Family ID #: 053a![]() The Perritts of Edgecomb county, North Carolina ![]() 18 people in the tree, but living individuals have not been knowingly posted Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
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1. John Perritt Sr. was born est 1690 and died in 1761 in Edgecomb Co., North Carolina about age 71.
General Notes: C 53 Arthur Whitehead & wife Isabell (Isobell) of Isle of Wight C., Va. to John Perritt. April 10, 1710. 20 pds for 640 A. on lower side of Bridgers Creek. Land grant by patent dated March 9, 1717/18. Adj Henry Jones. Wit: Joseph Cotton, Thomas Boon. Nov. Ct 1728. Ed Nashborne D. C/C [Colonial Bertie County, N.C. Deed Books A - H. 1720-1757]
C 113 John Perritt & wife Mary to John Dawson of Virginia. Feb 10, 1728. 50 pds fo 640 A. on NS Morratock river at Bridger's Creek. Adj. Henry Jones .. "being by patent 640 A." Wit: John Hart, James.
Note from Kay Dawson: From what I've been able to ascertain, Bridger's Creek was on a swamp which was the dividing border between Bertie Prect. and Tyrell co NC during the early 1700s. Cullen Pollock, one of Thomas Pollock's sons owned land on both Bridger's Creek in Bertie Prect AND in Tyrell co NC with one of his documents having some of his land partly in Bertie and partly in Tyrrell. Nathaniel Chevin lived on Salmon's Creek Tyrrell co NC.
Note: A contemporary, Francis Parrott was also in Bertie county at the same time, albeit 80 miles east, on Salmon creek. Both Francis Parrott and John Perritt are connected by George Pollock, who owned land next to both of them. George Pollock is a son of the Thomas Pollock who purchased land from John Perritt.
C 153 Major George Pollock to John Lovick. April 5, 1729. 510 pds for 408 A. Two tracts. One for 208 A. bounded by Chowan River on east, Charles King on north, and Pollock on the west, Lovick on the south. Two. for 200 A. bounded easterly by Chowan river, northerly by Lovick, westerly by Pollock, southerly by land which formerly belong to Francis Parrote, Wit. Martin Fred. Rasor, Thomas Pollack, Joseph Blake. NC Court Nov 7, 1729, C. Gale, C.J. Test Thomas Crew D. C/C [Colonial Bertie County, N.C. Deed Books A - H. 1720-1757].:
D 309 Jacob Parrott & wife Martha to Thomas Ryon. 1 May 1736. 450 pds for 200 A on Chowan Sound adj. land of George Pollock. Wit John Padgett, Robert Sanderlin. August Court 1736. John Wynns D. C/C. [Colonial Bertie County, N.C. Deed Books A - H. 1720-1757]
Parrott Talk IX:53-58
C 163 John Gray & wife Ann to John Bryant. April 6, 1729. 10 pds for 200 A. on SS Morratttuck River at Round Pond and Broad Meadow. Adj. Nicholas Smith. Wit: John Perrit, John Hacher, November Court, 1729, Thomas Crew, D. C/C.
Pg 374, William Ogilvie, Jr. of Edge. Co. to Thomas Parrot of Edgecombe co 18 Jan 1755 10 pounds current money of VA. 216 acres acres more or less on Chockyot creek, Joining William Ogilvie Sr., ye Watry branch and Joun Nobland part of a grant to William Ogilvie Jr. Wit: David Rozar, Reuben Rozar, Ann Rozzar x her mark Reg. Edge. Co. Nov Ct. 1755. J. Montfort C. Ct. [Edgecombe NC deeds book]
Pg 440 Nathanile Merrit of Edgecomb co to James Vaulx of Edgecombe Co 13 Jan 1756 2oo pounds lawful money of Virginia. 268 acres on the south side of Moratock river, joining James Lee and the river all houses, orchards, gardens, etc. Wit: David Rozar, Robert Taylor R his mark, Thomas Parrett T his mark. Reg. Edgecombe co. Feb Ct 1756 J Montford C. Ct. [Edgecombe NC deeds book]
pg 102. John Perritt, Sr. of Edge Co., to John Perritt, Jr. (co. not identified) 27 Feb 1756 for the love, good will andn friendly respect he doth bear his son 434 acres whereon the sd Perritt, Sr now dwells on the west side of Fishing creek, joining a large pocosin and the creek Parrett jr to possess the sd land after the decease of sd Perritt Sr and Mary his wife as by patent to Thomas Bryant 8 Apr 1720 Wit Samuel Perritt, Elizabeth Horn X her mark. Red Edge Co., Nov ct. 1756 J Montfort C. Ct.
pg 17. John Perritt Sr., of Edge. Co. to Nicholas Perrit of Edge. co. 19 Apr 1756 for the love and good will he doth bear his beloved son 370 acres on the north side of Tar river and the upper side of Fishing creek joining McDanield, a pocosin and land formerly belonging to Bryant as by patent to the sd Perrit 20 Nov 1739. Wit John Horn, William Bryant, Ignatius Winsett, Reg. Edge. Co., May Ct. 1756 J Montfort C Ct.
Rekstan data collection:
COURT RECORDS 1744 - 1794
MARCH 1761
24 March 1761 John Perrit, granted administration of the estate of John Perrit, deceased.
JUNE 1761
26 June 1761 Division of Estate of John Perrit, deceased.
26 June 1761 Will of Precilla Perrit exhibited by Benjamin Hart, Esquire.
Sale of Estate of John Perrit, deceased.
