty years and unto my wife, Ann Parrott after the proving of my will upon her demand and my will and desire is further that my whole estate of goods and chattels upon my plantation called by the name of Marshe Poynt in Choptank River in Talbot County wholly together to be improved to the use aforesaid and further my will is that if in any case my aforesaid sons, William, Henry, George and Benjamin Parrott should die before they come of the age of one and twenty years that then his or their shares or parts shall remain to the survivor or survivors to be equally divided amongst them.
I will and bequeath unto my loving wife, Ann Parrott, during her life, one bay mare; to my son William one younger black mare providing the first mare from his be given to my son George, and to my son Henry one and one younger colt with the first mare fole that from Henry's old blk to my son Benjamin.
I will and bequeath unto loving wife Ann Parrott during four hundred acres of land and fruit trees to be taken out of where the house now stands being called by the name of Marsh Poynt lying at ye first landing, and so along the water side and my will is that marriage of my aforesaid wife Ann Parrott that of four hundred acres of land and fruit trees shall be equally divided be my sons, George Parrott and Benjamin Parrott after they are at the age of one and twenty years and until such time as the said two sons, George and Benjamin shall come of age my sons, William and Henry after her marriage may use and have the said land providing they keep not above two servants apiece upon ye plantation. I bequeath unto my son William my share of house and land at Oxford and one thousand acres of land called the reserve in Choptank River.
I will and bequeath unto my son Henry five hundred acres of land called land lying in Patuxent River on the north side I will and bequeath unto my sons George and Benjamin the thousand acres of land called Wharton lying on the north side of Chester in the county of Talbot, and the Plate that is now in the house to be given my loving Ann Parrott, excepting one silver spoone to be given to my son Henry and further I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Parrott the dwelling house with all other houses upon the plantation called Marsh Poynt and one and I bequeath the three men servants and half a man servant ? with the maid during the time with the of their labour to the use of my wife and my two sons George and Benjamin and further my will is for the improvement of my estate to the use and benefit aforesaid I do hereby and appoynt my loving son William Parrott and my loving brother, Isack Abraham of Micee River? in Talbot County Joynt Executors of this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this four day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty-eight.
William Parrott - Seal
[Note: this is not a heraldic seal, but rather a symbolic seal, showing a tree with an M on one side and a 2 on the other; other interpretions are an intertwined D/M on one side, and a backwards S on the other.]
Signed and seal in the presence of John Richardson, Simon Richardson. Registered ye day of Dec. 1787, May the 22, 1669. The within written will was by John Richardson and Simon Richardson witnesses thereunto proved form before me John Blomfield of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662, Volume 41, Page 296
PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) Henry Parratt, will, 24 Jun 1685, proved 22 Oct 1685, Liber 4, ff. 198-199, MSA SM16-9, Microfilm no. SR 4400. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
In the light of Christ Jesus sonn of ye Eternall & True God in his universall love yt he hath given to redeem all ye world that come unto him to be saved, make this my last will & testament & dye a true Protestant & a member of ye true reformed Church that is in Christ Jesus. First & principally I committ & comend my Soule into ye hand of ye liveing & true God as a faithfull Creator & Redeemer & my body to be descently buried in ye burying place at ye Meeting house at Tuckahowe by ye discretion of my Executors hereafter named & as for what goods & chattles wch. hath pleased God to bestow upon me I will & bequeath in manner & forme following. My Just debts being first paid I give & bequeath unto my loveing son Henry Parratt ye one halfe of ye tract of land I now live on that halfe yt my plantacon lieth in & also my towne lott & all ye remaner part of ye tract knowne by ye name of Parkers Neck. I give unto my son Isaac Parratt & ye neck known by ye name of Parkers Neck. I give to my eldest daughter Mary Parrot & if in case my eldest son Henry should dye before he come to ye age of one & twenty years. I give & bequeath his parte of land & town lotte to be equally divided betweene my three daughters Mary Parrot, Elizabeth Parrat & Cathren Parrat but if either of my three daughters should dye before they come of ye age of Eighteen years I give & bequeath their part to my other two daughters only they leting slip the one halfe to my sonn Isaac and if either of my two daughters should dye her part I give to my sonn Isaak Parrat & if my other daughter should dye before ye age of Eighteen I give & bequeath towne lott unto my loveing wife Mary Parrat her part. I give to my loveing son Isaac Parrat ye tract of land yt is held for one hundred acres called by ye name of White Oake Swamp. alsoe I give to my servant girle ANN CAMMELL one cow calfe or a sow shoate but if she makes choise of ye sow shoat but ye one halfe of ye increase untill shee is free but if ye cow calfe to take it all & as for what goods & chattles it hath pleased God to bless me wth. all to be equally divided amongst my loveing wife & children, my horses & mares only excepted, my two old horses I give & bequeath to my loveing wife, and to my loveing son Henry Parrat ye black mare runing in ye woods branded wth ye letter H