Crimes & Misdemeanours then and now

Sydney Gazette, 7 July 1825

Mary Parrott, prisoner of the crown, wife of James Parrott, against whom her injured lord had made complaints on several occasions lately, who had forgiven her past offences, and again restored her to his bosom in hopes of her amendment, but finding all his indulgence abused, now appeared with his last sad appeal to the consideration of the Bench and having deposed an oath to her violent misconduct, and unquestionable infidelity, procured for her a sentence of 6 months to the Factory, which irritated the sinister feelings of the fair frail one, that she made a desperate blow at her deserted husband, in the moment of his exultation at having at length got her disposed of, that the Bench deeming it an addition to her offence to commit such an outrage in a Court of Justice, added six months more to her sentence, and she was destined to the Factory for twelve months.

Bell’s Weekly Messenger, 30 Oct 1831

Wm. Parrott, a bailiff’s follower, who was charged a few days since at Guildhall, with attempting to murder his wife, was fully committed for trial. The prisoner’s wife had been living apart from him for five weeks, when on the 5th of October he obtained an interview with her. He asked her to come back with him, and on her refusing drew a razor from his pocket and cut his wife dreadfully in the throat. He would have, perhaps, repeated his blows, had not assistance been rendered, the prisoner now deeply regrets his rashness.

The Central Criminal Court London (‘The Old Bailey’) in the early years of the 19th century.

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