Inventory of Estate of John Perrit, deceased.
Land Entry: 1761 July 31. 700 acres.
Descriptive references for land: Maple Swamp, Job Bass, Nicholas Perrit, Henry Horn Warrant: 1761 July 31. 700 acres. Deed: 1762 February 6.
From Kay Dawson: Maple Swamp was originally named Crooked Swamp, so when you go back in time in the records you may find Crooked Swamp for John Perritt's land or some of the later dated deeds may still have the original name of the Swamp.-eg- pg. 80 William Dees of Edge. Co. to Richard Brasswell (co. not identified) 29 Mar 1742 for a valuable consideration 200 acres in Fishing Creek woods, joining Crooked swamp alias Maple swamp as by patent Wit: Richard Hurlock, Jacob Brasswell X his mark, Sarah Brasswell X her mark Reg. Edge. Co. Aug. Ct. 1742 R. Forster C. Ct.
MARCH 1762
John Perrit exhibited information about some money that was stolen from his father, John Perrit.
APRIL 1764
064. Deed of Sale, John Perrit & Uxr. to William Clark proved by Oath of Isaac Bekham ----.
LAND RECORDS 1732 - 1800
5-087. 20 November 1739 Patent #2256 to John Perrit 370 acres in Edgecombe County on North side Tarr River and the upper side of Fishing Creek joining the Low Grounds, McDaniels line, the Pocoson, Mr. Bryant, and the creek.
5-129. 20 November 1739 Patent #2430 to John Perrit 400 acres in Edgecombe County joining Jacob Braswell, the Northeast side of Falling Run, and the North side of Tar River to the Mouth of the said run.
8-059. 20 November 1739 Patent #4104 to John Perrit 370 acres in Edgecombe County on North side Tar River and on the upper side of Fishing Creek joining the Low Grounds, McDaniels line, a Pocoson, Mr. Bryant, and the creek.
11-243. 20 June 1749 Granville Patent #1024 to John Perrit for 252 acres in Edgecombe County on the South side of Fishing Creek, joining both sides of the Great Swamp or Branch and ye low Grounds of Fishing Creek. Signed: John Perritt. Witnesses: James, Conner, N. Cooper. Surveyed 18 May 1749. Sworn Chain Carrier: John Perrit Jr., Nicholas Perrit. Surveyer: James Conner.
BOOK 2 2-114. 19 May 1735 Thomas Bryant & Alice his wife of Bertie Precinct to John Perritt of Edgecombe Precinct for 10 pounds, 434 acres on South side Moratock River and the West side of Fishing Creek, joining a pocosin and the creek which said land was granted by patent to Thomas Bryant 8 April 1730. Witnesses: William Williams, Benjamin Rawlings.
BOOK 2 2-226. 30 September 1754 Lewis Perritt of New Hanover County to William Whetton or Edgecombe County for 40 pounds, 100 acres on North West side of Sappone swamp, joining the swamp. Witnesses: Henry Horn, Sihon Horn (X), John Perritt Sr. Registered: May 1755.
BOOK 2 2-227. 30 September 1754 Lewis Perritt of New Hanover County to William Wheddon or Edgecombe County for 40 pounds, 200 acres on North West side of Sappone swamp, joining the mouth of a large branch and the swamp. Witnesses: Henry Horn, Sihon Horn (X), John Berritt. Registered: May 1755.
BOOK 3- 3-160. 10 August 1747 James Stephenson & Ann his wife of Edgecombe County to Moses Fitzpatrick for 20 pounds, 250 acres on South side of Fishing Creek, joining William Price, Henry Horn, Maple swamp, and John Perritt. Witnesses: Henry Horn, William Reynolds (X), John Newton (X). Registered: August 1747.
BOOK 4-- 4-111. 24 July 1751 John Deeys to Richard Sessums for 5 pounds, 100 acres on Maple Swamp, joining Moon swamp. Witnesses: Lewis Perritt, John Perritt. Registered: August 1751.
BOOK 4-- 4-195. 30 January 1752 John Gray of Granville County to Elisha Williams of Edgecombe County for 17 pounds, 100 acres on Morattock river, joining Drew Smith, the said Williams and the river all houses, orchards etc. Witnesses: John Dawson, John Perrit, Nicholas Perrit. Registered: February 1752.
BOOK 4-- 4-518. 18 February 1754 John Perrit Sr. and Mary Perrit of Edgecombe County to Thomas Hyet of Northampton County for 100 pounds, 252 acres on South side of Fishing Creek, joining the Great swamp, the low grounds and the creek. Witnesses: Henry Horne, John Eden, Benjamin Harte. Recorded: February 1754.
BOOK 5: 5-181. 15 August 1743 Lewis Perritt of Edgecombe County to Thomas Good of same for 22 pounds, 300 acres on North side of Fishing Creek, joining Joseph Cotton all houses etc. Witnesses: John Perrit, Richard S------, John Baker. Registered: August 1743.
BOOK 5: 5-402. 19 August 1745 John Perrit of Edgecombe County to Thomas Lassiter of same for 20 pounds, 400 acres on North side of Tar River, joining Butch Run and the river. Witnesses: John Perrit, Samuel Holliman. Registered: August 1745.