on her rear shoulder wth a star on her forhead & a Snip on her nose. I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary one young Sorrell mare branded with H on ye shoulder & W on ye buttock for to receive into her possession forthwth. after my decease & ye cow calfe or sow shoat yt I give to ANN CAMILL shee for to receive it forthwith after my decease if she will relinquish ye cow calfe yt was given to her by her former master George Allimby but if shee will not then to have noe part in my will & for to see this my last will & testament fullfilled & performed I doe appoint my loveing wife Mary Parrat and my loveing brother Benjamin Parrott & my loveing cozin Jacob Abrahams & Emanuwill Jenkenson to be my lawfull Executors and Exeqs. Further my will & desire is yt my two sons Henry & Isaak Parrot shall be of age to receive their part or portions at ye age of Eighteen years & my daughters at ye age of Seaventeen years it is my Will & desire yt my sons shall not bargaine nor dispose of any parte or parcell of their Estate without ye consent of my Executx. & Executrs. untill they come of age of twenty years & my will & desire is yt my son Henry shall goe & live & be brought up wth. his grandfather Henry Wallchurch & after his death wth. his Ant Sarah as long as he pleaseth & afterwards to chuse himselfe a place provided it be wth. a friend belonging to ye meeting at Tuckahow & it is my will & desire is yt. my three daughters shall be brought up wth. my wife on my now dwelling plantation provided they can make noe Just complaint to ye satis -faction of friends of our monthly meeting, alsoe my Will & desire is yt my wearing cloathes is cut up to cloath my children & I dye a true perfect man through Jesus Christ ye son of his love & to ye true intent & meaning of these premises I have hereunto interchangably set my hand & fixed my seale this 24nd of the fourth month called June in ye yeare 1685. Signed sealed & delivered in ye presence of us -
Henry Parratt (Seale)
James Morris
Further it is my will & desire yt my Estate be kept wholy together upon my plantation yt I now dwell on & if any one is minded to buy cattle or sheep yt is able to make good payment for them my Executrix & Executors may dispose of some towards ye mintenance of my children & wife & what benefit shall arise on ye plantation & stock besides what will defray ye charges to be equally divided between my Wife & children as they shall come to age one after another as Wittnes my hand & seale this 24th of ye 4th month called June 1685
Henry Parratt (Seale)
Wittnes present James Morris, Francis F Collins, William Denisson, Benjamin Forbey
The said Will was Endorsed thus (viz.)
By virtue of a comission to me sent from ye office for probat of Wills October ye 22nd 1685
Then was this within mentioned will proved as followeth vizt. Francis Collins one of ye wittnesses subscribed to ye said Will tooke his oath upon ye Evangelist yt he saw ye within mentioned Henry Parrat signe seale & acknowledge ye within mentioned will to be his last will & Testament & yt he was of sound minde & perfect in memory. Benjamin Forbey did then solemnly declare ye same but refuses to take an oath for consience sake. James Morris is decd. William Denisson is not to be found.
Certified, Geo: Robotham (Seale)
Frances F Collins (his mark)
William Davison
Benjamin Forbey
PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) William Parratt, will, 9 Jan 1696, proved 18 Mar 1696, Liber 7, ff. 271-273, MSA SM16-12, Microfilm no. SR 4403. Proved 18 Mar 1696. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Maryland SS. I William Parratt of Talbott County being weake in boddy but in pfect mind & memory doe make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & forme following revoakeing & disannulling all other Will & Wills formerly by me made & this only to be taken for my last. I committ Soule & Spirrit into ye hands of Allmighty God, by whome I have had life breath & being, & in whome I have my truth & confidence who is the only Creator & preserver of mankind, Blessed be his name for evermore. My boddy I committ to the Earth from whence it was taken to be decently buryed according to the discretion of my Brother Benjamin Parrat wth the advice of freinds att the burying place belonging to freinds commonly called Quakers new Tuckahoe, and as for what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give & dispose thereof as followeth:
1st. I will that all my Just Debts that I owe of right owe to be fully sattisfyed & discharged.
2ndly. I give & bequeath unto my two Sones Jno. Parrat & William Parrat my now dwelling Plantacon wth all the Land belonging thereto except that small parcell of Land that lieth on the contrary side of ye Creek joyning to Thomas Taylors Plantacon, wch said Land & Plantacon to be Divided as followeth. To beginn neer ye head of ye Branch between my Brother Henry Parrats Plantacon & mine, So runn a streight line through ye Old Feild to the place called ye old Spring then my Sone Jno. Parrat to take his first choyce, and my Sone William ye other wch pcell of Land & Plantacon. I give & bequeath to my two Sones and their heirs except before excepted.
3rdly. I give & bequeath unto my two Sones Jno. Parrat & William Parrat one hundred acres of land lying in Dorcett County next adjoyning To Thomas Harvey being part of that tract called Edmondses Reserve the said Land I give & bequeath unto my two Sones & to their heires.
4thly. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Rebecca Parrat fifty acres of Land called Strawberry Feilds Addition lying neer the Beavour Damm to her & to her heirs.
5thly. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah Parratt all that parcell of Land that belongs to my now dwelling Plantacon which lyeth upon the contrary side of the Creek from my Plantacon & is excepted in ye Second article, wch said Land I give to her & her heires.
