Richard Parrott, Jr., assignment to Francis Jenkins, 1 Oct 1673
Richard Parrott, Jr., assignment to Francis Jenkins, 1 Oct 1673

LAND OFFICE (Patent Record) Liber 18, ff. 42, MSA SM2-21, Microfilm no. SR 7359; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Transcription of LAND OFFICE (Patent Record, Original) Liber MM, ff. 579-580. Transcription by Michael Hait, 2008.
Maryland Worcester County ss. Know all men by these presents that I Richard Parrott Junior of the County aforesaid gent. Doe assigne and Sett over unto Francis Jenkins of the County aforesaid all my right Title and Interest Claime and Demand of fourteen Rights to Land proved before the Said
Francis Jenckins the 30th day of July last past to witt for the Transporting into this province my Self James [Elisson?], Randall Peteers Thomas Russell, John Barley, Edward Bowdler, Ann [?], Richard
Balbey, George Turner, John Relfe, Thomas Palmer, Jno. Street, Richard Right and John Simpson my Servants to Inhabit [...] said Francis Jenckins To have and to hold the Same to him his heirs or assignes for ever. In Wittness Whereof I have hereto Set my hand and Seale this first day of October in the 42th year of the Dominion of the Right Honble. Caecilius &c Annoq. Domini 1673.
Richard Parrott Juno. (Seale)
Teste - [?]
Katherine [her mark] Telman
Editor's note: In this case, Worcester county refers to territory that is now in central Delaware. The following entry makes it apparent Richard Jr. was there on behalf of his father, who was trying to secure a land patent: [source: Turner, CHB. Some Records of Sussex County, Delaware, p 8.]
May it plese your Honour
In May last my selfe with some other Gentlemen of Vergeney came over to Delieware to see the plase and liking the plase wee made choise of severall tractes of Land for our Selfes and nabores and had made bold to have given your Honour A visitt had not one our company falen ill so that wee implied Mr Walter Wharton ffor to paten our Land: now may it plese your Honor about four days before I came to seete [settle], the Mareland men Have sarvaed it again in the Lordes name I much fear it will dishearten the Rest of the gentlemen from cuming vp at the falle and severall more of our nabores that would cume vp at the fale of the lefe very Honest-men and good House Keepers they desired me to take them vp sume Lnad, which I am doubtfull to doue unless your Honor will bee plesed to give me permission for it.
I dout not but to se the plase well seted in tow or three years at the ----- and a trade from London, the plase is good and helthy and wanteth nothing but peple I was in good Hopes I should had the hapines to have got vp before your Honore left deliware but my hopes in vaine I Hope your honor will be plesed to honor me with A line or two who is yourfaithful and obedient servant unknowne.
From the Horekil Richard Perrot.
June 21, 1672.
If your Honore plese to grant us all the land to us Vergenianes that lieth betwene the Horekil and the Mortherkill wee shall take a spedey care fore the seating of it, as may bee expected at so great a distance when Layed out according to menes familise waht good Land A desire to be neare together as the plase will aforde. I intend Vergeney for sum occasione of bisness and send up my sonn. R.P.
These ffor the Honored ffransis Loulis, Esqr. Governor and Captain Generall of new Yorke pr with Care.

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