BOOK 6: 6-017. 19 April 1756 John Perritt Sr. of Edgecombe County to Nicholas Perrit of same for the love and good will he doth bear his beloved son, 370 acres on North side of Tar River and the upper side of Fishing Creek, joining McDaniel, a posocin and land formerly belonging to Bryant and by patent to the said Perritt 20 November 1739. Witnesses: John Horn, William Bryant, Ignatius Winsett. Registered: May 1756.
BOOK 6: 6-102. 27 February 1756 John Perritt Sr. of Edgecombe County to John Perrit Jr. for the love and good will and friendly respect he doth bear his son, 434 acres whereon the said Perritt Sr. now dwells on West side of Fishing Creek, joining a large pocosin and the creek. Parritt Jr. to possess the said land after the decease of the said Perritt Sr. and Mary, his wife as by patent to Thomas Bryant 8 April 1730. Witnesses: Samuel Perritt, Elizabeth Horn (X). Registered: November 1756.
BOOK 6: 6-109. 12 October 1756 Ignatius Winsett of Edgecombe County to Thomas Barrow, Robert Killebrew, Moses Fitzpatrick, Joseph Stevenson, John Alsobrook, William Hobbie, William Bryant, John Wall, John Packer, Thomas Alsobrook, William O'Nails, John Norwood, Joseph Cotton Jr., Solomon Tharp, Daniel M----, Richard Hendrick, John Perritt Sr, John Hargrove, Henry Horn and Richard Sessums for good intent, 1 acre on the West side of Fishing Creek, joining the land where the said Winsett now dwells and the creek for the use of the person above said to erect and build a House of Worship and is part of the land the said Winsett purchased of Thomas Price and is part of 609 acres granted to the said Price 1 May 1752. Witnesses: Arthur Croker, Sim Horn (X), Joseph Horn (X). Registered: November 1756
John married Mary.
Children from this marriage were:
2 M i. Perritt was born in 1711 in North Carolina.
M ii. Nicholas Perritt was born in Edgecombe, North Carolina.
General Notes: 680-(159) Nicholas Perritt of Edgecombe Co to Robert Cotton of Northamptom Co. 7 Feb 1764, 100£ VA. 370 acres which had been a patent to John Perritt 20 Nov 1739, joining Fishing Creek, McDaniel, M. Bryants former corner. Also signed by his wife Lewce (x) Perrit. Wit: Jos Cotton, Lurrence (x) Williamson, John Scott, Apr. Ct. 1764. James Hall CC. [Bradley, Stephen F., Jr. Edgecombe County, South Carolina Deeds. Volume 1, 1759-1768.]
Rekstan data collection:
COURT RECORDS 1744 - 1794
APRIL 1764
060. Deed of Sale, Nicholas Perrit to Robert Cotton acknowledged.
LAND RECORDS 1732 - 1800
Book 1: 243. 20 June 1749 Granville Patent #1024 to John Perrit for 252 acres in Edgecombe County on the South side of Fishing Creek, joining both sides of the Great Swamp or Branch and ye low Grounds of Fishing Creek. Signed: John Perritt. Witnesses: James, Conner, N. Cooper. Surveyed 18 May 1749. Sworn Chain Carrier: John Perrit Jr., Nicholas Perrit. Surveyer: James Conner.
Book 1: 11-252. 6 February 1762 Granville Patent #1067 to John Perritt for 700 acres in Edgecombe County joining the Maple Swamp, Henry Horns old line, the huckleberry Swamp, Lewis Perritt, Nicholas Perritt, Perrits line and Job Bass. Signed: John Perritt. Witnesses: Jona Lane, T. Cavenah. Surveyed 11 November 1761. Sworn Chain Carrier: John Scot, William Price. Surveyer: W. Haywood.
BOOK 6: 6-017. 19 April 1756 John Perritt Sr. of Edgecombe County to Nicholas Perrit of same for the love and good will he doth bear his beloved son, 370 acres on North side of Tar River and the upper side of Fishing Creek, joining McDaniel, a posocin and land formerly belonging to Bryant and by patent to the said Perritt 20 November 1739. Witnesses: John Horn, William Bryant, Ignatius Winsett. Registered: May 1756.
BOOK 1: 1-084. 7 September 1761 Stephen Von Sr. and wife Mary and Joshua Von all of Edgecombe County to Stephen Von Jr of same, planter for 15 pounds, ... Witnesses: John Perrett, Nicholas Perrett.
BOOK 2: 2-002. 21 August 1772 Robert Cotten and wife Absele of Halifax County to William Cotten of Edgecombe County for 133.6.8 pounds, 185 acres on Fishing Creek adjoining McDaniel and Miary Branch, it being part of tract granted to said Robert Cotten from Nicholas Perrit by deed whereon he formerly lived. Witnesses: Wm. Clark, Roger Griffith, Thos. Dew.
BOOK 3: 3-188. 22 October 1777 William Clark and wife Frances (X) to Maryanne Harrison for 580 pounds, four adjoining tracts of land on South side of Fishing Creek (1) 434 acres on South bank of Fishing Creek adjoining Thomas Bryant, (2) 700 acres on Maple Swamp and Huckleberry Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perrit, John Perrit, Nicholas Perrit, Job Bass, (3) 260 acres on Maple Swamp and Bay Branch adjoining Job Bass and John Perrit, (4) 319 acres on Maple Swamp adjoining Arthur Philips and William Price. Witnesses: Ephraim Dicken, John Lowry, Grisham Coffield.