6thly. I give & bequeath to my two Daughters Rebecca Parratt & Hannah Parratt one hundred acres of Land lying in Dorcett County being part of that Tract called Edmondsones reserve being adjoyning to that hundred acres I give to my two Sones mentioned in ye third article wch said Land I give & bequeath to my sd. two Daughters and their heires.
7thly. It is my will & desire that all my Personall or moveable part of my Estate (after my Just Debts be fully discharged) be equally divided amongst my five Chilldren namely Jno. Parratt, William Parratt, Elizabeth Kerwick, Rebecca Parratt & Hannah Parratt yt is to say all my Chattles household goods Cowes or Cow Kind Horses or Horse Kine or what ever else appertaining or belonging to my Estate moveable, it is my will to have it equally divided as aforesaid.
8thly. It is my Will & I doe nominate & appoint my loveing freind Jno. Pemberton & my Sone Jno. Parratt to be my Execurs. hole and Sole to Execute this my last Will Testiment in manner & forme as above written according to the true intent & meaning thereof and that Jno. Pemberton may make choyce of two more understanding freinds to assist in ye divideing of my said Estate, and whatsoever my said Executors shall doe wth ye advice of those freinds aforesd. shall be authentick as if my selfe were psonally psent to doe it & that all my Chilldren be therewith content.
9thly. And in confirmation of this my last Will & Testament I doe hereunto sett my hand & fix my Seale this ninth day of the Eleventh month called Jannuary in ye year 1696.
William Parrett (Seale)
Signed Sealed & delivered in ye presence of uss
March 18th 1696
Certyfied by R. Gouldesborough Depty. Comry. for Talbot Co.
Jno. Morgan, Brian + Mounticue (his marke), Jno. + W D[...] (his marke), William X Makeing (marke)
Jno. Parratt ye Execuor of ye last will & Testamnt of Willm Parratt ye within written Testator caused the within written last Will & Testamnt of his said Testator to be proved by ye Oathes of Jno. Morgan Briant Mountacue Jno. Dawsone & Willm. Mackeining the wittnesses thereunto subscribed and then Jno. Pemberton ye other Execur. in ye sd within menconed Will appoint -ed did before me & in my presence Renounce his Executorship to ye said Testator & his last will.
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) John Parrott, original will, 13 Apr 1720, Box 19, folder 3, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-3. Proved 26 Apr 1720. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Maryland Talbot ss. Aprill 13th 1720 - In the name of God amen. I John Parrott of upon Great Choptank being Sick in body but of perfect memory Doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following Revoaking all former will or wills &ca. Imprimmy will and mind is the busy Plantation I now in habitt I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Parrott unto him and his Lawfull heirs forever - and also my Land called [hereford?] Lyeing in Dorchester County containing abot fifty acres being part of that tract of Land goeing by that name unto Ann Parrott my only Daughter and to her heirs for Ever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto Ruth Smith my Riding Gelding wch. I usally did Ride and one gound and petecott and one paire of Bodyes and a bonnett and a riding whipp.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Parrott one Trunk one young filly being two years old and a sid sadle for all others of [...] goods Cattle and Chatles my will and mind is that after my Justt Debts and funerall Expenses be paid and discharged that they shall be sheared and Equally Devided betwext them two. -
Item. my will and mind his that I give and bequeath my Daughter Ann Parrott unto Reba. Webb my sister to bring up and Educate as in wisdom shall be met untill She Come of ye age of sixteen years old and that in case my Sistter Rebeck Webb Should Dye before my will and mind is that for my Daughter Anne further Eudcation I becomend to one monthly Or quartly meeting and I Doe further constetute James Willson J=r and my Son Benjamin Parrott my Sole Executors of this my last will and Testament In wittness whereof I have here unto putt my hand and seales the Day and year first above Expressed
John Parrott (Seale)
Wittnessed by us
Aprill ye 26th 1720 Then Came the within named Benjamin Parrott one of ye Executrs. named in ye within will and caused ye said will to be proved by the within subscribed wittnesses as follows vizt. the within subscribed Michll. Kerby and John Kerby upon their corporal oaths taken on the holy Evangelist and ye within subscribed Joshua Clark upon the Solemn affirmation or Test Do Say they saw the within named John Parrott Signe & Seal the within writing as his Last will and Testament and heard him acknowledge & Declare ye Same so to be and that ye Said John Parrott was then of Sound and perfect mind and memory to ye best of their Knowledge.
Sworn and affermed before me
Michll. [mark] Kerby, Joshu [mark] Clark, John [mark] Kerby
Fost. Furbutt Dp. Comry of Tal Coty.
