![]() Gabriel Parrott of Ann Arundell, Maryland ![]() 21 people in the tree Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
![]() Seal from the will of Gabriel Parrott Jr. PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills, Original) Gabriell Parrott original will, 5 May 1698, Box P, folder 10, MSA S540-18 MdHR 1330-18-10. Photo by Michael Hait, 2008. Note the similarity between this and that of William of Talbot, though Gabriell Sr. is never mentioned in the will of the latter. |
One of the early Parrotts is that of Gabriel Parrott. Very little is known about his ancestors. This is an attempt to place the bits and pieces of information floating around into one place, so as to aid future research. Gabriel appears 1670, after having been transported from Bristol as an indentured servant. He died in 1704 in Calvert Co., Maryland.
There are no known direct line male descendants from this line.
Although there is speculation that Gabriel was a son of William of Talbot, he is not mentioned in William's will. Nonetheless, both William and Gabriel's son used the same tree in their seals-- a fruit tree with scroll-like interwound roots-- suggesting William and Gabriel may have been brothers, or related in some other way.
Updates & Corrections: |
1. Gabriel Parrott Sr. died on 5 Dec 1704 in Calvert Co., Maryland.
General Notes: See PT 11:23-25 Gabriel married Elizabeth. Elizabeth died on 6 Apr 1706 in Christ Church parish.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 2 M i. Gabriel Parrott Jr. was born ~1670 and died in May 1698 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 28.
+ 3 F ii. Susanna Parrott was born in 1675 and died in 1763 at age 88.
Last update 27 December 2009
Transported to Maryland as an indentured servant. Bristol and America: a record of the first settlers in the colonies of North America, 1654-1685 Hargreaves-Mawdsley. Vol II, 1663-1679, p 104. "Gabriell Parret, destination Viriginia). Sailed from Bristol
Thought to be related to Francis Parrott of Calvert County, and perhaps William Parrott of Calvert & Talbot Counties, though no documentation exists. He is not mentioned in the will of either of them, though he was living at the time the wills were written.
The Cage, the home built by William Parrott, was bought by James Mckall Sr., who passed it on to his son, James Jr. John Mckall, brother of James, married Gabriel Parrott's daughter, Susanna after the death of her first husband.
Francis Parrott did receive a patent of land (Patent #300) which was later assigned to Murray Duvall and Joseph Morely, and in 1670 got is said to have been reassigned to Gabriel Parrott. From Links that Bind: "The land by then was called Parrotts Thickett and is described as being 300 acres near land of James White called Eglington. It is at Parrotts Thickett the Parrott Manour was built." However, it appears that Links confused the patent number with the acreage, so these parcels of land are not the same, so this land patent does not indicate any kinship.
In 1685, he acquired Eglington from James White. This land was on the west side of a branch of the Patuxent. He was a merchant of Calvert Co., and is listed as owning one of the 7 shallops (a large boat with two masts) in Ann Arundell county. He acquired St. Gabriel's Manor for himself, daughter and son-in-law. This was 1/3 of the property originally owend by Leonard Calvert. Col. Henry Darnall also got land from Leonard Calvert.
His son, Gabriel Jr., appears in the Quaker records for southern Maryland, as a witness to the wedding of Richard Letton and Honor Durdin. Whereas some of the nearby Parrott relatives were Quakers, Gabriel Jr. and his wife were not, as both make reference to the Church of England in their wills.