BOOK C: C-159. 7 February 1764 Nicholas Perritt and wife Lewce (X) Edgecombe County to Robert Cotten of Northampton County for 100 pounds, 370 acre plantation on Fishing Creek adjoining McDaniel and W. Bryant's former corner, land originally patented to John Perritt by deed 20 November 1739. Witnesses: Jos. Cotton, Larrence Williamson (X), John Scott.
D-110. 7 November 1768 John Perritt and wife Agnes (X) of Pitt County to William Clark of Edgecombe County for 50 pounds, 700 acres on North bank of Maple Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perritt, John Perritt, Nicholas Perritt and Job Bass. Witnesses: Alexander Clark, Jno. Jefferson, Wm. Costilo Hill.
Perritt, John. Administration of estate granted to Jno. Perrit, March Ct., 1781 (Ct. Min) Inventory exhibited and ordered to be recorded. Ordered that the Sheriff sell part of the perishable estate, Sept. Ct. 1761 (Ct. Min). Ordered that Lewis Perritt and Nicholas Perrit be summoned to give an account of what have of the estate, Sept. Ct. 1761 (Ct. Min.) [Watson, Joseph W. 1992. Estate Records of Edgecombe Co., 1730-1820, p 203]
Nicholas married Luwce (Lucy).
M iii. Samuel Perritt was born in Edgecombe, North Carolina.
3 M iv. Lewis Perritt was born in 1714 in Edgecombe, North Carolina and died in 1786 in Edgecombe, North Carolina at age 72.
M v. John Perritt Jr. was born in 1720 in Edgecombe, North Carolina.
General Notes: Rekstan data collection:
COURT RECORDS 1744 - 1794
MARCH 1761
24 March 1761 John Perrit, granted administration of the estate of John Perrit, deceased.
MARCH 1762
John Perrit exhibited information about some money that was stolen from his father, John Perrit.
010. John Perrit, Juror.
APRIL 1763
020. Deed of Sale, William James & Uxr. to Daniel Mcdonald proved by John Perrit.
JULY 1763
030. John Perrit, Grand Juror.
033. John Perrit, Petit Juror.
036. Deed of Sale, Job Bass to John Perrit proved by Isom Webb.
JULY 1763
030. John Perrit, Grand Juror.
033. John Perrit, Petit Juror.
036. Deed of Sale, Job Bass to John Perrit proved by Isom Webb.
051. John Perrit, Juror to lay out road.
APRIL 1764
064. Deed of Sale, John Perrit & Uxr. to William Clark proved by Oath of Isaac Bekham ----.
MAY 1769
218. Deed of Sale, John Perrit & Uxr. to William Clark proved by Oath of Alexr. Clark.
219. Deed of Sale, John Perrit & Uxr. to William Clark proved by Oath of Alexr. Clark.
257. John Perrit, Tax Magistrate for 1763, 1.17.4 pounds.
LAND RECORDS 1732 - 1800
11-243. 20 June 1749 Granville Patent #1024 to John Perrit for 252 acres in Edgecombe County on the South side of Fishing Creek, joining both sides of the Great Swamp or Branch and ye low Grounds of Fishing Creek. Signed: John Perritt. Witnesses: James, Conner, N. Cooper. Surveyed 18 May 1749. Sworn Chain Carrier: John Perrit Jr., Nicholas Perrit. Surveyer: James Conner.
11-252. 6 February 1762 Granville Patent #1067 to John Perritt for 700 acres in Edgecombe County joining the Maple Swamp, Henry Horns old line, the huckleberry Swamp, Lewis Perritt, Nicholas Perritt, Perrits line and Job Bass. Signed: John Perritt. Witnesses: Jona Lane, T. Cavenah. Surveyed 11 November 1761. Sworn Chain Carrier: John Scot, William Price. Surveyer: W. Haywood.
11-271. 1 August 1762 Granville Patent #1147 to John Scott for 459 acres in Edgecombe County joining John Perritt, Lewis Perritt, Short Swamp, Moses Patrick, Moors Swamp, a Bent of Moors Swamp, Stephens's corner, Wm. Price and the maple Swamp.
BOOK 5: 5-402. 19 August 1745 John Perrit of Edgecombe County to Thomas Lassiter of same for 20 pounds, 400 acres on North side of Tar River, joining Butch Run and the river. Witnesses: John Perrit, Samuel Holliman. Registered: August 1745.
BOOK 6: 6-102. 27 February 1756 John Perritt Sr. of Edgecombe County to John Perrit Jr. for the love and good will and friendly respect he doth bear his son, 434 acres whereon the said Perritt Sr. now dwells on West side of Fishing Creek, joining a large pocosin and the creek. Parritt Jr. to possess the said land after the decease of the said Perritt Sr. and Mary, his wife as by patent to Thomas Bryant 8 April 1730. Witnesses: Samuel Perritt, Elizabeth Horn (X). Registered: November 1756.
BOOK 1: 1-070. 17 October 1761 James McDonald of Edgecombe County to John Flannagan of same for 12 pounds, 200 acres on South side of Fishing Creek on Great Branch adjoining Joseph Cotton. Witnesses: John Perritt, Thos. Hart, Dan. McDaniel.