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) William Parrott, original will, 8 May 1720, Box 19, folder 2, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-2. Proved 14 Jul 1720. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
In the name of God Amen. The 8th Day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred & Twenty I William Parratt of Kings Creek in Talbott County in the Province of Maryland Planter being Sick and week of body but of Perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be Given to allmighty God for the Same Doe make and ordain this my Last will & Testament Makeing all other wills hereto- -fore by me Made and This only to be Taken for my Last will and all other to be nul and void This only to Stand & Remain first of I give & Recomend my Soul Into the hands of God yt Gave it Who is faithfull Creator and and for my body I Recomend it to the Earth to be buried Therein after a Christian Like manner in friend burying Place att Tuckaho Meeting according ye Discretion of my Execrx. hereafter mentioned and as Touching my Worley Goods and Estate Which it hath Pleased God to Bless me within This Life I Give & bequeath as followeth.
Imprimis. I Give & bequeath unto my Loveing Cusen Ann Parratt ye Daughter of my Brother John Parratt that is after the Decease of my Loveing Wife Susanah Parratt all That Parcell of Land Whareon I now Live Called & Known by the Name of Middle Spring being by Estimateion fifty acres Which Said Land I Give to Same Ann Parratt and heirs of Her body Lawfully begotten for Ever.
Secondly I give to my Loving Cussen John Kirby one feathre Bed bolster & 2 blankitts & pr of Sheets & my [D?gitt] Suite of Clothes & a handsaw & a broad ax & also a pr of Shoes & Worsted hoes & a pr. gloves & one fine Shirt also my Carpenters add & Drawing Knife & also my own Rideing Gilding Sadle brydle halter & whip also a New Caster Hat and Case.
Thirdly I Give to my Cussen Michal Kirby one Close bodyed Kersey Cote & one Great & one fine Shirt & pr. of Gloves.
Fourthly I Give to my Cussen William Kirby a Cote & vest of Durcrance & [?] Bretches.
Fifthly I Give to Cussen David Kirby four yeards of Defensheir Kirsey & a pr. of Linning bretches & a pr. of Wash Leather Gloves also a pr. of Spatterdashes & Spurs also buttens a Mohair to make the above Kersey.
7th - I give my Great Bible to Cussen Aron Parratt.
8th - I Give to Cussen Benjamin Selvester that now Lives with me one heffer Two years old next Spring to be paid when he To age or free from his aunt.
9th - I Give To my Cussen Elinor Selvester that now Lives with me one heffer Two years old next Spring.
10th & Lastly I Give & bequeath to Loving Wife Susanah all ye Remaining Part of My Personall Estate after my Just Debts & Legacies is paid I also make ordain Constitute & appoint my Dear & Loveing Wife Susanah my hole & Sole Execrx. to act & Doe according To This My Will.
William Parratt (Seale)
Signed Sealed & Delivered as the Last will and Testament of William Parratt in the presence of us.
On the back of the aforegoin will was thus Endors (vizt.) July ye 14th 1720 Then Came Michael Kirby John Baggs and Edward Turner the three Subscribeing Wittnesses to the within Written Will before me Foster Turbutt Depty. Comry. of Talbut County and yt the Said Micheal Kirby and John Baggs upon their Corporall oaths taken on the Holy Evangelists Said they Did See the within name William Parratt Sign and Seal the within written Will and heard him Acknowledge and Declear it to be his Last Will and Testament and they also Say that the Said Wm. Was then in his perfect Sences and of Sound and Pfect Mind and Memory to the best of their Knowledge. Likewise the Said Edward Turner upon his Solemn affirmation Decleared he Did See the aforesd. Testator Execute the Will afsd. in forme afd. and that the Said Testator was then as afsd
Sworn & affirmed before me Fost. Turbutt Dpty Comry. of Tab County
Mychal II Kirby (his mark), John -- Baggs (his mark }, ETurner
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) Benjamin Parrott, original will, 1724, Box 19, folder 8, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-8. Will 18 May 1724, proved 3 June 1724. From Links that Bind, page 102.
In the name of God Amen ye 18th day of May 1724 I Benjamin Parrott of Talbot County in the Province of Maryland, planter, being sick and weak of body but of sound mind and memory praise be given to Almighty God for the same and knowing the un of life on earth and being desirous to set things in order do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul to Almighty God my creator, by believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins and be saved by ye precious death and merits of my beloved Christ--and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such decent and Christian Manner as my Executrix hereafter named shall be thought convenient and as for touching such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath been pleased to send me, my last will and testament is expressed--and first I revoke renounce and frustrate and make void all wills by me formerly made and do declare and appoint this my last will and testament.
Item - I leave and bequeath unto my well beloved wife all that tract of land called and known by the name of Sallop she allowing my two sons Benjamin Parrott and Elizar Parrott to seat and live on part of the said land and after my wife Jane Parrott's death to be equally divided between my three sons, Benjamin, Elizar, and William Parrott. I leave unto my beloved wife four Negroes during her natural life that is to say THATE and Negro ALICE and Negro MOREAH and Negro ROSE and after her death to be divided between my seven children, Benjamin, Mary, Hanna, Elizar, Jane, Rebecca and William Parrott --- I give and bequeath unto my son Aaron Parrott two Negroes, Negro LAMPSON and Negro HAGRAS.
Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Aaron Parrott that hundred of acres of land called Oakin to him and the heirs of his body, I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Parrott one Negroe named OLIVER. I give and bequeath unto my son Elizar one Negroe named TONEY. I give unto my son William Parrott also one Negroe named PETER.