Gabriel appears to have had his share of brushes with the law:
Proceedings of the Maryland Court of Appeals, 1695-1729. Volume 77, Page 100
MARYLAND ss. The Jurors of our Sovereigne Lord the King for the Body of this Province upon their Oaths Do present Gabriel Parrot Late of Ann Arundell County Mercht for that he the Said Gabriel Parrott not having the fear of God before his Eyes but moved by the Instigation of the Devill and out of filthy Lucre to make unlawful Gains to himselfe upon the third Day of October in the Year of our Lord 1694 before Kenelme Cheseldyn Esqr Comsy Generall of this Province did Exhibit a Certein Aceo agt the Estate of one Daniel Longman in his Life time wherein the Said Gabriel Parrott did Charge the Said Daniel Longman for Two hundred and fifty Gallons of Rumm and four hundred weight of Sugar Eight Thousand Nine hundred pounds of Tobacco and also a Bond of Sixteen Thousand pounds of Tobbacco and also to another Bond of Sixty five Pounds Sterling money of England and also to money paid John Larkins the Summe three pounds Twelve Shillings which Said Account and the Severall Articles and Charges afd the Said Gabriel Parrott then and there before the Said Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr did Depose and make Oath upon the holy Evangelists of Allmighty [150] God to be a Just and true Account owing to the Said Gabriel Parrott from the Estate of the Said Daniel Longman whereas in truth the Said Gabriel Parrott did not Sell to the Said Daniel Longman the Said Two hundred and fifty Gallons of Rum and four hundred weight of Sugar tor the Said Eight Thousand Nine hundred pounds of Tobbacco nor did the Said Daniel Longman owe to the Said Gabriel att the time of his Death the Said Bond of Sixteen Thousand pounds of Tobbacco nor the Said Bond of Sixty five pounds Sterl nor did the Said Gabriel Parrott pay the Said John Larkin for the Aceo of the Said Daniel Longman the Said Sume of three pounds Twelve Shillings but the Sd Articles of Charge were false and untrue and So the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oaths afd Do Say that the Said Gabriel in Deposing to the Aceo afd in Manner afd in the Severall Articles afd wilfull and Corrupt perjury did then and there Committ and was Guilty of agt his Matys Peace his Crown and Dignity and agt his Matys Laws of England and Contrary to the Act of Assembly of this Province in Such Cases made and Provided.
And the Said Gabriel Parrot in his own proper person Coms and Defcnds the force and iujuiy when etc. and Saith he is not guilty, of this he putts himselfe upon the Country, And the Attorney Generall for the Lord the King also, Command is therefore given to the Sherriffe of Annarundell County That he Cause to Come here twelve etc. who neither etc. by whom etc. because as well etc. to recognize etc. and the Sherriffe made returne thereof that he had there ready twelve etc. as by his precept he is Comanded Vizt: Thomas Jones, John Ga[r]ither, Edward Lunn, Edward Talbott, Richd Owen, Notley Madox, Philemon Smith, Robert Hopkins, John Sweetnam, Richd Nelson, George Brett and Richd Jones.
Now here att this Day to witt the 12th day of May in the n'" Year of the reigne of King William the 3d etc. Anno que Dni 1699 Came as well the Attorney Generall for our Lord the [151] King as the Said Gabriel Parrott and the Jurors afd Impanelled as aforesaid being Called Likewise came who being Elected tryed an Sworne to Speak the truth Concerning the premisses, upon their Oaths do Say we of the Jury do find Gabriel Parrot guilty of the Matter of fact whereupon it is Considered by the Court that the Said Gabriel be fined to our Sovereigne Lord the King in the Summe of Twenty pounds Sterl And also that the Said Gabriel Parrot be Comitted into the Custody of the Sherr of Annarundell County there to remaine without Baile or Mainprize for and During the Space of Six months according to the Tenor of the Act of Assembly in Such Case made and Provided and the Said Gabriel is thereupon Accordingly Committed.
True Copy per Chr: Gregory Clk
Parrott agt the King
And the Said Gabriel Parrott in his own Proper person Coms here before his Excy the Gor
Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, page 21
Moved at the Board that in reguard Mr William Dent his Matys Attry Generall has been very ready and Serviceable to his Maty in that imployment for which he has no Sallary settled upon him, neither as yet has had any Reward therefore. Proposed that the Fine of twenty pounds Sterl imposed by the Provinciall Court on Mr Gabriel Parrott be assigned & paid to the said Mr Dent.
Whereupon this Board being sufficiently sencible of Mr Dents readiness and Service in that Station upon all Occasions, and that by his Officiating therein he hath concluded himselfe from receiving many proffitable and Valuable Fees which he might have received had he not been in that Station. Ordered therefore that the sd Fine of twenty pds Sterl be assigned and paid to the said Mr Willm Dent towards the Recompense of his Services.
Record copy of will. PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills) Gabriel Parrott, will, 9 Feb 1700, proved 19 Dec 1704, Liber 3, ff. 440-441, MSA SM16-8, Microfilm no. SR 4399-2. (Transcribed by Michael Hait, 2008, www.haitfamilyresearch.com)
The last will and testament of Gabrill Parrett of the county of Ann Arundell In the province of Maryland merchant. I being at this time of perfect memory but calling to minde the uncerteinty of this life and the multitude of my Sinns which I hope God will forgive for the meritts and through the Intersession of my blessed lord and Saviour
his Sonn Christ Jesus.
Item. I bequeath my Soul to God which gave it and my body to the ground to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named.