BOOK 1: 1-084. 7 September 1761 Stephen Von Sr. and wife Mary and Joshua Von all of Edgecombe County to Stephen Von Jr of same, planter for 15 pounds, ... Witnesses: John Perrett, Nicholas Perrett.
BOOK 1: 1-196. 20 March 1762 Joseph Cotten of Halifax County, planter to Amos Cotten of Edgecombe County, planter for 10 pounds, 300 acre plantation on South side of Fishing Creek adjoining John Perett, it being a patent granted to Joseph Cotten 10 October 1742. Witnesses: Phillip Pettypoole, Joseph Cotten, Thos. Palmer.
BOOK 3: 3-188. 22 October 1777 William Clark and wife Frances (X) to Maryanne Harrison for 580 pounds, four adjoining tracts of land on South side of Fishing Creek (1) 434 acres on South bank of Fishing Creek adjoining Thomas Bryant, (2) 700 acres on Maple Swamp and Huckleberry Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perrit, John Perrit, Nicholas Perrit, Job Bass, (3) 260 acres on Maple Swamp and Bay Branch adjoining Job Bass and John Perrit, (4) 319 acres on Maple Swamp adjoining Arthur Philips and William Price. Witnesses: Ephraim Dicken, John Lowry, Grisham Coffield.
BOOK C: C-024. 28 September 1762 William James and wife Mary (W) of Edgecombe County to Daniel McDonold of same for 8 pounds, 100 acres adjoining Richd. Hammons, Job Bass and James McDonold... Witnesses: John Perrit, Danl. McDaniel (X), Agness Perritt (X).
BOOK C: C-033. 17 January 1763 Lewis Perritt and wife Ann (W) of Edgecombe County to Robert Lowry of same for 100 pounds, 200 acre plantation on upper bank of Fishing Creek, land was granted to John Perritt by patent 20 April 1741. Witnesses: Benja. Dickens, Robert Lowry, John Price (X). (Note by Dr. W. Cary Anderson, "Parrott Talk" page 55, "No record of John Perritt obtaining this land has been located.").
BOOK C: C-081. 26 April 1763 Job Bass (X) of Edgecombe County and Keddey Bass (X) to John Perritt of same for 13 pounds, 260 acres on North side of Maple Swamp adjoining both parties. Witnesses: Isom Webb, James Loury, Robert Loury.
BOOK C: C-193. 29 December 1763 John Perritt and wife Agness (X) of Edgecombe County to William Clark and wife Winnefred of same for 275 pounds, 434 acres, the above mentioned 400 (?) acres was a survey granted unto Thomas Bryant 1 May 1668, lying on West bank of Fishing Creek. Witnesses: Isaac Beacham, Alexander Clark, Robert Lowry. (Note by Dr. W. Cary Anderson, "Parrott Talk" page 54, "This is a different 434 acres than the one deeded to John Perritt Jr. by John Perritt Sr.").
BOOK C: C-233. 4 May 1764 William Lasiter of Granville County to Robert Gray of Edgecombe County for 266.13.4 pounds, 400 acres on North bank of Tar River at mouth of Beach Run, being same land granted to John Perritt by patent 20 November 1738. Witnesses: James Gray, Isaac Wilson, Samuel Ruffin.
BOOK C: C-260. 14 February 1764 John Scott of Edgecombe County to Lewis Perritt of same for 20 pounds, ? acres lying on Maple Swamp and Short Swamp adjoining John Perrit and Thomas Price, being part of land granted to said Scott 1 August 1762. Witnesses: Joseph Stevenson, Thomas Wills, James Whalley.
D-110. 7 November 1768 John Perritt and wife Agnes (X) of Pitt County to William Clark of Edgecombe County for 50 pounds, 700 acres on North bank of Maple Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perritt, John Perritt, Nicholas Perritt and Job Bass. Witnesses: Alexander Clark, Jno. Jefferson, Wm. Costilo Hill.
D-111. 7 November 1768 John Perritt and wife Agnes (X) of Pitt County to William Clark of Edgecombe County for 17.10 pounds, 260 acres on Maple Swamp and Bay Branch adjoining Job Bass. Witnesses: Alexander Clark, Jno. Jefferson, Wm. Costilo Hill. (Note by Dr. W. Cary Anderson, "Parrott Talk" page 55, "John Perritt, whose wife was Agness, was a grandson of John Perritt Sr., and a nephew of John Perritt Jr.").
D-387. 28 May 1771 Amos Cotten of Edgecombe County and Zilpha Cotten to Daniel McDaniel of same for 30 pounds, 300 acre plantation on South side of Fishing Creek adjoining John Parritt... Witnesses: Roger Griffith, Willis Cotten, Josiah Murphree.
D-425. 25 February 1772 William Clark to Alexr. Clark for 100 pounds, 260 acres on North bank of Maple Swamp adjoining Job Bass and John Perritt. Witnesses: Roger Griffith, Xpher Haynes.
E-142. 28 May 1782 Henry Hodges and wife Catharine of Halifax County to Richard Ship of Edgecombe County for "four likely negroes to him paid", 200 acres on South bank of Fishing Creek, which land was a tract formerly granted to John Perrit 20 April 1745. Witnesses: Benja. Dicken Jr.