Item - I give unto my daughter, Sarah Dickinson at Patuxent five shillings current money which shall be her full part of this my estate.
Item - I give and bequeath unto my dear and well beloved wife, Jane Parrott and eight children, that is to say, Aaron, Benjamin, Mary, Hannah, Elizar, Jane, Rebecca and William all my personal estate to be equally divided between them after my just debts are paid, and lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my dear and loving wife and my son, Aaron Parrott, my executors of the my last will and testament, etc.
Signed and adcknowledged to be his last will in the presence of Joshua Clarke (his mark), Benjamin Parrott, Ralph Bush (his mark).
At the foot of the foregoing will was this Viz 3rd June, 1724.
The afd Joshua Clark being one of the people called Quakers affirmed and declared, Benjamin Parrott and Ralph Bush, made oath upon ye Holy Bible Evangelists of Almighty God that they saw the sd. testator Benjamin Parrott sign and seal the above instrument of writing as his last will and testament that he published and declared the same so to be at the time of his so doing he was of sound and perfect mind and memory to the best of their knowledge and that the said affirmant Depts, and did as witnesses subscribe ye same will in ye presence of ye, sd testator before me. M. Howard D. Commissary of Talbot County.
June 3rd, 1724 then Aaron Parrott one of the Executors of Benjamin Parrott named xxx; the will hereto anexed, renounced the Executorship thereby vested in him. Before me, M. Howard, D. Comissary of Talbot County.
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) Benjamen Parrott, original will,
10 Nov 1728, Box 19, folder 11, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-11. Proved 18 Dec 1728. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Maryland ss. In The name of God amen. the 10th Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and twenty and Eight, I Benjamin Parratt Junr. of Talbot County in the province of Maryland planter being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect memory praise Be given to almight God for the same and knowing the un-certainty of life on Earth and being Desireous to set things in order Doe make this my Last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I Commend my soule to almighty God my Creator assuredly beleveing that I shall Receive full pardon and free Remissions of my Sins and be saved by the precious Death and merits of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in such Decent and Christian maner as to my Executr. hereafter named shall be thought Convenient and as for such worldly Estate as the Lord in mercy hath been Pleased to send me my Last Will and meaning is the same shall be Employed and bestowed as hereafter by this my Last Will is Expressed, and first I Revoke renounce and make void and [?] all wills by me formerly made and doe Declare & appoint this my Last Will and Testamentse.
Item. I give and bequeath to my sisters Mary Parratt Hannah Parratt and Jane Parratt and Rebecca Parratt and my Brother William Parratt all my whole Estate both Real andPersonall Excepting the four folds accrueing by Law to me From George Eutom and William Roberts which I Give & Acquitt the said George Eaton and William Roberts from. And Lastly I nominate Constitute and appoint Joshua Clark my Executor of this my Last will and Testament willing him to see it Executed and performed. In wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed fixed my seale this tenth day of November 1728 aforesaid.
Benjaman Parat (Seal)
Signed sealed & acknowledged to be his Last will in the presence of us.
Edward Nedels, John O Slaughtor (his mark), William Goult (his mark)
On the Back of the aforegoing will was this written (Vizt) Talbot County sst. Decr. ye 18th 1728 Then Came Edward Nedles one of the subscribing Wittnesses to the foregoing will and made oath on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he saw the Testator Benjamin Parrott signe and seale and heard him publish and Declare the same as his Last Will and Testament and at the time of his soe Doeing he was to the best of his knowledge and apprehention of sound & disposeing Mind and memory and that he the afd. Edward Nedles as a Wittness subscribed the said Will in the presence of the sd. Testator & likewise he further declares that William Goult as a wittness subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said Testator. sworn to before me. Th. Bozman D Comry. Tal Co. Talbot Coty. sst. Decr. ye 18th 1728 Then Came John Slaughtor one of the subscribeing wittnesses to the foregoing Will (being one of the People Called Quakers) and made his sollemn affirmation that he saw the Testator Benjamin Parrott signe and seale and heard him publish and Declare the same as his Last will and Testament and that at the time of his soe doeing he was to the best of his knowledge and apprehention of sound and Disposeing mind and memory and that he the afd. John Slaughtor as a wittness subscribed the said Will in the Presence of the afd. Testator.
Affirmed to before me Th. Bozman D Comry Tal Co.
William Parratt
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) William Parratt, will via depositions, 14 Nov 1753, Box 19, folder 27, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-27.
Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Talbot County sst. November 14th 1753 The Deposition of Kenney McKennis of the county afsd planter age twenty years or thereabouts who being sworn on the Holy Evangels almighty God deposeth and saith that on the fourth day of October 1753 William Parrott of the said county planter since deceased did in the presence and hearing of the Deponent declare that in Case he should not live to make a written will he did then will and Bequeath unto his Wife Penelope Parrett his riding Horse to his son Thomas Parrott his young Bay Horse and Saddle, and to his son William Parrott his watch as Legacies and the rest of his Estate to be Equally Divided amongst all his Children naming them one by one and that the time of the said Deceased making his will afsd he was to the best of this deponents apprehension of sound and Disposing mind and memory and that this deponent was Called upon by the said Deceased to be a witness to his Will afsd. and requested by him to take notice of it accordingly and further this deponent saith not.