Item. I Give and bequeath to my Grandson Gabrill Parker being the Sonn of George Parker and my Daughter Susannah Parrett al Parker all my tract of land which I bought of Mr. Phillip Lynes lying in St. Maryes County and to his heirs for Ever and in Case of his Mortality to the next Desent of my Daughters body.
Item. I give to me Grandaughter Elizabeth Parker the Daughter of the abovesaid George and Susanna Parker and her heirs for Ever five hundred pounds Sterling to be paid according to Custome therein at Sixteen yeares of age or the Day of marriage.
Item. I give all the remaining partes of my land which I am possest of to be Equally Divided between the […] male Children of the said George and Susannah Parker and to their heires for Ever and in Case noe male Children then to the female Children of the said George and Susanna Parker to be Equally Divided and to their heires for Ever.
Item. I give to me Grandson Lockwood Parrott five pounds Sterling.
Item. I give all the personall Estate which I Die possest with to be Equally Divided between the Children of George Parker and Susanna Parrott al Parker and to their heires for Ever.
Item. I appoint my Sonn in Law George Parker to be my Executor for the perfecting of this my Last will and testament revokeing and making void all other Either verball or by writeing heretofore by me made. In Testimony hereof I have sett my hand and seale this ninth Day of feby. anno qe Dm 1700.
Gabrill Parrott (Seal)
Signed Sealed and acknowledged In the presents of
Jo. Warner
the + marke of Jno. Murphy
the [mark] marke of Margt. Turner
On the back side of the foregiong will was thus Endorst viz December 19th 1704
Then Came Margt. Turner one of the witnesses to the within will and made oath that the said the within named Gabrill Parrott Signe Seale publisht and Declare the within writin to be his last will and testament and that at the time of Doeing thereof he was of Sound perfect minde and memory and that at the same time the other witnesses John Warner and John Murphy were both present.
Overall, Gabriel Sr and Jr do not seem to have been on good terms. Notice that Gabriel Sr names his grandson William Parker as heir, rather than Gabriel jr's son Lockwood. The latter just got 5 pounds.
2. Gabriel Parrott Jr. (Gabriel Sr.1) was born ~1670 and died in May 1698 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 28.
General Notes: See PT 10:0-71
Note mention to properties in England and at sea.
Will written 1 May 1698; probated 17 May 1698, Ann Arundell Co. PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills, Original) Gabriell Parrott, original will, 5 May 1698, Box P, folder 10, MSA S540-18, MdHR 1330-18-10.
(Transcribed by Michael Hait, 2008, www.haitfamilyresearch.com)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The fith Day of May Annoqs. Domi. One thousand Six hundred ninty and Eight According to the Compulcion of the Church of England I Gabriell Parrett Junr. of Ann Arrundell County in the province of Maryland being at this time not healthy in body but of A perfect Memory and Remembrance praise bee God Doe Make this my Last will and Testament in Manner and forme followeing First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker Hopeing that through the Meritorious Death and passion of Jessus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive pardon for my manyfold Sins and Transgretions And as ffor my Body to bee Decently buried in Christian Buriall to be Intered Acording to the Disreation of my Executore hereafter Named and Nominated.
Item. Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God of his Great Goodness and Marsy to Give me one Sonn Borne of my Dearely beloved Wife Elizabeth Parrett, and Named Lockwood Parrett and I haveing noe Lands or Reall Estate Settled upon mee and he my Said Sonn being young and altogether incapable of the Mannaging of any of that Small Matter or quantity of A personall Estate of Which I am Now possest of I therefore committ him to ye mercy of Almighty God Who is Good and Gracious and hath promised to bee A Father to ye fatherless and husband to the Widdow. And to the Worldly Care and Bringing up Nourishing and Instruction in the Christian faith and Religion I Leave him to his Said Mother my Said Wellbeloved Wife Eliza. Parrett and help of his and her Kindred Who I hope will not be Stark in Seeing this my Last will and Testament Duely performed Acording to my Desire
Item. that my aforesaid Wife Eliza. Parrett May bee the Better Enabled Soe as abovesaid to Cherrish and bring up my Said Sonn Lockwood Parrett in Manner and forme aforesaid I Doe Constitute ordaine and appoint my Said Dearly beloved Wife Eliz. Parrett to be the Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament And to pay all Such Debts Which in Right and Consciance I owe to any person in this World Which being paid And my funerall Charges Defrayd All and Every part of my personall Estate or parcell thereof in [?] England at Sea or Else Where I freely and absolutely Give and
bequeath unto my Said Truely and Welbeloved Wife Eliza. Parrett for her better Maintainance and bringing up of my Child as afd.