John married Agnes.
General Notes: 709-(193) John Perrit & his wife Agnes (x) of Edgecomb Co. to William Clark of same. 29 Dec 1763, 275£ VA. 434 acres which was a 400 acre grant to Thomas Bryant 1 May 1668 on Fishing Creek, joining sd Bryant. Wit: Isaac Beacham, Alexander Clark, Robert Lowry Jr, Apr Ct 1764 James Hall CC. [Bradley, Stephen F., Jr. Edgecombe County, South Carolina Deeds. Volume 1, 1759-1768.]
2. Perritt (John Sr.1) was born in 1711 in North Carolina.
Perritt married someone.
His children were:
F i. Priscilla Perritt died in 1761 in Edgecombe, North Carolina.
WILLS 1733 - 1856
A-050. 9 March 1761 Will of Priscilla Perritt. To Brother William Perritt, bed & furniture; To Agnes Perritt, wife of John Perritt, my brother, lining wheel; To Aunt Lucy Perritt, wife of Nicholas Perritt, all my wearing close, pewter, saddle; any money after debts paid goes to Uncle Nicholas Perritt. Executors: Uncles Lewis Perritt, John Perritt. Witnesses: Benjamin Hart, Jesse Hart, John Dillard. Probated: June 1761
Perritt (Perret), Priscilla, will proved by oath of Benja. Hart, June Ct, 1761 (Ct. Min). Inventory returned by the exr. Ordered that the Sheriff sell the estate, Sept. Ct., 1762 (Ct. Min). Account of sale returned to the Courth, Jan. Ct. 1763. (Ct. Min.) [Watson, Joseph W. 1992. Estate Records of Edgecombe Co., 1730-1820, p 203]
M ii. William Perritt .
M iii. John Perritt III was born in 1736 in Edgecombe, North Carolina and died in Pitt Co., North Carolina.
LAND RECORDS 1732 - 1800
BOOK C: C-024. 28 September 1762 William James and wife Mary (W) of Edgecombe County to Daniel McDonold of same for 8 pounds, 100 acres adjoining Richd. Hammons, Job Bass and James McDonold... Witnesses: John Perrit, Danl. McDaniel (X), Agness Perritt (X).
BOOK C: C-193. 29 December 1763 John Perritt and wife Agness (X) of Edgecombe County to William Clark and wife Winnefred of same for 275 pounds, 434 acres, the above mentioned 400 (?) acres was a survey granted unto Thomas Bryant 1 May 1668, lying on West bank of Fishing Creek. Witnesses: Isaac Beacham, Alexander Clark, Robert Lowry. (Note by Dr. W. Cary Anderson, "Parrott Talk" page 54, "This is a different 434 acres than the one deeded to John Perritt Jr. by John Perritt Sr.").
D-110. 7 November 1768 John Perritt and wife Agnes (X) of Pitt County to William Clark of Edgecombe County for 50 pounds, 700 acres on North bank of Maple Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perritt, John Perritt, Nicholas Perritt and Job Bass. Witnesses: Alexander Clark, Jno. Jefferson, Wm. Costilo Hill.
D-111. 7 November 1768 John Perritt and wife Agnes (X) of Pitt County to William Clark of Edgecombe County for 17.10 pounds, 260 acres on Maple Swamp and Bay Branch adjoining Job Bass. Witnesses: Alexander Clark, Jno. Jefferson, Wm. Costilo Hill. (Note by Dr. W. Cary Anderson, "Parrott Talk" page 55, "John Perritt, whose wife was Agness, was a grandson of John Perritt Sr., and a nephew of John Perritt Jr.").
3. Lewis Perritt (John Sr.1) was born in 1714 in Edgecombe, North Carolina and died in 1786 in Edgecombe, North Carolina at age 72.
General Notes: 1760 - Henry Horn appd. Oversr. of the Road from Wm Bryants fferry to the County Line & that the hands of Lewis Perrit, Jno Perit, Nichs. Perrit & Henry Horn. Wm James, Workon the same. [Houmes WP. Edgecombe County North Carolina County Court Minutes 1744 thru 1762. Book 1 (Fee Docket 1745-1746 Edgecomb County Northhampton County)(Crown Docket 1755-1763 Edgecomb County), p 143]
Rekstan data collection:
COURT RECORDS 1744 - 1794
APRIL 1763
021. Deed of Sale, Lewis Perrit & Uxr. to Robert Lowrey proved by Benjamin Dicken.
APRIL 1764
061. Lewis Perrit, Grand Juror
081. Deed of Sale, John Scott to Lewis Perrit proved by Thomas Wills.
JULY 1765
105. Lewis Perrit, Grand Juror.
131. Lewis Perrit in the Room of Isaac Beachum.
172. Lewis Perrit, Petit Juror.
184. Lewis Perrit Overseer of road.
MAY 1768
187. Lewis Perrit, Grand Juror.
204. Lewis Perrit, Petit Juror.
275. Lewis Perrit, Juror to lay off road.
275. Lewis Perritt to work on road.
331. Lewis Perrit, Tax Magistrate for 1765, 1.15.0 pounds.
Lewis Perritt Dec 6, 1785, May Ct., 1786, Wife Ann, lend household furniture, reversion to son; son-in-law: John Price, bed £1 current money; son & Exr, Solomon, all estate provided he care for mother. Wit David Hyatt, David Coker (Abstracts of wills, Edgecombe County North Carolina 1733-1856).