Kenny McKennis (his mark)
Sworn the day and year first above written Before H. Hollyday DComry of Talbot County
Talbot County sst. November 14th 1753 The Deposition of Thomas Sherwood of the county afsd. Joyner age twenty two years or thereabouts who being sworn on the Holy Evangels of almighty God, Deposeth and Saith that on the fourth day of October 1753, William Parrott of the Said County planter Since deceased did in the presence and hearing of this deponent declare that in Case he Should not live to make a Written Will he did then Will and Bequeath unto his wife Penelope Parrott his Riding Horse To his Son ThomasParrott his young Bay Horse and Saddle and to his Son William Parrott his watch as Legacies and the rest of his Estate to be Equally divided amongst all his Children, nameing them One by One and that at the time of the said Deceased's making his Will afsd he was to the best of this Deponent's apprehension of sound Disposing mind & memory and that this deponent was called upon by the sd. Decd. to be a witness to his Will afsd. & requested by him to take notice of it accordingly & further this Deponent Saith not.
Thomas Sherwood
Sworn the Day and year above written Before H. Hollyday DComry of Talbot Coty
Widows Renunciation in folder
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) Peter Parratt, original will, 15 Sep 1754, Box 19, folder 28, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-28. Proved 10 Jan 1755. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
In the Name of God Amen. I Peter Parratt being very Sick and weak of Body but in Sound and perfect Memory and Calling to Remembrance the uncertainty of this Life do therefore make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament upon this fifteenth Day of September Anno Dom. 1754
Imprs. I Bequeath my Soule to God Almighty that gave it me hoping by and through his Dear Son to receive remission for my Sins and [invite?] Exeptance with him and my body to be buried in Decency at the Disretion of my Executor hereafter named and as for which Worldly goods it hath pleased God Almighty to Bestow upon me I Dispose as followeth.
Item. I Give and Bequeath to my two Sons Peter & John Parratt a Small Cut of Corn now in the Ground next to a place Called Cates Ground.
Item. I Give & Bequeath unto my Son Peter Parratt a small Box and a Saddle that hee called that he called his and a Small Table.
Item. I give and Bequeath all the remainder part of my Estate to be Equally Divided between my four Sons after my Just Debts be paid.
Lastly I nominate and appoint Nehemiah Higgins wholy Executor of this my Last Will and Testament to see it duly Executed and performed in Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and affixed my hand and Seal the Day and Year first above Written.
Peter Parrott (Seal)
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us -
On the Back of the foregoing Will was thus Written viz. Talbot County ss - James Thomas one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will being Duly and Solemnly Sworn on the
Holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth and Saith and Henry Clark one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will (being one of the People Called Quakers) Solemnly and Sincerely Declares [and saith?] that they saw the Testator Peter Parratt Sign the foregoing Will and heard him publish and Declare the Same to be his Last Will and Testament that at the Time of his so Doing he was to the Best of their apprehension of Sound and Disposing mind and Memory and that they Likewise saw Greenwood Gaskins the other subscribing Witness Subscribe his Name as a Witness to the said Will. Sworn before this Tenth Day of January 1755.
Greenwood Gaskins, James + Thomas (his mark), Henry Clark
Danl. Maynadier
Depy. Comry. T. Coty.
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) Aaron Parrott, original will, 19 Nov 1758, Box 19, folder 35, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-35. Proved 13 Mar 1759. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
In the Name of God Amen. I Aaron Parrott of Talbot County Being of perfect sence and memory and knowing the uncertainty of this life that all Flesh must yield to death when it shall please God to call, do for the settlement of what Estate it hath pleased God to bestow on me make this my Last Will and Testament as follows and I leave unto my Loving wife my Dwelling Plantation that is to say Part of a Tract of Land Called Kingstone and part of a Tract of Land called John Neck extendg. from Kings Creek East north East Two hundred perches up the Division Line between my Land and Jonathan Tylers Land to a marked Cyder post Then South Eighteen Degrees East across my Land to a parcell of Land called White Oak Swamp, all the said Land before the said South Eighteen degrees East line, I leave to my wife during her naturall Life and after my wifes Decease all the aforesd Lands and Plantation been part of a Tract of Land called Kingstone and part of a Tract of Land called John Neck described as above I give unto my son Aaron and his heirs forever but if my son Aaron dye without Issue I give the half of the Lands afsd. to my son William and his heirs forever and the other half of the Lands afsd. I give unto my son Benjamin and his heirs forever. My will and desire is that if my Son Aaron Marry before my wifes decease that he shall have half of the Lands and House on my Dwelling Plantation as before mentioned.
I give unto my Son Benja. the Land and plantation he now dwells on, that is to say from the Cider Post and the South 18 degree East Line all the Lands Lying to the North East of that Line I give to him and his heirs forever and if my Son Benja. dye without heirs I give the sd. Lands to my Son Wm. and his heirs forever.