All former or other Wills I Doe by these presents Make Null and voyd and Doe Rattifie and Confirme this to bee my Last Will and Testament in Manner and forme afd. In Wittness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seale the Day of the yeare first above written.
Gabriell Parrett Junr. (Seale)
Signed Sealed and by the above named Gabriell Parrott Junr. Publickly Declared to by his Last Will and Testament in the Manner and as aforesaid as it is Soe Declared by him in the presence of us Whose Names are here under Written
Phillip Dowell
Charles Hall X
[mark] Joseph Tilly
Att the Bottom of the Said Will it was thus Written Ann Arrundll. County May 17th 1698 This Day Came before us the above Named Joseph Tilly Phillip Dowell & Charles Hall And Made Oath on ye Holy Evangilist that they Saw Gabriell Parrett Junr. Signe Seale Deliver puplish and Declare the above to be his Last Will and Testament in Testimony Whereof I have here unto Subscribed.
Thomas [?]
PT IX:3. Gabriel's will says 'only' son. Yet, Calvert Co Parish recrods: 'Gabriel Parrott at the head of the South River in Anne Arundel Co. Md. Bec. 14, 1697 baptized by Dr. Thomas Cockshett, minister of All Saints Parrish in Calvert County." Was this a son of Gabriel, who died, or someone else entirely?
Gabriel married Elizabeth Lockwood, daughter of Robert Lockwood Lockwood and Unknown. Elizabeth died on 8 Apr 1706.
General Notes: Surname is speculation, based on name of son.
Original-- this will was not recorded, and was written on the back of her husband's will]. PREROGATIVE COURT (Wills, Original) Elizabeth Parrott, original will, 5 May 698, Box P, folder 10, MSA S540-18, MdHR 1330-18-10.
(Transcribed by Michael Hait, 2008, www.haitfamilyresearch.com)
In the Name of God Amen. this 10th day of May Ano Domini 1698: according to ye Compulcon of the Churchh of England. My Soule to God almighty in whome I believe I Bequeath & my body to bee decently Buried to ye Discressions of my [?] & [?]: I devise my debts which to me belonge in Right & Concieve to bee paid May be Well & Timely paid with my nessessary funerall charges And in brief whereas my Indeared husband Gabrill Parrot within Mencond hath made me sole & whole Exetrx of his Last Will & Testamand Accordingly I Bequeath & Give to my sd sonn Lockwood Parrot within Menconed the one Moity or half of ye sd Etate and one fourth partt to my Brother Edward Price & the other fourth part to My father Robert Lockwood whome I constitute & Appoint to be the whole & sole Execr of this my last will & testament And whereas Sickeness & weakeness of Body Prevented me from [sd accnt?] of ye within written will & Testamt to me divised by the Authority of that in my name & for the use Therein menconed I Doe Publiquly Declare this to be my Last Will & Testament And witness it with my hand & Seale ye day & year first above writen To bee the Last will & Testament of mee the within named Execrx. of of Gabrill Parrott Juno. decead by the name of Elizabeth Parrott ye sd Execrx.
Elizabeth Parrott (Seal)
This was Declared before us to be her last will & Testamt
John Arundell
[...]muell Waters
[...]vid [mark] Parrish
[...]oseph Tilly
The child from this marriage was:
4 M i. Lockwood Parrott was born on 13 Sep 1695.
3. Susanna Parrott (Gabriel Sr.1) was born in 1675 and died in 1763 at age 88.
General Notes: PT IX:3-4, work by Cary Anderson: Are McCall/Mackell the same person? "There was a John Mackeel who 30 March 1704 obtained 125 acre patent in Pascotank precinct on theNorth East side of Little River joining Robert West, Georgia Fisher, and the said river. Robert West's land joined or was very close to John Parrott Cary Godby, Thomas Pollock, Robert Welsh, Susanna Johnson, William Grills, and Martin Frederick Razor whose land was on Salomon Creek and Logg house Swamp. Susanna Johnson was the mother-in-law of Francis Parrott of Chowan County, North Carolina."