MAY 1786
2 May 1786 Will of Lewis Perritt proved by John Dolvin and David Coker, and Solomon Perritt qualified as executor of the will.
8 August 1786 Inventory of the estate of Lewis Perritt returned.
Citation issued against Solomon Perrit, executor of Lewis Perrit, deceased to show why the will of the deceased should not be laid aside as in a petition.
LAND RECORDS 1732 - 1800
5-086. 8 June 1739 Patent #2254 to Lewis Perrit 300 acres in Edgecombe County on North side Fishing Creek joining James Cotton, Joseph Cotton, and the creek.
8-051. 8 June 1739 Patent #4069 to Lewis Perrit 300 acres in Edgecombe County on North side Fishing Creek joining James Collens, and the creek.
11-252. 6 February 1762 Granville Patent #1067 to John Perritt for 700 acres in Edgecombe County joining the Maple Swamp, Henry Horns old line, the huckleberry Swamp, Lewis Perritt, Nicholas Perritt, Perrits line and Job Bass. Signed: John Perritt. Witnesses: Jona Lane, T. Cavenah. Surveyed 11 November 1761. Sworn Chain Carrier: John Scot, William Price. Surveyer: W. Haywood.
11-271. 1 August 1762 Granville Patent #1147 to John Scott for 459 acres in Edgecombe County joining John Perritt, Lewis Perritt, Short Swamp, Moses Patrick, Moors Swamp, a Bent of Moors Swamp, Stephens's corner, Wm. Price and the maple Swamp.
BOOK 2 2-226. 30 September 1754 Lewis Perritt of New Hanover County to William Whetton or Edgecombe County for 40 pounds, 100 acres on North West side of Sappone swamp, joining the swamp. Witnesses: Henry Horn, Sihon Horn (X), John Perritt Sr. Registered: May 1755.
BOOK 2 2-227. 30 September 1754 Lewis Perritt of New Hanover County to William Wheddon or Edgecombe County for 40 pounds, 200 acres on North West side of Sappone swamp, joining the mouth of a large branch and the swamp. Witnesses: Henry Horn, Sihon Horn (X), John Berritt. Registered: May 1755.
BOOK 4-- 4-111. 24 July 1751 John Deeys to Richard Sessums for 5 pounds, 100 acres on Maple Swamp, joining Moon swamp. Witnesses: Lewis Perritt, John Perritt. Registered: August 1751.
BOOK 5: 5-169. 15 August 1743 Richard Braswell of Edgecombe County to Lewis Perritt of same for 10 pounds, 100 acres on North West side of Sappond swamp, joining the swamp. Witnesses: Richard Sessums, James Craffone (I), Samuel Canady (S). Registered: August 1743.
BOOK 5: 5-181. 15 August 1743 Lewis Perritt of Edgecombe County to Thomas Good of same for 22 pounds, 300 acres on North side of Fishing Creek, joining Joseph Cotton all houses etc. Witnesses: John Perrit, Richard S------, John Baker. Registered: August 1743.
BOOK 1: 1-256. 5 March 1762 Thomas Price of Johnston County to Lewis Perritt of Edgecombe County for 20 pounds, 517 acre plantation on Maple Swamp adjoining Henry Horn. Witnesses: John Scott, Joseph Speir (mark), Moses Price (mark).
BOOK 3: 3-188. 22 October 1777 William Clark and wife Frances (X) to Maryanne Harrison for 580 pounds, four adjoining tracts of land on South side of Fishing Creek (1) 434 acres on South bank of Fishing Creek adjoining Thomas Bryant, (2) 700 acres on Maple Swamp and Huckleberry Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perrit, John Perrit, Nicholas Perrit, Job Bass, (3) 260 acres on Maple Swamp and Bay Branch adjoining Job Bass and John Perrit, (4) 319 acres on Maple Swamp adjoining Arthur Philips and William Price. Witnesses: Ephraim Dicken, John Lowry, Grisham Coffield.
BOOK 3: 3-493. 1 July 1779 State of North Carolina Grant #40 to John Price for 100 acres on South side of Maple Swamp "beginning at a pine called Pinter's corner in Lewis Perrit's line".
BOOK 3: 3-496. 1 July 1779 State of North Carolina Grant #52 to William Price for 220 acres on South side of Maple Swamp adjoining Lewis Perrit, John Price, Richard Bradley.
Book 4: -218. 28 August 1783 Elisha Rhodes and wife Mary (X) of Bertie County to Jacob Sessums of Edgecombe County for 500 pounds, 421 acres on South side of Fishing Creek in three parts (1) 100 acres on the Maple Swamp and Moore's Swamp, (2) 212 acres on the Maple Swamp and Moore's Swamp adjoining Stephenson, (3) 200 acres on Moore's Swamp adjoining Lewis Perrit, Stephenson, Sessums. Witnesses: John Dolvin, James Bate.
BOOK C: C-033. 17 January 1763 Lewis Perritt and wife Ann (W) of Edgecombe County to Robert Lowry of same for 100 pounds, 200 acre plantation on upper bank of Fishing Creek, land was granted to John Perritt by patent 20 April 1741. Witnesses: Benja. Dickens, Robert Lowry, John Price (X). (Note by Dr. W. Cary Anderson, "Parrott Talk" page 55, "No record of John Perritt obtaining this land has been located.").