I give unto my Son Benja. the Land and plantation he now dwells on, that is to say from the Cider Post and the South 18 degree East Line all the Lands Lying to the North East of that Line I give to him and his heirs forever and if my Son Benja. dye without heirs I give the sd. Lands to my Son Wm. and his heirs forever. I give unto my Son William part of a tract of Land called Cool Spring containing about two hundred acres Lying in Queen Anns County to him and his heirs forever. My Will and Desire is that my Son Aaron doe build a dwelling House Twenty five feet Long and Sixteen feet wife on that part of Cool Spring being that Land I give to my Son William in a Short time after my Son Wm. arrives to the age of Twenty one or pay unto my Son Wm. Ten pounds Current money out of his part of Personal Estate I give all my personal Estate to my Loving Wife and my Sons and Daughters to be Equally Divided between them shair and shair alike Except my Son Benja, to whom I have given Sundry good to the Value of Sixty pounds Current money and my will is that the said Sixty pounds be allowed by my Son Benja. in part of his share of my personal Estate. Lastly I do appoint my Sons Benjamin & Aaron to be my Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have put my hand and seal this day of Novr. ye 19th 1758
Aaron Parratt (Seal)
Signed sealed published & delivered by the Testator to his Last Will& Testament in presence of us
Talbot County sit the 18th March 1759 Jonathan Tyler one of the subscribing witnesses to
the aforegoing Will (being one of the People called Quakers) doth make his Solemn affirmation and John Tyler & Elizabeth Tyler the other Subscribing witnesses to the said Will being duly and solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evangelist of almighty God depose and say That they saw the Testator Aaron Parratt sign the said Will and heard him publish and declare to be his Last Will and Testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of Sound and disposing mind and memory and that they did subscribe their respective names and marks as witnesses to the sd. will in the presence of the said Testator and at his Request, which oath was taken by the said Witnesses in the presence of Benjn. Parrat Heir at Law to the Testator which same Benjn. did not object to the Probat of the said will.
Sworn before me Wm. Tilghman D Comry of Talbot County
Jonathan Tyler, John Tyler, Elizabeth X Tyler
Abner Parratt
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) Abner Parratt, original will, 14 Nov 1760, Box 19, folder 37, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-37. Proved 23 Dec 1760. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I Abner Parratt of Talbot County in province of Maryland being very sick and Weak of Body But of perfect mind and memory and calling to mind The mortality of my body & knowing That it is appointed for all men once to die [...]
First of all I recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that Gave it & my body To the Earth to be buried in a decent & Christian Like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter nominated.
Secondly my Will is that all my just debts and funeral Expenses be duly paid and discharged.
Thirdly I give and bequeath unto my Wife Margaret Two negroes Viz. a Woman named NELL and a Boy named BEN.
Fourthly I give and bequeath unto unto my daughter Mary one Negro Woman named RACHEL & six Silver Teaspoons and Tongs
Fifthly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth one negro Woman named SAL being at present Big with Child my Will is likewise That the Child when born be the property of my said daughter.
Sixtly I give and bequeath unto my son Abner one Negro Boy named DICK.
Seventhly I give and bequeath unto my Son William a negro boy named PETER.
Eighthly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hannah one negro boy named JEM.
Ninthly my Will is that my Executor do procure and provide for my three Children Abner, William and Hannah and my Wives Son Mark a good and Sufficient Suit of Cloathe suitable for the present Season and be allowed for the Same out of my personal Estate in the same manner
as for other debts by them paid.
Tenthly the Residue of my personal Estate I leave to be equally Divided after deducting my Wifes thirds between my five Children before mentioned.
Eleventhly my Will is that in Case any of my aforementioned children should die before
they come of age that such Childs part of my personal Estate be equally divided amongst my surviving children.
Lastly I constitute and appoint my Wife Margaret & Mathew Jenkins to by my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament & do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made whatsoever.
Abner Parratt (Seal)
Signed Seald and declared to be the Last Will and Testament of the above Abner Parratt in the presence of us whose names are hereunto subscribed this 14th day of November An Dom 1760
D. Dickinson, James Berry, Peter Coxe
Talbot County sst the 23d December 1760 James Berry one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the aforegoing Will being one of the people called Quakers doth make his Solemn affirmation &
Peter Cox another of the Subscribing Witnesses To the said Will being Duly & Solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God doth depose & say that they saw the Testator Abner Parratt sign the [within] Will [...] publish & declare it to be his Last Will and Testament and that at the Time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound & disposing Mind
and Memory. Sworn before me Examined.
Wm. Tilghman Depy. Comy. of Talbot Coty.
Talbot County Register of Wills (Wills, Original) Francis Parrott, original will, 1761, Box 19, folder 38, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-38. Proved 23 Jun 1761. Transcript from Links that Bind, page 103.
In the name of God Amen I Francis Parrott of Talbot County, planter, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind etc.
Item - I give and bequeath to my son John Parrott one Negro woman named PEG
Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Abner Parrott one Negroe boy named JAMES, to him and his heirs in full of his part of my estate.
