Why Y-DNA?
There are now many types of DNA tests on the market, but only the Y-DNA test will identify your P-rr-tt lineage. Tests offered by Ancestry and 23&Me provide many types of information, but will not provide detailed information your paternal family's origins.
That is where Y-DNA tests come in. All men have a Y-chromosome, which is what a Y-DNA test looks at. Fathers pass this chromosome on to their sons, just the way they pass their surnames on. Their sons pass their Y chromosome on to their sons, forever. Thus all men within a family share an identical Y-chromosome, except for rare changes that happen from time to time.
These rare changes are known as 'markers', because they can be identified in a laboratory. The result of testing several markers is a string of numbers, such as 10-22-14-10-13-14-11-etc. Men of the same family share the the same string of numbers; unrelated men have different strings of numbers.
DNA testing is simple and painless: just a few cells scraped from the inside of the cheek are all that is needed.
The Y-DNA 37 marker test is a good place to start. If your goals are to confirm (rather than exclude) relationships, consider the Y-DNA 111 marker test. The Big Y-700 is the most comprehensive test, particularly if your interest is in the ancestral origins of your family line.
The Y-DNA Results & overall conclusions
Get tested!
Sign up here. This link includes information on prices.
About DNA testing
Contact a project administrator:
Wayne Parrott
Harald Reksten
Note: The administrators run the project as volunteers and have no affiliation with any DNA testing company.
Note: This map shows the parts of Europe where the various Parrott lineages appear to have originated, as determined by historical records and by DNA.
Fun facts about the Parrott surname
The P-rr-tt Society
Catalog of North American P-rr-tt families
The Perrot family of Pembrokeshire- the first of the P*rr*tt families
Armorial bearings
Origin of the name Parrott, from Ancestry.com
Parrott resources at Linkpendium
Repository for old Parrott photos-- please contribute!
American P-rr-tts of note:
Big Nose George Parrott- Train robber and notorious outlaw
How a notorious outlaw became a pair of shoes
Jacob Parrott, recipient of the first Congressional Medal of Honor (go to the link and search under Parrott)
Marcus Junius Parrott, congressman
Captain Robert Parker Parrott, inventor of the Parrott gun manufacturing process, and son of John Fabyan Parrott, US Congressman
The USS Parrott
Tiburcio Parrott, founder of Falcon Crest winery
William Fletcher Parrett, congressman
According to census records:
Parrott was the 2434th most common name, accounting for 0.005% of the US population in 1990Parrett was the 8803th most common name, accounting for 0.001% of the US population in 1990Perrott was the 39,608th most common name in the US in 1990
Message boards:
Genealogy.com (L) & RootsWeb.com (R):
Parratt - Parratt
Parrett - Parrett
Parriott -
Parrot - Parrot
Parrott -
Parrotte -
Perrault -
Perrett -
Perritt -
Perrott -
Other resources:
European Prehistory, Anthropology & Genetics
Genetic study reveals Yorkshire is most Anglo-Saxon part of UK, while East Midlands is most Scandinavian
ISOGG: International Society of Genetic Genealogy
Colonial legal terminology
Help someone out!

Make a donation to the P-rr-tt DNA project-- funds will help someone whose DNA will provide information for the community, but cannot otherwise afford to do so.

Visitors since 24 Dec 2019:
. All information on pages within the https://p-rr-tt.org.uk/Y-DNA/ domain is © 2004-2018.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Information and data obtained from on pages within this domain must be attributed to the P-rr-tt Family Genealogy by DNA Project, and/or FTDNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please include the date when the material was accessed (information changes rapidly!), and please notify an administrator when using data for public or private research released in a public forum.