BOOK C: C-211. 14 February 1764 John Scott and wife Martha to William Bird for 70 pounds, two tracts (1) 100 acres near Fishing Creek on Maple Swamp ... (2) 200 acres on West side of Maple Swamp adjoining George Stephenson, Wm. Price and Lewis Perritt... Witnesses: Wilson Whalley, Lewis Perritt, James Whalley.
BOOK C: C-260. 14 February 1764 John Scott of Edgecombe County to Lewis Perritt of same for 20 pounds, ? acres lying on Maple Swamp and Short Swamp adjoining John Perrit and Thomas Price, being part of land granted to said Scott 1 August 1762. Witnesses: Joseph Stevenson, Thomas Wills, James Whalley.
BOOK C: C-377. 19 April 1765 Frances Fitzpatrick of Edgecombe County to Joseph Speir of same for 5 pounds, 100 acre plantation on East side of Moore's Swamp, being part of tract granted to her on 4 July 1760. Witnesses: Lewis Perrit, Jas. Horn.
D-110. 7 November 1768 John Perritt and wife Agnes (X) of Pitt County to William Clark of Edgecombe County for 50 pounds, 700 acres on North bank of Maple Swamp adjoining Henry Horn's old line, Lewis Perritt, John Perritt, Nicholas Perritt and Job Bass. Witnesses: Alexander Clark, Jno. Jefferson, Wm. Costilo Hill.
D-284. 26 November 1770 William Byrd (W) of Bute County to Jacob Sessums of Edgecombe County for 96.6.8 pounds, two tracts (1) 100 acres on Maple Swamp near Fishing Creek..., (2) 200 acres lying on West side of Maple Swamp adjoining George Stevenson, William Price and Lewis Perritt, being part of tract granted to John Scott 10 August 1762. Witnesses: Thos. Jefferson, Isc. Sessums, Solomon Sessums.
E-016. 8 January 1780 James Williams (J) and Etheldred Philips, executors of the estate of Etheldred Exem, deceased of Edgecombe County to David Hyatt of same for 267 pounds, 150 acres adjoining John Price, Lewis Perritt, Stephenson, David Hyatt and Wm. Price... Witnesses: Thomas Porter, Josiah Murphree.
E-033. 1 July 1779 State of North Carolina Grant #44 to Etheldred Exum for 150 acres adjoining John Price, Lewis Perrit, Stephens, David Hyatt, William Price.
E-067. 20 May 1780 David Hyatt of Edgecombe County to Jacob Sessums of same for 40 gallons of brandy, 150 acres adjoining John Price, Lewis Perrit, Stephens, William Price, and said Hyatt... Witnesses: William Kea (X), Daniel McDaniel (X).
WILLS 1733 - 1856
Lewis Perritt Dec 6, 1785, May Ct., 1786, Wife Ann, lend household furniture, reversion to son; son-in-law: John Price, bed £1 current money; son & Exr, Solomon, all estate provided he care for mother. Wit David Hyatt, David Coker
Perritt, Lewis, inventory taken by Solomon Perritt, exr., no date, Aug. ct. 1786.
[Watson, Joseph W. 1992. Estate Records of Edgecombe Co., 1730-1820, p 203]
Lewis married Ann. Ann died in 1788 in Edgecomb Co., North Carolina.
WILLS 1733 - 1856
C-365. 15 August 1788 Will of Ann Perritt. All estate to 3 grand children: Isaac Perry, Fereby Price, Lewis Price. Executors: John Goodman. Witnesses: Wm. Cotten Sr., Mary Goodman. Probated: 13 June 1796.
Perritt, Ann, inventory taken by Stephen Bradley, admr., June 13, 1796, Aug. Ct. 1796. Account of sale by the admr. held the same day, Nov. Ct. 1797. Account current with the admr. Account was paid to Solomon Perritt, Nov. Ct. 1797. [Watson, Joseph W. 1992. Estate Records of Edgecombe Co., 1730-1820, p 204]
Children from this marriage were:
F i. Perritt was born in Edgecombe, North Carolina.
Perritt married Hohn Price.
M ii. Solomon Perritt was born in Edgecombe, North Carolina.
General Notes: Rekstan data collection:
COURT RECORDS 1744 - 1794
MAY 1786
2 May 1786 Will of Lewis Perritt proved by John Dolvin and David Coker, and Solomon Perritt qualified as executor of the will.
Citation issued against Solomon Perrit, executor of Lewis Perrit, deceased to show why the will of the deceased should not be laid aside as in a petition.
LAND RECORDS 1732 - 1800
Book 5: 5-142. 27 November 1788 Sarah Perritt was wife of Solomon Perritt.
Book 5: 5-155. 23 November 1794 Benjamin Dicken and Lewis Dicken of Halifax County to William Dicken of Edgecombe County; Sarah Perritt was wife of Solomon Perritt.
WILLS 1733 - 1856
C-030. 6 December 1785 Will of Lewis Perritt. Wife: Ann, lend household furniture, reversion to son; To son-in-law John Price, bed 1 pound current money; To son Solomon, all estate provided he care for mother. Executor: Son Solomon. Witnesses: David Hyatt, David Coker. Probated: May 1786