Item - I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Mary Parrott, one Negro man named BRISTLES, and one bay mare, but my will and desire is that this present years wages should go toward paying my debts and that my daughter, Mary Parrott should pay to my Executors five pounds current money toward helping to discharge my debts and out of ye value of said Negro man further my will and desire is that my daughter Mary Parrott give to my son John Parrott ye first colt that my bay mare brings and second colt that said mare brings to my son Abner Parrott.
Item - I give and bequeath all remaining parts of my estate to be equally divided among the rest of my children, James Parrott, George Parrott, Hannah, ye wife of Henry Alexander, Elizabeth ye wife of Nicholas Holmes, that is to say after all my just debts be paid and other charges I hereby nominate and appoint my son, James, and George Jenkins, Executors of my last will and testament, etc. This 9th day of June in the year of our Lord, 1761.
Francis Parrott Seal
Signed sealed and published and declared in above names Francis Parrott as and for his last will and testament in presence of we who have here unto subscribed our names as witness therin:
Sarah Wollcott (her mark), Thomas Martin Jr., Tenus Martin.
I James Parrott to ( ) being concerned in Executing ye ( ) will witness my hand this 23rd day of June 1761.
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) Lydia Parratt, original will, 13 Feb 1766, Box 19, folder 44, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-44. Proved 4 Aug 1768. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Maryland sst. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I Lydia Parratt of Talbot County and Province afsd. being weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, First and Principally I resine my Soul to Almighty God my Creator hoping for pardon of my sins by the Atonement of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour, my Body to the Earth or as it shall pleas God to dispose of it and as for what Worldly Estate it hath pleased God to bestow on me I give and Bequeath as follows vizt.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son William Parratt one negro Woman named HAGAR and one Negro Garl named MINTE also one bed Bedstead Curtains one Rug one Blanket two Sheats Bolster and two pillows One White Horse one Dish one Bason and Six plates fifteen Gease one sett of Tea Ware.
- 2dly I give and Bequeath unto my Grand sun James Thomas one Negro Boy named PRESTON.
- 3dly My Will and desire is that all my waring Cloths be Equally divided between my two Daughters Elizabeth Powell and Mary Thomas.
- 4thly I give and bequeath unto my son Aaron Parratt five pounds in Money and he to be at the Expence of Burying me.
- 5thly I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Parratt and Thomas Powell all the Residue of my Estate to be Equally divided between them.
- My Will and desire is that my Sun Benjamin Parratt and William Parratt have the management of my Estate and that they shall apply to George Dudley and Edward Nedals to value divid and Settle the Same. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th day Feby. 1766.
Lydia [X] Parratt (her mark) seal
Seal'd Sign'd and Deliver'd in the presence of Us
Edward Nedels, Vincent Price
On the Back of the aforegoing Will was thus Written vizt. Talbot County sct. The 4th August 1768 Edward Nedels and Vincent Price the Subscribing Witnesses to the aforegoing Will being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God do depose and say, That they saw the Testatrix Lydia Parratt sign the same Will and heard her publish and Declare it to be her Last Will and Testament and that at the Time of her so doing she was to the best of their apprehension of sound and Disposing mind and memory.
Sworn before me, Wm. Tilghman Dy.Comry. Examined of Talbot County
TALBOT COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS (Wills, Original) William Parratt, original will, 26
Apr 1770, Box 19, folder 48, MSA C1926-23, MdHR 9053-19-48. Proved 28 May 1771. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Twenty Sixth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Seventy, I William Parratt of Talbot County and Province of Maryland being Sick and weak in Body but of sound mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same, do make ordain and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, first and Principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and my Body to the Earth therein to be decently buried at the discretion of of my Executrix hereafter named. And first I will that all my Debts and funeral Charges be pay'd out of such worldly or Temperal Estate with which the Almighty has been pleased to bless me.
Imprimis I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Catharine Parratt all my Estate both real and personal of what kind [...]
Lastly I constitute my Loving Wife Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all other Will or Wills by me made. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and Year above written.
William Parratt (Seal)
Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared to be the last Will and Testament of the Testator in presence of us
Jno. Gibson, John Scott, Thomas Arbuckel
On the back of the aforegoing Will was thus written Vzt. Talbot County sct.
Sworn before me John Bracco Depy. Comry of Talbot County
Talbot County sct.
Sworn before me John Bracco Depy Comry of Talbot County
William Parratt
The 28th Day of May 1771 Catharine Parratt Executrix of the within Testator William Parrat maketh Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the within instrument of writing is the true and only Will and Testament of the said William that hath come to her Hands possession or knowledge and that she doth not know or hath heard of any other.
The 28th day of May 1771 John Gibson one of the subscribing Witness to the within Will being duly and Solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God doth depose and say That he saw the Testator William Parrot sign and seal the same Will and heard him publish and Declare it to be his Last Will and Testament that at the Time of his so doing he was to the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that he with John Scott and Thomas Arbuckle the other Subscribing Witnesses did subscribe their respective names as Witnesses to the said Will in presence of the said Testator and at his request.
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