According to EPS: "The land mentioned by Dr. Anderson in prg. ii under Susanna Parrott Parker regarding land in North Carolina
SALMON CREEK and LOG HOUSE SWAMP as belonging to Martin
Fred Razar was orginionally granted to Mr. Francis Perrot, Justice of the Peace in Chowan Prect., North Carolina. Razar obtained the land through a petition after he married Frances Johnson Parrott, widow of Francis Perrot, Esp. the land later reverted back to Jacob Perrot (Parrott in court records) son of Mr. Francis Perrot and Frances Johnson Perrot."
Susanna married George Parker Jr., son of George Parker Sr. and Unknown. George died on 4 Mar 1710.
General Notes: From: Stein, Charles Francis. 1961. A History of Calvert County Maryland. 2nd Ed. Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, MD:
"George Parker, Jr. married Susannah Parrott, a daughter of Gabriel Parrott, and became one of the great landowners of Calvert County. The Rent Rolls show that he owned five plantations near Hunting Creek: Hardesty, Tillington, Clahamman, Wilson's Common, and Wilson's Purchase. He also owned Swinfen's Rest and and Johnson's Farme in the upper part of the County. He left his lands at Hunting Creek to his son, Gabriel Parker. His widow, Susannah, married Col. John Mckall in 1717."
Children from this marriage were:
5 M i. Gabriel Parker was born in 1698.
General Notes: PT IX:4 Connection between the Gabriel Parrott-Parker family and the Parrotts of Chowan precinct, NC. WP- I am not sure it shows anything. Parker is a common name, and Francis Parker was not a son of Susannah Parrott Parker.
PT IX:8 "Why was he [Fracis Parrott] present When Francis Hartley signed his Will in Perquimans Precinct in 1691*?" WP: it was next to Chowan. The Quakers settled in Perquimans. As per CRP: "John Gassaway was Sheriff of Anne Arundel in 1749. Remember, Francis Hartley married Susanna Gassoway about 1683.]
*First mention of Fracis Parrott in North Carolina.
"March 1717, Gabriel Parker received a patent 1697 to 600 acres in Chowan Precinct, joing Hardy Council, Richard Washington, Antonky meadow; and the mout of Platchet Branch on Antonky Marsh.
"Francis Parker late of the County of Nansemond in Virginia obtained a deed from James Blount (no residence given) and Katherine Blount 'my now wife' of Chowan Precinct, North Carolina, 14July 1721, for 256 to 640 acres, joining James Blount and Thomas Busby.
"Francis Parker had land 2 August 1727, adjoining Cornelius Pierce, Mr. Drew, and Thomas Turner when Thomas Turner obtained a patent 2425 for to 270 acres in North Carolina on the Southernly side of Morattock River.
"2 August 1727. Francis Parker received patent 2429 for 80 acres in the Southerly parts of Morattock River joining the West side of Deep Creek.
"Thomas Parker of Chowan Precinct to William Parker and Francis Parker for the "love and affection "I bear my sons" _ acres (amount not given) being one part of the whereon I now live except ye part I gave to my son-in-law Benjamin Evans. This deed clarifies who the Francis Parker was. Thus, the assumption of some 'that Francis Parker was a son of Susannah Parrot and George Parker was a false assumption.
"Thomas Sparrow, 4 August 1705, in General Court of North Carolina, at house of Captain Jno. Hecklefield, Little River, acknowledged himself to be indebeted to "George, Executor" of Gabriel Parrot estate.
"George Parker, executor of Gabriel Parrot involved in a suit in October 1706 General Court of North Carolina held at the house of Capt. Jno. Hecklefie1d, Little River. Thomas Sparrow owed money to Gabriel Parrot's estate."
The above data found in Colonial Records of North Carolina 1702-1708 Volume IV, pgs 307-308-3362
PT IX:5:
Gabriel Parrott Sr. leased land from Thomas Sparrow in Anne Arundel Co. Maryland in l704, as per W. Cary Anderson and C. Ray Parrott.
As per WCA: Thomas Sparrow is in North Carolina by 1705 at which time in a General Court of North Carolina he acknowledged himself to be in debt to George Parker executor of the Gabriel Parrott estate. (WP: are these the same Thomas Sparrow?)
"Found in Calendar of Maryland State Papers-The Black Book. Aug. 28, 1704-
Thomas Sparrow, Anne Arundell Co. Md. to Gabriel Parrott, Anne Arundell Co. Lease of 350 acres of land in Anne Arundell Co. for 270; lease to run twenty one years. D.S. 1 p. 30. 7 cm. l7.2 c.m. Seal missing.
