![]() Lawrence Parrott's land patents ![]() Last update = 3 June 2008 Transcriptions by by Michael Hait, 2008; Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
To all &ca. whereas &ca. now Know yee that I ye Said Herbt. Jeffreys [?] Gouvernor &ca. give
& grant unto Lawrence Perrott one hundred & thirty Seven Acrs of Land in
Kingston p'ish. in Gloster County beging at a Corner white oake near yee Corner tree of Coll.
Richd. Dudley's land & runing thence by Coll. Dudley's line W by N: 180 ps. to a Gum
then N 1/4 E'ly 4 pos. to a white oake W: 1/2 S'ly 66 ps: to a white oake then S: S: W: 29 pos.
to a Gum & S: E: 24 po: to a white oake & E: by N: 60 po: to ye Corner Gum at ye end of
ye W: by N: line thence S: S: E: 120 po. to a Chesnutt oake & S: E: 100 ps. to a Gum in
Capt. Armestead's line & by his line E: 56 po: to Wm. Beards Corner Gum & N: W:
20 po to another Gum of Wm. Beards & by Wm Beards line N: by E: 174 po:to ye
Beging place. The said land being due by & for ye transpn. of three psons. &ca. To
have & to hold &a. To be held &a. yeilding & paying &a. provided &a. dated ye 26th of
Septbr. 1678.
Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 660 (Reel 6); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
To all &c. Whereas &c. Now Know yee that I ye [?] Francis
Nicholson Esqr. Lt. Governr. &c. Give and grant unto Lawrence Perrot
three hundred & forty acres of Land in Glocr. County Joyneing
to Gwynns Ridge in Kingston P'ish beging at a marked Gum
Standing in ye Line of marked tree belonging to Coll. Jno.
Armisted the runing along ye sd. Armisteds line west two
hundred forty Eight ps. to a Corner Red Oak & white Oak
Standing in Mr. Roberts Line North East by North two hundd.
and twenty ps. to a Corner white Oake by ye Pease patch Joyning
to Gwynns Ridge th. north west twenty four ps: East north East
Twenty nine po East half north upon ye Land of Coll. Richard
Dudly Sixty Six po South a quarter West forty po East by
South one hundred & Eighty po. South by West one hundred
and Sixty Six po: West Seventy Six po to ye place first specified
one hundred thirty seven acres of ye aforesd. Land
formerly taken up by ye aforesd. Perrot by patent dated ye
28th of Septemb'r. 1678 ye residue being two hundred & three
acres of Land in due by & for ye trnpt. of five p'sons &c. To
have & to hold &c. To be held &c. Yeilding & paying &c. Provided
&c. Dated ye twenty third day of October ano Domni. 1690. HR for Tho. Jones, Tho. Browne, Richd. Byronton
To all &c. Whereas &c. Now know yee that I the said Francis Nicholson [?] Govr. &c. do with the advice & Consent of the Councill of state accordingly give & grant unto Michael Parratt one hund'd. & ten acres of land -scituate lying & being in Kingston Parish in Gloucester County begin-ing at a white Oake in Lawrance Parrotts line & running along Captn. Todds line South Westerly thirty two degrees Sixty Six pole South Easterly Seventy-one degr. twenty four pole to a red Oake then along Captn. Knowles his line South Easterly twenty two degrees one hund'd. thirty nine pole to a white Oake by the plantacon side then North Easterly forty nine degr: one hund'd. twenty two pole into Captn. Wm. Armisteads Line thence along the said Line North Westerly twenty five degrees one hund'd. & Sixteen pole into Lawrance Parrotts Line thence along Parrotts Line West Eighty-two pole to the begining place the said Land being due unto the said Michael Parrott by and for the transportacon of three persons into this Colony whose names are to be in the records menconed under this patent. To have & to hold &c. To be held &c. Yeilding & paying &c. Provided &c. Given under my >
hand & the Seale of the Colony this 20th day of October anno Dom. 1704.
Anne &ca. To all &ca. Know ye that for diverse good causes & Consideracons but more especially for and in Consideracon of the Importacon of one person to dwell within this our Colony of Virginia whose name is Richard Williams We have Given Granted & Confirmed & by these presents for us our heirs & Successors do Give Grant and Confirm unto Richard Parrett of the parish of Kingstone in the County of Gloucr. one certain tract or parcel of land containing fourty three acres lying & being in the sd. parish of Kingstone in the said County of Gloucester and bounded as followeth to wit begining
at a Corner Gum of Capt. Ambrose Dudleys standing att the south end of the Chesnutt Ridge then along his line south west two degrees twenty three poles to a Corner white oak of the sd. Dudleys then along his line East south East fourty poles to a Corner dog wood of the sd. Dudley's then along his line south south west seventy one poles to a Corner white oak of the sd. Dudley's & Lawr: Parret's then along the sd. Parrett's line north west fourty two poles to a Corner Gum of the sd. Parrett's thence along his line west south west fourty six poles to a Corner white oak of George Spurgis's standing in the sd. Parrett's line then along Burges's line north by west half north sixty four poles to Charles Jones's line then along his line East north East seventy seven poles to the beginning place, with all &ca. To have hold &ca. To beheld &ca. Yielding & paying &ca. Provided &ca. In Witness &ca. Witness our Trusty & welbeloved Alexander Spotswood our Lieutenant Governr. &ca. at Williamsburgh under the seal of our sd. Colony the sixteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred & fourteen. In the thirteenth year of our Reign.Land Office Patents No. 8, 1689-1695, p. 99 (Reel 8); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Land Office Patents No. 9, 1697-1706 (v.1 & 2 p.1-742), p. 615 (Reel 9); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Michael Parrott his Patent for 110 }
Robt. [?]
F: Nicholson
acres of Land in Gloucester County }
Rebeca Jones
Tho: Bayly
Land Office Patents No. 10, 1710-1719, p. 127 (Reel 10); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
A Spotswood