Signatures T(homas) Sparrow, Gabriel Parrot. Witnesses Clements Davis,
Stephen Wright, John Harding."
6 F ii. Susanna Parker .
Susanna next married Col. John Mackall, son of James Mackall and Mary Grahame, in 1713. John was born in 1669 in Calvert Co., Maryland and died in 1739 at age 70.
General Notes: From: Stein, Charles Francis. 1961. A History of Calvert County Maryland. 2nd Ed. Schneidereith & Sons, Baltimore, MD:
"Col. John Mackall, born in 1669, died in 1739, was first elected to the House of Burgesses in 1704 and served as such until his death in 1739. From 1725 to 1739 he was Speaker of the House of Burgesses. He married Susanna Parrott, daughter of Gabriel and Elizabeth Parrott, an early Calvert County settler. Col. Mackall's residence and principal plantations were at Lower Bennett and Sharp's Outlet on the Lower Cliffs. The Rent Rolls show that he owned a plantation at Stonesby, in St. Leonard's Creek Hundred, adjoining the plantation of Col. James Brome, and two other plantations in the Upper County. He was the largest land owner in the County at this time, and the owner of the greatest number of slaves. ... His plantation was at the Cage, the early home of the Parrott family in Calvert, whose old brick house is one of the earliest plantation houses still standing in Calvert County."
"He was a vestryman of Christ Church and a Justice of Calvert County."
The child from this marriage was:
+ 7 M i. Gen James John Mackall was born on 29 Nov 1717 in Christ Church Parish, Calvert Co., Maryland and died on 3 Jan 1772 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 54.
7. Gen James John Mackall (Susanna Parrott2, Gabriel Sr.1) was born on 29 Nov 1717 in Christ Church Parish, Calvert Co., Maryland and died on 3 Jan 1772 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 54.
General Notes: Thanks to Alexander Bannerman,1716 Bigley Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302-3938, 304-340-0200, for providing the lineage to Mrs. Taylor.
James married Mary Hance in 1736. Mary was born in 1720.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 8 F i. Ann Mackall was born on 12 Mar 1753 in Calvert Co., Maryland and died on 20 May 1789 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 36.
8. Ann Mackall (Gen James John Mackall3, Susanna Parrott2, Gabriel Sr.1) was born on 12 Mar 1753 in Calvert Co., Maryland and died on 20 May 1789 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 36.
Ann married Walter Smith. Walter was born on 12 Aug 1747 in Calvert Co., Maryland and died in 1894 in Calvert Co., Maryland at age 147.
The child from this marriage was:
9 F i. Margaret Mackall Smith was born on 21 Sep 1788 in Calvert Co., Maryland and died on 14 Aug 1852 in East Pascagoula, Jackson Co., Mississippi at age 63.
General Notes: The following is copied from Wikipedia:
"Born in Calvert County, Maryland, on September 21, 1788, the daughter of Walter Smith, a prosperous Maryland planter and veteran officer of the American Revolution, and Ann Mackall Smith, "Peggy" was raised amid refinement and wealth.
"While visiting her sister in Kentucky in 1809, she was introduced to Lieutenant Zachary Taylor, then home on leave, by Dr. Alexander Duke. Taylor, aged 25, married Peggy Smith, aged 21, on June 21, 1810, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Mary Chew, near Louisville, Kentucky.
"Their marriage appears to have been a happy one. A devout Episcopalian, Mrs. Taylor prayed regularly for her soldier husband. She became somewhat reclusive because, it is said, she had promised God to give up the pleasures of society if her husband returned safely from war. While he was serving in the Mexican-American War, she lived at their Cypress Grove Plantation near Rodney in Jefferson County, Mississippi.
"With the rise in Taylor's political career, his wife literally prayed for his defeat, for she dreaded the personal consequences of his becoming president. By the time she became First Lady, the hardships of following her husband from fort to fort and the birth of several children had taken their toll. A semi-invalid, she remained in seclusion on the second floor of the White House, leaving the duties of official hostess to her daughter Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Taylor
"On the sudden death of the president, her health deteriorated rapidly. She died two years later, on August 14, 1852, at Pascagoula, Mississippi. She was buried next to her husband near Louisville, Kentucky."
Margaret married Zachary Taylor on 12 Aug 1810 in Jefferson Co., Kentucky. Zachary was born on 24 Nov 1784 in Barboursville, Virginia and died on 9 Jul 1850 in Washington, D.C. at age 65.
Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write.